M359825 八 、新型說明: 【新犁所屬之技術領域】 本新型係有關於—種兩件組合式側臂之電子卡連接器,尤指 =竹連接11之_臂,分職第—、二靖元件所組成,其 «玄第-側臂几件之第—端係緊嵌於該娜本體中,而該第二側 臂讀與該第-靖元件·有間隙,可峨_整其位置者。 【先前技術】 —目前—般朗於連接電子卡之電子卡連接器 ,如第七圖所 丁山L括瓣本體⑽,該娜本體⑽之基部⑼係並列 地嵌設多數端子⑽,以電氣連接所插入之電子卡⑽,另於該 娜本體⑽之兩側分職伸—㈣⑽者;t者欲插入一 電子卡⑽)時’可於向外微張兩㈣⑽後,使電子卡(_貝利 以轉械5G)之基部⑻巾,响各端子⑽電氣連接,並 藉兩側臂(53)之扣部(54)穩定卡扣該電子卡⑽),以擋阻電子卡 向後退出與向上跳離,而欲取出電子卡⑽)時,也可依⑻方向, 向外撥動_之側臂(53),使各爾⑸)之扣部(54)與電子卡⑽ 解扣,以取出電子卡(6〇)。 上述之習知電子卡連接H,在製造上,_膠本體⑽之基 箱1)與兩侧臂⑸)係-體射出成型,然關兩側臂⑽係為 細小板片,在射出成型的過程中,常因塑膠材料之收縮變形,常 使該兩側臂⑽彎曲、變形,除易形成不良品外,常使該兩側臂 (53)所連接之接地以55),無法對準電路板⑽上預設之接地谭 M359825 ===平整地跨置在電路板⑽之接地焊接接點上, 導夂‘、、、料接或焊接*確 良率極高,而顯其缺點。 白知電子卡連接器其生產不 本案創作人有鑑於此,乃予以研 合式側臂之奸卡連接器。 彳揭種兩件組 【新型内容】 li ^ 兩側分別設有子於内,於該塑膠本體之 :第:臂元件之一端,_嵌_=:二 而該第二侧臂元件係元件可分別保持平直, 元件間形成可微動調整之間隙=^件上’且與該第一側臂 地板;使該第n 轉二側μ件上設有一接 接於-電路板:接:::::微動調整地使其她^ 本新型所揭示兩件组合式側 膠本體兩侧之側臂,分別係由第―、電^連^,由於位於塑 該塑膠本體—體射出成型,因此不會讀所組成’而非與 卻收縮所造成的弯曲、膠射出成型時因冷 造成本。 ι象’以提升產品生產良率,降低製 另外’本㈣所揭示之各侧臂, 其中該第一、二側臂元件間 6 M359825 係留有可颇調整之間隙,縱使該轉本體在射出成型後產生些 =變形’該第二側臂元件也可以藉由此-微度調整之間隙轉 周正”位置,以使該第二側臂元件之接地板之跨置部可以跨置並 知接於電路板之接地電路上,糊補瓣本體會_出成型時產 生變形之缺點者。 本新型之可取實體,可由,χτ之說縣_錢式,而得以 明晰之。 【實施方式】 睛參閲第-至六_示,本新型係㈣—種兩件組合式侧臂 之電子卡連接n,係包括:—瓣本體⑽,歧多數端子⑽ 於内’於該塑膠本體(1Q)之兩側分別設有—固定槽⑽者;以及 兩側臂⑽,裝置於該歸本體⑽之_,各侧臂⑽分別含 有第一侧臂元件⑵)及第二側臂元件⑽組成,其中該第一側臂 凡件(21)之m緊地聽於該郷本體⑽之d定槽⑽ 中,以確保位於塑膠本體⑽)兩側之第-側臂元件(21)可2別保 持平直,而該第二靖元件⑽縣接於該第—㈣元件⑻ 上’且與該第—側臂元件⑵)卿成可微動調整之_,並於該 第二侧臂兀件(22)上設有—接地板(222),使該第二側臂元件㈣ 可以微動雜地使其接地板(222)可跨置並焊接於—電路板⑽ 之接地電路(31)上者。 如第-、―圖所示,本新型賴柯件組合式側臂之電子卡 連接器,其中該第-侧臂元件⑼,係製自金屬板材,呈一縱長 7 M359825 狀,含有一載板(211),於該載板(211)之側緣,徑向地連伸—側 板(212),使該載板(211)與該側板(212)所構成之斷面呈乙型,且 令該第-側臂S件(21)之第-端,可吻合地插置於該轉本體⑽ 之對應固定槽(12)中,另於該載板(211)或側板(212)之第—端, 衝設有突齒部⑽),使該第-側臂元件⑻之第―端插置於該塑 膠本耀(10)之固定槽(12)中時,各該突齒部(213)係可緊扣於該固 疋槽(12)中,以擋阻該第一側臂元件(21)自該塑膠本體(1〇)之固 φ 定槽(12)中向外抽出者。 由於該第一側臂元件(21)係由金屬板材一體衝壓成型,因此 可以確保其不變形、不斷裂,以排除習知電子卡連接器之兩侧臂, 因以塑膠射出成型且為縱長之桿體,而易產生彎曲、變形、斷裂 等缺點。 < 如第-、二、三、四、五圖所示,本新型所揭示之第二側臂 X件(22) ’係製自金屬板材,含有;第一侧板部(22&),於該第一 • 她部(22a)之底端’係徑向地連伸-下彈性臂(221),以跨置於 該第-側臂元件⑵)之做⑵υ上,且投影地位於該她⑵!) 所穿》又之/同孔(211a)上方’以供使用者插入電子卡⑽)時,該 下彈性臂⑵la)可以彈性抵#於該電子卡⑽的底緣者;第二側 板部(22b)自該第-侧板部(22a)之頂緣向下幫折連伸,與該第一 側板部(22a)平行’且於該第-、二侧板部(22&、22b)間形成一爽 槽(22c) ’以滑套該第-側臂元件⑵)之側板(212)於内,並使該 失槽咖)與所滑套之第-側臂元件⑵)之側板(⑽間留有間 M359825 . 隙,於該第二侧板部(22b)之底端緣,係向下突伸一接地板(222), 且於諄接地板(222)之底端,徑向突伸—跨置部(222a)以跨置於一 電路板(30)之接地電路(31)上,另於該第二側板部(22b)之頂緣彎 曲地向下連伸一上彈性臂(223),以彈性地抵靠所插入電子卡(6〇) 之頂面者。 纟新型所揭示之第二側臂元件(22) ’其中該第二側板部(22b) 之頂緣,猶彎曲地向下連伸-定位片(224),以對應地伸置於所插 • 入之電子卡(60)位於侧緣之凹穴(61)中,以擋阻該電子卡(6〇)向 外退出者。 本新型所揭示之第二側臂元件(22),於該第二側板部(22b)之 自由端,係徑向突伸—承接板部(225) ’以承接該第—側臂元件⑵) 之自由端者。 本新所揭示之第—侧臂元件(22),於其 f由端’係設有一撥動部(226),以供使用者向外撥動該第二侧板 _ 4(22b) ’使其上彈性臂(223)不在頂壓於該電子卡⑽)上方,以 供使用者順利取出所插入之電子卡(60)者。 々如第一、四、五圖所示,本新型所揭示之各側臂(2们,由於 :玄第一、二側臂元件⑵、22)間,係留有可微動調整之間隙,使 λ第一側#元件(22)可以如第五圖之假想線所示’微量地上、下、 左、右位移調整’縱使該塑膠本體(ΗΟ在射出成型後,於其側產 。微的4曲、變形,該第二側臂元件(22)也可以藉由此一微度 »周^之間隙位移調整其位置’以使該第二側臂元件⑽之接地板 9 M359825 ^ )底螭^置部(222a)可以跨置並焊接於電路板(30)之接地 電路(31)上’·_膠本體(⑻會因射出細時產生變形之缺 點使本新型可以容許之生產尺寸誤差更大,以降低生產不良率, 而顯本新型之新穎性及實用性者。 本新型所揭紅結構、職,可科違本新狀精神及齡 下予以修飾應用’本卿並不予自限。 【圖式簡單說明】 第一圖··係顯示本新型之立體分解圖。 第一圖.侧林新型當第—姆元件嵌陳娜描中之立體 分解圖。 第三圖:係顯示本新型於組裝完成後之立體圖。 第四圖:係第三圖4-4方向之剖面結構圖。 第五圖:係顯示第四圖”5”所標示區域之放大圖。 第六圖:係顯示本新型插置—電子卡之示意圖。 第七圖:係顯示習知電子卡連接器之立體圖。 【主要元件符號說明】 (11)端子 (21)第一側臂元件 (212)側板 (22a)第一側板部 (221)下彈性臂 (223)上彈性臂 (12)固定槽 (211)載板 (213)突齒部 (22b)第二側板部 (222)接地板 (224)定位片 (10)塑膠本體 (20)側臂 (211a)洞孔 (22)第二側臂元件 (22c)夾槽 (222a)跨置部 M359825 (225)承接板部 (31)接地電路 (52)端子 (55)接地片 (226)撥動部 (50)塑膠本體 (53)側臂 (60)電子卡 (30)電路板 (51)基部 (54)扣部 (61)凹穴M359825 VIII, new description: [Technical field of the new plow] This new type has an electronic card connector for the two-piece combined side arm, especially the = arm of the bamboo connection 11, the second division, the second The component is composed of the first end of the "Xuandi-Side Arm" which is tightly embedded in the body of the Na, and the second side arm is read and has a gap with the first component. . [Prior Art] - At present, the electronic card connector for connecting an electronic card is generally used, such as the Dingshan L-shaped body (10) of the seventh figure, and the base (9) of the body (10) is juxtaposed with a plurality of terminals (10) to electrically Connect the inserted electronic card (10), and on the two sides of the body (10), the four (4) (10); when you want to insert an electronic card (10), you can make an electronic card (_) after two (4) (10) outwards. Bailey uses the base (8) towel of the 5G) to electrically connect the terminals (10), and securely buckles the electronic card (10) by the buckles (54) of the two arms (53) to block the electronic card from exiting backwards. When jumping upwards and wanting to remove the electronic card (10), the side arm (53) of the _ (5) can be slid out in the direction of (8), so that the buckle (54) of each (5)) and the electronic card (10) are unbucked. Remove the electronic card (6〇). In the above-mentioned conventional electronic card connection H, in the manufacture, the base box 1) of the glue body (10) and the side arms (5) are integrally formed by injection molding, and the arms (10) on both sides are made into small plates, which are injection molded. In the process, often due to the shrinkage and deformation of the plastic material, the two arms (10) are often bent and deformed. In addition to the formation of defective products, the grounding of the two arms (53) is often 55), and the circuit cannot be aligned. The preset grounding wire M359825 === on the board (10) is placed flat on the grounding soldering joint of the circuit board (10), and the guiding ', ', material connection or welding * is extremely high, which shows its shortcomings. The production of the Baizhi electronic card connector is not the case. In view of this, the creator card of the research side arm is developed.彳Uncover two sets of parts [new content] li ^ Each side is provided with a sub-inside, in the plastic body: the first end of the arm component, _-embedded _=: two and the second side arm component element can Keeping them straight, respectively, forming a gap between the components to be slightly adjustable = ^ on the 'and the first side arm floor; so that the nth to the second side of the μ member is connected to the - circuit board: ::: ::The fretting adjustment makes her ^The side arms on both sides of the two-piece combined side rubber body disclosed by the present invention are respectively made of the first and the second, and the plastic body is formed by injection molding, so The reading will be composed of 'not the bending caused by shrinking, and the glue will be formed by cold. ι象 'to improve the production yield of the product, reduce the side arms disclosed in the other (4), wherein the 6 M359825 between the first and second side arm members can have a relatively adjustable gap, even if the rotating body is in the injection molding After the occurrence of some deformations, the second side arm member can also be rotated by the micro-degree adjustment to the position of the gap, so that the grounding plate of the second side arm member can be spanned and On the grounding circuit of the circuit board, the paste-filling valve body will have the disadvantage of deformation when it is formed. The desirable entity of the present invention can be clarified by the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The first to sixth inventions show that the electronic card connection n of the two-piece combined side arm includes: a valve body (10), and a plurality of terminals (10) are inside the two sides of the plastic body (1Q) Each of the first and second arms (10), wherein The arm of the side arm (21) is tightly received in the d-slot (10) of the body (10) of the body. To ensure that the first-side arm member (21) on both sides of the plastic body (10) can be kept flat, and the second component (10) is connected to the first (four) member (8) and with the first side The arm member (2) is slidably adjustable, and a grounding plate (222) is disposed on the second side arm member (22), so that the second side arm member (4) can be grounded and grounded. (222) can be straddle and soldered to the ground circuit (31) of the circuit board (10). As shown in the first and the second, the electronic card connector of the novel Lai Ke combination side arm, wherein the first The side arm member (9) is made of a metal sheet and has a length of 7 M359825 and includes a carrier plate (211) which is radially extended on the side edge of the carrier plate (211) to form a side plate (212). The cross section of the carrier plate (211) and the side plate (212) is B-shaped, and the first end of the first side arm S member (21) is inserted into the corresponding body of the rotating body (10). In the fixing groove (12), at the first end of the carrier plate (211) or the side plate (212), a protruding portion (10) is punched, and the first end of the first side arm member (8) is inserted therein. When the plastic Ben Yao (10) is fixed in the slot (12), The protruding portion (213) can be fastened in the fixing groove (12) to block the first side arm member (21) from the solid φ slot (12) of the plastic body (1〇) Because the first side arm member (21) is integrally stamped and formed from sheet metal, it can be ensured that it is not deformed or broken, so as to eliminate the two arms of the conventional electronic card connector, because the plastic is injected. It is formed into a longitudinally long rod and is prone to defects such as bending, deformation, fracture, etc. < As shown in the first, second, third, fourth and fifth figures, the second side arm X piece disclosed in the present invention (22) ) 'made from sheet metal, containing; first side plate portion (22 &), at the bottom end of the first • her part (22a) 'radially extending - lower elastic arm (221) to cross Placed on the (-) side of the first-side arm member (2), and placed in the projection (2)! The lower elastic arm (2) 1a) can be elastically biased against the bottom edge of the electronic card (10); the second side plate portion (when the user wears the same/the same hole (211a) above the 'for the user to insert the electronic card (10)) 22b) extending downward from the top edge of the first side plate portion (22a), parallel to the first side plate portion (22a) and between the first and second side plate portions (22 & 22b) Forming a cool groove (22c) 'sliding the side plate (212) of the first-side arm member (2), and causing the side plate of the first-side arm member (2) of the sliding sleeve ((10) There is a gap between the M359825 and the bottom edge of the second side plate portion (22b), a grounding plate (222) protrudes downwardly, and a radial protrusion is formed at the bottom end of the grounding plate (222). a straddle portion (222a) for straddle the ground circuit (31) of a circuit board (30), and a lower elastic arm (223) extending downwardly from a top edge of the second side plate portion (22b) To elastically abut against the top surface of the inserted electronic card (6〇). The second disclosed second side arm member (22) 'where the top edge of the second side plate portion (22b) is curved Lower extension-positioning piece (224) to correspondingly extend The inserted electronic card (60) is located in the recess (61) of the side edge to block the electronic card (6〇) from exiting outward. The second side arm member (22) disclosed in the present invention is The free end of the second side plate portion (22b) is radially projecting to receive the plate portion (225)' to receive the free end of the first side arm member (2). The first-side arm member (22) disclosed in the present invention is provided with a dialing portion (226) at the end of the f for the user to externally move the second side panel _ 4 (22b) ' The upper elastic arm (223) is not pressed against the electronic card (10) for the user to smoothly remove the inserted electronic card (60). For example, as shown in the first, fourth, and fifth figures, each of the side arms (2, due to: the first and second side arm members (2), 22) of the present invention has a gap that can be adjusted slightly, so that λ The first side #component (22) can be adjusted as shown in the imaginary line of the fifth figure 'microscopic up, down, left, and right displacement'. Even though the plastic body (after the injection molding, it is produced on the side. And deforming, the second side arm member (22) can also adjust the position of the second side arm member (10) by the gap displacement of the second side arm member (10). The portion (222a) can be placed across and soldered to the ground circuit (31) of the circuit board (30). The plastic body ((8) may cause deformation due to the deformation of the fine film, so that the production tolerance of the present model can be tolerated even more. In order to reduce the rate of non-performing production, and to show the novelty and practicability of the new type. The red structure, job, and the spirit of the new type of this law are modified and applied under the age of 'the Qing is not self-limiting. Brief description of the schema] The first diagram shows the three-dimensional exploded view of the new model. The three-dimensional exploded view of the element is embedded in Chen Na. The third picture shows the three-dimensional view of the new type after the assembly is completed. The fourth picture shows the cross-sectional structure of the third figure in the direction of 4-4. The fifth picture shows the fourth The enlarged view of the area indicated by the figure "5". The sixth figure shows the schematic diagram of the new type of insertion-electronic card. The seventh figure shows the perspective view of the conventional electronic card connector. [Description of main component symbols] (11 Terminal (21) first side arm member (212) side plate (22a) first side plate portion (221) lower elastic arm (223) upper elastic arm (12) fixing groove (211) carrier plate (213) protruding portion ( 22b) second side plate portion (222) ground plate (224) positioning piece (10) plastic body (20) side arm (211a) hole (22) second side arm member (22c) clamping groove (222a) span M359825 (225) receiving plate part (31) grounding circuit (52) terminal (55) grounding piece (226) toggle part (50) plastic body (53) side arm (60) electronic card (30) circuit board (51) Base (54) buckle (61) recess