TWM349150U - Picture scanner - Google Patents

Picture scanner Download PDF


Publication number
TWM349150U TW97215408U TW97215408U TWM349150U TW M349150 U TWM349150 U TW M349150U TW 97215408 U TW97215408 U TW 97215408U TW 97215408 U TW97215408 U TW 97215408U TW M349150 U TWM349150 U TW M349150U
Prior art keywords
scanning device
image sensing
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Chinese (zh)
Kon-Son Wang
Ching-Yuan Lin
Original Assignee
E Pin Optical Industry Co Ltd
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
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Application filed by E Pin Optical Industry Co Ltd filed Critical E Pin Optical Industry Co Ltd
Priority to TW97215408U priority Critical patent/TWM349150U/en
Publication of TWM349150U publication Critical patent/TWM349150U/en



  • Facsimile Scanning Arrangements (AREA)


The present invention discloses a picture scanner which uses the method of shared image scanning, and the method of shared image scanning comprises the steps of distributing a document which is waiting for scanning into a plurality of image areas, and then captures each image of the image area and combines each image into a complete sensing image of document. The picture scanner comprises a frame, a plurality of reflecting mirror, a plurality of lighting modules, and a plurality of image sensing modules. The reflecting mirror interval disposed on the corresponding image areas, the lighting modules illuminates the image to generate the document image, which transforms to digital image signal by image sensing unit, then image processing the digital image signal into a complete document image sensing signal by image processing unit. Thus, the present invention can complete the document scanning quickly.


M349150 八、新型說明: 【新型所屬之技術領域】 本創作是有關於一種掃描裝置,特別是有關於—種可將文件 分配成複數個影像區域,將各區域成像取像後,再以影像處理之 方式合併為一完整文件感測影像訊號之掃描裝置,而可快速輸出 文件影像及改善習知技術因掃描震動而影響掃瞄品質。 -φ 【先前技術】 掃描器尤其是影像掃描器,在近幾年發展下,已成為重要的 電腦周邊商品,影像掃描器可以將文件、文字耳、照片、底片、 甚至平面物品等,都可以藉由掃描器擷取物品影像。影像擷取的 方式是先將光線投射到文件上,因文件明暗不同的區域,使反射 光有不同的強度,由電荷耦元件(Charge_c〇upledDeviee, 或接觸式衫像感測器(CMOS Image Sensor, CIS)等感光元件將反 射回來的光轉換為數位資料,再經由掃錄體讀人數據,最後組 φ 成數位影像,掃描後的影像可以儲存的檔案格式有TIFF、EPS、 BMP、GIF與PCX #影像格式。商品化的掃描器主要可分成三種: 一為平台式(Flat-bed)掃描器,用來掃瞄照片或印刷品等。以cCD 為感光元件之掃描器為例,其於掃描器上設置一個玻璃或透光塑 膠所製成之透光板,可放置待掃瞄之文件,CCD模組(CCDM^藉 由執道移動,以逐列掃描(啤ence line scanning)的方式將文件的 影像轉換成數位資料’此為最常使用的掃描器;類似原理製成的 掃描器,依據文件與CCDM的相對移動,尚有掌上型掃描器 (Handheld Scanner)、饋紙型掃描器(Sheetfed Scanner) 〇 第二種為光 罩式(Transparent Media Adapter)掃描器,藉由於掃瞄器上設置一 6 M349150 可均勻投射光源之光罩,以專門用來掃瞄透明片和底片等透射 件。第二種為滾筒式掃描器(Dmm Scanner),其係採用光電倍增^ (photomultiplier tube,PMT)作為感光元件。PMT技術可以—次 束極焭的光線聚焦於圖像的一個極小區域,從而使滚筒式掃描器 月b夠在原稿密度很高的區域再現出所有的層次。主要提供大圖^ 出中心或是專業廣告及圖像製作機構所使用。 1 請參閱第1圖與第2圖,其係分別為習知技藝之平台式掃描 器之立體圖及剖視示意圖。掃描器包含一框體11、一透光板12、 一影像感測模組13及二導軌14。透光板12係設置於框體u上方, 且透光板12上方係放置一文件15。影像感測模組13係設置於框 體11内。導軌14係設置於框體η内兩侧,用以導引影像感測模 組13移動。影像感測模組13包括一光源,其光源可為氙氣燈 (Xenon)或冷陰極光源管(CCFL)131,一反射座132、一柱面鏡133、 一線性影像感測器(line image sensor)134及一印刷電路板135。冷 陰極光源管131用以投射光源。反射座132用以將冷陰極光源管 !31發出的光線聚焦至文件15上。柱面鏡133用以將光源聚焦至 線性影像感測器134上。印刷電路板135係承載及電性連接線性 影像感測器134。在不同的線性影像感測器134,可使用線性電荷 輕合疋件(linear CCD)之影像感測器或使用接觸式影像感測器 eiSCCcmtact Image Sensor)。在這二種影像感測器選用上,CCD目 刚技術較成熟’雜訊較少,色彩較豐富,且景深較深可以掃瞄有 點摺皺的紙張。但CIS(分類上包含金氧半導體影像感測器CM〇s) 的製造簡便且具輕薄性,可以用來製造超薄型的掃描器,其缺點 為景深較短,要求掃描的稿件必須比較平整,不能掃描立體實物, 且抗噪(雜訊)能力較差而影響文件成像品質。 7 M349150 田掃吗文件15時’藉由步進馬達(step motor)帶動導軌14移 動^吏導軌14轉雜感峨組13朝娜方向移動,使影像感 測^組13依序掃描文件15。然而,此種習知技藝掃描器之缺點在 於V執14扁帶動影像感測模組13朝掃描方向移動以完成文件15 王知掃描^致掃描速度緩慢。且由於步進馬達係藉由齒輪與齒 輪相互咬合之方式驅動導軌14移動,若公差精度不足,容易產生 振動而造成影像感順組13無法準確制文件丨$導致成像品質 不佳。在目前商品上的發展,影像感測模組13之光學解析度 (Optical Resolution) ’係指感光元件每英吋能捕捉到之影像點數, 其可達2400dpi以上,但以一般市場上可接受的商品價格而言,步 進馬達與導軌14之機械解析度(Meehanieal Res—),係指帶動 感光元件时料縣英啊鷄之錄,僅為12〇Gdpi,若步進 馬達使^㊣精度滾柿稀動,其贿度可再提高,但將導致生 產成本提高。因此於目前製造技術並無法使絲 析度相互随,餘際雜解減餘進—倾升。、機械解 習知技藝之平台式掃描器之再__缺點在於現行掃㈣因輕薄 短^之需求’造成文件15距線性影像制n 13之距離過小而導 致%視角(Field of View, FOV)較大,若文件15產生皺摺,則皺摺 處之文件15因焦距偏移(f〇cusdeviati〇n)而無法精確成像至線性影 像感測器134上,導致文件影像模糊。 由於以導執轉感光元件之掃描方式有其聞,為改善此缺 點’日本專利JP1186G77提出以五個CCD影像感測元件對文件以 分割區域方式進行取像,但若以此種技術應用於掃描器上,其CCD 影像感測元件與成像透鏡(image f〇rming lens)對於目標文件(文件 15)與需要相當長的轉,喊成像透舰聚蚊件影線至影像感 8 M349150 =70件上’此形成掃推器需要相#厚的高度, ^ ^^^^^^t(wide.gleshortbackf〇cal^ 二透雖可綠成像轉,但也可能造成景科 : =曰本專利謂娜8提出崎描ϋ,藉崎射的文件影像,對 影像區域分·數個成像透鏡成像於影像感聰上;缺而 此技術仍存奴件無像姆機的频解析度問題。 隨著影像感測ϋ發展快速,面_影像制撃從_ 糸擷取整張二維(Tw〇 dimensi〇nal)影像資訊在一次曝光時 影像資訊,在應用上可以不需要移動文件圖素 或感m麵於_在掃姆上。近 價格也隨讀下降,應可發展_於掃·上。"像制裔 【新型内容】 有鑑於上述習知技藝之問題,本創作之目的就是在提供一種 ’萌決f知技魏珊触完叙件絲之方式造成 Φ 知描速度緩慢且難以提高解析度之問題。 根據本創作之目的’提出—種掃描裝置,包含—框體、複數 個反射鏡、複數影像感測模組及一光源模組。 反射鏡係間置於框咖,以分配岐數個影像區域。光 =模組包含至少—光賴組,魏置於框體内。影像制模組係 设置於框體内’並分別將複數個對應影像區域之文件影像轉換成 數位衫像n其巾光源係照射—文件,依據複數娜像區域分 別產生複數敏件影像,各文件影像藉由分航射鏡反射而入射 至汾像感州驗,且文件影像經由景彡像感測模組轉換成數位影像 9 M349150 • 訊號,各該數位影像訊號藉由一影像處理模組進行影像處理,以 輸出一完整文件感測影像訊號。 其中,衫像感測模組包括一影像面感測器及一成像鏡片單 元;成像鏡片單元係由至少一個鏡片所構成,係將反射後的文件 影像聚焦於影像面感測器,由影像面感測器將影像轉換成數位影 像訊號。 〜 其中,成像鏡片單元更進一步可包含伤透鏡組,扭透鏡組可 % 修正反射後的文件影像所產生之梯形現象。 承上所述,依本創作之掃描裝置,其可具有一或多個下述優 點: (1) 此掃描裝置之影像感測模組,藉由各影像感測模組對相對 應之影像區域取像,而不需藉影像感測模組移動或移動待掃描文 件即可掃描影像,因此可快速掃描文件。 (2) 此掃描裝置不需藉導軌驅動影像感測模組移動來掃描文 件即可掃描影像,不但可避免因影像感測模組遭受震動而影響掃 擊描品質,並避免機械解析度低於光學解析度,導致成像品質無法 進一步提升之問題。 (3) 此掃描裝置掃描因藉由反射鏡虛像成像而可縮小影像感 測模組之取像鏡頭之場視角,使影像之景深加大,於掃描略有皺 褶之文件仍可清楚成像。 【實施方式】 為使本創作更加明峰詳實,茲列舉較佳實施例並配合下列圖 不,將本創作之結構及其技術特徵詳述如後:本創作以下所揭示 M349150 * =實是針對本創作之翻裝置駐要構成元件而作說 a >彳作以下所揭示之實施例雖是應用於A4或A3尺寸的 f件掃齡’但就—般具有掃描ϋ設計及應用而言,在此領域中 沾悉此項技藝之人士瞭解,本創作賴示分配絲之掃描方法之 刀^己办像區域可為二個或三個或三個以上’而以文件尺寸、解析 又等所考畺’其影像處理的方法或影像運算方法也並不限制於以 •下所揭不之影像處理的方法;本創作所揭示掃描器之構成元件並 Τ關独下觸示之實施倾構,也歧該掃娜各構成元件 是可以進行許多改變、修改、甚至等效變更的,例如:該光源模 組可使用冷陰極燈管、發光二極體或統燈等設計並不限制;或 鏡頭模組之取像鏡碰狀鏡#數、屈光度組合、制光學設計 並不限制;或使用面影像感測器使用CCD、CIS或CM〇s也不限 制。 、請參閱第3 ®,其縣本_之掃描裝置之分喊像之掃描 方法之步驟流程圖。此分配成像之掃描方法具有至少一光源模 組、複數反射鏡、複數影像感測模組及一影像處理模組,此分配 成像之掃描方法包含下列步驟: 步驟S31 :分配-文件成二個或二個以上的複數個雜區域; 步驟S32 .设置反射鏡及影像感測模組於相對應之影像區域 内; 步驟S33 .啟動光源模組照射每一影像區域之文件,並分別形 成-文件H其17照射方式可同時照明各影像區域或分別照射 各影像區域; 步驟S34 :藉由反射鏡反射文件影像至影像感測模組; M349150 像^ % % t€聰纟踩像雜換文件影像為—數位影 〔驟S36.勤_,彡鱗戦_ 理各齡 其成為-完整文件感測影像訊號。 使 法之圖’係為本創作之掃描裝置之分配成像之掃描方 模組之影像處财式之步職 之影像處理模組之影像處理方式,係以下列步驟來實施: 區域之:件:像使用梯形校正(trapez°id ——η)法修正各影像 步驟S362 :依序排列各文件影像之位置; 乂驟S363 .使轉優縣法校正各影像區域之重疊部分; 件感==娜【物靖峨成―完整文 步驟S365 :完成文件掃描。 ”中步驟S36之影像感測模組可再 或橫梯=2梯職对包麵做正及/ 為詳細說明本創作分配成像之掃 校正之實施方式。請對照參閱第5圓及第測模組梯形 本劍作之影像處理模組校正横向梯形影像之二圖中^圖係為 梯形影像叙齡平储㈣鄉料歧^之纟^;^ 12 M349150 unit)為^~列,各數搪寶上* 方向)梯形校正,校解放大,如為橫向(x Ο) .izl^ h 其中,2p為檢向梯开》旦 影像之底邊之距離、2q 底邊長度、Q為列距離橫向梯形 形影像之高度、Mex 鄉像之頂邊長度、h為橫向梯 X餘向數據點間距離放大 此梯形校正方法進一舟可田^ 示。其中,縱向梯形影像係^^向的梯形校正,如第6圖所 之畫素組(pixd讀)為—列 ^縱向梯形影像底邊及頂邊 大,並以為縱向(y方向各數據點之距離係以McY倍率放 % 梯她正,校正公式可以式(2)表示: izi '(2) q為縱向梯形影像之頂邊長、h為縱向梯形影 像之同度、MeY為橫向數據闕雜放大的倍率。 一 2修正文件影像之梯科,另可郷像_餘之成像鏡片單 兀中,设置- ίΒ透鏡組,如圖19 ’扭鏡片可由橫像曲面 (Anam_ic optical surface)、環像曲面(T〇ric 叩咖㈣ 他不同型式之曲面構成,可藉由不同曲率造成折射角度之差異, 將兩點摘_料騎射肖奸加大,碟正梯敎件影像。扭 透鏡組係由具有二個光學面的非球面所構成,χ軸方向或丫轴方 向非球面曲面係以下列曲面方程式: 1 ·檢像曲面方程式(Anamorphic equation) 13 M349150M349150 VIII. New description: [New technical field] This creation is about a kind of scanning device, especially for the case that the file can be distributed into a plurality of image areas, and each area is imaged and imaged. The method is combined into a scanning device for sensing a video signal with a complete file, and can quickly output a document image and improve the scanning technology to affect the scanning quality due to scanning vibration. -φ [Prior Art] Scanners, especially image scanners, have become important computer peripherals in recent years. Image scanners can store documents, text ears, photos, negatives, and even flat objects. The image of the item is captured by the scanner. The image capture method is to first project the light onto the file. The reflected light has different intensity due to the different areas of the file. The charge coupled component (Charge_c〇upledDeviee, or contact-type shirt sensor (CMOS Image Sensor) , CIS) and other photosensitive elements convert the reflected light into digital data, and then read the human data through the scanning body. Finally, the group φ is a digital image. The scanned image can be stored in TIFF, EPS, BMP, GIF and PCX #image format. Commercial scanners can be divided into three main types: one is a flat-bed scanner for scanning photos or printed matter, etc. For example, a scanner with a cCD as a photosensitive element is scanned. A light-transmissive plate made of glass or light-transmissive plastic is placed on the device to place the file to be scanned, and the CCD module (CCDM^ moves by obstruction to scan by line line) The image of the file is converted into digital data. 'This is the most commonly used scanner. The scanner made by similar principle has a handheld scanner (Handheld Scanner) and a paper-feeding type according to the relative movement of the document and the CCDM. Sheetfed Scanner 〇 The second type is a Transparent Media Adapter scanner, which is designed to scan transparent sheets and negatives by setting a 6 M349150 on the scanner to evenly project the light source. Transmissive member. The second type is the Dmm Scanner, which uses a photomultiplier tube (PMT) as the photosensitive element. PMT technology can focus on the extremely small area of the image. Therefore, the drum scanner can reproduce all the layers in the area where the original density is high. It mainly provides a large image center or a professional advertising and image production organization. 1 See Fig. 1 and 2 is a perspective view and a cross-sectional view of a platform scanner of the prior art. The scanner comprises a frame 11, a transparent plate 12, an image sensing module 13 and two guide rails 14. The board 12 is disposed above the frame u, and a file 15 is placed on the light-transmitting board 12. The image sensing module 13 is disposed in the frame 11. The rails 14 are disposed on both sides of the frame n for Guide image sensing module 13 The image sensing module 13 includes a light source, and the light source may be a xenon lamp or a cold cathode light source tube (CCFL) 131, a reflection seat 132, a cylindrical mirror 133, and a linear image sensor (line image). The sensor 134 and a printed circuit board 135. The cold cathode light source tube 131 is used to project a light source, and the reflective seat 132 is used to focus the light from the cold cathode light source tube 31 to the document 15. A cylindrical mirror 133 is used to focus the light source onto the linear image sensor 134. The printed circuit board 135 carries and electrically connects the linear image sensor 134. In a different linear image sensor 134, a linear charge CCD image sensor or a contact image sensor eiSCC cmtact Image Sensor can be used. In the selection of these two kinds of image sensors, the CCD technology is more mature. The noise is less, the color is richer, and the deeper depth of field can scan the paper with a little wrinkle. However, CIS (classified with CMOS image sensor CM〇s) is simple and lightweight, and can be used to manufacture ultra-thin scanners. The disadvantage is that the depth of field is short, and the scanned documents must be flat. Can not scan solid objects, and the ability to resist noise (noise) is poor and affect the image quality of the document. 7 M349150 The field sweep file is 15 o'clock. The step 14 drives the guide rail 14 to move the guide rail 14 to move the miscellaneous cymbal group 13 in the direction of the Na, so that the image sensing group 13 sequentially scans the document 15. However, the disadvantage of this conventional art scanner is that the V-spin 14 image-sensing module 13 is moved in the scanning direction to complete the file. Moreover, since the stepping motor drives the guide rail 14 to move by the engagement of the gear and the gear, if the tolerance accuracy is insufficient, the vibration is easily generated and the image sensing group 13 cannot accurately determine the document 导致, resulting in poor image quality. In the current development of the product, the optical resolution of the image sensing module 13 refers to the number of image points that the photosensitive element can capture every inch, which can reach more than 2400 dpi, but is generally acceptable on the market. In terms of commodity price, the mechanical resolution of the stepper motor and the guide rail 14 (Meehanieal Res-) refers to the record of the Yingxian Yingji chicken when the photosensitive element is driven, only 12〇Gdpi, if the stepping motor makes the positive precision When the persimmons are thin, the bribes can be increased, but the production costs will increase. Therefore, at present, the manufacturing technology cannot make the degree of grading to follow each other, and the residual miscellaneous solution reduces the surplus-dumping. The disadvantage of the mechanical scanning of the platform-based scanner is that the current sweep (four) due to the demand of thin and light ^ caused the distance between the file 15 and the linear image system n 13 to be too small, resulting in a larger field of view (FOV) If the document 15 is wrinkled, the document 15 at the wrinkle cannot be accurately imaged onto the linear image sensor 134 due to the focal length shift (f〇cusdeviati〇n), resulting in blurring of the document image. In order to improve this shortcoming, the Japanese patent JP1186G77 proposes to take a file in a divided area manner with five CCD image sensing elements, but if this technique is applied to the scanning, it is proposed to improve the shortcoming. On the device, the CCD image sensing element and the imaging lens (image f〇rming lens) need a considerable turn for the target file (file 15), and the image is transmitted to the image of the mosquito net to the image sense 8 M349150 = 70 pieces. On the 'this formation of the sweeper requires the height of the phase #, ^ ^^^^^^t (wide.gleshortbackf〇cal^ two transparent can be green imaging, but it may also cause Jingke: = 曰本 patent说娜8Proposed to describe the image of the image, and image the image area into several image lenses on the image sensory; lack of this technology still saves the slaves without the frequency resolution problem of the machine. Sensing ϋ develops rapidly, and the image 撃 撃 糸撷 整 整 整 整 整 整 整 整 整 整 整 整 整 整 整 整 整 整 整 整 整 整 整 整 整 整 整 整 整 整 整 整 整 整 整 整 整 整 整 整 整 整 整 整 整On the sweep. Nearly the price has also fallen with the reading, it should be able to develop _扫·上."如制裔 [New Content] In view of the above-mentioned problems of the prior art, the purpose of this creation is to provide a kind of 萌 f f 知 魏 Wei Wei It is slow and difficult to improve the resolution. According to the purpose of the present invention, a scanning device includes a frame, a plurality of mirrors, a plurality of image sensing modules and a light source module. Coffee, to distribute a number of image areas. Light = module contains at least - light group, Wei is placed in the frame. Image module is set in the frame 'and multiple file images corresponding to the image area Converted into a digital shirt, the light source of the towel is illuminated, and the image is generated according to the complex image area. The image of each file is reflected by the sub-reflection mirror and incident on the image state, and the document image passes through the scene. The image sensing module is converted into a digital image 9 M349150 • a signal, and each of the digital image signals is processed by an image processing module to output a complete file sensing image signal. The measuring module comprises an image surface sensor and an imaging lens unit; the imaging lens unit is composed of at least one lens, and focuses the reflected document image on the image surface sensor, and the image is detected by the image surface sensor Converted into a digital image signal. ~ wherein the imaging lens unit further comprises a lens group, and the twist lens group can correct the trapezoidal phenomenon generated by the reflected document image. As described above, the scanning device according to the present invention There may be one or more of the following advantages: (1) The image sensing module of the scanning device captures the corresponding image area by each image sensing module without moving through the image sensing module Or you can scan the image by moving the file to be scanned, so you can quickly scan the file. (2) The scanning device can scan the image without using the guide rail to drive the image sensing module to scan the document, which not only avoids the impact of the image sensing module on the scanning quality, but also avoids the mechanical resolution lower than The optical resolution leads to the problem that the imaging quality cannot be further improved. (3) This scanning device scans the field of view of the image-capturing lens of the image sensing module by imaging the virtual image of the mirror, so that the depth of field of the image is increased, and the document with slight wrinkles can still be clearly imaged. [Embodiment] In order to make the creation more clear and detailed, the preferred embodiment is illustrated and the following figures are omitted. The structure and technical features of the creation are detailed as follows: The following disclosure of the creation M349150 * = is actually for this The creation of the device is a component of the device. The following embodiments are applied to the A4 or A3 size of the f-staining age, but in general, the scanning design and application are Those who are familiar with this skill in this field understand that this method relies on the scanning method of the distribution silk. The image area of the image can be two or three or more, and the file size, resolution, etc.其 'The method of image processing or image calculation method is not limited to the method of image processing that is not revealed by the following; the components of the scanner disclosed in this creation are also implemented in the implementation of the unique touch. It is possible to make many changes, modifications, and even equivalent changes to the constituent elements of the Swina. For example, the design of the light source module can be performed using a cold cathode lamp, a light emitting diode or a lamp, and the lens mode is not limited; Group of mirrors The number of lenses, the combination of diopter, and the optical design are not limited; or the use of CCD, CIS, or CM〇s for face image sensors is not limited. Please refer to the 3®, the flow chart of the steps of the scanning method of the scanning device of the county. The scanning method for the distributed imaging has at least one light source module, a plurality of mirrors, a plurality of image sensing modules and an image processing module. The scanning method for distributing the images comprises the following steps: Step S31: assigning - files into two or Two or more plural miscellaneous regions; Step S32. Setting the mirror and the image sensing module in the corresponding image regions; Step S33. Initiating the light source module to illuminate the files of each image region, and respectively forming a file H The 17 illumination mode can simultaneously illuminate each image area or respectively illuminate each image area; Step S34: Reflecting the document image to the image sensing module by the mirror; M349150 is like the ^% % t€ - Digital image [S36. Diligence _, 彡 戦 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The image processing method of the image processing module of the image processing module of the image of the scanning module of the scanning device of the creation of the scanning device of the present invention is implemented by the following steps: Correcting each image step S362 by using trapezoidal correction (trapez°id-η) method: sequentially arranging the positions of the image images of each file; Step S363. Correcting the overlapping portion of each image area by the conversion method; [Jing Jing Cheng Cheng - complete text step S365: complete file scanning. The image sensing module in step S36 can be re- or cross-ladder = 2 steps to correct the surface of the package and / to explain the implementation of the scan correction for the creation of the creation. Please refer to the 5th circle and the measurement model. The image processing module of the trapezoidal sword is used to correct the horizontal trapezoidal image. The figure is the trapezoidal image of the age-old flat storage. (4) The rural material is different from the ^^^^^ M134150 unit) is the ^~ column, each number Baoshang* direction) Keystone correction, school liberation, such as horizontal (x Ο) .izl^ h where 2p is the distance from the bottom edge of the image to the ladder, 2q bottom length, Q is the column distance The height of the trapezoidal image, the length of the top edge of the Mex image, and h is the distance between the horizontal and the X-threshold data points. This trapezoidal correction method is displayed in a boat. In the vertical trapezoidal image system, the trapezoidal correction is performed. As shown in Fig. 6, the pixel group (pixd read) is - column ^ vertical trapezoidal image bottom edge and top edge is large, and is considered longitudinal (the distance of each data point in the y direction is at the McY rate, the ladder is positive, the correction formula Equation (2) can be expressed as: izi '(2) q is the top side length of the longitudinal trapezoidal image, h is the same degree of the vertical trapezoidal image, M eY is the magnification of the horizontal data noisy amplification. One 2 correction file image of the ladder, another image _ Yu Zhi imaging lens unit, set - ίΒ lens group, as shown in Figure 19 'Twisted lens can be horizontal image surface (Anam_ic Optical surface), ring image surface (T〇ric 叩 ( ( 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四The torsion lens group is composed of an aspherical surface with two optical planes, and the aspherical surface in the x-axis direction or the x-axis direction is expressed by the following surface equation: 1 · Anamorphic equation 13 M349150

Z = —_ (Cx)X2+(Cv)72 『.....^ J . 1 + V1 -(1 + ^)(Cx)2~X2 -(1 + Ky){Cyf y2 +Ar~Ap+^ + Αρ)γ2\ + ^[(ΐ-5?)χ2+(ΐ + ^)Γ2]3 +cs[(i-c?)jr2+(i+Ci,)72]4 + [(1-DP)X2+(1+ /)^)72]5 (3) 其中,Z為鏡片上任一點以光軸方向至〇點切平面的距離 (SAG),<^與(^刀別為X方向及γ方向之曲率(⑶^血狀);&與& 刀另J為X方向及γ方向之圓錐係數(c〇niC coemCient); a、&、& 'φ 與仏分別為旋轉對稱(rotati〇nally symmetric portion)之四次、六 次’八次與十次冪之圓錐變形係數他免職^任⑽此^⑹; 4、A、G 與坏分別非旋轉對稱(n〇n_r〇tati〇nallysymmetric components)之分別為四次、六次、八次、十次冪之圓錐變形係數 (deformationfixmitheconic);當 Q=Cy,尺=【且 4=^=Cp=^=〇 則簡化為单'一非球面。 2 :環像曲面方程式(Toric equation)Z = —_ (Cx)X2+(Cv)72 『.....^ J . 1 + V1 -(1 + ^)(Cx)2~X2 -(1 + Ky){Cyf y2 +Ar~Ap+^ + Αρ)γ2\ + ^[(ΐ-5?)χ2+(ΐ + ^)Γ2]3 +cs[(ic?)jr2+(i+Ci,)72]4 + [(1-DP)X2+(1 + /)^)72]5 (3) where Z is the distance (SAG) from the optical axis direction to the tangent plane of any point on the lens, <^ and (^ is the curvature of the X direction and the γ direction ( (3)^Blood); && Knife J is the X-direction and γ-direction conic coefficient (c〇niC coemCient); a, &, & 'φ and 仏 are rotationally symmetric (rotati〇nally symmetric The fourth and sixth times of the 'eight times and ten powers of the conical deformation coefficient. He is dismissed ^ (10) this ^ (6); 4, A, G and bad are not rotationally symmetric (n〇n_r〇tati〇nallysymmetric components) The deformation coefficient (deformationfixmitheconic) of four, six, eight, and ten powers respectively; when Q=Cy, the ruler=[and 4=^=Cp=^=〇 is simplified to a single 'one aspherical surface. 2 : Toric equation

Z = Z”— 1 + ^ ~ (Cxy)2 X2Z = Z" — 1 + ^ ~ (Cxy)2 X2

Cxy =-ί- (l/Cx)-ZyCxy =-ί- (l/Cx)-Zy

Zy = (Cy)Y2 ^l-(\ + Ky)(Cy)2Y2Zy = (Cy)Y2 ^l-(\ + Ky)(Cy)2Y2

+ B4Y* + B6Y6 + B&Y8 + BX0YW (4) 其中,Z為鏡片上任一點以光軸方向至〇點切平面的距離 (SAG) ’ 與(^为別Y方向與X方向之曲率;心為γ 方向之圓錐係數(Conic coefficient) ; &、尽、氏與〜為四次、六 -人八-人、十-人冪之係數(4th〜10th order coefficients) deformation 14 =5 M349150 from the conic);當<::=(:且尤 面 H=〇則簡化為單一球 由於ίθ鏡片非球面光學面, 據非球面光學面之曲面形成不同的出射角讀f象依 各光點之間的距離,使成梯形修正。 > 母列晝素組 為詳細說明本創作之影像處理 對照參閱第7圖。財,A及R心、、,之擇優修缺正方式,請 第二文件影像,第-個文件互錢之第—文件影像及+ B4Y* + B6Y6 + B&Y8 + BX0YW (4) where Z is the distance (SAG) of any point on the lens from the optical axis direction to the 切 point tangent plane and (^ is the curvature of the Y direction and the X direction; It is the Conic coefficient of the γ direction; &, 尽, 氏 and ~ is four, six-person eight-person, ten-personal coefficient (4th~10th order coefficients) deformation 14 =5 M349150 from the Conic); when <::=(: and especially H=〇 is simplified to a single sphere due to the aspherical optical surface of the ίθ lens, according to the curved surface of the aspherical optical surface to form different exit angles to read the f image according to each light spot The distance between the two is made into a trapezoidal correction. > The parental group is a detailed description of the image processing of this creation. See Figure 7. For the financial, A and R hearts, and, the choice of the lack of positive methods, please second file Image, the first file of the mutual money - document image and

之像素bl係部份相互重疊義 :al與第一個文件影像B 選用影像品質較佳之部分;第象^模f係從相互重疊之部分 f於苐—個文件影像A之像素c盥第 一:,件衫像B之像素b2係部份相互重疊 = 互重疊之部分_影像品質較佳之部分。藉此,可消除^ ^ 像A、B y肖除之魏部份,以合併為—個影像。'、^ 凊參閱第8圖,其係本創作之掃描裝置 圖。圖中,掃描裝置包含一框體31、一透光板32、二反射鏡= 34及四影像感測模組35。其中,透光板32係設置於 ,體3i上’且透光板32上方用以放置—文件36。反射鏡33分別 由框體31之底侧兩端針心延伸收束,並與透妹&形成角度 為Ψ ’且反射鏡33係與分配線311界定出四影像區域37。光源= 組34具有-用以聚光之反射片34卜用以將光線投射至文件% 上’文件36之反射光線經由反射鏡33反射形成虛像,依據分配 線311所界定出四感測區域37,而分別由四個影像感測模組% 取影像。 凊參閱第9圖及第10圖,其係分別為本創作之掃描裝置之成 像不意圖及影像感測模組示意圖。影像感測模組35包括一成像鏡 M349150 片單元35卜一影像面感測器352、及一印刷電路板353,其中影 像面感測器352可以影像面感測器(area image sens〇r)來實施。影像 感測模組35係設置於框體31之兩側,並分別對應感測區域37。 成像鏡片單元(lenses)351設置於文件36下方,用以將掃瞄光線聚 焦至影像面感測器352上。印刷電路板353係承載及電性連接影 像面感測器352及影像處理單元(圖未示)。於第9圖中,待掃描文 件36可分配成四個影像區域37,其各影像區域37經照明後,各 影像區域37影像經反射鏡(未繪製於本财)反射的反射光源 36卜經由影像感測模組35之成像鏡片單元351成像於影像面感 測器352上,再經由印刷電路板353傳輸至外界。 為詳細說明本創作之掃描裝置之成像方式,請對照參閱第8 圖及第11圖’其中第1丨圖係為本創作之掃描裝置之光路示意圖。 於圖中,取單-個影像區域37為說明,影像感測模組%之影像 面感測器352設置於影像區域37之下方,影像面感測器松中心 點至文件36垂直距離為d,影像制模組%以水平方向對向反射 = 73;在不同上’影_雌組%可以不同 ==反概73可將雜_7細細反魏 ===r此虛像,轉成數位影像訊二: 狐域37的鱗完整娜,其雜 tan^ > /•cos 泠ΖΓ cos於 T + - 0.15 ~¥~The pixel bl is partially overlapped with each other: al and the first file image B are selected as the better image quality; the first image f is from the overlapping portion f of the image-image A pixel c盥 first :, the part of the shirt like the pixel b2 of the B overlaps each other = the overlapping part _ the part with better image quality. By this, it is possible to eliminate the Wei parts of the ^^, A, and B y, to merge into one image. ', ^ 凊 Refer to Figure 8, which is the scanning device diagram of this creation. In the figure, the scanning device comprises a frame 31, a light transmissive plate 32, two mirrors = 34 and four image sensing modules 35. The light transmissive plate 32 is disposed on the body 3i and disposed above the light transmissive plate 32. The mirrors 33 are respectively extended by the needle cores at the bottom ends of the frame body 31, and form an angle Ψ ' with the viewer & and the mirror 33 and the distribution line 311 define four image areas 37. The light source = group 34 has a reflective sheet 34 for collecting light for projecting light onto the document %. The reflected light of the file 36 is reflected by the mirror 33 to form a virtual image, and the four sensing regions 37 are defined according to the distribution line 311. And the image is taken by the four image sensing modules %. Referring to Figures 9 and 10, which are schematic views of the imaging device and the image sensing module of the present scanning device, respectively. The image sensing module 35 includes an imaging mirror M349150, a chip unit 35, an image surface sensor 352, and a printed circuit board 353. The image surface sensor 352 can be an image sensor (area image sens〇r). To implement. The image sensing modules 35 are disposed on both sides of the frame 31 and respectively correspond to the sensing regions 37. An imaging lens unit 351 is disposed beneath the document 36 for focusing the scanning light onto the image surface sensor 352. The printed circuit board 353 is used to carry and electrically connect the image sensor 352 and the image processing unit (not shown). In FIG. 9, the file 36 to be scanned can be allocated into four image areas 37, and after each image area 37 is illuminated, the image areas 37 of each image area 37 are reflected by the reflecting light source (not drawn in the present money). The imaging lens unit 351 of the image sensing module 35 is imaged on the image surface sensor 352 and transmitted to the outside via the printed circuit board 353. In order to explain in detail the imaging method of the scanning device of the present invention, please refer to Fig. 8 and Fig. 11 of which the first drawing is a schematic diagram of the optical path of the scanning device of the present invention. In the figure, taking a single image area 37 as an illustration, the image sensing module 5% of the image surface sensor 352 is disposed below the image area 37, and the image surface sensor is loose from the center point to the file 36. , the image module % is in the horizontal direction of the opposite reflection = 73; in the different 'shadow _ female group % can be different == anti-general 73 can be mixed _7 fine anti-Wei ===r this virtual image, into a digital Image 2: The scale of the Fox Field 37 is complete, its mis tan^ > /•cos 泠ΖΓ cos in T + - 0.15 ~¥~

EFL Υ tan0 16 (6) (5) M349150 _ 其巾’ 2Θ為影縣峨組絲鏡>ί單元之場視肖、ψ為反射 鏡與待掃描文件之㈣、2丨為影像區域的對聽長度、τ為影像 感測模組之影像面感測器沿影像感測模組取像鏡頭中心光輛至反 射鏡表面的距離、d為影像面感測器中心點至文件底面的垂直距 2Y為影像面感測11有效感測_對鱗長、EFL為成像鏡片 單元的有效焦距(effective f0cal iength),說明如圖u所示。 ,為便於了解本創作之掃财置之影像感測模組取像鏡頭之場 -鲁視角及有效焦距,以-個A4尺寸文件分配成四個影像區域37 : 說明,每個影像區域37分割為均等尺寸,其每個影 ^ ⑼葡顔(公羞),其對齡2/ = 181.8_,垂直距離d、為跑^ 影像面感測器352至反射鏡73表面的距離T為%.5mm,使用5〇〇 萬畫素之CCD、2.5”的影像面感測器352,其有效對角線長為 2r = 6.4ww,反射鏡73與水平夾角為30。,由式(1)計算得知,可選 用場視角為56。,有效焦距為6.018mm的成像鏡片單元351。本實 施例之場視角滿足式(5) ’ EFL可由式(6)計算得知。 丄iW = 0 = 28。>tan-1 (—~osf +^)EFL Υ tan0 16 (6) (5) M349150 _ Its towel ' 2 Θ is the shadow of the 峨 峨 & & & ί ί ί ί ί ί ί ψ ψ ψ ψ ψ ψ ψ ψ 反射 反射 反射 反射 反射 反射 反射 反射 反射 反射 反射 反射 反射 反射The listening length, τ is the image sensing module's image surface sensor along the image sensing module to take the distance from the lens center light to the mirror surface, d is the vertical distance from the image surface sensor center point to the bottom surface of the document 2Y is the image surface sensing 11 effective sensing _ the scale length, EFL is the effective focal length of the imaging lens unit (effective f0cal iength), as shown in Figure u. In order to facilitate the understanding of the image capture module of the creation of the image capture lens - Lu angle of view and effective focal length, the four A4 size files are assigned into four image areas 37: Description, each image area is divided into 37 For the equal size, each of the shadows (9) Portuguese (public shame), its age 2 / = 181.8_, the vertical distance d, the distance T from the image surface sensor 352 to the surface of the mirror 73 is %. 5mm, using a 50,000-pixel CCD, 2.5" image surface sensor 352, the effective diagonal length is 2r = 6.4ww, and the angle between the mirror 73 and the horizontal is 30. Calculated by the equation (1) It is known that the field angle of view is 56. The imaging lens unit 351 having an effective focal length of 6.018 mm. The field angle of view of this embodiment satisfies the formula (5) 'EFL can be calculated by the equation (6). 丄iW = 0 = 28 >tan-1 (—~osf +^)

• 2 T + 丄 T COS沴 EFL = ^— = 6.0iSmm tm0 在本實施例中,係以A4尺寸文件為設計之掃描器,依據本創 作之掃描裝置之分配成像之掃描方法,對於不同的反射鏡%角产 Ψ及影像感測模組35位置’設計之成像鏡片單元351光^參數: 表一: 17 M349150 表一、第一實施例之不同應用的參齡表• 2 T + 丄T COS沴EFL = ^— = 6.0iSmm tm0 In this embodiment, the scanner is designed with A4 size file, according to the scanning method of the distributed imaging device of the present invention, for different reflections. Mirror % angle Ψ and image sensing module 35 position 'design of the imaging lens unit 351 light ^ parameters: Table 1: 17 M349150 Table 1, the first embodiment of the different applications of the age table

40.0 60 114.7 13.58 30 12.834 67.6 第一應用 d(mm) 60.0 <P(deg.) 30 T(mm) 96.5 0(deg.)fiOm Eq(5) 27.56 FOV 56 EFL(mm) 6.018 框體最小高度(mm) 110.2 第二應用 500 45 100.5 21.81 45 7.920 90.0 請參閱第8圖及第12 ®,其中第12圖係為本創作之婦描裝 置之影像處理示_。當掃描裝置進行掃贿,驅動光源模电% 產生光源以照射文件36,因文件36反射所產生之反射光源361 分別通過感測區域37而而產生四文件影像354。文件影像354經 由影像感麵組35賴紐位影像職,錄姆彡像訊號再藉由 -影像處理模組38進行影像處理’以輸出—完整文件感測影像訊 號355。影像處理模組38可包含梯形校正381或/及擇優消去校正 其中’上述光源模、组34係為一冷陰極燈管(c〇w⑶細^ fluorescent lamp)、-發光二極體燈管及—氤氣燈管之其中一者。 請參閱第U圖、第14圖及第15圖,其分別係為本創作之掃 描裝置之第二實施例之立體圖、侧視圖及舰圖。掃描裝置具有 j框巧7卜-透光板72、二反射鏡73、二光源模組%及四影像 感測权組75。其與第一實施你丨不因Am _ _ 乐㈣例不冋在於,四影像感測模組75係安 描器中心,反射鏡73係設置於掃描器兩側。於此實 ,光板=係設置於框體71上方,㈣承載—文件76。反射鏡乃 間隔設置於框體71内,由底部分_框體71外侧向外延伸,且 反射鏡72與分配線711分配出四感測區域712。統模組74分別 M349150 圍繞於影像感測模組75之上端部與框體71之内,藉由用以提供 文件76光源,並具有一反射片741,反射片741可將光源發出的 光線聚集而投射於文件76,並以避免於反射鏡72上產生亮點。因 第二實施例讀财狀影像處财式鮮—實施爾目同,在此 不予i述。其中’光源模組74若以LED燈源實施,則如第16圖 所示。 # t 寸文件為設計之掃描器,依據本創40.0 60 114.7 13.58 30 12.834 67.6 First application d(mm) 60.0 <P(deg.) 30 T(mm) 96.5 0(deg.)fiOm Eq(5) 27.56 FOV 56 EFL(mm) 6.018 Minimum height of frame (mm) 110.2 Second application 500 45 100.5 21.81 45 7.920 90.0 Please refer to Figure 8 and 12 ® , where Figure 12 is the image processing of the creation of the woman's imaging device. When the scanning device performs a bribe, the light source mode is driven to generate a light source to illuminate the document 36, and the reflected light source 361 generated by the reflection of the document 36 passes through the sensing region 37 to generate a four-file image 354. The document image 354 is processed by the image sensing group 35, and the image signal is processed by the image processing module 38 to output a full file sensing image signal 355. The image processing module 38 may include a trapezoidal correction 381 or/and a preferred elimination correction, wherein the 'light source mode, the group 34 is a cold cathode lamp (c〇w (3) fine ^ fluorescent lamp), the light emitting diode lamp and - One of the xenon lamps. Please refer to the U, 14 and 15 drawings, which are respectively a perspective view, a side view and a ship chart of the second embodiment of the scanning device of the present invention. The scanning device has a frame 7-transparent plate 72, a second mirror 73, two light source modules %, and four image sensing right groups 75. Regardless of the first implementation, you should not rely on the Am _ _ music (four) example. The four image sensing module 75 is the center of the scanner, and the mirror 73 is disposed on both sides of the scanner. In this case, the light board = is disposed above the frame 71, and (4) is carried - the file 76. The mirrors are disposed in the frame 71 at intervals, extending outward from the outside of the bottom portion_frame 71, and the mirror 72 and the distribution line 711 are assigned four sensing regions 712. The module 34 is surrounded by the upper end of the image sensing module 75 and the frame 71, and is provided with a light source of the document 76 and has a reflective sheet 741. The reflective sheet 741 can collect the light emitted by the light source. Projected on file 76, and avoiding the creation of bright spots on mirror 72. Because the second embodiment reads the financial image, the financial method is fresh, and the implementation is not the same. Wherein the light source module 74 is implemented as an LED light source as shown in Fig. 16. #t inch file is the design of the scanner, according to the creation

作之分配成像之掃描方法,對於不同的反射鏡 測模組35位置,設計之成像鏡片單元351光學灸衫像名The scanning method for distributing imaging, for the position of different mirror module 35, the design of the lens unit 351 optical moxibustion shirt name

19 M349150 表二、第二實施例之不同應用的參數表 第一應用 第二應用 d(mm) 60.0 50.0 9(deg.) 30 45 T(mm) 96.5 100.5 e(deg.) from Eq.(5) 38.58 30.52 FOV 78 62 EFL(mm) 3.952 5.326 框體最小高度(mm) 136.8 109.1 三應用 40Ό 60 114.7 19.00 38 9.293 79.3 • 請參照第17圖及第18圖,其係分別為本創作之掃描裝置之 第三實施例之立體圖及影像處理示意圖。掃瞄裝置具有一框體 8卜一透光板82、二反射鏡83、一光源模組84及三影像感測模 組85。第三實施例與第二實施例之差異在於以二分配線811,反 射鏡83與分配線811界定出六個影像區域812。當掃描文件時, 驅動光源模組84產生光源以照射文件,並藉由文件反射而分別通 過影像區域812而入射至對應之影像感測模組85,使其產生對應 之六文件影像851;影像感測模組85進一步包含有伪透鏡組851, φ 扭透鏡組851係設置於影像感測模組85之成像鏡片單元(圖未示) 與反射鏡83之間’扭透鏡組851可具有γ方向(橫向)之像曲修正, 也可具X方向(縱向)之像曲修正,如第19圖所示。請參照第18 圖及第19圖’文件影像851藉由一影像處理模組88合成處理後, 輸出一完整文件感測影像訊號855。扭透鏡組851係將式(丨)之橫 向放大么率Mcx及式(2)之為縱向放大的倍率McY,以非球面曲面 設計,藉由非球面光學設計,將角度與距離關係轉成僅為距離之 關係。於本實施例中亦可不使用扭透鏡組851做梯形影像校正, 而使用影像感測模組進行梯形校正881。 於本實施例中,反射鏡83及影像感測模組84之位置關係, 20 M349150 光路行進方式如第η圖所示。在本實施例中,係以A3尺寸文 =為°又汁之掃描器,依據本創作之分配成像之掃描方法,對於不 ,的反射鏡85肖度Ψ及f彡像感測模組86位置,設計之成像鏡片 單元351光學參數如表三:19 M349150 Table 2, Parameter Table for Different Applications of the Second Embodiment First Application Second Application d(mm) 60.0 50.0 9(deg.) 30 45 T(mm) 96.5 100.5 e(deg.) from Eq.(5 38.58 30.52 FOV 78 62 EFL(mm) 3.952 5.326 Minimum height of frame (mm) 136.8 109.1 Three applications 40Ό 60 114.7 19.00 38 9.293 79.3 • Please refer to Figure 17 and Figure 18, respectively. A perspective view of a third embodiment and a schematic diagram of image processing. The scanning device has a frame 8 , a light transmitting plate 82 , a second reflecting mirror 83 , a light source module 84 , and a three image sensing module 85 . The third embodiment differs from the second embodiment in that six image areas 812 are defined by the two distribution lines 811, the mirror 83 and the distribution line 811. When the file is scanned, the light source module 84 is driven to generate a light source to illuminate the document, and is reflected by the file and respectively incident on the corresponding image sensing module 85 through the image area 812 to generate a corresponding six-file image 851; The sensing module 85 further includes a pseudo lens group 851. The φ twist lens group 851 is disposed between the imaging lens unit (not shown) of the image sensing module 85 and the mirror 83. The twist lens group 851 can have γ. The correction of the direction (transverse) of the image can also be corrected in the X direction (longitudinal direction), as shown in Fig. 19. Referring to FIG. 18 and FIG. 19, the document image 851 is synthesized by an image processing module 88, and then outputs a complete document sensing image signal 855. The torsion lens group 851 converts the horizontal magnification ratio Mcx and the equation (2) to the longitudinal magnification magnification McY, and designs the aspherical surface to convert the angle and distance relationship into only the aspherical optical design. For the relationship of distance. In this embodiment, the torsion lens correction can also be performed without using the twist lens group 851, and the trapezoidal correction 881 can be performed using the image sensing module. In this embodiment, the positional relationship between the mirror 83 and the image sensing module 84, and the 20 M349150 optical path is as shown in FIG. In this embodiment, the A3 size text=° juice scanner is used, according to the scanning method of the distributed imaging of the present invention, the position of the mirror 85 and the image sensing module 86 are not. The optical parameters of the designed imaging lens unit 351 are as shown in Table 3:

d(mm) ~~ — tp(deg·) _第一應用 60.0 第二應用 50.0 第三應用 40.0 T(mm) 30 45 60 ®(deg.) from Eq.(5) 89.4 32.18 91.6 25.70 94.3 16.95 EFL(mm) 66 52 34 框體最小高度(mm) 4.927 116.1 6.561 94.0 10.467 68.6 古抹f納上述’本創作之掃描裝置之功效在於藉由影像感測模組 “丨Z反射光源,並藉由影像處賴組處理計算而合併成文件 感測衫像’不需糊導轉動鱗描文件,因此加快掃描速度。d(mm) ~~ — tp(deg·) _ first application 60.0 second application 50.0 third application 40.0 T(mm) 30 45 60 ®(deg.) from Eq.(5) 89.4 32.18 91.6 25.70 94.3 16.95 EFL (mm) 66 52 34 Minimum height of the frame (mm) 4.927 116.1 6.561 94.0 10.467 68.6 Ancient smear The above-mentioned 'small scanning device is effective by the image sensing module "丨Z reflection light source, and by image The squad group processes the calculations and merges them into a file-sensing shirt image. 'There is no need to paste the scaly file, thus speeding up the scanning speed.

導軌if作ί掃描裝置之另—魏在於因影像躺模組不需利用 導軌罗動以掃描文件,因此避免導軌產收震動而51響掃描品質。 像以ίΠΐ掃财再—魏在於藉由反賴敎件虛像成 像乂增加成像距離,進_小場視角,而能掃描具有皺摺之文件。 之揞僅為舉雛’喊為限雛者。任何未麟本創作 對其進行之等效修改或變更,均應包含於後附 21 M349150 【圖式簡單說明】 第1圖係為習知技藝之掃描器之立體圖; 第2圖係為習知技藝之掃描器之剖視示意圖; 第3圖^賴作之掃贿置之分喊叙細方法之步驟流程 第4圖係為本創作之掃插裝置之分 模組影像處理方式之步驟流程圖;“方法之影像處理 第5圖係為本創作之影像處理模组校正橫 第ό圖係為本創作之岑傕 开入Ρ像之示意圖; 乍之办像處理模組校正縱向 第7圖係為本創作之 ^像之不意圖; 圖; 讀處戦故類修缺正方式之示意 第8圖係為本創作之掃插襄 第9圖係為本創作之掃插弟實施例之立體圖; 第H)圖係為本創作之掃麵像7 第㈣係為本_之細—感聰組示意圖 第I2圖係為本創作之才、之光路示意圖; 第㈣係為本創作之像處理示意圖; 第Μ圖縣本創作之細 第二實施例之立體圖 第15圖係為本創作夕知& 第二實施例之側視圖 第16圖係為本創作之置之第二實施例之俯視圖; 施方式之示意圖;田置之第二實施例以LED燈源作為實 第17圖係為本創作之婦 、之第三實施例之立體圖; 22 M349150 置之第二實施例之影像楚理示意 之扭透鏡組修正梯形影像之示意 第18 ®係、為本創作之掃描裝 圖;以及 & 第19圖係為本創作之掃描裳置 圖。The guide rail is used as the other part of the scanning device. Wei is because the image lying module does not need to use the rail to scan the document, so the rail is prevented from vibrating and the scanning quality is 51. Like sweeping money with ίΠΐ—We are able to scan the wrinkled files by increasing the imaging distance by relying on the imaginary image of the virtual image. After that, it is only for the younger brothers. Any equivalent modifications or changes to the unfinished creations shall be included in Attachment 21 M349150 [Simple Description of the Drawings] Figure 1 is a perspective view of a scanner of the prior art; Figure 2 is a conventional Schematic diagram of the scanner of the skill art; Figure 3 is a flow chart of the steps of the sub-module image processing method of the sweeping device of the present invention. "The image processing of the method is based on the image processing module of the creation. The correction of the horizontal image is the schematic diagram of the opening of the image. The image processing module of the image is corrected. The intention of the creation of the image is not intended; Figure; The reading of the 戦 类 修 修 修 修 第 第 第 第 第 第 第 襄 襄 襄 襄 襄 襄 襄 襄 襄 襄 襄 襄 襄 襄 襄 襄 襄 襄 襄 襄 襄 襄 襄 襄 襄 襄The picture is the surface of the creation of the image of the 7th (fourth) is the basis of the _ the details - the second diagram of the sensory group is the schematic diagram of the light of the creation, the fourth road is the schematic diagram of the image processing of the creation; The perspective view of the second embodiment of the second generation of the original creation of the map of the county is based on A side view of a second embodiment of the second embodiment is a plan view of a second embodiment of the present invention; a schematic view of the embodiment; a second embodiment of the field is based on an LED light source as the actual figure 17 A perspective view of a third embodiment of the present invention; 22 M349150 The image of the second embodiment is illustrated by the twisted lens group to correct the trapezoidal image of the 18th series, which is the scanned image of the creation; And & Figure 19 is the scanning skirt of this creation.

【主要元件符號說明】 11、 31、71、81 :框體; 12、 32、72、82 :透光板; 13 :影像感測模組; 131 :冷陰極光源管; 132 :反射片; 133 :柱面鏡; 134 :線性影像感測器; 135、353 :印刷電路板; 14 :導執; 15、36、76 :文件; 311、811 :分配線; 33、 73、83 :反射鏡; 34、 74、84 :光源模組; 341、741 :反射片; 35 :影像感測模组; 351 :成像鏡片單元; 352 :影像感測單元; 354、 851 :文件影像; 355、 855 :完整文件感測影 像訊號; 361 :反射光源; 37、 712、812 :影像區域; 38、 88 :影像處理模組; 38卜881 :梯形校正; 382、882 :擇優消去校正; 851 : ίθ透鏡組;以及 75、85 :影像感測模組。 23[Main component symbol description] 11, 31, 71, 81: frame; 12, 32, 72, 82: light-transmitting plate; 13: image sensing module; 131: cold cathode light source tube; 132: reflective sheet; : cylindrical mirror; 134: linear image sensor; 135, 353: printed circuit board; 14: guide; 15, 36, 76: file; 311, 811: distribution line; 33, 73, 83: mirror; 34, 74, 84: light source module; 341, 741: reflective sheet; 35: image sensing module; 351: imaging lens unit; 352: image sensing unit; 354, 851: document image; 355, 855: complete File sensing image signal; 361: reflected light source; 37, 712, 812: image area; 38, 88: image processing module; 38 881: trapezoidal correction; 382, 882: preferred elimination correction; 851: ίθ lens group; And 75, 85: image sensing module. twenty three

Claims (1)

M349150 九、申請專利範圍: i 一種掃描裝置,包含: 一框體; 複數個反射鏡’係間隔設置於該框體内,以分配出複數個 影像區域; 一光源模組,包含至少—個光源,係設置於該框體内; 複數個影像感測模組,係設置於該框體内,並分別將複數 贿應該些影像區域之文件影像轉換成數位影像訊號;以及 一影像處理模組’係接受複數個影像感測模組之數位訊號 進行影像處理; 其中該光源係照射一文件,依據該些影像區域分別產生該 些文件影像’各該文件影像藉由該分別反射鏡反射而入射至該 些影像感測模組’且該些文件影像經由該些影像感測模組轉換 成複數數郷像訊號,各該紐雜減齡—影像處 理模組 進行影像處理’以輸出-完整文件_影像減。 鲁2.如申請專利範圍第i項所述之掃描裝置,其中該光源係為一冷 陰極燈管、一發光二極體燈管及一氙氣燈管之其中一者。 3·如申請專利範圍第丨項所述之掃描裝置,其中該影像處理模組 更進一步具有梯形校正功能,可將該文件影像之該數位影像訊 號進行梯形校正。 4·如申请專利範圍第i項所述之掃描裝置,其中該影像感測模組 進一步包括一影像感測單元及一成像鏡片單元。 如申,專利範圍第4項所述之掃描裝置,其中該絲鏡片單元 之場視角及其有效焦距係滿足下列方程式: 24 M349150 tan 61 > Λ cos 沴 T + d cos# 0.15 ~Ύ~ 及 EFL Y tan0 其中,2Θ為該影像感測模組之一成像鏡片單元之場視角、 ψ為該反射鏡與該文件之夾角、21為該影像區域的對角線長度、 Τ為該影像感測模組之該影像感測單元沿該影像感測模組取像 鏡頭中心光轴至該反射鏡表面的距離、d為該影像感測單元中 心點至該文件底面的垂直距離、2Y為該影像感測單元之有效感 測面的對角線長、EFL為該成像鏡片單元的有效焦距。 6. 如申請專利範圍第4項所述之掃描裝置,其中該影像感測單元 係為一影像面感測器。 7. 如申請專利範圍第4項所述之掃描裝置,其中該成像鏡片單元 更具有铒透鏡組,該历透鏡組係用以將該反射鏡所反射之 該文件影像進行梯形校正。M349150 IX. Patent application scope: i A scanning device comprising: a frame; a plurality of mirrors are disposed in the frame to distribute a plurality of image regions; and a light source module comprising at least one light source The image sensing module is disposed in the frame, and converts the image of the image area of the image area into a digital image signal; and an image processing module Receiving image processing by a plurality of image sensing modules; wherein the light source illuminates a file, and the file images are respectively generated according to the image regions, and each of the image images is incident on the respective mirrors The image sensing modules are configured to convert the image images into a plurality of image signals via the image sensing modules, and each of the color reduction image processing modules performs image processing 'to output-complete files _ Image subtraction. The scanning device of claim i, wherein the light source is one of a cold cathode lamp, a light emitting diode lamp and a xenon lamp. 3. The scanning device of claim 3, wherein the image processing module further has a trapezoidal correction function for performing trapezoidal correction on the digital image signal of the document image. 4. The scanning device of claim i, wherein the image sensing module further comprises an image sensing unit and an imaging lens unit. The scanning device of claim 4, wherein the field angle of view and the effective focal length of the wire lens unit satisfy the following equation: 24 M349150 tan 61 > Λ cos 沴T + d cos# 0.15 ~Ύ~ and EFL Y tan0, where 2Θ is the field angle of view of the imaging lens unit of one of the image sensing modules, ψ is the angle between the mirror and the document, 21 is the diagonal length of the image area, and Τ is the image sensing The image sensing unit of the module takes the distance from the center axis of the lens to the surface of the mirror along the image sensing module, d is the vertical distance from the center of the image sensing unit to the bottom surface of the document, and 2Y is the image. The diagonal length of the effective sensing surface of the sensing unit, EFL is the effective focal length of the imaging lens unit. 6. The scanning device of claim 4, wherein the image sensing unit is an image surface sensor. 7. The scanning device of claim 4, wherein the imaging lens unit further comprises a 铒 lens group for performing a trapezoidal correction on the document image reflected by the mirror. 2525
TW97215408U 2008-08-27 2008-08-27 Picture scanner TWM349150U (en)

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Cited By (2)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
TWI485631B (en) * 2010-12-17 2015-05-21 Univ Nat Taiwan Science Tech Method of obtaining panoramic micrograph and apparatus thereof
TWI502956B (en) * 2012-09-06 2015-10-01 Omnivision Tech Inc Systems and methods for resuming capture of a base image of an object by a mobile scanner

Cited By (2)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
TWI485631B (en) * 2010-12-17 2015-05-21 Univ Nat Taiwan Science Tech Method of obtaining panoramic micrograph and apparatus thereof
TWI502956B (en) * 2012-09-06 2015-10-01 Omnivision Tech Inc Systems and methods for resuming capture of a base image of an object by a mobile scanner

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