TWM312714U - Intelligent collating job/recruit search module - Google Patents

Intelligent collating job/recruit search module Download PDF


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TWM312714U TW95219420U TW95219420U TWM312714U TW M312714 U TWM312714 U TW M312714U TW 95219420 U TW95219420 U TW 95219420U TW 95219420 U TW95219420 U TW 95219420U TW M312714 U TWM312714 U TW M312714U
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Wen-Shiung Lin
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1111 Job Bank Co Ltd
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Publication of TWM312714U publication Critical patent/TWM312714U/en



  • Management, Administration, Business Operations System, And Electronic Commerce (AREA)
  • Information Retrieval, Db Structures And Fs Structures Therefor (AREA)


M312714 八、新型說明: 【新型所屬之技術領域】 本創作係一種求職求才智慧排序搜尋模組,主要為一 種利用「模糊排序」技術,供求職求才者對大量履歷/職 缺資訊依照自訂完全比對或差別給分比對之設定,運算與 設定條件合致之差異程度對資料檔案加以排序呈現之系 統模組,尤指一種透過人力銀行網站祠服器、人力銀行網 頁連結伺服器、人力銀行運算規則管理飼服器、求職履歷 及求才職位貝料庫、人力銀行使用者管理介面、比對條件 資訊分$運算伺服器、完全比對運算伺服器、「模糊排序」 功此運异伺服器、綜合得分排列順序運算飼服器,提供人 力銀行網站管理者及使用者對所有統一填寫欄位格式之 求職履歷及求才職/立#宏::备粗 &不職位杬案貝枓,依據不同之比對與評比條 件設定,要求特定攔位必須進行數位編碼完全吻合之比 對,及要求特定欄位得於資料槽案符合完全比對之筛檢後 依照設定條件;5纽呢、仓^ $ 中件及級距進仃差別給分之「模糊排序」運算, 而將最後運算結果依攄各 分情形顯示於使用者面Λ貝科付合所設定條件之得 要求之求職求才得以從眾多符合基本 度掌握優等有疼’依據設定理想條件之配對精確程 者。 $的需用貧訊,有別於傳統求才及求職系統 【先前技術】 按夕目則求職徵才媒合作業中’有關求職求才資料之 查找,多已操用帝2 w… 彳貝竹心 包子化私案資料庫儲存管理查找之系統, M312714 其主要係採取下達指令至 等構件,其中,搜尋_„。7置、搜尋㈣器及資料庫 r, 11為具有數位電子演算之比對功 月匕,貝枓庫可將大量數位化 丁刀 ® # F W T- ^ ^ 貝巩儲存,而在使用人透過電 月尚#衣置下達特定履歷或職缺 算比對履歷/職缺資料庫内之數曰^ ’得以演 件之資料槽案。《内之數位資訊而找出合於輸入條 砰覲上述習用系統模組, ㈣^卜難^現其在當前社會工商 、交遷快速的環境中,職能媒 而衣大里產生的%境下已頗 有不足之處,主要原因在於: 該結構係以資料庫储存數位化之求職履歷,而將各求 職者之履歷内容數位化後,求職者各項專長、資格、學歷、 ,歷、專長#描述性文字即轉化為可供f腦語言辨識之數 子方式料’·當對履歷資料庫内資訊有興趣之使用者欲查 找貧料時’可透過電腦連線、網路連線或其他連接之方法 輸入查找&令,再由具有搜尋比對功能之伺服器以其指令 代表之數位進入資料庫進行等式驗算,*查找出資料 庫中符合輸人指令之存儲資料,再透過軟體編寫將其排列 =理、依序點擊查料細内容。然而,該、结構所進行之演 异比對查找功能,僅能從區分不同攔位存入資訊的眾多檔 案中,設定某些欄位的數位儲存碼比對查找功能,而查找 出部分條件合致需求的檔案,或是隨機排列符合部分=找 條件之資訊,再由各該檔案中人工比對其他條件是否符合 使用者求職求才之需求’並無法綜合評比每筆槽案各組人 攔位資訊對使用者設定條件的整體參考比對價值,對於目 前資訊爆炸、充斥龐大人才/職缺檔案數之求職求才市場 M312714 而a ’貫難以發揮發掘最適人 -^ ^ 取仏職缺,而提供適才 、所务展,廣泛解決社會人盡其才就業兩 此,該前述習知的求職履歷電子資存、目的 組,仍有改進的空間。 、切存官理查找系統模 【新型内容】 本創作主要係包括遠端使用者(包 =際網路、人力銀行網站伺服器、求職履歷/求才才者職) 順I運2比Γ条件資訊分流運算飼服器、综合得分排列 、一―服态,其中’人力銀行網站伺服器係包括人力 連結伺服器、人力銀行運算規則管理伺服器及求 職/求才者履歷/職缺資料庫,以供求職徵才使用者登入 人力銀行管理頁面而下達履歷職缺搜尋指令,並可設定網 頁中不同攔位進行完全*對或「模糊排序」差別給分比對, 而連結比對條件資訊分流運算伺服器以區分不同之比對指 令而進入人力銀行資料庫中進行比對工作;其:之: 件貝讯分流運算伺服器係包括完全比對運算饲服器及「模 糊排序」功能運算伺服器,於網站管理者或使用者透過管 理介面連結人力銀行運算規則管理伺服器下達完全比對或 ί分比Γ:條件時’對不同比對方式之指令串流加以區 刀而7凡王比對運异伺服器連結完全比對欄位資料庫依 據70王比對條件就各該要求攔位進行數位編碼運算比對, 、二運^比對篩檢出之檔案生成註冊碼,而連結「模糊排序」 力月b運开伺月艮益及|分比對攔4立資料冑,依^網站管理者 所設^各差別給分攔位比對條件、以及差別給分標準,進 灯极糊排序」功能之運算,以得出不同給分並將得分分 M312714 別紀錄於该批次各檔案資料中,而儲存入比對結果暫存資 料庫,其中,綜合得分排列順序運算伺服器係連結比對條 件資訊分流運算伺服器及比對結果暫存資料庫及人力銀行 使用者介面,將通過完全比對及「模糊排序」比對完成後 各檔案之得分資料,依據網站管理者或使用者設定之完全 比對及差分比對原則與評分標準進行得分數字優次排序的 資訊呈現,並可視需求單位多募,設定呈現排序較先之槽 案,提供使用者更佳之排序參考。 本創作具有下列功效:1.利用伺服器運算比對機制, 設定人才/職務條件後可找出完全符合或是部份符合條件 ,人選/職缺資料;2.可將所有人選/職缺等資料播案依照 符合設定條件之程度給予適當的評分,並依評分加以排 序,3.可視實際需求設定搜尋條件及需求檔案單位數,不 受比對候選檔案數之影響。 *本創作之主要目的係提供-種求職求才智慧排序搜 哥模組’為改善傳統的職㈣合資訊系統無法滿足使用者 求職/求才查找職缺/人才之挑選慣性,而提供一可依照使 用者設定條件進行必要資訊㈣並差別評分排序楷案、之 ::排序模组,而使求職/求才者便於由最後排列之檔案 :早中:依據最適合設定條件之程度逐一挑選需用之檔 ,、,以增進求職求才雙方配對媒合成功之機會。 本創作之次要目的在於提供一種求職求才媒合條件 街理係數紀錄資料庫,為對符合使用者需求必要條件 二=履歷/職缺資料樓案進行其他各項攔位條件之「模 」比較評分,人力銀行網站管理者或使用者必須以 8 M312714 其人力貧源官理專業,就所有人才履歷/職缺資料檔案中 代表不同條件之輸入攔位訊息建立標準條件及差異數據 的評分條件,以及設立不同標準條件下差異數值評比之標 準,據此而構成-評分管理係數紀錄資料庫,而具有求職 求才媒合產業管理人力資源專業之重要參考價值。 【實施方式】 浚第圖所示,本創作之求職求才智慧排序搜尋模組 立體架構圖,±要為以—使用者端連線電腦(丄ο)、網 際網路(2 0 )、人力銀行網站伺服器(3 〇 )、人力銀 =網頁連結伺服器(3 i )、人力銀行運算規則管理祠服 為(3 2 )、求職/求才者履歷/職缺資料庫(3 3 )、 完全比對攔位資料庫(3 3 1 )、差分比對攔位資料庫(3 3 2 )二比對結果暫存資料庫(3 3 3 )、比對條件資訊 '刀/爪運异伺服器(4 0 )、完全比對運算伺服器(4 1 )、 ,糊排序運算功能伺服器(4 2)、綜合得分排列順序運 异祠服器(5 0 )所建構而成,其中: 力銀行、、’罔站伺服裔(3 0 )係包括人力銀行網頁 連結伺服$ ( 3 1 )、人力銀行運算規則管理伺服器(3 2)及求職/求才者履歷/職缺資料庫(33),求職徵 才使用者登入由人力銀行網頁連結伺服器(3 1 )控制之 人力銀仃官理頁面,該頁面連結人力銀行運算規則管理伺 服的(3 2 )可供使用者下達履歷職缺搜尋指令,並可供 使用者對網頁中不同攔位設定指令以連結求職/求才者履 歷/職缺貢料庫(3 3 )進行完全比對或「模糊排序」差 別給分比對; M312714 一比對條件資訊分流運算伺服器(4 Q )係包括完全 比對運算伺服器(4 !)及「模糊排序」;力能運算饲服器 (4 2 )’於網站管理者或求職求才使用者透過管理介面M312714 VIII. New Description: [New Technology Field] This creation is a kind of job search and intelligence sorting search module, which is mainly used to use the "fuzzy sorting" technology for job seekers to a large number of resumes / job information according to a system module that sets a complete comparison or a difference to a set of comparisons, a degree of difference between the calculation and the setting conditions, and a system module for sorting and presenting the data files, in particular, a server connected through a human bank website, a human bank webpage, Human bank computing rules management feeding machine, job search resume and job-seeking position database, human bank user management interface, comparison condition information, $calculation server, complete comparison server, "fuzzy sorting" Different server, comprehensive score-sequence operation feeder, provide manpower bank website administrators and users for all the job-filled resumes in the field format and seek job / stand #宏::备粗&不职杬案Bessie, according to different ratios and evaluation conditions, requires that specific blocks must be fully aligned with the digital code, and Find the specific field to be in the data slot case and match the set condition according to the set condition; 5 New Zealand, the warehouse ^ $ middle piece and the step distance difference to give the "fuzzy sorting" operation, and the final operation result According to the respective situation, the job seeker who is required to display the conditions set by the user in the face of the Becco can be selected from a number of matching courses that meet the ideal conditions of the basics. $ need to use poor news, different from the traditional seeking and job search system [previous technology] According to the evening, the job search and media cooperation industry, in the search for job seeking information, more have used the emperor 2 w... mussel The system of storage and management of the bamboo heart-packed private database, M312714 mainly adopts the instructions to send the components to the components, among them, the search_7, the search (four) and the database r, 11 is the comparison with the digital electronic calculation. Gongyue 枓, Bessie can store a large number of digital Dingdao® # FW T- ^ ^ Begong, and the user will be given a specific resume or job vacancies through the essays. The number in the library 曰 ^ 'can be translated into the data slot case. "The digital information inside finds the input system, the above-mentioned custom system module, (four) ^ Bu difficult ^ now in the current social industry and commerce, rapid transit In the environment, there are quite a few deficiencies in the function of media and clothing. The main reason is that the structure stores the digital job search history in the database, and digitizes the resume contents of each job seeker. Job seekers' expertise, qualifications, and studies , , calendar, expertise #descriptive text is transformed into a number of ways to identify the language of the brain. 'When the user interested in the information in the resume database wants to find poor materials' can be connected through the computer, network The method of connecting the line or other connection is to input the search & order, and then the server having the search matching function enters the database by the digit represented by the instruction to perform the equation check, and * finds the storage in the database that conforms to the input instruction. The data is then arranged through the software to arrange it, and click on the details of the search. However, the structure and the matching function of the search function can only be used in many files that distinguish different blocks from the information. Set the digital storage code comparison function of some fields to find the files with partial conditional requirements, or randomly arrange the information that meets the partial=find condition, and then manually compare the other conditions in the file. The demand for job seekers and talents' can not comprehensively evaluate the overall reference comparison value of each group of people in each slot case setting information, for the current information explosion, charge The large number of talents/vacancies files for job seekers and talents market M312714 and a 'comparable to find the most suitable people - ^ ^ to take advantage of the job, provide the right talents, the exhibition, widely solve the social people do their best to find employment, the aforementioned There is still room for improvement in the electronic inventory and purpose group of the job search resume. The system of the search system is searched for. [New content] This creation mainly includes remote users (package = network, human bank website server, Job Search Resume / Seeking Talents) Shun I Yun 2 Γ Conditional Information Diversion Operation Feeder, Comprehensive Score Arrangement, One-Service Status, where 'Human Bank Website Server includes human link server, human bank operation rules Manage the server and job seeker/questioner's resume/employment database for job seekers to log in to the manpower bank management page and place a resume job search command, and set different barriers on the web page to perform a full* or " The fuzzy sorting" difference gives the score comparison, and the link comparison condition information splitting operation server compares the different comparison instructions into the human bank database for comparison The following: The Beichi split-flow server includes a complete comparison operation feeder and a "fuzzy sorting" function computing server, and the website manager or user connects the human banking operation rule management server through the management interface. Release complete comparison or ί Γ Γ Γ Γ Γ Γ Γ Γ Γ Γ Γ Γ Γ Γ Γ Γ Γ Γ Γ Γ Γ Γ Γ Γ Γ Γ Γ Γ Γ Γ 完全 完全 完全 完全 完全 完全 完全 完全 完全 完全 完全 完全 完全 完全 完全 完全 完全 完全Each of the required blocks is subjected to a digital encoding operation comparison, and the second shipment is compared with the screen to generate a registration code, and the link "fuzzy sorting" is used to transport the moon and the profit. According to the information provided by the website manager, the difference between the website manager and the difference is given to the sub-standard, and the difference is given to the sub-standard, and the operation is performed in order to obtain different scores and score the score of M312714. In the archive data of the batch, and stored in the temporary storage database of the comparison result, wherein the comprehensive score ranking operation server is compared with the condition information off-flow computing server and the comparison result temporary database and human silver The user interface will compare the scores of the files after completion through complete comparison and "fuzzy sorting", and sort the scores according to the complete comparison and differential comparison principle and scoring standard set by the website administrator or user. The information is presented, and more units can be recruited according to the demand unit, and the slot case with the prioritization is set to provide a better sorting reference for the user. This creation has the following effects: 1. Using the server operation comparison mechanism, after setting the talent/position conditions, it can find out the full or partial qualifications, candidate/vacancy information; 2. Can select all candidates/vacancies, etc. The data broadcasts are appropriately graded according to the degree of compliance with the set conditions, and are sorted according to the score. 3. The search conditions and the number of demand file units can be set according to actual needs, and are not affected by the number of candidate files. * The main purpose of this creation is to provide a kind of job-seeking and intelligence-sorting search brother module 'to improve the traditional job (four) information system can not meet the user job search / seeking talent to find the job deficit / talent selection inertia, and provide one According to the user's set conditions, the necessary information (4) and the difference scores are sorted, and the:: sorting module, so that the job seeker/seeker is convenient for the last ranked file: early middle: according to the most suitable setting conditions, one by one Use the file, and, in order to enhance the chances of successful job-seeking and matching. The secondary objective of this creation is to provide a database of job seeker-acquisition conditions and the coefficient of the street coefficient, in order to meet the user's needs, the necessary conditions 2, resumes, job vacancies, and other various conditions. To compare the scores, the human bank website administrator or user must establish the standard conditions and the scores of the difference data for the input barrier messages representing different conditions in all the talent résumé/vacancies files in 8 M312714. And setting standards for the numerical evaluation of differences under different standard conditions, according to which constitutes a database of score management coefficient records, and has an important reference value for job search and talent management industry management human resources professional. [Embodiment] As shown in the figure above, the creation of the job seeks wisdom and sorts the search module's three-dimensional architecture diagram, and the user must be connected to the computer (丄ο), the Internet (2 0), and the human resources. Bank website server (3 〇), human bank silver = web link server (3 i ), human bank computing rule management service (3 2 ), job search / job seeker resume / job database (3 3 ), Complete comparison of the interception database (3 3 1 ), differential comparison of the barrier database (3 3 2), the comparison of the results of the temporary database (3 3 3), comparison of the condition information 'knife / claw transport different servo The device (4 0 ), the complete comparison computing server (4 1 ), the paste sorting function server (4 2), and the comprehensive scoring sequence ordering device (5 0 ) are constructed, wherein: Bank, 'Site Station Servant (3 0) includes Human Bank Webpage Connection Serving $ ( 3 1 ), Manpower Banking Rules Management Server (3 2), and Job Search/Certificate Resume/Department Database (33) ), the job seeker user login is accessed by the Human Bank's webpage link server (3 1). Linked to the Human Banking Rules Management Servo (3 2), the user can issue a resume job search command, and the user can set commands for different blocks in the webpage to link the job seeker/questioner resume/vacancy tribute library. (3 3) Perform a complete comparison or "fuzzy sorting" difference to give a point comparison; M312714 A comparison condition information offloading operation server (4 Q) includes a complete comparison server (4!) and "fuzzy sorting" The power operation computing device (4 2 )' is used by the website manager or the job seeker through the management interface.

連結人力銀行運算規則管理伺服器(3 2 )下達完全比對 或差分比對之條件日寺’對不同比對方式之指令串::以區 分,而令完全比對運算伺服器連結完全比對搁位資料庫(3 31)依據完全比對條件就各該要求攔位進行數位編碼運 算比對,經運算比對篩檢出之檔案則生成並配予註冊碼, 進而連結「模糊排序」#能運算伺服器(4 2 )及差分比 對攔位資料庫(3 3 2 )’依據網站管理者所設定各差別 給㈣減對條件、以及差別給分標準,進行「模糊排序」 功能之運算,以得出不同給分並將得分分別紀錄於該批次 各標案資料巾’而健存人比對結果暫#資料冑(3 3 3 ); 一综合得分排列順序運算伺服器(5 G )係連結比對 條件資訊分流運算伺服器(4 Q )及比對結果暫存資料庫 (3 3 3 )及人力銀行使用者介面,將通過完全比對及「模 糊排序」Λ對完成後各播案之得分資料,依據網站管理者 =吏用者D又疋之凡全比對及差分比對原則與評分標準進行 ,分數字優次排序的資訊呈現,並可視需求單位多寡,設 定呈現排序較先之檔案,提供使用者更佳之排序參考。 於貫施時’請依第二圖所示, 八求職求才者端透過連線電腦登入人力銀行網頁管理 介面(1)進入設定搜尋條件(2)管理介面,依據求職 /求才不同之需求,分別對設定對搜尋職務或履歷中各項 攔位之要求條件’並分別對各攔位設定需要完全比對或 10 M312714 核糊排序」差別給分比對,網站伺服器則將不同之搜尋 條件分流(3 ),進入完全比對搜尋(3 · 1 )後,系統 就所有人力銀行資料庫個別檔案中被要求完全比對攔位 進行搜尋’並對搜尋出符合條件之檔案生成給予註冊碼 (3 1 · 1 );同時,使用者可繼續對搜尋作動中之「模Linking the human bank computing rule management server (3 2) to issue a complete comparison or differential comparison condition of the Japanese temple 'to the different alignment mode of the instruction string:: to distinguish, and make the complete comparison of the server connection completely The mating database (3 31) performs a digital encoding operation comparison on each of the required blocking positions according to the complete matching condition, and generates and allocates a registration code through the operation comparison screening file, thereby connecting the “fuzzy sorting”# The calculation server (4 2 ) and the differential comparison barrier database (3 3 2 ) perform the operation of the "fuzzy sorting" function according to the difference set by the website manager (4) minus the condition and the difference to the sub-standard. In order to obtain different scores and record the scores in the batch of each standard data towel 'and the health depositor comparison results temporarily # data 胄 (3 3 3 ); a comprehensive score ranking operation server (5 G ) The link condition comparison information splitting server (4 Q ) and the comparison result temporary database (3 3 3 ) and the human bank user interface will pass the complete comparison and the "fuzzy sorting". Score data of the broadcast case, according to According to the website manager = user D and then the full comparison and differential comparison principle and scoring standard, the information is sorted by numerical order, and the number of units can be set according to the demand unit. Better sorting reference for users. At the time of the implementation, please follow the picture in the second picture. The eight job seekers will log in to the Manpower Bank webpage management interface through the connected computer (1) to enter the search criteria (2) management interface, depending on the job search/demand requirements. , respectively, to set the requirements for each of the search positions in the search position or resume, and set the difference between each block needs to be completely matched or 10 M312714. The website server will search differently. Conditional shunt (3), after entering the complete comparison search (3 · 1), the system is required to search for the exact match in the individual files of all the human bank database' and submit the registration code for the search for the qualified files. (3 1 · 1); at the same time, the user can continue to "move" in the search

糊排序」差別給分比對進行不同之條件設定(3 · 2 ), 疋後系、先對資料庫槽案進行是否符合進行差分比對條 件的運算作動(3 · 2 · 1 ),使用者並可再對差分比對 中,各攔位條件差別給分之規則進行設定(3 · 2 · 2 ), 則經過完全比對㈣並取得註冊碼之人才履歷/職缺資 料即依上述各項設定利用「模糊排序」功能運算得分數 (4 )各檔案之個別攔位得到之分數寫入暫存資料庫 (=),並經综合得分排列順序運算伺服器整合運算得出 搜尋結果(6),包括符合必要條件之完全比對人"職 位貝料列表(6 · 1 )及依據「模糊排序」結果,對符合 必要條件之人才/職位再依據差分比對排序得分優劣之 候選目標(6 · 2),而得出依照符合設定條件之程度給 予適當評分之排序資料表。 _ 係根據圖式所示之實施型態,對本發明進行了 ^况明’但使用者可在不超越本發明要旨範圍内進行各 ^效變1 ’唯不論其變化如何,舉凡在不超出要旨範圍 内的各種變更實施例’皆應涵屬於本發明範•内。 故以前述說明可知, 行求職、求才媒合條件之 對與差分比對的混合篩檢 本創作為提供有別於一般人力銀 技尋配對方式,透過設定完全比 ,及以經營人力資源專業對差別 M312714 給分比對條件的適各 、 田°又疋運用注冊碼提取符合完全比對 = 序」技術就差分條件予以評分,而整 運排列出對使用者具有較高參考價值、優等有別、依 次排序之搜尋資料,而增進求職/求才履歷/職缺配對媒 合成功枝率之評分比對排序系統模組,應符專利申請要 件,爰依法提出申請。"Paste sorting" is a different condition setting for the difference ratio (3 · 2), and then the operation of the database slot case is performed in accordance with the condition for performing the differential comparison condition (3 · 2 · 1 ), the user Further, in the differential comparison, the rules for the difference of the conditions of each of the barrier conditions are set (3 · 2 · 2), and the personnel resume/employment data of the registration code is obtained after the complete comparison (4) Set the number of scores calculated by the "fuzzy sorting" function (4) The scores obtained by the individual blocks of each file are written into the temporary database (=), and the search results are obtained by the integrated score sorting operation server (6). , including the complete match of the necessary conditions, the position of the bait list (6 · 1) and the results of the "fuzzy sorting", the candidate for the talents/positions that meet the necessary conditions and then the scores based on the difference ratio (6) · 2), and obtain a sorted data sheet that is appropriately rated according to the degree of compliance with the set conditions. _ The present invention has been described in terms of the embodiments shown in the drawings, but the user can perform various effects within the scope of the gist of the present invention. Various modified embodiments within the scope are intended to be within the scope of the present invention. Therefore, it can be seen from the above description that the hybrid screening of the job-seeking and job-seeking conditions and the differential comparison provides a way of distinguishing between the general human and the silver technology, by setting the complete ratio, and operating the human resources professional. For the difference M312714, the matching condition is appropriate, and the field is extracted using the registration code to match the complete comparison = order" technique to score the difference condition, and the arrangement of the whole operation has a high reference value for the user, and the superior has Don't, sort the search data in turn, and improve the job search / seeking talent resume / job matching match success rate rate score comparison system module, should meet the patent application requirements, 提出 apply according to law.

【圖式簡單說明】 12[Simple description of the diagram] 12

Claims (1)

M3號新型翻申請案 ……——… 申請專利範圍無劃線修正本 丨ί ( , ζ 九、申請專利範圍: - : U 一 "〜 ......—----------- .* . 1 · -種求職求才智慧排序搜尋模組,包括·· ' 一求職/求才者端電腦、網際網路,供求職/求才者連 接職業媒合網站(如人力銀行網站); 一人力銀行網站祠服哭力 哭, 為連結網際網路及運算伺服 -’提仏有人力銀行使用者頁 只曲仏求職/求才者進行遠距資 況查找、條件設定及提出嬋人雨 而求,及供網站管理者及使 =二履,=的資料攔位之搜尋、比對條件與比對評 L 3 Λ力銀U料庫心儲存履歷/職缺數 位化-貝枓,而可依資料屬性不同分類分區儲存; 一比對條件資訊分流運算伺服器,連結人力銀行網站 伺服器,將網站管理者及走 使用者輸入之求職求才條件搜尋 ‘準及特定攔位之資料,盥喪 ,置曾“ 貝討#求職/求才貧料庫資料加以比對 運异i依據網站管理者及使用者設定之分流比對條件區分 二斗貝串:檔為完全/對攔位之資料串流及差分比對攔位之 二4二1^ t比對棚位之f料串流比對資料庫資 比針⑴完全符合比對條件之資料’再將該資料檔中差分 :::位之資料串流,依照網站管理者及使用者所設定評 刀&準以模糊排序功能加以評分,得出評分結果; 站伺得分排列順序運算祠服器,連接該人力銀行網 入 亥比對條件資訊分流,運算飼服器,將該完全符 Μ:條件之貝料及該評分結果,依據網站管理者及使用 者又疋之組合、排序方式進行運算,而將該些資料傳送予 至使=仃網㈣服11,並依照評分結果高低排序後輸出 至使用者介面供求職/求才者參考; 14 M312714 丨曰修正 據此而構成一求職求才智慧排序搜尋模*·猛- .· * 2 .如申請專利範圍第1項所述之求職求才智慧排序 - 搜哥模組,其中該人力銀行網站伺服器,更包含有一人力 • 銀行網頁連結伺服器一人力銀行運算規則f理伺服器及 一 ^職/求才者履歷/職缺資料庫,該人力銀行網頁連結祠 . 月艮器為管控該人力銀行網站呈現頁面,提供使用者登入平 #以輸广各種求職/求才資訊、進行作動而連結運作本模 , ㈣,_人力銀行運算規則管理健料提供該人力銀行 網站管理者設定該人力銀行網站頁面之各項搁位功能,並 設定各攔位資料串流之比對條件為完全比對或差分比 對,及設定差分比對之標準與分數級距;該求職/求才者 履歷衊缺資料庫為儲存有大量求職者履歷資料及求才者 職缺貧料’其中該求職/求才者履歷/職缺資料庫更將該些 履歷資料及該些職缺資料分類並依各該分類統一之格式 f別攔位登載為至少-筆以上之數位化資料,可供另一運 异伺服器依指令進行數位化運算比對而便於查找者。 3 .如申請專利範圍第!項所述之求職求才智 搜尋模組,其中該比對條件資4 ^ J丨术丨r貝Λ刀流運异伺服器更包含有 j完全比對運算伺服器及一模糊排序功能運算伺服器,該 兀王比對運异飼服器為接受該比對條件資訊分流運算飼服 器所分流的該些完全比對攔位之指令,同時連接該人力銀 仃資料庫對完全比對搁位之資料進行運算、判讀,進而紙 予該些完全符合比對條件之資料於搜尋作動中註冊碼以供 後續進行差別給分之模糊排序比對;該模糊排序功能運算 飼服器為設定有模糊排序運算程式,接受完全比對運算完 成後之註冊碼而就搜尋作動中符合完全比對條件之資料, 15 M312714 丨 P'UL ..'::' ί \ 依據網站管理者及使用者設定之該差分比對標準及分數級 距,依照模糊排序運算而計算出各該資料之評分結果。 4 ·如申請專利範圍第2項所述之求職求才智慧排序 搜尋模組,其_該求職/求才者履歷/職缺資料庫更包含有 一完全比對攔位檔案資料庫、一差分比對欄位檔案資料庫 及比對結果暫存資料庫,該完全比對攔位檔案資料庫, 係儲存有依人力銀行網站管理者及使用者設定對履歷/職 缺數位化資料應於運算比對中完全符合比對條件而提取之 所有貝料,以供完全比對之指令下達時快速進行大量資料 之,算比對,·該差分比對攔位檔案資料庫,係儲存有依網 站&理者及使用者設定對履歷/職缺之數位化資料應於運 算比對中依據評分標準予以評分後而提取之所有㈣,、以 及儲存有網站管理者及使用者所設定各差分比對攔位之比 對,件、以及評分標準等之評分結果,進而接受完全比對 運算後生成註冊碼之指令選取對應完全比對條件之資料, 以進行大量資料之差分比對;該比對結果暫存資料庫,係 連結該綜合得分排列順序運算伺服器,將完全比對及差分 比對後之資料及評分結果暫時儲存,以供該綜合得分排列 順序運算飼服器依據網站管理者及使用者設定的完全比對 攔位之排列規則及差分比對結果,運算出可呈現在人力銀 行使用者頁面之數位指令值。 16The new application for M3 ......-... The scope of application for patents has no slash correction. 丨 ( ( , ζ IX, the scope of application for patents: - : U a "~ ......------- ----- .* . 1 · - A job search and intelligence sorting search module, including ·· ' A job seeker / seeker computer, Internet, for job seekers / seekers to connect professional media website ( Such as the manpower bank website); a human bank website swearing to cry, for the connection of the Internet and computing servo - 'have a human bank user page only Qufu job seekers / seekers for remote location search, conditions Set up and make a request for the rain, and for the website manager and the search for the data block of the second and the second, = comparison conditions and comparison evaluation L 3 Λ力银U library heart storage history / job number -Beizhu, and can be stored according to different data attributes; a comparison conditional information flow computing server, connected to the human bank website server, the website manager and the user input job seeking conditions search The information of the specific block, mourning, set "Bei. #求求/求The information of the poor database is compared with the different conditions. According to the diversion criteria set by the website administrator and the user, the two-door series are distinguished: the file is the complete/pair of the data stream and the differential comparison block 2 2 1^ t comparison of the f-stream of the shed position comparison data library (1) fully meets the data of the comparison condition 'and then the difference in the data file::: the data stream, according to the website manager and use The set of knives & amps is scored by the fuzzy sorting function, and the score results are obtained; the station is ranked in the order of the arithmetic operation, and the human bank network is connected to the conditional information to divide the flow, and the feeding device is operated. Completely Μ: the conditional material and the result of the rating, according to the combination and sorting method of the website manager and the user, and the information is transmitted to the 仃 ( (4) clothing 11, according to the score Sorted and output to the user interface for job seeker / seeker reference; 14 M312714 丨曰 Correction accordingly constitutes a job seeker intelligence sorting search module *·猛- .· * 2 . As described in claim 1 Job search for talent Sorting - Sogou module, which includes the human bank website server, and also includes a manpower • bank web link server, a human bank computing rule, a server, and a job/questioner resume/employment database. Manpower Bank webpage link 艮. Month 为 为 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 为 为 为 为 为 为 为 为 为 为 为 为 为 为 为 为 为Jianji provides the manpower bank website administrator to set the various landing functions of the human bank website page, and sets the matching conditions of each interception data stream to be a complete comparison or differential comparison, and set the standard of the differential comparison. And the fractional distance; the job search/question holder's lack of database is to store a large number of job seeker's resume information and the job seeker's job deficit. 'The job seeker/questioner's resume/employment database is more The curriculum vitae and the vacancies are classified according to the format of each categorization. The statistic is not limited to more than one digit of the digitized data, and can be used by another server. The digitization operation is relatively easy to find. 3. If you apply for a patent scope! The job search and intelligence search module described in the item, wherein the comparison condition 4 ^ J丨 丨 Λ Λ Λ Λ Λ 流 流 流 更 更 更 完全 完全 完全 完全 完全 完全 完全 完全 完全 完全 完全 完全 完全 完全 完全 完全 完全 完全 完全 完全 完全 完全The 兀 比 比 运 为 为 为 接受 接受 接受 接受 接受 接受 接受 接受 接受 接受 接受 接受 接受 接受 接受 接受 接受 接受 接受 接受 接受 接受 接受 接受 接受 接受 接受 接受 接受 接受 接受 接受 接受 接受 接受 接受 接受 接受 接受 接受 接受 接受 接受 接受The data is calculated and interpreted, and then the paper is subjected to the fuzzy registration order for searching for the difference between the data and the data of the matching condition for the subsequent comparison; the fuzzy sorting function is set to be fuzzy Sorting the program, accepting the registration code after the complete comparison operation is completed, and searching for the information in the action that matches the complete comparison condition, 15 M312714 丨P'UL ..'::' ί \ according to the website administrator and user The difference comparison standard and the fractional distance are calculated according to the fuzzy sorting operation. 4 · As for the job-seeking intelligence ranking search module described in item 2 of the patent application scope, the job search/questioner resume/employment database further includes a complete comparison of the archive file database and a difference ratio. For the field file database and the comparison result temporary database, the complete comparison of the block file database, the storage of the human rights bank website administrators and users set the history/vacancy digital data should be calculated All the materials that are extracted in accordance with the comparison conditions are fully used for the complete comparison of the instructions, and a large amount of data is quickly calculated. The comparison is performed on the block file database, which is stored in the website & The rationale and the user set the digital data of the resume/vacancy to be scored according to the scoring standard in the calculation comparison (4), and store the differential comparisons set by the website administrator and the user. The result of the comparison of the block, the piece, and the scoring standard, and then the instruction to generate the registration code after the complete comparison operation selects the data corresponding to the complete comparison condition, so as to carry out the difference of the large amount of data. Comparing; the comparison result temporary storage database is linked to the comprehensive score ranking operation server, and the data and the scoring result after the complete comparison and the differential comparison are temporarily stored for the comprehensive score arrangement order operation feeding Based on the alignment rules and differential comparison results set by the website administrator and the user, the device calculates the digital command value that can be presented on the human bank user page. 16
TW95219420U 2006-11-03 2006-11-03 Intelligent collating job/recruit search module TWM312714U (en)

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TW95219420U TWM312714U (en) 2006-11-03 2006-11-03 Intelligent collating job/recruit search module

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TW95219420U TWM312714U (en) 2006-11-03 2006-11-03 Intelligent collating job/recruit search module

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Cited By (2)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
TWI468956B (en) * 2011-05-20 2015-01-11 104 Corp Method and system for personalizedly sorting searched information
TWI566193B (en) * 2016-01-19 2017-01-11 一零四資訊科技股份有限公司 Recommended system and method thereof

Cited By (2)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
TWI468956B (en) * 2011-05-20 2015-01-11 104 Corp Method and system for personalizedly sorting searched information
TWI566193B (en) * 2016-01-19 2017-01-11 一零四資訊科技股份有限公司 Recommended system and method thereof

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