M426338 五、新型說明: 【新型所屬之技術領域】 本創作與椅子有關,特別是關於一種平躺椅 【先前技術】 美國專利 US. 5,967,609 及1^:7,722,114 揭露了一 種平躺椅,相對於一般躺椅而言,前述二美國專利所揭 的平躺椅所提供的傾躺角度更大,完全躺下時,甚至 可以讓使用者的背部大約平行於地面。此種平躺椅另一 特別之處在於當使用者平躺時,其腳部會高於心臟,而 此種椅子也因為可以提供使用者此種特別的姿態而被 賦予一特殊名稱一「無重力椅(zer〇 gmvity rediner)」。 平躺柄·具有一承載機構,可提供使用者坐靠或躺 臥,主要具有背靠部、座位部、與腿靠部,三者之間依 不同設計可能是樞接、固接、或兩者兼有。當-使用者 坐在f躺椅上開始進行躺下的動作時,承載機構的背靠 ^會逐漸地由直立狀態偏轉為大致平行地面,同時,腿· :部:漸漸揚起’逐漸地抬高使用者的腳部,當躺下動 =,承載機構到達定位時,使用者會離開地面,完 王由:躺椅支撐,錢用者腳部會高於上半身。 ^述使用者$全由平躺椅支樓」是對比於坐在一 般座椅或躺椅的狀態而言,坐在—般座椅上’腳掌通常 可以接觸地面,而接觸地面與否會直接影響到使用者操 作椅子的動作’在,般座掎上,使用者可以利用腳的施 力幫助身體進仃特定動#,彳S是坐在平躺椅i時,特別 3 是躺下時’王身皆脫離與地面接體 支撐’此時,若使用者想要起身,方便施力的 用者的雙手。 r、剩卜便 其中,改變承戴機構姿態的機構可以是電動, 也可以是手動驅動。手動的平躺椅中,最為常見的承載 機構結構設計是背靠部、座位部、及腿靠部依 固接為H承軸構透過設於其上的樞轉部直接樞· 接在架體上,-般而言,樞轉部的位置通常對應於使用 2的臀部位置。使用者若要向後躺倒,則用背部頂靠背 靠部j也可㈣合用雙手握住扶手並由後向前推抵扶 手’藉此加強向後頂的力量,此B寺,身體向後的力量加 上體重分布在背靠部的分力即可使承戴機構開始偏 轉,而讓背靠部由直立轉為接近水平。 美國專利US. 3,967,609的機構即是此種具有固定 不動的樞轉部的平躺椅,其承載機構下方設有圓弧形導 才于,在架體的預定位置處設置有前、後支樓輪,導桿受 支樓輪支樓且可在其上前後滑動,另外,此平躺椅還設 有鎖定裝置,當使用者坐在此平躺椅上並鬆開鎖定裝置 時,使用者的體重會自然的使椅子姿態開始變化,其原 因在於,若無鎖定裝置作用,使用者坐在此平躺椅上的 姿態並非處於力平衡的狀態,因此,當鎖定襄置被解開 時’使用者的體重會驅使導桿開始滑動,直到使用者的 重心處於滑動執跡中的最低點,由此可觀察得知,美國 •專利US. 5,967,609·的平躺椅雖然沒有具體巧樞轉部, 但其圓弧形導桿的設計依然代表了其滑動執跡是以一 虛擬樞轉部為軸心進行運動.。 此種手動平躺椅機構簡單,故障率低,不過,此設 計的缺點在於使用者較難從平躺姿態恢復成直立坐著 的姿態,原因在於,使用者要坐起時,只能以雙手去握 著扶手並使力讓自己的上半身離開承載機構,此時,使 用者可藉由雙手拉力一定程度地抵銷自己上半身的重 力,以及藉由下半身的重量相對於承載機構樞轉部產生 的扭矩、和扶手的反作用力所產生的扭矩將承載機構旋 轉,但是,姑且不論每位使用者的手臂力量、體重均不 同,也不論扶手的設置角度如何影響手臂拉力的分力大 小,在此種狀態下,真正能幫助承載機構旋轉的有效施 力僅是手臂拉扶手力量的一部份(另一部份抵銷上半身 體重),更為重要的是,在承載機構向前偏轉的過程中, 並沒有特定的機構輔助承載機構往起身的方向偏轉,換 言之,在偏轉過程中,承載機構隨時可能因g操作不當 而再度倒下到平躺的位置,即使美國專利US. 5,967,609 設計了氣壓棒其助力亦有限,舉例而言,當使用者好不. 容易將承載機構向上偏轉了 一些時,除了可能因為不當 施力而力竭,更為常見的是無法配合承載機構的旋轉角 度微調手臂施力的大小和方向,在沒有其他機構可輔助 偏轉的情況下,施力方向不對或稍微放鬆手臂的力量就 會使承載機構又偏轉回平躺的姿態,導致前功盡棄,簡 而言之,想要從躺姿恢復成坐姿,可能需要幾次練習, 直到掌握技巧之後才能輕鬆操作,因此,此種手動平躺 椅在操作上,特別是恢復成坐姿的過程顯得較為不便。 而以電力驅動的平躺椅則如美國專利US. 7,722,114所揭露,承載機構(12)(註:編號為該案所揭f 同)的姿態變化是由馬達(22)驅動所致。該平躺椅主 ^有.一架體(10),在架體的左、右内側、扶手(34) 下方處分別設有一前後方向的水平導執(4〇); 一滑座 j46),滑座的左、右側分別設有滾輪組(52),各滾輪組 對應地與水平導軌(4〇)連接,此外,滑座(46)的底 P還與—馬達(22)透過伸縮桿(24)連接,因此,當馬遠 (22)開始運作時,滑座(46)可沿著水平導執(4〇)前後滑 動|二承載機構(12),包含背靠部(16)、座位部(14)、 與腿靠部⑽’其中’背靠部(16)與座位部(⑷相互固 接為剛體,而腿靠部(18)則以左右方向的水平軸向枢 接在座位部(14)的前端,而前述背靠部(16)與座位部 (14)則以左右方向的水平軸向樞接在滑座(46)—樞轉 點(66)上;一連動桿(92),其一端以水平軸向枢接於架 體2 0),另一端則以水平軸向樞接於座位部(14),可偏 轉靠近地面,或遠離地面;另外,腿靠部(18)也與連動 桿(92)連接。、 . ,*當使用者坐在美國專利US. 7,722,114所提供之平 躺椅上並啟動開關開始躺下時,馬達(2 2 )即控制伸縮桿 (24)開始縮短,直接拉動滑座(46)前移,此時,隨滑座 (曰46)前移的座位部(14)施與連動桿(92)一股向前的力 里,使其以樞接在架體(10)的一端為圓心旋轉,而令樞 接在座位部(14)的一端逐漸遠離地面,因而推動座位部 ^4)以樞轉點(66)為圓心開始偏轉,使得座.杈部(^) 刖端逐漸上揚,且因座位部(14)與背靠部(ιέ)固接為一 體、樞轉點(66)的位置介於座位部(14)與背靠部(16) 之間,當座位部(14)上揚時,背靠部(16)便會逐漸偏轉 接近地面,當滑座(46)前移到導軌(40)的最前端時,躺 下的動作即完成,此時使用者的上半身處在斜躺的狀 態,而下半身,特別是腳部,則被抬起。當使用者要恢 復為坐姿時,僅需控制伸縮桿(24.)伸長,使滑座(46) 向後退,透過與前述動作相反的連動機制,即可坐起。 此種利用電力驅動的平躺椅,就不會具有前揭手動_ 平躺椅難以從躺下姿態恢復成坐姿的缺點,而且,承載 機構(12)藉由滑座(46)而可在偏轉時伴隨著前後移 動,使得美國專利US. 7,722,114的平躺椅更具有節省 佔置空間的優點,因為躺下時承載機構(12)會前移,所 以使用者就不需要在其背靠部(16)後面預留太多空間。 然而,以平躺椅此種器材而言,「電力驅動」未身 即是一個較具爭議的設計,馬達雖可使操作吏為方便, 但因為平躺椅的機構並不是特別複’雜,機構^身的重量 也並非人力難以推動,附加馬達的設計不僅使得製造成. 本提高、組裝較為困難、運送不便外,使用上也會增加 故障的機率,另外,平躺椅通常是在安靜舒適的環境中 使用,馬達運轉時所產生的噪音亦是一個問題,換言 之,若非必要,馬達應是一個可以捨棄的元件。因此, 若存在一平躺椅可以透過手動操作就能夠讓躺下或坐 起都輕鬆、省力,對於製造商、使用者而言都是一倜更 好的選擇。 因此,需要進一步探討的录,美國專利US. 7,722,114所揭露的平躺椅是否適宜以手動操作,也就 是該專利所提供的平躺椅若不具有馬達,使用者是否能_ 輕鬆地躺下或坐起:。 = 假想該平躺椅僅能手動操作,亦即拆除前述馬達 (22)及伸縮桿(24),當使用者要開始躺下時,直覺地, 背部會向後頂靠承载機構(12)的背靠部(16) 同時,為 了加強向後頂靠的力量’使用者的年應會握住固設在架 體(10)扶手(34)並由後往前推抵,然而.,此動作卻會阻 =平躺椅向後傾倒’因為該平躺椅的座位部(14)需要向 月1J移動才能使背靠部(丨6)偏轉接近地面,換句話說,用 手由後往前推抵扶手(34)的動作所產生的反作用力會 推動整個身體向後移動(開錢行躺下後不久,腳部即 會被托起而離開地面,因此扶手(34)所射的反作用力 會讓使用者全身都向後移動),不利於使用者將立臀部 位部(⑷前移,因此,如果依靠手動,.在躺下的 過程中就會顯得較為不易操作。 當使用者要從躺姿恢復為坐姿時,就更為不方便 物體;ft起床時的動作,如果週遭有固定的·M426338 V. New description: [New technical field] This creation is related to chairs, especially for a flat recliner [Prior Art] US Patent Nos. 5,967,609 and 1^:7,722,114 disclose a flat recliner, compared to a general recliner The flat recliner disclosed in the aforementioned two U.S. patents provides a greater angle of reclining, and even when lying down, the user's back can even be parallel to the ground. Another special feature of such a flat recliner is that when the user lies flat, the foot will be higher than the heart, and the chair is given a special name "a gravity-free chair" because it can provide the user with such a special posture. (zer〇gmvity rediner)". The flat handle has a supporting mechanism, which can provide the user to sit or lie down, and mainly has a backrest portion, a seat portion, and a legrest portion. The three designs may be pivoted, fixed, or two depending on the design. Both have. When the user sits on the reclining chair and starts to lie down, the backrest of the carrying mechanism is gradually deflected from the erect state to substantially parallel to the ground, and at the same time, the leg: is gradually raised and gradually raised. When the user's foot is lying down, when the bearing mechanism reaches the positioning, the user will leave the ground, and the king will be supported by the recliner, and the money user's foot will be higher than the upper body. ^The user's $all by the flat reclining chair is compared to sitting in a normal seat or reclining chair. On the sitting-like seat, the sole of the foot can usually touch the ground, and touching the ground will directly affect the ground. The user's action of operating the chair is 'in the case of the seat, the user can use the force of the foot to help the body to enter the specific movement #, 彳S is sitting on the flat chair i, especially when the 3 is lying down. Disengagement from the ground joint support' At this time, if the user wants to get up, it is convenient for the user's hands to apply force. r, leftovers Among them, the mechanism that changes the attitude of the wearing mechanism can be electric or manual. In the manual flat reclining chair, the most common bearing mechanism is designed such that the backrest portion, the seat portion, and the leg rest portion are fixedly connected to the H-bearing structure through the pivoting portion provided thereon. In general, the position of the pivot generally corresponds to the hip position of use 2. If the user wants to lie back, use the back top backrest j or (4) use both hands to hold the handrail and push it back and forward to the armrest' to strengthen the rearward force. This B temple, the body backwards The force plus the weight distribution in the backrest allows the wearing mechanism to begin to deflect and the backrest to be turned from upright to near horizontal. The mechanism of the US Patent No. 3,967,609 is such a flat reclining chair having a fixed pivoting portion, and a circular arc guide is arranged under the carrying mechanism, and front and rear branching wheels are arranged at predetermined positions of the frame body. The guide rod is supported by the branch wheel and can be slid back and forth thereon. In addition, the flat chair is provided with a locking device. When the user sits on the flat chair and releases the locking device, the user's weight will naturally The reason why the posture of the chair starts to change is that if the locking device does not function, the posture of the user sitting on the flat reclining chair is not in a state of balance of force, so when the locking device is released, the user's weight will be Drive the guide bar to start sliding until the user's center of gravity is at the lowest point in the sliding track. It can be observed that the flat recliner of US Pat. No. 5,967,609 has no circular shape but a circular arc shape. The design of the guide bar still represents that its sliding track is moved with a virtual pivoting portion as its axis. The manual flat reclining mechanism is simple and has a low failure rate. However, the disadvantage of this design is that it is difficult for the user to return to the posture of standing upright from the lying posture, because the user can only sit with his hands when sitting up. Grab the armrest and force the upper body to leave the carrying mechanism. At this time, the user can offset the gravity of the upper body to some extent by the tension of both hands, and the weight of the lower body is generated relative to the pivoting portion of the carrying mechanism. The torque generated by the torque and the reaction force of the armrest will rotate the bearing mechanism, but regardless of the strength and weight of each user's arm, and regardless of how the armrest's setting angle affects the force component of the arm tension, In this state, the effective force that can really help the rotation of the bearing mechanism is only a part of the arm pull arm strength (the other part offsets the upper body weight), and more importantly, in the process of the forward deflection of the bearing mechanism. There is no specific mechanism to assist the carrying mechanism to deflect in the direction of getting up. In other words, during the deflection process, the supporting mechanism may be at any time. If it is improperly lowered, it will fall down to the position of lying flat. Even if the US Patent No. 5,967,609 designs a pneumatic rod, its power is limited. For example, when the user is good or not, it is easy to deflect the supporting mechanism upwards, except that it may be improper. Exhausted, more common is that the size and direction of the arm's force can not be finely adjusted with the rotation angle of the bearing mechanism. In the absence of other mechanisms to assist the deflection, the force of the force is not right or the arm strength is slightly relaxed. The posture of the support mechanism is deflected back to the flat position, which leads to the abandonment of the work. In short, if you want to return to the sitting position from the lying position, it may take several exercises, and it is not easy to operate until the skill is mastered. Therefore, the manual flat recliner is In operation, especially the process of returning to a sitting position is inconvenient. The electric powered flat recliner is disclosed in U.S. Patent No. 7,722,114, the attitude change of the carrying mechanism (12) is driven by the motor (22). The flat recliner main body has a body (10), and a horizontal guide (4〇) in front and rear direction is respectively arranged under the left and right inner sides of the frame body and the armrest (34); a sliding seat j46), sliding A roller set (52) is respectively arranged on the left and right sides of the seat, and each roller set is correspondingly connected with the horizontal rail (4〇). In addition, the bottom P of the sliding seat (46) and the motor (22) are transmitted through the telescopic rod (24). ), so that when Ma Yuan (22) starts to operate, the carriage (46) can slide back and forth along the horizontal guide (4〇) | two bearing mechanisms (12), including the backrest (16) and the seat ( 14), with the legrest portion (10)' wherein the backrest portion (16) and the seat portion ((4) are fixed to each other as a rigid body, and the leg rest portion (18) is pivotally connected to the seat portion in a horizontal direction in the left-right direction (14) a front end, and the abutting portion (16) and the seat portion (14) are pivotally connected to the sliding seat (46)-pivoting point (66) in a horizontal direction in the left-right direction; a linkage rod (92), One end is pivotally connected to the frame body 20) horizontally, and the other end is pivotally connected to the seat portion (14) in a horizontal direction, and can be deflected close to the ground or away from the ground; in addition, the leg rest portion (18) is also even Rod (92) is connected. When the user sits on the flat recliner provided by U.S. Patent No. 7,722,114 and starts to lie down, the motor (2 2 ) controls the telescopic rod (24) to start shortening and directly pulls the carriage ( 46) Advance, at this time, the seat portion (14) forwarded with the carriage (曰46) is applied to the linkage rod (92) in a forward force so as to be pivotally connected to the frame body (10). One end is rotated by the center of the circle, and the end of the seat portion (14) is gradually moved away from the ground, so that the seat portion ^4) is pushed to pivot at the pivot point (66), so that the seat portion (^) ends Gradually rising, and because the seat portion (14) and the backrest portion (ι) are integrally fixed, the pivot point (66) is located between the seat portion (14) and the backrest portion (16), when the seat portion (14) When raising, the backrest portion (16) will gradually deflect close to the ground. When the slider (46) moves forward to the foremost end of the guide rail (40), the lying down motion is completed, at this time the user's upper body It is in a reclined state, while the lower body, especially the foot, is lifted. When the user wants to return to the sitting position, it is only necessary to control the extension of the telescopic rod (24.) to make the sliding seat (46) retreat, and to sit up through the interlocking mechanism opposite to the aforementioned action. Such a flat chair that is driven by electric power does not have the disadvantage that the front cover is difficult to return to the sitting position from the lying posture, and the carrying mechanism (12) can be accompanied by the slide (46) during the deflection. The front and rear movements make the flat recliner of US Pat. No. 7,722,114 more advantageous in terms of space saving, because the carrying mechanism (12) will move forward when lying down, so the user does not need to be behind the backrest portion (16). Reserve too much space. However, in the case of a flat recliner, the "electric drive" is not a controversial design. Although the motor can be used for convenience, the mechanism of the flat recliner is not particularly complicated. The weight of the body is not difficult to push by humans. The design of the additional motor not only makes the manufacturing. The improvement, the assembly is difficult, the transportation is inconvenient, and the use also increases the probability of failure. In addition, the flat recliner is usually in a quiet and comfortable environment. The noise generated by the operation of the motor is also a problem. In other words, the motor should be a disposable component if it is not necessary. Therefore, if there is a flat recliner, it can be easily and effortlessly laid down or seated by manual operation, which is a better choice for manufacturers and users. Therefore, it is necessary to further investigate whether the flat recliner disclosed in U.S. Patent No. 7,722,114 is suitable for manual operation, that is, if the flat recliner provided by the patent does not have a motor, can the user lie down or sit up easily? :. = It is assumed that the flat recliner can only be manually operated, that is, the motor (22) and the telescopic rod (24) are removed. When the user starts to lie down, the back will intuitively lean back against the support mechanism (12). Department (16) At the same time, in order to strengthen the force of leaning back, the user's year should be held in the armrest (34) of the frame body (10) and pushed forward from the back. However, this action will hinder = flat chair is tilted backwards' because the seat portion (14) of the flat chair needs to be moved to the moon 1J to deflect the backrest (丨6) to the ground, in other words, the hand is pushed back from the back to the handrail (34) The reaction generated by the action will push the whole body backwards. (After the money is laid down, the foot will be lifted off the ground, so the reaction force of the armrest (34) will make the user all backwards. Move), it is not conducive to the user to move the hips ((4) forward, so if you rely on manual, it will be more difficult to operate in the process of lying down. When the user wants to return to the sitting position from the lying position, More inconvenient; ft when getting up, if around Have a fixed
Lr 時的動作會以手去抓住該物體,進 揭:身起身’而美國專利US. 7,722,114所 平如果以手動,操作,從躺下要恢復成 土文時,手部必須以違反直誊 才处/ 、 直見的方式去推動扶手(34) ^吏^部(⑷向後滑動。如果是力量較小的使用 H至需要關腹部的力量才能使滑座⑽向後移動 .專因此’此種平躺椅如果改成手動,與前揭美國 專利US.5,967,_ 一樣,依然具有操作不使的缺點。 【新型内容】 鐘於上述問題’本創作的主#目的在於提供一種僅 罪使„桑作即可輕鬆完成躺下或坐 為了達成前述主要目的,依據本創作提執椅。 實施例’前述平躺㈣要具有:—架體,可穆固,佳 於地面,具有左、右扶手;—滑動機構,妙1置 可相對於架體前後移動;—承載機構,具有」北生上, 一座位部、及—腿靠部,前述承載機構以左右2部、· 平轴向樞設在前賴動機構,可在滑動 =水 轉;-連動機構,設於承載機構及架體之間,在=偏 構向後移㈣’連動機構迫使承載機構向後/月動機 滑動機構向前移動時,連動機構迫使承载機構向= 【實施方式】 以下即配合附圖詳細說明本創作所揭露之較佳實 施例的結構、動作及功效。另外,本說明書中所提及的 方向指示,如「前」、「後」、「左」、「右」等都是對應於 使用者在使用狀態下的方向認知。 如第1圖所示’本創作的一較佳實施例所提供之手 動平躺椅(1)主要包含一架體(10)、設於前述架體(10) 上的一滑動機構(30)、樞接於前述滑動機構(3〇)的—承 戴機構(40)、設於承載機構(40)和架體(10)$間的一連 動機構(50)、以及一辅助裝置(70)。 . 前述架體(10)具有左、右腳架(11)(12)及固接於 左、右腳架(11)(12)之間的前、後橫樑(15)(16),左、· 右腳架(11)(12)及刖、後橫標(15)(16)形成一穩定的基 礎,可以穩固地架置於一平面’如地面。此外,在各腳 架(11)(12)之上分別固設一扶手(13)(14),可供使用者 搁放手臂及操作本實施例時運用。· · 參閱第2圖,在右腳架(12)設有—右導軌 (20)(註:左腳架亦於對應位置處設有左導執,因左、‘ 右對稱,以及為了簡潔及方便說明’第2圖中僅顯示右 腳架及其相關結構;下同)’各.導轨(2 0 )平行於地面, 且呈前後走向,在本實施例中’各導軌(20)實質上為一 前後封閉的溝槽。 參閱第2圖,在本實施例中,前述滑動機構(3〇) 主要具有左滑座及右滑座(31),對應地設於左、右導執 .(20)。滑座(31)包含一略呈拱形的支撐片(32)、設於支 撐片(32)前後端的前、後滾輪(33)(34)、以及位於支撐 片(32)中間位置的一樞接部(35),其中,前、後滾輪. (33)(34)以左右方向的水平軸向樞接於支撐片(32),可 滾動地位在導軌(2〇)内,因此,滑座(31)可相對於地面 前後移動,其中,當滑座(31)向前移動到前滚輪(33) 抵罪於導轨(2〇)的前射閉端而無法再繼續前進時,將此 蚪的樞接部(35)位置設定為一前止點(21)(如第4圖所 不)’同理,當後滚輪(34)抵靠於導軌(2〇)的後封閉端 而無法再繼續後退時,將此時的樞接部(35)位置設定為 後止點(22)(如第5圖所示),總而言之·,滑座(31) 的_接部(3 5 )的前後移動範圍介於前止點(21)及後止 點(22)之間。 接著參閱第1、第2及结3囪,前述承載機構(40) ”有一背靠部(41).、一座位部(42)、一腿靠部(43)、以 樞轉部(44)(技:為了方便表達,各圖中的背靠部、 f位部、及腿靠部僅表示骨架,省略支撐面及其包覆, 土皮套、料料),在本實施财,背靠部⑷)及腿 =j (43)77別以—預定角度固接於座位部(42)的後端· 則端’而要相的是,雖然本實施例的背靠部⑷) ”腿靠部(43)兩者都是直接_在座位部(42)上,但在 其他可能的實_巾,亦可能制全練接或—樞接、 另#固接的方式。進一步而言,在本實施例之平躺椅(1) 如第卜第4圖之坐姿時’承載機構(4())的座位部⑷) 大致平行於地面,而背靠部(41)及腿靠部(43)較為接近 垂直於地面(雖從圖中觀察,座位部(42)並非真正平行 於地面月罪°卩(41)亦非真正垂直於地面,但為了方便 描述’後文中當承栽機構(4〇)處於坐姿時,稱其背靠部 (41)大致垂直於地面;當平躺椅(1)呈現如第5圖所示 之躺姿時’稱背靠部(41)大致平行於地面亦同理),若 從側面觀之(如第4或第5圖),背靠部(41)與腿靠部 (43)大致互相平行;此外,背靠部(41)、座位部(42)、 腿靠部(43)皆具有若干橫桿(45)固接於其中,用以加強 結構強度。另外’在座位部(42)的後端左、右側對稱位 置’分別固設一托片(44a),形成前述樞轉部(44),A、 右托片(44a)依對應·左右軸向的轴線樞接於左、右滑座 (31)的支撐片(32)的樞接部(35),·使得承叙機構(40) 能以樞轉部(44)為轴心進行向前或向後偏轉(以使用者 坐在本實施例上的方向而言,承載機構(4〇)向後偏轉即 躺倒’承載機構(4〇)向前偏轉即起身)。 一般而言,承栽機構(40)的描轉部(44)設置區域大 M426338The action of Lr will grab the object with the hand, and advance: the body is up and the US patent US 7,722,114 is flat. If it is manually operated, it should be violated when it is restored to the text from lying down. Straight 誊 / , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( If the flat reclining chair is changed to manual, it has the same shortcomings as the US Patent No. 5,967, _. [New content] The main problem of the present invention is to provide a kind of sin only. Sang Zuo can easily complete the lie down or sit in order to achieve the above main purpose, according to the creation of the chair. The example 'the aforementioned lie (4) should have: - frame body, can be solid, better than the ground, with left and right handrails ;-sliding mechanism, the 1st position can be moved back and forth relative to the frame body; the bearing mechanism has a north seat, a seat part, and a leg rest portion, and the carrying mechanism is pivoted by two left and right sides and a flat axis In front of the moving mechanism, can be slippery = water transfer; - linkage mechanism, located between the bearing mechanism and the frame body, in the = biased structure backwards (four) ' linkage mechanism forcing the carrier mechanism to move forward/month the motor sliding mechanism forward, the linkage mechanism forces the carrier mechanism to = The structure, the operation and the effect of the preferred embodiment disclosed in the present specification are described in detail below with reference to the accompanying drawings. In addition, the directions indicated in the specification, such as "front", "back", "left" The "right" and the like all correspond to the direction recognition of the user in the use state. As shown in Fig. 1, the manual flat reclining chair (1) provided by a preferred embodiment of the present invention mainly comprises a frame body (10). a sliding mechanism (30) disposed on the frame body (10), a receiving mechanism (40) pivotally connected to the sliding mechanism (3), a bearing mechanism (40) and a frame body (10) a linkage mechanism (50) between $ and an auxiliary device (70). The frame (10) has left and right legs (11) (12) and is fixed to the left and right legs (11). (12) Front and rear beams (15) (16), left, · Right foot (11) (12) and 刖, rear horizontal (15) (1 6) Form a stable foundation that can be stably placed on a plane such as the ground. In addition, an armrest (13) (14) is fixed on each of the legs (11) (12) for the user. Use the arm and operate this embodiment. · · Refer to Figure 2, and set the right rail (20) on the right foot (12). (Note: The left leg also has a left guide at the corresponding position. Because of the left, 'right symmetry, and for the sake of simplicity and convenience', only the right foot frame and its related structure are shown in Figure 2; the same as below. ' Each rail (20) is parallel to the ground and runs forward and backward. In the present embodiment, each of the guide rails (20) is substantially a groove that is closed front and rear. Referring to FIG. 2, in the embodiment, the sliding mechanism (3〇) mainly has a left sliding seat and a right sliding seat (31). , correspondingly set to the left and right guides. (20). The carriage (31) comprises a slightly arched support piece (32), front and rear rollers (33) (34) provided at the front and rear ends of the support piece (32), and a pivot at a position intermediate the support piece (32). a connecting portion (35), wherein the front and rear rollers. (33) (34) are pivotally connected to the supporting piece (32) in a horizontal direction in the left-right direction, and are rollable in the guide rail (2〇), so the sliding seat (31) movable forward and backward with respect to the ground, wherein when the carriage (31) moves forward until the front roller (33) is in front of the front end of the guide rail (2〇) and can no longer proceed, The position of the pivoting portion (35) is set to a front dead center (21) (as shown in Fig. 4). Similarly, when the rear roller (34) abuts against the rear closed end of the guide rail (2〇), it can no longer be used. When continuing to retreat, set the position of the pivoting portion (35) at this time to the back end point (22) (as shown in Fig. 5), in other words, before and after the _ joint (3 5) of the carriage (31) The range of movement is between the top dead center (21) and the bottom dead center (22). Referring to the first, second and third chimneys, the carrying mechanism (40)" has a backrest portion (41), a seat portion (42), a leg rest portion (43), and a pivot portion (44). (Technology: In order to facilitate the expression, the backrest part, the f-position part, and the leg rest part in each figure only represent the skeleton, omitting the support surface and its coating, the soil holster and the material), in this implementation, the back The portion (4)) and the leg=j (43) 77 are fixed to the rear end of the seat portion (42) at a predetermined angle, and the end portion is the same, although the backrest portion (4) of the present embodiment is "legged" The part (43) is both directly on the seat part (42), but in other possible real cases, it is also possible to make a full or a pivotal connection. Further, in the sitting position of the flat recliner (1) of the present embodiment, the seat portion (4) of the carrying mechanism (4 ()) is substantially parallel to the ground, and the backrest portion (41) and the leg. The abutment (43) is closer to the ground than the ground (although from the picture, the seat (42) is not really parallel to the ground. The sin (41) is not really perpendicular to the ground, but for the sake of convenience, When the planting mechanism (4 inches) is in a sitting position, the backrest portion (41) is said to be substantially perpendicular to the ground; when the flat reclining chair (1) assumes the lying posture as shown in Fig. 5, the backrest portion (41) is substantially parallel. The same applies to the ground. If viewed from the side (such as Figure 4 or Figure 5), the backrest portion (41) and the legrest portion (43) are substantially parallel to each other; in addition, the backrest portion (41) and the seat portion (42) The legrests (43) each have a plurality of crossbars (45) secured therein for enhancing structural strength. In addition, a bracket (44a) is respectively fixed at the left and right symmetrical positions of the rear end of the seat portion (42) to form the pivot portion (44), and the right and right tabs (44a) are corresponding to the right and left axial directions. The axis is pivotally connected to the pivoting portion (35) of the support piece (32) of the left and right sliding seats (31), so that the bearing mechanism (40) can be forwarded with the pivoting portion (44) as the axis Or deflecting backwards (in the direction in which the user sits on the embodiment, the carrying mechanism (4〇) is deflected backwards, that is, lying down, the carrying mechanism (4〇) is deflected forward to get up). In general, the turning section (44) of the loading mechanism (40) is set to a large area. M426338
夕位於座位部(42)的後端或背靠部⑻的下端附近,其 原因在於樞轉部(44)可以視為承载機構(4(>)偏轉運動 的支點,換言之,樞轉部(44)的前後側升降方向是相反 的為了符合人體工學,樞轉部(44)的設置區域必須對 應於人體的腰部下方到臀部之間的區域。此外,本實施 ,的承载機構⑽)除了可以進行偏轉,由於承載機構 4〇)藉著樞轉部⑼樞接於左·、右滑座⑶)的柩接部 (35),同時可與滑動機構(3〇)—同相對於地面前後移 參閱第1、第4及第5圖,連動機構(5〇)設於架體 .(1)和承载機構⑽之間,t承載機構⑽隨著滑動機 構(3〇)向前或向後移動時,連動機梅(5〇)可藉由豆導引 部迫使承载機構(4〇)偏轉,使其進行一連串的姿離變 本實施例中’連動機構⑽為左連動桿及右連動 J ’各連動桿(51)的-端以水平軸向對應樞設於架 體(一 10^)的左' 右腳架(11)(12),形成一固定端(51a), ,端以7jc平軸向藉由-連接片(52)樞設於承載機構 (=-旋轉部(46)’形成一導引端(左、右連動桿⑼ 的^端對應於前述導引部),左、右連動桿⑸)的旋 载機構(40)的背靠部⑹相同,可偏轉靠近 地面或运離地面。 當本實施例的承載機構(4 〇)開始進行 時,連動桿⑻嫩㈣,為了配合 引端在偏轉過程中的位置差異,左、右滑座(31)需要向 後移動,進而帶動承載機構(4〇)的樞轉部(44a)一併向 後移動’交互作用下’承載機構⑽在向後偏轉的過程 12 •中也會推動各連動桿(51)的導引端,使其以固定端為圓 心向後偏轉,此時,連動桿(51)的上端會導弓丨承載機槿 (40)的旋轉部(46),使其沿著一預定轨跡移動,進而$ 響整個承載機構(4〇) ’使其在向後移動過程中同時〜· 以樞轉部(4 4 )為圓心的向後偏轉,直到左、右滑座( 的後滾輪(34)抵靠左、右導執(2〇)的後侧封閉端,也就 是左、右滑座(34)的樞轉部(35)位於後止點(22),j 時,承載機構(40)的背靠部(41)不僅大致平行於地面, 亦同時抵靠於設在架體(1〇)預設位置的 (18) °如第5圖所示’在此狀態中,由於冬滑座d 的後滾輪(34)已抵靠於對應導軌(2〇)的後封閉端, 載機構(40)也抵靠在後止擋塊(18)上,此時, ^ (40)無法再向後位移,也無法再繼續進行向後偏轉,、 言之,此時承載機構(4〇)已無法再繼續進行姿熊媒化、 I;二斤呈,Γ即為承載機構⑽向後偏轉二^ 右有—使用者躺在第·5圖中的承载機構⑽ 上,其下半身,特別是小腿和腳部會被腿靠部 高’而其上半身則倚躺在#靠部⑷)上,且低於°° 反之,當左、右滑座⑻向前移動時,承載機構⑽ •會拉動連動桿(51)導引端’使其向前偏轉,.而連動才曰 (51)同樣地會令承載機構(40)以其樞轉部(44)為圓^ 側面觀之’偏轉過程中’承栽機構(:) 的女態會逐漸地由平躺轉為直立,直到左、右严 . 的前滾輪(33)抵靠於左、右導軌⑽)的前封閉二,也就 是左、右滑座(31)的樞接部(35)位於前止點(21)(如^ 4圖所示)’此時,承載機構(40)的背靠部(41)大』垂 M426338 s ΐ==-承載機構(4G)的座位部(42)亦抵靠於設在繫 預设位置的前止擋塊(17),而達到承載機構 二二ί ϋ最終姿態(坐姿)’此姿態可方便使用者進入 或離開平躺椅(1)。 第6圖示意滑動機構(30)的樞接部(35)與承载機 構()的夂轉部(46)在承載機構(40)姿態變化過程中 的相1位置關係、’圖中旋轉部(⑹在承載機構(40)處於 f ΓΓ ’位於—第―位置(51b) ’當承載機構⑽處於 =二位於—第二位置(51C〇 ’而在由坐姿變化到躺 妥或由躺安變化到坐姿時’枢接部(3 5)則是沿一第一軌 =)在前止點⑻及後止點⑽之間前後移動,另 外,弟一位置⑽)與第二位置(51c)之間具有一第二執 跡=)_’其中,第二軌跡(R2)在本實施例中是一弧形軌 跡—軌跡(R2)之所以為弧形的原因在於旋轉部( 的移動受連動桿⑼的導引端⑽)所影響,而且前止 點(21)或後止點(22)與旋轉部⑽之間的距離是 ^換句話說,在坐姿時,樞接部⑽位於前止點⑵), =,旋轉部⑽位於前止點⑼後上方的第__ ⑽移動到後止,⑽時,即承:;(二= :^轉部⑽則移動到第—位置⑸b)後下方)的= 钜離3而,後止點(22)與第二位置(510之間的. 仍疋則述預定長度(L),因此,當連動#(51) 二,)以其位於第—執跡⑽下側的動以^^ 】心進行偏轉時’承載機構⑽的旋轉部⑽一: 第一執跡(R2)移動。 14 M426338 "當滑動機構(30)的樞接部(35)由前止黠(21)沿圖 中第一軌跡(Rl)往後止點(22)移動時,旋轉部(46)亦隨 ' ,向後、向下地由第—位置(51b)延著第二執跡(R2)往 第二位置(51C)移動.,由圖中可觀察得知,雖然滑動機 構(30)的樞接部(35)是以水平方向進行前後移動 ,但旋 轉部(46)除了進行相應的水平移動以外還進行了上下 • 方向運動,於是,承载機構(40)在前後移動的同時也因 . 為此連動關係而進行向前或向後偏轉,對應於圖中預定 • 長度(L)之角度變化。 參閱第4、第5·圖,為了防止承載機構(40)由坐姿 * . · 突然地向下傾躺,本實施例設有一安全裝置,具有 樞設於右扶手(14)下侧的一扳把(61 )、以左右方向的水 平軸向樞設於右腳架(12)的一卡勾(62)、以及固設於承 載機構(40)座位部(42)的一卡栓(63),其中,扳把(61) 透過鋼繩(64)與卡勾(62)連接,·當使用者往上扳動扳把 (61)時’可牵動鋼繩(β4),鋼繩(64)即拉動卡勾(62), • 使其以逆時鐘方向偏轉(以第4圖的觀察方向而言),脫 , 離與卡栓(63)的接觸,此時’使用者即可自由地向後傾 -. 躺。參考第5圖,一旦卡检(63)脫離卡勾(62).,使用者 « ♦ 即可放開扳把(61),此時’設於卡勾(62)跟架體(10) 之間的拉伸彈簧(65)可將卡勾(62)拉回原先的預設位 置。若從躺姿恢復成坐姿時’當座位部(42)回復到水平 狀態時,卡栓(63)挾著承載機構(40)偏轉的力量,可由 卡勾(62)的上方略微頂開卡勾(62) ’並藉著承載機構 (40)的偏轉方向,順勢與卡勾(62)互相嵌合’自動地完 成鎖定。 15 iU,338 參閱第4圖及第5圖,為了讓承載機構(4〇)在傾躺 ,,安態變化的速度不會過於快速,以及讓使用者從躺 欠恢復成坐姿時更為鉍鬆省力,本實施例設有一輔助裝 置(70),具有一氣壓棒(71)以及二拉伸彈簧(72)。在本 實施例中,前述氣壓棒(71)的伸縮桿頂端樞設於架體 (1〇)的後橫樑(16),氣壓缸尾端則樞設於承載機構(4〇a) 座位部(42)後端的一橫桿中央部位,當承載機構(4〇) 的姿態是坐姿時,氣壓棒(71)為拉伸狀態(如第4圖); 當承載機構(4〇)的姿態是傾躺時,氣壓棒(?1)則為壓縮 狀態(如第5圖)。傾躺過程中,左.、右滑座(31)必須帶 動承載機構(40)向後移動,此一氣壓棒(71)的設置直接 導致左、右滑座(31)要向後移動時必須壓縮氣壓棒 (71) ’如此一來氣壓棒(71)即可發揮作用,減緩左、 ,滑座⑻向後移動的速度,因此也會影響承載機構 (40)向下偏轉的速度,而令整個過程更為平緩滑順;而 =恢復為轉的過程中’氣壓棒⑺)藉由對承栽機構 =部⑽施予—推力’可幫助左、右滑座⑻ 向别移動,間接地也幫助承载機構(4〇)向上偏轉。此 .卜拉伸彈簧(72)連接於架體⑽的前横操⑽ T (42)前端的一橫桿’當承裁機構⑽)的姿能是 ίΠ圖=菁,處於自然狀態(即未受力狀ΐ,. 匕4圖戶“);當承載機構(4〇)為傾躺狀態時,拉伸 =:(_7 )則伸長而對座位部(42)前端施予拉力(如第5 過程中,拉伸彈筹⑽可減緩傾齡、=理類似在傾躺 姿的過財,拉^度,而在恢復為坐 拉伸U72)W予座位部(42)的力量不僅 16 M426338 可幫助左、右滑座(31)向前移動,更可幫助承载 (40)偏轉,使承載機構(4〇)的背靠部(4n 起。 7』从逐漸地立 本實施例除了藉由上述辅助裝置⑽ 在傾躺或坐起過程中更為安全、省力,導 機構⑽、連動機構⑸)以及其動作方向的亦2 使用者在操作本實施例更為容易,原因在於,二.— =設置為前後走向的水平導執⑽,使用者在操作= .中:以很明確的知道只要將承載機構⑽向前或向‘ 移動,就可以完成坐起或躺下的操作,而不會有習知 躺椅需要技術性的操作技巧的缺點,承載機構⑽的次 起本身的位能變化,而導致使用 而要1外出力,而且’在坐起的過程中, (70)、連動機構(5G)的配合,較不容易發生因為力竭而 導致偏轉不完全又躺下的情形;第二:操作直^,告 用者進入本實施例並坐下時,D ,虽使 組料、要在上扳動扳把(61)、 解開卡勾(62)的限制,接著往後—躺,就可以 構(40)開始向下偏轉,即使是力道較為不足者, 2 =用:抓緊扶手(13)(14)作為施游 L,而:二能使承載機構⑽及滑動機構⑽^ 太载機構(4〇)開始偏轉’即使是第一次使用· 用i二起時用Γ也可以輕鬆完成躺下的操作,而當使 身的動作ι’ίί須魏㈣’就如祕在床上要起 (如的座位部二身二+ *㈣射承載機構 向則的力董;滑動機構(30)就會受 M426338 . ' 力而與承載機構(40) —同前移,此時.,使用者只要繼續. 施予向前、向上的力量,在連動機構(.50)的作用及輔助 . 裝置(70)的幫助下,承載機構(40)就會持續地向前偏 轉,而完成坐起的操作。 本實施例的連動機構採用左、右連動桿(51)的設計 而達到導引承載機構(40)進行弧形偏轉的目的,在其他 • 的可能實施例中,也可能採用其他等效的機構達到相同 . 的目的,如採用一弧形導引溝槽及一凸榫(或潭輪),弧 φ 形導引溝槽設於架體,.而在承載機構的背靠部相對位置 處設一凸榫(或滾輪)與弧形導引溝槽配合,當承載機構 與滑動機構前後移動時,凸榫(或滾輪)即在弧形導引溝’ 槽内移動,藉此導引承載機構進行向前或向後偏轉,或 者,溝槽的位置經由適當地調整,也可能為直線形,而 不限定於弧形,以上均為熟悉此項技藝人士可輕易思及 的變化,因此未於圖中詳細說明。 18 【圖式簡單說明】 第1圖是本創作—較佳實施例處於坐姿的立體圖,· 第2圖是本創作一較佳實施例中架體右側、右 執、及右滑座的側視圖; 第3圖是本創作-較佳實施例的承載機構立體圖; 第4圖是本_—較佳實施例對應於第丨圖的剖視 第5 以及 圖 圖是本創作—較佳實施例處於躺·姿的剖視 構的㈣機構的樞接部與承载機 ‘的勝⑽載機構姿態變化過程中的相對位置關 【主要元件符號說明】 1 平躺椅 11 左腳架 13 左扶手 15 前橫樑 17 前止擔塊 20 右導執 22 後止點 31 右滑座 33 前滾輪 35 樞接部 41 背靠部 43 腿靠部 10 架體 12 右腳架 14 右扶手 16 後橫樑 • · 18 後止擋塊 21 前i點 30 滑動機構 32 支撐片 34‘後滾輪 40 承載機構 42 座位部 44 樞轉部 M426338 44a 托片 45 橫桿 46 旋轉部 50 連動機構 51 右連動桿 52 連接片 60 安全裝置 61 扳把 62 卡勾 63 卡栓 64 鋼繩 65 拉伸彈簧 70 辅助裝置 71 氣壓棒 72 拉伸彈簧_The reason is that the rear end of the seat portion (42) is located near the lower end of the seat portion (42) or the lower end portion of the backrest portion (8) because the pivoting portion (44) can be regarded as a fulcrum of the deflection movement of the carrying mechanism (4 (>), in other words, the pivoting portion ( 44) The front and rear side lifting directions are opposite. In order to be ergonomic, the setting area of the pivoting portion (44) must correspond to the area between the lower part of the waist of the human body and the buttocks. In addition, the carrying mechanism (10) of the present embodiment is The deflection can be performed, because the supporting mechanism 4) is pivotally connected to the splicing portion (35) of the left and right sliding seats (3) by the pivoting portion (9), and can be moved back and forth with respect to the sliding mechanism (3〇) Referring to Figures 1, 4 and 5, the linkage mechanism (5〇) is disposed between the frame body (1) and the carrier mechanism (10), and the t carrier mechanism (10) moves forward or backward with the sliding mechanism (3〇). , the motives Mei (5〇) can be forced by the bean guiding part to deflect the carrying mechanism (4〇) to make a series of posture changes. In the embodiment, the linkage mechanism (10) is the left linkage rod and the right linkage rod J ' The end of the linkage rod (51) is horizontally axially coupled to the left side of the frame body (a 10^). (12), forming a fixed end (51a), the end is pivoted in a 7jc axial direction by a connecting piece (52) pivoted to the carrying mechanism (=-rotating part (46)' forms a leading end (left, The end of the right interlocking lever (9) corresponds to the aforementioned guiding portion), and the backrest portion (6) of the rotating mechanism (40) of the left and right interlocking levers (5) is the same, and can be deflected close to the ground or transported off the ground. When the carrying mechanism (4 〇) of the embodiment starts, the linkage rod (8) is tender (four). In order to match the position difference of the leading end during the deflection process, the left and right sliding seats (31) need to move backward, thereby driving the bearing mechanism ( The pivoting portion (44a) of the 4〇) is moved backwards and the 'interaction' bearing mechanism (10) also pushes the leading end of each linkage rod (51) in the process of deflecting backwards, so that the fixed end is The center of the rod is deflected backward. At this time, the upper end of the linkage rod (51) guides the rotating portion (46) of the carrying frame (40) to move along a predetermined trajectory, thereby oscillating the entire supporting mechanism (4〇) ) 'Make it move backwards while moving back ~· with the pivoting part (4 4 ) as the center of the backward deflection until the left and right slides (the rear roller (34) against the left and right guides (2〇) The rear closed end, that is, the pivoting portion (35) of the left and right slides (34) is located at the rear dead center (22), when the backrest portion (41) of the carrying mechanism (40) is not only substantially parallel to The ground is also at the same time as the (18) ° located at the preset position of the frame (1〇) as shown in Fig. 5 'in this state, due to The rear roller (34) of the carriage d has abutted against the rear closed end of the corresponding guide rail (2〇), and the carrier mechanism (40) also abuts against the rear stop block (18). At this time, ^ (40) cannot After being displaced backwards, it is no longer possible to continue to deflect backwards. In other words, at this time, the bearing mechanism (4〇) can no longer continue to perform the bear-bearing, I; two kilograms, that is, the bearing mechanism (10) is deflected backwards. Right--the user lies on the carrying mechanism (10) in Figure 5, the lower body, especially the lower leg and the foot, will be high by the legrest and the upper body will lie on the #fitting (4), and low On the other hand, when the left and right slides (8) move forward, the support mechanism (10) will pull the leading end of the linkage rod (51) to deflect it forward, and the linkage (51) will also cause The bearing mechanism (40) with its pivoting portion (44) as a circle ^ side view of the 'deflection process' of the loading mechanism (:) will gradually change from flat to upright until left and right. The front roller (33) abuts against the front cover 2 of the left and right guide rails (10), that is, the pivotal portion (35) of the left and right slide seats (31) is located at the front dead center (21) (as shown in Fig. 4) ) At this time, the backrest portion (41) of the carrying mechanism (40) is large, and the seat portion (42) of the carrying mechanism (4G) also abuts against the front stop block provided at the preset position. (17), and reach the final position of the bearing mechanism (sitting posture) 'this posture is convenient for the user to enter or leave the flat recliner (1). Figure 6 is a view showing the phase 1 positional relationship between the pivoting portion (35) of the sliding mechanism (30) and the turning portion (46) of the carrying mechanism () in the posture change of the carrying mechanism (40), and the rotating portion in the figure ((6) The bearing mechanism (40) is at f ΓΓ 'located - the first position (51b) 'When the bearing mechanism (10) is in the = two position - the second position (51C 〇 ' and changes from sitting to lying or lying In the sitting position, the pivoting portion (3 5) moves back and forth between the front dead center (8) and the rear dead center (10) along a first rail =), and the younger position (10) and the second position (51c) There is a second trajectory =) _', wherein the second trajectory (R2) is an arc-shaped trajectory in the present embodiment - the reason why the trajectory (R2) is curved is that the movement of the rotating portion is affected by the linkage The leading end (10) of (9) is affected, and the distance between the front dead center (21) or the rear dead center (22) and the rotating portion (10) is ^ in other words, in the sitting position, the pivoting portion (10) is at the front dead center (2)), =, the rotating part (10) is located at the top of the front dead center (9), the first __ (10) moves to the back, and (10), the bearing:; (two = : ^ turn (10) moves to the first position (5)b ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) When the movement on the lower side of the first-permanent (10) is deflected by the heart, the rotating portion (10) of the carrying mechanism (10) is moved by the first obstruction (R2). 14 M426338 " When the pivoting portion (35) of the sliding mechanism (30) is moved from the front stop (21) to the rear stop (22) along the first track (R1) in the figure, the rotating portion (46) also ', backwards and downwards are moved from the first position (51b) to the second position (R2) to the second position (51C). It can be observed from the figure that although the pivoting mechanism of the sliding mechanism (30) (35) moving forward and backward in the horizontal direction, but the rotating portion (46) performs the up-and-down direction movement in addition to the corresponding horizontal movement, so that the carrying mechanism (40) moves forward and backward as well. The relationship is forward or backward, corresponding to the angular change of the predetermined length (L) in the figure. Referring to Figures 4 and 5, in order to prevent the carrying mechanism (40) from being seated*, the body is suddenly lowered downward, the present embodiment is provided with a safety device having a wrench pivoted on the lower side of the right armrest (14). a hook (62) pivotally disposed on the right leg (12) in a horizontal direction in the left-right direction, and a latch (63) fixed to the seat portion (42) of the carrying mechanism (40) , wherein the wrench (61) is connected to the hook (62) through the steel cord (64), and when the user pulls the wrench (61) upwards, the steel rope (β4) can be pulled, and the steel rope (64) ) Pull the hook (62), • deflect it in the counterclockwise direction (in the direction of viewing in Figure 4), and take off the contact with the latch (63). At this point, the user can freely Leaning back - lying. Referring to Fig. 5, once the card check (63) is released from the hook (62), the user « ♦ can release the wrench (61), and at this time 'set in the hook (62) with the frame body (10) The tension spring (65) can pull the hook (62) back to the original preset position. If the seat portion (42) returns to the horizontal position when returning from the lying position to the sitting position, the latch (63) deflects the force of the carrying mechanism (40), and the hook can be slightly opened from the top of the hook (62). (62) 'And by the deflection direction of the carrying mechanism (40), the homeopath and the hook (62) are fitted to each other 'automatically complete the locking. 15 iU, 338 Referring to Figures 4 and 5, in order to allow the carrying mechanism (4〇) to lie down, the speed of the change of the state is not too fast, and the user is more ambiguous when returning from lying to sitting. Loosely, this embodiment is provided with an auxiliary device (70) having a gas pressure bar (71) and two tension springs (72). In this embodiment, the top end of the telescopic rod of the pneumatic rod (71) is pivotally disposed on the rear cross member (16) of the frame body (1〇), and the rear end of the pneumatic cylinder is pivotally disposed at the seat portion of the supporting mechanism (4〇a) ( 42) at the center of a crossbar at the rear end, when the posture of the supporting mechanism (4〇) is sitting, the pneumatic rod (71) is in a stretched state (as shown in Fig. 4); when the posture of the supporting mechanism (4〇) is tilted When lying down, the bar (?1) is in a compressed state (as shown in Figure 5). During the reclining process, the left and right sliding seats (31) must drive the carrying mechanism (40) to move backwards. The setting of this pneumatic bar (71) directly causes the left and right sliding seats (31) to compress the air pressure when moving backwards. Rod (71) 'This way the gas pressure bar (71) can function to slow down the speed of the left and slides (8) moving backwards, thus also affecting the speed at which the carrier mechanism (40) deflects downwards, making the whole process even more In order to smooth and smooth; and = return to the process of rotation, the 'barrel (7)) can help the bearing mechanism by indirectly supporting the left and right sliding seats (8) by giving the loading mechanism to the part (10). (4〇) deflects upwards. The tension spring (72) is connected to the front crossbar of the frame body (10) (10) T (42) at the front end of a crossbar 'when the receiving mechanism (10)) can be in a natural state (ie, not When the load-bearing mechanism (4〇) is in a reclining state, the extension =: (_7) is extended to apply a pulling force to the front end of the seat portion (42) (eg, 5th) In the process, the stretch blasting (10) can slow down the age, = the similarity in the lying position, pull the degree, and in the recovery to sit stretch U72) W to the seat (42) power not only 16 M426338 Helping the left and right slides (31) to move forward, and further assisting the deflection of the bearing (40), so that the backrest portion of the carrying mechanism (4〇) is gradually formed from the present embodiment except by the above The auxiliary device (10) is safer and less laborious during the reclining or sitting up, and the guide mechanism (10), the linkage mechanism (5), and the direction of its movement are also easier for the user to operate in the present embodiment, because the second. Set to the front and rear horizontal guide (10), the user in the operation = . In the clear: know that as long as the carrying mechanism (10) moves forward or toward ', you can complete the sit up The operation of lying down, without the disadvantages of the conventional reclining chair requiring technical operation skills, the positional energy of the secondary body of the carrying mechanism (10) changes, resulting in an external force for use, and 'in the process of sitting up (70), the linkage mechanism (5G) is less prone to the situation where the deflection is incomplete and lie down because of exhaustion; second: the operation is straight, when the user enters the embodiment and sits down, D, although the assembly, to pull the wrench (61), untie the hook (62) restrictions, and then back - lying, you can (40) start to deflect downwards, even if the strength is insufficient 2, use: grasp the armrest (13) (14) as the travel L, and: 2 can make the carrying mechanism (10) and the sliding mechanism (10) ^ too load mechanism (4 〇) start to deflect 'even if the first use · use i can also easily complete the operation of lying down when using the Γ, and when the movement of the body ι' ίί Wei (four) 'is like a secret in the bed (such as the seat part two body + + (four) shooting bearing mechanism to Then the sliding mechanism (30) will be moved by M426338. 'force and the carrying mechanism (40), at this time. The user only needs to continue. With the forward and upward force, with the help of the linkage mechanism (.50) and the aid of the device (70), the carrier mechanism (40) will continue to deflect forward and complete the seat. The operation of the linkage mechanism of the present embodiment uses the design of the left and right linkage rods (51) to achieve the purpose of the curved deflection of the guiding bearing mechanism (40). In other possible embodiments, other configurations may also be adopted. The equivalent mechanism achieves the same purpose, such as using an arc-shaped guiding groove and a tenon (or a wheel), and the arc-shaped guiding groove is provided on the frame body, and in the backrest portion of the supporting mechanism a protrusion (or roller) is arranged at the opposite position to cooperate with the curved guiding groove, and when the supporting mechanism and the sliding mechanism move back and forth, the tenon (or the roller) moves in the groove of the curved guiding groove The guiding carrier mechanism is deflected forward or backward, or the position of the groove is appropriately adjusted, or may be linear, and is not limited to an arc, which is a change that can be easily considered by those skilled in the art. Therefore, it is not described in detail in the figure. 18 [Simple description of the drawings] Fig. 1 is a perspective view of the present invention in a sitting position, and Fig. 2 is a side view of the right side, right side, and right slider of the frame in a preferred embodiment of the present invention. Figure 3 is a perspective view of the load-bearing mechanism of the present invention - the preferred embodiment; Figure 4 is a cross-sectional view of the present embodiment corresponding to the third embodiment, and the figure is the present invention - the preferred embodiment is at The cross-sectional configuration of the lying posture (4) The relative position of the pivoting portion of the mechanism and the winning position of the carrier's (10) carrier mechanism [Description of main components] 1 flat recliner 11 left leg frame 13 left armrest 15 front beam 17 Front stop block 20 Right guide 22 Rear stop point 31 Right slide 33 Front roller 35 Pivot part 41 Backrest part 43 Leg rest 10 Frame body 12 Right foot frame 14 Right armrest 16 Rear cross member • · 18 Back Stop 21 front i point 30 slide mechanism 32 support piece 34' rear roller 40 carrier mechanism 42 seat portion 44 pivot portion M426338 44a carrier 45 crossbar 46 rotary portion 50 linkage mechanism 51 right linkage rod 52 connecting piece 60 safety device 61 Toggle 62 card hook 63 card pin 64 steel Rope 65 Tension spring 70 Auxiliary device 71 Pneumatic rod 72 Tension spring_