TWM302271U - Improved structure for large-scale thawing - Google Patents

Improved structure for large-scale thawing Download PDF


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TWM302271U TW95206567U TW95206567U TWM302271U TW M302271 U TWM302271 U TW M302271U TW 95206567 U TW95206567 U TW 95206567U TW 95206567 U TW95206567 U TW 95206567U TW M302271 U TWM302271 U TW M302271U
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Wen-Jeng Tzeng
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Wen-Jeng Tzeng
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Application filed by Wen-Jeng Tzeng filed Critical Wen-Jeng Tzeng
Priority to TW95206567U priority Critical patent/TWM302271U/en
Publication of TWM302271U publication Critical patent/TWM302271U/en



  • Freezing, Cooling And Drying Of Foods (AREA)


M302271 八、新型說明: 【新型所屬之技術領域】 上本創作係-種大型解束結構改良,其係為—解束室配合相關之熱 又換-構,以使該大型解;東之結構峨使用之崎液體可確實的保持 在常溫之狀態下’以達到快速解相及低溫保鮮之目的者。 【先前技術】 +人按目前冷康食品十分的盛行,且加上遠洋魚業之發達,以择 而言,现_,當細_,即行私低溫_東渺 知:速的料,經過魏馳行後,再行錄魏進行财的作掌 ΓΓ肉或其他特殊的肉類食品,均在產地完成冷滚之作業後,至洋 池之作業,而此一躲之作業,一般均在一大型的解讀 傳統的作法,是將大批的肉類予以置人—大型之 知凍池或解凍室内後,加以浸 診Α、#由^ + 吊/里的水或流動之水浸泡或沖刷 二:之肉品,由於該肉品之體積十分的大’而且 值20度以上即極易滋生細菌貝料 表面已财甚里鱗殖,如此_或許 仍處於未解二=,無法保持其鮮度,耐央處則 茈,* I占 達到確實解凍且能保持鮮度之效杲,函 、'乂者均直接以常溫水加以循環使其水溫自然降至十 溫進行解;東之健者,如 、,以此低 的長’-般大_品瞻糾=^二广之時間十分 小的體積,其解;東之時間约在十六個更又=冰池一般大 更難以達到低溫解凍保鮮 M302271 之力A且以$水循環之作業,該常溫水的溫度難以有效的控制, 由於其卜絲東室或财織,水的溫度會逐步崎溫,最後降 至約在十度左右,鱗之水溫實已無法對絲的肉品進行有效的解康 作業’或需要將解;東的時間予以拉長,更造成時間上之浪費,如前 逑在十六小時或更長的時間,故有改I之必要者。 另有業者,直接對解;東室或解康池進行加熱之作業,如此之方 極易造成解核敗之可祕,因其加熱必然集巾在設置有加熱器處, 而此-加熱ϋ觸的溫度高,必然此處的細菌量最大,此處亦為細知 傳播的軸’或對解叙效率可略為增加,惟其反而造成大量且= 要之細菌產生,故有改良之必要者。 又其解賴或解祕的面積或體積甚大,設置之㈣十分 費’設置之場所受到極大之限制,故無法配合營業所的設立而設’ 處理後,再以低溫冷藏車進行送遞,十分的耗費時如 運达的成本,故有改良之必要者。 ’ 【新型内容】 <所欲解決之技術問題> 本^人核槪,极大贿杉絲賴之料 效率以及保鮮程度之功能者, 種大型解凍結構改良 <技術手段及功效> =ΓΓΓΓ她術—㈣崎上,吻齡的解來 乃開發出-種符合上述條件之本創作一 本創作之主要目的在於提供-種大賴結構改良,其係於大型 M302271 之解束室外接有過濾單元、熱交縣置、抽水泵以及溫度感測裝置, 其中,熱錢裝置係具有熱交換如及闕與馬達,藉由風扇排取自 然風吹至熱錢_對由财錄出之财㈣進行敎換,使心 度得以提高,並藉由溫賴職置付㈣馬達之啟動絲?且可將 溫度感測裝置感測之極限溫度設定在魏i 8度左右,即到達丄㈣ 後停止馬達之㈣,使鱗絲體轉最㈣财且鱗的溫度上^ =入室内重新對被解雜進行料之健,以達到高效率保持低 溫保鮮之效果與功能者。 一 【實施方式】 為使貴審查委員能進-步瞭解本創作之結構,特徵及其他目 的與兹以如后讀佳實施例附以圖式詳細說明如后,惟本圖例所說明 之貝施例係供說明之用,並非為專利巾請上之唯—限制者。 請配合參閱第-、二、三圖所示,本創作之解 ::輸(1。)外,另於輸(1〇)外部二 吕路(2 0 ) ’該回水管路(2 ◦)上另接設有—過濾料(3 〇 )、 抽水栗(4 ◦)、熱交換裝置(5 ◦)以及—溫度感測裝置(6 〇 ), 以對回水管路(2 Q )内之解絲體進行回 保持在最佳的解_贿福度者。 使構/東液體 其中,解;東室(i 〇 )狀被解細輪多數量或大體積之 肉類或其他冷凍食品者。 7 解象室(1 0 )内部具有-解滚空間(⑴,其係可設成如游泳 M3 02271 池般的凹口向上之結構,亦可如圖所示之一密閉式空間,其前端可設 置一門扉(1 2),而其解凍空間(1 1)内所使用之解凍液體可為水, 或低溫保持液態之其他液體者。 回水管路(2 〇)則為一般之大口徑水管者。 過濾單元(3 0 )具有一殼體(3 1 ),該殼體(3 1 )兩端分別 連接回水管路(2 〇 ),内部則設有攔阻雜質之過濾體(3 2 ),該過 濾體(3 2 )可為栅網、泡棉、纖維或石材等。 抽水泵(4 0)則為一般之抽水馬達或泵浦者。 熱換裝置(5 〇 )貝|]主要具有-熱交換器、(5 1 )配合相對該 熱交換器(51 )設置之風扇(5 1 〇)以及帶動風扇(5 1 〇)之 馬達(5 1 1 ),其中,該熱交換器(5丄)可如第三圖所示,其係於 一殼體(5 1 2),於殼體(5 1 2)内直立設置多數之散熱排(5 2), 而回水管路(2 〇 )則進人該殼體(512)内穿過散熱排(5 2), 待解凍液體流經該回水管路(2 〇 ),並由熱交換器(51)進行熱交 換,使該解·體储在最侧溫度上者;_散換器(5 i )亦 可如第四圖所示,其回水管路(2 0 )接人熱交換器(5 χ )之殼體 (5 1 〇 )内形成-多數之噴管(5 3 ),將解凍液體均勻的向下喷至 成柵攔狀或曲折之熱交換體(5 4 ),該熱交換體(5 4 )之下方另設 有一凹°向上之集槽(56)以收集由熱交換體(54)流下之解;東 液體*槽(5 6)外部另接設有一抽水泵(5 7)以將集槽(5 6) 内之解4液體重新送回回水;|>路(2 〇 )内經溫度❹樣置(6 〇 ) 感測溫度為最佳溫度後,即行送畴;東室(i Q ),進行解紅作業者; 8 M302271 而該熱交換器(51)另可如第五圖所示,係為—水幕式之熱交換結 構丄其結構係包括:連接導人解歧體之回水管路(2⑸管端的導 机g ( 5 8 ),而於‘流官(5 8 )之下方設以交叉形態設置之板狀導 引件(5 9 )’錄組導引件(5 9 )由上至下形成一曲折之流道,而 ㈣導引件(5 9)下方另設有如前—實施例之集槽(5 6)與外接 之抽水泵(5 7 )者’同樣可達取下之功能者。 /皿度感測裝置(6 〇)則為一般之溫度感應器,係對由熱交換裝 置(t〇)运出之回水管路(2 〇 )内之解康液體進行測溫之作業者。 、藉由前述之結構,當被解祕進人解輕(1 0 )内後,其被解 ,物之周圍灌人大量常溫的解歧體,當解綠體經過約—小時後, 1度’叫至十度町’射開始進行縣液體之回溫作業,即各抽水 泵(4 0 )( 5 7 )開始抽取解滚液體,經回水管路( 元⑽)之罐,至熱交換裝置⑽)中,#自然溫度的空= 以風扇(51〇)強力的導流至熱交換器(5 i)内,與回水管路 咖進行熱交換,經過熱交換後之解凌液體即被送回解 /至)内進行解滚之作業,而當該熱交換裝置(5 〇 ) 解凌液體溫度超過溫度❹樣置(6 0 )限定之溫度時,— 1 8度,其熱交歸置(5⑹中之秘(5 1 i )即行停止又作f 即使該解雜體能保持在該最佳的保鮮與解細溫度;而當庚 體為溫度降辦,即可麵啟繼觀置(50)之^^ 以進行解凍液體之回溫作業者。 1) ’ 藉由前述之結構實可得到以下之功能者,諸如: M3 02271 東Γ大增:由於其_體保持在最佳_東 :其解衫(1Q)之效衬相對大增,可將 細驗谢十1十二_、時内,完成 大批數I的肉品解凍者。 2 ::東同時兼顧··藉由熱交換裝置(5 0)以及溫度 U衣置(6 〇)配合,使熱交換裝置(5 〇)在解凍 液體於攝氏15至18度的溫度區間内進行控制與調整 之作業,使被解祕可在概與保鮮之作_進行有效 的調控者,而達到高實用性之目的者。 3 °又備可小型化為之:由於本劍作之解滚效率提昇,故可 使其解滚之設備體積可相對的減小,而其設備小型化 後,自然可配合不同之營業點進行設置,無需大量的集 中處理,可於各營業點設置,遞送時,可直接以冷涞車 進行運送’無需先解料之,其鮮度得以有效的保持, 而處理之方便性更可確實的提昇者。 2所述’摘作轉可_上骑項魏,故本解應 甲明要件,麦依法提出申請。 【圖式簡單說明】 第一圖··係本創作之立體外觀示意圖。 第二圖··係本創作之平面結構示意圖。 第三圖:係本創作之熱交換裝置實施例—示意圖。 M3 02271 弟四图係本創作之熱交換裝置實施例二示意圖。 第五圖:係本創作之熱交換裝置實施例三示意圖。 【主要元件符號說明】 (10)解康室 (1 2 )門扉 (2 0)回水管路 • ( 3 0)過濾單元 (3 2)過濾體 (4 0)抽水果 (5 0)熱交換裝置 (51)熱交換器 (511)馬達 (5 2)散熱排 # (5 3)噴管 (5 4)熱交換體 (5 6)集槽 1 (5 7)抽水泵 ‘ (5 8)導流管 (5 9)導引件 (6 0)溫度感測裝置 (11)解凍空間 (31)殼體 (5 1 0)風扇 (512)殼體 11M302271 VIII. New description: [New technical field] The above-mentioned creative department - a large-scale unwinding structure improvement, which is - the unwinding chamber with the associated heat and transformation - structure to make the large solution; the structure of the east峨The use of the Saki liquid can be reliably maintained at room temperature for the purpose of rapid phase decontamination and low temperature preservation. [Previous technology] + People are very popular under the current cold food, and with the development of the ocean fishing industry, in terms of choice, now _, when fine _, that is, private low temperature _ Dong Yuzhi: speed material, after Wei Chixing After that, the re-recorded Wei Weicai's slap meat or other special meat foods are all in the operation of the ocean pool after the cold rolling operation is completed in the place of production, and this hiding operation is generally in a large interpretation tradition. The practice is to place a large number of meats in a large-scale frozen pond or defrosting room, and then immerse them in the immersion or immersion or scouring of the water: The volume of the meat is very large' and the value is more than 20 degrees, which is very easy to breed. The surface of the bacteria and shellfish has been squandered in the rich, so _ perhaps still in the unsolved two =, can not maintain its freshness, the end of the sputum, * I accounted for the effect of thawing and maintaining freshness. The letter, 'the sputum is directly circulated by normal temperature water to make the water temperature naturally drop to ten temperature for solution; the east health, such as, is low. Long '-like big _ Pinzhan correction = ^ two wide time is very small volume, its The time of the East is about 16 and the ice pool is generally more difficult to reach the low temperature thawing and freshening M302271 force A and the operation of the water circulation is difficult, the temperature of the normal temperature water is difficult to control effectively, due to its Wealth, the temperature of the water will gradually heat up, and finally fell to about 10 degrees, the water of the scales has been unable to effectively solve the silk meat work 'or need to solve the problem; East time to lengthen It is also a waste of time. If you are in the first 16 hours or longer, you have to change it. Another industry, direct solution; East room or Jiekang pool heating operation, such a side is very easy to cause the solution to the secret of the secret, because it is necessary to heat the towel set in the heater, and this - heating touch The temperature is high, and the amount of bacteria here is inevitably the largest. Here, the axis of propagation is known to be 'or the efficiency of the refinement can be slightly increased, but it causes a large number of bacteria to be produced, so it is necessary for improvement. The area or volume of the solution or the secret is very large. The setting (4) is very expensive. The place where the installation is set is extremely limited. Therefore, it cannot be set up with the establishment of the business office, and then delivered in a low-temperature refrigerated truck. The cost of the time is as high as the cost of delivery, so there is a need for improvement. ' [New content] <Technical problems to be solved> This is a function of the person who has a large amount of defrosting material efficiency and the degree of freshness preservation, and a large-scale thawing structure improvement <technical means and efficacy> =ΓΓΓΓ他术—(4) Qishang, the solution of the age of the kiss is developed. The main purpose of this creation is to provide a kind of structural improvement, which is attached to the large outdoor M302271. There are a filter unit, a heat supply county, a water pump, and a temperature sensing device. Among them, the hot money device has a heat exchange such as a helium and a motor, and the natural wind is blown by the fan to the hot money _ for the financial record (4) Change, so that the heart can be improved, and by the warmth of the job to pay (four) the start wire of the motor? Moreover, the temperature limit sensed by the temperature sensing device can be set at about 8 degrees Wei, that is, after the 丄(4) is reached, the motor is stopped (4), so that the filature body is turned to the most (four) and the temperature of the scale is ^= Resolve the health of the material to achieve high efficiency and maintain the effect and function of low temperature preservation. [Embodiment] In order to enable your review board to further understand the structure, characteristics and other purposes of this creation, please refer to the detailed description of the following examples, as detailed in the following, but the description of this example The examples are for illustrative purposes and are not intended to be exclusive to the patentee. Please refer to the first, second and third figures, the solution of this creation:: lose (1.), and also lose (1〇) outside Erlu Road (2 0) 'The return pipe (2 ◦) Attached to the other - filter material (3 〇), pumping water (4 ◦), heat exchange device (5 ◦) and - temperature sensing device (6 〇), in the water return pipeline (2 Q) solution The silk body is carried back to maintain the best solution. Make the structure / East liquid Among them, the solution; the east room (i 〇 ) shape is decomposed by a large number of large or large volumes of meat or other frozen food. 7 The solution chamber (10) has a de-rolling space inside (1), which can be set to a recessed upward structure like a swimming M3 02271 pool. It can also be a closed space as shown in the figure. Set a threshold (1 2), and the thawing liquid used in the defrosting space (1 1) can be water, or other liquids that remain liquid at a low temperature. The return water pipeline (2 〇) is a general large-diameter water pipe The filter unit (30) has a casing (3 1 ), the two ends of the casing (3 1 ) are respectively connected with a return water pipe (2 〇), and the inside is provided with a filter body (3 2 ) for blocking impurities, The filter body (3 2 ) can be grid, foam, fiber or stone, etc. The pump (40) is a general pumping motor or pumper. The heat exchanger (5 〇) shell|] mainly has - heat The exchanger (5 1 ) cooperates with a fan (5 1 〇) disposed opposite to the heat exchanger (51) and a motor (5 1 1 ) that drives the fan (5 1 〇), wherein the heat exchanger (5 丄) As shown in the third figure, it is attached to a casing (5 1 2), and a plurality of heat dissipation rows (52) are erected in the casing (52), and the return water pipe (2 〇) Then, the heat sink (52) passes through the casing (512), and the liquid to be thawed flows through the return pipe (2 〇), and heat exchange is performed by the heat exchanger (51) to make the solution. The body is stored at the most temperature; the scatterer (5 i ) can also be connected to the heat exchanger (5 χ ) housing (5 1 〇) as shown in the fourth figure. a nozzle-shaped nozzle (5 3 ) is formed, and the thawing liquid is uniformly sprayed downward to the heat exchanger (5 4 ) which is formed into a barrier or a meandering shape, and a heat exchanger (5 4 ) is further provided below a groove (56) that is concave upward to collect a solution flowing down from the heat exchanger (54); and an external pump (5 7) is additionally provided outside the east liquid tank (56) to set the tank (5 6) Solution 4 liquid is sent back to the water; |> Road (2 〇) is set by temperature (6 〇) After sensing the temperature is the best temperature, the domain is sent; the east room (i Q ), the solution Red operator; 8 M302271 and the heat exchanger (51) can also be a water curtain type heat exchange structure as shown in the fifth figure, and the structure includes: a return water pipe connecting the deconstructed body ( 2 (5) the guide g of the pipe end ( 5 8 ), and in the 'flow officer ( 5 8 ) is provided with a plate-shaped guide member (5 9 ) disposed in a cross shape, and a recording guide member (5 9 ) forms a meandering flow path from top to bottom, and (4) a guiding member (5 9) Below, there is another set of tanks (5 6) as in the previous embodiment and the external pump (5 7 ) can also be used to remove the function. / The degree sensing device (6 〇) is the general temperature. The sensor is an operator that measures the temperature of the liquid in the return water line (2 〇) sent out by the heat exchange device (t〇). With the above structure, when it is secreted into the human solution (10), it is solved, and a large amount of normal temperature dissolving body is filled around the object. When the chloroplast passes for about an hour, 1 degree. 'Call to Shido-cho' began to carry out the temperature recovery operation of the county, that is, each pump (40) (5 7) began to extract the unrolling liquid, through the return water pipeline (yuan (10)) tank, to the heat exchange device (10)), #natural temperature null = with a fan (51 〇) strong flow into the heat exchanger (5 i), heat exchange with the return water pipe, after the heat exchange, the liquid is sent Resolve/to) the operation of unwinding, and when the heat exchange device (5 〇) dissolves the liquid temperature beyond the temperature limit (60), the temperature is set to -18 degrees, and the heat is placed (5 (6) in the secret (5 1 i) is to stop and make f even if the disintegration can maintain the optimal preservation and decontamination temperature; and when the heptane is the temperature drop, you can face the view (50 ^^ to perform the tempering liquid returning operation. 1) ' With the above structure, the following functions can be obtained, such as: M3 02271 In the preferred holder thereon _ _ East: whose solution shirt (1Q) increase the relative effect lining, can experience fine XIE twelve _ + 1, when the complete thawing meat by a large number of I. 2 :: East at the same time · With the heat exchange device (50) and temperature U set (6 〇), the heat exchange device (5 〇) is carried out in the temperature range of 15 to 18 degrees Celsius in the thawing liquid Control and adjustment operations, so that the secret can be used in the general and preservation of the effective regulation, and achieve the purpose of high practicality. 3 ° is also available for miniaturization: due to the improved unwinding efficiency of this sword, the volume of equipment for unwinding can be relatively reduced, and after the equipment is miniaturized, it can naturally be combined with different business locations. It can be set up at various business locations without the need for a large amount of centralized processing. When it is delivered, it can be transported directly in a cold car. 'There is no need to first unravel, the freshness can be effectively maintained, and the convenience of processing can be improved. By. 2 The above-mentioned 'extraction can be transferred _ Shangqiu Xiang, so this solution should be the key requirements of the Ming Dynasty, Mai applied for it according to law. [Simple description of the diagram] The first picture is a three-dimensional appearance of the creation. The second picture is a schematic diagram of the plane structure of the creation. The third figure is a schematic diagram of the heat exchange device of the present creation. M3 02271 The fourth figure of the brother is a schematic diagram of the second embodiment of the heat exchange device of the present invention. The fifth figure is a schematic diagram of the third embodiment of the heat exchange device of the present invention. [Explanation of main component symbols] (10) Solution room (1 2) Threshold (2 0) return pipe • ( 30) Filter unit (3 2) Filter body (4 0) Pumping fruit (50) heat exchange device (51) Heat exchanger (511) Motor (5 2) Heat sink # (5 3) Nozzle (5 4) Heat exchanger (5 6) Set tank 1 (5 7) Pump [' 8 8) diversion Tube (5 9) guide (60) temperature sensing device (11) defrosting space (31) housing (5 1 0) fan (512) housing 11

Claims (1)

M302271 九、申請專利範圍: 1 ·-種大型解凌結構改良,該解凌結構,係包括 解凌室外部連接-回水管路,該回水管路上另接 凍至, 水泵、熱交麟置以及―溫度_裝置,以對财㈣、抽 進行= 二:^ 輪具有-=:第1項所述之大型職構改良,,解 3·如申請專利範 凍室内具有一解凍空間 之結構者。 圍第2項所述之大型解絲構改良,其中,解 ’而该解衫間係設成如游泳池般_ 口向上 4 ·峨術爾2爾蝴職 康室内具有-解輕間,雜端可設置—⑽者。 、中解 、卜5 .如申請專利範圍第1項所述之大型财結構改良,其中,解 ^至内所使狀解絲義為水,或低溫保持雜之其他液體者。 6 .如_纖,項觀之大贿雜構改良,其中,過 應早兀具有-殼體’該殼體㈣分製接回树路,内侧設有攔阻 雜質之過濾體。 7·如申請專利範圍第6頊所奸、—丄, 、 貝所逑之大型解凍結構改良,其中,過 濾體係為栅網、泡棉、纖維或石材等。 丄8.如申請專利範圍第1項所述之大型解康結構改良,其中,熱 又換衣置I拉要具有—熱錢器配合相龍熱交換狀置之風扇以及 帶動風扇之馬達者。 M302271 9 .如"綱範圍第8項所述之鱗凌結構改良,其Μ 心义換純具有-鐘,於殼體㈣ " 路則進入該赌排者。°夕數之政熱排,而回水管 ==:=接入軸11鄉峨—嫩喷管,將 =::ΓΤ攔狀或曲折之熱交換體,該熱交換體之 槽外部另接設有—抽水泵==3=流下之財液體,集 經溫度感測觸職__,===水管路内 如申請專利範圍第8項所述之大型財結構改良,其中, Μ…又換斋係為—水幕式之熱 . 之回水管路管端的導絲IP構其包括.連接導入解滚液體 引件,該數組=1===1浏_之板狀導. 另設有集槽與外接之抽水果者。折之㈣’而於該導引件下方 請專利範圍第1項所述之大型_構改良,其中, -度感測衣置則為—溫度感應器 内之财液體進行測溫之作業者。…、又換衣置达出之回水管路 13M302271 IX. Scope of application for patents: 1 ·- A large-scale solution for the improvement of the structure, the structure of the solution includes the connection-return pipe of the outdoor unit, and the water pipe is connected to the water pipe. ―Temperature_device, for the fiscal (four), pumping = two: ^ wheel with -=: the large-scale professional improvement described in item 1, solution 3, such as the structure of the patent freeze-free room with a thawing space. The large-scale untwisting structure improvement mentioned in the second item, in which the solution is set up like a swimming pool _ mouth up 4 · 峨 尔 尔 2 Er 蝴 职 康 康 室内 具有 具有 具有 室内Can be set - (10). , Zhong Jie, Bu 5 . For the improvement of the large-scale financial structure mentioned in the first paragraph of the patent application, in which the solution to the internal solution is water, or other liquids that are kept at a low temperature. 6. If the _ fiber, the project view of the big bribery improvement, in which the early 兀 has a - shell 'the shell (four) is divided into the tree path, the inside is provided with a filter to block impurities. 7. The large-scale thawing structure improvement of the smuggling, sputum, and shellfish in the sixth paragraph of the patent application scope, wherein the filtration system is a grid, foam, fiber or stone.丄 8. As for the large-scale solution structure improvement mentioned in the first paragraph of the patent application, in which the heat is changed to the clothes, the fan of the hot money device is matched with the fan of the heat exchange of the phase and the motor that drives the fan. M302271 9. If the structure of the scale structure described in item 8 of the scope is improved, the heart of the circle is changed to - clock, and the door (4) " road enters the gambling platter. ° The political heat of the eve, and the return pipe ==:= access shaft 11 nostalgia - tender nozzle, will =:: ΓΤ 状 或 or zigzag heat exchanger, the heat exchanger body outside the tank There is - pumping == 3 = liquid under the flow of liquid, set the temperature sensing touch __, == = water pipeline as described in the scope of the application of the scope of the large-scale financial structure improvement, which, ... The fasting is the heat of the water curtain type. The guide wire IP structure of the return water pipe end includes the connection and the introduction of the unrolling liquid lead, the array is =1===1 _ _ plate-shaped guide. Slots and external fruit pickers. Folded (4)' and under the guide, please refer to the large-scale structure modification mentioned in the first item of the patent scope, wherein the -degree sensing garment is the operator who measures the temperature of the liquid in the temperature sensor. ..., and return to the water return pipe 13
TW95206567U 2006-04-18 2006-04-18 Improved structure for large-scale thawing TWM302271U (en)

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TW95206567U TWM302271U (en) 2006-04-18 2006-04-18 Improved structure for large-scale thawing

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TW95206567U TWM302271U (en) 2006-04-18 2006-04-18 Improved structure for large-scale thawing

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TWM302271U true TWM302271U (en) 2006-12-11



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TW95206567U TWM302271U (en) 2006-04-18 2006-04-18 Improved structure for large-scale thawing

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Cited By (3)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
CN103452887A (en) * 2013-09-18 2013-12-18 常州快克锡焊股份有限公司 Flow detection sensor and smoke purifying and filtering system with same
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CN116268997A (en) * 2023-05-12 2023-06-23 杭州老板电器股份有限公司 Draining board assembly and integrated water tank

Cited By (4)

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Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
CN103452887A (en) * 2013-09-18 2013-12-18 常州快克锡焊股份有限公司 Flow detection sensor and smoke purifying and filtering system with same
CN107373295A (en) * 2017-08-25 2017-11-24 宁波威斯克电器科技有限公司 A kind of frozen food thaws and slow stewed device
CN116268997A (en) * 2023-05-12 2023-06-23 杭州老板电器股份有限公司 Draining board assembly and integrated water tank
CN116268997B (en) * 2023-05-12 2023-09-01 杭州老板电器股份有限公司 Draining board assembly and integrated water tank

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