TWM426743U - Dual tank heating containers - Google Patents

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TWM426743U TW100223032U TW100223032U TWM426743U TW M426743 U TWM426743 U TW M426743U TW 100223032 U TW100223032 U TW 100223032U TW 100223032 U TW100223032 U TW 100223032U TW M426743 U TWM426743 U TW M426743U
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water inlet
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Ling-Ling Hu
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Ling-Ling Hu
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Application filed by Ling-Ling Hu filed Critical Ling-Ling Hu
Priority to TW100223032U priority Critical patent/TWM426743U/en
Publication of TWM426743U publication Critical patent/TWM426743U/en



  • Heat-Pump Type And Storage Water Heaters (AREA)


M426743 • 五、新型說明: 【新型所屬之技術領域】 本創作係關於-種雙膽式加熱容器’主要是針料同用途及水溫之二 種供水模式的整合而設計’使其得以單組電熱管達成二種用水的加熱作 業,並可賦予不同水溫之供應功能,達極佳之產業利用經濟效益與實用價 值者。 【先前技術】 麄 按’一般儲水式電能熱水器在結構設計上,主要是設具有一預定容量 攀之儲水容器,並接設有冷水進水管及熱水出水管,同時於其内部置設有電 熱管,合設於林進水管.歧設之歧關,使其得於導入冷水時 自動啟動絲管進行水溫加熱健,齡财容雜心置所設之過溫保 護器,使其得以在水溫到達設定溫度時,即自動停止電熱管的加熱動作, 佐以-另設的溫度控,使其得在水溫下降至__定程度後,重新啟動電 熱管加熱,依此構成此類儲水式電能熱水器的基本功能架構。 由上述之..”構觀之’通常係採一儲水容器配置一組電熱管,座據以組 構成-獨立的供水系統’明應生活中可能面臨的熱水用水需求,然事實 •上,在-般的家庭生活中’除了沐浴時的熱水用水需求外,在廚房内之食 材及碗盤洗務用水上,亦可能有使用熱水的需求(例如:冬天低溫氣候下), 另方面烹煮食材、沖泡㈣、牛奶、茶飲用途,亦有使用煮满開水的需求, 而-般在此二槪财及_水之不_水需求上絲獨立的電熱水器 與飲水機分職應,除了分卿置所衍生的縣費關題外,另方面亦造 j廚房工間上的耗佔’尤其對於目前居住空間偏於狭窄之小坪數蔚房而 <不同加熱4所造成的空聰侧題,更令其廚房空間喊劃與運用 、又到極大的侷限’基於此因,創作人特將二種加熱設備的結構予以整合, 、或降其整H間的耗佔,從而有本麟之雙膽式加鮮器的問世。 3 M426743 【新型内容】 有鐘於目前在面臨不同用途之用水需求時,必須同時配置二組獨立的 加熱設備所衍生之成本及空間耗佔問題,創作人特著手進行研究改良基 於其從事相關行業之多年經驗與技術,進而研創出本創作之雙膽式加熱容 器,即其主要目_在於經由結構之組成設計將二儲水容胃整合於一體, 並使其具有獨立之進、妹管路,藉以得將二種不關途之加熱設備的體 積縮減成單體大小,有效減降其空間之耗佔者β 本創作之另目的係在於經由結構之組成設計使其得以置於内膽容 鲁s之單組電熱管進行加熱作業,並提供不同溫度之不同用途的用水將可 大幅減降其設備及運作成本,賦予極佳之經濟效益與實用價值者。 為達前揭目的,本創作於職設計上,主要是於外膽容㈣預定位置 預留有-結合孔’俾供一另製的内膽容器經由該結合孔組設於外膽容器内 部,於該内膽容器内部更置設有電熱管,同時在其内、外膽容器分別接組 $獨立之進水管糾水管,俾可職不_途的供水迴路,侧該内膽容 斋内置之電熱管得以直接對其儲水進行加熱,以提供較高溫用水需求,同 時經由内f容器内部的高溫用水得對外膽容器内的儲水進行間接加熱作 籲用’以獲得略低溫之用水需求,據此透過其内、外膽容器的雙膽式結構設 能在不增加加熱元件的原則下,可提供高、低溫之二種不同用途供 水核式,達峰軸實雌兼具之鑛設計。 【實施方式】 再予本ί作之結構組成、技術手段及功效達成方面,謹配和合圖式 再予舉例進一步具體說明於后: ,參閱第1〜4圖所示’本創作於結構設計上’主要是由一外膽容器 (1 0 )與—_容器(2 G )所整合組製,其中: 該外膽谷器(1 Q ),乃配置較大賴水容量並以適當之腳架(⑴ 4 M426743 加以架高,其外部可視其實際使用需求包覆適當之保溫材料,而在外膽容 器(10)偏下部的預定位置處預設有一預定尺寸之結合孔(12 ),俾供 另製的内膽容器(2 0)组裝,又在外膽容器(1〇)的上部則分別設有 一進水孔(1 3 )及一出水孔(1 4 ),俾供组設一冷水進水管(1 5 )及 一熱水出水管(1 6 ),該冷水進水管(1 5 )的出水端口乃向下延伸至外 膽容器(10)的下部,而爇水出水管(16)的入水端口則位於外膽容 器(10)的上部,同時在冷水進水管(丄5)與熱水出水管(i 6 )間 又連結組設一分流管(i 7 ),且在分流管(1 7 )上組設有一單向節流閥 φ (1 8 ),乃藉由此分流管(1 7 )上之單向節流閥(1 8 )的作用,使冷 水進水管(15)内的冷水,利用單向節流閥(丄8)設定一定的流水量 與熱水出水管(16)之熱水混合,以因應不同之用水需求者,而在冷水 進水官(1 5 )的進水端更設有一單向排壓閥(丄9 ),以因應外膽容器(工 0)内部壓力過大時之洩壓安全防護需求;* 該内膽容器(2 0 ),乃配置為較小之儲水容量,其尺徑概與外膽容器 (10)之結合孔(12)相符,俾得將内膽容器(2 0)通過該結合孔 (12)而組設整合於外膽容器(丄〇)的空間内部,同時使内膽容器(2 _ . 0)下段局部顯露於外膽容器(1〇)之外,於該内膽容器(2 〇)的底 部設有-裝置孔(2 1)’用以將-組另製的電熱管(3㈤填置裝設於内 膽容器(2 0 )内部’同時在裝置孔(2丄)一侧另設有一溫控孔(2 2 ), 俾供將-溫度控制器組設於内膽容器(2 G )内部,用以偵_部水溫並 據以作為電熱官(3 〇 )的啟嶋控,而在内膽容器(2 〇 )外露的下部 預定位置處分別設有-進水孔(2 3 )及一出水孔(2 4 ),藉以接組一冷 水進水官(2 5 )及-熱水出水管(2 6 ),該冷水進水管(2 5 )的出水 端口位於内膽容器(2 〇)下部,而熱水出水管(2 6)的進水端口則向 上延伸至内膽容H C 2 0 )的上部’又在内膽容器(2 〇 )的卿另設有 -單向排壓閥(2 7 ),俾可$翻膽容器(2 Q )内部過大的壓力; M426743 據此,經由上揭之結構組成設計,在實際使用的實施上,可將外膽容 器(10)内之儲水做為洗滌用水的用途規劃,而内膽容器(2 〇 )内之 儲水則可作為飲用水的用途規劃,此時乃得將外膽容器(i 〇 )的冷水進 水管(15)與自來水供水管路連結,而將其熱水出水管(i 6)與洗滌 水水龍頭接組,另將該内膽容器(2 0)的冷水進水管(2 5)與淨水設 備的供水管路連結,而其熱水出水管(2 6)則外接飲用水水龍頭,在此 -配置型態下’獅電熱管(3Q)直接對内膽容器(2G) _飲用水 進行加熱,藉以提供較高溫之飲用水,同時利用熱幅射傳遞的作用,使其 鲁得以内膽容器(2 〇)的水溫間接對外膽容器(丄〇)内的洗蘇水進行加 溫作用,籍以提供無需高溫需求之較低溫洗滌水,如此一來,只需要單組 之電熱官(3 0)’即可同時達成内膽容器(2 〇 )内之飲用水及外膽容器 (10)内之洗滌水的不同水溫加熱需求,加上其巧妙地將内膽容器(2 ◦)整合組設於外膽容器)的内部,更可大幅將其體積縮減至只有 外膽谷S (1〇)之單體大小,有效解決空間耗佔之問題,甚至可將之隱 藏裝設於廚躲槽下方空間’不致對麟㈣配置造成不利影響,整體而 言,確實具有極佳之產業利用性與實用價值; 泰 總結以上說明,可知本創作利用外膽容器與内膽容器整合組製成型之 又膽式加熱谷器’不但可縮減其設備所耗佔之空間,同時只需配置單組加 熱7G件即可達成内、外膽容器之儲水加熱需求,以提供不同用途及水溫之 用水需求’解決習知各自獨立設備所存在及衍生之諸多問題與缺失,整體 而言’確不失為-優異、突出之創新設計,爰依法提出專利申請。 M426743 【圖式簡單說明】 第1圖.係本創作較佳實施例之外膽容器、内膽容器的結構關係示意圖 第2圖:係本創作較佳實施例之内膽容器裝置孔溫控孔冷水進水管、 熱水出水管、電熱管示意圖。 第3圖4本創作較佳實施例之外膽容器内膽容器的作動關係#意^ 第4,係、本創作較佳實施例之外膽容器内膽容器的結構立於意圖。 【主要元件符號說明】M426743 • V. New description: 【New technology field】 This creation is about the design of a double-biliary heating container, which is mainly designed to integrate the two water supply modes of the same material and water temperature. The electric heating pipe achieves two kinds of water heating operations, and can provide different water temperature supply functions, and achieve excellent economic utilization and practical value. [Prior Art] According to the general design of the general storage type electric water heater, it is mainly provided with a storage tank with a predetermined capacity, and is connected with a cold water inlet pipe and a hot water outlet pipe, and is also disposed inside the water storage pipe. There is an electric heating pipe, which is set up in the forest water pipe. The difference of the setting is made, so that when the cold water is introduced, the wire tube is automatically started to perform the water temperature heating, and the over-temperature protector is set by the ageing wealth. When the water temperature reaches the set temperature, the heating operation of the electric heating tube is automatically stopped, and the temperature control is additionally provided, so that after the water temperature drops to a certain level, the electric heating tube is restarted, thereby forming The basic functional architecture of this type of storage water heater. From the above, "construction" is usually a collection of water storage containers equipped with a set of electric heating pipes, which are organized into groups - independent water supply system 'the water demand for hot water that may be faced in life, but the facts In the ordinary family life, in addition to the hot water demand for bathing, there may also be demand for hot water in the kitchen and dishwashing water (for example, in winter and low temperature). In terms of cooking ingredients, brewing (four), milk, tea use, there is also the need to use boiled water, and in general, the electric water heater and water dispenser are independent of the two. The job should be, in addition to the county fees related to the division of the branch, the other side also made the consumption of the kitchen space, especially for the current living space is narrower than the small flat number of rooms and < different heating 4 caused The emptiness of the side of the problem, but also the kitchen space to call and use, but also to a great limitation. Based on this, the creator will integrate the structure of the two heating devices, or reduce the consumption of the whole H, Thus, there is the advent of Ben Lin's double-biliary adder. 3 M426 743 [New content] When Zhong is currently facing the water demand for different purposes, it is necessary to allocate two sets of independent heating equipment to generate the cost and space consumption problem. The creator specializes in research and improvement based on his work in related industries. With years of experience and technology, we have developed the double-biliary heating container of this creation, that is, its main purpose is to integrate the two storage water and stomach into one body through the composition of the structure, and to make it have independent and sister pipelines. The volume of the two kinds of heating equipment that is not in the way is reduced to the size of the monomer, and the cost of the space is reduced. β The purpose of this creation is to design it to be placed in the inner cavity by the structure of the structure. The heating operation of a single set of electric heating pipes and the provision of water for different purposes at different temperatures will greatly reduce the equipment and operating costs, and give excellent economic benefits and practical value. Above, mainly in the outer biliary (four) predetermined position reserved - a coupling hole ' 俾 for an alternative inner container set through the coupling hole in the outer container In the inner container of the inner container, an electric heating pipe is further disposed, and at the same time, the inner and outer galley containers are respectively connected with the group of independent inlet water pipes, and the water supply circuit is not available, and the inner side of the inner container is built-in. The electric heating pipe can directly heat the water storage to provide higher temperature water demand, and at the same time, the indirect heating of the water in the outer container can be invoked through the high temperature water inside the inner container to obtain a slightly lower water demand. According to this, through the double-biliary structure of the inner and outer bile containers, it can provide two kinds of high-temperature and low-temperature water supply nucleus without increasing the heating element. [Embodiment] In addition to the structural composition, technical means and efficacy of this elaboration, please refer to the figure and the figure and further exemplify further in the following: Refer to the figure 1~4' The upper part is mainly composed of an outer container (10) and a container (2G), wherein: the outer bile (1 Q) is configured with a larger capacity and a suitable foot. Rack ((1) 4 M426743 to be elevated, The exterior may be coated with a suitable insulating material according to its actual use requirements, and a predetermined size of the bonding hole (12) is preset at a predetermined position below the outer casing (10) for the optional inner container (2 0 ) Assembly, and in the upper part of the outer container (1〇), a water inlet hole (1 3 ) and a water outlet hole (1 4 ) are respectively provided, and a cold water inlet pipe (1 5 ) and a hot water are provided for the assembly. An outlet pipe (16), the outlet port of the cold water inlet pipe (15) extends downward to the lower portion of the outer casing (10), and the water inlet port of the hydrophobic outlet pipe (16) is located in the outer casing (10) In the upper part, a shunt tube (i 7 ) is connected between the cold water inlet pipe (丄5) and the hot water outlet pipe (i 6 ), and a one-way section is arranged on the branch pipe (17). The flow valve φ (1 8 ) is used to make the cold water in the cold water inlet pipe (15) act as a one-way throttle valve by the action of the one-way throttle valve (18) on the shunt pipe (17) (丄8) Set a certain amount of water to be mixed with the hot water of the hot water outlet pipe (16) to meet the different water demand, and at the inlet of the cold water inlet official (1 5) There is a one-way pressure relief valve (丄9) to meet the pressure relief safety protection requirements when the internal pressure of the outer bladder container (work 0) is too large; * the inner tank container (20) is configured for a smaller water storage capacity. The diameter of the inner casing is matched with the coupling hole (12) of the outer container (10), and the inner container (20) is assembled through the coupling hole (12) and integrated into the outer container (丄〇). Inside the space, at the same time, the lower part of the inner container (2 _. 0) is partially exposed outside the outer container (1 〇), and the bottom of the inner container (2 〇) is provided with a device hole (2 1) The electric heating tube (3 (five) filled in the inside of the inner container (20) is installed in the 'group'), and a temperature control hole (2 2) is further provided on the side of the device hole (2丄). The temperature controller is set inside the inner container (2G) to detect the water temperature and is used as the electric heating officer (3 〇), and the lower part of the inner container (2 〇) is reserved. There are a water inlet hole (2 3 ) and a water outlet hole (2 4 ) respectively, so as to connect a cold water inlet water official (25) and a hot water outlet pipe (2 6 ), the cold water inlet pipe ( 2 5 ) water outlet port Located in the lower part of the inner container (2 〇), the inlet port of the hot water outlet pipe (26) extends upwards to the upper part of the inner bladder HC 2 0 ) and is also provided in the inner container (2 〇) There is a one-way pressure relief valve (2 7 ), which can be used to reduce the pressure inside the double-conduit container (2 Q); M426743 According to this, through the structural design of the above-mentioned uncovering, the outer casing can be implemented in practical use. The water stored in the container (10) is planned for the use of washing water, and the water stored in the inner container (2 〇) can be used as the drinking water for the purpose of planning. At this time, the outer container (i 〇) The cold water inlet pipe (15) is connected with the tap water supply pipe, and the hot water outlet pipe (i 6) is connected with the washing water faucet, and the cold water inlet pipe (25) of the inner tank container (20) is The water supply pipeline of the water purification equipment is connected, and the hot water outlet pipe (2 6) is connected to the drinking water faucet. In this configuration, the 'lion electric heating pipe (3Q) directly to the inner tank container (2G) _ drinking water Heating, in order to provide higher temperature drinking water, while using the role of heat radiation transfer, so that Lu can be the inner container (2 〇) The water temperature indirectly heats the washing water in the outer bile container (丄〇), so as to provide a lower temperature washing water that does not require high temperature, so that only a single group of electric heating officials (30) can be used. At the same time, the different water temperature heating requirements of the drinking water in the inner container (2 〇) and the washing water in the outer container (10) are achieved, and the inner container (2 ◦) is skillfully integrated into the outer casing. The inside of the container can be greatly reduced to the size of only the outer shell S (1〇), which effectively solves the problem of space consumption, and can even be hidden in the space below the kitchen sink. It has an adverse impact on the configuration of Lin (4). On the whole, it has excellent industrial utilization and practical value. According to the above description, it can be seen that the creation uses the combination of the outer container and the inner container to make the biliary heating. The grain can not only reduce the space occupied by its equipment, but also need to configure a single set of 7G heating to meet the water storage heating requirements of the inner and outer gallbladder containers to provide water use for different uses and water temperature. Know each independent equipment There are many problems and deficiencies in existence and derivation. On the whole, it is indeed an excellent and outstanding innovation design. M426743 [Simplified description of the drawings] Fig. 1 is a schematic view showing the structural relationship between the outer container and the inner container of the preferred embodiment of the present invention. Fig. 2 is a view showing the hole temperature control hole of the inner container device of the preferred embodiment of the present invention. Schematic diagram of cold water inlet pipe, hot water outlet pipe and electric heating pipe. Fig. 3 is a schematic diagram of the operation of the outer container of the outer container of the preferred embodiment of the present invention. The fourth embodiment of the present invention is in accordance with the preferred embodiment of the present invention. [Main component symbol description]

(10)外膽容器 (12)結合孔 (14)出水孔 (16)熱水出水管 (18)單向節流閥 (2 0)内膽容器 (2 2)溫控孔 (2 4)出水孔 (2 6)熱水出水管 (3 0)電熱管 <11)腳架 (13)進水孔 (1.5 )冷水進水管 (17)分流管 (19)單向排壓閥 1)裝置孔 (2 3)進水孔 < 2 5)冷水進水管 (2 7)單向排壓閥(10) outer container (12) combined hole (14) water outlet (16) hot water outlet pipe (18) one-way throttle valve (20) inner container (2 2) temperature control hole (2 4) water Hole (2 6) hot water outlet pipe (30) electric heating pipe <11) tripod (13) inlet hole (1.5) cold water inlet pipe (17) diverter pipe (19) one-way pressure relief valve 1) device hole (2 3) Inlet hole < 2 5) Cold water inlet pipe (2 7) One-way pressure relief valve

Claims (1)

^26743 六、申請專利範圍: 1、-種雙膽式加熱容器’係由—外膽容器與—内膽容器整合組製成 型1其中: 該外膽容器’乃配置較大的儲水容量,於其偏下部的預定值置處預設 有-供内膽容器絚設之結合孔,又在外膽容器 出水孔,以分別-冷水進水管及一熱水出水管,該冷水進=二 延伸至外膽容器的下部,而熱水出水f的人水端明為於外膽容器 該内膽容器,乃配置為較小之儲水容量,其乃通過外膽容器之狀孔 驗設整合於外膽容器的空間内部,同時使簡容器下段局部顯露於^ ,器之外’於勒膽容器的底部設有—用以將另製的電熱管組設於内雜 器内部之裝置孔’同時在裝置孔—侧另設有_溫控孔以組設—溫度控制 器’該溫度控_用__部水溫並據以作為電熱管的啟_控,而在 内膽容器外露的下部預定位置處則設有—進水孔及—出水孔,以分別接组 -冷水進水管及-熱水出轉,該冷水進水f的出水端口位於内膽容器下 部,而熱水出水管的進水端口則向上延伸至内膽容器的上部; 據此,經由内、外膽容器整合組構成型之雙膽式加熱容器,利用電熱 管得直接_齡器之财進行直接加熱作f,_崎容㈣水溫間接 對外膽容器之穌糖離加熱,達成不關途、水溫之娜水系統者。 …2、依據申請專利範圍第!項所述之雙膽式加熱容器,其中該外膽容 器之冷水進水管與熱水出水管間乃以-分辭加以連結並在分流管上組 設有一單向節流閥者。 3、 依據中請專利範圍第i項所述之雙膽式加熱容器,其中該外膽容 器之冷水進水管的進水端處乃製設有一單向排壓閥者。 4、 依據申請專利範圍第!項所述之雙膽式加熱容器,其中該内膽容 S M426743 器的項部乃製設有一單向排壓間者β ^ 5、依據申請專利範圍第1項所述之雙膽式加熱容器 器的外徑乃與外膽容器的結合孔尺徑相符者。 二::範:第1項所述之雙膀式加編 ’其中該内膽容 ’其中該外膽容^26743 VI. Scope of application for patents: 1. A double-biliary heating container is made up of a combination of a liner container and a liner container. The: the bladder container is configured with a large water storage capacity. , in the lower part of the predetermined value set pre-set - for the inner container to set the joint hole, and in the outer tank container outlet hole to separate - cold water inlet pipe and a hot water outlet pipe, the cold water into = two extension To the lower part of the outer container, and the water end of the hot water outlet f is the inner container of the outer container, which is configured to have a smaller water storage capacity, which is integrated by the outer hole of the outer container The inside of the space of the outer container, at the same time, the lower part of the simple container is partially exposed to the outside of the device, and the bottom of the container is provided with a device hole for setting the electric heating tube set inside the inner device. In the device hole-side, there is another _temperature control hole to set up-temperature controller'. The temperature control_ uses the water temperature of __ as the electric heating tube, and the lower part of the inner container is exposed. At the location, there are water inlet holes and water outlet holes to connect the groups separately - cold water inlet pipes And - the hot water is transferred, the outlet port of the cold water inlet f is located at the lower part of the inner container, and the water inlet port of the hot water outlet extends upward to the upper part of the inner container; accordingly, the inner and outer container are integrated The double-biliary heating container of the group type is directly heated by the electric heating tube to make f, _Sakirong (4) water temperature indirectly heats the sugar of the outer gallbladder container, and achieves no way, water temperature Na water system. ...2, according to the scope of patent application! The double-biliary heating container according to the invention, wherein the cold water inlet pipe and the hot water outlet pipe of the outer casing are connected by a wording and a one-way throttle valve is arranged on the branch pipe. 3. The double-biliary heating container according to item i of the patent application, wherein a one-way pressure regulating valve is formed at the water inlet end of the cold water inlet pipe of the outer container. 4, according to the scope of application for patents! The double-biliary heating container according to the item, wherein the inner portion of the inner casing S M426743 is provided with a one-way pressure-reducing compartment β^5, and the double-biliary heating container according to the first claim of the patent scope The outer diameter of the device corresponds to the joint diameter of the outer container. Two:: Fan: The double-breasted addendum mentioned in item 1
TW100223032U 2011-12-06 2011-12-06 Dual tank heating containers TWM426743U (en)

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TW100223032U TWM426743U (en) 2011-12-06 2011-12-06 Dual tank heating containers

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TW100223032U TWM426743U (en) 2011-12-06 2011-12-06 Dual tank heating containers

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TW100223032U TWM426743U (en) 2011-12-06 2011-12-06 Dual tank heating containers

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Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
TWI727748B (en) * 2020-04-17 2021-05-11 台灣櫻花股份有限公司 Electric water heater system capable of quickly start heating and heating method therefor

Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
TWI727748B (en) * 2020-04-17 2021-05-11 台灣櫻花股份有限公司 Electric water heater system capable of quickly start heating and heating method therefor

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