M429287 五、新型說明: 【新型所屬之技術領域】 本創作係關於一種延用既有牆壁上開關的接線,但卻 能達到可群組智慧化的控制LED照明的裝置設計,其特別 是指一種利用原有開關的接線,通過特殊的電路結構,而 達到利用原來壁面開關的配線和位置,就能智慧化的操控 LED群組照明的裝置。 【先前技術】 現有公知的壁上燈控開關,一般都是一個開關控制一 盞或數盞燈,即使換上LED照明燈具也還是一樣,若想改 變開關控制LED燈的對應内容,就必須重新配線,配完線 後便固定下來,若想有所變更就再重新配線,無法隨心所 欲隨時定義牆上開關,對應所要控制的燈具,會造成浪費 或使用不方便。 【新型内容】 本創作的主要目的,乃在於提供一種利用既有牆面開 關可智慧控制LED群組照明的裝置設計,其特別是一種可 完全不需要額外配線,而能利用既有牆面開關就可達到智 慧化操控LED燈具的各式群組照明的裝置。 本創作的次要目的,乃在於提供一種利用既有牆面開 關可智慧控制LED群組照明的裝置設計,其係可延用既有 開關和配線,將原來提供給燈具的電源,轉換成可邏輯控 制的信號,故也不需額外配線及操作介面,即利用舊有開 關就能群組控制LED燈具,而其群組情境,可從本創作内 3 P的陣列^曰撥開關或外部控 ^ ^ ^ 重新配線。 丨控改變之,因此不需 作的X目的’乃在於提供—種利用既有牆面開 關可智慧㈣LED群組,„的裝置設計,其係—種易於連 =的仪燈節電㈣…樣可以延㈣有牆壁上的開關和配 線,將電源變成可邏輯控制的信號,來控制所有參與連線 的控制通過其中—崎組情境狀,設成其所指的燈 具一峡動變成紐,㈣迫_其它非被設為夜燈的燈 具。換5之,整個照明區域只需原有一隻壁面開關,便能 起連動控制,於晚上時只保留必要的照明,而同時關掉 大部份的照明。 本創作的$目的,乃在於提供―種利用既有牆面開 關可智慧控制LED群組照明的裴置設計,其係可外接電池 做緊急照明的控制卩面’於停電時可直接點亮本創作的燈 具,迠控制充電並保護不致過充,於停電放電時也不致於 過放電’同時亦能準確快速彳貞測停電信號,能即時自動切 換到夜燈模式,並由電池提供緊急的照明電源,只保留必 要路口的照明,而關掉大部份的照明,以延長電池使用時 間。 本創作的再一目的,乃在於提供一種利用既有牆面開 關可智慧控制LED群組照明的裝置設計,其係可外接人體 偵測器PIR(passive infra-red),自動開關照明的控制介面, 只需將一般人體偵測器PIR人體偵測器的輸出電源直接接 上即可’而該介面所欲控制的燈具,可通過内部其中一組 群組情境來設定。 2作的再—目的,乃在於提供—種利用既有牆面開 關可智慧㈣LED靠照㈣裝置科,錢可包含一個 月=距電力測量讀值和查詢控制的介面,可測量及記錄 燈具耗能mx_LED燈具使驗態和是否異常 ,主動回報到系統中心、,亦可由各種通訊介面,如手機、 手持Pc等’可連上純主機的通訊II具,經由本介面平臺 來即時或定時控制及查詢用電或使用狀態等的目的。 【實施方式】 兹依附圖實施例將本創作之結構特徵及其他之作用、 目的詳細說明如下: 如第一圖所示,為本創作「利用既有牆面開關可智普 控制led群組照明的裝置」本體控制器的外形結構圖,和 包括其附屬的智慧操控裝置及外部設定控制盒的示意圖。 如第-圖所不,其為本創作配置實施狀態的示意圖, 鲁^本創作的實施例,共可控制及提供電源給8盞LED燈,並 可經由一個外部設定控制盒用CABLE線連結本體控制器 設定群組組態的内容,同時也能用一個附屬的智慧操控袭 置替換原有的壁上開關,變成智慧化操控介面,也可延用 原有開關升級成可邏輯化群組照明的開關,另外還可以外 2人體紅外線檢測器和外接停電照明電池和遠距電力測量 讀值和查詢控制伺服器。 _第二圖所示為本創作本體控制器的分解示意圖,該本 體控制益主要構成係包括:—控制器上蓋L卜—直流電源 M429287 供應器1.4、一控制器主機板〗_5以及一控制器殼體ι ΐ5,為 在控制器殼體1.15内容納設置電源供應器14和控制器主 機板1.5,其t : °° 控制器上蓋1.1係適當加大其面積,並具有防水、防塵 和散熱的效果; 手旋螺絲定位孔丨.2’係可使用一個手旋螺絲,用以方 便拆、肢固定於控制器上紅】,做必要的内部設定; 上蓋定位導塊1·3,係設於控制器上蓋M與控制器 體1.15之間,可方便於拆裝上蓋; ° 直流電源供應器1.4,係以多盞LED共用該一個電源供 應器,以節省成本; ^ 控制器主機板1.5 ’係供連結各個操作和控制介面,於 =機板1.5上分別裝設交流電源輸入座16、夜燈控制開關 輸入座1.7、緊急操作開關18、外部設定控制盒連接部u 、壁式開關輸入部U0、控制組態設定介面M2、停電照 明電,輸人部1.13及夜燈及Rs_485串列連接部ιΐ4 ;、 乂流電源輸入座1.6,係提供市電介面; =控制開關輸入座h7,係直接接原有照明開關的電 以轉成可控制夜燈模式的數位信號; 目的緊急操作開關…係提供電源切換和臨時應急使用的 啊^卜控制盒連接部L9,係可用15芯以则連接外 燈控制’做群組組態的設定和簡易一對一的開關點 M429287 壁式開關輸入部1.10,係提供3組可直接接原有照明開 關所控制的電源’或人體債測器piR(passjve jnfra_red)控制 點燈的電源’並轉換成邏輯數位信號; 外部LED燈電源驅動埠i.ii,係提供4組,每組二盞燈 ’合計8盞LED燈點燈所需的電源供應和控制及測量連接部 控制組態設定介面1.12,係提供也可由内部指撥開關 設定群組組態的介面; φ 停電照明電池輸入部1.13,係於停電時可由外部電池 - 供電,並以夜燈群組模式點亮LED燈,延長電池使用時間 ,並具有充、放電控制保護的機制; 伏燈及RS-485串列連接部L14,係同時含有夜燈連線 集體連動控制和R S -4 8 5遠距電力測量讀值和查詢控制的通 訊介面; 控制器殼體1.15,係同時容納多盞LED燈所共用的電 源供應器1.4和控制器主機板1.5 ; • 本體固定支架1.16,係可匹配結合控制器殼體115, 為用以適合現场女裝’並提供散熱作用。 • 如第四圖所示為本創作的架構方塊圖,其中,市電自 方塊2.1 AC/DC電源供應器輸入,其輪出的電源一部分 到方塊2.7 LED燈具控制及耗能測量介面,可直接驅動LED 照明燈具,另一部分到方塊2.2電源轉換和控制電路,可輸 出數種不同電壓源供應本創作之所需,如電池充電電壓源 ,穩定的5V工作電壓和24V繼電器電壓和9V的推動電壓等 7 M429287 方塊2.3電池充放電控制及保護,可提供 電上限電壓設定,以及數種電池放電下限 種電池的充 _ 丨κ電髮兮凡定 Α 讓電池保持在充滿電又不過充的狀態,當停電认 炚時 能立即檢知,直接控制跳到小夜燈群組情境攝=本方塊也 繼電器將外接電池電源投入,代替方塊2.1 Α〇/ 並控制 八L/DC電源供廄 器的輸出,同時也啟動電池玫電下限電壓比幹電路 池放電到下限設定電壓以下時,便關掉電池電源。田電 方塊2.4小夜燈連線節電控制介面,本介面除了 一 原有壁上開關直接控制成小夜燈群組情境模式之外,也= 通過連線受主控端的一隻壁上開關連動控制,當小夜_ = 電功能啟動後,方塊2.6微處理介面及週邊會根據小夜卢 設内容同時關掉其它大部分燈具電源,只保留被設定成^ 夜燈的少數燈具點亮,維持必要的通道照明。 方塊2.5人體偵測器PIR控制介面,本方塊主要是將人 體偵測器PIR的輸出電源’通過光隔離電路取得控制信號, 再提供給方塊2.6微處理器及週邊,然後再根據微處理器所 儲存群組情境設定的預設内容,控制由人體债測器PIR檢測 人體接近或離開所欲控制的LED燈具。 方塊2.6微處理器及週邊’内含程式和記憶體等,能隨 時讀取方塊2.4、2.5、2.9、2.10等各種群組情境輸入信號 ’再依微處理器所儲存群組情境設定的記憶内容,進而控 制方塊2.7 LED燈具控制及耗能測量介面’控制各led燈具 ON或OFF,並測量各盞LED燈具的耗能,其結果可經由2.11 M429287 RS-485通訊介面,將資料傳送到遠地的伺服器内。 方塊2.7 LED燈具控制及耗能測量介面,本方塊主要是 由八個POWER MOS FET (MetalOxide Semicoductor FieldM429287 V. New description: [New technical field] This creation is about a device that uses the wiring of the existing wall switch, but can achieve a group intelligent device control LED lighting design, especially one kind By using the wiring of the original switch, through the special circuit structure, the wiring and position of the original wall switch can be used to intelligently control the LED group illumination device. [Prior Art] The well-known wall-mounted light control switch is generally a switch that controls one or several lamps, even if the LED lighting fixture is replaced. If you want to change the corresponding content of the switch control LED, you must re- Wiring, after the completion of the line is fixed, if you want to change, then re-wiring, you can not define the wall switch at any time, corresponding to the lighting to be controlled, it will cause waste or inconvenient use. [New content] The main purpose of this creation is to provide a device design that can intelligently control LED group illumination by using an existing wall switch, in particular, an existing wall switch can be used without any additional wiring. It is possible to achieve a device for intelligently controlling various types of group lighting of LED lamps. The secondary purpose of this creation is to provide a device design that intelligently controls LED group illumination using existing wall switches, which can be converted into a power supply that can be supplied to the lamps by using existing switches and wiring. The logic control signal, so there is no need for additional wiring and operation interface, that is, the old switch can be used to control the LED lamps, and the group context can be from the 3 P array of the creation switch or external control ^ ^ ^ Rewiring. The control of the change, so the need to do the X purpose 'is to provide - the use of the existing wall switch can be intelligent (four) LED group, „ device design, its system is easy to connect = lamp power saving (four)... Yan (4) has the switch and wiring on the wall, turning the power supply into a logically controllable signal to control the control of all participating connections through the -Saki group situation, setting the light of the gorge into the New York, (4) forced _ Other lamps that are not set as night lights. For the fifth, the entire lighting area only needs the original one wall switch, which can be controlled by linkage. Only the necessary lighting is kept at night, and most of the lighting is turned off at the same time. The purpose of this creation is to provide a design that uses the existing wall switch to intelligently control the illumination of the LED group. It can be used as an emergency lighting control panel with an external battery. The lamp of this creation, 迠 control charging and protection does not overcharge, and does not cause over-discharge during power failure and discharge. At the same time, it can accurately and quickly detect the power-off signal, and can automatically switch to the night light mode automatically, and the battery is lifted. Emergency lighting power supply, only keep the necessary intersection lighting, and turn off most of the lighting to extend battery life. Another goal of this creation is to provide a smart control LED group using the existing wall switch. The lighting device design can be connected to the human body detector PIR (passive infra-red), automatic switching lighting control interface, just connect the output power of the general human body detector PIR body detector directly. The luminaires to be controlled by the interface can be set by one of the group contexts inside. 2 The re-purpose is to provide - use the existing wall switch to be smart (4) LED illuminate (4) device section, money can Includes one month = interface for power measurement reading and query control, which can measure and record the energy consumption of the lamp. The mx_LED lamp makes the verification state and whether it is abnormal, and actively returns to the system center. It can also be used by various communication interfaces, such as mobile phones, handheld Pc, etc. 'Connect to the pure host communication II, through the interface platform to instantly or time control and query the purpose of power or use status. [Embodiment] The embodiment of the present invention details the structural features and other functions and purposes of the present creation as follows: As shown in the first figure, the present invention is a device for "using a conventional wall switch capable of controlling a group lighting of a led group". The outline structure diagram, and the schematic diagram including the attached intelligent control device and the external setting control box. As shown in the first figure, it is a schematic diagram of the implementation state of the creation configuration. The embodiment of the creation of the present invention can control and provide power to 8 LED lights, and can connect the body with a CABLE line via an external setting control box. The controller sets the contents of the group configuration, and can also replace the original wall switch with an attached intelligent control device to become an intelligent control interface, and can also be upgraded to a logical group illumination by using the original switch. The switch can also be used in addition to 2 human body infrared detectors and external power outage lighting batteries and remote power measurement readings and query control servers. _ The second figure shows an exploded view of the authoring body controller. The main components of the body control system include: - controller cover L Bu - DC power supply M429287 supplier 1.4, a controller motherboard _5 and a controller The housing ι ΐ5 is provided with a power supply 14 and a controller main board 1.5 in the controller housing 1.15, and the t: °° controller upper cover 1.1 is appropriately enlarged to have an area, and is waterproof, dustproof and heat-dissipating. Effect; hand screw screw positioning hole 丨.2' can use a hand screw to facilitate disassembly, limbs fixed on the controller red], to do the necessary internal settings; upper cover positioning guide block 1 · 3, is set in Between the controller cover M and the controller body 1.15, it is convenient to disassemble the upper cover; ° DC power supply 1.4, which is shared by multiple LEDs to save cost; ^ Controller motherboard 1.5 ' For connecting various operation and control interfaces, the AC power input socket 16, the night light control switch input socket 1.7, the emergency operation switch 18, the external setting control box connection portion u, and the wall switch input portion U are respectively installed on the machine board 1.5. 0, control configuration setting interface M2, power failure lighting, input section 1.13 and night light and Rs_485 serial connection ιΐ4;, turbulent power input socket 1.6, provide the mains interface; = control switch input seat h7, direct The power of the original lighting switch is converted into a digital signal capable of controlling the night light mode; the purpose of the emergency operation switch is to provide power switching and temporary emergency use, and the control box connection portion L9 can be connected with 15 cores. Light control 'Do group configuration and simple one-to-one switch point M429287 Wall switch input 1.10, provide 3 sets of power supply directly controlled by the original lighting switch' or human body detector piR (passjve Jnfra_red) controls the power of the lighting 'and converts it into a logical digital signal; the external LED light power supply drives 埠i.ii, which provides 4 sets of two lamps, each set of 8 LED lights required for power supply and control And the measurement connection control configuration setting interface 1.12 provides the interface that can also be set by the internal dip switch; φ power failure lighting battery input 1.13, which can be powered by an external battery during power failure, and The light group mode illuminates the LED light to extend the battery life and has a charging and discharging control mechanism. The volt lamp and the RS-485 serial connection unit L14 also include the night light connection collective linkage control and RS-4 8 5 remote power measurement reading and query control communication interface; controller housing 1.15, which is the same as the power supply 1.4 and controller motherboard 1.5 shared by multiple LED lights; • body fixed bracket 1.16, can be The matching is combined with the controller housing 115 to provide a heat dissipation effect for the on-site women's wear. • As shown in the fourth figure, the architecture block diagram of the creation, in which the mains input from the 2.1 AC/DC power supply, the part of the power that is turned out to the block 2.7 LED lamp control and energy consumption measurement interface, can be directly driven LED lighting fixtures, another part to the block 2.2 power conversion and control circuit, can output several different voltage sources to supply the needs of this creation, such as battery charging voltage source, stable 5V working voltage and 24V relay voltage and 9V push voltage, etc. 7 M429287 Box 2.3 Battery charge and discharge control and protection, can provide the upper limit voltage setting, and a few kinds of battery discharge lower limit battery charge _ 丨 电 电 电 Α Α Α Α Α Α Α Α Α Α Α Α Α Α Α Α Α Α Α Α Α Α Α Α When the power failure is recognized, it can be detected immediately, and the direct control jumps to the night light group. The photo box also relays the external battery power, instead of the block 2.1 Α〇 / and controls the output of the eight L/DC power supply. When the battery lower limit voltage is also activated, the battery power is turned off when the dry circuit cell discharges below the lower limit set voltage. Tiandian square 2.4 night light connection power-saving control interface, this interface is controlled by a wall switch in front of the original wall switch, and also controlled by a wall switch on the main control terminal. When the night _ = electric function is activated, the square 2.6 micro-processing interface and the surrounding will turn off most of the other lamps according to the night-time content, leaving only a few lamps set to be nightlights to light, maintaining the necessary channel illumination. . Block 2.5 Human Body Detector PIR Control Interface, this block mainly takes the output power of the human body detector PIR to obtain the control signal through the optical isolation circuit, and then provides it to the 2.6 microprocessor and peripherals, and then according to the microprocessor. The preset content of the group context setting is stored, and the human body detector PIR is controlled to detect that the human body approaches or leaves the LED lamp to be controlled. Block 2.6 microprocessor and peripheral 'included program and memory, etc., can read the various groups of context input signals such as blocks 2.4, 2.5, 2.9, 2.10 at any time, and then set the memory contents according to the group context stored by the microprocessor. And then control block 2.7 LED lamp control and energy consumption measurement interface 'control each LED lamp ON or OFF, and measure the energy consumption of each LED lamp, the result can be transmitted to the remote through the 2.11 M429287 RS-485 communication interface Inside the server. Box 2.7 LED luminaire control and energy measurement interface, this block is mainly composed of eight POWER MOS FETs (MetalOxide Semicoductor Field
Effect Transistor’金屬氧化物半導體場效應管)組成的推 動電路,以及一組電壓測量、一組電流測量轉換電路及一 組狀態讀取介面等所組成。主要是由方塊2.6微處理器及週 邊通過其串列轉並列1C ’控制各個POWER MOS,進而控 制各盞LED燈ON或OFF,另外也將其當下的[ED推動電壓 着和合成驅動電流’通過適當的比例衰減和放大,由方塊2.6 " 的微處理器的A/D介面測量及轉換當下的電壓(v)、電流 (A)值’並經由程式計算得出功率(w)和電能耗能(wh)值 ’最後再經由並列轉串列1C ’讀取各LED燈具的狀態,以 確認這些合成電流的來源,使能正確的分別記錄。 方塊2.8外部控制設定介面,此方塊主要是搭配方塊 2.12附屬外部設定控制盒而設計,當電源供應器在正常狀 態(方塊2.1)下因故不能使用時,則可啟用方塊212的電源 .鲁開關,這時將促使方塊2·6的串列轉並列控制[ED燈1C失效 ’即控制LED ON及OFF的許可權由外部設定控制盒替代, - 而本方塊則提供外部方塊2.12的電源,使能以手動方式搬 • 動各個開關,逐一控制各盞LED燈的on或0FF,達到應急 使用的目的;同時也可經由此介面,從外部設定群組組態 的内容。 方塊2.9光隔離載波通訊介面,此方塊主要是搭配方塊 2.13附屬智慧操控裝置,該裝置是延用原有壁上照明開關 9 M429287 的配線和位置’而本方塊的介面電路則是利用原有的二線 開關的配線’在正半周的期間於接近峰值附近由方塊213 的附屬智慧操控裝置’將控制的信號直接載波其上,而本 方塊2.9將適時的通過光隔離來取得載波所傳的資訊,經由 方塊2.6程式解碼,得知附屬智慧操控裝置所要控制的命令 ,進而控制LED燈的ON及OFF,達到利用原有開關的配線 來做智慧化燈控的目的。 方塊2.10壁式開關群組控制介面,此方塊是接收原有 壁面開關ON或OFF的資訊,經過光隔離檢知原壁上開關 ON及OFF狀態’換吕之把電源的有無,轉變成邏輯的 HI-LOW(高-低)信號’然後再將所檢知的信號經由方塊2.6 判項’控制LED燈具ON或OFF,提供另一種全部延用原有 配線和開關都不需要更動下’但卻可通過設定成使用者所 需的群組情境控制方式。 方塊2.11 RS-485通訊介面’本方塊主要功能就是將方 塊2.6微處理器的串列通訊信號(11八11丁)轉換成1^8-485信號 ’以差動的方式和遠端的祠服器連結,達到遠端查詢和控 制的目的。 方塊2.12附屬外部設定控制盒,該控制盒是使用一條 15芯的CABLE線和方塊2.8相連接,可直接扳動控制盒上的 電源開關,取得LED燈ON或OFF的控制權,受設定控制盒 上的開關用一對一來控制,提供一種若控制器只有部分故 障時,還可控制照明的機制;同時本設定控制盒也能提供 由外部來設定群組組態内容,儲存在方塊2.6微處理器的記 M429287 憶體内。 方塊2.13附;|智慧操㈣置,本方塊是延用原有壁上 開關的配線及位置來實現,本方塊外觀設計成一個以壁上 開關同樣大小的控制盒,其所需的電源自原來的壁上開關 的二條配線而獲得,並也同時利用載波信號在正弦波的正 半周接近90度的電工角附近,將所欲控制燈具的信號載波 其上,由方塊2_8來接收,方塊2.6來解碼及執行控制led 燈的目的,用免配線的方式來完成LED燈的智慧化控制。 • 以下說明本創作的動作原理及其作用,第五a圖與第五 b圖為本體控制器的電路圖,第六圖為附屬智慧操控裝置的 電路圖和第七圖為附屬外部設定控制盒的電路圖,說明如 後。 如第五a圖的2.1 AC/DC電源供應,市電由J15接入,經 保險絲F1和溫度保護開關SW3接到ac/DC電源供應器的 J16輸入端,其輸出的直流電源則提供給整體控制器所需電 源,圖中AC-L、AC-N兩端則接到方塊2.3,作為停電檢測 _之用。 如第五a圖的2.2電源轉換和控制電路,電源|DC_IN 輸入接到電容Cl ’再經開關SW1可做三段的選擇,如圖所 示1-2導通,為正常的供電位置,電源自二極體〇1輸入然後 再分配到不同的電源需求,2-3導通為控制器故障時,電源 自電阻Rll、R14供給、穩壓二極體ZD3穩壓,並經過二極 體D11〜D18直接控制每個POWERMOS,點亮每一盖燈, SW1另一段置於中間則電源為off。 M429287 如正常供電時電源自一極體D1輸入,經電阻Ri2和穩 壓二極體ZD2穩壓及電阻RT1和電晶體q 1可得到穩定的 24V電壓,以及再經電阻R8、穩壓二極體ZD1可得9V的電 源。另外電源也經過電阻RT2到U2穩壓1C(積體電路),通 過R17和R18電阻適當比例’可得到5V的穩定電壓,提供給 微處理器等週邊來使用。另外9V部分經R28、R29、R30、 R31 ' R32等電阻的分壓,可得到6V、4.5V、3.75V、3V等 4種分壓電壓值’經J11可選擇其中一種電壓當作Vref (基 準電壓)輸出’其電壓是用來作為2.3電池充、放電的上限 跟下限判斷電壓之用,其所對應電池電壓g48v、36V、3〇v 及24V 〇 另外輸入的電源也能直接經過繼電器RY1提供給LED 燈的電源’繼電器RY1也受控於電晶體q1〇,當q1〇為〇N 時’當致使輸入電源經由電阻R15、RT3及二極體D19才到 LED的電源,限制電源的供應,即只提供小的電力給lEd 燈’而達到將照明用的LED燈變成夜燈的目的。 當在繼電器RY1 ON的時候,即在夜燈模式下,其電源 也經由二極體D22到開關SW2,若SW2為ON狀態,即圖中 2-3和4_5雯通的狀態下’其電源將通過SO-1和SO-2對下一 個控制器的連結,通過2.4夜燈連線節電控制介面,便可連 動控制下—個燈具的夜燈模式。因此,只要將謂2板至ON ’便定義本控制器為主要夜燈開關,可連線啟動有連線的 所有控制$都被—起連動控制成為夜燈模式。The effect transistor consists of a Transistor's metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor, and a set of voltage measurements, a set of current measurement conversion circuits, and a set of state read interfaces. Mainly by the block 2.6 microprocessor and its periphery through its serial and parallel 1C 'control each POWER MOS, and then control each LED light ON or OFF, in addition to its current [ED push voltage and synthetic drive current] Appropriate proportional attenuation and amplification, measured and converted by the A/D interface of the microprocessor of block 2.6 " current voltage (v), current (A) value and calculated by the program power (w) and electrical energy consumption The energy (wh) value is finally read by the parallel serial column 1C' to read the status of each LED lamp to confirm the source of these combined currents, enabling proper separate recording. Block 2.8 external control setting interface, this block is mainly designed with the 2.12 attached external setting control box. When the power supply is not available for use in the normal state (block 2.1), the power of block 212 can be enabled. At this time, the serial-to-column control of the block 2·6 will be prompted [ED lamp 1C failure], that is, the permission to control the LED ON and OFF is replaced by the external setting control box, and this block provides the power supply of the external block 2.12, enabling Manually move each switch to control the on or 0FF of each LED light one by one for emergency use. At the same time, the contents of the group configuration can be set externally through this interface. Box 2.9 Optically isolated carrier communication interface, this block is mainly used with the 2.13 auxiliary intelligent control device, which is extended by the wiring and position of the original wall lighting switch 9 M429287' and the interface circuit of this block is using the original The wiring of the two-wire switch 'directly controls the signal transmitted by the auxiliary intelligent control device of block 213 near the peak during the positive half cycle, and this block 2.9 will timely obtain the information transmitted by the carrier through optical isolation. Through the block 2.6 program decoding, the command to be controlled by the auxiliary intelligent control device is known, and then the LED lamp is turned ON and OFF, and the wiring of the original switch is used for the purpose of intelligent lamp control. Block 2.10 wall switch group control interface, this block is to receive the original wall switch ON or OFF information, after the optical isolation to detect the ON and OFF state of the switch on the original wall 'Change the power of the Lu, turn into a logical HI-LOW (high-low) signal 'and then the detected signal is controlled by the block 2.6 to control the LED lamp ON or OFF, providing another kind of extension of the original wiring and switch without the need to change the 'but It can be set to the group situation control method required by the user. Box 2.11 RS-485 Communication Interface 'The main function of this block is to convert the serial communication signal of the block 2.6 microprocessor (11 8 11) into a 1^8-485 signal' in differential mode and remotely. Connected to achieve remote query and control purposes. Block 2.12 is an external external control box. The control box is connected to the 2.8 by a 15-pin CABLE cable. It can directly pull the power switch on the control box to obtain the control of the LED light ON or OFF. The upper switch is controlled by one-to-one, providing a mechanism for controlling the lighting if the controller has only partial failure; at the same time, the setting control box can also provide external configuration of the group configuration content, which is stored in the box 2.6 micro The memory of the processor M429287 recalls the body. Block 2.13 attached; | Wisdom operation (four) set, this block is extended by the wiring and position of the original wall switch, the square is designed as a control box of the same size as the wall switch, the required power supply from the original Obtained by the two wires of the wall switch, and also uses the carrier signal near the electrician angle of the positive half of the sine wave close to 90 degrees, and the signal carrier of the desired luminaire is received by the block 2_8, block 2.6 The purpose of decoding and executing the control of the led light is to complete the intelligent control of the LED light by means of no wiring. • The following explains the action principle and its function of this creation. The fifth and fifth b diagrams are the circuit diagrams of the main controller, the sixth diagram is the circuit diagram of the attached intelligent control device, and the seventh diagram is the circuit diagram of the attached external control box. , as explained later. As shown in Figure 1.5, AC/DC power supply, the mains is connected by J15, connected to the J16 input of the ac/DC power supply via fuse F1 and temperature protection switch SW3, and the output DC power is supplied to the overall control. The power required by the device, the AC-L and AC-N terminals in the figure are connected to block 2.3, which is used as the power failure detection_. For example, in the power conversion and control circuit of the second diagram, the power supply |DC_IN input is connected to the capacitor Cl' and then the switch SW1 can be used to make three segments. As shown in Figure 1-2, it is a normal power supply position. The diode 〇1 input is then distributed to different power requirements. When the 2-3 conduction is the controller failure, the power supply is supplied from the resistors R11 and R14, and the voltage regulator diode ZD3 is regulated, and passes through the diodes D11 to D18. Directly control each POWERMOS, illuminate each cover light, and the other part of SW1 is placed in the middle and the power supply is off. M429287 If the power supply is input from the pole D1 during normal power supply, the voltage of the resistor Ri2 and the Zener diode ZD2 and the resistor RT1 and the transistor q 1 can be used to obtain a stable 24V voltage, and then pass through the resistor R8 and the regulator diode. The body ZD1 can get a 9V power supply. In addition, the power supply is also regulated by the resistor RT2 to U2 1C (integrated circuit), and a stable voltage of 5V is obtained through the proper ratio of R17 and R18 resistors, and is supplied to the periphery of the microprocessor and the like. In addition, the partial voltage of R28, R29, R30, R31 'R32 and other resistors can be divided into four voltage-dividing voltage values of 6V, 4.5V, 3.75V, 3V, etc. One of the voltages can be selected as Vref by J11. Voltage) Output 'The voltage is used to determine the voltage as the upper limit and lower limit of 2.3 battery charge and discharge. The corresponding battery voltages are g48v, 36V, 3〇v and 24V. The additional input power can also be directly supplied via relay RY1. The power supply to the LED lamp 'relay RY1 is also controlled by the transistor q1〇. When q1〇 is 〇N', when the input power is supplied to the LED via the resistors R15, RT3 and diode D19, the supply of the power supply is limited. That is, only a small amount of power is supplied to the lEd lamp, and the LED lamp for lighting is turned into a night light. When the relay RY1 is ON, that is, in the night light mode, its power supply also passes through the diode D22 to the switch SW2. If SW2 is in the ON state, that is, in the state of 2-3 and 4_5 Wentong, the power supply will be Through the connection of SO-1 and SO-2 to the next controller, the 2.4 nightlight connection power-saving control interface can be used to control the nightlight mode of the next lamp. Therefore, as long as the board is turned to ON ’, the controller is defined as the main night light switch, and all the controls that can be connected to the line can be controlled to become the night light mode.
如第五a圖的2·3電池充、放電控制及保護,圖中DC-IN 12 M429287 提供外接電池的充電之用’因電池選用和DC_IN相同的電 壓,故必須經由積體電路(IC)U7的升壓電路,其中J14用 來選擇DC-ΙΝ必須提升多少電壓作為充電的上限電壓。圖 中ZD4〜ZD6,為不同電壓值的穩壓二極體,例如電池為 24V,貝i]J14的1-2腳短路,此時積體電路(IC)U7的輸出電 壓,即電容C23上的上限電壓為!^-^的電壓加上2〇4的電 壓,餘30V、36V或48V,其充電電壓分別為DC_IN加上ZD5 或ZD6或ZD7的電壓。外接的電池接在J17的連接座上,上 • 述的充電電壓經由二極體D35、電阻RT12和電晶體Q12向 電池充電,其中穩壓二極體ZD 10和電阻R48的組合是用來 限制最大的充電電流,其最高的充電電壓則已被積體電路 (IC)U7和所選擇的ZENER(ZD4〜ZD7)所限制。 積體電路U11光隔離1C’是用來檢測是否停電,當ac-L 與AC-N的電源消失時’將使發光二極體D42沒有電流流通 ’積體電路U11的C極,即U10A的PIN7正端變為HI,致使 U10A輸出為HI ’電晶體Q13導通,使繼電器RY2動作,電 •池的電源便經由繼電器RY2提供給DC-ΙΝ,即整個控制器電 源由外接電池供電’在這同時停電信號也經二極體1致 使強迫為夜燈模式,讓繼電器RY1也動作,限制電力給Led 燈具使用’讓外接電池得以直接用小的電力點亮本控制器 的LED燈並延長使用時間。當電池持續使用時,電壓將逐 漸下降’當電池電壓放電到R55和R57的分壓小於所選用的 Vref電壓時,將使U12A輸出為LOW,通過二極體D41使 U10A的PIN 7正端變LOW,讓電晶體Q13 OFF,使繼電哭 13 M429287 RY2 OPEN,停止電池供電保護電池過度放電。 如第五a圖的2.4夜燈連線節電控制介面’如圖中U17 光隔離1C,是用來檢測既有牆面開關的電源,一般牆面開 關提供二線式開關,作為燈具電源的控制,故本介面是檢 知原來的點亮燈具的電源,如圖,作為控 制信號之用,當壁上開關〇N時,將使發光二極體D47流通 電流’使U17輸出即U1DPIN 12、13腳為LOW,反之壁上 開關OFF時’使輪出HI,然後再經uiD的輸 出腳,即NLC 接到U16微處理器(如第圖所示),便能獲悉從原有壁上 開關的ON或OFF,轉換成是否要切換夜燈的命令,其重點 在不需額外配線和設置開關,直接指定延用即可。 而U19則另外提供可以連動控制夜燈的介面,當本控 制器若欲被連線控制’則開關SW5設為ON,則當S01-1與 S01-3之間有電源輸入時’將如同從AC-L3和AC-N3來控制 一樣,都可使U1D-PIN 12、13腳為LOW,NLC變HI,通知 U16設為夜燈模式。通過本介面的設計,可以在一個壁面 開關就可控制一整楝或一層樓等廣大區域的照明同時變為 夜燈,即只保留微小電力,而關掉忘了關的照明電源。 如第五a圖的2.5人體偵測器PIR控制介面,本介面同 樣是使用光隔離IC U14,將電源轉變成控制信號的方式, 可以延用既有壁面開關的電源來提供給人體偵測器PIR,而 該檢知器若檢知有人時,則輸出電源點亮燈具,在此人體 偵測器PIR檢知到有人時’將使圖中發光二極體D45流通電 流,U14光隔離1C的C極,即U1C-PIN 8、ΠΝ 9為LOW, M429287 .Ulc輸出PIR信號為HI,通知U16微處理器,便能啟動人體 偵測器PIR模式,當檢知到有人時,應點亮的燈具群組。 如弟五b圖的2.6微處理器及週邊,本創作的程式運作 和控制,主要是在U16微處理器上,首先必須辨識和處理 由壁面開關,即電源轉換而來的4種控制信號,包括夜燈控 制k號(NLC)、人體彳貞測器(PIR)檢測控制信號、情境群組 控制信號(GPC)和智慧操控信號(PRXD)等所欲執行點燈 • 的命令’其點燈的内容是根據U16的記憶體所設定的内容 鲁’其來自内部指撥開關設定或外部設定控制盒的設定,由 U16通過U15 ' U18並列轉串列1C讀取G1〜G8和MD1〜 MD4的内容,並儲存在内部記憶體。另外還通過兩個測量 信號’即電壓信號(AD1)和電流信號(AD2),由U16内部線 性轉數位(A/D)電路,得知當下的驅動LED燈電壓(V)和驅 動LED燈電流(A)的數值,然後由内部程式相乘計算,並 加以累加得到功率(W)和電能(Wh),同時也通過ui5並列 轉串列ic可得到,這些所測量的資料是由那些led燈所匯 合的’才能分別記錄以及分辨是否異常,達到主動故障回 傳的功能。另外U16微處理器是通過U4串列轉並列IC,將For example, the charging and discharging control and protection of the 2. 3 battery in Figure 5A, DC-IN 12 M429287 in the figure provides the charging of the external battery. 'Because the battery selects the same voltage as DC_IN, it must pass through the integrated circuit (IC). U7's boost circuit, where J14 is used to select how much voltage DC-ΙΝ must boost as the upper limit voltage for charging. In the figure, ZD4~ZD6 are voltage regulator diodes with different voltage values. For example, the battery is 24V, and the 1-2 pins of the shell i]J14 are short-circuited. At this time, the output voltage of the integrated circuit (IC) U7, that is, the capacitor C23 The upper limit voltage is! The voltage of ^-^ is increased by 2〇4, and the remaining voltage is 30V, 36V or 48V. The charging voltage is DC_IN plus ZD5 or ZD6 or ZD7. The external battery is connected to the J17 connector. The charging voltage is charged to the battery via diode D35, resistor RT12 and transistor Q12. The combination of Zener diode ZD 10 and resistor R48 is used to limit the battery. The maximum charging current, whose highest charging voltage has been limited by the integrated circuit (IC) U7 and the selected ZENER (ZD4 to ZD7). The integrated circuit U11 optical isolation 1C' is used to detect whether there is a power failure. When the power supply of ac-L and AC-N disappears, 'the LED diode 42 will have no current flowing.' The C pole of the integrated circuit U11, that is, the U10A The positive terminal of PIN7 becomes HI, causing the output of U10A to be HI 'Transistor Q13 is turned on, so that relay RY2 is activated, and the power of the battery is supplied to DC-ΙΝ via relay RY2, that is, the entire controller power supply is powered by an external battery. At the same time, the power-off signal is also forced to the night light mode via the diode 1, allowing the relay RY1 to also operate, limiting the power to the Led luminaire. 'Let the external battery directly illuminate the LED light of the controller with a small power and extend the use time. . When the battery is continuously used, the voltage will gradually drop. When the battery voltage is discharged until the voltage division of R55 and R57 is less than the selected Vref voltage, the U12A output will be LOW, and the PIN 7 positive terminal of U10A will be changed by the diode D41. LOW, let the transistor Q13 OFF, make the relay cry 13 M429287 RY2 OPEN, stop the battery power supply and protect the battery from over discharge. For example, the 2.4 night light connection power-saving control interface in Figure 5A is used to detect the power supply of the existing wall switch. The general wall switch provides a two-wire switch as the power supply for the lamp. Therefore, the interface is to detect the power of the original lighting fixture, as shown in the figure, as a control signal, when the wall switch 〇N, the light-emitting diode D47 will flow current 'U1DPIN 12, 13 The foot is LOW, and when the wall switch is OFF, the wheel is turned out to HI, and then the output pin of the uiD, that is, the NLC is connected to the U16 microprocessor (as shown in the figure), the switch from the original wall can be learned. Turn ON or OFF to convert to the command to switch the night light. The focus is on directly specifying the extension without additional wiring and setting switches. The U19 also provides an interface that can be linked to control the night light. When the controller wants to be connected to control, then the switch SW5 is set to ON, then when there is power input between S01-1 and S01-3, it will be like AC-L3 and AC-N3 control the same, U1D-PIN 12, 13 feet are LOW, NLC is HI, and U16 is notified to set to night light mode. Through the design of the interface, it is possible to control the illumination of a large area such as a whole floor or a floor floor with a wall switch and turn it into a night light, that is, to keep only a small amount of power and turn off the lighting power that has been forgotten. For example, the 2.5 human body detector PIR control interface in Figure 5A, the interface also uses the optical isolation IC U14 to convert the power into a control signal, which can be extended to the human body detector by using the power supply of the existing wall switch. PIR, and if the detector detects someone, the output power illuminates the luminaire. When the human body detector PIR detects someone, it will cause the current diode D45 to flow current, and the U14 light is isolated from the 1C. C pole, ie U1C-PIN 8, ΠΝ 9 is LOW, M429287. Ulc output PIR signal is HI, notify U16 microprocessor, can start human body detector PIR mode, when it is detected, it should be lit Group of lamps. For example, the 2.6 microprocessor and its surroundings in the fifth figure, the program operation and control of this creation, mainly on the U16 microprocessor, must first identify and process the four kinds of control signals converted by the wall switch, that is, the power supply. Including the night light control k (NLC), human body detector (PIR) detection control signal, situation group control signal (GPC) and smart control signal (PRXD), etc. The content is set according to the memory of U16. It is set from the internal dip switch setting or the external setting control box. U16 reads the contents of G1~G8 and MD1~MD4 through U15 ' U18 parallel serial 1C. And stored in internal memory. In addition, through two measurement signals, namely voltage signal (AD1) and current signal (AD2), the U16 internal linear rotation digit (A/D) circuit knows the current driving LED lamp voltage (V) and drives the LED lamp current. The value of (A) is then multiplied by the internal program and added to obtain the power (W) and the electric energy (Wh). It is also obtained by juxtabling the serial ic. These measured data are obtained by those led lights. The converged 'can only record and distinguish whether it is abnormal, and achieve the function of active fault return. In addition, the U16 microprocessor is a U4 serial-to-parallel IC that will
- 欲點壳的燈具的信號,由二極體D23〜D30加到各控制MOS - 上,即圖中Q2〜Q9,最後U16微處理器還可經由U18讀取 本控制器通訊ID,即SW4(RS-485位址)的設定内容,並借 由U9 RS_485通訊介面IC與遠端伺服器連線控制和資料儲 存。 如第五b圖的2.7 LED燈具控制及耗能測量介面,圖中 15 M429287 共有8組POWER MOS推動電路,由場效應管Q2〜Q9所組 成’每組對應一個外接的LED燈具,即圖中的LeD-〇uT1 〜0UT8,以第一組為例說明之。當〇1輪入為^電位時, 將使Q2導通’反之若輸入為LOW ’ Q2將open。當Q2導通 ’ D6指示燈將亮起,接在LED-COM和LED-0UT1的LED燈 具將被點党,RT4為保護電阻,當超载時將使尺丁4過熱,電 阻因熱.憂大,限制電流保護,餘各組動作原理相同類推。 圖中R2與R13分壓接到AD1,用來測量LED的推動電壓, 而各組LED的驅動電流’則匯合流經幻6到,U3A則為放大 R36上面的電壓,使U3A的輸出電壓,即AD2電壓,正比例 1〜8組LED的合成電流,故由U16微處理器由内部A/D轉換 器經由測量AD1和AD2,就可獲知LED燈的驅動電壓(V) 、電流(A)、功率(w)和耗能(Wh)。 如第五a圖的2·8外部控制設定介面,其主要是提供一 個15 PIN的連接器,該連接器ρΙΝ 1〜;ρίΝ 8對應接到2.7的 G1〜G8,可控制Q2〜Q9是否導通,進而控制LED-OUT1 〜0UT8的外接8組LED燈具。而其所需的電源是由R85自 24V電源降壓取得,而其控制權的取得是由了3的13腳,即 圖中PIN 13被拉到qu的b極,平常qii的B極為HI電位,使 Q11的C極為LOW,此時U4的輸出受U16微處理器1C所控制 ’當啟用外部設定控制盒後,將使本介面的PIN 13變LOW ’使U4輸出失效,LED燈的控制權交由本介面:Γ13-1〜8來 控制’其目的是當電路故障時,提供另一種電路結構很簡 單的緊急照明控制方式。 16 M429287 • 另外本設定控制盒,也提供4組情境群組設定内容,包 括二組群組控制點燈的設定、一組人體檢測點燈内容的設 定和一組夜燈控制點燈的設定。這些設定值是由U16微處 理1C,通過U15、U18並列變串列1C,讀取G1〜G8以及MD1 〜MD4 ’當下的内容並儲存到ui6内部的記憶體内,作為 當收到這些控制命令時,點亮LED燈的依據。 如第五b圖的2.9光隔離載波通訊控制介面,本介面是 由光隔離IC U8來檢知正半周期間的載波信號,當原來的壁 φ 上開關被換上了一個智慧操控裝置之後,該裝置將在正半 周峰值附近會調變一個byte的串列通訊(UART)信號,該瞬 間調變的信號,即UART瞬間HI成LOW的通訊信號,在正 半周峰值時被轉換成快速的ON或OFF信號,這信號將在 R53上忠實展現,經U1B後轉成PRXD信號,再由U16微處 理器去辨識載波信號的内容,並執行達成智慧化燈控的目 的。 如第五b圖的2.10壁上開關群組控制介面,本介面使用 鲁 光隔離IC U5將AC-L2和AC-N2的電源,轉換成控制信號方 式,可以延用既有的壁面照明開關的配線和開關,直接將 原來供電給燈具的電源,接在圖中AC-L2與AC-N2,當開 關為ON時’將使發光二極體D37流通電流,U5的C極,即 UUIN 1、PIN 2為LOW,U1A輸出 GPC為HI,通知微 處理器,便能啟動情境群組控制模式。 如第五b圖的2.11 RS-485通訊介面,圖中主要是*U9 RS-485轉換1C,負責將U16的串列通訊信號,即和 17 M429287 STXD轉換成Rs_485的差動信號即rS 485 a和rs, b t號,可遠距傳輸到系統控制中心,如伺服器或pc等,讓 系統得以遠距搜集各LED燈的電力資訊和燈具控制。= 如第六圖的附屬智慧操作裝置,本項裝置是延用既有 壁上照明開關的配線和位置,其外形和原有開關盒—樣, 其電源取得和通訊的介面都來自壁上開關原有的兩條線。 圖中BD1橋式整流器,是從原有壁上開關的二線式電線中 ,取得電源,經D105和C105供應給本裝置使用,U107為電 源轉換ic,配合週邊的R106、R109的阻值設計,可自市電 中取得本裝置所需的5V電源。另外U105光隔離IC,通過 D102、Rl〇2、ZD101 ’可檢知市電的正、負極半周,其檢 知市電正、負半周信號經由ul〇1_j>IN3直接輸入到υι〇4微 處理器,作為欲傳送信號的同步信號;換言之,ul〇4可根 據U101-PIN 3的信號時基,計算出市電正半周峰值的電工 角時基,並將欲傳送的信號適時的通過ul〇1再驅動q1〇9 POWER MOS,將數位信號變成暫態〇N4〇ff,載波在電 源線上,即利用電源線在正半周峰值9〇度電工角附近,將 所欲傳送的數位信號,變換成該二線式電線有無電流的脈 衝信號,而這脈衝的電流大小由R8所控制,而此脈衝的電 流會被2.9光隔離載波通訊控制介面所檢知,並還原成數位 信號,由U16微處理器接收辨識和執行通訊内容,達到智 慧化燈控的目的。另外圖中的swl〇1〜swl〇8即對應所控 制的8盞LED燈的個別控制操作介面,swl〇9〜swll2則為 情境群組的集體控制操作介面,而D1〇8〜D12〇為其相對應 M429287 的指示燈,由U104微處理通過串列轉並列IC U108、U109 所控制,讓整個照明控制系統加值智慧化,並且不需重新 配管、配線。 如第七圖的附屬外部設定控制盒,圖中J24是與2.8外 部控制設定介面的J3連接在一起,當SW8設為ON時,則啟 動本外部設定控制盒的設定及控制的功能,此時PIN 13為 LOW,將使内部LED燈的控制IC U4失效,LED燈的控制許 可權交由本控制盒來控制,這時扳動SW9的1〜8對應開關 ,就可直接控制LED燈1〜8的明、滅。同時也可在某種特 定的點燈組合排列下,按下MD1〜MD4對應的開關,此時 内部的微處理器(U16),就會記憶當下所設定的群組型態 ,作為U16接收到命令時,控制點燈的依據。 上述實施例所揭示的内容,僅為本創作主要技術的例 舉說明,並非用以限定本創作的技術範圍,凡是涉及等效 應用或基於前項技術手段為簡易變更或置換,均應視為本 創作的保護範圍。 綜上所述,可知本創作的整體組成形態及其手段應用 均符合新穎性與進步性要件,故為一合理新型改良,為此 申請專利,敬祈賜予新型專利核准處分,實為德便。 【圖式簡單說明】 第一圖為本創作的外形結構圖及附屬的操控介面裝置 的配置示意圖。 第二圖為本創作的實施狀態示意圖。 第三圖為本創作中本體控制器的分解示意圖。 19 第四圖為本創作的組成架構方塊圖。 第五a圖為本創作的本體控制器電路圖之一。 第五b圖為本創作的本體控制器電路圖之二。 第六圖為本創作附屬智慧操作裝置的電路圖。 第七圖為本創作附屬外部設定控制盒的電路圖。 【主要元件符號說明】 M 控制器上蓋 1 · 2 手旋螺絲定位孔 上蓋定位導塊 lA 直流電源供應器 15控制器主機板 16 交流電源輸入座 lJ夜燈控制開關輸入座 18緊急操作開關 1 · 9外部設定控制盒連接部 110壁式開關輸入部 1,11外部LED燈電源驅動埠 1 12控制組態設定介面 113停電照明電池輸入部 114夜燈及RS-485串列連接部 115控制器殼體 1- 16 本體固定支架 21 AC/DC電源供應器 2- 2電源轉換和控制電路 20- The signal of the lamp to be ordered is added to the control MOS - by diodes D23 to D30, that is, Q2 to Q9 in the figure. Finally, the U16 microprocessor can also read the communication ID of the controller via U18, that is, SW4. (RS-485 address) setting content, and through the U9 RS_485 communication interface IC and remote server connection control and data storage. As shown in Figure 5.7, the 2.7 LED luminaire control and energy consumption measurement interface, the 15 M429287 has 8 sets of POWER MOS push circuits, which are composed of FETs Q2~Q9. Each group corresponds to an external LED luminaire, that is, in the figure. LeD-〇uT1 ~ 0UT8, with the first group as an example. When 〇1 is turned into a potential, Q2 will be turned on. On the contrary, if the input is LOW, Q2 will be open. When the Q2 is turned on, the D6 indicator will light up. The LED lamps connected to the LED-COM and LED-0UT1 will be called the party. RT4 is the protection resistor. When overloaded, the ruler 4 will be overheated, and the resistance will be hot due to heat. Limit current protection, and the rest of the groups operate in the same way. In the figure, R2 and R13 are connected to AD1 to measure the driving voltage of LED. The driving current of each group of LEDs is merged and flows through Magic 6, and U3A is to amplify the voltage above R36 to make the output voltage of U3A. That is, the AD2 voltage is proportional to the combined current of the LEDs of 1 to 8 groups. Therefore, the U16 microprocessor can know the driving voltage (V) and current (A) of the LED lamp by measuring the AD1 and AD2 from the internal A/D converter. Power (w) and energy consumption (Wh). For example, the external control setting interface of Fig. 5A is mainly provided with a 15 PIN connector. The connector ρΙΝ 1~; ρίΝ 8 is connected to 2.7 G1~G8 to control whether Q2~Q9 are turned on. In turn, it controls the external 8 sets of LED lamps of LED-OUT1~0UT8. The required power supply is obtained by the R85 step-down from the 24V power supply, and its control is obtained by the 13 feet of 3, that is, the PIN 13 is pulled to the b pole of the figure, and the B of the normal qi is extremely HI potential. Therefore, the C of Q11 is extremely LOW. At this time, the output of U4 is controlled by U16 microprocessor 1C. When the external setting control box is enabled, the PIN 13 of the interface will be changed to LOW to disable the U4 output. Handed over to the interface: Γ13-1~8 to control 'the purpose is to provide another simple emergency lighting control method when the circuit fails. 16 M429287 • In addition, this setting control box also provides 4 sets of situation group setting contents, including setting of two groups of group control lighting, setting of a group of human detecting lighting contents, and setting of a set of night light control lighting. These settings are processed by U16 micro-processing 1C, and U15 and U18 are serially changed into serial 1C, and the contents of G1~G8 and MD1~MD4' are read and stored in the internal memory of ui6 as when these control commands are received. When lighting the LED light. For example, in the 2.9 optically isolated carrier communication control interface of Figure 5b, the optical isolation IC U8 is used to detect the carrier signal during the positive half cycle. When the original wall φ switch is replaced with a smart control device, the device A serial communication (UART) signal will be modulated in the vicinity of the positive half-cycle peak. The transient modulated signal, that is, the UART instantaneous HI to LOW communication signal, is converted to a fast ON or OFF at the positive half-cycle peak. The signal, which will be faithfully displayed on the R53, is converted to a PRXD signal by U1B, and then the U16 microprocessor recognizes the content of the carrier signal and performs the purpose of intelligent lighting control. As in the 2.10 wall switch group control interface of Figure 5, the interface uses the Luguang isolation IC U5 to convert the AC-L2 and AC-N2 power supplies into control signals, which can extend the existing wall lighting switch. Wiring and switch, directly connect the power supply originally supplied to the lamp to AC-L2 and AC-N2 in the figure. When the switch is ON, 'the current will flow through the LED D37, U5's C pole, ie UUIN 1. PIN 2 is LOW, U1A outputs GPC to HI, and the microprocessor is notified to start the situation group control mode. For example, the 2.11 RS-485 communication interface in Figure 5b is mainly *U9 RS-485 conversion 1C, which is responsible for converting the serial communication signal of U16, that is, 17 M429287 STXD into the differential signal of Rs_485, ie rS 485 a And rs, bt number, can be transmitted to the system control center, such as server or pc, so that the system can remotely collect the power information and lighting control of each LED light. = As shown in the attached figure, the device is designed to extend the wiring and position of the existing wall-mounted lighting switch. Its shape is the same as that of the original switch box. The power supply and communication interface is from the wall switch. The original two lines. In the figure, the BD1 bridge rectifier is obtained from the two-wire wire of the original wall switch, and is supplied to the device through D105 and C105. U107 is the power conversion ic, and the resistance design of the surrounding R106 and R109 is matched. The 5V power supply required for this unit can be obtained from the mains. In addition, the U105 optical isolation IC can detect the positive and negative half cycles of the mains through D102, Rl〇2 and ZD101'. It detects that the positive and negative half-cycle signals of the mains are directly input to the υι〇4 microprocessor via ul〇1_j>IN3. As the synchronization signal of the signal to be transmitted; in other words, ul〇4 can calculate the electrical angle time base of the positive half cycle peak of the commercial power according to the signal time base of U101-PIN 3, and re-drive the signal to be transmitted through ul〇1 in a timely manner. Q1〇9 POWER MOS, the digital signal is changed into the transient state 〇N4〇ff, the carrier is on the power line, that is, the power line is used to convert the digital signal to be transmitted to the second line near the peak of the positive half-turn peak angle of 9 〇. The wire has a current-free pulse signal, and the current of the pulse is controlled by R8, and the current of the pulse is detected by the 2.9 optically isolated carrier communication control interface, and restored to a digital signal, which is received by the U16 microprocessor. And the implementation of communication content, to achieve the purpose of intelligent lighting control. In addition, swl〇1~swl〇8 in the figure corresponds to the individual control operation interface of the 8 LEDs controlled, and swl〇9~swll2 are the collective control operation interface of the situation group, and D1〇8~D12〇 The corresponding indicator of the M429287 is controlled by the U104 micro-processing through the serial-to-parallel ICs U108 and U109, so that the entire lighting control system can be added value intelligently, and no need to re-pipe and wiring. As shown in the seventh external control box, J24 is connected to J3 of the external control setting interface. When SW8 is set to ON, the setting and control functions of this external setting control box are activated. If the PIN 13 is LOW, the control IC U4 of the internal LED lamp will be disabled, and the control permission of the LED lamp will be controlled by the control box. At this time, the corresponding switches of the SW9 1 to 8 can directly control the LED lamps 1 to 8. Ming and extinction. At the same time, under a certain lighting combination, press the switch corresponding to MD1~MD4. At this time, the internal microprocessor (U16) will remember the group type set at the moment, and receive it as U16. Controls the basis of the lighting when commanding. The content disclosed in the above embodiments is merely illustrative of the main techniques of the present invention, and is not intended to limit the technical scope of the present invention. Any equivalent application or simple change or replacement based on the prior art means should be regarded as The scope of protection of the creation. In summary, it can be seen that the overall composition of the creation and its application are in line with the novelty and progressive requirements. Therefore, it is a reasonable new type of improvement. To apply for a patent for this purpose, it is prayed that the new patent will be punished. [Simple description of the drawing] The first figure is a schematic diagram of the outline structure of the creation and the configuration of the attached manipulation interface device. The second figure is a schematic diagram of the implementation state of the creation. The third figure is an exploded view of the ontology controller in the creation. 19 The fourth picture is a block diagram of the composition of the creation. The fifth a diagram is one of the circuit diagrams of the ontology controller of the creation. The fifth b diagram is the second circuit diagram of the ontology controller of the author. The sixth figure is a circuit diagram of the intelligent operation device attached to the creation. The seventh figure is a circuit diagram of the external setting control box attached to the creation. [Main component symbol description] M controller upper cover 1 · 2 hand screw positioning hole upper cover positioning guide lA DC power supply 15 controller main board 16 AC power input seat lJ night light control switch input seat 18 emergency operation switch 1 · 9 external setting control box connection part 110 wall switch input part 1, 11 external LED lamp power supply 埠 1 12 control configuration setting interface 113 power failure lighting battery input part 114 night light and RS-485 serial connection part 115 controller shell Body 1 - 16 body fixing bracket 21 AC / DC power supply 2 - 2 power conversion and control circuit 20