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TWI293522B TW94122763A TW94122763A TWI293522B TW I293522 B TWI293522 B TW I293522B TW 94122763 A TW94122763 A TW 94122763A TW 94122763 A TW94122763 A TW 94122763A TW I293522 B TWI293522 B TW I293522B
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communication device
transmission module
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TW200703979A (en
Kan Wei Lin
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Systex Corp
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Application filed by Systex Corp filed Critical Systex Corp
Priority to TW094122763A priority Critical patent/TW200703979A/en
Publication of TW200703979A publication Critical patent/TW200703979A/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of TWI293522B publication Critical patent/TWI293522B/zh



1293522 九、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明係有關於一種智慧型自動中斷及恢復傳輸資訊的技術 領域,尤其係特別有關於經由一無線通訊裝置傳輸資訊時,可依 據特定的中斷/恢復條件以自動中斷及恢復傳輸資訊、且無須重覆 執行認證程序的技術領域。 【先前技術】 在現今繁忙的社會中,無線通訊裝置已成為相當普遍的個人 工具,如手機、PDA(個人助理秘書器)、手提電腦或掌上型電腦等 ,讓使用者可以隨時經由無線通訊網路以獲得所需要的資訊,實 是相當便利且有效率的工具。據報導,台灣在2004年第二季的 GPRS用戶有361萬戶,使用手機上網的約有38%,其市場規模相 當龐大,且預估未來更將持續成長,應用將更加廣泛。 為了能讓使用者便利操作,各種無線通訊裝置都儘量提供親 和性佳的操作介面,例如可同時執行多支程式的功能,讓使用者 可以同時啟動多個應用程式,並隨時在其間進行切換。此一功能 在一般電腦上已經是習知技術且廣泛使用,但在強調體積輕薄短 小、操作儘量簡化的無線通訊裝置中,如手機、PDA等,以往多 只能一次執行一支程式,而經過近幾年的研發及改進,目前也已 逐漸開發出可執行多支程式的功能,讓使用者可以同時接聽電話 、進行線上遊戲、或是上傳/下載所需資料。 舉例來說,由於股匯市、期貨市場交易活絡且投資者眾多, 為了讓使用者能夠隨時隨地接收所需要的金融即時資訊,利用最 普遍的無線通訊裝置--行動電話來下載及劇覽金融即時貢訊, 1293522 已是相當普遍的應用。目前各大電信業者均有推出相關產品及服 務,如遠傳的688行動券商、i-mode理財服務、和信的288財經 台及行動證券、台灣大哥大的TCC股票王、中華電信的emome 和行動股市、亞太行動寬頻的588股訊通等。 一般而言,金融即時資訊隨著時間分分秒秒都有變化,且可 能變動非常劇烈,因此對使用者來說,每隔一小段時間(例如15 秒、30秒)就下載最新的資料是有必要的。若採用網際網路或其他 有線網路的通訊方式來接收該資訊,由於其傳輸費用通常為固定 > 或是相當低廉,所以持續連線、隨時更新資料提供給使用者,並 不會加重使用者的負擔。然而當使用無線通訊裝置及無線通訊網 路來接收資訊時,其費用通常是依據資料傳輸量或是通訊時間來 計算,因目前的無線通訊費用仍是相當昂貴,如果使用者並非在 使用狀況下仍是不斷的接收資訊,將使得通訊費用大幅增加,進 而降低使用者的使用意願。 在習知技術中,使用者操作無線通訊裝置來獲取特定的資訊 時,通常必須連線到特定的網站或伺服器,進行身分認證或登入 | 特定帳號後,再由該網站或伺服器提供其所需資訊。當使用者在 接收隨時可能在更新的即時資訊時,倘若一直維持連線或不斷地 下載資訊則費用將會相當高,通常為了要節省通訊費用,使用者 往往登出該帳號或是中斷連線。然而當使用者又想要再獲得最新 的即時資訊時,就必須再重新連線、執行認證等步驟,在操作上 相當不便,且使用者若不斷地連線/斷線、登入/登出,將會大幅加 重伺服器端的工作負荷,使得效率緩慢不彰。 上述問題在無線通訊裝置同時執行多個應用程式的狀況時, 會顯得更加嚴重。由於使用者在同時啟動多個程式時,通常會在 1293522 多個程式之間切換,有時甚至會一時遺忘目前仍在連線狀態中, 當使用者沒有在操作用以連線傳輸資訊的下載程式,或是該下載 程式已被切換成背景程式時,若是其仍繼續下載資料且計算費用 ,對於使用者來說是相當不經濟的事;但若要求使用者每次切換 -程式時就中斷連線,等到再回到該下載程式時又必須重新連線、 執行認證等程序,會使得操作相當繁瑣,也不符合人性化設計。 因此,針對無線通訊裝置於下載即時資訊時,提出一種可節省費 用又操作簡便、不須重複認證的解決方案,實是業者之所需。 • 為了能夠解決上述問題,習知技術中,如前案中華民國專利 公告第541819號「即時連線接收資訊裝置及方法」中,提出一種 即時連線接收資訊的方法,適用於一行動電話,包括下列步驟: 使用者輸入並設定至少一下載資料類型及資料更新時間;對儲存 複數該下載資料之至少一資料庫進行個別定義;當到達設定之該 資料更新時間時,即撥號連接網路至目的網址;如果該目的網址 具有與該至少一資料庫對應之至少一未更新資料時,即下載該資 料;將下載之至少一該資料儲存於對應之該至少一資料庫;及完 φ 成下載後即斷線。該案主要是由使用者自行設定所需要的資料及 更新資料的時間,定時自動連線到目的網址來查詢、下載待更新 的資料,下載完成後立即斷線,以離線方式讓使用者瀏覽所需要 的資訊,藉以節省無線通訊的連線時間及費用。該案雖可以達到 節省費用的目的,然而,其連線下載資訊的時間、資料都需要事 先設定,使用者無法隨時、隨心所欲地下載及選擇所需要的資料 ,操作使用上並不是很便利。此外,當下載資料為分秒均在變化 的金融即時資訊時,由於該案為定時連線及離線瀏覽資料,並無 法在短時間立即提供最新的即時資訊。 1293522 另一前案如美國專利公告第5774811號「無線通訊方法」,提 出一種無線通訊方法,其中,在一基地台和複數個行動終端機之 間,設置一通訊頻道(channel)或一控制頻道,並且經由該通訊頻 道、控制頻道以及該基地台,將資訊從一交易所(exchange)傳送到 該行動終端機,該無線通訊方法包括下列步驟:在每個行動通訊 終端機和基地台之間,設定一通訊頻道;讀取一訂閱檔案紀錄有 各使用者的訂閱資訊,包含所需資訊的辨識碼,訂閱資訊可經由 行動終端機和該通訊頻道來設定;經由該通訊頻道,將行動終端 機的所需資訊辨識碼,從該基地台傳送到該行動終端機;行動終 端機接收到該所需資訊辨識碼之後,在行動終端機中,將使用中 的頻道,從該通訊頻道切換為一控制頻道;以及根據該所需資訊 辨識碼,經由該基地台和該控制頻道,從該交易所傳送所需資料 到該行動終端機。其中,該案可依據不同行動終端機的各自需求 ,由交易所將一種以上的資訊(例如股票價格、交易資訊或是天氣 預報等),主動分別傳送到各個行動終端機;使用者經由行動終端 機設定其所需的資訊辨識碼,將訂閱資料儲存在交易所,然後在 特定的時間點,由交易所依據該訂閱資料,將使用者所需的資訊 辨識碼發送到行動終端機,切換行動終端機的頻道,然後傳送所 需資料。該案雖然可以讓使用者獲得最新的即時資訊,但必須將 使用者所需要的資料需事先設定在該訂閱檔案中,並由交易所主 動傳送到使用者的行動終端機,使用者無法隨時、隨心所欲的下 載、選擇資料,亦無法隨時中止傳輸、節省通訊費用。 由上可知,前案中未曾針對無線通訊裝置提出一種可以同時 獲得最新即時資訊及節省通訊費用的相關解決方案,也未曾在操 作無線通訊裝置、在多個程式中切換程式時,為一下載程式來解 93522 緩過^復連線、避免重新連線/認證等相關問題。因此,發明人 及方:曰、研究’提出一種智慧型自動中斷及恢復傳輸資訊的系統 中斷♦以供使用者在藉由無線通訊裝置傳輸資訊時,可依據一 傳輸條件來自動中斷傳輸以節省通訊_,以及依據一恢復 得::件來自動恢復傳輸資訊且無須重新執行認證步驟 ,立即獲 需要的資訊’兼具有節錢用及操作簡便的雙重優點。 【螫明内容】 的資本^月之目的係在於提出—種智慧型自動中斷及恢復傳輸 資訊=輸系統及方法,提供"使用者在經由-無線通訊裝置的 輪^ 以傳輸資訊時,可依據—中斷傳輪條件自動中斷傳 條件°自=節省使用者的無線資訊傳輸_,且依據—恢復傳輸 符人人」錢傳輸纽,錢用者無㈣魏行認證步驟,提供 ΰ人性化的操作方式。 促 斷另—目的係在於藉由本發明所提出的智慧型自動中 中斯:Γ及方法,由使用者的無線通訊裝置來執行自動 恢復傳!^4貝財相關作業,並設定所需的中斷傳輪條件及 供資使用者的認證程序僅須執行—:欠,可以簡化提 伺服裔的作業程序及降低工作負荷。 傳於Γ據本發明之—特色,本發明提H慧型自動中斷及恢復 士别貝Λ的傳輸系統,包含有至少一無線通訊I置及— 裝置係經由—無線通訊網路與該服務端通訊鏈結,且 為:該至少-無線通訊裝置包含有-資訊傳輸模組 杲、、且,該資訊傳輸模組係用以於啟動時鏈結至該服務端 執仃^吸裎序,且於通過該認證程序後發出—請求訊息至該服1293522 IX. Description of the Invention: [Technical Field] The present invention relates to a technical field of intelligent automatic interruption and recovery of transmission information, and in particular to a specific interruption when transmitting information via a wireless communication device /Recovery conditions to automatically interrupt and resume transmission of information, and do not need to repeat the technical field of the certification process. [Prior Art] In today's busy society, wireless communication devices have become quite common personal tools, such as mobile phones, PDAs (personal assistants), laptops or palmtop computers, allowing users to access the wireless communication network at any time. Getting the information you need is a very convenient and efficient tool. According to reports, there were 3.61 million GPRS users in Taiwan in the second quarter of 2004, and about 38% of them use mobile phones to access the Internet. The market size is quite large, and it is expected that the future will continue to grow and the application will be more extensive. In order to make the user's operation convenient, various wireless communication devices try to provide an interface with a good affinity. For example, the functions of multiple programs can be executed at the same time, so that the user can start multiple applications at the same time and switch between them at any time. This function is already widely used in general computers and is widely used. However, in wireless communication devices that emphasize thinness and volume, and operation as much as possible, such as mobile phones and PDAs, in the past, only one program can be executed at a time. In recent years, research and development and improvement have gradually developed the function of executing multiple programs, allowing users to answer calls, play online games, or upload/download required materials at the same time. For example, due to the active trading of stocks and futures markets and the large number of investors, in order to enable users to receive the required financial real-time information anytime and anywhere, the most popular wireless communication device - mobile phone to download and drama financial instant Gongxun, 1293522 has been a fairly common application. At present, major telecom operators have launched related products and services, such as the remote 688 action brokers, i-mode financial services, the 288 financial platform and mobile securities of the letter, the TCC stock king of Taiwan’s big brother, the emome and the action of Chunghwa Telecom. The stock market, 588 shares of the Asia-Pacific Action Broadband, etc. In general, financial real-time information changes over time, minutes, and seconds, and can change very dramatically. Therefore, for users, downloading the latest information every short period of time (for example, 15 seconds, 30 seconds) is Necessary. If you use the Internet or other wired network communication method to receive this information, because the transmission cost is usually fixed or relatively low, you can continue to connect and update the data to the user at any time, and will not increase the use. The burden of the person. However, when using wireless communication devices and wireless communication networks to receive information, the cost is usually calculated based on the amount of data transmission or communication time, because the current wireless communication costs are still quite expensive, if the user is still not in use. Continuously receiving information will greatly increase the communication cost, thereby reducing the user's willingness to use. In the prior art, when a user operates a wireless communication device to obtain specific information, it is usually necessary to connect to a specific website or server for identity authentication or login | a specific account, and then the website or server provides it. Required information. When the user receives instant information that may be updated at any time, the cost will be quite high if the connection is continuously maintained or continuously downloaded. Usually, in order to save communication costs, the user often logs out of the account or disconnects the connection. . However, when the user wants to obtain the latest real-time information again, it has to re-wire and perform the authentication, etc., which is quite inconvenient in operation, and if the user continuously connects/disconnects, logs in/out, It will greatly increase the workload on the server side, making the efficiency slow. The above problem is more serious when the wireless communication device simultaneously executes the status of multiple applications. Since the user starts multiple programs at the same time, it usually switches between 1,293,522 programs, sometimes even forgetting that it is still in the connection state, when the user is not operating the connection for transmitting information. If the program, or the download program has been switched to the background program, if it continues to download the data and calculate the cost, it is quite uneconomical for the user; but if the user is required to switch the program every time it is interrupted Connecting, and when you return to the download program, you must reconnect, perform authentication, etc., which will make the operation quite cumbersome and not user-friendly. Therefore, when downloading instant information for a wireless communication device, a solution that is cost-effective, simple to operate, and does not require repeated authentication is proposed, which is a requirement of the industry. In order to be able to solve the above problems, in the prior art, as in the case of the Republic of China Patent Publication No. 541819, "Instantline Receiving Information Device and Method", a method for receiving information by instant connection is proposed, which is applicable to a mobile phone. The method includes the following steps: the user inputs and sets at least one download data type and data update time; and at least one database for storing the plurality of download data is individually defined; when the set data update time is reached, the dial-up connection network is a destination URL; if the destination URL has at least one unupdated data corresponding to the at least one database, downloading the data; storing at least one of the downloaded data in the corresponding at least one database; and completing the download After that, the line is broken. The case is mainly for the user to set the required information and update the data. The time is automatically connected to the destination website to query and download the data to be updated. Immediately after the download is completed, the user can browse the website offline. The information needed to save the connection time and cost of wireless communication. Although the case can achieve the purpose of saving money, however, the time and information for downloading information must be set in advance, and the user cannot download and select the required data at any time and at any time, and the operation is not very convenient. In addition, when the download information is financial real-time information that varies in every minute and second, the case is a timed connection and offline browsing, and it is impossible to provide the latest real-time information in a short time. 1293522 Another prior case, such as U.S. Patent No. 5,774,811, "Wireless Communication Method," proposes a wireless communication method in which a communication channel or a control channel is provided between a base station and a plurality of mobile terminals. And transmitting information from an exchange to the mobile terminal via the communication channel, the control channel, and the base station, the wireless communication method comprising the steps of: between each mobile communication terminal and the base station Setting a communication channel; reading a subscription file record having subscription information of each user, including an identification code of the required information, the subscription information can be set via the mobile terminal and the communication channel; via the communication channel, the mobile terminal The required information identification code of the machine is transmitted from the base station to the mobile terminal; after receiving the required information identification code, the mobile terminal switches the channel in use from the communication channel to the mobile terminal. a control channel; and according to the required information identification code, from the base station and the control channel, from the exchange Transfer the required information to the mobile terminal. Among them, the case may be based on the respective needs of different mobile terminals, and the exchange will actively transmit more than one type of information (such as stock price, transaction information or weather forecast) to each mobile terminal; the user via the mobile terminal The machine sets the required information identification code, stores the subscription data in the exchange, and then, at a specific point in time, the exchange transmits the information identification code required by the user to the mobile terminal based on the subscription data, and switches the action. The channel of the terminal, and then transfer the required information. Although the case allows users to obtain the latest real-time information, the information required by the user must be set in the subscription file in advance, and the transaction is actively transmitted to the user's mobile terminal. You can download and select data as you like, and you can't stop transmission at any time and save communication costs. As can be seen from the above, the previous case has not proposed a solution for wireless communication devices that can simultaneously obtain the latest real-time information and save communication costs. Nor has it been a download program when operating a wireless communication device and switching programs in multiple programs. To solve the problem of the splicing of the splicing line and avoiding reconnection/authentication. Therefore, the inventors and parties: 曰, research 'proposes a smart automatic interrupt and resumes the transmission of information system ♦ for users to automatically interrupt transmission according to a transmission condition when transmitting information through the wireless communication device to save Communication _, and according to a recovery:: to automatically restore the transmission of information and without having to re-execute the authentication step, immediately get the required information 'has the dual advantages of saving money and easy operation. [螫明内容] The purpose of the capital ^ month is to propose a kind of intelligent automatic interruption and recovery transmission information = transmission system and method, providing " users can transmit information through the wheel of the wireless communication device According to the - interrupted transmission conditions automatically interrupt the transmission condition ° self = save the user's wireless information transmission _, and based on - restore the transmission of everyone" money transmission New Zealand, money users no (four) Wei line certification steps, providing deaf people Operation method. The other purpose is to perform automatic recovery transmission by the user's wireless communication device by means of the intelligent automatic medium-sized: method and method proposed by the present invention! ^4 Fortune-related operations, and setting the required interrupt routing conditions and the certification process for the funding user only need to be performed -: owed, it can simplify the work procedures of the servant and reduce the workload. According to the present invention, the present invention provides a H-type automatic interrupt and recovery transmission system of the Siebelbe, including at least one wireless communication I and the device communicates with the server via a wireless communication network. The link is: the at least-wireless communication device includes an information transmission module, and the information transmission module is configured to link to the server at the time of startup, and Issued after the certification process - request message to the service

Claims (1)

907^ 年启日修正替換頁 • !293522 十、申請專利範圍: h —種智慧型自動中斷及恢復傳輸資訊之系統,其中,該系 統包含有至少一無線通訊裝置及一服務端,該無線通訊裝置係經 由一無線通訊網路與該服務端通訊鏈結,且該系統之特徵為: 該至少一無線通訊裝置包含有一資訊傳輸模組及一判斷模 組; 該資訊傳輸模組係用以於啟動時鏈結至該服務端執行一認證 程序’且於通過該認證程序後發出一請求訊息至該服務端,由該 服務端依據該請求訊息傳回其所需資訊;以及 該判斷模組係用以依據一中斷傳輸條件,判斷該無線通訊裝 置是否符合該中斷傳輸條件,據以發送一中斷傳輸訊息給該資訊 傳輸模組以中斷傳輸資訊,以及依據一恢復傳輸條件,判斷該無 線通訊裝置是否符合該恢復傳輸條件,據以發送一恢復傳輸訊息 給該資訊傳輸模組以恢復傳輸資訊。 2·如申請專利範圍第1項之系統,其中,該中斷傳輸條件係 為叹定有一啟動中斷時間及未能偵測到該資訊傳輸模組的操作訊 號達到該啟動中斷時間。 3·如申請專利範圍第2項之系統,其中,該判斷模組判斷是 否符合該中斷傳輪條件時,當未能額到該資訊傳輸模組的操作 虎且計時已達到該啟動中斷時間,則為符合該中斷傳輸條件, 當_到該^傳輸模組的操作訊號時,則重新開始計時。 、4_如申4專利範圍第1項之系統,其中,該恢復傳輸條件係 為重新偵泰^資訊傳輸模組的操作訊號。 5·如hi利範圍第4項之系統,其中,當該判斷模組判斷 23 1293522 f· VWje替換頁 是否符合該恢復傳輸條件時,係為當重新偵測該資訊傳輸模組有 新的操作訊5虎’則為付合該恢復傳輸條件,傳送一恢復傳輸訊號 給該資訊傳輸模組以恢復發送該請求訊息,並重新開始計時。 6·—種智慧型自動中斷及恢復傳輪資訊系統,其中,該系統 包含有至少一無線通訊裝置及一服務端,該無線通訊裝置係經由 一無線通訊網路與該服務端通訊鍵結,且該系統之特徵為: 該至少一無線通訊裝置包含有一資訊傳輸模組及一判斷模 組; •該資讯傳輸模組係用以於啟動時鏈結至該服務端執行一認證 程序,且於通過該認證程序後發出_請求訊息至該服務端,由該 服務端依據該請求訊息傳回其所需資訊,並設定目前狀態為傳輸 資訊狀悲,以及 “ m、、、uw彳貞職賴作城,並判斷 該操作訊號是否為該資訊傳輸模組的操作訊號及目前是否為傳輸 資訊狀態’據以決^是否發送—中斷傳輪訊號給該資訊傳輸模組 及二其中’ _斷_測 訊傳輸模組的操作訊號時, 目二 非傳輪資訊狀態該資訊傳輪模組目前狀態為 24 1293522 年月日修正替換頁 訊息,並將目前狀態修改為傳輸資訊狀態。 8. 如申請專利範圍第1項或第6項之系統,其中,該無線通 訊裝置係為行動電話、PDA、筆記型電腦、掌上型電腦和其他可 經由該無線通訊網路以進行通訊之終端裝置等其中之任一。 9. 如申請專利範圍第1項或第6項之系統,其中,該服務端 係與至少一外部資訊源鏈結以下載及儲存該外部資訊源之資訊。 10. 如申請專利範圍第1項或第6項之系統,其中,該服務端 係與至少一外部資料庫鏈結以擷取其所需要之資訊。 11. 如申請專利範圍第1項或第6項之系統,其中,該服務端 係依據該無線通訊裝置之一辨識資料來判斷是否通過認證程序。 12. 如申請專利範圍第11項之系統,其中,該無線通訊裝置 進行之辨識資料,係為SIM卡號碼、行動電話號碼和無線網路卡 號碼等其中之任一。 13. 如申請專利範圍第11項之系統,其中,該服務端係儲存 有其合法使用者之無線通訊裝置的辨識資料,以供該服務端據以 比對及判斷。 14. 如申請專利範圍第1項或第6項之系統,其中,該服務端 係比對該無線通訊裝置所輸入之認證資料,以判斷是否通過認證 程序。 15. 如申請專利範圍第14項之系統,其中,該認證資料係為 使用者帳號、密碼和其他個人身分等資料其中任二種之組合。 16. 如申請專利範圍第1項或第6項之系統,其中,該請求訊 息包含有該無線通訊裝置所欲請求的訊息種類、項目和代碼等其 中之任一。 17·如申請專利範圍第1項或第6項之系統,其中,該請求訊 25 •1293522 卜961.1 修^ 息係包含有該無線通訊裝置之辨識資料和其使用者身分資料二者 其中之一。 18. 如申請專利範圍第1項或第6項之系統,其中,該資訊傳 輸模組更包含用以提供一操作介面,供使用者輸入其所需資訊項 目以產生該請求訊息,並於接收到該服務端所傳回之資訊時予以 顯示。 19. 如申請專利範圍第18項之系統,其中,該服務端更包含 於當該無線通訊裝置之資訊傳輸模組發出請求訊息時,依據該無 φ 線通訊裝置需求,產生對應於該無線通訊裝置可以適當顯示的資 訊格式,並傳回該無線通訊裝置經由該操作介面予以顯示。 20. 如申請專利範圍第1項或第6項之系統,其中,該服務端 更包含於當該無線通訊裝置之資訊傳輸模組發出請求訊息時,依 據該無線通訊裝置需求,產生對應於該無線通訊裝置可以適當顯 示的圖檔並傳回該無線通訊裝置予以顯示。 21. 如申請專利範圍第1項或第6項之系統,其中,該資訊傳 輸模組更包含有一自動請求資訊時間,以供該資訊傳輸模組每隔 φ 該自動請求資訊時間,就自動發出請求訊息。 22. 如申請專利範圍第21項之系統,其中,該資訊傳輸模組 更包含用以提供一操作介面,以供該無線通訊裝置之使用者經由 該操作介面設定該自動請求資訊時間。 23. 如申請專利範圍第2項之系統,其中,該資訊傳輸模組更 包含用以提供一操作介面,以供該無線通訊裝置之使用者經由該 操作介面設定該啟動中斷時間。 24. 如申請專利範圍第1項或第6項之系統,其中,該服務端 係經由一獨立的伺服器並配合軟體,以執行該認證程序。 26 1293522 卜96.Γ日7修正機頁 25. 如申請專利範圍第1項或第6項之系統,其中,該服務端 及該無線通訊裝置更包含有一加解密模組,用以在傳輸認證資 料、請求訊息及該無線通訊裝置所需資訊時,執行加解密步驟以 保護資訊安全。 26. 如申請專利範圍第1項或第6項之系統,其中,該服務端 係經由至少一伺服器並配合軟體,以執行提供該至少一無線通訊 裝置其所需資訊之服務。 27. —種智慧型自動中斷及恢復傳輸資訊之方法,其應用在至 φ 少一無線通訊裝置及一服務端,該無線通訊裝置係經由一無線通 訊網路與該服務端通訊鏈結,其中,該方法包含的步驟有: 該無線通訊裝置啟動一資訊傳輸模組,鏈結至該服務端以執 行一認證程序; 通過認證程序之資訊傳輸模組,發出一請求訊息至該服務 端,由該服務端依據該請求訊息傳回其所需資訊; 該無線通訊裝置依據一中斷傳輸條件,判斷該無線通訊裝置 是否符合該中斷傳輸條件,據以發送一中斷傳輸訊息給該資訊傳 輸模組以中斷傳輸資訊;以及 該無線通訊裝置依據一恢復傳輸條件,判斷該無線通訊裝置 是否符合該恢復傳輸條件,據以發送一恢復傳輸訊息給該資訊傳 輸模組以恢復傳輸資訊。 28. 如申請專利範圍第27項之方法,其中,該中斷傳輸條件 係為設定有一啟動中斷時間及未能偵測到該資訊傳輸模組的操作 訊號達到該啟動中斷時間。 29. 如申請專利範圍第28項之方法,其中,該判斷是否符合 該中斷傳輸條件時,當未能偵測到該資訊傳輸模組的操作訊號且 27 1293522 96. 9. -7 一 1 年月日修正替換頁 計時已達_啟動中斷時間,則為符合該中斷傳輪條件, 到該資訊傳輸模組的操作訊號時,則重新開始計時。 q 30.如申請專利範圍第27項之方法,其中,該恢復傳 係為重新偵測到該資訊傳輸模組的操作訊號。 、牛 31.如申請專利範圍第3〇項之方法,其中,該判斷是否符八 該恢復傳輸條件時,係為當重新偵測該資訊傳輸模組有新的择; 訊號,則為符合該恢復傳輸條件,傳送—恢復傳輸訊號給該資訊 傳輸模組以恢復發送該請求訊息,並重新開始計時。 _ 32.-種智慧型自動中斷及恢復傳輸資訊之方法,其應用在至 少-無線通訊裝置及-服務端,該無線通訊裝置係經由—無線通 訊網路與該服務端通訊鏈結,其中,該方法包含的步驟有: 該無線通訊裝置啟動_資訊傳輸麟,鏈結至㈣務端以執 行一認證程序, 通過認證程序之資訊傳輸模組,發出一請求訊息至該服務 端,由該服務端依據該請求訊息傳回其所需資訊,且設定目前狀 態為傳輸資訊狀態;以及 偵測該無線通訊裝置的操作訊號,並判斷該操作訊號是否為 該資訊傳輸模組的操作訊號及目前是否為傳輸資訊狀態,據以決 定是否發送一中斷傳輸訊號給該資訊傳輸模組以暫時中斷發出該 請求訊息,以及是否發送一恢復傳輸訊號給該資訊傳輸模組以重 新發出該請求訊息。 33·如申請專利範圍第32項之方法,其中,當偵測及判斷該 資訊傳輸模組目前狀態為傳輸資訊狀態且該操作訊號並不是該資 訊傳輸模組的操作訊號時,自動傳送一啟動中斷訊號給該資訊傳 輸模組,以暫時中斷發送該請求訊息,並將目前狀態修改為非傳 28 1293522 | - sa s:.-7----] 车月日修正替換頁 輸資訊狀態;以及 其中,當偵測並判斷該資訊傳輸模組目前狀態為非傳輸資訊 狀態且該操作訊號係為該資訊傳輸模組的操作訊號時,則傳送一 恢復傳輸訊號給該資訊傳輸模組,以重新發送該請求訊息,並將 目前狀態修改為傳輸資訊狀態。 34.如申請專利範圍第27項或第32項之方法,其中,該無線 通訊裝置係為行動電話、PDA、筆記型電腦、掌上型電腦和其他 可經由該無線通訊網路以進行通訊之終端裝置等其中之任一。 > 35.如申請專利範圍第27項或第32項之方法,其中,該服務 端係與至少一外部資訊源鏈結以下載及儲存該外部資訊源之資 訊。 36. 如申請專利範圍第27項或第32項之方法,其中,該服務 端係與至少一外部資料庫鏈結以擷取其所需要之資訊。 37. 如申請專利範圍第27項或第32項之方法,其中,該服務 端係依據該無線通訊裝置之一辨識資料來判斷是否通過認證程 序。 | 38.如申請專利範圍第37項之方法,其中,該無線通訊裝置 進行之辨識資料,係為SIM卡號碼、行動電話號碼和無線網路卡 號碼等其中之任一。 39. 如申請專利範圍第37項之方法,其中,該服務端係儲存 有其合法使用者之無線通訊裝置的辨識資料,以供該服務端據以 比對及判斷。 40. 如申請專利範圍第27項或第32項之方法,其中,該服務 端係比對該無線通訊裝置所輸入之認證資料,以判斷是否通過認 證程序。 29 1293522 年月日修正替換頁 41. 如申請專利範圍第40項之方法,其中,該認證資料係為 使用者帳號、密碼和其他個人身分等資料其中任二種之組合。 42. 如申請專利範圍第27項或第32項之方法,其中,該請求 訊息包含有該無線通訊裝置所欲請求的訊息種類、項目和代碼等 其中之任一。 43. 如申請專利範圍第27項或第32項之方法,其中,該請求 訊息係包含有該無線通訊裝置之辨識資料和其使用者身分資料二 者其中之一。 44. 如申請專利範圍第27項或第32項之方法,其中,該方法 更包含的步驟有: 該無線通訊裝置更提供一操作介面,供使用者輸入其所需資 訊項目以產生該請求訊息,並於接收到該服務端所傳回之資訊時 予以顯示。 45. 如申請專利範圍第44項之方法,其中,該方法更包含的 步驟有: 該服務端於當該無線通訊裝置之資訊傳輸模組發出請求訊息 時,依據該無線通訊裝置需求,產生對應於該無線通訊裝置可以 適當顯示的資訊格式,並傳回該無線通訊裝置經由該操作介面予 以顯示。 46. 如申請專利範圍第27項或第32項之方法,其中,該方法 更包含的步驟有: 該服務端於當該無線通訊裝置之資訊傳輸模組發出請求訊息 時,依據該無線通訊裝置需求,產生對應於該無線通訊裝置可以 適當顯示的圖槽並傳回該無線通訊裝置予以顯示。 47·如申請專利範圍第27項或第32項之方法,其中,該資訊 30 1293522 H7--- 年月日修正替換頁 傳輸模組更包含有一自動請求資訊時間,以供該資訊傳輸模組每 隔該自動請求資訊時間,就自動發出請求訊息。 48. 如申請專利範圍第47項之方法,其中,該資訊傳輸模組 更包含用以提供一操作介面,以供該無線通訊裝置之使用者經由 該操作介面設定該自動請求資訊時間。 49. 如申請專利範圍第27項之方法,其中,該資訊傳輸模組 更包含用以提供一操作介面,以供該無線通訊裝置之使用者經由 該操作介面設定該啟動中斷時間。 50. 如申請專利範圍第27項或第32項之方法,其中,該服務 端係經由一獨立的伺服器並配合軟體,以執行該認證程序。 51. 如申請專利範圍第27項或第32項之方法,其中,該方法 更包含的步驟有: 該服務端及該無線通訊裝置在傳輸認證資料、請求訊息及該 無線通訊裝置所需資訊時,執行加解密步驟以保護資訊安全。 52. 如申請專利範圍第27項或第32項之方法,其中,該服務 端係經由至少一伺服器並配合軟體,以執行提供該至少一無線通 訊裝置其所需資訊之服務。 31 1293522 ^ 十一、圖式: 20 無線通訊裝置907^年日日修正 replacement page • !293522 X. Patent application scope: h—a system for intelligent automatic interruption and recovery of transmission information, wherein the system includes at least one wireless communication device and a server, the wireless communication The device is connected to the server via a wireless communication network, and the system is characterized in that: the at least one wireless communication device comprises an information transmission module and a determination module; the information transmission module is used for starting Timely linking to the server to perform an authentication procedure' and after issuing the authentication procedure, issuing a request message to the server, the server returns the required information according to the request message; and the determining module is used Determining whether the wireless communication device meets the interrupt transmission condition according to an interrupt transmission condition, and transmitting an interrupt transmission message to the information transmission module to interrupt the transmission of the information, and determining whether the wireless communication device is determined according to a resume transmission condition Compliance with the recovery transmission condition, according to which a resume transmission message is sent to the information transmission module to resume transmission Lose information. 2. The system of claim 1, wherein the interrupt transmission condition is that the start interruption time is unsettled and the operation signal of the information transmission module is not detected to reach the startup interruption time. 3. The system of claim 2, wherein the determining module determines whether the interrupting condition is met, and when the operation of the information transmission module is not reached, and the timing has reached the startup interruption time, In order to comply with the interrupt transmission condition, when the operation signal of the transmission module is _, the timing is restarted. 4) The system of claim 1, wherein the recovery transmission condition is an operation signal of the re-detection information transmission module. 5. The system of the fourth item of the hi range, wherein when the judging module judges whether the 23 1293522 f·VWje replacement page meets the recovery transmission condition, it is a new operation when re-detecting the information transmission module. In order to reinstate the transmission condition, the message 5 Tiger transmits a resume transmission signal to the information transmission module to resume transmitting the request message and restarts the timing. a intelligent automatic interrupt and recovery transmission information system, wherein the system includes at least one wireless communication device and a server, and the wireless communication device communicates with the server via a wireless communication network, and The system is characterized in that: the at least one wireless communication device comprises an information transmission module and a determination module; the information transmission module is configured to perform an authentication procedure at the startup link to the server, and After the authentication procedure, a _ request message is sent to the server, and the server returns the required information according to the request message, and sets the current state as the transmission information sorrow, and "m,,, uw 彳贞作赖作城And determining whether the operation signal is the operation signal of the information transmission module and whether it is currently transmitting the information status. According to whether or not to send - interrupt the transmission signal to the information transmission module and two of them - _ break _ test When the operation signal of the transmission module is transmitted, the current status of the information transmission wheel module is 24 1293522, and the replacement page message is corrected. The current state is modified to transmit the information state. 8. The system of claim 1 or 6, wherein the wireless communication device is a mobile phone, a PDA, a notebook computer, a palmtop computer, and the like. A wireless communication network for communicating a terminal device, etc. 9. The system of claim 1 or 6, wherein the server is linked to at least one external information source to download and store the Information on external sources of information 10. If the system of claim 1 or 6 is applied, the server is linked to at least one external database to obtain the information it needs. The system of the first or the sixth aspect, wherein the server determines whether the authentication procedure is passed according to the identification data of the wireless communication device. 12. The system of claim 11, wherein the wireless communication The identification data carried out by the device is any one of a SIM card number, a mobile phone number and a wireless network card number. 13. The system of claim 11 wherein the The server stores the identification data of the wireless communication device of its legitimate user for comparison and judgment by the server. 14. For the system of claim 1 or 6, wherein the server The authentication data entered by the wireless communication device is used to determine whether the authentication procedure is passed. 15. For the system of claim 14, wherein the authentication data is a user account, a password, and other personal identification information. A combination of any of the following: 16. The system of claim 1 or 6, wherein the request message includes any one of a message type, an item, and a code to be requested by the wireless communication device. 17. If the system of claim 1 or 6 of the patent application is filed, wherein the request is 25 • 1293522, the 961.1 repair is one of the identification data of the wireless communication device and the user identity data thereof. . 18. The system of claim 1 or 6, wherein the information transmission module further comprises an operation interface for the user to input the required information item to generate the request message and receive the message. Displayed when the information is returned to the server. 19. The system of claim 18, wherein the server is further included when the information transmission module of the wireless communication device sends a request message, corresponding to the wireless communication according to the requirement of the wireless communication device. The device can display the information format appropriately and return it to the wireless communication device for display via the operation interface. 20. The system of claim 1 or 6, wherein the server is further included when the information transmission module of the wireless communication device sends a request message, according to the wireless communication device requirement, corresponding to the The wireless communication device can display the image file appropriately and return it to the wireless communication device for display. 21. The system of claim 1 or 6, wherein the information transmission module further comprises an automatic request information time for the information transmission module to automatically request the information time every φ. Request message. 22. The system of claim 21, wherein the information transmission module further comprises an operation interface for the user of the wireless communication device to set the automatic request information time via the operation interface. 23. The system of claim 2, wherein the information transmission module further comprises an operation interface for the user of the wireless communication device to set the startup interruption time via the operation interface. 24. The system of claim 1 or 6, wherein the server is executed via a separate server and software. 26 1293522 卜 96. The following is the system of claim 1 or claim 6, wherein the server and the wireless communication device further comprise an encryption and decryption module for transmitting authentication When data, request messages, and information required by the wireless communication device are performed, an encryption and decryption step is performed to protect information security. 26. The system of claim 1 or claim 6, wherein the server is configured to provide a service for providing the at least one wireless communication device with the information required by the at least one server and the software. 27. A method for intelligently interrupting and recovering information, which is applied to a wireless communication device and a server, wherein the wireless communication device communicates with the server via a wireless communication network, wherein The method includes the following steps: the wireless communication device starts an information transmission module, and links to the server to execute an authentication program; and sends a request message to the server through the information transmission module of the authentication program. The server sends back the required information according to the request message; the wireless communication device determines whether the wireless communication device meets the interrupt transmission condition according to an interrupt transmission condition, and sends an interrupt transmission message to the information transmission module to interrupt. Transmitting information; and determining, by the wireless communication device, whether the wireless communication device meets the resume transmission condition according to a resume transmission condition, and transmitting a resume transmission message to the information transmission module to resume transmission of the information. 28. The method of claim 27, wherein the interrupt transmission condition is that a startup interruption time is set and an operation signal of the information transmission module is not detected to reach the startup interruption time. 29. The method of claim 28, wherein the determining whether the interrupt transmission condition is met, when the operation signal of the information transmission module is not detected and 27 1293522 96. 9. -7 - 1 year If the date of the replacement page has been corrected to _ start interrupt time, then the condition of the interrupt transmission is met, and when the operation signal of the information transmission module is reached, the timing is restarted. The method of claim 27, wherein the recovery is to re-detect the operation signal of the information transmission module.牛 31. The method of claim 3, wherein the determination is whether the recovery of the transmission condition is a new selection when the information transmission module is re-detected; The transmission condition is restored, the transmission-recovery transmission signal is sent to the information transmission module to resume sending the request message, and the timing is restarted. _ 32. A method for intelligently interrupting and recovering information, which is applied to at least a wireless communication device and a server, wherein the wireless communication device is linked to the server via a wireless communication network, wherein The method comprises the following steps: the wireless communication device starts _ information transmission lining, links to (4) the server to execute an authentication program, and sends a request message to the server through the information transmission module of the authentication program, by the server Transmitting the required information according to the request message, and setting the current state to transmit the information state; and detecting the operation signal of the wireless communication device, and determining whether the operation signal is the operation signal of the information transmission module and whether it is currently The information state is transmitted, and it is determined whether to send an interrupt transmission signal to the information transmission module to temporarily interrupt the issuance of the request message, and whether to send a resume transmission signal to the information transmission module to resend the request message. 33. The method of claim 32, wherein when the current state of the information transmission module is detected and determined to be a transmission information state and the operation signal is not an operation signal of the information transmission module, the automatic transmission is initiated. Interrupt the signal to the information transmission module to temporarily interrupt the transmission of the request message, and modify the current status to non-transmission 28 1293522 | - sa s:.-7----] the vehicle month and day correction replacement page information status; And when detecting and determining that the current state of the information transmission module is a non-transmission information state and the operation signal is an operation signal of the information transmission module, transmitting a resume transmission signal to the information transmission module to Resend the request message and modify the current status to the status of the transmission information. 34. The method of claim 27, wherein the wireless communication device is a mobile phone, a PDA, a notebook computer, a palmtop computer, and other terminal devices that can communicate via the wireless communication network. Wait for any of them. < 35. The method of claim 27 or 32, wherein the server is linked to at least one external information source to download and store the information of the external information source. 36. The method of claim 27 or 32, wherein the server is linked to at least one external database to obtain the information it needs. 37. The method of claim 27 or 32, wherein the server determines whether the authentication procedure is passed based on the identification data of one of the wireless communication devices. 38. The method of claim 37, wherein the identification data carried by the wireless communication device is any one of a SIM card number, a mobile phone number, and a wireless network card number. 39. The method of claim 37, wherein the server stores identification data of a wireless communication device of its legitimate user for comparison and judgment by the server. 40. The method of claim 27 or 32, wherein the service is compared to the authentication data entered by the wireless communication device to determine whether the certification process is passed. 29 1293522 Revised replacement page 41. The method of claim 40, wherein the certification data is a combination of any two of the user account, password and other personal identities. 42. The method of claim 27, wherein the request message includes any one of a message type, an item, and a code to be requested by the wireless communication device. 43. The method of claim 27 or 32, wherein the request message comprises one of identification data of the wireless communication device and user identity data. 44. The method of claim 27 or 32, wherein the method further comprises the following steps: the wireless communication device further provides an operation interface for the user to input the required information item to generate the request message. And display it when it receives the information returned by the server. 45. The method of claim 44, wherein the method further comprises the following steps: when the information transmission module of the wireless communication device sends a request message, according to the requirement of the wireless communication device, the server generates a corresponding The information format that can be appropriately displayed by the wireless communication device is transmitted back to the wireless communication device for display via the operation interface. 46. The method of claim 27 or 32, wherein the method further comprises: the server is based on the wireless communication device when the information transmission module of the wireless communication device sends a request message The demand generates a slot corresponding to the wireless communication device that can be appropriately displayed and returns the wireless communication device for display. 47. The method of claim 27 or 32, wherein the information 30 1293522 H7---year-and-month correction replacement page transmission module further includes an automatic request information time for the information transmission module The request message is automatically sent every time the information time is automatically requested. 48. The method of claim 47, wherein the information transmission module further comprises an operation interface for the user of the wireless communication device to set the automatic request information time via the operation interface. 49. The method of claim 27, wherein the information transmission module further comprises an operation interface for the user of the wireless communication device to set the startup interruption time via the operation interface. 50. The method of claim 27 or 32, wherein the server performs the authentication procedure via a separate server and software. 51. The method of claim 27 or 32, wherein the method further comprises: the server and the wireless communication device transmitting the authentication data, the request message, and the information required by the wireless communication device , perform encryption and decryption steps to protect information security. 52. The method of claim 27, wherein the server is configured to provide a service for providing the at least one wireless communication device with information via at least one server and the software. 31 1293522 ^ XI, schema: 20 wireless communication device 104 102104 102 服務端Server 32 1293522 Μ. 9. 1 ---- 丰月日修正替換頁32 1293522 Μ. 9. 1 ---- Feng Yue Day Correction Replacement Page 33 .1293522 開始 年月日修正替換頁 _ψ_^S302 啟動資訊傳輸模組 並執行認證程序33 .1293522 Start Year Month Day Correction Replacement Page _ψ_^S302 Start the information transfer module and execute the authentication program _Λ|/_^S304 向服務端發出請求 訊息請求提供資訊 _ψ_^-S306 偵測操作訊號,判斷後 決定是否發送一中斷/ 恢復傳輸訊號以中斷/ 恢復發出請求訊息。 ψ_Λ|/_^S304 Sends a request to the server. The message requests information. _ψ_^-S306 Detects the operation signal. After determining, it decides whether to send an interrupt/restore transmission signal to interrupt/restore the request message. ψ 結束 第三圖 34End Figure 3 34
TW094122763A 2005-07-04 2005-07-04 Intelligently automatically interrupting and recovering information transmission system and method TW200703979A (en)

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TWI404436B (en) * 2010-03-24 2013-08-01 Mitake Information Corp Device and method for auto data network connection/disconnection of the finance software on a mobile apparatus
TWI413012B (en) * 2010-12-06 2013-10-21 Mitake Information Corp Device and method for receiving confirmation of the finance software on a mobile apparatus

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Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
TWI404436B (en) * 2010-03-24 2013-08-01 Mitake Information Corp Device and method for auto data network connection/disconnection of the finance software on a mobile apparatus
TWI413012B (en) * 2010-12-06 2013-10-21 Mitake Information Corp Device and method for receiving confirmation of the finance software on a mobile apparatus

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