五、新型說明: 【新型所屬之技術領域】 本創作係關於種;f于架組,尤指一種具接電構造且在 插楔時同時構成電源連接’⑼而對内部發光元件供電的桿 【先前技術】 在一般社會大眾的知舖士> 兩水+提升至相當程度以後,對 於大多數娛樂性用具的要灰,略, 不’除美觀外,更會要求其機能 性或教育性,在玩具類方面則悬A 〜,丄, 叫⑴琉為顯著,對於幼兒而言, 太複雜或太華麗的玩具似平及虛了丄 八以于反應不大,因此最適合使用能 訓練其手眼協調能力的玩具,例如 補的組合玩具,可讓幼兒熟悉物品 有些形狀匹配且公母互 的形狀及進一步的組合 搭配;又如積木或類似拼組玩具,此類玩具都具有一些基 本的元件’但沒有固定的玩法1兒可利用積木拼組出不 同的造型,拼組玩具則可利用長短管件、轉接件等拼組出 -組合架’因而不論是積木或拼組玩具,都兼具娛樂性及 益智性。 但如前揭所述,既有拼組玩具是由一些形狀單純的管 件及轉接件組成,能在視覺效果上有所加強者,不外是令 管件及轉接件在顏色上作變化,但效果上顯然有所侷限, 故為提高幼兒使用時的注意力,並加強視覺效果,既有拼 組玩具有待進一步謀求可行技術方案的必要。 M407786 【新型内容】 因此本創作主要目的在提供—種具接電構造的桿架組 ,主要係由管件及轉接件組成,管件之間及管件與轉接件 之間可相互組接,而組接後可同時構成供電媒介,並點亮 笞件内部女裝的光源,以進一步提升拼組玩具的視覺效果 為達成前述目的採取的主要技術手段係令前述桿架組 包括: 官件,係呈中空狀並具備透光性,又管件具有相對 的兩端,並分別形成有一第一模部及一第二模部;再者, 該B件内分設有-接電模組及一個以上的發光元件,該接 電模組包括-正導電件及-負導電件,該正、負導電件分 一”發光元件連接,其中,該正導電件兩端分別形成一第 接觸部及—第二正極接觸部,χ負導電件兩端分別 ^成一第一負極接觸部及一第二負極接觸部,該等正、負 極接觸部分別位於管件上的第—楔部、第二楔部内側;、 鏟垃-轉接件,主要係於一中空本體上形成有二個以上的 :部,該轉接換部係與前述管件的第一楔部匹配,並 八官牛以其第一楔部插 通電纽件Χ本體内-有-通電組件,該 、参、雨资…刀没有一正極通電件及一負極通電件,該正 片二件兩端分別形成一正極接觸彈片及-負極接觸彈 ;。…、負極接觸彈片分別位於本體的轉接換部内側 第-:二::其上的第一、第二楔部與另-管件的第二、 且,或兩個以上的管件分別以其第一楔部插接 4 M407786 至轉接件的轉接楔部而相互組接時,第一模部内的第—正 極、負極接觸部將分別與第二楔部内側的第二正極、負極 接觸部或轉接換部内側的正、負極接觸彈片構成電接觸, -從而構成-供電迴路,當其中一管件與電源連接,則 相互組接且構成電連接的管件均可點亮内部的發光元件, 從而在組接官件成為一組合架時,可增進其視覺效果。 一本創作達成前述目的之另一技術手段係包括一管件, 該B件兩端分別一體形成—轉接件,該轉接件上具有一個 • 以上的轉接楔部,又管件内分設有: 一正導電件,具有—個以上的正極接觸部,該正 觸部位於轉接件的轉接楔部内; -負導電件,具有一個以上的負極接觸部,其設於 接模部内且相對於正極接觸部; 一個以上的發光元#,係與前述正、負導電件連接。 【實施方式】 關於本創作的-較佳實施例’請參閱冑1戶斤示,包括 個以上的官件1 〇及一個以上的轉接件5〇 ;其中: 請參閱圖2所示,於本實施例中,該管件10係、一中空 圓管並具備透光性’其具有一第一端及一相對的第二端: 其第一端為一封閉端,其上形成有一穿孔101,又第一端 向外延伸形成有一環狀的第,11,又其第二端為開放 端’其内㈣第-端的第—楔部n外徑匹配,而構成一可 與第-楔部11相互套接的第二模部12;亦即本實施例中 的第一楔部11為—公接頭形式,第二楔部12為母插座形 5 M407786 式; 又刖述官件1 〇設有一接電模組,該接電模組係分別於 一絕緣的固定板2G内外分設有-正導電件21及-負導電 件22,於本實施例中,該固定柱20兩端分別形成有一第 一固定部201及-第二固定部202,其中,該第-固定部 2〇1係呈圓盤狀,該固^柱20在第-固定部2G1以上的部 位是穿出於管件10第-端的穿孔1〇1,而第一固定部2二 適擋止於穿孔101内側;又固定柱20.的第二固定部2〇2 係由固定柱20下端的徑壁向外延伸,用以固定負導電件 2 2之用, 一該正導電件21兩端分別形成一第一正極接觸部211及 一第二正極接觸部212,於本實施例中,該正導電件21的 本體是呈細桿狀,其以軸向穿設在固定柱20内,而正導電 f 21 一端㈣—正極接觸部211係'呈平板狀且位於固定柱 〇的一頂面上’又第二正極接觸部212係呈螺旋狀,其突出 於固疋柱20的底面,而位於管件10之第二楔部12内側 -第22兩端分別形成一第-負極接觸部221及 、觸部222 ’於本實施例中,該負導電件22的 本體係呈狹县拓H业* 电1千以的 、、一端的第-負極接觸部221係呈 碗狀具有—外環壁、一内環壁及一 底部’其外環壁的外徑適匹配於管件1〇二、:環壁間的 内徑’“貼靠㈣”的内壁:上C11的 部221的中央形成-通孔,而其内環壁传負極接觸 延伸,該内環壁的内徑係匹配於固定桂二:孔孔徑向上 久茌20的外徑,使第一 6 M407786 負極接觸部221得以套設在固定柱20的上端,進而對固定 柱20上端構成定位。又負導電件22的第二負極接觸部 222係經彎折而構成一彈片狀’其位於管件1〇上的第二椒 部12内。 再者,前述管件10内設有一個以上的發光元件,該發 光元件係與前述接電模組的正、負導電件21、22連接.於 本實施例中,該發光元件係由發光二極體31構成該發光 —極體31係設於一電路板32上,該電路板32上設有一 • 組以上的導線33,以透過導線33分別與接電模組的正、 負導電件21、22連接》 另為提供發光元件所需電源,可令前述管件1〇與一具 備匹配插楔及接電構造的供電座接合,如圖4所示,該供 電座40上具有與前述管件1〇上所設第一楔部1彳或第二 楔部12匹配的第二楔部或第一楔部,本實施例令,該供電 座40上係具有複數的第一楔部41,而在供電座的第—楔 部41内側分設一正電極片42及一負電極片43,該正、^ 電極片42,43又與一個以上的電池(圖中未示)連接。當管件 1〇以其第二楔部12套接在供電座40的第一楔部41上, 則可與供電座40構成電連接並取得電源。 又如圖3所示,當管件1〇上插楔另一管件1〇,時,管 件1〇除受供電座供電外’本身的接電模組亦構成一電力傳 輸媒介’使供電座得以透過管件1〇對另一管件1〇,供電。 而本創作主要係利用管件1〇與管件1〇,的組接、 -步配合該轉接件5Q &轉接,以構成'组合架,因此兮 轉接件50上亦具備接電構造,如圖5所示,該轉接件 7 M407786 主要係於一中空本體的相對側壁上分別形成有一轉接楔部 51, ’於本實施例中,該轉接件50的本體為圓筒狀’該轉接 模部51計有二個’且為母插座形式,其分別形成在本體筒 的相對位置上,又兩轉接楔部51係與前述管件1〇的第 楔部11匹配,並供管件10以其第一楔部彳1插接;又 本體内設有一通電組件,該通電組件係分別於一固定柱60 内外分設有一正極通電件61及一負極通電件62,該正、 電件61,62兩端分別形成一正極接觸彈片61〇及一負 極接觸彈片62〇,該等正、負極接觸彈片610,620分別位 於前述轉接楔部51的内側;當一管# 1〇以其第一樓部n 插入轉接件50的轉接楔部51内,除了令二者相互接合外 广楔部”内側的第一正極接觸部211及第一負極接觸 部221將分別與轉接模部51内側的正、負極接觸彈片 yi0,62Q構成電接觸,因此當另_管件(圖中未示)插入轉接 〇的另一轉接横部51,則除了透過轉接件5〇與前述管 10:接外’亦同時透過轉接件5〇内部的通電組件與該 s件1 0構成電源連接。 在前述實施例中’管件1 〇 哲^ 圓管,其兩端的第一 第一楔部11,12亦為匹配的形狀, -· ^ τ ^ + 又轉接件50則是圓筒 狀,除了前述形狀外,管件1()亦 ,其兩端的第一、第1112為“狀’在此狀態下 匹配的…2 可維持為環狀,亦可為 的方吕狀,另如圖6所示,轉接.件5〇 ,立卜的絲社件50亦可為矩形塊狀 ,、上的轉接楔部51,則配 ,可為圓孔或方槽。 1〇的第-楔部”形狀 再請參閱圖7所示’當轉接件 馮矩形塊狀,其本體 8 /00 上具有對稱的四側壁,每一 CA» 壁上力別形成有一轉接御却 51 ,又轉接件50”是呈 锝接楔部 •*•*.31+ 工,’、内部設有一通電组#, 該通電組件主要仍是在_固 /組件’ Φ νφ fi 1 » « A 内、外为s又有一正極通 電件61及一負極通電件 蚀遇 甘 ,其中固定柱60”係呈十字报 ,其具有互呈直角的四臂,每一予形 轉接楔部51"内側,且备一· “末端分別對應位於- 定部601”,& — #接近其末端處分別形成有—固 ° ,供固定負極通電件62” . ^ ^ 亦呈+ ^ 之用,又正極通電件61 ” I予$’被包覆於固^柱⑽’内,該正極通電件61,,的 接…: 各臂端部並分別形成有-正極 片610,再者’該負極通電件62”具有複數端兑 各端:分別形成有一負極接觸彈片62〇”而位於轉 51的内側。 别述轉接件50,,除可接受四支管件1〇分別插入各㈣ 上的轉接楔部51”内’並利用轉接件5〇”内部的通電組件着 成電源連接,從而組成一組合架外,亦可如圖8所示,, 轉接件50”的上壁、下壁及各側壁上分別形成—轉接㈣ 51,供管件10由各個方向插接,從而構成—立體的㈣ 架。當轉接件5『在上、下壁及各側壁上分別形成轉接㈣ 、’其内部所設通電組件的固定柱及其内、外分設正、負相 C電件均為匹配的立體十字形,以便在各轉接楔部的内伤 分設正、負極接觸彈片。 另者,前述各實施例_,管件兩端第一、第二楔部是 互補的Α接頭與母插座形式’而在轉接件上形成匹配形狀 的轉接楔部’以便相互組接;對於所屬技術領域具有通常 线者可以理解的是.管件的第一、第二模部可以都是公 M407786 接頭形式’也可以都是母插座形式;同理’管件内部的接 電換組’其正導電件兩端的正極接觸部可為相同的形式; 又轉接件的轉接楔部除可為母插座形式外,亦可為公接頭 ' 形式’或者兼具公接頭與母插座形式的轉接楔部,以方便 與不同形式的管件組接,而其轉接件也可有不同角度及不 同數量之轉接楔部,用以立體組合。 再凊參閱圖9、10、11所示為本創作之另一具體實施 例,本創作管件70與轉接件80為一體成型之組合,轉接 鲁件8〇可為不同形狀成型於管件70之兩端,管件7〇連通 至轉接件80之轉接楔部81,管件70内設置固定柱71、 正導電件721、負導電件731 ; 位於固定柱71内正導電件721之正極接觸部722為 螺故狀並突出於固定柱71頂面及底面’且位於轉接楔部 81内; 負導電件731定位於固定柱71的第一固定部741及 第二固定部742上,負導電件731之負極接觸部732為彈 • 片並延伸至轉接楔部81且相對於正極接觸部722。 前述管件70内設有一個以上的發光元件,該發光元件 係與前述正、負導電件721、731連接;於本實施例中, 該發光元件係由發光二極體91構成,該發光二極體91係 設於一電路板92上,該電路板92上設有一組以上的導線 93,以透過導線93分別正、負導電件721、731連接。 當一體成型之管件70及轉接件8〇與其他一體成型之 管件70及轉接件80相組合時,相插接之轉接楔部81内 之正極接觸部722與負極接觸部732會與另一正極接觸部 10 M407786 :22與負極接觸# 732形成接觸,當電源通過時可使為於 官件70内電路板92之發光二極體91發光。 關於本創作的又一較佳實施例,請參閱圖12、圖η 所不,其基本架構與前一實施例大致相同,不同處在於所 設正、負導電件的形式: 、V. New type description: [New technology field] This creation is about the kind; f is a group, especially a rod with a power-on structure and simultaneously forming a power connection '(9) while powering the internal light-emitting element when the wedge is inserted [ Prior art] After the general public's knowledge of the public> two water + upgrade to a considerable extent, for most entertainment appliances, gray, slightly, not in addition to aesthetics, will also require its functional or educational, In the case of toys, Hang A ~, 丄, ( (1) 琉 is significant. For young children, toys that are too complicated or too gorgeous are flat and imaginary, so they are not very reactive, so they are best suited to train their hand. Coordinating toys, such as complementary combination toys, can make children familiar with the shape of some objects and the shape of the male and female and further combinations; such as building blocks or similar toys, these toys have some basic components' However, there is no fixed gameplay. You can use the blocks to form different shapes. The toy can be assembled by using long and short pipe fittings, adapters, etc. - thus whether it is a building block or The combination of toys is both entertaining and entertaining. However, as mentioned above, the assembled toy is composed of simple tubular fittings and adapters, which can enhance the visual effect, but the tube and the adapter are changed in color. However, the effect is obviously limited. Therefore, in order to improve the attention of young children and enhance the visual effect, it is necessary to further plan for a feasible technical solution. M407786 [New content] Therefore, the main purpose of this creation is to provide a rod set with a power-on structure, which is mainly composed of a tube and an adapter, and the tubes and the tube and the adapter can be connected to each other. After the assembly, the power supply medium can be formed at the same time, and the light source of the women's wear inside the shoe is illuminated to further enhance the visual effect of the assembled toy. The main technical means for achieving the foregoing purpose are that the aforementioned frame set includes: The hollow member has a transparent shape, and the tube member has opposite ends, and a first mold portion and a second mold portion are respectively formed. Further, the B member is provided with a power receiving module and more than one The light-emitting component comprises: a positive conductive member and a negative conductive member, wherein the positive and negative conductive members are connected by a light-emitting element, wherein a positive contact portion and a first contact portion are respectively formed at the two ends of the positive conductive member The two positive electrode contact portions respectively form a first negative electrode contact portion and a second negative electrode contact portion, and the positive and negative electrode contact portions are respectively located on the inner side of the first wedge portion and the second wedge portion of the pipe member; , shovel-transfer Mainly formed on a hollow body with two or more parts, the transfer changing part is matched with the first wedge part of the pipe piece, and the eight official cattle are inserted into the body with the first wedge part -There is a power-on component, the ginseng, the rain s... the knives do not have a positive current-carrying member and a negative-electrode current-carrying member, and a positive electrode contact elastic piece and a negative electrode contact elastic body are respectively formed at two ends of the positive film; On the inner side of the transfer portion of the body, the first and second wedge portions and the second, and or more than two, of the other tubular members are respectively inserted by their first wedge portions. When the M407786 is connected to the adapter wedge portion of the adapter, the first positive electrode and the negative electrode contact portion in the first die portion respectively contact the second positive electrode and the negative electrode contact portion on the inner side of the second wedge portion or the inner side of the transfer portion The positive and negative contact springs form an electrical contact, and thus constitute a power supply circuit. When one of the tubes is connected to the power source, the tubes that are connected to each other and constitute an electrical connection can illuminate the internal light-emitting elements, thereby assembling the official parts. When it becomes a combination frame, it can enhance its visual effect. Another technical means for achieving the foregoing objectives includes a tube member, and the two ends of the B member are integrally formed as an adapter member, and the adapter member has one or more of the adapter wedge portions, and the tube member is separately disposed. There is: a positive conductive member having more than one positive contact portion, the positive contact portion being located in the adapter wedge portion of the adapter; - a negative conductive member having more than one negative contact portion disposed in the die portion With respect to the positive electrode contact portion; one or more illuminating elements # are connected to the positive and negative conductive members. [Embodiment] With regard to the preferred embodiment of the present invention, please refer to 胄1 斤1, including more than one official 11 and more than one adapter 5〇; wherein: as shown in FIG. 2, in the embodiment, the tube 10 is a hollow tube and has a light transmissive 'there has a first end and An opposite second end: the first end is a closed end, and a through hole 101 is formed thereon, and the first end extends outward to form an annular portion 11 and the second end thereof is an open end (4) The first-end of the first-wedge n outer diameter is matched, and constitutes an The second mold portion 12 in which the wedge portions 11 are sleeved with each other; that is, the first wedge portion 11 in the embodiment is in the form of a male joint, and the second wedge portion 12 is in the form of a female socket 5 M407786; 1 〇 〇 〇 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 绝缘 绝缘 绝缘 绝缘 绝缘 绝缘 绝缘 绝缘 绝缘 绝缘 绝缘 绝缘 绝缘 绝缘 绝缘 绝缘 绝缘 绝缘The first fixing portion 201 and the second fixing portion 202 are respectively formed at the end, wherein the first fixing portion 2〇1 is in the shape of a disk, and the fixing column 20 is pierced at a portion above the first fixing portion 2G1. The first fixing portion 2 is adapted to block the inner side of the through hole 101; and the second fixing portion 2 2 of the fixing post 20 is outwardly formed by the radial wall of the lower end of the fixing post 20; The first positive electrode contact portion 211 and the second positive electrode contact portion 212 are respectively formed on the two ends of the positive conductive member 21, and the positive conductive member 21 is disposed in the embodiment. The body is in the shape of a thin rod, which is axially penetrated in the fixed post 20, and the positive conductive f 21 end (four) - the positive contact portion 211 is in a flat shape and is located on the fixed column. The second positive electrode contact portion 212 of the top surface of the crucible has a spiral shape protruding from the bottom surface of the solid column 20, and is located at the inner side of the second wedge portion 12 of the pipe member 10 - forming a first portion at the 22nd end. In the present embodiment, the negative electrode contact portion 221 and the contact portion 222' are in the form of a bowl, and the first negative electrode contact portion 221 of the negative conductive member 22 is in the shape of a bowl. Having an outer ring wall, an inner ring wall and a bottom portion, the outer diameter of the outer ring wall is adapted to match the inner diameter of the tube member 〇2, the inner diameter of the ring wall 'adjacent (four) ”: the portion 221 of the upper C11 The central portion forms a through hole, and the inner ring wall transmits a negative electrode contact extension, and the inner diameter of the inner ring wall is matched with the fixed guinea: the outer diameter of the hole is upwardly long, so that the first 6 M407786 negative contact portion 221 The upper end of the fixing post 20 can be sleeved to form a positioning on the upper end of the fixing post 20. Further, the second negative electrode contact portion 222 of the negative conductive member 22 is bent to form a slab-like shape which is located in the second pepper portion 12 on the tubular member 1''. Furthermore, one or more light-emitting elements are disposed in the tube member 10, and the light-emitting elements are connected to the positive and negative conductive members 21 and 22 of the power receiving module. In the embodiment, the light-emitting element is formed by a light-emitting diode. The body 31 is configured to be disposed on a circuit board 32. The circuit board 32 is provided with a plurality of wires 33 for transmitting the positive and negative conductive members 21 of the power module through the wires 33. 22 Connection 》 In addition, in order to provide the power required for the light-emitting element, the tube member 1〇 can be engaged with a power supply holder having a matching wedge and a power-on structure. As shown in FIG. 4, the power supply holder 40 has the same tube member. The first wedge portion 1 or the second wedge portion 12 is matched with the second wedge portion or the first wedge portion. In this embodiment, the power supply base 40 has a plurality of first wedge portions 41, and is powered. A positive electrode tab 42 and a negative electrode tab 43 are disposed on the inner side of the first wedge portion 41. The positive and negative electrode tabs 42, 43 are connected to more than one battery (not shown). When the tubular member 1 is sleeved on the first wedge portion 41 of the power supply base 40 with its second wedge portion 12, it can be electrically connected to the power supply base 40 and obtain power. As shown in FIG. 3, when the tubular member 1 is inserted into the other tubular member, the tubular member 1 is powered by the power supply base, and the power supply module itself constitutes a power transmission medium to enable the power supply seat to pass through. The pipe 1 供电 is supplied to the other pipe. The present invention mainly utilizes the assembly of the tubular member 1〇 and the tubular member 1〇, and the adapter 5Q & adapter to form a 'combination frame, so the 兮 adapter 50 also has a power connection structure. As shown in FIG. 5, the adapter member M407786 is mainly formed with a connecting wedge portion 51 on the opposite side walls of a hollow body. In the embodiment, the body of the adapter member 50 is cylindrical. The adapter module 51 has two 'in the form of a female socket, which are respectively formed at the relative positions of the body barrel, and the two connecting wedge portions 51 are matched with the wedge portion 11 of the tube member 1〇, and are provided for The tube member 10 is inserted into the first wedge portion 彳1; and a power-carrying component is disposed in the body, and the current-carrying component is respectively provided with a positive-electrode-carrying member 61 and a negative-electrode-carrying member 62 inside and outside the fixed post 60. A positive electrode contact elastic piece 61〇 and a negative electrode contact elastic piece 62〇 are respectively formed at two ends of the pieces 61 and 62, and the positive and negative contact elastic pieces 610 and 620 are respectively located inside the aforementioned transfer wedge portion 51; when a tube #1〇 The first floor portion n is inserted into the adapter wedge portion 51 of the adapter 50, except that the two are joined to each other. The first positive electrode contact portion 211 and the first negative electrode contact portion 221 on the inner side of the wedge portion respectively make electrical contact with the positive and negative contact elastic pieces yi0, 62Q on the inner side of the transfer mold portion 51, so that when the other tube member (not shown) Inserting another transfer lateral portion 51 of the transfer port, in addition to being connected to the tube 10 through the adapter 5, and simultaneously forming a power supply through the energization component inside the adapter 5 and the s component 10 In the foregoing embodiment, the pipe member 1 is a round pipe, and the first first wedge portions 11, 12 at both ends thereof are also in a matching shape, -· ^ τ ^ + and the adapter member 50 is cylindrical. In addition to the aforementioned shape, the pipe member 1 () also has the first and the eleventh ends of the first and the eleventh ends of the tube 11 () which are matched in this state... 2 can be maintained in a ring shape, or can be a square shape, and another FIG. 6 As shown in the figure, the transfer member 5 can also be a rectangular block shape, and the upper transfer wedge portion 51 can be a round hole or a square groove. The shape of the 1st - wedge" shape is also shown in Figure 7. When the adapter is a rectangular block, the body has a symmetrical four-sided wall on the body 8 / 00, and each CA» wall has a force on the wall. Royal 51, and the adapter 50" is a wedge-shaped wedge **•*.31+ work, ', there is a power-on group # inside, the power-on component is still mainly in the _ solid / component ' Φ νφ fi 1 » « Inside and outside s, there is a positive current-carrying part 61 and a negative current-carrying part, and the fixed post 60" is a cross, which has four arms at right angles to each other, each pre-shaped wedge 51"Inside, and prepared one · "The end corresponds to the - part 601", & - # near the end is formed with - solid ° for fixing the negative electrode energizing part 62". ^ ^ also used for + ^ And the positive electrode current-carrying member 61 ” I is placed in the solid column (10)', and the positive electrode current-carrying member 61, is connected to each of the arm ends and formed with a positive electrode tab 610, respectively. The negative electrode energizing member 62" has a plurality of ends and ends: a negative contact elastic piece 62" is formed respectively and is located inside the turn 51. In addition to accepting four tubes 1〇 respectively inserted into the transfer wedges 51" on each (4) and using the internal components of the adapter 5" to form a power connection, thereby forming a combination frame, as shown in the figure As shown in Fig. 8, the upper wall, the lower wall and the side walls of the adapter 50" are respectively formed with a transfer (four) 51, and the pipe member 10 is inserted in various directions to constitute a three-dimensional (four) frame. When the adapter 5 is formed on the upper and lower walls and the side walls, respectively, the transfer column (4), the fixed column of the internal power supply component, and the inner and outer portions of the positive and negative phase C electrical components are matched. The cross shape is such that the positive and negative contact spring pieces are respectively disposed in the internal injuries of the respective transfer wedge portions. In addition, in the foregoing embodiments, the first and second wedge portions at both ends of the pipe member are complementary Α joints and the female socket form 'and forming matching wedges on the adapter member to be assembled with each other; It is understood by those skilled in the art that the first and second mold parts of the pipe fittings may all be in the form of a joint M407786 joint or in the form of a female socket; the same as the 'electrical exchange group inside the pipe fittings' The positive contact portions at both ends of the conductive member may be in the same form; and the adapter wedge portion of the adapter member may be in the form of a female socket, or may be a male connector 'form' or a male connector and a female socket. The wedge portion is convenient for assembling with different types of pipe fittings, and the adapter member can also have different angles and different numbers of connecting wedge portions for stereo combination. Referring to FIG. 9, 10, and 11 for another embodiment of the present invention, the creative tube member 70 and the adapter member 80 are integrally formed, and the adapter member 8 can be formed into the tube member 70 in different shapes. At both ends, the tube member 7 is connected to the adapter wedge portion 81 of the adapter member 80. The tube member 70 is provided with a fixing post 71, a positive conductive member 721, and a negative conductive member 731. The positive electrode contact of the positive conductive member 721 is located in the fixed post 71. The portion 722 is in the shape of a screw and protrudes from the top surface and the bottom surface of the fixing post 71 and is located in the connecting wedge portion 81. The negative conductive member 731 is positioned on the first fixing portion 741 and the second fixing portion 742 of the fixing post 71. The negative electrode contact portion 732 of the conductive member 731 is a spring piece and extends to the transfer wedge portion 81 with respect to the positive electrode contact portion 722. One or more light-emitting elements are disposed in the tube member 70, and the light-emitting elements are connected to the positive and negative conductive members 721 and 731. In the embodiment, the light-emitting element is composed of a light-emitting diode 91. The body 91 is disposed on a circuit board 92. The circuit board 92 is provided with a plurality of wires 93 connected to the positive and negative conductive members 721 and 731 through the wires 93. When the integrally formed tubular member 70 and the adapter member 8 are combined with the other integrally formed tubular member 70 and the adapter member 80, the positive electrode contact portion 722 and the negative electrode contact portion 732 of the phase-connected adapter wedge portion 81 are combined with The other positive electrode contact portion 10 M407786:22 is in contact with the negative electrode contact #732, and can emit light to the light-emitting diode 91 of the circuit board 92 in the official member 70 when the power source passes. Regarding another preferred embodiment of the present invention, please refer to FIG. 12 and FIG. η. The basic structure is substantially the same as that of the previous embodiment, and the difference lies in the form of the positive and negative conductive members:
在本實施例中,管件70内部設有一固定桎71,該固 定柱71上分設—正 '負導電件721、731,該固定柱71 係呈中空狀’又正導電件721主要係由一上接電銷751、 一下接電銷752及上、下彈簧753所組成,該上、下接電 銷751、752的—端分別穿出岐柱71的兩端部以分別構 成第一、第二正極接觸部,其另端分別為上、下彈簧753 所抵掣,並賦予上、下接電銷751、752 一伸縮彈性;而 彈簧753 -端與電路板92連接,並與電路板92上的發光 二極體91構成電連接。 又負導電件731的兩端係形成一簧圈狀的負極接觸部 732,該負極接觸部732的簧圈圓徑係由上朝下遞減而呈 倒錐狀,且位於上接電銷、下接電銷751、752的外圍; 相同地,前述各實施例中,轉接楔部可設成是互補的 公接頭與母插座形式以便相互組接;對於所屬技術領域具 有通常知識者可以理解的是:轉接楔部可以都是公接頭形 式,也可以都是母插座形式,或為公接頭、母插座交錯設 置,以方便進行不同角度及不同數量之立體組合。 【圖式簡單說明】 圖1係本創作第一較佳實施例的分解圖。 11 M407786 圖2係本創# & 作第一較佳實施例的管件剖視圖。 圖3係本創作 作第—較佳實施例的管件組接剖視圖。 圖4係本創你 視圖。 乍第—較佳實施例管件與供電座的組合剖 圖5係本創作 作第一較佳實施例的轉接件配合管件之剖 視圖。 ° 圖 係本創作第二較佳實施例的轉接件剖視圖。 圖7係本創作第三較佳實施例的轉接件剖視圖。 圖8係本創作第三較佳實施例的組合狀態示意圖。 圖9係本創作第四較佳實施例(管件與轉接件為一 成型)之剖視圖。In this embodiment, a fixed cymbal 71 is disposed inside the tubular member 70. The fixed post 71 is provided with a positive-negative conductive member 721, 731. The fixed post 71 is hollow and the positive conductive member 721 is mainly composed of a The upper power receiving pin 751, the lower power receiving pin 752 and the upper and lower springs 753 are formed. The ends of the upper and lower power receiving pins 751 and 752 respectively pass through the two ends of the mast 71 to form the first and the first The two positive contact portions are respectively abutted by the upper and lower springs 753, and the upper and lower power receiving pins 751, 752 are elastically stretched; and the spring 753-end is connected to the circuit board 92 and to the circuit board 92. The upper light-emitting diode 91 constitutes an electrical connection. Further, both ends of the negative conductive member 731 form a coil-shaped negative electrode contact portion 732. The diameter of the coil of the negative electrode contact portion 732 is downwardly tapered from the top to the bottom, and is located at the upper power pin and the lower portion. The periphery of the power receiving pins 751, 752; similarly, in the foregoing embodiments, the switching wedges may be provided in the form of complementary male and female sockets for mutual assembly; as will be understood by those of ordinary skill in the art. Yes: The adapter wedges can be in the form of male connectors, or they can all be in the form of female sockets, or they can be staggered for male connectors and female sockets to facilitate different angles and different numbers of three-dimensional combinations. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS Fig. 1 is an exploded view of a first preferred embodiment of the present invention. 11 M407786 FIG. 2 is a cross-sectional view of the tube of the first preferred embodiment of the present invention. Fig. 3 is a cross-sectional view showing the assembly of the pipe member of the first preferred embodiment. Figure 4 is the original view of you. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 5 is a cross-sectional view of an adapter fitting tube of the first preferred embodiment of the present invention. The figure is a cross-sectional view of the adapter of the second preferred embodiment of the present invention. Figure 7 is a cross-sectional view of the adapter of the third preferred embodiment of the present invention. Figure 8 is a schematic view showing the combined state of the third preferred embodiment of the present invention. Figure 9 is a cross-sectional view showing a fourth preferred embodiment of the present invention (the tubular member and the adapter are formed).
圖10係本創作第 成型)之剖視圖。 圖11係本創作第六較佳實施例(管件與轉接件為一體 成型)之剖視圖。 ‘ 圖12係本創作第七較佳實施例(管件與轉接件為一體 籲成型)之剖視圖。 圖13係本創作第八較佳實施例(管件與轉接件為一體 成型)之剖視圖。 【主要元件符號說明】 10,1(Τ管件 11第一楔部 20固定柱 202第二固定部 1 01穿孔 12第二楔部 201第一固定部 21正導電件 211第一正極接觸部212第二正極接觸部 12 M407786Figure 10 is a cross-sectional view showing the first molding of the present invention. Figure 11 is a cross-sectional view showing the sixth preferred embodiment of the present invention (the tubular member and the adapter are integrally formed). Fig. 12 is a cross-sectional view showing the seventh preferred embodiment of the present invention (the tube member and the adapter member are integrally formed). Figure 13 is a cross-sectional view showing the eighth preferred embodiment of the present invention (the tubular member and the adapter are integrally formed). [Main component symbol description] 10,1 (Τ pipe member 11 first wedge portion 20 fixing post 202 second fixing portion 1 01 perforation 12 second wedge portion 201 first fixing portion 21 positive conductive member 211 first positive electrode contact portion 212 Two positive contact parts 12 M407786
610,610”正極接觸彈片 620, 620”負極接觸彈片 22負導電件 222第二負極接觸部 31發光二極體 33導線 40供電座 42正電極片 50, 50,50 轉接件 60, 60”固定柱 61,61 正極通電件 221第一負極接觸部 32電路板 41第一楔部 43負電極片 51, 51’,51”轉接楔部 601, 601”固定部 62, 62負極通電件610, 610" positive contact elastic piece 620, 620" negative electrode contact elastic piece 22 negative conductive member 222 second negative electrode contact portion 31 light emitting diode 33 wire 40 power supply seat 42 positive electrode piece 50, 50, 50 adapter 60, 60" fixed column 61,61 positive electrode currenting member 221 first negative electrode contact portion 32 circuit board 41 first wedge portion 43 negative electrode sheet 51, 51', 51" transfer wedge portion 601, 601" fixing portion 62, 62 negative electrode currenting member
70管件 7 21正導電件 731負導電件 741第一固定部 7 51上接電銷 753彈簧 80轉接件 91發光二極體 93導線 71固定柱 722正極接觸部 732負極接觸部 742第二固定部 752下接電銷 81轉接換部 92電路板 1370 pipe member 7 21 positive conductive member 731 negative conductive member 741 first fixing portion 7 51 upper power pin 753 spring 80 adapter 91 light emitting diode 93 wire 71 fixing column 722 positive electrode contact portion 732 negative electrode contact portion 742 second fixed Part 752 lower power pin 81 transfer part 92 circuit board 13