M381251 五、新型說明: 【新型所屬之技術領域】 本創作係有關一種具有抗電磁干擾結構之殼體,特別 指一種利用不同結構之導電部與接地端電性連接而具有 抗電磁干擾功能之殼體。 【先前技術】 電子產品的技術快速發展,其產品特性大都要求重 量輕、體積小、高品質、低價位、低消耗功率及高可靠 度等特點,這些特點促進了通訊、多媒體等技術的開發與 市場成長,而電子產品中的電磁屏蔽封衣結構及品質要 求相對顯得重要,以避免環境電磁波對於晶片產生干擾 而影響到產品的操作品質。 目前,考慮到成型性及材料成本,一般電子產品的面板 大多以塑膠材料所製成,例如數位機上盒、電腦主機等,其 面板上設有多個讓電子卡插設的插槽,為了大量生產及節 省成本,上述面板均為塑膠類的製品。然而,隨著電子元件 的運算速度越來越高、或是資訊傳遞的訊號頻率越來越高, 對於電磁波干擾之防護的要求也必須不斷的提升;因此,上 述塑膠製面板並無法提供電磁波防護的功能,故造成訊號 的干擾情況。 本案創作人有鑑於上述習用的結構裝置於實際施用 時的缺失,且積累個人從事相關產業開發實務上多年之經 驗,精心研究,終於提出一種設計合理且有效改善上述問題 M381251 之結構。 【新型内容】 本創作之主要目的,旨在提供一種具有抗電磁干擾結 構之殼體,其前板體模組係由塑膠面板及裝設於該塑膠面 板之抗電磁干擾板體所組成,而該抗電磁干擾板體上延伸 成型有導電部,該導電部可電連接於金屬外殼或是電路板 上之接地線路(即接地端),以達成電子產品外殼之抗電磁 干擾的效果。 本創作之另一目的,旨在提供一種具有抗電磁干擾結 構之殼體,其係為前板體模組與殼體本體所組接形成,而本 創作可利用導電部與金屬外殼或是電路板上之接地線路 的連接達成較佳組合強度之效果。 為了達到上述目的,本創作係提供一種具有抗電磁干 擾結構之殼體,包含:一殼體本體,其包括一底板體及由該底 板體彎折延伸成型之兩側板體及後板體,該底板體、該兩側 板體及該後板體則係建構成一容置空間,且該容置空間中 設有一電路板,該電路板上具有複數個接地線路;以及一前 板體模組,其係組裝於該殼體本體的前側端,該前板體模組 包括一塑膠面板及一裝設於該塑膠面板之抗電磁干擾板 體;其中,該抗電磁干擾板體的兩側緣分別設有複數個彈片, 該些彈片係彈性地接觸於該兩側板體,且該抗電磁干擾板 體的底緣則成型有多個導電接腳,該些導電接腳係連接於 該些接地線路。 M381251 本創作更提供一種具有抗電磁干擾結構之殼體,包含: 一殼體本體,其包括一底板體及由該底板體彎折延伸成型 之兩側板體及後板體,該底板體、該兩側板體及該後板體則 建構成一容置空間,且該容置空間中設有一電路板,該電路 板上具有複數個接地線路;以及一前板體模組,其係組裝於 該殼體本體的前側端,該前板體模組包括一塑膠面板及裝 設於該塑膠面板之抗電磁干擾板體;其中,該抗電磁干擾板 體的邊緣設有複數個導電部。 在一具體實施例中,抗電磁干擾板體上更包括有輔助 彈片,其可彈性地接觸電路板上之電連接器的導電外殼,以 提高抗電磁干擾的效果。 如上述構造,該抗電磁干擾板體具有導電部,例如彈 片、導電接腳等,其可對應地電連接於接地端,如殼體本體 或電路板上之接地線路等,以使抗電磁干擾板體具有電磁 防護的效果,進而避免電路板上的電子元件受到電磁干擾。 為使能更進一步瞭解本創作之特徵及技術内容,請參 閱以下有關本創作之詳細說明與附圖,然而所附圖式僅提 供參考與說明用,並非用來對本創作加以限制者。 【實施方式】 首先,請參閱第一圖及第二圖所示,本創作提出一種具 有抗電磁干擾結構之殼體1,其係用以解決電子元件受到電 磁干擾的問題,進而達到較佳的產品特性。該具有抗電磁干 擾結構之殼體1係包括一殼體本體10及一前板體模組11, M381251 且該殼體本體ίο形成一容置空間100,一電路板12則設置 於該容置空間100中,而該前板體模組U則組設於該殼體 本體10的前側端。 在本具體實施例中,該殼體本體10包括一底板體101 及由该底板體1 〇 1彎折延伸成型之兩側板體丨〇2及後板體 103,該底板體101、該兩側板體1〇2與該後板體1〇3則建 構成上述之容置空間1〇〇,且該前板體模組u則係組設於 該兩側板體102,以形成電子產品之外殼。 凊麥考第二A圖,其為本創作之前板體模組u的分解 組合圖。在本具體實施例中,該前板體模組n包括一塑膠 面板11G及-抗電磁干擾板體ηι,該抗電磁干擾板體iu 係裝設於該塑膠面板110上,而該塑膠面板11〇係為電子產 品的外觀面,而位於其内側之抗電磁干擾板體⑴可提供 内部之電子元件較佳的抗電磁干擾特性』該抗電磁干擾 板體111的邊緣(包括侧緣及底緣)分別設有複數個導電邙 該些導電部可與殼體本體1G或是電路板12上的接地線路 121相連接,以達成抗電磁干擾特性。 再者,該塑膠面& 110的内側設有多個熱熔接柱體 1101,且該抗電磁干擾板體⑴上設有多個對應該些敎炫 ^體iHH的穿孔U11,該抗電磁干擾板體⑴係藉的 U接柱體11G1與該些f孔1U1的配合^於如 膠面板!H)之内側,但兩者的固定結構並不以上述為限:土 而上述的該些導電部可具有不同的態樣。在— 抗電磁干糊⑴㈣彳緣分別設有複二 彈片U2,且該抗電磁干擾板體⑴的底緣則成型有多個導 7 M381251 ^Γ13,該抗電磁干擾板體111係糊鏡方式固接於 =:板別以形成上述之前板體模組π,當前板體模 、.且裝於δ亥叙體本體10的前側端,該些彈#】^係彈性 電路Π該兩側板體1G2,而該些導電接腳113係連接於該 ^=2上的接地線路121,藉此,該抗電磁干擾板體⑴ 為接地基準面,以達成電磁防護之抗電磁干擾之效 果,進而保護電路板12上的電子元件。 Μ ’配合第三圖及第四圖,在電路的安排上,該些接 線路121係可設置於該電路板12的兩側,故該些導電接 係對應地成型於該抗電磁干擾板體lu的兩側底緣 個導電接腳113係包括一延伸部U3i及一接腳部 〜玄接腳部1132具有第—螺孔1133;而該電路板^上 則具有對應該第-螺孔1133及該些接地線路i2i的第二 螺孔122,因此可葬由_JXT Α 、、^ 猎由 口疋70件Α,如螺絲穿設固定於上 逑之第-螺孔1133與第二螺孔122,以使該導電接腳⑴ 之接腳部1132翻地連接於該電路板U之接地線路121 以形成接地的效果。 ’ 另一方面,彈片112均具有一彈性部丨丨以及一抵接部 1122,該抵接部1122_性地接缺該兩侧板體⑽的内 壁面,同樣可使該抗電磁干擾板體ln具有抗電磁干擾之 效^。另外,該抵接部1122亦可提供向外料的力量,更加 強前板體模組11組裝於該殼體本體10的結合強度。 再方面,為了加強抗電磁干擾的效果,本創作更利用 電路板12上之至少一個具有導電外殼i3i之電連接器 13。例如在本具體實施例中,該電路板12具有電子卡連接 CJi =SD卡連接器)、USB $接器及紅外線感測器等電連 干^^^些電連接器13具有導電外殼131力該抗電磁 乂 / 11上開設有對應該些電連接器13之開口 114,開 Z 114係用以插設電子卡或其他端子,則該些開口⑴之側 (=⑹彎折延伸有輔助彈片1141,因此,當前板體模組 、、且、於遠殼體本體10的前側端,該辅助彈片i⑷則彈 觸於該電連接器13之導電外殼131,例如該輔助彈 L用二括一彈性臂Μ及一接觸部1143,本創作即 " 部1143彈性地接觸於該電連接器13之導電外 威叫以利用導電外殼131㈣地作用達成抗電磁干擾。 …糟此,本創作_㈣抗電磁干擾板體ln的邊緣 形成的導電部與接地端(如:殼體本體10或電路板12之# 地線路m)連接,以達成抗電磁干擾。而該導電部 述實施例的彈片m、導電接腳113、或其他相類似_ 構(例如輔助彈片1141),且上述實施例的彈片ιΐ2、導電: 腳113或輔助彈片1H1亦可依彳σ 品上沒電子產品具有抗電磁干擾虞特14早獨應用於產 综上所述,本創作具有下列諸項優點: 1、本創狀具有抗電軒擾結構之殼體,可彻—種 屬面板之抗電磁干優板體㈣ 成的則板肢核組,達成抗電磁干擾的功效。該抗 擾板體上可延伸成型有導電部,利用不同結構之 部,接地端電性連接,以使抗電磁干擾板體具有電磁 防擭效果,以解決電磁干擾的問題。 一 、本創作之實施例中的導電部包括彈片與/或導電接腳, M381251 彈片係以彈性力量接觸殼體本體的兩側板體,而該導 電接腳係可用螺絲等固定元件固定於電路板上,故導 電部更可提供較佳的固定力量,以使前板體模組更穩 固地固接於殼體本體。 以上所述僅為本創作之較佳可行實施例,非因此偈限 本創作之專利範圍,故舉凡運用本創作說明書及圖示内容 所為之等效技術變化,均包含於本創作之範圍内。 【圖式簡單說明】 第一圖係為本創作之具有抗電磁干擾結構之殼體的立體 組合圖。 第二圖係為本創作之具有抗電磁干擾結構之殼體的立體 分解圖。 第二A圖係為本創作之具有抗電磁干擾結構之殼體的前 板體模組的立體分解圖。 第三圖係為本創作之具有抗電磁干擾結構之殼體的彈片 彈性接觸於側板體之示意圖。 第四圖則為本創作之具有抗電磁干擾結構之殼體的導電 接腳接觸於電路板(接地線路)之示意圖。 【主要元件符號說明】 1 具有抗電磁干擾結構之殼體 10 殼體本體 1〇〇 容置空間 101 底板體 102 側板體 103 後板體 M381251 11 前板體模組 110 塑膠面板 1101 熱熔接柱體 111 抗電磁干擾板體 1111 穿孔 112 彈片 1121 彈性部 1122 抵接部 113 導電接腳 1131 延伸部 1132 接腳部 1133 第一螺孔 114 開口 1141 輔助彈片 1142 彈性臂 1143 接觸部 12 電路板 121 接地線路 122 第二螺孔 13 電連接器 131 導電外殼 A 固定元件M381251 V. New description: [New technical field] This is a kind of housing with anti-electromagnetic interference structure, especially a shell with electromagnetic interference between the conductive parts of different structures and the grounding end. body. [Prior Art] The technology of electronic products is developing rapidly. Most of its product features require light weight, small size, high quality, low price, low power consumption and high reliability. These features promote the development of communication and multimedia technologies. With the market growth, the electromagnetic shielding and sealing structure and quality requirements in electronic products are relatively important to avoid environmental electromagnetic waves from interfering with the wafer and affecting the operational quality of the product. At present, considering the moldability and material cost, the panels of general electronic products are mostly made of plastic materials, such as digital on-board boxes, computer mainframes, etc., and the panel has a plurality of slots for inserting electronic cards. Mass production and cost savings, the above panels are all plastic products. However, as the computing speed of electronic components is higher and the signal frequency of information transmission is getting higher and higher, the requirements for protection against electromagnetic interference must be continuously improved; therefore, the above-mentioned plastic panels cannot provide electromagnetic wave protection. The function of the signal causes the interference of the signal. In view of the lack of the above-mentioned conventional structural devices in actual application, and the accumulation of personal experience in the relevant industry development practice, the creators of this case have finally proposed a structure that is reasonable in design and effectively improves the above problem M381251. [New content] The main purpose of this creation is to provide a housing with anti-electromagnetic interference structure, the front panel module is composed of a plastic panel and an anti-electromagnetic interference plate body mounted on the plastic panel, and The anti-electromagnetic interference plate body is extended with a conductive portion, and the conductive portion can be electrically connected to the metal casing or the grounding circuit (ie, the grounding end) on the circuit board to achieve the anti-electromagnetic interference effect of the electronic product casing. Another object of the present invention is to provide a housing having an anti-electromagnetic interference structure formed by assembling a front plate body module and a housing body, and the present invention can utilize a conductive portion and a metal case or a circuit. The connection of the grounding lines on the board achieves the effect of a better combined strength. In order to achieve the above object, the present invention provides a housing having an anti-electromagnetic interference structure, comprising: a housing body including a bottom plate body and two side plates and a rear plate body formed by bending and extending the bottom plate body, The bottom plate body, the two side plate bodies and the rear plate body are configured to form an accommodating space, and the accommodating space is provided with a circuit board having a plurality of grounding lines; and a front plate body module, The front panel assembly includes a plastic panel and an anti-electromagnetic interference panel mounted on the plastic panel; wherein the two sides of the anti-electromagnetic interference panel are respectively a plurality of elastic pieces are disposed, the elastic pieces are elastically contacted to the two side plates, and a bottom of the anti-electromagnetic interference plate body is formed with a plurality of conductive pins, and the conductive pins are connected to the ground lines . M381251 The present invention further provides a housing having an anti-electromagnetic interference structure, comprising: a housing body comprising a bottom plate body and two side plates and a rear plate body formed by bending and extending the bottom plate body, the bottom plate body, the bottom plate body The two side plates and the rear plate body are formed into an accommodating space, and the accommodating space is provided with a circuit board having a plurality of grounding lines; and a front plate body module assembled therein The front panel of the housing body includes a plastic panel and an anti-electromagnetic interference panel mounted on the plastic panel. The edge of the anti-electromagnetic interference panel is provided with a plurality of conductive portions. In a specific embodiment, the anti-electromagnetic interference plate further includes an auxiliary elastic piece that elastically contacts the conductive outer casing of the electrical connector on the circuit board to improve the electromagnetic interference resistance. According to the above configuration, the anti-electromagnetic interference plate body has a conductive portion, such as a spring piece, a conductive pin, etc., which can be correspondingly electrically connected to the ground end, such as a ground line of the housing body or the circuit board, etc., so as to resist electromagnetic interference. The plate body has the effect of electromagnetic protection, thereby preventing electromagnetic interference on the electronic components on the circuit board. In order to further understand the features and technical contents of the present invention, please refer to the following detailed description and drawings of the present invention. However, the drawings are only for reference and explanation, and are not intended to limit the creation. [Embodiment] First, referring to the first figure and the second figure, the present invention proposes a housing 1 having an anti-electromagnetic interference structure, which is used to solve the problem of electromagnetic interference of electronic components, thereby achieving better Product Features. The housing 1 having the EMI structure includes a housing body 10 and a front panel module 11, M381251, and the housing body ί forms an accommodating space 100, and a circuit board 12 is disposed in the accommodating space. In the space 100, the front plate body module U is assembled on the front side end of the casing body 10. In the embodiment, the housing body 10 includes a bottom plate body 101 and two side plate bodies 2 and a rear plate body 103 which are bent and extended from the bottom plate body 1 〇1, and the bottom plate body 101 and the two side plates The body 1〇2 and the rear plate body 1〇3 are constructed to constitute the above-mentioned accommodation space 1〇〇, and the front plate body module u is assembled on the two side plate bodies 102 to form an outer casing of the electronic product. The second A picture of the buckwheat test is the decomposition combination diagram of the plate module u before the creation. In the embodiment, the front panel module n includes a plastic panel 11G and an anti-electromagnetic interference panel ηι, and the anti-electromagnetic interference panel iu is mounted on the plastic panel 110, and the plastic panel 11 The anti-electromagnetic interference plate (1) on the inner side of the electronic product provides better anti-electromagnetic interference characteristics of the internal electronic component. The edge of the anti-electromagnetic interference plate 111 (including the side edge and the bottom edge) Each of the conductive portions is respectively connected to the housing body 1G or the grounding line 121 on the circuit board 12 to achieve electromagnetic interference resistance. Furthermore, the inside of the plastic surface & 110 is provided with a plurality of heat-sealing cylinders 1101, and the anti-electromagnetic interference plate body (1) is provided with a plurality of perforations U11 corresponding to some of the xHHs, which are resistant to electromagnetic interference. The board body (1) is a combination of the U-joint cylinder 11G1 and the f-holes 1U1. The inner side of H), but the fixed structure of the two is not limited to the above: soil and the above-mentioned conductive portions may have different aspects. In the anti-electromagnetic dry paste (1) (four), the edge is respectively provided with a plurality of elastic pieces U2, and the bottom edge of the anti-electromagnetic interference plate body (1) is formed with a plurality of guides 7 M381251 ^Γ13, and the anti-electromagnetic interference plate body 111 is a paste mirror method The slab is fixed to the front plate module π, the current plate body module, and is mounted on the front side end of the δ hai body body 10, and the elastic Π 1G2, and the conductive pins 113 are connected to the grounding line 121 on the ^=2, whereby the anti-electromagnetic interference plate body (1) is a ground reference surface to achieve electromagnetic interference resistance against electromagnetic interference, thereby protecting Electronic components on circuit board 12.配合 'With the third and fourth figures, in the arrangement of the circuits, the connection lines 121 can be disposed on both sides of the circuit board 12, so the conductive connections are correspondingly formed on the anti-electromagnetic interference plate body. The conductive pin 113 of the bottom edge of the lu includes an extension portion U3i and a pin portion - the pinch portion 1132 has a first screw hole 1133; and the circuit board has a corresponding first screw hole 1133 And the second screw hole 122 of the grounding line i2i, so that it can be buried by the _JXT 、, 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 122, so that the pin portion 1132 of the conductive pin (1) is connected to the ground line 121 of the circuit board U to form a grounding effect. On the other hand, the elastic piece 112 has an elastic portion 丨丨 and an abutting portion 1122. The abutting portion 1122 occupies the inner wall surface of the two side plates (10), and the anti-electromagnetic interference plate body can also be obtained. Ln has the effect of anti-electromagnetic interference ^. In addition, the abutting portion 1122 can also provide an outward force to further strengthen the bonding strength of the front plate body module 11 assembled to the casing body 10. On the other hand, in order to enhance the effect of resisting electromagnetic interference, the present invention further utilizes at least one electrical connector 13 having a conductive housing i3i on the circuit board 12. For example, in the specific embodiment, the circuit board 12 has an electronic card connection CJi=SD card connector), a USB connector, an infrared sensor, etc., and the electrical connector 13 has a conductive outer casing 131. The anti-electromagnetic 乂 / 11 is provided with an opening 114 corresponding to the electrical connector 13 , and the opening Z 114 is for inserting an electronic card or other terminal, and the side of the opening (1) is bent (= (6) is bent to extend the auxiliary shrapnel 1141. Therefore, the front panel module and the front side end of the distal housing body 10 are elastically contacted with the conductive housing 131 of the electrical connector 13, for example, the auxiliary elastic L is used in two The elastic arm Μ and a contact portion 1143, the creation portion of the portion 1143 elastically contacts the conductive outer conductor of the electrical connector 13 to utilize the conductive outer casing 131 (four) to achieve anti-electromagnetic interference. ... worse, this creation _ (four) The conductive portion formed by the edge of the electromagnetic interference preventing plate body ln is connected to the grounding end (for example, the housing body 10 or the circuit line m of the circuit board 12) to achieve electromagnetic interference resistance, and the elastic portion of the conductive portion of the embodiment is m , conductive pin 113, or other similar _ structure (such as auxiliary shrapnel 1 141), and the shrapnel ι 2 of the above embodiment, the conductive: the foot 113 or the auxiliary shrapnel 1H1 can also be used according to the 彳 product, the electronic product has the anti-electromagnetic interference, and the invention has the following Advantages: 1. The invention has a shell with anti-electrical nuisance structure, which can be used as an anti-electromagnetic dry slab (4) of the panel of the species, and the anti-electromagnetic interference effect is achieved. The disturbing plate body can be extended and formed with a conductive portion, and the grounding end is electrically connected by using different parts of the structure, so that the anti-electromagnetic interference plate body has an electromagnetic anti-smashing effect to solve the problem of electromagnetic interference. The conductive portion includes the elastic piece and/or the conductive pin. The M381251 elastic piece contacts the two side plates of the housing body with elastic force, and the conductive pin can be fixed on the circuit board by fixing components such as screws, so the conductive part can be further Providing a better fixing force for the front plate body module to be more firmly fixed to the casing body. The above description is only a preferred embodiment of the present invention, and thus the scope of the patent is not limited thereby. Use this The equivalent technical changes made in the manual and the illustrations are included in the scope of this creation. [Simplified illustration] The first figure is a three-dimensional combination of the shells with anti-electromagnetic interference structure. The second figure is an exploded view of the housing with anti-electromagnetic interference structure. The second A picture is an exploded view of the front plate body module of the housing with anti-electromagnetic interference structure. The figure is a schematic view of the elastic piece of the shell with the anti-electromagnetic interference structure being elastically contacted with the side plate body. The fourth figure is that the conductive pin of the shell with the anti-electromagnetic interference structure is in contact with the circuit board (grounding) Schematic diagram of the line. [Main component symbol description] 1 Housing with anti-electromagnetic interference structure 10 Housing body 1 housing space 101 Base plate 102 Side plate 103 Rear plate M381251 11 Front plate module 110 Plastic panel 1101 Heat-sinking column 111 Anti-electromagnetic interference plate 1111 Perforation 112 Spring piece 1121 Elastic part 1122 Abutment part 113 Conductive pin 1131 Extension part 1132 Foot part 1133 First screw Opening the auxiliary elastic piece 114 1141 1142 1143 contacts the resilient arm portion 12 of the circuit board 121 ground line 122 of the second screw hole 13 of the electrical connector housing A conductive fixing member 131