1295037 of principal part of images, finaiiy, st〇ring and combining aforesaid all edge of principal part of images simultaneously to form an animation. 七、 指定代表圖: (一) 本案指定代表圖為:第(三)圖。 (二) 本代表圖之元件符號簡單說明: S31〜S38 :流程步驟。 八、 本案若有化學式時,請揭示最能顯示發明特徵的化學式: 九、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明是關於-種快速製作動畫的方法與系統, 有關於一種藉由數位影像的演算法以達到快速製作動晝 目的。 旦J 【先前技術】 隨著科技的進步,數位產品的普及使得數位視訊 上也越形容易,因此,在數位視訊的應用上,為辦于 視訊的可雜,而衍生出以快速製作動晝為主的位 1295037 請參閱第一圖及第二圖係為習知技蓺 背景之示意圖。如第一圖所示,習知= η背景時,-般是使用如橡皮擦-類的 衫像11的背景進行手動去除的動作。然而',者▲、、 ,留數位影像11的影像主體的邊緣時,則如$二==欲 需將數位影像11放大後,再以去除物件12沿^傻^ S進=細:的去除動作。如此的去背操作^法^不僅耗時 、力且去除背景的效果亦非想像中的理想。 在快速製作動畫方面的技術遂成為眾多研發 重要的課題。唯,本發明人基於多從事研究 滿足—般大眾製作動畫的需求,經多方‘·二 2 題探遂於本發明提出—種快速二 作為前述期望一實現方法與依據。 旦、//、’、、、’以 【發明内容】 畫的本發明之目的為提供-種快速製作動 i過㈣賴㈣触影像的演 法,ίΓ少的’/本發明之快速製作動畫的方 管理介面中。夢^ σ、Γ二由使用者匯入數位視訊檔至影格 出數位視料較姆彡好理介面自動選取 當的影片影格作接續,使用者選取適 用影像編輯介面,在連續H斤而的動畫影格。使用者利 -影像主體封閉/圍影袼中的第-個動晝影格圈選 圍,使影像編輯介及料域封閉範 面對働絲格進行自動去背,以產 1295037 ^第—影像主體邊緣影像。藉由第三演算過 一 ,,影像,使影像編輯介面對後續動晝影格進 :主*=ί趙邊緣影像進行修改。最後 像主體邊緣影像成動錢,以達成製作動畫的目的。厅有〜 有一述,因依本發明之快速製作動晝的系統,其包含 有衫格管理介面、一影像編輯介面、一演算 、匕3 其中演算裝置以第一演算過程使影格ί理介面:ί 的影片影格、以第二演算過程使影像編 格進行自動去背,及以第三演算過程 二面根據已去背之第—個動晝影格對後續動書 知格進仃自動去背,得到複數個影像主體邊緣影像。一 ^為使貴審查委員對本發明之技術特徵及所達成之 功效有更進一步之瞭解與認識’下文謹提供較佳之實施例及 相關圖式以為辅佐之用,並以詳細之說明文字配合說明如 後0 【實施方式】 以下係本發明之快速製作動畫的方法與系統之較佳實 施例,為使便於理解,下述實施例中之元件符號係沿用與前 一實施例中相同元件之符號來說明。 請參閱第三圖,係為本發明之快速製作動晝之一實施例 之流程圖。此流程之步驟如后: 步驟S31 ··由使用者匯入數位視訊檔至影格管理介面中。 步驟S32 :藉由第一演算過程使影格管理介面自動選取 出數位視訊檔中複數個影片影格。 6 1295037 步驟S33 ··由使用去自& 步称微:由使用者籍二Γ格選出複數個動畫影格。 二上圏選影像===在第-張動畫影 步驟S35 : 藉由第二演算過 史 影像編輯介面對^及影像主體封閉範圍,使 步驟S36 去背,以產生第ΛτΛ動晝影格進行自動 :藉由第三演算、二體邊緣影像。 像,使影像购主體邊緣影 步驟阶由使用者藉由 二像主體邊緣影像。 緣影像進行修改。編輯介面,對影像主體邊 步驟S38:儲存前述所有 ^ , 像主體邊緣影像成一動書栌。 例之系統示意圖。圖中,快速製;製作動晝之-實施 影格管理介面41…影像f l的錢至少包含有--工具群組44。其中影袼管理;::、-演算裝置43以及 45,並且管理其具 數位視訊檔 用區域42則是自動去背及修改動晝影格的; 自動^第—演算過程使該影格管理介面 格,以第二》狄、=出數位視訊檔中具代表性的影片影 自動去皆Γ屬算,^使影像編輯介面對第一個動畫影格進行 第一偏氣及以第二演算過程使影像編輯介面根據已去背之 影像主影格對後續動晝影格進行自動去背,得到複數個 用以使办f緣影像,且工具群組44至少提供有圈選物件441 衫像編輯介面42圈選第一個動晝影格的影像主體封 1295037 閉範圍、晝筆物件 像主體邊緣影像。 442及橡皮擦物件443用以修改前述之影 八面前述第三圖及第四圖中影格管理介面及影像編輯 二圈;式介面’而工具群組中由複數個代表圖案代表諸 ^ 筆物件、橡皮擦物件或其他物件以供點選。 柯。品二1算過程更包含有判斷相鄰影片影格之間的差異 、績影像主體邊緣影像是第二演算過程以一自動尋 =方式向内逼進或㈣逼近尋找連續影像主體邊緣所得影 曰 -將取彳于自影像主體封閉範圍上至少二比對點間,以 =路之演算雜’比對尋找影像主體邊緣影像。 二一,弟二演算過程更包含判斷目前動畫影格之影像主體與 晝影格之預估影像主體的差異性。又,動畫檐一般 厂衫像交換格式動晝檔(Graphics Interchange Format : bit)〇 人第五,係顯示本發明之快速製作動晝系統之影格管理 二面之示思圖。第六圖係顯示本發明之快速製作動晝系統之 編輯”面之示意圖。第七圖係顯示本發明之快速製作動 旦糸統之工具群組之示意圖。第八圖係顯示本發明之影像主 體封閉範圍之示意圖。 明一併參閱第五圖、第六圖、第七圖及第八圖。如第五 圖戶2不之快速製作動晝之影格管理介面51中包含選取影格 預覽511、影片影格512、動畫影格513、儲存專案檔514、 播放動畫515及上/下一步與離開按鈕516。如第六圖所示 之快速製作動晝之影像編輯介面61中包含影像編輯區塊 611工具群組612、復原與取消復原613、顯示比例614、 預覽視窗615及上一步、匯出動晝與離開按鈕616。如第七 1295037 圖所示之快速製作動畫之工具群組61 物件6m、畫筆物件6122、橡皮擦ϋ ^含有圈選 供點選操作。如第人圖所示之影像 2其他物件以 圖之圈選物件_選-影像主體封閉範圍鬼^。1 ’點選第七 請參閱第九圖,係顯示本發明之快速 作流程圖。此流程之步驟如后: 旦系統之操 步驟S91 ··使用者匯入視訊檔。 且圈 當影片影格至 選弟一張動晝影格的影像主體。 步驟S93··系統對第一張動畫影格進行自動去背。 步驟S94 4統判斷目前影像主體與下 體是否在差異範圍内。若θ 像主 cqn . ^ ^ θ|^円右疋,則執行步驟 S96,右否,則執行步驟S95。 步驟S95 ··差異太大,結束自動去背。 步驟S96 ··系統以預估的影像主體,對下—張動畫影格 做自動去背。 步驟S97 ··系統將下—張動晝影格設為目前作用的動晝 影格’並回到步驟S94。 明參閱第十圖,係顯示本發明之動畫製作完成之示意 圖圖中,動畫影格513為去背後的連續影像,之後再點選 匯出動畫616按紐以匯出影像交換格式動畫播。 以上所述僅為舉例性,而非為限制性者。任何未脫離本 發明之精神與範臂,而對其進行之等效修改或變更,均應包 含於後附之申請專利範圍中。 1295037 【圖式簡單說明】 第一圖係為習知技藝之去除數位影像背景之示意圖; 第二圖係為習知技藝之去除數位影像背景之示意圖; 第三圖係為本發明之快速製作動晝之一實施例之流程圖; . 第四圖係顯示本發明之快速製作動晝之一實施例之系統示意圖; 第五圖係顯示本發明之快速製作動晝系統之影格管理介面之示 意圖, Φ 第六圖係顯示本發明之快速製作動晝系統之影像編輯介面之示 意圖; 第七圖係顯示本發明之快速製作動晝系統之工具群組之示意圖; 第八圖係顯示本發明之影像主體封閉範圍之示意圖; 第九圖係顯示本發明之快速製作動晝系統之操作流程圖;以及 第十圖係顯示本發明之動晝製作完成之示意圖。 【主要元件符號說明】 11 :數位影像; 12 :去除物件; S31〜S38 :流程步驟; 41 :影格管理介面; 42 :影像編輯介面; 43 :演算裝置; 44 :工具群組; 441 :圈選物件; 442 :晝筆物件; 443 :橡皮擦物件; 45 :數位視訊; 51 :影格管理介面; 1295037 511 :選取影格預覽; 512 :影片影格; 513 :動晝影格; 514 :儲存專案檔; 515 :播放動晝; 516 ··上/下一步與離開按鈕; 61 :影像編輯介面; • 611 :影像編輯區塊; 612 :工具群組; 6121 :圈選物件; 6122 :晝筆物件; 6123 :橡皮擦物件; 613 :復原與取消復原; 614 :顯示比例; 615 :預覽視窗; 616 :上一步、匯出動晝與離 開按钮, 81 ··影像主體封閉範圍;以及 S91〜S97 :流程步驟。1295037 of principal part of images, finaiiy, st〇ring and combining aforesaid all edge of principal part of images simultaneous to form an animation. VII. Designation of representative figures: (1) The representative representative of the case is: (3). (2) A brief description of the component symbols of this representative figure: S31~S38: Process steps. 8. If there is a chemical formula in this case, please disclose the chemical formula that best shows the characteristics of the invention: IX. Description of the invention: [Technical field of the invention] The present invention relates to a method and system for rapidly making animations, relating to a digital The algorithm of the image is designed to achieve rapid production.旦J [Prior Art] With the advancement of technology, the popularity of digital products has made digital video more convenient. Therefore, in the application of digital video, it is derived from the video, and it is derived from rapid production. Main position 1295037 Please refer to the first and second figures for a schematic diagram of the prior art. As shown in the first figure, in the case of the conventional = η background, the action of manually removing the background of the shirt image 11 like an eraser is generally used. However, ', ▲, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , action. Such a back-to-back operation ^ method is not only time-consuming, forceful, and the effect of removing the background is not an ideal in imagination. The know-how in the rapid production of animation has become an important topic for many R&D projects. However, the present inventors have been engaged in research to satisfy the needs of the general public to make animations, and have been proposed by the present invention by a plurality of ‘· 2 questions. Dan, /,, ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, In the party management interface. Dream^ σ, Γ二 is imported into the digital video file by the user to the video frame. The video frame is automatically selected by the user interface. The user selects the applicable image editing interface, and the animation is continuous. Frame. The user--the main body of the image-enclosed/circumference 袼 第 第 , , , , , , , , , 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 Edge image. Through the third calculus, the image is used to make the image editing interface face the subsequent moving image: the main *= ί Zhao edge image is modified. Finally, like the image of the edge of the main body, it is used to create animation. The hall has a description of the fast-moving system according to the present invention, which includes a shirt management interface, an image editing interface, a calculation, and a 匕3. The calculation device uses the first calculation process to make the frame: ί's film frame, the second calculus process makes the image editing automatically go back, and the third calculus process is based on the second 已 昼 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 , , Obtain a plurality of image body edge images. A further understanding and understanding of the technical features and the efficacies of the present invention will be provided by the review committee. The following is intended to provide a preferred embodiment and related drawings for assistance. The following is a preferred embodiment of the method and system for quickly making an animation of the present invention. For ease of understanding, the component symbols in the following embodiments follow the symbols of the same components as in the previous embodiment. Description. Please refer to the third figure, which is a flow chart of one embodiment of the rapid manufacturing process of the present invention. The steps of this process are as follows: Step S31 · The user inputs the digital video file into the video management interface. Step S32: The first calculation process causes the frame management interface to automatically select a plurality of movie frames in the digital video file. 6 1295037 Step S33 ··From the use of & step micro: The user selects a plurality of animated frames. The second selection image === in the first animation step S35: by the second calculation history image editing interface facing ^ and the image body closed range, step S36 to back, to generate the first Λ Λ 昼 进行 进行 automatic : With the third calculus, the two-body edge image. For example, the edge of the image is purchased by the user through the image of the edge of the image. The edge image is modified. Editing interface, on the image body side Step S38: Save all the above ^, like the body edge image into a moving book. A schematic diagram of the system. In the figure, the quick system; the production process - the implementation of the frame management interface 41...image f l contains at least the tool group 44. The image management device:::, - calculus devices 43 and 45, and manages the digital video file area 42 to automatically remove and modify the moving picture frame; the automatic ^ first-calculation process enables the picture management interface, In the second "Di", the representative video shadows in the digital video files are automatically calculated, and the image editing interface performs the first partiality on the first animation frame and the image editing in the second calculation process. The interface automatically removes the subsequent moving frames according to the imaged main frame that has been removed, and obtains a plurality of images for the edge of the image, and the tool group 44 provides at least the circled object 441. The image body of a moving frame is sealed with 1295037, and the object of the pen is like the image of the edge of the subject. The 442 and the eraser object 443 are used to modify the image management interface and the image editing second circle in the foregoing third and fourth pictures of the above-mentioned shadows; the type interface 'in the tool group, the plurality of representative patterns represent the pieces of the pen object , eraser objects or other items for selection. Ke. The product 2 calculation process further includes determining the difference between adjacent movie frames, and the image image of the main edge image is the second calculus process that is forced inward by an automatic search mode or (4) approximating the edge of the continuous image body. It will take at least two pairs of points from the closed range of the image subject, and find the image of the edge of the image with the calculation of the intersection of the road. On the other hand, the second calculus process also includes the judgment of the difference between the image subject of the current animation frame and the estimated image subject of the frame. In addition, the animation 檐 厂 檐 檐 Gra Gra Gra Gra Gra Gra Gra Gra Gra Gra Gra Gra Gra Gra Gra Gra Gra Gra Gra Gra Gra Gra Gra Gra Gra Gra Gra Gra Gra Gra Gra Gra Gra Gra Gra Gra Gra Gra Gra Gra Gra Gra 6 is a schematic view showing the editing side of the rapid manufacturing system of the present invention. The seventh drawing is a schematic diagram showing the tool group of the fast manufacturing system of the present invention. The eighth figure shows the image of the present invention. Schematic diagram of the closed range of the main body. See also the fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth figures. As shown in the fifth picture, the video management interface 51 of the fast-moving mobile video 51 includes a selected frame preview 511. The movie frame 512, the animation frame 513, the storage project file 514, the play animation 515, and the upper/next step and leave button 516. The image editing block 611 is included in the quick edit image editing interface 61 as shown in the sixth figure. The group 612, the restoration and cancellation recovery 613, the display ratio 614, the preview window 615 and the previous step, the export animation and the departure button 616. The quick animation tool group 61 as shown in the seventh 1295037 figure 6m, the brush Object 6122, Eraser ϋ ^ contains circle selection for click operation. Image as shown in the first figure 2 Other objects to circle the selected object _Select - Image body closed range ghost ^. 1 'Click 7 Nine diagrams show the quick flow chart of the present invention. The steps of this process are as follows: Step S91 of the system · The user remits the video file and circle the video frame to select a video of the moving picture frame Step S93·· The system automatically removes the first animation frame. Step S94 4 determines whether the current image body and the lower body are within the difference range. If θ is like the main cqn . ^ ^ θ|^円 right, then Step S96 is executed, and if no, the process proceeds to step S95. Step S95 · The difference is too large, and the process ends automatically. Step S96 · The system automatically performs the back-to-back animation frame with the estimated image body. Step S97 · The system sets the lower-opening frame as the currently active moving picture' and returns to step S94. Referring to the tenth figure, the schematic picture showing the completion of the animation of the present invention is shown in the figure, the animation frame 513 is going to the back. Continuous image, then click on the export animation 616 button to export the image exchange format animation. The above description is for illustrative purposes only and is not limiting. Any without departing from the spirit and scope of the present invention, On it Equivalent modification or modification of the line shall be included in the scope of the patent application attached. 1295037 [Simple description of the drawing] The first picture is a schematic diagram of the background of the digital image removal of the prior art; the second picture is a conventional BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 3 is a flow chart showing an embodiment of a rapid manufacturing process of the present invention; FIG. 4 is a system diagram showing an embodiment of a rapid manufacturing process of the present invention; The fifth figure shows a schematic diagram of the image management interface of the rapid production dynamic system of the present invention, and the sixth figure shows the schematic diagram of the image editing interface of the rapid production dynamic system of the present invention; the seventh figure shows the rapid of the present invention. A schematic diagram of a tool group for making a moving system; an eighth diagram showing a closed range of the image body of the present invention; a ninth drawing showing an operation flow chart of the rapid manufacturing dynamic system of the present invention; and a tenth drawing showing A schematic diagram of the completion of the production of the present invention. [Main component symbol description] 11: digital image; 12: object removal; S31~S38: process step; 41: frame management interface; 42: image editing interface; 43: calculation device; 44: tool group; 441: circle selection Object; 442: 昼 pen object; 443: eraser object; 45: digital video; 51: frame management interface; 1295037 511: select frame preview; 512: film frame; 513: moving frame; 514: storage project file; : Playback; 516 ··Up/Next and Exit buttons; 61: Image editing interface; • 611: Image editing block; 612: Tool group; 6121: Circle object; 6122: Pen object; Eraser object; 613: restore and cancel recovery; 614: display scale; 615: preview window; 616: previous step, remittance and departure button, 81 · · image body closed range; and S91~S97: process steps.