TWI299280B - Apparatus for treating waste gas - Google Patents

Apparatus for treating waste gas Download PDF


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TWI299280B TW94146550A TW94146550A TWI299280B TW I299280 B TWI299280 B TW I299280B TW 94146550 A TW94146550 A TW 94146550A TW 94146550 A TW94146550 A TW 94146550A TW I299280 B TWI299280 B TW I299280B
Prior art keywords
exhaust gas
gas treatment
treatment device
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TW200724219A (en
Weiyu Huang
Yukun Hung
Hsianghsing Liu
Yilang Ku
Hung Min Chein
Hsin Hsien Wu
Chunchao Huang
Original Assignee
Taiwan Semiconductor Mfg
Ind Tech Res Inst
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Application filed by Taiwan Semiconductor Mfg, Ind Tech Res Inst filed Critical Taiwan Semiconductor Mfg
Priority to TW94146550A priority Critical patent/TWI299280B/en
Publication of TW200724219A publication Critical patent/TW200724219A/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of TWI299280B publication Critical patent/TWI299280B/en



  • Treating Waste Gases (AREA)
  • Separation Of Particles Using Liquids (AREA)
  • Water Treatment By Electricity Or Magnetism (AREA)


1299280 九、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明係有關於一種廢氣處理設備,且特別是有關於 一種處理含液滴/微粒廢氣之設備。更明碟地說,本發明係 有關於一種處理混合有液滴/微粒及氣態污染物的廢氣處 . 理設備。 【先前技術】 _ 現今高科技產業群聚密集的程度與日倶增,由此衍生 的空氣污染問題也極為特殊:某些製程所排放廢氣的濃度 低,但排放總量卻非常高。環保署因而公告「半導體製造 業空氣污染管制及排放標準」’作為相關的空氣污染防制 - 依據。 • 目前的半導體元件與光電元件製程中,通常有各種不 同的廢氣產生’其中以有機廢氣、無機酸氣體及氨氣的排 放量為大宗。而光電業及半導體業所重視的無塵室空氣品 質,則受無機酸氣體與氨氣的影響甚鉅。 Φ 業界廣為使用的廢氣處理技術之一為濕式洗滌技 術。此種洗滌技術是藉由氣體與液體間的質量傳送 ^ transfer)機制將氣體污染物吸收至洗滌液中,並定期更換 、 洗滌液或控制其酸鹼值以獲得穩定的廢氣清除效率。所謂 的質量傳送機制主要是以氣體與液體間污染物之濃度差 異’使污染物由氣體擴散、傳送至洗條液中。 洗滌塔是一種可同時處理氣態及微粒污染物的廢氣 1299280 處理裝置。此裝置處理氣態污染物的機制為前述之質量傳 送機制,而處理微粒/液滴污染物的機制請參照第〗圖,過 濾單元100與微粒/液滴污染物的交互作用大致上有五種·· 重力沉降110、慣性碰撞120、靜電吸引130、直接截流14〇 及擴散150,其中的主要作用為重力沉降11〇與慣性碰撞 120,因粒徑較大的微粒/液滴污染物主要為上述兩主要作 用所影響,進而被過濾單元1〇〇攔截,達成過濾微粒/液滴 污染物的目的;但對於粒徑較小(如小於1微米)的微粒/液 滴污染物而言,主要必須依賴靜電吸引n〇的作用才能有 效被過滤單元100吸附,目前習知設備的靜電吸附能力均 不佳或維持運轉成本甚高。 能有效去除微粒/液滴污染物的習知技術為過渡技 術。此技術中通常包含前過濾段與除霧器(demister),其中 前過濾段常使用纖維濾網、不織布濾網或織布濾網作為收 集微粒/液滴污染物的過濾、媒介;傳統的一種除霧器為連續 的s型管狀結構,藉其連績彎曲的管壁結構攔截通過其中 的微粒/液滴污染物。前過濾段的過滤效率主要取決於氣體 的流速,流速較快時過濾效率通常較高,但渡網因氣體壓 力而耗損的程度也相對增加(如使用纖維濾網時所承受的 壓力約為6至8吋水柱高,使用不織布濾網時所承受的壓 力則約為20忖水柱兩),氣體流速較低時,雖可延長滤網 的使用壽命,但:一則過濾效率會隨之下降,二則廢氣中 的微粒/液滴污染物有從濾網再揚起的可能。此過滤技術處 理微粒/液滴污染物的效率頗佳,但濾網產生的壓損甚高的 7 1299280 情況下,無法降低此過濾技術所使用之能源與耗材成本, 且不適用連接於產生大風量廢氣之系統後端。 以上習知方法的問題包括有,以處理氣態污染物而設 計的洗滌設備無法有效清除廢氣中的微粒/液滴污染物;而 過濾技術又有耗費能源多、耗材成本高與無法有效過滤粒 徑小於1微米之微粒/液滴污染物的考量。因此,需要一種 效率更佳,成本更低的技術以符合環保法規的要求,且上 述問題均可由本發明所克服。 【發明内容】 為解決上述和其他的問題,並且達到本發明所主張的 技術優點,本發明提供一種結合洗滌裝置與過濾裝置之廢 氣處理設備,以改善現有廢氣處理設備之性能。 因此本發明的目的就是在提供一種廢氣處理設備,具 有過濾裝置與氣體抽送裝置,用以處理含有液滴/微粒污染 物的廢氣。 本發明的另一目的是在提供一種廢氣處理設備,具有 洗滌裝置、過濾裝置與氣體抽送裝置,用以處理混合有液 滴/微粒與氣態污染物的廢氣。 根據本發明之上述目的,提出一種廢氣處理設備,此 廢氣處理設備可有效處理含有液滴/微粒污染物的廢氣。 依照本發明一較佳實施例,此廢氣處理設備包含過濾 裝置及氣體抽送裝置,此過濾裝置主要包含增濕液供應裝 置、濾網及液滴收集槽。由增濕液供應裝置連設增濕液供 1299280 應管’且增濕液供應管的末端連設有喷嘴,此增濕液供應 管的一部份與噴嘴位於濾網之前,液滴收集槽位於濾網的 下方’氣體抽送裝置則連接於濾網後方之一定距離處,以 盡量避免因長期接觸微量之酸、鹼性氣體而受損。 根據本發明之目的,提出一種廢氣處理設備,此設備 可有效處理混合有液滴/微粒與氣態污染物的廢氣。 依照本發明一較佳實施例,此廢氣處理設備包含洗滌 裝置、過滤裝置及氣體抽送裝置,此洗務装置可處理混合 有酸、驗性氣體等氣態污染物的廢氣;此過濾裝置則包含 增濕液供應裝置、濾網及液滴收集槽。由增濕液供應裝置 連設增濕液供應管,且增濕液供應管的末端連設有喷嘴, 增濕液供應管與喷嘴的排列方式可均勻地提供增濕液將 攄網全面沾濕;增濕液可使濾網的表面能降低,其中所處 理的污染物,可包含粒徑小於丨微米的液滴/微粒污染物; 液滴收集槽則位於濾網的下方,收集濾網上吸附有污染物 之液滴,並自液滴排放口排出;氣體抽送裝置則連接於滤 網後方一定距離處,以盡量避免因長期接觸微量之酸、鹼 卜生氣體而受損。本發明之較佳實施例中之洗務裝置亦可連 接於過渡裝置之後。 由上述本發明較佳實施例可知,應用本發明具有下列 優點: 1 ·不需為了過滤微小的液滴/微粒污染物,而使用孔徑 較小、產生壓損較高的高規格濾網,藉此降低耗材之成本。 2·供應至濾網上之增濕液,可藉其内含之界面活性 1299280 劑,降低濾網之表面能,而不需持續地耗費能源以外加電 場的方式增加濾、網之靜電吸引力。 3 ·因可使用孔徑較大、產生壓損較低之濾網,處理粒 徑小於1微米的液滴/微粒污染物之效率又較習用過濾技 術為佳,因此可連接於產生大風量廢氣之設備後端,而不 需要配合高馬力、高耗能之抽氣系統。 【實施方式】 參照第2圖’其繪不依照本發明一較佳實施例的一種 廢氣處理設備200,此廢氣處理設備200與廢氣來源300 相連接’且此廢氣處理設備2 0 0係由過渡裝置210、增濕 液供應裝置220、液滴收集槽230及氣體抽送裝置240組 合而成。 過濾裝置210,具有低壓損之濾材;該濾材可為纖維 濾網、不織布濾網及織布濾網。 增濕液供應裝置220,内容置有增濕液221,此增濕 液221可包含水、水溶液、界面活性劑水溶液、離子型界 面活性劑水溶液或上述四者之任意組合物。該增濕液221 將被喷灑或滴附於過濾裝置210之濾材,使濾材持續保持 具有高靜電之吸附力。 液滴收集槽230,置於過濾裝置210之下,以收集自 濾材流出之液滴211,且設有液滴排放口 23 1。 氣體抽送裝置240,連設於過濾裝置210之後,以抽 送經過濾及處理後之氣體。 10 1299280 本發明實施時,先由增濕液供應裝置220供應增濕液 221以將過濾裝置210全面增濕;而從廢氣來源300輸送 進來的廢氣通過過濾裝置210時,廢氣所含之液滴/微粒污 染物即吸附於已增濕的過濾裝置210上。當過濾裝置210 所吸附之液滴/微粒污染物含量到一定程度時,所流下之液 滴211則由液滴收集槽230收集,並自液滴排放口 23 1排 放至此廢氣處理設備200之外。通過過濾裝置210之氣 體,為不含液滴/微粒污染物之空氣250,亦由氣體抽送裝 置240排放至廢氣處理設備200之外。 參照第3圖,其繪示依照本發明一較佳實施例的一種 廢氣處理設備400,此廢氣處理設備400包含本體410、 除霧器420、增濕裝置430、過濾裝置440及氣體抽送裝 置 450 〇 本體410之氣體入口端411連接廢氣來源,氣體出口 端412則連結氣體抽送裝置450。氣體入口端411利用一 連結段413連接氣體出口端412。 除霧器420設置於廢氣處理設備400之氣體入口端 411,且呈傾斜設置。 增濕裝置430設置於連結段413,具有一或多支增濕 液供應管421,每一增濕液供應管421均設有喷嘴422。 該增濕液供應管421可以供應增濕液423,此增濕液423 可包含水、水溶液、界面活性劑水溶液、離子型界面活性 劑水溶液或上述四者之任意組合物。 過濾裝置440,具有低壓損之濾材組成;該濾材組成 11 1299280 可為纖維濾網、不織布濾網及織布濾網。利用上述之喷嘴 422使增濕液423被喷灑於過濾裝置440之濾材組成,使 濾材組成全面沾濕以持續保持具有高靜電之吸附力。 氣體抽送裝置450,連設於過濾裝置440之後的氣體 出口端412,以抽送經過濾及處理後之氣體。 , 利用上述之廢氣處理設備400可以處理混合含有氣態 ^ 污染物與液滴/微粒物質之廢氣。 實施時,混合含有氣態污染物與液滴/微粒物質之廢氣 I 由本體410之氣體入口端411進入,利用除霧器420先作1299280 IX. Description of the Invention: TECHNICAL FIELD OF THE INVENTION The present invention relates to an exhaust gas treating apparatus, and more particularly to an apparatus for treating droplets/particulate exhaust gas. More specifically, the present invention relates to an exhaust gas treatment apparatus for treating droplets/particulates and gaseous contaminants. [Prior Art] _ Nowadays, the concentration of high-tech industries is increasing and the number of air pollution problems is very special. The concentration of exhaust gas emitted by some processes is low, but the total amount of emissions is very high. The EPD has therefore announced the "Air Pollution Control and Emissions Standards for Semiconductor Manufacturing Industry" as the relevant air pollution prevention system. • In the current semiconductor component and optoelectronic component manufacturing process, there are usually various exhaust gases generated. The emissions of organic exhaust gases, inorganic acid gases, and ammonia are large. The clean room air quality that the photovoltaic industry and the semiconductor industry pay attention to is greatly affected by inorganic acid gas and ammonia gas. Φ One of the most widely used exhaust gas treatment technologies in the industry is wet scrubbing technology. This washing technique absorbs gaseous contaminants into the washing liquid by means of a mass transfer mechanism between the gas and the liquid, and periodically replaces, washes or controls the pH value to obtain stable exhaust gas removal efficiency. The so-called mass transfer mechanism mainly uses the difference in concentration of contaminants between gas and liquid to cause the contaminants to diffuse from the gas and transport it to the washing liquid. The scrubber is a 1299280 treatment unit that treats both gaseous and particulate contaminants. The mechanism for handling gaseous pollutants in this device is the mass transfer mechanism described above, and the mechanism for treating particulate/droplet contaminants is described in the figure, and there are roughly five interactions between the filter unit 100 and the particulate/droplet contaminants. · Gravity sedimentation 110, inertial collision 120, electrostatic attraction 130, direct interception 14〇 and diffusion 150, the main functions of which are gravity settlement 11〇 and inertial collision 120, due to the larger particle size/droplet pollutants The two main effects are affected, and then intercepted by the filter unit 1〇〇, to achieve the purpose of filtering particles/droplet contaminants; but for particle/droplet contaminants with small particle size (such as less than 1 micron), it is mainly necessary Depending on the effect of electrostatic attraction n〇, it can be effectively adsorbed by the filter unit 100. Currently, the electrostatic adsorption capacity of the conventional device is poor or the operation cost is high. A known technique for effectively removing particulate/droplet contaminants is a transitional technique. This technology usually includes a front filter section and a demister, wherein the front filter section often uses a fiber filter, a non-woven filter or a woven filter as a filter or medium for collecting particulate/droplet contaminants; a conventional one The mist eliminator is a continuous s-shaped tubular structure that intercepts particulate/droplet contaminants therethrough by its continuous curved wall structure. The filtration efficiency of the pre-filter section depends mainly on the flow rate of the gas. The filtration efficiency is usually higher when the flow rate is faster, but the degree of wear due to the gas pressure is also relatively increased (for example, the pressure applied to the fiber filter is about 6). To 8 吋 water column height, the pressure applied to the non-woven filter screen is about 20 忖 water column two), when the gas flow rate is low, although the filter life can be extended, but one filter efficiency will decrease, two The particulate/droplet contaminants in the exhaust gas may then rise from the screen. This filtration technology is very effective in treating particulate/droplet contaminants, but the high pressure loss of 7 1299280 produced by the filter cannot reduce the energy and consumables cost of this filtration technology, and it is not suitable for connection. The rear end of the system of air volume exhaust. The problems of the above conventional methods include that the washing equipment designed to treat gaseous pollutants cannot effectively remove the particulate/droplet contaminants in the exhaust gas; and the filtering technology consumes a lot of energy, the cost of consumables is high, and the particle size cannot be effectively filtered. Consideration of particle/droplet contaminants less than 1 micron. Therefore, there is a need for a more efficient, lower cost technology to comply with environmental regulations, and the above problems can be overcome by the present invention. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION To solve the above and other problems and to attain the technical advantages of the present invention, the present invention provides an exhaust gas treatment apparatus incorporating a washing apparatus and a filtering apparatus to improve the performance of the existing exhaust gas treating apparatus. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION It is therefore an object of the present invention to provide an exhaust gas treatment apparatus having a filtering device and a gas pumping device for treating exhaust gas containing droplets/particulate contaminants. Another object of the present invention is to provide an exhaust gas treating apparatus having a washing apparatus, a filtering apparatus and a gas pumping apparatus for treating exhaust gas mixed with liquid droplets/particulates and gaseous pollutants. According to the above object of the present invention, an exhaust gas treating apparatus which can effectively treat exhaust gas containing droplets/particulate pollutants is proposed. In accordance with a preferred embodiment of the present invention, the exhaust gas treatment apparatus includes a filtration device and a gas pumping device, the filtration device mainly comprising a humidification fluid supply device, a filter screen, and a droplet collection tank. The humidifying liquid supply device is connected with the humidifying liquid for the 1299280 and the nozzle is connected to the end of the humidifying liquid supply pipe. A part of the humidifying liquid supply pipe and the nozzle are located before the filter, the liquid collecting groove Located below the filter screen, the gas pumping device is connected to a certain distance behind the filter screen to avoid damage caused by long-term exposure to trace amounts of acid and alkaline gases. In accordance with the purpose of the present invention, an exhaust gas treatment apparatus is proposed which is effective for treating exhaust gas mixed with droplets/particulates and gaseous pollutants. According to a preferred embodiment of the present invention, the exhaust gas treatment device comprises a washing device, a filtering device and a gas pumping device, and the washing device can process the exhaust gas mixed with gaseous pollutants such as acid and gas; the filtering device includes Wet supply unit, filter and droplet collection tank. A humidification liquid supply pipe is connected by the humidification liquid supply device, and a nozzle is connected to the end of the humidification liquid supply pipe, and the arrangement of the humidification liquid supply pipe and the nozzle can uniformly provide the humidification liquid to completely wet the concrete net. The humidifying liquid can reduce the surface energy of the filter, wherein the treated pollutants can include droplet/particle contaminants having a particle diameter smaller than 丨 micrometer; the droplet collecting tank is located below the filter screen, and the collecting filter is collected. The droplets of the pollutants are adsorbed and discharged from the droplet discharge port; the gas pumping device is connected at a certain distance behind the filter screen to avoid damage due to long-term exposure to a trace amount of acid or alkali. The washing apparatus of the preferred embodiment of the present invention may also be connected after the transition device. It can be seen from the above preferred embodiments of the present invention that the application of the present invention has the following advantages: 1) It is not necessary to use a high-precision filter having a small aperture and a high pressure loss in order to filter minute droplets/particulate contaminants. This reduces the cost of consumables. 2. The humidification liquid supplied to the filter net can reduce the surface energy of the filter by using the interface activity of 1299280, which does not need to continuously consume energy and increase the electrostatic attraction of the filter. . 3 · Due to the use of a larger pore size and a lower pressure loss filter, the efficiency of treating droplets/particulate pollutants with a particle size of less than 1 μm is better than conventional filtration techniques, so it can be connected to the generation of high-volume exhaust gas. The rear end of the equipment does not need to cooperate with high horsepower and high energy consumption pumping system. [Embodiment] Referring to Figure 2, an exhaust gas treatment device 200, which is not in accordance with a preferred embodiment of the present invention, is connected to an exhaust gas source 300, and the exhaust gas treatment device is a transition The device 210, the humidification liquid supply device 220, the droplet collection tank 230, and the gas pumping device 240 are combined. The filter device 210 has a filter material with a low pressure loss; the filter material may be a fiber filter, a non-woven filter screen, and a woven filter mesh. The humidifying liquid supply device 220 is provided with a humidifying liquid 221, and the moisturizing liquid 221 may contain water, an aqueous solution, an aqueous surfactant solution, an aqueous ionic surfactant solution, or any combination of the above. The humidifying liquid 221 is sprayed or dripped onto the filter material of the filtering device 210, so that the filter material maintains a high electrostatic adsorption force. The droplet collecting tank 230 is placed under the filtering device 210 to collect the droplets 211 from the filter material, and is provided with a droplet discharge port 23 1 . The gas pumping device 240 is connected to the filter device 210 to pump the filtered and treated gas. 10 1299280 In the practice of the present invention, the humidifying liquid supply unit 220 is first supplied with the humidifying liquid supply unit 221 to fully humidify the filtering unit 210; and the exhaust gas supplied from the exhaust gas source 300 passes through the filtering unit 210, the liquid droplets contained in the exhausting unit. The particulate contaminants are adsorbed onto the humidified filter unit 210. When the droplet/particle contaminant content adsorbed by the filtering device 210 reaches a certain level, the droplet 211 that has flowed down is collected by the droplet collecting tank 230 and discharged from the droplet discharging port 23 1 to the outside of the exhaust gas treating device 200. . The gas passing through the filtering device 210, which is air 250 free of droplets/particulate contaminants, is also discharged by the gas pumping device 240 to the outside of the exhaust gas treating device 200. Referring to FIG. 3, an exhaust gas treatment device 400 including a body 410, a mist eliminator 420, a humidification device 430, a filtration device 440, and a gas pumping device 450 is illustrated in accordance with a preferred embodiment of the present invention. The gas inlet end 411 of the crucible body 410 is connected to the exhaust gas source, and the gas outlet end 412 is connected to the gas pumping device 450. The gas inlet end 411 is connected to the gas outlet end 412 by a joining section 413. The mist eliminator 420 is disposed at the gas inlet end 411 of the exhaust gas treatment device 400 and is disposed at an inclined position. The humidifying device 430 is disposed in the connecting section 413, and has one or more humidifying liquid supply pipes 421, and each of the humidifying liquid supply pipes 421 is provided with a nozzle 422. The humidification liquid supply pipe 421 may supply a humidification liquid 423, which may include water, an aqueous solution, an aqueous surfactant solution, an aqueous ionic surfactant solution, or any combination of the above. The filter device 440 has a filter material having a low pressure loss; the filter material composition 11 1299280 may be a fiber filter, a non-woven filter screen, and a woven filter mesh. The humidifying liquid 423 is sprayed on the filter material of the filtering device 440 by the nozzle 422 described above, so that the filter material composition is completely wetted to continuously maintain the adsorption force with high static electricity. The gas pumping device 450 is connected to the gas outlet end 412 after the filter device 440 to pump the filtered and treated gas. The exhaust gas treating apparatus 400 described above can be used to treat the exhaust gas containing the gaseous pollutants and the droplets/particulate matter. In practice, the exhaust gas I containing the gaseous pollutants and the droplets/particulate matter is mixed into the gas inlet end 411 of the body 410, and the mist eliminator 420 is used first.

P 初步處理,廢氣中的氣態污染物與粒徑較大之液滴/微粒污 染物均可被吸附於其中。此時,因增濕液423被喷灑於過 濾裝置440之濾材組成,使濾材組成全面沾濕以持續保持 具有高靜電之吸附力,過濾裝置440即可將廢氣中非常微 小(如1微米)的微粒與液滴有效地吸附及濾除。經此過濾 裝置440處理之廢氣,則由氣體抽送裝置450排出已不含 液滴/微粒污染物之乾淨空氣460。 習知之過濾裝置常使用篩孔孔徑較小之濾網,因筛孔 | 孔徑越小,過濾效果越佳,但濾網所產生的壓損也越大, 即維持設備運作所必須的能源及耗材成本將隨之上昇。但 ’本發明之過濾裝置中之增濕液含有水、水溶液、界面活性 劑水溶液、離子型界面活性劑水溶液或上述四者之任意組 合物,較低壓損之濾材被增濕液沾濕後,因改變其表面能 且能持續保有高靜電之吸附力,因此整個廢氣處理設備運 轉時只需較小之能量即可達到良好的過濾效果,故可有效 12 1299280 節省能源及耗材之成本。 參照第4圖,其繪示依照本發明一較佳實施例的一種 廢氣處理設備500。該廢氣處理設備500包含有洗滌裝置 510、過濾裝置520及氣體抽送裝置530。其中的過濾裝置 520為具有低壓損之濾材組成;該濾材組成可為纖維濾 , 網、不織布濾網及織布濾網。並利用含有水、水溶液、界 面活性劑水溶液、離子型界面活性劑水溶液或上述四者之 任意組合物的增濕液喷灑於過濾裝置之濾材組成,使該濾 材組成全面沾濕以持續保持具有高靜電之吸附力。 實施時,洗滌裝置510負責處理廢氣中的酸、鹼性氣 體等氣態污染物,過濾裝置520則連接於洗滌裝置510之 後,並有效處理廢氣中的液滴/微粒污染物(包含粒徑小於1 微米的液滴/微粒),氣體抽送裝置530則將過濾裝置520 處理完畢之空氣排放至廢氣處理設備之外。 參照第5圖,其繪示依照本發明一較佳實施例的一種 廢氣處理設備500。該廢氣處理設備500與第4圖之差別 在於洗滌裝置510置於過濾裝置520之後。 • 實施時,其中的過濾裝置520處理廢氣中的液滴/微粒 污染物(包含粒徑小於1微米的液滴/微粒),洗滌裝置510 、 則連接於過濾裝置520之後,並負責處理廢氣中的酸、鹼 4 性氣體等氣態污染物,最後由氣體抽送裝置530則將過濾 裝置520處理完畢之空氣排放至廢氣處理設備500之外。 雖然本發明已以一較佳實施例揭露如上,然其並非用 以限定本發明,任何熟習此技藝者,在不脫離本發明之精 13 I299280 神2範圍内,當可作各種之更動與潤飾,因此本發明之保 屢乾圍當視後附之申請專利範圍所界定者為準。 ' 【圖式簡單說明】 為讓本發明之上述和其他目的、特徵、和優點能更明 顯易懂,特以詳細的敘述及所附圖式,作詳細說明如下: 、 第1圖係繪示一習用之質量傳送機制之示意圖。 '第2圖係繪示依照本發明一較佳實施例之一廢氣處理 5又備之示意圖(此廢氣處理設備可有效處理混合含有液滴/ | 微粒污染物之廢氣)。 第3圖係繪示依照本發明一較佳實施例之一廢氣處理 没備之示意圖(此廢氣處理設備可有效處理混合含有氣態 與液滴/微粒污染物之廢氣)。 第4圖係繪示依照本發明一較佳實施例之一廢氣處理 設備之示意圖(洗滌裝置連接於過濾裝置之前)。 第5圖係繪示依照本發明一較佳實施例之一廢氣處理 設備之示意圖(洗務裝置連接於過濾裝置之後)。 • 【主要元件符號說明】 100 : 過濾單元 110 : 重力沉降 120 : 慣性碰撞 130 : 靜電吸引 140 : 直接截流 150 : 擴散 200 : 廢氣處理設備 210 : 過濾裝置 211 : 液滴 220 : 增濕液供應裝置 221 : 增濕液 230 : 液滴收集槽 14 1299280 231 :液滴排放口 250 :空氣 400 ··廢氣處理設備 411 :氣體入口端 413 :連結段 421 :增濕液供應管 423 :增濕液 440 :過濾裝置 460 :空氣 5 10 :洗滌裝置 530 :氣體抽送裝置 240 :氣體抽送裝置 3 00 :廢氣來源 410 :本體 412 :氣體出口端 420 :除霧器 422 :喷嘴 430 :增濕裝置 450 :氣體抽送裝置 500 :廢氣處理設備 520 :過濾裝置P Preliminary treatment, both gaseous pollutants in the exhaust gas and droplets/particulate pollutants with larger particle sizes can be adsorbed. At this time, since the humidifying liquid 423 is composed of the filter material sprayed on the filtering device 440, the filter material composition is fully wetted to continuously maintain the adsorption force with high static electricity, and the filtering device 440 can make the exhaust gas very minute (for example, 1 micrometer). The particles and droplets are effectively adsorbed and filtered. The exhaust gas treated by the filtering device 440 is discharged by the gas pumping device 450 to the clean air 460 which is free of droplets/particulate contaminants. Conventional filter devices often use filters with smaller mesh apertures. The smaller the aperture, the better the filtration effect, but the greater the pressure loss generated by the filter, the energy and consumables necessary to maintain the operation of the equipment. The cost will increase. However, the humidification liquid in the filtration device of the present invention contains water, an aqueous solution, an aqueous solution of an surfactant, an aqueous solution of an ionic surfactant, or any combination of the above, and the filter medium having a lower pressure loss is wetted by the humidification liquid. Because it changes its surface energy and can maintain the high electrostatic adsorption force, the entire exhaust gas treatment equipment can achieve good filtration effect with less energy, so it can effectively save energy and consumables cost 12 1299280. Referring to Figure 4, an exhaust gas treatment device 500 in accordance with a preferred embodiment of the present invention is illustrated. The exhaust gas treatment device 500 includes a washing device 510, a filtering device 520, and a gas pumping device 530. The filter device 520 is composed of a filter material having a low pressure loss; the filter material may be a fiber filter, a mesh, a non-woven filter, and a woven filter. And using a humidifying liquid containing water, an aqueous solution, an aqueous surfactant solution, an aqueous ionic surfactant solution or any combination of the above four to be sprayed on the filter material composition of the filtering device, so that the filter material is fully wetted to continuously maintain High static adsorption. In practice, the washing device 510 is responsible for treating gaseous pollutants such as acid and alkaline gas in the exhaust gas, and the filtering device 520 is connected to the washing device 510 and effectively treating droplets/particulate pollutants in the exhaust gas (including a particle diameter of less than 1). The micron droplets/particles, the gas pumping device 530 discharges the air treated by the filtering device 520 out of the exhaust gas treatment device. Referring to Figure 5, an exhaust gas treatment device 500 in accordance with a preferred embodiment of the present invention is illustrated. The exhaust gas treatment device 500 differs from that of Fig. 4 in that the washing device 510 is placed behind the filter device 520. • In implementation, the filtration device 520 processes droplets/particulate contaminants (including droplets/particles having a particle size of less than 1 micron) in the exhaust gas, and the washing device 510 is connected to the filtering device 520 and is responsible for treating the exhaust gas. The gaseous pollutants such as acid and alkali gases are finally discharged by the gas pumping device 530 to the air treated by the filtering device 520 to the outside of the exhaust gas treating device 500. Although the present invention has been disclosed in a preferred embodiment as above, it is not intended to limit the present invention, and any person skilled in the art can make various changes and retouchings without departing from the scope of the invention. Therefore, the warranty of the present invention is defined by the scope of the patent application. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS The above and other objects, features, and advantages of the present invention will become more apparent and understood. A schematic diagram of a conventional quality transfer mechanism. Fig. 2 is a schematic view showing an exhaust gas treatment 5 according to a preferred embodiment of the present invention (the exhaust gas treating apparatus can effectively treat the exhaust gas containing the droplets/particle pollutants). Figure 3 is a schematic diagram showing the exhaust gas treatment in accordance with a preferred embodiment of the present invention (the exhaust gas treatment apparatus is effective for treating exhaust gas containing gaseous and droplet/particulate contaminants). Figure 4 is a schematic illustration of an exhaust gas treatment device (before the washing device is coupled to the filter device) in accordance with a preferred embodiment of the present invention. Figure 5 is a schematic illustration of an exhaust gas treatment device (after the cleaning device is attached to the filtration device) in accordance with a preferred embodiment of the present invention. • [Main component symbol description] 100 : Filter unit 110 : Gravity settling 120 : Inertial collision 130 : Electrostatic attraction 140 : Direct cutoff 150 : Diffusion 200 : Exhaust gas treatment equipment 210 : Filter unit 211 : Droplet 220 : Humidification supply unit 221 : humidification liquid 230 : droplet collection tank 14 1299280 231 : droplet discharge port 250 : air 400 · exhaust gas treatment device 411 : gas inlet end 413 : connection section 421 : humidification liquid supply pipe 423 : humidification liquid 440 : Filter device 460 : Air 5 10 : Washing device 530 : Gas pumping device 240 : Gas pumping device 3 00 : Exhaust gas source 410 : Body 412 : Gas outlet end 420 : Demisters 422 : Nozzle 430 : Humidifier 450 : Gas Pumping device 500: exhaust gas treatment device 520: filter device


Claims (1)

1299280 十、申請專利範圍: 現合含有微粒/液滴物 1 · 一種廢氣處理設備,可清除 質的廢氣,該廢氣處理設備包含: 一過滤裝置,該過遽裝置具有 一增濕液供應裝置,以提供〜 置之该滤材;以及 一濾材; 增濕液附著於該過濾裝 一氣體抽送裝置,該氣體抽送裝 之後或之前, 置連設於該過濾裝置1299280 X. Patent application scope: Now containing particles/liquid droplets 1 · An exhaust gas treatment device capable of removing quality exhaust gas, the exhaust gas treatment device comprising: a filtering device having a humidifying liquid supply device, Providing the filter medium; and a filter material; the humidification liquid is attached to the filter device, and the gas pumping device is connected to the filter device after or before the gas pumping device 2·如申凊專利範圍第丨項所述之廢氣處理設備’其中 該增濕液可為水、水溶液、界面活性劑水溶液、離子型界 面活性劑水溶液或上述四者之任意組合物。 3. 如申請專利範圍第1項所述之廢氣處理設備,其中 該濾材可為多孔性材料。 4. 如申請專利範圍第丨項所述之廢氣處理設備,其中 該濾材可為纖維濾網。 5 ·如申請專利範圍第丨項戶斤述之廢氣處理設備,其中 該〖慮材可為不織布渡網。 6·如申請專利範圍第丨項所述之廢氣處理設備,其中 該慮材可為織布渡網。 1299280 7 · —種廢氣處理没備,可清除混合有氣態污染物與微 粒/液滴物質之廢氣,該廢氣處理設備包含: 一本體’該本體設有一氣體入口端及一氣體出口端; 一除霧器,連接於該氣體入口端; 、 一過濾裝置連結該除霧器,該過濾裝置具有一低壓損 , 之遽材組成; 一增濕裝置,該增濕裝置具有一增濕液供應管,該增 • 濕液供應管設有一喷嘴以提供一增濕液濕潤該濾材組 成;以及 一氣體抽送裝置,該氣體抽送裝置連設於該過濾裝置 之後的該氣體出口端,以在該氣體入口端吸入待過濾及待 處理之氣體通過該濾材組成,而將過濾處理過之該氣體自 ' 該氣體出口端排出。 8.如申請專利範圍第7項所述之廢氣處理設備,其中 該除霧器成傾斜設置。 ' …9·如申請專利範圍第7項所述之廢氣處理設備,其中 該增濕裝置之該增濕液供應管可為一或多支。· 10.如申4專利範圍第7項所述之廢氣處理設備,其 中該增濕液可為水、水溶液、界面活性劑水溶液、離子型 界面活性劑水溶液或上述四者之任意組合物。 17 1299280 11 ·如申請專利範圍第7項所述之廢氣處理設備,其 中#亥滤材可為多孔性材料。 12·如申請專利範圍第7項所述之廢氣處理設備,其 中該濾材組成可為纖維濾網。 13 ·如申請專利範圍第7項所述之廢氣處理設備,其 中該濾材組成可為不織布濾網。 14·如申請專利範圍第7項所述之廢氣處理設備,其 中該濾材組成可為織布濾網。 15·—種廢氣處理設備,可清除混合有氣態污染物與微 粒/液滴物質之廢氣,該廢氣處理設備包含: 一洗滌裝置,可處理含有酸、鹼性氣體等氣態污染物; 一過濾裝置,該過濾裝置具有一低壓損之濾材組成且 包含有一增濕裝置,其中該增濕裝置具有一增濕液供應 營,该增濕液供應管設有一喷嘴以提供一增濕液以濕满該 濾材組成;以及 一氣體抽送裝置,該氣體抽送裝置連設於該過濾裝置 與該洗滌裝置之後,吸入待過濾及待處理之氣體通過該滤 材組成,而將過濾處理過之該氣體排出。 18 1299280 16 ·如申請專利範圍第15項所述之廢氣處理設備,其 中該洗條裝置可連接於該過濾裝置之前。 17.如申請專利範圍第15項所述之廢氣處理設備,其 中該洗條裝置可連接於該過濾裝置之後。 W·如申請專利範圍第15項所述之廢氣處理設備,其 中該增濕液可為水、水溶液、界面活性劑水溶液、離子蜇 界面活性劑水溶液或上述四者之任意組合物。 19·如申請專利範圍第μ項所述之廢氣處理設備,其 中該濾材可為多孔性材料。 20·如申請專利範圍第15項所述之廢氣處理設備,其 中該滤材組成可為纖維濾網。 21·如申請專利範圍第ι5項所述之廢氣處理設備,其 中該滤材組成可為不織布濾網。 22·如申請專利範圍第15項所述之廢氣處理設備,其 中該濾、材組成可為織布濾網。 192. The exhaust gas treating apparatus as described in claim 3, wherein the humidifying liquid is water, an aqueous solution, an aqueous surfactant solution, an aqueous ionic surfactant solution, or any combination of the above. 3. The exhaust gas treatment device of claim 1, wherein the filter material is a porous material. 4. The exhaust gas treatment device of claim 2, wherein the filter material is a fiber filter. 5 · If you apply for the patent scope of the third item, the household waste gas treatment equipment, wherein the material can be a non-woven fabric. 6. The exhaust gas treatment device of claim 2, wherein the consideration material is a woven fabric crossing network. 1299280 7 · An exhaust gas treatment is not prepared to remove exhaust gas mixed with gaseous pollutants and particulate/droplet substances. The exhaust gas treatment device comprises: a body having a gas inlet end and a gas outlet end; a humidifier connected to the gas inlet end; a filter device connecting the mist eliminator, the filter device having a low pressure loss, and a coffin component; and a humidification device having a humidification fluid supply pipe The humidification supply pipe is provided with a nozzle to provide a humidification liquid to wet the filter material composition; and a gas pumping device connected to the gas outlet end after the filter device to be at the gas inlet end The gas to be filtered and to be treated is drawn through the filter material, and the filtered gas is discharged from the gas outlet end. 8. The exhaust gas treatment device of claim 7, wherein the mist eliminator is disposed obliquely. The exhaust gas treating apparatus according to claim 7, wherein the humidifying liquid supply pipe of the humidifying device may be one or more. The exhaust gas treating apparatus according to claim 7, wherein the humidifying liquid is water, an aqueous solution, an aqueous surfactant solution, an aqueous ionic surfactant solution, or any combination of the above. 17 1299280 11 The exhaust gas treating apparatus according to claim 7, wherein the diametric material is a porous material. 12. The exhaust gas treatment device of claim 7, wherein the filter material composition is a fiber filter. 13. The exhaust gas treatment device of claim 7, wherein the filter material composition is a non-woven filter. 14. The exhaust gas treatment device of claim 7, wherein the filter material composition is a woven mesh. 15·- an exhaust gas treatment device capable of removing exhaust gas mixed with gaseous pollutants and particulate/liquid droplets, the exhaust gas treatment device comprising: a washing device capable of treating gaseous pollutants containing acid, alkaline gas, etc.; The filter device has a low pressure loss filter material and comprises a humidification device, wherein the humidification device has a humidification liquid supply tank, and the humidification liquid supply pipe is provided with a nozzle to provide a humidification liquid to wet the And a gas pumping device, the gas pumping device is connected to the filter device and the washing device, and the gas to be filtered and to be treated is sucked through the filter material, and the filtered gas is discharged. 18 1299280. The exhaust gas treatment device of claim 15, wherein the strip washing device is connectable to the filter device. 17. The exhaust gas treatment device of claim 15, wherein the strip washing device is connectable to the filter device. The exhaust gas treating apparatus according to claim 15, wherein the humidifying liquid is water, an aqueous solution, an aqueous surfactant solution, an aqueous cerium surfactant solution or any combination of the above. 19. The exhaust gas treatment device of claim 5, wherein the filter material is a porous material. 20. The exhaust gas treatment device of claim 15, wherein the filter material composition is a fiber filter. 21. The exhaust gas treating apparatus of claim 1, wherein the filter material composition is a non-woven filter screen. 22. The exhaust gas treatment device of claim 15, wherein the filter material composition is a woven filter mesh. 19
TW94146550A 2005-12-26 2005-12-26 Apparatus for treating waste gas TWI299280B (en)

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TWI634937B (en) * 2014-08-27 2018-09-11 日商迪思科股份有限公司 Fog collecting device

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TWI634937B (en) * 2014-08-27 2018-09-11 日商迪思科股份有限公司 Fog collecting device

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