TWM423714U - Multi-color surface paint structure - Google Patents

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TWM423714U TW100210609U TW100210609U TWM423714U TW M423714 U TWM423714 U TW M423714U TW 100210609 U TW100210609 U TW 100210609U TW 100210609 U TW100210609 U TW 100210609U TW M423714 U TWM423714 U TW M423714U
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Jian-Lin Wu
Min-Zong Wu
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Chen Hsin Finishing Ind Co Ltd
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Application filed by Chen Hsin Finishing Ind Co Ltd filed Critical Chen Hsin Finishing Ind Co Ltd
Priority to TW100210609U priority Critical patent/TWM423714U/en
Publication of TWM423714U publication Critical patent/TWM423714U/en



  • Application Of Or Painting With Fluid Materials (AREA)


五、新型說明: 【新型所屬之技術領域】 本創作係關於一種多色澤表漆結構,主要是針對欲於 工件的基底漆料預定部位成型不同色澤之圖文表漆,使其 在工件的外觀上得以呈現澤對比之圖文突顯視覺效果賦 予極佳之產業利用價值者。 【先前技術】 % 木按,一般工件為了取得外觀質感並兼具材質保護功能 节會於表面進行漆料塗裝處理,而其表面漆料的塗 理方式,通常係採喷塗、電著...等不同施工技術將漆 料塗裝於工件表面後,再進行預定溫度之烘烤乾燥作業, 使漆料得以固著於工件表面而形成一保護層,並藉其漆料 的色澤而可提昇其整體的質感與美觀性。 而就現有的工件表漆塗裝結構觀之,大多採單色漆料 塗裝,雖或可達成預期的工件材質保護功能,但在其外觀 鲁式樣上卻僅能透過漆料的顏色變換而達成視覺上的變化, 無形中限制了其產業利用價值,為解決其單色漆料過於單 »周的視覺效果,業者乃採分段漆料塗裝,於工件預定部位 採不同色漆料進行預定型態之圖文塗裝,藉以呈現醒目之 色差對比效果’搭配其不同色澤漆料之變換,賦予其更多 式樣之變化效杲,從而在達成工件材質的保護功能外,更 得以兼具整體外觀視覺及質感的提昇。 以一般電著塗裝技術為例,請參閱第1、2圖所示, 在其工件表面欲進行多色澤表漆塗裝處理作業上,通常是 M423714 於工件(1 Ο)表面欲塗裝不同於基底表漆(2 〇)顏色 之圖文表漆(3 0)的預定部位’先行貼附依其二次塗裝 需求而設製之預定型態貼紙(i工)或膠片,而後依既有 的電著塗裝技術進行第一次的基底表漆(2 〇)塗裝作業 ,使基底表漆(20)得以均勻塗著於工件(1 表 ,經供乾定型作業後,將工件(10)取離作以 人工方式將預先貼附的貼紙(工i)或膠片撕離,隨著該 等貼紙(1 1 )或膠片的撕除’將於基底表漆(2 〇 )的 預定4位成型預留的未著漆區域(12),此時得再以電 著塗裝技術進行第二次之圖文表漆(3 〇)塗裝作業,使 其圖文表漆(3 Q )得明勻塗著於前狀未著漆區域( 1 2 ) ’使工件(丄〇 )表面得以完全被基底表漆(2 〇 ^及圖文表漆(3 〇)所塗裝包覆,最後再進行二次烘乾 定型作業’據此完成工件多色澤表漆塗裝作業,利用其不 同色澤之基底表漆(2 〇 )與圖文表漆(3 Q )形成醒目 之色差對比,突顯出其欲於工件(丄〇 )表面呈現之圖文 效果以k昇其整體視覺的多變性與質感。 由上揭之工法觀之,因其係採貼附貼紙或膠片的方式 來預留二次圖文漆料塗裝所需的未著漆區域,而此作業必 須採人工進行’所以在作業上將衍生人力成本的耗費,且 其貼紙撕離作業並無法於加工線上進行導致其兩次塗裝 作業無法獲得一貫化的實施,無形中影響其整體的作業效 率,致使產製成本居高不下,且在其貼紙或膠片撕離時, 可能或破壞其邊緣的平整,導致其後續之二次塗裝品質受 M423714 到影響,甚至形成瑕疫不良品,就產業利用上而言,實有 必要設法加以解決改善者。 另外,亦有業者在工件的表漆塗裝作業上,會先行將 欲成型的圖文採浮凸型態設計,待其完成第一次塗裝作業 後,再將工件取離作業區,同時以人工方式將該料凸圖 文的表漆予以磨除而顯露工件材質,而後再進行第二次的 塗裝作f ’如此之工法在整個作業處s流程上,仍無法辞 得-貫化之實施’同時亦因採人工磨除表漆方式而:增^ 人力成本及影響產製效率,自亦非理想之作業模式者。 【新型内容】 有鑑於現有工件在其表漆塗裝結構上所面臨及存在之 問題與缺失,創作人特著手進行研究改良,基於其從事相 關仃業之多年經驗與技術,進而研發出本創作之多色澤表 漆結構,即其主要目的係在於經由其圖文表漆塗著區域之 結構设計,使其在進行圖文表漆的塗著作業時,可與基底 •表漆取得鮮明對比之視覺效果,令兩者之交界部位更為平 齊、明確,大幅提昇其作業品質者。 本創作之另一目的係在於經由其結構之創新設計,使 其得以節省人工作業之工時耗費與產製成本,賦予更佳之 產業經濟效益與實用價值者。 本創作之再一目的係在於經由其工法之創新設計,使 其第二次塗裝圖文部份之精密度及品質可獲得大幅提昇, 從而能擴大其產業適用範圍與利用價值者。 為達前揭目的,本創作於工件之多色澤表漆塗裝處理 M423714 =露工件(4〇)的材質,且因該雷射餘刻凹槽(5 '、採精密雷射蝕刻技術進行加工, 分平齊,域細度可€得大 /緣輪廓十 刻凹槽(5 1 )的Μ β ^昇’而藉由該等雷射姓 〇) ’ ,乃得㈣部份所«的工件(4 進仃第二次的圖文矣洗 漆…、的圖文表漆(6 〇)塗裝作業,使圖文表 漆(60)得以塗裝固著於該雷射银刻凹槽(51) "Ο)表面’最後再經過烘乾定型作業 ==多色澤表漆塗裝處理作業,利用其基底表漆(5 達成C漆(6 ◦)不同顏色所呈現的色差對比,以 工/(、4=感的提昇與式樣的多變性,同時得以兼具對 件(4 〇 )材質的隔離保護功效; :經由上揭之卫法所施作之本創作多色澤表漆結構, =成型圖文之第二次塗裝作業所需的未著漆區域,係 雷射钱刻技術將第-次塗裝之基底表漆(5〇)予以去 -而成型與欲成型圖文相應之雷射㈣凹槽(Η), 知工法必須在第—次塗裝作業料行貼附貼紙, 决土=表漆塗裝元成後再撕除貼紙而成型未著漆區域所衍 =鎖作業與人力成本耗費問題,同時其採雷射钱刻技 ^仃除漆’因此在圖文的精密度與細緻度方面將可獲得 =的提昇,且得作更多變化,不受一般貼紙的型態限制 方面’因其雷射飯刻作業係藉由機械手閉配合電腦程 =:制來進仃’不但在作業品質方面可獲得穩定得維持, 可連同第-次電著塗裝作業及第二次電著塗裝作業及相 關之烘乾定型作業作一貫化之作業流程規劃,使其得以利 M423714 用輸送機構串連各作業區作為工件(4〇)的自動輸送, 令工件(40)於第一次塗裝作業區進行基底表漆(5〇 )之電著塗裝作業後,經過第一道烘乾定型作業區而使基 底表漆(50)固著包覆工件(4〇)表面後,再導經雷 射蝕刻作業區依預成型之圖文型態蝕刻去除基底表漆(5 0)而成型未著漆之雷射蝕刻凹槽(51),隨後又導入 第二次塗裝作業區進行圖文表漆(6 〇)的電著塗裝作業 ,最後再經過第二道烘乾定型作業區,使圖文表漆(6 〇 )得以固著於雷射蝕刻凹槽(5丄)區域的工件 表面,並與基底表漆(5 〇 )成平整狀,據此完成本創作 件之夕色澤表漆結構,得有效解決習知工法未盡理想完 善之缺失; 即,經由以上說明,可知本創作在既有工件表漆之電 著塗裝結構基礎下,利用雷射蝕刻的方式將局部的基底表 漆去除而成型對應圖文型態之雷射蝕刻凹槽,使其得以再 # 進仃第二次的電著塗裝作業,進而使工件的表其得以藉兩 次塗裝漆料的顏色差異,使其得以呈現色差對比的視覺效 果,且在面臨更多色澤表漆之塗裝作業需求時,則只需就 其雷射蝕刻作業及電著塗裝作業的次數作相對之增減,即 可達成預期的多色澤表漆塗裝作業,突破習知工法所存在 之諸多限制與缺失’同時在整體的作業效率及作業品質與 式樣化上,將可獲得大幅的提昇與改善,並能相對地減 降其產製成本,整體而言,確具極佳之產業利用價值者; 综上所述’本創作之多色澤表漆結構,經由其製程與 9 M423714 j之變更4,確能在工件表漆之不同色澤圖文區塊的 ’、裝處理作業上,獲得更精細而高品質之實施,使其在利 =表漆對1件㈣形成«保護的功能外,更得以賦予色 2比的視覺效果及多樣化之式樣變化’有效提昇其整體 fi、美觀性’徹底解決習知卫法與結構未盡完善之問題 著:整體而言,誠不失為一優異、突出之創新設計, 爰依法提出專利申請。V. New description: [New technical field] This creation is about a multi-color paint structure, which is mainly used to form different colors of the base paint for the predetermined part of the base paint to be applied to the workpiece. The appearance of the contrast between the graphic highlights the visual effect of the excellent industrial use value. [Prior Art] % Wood press, general workpiece in order to obtain the appearance of texture and material protection function will be painted on the surface of the paint, and the surface paint coating method, usually sprayed, electric. .. and other different construction techniques apply the paint to the surface of the workpiece, and then perform the baking and drying operation at a predetermined temperature, so that the paint can be fixed on the surface of the workpiece to form a protective layer, and the color of the paint can be used. Improve the overall texture and aesthetics. As far as the existing workpiece paint coating structure is concerned, most of the paints are painted with a single color paint. Although the desired material material protection function can be achieved, the color of the paint can only be changed by the color of the paint. To achieve visual changes, it virtually limits the value of its industrial use. In order to solve the visual effect of its single-color paint, the manufacturer uses a segmented paint to paint different color paints on the predetermined part of the workpiece. The graphic design of the predetermined pattern is used to present the contrast effect of the eye-catching color difference, which is matched with the change of different color paints, giving it more effects, so as to achieve the protection function of the workpiece material. The overall appearance and texture are improved. Take the general electrocoating technology as an example. Please refer to Figures 1 and 2 for the application of multi-color paint on the surface of the workpiece. Usually, M423714 is applied to the surface of the workpiece (1 Ο). The predetermined part of the graphic paint (30) of the base paint (2 〇) color is attached to the predetermined type of sticker (i-work) or film which is set according to the secondary coating requirement, and then Some electric painting techniques are used for the first base paint (2 〇) painting operation, so that the base paint (20) can be evenly applied to the workpiece (1 table, after the dry setting work, the workpiece ( 10) Take off and manually peel off the pre-attached sticker (worker i) or film, with the sticker (1 1 ) or the film's tear off 'will be finished on the base paint (2 〇) 4 The unpainted area (12) reserved for molding, and then the second painting (3 〇) painting operation is carried out by electro-coating technique to make the graphic paint (3 Q) The surface of the workpiece (丄〇) is completely painted by the substrate (2 〇 ^ and graphic paint (3 〇) Coating and coating, and finally performing the second drying and setting operation, 'According to this, the multi-color paint coating work of the workpiece is completed, and the base paint (2 〇) and the graphic paint (3 Q) of different colors are used to form a conspicuous appearance. The contrast of color difference highlights the variability and texture of the overall visual appearance of the image on the surface of the workpiece. The method of engineering is based on the method of painting, which is attached to the sticker or film. The method is to reserve the unpainted area required for the secondary graphic paint application, and the operation must be carried out manually. Therefore, the labor cost will be derived from the operation, and the sticker will be peeled off from the operation and cannot be processed on the processing line. Carrying out the implementation that caused the two painting operations to be inconsistent, invisibly affecting the overall efficiency of the work, resulting in a high production cost, and when the sticker or film is peeled off, it may or even break the edge of the edge, As a result, the quality of the subsequent secondary coating is affected by M423714, and even the plague defective products are formed. In terms of industrial utilization, it is necessary to try to solve the improvement. In addition, there are also manufacturers in the table of the workpiece. In the painting operation, the graphic to be formed is firstly embossed, and after the first painting operation is completed, the workpiece is taken away from the working area, and the convex image of the material is manually The paint is removed to reveal the material of the workpiece, and then the second painting is performed. The work method is still in the process of the whole operation, and it is still impossible to resign - the implementation of the implementation. Paint method: increase ^ labor cost and affect production efficiency, from the non-ideal mode of operation. [New content] In view of the problems and shortcomings of existing workpieces in their paint coating structure, the creation The company specializes in research and improvement, and based on its years of experience and technology in related industries, it has developed the multi-color paint structure of this creation, that is, its main purpose is to design the structure of the area through its graphic paint. In the process of painting and painting the graphic and lacquer, it can achieve a sharp contrast with the base and the lacquer, so that the junction between the two is more fluent and clear, and the quality of the work is greatly improved. Another purpose of this creation is to save the labor cost and production cost of manual work and to give better industrial economic benefits and practical value through the innovative design of its structure. A further objective of this creation is to enhance the precision and quality of the second painted graphic part through the innovative design of its construction method, thereby expanding the scope of its industrial application and the value of its use. In order to achieve the goal, the creation of the multi-color paint coating process M423714 = exposed workpiece (4 〇) material, and due to the laser residual groove (5 ', precision laser etching technology processing , the level is uniform, the fineness of the field can be obtained from the large/edge contour of the ten-turn groove (5 1 ) Μ β ^ liter 'and by the laser surname 〇) ', which is the part of the (four) part « (4) The second painting, painting, painting (6 〇) painting operation, so that the graphic paint (60) can be painted and fixed in the laser silver engraved groove ( 51) "Ο) Surface 'final drying and setting work == multi-color paint coating processing work, using its base paint (5 to achieve C paint (6 ◦) different colors to show the contrast of color, work / (, 4 = the improvement of the sense and the variability of the style, at the same time, it can also have the isolation and protection effect of the material of the piece (4 〇); : The multi-color paint structure of the creation created by the method of the above-mentioned defensive method, = The unpainted area required for the second painting operation of the formed graphic is the laser-engraving technique to remove the first-coating base paint (5〇) - and shape and desire The type of graphic corresponding to the laser (four) groove (Η), the knowledge method must be attached to the first coating work line stickers, the soil = paint coating and then peel off the sticker to form the unpainted area The problem of the cost of the lock and the labor cost is at the same time, and at the same time, it is used to remove the paint and the paint is removed. Therefore, the precision and detail of the graphic will be improved, and more changes will be made. Due to the type limitation of the general sticker, 'Because its laser meal operation is closed by the robot with the computer program =: system to enter the 仃', not only can maintain stable stability in terms of work quality, but also together with the first-time electric The painting operation and the second electric painting work and the related drying and setting operations are consistently planned for the operation process, so that the M423714 can automatically connect the working areas in series with the working area as the workpiece (4〇). After the workpiece (40) is subjected to the electrocoating operation of the base paint (5〇) in the first painting work area, the base paint (50) is fixedly coated after the first drying and setting operation area. After the surface of the workpiece (4〇), the laser guided etching area is pre-formed. The pattern is etched to remove the base paint (50) and the unpainted laser etched groove (51) is formed, and then introduced into the second painting work area for the electrocoating of the graphic paint (6 〇). After loading the work, and finally through the second drying and setting work area, the graphic paint (6 〇) can be fixed on the surface of the workpiece in the area of the laser etched groove (5丄) and painted with the substrate (5 〇 The flat shape is completed, and the color and lacquer structure of the creator is completed accordingly, so that the lack of perfection of the conventional method can be effectively solved; that is, through the above description, it can be seen that the present invention is painted on the surface of the existing workpiece. Under the structure of the structure, the local base paint is removed by laser etching to form a laser etching groove corresponding to the graphic type, so that the second electric painting operation can be performed. The surface of the workpiece can be borrowed twice to paint the color difference of the paint, so that it can display the visual effect of the color difference contrast, and in the face of the coating work of more color paint, it only needs to be laser etched. The number of operations and electropainting operations is relatively increased or decreased. The expected multi-color paint coating operation can be achieved, and many limitations and defects existing in the conventional method can be achieved. At the same time, the overall work efficiency, work quality and style will be greatly improved and improved, and can be relatively Land production is reduced, and overall, it has excellent industrial value. In summary, the multi-color paint structure of this creation, through its process and the change of 9 M423714 j, can indeed In the different color schemes of the workpiece paint, the installation and processing operations are carried out, and the implementation of finer and higher quality is achieved, so that the color protection is achieved by the protection of one piece (4). Compared with the visual effects and diversified style changes, 'effectively improve its overall fi, aesthetics' completely solve the problem of the well-being and the structure is not perfect: on the whole, honesty is an excellent and outstanding innovative design, patent application.

【圖式簡單說明】 …w叫,1、闯 係習知多色澤表漆處理工法之工作流程圖。 係本創作多色澤表漆處理工法之流程簡示圖。 係本創作多色澤表漆處理玉法之1作流程圖。 .^本創作較佳實施例之多色澤表漆之結構成型示 圖。 ::知多色澤表漆處理工法之流程簡示圖- 第3圖 第4圖[Simple description of the diagram] ...w called, 1, 闯 is a working flow chart of the multi-color paint treatment method. This is a simplified diagram of the process of creating a multi-color paint treatment method. This is a flow chart of the multi-color paint treatment jade method. The structure of the multi-color paint of the preferred embodiment of the present invention is shown. ::The process of knowing the multi-color paint treatment method - Figure 3 Figure 4

【主要元件符號說明】 (10)工件 (12)未著漆區域 (30)圖文表漆 (5〇)基底表漆 (60)圖文表漆 1 1 )貼紙 2 0)基底表漆 4 0 )工件 51)雷射钱刻凹槽[Main component symbol description] (10) Workpiece (12) unpainted area (30) Graphic paint (5〇) Base paint (60) Graphic paint 1 1) Sticker 2 0) Base paint 4 0 ) workpiece 51) laser money groove

Claims (1)

M423714 六、申請專利範圍: •1、-種多色澤表漆結構,主要是針對表面塗著有表 漆之工件,欲達成多色澤表漆之色差對比視覺而設作者; 其特徵係在於: 該工件的表面乃塗著成型有一基底表漆層,在該基底 表漆層的預定位製成型有預定型態之雷射_凹槽,在該 f射姓刻凹槽内塗著有顏色相異於基底表漆之圖^表漆: 〇 2、 依據申請專利範圍第i項所述之多色澤表漆結構 ,其中該雷射蚀刻凹槽的輪廓邊緣乃呈平齊狀者。 3、 依據申請專利範圍第丄項所述之多色澤表漆結構 ,其中該雷射蝕刻凹槽乃得依其預成型的圖文型態而作不 同變化者。 4、 依據申請專利範圍第1項所述之多色澤表漆結構 ,其中該雷射蝕刻凹槽内之圖文表漆與工件基底表漆的表 • 面係呈平齊型態者。M423714 Sixth, the scope of application for patents: • 1, a multi-color paint structure, mainly for the surface coated with painted workpieces, to achieve the multi-color paint contrast color contrast and the author; its characteristics are: The surface of the workpiece is coated with a base paint layer, and a predetermined type of laser_groove is formed in a predetermined position of the base paint layer, and a color phase is coated in the groove of the f shot Different from the base paint lacquer ^ lacquer: 〇 2, according to the multi-color paint structure described in the scope of claim i, wherein the contour edge of the laser etched groove is flush. 3. A multi-color paint structure according to the scope of the patent application, wherein the laser etched groove is different depending on its pre-formed pattern. 4. The multi-color paint structure according to item 1 of the patent application scope, wherein the surface paint of the laser etched groove and the surface of the workpiece base paint are flush.
TW100210609U 2011-06-10 2011-06-10 Multi-color surface paint structure TWM423714U (en)

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TW100210609U TWM423714U (en) 2011-06-10 2011-06-10 Multi-color surface paint structure

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TW100210609U TWM423714U (en) 2011-06-10 2011-06-10 Multi-color surface paint structure

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