M264995 九、新型說明: 【新型所屬之技術領域】 本創作涉及一種義式咖啡機水位控制裝置,尤其是以 水位探針結合水位燈號進行水位監控的技術。 【先前技術】 坊間業者使用的義式咖啡機(Espresso Coffee Machine),是用來調製香濃的義式咖啡(Espresso),其機體 内具有一水鍋爐,且鍋爐底層設有一加熱器,用以加熱鍋 爐内的水形成蒸氣,以便使用蒸氣來製作義式咖啡的奶 泡,或使用爐内熱水來溫熱咖啡杯。 而義式咖啡機内的鍋爐在長時間高溫高壓操作下,具 危險性,尤其是當水位太低時有造成加熱器空燒的危險,水 位太高時,無法正確使用蒸氣或使用蒸氣時會排出熱水造成 危險),不得不多加注意。 且知,傳統的義式咖啡機通常以一直立透明管和鍋爐 相連接,基於連通管原理,促使該—透明管内之水位能^ 鍋爐内的水位高度相同,且透明管内設置有一浮力球,/而 ^浮力球來顯示鋼爐内的水位高低,而得以掌控鋼爐 量的多寡。M264995 IX. New type description: [Technical field to which the new type belongs] This creation relates to a water level control device for an espresso machine, especially the technology of water level monitoring based on a water level probe combined with a water level light. [Previous technology] The Espresso Coffee Machine used by workshop operators is used to prepare aromatic Espresso. The machine has a water boiler in the body, and a heater is provided at the bottom of the boiler for The water in the boiler is heated to form steam, so that steam can be used to make milk froth for espresso, or use hot water in the stove to warm the coffee cup. The boiler in the espresso coffee machine is dangerous under high temperature and high pressure operation for a long time, especially when the water level is too low, which may cause the heater to burn empty. When the water level is too high, the steam cannot be used properly or it will be discharged Hot water is dangerous) and you have to pay more attention. It is also known that the traditional espresso coffee machine is usually connected to the boiler with an upright transparent tube. Based on the principle of the connecting tube, the water level in the transparent tube is promoted. The water level in the boiler is the same, and a buoyancy ball is set in the transparent tube. And ^ buoyancy ball to show the water level in the steel furnace, and can control the amount of steel furnace.
. 寻规我式咖啡機時,常因透明營P 子力球的揭示能力不足,操作者必專㈣ =位高度’造錢作者無謂的㈣貞擔:球仏 主:才能防範設備損壞或發生危險=若:: 者稍有疏失,祕爐料位發生異常甚而 右= M264995 相當不便。 是以,針對上述之問題及困擾,本創作人特以其多年 專業產製經驗,針對義式咖啡機的水位控制裝置及水位控 制方法加以改進,不斷地苦思、研究及改良,進而研創出 本發明,為本創作之研創動機所在。 【新型内容】 本創作之目的旨在提昇義式咖啡機之鍋爐内的水位揭 示能力,特別是以強制性的聲音及醒目的燈號,來提醒操 作者鋼爐内的水位狀態,以減輕操作者在檢視傳統水位顯 示器時的心理負擔。 為能達到上述之目的,本創作在義式咖啡機内及其載 水鍋爐内建構出一種水位控制裝置,包含由一電源開關、 一控制單元、一加熱器、一音波警示器、一顯示單元及三 根不等長的水位探針等所組成,用以執行自動檢知锅爐内 的水位狀態。 本創作包含利用三根水位探針在鍋爐内檢知滿水水 位、正常水位、補水水位及缺水水位等四種水位狀態,然 後將該等水位訊號傳遞至控制單元,以驅動顯示單元產生 各種水位燈號提醒操作者。 該一控制單元係可以在正常水位與補水水位狀態下保 持加熱器之開啟狀態,以加熱鍋爐内熱水,且在補水水位 狀態時會啟動進水開關自動補水。 再者,控制單元在滿水水位及缺水水位時也會自動啟 動音波警示器並關閉加熱器,以便於強制性的通知操作者 應主動進行停機檢修鍋爐,進而維繫使用上之安全性。 M264995 為能再加詳述本創作,併予列舉—較佳 請配合圖式詳細說明如后: m &之圖例, 【實施方式】 首觀圖一所示,揭示本創作智慧型 圖,主要係在一義式”機3内或其機殼上設置^ = 開關14、一控制單元卜一音波警示器16、^顯干單元"2 及=13的蒸氣開關34等構件,該只 内 ;=5、一進水開關32、一排水開關33以及= 4長的水位探針11、12、13。其中: w个 該電關關Μ具絲導線連接該控制單元 啟動控制單元1所需之雷六 π 、應 -IC控:電路 電力。且細單元1實質上係為 該^單元丨並設有電源導線連接至該加5 =…顯示單元2上,且三根水位探針u、心 各自具有汛號線連接至控制單元丨上。 該控制單幻具有可接收三根水位探針u、】2、】 ^而至^訊號,以便於開啟或關閉加熱器15或音波警示 口口 16的切換控制能力。 哭,波警Γ1116實施上係可為—音樂ic電路或蜂鳴 :響。叉控制單元I的啟動或關閉控制,以適時發出警示 號的揭員:單T2 η貫質上係為—嵌組有至少-只或多只燈 :輩洛’ 口燈號係為一般可持續發光顯示或閃爍顯示 =夕種顏色的指示燈或發光二極體,用以區隔揭示 滿水水位燈號21、正常水位燈號22、補水水位燈號23、 M264995 缺水水位燈號24等四種水位狀態(如 該進水開關32係可為一電磁間0 一至圖五所示)。 單元1接受開閥或關閥的控制;此’,具電源導線連接控制 該進水開關32也可以是一手動式的玉、’在較簡易的裝置上, 係與外界的供水管路或給水泵^管^閥。此一進水開關32 手動開閥供水進入銷爐31内或關’藉以自動或 該排水開關33在實施上以使:供水。 為當鋼爐3!内水量過多時(即滿水用手動二的球闕為佳,因 親自檢視鋪内滿水的原因^ ;1仰簡作者前來 除障礙後後再親自縣㈣水。此外H) ’加以檢修或排 開關%並連接至控制單元!來^二=磁閥作為排水 f 作監管’以便強制要求操作者必 爐31内滿水的,避免因銷爐内水液過滿並持 項加熱日守’造成爐内蒸氣室灌滿熱水無法正常使用基氣或 =直接喷出造成危險,故仍以檢油爐31内滿水原因後 在自動、半自動或手動開閥排水為佳。 該三根不等長的水位探針分別是—高水位探針心一 中水位探針!2及另-低水位探針13,係—同被植設於銷爐 3^内二並使其端座裸露於銷爐31外部,用以連接訊號線至 控制爭元i。 除此之外’本創作上述之鍋爐31外側亦可配置一筒體 8 ’利用-進水歧管81及另-排水歧管82連接於锅爐31 與筒體8之m如圖六所示使_ 31内的水液也能導流 至筒體8内,呈現出具有相同液面高度現象,並將上述三 M264995 根不等長的水位探針11、12及13 一同植設於此筒體8内, 藉以檢測水位狀態,亦是本創作之應用領域,併予陳明。 其間因加熱^§ 15疋裝設於銷爐31内加熱水液,因此當水 煮沸時產生的波動水流,並不會波及到筒體8内的水,可 避免水流波動過大造成探針上積垢的現象。 上述间體8内亦可只有植設三根水位探針中之單獨一 根水位探針11、12或13(如圖十二所示,以中水位探針12 為例),因此只要是利用筒體8來植設至少一根探針,而其 餘二根或一根則植設於相同液面高度之水位線的鍋爐31内 之形態,即是本發明的應用領域。 藉由上述構件,以建構出本創作智慧型義式咖啡機的水位 控制裝置,並執行下列水位監控模式·· (一) 正常水位狀態:當鍋爐31或(及)筒體8内水位線7 同時淹觸到低水位探針13與中水位探針12時(如圖二所 示),高水位探針11未被水淹觸,該等探針會傳遞一正常水 位訊號至控制單元1,控制單元丨判定啟動加熱器15(此時 音波警示器16為關閉狀態),用以加熱鍋爐31内用水至所 疋的蒸氣壓或溫度,控制單元1並同時啟動顯示單元2 揭示冗起正#水位燈號22,此刻使用者便可按壓蒸氣開關 34,以擷取爐内蒸氣用來製作義式咖啡的奶泡。此外,鍋 壚31内的熱水也可以透過一熱水開關而供應於溫熱咖啡杯 或沖泡咖啡使用。 (二) 滿水水位狀態:當鍋爐31或(及)筒體8内水位線 71同時淹觸到低水位探針13、中水位探針12與高水位探 針13日守(如圖二所示)’該等探針會傳遞一滿水水位訊號至 M264995 控制單元l,控制單元〗判定關閉加熱器15,立即停止加 熱銷爐31内用水,控制單元〗也可以同時啟動音波擎示器 16產生提示聲響,控制單元1也同時啟動顯示單元2揭示 党起滿水水位燈號21,用以強制性的告知操作者裝置設備 出現異常滿水問題,應立即停機檢修4,檢視是進水開關 32漏水’或及是上述探針出現卡垢或其他故障原因,待故 障修復後,操作者便可開啟排水開關33進行排水5,將鍋 爐13内多餘的水液排出,使裝置恢復至上述的正常水位狀 態。 (二)補水水位狀態··當鍋爐31或(及)筒體8内的水位 線72僅淹觸到低水位探針13時(如圖四所示),該等探針會 傳遞-補水水位訊號至控制單元j,此時控制單元}仍保持 啟動加熱器15的正常加熱狀態,音波警示器16未被啟動, 同時,制會啟動顯示單元2揭示亮起補水水位燈號 3 ,用以^揭示並告知操作者鋼爐31内用水已有短少, 應進行補水6,此時,和岳彳i 磁m料關32(電 _ f^ 進水開關32(球⑷,以補足銷 爐31内用水至上述正常水位線狀態。 Μ ( 士)夫火欠位狀悲.當銷爐31或(及)筒體8内水位線 瞻離低水位探針13、中水位探針12以:= 單^如^戶^’^等探針會傳遞一缺水水㈣號至控制 起缺水水位燈就24,用以強制性的告知操作者^置設備出匕 M264995 現異常缺水問題,應立即停機檢修4 開關33漏水或其他故障原因,待故障修復後==水 ::進水開關32—内的水添加至上述的 綜合上述實施例之說明,相信已詳加揭示 術架構、檢知及揭示水位的方法等可供實 、技 性’但本創作之技術並不局限於此,舉凡依據上二度利用 【圖式簡單說明】 圖-·揭不出本創作義式咖啡機的剖示圖 式咖啡機内及其銷爐内裝設有電源開關、控制、〜 警不器、顯示單元、蒸氣開關、加熱器、進^ 開關以及三根不等長的水位探針等構件。 Ί_排水 叫干Ξ二本創作義式咖啡機於正常水位狀態時的 …、圖4月水位線淹觸到中及低水位探針時顯 常供應熱水沖泡義式咖啡的狀態。 叫干:三二:T出本創作義式咖啡機於滿水水位狀態時的 ^出糾:位^線淹觸到高、中及低三根水位探針時顯 圖四:揭示出本創作義式咖啡機於補水水位狀能 ::圖,:兒::位線僅淹觸到低 位狀悲,且進水開關開始補水。 剖示】五說於缺水水位狀態時的 广位線未淹觸到❸、中及低三根水位探針時 M264995 顯示出缺水水位狀態。 圖六:揭示出本創作另一款實施例之剖示圖,說明使 用一與鍋爐相連接的筒體來植設三根水位探針。 圖七··揭示出本創作再一款實施例之剖示圖,說明使 用一與锅爐相連接的筒體來植設只少一根水位探針。 【主要元件符號說明】 1------ -------控制單元 11—— 高水位探針 12…… ......中水位探針 13……_ .....低水位探針 14…… ……電源開關 15…… .....加熱器 16-…- ……音波警示器 2...... .....顯示單元 21…… ……滿水水位燈號 22...... .......正常水位燈號 23…… ……補水水位燈號 24_…一 ......缺水水位燈號 3…… .......義式咖啡機 31…一 ......-锅爐 32…… •……進水開關 33…… .......排水開關 34…… _……蒸氣開關 36…… .......幸不 4、41 ……停機檢修 5...... .......排水 6…… .......補水 7、71 、72、73......水位線 8……_ .......Μ體 81…… ........進水歧管 82—— -一…-排水歧管. When looking for a standard coffee machine, often because of the lack of ability of the transparent camp P sub-ball to reveal, the operator must be dedicated. Danger = If :: The person is slightly negligent, the secret furnace charge level is abnormal or even right = M264995 is quite inconvenient. Therefore, in response to the above-mentioned problems and problems, the creator especially uses his many years of professional production experience to improve the water level control device and water level control method of espresso coffee machines, and continually ponders, researches and improves, and then develops This invention is the motivation for the research and creation of this creation. [New content] The purpose of this creation is to improve the water level revealing ability in the boiler of espresso coffee machines, especially the mandatory sound and striking light to remind the operator of the water level in the steel furnace to reduce the operation The psychological burden of the viewer when viewing the traditional water level display. In order to achieve the above purpose, this creation constructs a water level control device in an espresso coffee machine and its water-carrying boiler, which includes a power switch, a control unit, a heater, a sonic warning device, a display unit and It consists of three unequal water level probes, etc., to perform automatic detection of the water level status in the boiler. This creation includes the detection of four water level states: full water level, normal water level, supplemental water level, and water shortage level in the boiler by using three water level probes, and then transmitting these water level signals to the control unit to drive the display unit to generate various water levels. The light signal reminds the operator. This control unit can keep the heater on under normal water level and make-up water level to heat the hot water in the boiler, and when the make-up water level is activated, the water inlet switch will start to make up water automatically. In addition, the control unit also automatically activates the sonic alarm and turns off the heater when the water level is full and water shortage, in order to compulsorily notify the operator that the boiler should be shut down and overhauled to maintain the safety in use. M264995 In order to further elaborate this creation, and enumerate it—preferably, please refer to the detailed description of the drawings as follows: Legend for m & [Implementation] Firstly, as shown in Figure 1, it reveals the intelligent diagram of this creation, mainly In an Italian-style machine 3 or its casing is provided with ^ = switch 14, a control unit Bu a sonic alarm 16, ^ display dry unit " 2 and = 13 steam switch 34 and other components, only inside; = 5, a water inlet switch 32, a drainage switch 33, and = 4 long water level probes 11, 12, and 13. Among them: w of the electric switches are connected with a wire to the control unit to start the control unit 1. Thunder six π, should-IC control: circuit power. And the thin unit 1 is essentially the ^ unit 丨 and is provided with a power wire connected to the plus 5 = ... display unit 2, and the three water level probes u and the heart are each A flood line is connected to the control unit. The control unit has a signal capable of receiving three water level probes u, [2], [], and [...] to facilitate the switching of the heater 15 or the sonic warning port 16 Control ability. Cry, wave alarm Γ1116 implementation on the system can be-music ic circuit or beep: ring. Control unit I's start or close control, in order to promptly issue a warning signal to the reporter: Single T2 η is qualitatively-the embedded group has at least-one or more lights: Tieruo's mouth light is generally sustainable light Display or flashing display = indicator lights or light-emitting diodes of different colors to distinguish and reveal the full water level light 21, the normal water level light 22, the makeup water level light 23, M264995 water shortage level light 24, etc. A water level state (for example, the water inlet switch 32 can be an electromagnetic chamber 0 to 1 shown in Figure 5). Unit 1 accepts the control of opening or closing the valve; here, it is also possible to control the water inlet switch 32 with a power wire connection. It is a manual type of jade, 'on a simpler device, it is connected to the outside water supply pipeline or feed pump ^ pipe ^ valve. This water inlet switch 32 manually opens the valve to supply water into the pin furnace 31 or close it' to automatically Or the drainage switch 33 is implemented so that: water is supplied. When the amount of water in the steel furnace 3! Is too large (that is, a manual two-ball ball full of water is better, because I personally inspected the reason for the full water in the shop ^) 1 After clearing the obstacles, you can prefecture Lushui in person. In addition, H) 'Repair or discharge Off% and connected to the control unit! Come ^ == magnetic valve as drainage f for supervision 'in order to force the operator to be full of water in the furnace 31, to avoid the cause of excessive water in the furnace and holding the item to heat the day guard' The steam chamber in the furnace is filled with hot water and the base gas can not be used normally or = direct injection may cause danger, so it is still better to drain the valve automatically, semi-automatically or manually after the reason of full water in the oil detection furnace 31. The three roots are not equal in length The water level probes are-the high water level probe core and the middle water level probe! 2 and the other-the low water level probe 13, which are the same-are planted in the pin furnace 3 ^ and its end seat is exposed in the pin furnace 31 outside, used to connect the signal line to the control element i. In addition, 'a cylinder 8 can also be arranged on the outside of the boiler 31 mentioned above in this creation.' Utilization-intake manifold 81 and another-drainage manifold 82 are connected to The m of the boiler 31 and the cylinder 8 is shown in FIG. 6 so that the water liquid in _ 31 can also be diverted into the cylinder 8, showing the phenomenon of the same liquid level, and the above three M264995 unequal lengths The water level probes 11, 12, and 13 are planted together in this cylinder 8 to detect the water level status, which is also the application field of this creation And to Chen. Due to heating ^ § 15, it is installed in the pin furnace 31 to heat the water. Therefore, the wavy water flow generated when the water is boiled will not spread to the water in the cylinder 8 and can prevent the probe from accumulating due to the large water flow fluctuation. Dirt phenomenon. There may be only one water level probe 11, 12, or 13 of the three water level probes planted in the intervening body 8 (as shown in FIG. 12, taking the middle water level probe 12 as an example), so as long as the cylinder is used The form in which the body 8 is planted with at least one probe, and the remaining two or one are planted in the water level line 31 of the same liquid level is the application field of the present invention. With the above-mentioned components, the water level control device of this creative intelligent espresso machine is constructed, and the following water level monitoring modes are executed: (1) Normal water level state: when the boiler 31 or (and) the water level line 7 in the cylinder 8 When the low water level probe 13 and the middle water level probe 12 are flooded at the same time (as shown in Figure 2), the high water level probe 11 is not touched by the water, and these probes will transmit a normal water level signal to the control unit 1, The control unit 丨 judges to start the heater 15 (the sonic warning device 16 is turned off at this time) to heat the water in the boiler 31 to the vapor pressure or temperature. The control unit 1 and the display unit 2 are activated at the same time. The water level indicator number 22, at this moment, the user can press the steam switch 34 to capture the steam in the furnace to make milk foam for espresso coffee. In addition, the hot water in pot 垆 31 can also be supplied to a warm coffee cup or brewed coffee through a hot water switch. (II) Full water level status: When the water level line 71 in the boiler 31 or (and) the cylinder 8 is flooded with the low water level probe 13, the middle water level probe 12 and the high water level probe 13 at the same time (as shown in Figure 2) (Shown) 'These probes will send a full water level signal to the M264995 control unit l, the control unit decides to turn off the heater 15, and immediately stops heating the water in the furnace 31. The control unit can also start the sonic indicator at the same time 16 generates a warning sound, and the control unit 1 also starts the display unit 2 to reveal the party's full water level light number 21, which is used to forcibly inform the operator that the device has an abnormal full water problem. It should be stopped for inspection 4 and checked for water The switch 32 is leaking or the above-mentioned probe is stuck or other fault causes. After the fault is repaired, the operator can turn on the drain switch 33 to drain water 5 to discharge the excess water in the boiler 13 and restore the device to the above. Normal water level. (II) Supplementary water level state ... When the water level line 72 in the boiler 31 or (and) the cylinder 8 only touches the low water level probe 13 (as shown in Figure 4), these probes will pass the-supplemental water level The signal to the control unit j, at this time the control unit} still keeps the normal heating state of the heater 15 activated, the sonic alarm 16 is not activated, and at the same time, the system will start the display unit 2 to reveal that the water level lamp 3 is lit for ^ Reveal and inform the operator that there is already a shortage of water in the steel furnace 31, and water replenishment should be performed at this time. At this time, Heyue i magnetic material switch 32 (electrical_f ^ water inlet switch 32 (ball ball) to fill the furnace 31 Use water to the above normal water level state. Μ (Shi) The fire is in a state of sorrow. When the water level line in the furnace 31 or (and) the cylinder 8 looks away from the low water level probe 13, the middle water level probe 12: = single ^ If ^ 户 ^ '^ and other probes will transmit a water shortage ㈣ number to control the water shortage level lamp to 24, to forcibly inform the operator ^ set the equipment out of the M264995 abnormal water shortage problem, you should immediately Shutdown and Overhaul 4 Switch 33 leaks water or other causes of failure, after the fault is repaired == Water :: Water inlet switch 32—Add water to the above comprehensive The description of the embodiment, I believe that the method of revealing the technical structure, detecting and revealing the water level has been added in detail to be practical and technical. But the technique of this creation is not limited to this. 】 Figure-· Cannot reveal the cross section of the original Italian coffee machine. The coffee machine and its oven are equipped with a power switch, control, alarm, display unit, steam switch, heater, and inlet switch. And three water level probes of different lengths. Ί_Draining is called dry. The two espresso coffee machines are in normal water level status ... Figure 4 shows that the water level line floods and touches the middle and low water level probes. Serving the state of brewing espresso coffee with hot water. Calling dry: Thirty-two: T. The original coffee machine when the full-water level is created. Correction: Position ^ line flooding touches the three water levels of high, medium and low. Figure 4 shows the time of the needle: It reveals that the espresso coffee machine in this creation is capable of replenishing water level :: picture ,: 儿 ::, the bit line only touches the low position, and the water inlet switch starts to replenish. Section 5] said in When the water level is not flooded when the wide line is not in contact with the three water level probes: 264995 shows the state of water shortage. Figure 6: A cross-sectional view of another embodiment of this creation is shown, illustrating the use of a cylinder connected to a boiler to plant three water level probes. Figure VII ... Create a cross-sectional view of another embodiment, illustrating the use of a cylinder connected to the boiler to plant only one less water level probe. [Key component symbol description] 1 ------ ---- --- Control unit 11-High water level probe 12 ... ...... Middle water level probe 13 ... _ ..... Low water level probe 14 ... ...... Power switch 15 ... .. ... heater 16 -...-... sound wave warning device 2 ... ..... display unit 21 ... ...... full water level indicator 22 ... ..... .. Normal water level light number 23 ...... ...... Makeup water level light number 24 _... one ... Water shortage level light number 3 ... ........ Espresso coffee machine 31 ... one ... ..- Boiler 32 …… • …… Water inlet switch 33 …… ....... Drain switch 34 …… _ …… Steam switch 36 …… ....... Fortunately 4,41… … Shutdown and maintenance 5 ...... ....... drain 6 …… ....... supplement 7,71,72,73 ...... water level line 8 …… _. ... M body 81 ...... ........ intake manifold 82—— -a ...- drain manifold