M330061 八、新型說明: 【新型所屬之技術領域】 理用:ίΓί能廚房料理器、具’以層疊方式將諸如杯體、料 理用述的盤件及容器結合成一組料理器具。 【先前技術】 ^ $使蔬果能夠快速調理成所需的食材形狀,乃有業者將 許夕為材或工具層疊構成一組多功能料理器具。 β如本國新型第255160號「蔬果調理器組合結構」專利 # 從第-圖可以看到此調理器⑴由下到上依序層疊有: 容^ (11)、脫水網(12)、榨汁器(13)、磨泥器(14)、削 片器(15)、削條器(16)和上蓋(17)。其中,削片器 ㈣條,(16)兩切削器如第二圖所示,在使用中是配合有 一夾固裔(18),此夾固器(18)非屬於調理器(丨)的層疊 器材,所以蔬果料理時常需尋找此夾固器〇8),對調理師來 說非常不便。 其次,從第三圖可以看到,本國新型第31476〇號「多功 ⑩旎调理器」專利案係在容器(21)置放多個調理器(22),此 一调理器(22)周圍上方環設凹緣(221),下方對應位置延伸 有環形凸緣(222),層疊在容器(21)被一上蓋(23)包容 覆蓋。一安全推塊(24)雖然收藏在容器(21),但非層疊放 置會在容器(21)翻轉滾落,且蔬果料理時常需尋找此安全 推塊(24 ) ’對調理師來說相當不便。 【新型内容】 本案創作目的之一在於:提供一種多功能廚房料理器 具,係將榨汁、磨泥、漏斗以及蛋黃與蛋清分離等料理用途 5 M330061 的盤面設計在多個盤件上,配合杯體、容器層層疊置這些盤 件構成一組料理器具。 為達上述目的,本案研創之一種多功能廚房料理器具, 包括: 一杯體,具有一朝下的杯口,鄰近該杯口的杯緣位置突 伸有一杯把; - 一容器,具有一開口,鄰近該開口的周邊突伸一扶把, ,該扶把同於開口的一面設有一突起狀的止旋部,該容器在開 • 口設有一流通口,該流通口具有一嘴部;以及 多個盤件,層疊於該杯體與容器之間,各該盤件具有一 用於料理的盤面;各該盤件區分為:一榨汁功能設計的第一 盤件、一磨泥功能的第二盤件、一蛋清與蛋黃分離機能設計 的第三盤件和一漏斗功能設計的第四盤件。 【實施方式】 為瞭解本案技術内容,茲舉下列實施例作進一步的說 明,但非以此結構侷限本案申請專利範圍。 鲁- 本實施例一種多功能廚房料理器具,如第四圖於圖面所 -顯示:一杯體(31)及一容器(32)夾疊多個盤件層疊構成 一組料理器具(3)。其中,該杯體(31)具有一朝下層疊的 杯口(311),在鄰近該杯口(311)的杯緣位置突伸有一杯把 (312)。 該容器(32)呈杯形設計,具有一往上層疊的開口(321), 鄰近該開口(321)的周邊突伸一扶把( 322),該扶把( 322) 同於開口( 321 )的一面設有一突起狀的止旋部(323 ),該止 旋部( 323)與容器(32)外緣保持一定的距離,該容器(32) 在開口(321)設有一流通口( 324),該流通口( 324)與扶 6 M330061 並具有一引導容器(32)内液體外流 把(322 )的侧邊同向, 的嘴部( 325 )。 4人多盤件包括:—搾汁功能 泥功能的第二盤件(t 孤I卞、J ^ 般、) 與蛋黃分離機能設計的第三 以第四圖配合第五、六圖來看,該第一U⑷传在一 ·=體⑼内面沿徑向設有一抵部⑼,供該杯趙(在31) =2 :以該杯口(311)觸及抵部(42)。該抵 : 心下凹形成—盤面(43),該盤面(43)周邊等分 該搾汁部(45)為多角的弧形體,取走該杯體(31)讓 榨汁部(45)裸露出來,將半剖的果類物品往該榨汁部(45) ,擠’壓榨出汁液從各該分流孔(44)滴落。㈣容器(32) f套於該第-盤件(4)的下方,從各該分流孔(44)滴落的 /十液匯集於容器(32)中,便利使用者取出食用。 了 ^個條㈣分流孔(44),朝向該杯體(3丨)在各分流孔 ()之間成型有一突起狀的榨汁部(45)。 ❿·該第一盤件(4)在框體(41)的外緣延伸一把手(46), f把手U6)同於榨汁部(45)的—面設有—突起狀的止旋 jj47)’異於該榨汁部(45)的一面設有一凹槽(48)。該 谷益(32)在扶把(322)上的止旋部(323)對應地置入凹 槽(48)内,阻止該第一盤件在容器上轉動。 以第四圖配合第七、八圖來看,該第二盤件(5)係在一 筒形框體(51)的周邊上方突起一直徑較小的套接部〇2), 。亥套接部(52)由上往下設有一朝内傾斜的斜面(53),該斜 面(53)底部連著一盤面(54),在該盤面(54)下方與框體 (51)内徑之間形成一插接部(55),供前述容器(32)插套 M3 3 0061 於該第二盤件(5)的下方。 該第二盤件(5)的框體(51)外緣延伸有一把手(56), 該把手(56)同於套接部(52)的一面設有一突起狀的止旋 部(57),反面設有一凹槽(58)。該容器(32)在扶把(322) 上的止旋部( 323)對應地置入凹槽(58)内,避免該第二盤 件(5)在容器(32)上轉動。 七述盤面(54)在表面分佈有許多研磨粒(541),並以 ,一條狀物( 542)將該盤面(54)分隔有大小不同的二磨泥區 • ( 543 )。其中,較大的磨泥區( 543)在該盤面(54)貫穿有 多個上下連通的墜落孔(544 ),將根莖類蔬果在該磨泥區 (543)予以研磨,磨出的泥狀物可從該墜落孔(544)落入 容器(32)予以收集,便利使用者取出食用。 以第四圖配合第九、十圖來看,該第三盤件(6)係在一 筒形框體(61)的周邊上方突起一直徑較小的套接部(62) 該套接部(62)由上往下設有一朝内傾斜的斜面(Μ),該杂 面(63)底部連著一傾斜角度較小的盤面(64),該盤面(64 中間部位具有一窩部(65),該窩部(65)巾央貫穿有一分韻 孔(651 ) ’父界於盤面(64)的位置朝上突起有一環壁(652) 忒盞面(64)鄰接環壁(652)處具有三道外流孔(653)。 另外,該盤面(64)下方與框體(61)内徑之間形成一 番接邛(66) ’供剷述谷裔(32)插套於該第三盤件(6)的 下方。该第二盤件(6)的框體(61)外緣延伸有一把手(67), ==(67)㈣套接部(62)的—面設有—突起狀的止旋 ^ Λ反面设有一凹槽(69)。該容11 (32)在扶把(322) ,止旋部( 323)對應地置入凹槽(69)内,阻止該第三盤 件(6)轉動於容器(32)上。 M330061 使用者通常是敲破蛋殼,剝離蛋殼的蛋黃連同蛋白(亦 有人稱其為蛋清)儘量地落入該窩部(65)中,讓未破碎的 蛋黃保留在該窩部(65),使流體狀的蛋白從該分離孔(651) 及外流孔( 653 )流入容器(32)予以收集,完成蛋黃與蛋白 分離方便使用者取出食用。 ^以第四圖配合第十一、十二圖來看,該第四盤件(7)在 ♦一筒形框體(71 )的周邊上方突起一直徑較小的套接部(72), ,該套接部(72)由上往下設有—漏斗狀的盤面(73),該盤面 ⑩(73)中央具有一出口(74)。該盤面(73)下方與框體(71) 内徑之間形成一插接部(75),供前述容器(32)插套於 四盤件(7)的下方。 ^该第四盤件(7)的框體(71)外緣延伸有一把手(76), 二St/76)同於套接部(72)的—面設有一突起狀的止旋 口 ,反面設有一凹槽(78)。該容器(32)在扶把( 322) 旋部(323)對應地置入凹槽(78)内,阻止該第四盤 件(7)轉動於容器(32)上。 (?) (4) 便利使用者:集::使用該弟四盤件(7)於容器(32)上, 根據上述實施例可知本創作具有下列優點: & 件是置放在容器上不被轉動,層疊組合的料理器且 b) 11=,沒有零組件在容器中翻轉滾動的弊端。八 收集,再倒入杯體或其它器姐盛裝供使用 者取用,元善物盡其用的功能。 合的料理器具,佔用空間小,一套工具備有多種料 9 M3 3 0061 【圖式簡單說明】 = ΐ國新型第255160號專利案的組裝剖面示意圖。 第圖_器配合炎固器在使用中的剖面示意圖。 第:=國新型第314760號專利案的組裝剖面示意圖。 ^ 圖為本創作一較佳實施例的分解示意圖。 圖為第四圖有關第一盤件的俯視平面圖。 f/、圖為第四圖有關第一盤件與杯體、容器的層疊示意圖。 七圖為,四圖有關第二盤件的俯視平面圖。 籲位^圖為第四圖有關第二盤件與容器的層疊示意圖。 J九圖為,圖有關第三盤件的俯視平面圖。』 為第四圖有關第三盤件與容器的層疊示意圖。 圖為第四圖有關第四盤件的俯視平面圖。 1一圖為第四圖有關第四盤件與容器的層疊示意圖。 【元件付號說明】 先前技術: (1 )調理器 (11)容盒 ,(13)榨汁器 (15)削片器 (17)上蓋 (21)容器 (221)凹緣 (23)上蓋 本創作: (12)脫水網 (14)磨泥器 (16)削條器 (18)夾固器 (22)調理器 (222 )凸緣 (24)安全推塊 (311 )杯口 (3)料理器具 (31 )杯體 M330061M330061 VIII. New description: [New technical field] The utility model: ίΓί can be a kitchen utensil, which combines a disk member and a container such as a cup body and a material into a group of cooking utensils in a stacked manner. [Prior Art] ^ $ enables the fruits and vegetables to be quickly conditioned into the desired shape of the ingredients. β, such as the national new type 255160 "fruit and vegetable conditioner combination structure" patent # From the first figure can be seen that the conditioner (1) is layered from bottom to top in sequence: Rong ^ (11), dewatering net (12), juicing (13), grinder (14), chipper (15), stripper (16) and upper cover (17). Among them, the chipper (four), (16) two cutters as shown in the second figure, in use is fitted with a clamp (18), this clamp (18) is not a cascade of the conditioner (丨) Equipment, so the vegetable and fruit dishes often need to find this clamp 〇 8), which is very inconvenient for the conditioning staff. Secondly, as can be seen from the third figure, the domestic new type No. 31476 多 "Multi-function 10 旎 conditioner" patent case is to place a plurality of conditioners (22) in the container (21), around the conditioner (22) The upper ring is provided with a concave edge (221), and the corresponding lower position extends with an annular flange (222), and the stacked container (21) is covered by an upper cover (23). Although a safety push block (24) is stored in the container (21), the non-stacked placement will roll over in the container (21), and it is often necessary to find the safety push block (24) for the vegetable and vegetable dishes. 'It is quite inconvenient for the adjuster. . [New content] One of the purposes of this project is to provide a multi-functional kitchen utensils, which are designed to separate juice, grind, funnel, egg yolk and egg white, etc. 5 M330061 on multiple discs, with cups The discs are stacked on the body and the container layer to form a set of cooking utensils. In order to achieve the above object, a multi-functional kitchen cooking utensil developed in the present invention comprises: a cup body having a downwardly facing cup mouth, a cup holder protruding from a position of the cup edge adjacent to the cup mouth; - a container having an opening, a handle is protruded from a periphery of the opening, and a side of the opening is provided with a protruding stop portion on the side of the opening, the container is provided with a flow opening at the opening, the flow port has a mouth; and a plurality of a disk member, which is stacked between the cup body and the container, each of the disk members having a disk surface for cooking; each of the disk members is divided into: a first disk member designed by a juice extracting function and a second disk member functioning The disc member, the third disc member designed by the egg white and egg yolk separating machine, and the fourth disc member designed by a funnel function. [Embodiment] In order to understand the technical content of the present invention, the following embodiments are further described, but the scope of the patent application is not limited by this structure. Lu - This embodiment is a multifunctional kitchen cooking appliance, as shown in the figure of the fourth figure - a cup body (31) and a container (32) are stacked with a plurality of discs stacked to form a group of cooking utensils (3). Wherein, the cup body (31) has a cup mouth (311) stacked downward, and a cup handle (312) protrudes from a cup edge position adjacent to the cup mouth (311). The container (32) has a cup-shaped design, and has an opening (321) stacked upwardly, and a handle (322) protruding from a periphery of the opening (321), the handle (322) being the same as the opening (321) One side is provided with a protruding stop portion (323), the rotation stop portion (323) is kept at a certain distance from the outer edge of the container (32), and the container (32) is provided with a flow port (324) at the opening (321). The flow port (324) and the support 6 M330061 have a mouth (325) that guides the side of the liquid outflow handle (322) in the container (32). The multi-disc of 4 people includes: - the second disc of the function of juicing the mud (t l I, J ^,) and the third of the egg yolk separation function with the fourth picture with the fifth and sixth pictures, The first U(4) is provided with abutting portion (9) in the radial direction of the inner surface of the body (9) for the cup (at 31) = 2: the abutting portion (42) is touched by the cup mouth (311). The yoke is formed by a concave surface of the heart surface (43), and the periphery of the disk surface (43) is equally divided into a multi-angled arc-shaped body, and the cup body (31) is taken away to allow the juice-removing portion (45) Exposed, the half-cut fruit items are pushed to the juice extracting portion (45), and the squeezed juice is dripped from each of the split holes (44). (4) The container (32) f is sleeved under the first disk member (4), and the /10 liquid dripping from each of the distribution holes (44) is collected in the container (32) to facilitate the user to take out the food. A strip (four) splitter (44) is formed, and a protruding juice extracting portion (45) is formed between the split holes () toward the cup (3).第一· The first disk member (4) extends a handle (46) on the outer edge of the frame body (41), and the f handle U6) is provided with a protrusion-shaped rotation jj47 as the surface of the juice extracting portion (45). A groove (48) is provided on one side of the juice extracting portion (45). The valley portion (323) of the gusset (32) is correspondingly placed in the recess (48) to prevent the first disk member from rotating on the container. Referring to the fourth and eighth figures, the second disk member (5) projects a small diameter sleeve portion 2) above the periphery of a cylindrical frame body (51). The leeching portion (52) is provided with an inclined surface (53) inclined upward from the top, and a bottom surface (54) is connected to the bottom of the inclined surface (53), and the frame body (51) is below the disk surface (54). A plug portion (55) is formed between the diameters, and the container (32) is inserted into the sleeve M3 3 0061 below the second disk member (5). A handle (56) extends from an outer edge of the frame (51) of the second disk member (5), and a handle (56) is provided with a protruding stop portion (57) on one side of the sleeve portion (52). The reverse side is provided with a recess (58). The retaining portion (323) of the container (32) on the handle (322) is correspondingly placed in the recess (58) to prevent the second disc (5) from rotating on the container (32). The disk surface (54) has a plurality of abrasive grains (541) distributed on the surface, and the disk surface (54) is separated by a strip (54) with two different mud regions (543). Wherein, the larger grinding area (543) penetrates a plurality of vertically falling falling holes (544) in the disk surface (54), and the root vegetables and fruits are ground in the grinding area (543), and the ground mud is ground. The object can be collected from the falling hole (544) into the container (32) for collection by the user. Referring to the ninth and tenth drawings, the third disk member (6) protrudes from a periphery of a cylindrical frame body (61) with a smaller diameter socket portion (62). (62) an upwardly inclined slope (Μ) is provided from the top to the bottom, and a bottom surface (64) having a small inclination angle is attached to the bottom of the surface (63), and the disk surface (64 has a nest portion in the middle portion (65) The fossa (65) towel centrally runs through a rhyme hole (651). The parent boundary protrudes upward from the disk surface (64) with a ring wall (652). The crotch surface (64) is adjacent to the ring wall (652). There are three outflow holes (653). In addition, a gap (66) is formed between the lower surface of the disk surface (64) and the inner diameter of the frame body (61) for the shovel to say that the valley (32) is inserted in the third Below the disk member (6), the outer edge of the frame body (61) of the second disk member (6) extends with a handle (67), == (67) (four) the surface of the socket portion (62) is provided with a protrusion The back surface of the shape is provided with a groove (69). The volume 11 (32) is placed in the groove (69) correspondingly to the handle (322), and the rotation stop portion (323) is correspondingly inserted into the groove (69) to block the third disk. The piece (6) is rotated on the container (32). The M330061 user is usually knocked The eggshell, the egg yolk of the peeled eggshell together with the protein (also known as egg white) falls into the litter (65) as much as possible, leaving the unbroken egg yolk in the litter (65), allowing the fluid-like protein to The separation hole (651) and the outflow hole (653) flow into the container (32) for collection, and the separation of the egg yolk and the protein is convenient for the user to take out and eat. ^ The fourth figure is matched with the eleventh and twelfth figures, the fourth The disk member (7) protrudes a small diameter sleeve portion (72) above the periphery of a cylindrical frame body (71), and the socket portion (72) is provided with a funnel-shaped disk surface from the top to the bottom. (73), the disk surface 10 (73) has an outlet (74) in the center. A gap portion (75) is formed between the disk surface (73) and the inner diameter of the frame body (71) for inserting the container (32) The sleeve is sleeved under the four disk member (7). ^ The outer edge of the frame body (71) of the fourth disk member (7) extends with a handle (76), and the second St/76 is the same as the socket portion (72). The surface is provided with a protruding stop opening, and the reverse surface is provided with a groove (78). The container (32) is correspondingly placed into the recess (78) at the knob (322) of the handle (322) to prevent the fourth disc (7) from rotating on the container (32). (?) (4) Convenient user: Set:: Use the four disc members (7) on the container (32). According to the above embodiment, the present creation has the following advantages: & The piece is placed on the container. Being rotated, stacking the combined dishes and b) 11=, there is no drawback of the components rolling over in the container. Eight collection, and then into the cup or other sisters for the use of the user, the use of the best things. The cooking utensils have a small footprint and a set of tools are available in a variety of materials. 9 M3 3 0061 [Simple description of the drawing] = Schematic diagram of the assembly section of the new 255160 patent case. Figure _ is a schematic cross-sectional view of the device in conjunction with the ejector. Section: = Schematic diagram of the assembled section of the National New Type No. 314760 patent. ^ Figure is an exploded schematic view of a preferred embodiment of the present invention. The figure is a top plan view of the first disk about the fourth disk. f /, the figure is a fourth diagram about the stacking of the first disk and the cup and the container. The seven figures are four top views of the second disk. The position of the call is shown in the fourth figure regarding the stacking of the second disk and the container. J is a top plan view of the third disk. 』 is a fourth diagram of the stacking of the third disk and the container. The figure is a top plan view of the fourth disk about the fourth disk. 1 is a fourth diagram showing a stacking diagram of a fourth disk member and a container. [Description of component payment] Prior art: (1) Conditioner (11) container, (13) Juicer (15) Chipper (17) Upper cover (21) Container (221) Concave edge (23) Top cover Creation: (12) dewatering net (14) grinder (16) stripper (18) clamp (22) conditioner (222) flange (24) safety push block (311) cup mouth (3) cuisine Appliance (31) cup body M330061
(312)杯把 (321)開口 ( 323 )止旋部 ( 325 )嘴部 (4) 第一盤件 (41)框體 (43)盤面 (45)榨汁部 (47)止旋部 (5) 第二盤件 (51)框體 (53)斜面 (541)研磨粒 ( 543 )磨泥區 (55)插接部 (57)止旋部 (6) 第三盤件 (61)框體 (63 )斜面 (65) 窩部 ( 652)環壁 (66) 插接部 (68)止旋部 (7) 第四盤件 (71)框體 (73)盤面 (32)容器 ( 322)扶把 ( 324)流通口 (42)抵部 (44)分流孔 (46)把手 (48)凹槽 (52)套接部 (54)盤面 ( 542)條狀物 ( 544)墜落孔 (56)把手 (58)凹槽 (62)套接部 (64 )盤面 (651)分離孔 ( 653 )外流孔 (67)把手 (69)凹槽 (72)套接部 (74)出口 11 M330061 (7 5 )插接部 (7 6 )把手 (77)止旋部 (78)凹槽(312) cup handle (321) opening (323) rotation stop portion (325) mouth portion (4) first disk member (41) frame body (43) disk surface (45) juice extraction portion (47) rotation portion (5) ) Second disk (51) frame (53) bevel (541) abrasive grain ( 543 ) grinding zone (55) plug (57) stop (6) third disk (61) frame ( 63) Bevel (65) Nest (652) Ring (66) Insert (68) Stop (7) Fourth plate (71) Frame (73) Disk (32) Container (322) (324) venting port (42) abutting portion (44) diverting hole (46) handle (48) groove (52) ferrule (54) disk surface (542) strip (544) falling hole (56) handle ( 58) groove (62) socket (64) disk surface (651) separation hole (653) outer flow hole (67) handle (69) groove (72) socket portion (74) outlet 11 M330061 (7 5 ) Joint (7 6 ) handle (77) stop (78) groove