1273024 九、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明樣有關於一種聚苯乙稀(PS)【苯乙鋪 一 丁二嫌共聚物 t S t y r e n e - B u t ad i e n e - C ο ρ ο 1 y me r (SBC) }】塑膠收縮膜管之吹膜成型製造方法及其 裝置,尤指一種以聚苯乙烯(PS)為原料吹膜成型 為膜管後再使該膜管延伸而成為更薄膜管後,又 使其變異穩定而成為定型膜管的方法與裝置。1273024 IX. Description of the invention: [Technical field to which the invention pertains] The present invention relates to a polystyrene (PS) styrene-terminated copolymer t S tyrene - But ut ad iene - C ο ρ ο 1 y me r (SBC) }] a blown film forming manufacturing method and device for a plastic shrink film tube, in particular, a method of forming a film tube by using a polystyrene (PS) as a raw material, and then extending the film tube to become more After the film tube is made, the variation is stabilized to become a method and device for shaping the film tube.
【先前技術】 按塑膠收縮膜係一種被廣泛使用之包裝材料 ,其係利用塑膠膜受熱收縮之特性,使塑膠膜可 緊密包裝於物品表面上,達到美觀及防潮防塵之 效果*藉Μ增進被包裝物之價值。 目前塑膠收縮膜之製造方法有二種: 第一種為Τ型模押出製造方法,其係由押出Τ 型模押出未延伸平膜,並Μ冷卻裝置將之冷谷口, 然後再使其經熱浪輪組及龐大而複雜的熱延伸機 (Tenter)作縱向延伸及横向延伸,再經冷谷Ρ滚輪 組冷卻,最後再从引取機構引出,而Μ捲取機構 捲收貯存。 此種製造方法雖可製成塑膠收縮膜原科但具 有Μ下之主要缺失: 其機械設備複雜而龐大,木僅需睪很大的場 地及機械設備廠房投資,且耗費熊源極高。而所 製成之產品被夾具元件所夾持部份不能作收4縮成 品,須將之切除而形成為廢料(約15% ),浪費成 本,尤其不適合用於少量多樣的產品。 5 1273024 第二種製造方法為吹膜成型方法,其亦係一 種規模較小與成本較低廉使用押出吹膜成型的傳 統方法,此種製造方法並不能以用來作為塑膠收 縮聚苯乙稀(PS)來成型製造*截至目前為止,尚 未見有Μ吹膜方式來製成收縮膜管者。 【發明内容】 本發明之目的係為解決前述習知Τ型模押出方 法製造塑膠膜管之機槭設備複雜而龐大,投資成 φ 本高,能源耗費大,成品廢料多;而另一般習知 吹膜成型方法的缺失是未見有Μ聚苯乙烯(PS)為 原料製成收縮膜管,因而本發明乃提供一種聚苯 乙烯(PS)塑膠收縮膜管之吹膜成型製造方法及其 裝置,此種製造方法與裝置係發明人於從事各種 塑膠膜經營製造的實務經驗中,歷經多年之研發 及不斷探討改進始獲得者,其係Μ聚苯乙烯(PS^ 塑膠為原料,用押出機構使其成為圓筒狀的膜管 ,膜管經冷卻後再由多段壓引輪組使其經特殊設 置的熱水裝置均勻加熱,使膜管軟化,然後再於 • 軟化膜管内加注空氣壓力,並調控前後段壓引輪 組速度的差異使原為較厚的塑膠膜管產生横向膨 脹與縱向延伸而成為更薄的延伸膜管•其後再通 過一處理裝置使其定型穗定而行成為定型膜管* 最後再由捲取收料糸統裝置將定型膜管捲收而成 5 ,其一貫連續製程作業具有設備簡單,作業容易 ,投資成本低*成品無公害,且有利經濟發展。 6 1273024 【實胞方式】 本發明製造方法及其裝置依據附圖所示之最 佳實施例,進一步更詳细說明如下: 如第一圖所示,本發明聚笨乙婦(PS)塑膠收 縮膜管之吹膜成型製造方法及其裝置,包含有: 押出吹膜成型糸統裝置1、延伸引取糸統裝置2、 定型處理系統裝置3及捲取收料系統裝置4。 押出吹膜成型糸統裝置1設有入料漏斗11、押 出機構12、圓狀押出模13及圓形氣冷式冷卻裝置14。 • 延伸引取糸統裝置2設有加熱裝置18、熱水箱 21及圓狀成型水槽模22。 定型處理糸統裝置3設有熱氣循環裝置28。 捲取收料糸統裝置4設有捲輪31。 前述押出吹膜成型系統裝置1、延伸引取糸統 裝置2及定型處理糸統裝置3分別設有導向壓板組 16、24、29 及速控壓弓| 輪組 17、19、25、26、30〇 本發明製造方法係將聚苯乙嫌塑膠料投入押 出吹膜成型糸統裝置1之入料漏斗11而進人押出機構12 *該押出機構12設有自動加熱溫度均一的控置裝 ® 置,可將聚苯乙稀塑膠料加熱(約1801C -230°C左 右)熔化,而Μ押出螺稈押出,經圓狀押出模13而 形成為圓筒狀膠管,再於模頭膠管加注空氣後並 使@經由圓形氣冷式冷卻裝置14加以冷卻而形成 為D1尺寸之吹膜原管15,再經由導向壓板組1 6及 速控引壓輪組17後折®成平狀而引入延伸引取糸統裝 置2之熱水箱21中,以其加熱裝置18予以加熱,該 加熱裝置18設有均溫的溫度控置裝置,吹膜原管 ⑧ 1273024 15於進入熱水箱21後再經速控壓引輪組19加Μ引 取,此時吹膜原管1 5有持續受熱而逐漸形成為軟 化膜管20,該軟彳b膜管20經穿過圓狀成型水槽模 22,再經導向壓板組24及速控壓引輪25引出至定 型處理糸統裝會3。在此過程中,因吹膜原管15已被熱 水箱21力口熱(約80oC -100oC左右)而軟化,經於吹 膜原管15內加注空氣壓力後,該吹膜原管15就會 有如吹氣球般的膨脹,再者,由於圓狀成型水槽 模22內設有冷卻水道之冷卻裝置,當吹膜原管15 φ 膨脹至與圓狀成型水槽模22相碰觸時,膨脹之膜 管就會被冷卻而使尺寸D2固定,膨脹之膜管尺寸 D2與原吹膜原管15尺寸D1艮P產生了横向延伸的變 化。再者,該軟化膜管20M前後段速控壓引輪組 19、25引取操作時,係以後段速控壓引輪組25較 快速之設計來引取拉伸軟化膜管20,亦即由前後 段壓引輪組19、25之速度差將軟化膜管20拉伸& 薄,產生了直向延伸的效果,使軟化膜管20形成 為延伸膜管23,該延伸膜管23經導向壓板組24及 速控壓引輪組25後折鲞成平狀引入定型處理糸統裝置 • 3,經速控壓引輪組2(3穿過熱氣循環裝置28,與熱 空氣接觸後形成為尺寸為D3之定型膜管27»再經 導向壓板組29及速控壓引輪組30,而為捲取收料糸統 裝置之捲輪收料器31捲取貯存。 前述熱氣循環裝置28之熱氣溫度在實胞例上 ‘ 係調設在塑膠軟化點Μ下至常溫Μ上之間(約45 °C-65¾左右),使已冷卻後之延伸膜管23在管内 加注空氣壓力而由平狀撐開成圓形狀膜管時,因 ⑧ 1273024 溫度未達塑膨軟化點,不會產生膨脹延伸現象, 更由於膜管在緩和而均匀的受熱過程中會徐徐的 減除調整內部應为,Μ助其常態穩定而形成為前 述定型膠管27,其不僅品質佳而安定,且不易受 到環境及溫度變化而產生不確定之變異。 綜上所述,本發明係Μ聚苯乙烯(PS)塑膠為 原料,先經押出吹膜成型糸統裝置之押出機構成型為 吹膜原管》再經延伸引取糸統裝置成型為延伸膜管, 最後再經定型處理糸統裝置成型為定型膜管者,其裝 φ 置設備之取得方便容易且佔地不大,投資成本低 ,又合於經濟效益,其不僅可提高工作效率,降 低生產成本,且適用於一般熱可塑性塑膠製成收 縮膜管,其製造方法及其製造裝置為前所未見* 為一具有新穎性且具有產業上利用價值之發明。 又本發明業已製成樣品*並經測試證明其品 質優良,兹檢附樣品一件及測試報告一份,請惠 予參考審査。 【圖式簡單說明】 φ 第一圖為本發明製造裝置示意圖。 【主要元件符號說明】 1.. 押出吹膜成型系統裝置 2.. 延伸引取糸統裝置 3.. 定型處理系統裝置 4.. 捲取收料糸統裝置 11.. 人料漏斗 1 2 ..押出機構 & 1273024 1 3 ..圓狀押出模 14··圓形氣冷式冷谷卩裝置 1 5 ..吹膜原管 16、 24、29.'.導向壓板組 17、 19、25、26、30··速控壓引輪組 1 8 ..加熱裝置 20 ..軟化膜管 2 1 ..熱水箱 22.. 圓狀成型水槽模 23.. 延伸膜管 φ 2T..定型膜管 28.. 熱氣循環裝置 31.. 捲輪收料器[Prior Art] Plastic shrink film is a widely used packaging material, which uses the characteristics of heat shrinkage of plastic film, so that the plastic film can be tightly packed on the surface of the article to achieve the effect of beauty and moisture and dust resistance. The value of the package. At present, there are two methods for manufacturing plastic shrink film: The first one is a 模-type mold extrusion manufacturing method, which is performed by extruding a Τ-type mold to extrude an unstretched flat film, and the chilling device is used to cool the valley mouth, and then it is subjected to heat waves. The wheel set and the large and complicated heat extension machine (Tenter) are longitudinally extended and laterally extended, cooled by the cold valley roller set, and finally taken out from the take-up mechanism, and the pick-up mechanism is taken up and stored. Although this method of manufacture can be made into the original plastic shrink film, it has the main drawbacks of its underarms: its mechanical equipment is complex and huge, and the wood only needs to invest in a large field and machinery and equipment, and the cost of the bear is extremely high. However, the product to be produced is not covered by the clamp member, and it must be cut off to form waste (about 15%), which is a waste of cost, and is particularly unsuitable for a small variety of products. 5 1273024 The second manufacturing method is a blown film forming method, which is also a conventional method of small-scale and low-cost extrusion blown film forming, which cannot be used as a plastic shrinkage polystyrene ( PS) to form and manufacture * Up to now, there has not been a film blowing method to make a shrink film tube. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The object of the present invention is to solve the above-mentioned conventional squeezing method. The apparatus for manufacturing a plastic film tube is complicated and large, and the investment is high, the energy consumption is large, and the finished product waste is large; The lack of the blown film forming method is that the polystyrene (PS) is used as a raw material to form a shrink film tube, and the present invention provides a blown film forming manufacturing method and device for a polystyrene (PS) plastic shrink film tube. This manufacturing method and device is the inventor's practical experience in the operation and manufacture of various plastic films. After years of research and development and continuous exploration and improvement, the inventors are made of polystyrene (PS^ plastic as raw material, using extruding mechanism). The membrane tube is made into a cylindrical shape, and after being cooled, the membrane tube is uniformly heated by a special-stage hot water device by a multi-stage pressure guide wheel set to soften the membrane tube, and then the air pressure is added to the softened membrane tube. And adjusting the difference in the speed of the front and rear pressure guide wheel sets, the original thick plastic film tube is laterally expanded and longitudinally extended to become a thinner stretch film tube, and then passed through a processing device. The shaped spikes are fixed into the shaped film tube. Finally, the fixed film tube is rolled up by the coiling and receiving system. The continuous continuous process has simple equipment, easy operation and low investment cost. 6 1273024 [Solid mode] The manufacturing method and apparatus of the present invention are further described in more detail below according to the preferred embodiment shown in the accompanying drawings: As shown in the first figure, the present invention The blown film forming manufacturing method and device for the plastic (PS) plastic shrink film tube comprises: an extrusion blown film forming system, an extension drawing device 2, a shaping processing system device 3, and a winding and receiving system device 4 The blown film forming system 1 is provided with an inlet funnel 11, an extruding mechanism 12, a circular extrusion die 13 and a circular air-cooling cooling device 14. • The extension drawing device 2 is provided with a heating device 18 and hot water. The box 21 and the circular shaped water tank mold 22. The shaping treatment system 3 is provided with a hot gas circulation device 28. The winding and receiving system 4 is provided with a reel 31. The above-mentioned extrusion blown film forming system device 1, the extension and extraction system Device 2 and The type of processing device 3 is provided with guiding plate sets 16, 24, 29 and speed control pressing bows | wheel sets 17, 19, 25, 26, 30. The manufacturing method of the invention is to put the polystyrene styrene plastic material into the blow. The feeding funnel 11 of the film forming system 1 is inserted into the extruding mechanism 12 * The extruding mechanism 12 is provided with a self-heating temperature uniform control device, which can heat the polystyrene plastic material (about 1801 C - 230 °) C is melted, and the snail is squeezed out, and is formed into a cylindrical rubber tube by rounding out the die 13, and then air is supplied to the die hose, and then @ is cooled by the circular air-cooling type cooling device 14. The blown film raw tube 15 formed into a D1 size is introduced into the hot water tank 21 of the extension drawing system 2 via the guide platen group 16 and the quick-pressing and pressing wheel set 17 and then folded into a flat shape to be heated. 18 is heated, the heating device 18 is provided with a temperature-controlled device of uniform temperature, and the blown film original tube 8 1273024 15 is inserted into the hot water tank 21 and then pulled by the speed-controlled pressure guiding wheel set 19, at this time, the blown film original tube 1 5 is continuously heated to gradually form a softened film tube 20, and the soft b-film tube 20 is passed through a round shape. Sink module 22, and then through the guide 24 and the platen set wheel speed control pressure lead 25 drawn to a given type of processing system which will be installed 3. In this process, since the blown film tube 15 has been softened by the heat of the hot water tank 21 (about 80oC -100oC), the blown film tube 15 is filled after the air pressure is applied to the blown film tube 15. There will be a balloon-like expansion. Further, since the cooling device of the cooling water channel is provided in the circular shaped water tank mold 22, when the blown film original tube 15 φ expands to contact with the circular shaped water tank mold 22, the expansion The film tube is cooled to fix the dimension D2, and the expanded film tube size D2 and the original blown film tube 15 size D1艮P are laterally extended. Furthermore, when the softening film tube 20M is driven by the front and rear speed control pressing wheel sets 19 and 25, the quick-pressing pressure guiding wheel set 25 is designed to draw the stretch softening film tube 20, that is, the front and rear sections. The difference in speed between the sets of wheels 19 and 25 stretches and softens the film tube 20, resulting in a straight extension effect, so that the softened film tube 20 is formed as an extended film tube 23, which is guided by the platen group 24 and The quick-pressing pressure guide wheel set 25 is folded into a flat shape and introduced into the shaping and processing system. 3. The speed-controlled pressure guide wheel set 2 (3 passes through the hot gas circulation device 28, and is formed into a D3 shaped film tube after contact with hot air. 27» is again guided by the guide plate set 29 and the quick-control pressure guide set 30, and is taken up for storage by the take-up reel 31 of the take-up and take-up system. The hot gas temperature of the hot gas circulation device 28 is on the cell example. The adjustment is set between the softening point of the plastic to the normal temperature (about 45 °C-653⁄4), so that the cooled extension film tube 23 is filled with air pressure in the tube and is expanded into a round shape film tube. At the time, since the temperature of 8 1273024 does not reach the plastic softening point, no expansion and expansion will occur. Since the film tube is slowly reduced and adjusted during the moderate heating process, it is formed into the aforementioned shaped hose 27, which is stable and stable, and is not easily affected by environmental and temperature changes. In summary, the present invention is a polystyrene (PS) plastic material used as a raw material, and is first formed into a blown film original tube by an extrusion mechanism of a blown film forming system, and then extended to draw a sputum device. Formed into an extended film tube, and finally formed into a shaped film tube by a stereotyped processing device, the device is easy to install and has a small footprint, low investment cost, and economic benefit, which not only improves The utility model has the advantages of work efficiency, low production cost, and is suitable for the shrinkage film tube made of general thermoplastic plastic, and the manufacturing method and the manufacturing device thereof are unprecedentedly known as an invention having novelty and industrial use value. Samples have been made* and tested to prove that they are of good quality. Please check one sample and one test report. Please refer to the review. [Simplified illustration] φ Figure 1 is a schematic view of the manufacturing apparatus of the present invention. [Description of main component symbols] 1. Extrusion blown film forming system device 2. Extension drawing device 3. Stereotype processing system device 4. Coiling and receiving device 11 .. human funnel 1 2 .. extruding mechanism & 1273024 1 3 .. round extrusion die 14 · round air-cooled cold trough device 1 5 .. blown film original pipe 16, 24, 29.'. Guide plate set 17, 19, 25, 26, 30·· Quick control pressure guide wheel set 18. 8 .. Heating device 20 .. Softened film tube 2 1 .. Hot water tank 22: Round shaped sink mold 23: Extension Membrane tube φ 2T..Fixed membrane tube 28. Hot gas circulation device 31.. Reel receiver