M320089 八、新型說明·· 【新型所屬之技術領域】 、糊作«關於1鏡職姆種具有線 式預壓功能之鏡頭致動裝置。 【先前技術】 f年來,手持式H配備取像模組的趨勢日益普遍, 伴盼產品市場對手持式裝置要求性能更好且體積更小 的市場需求,取像模組面臨到更高晝質與小型化的雙重要 求針對取像晝質的提高,一方面是提高晝素,手持式裝 置取像模組市場趨勢由VGA #級的3Q萬晝素,逐漸提高 到百萬晝素、兩百萬、三百萬晝素,甚至朝更高等級的四 百萬、五百萬晝素發展。除了晝素的提升,取像的清晰度 也更加受到關切,於是手持式裝置取像模組也由定焦取像 功能朝向類似照相機的光學自動對焦功能、甚或是光學變 • 焦功能發展。 光學自動對焦功能的作動原理是依照取像標的物的 不同遠近距離,適度地移動取像模組中的鏡頭,以使得取 像標的物的光學影像得以準確地聚焦在影像感測器上,以 產生清晰的影像。目前一般較常見到在取像模組中帶動鏡 ^頭移動的致動方式有步進馬達致動、壓電致動以及音圈馬 達(Voice Coil Motor ; VCM)致動專方式。 一般來說,音圈馬達的機構主要是將線圈置放於含有 永久磁鐵之磁路内所構成。根據弗莱明左手定則,當線圈 M320089 導電時就會與永久磁鐵產生交互作用之推進力,以移動連 接永久磁鐵的承載座,進而帶動固定在承載座上的鏡頭承 載滑座,並且藉由調整流過線圈之電流大小,達到光學變 焦、對焦的目的。 然而,在音圈馬達驅動鏡頭做前後移動而達到光學變 • 焦、對焦的目的時,取像模組之動件與固定件接觸面之間 - 隙,常會造成鏡頭移動時的自由偏擺角度過大,而降低呈 Φ 像品質。因此,使用音圈馬達做光學變焦、對焦的目的, ‘ 係需要高精度之定位功能,同時也需要在固定軸與光軸相 對偏擺上做高精度之要求,以符合光學呈像之表現。 中華民國專利公開號第200525859號「音圈馬達裝 置」中提及一種音圈馬達3,如第一圖所示,音圈馬達3 包括一滑座31、一磁路部件32、一線圈33、複數個導引 鋼軸341、342及一底座35。滑座31與磁路部件32剛性 連接,並且線圈33與複數個導引鋼軸341、342分別固定 • 於底座35。其中,磁路部件32提供一漏磁力線37透過 •間隙36與複數個導引鋼軸341、342磁交鏈,以產生磁預 壓力381、382。該磁預壓力381、382所形成之合成力矩, w 係可消除動件與固定件接觸面311、312之間隙,得以使 滑座31前後移動時可以得到低摩擦、無自由偏擺、焉精 度之運動結果。 > ^ * 然而,前述之音圈馬達3需使甩軛鐵將漏磁力線37 * . * 引導至外緣與複數個導引鋼轴341、342磁交鏈,以達磁 預壓的效果,然而,軛鐵的配置會影響製造上的難度,同 M320089 時 ’也限制了其他轉之配置,在小型化上也有其瓶 頸 【新型内容】 ' 之#ΐίΓΓ主要目的在於提供—種具有線式預壓功能 =致動裝置。本創作係根據取像模組中鏡魏 (錯位)之線式彈性件二f:广知用至少-個非重合 力,以分別應用於「使得鏡頭承及-轴向回復 初始的位置」。 軸向_力係可將錄件回復到 安=1解決上述技術問題,根據本創作之其中一種方 =m具有線式遞功能之鏡頭致動裝置,其包 式彈=定Γ、Γ移動導引部件、一移動件及至少一個線 工 韻疋件其上係具有—空心線圈。該移動件其 r係具有一中空磁石組,並且該移動件係可移動地 朴movably ) A著該移動導引部件而設置於該固定件上。 當該空心線圈通電時,該空心線圈與該中空磁石組 可使該移動件移動之電磁推力。再者,每一個線式 W件之兩相反端係分別連接於該固定件及該移動件,並 且该等線式彈性件係施加—侧向預壓力及—軸向回復力 於該移動件上。· 安$了解決上述技術問題,根據本創作之其中一種方 *提供-種具有線式預壓功能之鏡頭致動裝置,其包 M320089 括·一固定件、一移動暮3μ •m兮件、一移動件及至少-個線 ί:.Γ且Γ,係具有-中空磁石組。該移動件 ’ \ϊί:夕線圈—’並且該移動件係.可移動地 藉此,當該空心線圈通電時::而:【於該固定件上。 . n亥空心線圈與該中空磁石組 彈性件2 °再者’每—個線式 ===分別連接於該固定件及該移動件,並 於該移動件上。 側向預壓力及-軸向回復力 ㈣ί ί作二『寺線式彈性件’以提供側向預壓力於該 固定件之間的間隙,而緊密接二Π 而仔到低摩擦、無自由偏擺、高精度之運動 士、 該等線式彈性件在配置與組裝上極為容易,而°不奋旦^制’ :上的難度,更提供其他元件配置上的彈性,有; 產品小型化的發展。 j於應用 杜4了能更進一步瞭解本創作為達成預定目的所採敗 之技術、手段及功效,請參閱以下有關本創作之一 ^附圖,相信本創作之目的、特徵與特點,當可由 沬入且具·體之瞭解,然而所附圖式身 並非用來對本創作加以限制者。U考與明用, 【實施方式】 : 請參考第二圖,為本創作第一實 於_ 只她例之鏡碩致動裝置 M320089 結構示意圖。夫名 載滑座21λ作之鏡頭致動裝置2包括有:―鏡頭承 ^ 1兩個移動導引部件、一固定座23、一底座24、 工% f圈25、—中空磁石組20、兩個線式彈性件2?'。、 _干2::所示,鏡頭承載滑座21設置有-鏡頭(未 做為取像之用,並且鏡頭 * = 崎裝配構成本創作之鏡頭致動裝置2之石 =2 Τ '底座24及空心線圈25經裝配後構成本創 作之鏡碩致動裝置2之一固定件。 此外,該固定座23.係從該底座24向上延伸出。 固移動導引部件係可為兩侧定軸22,該㈣定軸22^ 底座24上且用以連結該固定件與該移動件, 緣頭承載滑座21之圓孔形或開放孤形承靠面内 ‘為_動件移動之導引,讓該移動件可以在該固定 播Ϊ進行軸向的移動。其中該固定軸22係由導磁材料所 =^妓心_25㈣後即產生f磁場.,電磁場與 …工磁石組26散發之磁力線相互作用,因而產生—帝 :推力,該電磁推力係可用以推動該移動件進行轴向: 再者,本創作之鏡頭致動裝置2之移動導引部件可由 固定軸22更改為:至少一固定設置於該底座24上且 =該固定件與該移動件之滑動面,以作為該移動件移動 《導引。 * +復參考第二圖,該等線式彈性件27係採用導電材質 乍為該空心線圈25供電之介質。再者,該等線式彈性件 M320089 27分別具有〜固κ立 其中該固定部連^ $〈未標不)與一預壓部(未標示), 頭承载滑座21,、妾於该固定座23,預壓部連接於與該鏡 頭承载滑座21。瑪壓部用以施加一侧向預壓力Ρ1於該鏡 孔形或開放弧形^預壓力P1讓鏡頭承載滑座21之圓 •動件於軸向移動护#,緊貼於固定軸22之表面,使得移 ,運動結果。該等^ 件到低摩擦、無自由偏擺、高糈度之 •(復位彈力)p2於式彈性件27同時也提供一軸向回復力 '磁推力係具有相^該移動件,此軸向回復力P2與前述電 式彈性件27提佴之作用力。當電磁推力消失時,該等線 始的位罟。,、的軸向回復力P2係可將移動件回復到初 4是茶^考第同 座21上係$ f右"’在本創作第—實施例中,鏡頭承載滑 .有相對又1^個滑槽插孔212,而固定座23則設置 閉型穿孔234。該等線式彈性件27為 =二之線场性件,其齡職接於該特_孔212 人該寻封閉型穿孔234之間。 配s第一圖,請參考第三圖,其為本創作第二圖之 3 3纠面圖。忒中空磁石組%係由一第一中空磁石mo、 一弟一中空磁石261、及一接合於該第一與第二中空磁石 260、261之間之中空導磁片262所組成。該第一與第二 中空磁石260、261係以同磁極相對地結合於該中空導磁 片262的兩相反側。.其中,該中空導磁片262係吸納該第 一與第二中空磁石260、261所散發之磁力線φΐ、φ2, 並使該磁力線Φ1、Φ2穿越該空心線圈25,而與該空心 M320089 線圈25導電後產生之電磁場相互作用,以產生一電磁推 力致動該可動件。 換言之「由於第一中空磁石260與第二中空磁石261 以相同極性磁性結合於中空導磁片262,因此所散發的磁 力線Φ1、Φ2會形成相斥作用,而不會相互影響,同時磁 • 力線Φ1、Φ2會被中空導磁片262所吸納集中。磁力線 - Φ1、Φ2分另4從第一中空磁石260之N極下表面與第二中 φ 空磁石261之N極上表面出發,經由中空導磁片262之 • 導引,而轉向可滑動間隙所形成之氣隙,磁力線Φ1、Φ2 透過氣隙並穿越空心線圈25,再分別回到第一中空磁石 260之S極上表面與第二中空磁石261之S極下表面,而 形成二封閉磁路。磁力線Φ1、Φ2穿越空心線圈25時, 會與空心線圈25導電後所產生的電磁場相互作用,進而 產生電磁推力。 本創作藉由中空導磁片262將兩個中空磁石260、261 _ 所發散出來的磁力線Φ1、Φ2進行收納集中,並將所收納 • 集中的磁力線Φ1、Φ2導引並有效的穿越空心線爵25, 讓兩個中空磁石260、261所發散出來的磁力線Φ1、Φ2 不致泡漏,而有效率i也獲得足夠的致動力帶動鏡頭移動。 同時,藉由第一中空磁石> 260與第二中空磁石261 ~ 以相同極性磁性結合於中空導磁片262的設計,讓第一中 空磁石260與第二中空磁石261所散發的磁力線Φ1、Φ2 t ^ 形成相斥作用,而不致產生磁交鏈作用,造成磁力線Φ卜 彼此的影響。 11 M320089 配合第二圖,請參考第四圖,係為本創作第二實施例 之鏡頭致動裝置結構示意圖。在本創作第二實施例之鏡頭 致動裝置2’中的元件與第—實施例之鏡頭致動裝f 2相 同者’係以相同符號標示。第二實施例與第—實施例的磁 路與電路之動作原理與達成的功效相同,經過比較下,其 ‘主要的差異處在於··第二實施例之固定座23係設置至少 --開放式E型牙孔232來取代第一實施例之封閉型穿孔 # 234,以士解決封閉型穿孔234在組裝時,穿線步驟上所耗 費的由於使用封閉型穿孔234作為線式彈性件27 在固疋座23上之連接點,在組裝上必須先將線式彈性件 27之端連接於鏡頭承載滑座Μ之滑槽插孔犯中,再 將另一端穿過封閉型穿孔234並固定連接於固定座23 上,此種穿線的步驟會讓組裝的速度變慢。 □此在本創作第二實施例中,係使用開放式丘办 孔232作為線式彈性件27在固定座23上之連接點牙 •裝上工作人員僅需先將線式彈性件27之—端連接於、、且 ?承載滑座21之滑槽插孔212中,再將另一端跨接於^ 式Ε型穿孔232並固定連接於固定座23中即可,此^玫 •式大大的解決了組裝上的速度,進而加快產量。種方 再者’於第二貫施例中,第五圖所示之剖面圖係與〜 一實施例之第三圖的原理相同。其中該中空磁石級^、,第 由二第一中空磁石260與一中空導破片262相接合戶, 成。因此,該中空導磁片262係吸納該第一中空礙石斤叙 所散發之磁力線Φ1,並使該磁力線Φ1穿越該空,、、60 ΠΣ?! 12 M320089 25,而與該空心線圈25導電後產生電磁場相互作用,以 產生一電磁推力致動該可動件。 換言之’第二實施例係取去第一實施例中的第二中空 磁石261 ’而僅以第一中空磁石26〇提供磁力線φι。同 樣地,中空導磁片262吸納第—中空磁石26〇所散發之磁 力線Φ1,並使磁力線Φ1穿越空心線圈25,而與該空心 線圈25導電後產生之電磁場相互作,以產生一電磁 力致動該可動部件。 本創作之第二 、 g双勒衮置2,中,磁力勞 Φ1從第一中空磁石260之n極下表面出發,並被中‘ 磁片262所吸納集中,經由中空導磁片262之導引 向可滑動_卿成之_,磁力㈣丨透 並 而形成-封閉磁路。磁力“i穿越空 =面: 與空心線圈25導電後所產生的電互圈25日,’, 生電磁推力。. 互作用,進而i 本創作藉由中空導磁片262將第—中 散出來的磁力線Φ1進行收衲隹也 石260所發 力線Φ1導引並有致的圈^集中的磁 260所發散出來的礤力線則不致、、^ 娘昂一中空磁石 足夠的致動力帶動鏡頭移動。/ ’而有效率地獲得 結構示意圖。本創作之鏡頭魏壯'MR鏡頭至 纜碩致動裴置4包 載滑座41、兩個移動導引部件、祜有·一 口疋座43、一底」 13 M320089 一空心線圈45、一中空磁石組46、及兩個線式彈性件47。 其中,該兩個移動導引部件係可為兩個固定軸42或兩個 、滑動面。 ' 如第六圖所示,鏡頭承載滑座41設置有一鏡頭(未 標示)做為取像之用,並且鏡頭承載滑座41與空心線圈 .45經裝配構成本創作之鏡頭致動裝置4之一移動件。而 • 固定座43、底座44及中空磁石組46經裝配後構成本創 φ 作之鏡頭致動裝置4之一固定件。該等固定軸42固定設 - 置於該底座44上,且安置於鏡頭承載滑座41之圓孔形或 開放弧形承靠面内緣,作為該移動件移動之導引,讓該移 .動件可以在該固定件上進行轴向的移動。當該空心線圈 45導電後即產生電磁場,電磁場與該中空磁石組46散發 之磁力線相互作用,因而產生一電磁推力,該電磁推力係 可用以推動該移動件進行轴向移動q 復參考第六圖,該等線式彈性件47分別具有一固定 • 部(未標示)與一預壓部(未標示),其中該固定部連接 ’ 於該固定座43,預壓部連接於與該鏡頭承載滑座41,預 壓部用以施加一側向預壓力P1於該鏡頭承載滑座41。側 向預壓力P1讓鏡頭承載滑座41之圓孔形或開放弧形承靠 面緊貼於固定轴42之表面,使得移動件於轴向移動時, 得到低摩擦、無自由偏擺、高精度之運動結果。該等線式 J 彈性件47同時也提供一軸向回復力.(復位彈力)P2於該 t * 移動件,此轴向回復力P2與前述電磁推力係具有相反之 作用力。當電磁推力消失時,該等線式彈性件47提供的 14 M320089 軸向回復力P2係可將移動件回復到初始的位置。 復夢考第六圖,鏡頭承載滑座41上係設置有兩個滑 槽插孔412,而固定座細設置有相對應之兩個封閉型 牙孔434。該等線式彈性件47為非重合之線式彈性件, 其係分別連接於該等滑槽插孔412與該等封閉型穿孔4 3 4 之間再者,該中空磁石組46係可依實際的需要,選擇 /如第一實施例之中空磁石組2或第二實施例之中空磁石 —組 2,。 配曰弟’、圖’凊參考第七圖,係為本創作第四實施例 之鏡頭致動I置結構示意圖。在本創作第四實施例之鏡頭 致動裝1 4’中的元件與第三實施例之鏡頭致動裝置4相 同者“係以相同符號標示。第四實施例與第三實施例的磁 路與包路之動作原理與達成的功效相同,經過比較下,其 主要的差異處在於··第四實施例之固定座43係設置至少 _ 一開放式E型穿孔432來取代第三實施例之封閉型穿孔 ’ 434 ’以士解決封閉型穿孔434在組裝時,穿線步驟上所耗 費的工日守。由於使用封閉型穿孔434作為線式彈性件47 在固疋座43上之連接點,在組裝上必須先將線式彈性件· • 47之知連接於鏡頭承載滑座々I之滑槽插孔々I〗中,再 將另一端穿過封閉型穿孔434並固定連接殄固定座43 上,此種穿威的步驟會讓組裝的速度變慢。· 请麥考第八圖,為本創作第五實施例之鏡頭致動裝置' 結構示意圖。本創作之第五實施例揭露一移動件(此為一. 鏡頭承載滑座61加上線圈(例如第一、二實施例)或磁 15 M320089 石(例如第三、四實施例))係具有兩個與一固定軸62 配合之滑動孔610,並且該等滑動孔610係為相互平行的 橢圓孔。再者,依不同'的設計需求,該橢圓孔係可為封閉、、 孔或開放孔。此外,該螞圓孔之長邊與兩個線式彈性件 67之收縮方向為同一方向。 藉此’第五實施例透過談橢圓滑動孔61〇的設置,而 具有下列之優點: 1、兩個橢圓孔(兩個滑動孔610)可以藉由固定件與移 動件相對角度的微幅調整,而吸收「軸間距離」及「孔 間^離」的機械公差,以使得移動件裝入固定件時較 為容易。2、兩俯橢圓孔(兩個滑動孔61〇)的短 61)^ χ 斜晃動’因而本創作有助於鏡頭的光學品 貝,且有助於滑動的平順度。 3、兩個橢圓孔(兩個滑動 線切_ )的長邊可以作為該等 4 ίί 在x轴方向f曲時的收縮量。 β 軸彳又传平穩順暢的移動。 創作之鏡頭致動裝置係提供—固定件、 至夕一個移動導弓丨立β κ / 二 及至少一個線式强」σ 1 σ固疋軸或滑動面) 導”件而設動地沿著該移動 -㈣舆-預㈣,其中該固;部連 16 M320089 預壓 w運接於與該移動件, 該移動件上。同時,該 預严美加一側向預壓力於 位彈力)於該移動件。物二件提供-軸向回復力(復 並作為該移動件移動之°導引疋軸固定設置於該固定-件, 移動2作=等線式彈性件,以提供側向龍力於該 恤峨力響,得 動導引μ ^的心、’而緊密接觸於固定件上之移 高精度::動^ 上極為容易守’5亥寺線式彈性件在配置與組裝 配影響製造上的難度,更提供其他元件 的弹性,有利於應用產品小型化的發展。 ,t日二上所述’僅為本創作最佳之一的具體實施例之 兒明與圖式,惟本創作之特徵並不侷限於此,並非用 以限制本創作’柄作之所有範圍應以下述之申請專利範 圍為準’凡合於本創作申請專利範圍之精神與其類似變化 ^施例’皆應包含於本創作之範.中,任何熟悉該項技M320089 VIII. New Description·· 【New Technology Fields】, Paste «About the lens actuator with a line preload function. [Prior Art] In the past years, the trend of handheld H-equipped image capture modules has become more and more popular. Looking forward to the market demand for better performance and smaller size for handheld devices, the image capture module is facing higher quality. The dual requirements for miniaturization are aimed at improving the image quality. On the one hand, it is to improve the quality of the pixel. The market trend of the handheld device image capture module is gradually increased from VGA# level 3Q, and millions to 2 million. Ten thousand, three million alizarins, even toward higher levels of four million, five million alizarin development. In addition to the improvement of the element, the sharpness of the image is also more concerned, so the handheld device image capture module is also developed by the fixed focus image capturing function toward the camera-like optical autofocus function or even the optical zoom function. The operation principle of the optical autofocus function is to appropriately move the lens in the image capturing module according to the different distances of the image capturing objects, so that the optical image of the image capturing object can be accurately focused on the image sensor, Produce clear images. At present, it is generally more common to drive the lens in the image capturing module. The actuation modes are stepper motor actuation, piezoelectric actuation, and voice coil motor (VCM) actuation. Generally, the mechanism of the voice coil motor is mainly constructed by placing a coil in a magnetic circuit including a permanent magnet. According to Fleming's left-hand rule, when the coil M320089 is electrically conductive, it will interact with the permanent magnet to move the carrier of the permanent magnet, thereby driving the lens bearing carriage fixed on the carrier, and by adjusting The current flowing through the coil reaches the purpose of optical zooming and focusing. However, when the voice coil motor drives the lens to move back and forth to achieve the purpose of optical zooming and focusing, the gap between the moving parts of the image capturing module and the fixing member often causes a free yaw angle when the lens moves. Too large, and the Φ image quality is reduced. Therefore, the use of a voice coil motor for optical zooming and focusing purposes requires a high-precision positioning function, and also requires high precision on the relative yaw of the fixed shaft and the optical axis to conform to the optical image. A voice coil motor 3 is mentioned in the "voice coil motor device" of the Republic of China Patent Publication No. 200525859. As shown in the first figure, the voice coil motor 3 includes a carriage 31, a magnetic circuit member 32, a coil 33, A plurality of guide steel shafts 341, 342 and a base 35. The carriage 31 is rigidly coupled to the magnetic circuit member 32, and the coil 33 and the plurality of guide steel shafts 341, 342 are fixed to the base 35, respectively. Wherein, the magnetic circuit member 32 provides a magnetic flux leakage line 37 through the gap 36 and magnetically interlinks with the plurality of guide steel shafts 341, 342 to generate magnetic pre-pressures 381, 382. The combined torque formed by the magnetic pre-pressures 381, 382 can eliminate the gap between the moving parts and the fixed contact surfaces 311, 312, so that the sliding seat 31 can be moved back and forth to obtain low friction, no free yaw, and high precision. The result of the exercise. > ^ * However, the aforementioned voice coil motor 3 is required to cause the yoke yoke to guide the leakage magnetic field 37 * . * to the outer edge and the plurality of guide steel shafts 341, 342 to achieve magnetic preloading effect. However, the configuration of the yoke will affect the difficulty of manufacturing. When it is the same as M320089, it also limits the configuration of other transitions. It also has its bottleneck in miniaturization. [New content] 'The main purpose of #ΐίΓΓ is to provide a kind of line pre- Pressure function = actuating device. This creation is based on the linear elastic member of the image capturing module (the misalignment). It is widely used to apply at least one non-coincidence force to "make the lens support - the initial position of the axial return". The axial _ force system can return the recording to An = 1 to solve the above technical problem. According to one of the creations of the present invention, the lens actuating device having the linear delivery function, the package type bomb = fixed Γ, Γ movement guide The lead member, a moving member and the at least one line of motion members have an air-core coil thereon. The moving member has a hollow magnet group, and the moving member is movably disposed on the fixing member. When the air-core coil is energized, the air-core coil and the hollow magnet group can move the electromagnetic thrust of the moving member. Furthermore, the opposite ends of each of the wire W members are respectively connected to the fixing member and the moving member, and the linear elastic members apply a lateral pre-stress and an axial restoring force to the moving member. . · Ann $ solves the above technical problems, according to one of the creations*, a lens actuator with a line preload function, including M320089, a fixed part, a moving 暮3μ•m element, A moving member and at least one line ί:.Γ and Γ have a hollow magnet group. The moving member ' \ ϊ ί: 夕 coil -' and the moving member is movably thereby, when the air-core coil is energized:: and: on the fixing member. n Hai hollow coil and the hollow magnet group elastic member 2 ° and then 'every line type === are respectively connected to the fixing member and the moving member, and on the moving member. Lateral pre-stress and - axial restoring force (4) ί ί "Second line elastic members" to provide lateral pre-stress between the fixed parts, and close to the second, and low friction, no free bias Pendulum, high-precision sportsman, these linear elastic parts are extremely easy to configure and assemble, and ° does not work hard to make ': the difficulty of the other parts, but also provide flexibility in the configuration of other components, there are; development of. j Application Du 4 can further understand the techniques, means and effects of this creation in order to achieve the intended purpose, please refer to the following one of the creations ^ drawings, I believe that the purpose, characteristics and characteristics of this creation, when Intrusion and understanding of the body, however, the figure is not intended to limit the creation. U test and clear use, [Embodiment]: Please refer to the second figure, which is the first schematic diagram of the M320089, which is the first embodiment of the mirror. The lens actuating device 2 made by the driver's seat slide 21λ includes: “lens bearing unit 1 two moving guiding members, a fixing seat 23, a base 24, a working area f ring 25, a hollow magnet group 20, two A linear elastic member 2?'. , _ Dry 2::, the lens carrying carriage 21 is provided with a lens (not used for image taking, and the lens * = Saki assembly constitutes the stone of the lens actuator 2 of this creation = 2 Τ 'Base 24 And the air-core coil 25 is assembled to form a fixing member of the mirror actuator 2 of the present invention. Further, the fixing seat 23. extends upward from the base 24. The fixed moving guide member can be fixed on both sides. 22, the (four) fixed shaft 22 ^ base 24 and used to connect the fixing member and the moving member, the edge of the rim bearing the sliding seat 21 or the open orphan bearing surface 'is the movement of the moving member The moving member can be axially moved in the fixed seedling. The fixed shaft 22 is generated by the magnetic conductive material=^妓心_25(4), and the f magnetic field is generated. The electromagnetic field and the magnetic field group 26 are distributed. The lines of magnetic force interact to produce a thrust: the thrust can be used to push the moving member in the axial direction: Furthermore, the moving guide member of the lens actuator 2 of the present invention can be changed from the fixed shaft 22 to at least one Fixedly disposed on the base 24 and = sliding surface of the fixing member and the moving member As the moving member moves "guide. * + refer to the second figure, the linear elastic member 27 is made of a conductive material 乍 for the air supply of the air-core coil 25. Further, the linear elastic member M320089 27 respectively The first preloading portion 21 is attached to the fixing seat 23, and the pre-pressing portion is coupled to the lens bearing. The fixing portion is connected to the pre-pressing portion (not labeled). Slide 21. The pressing portion is configured to apply a lateral pre-pressure Ρ1 to the mirror hole shape or the open arc shape pre-pressure P1 so that the lens of the lens bearing slide 21 moves in the axial direction, and is closely attached to the fixed shaft 22 The surface makes the movement and the result of the movement. The low-friction, no-free yaw, high-twist (reset elastic force) p2 also provides an axial restoring force to the elastic member 27. The magnetic thrust system has a phase moving member, the axial direction The restoring force P2 and the aforementioned elastic elastic member 27 lift the force. When the electromagnetic thrust disappears, the line starts at the position of 罟. ,, the axial restoring force P2 can return the moving piece to the first 4 is the tea ^ test the same seat 21 on the line f f right " 'In this creation - the embodiment, the lens bears slip. There are relative 1 ^ Chute jack 212, and the fixed seat 23 is provided with a closed perforation 234. The linear elastic member 27 is a line field member of the second line, and the age of the member is between the special hole 234 of the special hole 234. With the first picture of s, please refer to the third picture, which is the 3 3 corrective picture of the second picture of the creation. The hollow magnet group % is composed of a first hollow magnet mo, a young magnet, a hollow magnet 261, and a hollow magnetic conductive sheet 262 joined between the first and second hollow magnets 260, 261. The first and second hollow magnets 260, 261 are oppositely coupled to opposite sides of the hollow magnetic permeable sheet 262 with the same magnetic poles. The hollow magnetic conductive sheet 262 absorbs the magnetic lines φ ΐ and φ 2 emitted by the first and second hollow magnets 260 and 261, and causes the magnetic lines Φ1 and Φ2 to pass through the air-core coil 25, and the hollow M320089 coil 25 The electromagnetic fields generated after the conduction interact to generate an electromagnetic thrust to actuate the movable member. In other words, "Because the first hollow magnet 260 and the second hollow magnet 261 are magnetically bonded to the hollow magnetic conductive sheet 262 with the same polarity, the magnetic flux lines Φ1, Φ2 emitted will form a repulsive action without affecting each other, and at the same time, the magnetic force The lines Φ1 and Φ2 are absorbed by the hollow magnetic conductive sheet 262. The magnetic lines Φ1 and Φ2 are separated from the upper surface of the N pole of the first hollow magnet 260 and the upper surface of the N pole of the second middle φ hollow magnet 261 via the hollow The magnetic guide piece 262 guides and turns to the air gap formed by the slidable gap, and the magnetic lines Φ1, Φ2 pass through the air gap and pass through the air-core coil 25, and then return to the upper surface of the S-pole and the second hollow of the first hollow magnet 260, respectively. The lower surface of the S pole of the magnet 261 forms a closed magnetic circuit. When the magnetic lines Φ1 and Φ2 pass through the air-core coil 25, they interact with the electromagnetic field generated by the conduction of the air-core coil 25, thereby generating electromagnetic thrust. The magnetic piece 262 stores and concentrates the magnetic lines Φ1 and Φ2 radiated from the two hollow magnets 260 and 261 _, and guides the magnetic lines Φ1 and Φ2 collected and concentrated to effectively pass through the hollow line. 25, the magnetic lines Φ1, Φ2 emitted by the two hollow magnets 260, 261 do not cause bubble leakage, and the efficiency i also obtains sufficient actuation force to drive the lens to move. At the same time, by the first hollow magnet > 260 and the second The hollow magnet 261 ~ is magnetically coupled to the hollow magnetic conductive sheet 262 with the same polarity, so that the magnetic fluxes Φ1, Φ2 t ^ emitted by the first hollow magnet 260 and the second hollow magnet 261 form a repulsive action without causing magnetic cross-linking. Acting, causing the influence of the magnetic force lines Φ. 11 M320089 With the second figure, please refer to the fourth figure, which is a schematic structural view of the lens actuating device of the second embodiment of the present invention. The same elements of the device 2' are denoted by the same reference numerals as the lens actuators f 2 of the first embodiment. The principle of action of the magnetic circuit and the circuit of the second embodiment and the first embodiment are the same. By comparison, the main difference is that the fixing seat 23 of the second embodiment is provided with at least the open type E-hole 232 instead of the closed type perforation #234 of the first embodiment. When the closed perforation 234 is assembled, the use of the closed perforation 234 as the connection point of the linear elastic member 27 on the fixing seat 23 during the threading step must first connect the end of the linear elastic member 27 in assembly. In the slot jack of the lens bearing slide, the other end is passed through the closed perforation 234 and fixedly attached to the fixing base 23. This step of threading makes the assembly speed slower. In the second embodiment, the open chute hole 232 is used as the connecting elastic part of the linear elastic member 27 on the fixing base 23. The staff only needs to connect the end of the linear elastic member 27 to And the other end is connected to the fixed hole 23 and fixedly connected to the fixing seat 23, and the ^May type greatly solves the assembly. The speed, which in turn speeds up production. In the second embodiment, the cross-sectional view shown in the fifth embodiment is the same as the third embodiment in the first embodiment. Wherein the hollow magnet grade ^, the second first hollow magnet 260 is joined to a hollow guide piece 262. Therefore, the hollow magnetic conductive sheet 262 absorbs the magnetic line Φ1 emitted by the first hollow, and causes the magnetic line Φ1 to pass through the air, and 60 ΠΣ?! 12 M320089 25, and is electrically conductive with the air-core coil 25. The electromagnetic field interaction is then generated to generate an electromagnetic thrust to actuate the movable member. In other words, the second embodiment takes the second hollow magnet 261' in the first embodiment and provides the magnetic flux φι only with the first hollow magnet 26'. Similarly, the hollow magnetic conductive sheet 262 absorbs the magnetic force line Φ1 emitted by the first hollow magnet 26〇, and causes the magnetic force line Φ1 to pass through the air-core coil 25, and interacts with the electromagnetic field generated by the air-core coil 25 to generate an electromagnetic force. Move the movable part. In the second and second g-positions of the present invention, the magnetic force Φ1 starts from the lower surface of the n-pole of the first hollow magnet 260, and is absorbed by the middle magnetic sheet 262, and is guided by the hollow magnetic conductive sheet 262. Leading to the slidable _ Qing Chengzhi _, the magnetic force (four) smashed and formed a closed magnetic circuit. The magnetic force "i crosses the air = surface: the electric loop generated by the electric conduction with the air-core coil 25 is 25 days, ', the electromagnetic thrust.. Interaction, and then i is created by the hollow magnetic conductive sheet 262 The magnetic field line Φ1 is used to guide the Φ1 to the 260 of the force line Φ1, and the magnetic line 260 that is concentrated in the circle Φ is not transmitted, and the mother magnet is enough to drive the lens to move. / / And efficiently obtain a schematic diagram of the structure. The lens of this creation Wei Zhuang 'MR lens to cable master actuated device 4 package slide 41, two moving guide parts, · · a squat seat 43, a底” 13 M320089 An air-core coil 45, a hollow magnet group 46, and two linear elastic members 47. The two moving guiding members may be two fixed shafts 42 or two sliding surfaces. As shown in the sixth figure, the lens carrying carriage 41 is provided with a lens (not shown) for image taking, and the lens carrying carriage 41 and the air-core coil 45 are assembled to constitute the lens actuating device 4 of the present invention. A moving piece. And the fixing seat 43, the base 44 and the hollow magnet group 46 are assembled to form a fixing member of the lens actuating device 4 of the present invention. The fixed shaft 42 is fixedly disposed on the base 44 and disposed on the inner edge of the circular hole shape or the open curved bearing surface of the lens bearing slide 41 as a guide for the movement of the moving member to allow the movement. The moving member can move axially on the fixing member. When the air-core coil 45 is electrically conductive, an electromagnetic field is generated, and the electromagnetic field interacts with the magnetic lines of force emitted by the hollow magnet group 46, thereby generating an electromagnetic thrust, which can be used to push the moving member to perform axial movement. The linear elastic members 47 respectively have a fixing portion (not shown) and a pre-pressing portion (not shown), wherein the fixing portion is connected to the fixing seat 43, and the pre-pressing portion is coupled to the sliding bearing with the lens. The seat 41 and the pre-pressing portion are for applying a lateral pre-pressure P1 to the lens carrying carriage 41. The lateral pre-pressure P1 allows the circular hole-shaped or open-arc bearing surface of the lens-carrying carriage 41 to abut against the surface of the fixed shaft 42 so that the moving member moves in the axial direction to obtain low friction, no free yaw, and high The result of the movement of precision. The line J elastic member 47 also provides an axial restoring force (reset spring force) P2 to the t* moving member, and the axial restoring force P2 has an opposite force to the aforementioned electromagnetic thrust system. When the electromagnetic thrust disappears, the 14 M320089 axial restoring force P2 provided by the linear elastic member 47 returns the moving member to the initial position. In the sixth picture of the dream test, the lens carrying carriage 41 is provided with two sliding slot insertion holes 412, and the fixing seat is thinly provided with two corresponding closed type apertures 434. The linear elastic members 47 are non-coincident linear elastic members respectively connected between the sliding slot insertion holes 412 and the closed type perforations 4 3 4, and the hollow magnet group 46 can be For practical needs, the hollow magnet group 2 of the first embodiment or the hollow magnet group 2 of the second embodiment is selected. With reference to the seventh figure, it is a schematic diagram of the lens actuation I structure of the fourth embodiment of the present invention. The elements in the lens actuator 1 4' of the fourth embodiment of the present invention are the same as those of the lens actuator 4 of the third embodiment. The same reference numerals are used. The magnetic circuits of the fourth embodiment and the third embodiment. The principle of the action of the road and the effect achieved are the same. After comparison, the main difference is that the fixing seat 43 of the fourth embodiment is provided with at least one open E-shaped hole 432 instead of the third embodiment. The closed perforation '434' solves the labor involved in the threading step when assembling the closed perforation 434. Since the closed perforation 434 is used as the connection point of the linear elastic member 47 on the solid seat 43, In the assembly, the linear elastic member must be connected to the chute socket 々I of the lens bearing slide 々I, and the other end is passed through the closed perforation 434 and fixed to the yoke fixing seat 43. The step of wearing this will slow down the assembly speed. · Please take the eighth picture of Mai Kao, which is a schematic diagram of the lens actuator device of the fifth embodiment. The fifth embodiment of the present invention discloses a moving part. (This is one. Lens carrier slide 61 plus The coil (for example, the first and second embodiments) or the magnetic 15 M320089 stone (for example, the third and fourth embodiments) has two sliding holes 610 that cooperate with a fixed shaft 62, and the sliding holes 610 are parallel to each other. An elliptical hole. Further, the elliptical hole may be a closed, a hole or an open hole according to different design requirements. Further, the long side of the round hole is the same as the contraction direction of the two linear elastic members 67. The fifth embodiment, by referring to the arrangement of the elliptical sliding holes 61, has the following advantages: 1. Two elliptical holes (two sliding holes 610) can be micro-angled by the relative angle of the fixing member and the moving member The adjustment of the amplitude absorbs the mechanical tolerances of "inter-axis distance" and "inter-hole separation" to make it easier to load the moving member into the fixing member. 2. Short of the two elliptical holes (two sliding holes 61〇) 61)^ 斜 Slanting motion ‘This creation contributes to the optical product of the lens and contributes to the smoothness of the sliding. 3. The long sides of the two elliptical holes (two sliding lines cut _) can be used as the amount of contraction of the 4 ίί in the x-axis direction. The β-axis is transmitted smoothly and smoothly. The created lens actuating device is provided with a fixing member, a moving guide bow, a β κ / 2 and at least one linear strong σ 1 σ solid axis or a sliding surface. The movement - (four) 舆 - pre (four), wherein the solid; the portion of the 16 M320089 preload w is transported to the moving member with the moving member. At the same time, the pre-strict US plus side pre-stress in position elastic force) Moving member. The two pieces provide an axial restoring force (reconstructed as the moving member moves the guiding shaft to be fixed to the fixed-piece, moving 2 for the equal-line elastic member to provide lateral force In this shirt, the heart is swaying, and the heart is guided, and the high-precision is closely touched on the fixing member: the movement is extremely easy to keep. The influence of the 5 Haisi line elastic member in the configuration and assembly The difficulty in manufacturing, and the flexibility of other components, is conducive to the development of miniaturization of application products. The description of the specific embodiment of the present invention is only one of the best examples of this creation, but only The characteristics of creation are not limited to this, and are not intended to limit the scope of this creation. Patent application range, whichever 'who bonded to the spirit of the present patent application creation similar changes its scope Example ^' are to be included in the scope. In this writing, any skilled in the technology
^者在本創作之領域内,可輕易思及之變化或修飾皆可涵 盍在以下本案之專利範圍。 M 【圖式簡單說明】 第一圖為習知音圈馬達裝置結構示意圖; 第二圖為本創作第一實施例之鏡頭致動裝置結構,示意圖; 第二圖為本創作第二圖之3-3剖面圖; 第四圖為本創作第二實施例之鏡頭致動裝置結構示意圖; 17 M320089 =五圖為本創作第四圖之5·5剖面圖; 三實施例之鏡頭致動裝置結構示意圖; ^彳作$四實_之鏡鬚動裝結 圖;及 ^ 弟八圖為本創作第五實施例之鏡頭致動裝置結構示意圖。 【主要元件符號說明】 [習知] 音圈馬達 、1 滑座 31 接觸面 311 、 312 磁路部件 線圈 32 '33 導引鋼軸 底座 341 、 342 35 間隙 36 漏磁力線 37 • 磁預壓力 [本創作] 38卜 382 '鏡碩致動裝置 2、2,、4、41 鏡頭承攀滑座 2 卜 41、61 滑動孔t, 610 滑槽插孔 212 > 412 固定軸 22 、 42 、 62 18 M320089 固定座 23、 43 開放式穿孔 232 >432 封閉型穿孔 234 、434 底座 24 > 44 空心線圈 25、 45 中空磁石組 26、 26、46 第一中空磁石 260 第二中空磁石 261 中空導磁片、 262 線式彈性件 27、 47、67 侧向預壓力 P1 軸向回復力 P2In the field of this creation, the changes or modifications that can be easily considered can be covered in the following patents of this case. M [Simple diagram of the diagram] The first diagram is a schematic diagram of the structure of a conventional voice coil motor device; the second diagram is a schematic diagram of the structure of the lens actuator device according to the first embodiment of the creation; 3 is a cross-sectional view; the fourth figure is a schematic view of the structure of the lens actuating device according to the second embodiment of the present invention; 17 M320089=5 is a cross-sectional view of the fifth figure of the fourth drawing of the present invention; ; ^ 彳 $ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [Main component symbol description] [Practical] Voice coil motor, 1 slider 31 Contact surface 311, 312 Magnetic circuit component coil 32 '33 Guide steel shaft base 341, 342 35 Clearance 36 Magnetic leakage line 37 • Magnetic pre-pressure [This Creation] 38 382 'Mirror Mirror Actuator 2, 2, 4, 41 Lens Load Cushion 2 Bu 41, 61 Sliding hole t, 610 Chute jack 212 > 412 Fixed shaft 22, 42 , 62 18 M320089 Fixing seat 23, 43 Open perforation 232 > 432 Closed perforation 234, 434 Base 24 > 44 Hollow coil 25, 45 Hollow magnet group 26, 26, 46 First hollow magnet 260 Second hollow magnet 261 Hollow magnetic Sheet, 262 linear elastic parts 27, 47, 67 lateral preload P1 axial restoring force P2