TWI359385B - System and method for loan application - Google Patents

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TWI359385B TW95111024A TW95111024A TWI359385B TW I359385 B TWI359385 B TW I359385B TW 95111024 A TW95111024 A TW 95111024A TW 95111024 A TW95111024 A TW 95111024A TW I359385 B TWI359385 B TW I359385B
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xiao yuan Liu
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Publication of TW200625132A publication Critical patent/TW200625132A/en
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Publication of TWI359385B publication Critical patent/TWI359385B/en



  • Financial Or Insurance-Related Operations Such As Payment And Settlement (AREA)
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Γ3.59385 Γ 九、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 , 本發明係關於金融業務之系統與方法,特別係 乂 關於數位化貸款平台之系統與方法。 【先前技術】 由於科技與工業快速地發展,現今社會之型態 與人們之生活方式也隨之改變,過去貸款一事可能 ' 是一輩子僅碰到一次的事件,對於銀行與接受貸款 之業者而言,其業務量與業務處理方式只需要仰賴 大量人力即可解決。但由於金融市場愈發開放,社 會大眾對於金融相關之知識也愈趨完備,且隨著銀 行與資款業者推出種類繁多之消費性金融商品,和 ' 針對各種客戶不同需求所推出的客制化貸款服 務,使得一般大眾利用到貸款之機會大增,換句話 說,銀行與貸款業者所面對之業務量與處理方式已 經非一般傳統式的方法與系統所能負擔,因此極需 要一個嶄新的貸款平台系統與方法。 【發明内容】 本發明之一目的,係提供一種數位化貸款平台 系統。透過此系統,銀行與貸款業者可即時交換資 訊,並縮短申請人等候之時間,此外,銀行與貸款 業者也可有效地減少人力,以獲取最大之利益。銀 行終端可自行更改本系統内之銀行貸款方案資 料,提供與貸款終端將客戶資料與銀行終端提供之 銀行貸款方案進行比對,以節省申辦時間,促進資 訊透明,節省客戶資料蒐集時間及成本,進而加速 5 13593.85 貸款核貸流程。本發明所述之數位化貸款平台系 統,其中包括一個貸款業務中心以及一個管理維護 作業中心,且上述之貸款平台系統更可供複數使用 者登入,其中所述之貸款業務中心更與複數個第一 資料檔耦合,以及其中所述之管理維護作業中心更 與複數個第二資料檔耦合,關於各部份的詳細說明 請參照本發明之說明書。 本發明提出一種數位化貸款平台系統,該數位 化貸款平台系統包含一貸款業務中心,用以處理數 位化貸款業務以及管理維護作業中心,耦合至貸款 業務中心用以數位化管理貸款維護作業。其中貸款 平台系統更包含複數使用者終端耦合至貸款平台 系統,所述之複數使用者終端包含行銷部終端、財 務部終端、管理終端、企劃部終端和審核部終端 等。貸款業務中心更與複數個第一資料擋耦合。於 本發明實施例中,資料檔包含新電話客戶主檔、案 件檔案主檔、客戶資料卡主檔、保險送件主檔、保 險送件狀況回覆主檔、卡類送件主檔、卡類送件狀 況回覆主檔、貸款送件主檔、貸款送件狀況回覆主 檔、應收帳款主檔和實收帳款主檔。 本發明之又一目的,係提供一種數位化或線上 實施貸款之方法。主要係透過程序化的步驟配合貸 款平台,使得整個貸款手續之處理流程更加簡潔明 快,並且f相關資料分別存入相對應之資料檔中, 並且利用現在電腦高速運算之能力可讓將來資料 之交換或存取都更加簡便。本方法將步驟大致上分 為:操作一個貸款平台施行新電話檔案作業;操作 此貸款平台施行新案件檔案作業;操作此貸款平台 施行審核作業;以及操作此貸款平台施行歸檔作 13593.85 業。而關於每一個階段詳細之步驟流程,則容後再 敘。 【實施方式】 本發明將配合其較佳實施例與隨附之圖示詳 述於下,應理解者為本發明中所有之較佳實施例僅 為例示之用,因此除文中之較佳實施例外,本發明 亦可廣泛地應用在其他實施例中。且本發明並不受 限於任何實施例,應以隨附之申請專利範圍及其同 等領域而定。 參照至第一圖,其為用以說明本發明之數位化 貸款系統與使用終端間聯接之關係的方塊圖。如圖 所示,數位化貸款平台1 0 0與所有外部使用終端間 係一放射狀連結,且上述資款平台在同一時間點内 可允許複數個使用者同時登入使用,而使用者與數 位化貸款平台間的連接可透過網路或其他方式,故 使用者可於遠端登入此數位化貸款平台。而能夠登 入此數位化貸款平台之使用者終端,包括行銷部終 端 1 0 2、財務部終端 1 0 4、管理終端 1 0 6、企劃部終 端 1 〇 8與審核部終端1 1 0,由於上述數位化貸款平 台容許使用者同時登入,故表示各個不同部門之使 用者終端皆可透過此平台共同工作,如此可省去行 政程序於各部門間來回穿梭所浪費掉之時間,進而 提升整體效率。 參照至第二圖,進而說明數位化貸款平台200 細部,數位化貸款平台2 0 0内包含兩個主要部分, 分別為管理維護作業中心 2 1 0 與貸款業務中心 2 2 0。而這兩部份又分別包含許多子結構與檔案結 7 13593,85 構,管理維護作業中心2 1 0主要用以管理數位 款平台200上之使用者,系統管理者204可登 理維護作業中心2 1 0以對系統作出進一步維護 維護使用者資料檔 2 1 1、選單主檔 2 1 2、銀行 213)或更改使用者之權限,若平台使用者 2( 入管理維護作業中心2 1 0要求系統維護,則通 允許其更改個人資料或密碼,換言之即更改使 資料檔 2.11。此外,透過選單權限主檔 214, 定每一個使用者能看到選單之哪些部份,並且 分行主檔2 1 5與銀行方案主檔2 1 6,則數位化 平台200可隨時提供最新、最詳實的相關訊息 用者參考。再參照至第二圖,於本發明之數位 款平台2 0 0内的另一重要部分貸款業務中心2 在此部分,將各類申請所需檔案分別存入目的 檔,舉例而言,如新電話客戶主檔2 2 1、案件 主檔 222、客戶資料卡主檔 223、保險送件 224、卡類送件主檔 226、貸款送件主檔 229、 帳款主檔2 3 0和實收帳款主檔2 3 1。並且也.可 案件紀錄資料檔得知目前案件之進度,例如保 件狀況回覆主檔 2 2 5、卡類送件狀況回覆主檔 與貸款送件狀況回覆主檔2 2 8。此外,透過此 各部門也便於在第一時間内得到相關訊息。本 之數位化貸款平台並非僅能用於貸款申請流程 他關於保險類作業、卡類作業等也皆能於此平 運行。 參照至第三圖與第四圖,說明根據本發明 化貸款之方法300,及其實施之步驟。本數位 款方法 300 將步驟大致上分為:建立客戶通 訊,例如採用執行一個數位化貸款平台施行新 化貸 入管 (如 主檔 2登 常僅 用者 可設 藉由 貸款 給使 化貸 20, 資料 檔案 主檔 應收 透過 險送 22 6 平台 發明 ,其 數位 化貸 訊資 電話 8 13593.85 檔案作業(即步驟3 Ο 2至3 Ο 5 );執行此數位化貸 平台施行新案件檔案作業(即步驟306至308); 行此數位化貸款平台施行審核作業(即步驟309 3 1 2 );以及執行此數位化貸款平台施行歸檔作 (即步驟 3 .1 3至 317)。 整個數位化貸款方法300始於步驟301,於 驟 302 内輸入客戶來電資料,並更改新電話檔 221,隨後於步驟303判斷所輸入之電話是否有S 若為無效電話則於新電話檔案2 2 1内註記為無效 話。若上述輸入電話為有效電話,則分配規劃師 行步驟3 04規劃師輸入客戶信用條件,並更新新 話檔案2 2 1 ;緊接著於步驟3 0 5確認客戶是杏符 辦理,若客戶不符合辦理則於新電話檔案2 2 1内 記未進件原因。當客戶符合辦理時,分配專員為 '戶服務,同時也進入下一階段執行此數位化貸款 台進行新案件檔案作業,於步驟3 0 6内透過電子 入裝置輪入客戶申辦内容並更改案件檔案主 2 2 2,隨後於步驟 3 0 7確認是否進件,若未進件 於案件檔案主檔2 2 2内註記未進件原因並歸檔。 成功進件,則執行覆核作業,即進行至步驟3 0 8 管終端規劃是否出件,若認為不符出件條件,.則 案件退回步驟3 0 6由專員終端設備重新輸入案件 位内容。當步驟3 0 8完成後,表示進入下一階段 行此貸款平台施行審核作業,於步驟3 0 9將資訊 過内部網路將資料移轉至審核專員終端設備,隨 輸入客戶申辦銀行並更改貸款送件銀行資料 2 2 9,接著請參照至第四圖,步驟 3 1 0中對應之 口輸入申辦進度狀況並更新貸款送件銀行回覆 料表 2 2 8,於步驟3 1 1中即可根據上述資料,即 款 執 至 業 步 案 > 電 進 電 合 註 客 平 輸 檔 則 當 主 將 數 執 透 之 表 窗 資 將 9 1359385 案件檔案主檔222與銀行方案主檔216進行tt 以決定要將此案件送回步驟3 1 0進行補件或1| 若兩者内容相符合,則進行至步驟312,透過 專員端設備輸入應收手續費及對保手續並更 收帳款資料表 2 3 0 與貸款送件銀行回覆資 2 2 8 = 當上述階段完成後即進入操作此數位化 平台施.行歸檔作業,首先在步驟313中確認此 對保狀況,若此案件無須對保則直接轉至步驟 準備歸檔,若此案件可正常對保責執行步驟3 財務作業,此外當案件發生對保上之瑕疵時則 行步驟 3 1 6之法務流程。在步驟 3 1 4之財務 中,財務部門於收款後會更新實收帳款資 2 3 1,並回報對保正常準備進行歸檔作業。參 步驟3 1 5,將判斷案件是否已經完成必要之手 逕行歸檔,獲此案件尚存有違約之顧慮則須送 步驟3 1 6進行法務流程。當法務流程結束後, 接送至步驟 317 結案而無需再送回步驟 315 外,於步驟3 1 5内判斷不具有異狀之案件也可 步驟3 1 7進行結案。 上述執行步驟均透過電腦設備之硬體加 行本發明之程序。本發明之電腦包含一顯示單 一輸入單元、一記憶體單元及一微處理器,主 於處理上述各執行步驟。亦即,本發明係利用 設備之硬體作為本發明解決問題之技術手段, 電腦之微處理器執行各項模組作業,且顯示各 料格式於顯示單元,再以輸入單元將各項資 入,並利用記憶體單元儲存程式與檔案。 |對, .件; 審核 新應 料表 貸款 案件 ,3 15 1 4之 需進 作業 料表 照至 續而 交至 可直 。此 送至 以執 元、 要用 電腦 利用 項資 料輸 10 1359385 對熟悉此領域技藝者·,本發明雖以較佳實例闡 明如上,然其並非用以限定本發明之精神。在不脫 離本發明之精神與範圍内所作之修改與類似的配 置,均應包含在下述之申請專利範圍内,此範圍應 覆蓋所有類似修改與類似結構,且應做最寬廣的詮 釋。 % 【圖式簡單說明】 第一圖係一系統方塊圖,用以說明本發明之貸 款系統與使用終端間聯接之關係。 第二圖係一系統方塊圖,用以詳細說明本發明 之貸款系統内各資料檔耦合之方式,並深入說明第 一圖。 第三圖係一流程圖,用以說明根據本發明數位 化貸款之方法,及其實施之步驟。 第四圖係一流程圖,用以說明根據本發明數位 化貸款之方法,及其實施之步驟。 【主要元件符號說明】 1 00 數位化貸款平台 . 1 02 行銷部終端 1 04 財務部終端 1 0 6 管理終端. 10 8 企劃部終端 110 審核部終‘端 200 貸款平台系統 202 平台使用者 204 系統管理者 210 管理維護作業中心 11 1359385 2 11 使用者資料檔 2 12 選單主檔 213 銀行主檔 214 選單權限主檔 2 15 分行主檔 216 銀行方案主檔 2 2 0 貸款業務中心 221 新電話客戶主檔 222 案件檔案主檔 223 客戶資料卡主檔 2 2 4 保險送件主檔 2 2 5 保險送件狀況回覆主檔 2 2 6 卡類送件主檔 2 2 7 卡類送件狀況回覆主檔 2 2 8 貸款送件狀況回覆主檔 2 2 9 貸款送件銀行主檔 2 3 0 應收帳款主檔 2 3 1 實收帳款主檔 12Γ3.59385 Γ Nine, invention description: [Technical field of invention] The present invention relates to a system and method for financial services, and in particular to a system and method for a digital loan platform. [Prior Art] Due to the rapid development of technology and industry, the pattern of today's society and the way of life of people have also changed. The past loan may be an event that only happened once in a lifetime, for banks and lenders. Its business volume and business processing methods can only be solved by relying on a large amount of manpower. However, as the financial market becomes more open, the public's knowledge of finance is becoming more complete, and with the introduction of a wide variety of consumer financial products by banks and fund-raising companies, and the customization of various customers' different needs. Loan services have greatly increased the opportunities for the general public to use loans. In other words, the volume of business and processing faced by banks and lenders is beyond the reach of traditional methods and systems. Therefore, a new need is needed. Loan platform system and method. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION One object of the present invention is to provide a digital loan platform system. Through this system, banks and lenders can exchange information instantly and shorten the waiting time of applicants. In addition, banks and lenders can effectively reduce manpower for maximum benefit. The bank terminal can change the bank loan plan information in the system by itself, and provide the bank terminal to compare the customer information with the bank loan plan provided by the bank terminal to save the bidding time, promote information transparency, and save customer data collection time and cost. In turn, accelerate the loan process of 5 13593.85 loans. The digital loan platform system of the present invention includes a loan business center and a management and maintenance operation center, and the above loan platform system is further accessible to a plurality of users, wherein the loan business center is more than a plurality of A data file coupling, and the management and maintenance work center described therein are further coupled with a plurality of second data files. For a detailed description of each part, refer to the specification of the present invention. The present invention proposes a digital loan platform system comprising a loan business center for processing a digital loan business and a management and maintenance operation center, and coupled to a loan business center for digitally managing loan maintenance operations. The loan platform system further includes a plurality of user terminals coupled to the loan platform system, wherein the plurality of user terminals include a marketing department terminal, a financial department terminal, a management terminal, a planning department terminal, and an auditing department terminal. The loan business center is more coupled with a plurality of first data blocks. In the embodiment of the present invention, the data file includes a new phone customer main file, a case file main file, a customer data card main file, an insurance delivery main file, an insurance delivery status reply main file, a card type delivery main file, and a card type. The delivery status is replied to the main file, the loan delivery main file, the loan delivery status reply main file, the accounts receivable main file and the paid account main file. It is still another object of the present invention to provide a method of digitally or onlinely implementing a loan. Mainly through the programmatic steps to cooperate with the loan platform, the processing process of the entire loan procedure is more concise and clear, and the related materials are stored in the corresponding data files, and the current data exchange capability can be used to exchange future data. Or access is easier. The method roughly divides the steps into: operating a loan platform to perform a new telephone file operation; operating the loan platform to perform a new case file operation; operating the loan platform to perform an audit operation; and operating the loan platform to perform the filing as 13593.85. The detailed step-by-step process for each phase will be described later. The present invention will be described in detail with reference to the preferred embodiments and the accompanying drawings, and it is understood that the preferred embodiments of the present invention are merely illustrative, and therefore preferred embodiments Exceptionally, the invention may also be applied broadly to other embodiments. The invention is not limited to any embodiment, but should be in the scope of the accompanying claims and their equivalents. Reference is made to the first figure, which is a block diagram for explaining the relationship between the digital loan system of the present invention and the use terminal. As shown in the figure, the digital loan platform 100 is radially connected to all external terminals, and the above-mentioned fund platform can allow multiple users to log in at the same time point, and the user and the digitization The connection between the loan platforms can be accessed via the Internet or other means, so users can log in to the digital loan platform remotely. And the user terminal capable of logging in to the digital loan platform, including the marketing department terminal 102, the finance department terminal 104, the management terminal 106, the planning department terminal 1 and the auditing terminal 1 1 0, due to the above The digital loan platform allows users to log in at the same time. It means that user terminals in different departments can work together through this platform. This saves the time wasted by administrative procedures to shuttle back and forth between departments, thereby improving overall efficiency. Referring to the second figure, the digital loan platform 200 is further described. The digital loan platform 200 includes two main parts, namely, the management maintenance operation center 2 1 0 and the loan business center 2 2 0. The two parts also contain a number of sub-structures and archives 7 13593, 85 structure, management and maintenance operations center 2 1 0 is mainly used to manage users on the digital platform 200, the system administrator 204 can be responsible for the maintenance operation center 2 1 0 to further maintain and maintain the user data file 2 1 1, menu main file 2 1 2, bank 213) or change the user's authority, if the platform user 2 (into the management and maintenance operation center 2 1 0 requirements For system maintenance, it is allowed to change the profile or password, in other words, to change the data file 2.11. In addition, through the menu permission master file 214, which part of the menu can be seen by each user, and the branch master file 2 1 5 and the bank plan master file 2 1 6, the digital platform 200 can provide the latest and most detailed information about the user's reference at any time. Referring to the second figure, another one of the digital platform of the present invention Important part of the loan business center 2 In this part, the files required for each type of application are stored in the destination file, for example, such as the new phone customer main file 2 2 1 , the case main file 222, the customer data card main file 223, insurance Insurance delivery 224, card delivery main file 226, loan delivery main file 229, account main file 2 3 0 and paid account main file 2 3 1. And also the case record data file to know the current case The progress, for example, the status of the warranty is returned to the main file 2 2 5, the card delivery status is returned to the main file and the loan delivery status is returned to the main file 2 2 8. In addition, through these departments, it is also convenient to get relevant information in the first time. The digitalized loan platform of this book can not only be used in the loan application process. He can also operate on insurance operations, card operations, etc. Referring to the third and fourth figures, the loan according to the present invention is illustrated. The method 300, and the steps of its implementation. The digital method 300 generally divides the steps into: establishing a customer communication, for example, implementing a digital loan platform to implement a new credit card (if the main file 2 is used only by the user) With the loan to the credit loan 20, the data file master file receivables through the insurance to send 22 6 platform invention, its digitalized credit call 8 13593.85 file operations (ie steps 3 Ο 2 to 3 Ο 5); perform this digitization Loan platform New case file operation (ie, steps 306 to 308); perform the verification operation by the digital loan platform (ie, step 309 3 1 2); and execute the digital loan platform for filing (ie, steps 3.13 to 317) The entire digital loan method 300 starts at step 301, enters the customer call data in step 302, and changes the new phone file 221, and then determines in step 303 whether the input phone has S. If the phone is invalid, the new phone file 2 2 1 The internal note is recorded as invalid. If the above input phone is a valid phone, then the planner is assigned to step 3 04. The planner enters the customer credit condition and updates the new phone file 2 2 1; then in step 3 0 5 confirms that the customer is apricot, if the customer does not meet The handling is not included in the new telephone file 2 2 1 . When the customer meets the requirements, the distribution commissioner will serve the household, and will also proceed to the next stage to execute the digital loan desk for the new case file operation. In step 3 0 6 , the customer's application content will be rotated and the case file will be changed through the electronic device. The main 2 2 2, and then in step 3 0 7 to confirm whether the incoming, if not in the case file main file 2 2 2 note is not the reason for the entry and filed. If the successful entry is completed, the review operation will be performed, that is, if the terminal terminal planning is issued, if it is considered that the output condition is not met, then the case is returned to step 3 0 6 and the case terminal content is re-entered by the commissioner terminal device. When step 308 is completed, it indicates that the loan platform will be audited in the next stage. In step 309, the information will be transferred to the auditor terminal equipment through the internal network, and the customer will be invited to apply for the bank and change the loan. Send the bank information 2 2 9, then please refer to the fourth picture, enter the bid progress status in the corresponding port in step 3 1 0 and update the loan delivery bank reply form 2 2 8, in step 3 1 1 The above information, that is, the payment to the industry step > the electric input and the customer to enter the flat shift, when the main will be through the table window will be 9 1359385 case file main file 222 and the bank plan master file 216 to decide Return the case to step 3 1 0 for patch or 1| If the contents of the two are consistent, proceed to step 312, enter the account receivable fee and the security procedure and collect the account information table through the commissioner device. 0 Reimbursement with the loan delivery bank 2 2 8 = When the above stage is completed, the operation of the digitalization platform is entered. The first step is to confirm the warranty status in step 313. If the case does not need to be directly To prepare archiving step, if this step normally the case 3 to the financial security job responsibilities, when the case occurs in addition to defects in the retention time of the row process step 316 of business processes. In the finance of step 3 14 4, the finance department will update the actual receivables amount 2 3 1 after receiving the payment and report the archiving operation for the normal preparation of the insurance. In step 3 1 5, it will be judged whether the case has been completed and the necessary route is filed. If there is any breach of contract in this case, it is necessary to send the step 3 16 to carry out the legal process. After the legal process is completed, the case is sent to step 317 to be closed without returning to step 315. If the case is not determined to be abnormal in step 3 15 , the case may be closed in step 3 1 7 . The above execution steps are all performed by the hardware of the computer device. The computer of the present invention includes a display single input unit, a memory unit and a microprocessor for processing the various execution steps described above. That is, the present invention utilizes the hardware of the device as a technical means for solving the problem of the present invention, the microprocessor of the computer executes various module operations, and displays the format of each material in the display unit, and then inputs the various elements into the input unit. And use the memory unit to store programs and files. | Yes, ..; Review of the new application form Loan case, 3 15 1 4 need to enter the operation schedule to continue and handed over to straight. The present invention is not limited to the spirit of the present invention. The present invention has been described above with reference to the preferred embodiments of the present invention. Modifications and similar configurations made within the spirit and scope of the invention are intended to be included within the scope of the appended claims. % [Simplified description of the drawings] The first figure is a system block diagram for explaining the relationship between the loan system of the present invention and the terminal used. The second figure is a system block diagram for explaining in detail the manner in which the data files in the loan system of the present invention are coupled, and the first figure is explained in depth. The third drawing is a flow chart for explaining the method of digitizing a loan according to the present invention and the steps of its implementation. The fourth figure is a flow chart for explaining the method of digitizing a loan according to the present invention and the steps of its implementation. [Main component symbol description] 1 00 Digitalized loan platform. 1 02 Marketing department terminal 1 04 Finance department terminal 1 0 6 Management terminal. 10 8 Planning department terminal 110 Audit department final 'end 200 loan platform system 202 Platform user 204 system Manager 210 Management Maintenance Job Center 11 1359385 2 11 User Profile 2 12 Menu Master 213 Bank Master 214 Menu Privilege Master 2 15 Branch Master 216 Bank Program Master 2 2 0 Loan Business Center 221 New Phone Owner File 222 Case file main file 223 Customer data card main file 2 2 4 Insurance delivery main file 2 2 5 Insurance delivery status reply main file 2 2 6 Card class delivery main file 2 2 7 Card class delivery status reply main file 2 2 8 Loan delivery status reply main file 2 2 9 Loan delivery bank main file 2 3 0 Accounts receivable main file 2 3 1 Receivable account main file 12

Claims (1)

13.59385 十、申請專利範圍:13.59385 X. Patent application scope: 1. 一種數位化貸款平台系统,該系统包含: 一貸款業務中心,用以處理數位化貸款業務,該貸款 業務中心係與複數個第一資料檔耦合,該複數個第 一資料檔包含新電話客戶主檔、案件檔案主檔、客 戶資料卡主檔、貸款送件主檔、貸款送件狀況回覆 主檔、應收帳款主檔、實收帳款主檔、保險送件主 檔、保險送件狀況回覆主檔、卡類送件主檔及卡類 送件狀況回覆主檔;以及 一管理維護作業中心,耦合至該貸款業務中心,用以 數位化管理貸款維護作業,該管理維護作’業中心係 與複數個第二資料檔耦合,該複數個第二資料檔包 含使用者資料檔、選單主檔、選單權限主檔、銀行 主檔、分行主檔、銀行方案主檔,其中該銀行方案 主檔包含貸款方案、保險方案及信用卡方案; 其中,該數位貸款平台系統,係耦合複數個使用者終 端,可同時提供該複數個使用者終端操作使用; 其中,該貸款業務中心倍以該第二資料檔之該銀行方 案主檔作為經驗參數比對該第一資料檔之案件檔 案主檔。 2.如申請專利範圍第1項之數位化貸款平台系統,其中 該複數使用者終端包含行銷部終端、財務部終端、管 理終端、企劃部終端和審核部終端。 3.如申請專利範圍第1項之數位化貸款平台系統,其中 該系統利用一電腦執行以下步驟: 利用該電腦之微處理器執行該數位化貸款平台系% 之新電話檔案作業模組,於該電腦之顯示單元上顯 示客戶通訊資料格式,該電腦之微處理器讀取該複 13 Γ359385 數個使用者終端輸入之客戶通訊資料,並儲存於該 電腦之記憶體單元,用以建立第一資料檔之新電話 客戶主檔; 利用該電腦之微處理器執行該數位化貸款平台系統 之新案件檔案作業模組,於該電.腦之顯示單元上顯 示客戶申辦案件資料格式,該電腦之微處理器讀取 該複數個使用者終端輸入之客戶申辦案件資料,並 儲存於該電腦之記憶體單元,用以建立第一資料檔 之案件檔案主檔、客戶資料卡主檔及貸款送件主 檔; 利用該電腦之微處理器執行該數位化貸款平台系統 之審核作業模組,將該電腦之記憶體單元内之第二 資料檔之銀行方案主檔與該第一資料檔之案件檔 案主檔進行比對;以及 利用該電腦之記憶體單元儲存該比對之結果於該第 二資料檔,用以將該客戶申辦案件資料進行歸檔作 業。如申請專利範圍第3項之數位化貸款平台系統, 其中該利用該電腦之微處理器執行該數位化貸款平 台系統之新電話檔案作業模組之步驟更包含: 利用該電腦之微處理器判斷由該複數個使用者終端 輸入之該客戶通訊資料是否有效:若為有效,則進 入下一步驟;若為無效,則標註無效記號,並結束 該數位化貸款平台系統及儲存於該電腦之記憶體 單元中;以及 利用該電腦之微處理器判斷客戶之信用條件是否符 合辦理條件:若該客戶符合辦理條件,則進入下一 步驟;若為無效,則標註無效記號,並結束該數位 化貸款平台系統及儲存於該電腦之記憶體單元中。 4.如申請專利範圍第3項之數位化貸款平台系統,其中 14 1359385 該利用該電腦之微處理器執行該數位化資款平台系 統之新案件檔案作業模組之步棘更包含: 利用該電腦之微處理器執行該數位化貸款平台系統 之新電話檔案作業模組之步驟; 利用該電腦之微處理器判斷被輸入之客戶申辦内容 是否進件:若已進件,’則利用該電腦之微處理器進 行覆核作業;若未進件,則標註未進件原因,並結 束該數位化貸款平台系統及儲存於該電腦之記憶 體單元中;以及 利用該電腦之微處理器規劃是否出件:若規劃出件, 則由該電腦之輸出元件輸出該案件檔案資料表;若 規劃不出件,則重新執行新電話檔案作業模組。 5.如申請專利範圍第3項之數位化貸款平台系統,其中 該步驟更包含: 利用該電腦之微處理器確認該案件之對保狀況:若此 案件無需對保則進行歸檔作業,利用該電腦之儲存 單元儲存該案件檔案於第一資料檔;若此案件需對 保,則進行財務作業;若此案件具有對保上之瑕 疵,則進行法務流程作業;以及 利用該電腦之微處理器確認案件是否完成必要手 續:若已完成,則進行歸檔作業,利用該電腦之儲 存單元儲存該案件檔案於第一資料檔;若未完成, 則進行所缺漏之該必要手續。 15A digital loan platform system, comprising: a loan business center for processing a digital loan business, the loan business center being coupled with a plurality of first data files, the plurality of first data files including new phones Customer main file, case file main file, customer data card main file, loan delivery main file, loan delivery status reply main file, accounts receivable main file, paid account main file, insurance delivery main file, insurance The delivery status reply main file, the card type delivery main file and the card type delivery status reply main file; and a management maintenance operation center coupled to the loan business center for digitally managing the loan maintenance operation, the management maintenance The industry center is coupled with a plurality of second data files, wherein the plurality of second data files include a user data file, a menu main file, a menu permission main file, a bank main file, a branch main file, and a bank plan main file, wherein the The bank plan main file includes a loan plan, an insurance plan and a credit card plan; wherein the digital loan platform system is coupled with a plurality of user terminals, and the same can be provided at the same time. An operation using the user terminal; wherein the lending to the center fold of the second bank scheme of the master data file as an empirical parameter file than the main text of the case file of the first data file. 2. The digitalized loan platform system of claim 1, wherein the plurality of user terminals comprises a marketing department terminal, a finance department terminal, a management terminal, a planning department terminal, and an auditing department terminal. 3. The digitalized loan platform system of claim 1, wherein the system performs the following steps by using a computer: using the microprocessor of the computer to execute the digital telephone file operation module of the digital loan platform, The display unit of the computer displays the format of the customer communication data, and the microprocessor of the computer reads the customer communication data input by the user terminal of the plurality 13 359385 and stores it in the memory unit of the computer to establish the first The new telephone customer main file of the data file; using the microprocessor of the computer to execute the new case file operation module of the digital loan platform system, displaying the customer application case data format on the display unit of the electric brain, the computer The microprocessor reads the customer application case data input by the plurality of user terminals, and stores the data in the memory unit of the computer for establishing the case file main file of the first data file, the customer data card main file and the loan delivery piece. Main file; using the microprocessor of the computer to execute the audit operation module of the digital loan platform system, the computer Comparing the bank plan master file of the second data file in the memory unit with the case file master file of the first data file; and using the memory unit of the computer to store the result of the comparison in the second data file, It is used to archive the customer's application for the case. For example, in the digitalized loan platform system of claim 3, wherein the step of using the microprocessor of the computer to execute the new telephone file operation module of the digital loan platform system further comprises: using the microprocessor of the computer to determine Whether the customer communication data input by the plurality of user terminals is valid: if it is valid, proceed to the next step; if it is invalid, mark the invalid token, and end the digital loan platform system and the memory stored in the computer And using the microprocessor of the computer to determine whether the credit condition of the customer meets the processing conditions: if the customer meets the processing conditions, proceed to the next step; if it is invalid, mark the invalid token and end the digitized loan The platform system is stored in a memory unit of the computer. 4. The digitalized loan platform system of claim 3, wherein 14 1359385 the use of the microprocessor of the computer to execute the new case file operation module of the digital asset platform system further includes: The microprocessor of the computer executes the step of the new telephone file operation module of the digital loan platform system; and the microprocessor of the computer determines whether the input of the customer application content is input: if the input has been made, 'use the computer The microprocessor performs the review operation; if the component is not imported, the reason for the failure is marked, and the digital loan platform system is stored and stored in the memory unit of the computer; and whether the microprocessor of the computer is used to plan whether Output: If the plan is issued, the file data sheet of the case is output by the output component of the computer; if the plan is not issued, the new phone file operation module is re-executed. 5. The digitalized loan platform system of claim 3, wherein the step further comprises: using the microprocessor of the computer to confirm the security status of the case: if the case does not need to archive the security, use the computer The storage unit stores the case file in the first data file; if the case needs to be protected, the financial operation is performed; if the case has a security policy, the legal process operation is performed; and the microprocessor is confirmed by the computer Whether the case has completed the necessary formalities: if it has been completed, the archiving operation is performed, and the storage unit of the computer is used to store the case file in the first data file; if not, the necessary procedure for the missing is performed. 15
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