1238073 九、發明說明: (一) 發明所屬之技術領域 本發明係關於運動輔助器,其可由正在運動之人以不 同方式利用,例如協助舒伸四肢和身體強健運動,提供支 架運動在其上進行、或當使用人進行重量訓練等。本發明 的範圍不受運動輔助器被使用之任何方式所限希fj。 (二) 先前技術 Μ j\ \\ (三) 發明內容 本發明提供一種運動輔助器,其包括一個可膨脹之本 體,該本體具有一個外(表)面及至少一個可膨脹之組件在 至少部分的該外(表)面上。 該可膨脹之本體可具有任何適當形狀或形式的接合地 面之下端。舉例而言,該下端可能是平面或它可能以二度 或三度空間向外彎曲。 可將該可膨脹之組件或多數可膨脹之組件定位在可膨 脹本體外表面的所有或任何部分上。然而,其較佳者爲使 用該可膨脹之組件或多數可膨脹之組件於使用時,在本體 的上面。 可將可膨脹之組件劃分成爲多數節段而產生具有任何 適當形狀和大小的泡狀外觀塗飾至可膨脹之本體或其至少 一部分上。 此等節段可大體上延伸於所有的上(表)面,或任選其 一地,可被供以經相互間隔之多數的陣列且將它定位在上 1238073 (表)面上。爲了美學之原因,可將各節段之形狀 '大小和位 置變更來提供使用人之支持,來產生低滑表面或類似者。 本發明的一種形式中,至少一個可膨脹之組件或至少 部分的可膨脹之組件被定位並成形而形成使用人之頭枕在 本體上。 該本體可具有一個上面其包括一個座位區域,及可將 可膨脹之組件定位在接鄰該座位區域之本體的上面。該座 位區域可由一個凹進區域予以界定。可定位該可膨脹之組 件以便於使用時,其適於提供使用人的背部或部分背部之 支持。 在本發明的變體中,該上面通常是凹形或凸形,連同 將一或數個可膨脹之組件策略地定位和成形而提供所需要 支持的程度。 亦可能提供一種可膨脹之組件,再次地宜將它劃分成 爲多數的節段,在上面之一位置上以便該可膨脹之組件提 供對於使用人的一或兩大腿或上腿之支持。 可將該可膨脹之組件連接至本體以便本體和可膨脹之 組件一致可膨脹。或者,造成該可膨脹之組件以便其與本 體分開可膨脹。 可將該本體的至少一個上面自第一片的撓性材料構成 。可膨脹之組件可由至少第二片的撓性材料所形成,將該 第二片的撓性材料繫固至第一片的撓性材料而形成袋或包 封物’可使它連问本體而膨脹或與本體分開而膨脹且其界 定各個節段。 1238073 在本發明的一種版本中,形成一種組件其與本體分開 可膨脹,然後,將該組件以任何適當方式附著至本體。換 言之,雖然將該組件繫固至本體,但是組件和本體係自分 開之元件(例如片狀材料)所形成。 本發明之一較佳版本中,上面包括至少第一片的撓性 材料,而可膨脹之組件係由經繋固至第一片的撓性材料之 至少第二片的撓性材料所形成。各材料片可具有對比顏色 來增強運動輔助器的美學吸引力。舉例而言,本體可自具 有一或數種顏色之片狀材料所造成而使用於形成可膨脹之 組件之片狀材料可自具有對比顏色或透明材料所造成。 該本體宜使用該項技藝中所熟知之各種技術自塑膠片 板材料製成,且其容許片狀材料的鄰接部分相互繫固後, 例如,藉焊接或類似過程。 該本體可能經由第一單向塡充閥可膨脹而可膨脹之組 件可經由第二單向塡充閥分開可膨脹。唯可能將可膨脹之 組件及本體一致膨脹,而此方式可經由放置可膨脹之組件 與可膨脹之本體的內部相通予以實現。當需要時,可使用 一個附加之閥或數個閥將本體或可膨脹之組件或兩者快速 放氣。 可變更可膨脹之組件的位置和一形狀,尤其,是可膨 脹之組件的節段之位置和形狀(當將其劃分成節段時)以便 提供具有任何適當形狀的輪廓支持表面給運動輔助器之使 用人。舉例而言,腰部的支持可藉袋或節段予以提供,此 等袋或節段與坐在本體的上面或在其上正運動之使用人的 -7- 1238073 車父低s部區域接合。 (四)實施方式 附隨圖式的第丨圖至第4圖各自舉例說明:根據本發 明的第一形式之運動輔助器丨〇之來自—面(側視)、呈平面 、來自一端及呈透視等圖。 該運動輔助器包括本體12及各自可膨脹之組件ι4和 1 6,連同將每一組件劃分成爲多數的節段1 8每一節段類似 稍平的長方形泡。 本體1 2係自堅韌撓性塑膠片狀材料所造成。可將該項 技藝中所熟知之此型的材料適度形成爲任何適當形狀。可 將材料的重覺片使用焊接或亦是該項技藝中所熟知之相似 技術以防漏方式相互緊固。 本體12具有一個較低之接合地面2〇及一個上邊或上 (表)面22。將面20自本體的一端24向外彎曲至本體的相 對端2 6。在所述之方向,低面2 0是凸形,但是根據需要 ,可變更彎曲度。在橫的方向,見第3圖,該低面20大體 上是直線性或平的。 相似地,關於上面22,將本體以複雜方式彎曲自端24 進行至端26。述及第1圖,該本體具有一個凹陷之座位區 域3 0並使其向外彎曲在座位區域與端2 4間而提供接合大 腿或腿之區域3 2。在座位區域的相對邊上,亦將上(表)面 22向外彎曲,唯以不太顯著之方式,而產生一個接合背部 之區域34(其延伸至端26)。 述及第3圖,特別提及:在與端24和端2 6間之方向 1238073 成橫向之方向’上面22大體上是平的或直線性。 本體1 2係自能膨脹之一種撓性片狀材料所造成。顯然 ,當本體內部之空氣壓力增加時,該材料有向外膨脹之趨 勢。因此,雖然適度可將本體描劃輪廓成爲任何適當形狀 ,但是名義上,其可能是平的或直性線之一個表面仍然會 趨向於略爲向外彎曲。 本體1 2係藉板條予以內部支持而具有所需要之輪廓 ,將板條焊接至組成該本體之片狀材料內部。第1圖具體 實施例中,有三個板條(圖中未示),將其定位在本體內部 ’在各自之位置4 0、4 2和4 4上。此等板條,連同各條線 (將板條在其上內部焊接至本體)授予本體一個線狀或肋部 支撐之外觀及協助限制由於本體內部之內壓力,使本體自 原來設計形狀而變形。 將上(表)面2 2的節段1 8劃分成爲兩陣列,其各自組 成可膨脹之組件1 4和1 6且其大體上各自覆蓋前或支持腿 之區域3 2及支持背部之區域3 4。每一可膨脹之組件係由 ^ 狀材料50至形成本體的上(表)面之片狀材料52予 以形成’見第5圖。使用該項技藝中所熟知之技術,將兩 片狀材料沿著預定之線54相互焊接。實際上,經由審慎選 擇劃分片狀材料5 0成爲多數節段及定位焊接線5 4可將任 何適當型式的節段形成在上(表)面22上。此實例中,組成 可膨M之組件1 4之各節段每一者槪略大體上呈長方形,舉 例而θ ’見第2圖’且略小於組成可膨脹之組件丨6之各個 節段’其亦是長方形。 冬 1238073 第5 A圖相似於第5圖但顯示形成可膨脹之組件 方式,即:泡或節段構造。將兩撓性塑膠片5 0 A和 由沿著多數線5 4 A予以相互焊接而互連,形成一個 膨脹之組件1 8 A其開始與本體1 2分開,然後以任何 式與本體接合(以永久方式或以可拆開之方式)。舉 ’可將組件1 8 A經由使用鈎和環材料5 6以可釋放方 至本體(相似於以註冊商標Velcro所售者)或以永久 由使用黏合劑或焊接5 6附著至本體。將閥6 4 A連接 1 8 A且僅可使用於將該組件打氣,不將本體膨脹。 座位區域3 0大體上無可膨脹之節段,唯,若需 可將具有與其餘的上(表)面上之節段相同或不同大 加節段提供在座位區域中。 係爲該項技藝中所熟知之型式的塡充閥6 〇提 設備’因此可將本體內部加壓。宜將此操作使用一 (空)氣泵(圖中未示)而爲之。閥60可能在任何適當 _ _ 6 0可能是單向閥其容許將本體內部加壓且其 Μ來限制空氣自本體中逸出。當需要時,爲了容許 &速放氣’可設置一具空氣逸出之閥或放氣閥6〇 A ^ ® ’舉例而言,見第3圖。 根據需要’可膨脹之組件1 4和1 6可能連同本骨 @部一致膨脹。此方式簡單經由形成一或數個孔62 面22中之片狀材料52予以實現(見第5A圖)。或者 ’餘放置與組件丨4呈空氣連通之可膨脹之組件1 6, ^個分開之塡充閥64以便將此兩組件一起膨脹,或 的不同 5 0B經 整體可 適當方 例而言 式附著 方式經 至組件 要,亦 小的附 供一種 具適當 位置。 自動密 將本體 在適當 1 2的 通過上 ,關於 可設置 每一組 -10- 1238073 件可能具有一分開之閥。 運動輔助器10可由正在運動之人以各種方式來使用 。典型,使使用人坐在座位區域3 0上而使用人的腿在地面 70上。然後可進行不同運動例如仰臥起坐,腿抬起及類似 運動。當從事舉重或相似運動時,使用人亦可使用輔助器 1 〇作爲支持。在舒伸四肢和身體強健運動期間,可使用該 運動輔助器來提供支持,且如果需要,可將運動輔助器轉 動通過180°以便上面22倚靠在地面上,然後下面20提供 一個彎曲之表面給使用人做舒伸四肢運動、俯臥撐及類似 運動。關於此點,本發明的範圍不以任何方式受到限制。 本體12具有大體積而因此,相當容易變形來調整至坐 在或倚靠在本體上之人的重量,通常提供穩固支持給開始 與運動輔助器直接接觸之使用人身體的那些部分。可膨脹 之組件1 4和1 6(將其每一者劃分成爲多數相當小節段)提供 局部化或點支持給使用人連同每一節段,如果予以適當加 壓,有助於保持其形狀。又,達到甚大程度,由於其相當 π硬”本質,各節段或泡趨向於提供一個不滑動表面適合使 用人的大腿和背部和每一節段,提供可被不確切稱爲”按摩 效應π。 根據本發明的一版本,第6圖是相似於第4圖運動輔 助器1 0之第1 0 Α圖。運動輔助器1 〇 Α的多數觀點相似於 關於運動輔助器1 0已經敘述之觀點,因此,此等觀點此處 不再更進一步敘述。 運動輔助器1 〇 A包括經劃分成爲節段1 8的陣列之可膨 1238073 脹之組件1 4和! 6。一個大節段丨8 A經由選擇性減少此 段陣列中’焊接線的數目予以形成可膨脹之組件丨6中。 該節段1 8 A定位接近在,於使用時,其通常是運動輔助 的最高點上之終端26而藉以該節段1 8 A提供使用人之頭 或支持。 如果需要,頭枕的形狀和大小可經由使用更多之撓 片狀材料來界定節段1 8 A予以更進一步增加。 在每一具體實施例中,內部板條的數目及節段的數 、大小、形狀和位置可根據需要予以變更。如需要,可 可膨脹之節段或泡提供在本體的各面上或如需要,提供 下部接合地面之表面上,唯通常,僅爲了美學之原因而 能是正方形、圓形、半球形、橢圓形或具有任何適當形 〇 第7圖是根據本發明,另外版本之運動輔助器1 〇 B 透視圖,亦,於可適用時,使用相同參考數字來指示相 組件。該運動輔助器1 0 B包括經定位在各自組成可膨脹 組件1 4和可膨脹之組件1 6之各節段1 8間之凹陷座位區 3 0 A。將以虛線槪略所顯示之各自,兩個伸長彎曲之管狀 段8 0與8 2定位在鄰接本體1 2的相對應面8 4和8 6之座 區域的各邊上。節段8 0與8 2提供腰部支持的地位予坐 區域30A上之使用人下背部之各面。 弟8圖顯不·以爹考數字i〇c所示之本發明的另外 本。在其上(表)面上’該運動輔助器相似於第6圖中所 之運動輔助器1 0 A ’但是運動輔助器1 〇 a的下部彎曲面 節 將 器 枕 性 g 將 在 可 狀 之 同 之 域 節 位 在 版 示 2 0 -12- 1238073 係由大體上平的或直線性(不彎曲)下面20A所代替。此構 造的確限制運動輔助器"依樞軸旋轉”在地面上的能力,但 是在另一方面,該”平”表面20A提供更爲穩定支持予可能 從事體重訓練或類似者之使用人。 亦可將該上(表)面2 2之形狀變更,例如係平的、或平 面、傾斜或向外彎曲,具有可自由選擇劃分或分割成節段 之一或數個可膨脹之組件在所有或部分的上(表)面上。 第9圖是根據本發明的版本,運動輔助器1 〇 D之透視 圖,其具有一個可膨脹之本體1 2 D,自一面觀察其槪略大 體上是橢圓形,具有下面20D及上面22D每一者向外彎曲 ,即:大體上呈凸形,唯在橫方向,下面20D和上面22D 每一者標稱是平的或直線性。爲了形成一個區域在上面上 (使用人可坐在其上)不致容易自該面上滑下,將兩個相當 大的可膨脹之組件1 4 D和1 6 D各自定位在上面上,並各自 具有一個頭枕及多數的較小可膨脹之節段1 8 D。 以參考數字l〇E所示之第10圖具體實施例中,下面 2 0 F是凸形,而上面2 2 E是凹形。將上面上之可膨脹之組 件劃分成爲多數節段1 8 E,將彼等劃分成爲兩個相間隔之 陣列X和Y,具有腰部支持節段8 0 E和8 2 E在上面2 2 E的 中間部分之相對邊上。 顯然,運動輔助器的每一版本具有主要可歸因於本體 的形狀之獨特特性。唯在每一實例中’上面上之各個可膨 脹之組件或節段貢獻相似性質至本體1例如’對於使用人 之局部化支持,不滑動(即防滑)表面或類似者。 -13- 1238073 (五)圖式簡單說明 本發明參照附隨之圖式,經由實例予以更進一步敘述 ,圖式中: 第1圖是根據本發明的一種形式之運動輔助器側視圖 f 第2圖是第1圖中所示之運動輔助器的平面圖; 第3圖是以箭頭3的方向,自第1圖中所顯示之運動 輔助器的一端圖; 第4圖是第1圖中所顯示之運動輔助器的立體圖; 第5圖是運動輔助器的上(表)面部分之截面放大圖; 第5 A圖顯示第5圖中所舉例說明之另種形式的構造; 第6圖是相似於第4圖之根據本發明的第二形式之運 動輔助器圖; 第7圖是相似於第4圖之但是舉例說明可包括入本發 曰月的運動輔助器中之另種版本; 第8、9和1 0圖各自舉例說明本發明的運動輔助器之 另種形狀。 Ϊ要元件符號說明 10,10A〜10D 運動輔助器 12 本體 12D 可膨脹之本體 14,16 可膨脹之組件 14D,16D 相對大可膨脹之組件 1 8,1 8 A 節段 -14- 1238073 1 8D 較 1 8E 節 20 接 20E,20D 下 22 上 22E,22D 上 24 5山 m 26 相 30?30A 凹 32 接 34 接 40,42,44 位 50,52 片 50A,50B 撓 54 預 54 A 線 5 6 鈎 60,64 塡 60 A 放 62 孔 64 A 閥 70 地 80,82 伸 80E,82E 腰 84,86 相 面 長彎曲之管狀節段 部支持之節段 對應之邊 小之可膨脹節段 段 合地面之邊(或面) 面 (表)面 面 或邊1238073 IX. Description of the invention: (1) The technical field to which the invention belongs The present invention relates to exercise aids, which can be used by people who are exercising in different ways, such as assisting in stretching limbs and strengthening the body, and providing stent movements on it , Or when using people for weight training. The scope of the invention is not limited in any way by which the motion aid is used. (B) the prior art M j \ \\ (C) Summary of the invention The present invention provides a motion aid, which includes an expandable body, the body has an outer (surface) surface and at least one expandable component at least in part The outer (surface) surface. The expandable body may have any suitable shape or form for engaging the lower end of the ground. For example, the lower end may be flat or it may bend outward in two or three degrees of space. The expandable component or a plurality of expandable components may be positioned on all or any portion of the outer surface of the expandable body. However, it is preferred to use the expandable component or most of the expandable components on top of the body during use. The expandable component can be divided into a plurality of segments to produce a bubbly appearance of any suitable shape and size and painted onto the expandable body or at least a portion thereof. These segments may extend over substantially all of the upper (surface) surfaces, or, optionally, may be provided with an array of multiples spaced apart and positioned on the upper 1238073 (surface) surfaces. For aesthetic reasons, the shape 'size and position of each segment can be changed to provide user support to produce a low-slip surface or the like. In one form of the invention, at least one expandable component or at least a portion of the expandable component is positioned and shaped to form a human headrest on the body. The body may have an upper surface including a seating area, and an expandable component may be positioned above the body adjacent to the seating area. The seating area can be defined by a recessed area. The inflatable component can be positioned for ease of use and is adapted to provide support to the user's back or part of the back. In a variant of the invention, the top is generally concave or convex, along with the strategic positioning and shaping of one or more expandable components to provide the required level of support. It is also possible to provide an inflatable component, which should again be divided into a plurality of segments, in one of the above positions so that the inflatable component provides support for one or two thighs or upper legs of the user. The expandable component can be connected to the body so that the body and the expandable component are uniformly expandable. Alternatively, the expandable component is made so that it is expandable separately from the body. At least one of the bodies may be constructed from a first piece of flexible material. The expandable component may be formed of at least a second piece of flexible material, and the second piece of flexible material is secured to the first piece of flexible material to form a bag or envelope, which allows it to be connected to the body and Inflated or inflated separately from the body and it defines individual segments. 1238073 In one version of the present invention, a component is formed which is swellable from the body, and then the component is attached to the body in any suitable manner. In other words, although the component is fastened to the body, the component is formed from self-separated components (such as sheet materials) of the system. In a preferred version of the present invention, the above includes at least a first piece of flexible material, and the expandable component is formed of at least a second piece of flexible material that is secured to the first piece of flexible material. Each piece of material may have contrasting colors to enhance the aesthetic appeal of the motion aid. For example, the body may be caused by a sheet material having one or more colors and the sheet material used to form an expandable component may be caused by a material having a contrasting color or a transparent material. The body should be made from plastic sheet material using various techniques well known in the art, and it allows the adjacent parts of the sheet material to be secured to each other, for example, by welding or similar processes. The body may be expandable through the first one-way filling valve and the expandable component may be separated and expandable through the second one-way filling valve. It is only possible to expand the expandable component and the body uniformly, and this method can be achieved by placing the expandable component in communication with the interior of the expandable body. When needed, an additional valve or valves can be used to quickly deflate the body or expandable assembly or both. The position and shape of the expandable component can be changed, in particular, the position and shape of the segments of the expandable component (when divided into segments) in order to provide a contour support surface of any suitable shape to the motion aid People who use it. For example, support for the waist may be provided by bags or segments that engage the -7-1238073 driver ’s lower s area of the user sitting on or moving on the body. (IV) Embodiments Figures 丨 to 4 of the accompanying drawings each exemplify: the motion aid according to the first form of the present invention comes from the surface (side view), is flat, comes from one end, and is Perspective etc. The motion aid includes a main body 12 and respective inflatable components ι4 and 16 together with the division of each component into a plurality of segments 18. Each segment is similar to a slightly flat rectangular bubble. The body 12 is made of tough and flexible plastic sheet material. Materials of this type well known in the art can be suitably formed into any suitable shape. The material's weight sensing pieces can be fastened to each other in a leak-proof manner using welding or similar techniques well known in the art. The body 12 has a lower engagement ground 20 and an upper or upper (surface) surface 22. The surface 20 is bent outward from one end 24 of the body to the opposite end 26 of the body. In the above direction, the low surface 20 is convex, but the degree of curvature can be changed as required. In the horizontal direction, see Fig. 3, the low surface 20 is substantially linear or flat. Similarly, with regard to the upper face 22, the body is bent from end 24 to end 26 in a complex manner. Referring to Fig. 1, the body has a recessed seating area 30 and is bent outwardly between the seating area and the end 24 to provide a thigh or leg area 32. On the opposite side of the seating area, the upper (surface) surface 22 is also curved outwardly, but in a less significant manner, a region 34 (which extends to the end 26) that engages the back is created. Referring to FIG. 3, it is specifically mentioned that in a direction 1238073 in a direction transverse to the end 24 and the end 26, the upper surface 22 is substantially flat or linear. The body 12 is a self-expanding flexible sheet material. Obviously, when the air pressure inside the body increases, the material tends to expand outward. Therefore, although the body can be contoured to any suitable shape in moderation, one surface, which may be flat or straight, will still tend to bend slightly outwardly, nominally. The main body 12 is internally supported by a slat to have the required profile, and the slat is welded to the inside of the sheet-like material constituting the main body. In the specific embodiment of Fig. 1, there are three slats (not shown), which are positioned inside the body at respective positions 40, 42 and 44. These slats, together with the various wires (on which the slats are internally welded to the body), give the body a linear or ribbed appearance and assist in limiting the body from its original design shape due to the internal pressure inside the body. Deformation. Segments 18 of the upper (table) surface 2 2 are divided into two arrays, each of which constitutes an expandable component 1 4 and 16 and each of them generally covers the front or leg support area 3 2 and the back support area 3 4. Each expandable component is formed from a sheet-like material 50 to a sheet-like material 52 forming the upper (surface) surface of the body, as shown in FIG. 5. Using a technique well known in the art, two pieces of material are welded to each other along a predetermined line 54. In fact, any appropriate type of segment can be formed on the upper (surface) surface 22 by carefully selecting the sheet material 50 to become the majority segment and the tack welding line 54. In this example, each of the segments constituting the expandable component 1 4 is substantially rectangular, for example, θ 'see Figure 2' and slightly smaller than the segments constituting the expandable component 6 ' It is also rectangular. Winter 1238073 Figure 5 A is similar to Figure 5 but shows the way in which the expandable component is formed, i.e. a bubble or segment structure. The two flexible plastic pieces 50 A and 5 4 A are welded to each other and interconnected to form an expanded component 1 8 A, which starts to separate from the body 12 and then joins the body in any form (using Permanent or detachable). For example, the component 1 8 A can be releasably attached to the body through the use of hook and loop material 56 (similar to the one sold under the registered trademark Velcro) or permanently attached to the body using an adhesive or welding 56. The valve 6 4 A is connected to 1 8 A and can only be used to inflate the assembly without expanding the body. The seating area 30 is substantially free of inflatable segments, except that a segment having the same or a different size from the rest of the upper (surface) surface can be provided in the seating area if necessary. The filling valve 60, which is a type well known in the art, can pressurize the inside of the body. This operation should be performed using an (air) air pump (not shown). The valve 60 may be any suitable __ 60. It may be a one-way valve which allows the interior of the body to be pressurized and its M to limit the escape of air from the body. When necessary, in order to allow & rapid bleed ', a valve or air bleed valve 60 A ^ ® can be provided, for example, see FIG. 3. As needed, the swellable components 14 and 16 may expand in unison with the bone. This is achieved simply by forming a sheet-like material 52 in the surface 22 of one or several holes 62 (see FIG. 5A). Or 'I place the expandable component 16 in air communication with the component, and 4 separate filling valves 64 to expand the two components together, or the different 50B can be attached as appropriate in the overall manner. The way to the component is required, and a small one is also provided with a proper position. Automatically seal the body on the appropriate 1 2 pass, about can be set each group -10- 1238073 pieces may have a separate valve. The exercise aid 10 can be used by people who are exercising in various ways. Typically, the user is seated on the seating area 30 and the user's legs are on the ground 70. Different exercises such as sit-ups, leg lifts and the like can then be performed. When engaged in weightlifting or similar sports, the user may also use the assistive device 10 as support. The exercise aid can be used to provide support during stretching and stretching of the limbs and the body, and if necessary, the exercise aid can be turned through 180 ° so that the upper 22 leans on the ground, and then the lower 20 provides a curved surface for Use people to do stretching exercises, push-ups and similar exercises. In this regard, the scope of the invention is not limited in any way. The body 12 has a large volume and is therefore relatively easy to deform to adjust to the weight of a person sitting or leaning on the body, usually providing solid support to those parts of the person's body that are in direct contact with the motion aid. Inflatable components 14 and 16 (dividing each of them into a number of fairly small segments) provide localization or point support to the user along with each segment, which, if properly pressurized, helps maintain its shape. Also, to a great extent, due to its rather "pi" rigid nature, each segment or bubble tends to provide a non-sliding surface suitable for the use of a person's thighs and back and each segment, providing what may be referred to as the "massage effect". According to a version of the present invention, Fig. 6 is similar to Fig. 4 in Fig. 10 of the sports assistance device 10 in Fig. 10A. Most of the views of the motion aid 10A are similar to those already described with respect to the motion aid 10, and therefore, these points will not be described further here. The motion aid 10A includes an expandable 1238073 expanded component 14 and an array divided into an array of segments 18. 6. A large segment, 8 A, is formed into an expandable component by selectively reducing the number of 'bond lines' in the array of this segment. The segment 18 A is positioned close to the terminal 26 at the highest point of the motion assist when in use, whereby the segment 18 A provides the user's head or support. If desired, the shape and size of the headrest can be further increased by using more deflector-like materials to define the segments 18 A. In each specific embodiment, the number of internal slats and the number, size, shape and position of the segments can be changed as needed. If necessary, cocoa expandable segments or foams are provided on each side of the body or if required, the lower ground-engaging surface is provided, but generally, it can be square, round, hemispherical, or oval only for aesthetic reasons. Or have any suitable shape. Figure 7 is a perspective view of the motion aid 10B according to the present invention, in another version. Also, where applicable, the same reference numerals are used to indicate phase components. The exercise aid 10B includes a recessed seating area 30A positioned between each of the 18 sections constituting the expandable module 14 and the expandable module 16. Positioning each shown in dashed lines, two elongated and curved tubular sections 80 and 82 are positioned on each side of the seating area adjacent to the corresponding faces 84 and 86 of the body 12. Segments 80 and 82 provide lumbar support status to the user's lower back on the sitting area 30A. Brother 8 shows another version of the present invention shown by the daco number ioc. On the (top) surface, 'the motion aid is similar to the motion aid 1 0 A shown in FIG. 6', but the lower curved surface section of the motion aid 1 〇a will have a pillow g of The same domain node in the display 2 0 -12- 1238073 is replaced by a generally flat or linear (not curved) under 20A. This configuration does limit the ability of the motion aid " pivot " on the ground, but on the other hand, the "flat" surface 20A provides more stable support for users who may be engaged in weight training or the like. The shape of the upper surface can be changed, for example, it is flat, or flat, inclined or curved outwards. It can be divided or divided into one or several expandable components. Part of the upper surface. Figure 9 is a perspective view of the exercise aid 10D according to the version of the present invention, which has an expandable body 12D, which is roughly elliptical when viewed from one side. Shape with each of the lower 20D and the upper 22D curved outward, that is: generally convex, but in the transverse direction, each of the lower 20D and the upper 22D is nominally flat or linear. The upper surface (the user can sit on it) does not easily slide down from the surface. The two relatively large inflatable components 1 4 D and 1 6 D are each positioned on the upper surface and each has a headrest and Most of the smaller inflatable knots 1 8 D. In the specific embodiment of FIG. 10 shown by the reference numeral 10E, the lower 20 F is convex and the upper 2 2 E is concave. The expandable component on the upper side is divided into a plurality of sections. Segment 1 8 E, which divides them into two spaced arrays X and Y, with waist support segments 80 E and 8 2 E on the opposite sides of the middle part of 2 2 E above. Obviously, the motion aid Each version of has unique characteristics mainly attributable to the shape of the ontology. Only in each instance 'each inflatable component or segment above contributes similar properties to the ontology 1 such as' localized support for users -13- 1238073 (V) Brief Description of the Drawings The present invention will be further described with reference to the accompanying drawings through examples. In the drawings: Figure 1 is in accordance with the present invention Side view of a form of exercise aid f Figure 2 is a plan view of the exercise aid shown in Figure 1; Figure 3 is in the direction of arrow 3 from one end of the exercise aid shown in Figure 1 Figure; Figure 4 is the exercise assistance shown in Figure 1 Figure 5 is an enlarged cross-sectional view of the upper (surface) surface portion of the exercise aid; Figure 5 A shows another form of structure illustrated in Figure 5; Figure 6 is similar to Figure 4 Figure 2 of the exercise aid according to the present invention; Figure 7 is similar to Figure 4 but illustrates another version of the exercise aid that can be included in the present month; Figures 8, 9 and 1 Each of the figures 0 illustrates another shape of the exercise aid of the present invention. Ϊ Key component symbols 10, 10A ~ 10D exercise aid 12 body 12D expandable body 14, 16 expandable component 14D, 16D relatively large expandable Components 1 8, 1 8 A segment -14-1238073 1 8D than 1 8E section 20 connected to 20E, 20D lower 22 to 22E, 22D upper 24 5 m 26 phase 30? 30A concave 32 to 34 to 40,42, 44 position 50,52 pieces 50A, 50B flex 54 pre 54 A line 5 6 hook 60,64 塡 60 A put 62 hole 64 A valve 70 ground 80,82 extension 80E, 82E waist 84,86 long curved tubular section The expandable segment with the smaller side corresponding to the segment supported by the segment and the edge (or surface) of the ground (Table) surface or edge surface
對之端或邊 陷之座位區域 合大腿或腿之區域 合背部之區域 置 狀材料 性塑膠片 定線Opposite ends or edged seat areas, thigh or leg area, back area, material, plastic sheet, alignment
和環材料 充閥 氣閥 -15-And ring material charge valve air valve -15-