TW552526B - Editing method for sentence dictionary - Google Patents

Editing method for sentence dictionary Download PDF


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TW552526B TW91105957A TW91105957A TW552526B TW 552526 B TW552526 B TW 552526B TW 91105957 A TW91105957 A TW 91105957A TW 91105957 A TW91105957 A TW 91105957A TW 552526 B TW552526 B TW 552526B
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Kai-Ming Ye
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Kai-Ming Ye
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Application filed by Kai-Ming Ye filed Critical Kai-Ming Ye
Priority to TW91105957A priority Critical patent/TW552526B/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of TW552526B publication Critical patent/TW552526B/en



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The present invention relates to an editing method for sentence dictionary, which includes the following steps: closely arranging all the first phonetic symbols or letters of all the words in the sentence like a new word; then, closely arranging all or the last phonetic symbol or letters of the last word as the whole sentence code or the last sentence code for the sentence code of the sentence; next, editing and storing the sentence codes for all sentences to be edited in the code sequence in the memory or as a book to become the electronic database or sentence dictionary, so that it can be used to directly search the whole sentence to obtain the translation and other information; further, using other sides other than the binding side of the book to be labeled with code sequences arranged in sequence to be able to rapidly search (or using searching mechanism on computer).


552526 A7 B7 —一·^ _ —- 一 五、發明説明(-1-) (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 按,現今人們在學習外語(如英語)時,如遇一句話 不會講時只能查字典,一字一字去拼湊成想講的那句話, 既不方便又不貼切、不傳神,且往往跟外國人的講法不盡 5 相同;而電腦攜帶不方便,電腦、電子字典句庫很有限, 例句太廣泛、零散、不實用,又貴!所得偏低者往往買不 起或捨不得買!故全世界之使用普及率蠻低的,僅少數幾 個新進國家較佳;且目前市售之翻譯體系皆爲逐字替換配 合文法套用者,錯誤率及詞不達意等情況蠻嚴重的!另一 10 困擾爲,例如明明記得某句英語,書裡面有,可是忘了在 那一頁,也不知從何找起?常想,如果能有類似字典之句_ 龜_,而能直接查整個句子的話,多好! 有鑑於此,本案發明人乃藉其累積十數年教學之心得 及苦心鑽硏,終使本發明問世。 經濟部智慧財產局員工消费合作社印製 11 即,本發明之主要目的係在於提供有關於句子之句典 之編輯方法,其主要係將所有各種語文之句子,無論其組 成之字,原爲如圖案式(或如羅馬拼音)之漢字、或如拼 音字母組成之英文字、或如漢字與拼音字母合組成之曰文 字,一律皆予以轉換成其原語文體系之注音(各式拼音) ^ 符號或(羅馬)拼音或字母型態,再將句子中所有的字之 所有第一個注音(拼音)符號或(拼音)字母緊密排列在 一起成爲類似一個新字(以下簡稱新字),再與最後一個字 的全部或最後一個注音(拚音)符號或字母(如採全部者, 應扣除最後那個字的第一個注音、拼音符號或第一個字母 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4彡見格(210X297公釐) 552526 A7 B7 -2- 五、發明説明( (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) ,以免重複;以下皆同)全都緊密排列在一起而成爲全句 碼或末句碼;採用全部者以下簡稱『全句碼』;例如:lam here.其全句碼即爲iahere ,而非iaj^ere ;採用於新字後 5 面只增加最後一個『字』之最後一個注音(拼音)符號或 字母者,以下簡稱『末句碼』,例如:I am here·其末句碼 即『iahe』;而將此全句碼或末句碼做爲該句子之句碼,再 將欲彙編在一起之所有句子之句碼,依照注音(拼音)符 號或字母或拼音字母之排序順序,依照碼序彙編、儲存於 10 記憶體中或成冊,而爲電子資料庫或紙張式句典;查尋時, 依照類似查英文字典之方式,依循句碼之碼序,即可查尋 到所欲查尋之句碼、原文句子與諸如翻譯句...等資料者。 短濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 5新字』原本即可當作句子之『句碼』,但容易形成重複者, 即,不同的句子而其句碼卻相同;故『全句碼』或『末句 15 碼』之目的即是:當兩個句子所分別組成之『新字』完全 相同時,藉由增加該兩個句子各自的最後一個字的全部或 最後一個注音(拼音)符號或字母,而成『全句碼』或『末 句碼』,以便使兩個句子所分別組成之『全句碼』或『末句 碼』(即句碼)儘量不再相同,以減少句碼相同者;例如: ( ~ ) I am home.(二)I am here.(三)I am hungry 這 三句的新字皆爲『iah』;但它們的全句碼則分別爲.(一) me ( 一. ) LajLere (二)jahungry。末句碼則分別爲. (—)h c (一)l a h e (三)j a h y。故『i a h』可視爲主 要部份,而『h』後面之字母『ome』、『ere』、『ungry』與 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) Λ4規格(2丨0 X 297公釐) 552526 A7 B7 五、發明説明(_3_) (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 『e』、『e』、『y』貝(|可視爲『檢查碼』、『區隔碼』’兩部份 合成(完整)『句碼』。『末句碼』之優點是句碼較短,缺點 是前兩個句碼(iahe )則仍然重複丨『句碼』採用『全句 碼』或『末句碼』,可依所欲彙編在一起之所有句子之句碼 5 重複率之高低或句典之類別、用途、需求而選定之。 本發明之另一目的係在於提供利用成套之邏輯、公式 而得以將一篇文章、一本書或一個特定功能範疇中之(所 有)句子,全部都各賦予其一個代碼,其係取一句子中所 有的字的所有第一個注音(拼音)符號或字母或(拼音) !〇 字母緊密排列在一起,而成爲類似一個新字,再與最後一 個字的全部或最後一個注音(拼音)符號或字母再緊密排 列在一起成爲『全句碼』或『末句碼』,而做爲該句子之句 碼、編號,再將欲彙編在一起之所有句子之句碼,依碼序 彙編、儲存於記憶體中或成冊,而爲電子資料庫或句典..., is 以利查尋者。 經濟部智慧財產局員工消费合作社印製 本發明之又一目的係在於提供利用書冊裝訂之側以外 之其他各個側面,同時標示著照順序排列之碼序,以利快 速查尋者;其主要係(一)在書冊裝訂之側以外之其他三 個連續側面之上面一側,標示出所有句碼第一個字之注音 10 (拼音)符號或字母或(拼音)字母(按照順序)之第一 頁,以英文爲例,即在句碼第一個字母爲A者之第一頁(通 常會有若干頁),標示A,在句碼第一個字母爲B者之第 一頁,標示B,以此類推標示至Z爲止。(二)在連續三個 側面之上面一側的隔壁側面,於句碼第一個字母爲A者之 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X297公釐) 552526 A7 〜_^ 五、發明説明(_4_) 所有頁數之該側面,在句碼第二個字母爲A者之第一頁, 標示A,在句碼第二個字母爲B者之第一頁,標示B,以 此類推標示至Z爲止;於句碼第一個字母爲B者之所有頁 數之該側面,在句碼第二個字母爲A者之第一頁,標示A, 5 在句碼第二個字母爲B者之第一頁,標示B,以此類推標 示至Z爲止;以此類推,標示至第一個字母爲Z者爲止。 (三)在連續三個側面之第三面,於句碼第二個字母爲A 者之所有頁數之該側面,在句碼第三個字母爲A者之第一 頁,標示A,在句碼第三個字母爲B者之第一頁,標示B, 10 仿照以上(二)之步驟,以此類推標示至Z爲止(惟,可 藉由擴大紙張面積而可將三個側面,設計成六個或若干個 標示區域)。 如下之表一所示之標籤標示邏錯。 (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 § 1 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(2丨0 x 297公釐) 552526 A7 B7 五、發明説明(_5-) 句碼第一個字【上面一側(凸出之標籤、 句碼第二個字 ✓ Γ (左或右側) 句碼第三個字(下面一側、 (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) Λ 15 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 20 句碼第一個字 τ句碼第三個字 句碼第二個字 表~ 檢索(編輯程序之逆向程序可稱爲爲「檢索」動作) 時,例如要找Lam here.這句話,其『全句碼』爲iahere (其『末句碼』爲iahe )由(英漢句典)書冊之上面一側 本紙張尺度適用中國國家樣準(CNS)A4規格(210X 297公釐) 552526 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 A7 _ B7___五、發明説明(_6_) 之凸出之諸標籤中,翻至『i』處,接著由上面一側的隔壁 側面之凸出之諸標籤中,翻至(『i』之)『a』處,接著由 下面一側之凸出之諸標籤中,翻至(『a』之)『h』處,(依 此類推)……確實可找到句碼『iahere』(或『iahe』)以及 5 其原句子及其翻譯句 「我在這裡ι者( 足證本發明方法之可行性)。 本發明之再一目的係在於提供一種方法而將句子之 『句碼』直接當成一個『字.』,再將該新字直接視爲一個圖 案或符號或編號……,而直接設定或儲存於電腦或其他電 10 子裝置中,重複以上之程序,則可隨意將某特定或非特定 範疇之眾多句子之諸句碼,依照注音(拼音)符號或字母 或拼音字母(或稱爲代號)之排序順序(依照碼序)彙編、 儲存於記憶體中或成冊,而爲電子資料庫或句典,且得以 藉著普通、習知之檢索方式即可尋得該句子而獲得諸如翻 15 譯、解釋等資訊之功能者。 爲使 鈞審查委員對本發明有更深入的了解,玆舉一 實施例及測試結果,詳細說明如下: 以下爲一篇英文文章及其中文翻譯 Mv daily school life I always live a very busy school life. I have been expected to enter college since I become a senior high school student. Therefore,I am forced to work hard day and night. Every day I am weighed down with so many exams and tests. (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 本紙張尺度適用中國國家橾準(CNS ) Λ4規格(2丨0X297公釐) 552526 A7 B7 五、發明説明Γ7Ί (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁)552526 A7 B7 — 一 · ^ _ —- 15. Description of the invention (-1-) (Please read the notes on the back before filling out this page) Press, when people are learning a foreign language (such as English), if they encounter a sentence When you do n’t speak, you can only look up in the dictionary, and piece together the words you want to say, which is inconvenient, inappropriate, and not expressive, and is often the same as foreigners. Computer and electronic dictionary sentence databases are very limited. The example sentences are too extensive, scattered, impractical, and expensive! Those with low income often cannot afford or are reluctant to buy! Therefore, the usage penetration rate in the world is very low, and only a few new countries are better. At present, the translation systems on the market are all word-for-word replacement grammar applicators. The error rate and unsatisfactory words are quite serious! Another 10 problems are, for example, I clearly remember a certain sentence in English, which is in the book, but I forgot on that page, and I do n’t know where to find it? I often think that if there can be a dictionary-like sentence _ 龟 _, and you can directly check the entire sentence, how good! In view of this, the inventor of this case made use of his accumulated teaching experience of more than ten years and painstaking efforts to finally bring the invention to the market. Printed by the Consumer Cooperative of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs11 That is, the main purpose of the present invention is to provide a method for editing sentences and sentences. It is mainly to synthesize sentences in all languages, regardless of their composition. Chinese characters of the type (or, for example, Roman pinyin), or English characters such as the phonetic alphabet, or Japanese characters such as the combination of the Chinese character and the pinyin letter, are all converted into the phonetic alphabet of the original language system (various pinyin) ^ symbol or (Roman) pinyin or letter form, and then all the first Zhuyin (pinyin) symbols or (pinyin) letters of all the words in the sentence are closely arranged into a new word (hereinafter referred to as new word), and then the last All or the last Zhuyin (pinyin) symbol or letter of a word (if all are used, the first phonetic, pinyin or first letter of the last word should be deducted. The Chinese paper standard (CNS) A4 is applicable to this paper.) See the grid (210X297 mm) 552526 A7 B7 -2- 5. Description of the invention ((Please read the precautions on the back before filling this page) to avoid repetition (All the same below) are all closely aligned together to become a full sentence code or the last sentence code; all are referred to as "full sentence code" below; for example: lam here. The full sentence code is iahere instead of iaj ^ ere; Adopted in the last 5 words of the new word only adding the last Zhuyin (pinyin) symbol or letter of the last "word", hereinafter referred to as "last sentence code", for example: I am here · its last sentence code is "iahe"; and Use this whole sentence code or the last sentence code as the sentence code of the sentence, and then compile the sentence codes of all the sentences to be compiled together, according to the phonetic alphabet or alphabetical order, and compile according to the code sequence. Stored in 10 memories or volumes, and it is an electronic database or paper-based sentence dictionary. When searching, you can find the sentence code you want to search in a similar way to the English dictionary and follow the code sequence of the sentence code. The original sentence and materials such as translated sentences ... The 5 new characters printed by the Consumer Cooperative of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs can be used as the "sentence code" of the sentence, but it is easy to form repeaters, that is, different Sentences with the same sentence code; The purpose of "full sentence code" or "last sentence 15 codes" is: when the "new words" formed by two sentences are exactly the same, by adding all or the last of the last word of each of the two sentences Phonetic (Pinyin) symbols or letters into "full sentence code" or "last sentence code", so that the "full sentence code" or "last sentence code" (that is, the sentence code) composed of two sentences is no longer as possible The same, to reduce those with the same sentence code; for example: (~) I am home. (二) I am here. (三) I am hungry The new words of these three sentences are "iah"; but their full sentence codes are They are: (1) me (1.) LajLere (2) jahungry, and the last sentence codes are. (—) Hc (1) lahe (3) jahy. Therefore, "iah" can be regarded as the main part, and the letters "ome", "ere", "ungry" after "h" and the paper size are applicable to the Chinese National Standard (CNS) Λ4 specification (2 丨 0 X 297 mm) 552526 A7 B7 V. Description of the invention (_3_) (Please read the notes on the back before filling in this page) "e", "e", "y" (| Can be regarded as "check code", "segment code" ' The two parts are combined (complete) "sentence code". The advantage of "last sentence code" is that the sentence code is shorter, but the disadvantage is that the first two sentence codes (iahe) are still repeated 丨 "sentence code" uses "full sentence code" or The "last sentence code" can be selected according to the sentence code 5 of all sentences to be compiled together, the level of repetition rate, or the type, use, and need of the sentence. Another object of the present invention is to provide a set of logic, Formulas to assign all (all) sentences in an article, a book, or a specific functional category to a code, which takes all the first phonetic (pinyin) symbols of all the words in a sentence or Letters or (Pinyin)! 〇 Letters are closely packed together, It becomes a new word, and then it is closely aligned with all or the last Zhuyin (pinyin) symbol or letter of the last word to become "full sentence code" or "last sentence code", and it is used as the sentence code of the sentence. , Number, and then the sentence codes of all sentences to be compiled together, compiled in code order, stored in memory or book, and is an electronic database or sentence dictionary ..., is to facilitate searchers. Ministry of Economic Affairs The Intellectual Property Bureau employee consumer cooperative printed another aspect of the present invention is to provide the use of all sides other than the side bound by the book, and at the same time marked the code sequence arranged in order to facilitate fast searchers; it is mainly (a) On the upper side of the three consecutive sides other than the side where the book is bound, mark the first page of all sentences with the phonetic 10 (pinyin) symbol or letter or (pinyin) letter (in order) on the first page. English as an example, that is, the first page of the sentence code is A (usually there are several pages), marked A, and the first letter of the sentence code is B, marked B, Analogically marked to Z as (2) On the side of the next wall above the three consecutive sides, the paper size of the first letter of the sentence is A. The Chinese paper standard (CNS) A4 (210X297 mm) 552526 A7 ~ _ ^ 5. Description of the invention (_4_) On the side of all pages, the first page of the second letter of the sentence code is marked A, and the first page of the second letter of the sentence code is marked B, And so on until Z; on the side of all pages where the first letter of the sentence is B, on the first page of the sentence where the second letter is A, mark A, 5 on the second of the sentence The first page of the letter B is marked B, and so on until it is Z; and so on, it is marked until the first letter is Z. (3) On the third side of three consecutive sides, the The second letter of the sentence code is the side of all pages of the A, the third letter of the sentence code is the first page of the A, marked A, and the third letter of the sentence code is the first page of the B, Mark B, 10 Follow the steps in (b) above, and so on until Z (but the three sides can be expanded by expanding the paper area). Designed into six regions or several labeled). The labels shown in Table 1 below indicate logical errors. (Please read the precautions on the back before filling out this page) Printed by the Consumer Cooperatives of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs § 1 This paper size applies to China National Standard (CNS) A4 (2 丨 0 x 297 mm) 552526 A7 B7 5 、 Explanation of the invention (_5-) The first word of the sentence code [the upper side (the protruding label, the second word of the sentence code ✓ Γ (left or right) The third word of the sentence code (the lower side, (please first Read the notes on the back and fill in this page) Λ 15 Printed by the Consumer Cooperatives of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs 20 Sentence Code First Word τ Sentence Code Third Sentence Code Second Word Table ~ Search (Reverse Process of Editing Program It can be called "retrieving" action), for example, to find Lam here., Its "full sentence code" is iahere (its "last sentence code" is iahe) from the upper side of the book (English sentence dictionary) This paper size applies to China National Sample Standard (CNS) A4 (210X 297 mm) 552526 Printed on A7 _ B7___ printed by the Consumer Cooperatives of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs Go to "i", then from the side of the upper wall Among the protruding labels, turn to ("i") "a", then from the protruding labels on the lower side, turn to ("a") "h", and so on ) ... It is indeed possible to find the sentence code "iahere" (or "iahe") and 5 of its original sentence and its translation "I am here (to prove the feasibility of the method of the present invention). Another object of the present invention is The purpose is to provide a method to directly treat the "sentence code" of a sentence as a "word", and then directly treat the new word as a pattern or symbol or number ... and directly set or store it in a computer or other electronic device. However, if you repeat the above procedure, you can freely arrange the sentence codes of many sentences in a specific or non-specific category according to the phonetic alphabet (letter) symbol or alphabet or alphabetic letter (or code) order (according to the code sequence) Those who compile, store in memory or form a book, and use it as an electronic database or sentence, and who can find the sentence through ordinary and known retrieval methods, and obtain functions such as translation, interpretation, etc. In order for the Jun reviewer to comment on this I have a deeper understanding of the invention, here is an example and test results, which are described in detail as follows: The following is an English article and its Chinese translation. Mv daily school life I always live a very busy school life. I have been expected to enter college since I become a senior high school student. Therefore, I am forced to work hard day and night. Every day I am weighed down with so many exams and tests. (Please read the notes on the back before filling this page) This paper size Applicable to China National Standards (CNS) Λ4 specifications (2 丨 0X297 mm) 552526 A7 B7 V. Description of the invention Γ7Ί (Please read the precautions on the back before filling this page)

Heavy pressure from school work seems a burden to me. After stepping into the school in the morning,the students are supposed to be bombarded with the teachers5 nagging at the class mostly because of lessons. Besides, I ^ am also forced to give up my favorite extracurricular activities. This type of school life is a bore and often leaves me in dullness. How I wish to lead a colorful school life ! (全文翻譯爲:) 我的日常學校牛活 10 我一向過著忙碌的學校生活。打從成了高中生,我就 被預期要進大學。因此,我被迫著要日以繼夜地工作。每 天,我都沉重的負荷著很多的考試予測驗。 學校課業的沉重壓力對我似乎是個負擔。早晨進了校 門,我就預期被老師對全班的嘮叨所轟炸,大部分是因爲 15 課業的問題。此外,我被迫放棄自己所喜愛的課外活動。 這種學校生活是一件令人厭煩的事,而且也使我陷入於沉 悶中。但願可以過著多采多姿的學校生活。 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 以上爲一篇英文文章,依照本發明案所揭示之邏輯、 公式、方法,將全文中所有句子裡的所有的字之所有第一 20 個注音(拼音)符號或字母,緊密排列在一起而成新字, 再與最後一個『字』的最後一個注音(拼音)符號或字母, 全都緊密排列在一起成爲末句碼而做爲該句子之句碼,再 將全文之所有句子之句碼,依碼序彙編、儲存於記憶體中 或成冊,而爲電子資料庫或句典者。 本紙張尺度適用中國國家樣準(CNS &gt; A4说格(210X297公釐) 552526 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 A 7 · _B7_五、發明説明(_8_) 其執行結果如下:(英文句子之編碼、限定句子範圍方 式之小型『英漢句典』之編輯) asitsitmtsastbbwttnatcmbols After stepping into the school in the morning,the students % are supposed to be bombarded with the teachers5 nagging at the class mostly because of lessons.早晨進了校門,我就預期被老師對 全班的嘮叨所轟炸,大部分是因爲課業的問題 biaaftgumfeas Besides,I am also forced to 1 θ give up my favorite extracurricular activities. 此外,我被迫放棄自己所喜愛的課外活動 ediawdwsmeat^ Every day I am weighed down with so many exams and tests.每天,我都沉重的負 荷著很多的考試予測驗。 1 § hiwtlacsle How I wish to lead a colorful school life !但願可以過著多采多姿的學校生活 hpfswsabtme Heavy pressure from school work seems aburdentome.學校課業的沉重壓力對我似 乎是個負擔 ialavbsle I always live a very busy school life.我 一向過著忙碌的學校生活 ihbetecsibashsst I have been expected to enter college since I become a senior high school student..打從成了高中生,我就被預期要進大 (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS &gt;A4規格(210X297公釐〉 552526 A7 B7 _ -—丨 ---------—-—----- 五、發明説明(-9-) 學 mdsle My daily school life.我的日常學校生活 tiaftwhdant Therefore, I am forced to work hard day and night.因此,我被迫著要日以繼夜地工作 S ttosliabaolmids This type of school life is a bore and often leaves me in dullness.這種學校生活 是一件令人厭煩的事,而且也使我陷入於沉悶中 檢視以上,果真能達成如本發明所揭示之邏輯、公式、 方法之預期目標與結果(完成了本篇文章之英漢句典』、 ίθ 限定範圍句子式之小『英漢句典』);玆再予以測試:當使 用者要查尋 I always live a very busy school life.這句子 時,果然依照一般査字典之方式,由英文字母之排序即可 查得該句子及其翻譯:ialavbsle(末句碼) I always live a very busy school life.我一向渦著忙碌的學校牛活。 «3 41 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 (請先閱讀背面之注意ί項再填寫本頁) 以上之測試,其所得之結果亦是正確無誤的。 以下爲上一篇英文文章之翻譯全文 我的日常學校生活 我一向過著忙碌的學校生活。打從成了高中生,我就 被預期要進大學。因此,我被迫著要日以繼夜地工作。每 天,我都沉重的負荷著很多的考試予測驗。 學校課業的沉重壓力對我似乎是個負擔。早晨進了校 門,我就預期被老師對全班的嘮叨所轟炸,大部分是因爲 課業的問題。此外,我被迫放棄自己所喜愛的課外活動。 這種學校生活是一件令人厭煩的事,而且也使我陷入於沉 本紙張尺度適用中國國家橾準(CNS ) Α4規格(210 X 297公釐) 552526 A7 B7 五、發明説明Γ10)* ιο is 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 η 悶中。但願可以過著多采多姿的學校生活 以上爲上一篇英文文章之翻譯全文,依照本發明案所 掲示之邏輯、公式、方法將全文中之所有句子所有的字的 所有第一個注音(拼音)符號或字母,緊密排列在一起而 成爲類似一個新字,再與最後一個『字』的最後一個注音 (拼音)符號或最後一個字母全都緊密排列在一起成爲末 句碼而做爲該句子之句碼,再將欲彙編在一起之所有句 子,依碼序彙編、儲存於記憶體中或成冊而爲電子資料庫 或句典者。 其執行結果如下英文句子之編碼、限定句子範圍式 之小『漢英句典』之編輯) 门云乂勿考虫兮C厂虫厂勿勿万尸U亏一9 每天,我 都沉重的負荷著很多的考試與測 驗。 Every day I am weighed down with so many exams and tests. 兮方4力《史尸乂 i)勹u〈一 i)勿丁甘 打從成了高 中生,我就被預期要進大學Ihave been expected to enter college since I become a senior high school student.. 勿ϋ万一《史勿今勿卩勿丁丁尸厂乙 但願可以過著 多采多姿的學校生活Howl wish to lead a colorful school life ! 丁丁万一幻4虫一力勿乂厶厂尸勿弓 學校課業的沉 (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X297公釐) 552526 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 A7 _B7 _____五、發明说明Γ11》 重壓力對我似乎是個負擔Heavy pressure from school work seems a burden to me. ΐ史丁 丁尸厂尸一11力3 一匚勿尸儿〈一尸乂丁 门史厶S 這種學校生活是一件令人厭煩的 事,而且也使我陷入於沉悶中This type of school life is a bore and often leaves me in dullness. 卩力丁门乂1力尸勿 &lt;勺幻力勿厶厂史勿勹e 10 尸一乂 5 —勿乂古一早晨進了校 門,我就預期被老師對全班的嘮叨所 轟炸,大部分是因爲課業的問題 After stepping into the school in the morning,the students are 1S supposed to be bombarded with the v teachers7 nagging at the class mostly because of lessons. 方乂 乂勹女C〈卩11厶丁巧勿万乂厂勿厶 此外,我 被迫放棄自己所喜愛的課外活動 Besides, I am also forced to give up my favorite extracurricular activities .一今乂勺女史一 [3 — tl 一勿《卩乙 因此,我被迫著要 日以繼夜地工作Therefore,Ϊ am (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 本紙張尺度適用中國國家樣準(CNS ) A4規格(210X 297公釐) 552526 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 A7 B7_____五、發明説明Γ12:Γ forced to work hard day and night. 乂幻04 丁丁尸厂万 我的日常學校生活My daily school life 乂一丁《ΐΠ力勿丁丁尸厂l 我一向過著忙碌的學校 5 生活 I always live a very busy school life . 檢視以上,果真能達成如本發明所揭示之邏輯、公式、 方法之預期目標與結果(完成了本篇文章之『漢英句典』、 限定範圍句子式之小『漢英句典』);玆再予以測試:當使 10 用者要查尋 我一向過著忙碌的學校生活 這句子時,果 然依照一般「注音」查字典之方式,由注音符號之排序、 依序即可查得該句子及其翻譯: 乂一丁《虫门力兮丁 丁尸厂乙 我一向過著忙碌的學校生活I always live a very busy school life. 〇以上之測試,其所得之結果亦是正 確無誤的。 至於文,它的句子可能同時含有拼音字母與漢字, 實施時只要將漢字轉換成拼音字母,使全句皆成拼音字母 之狀態’再依上述之實施例之程序進行,其結果也是完全 正確成功的。 20 關於利用書冊裝訂之側以外之其他各個側面,同時標 示著照注音(拼音)符號或字母或(拼音)字母順序所排 列之碼序標籤,以利快速查尋者,其實施例如下: 【步驟一】將上述之如同市面普通裝訂法(裝訂側在 左側)裝訂成冊之『英漢句典』本子之上面一側,標示出 (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(2丨0X297公釐) 552526 A7 B7 —-«»-— -----— --— -- 五、發明説明(-13了 (請先閱讀背面之注意事項稃填寫本頁) 所有句碼第1個字母之由A至Z的順序,在第1個字母爲 A的眾多頁數中之第一頁’貼上一個凸出之標籤6Ά』’在 第1個字母爲B的第一頁貼上一個凸出之標籤『B』,…· 至『Z』爲止。 5 【步驟二】接著在本子之右面一側,將上述上面一側’ 依照步驟一所標示好的『A』與『B』兩標籤之間之所有頁 數,依同樣之方法,標示出所有句碼第2個字母之由A至 Z的凸出標籤,再在步驟一所標示好的『B』與『C』 兩標籤之間之所有頁數,依同樣之方法,標示出所有句碼 Ϊ0 第2個字母之由A至Z的凸出標籤;....至『Z』爲止。 經濟部智慧財4局員工消費合作社印製 【步驟三】接著在本子之下面一側,將右面一側,依 照步驟二所標示好的『A』與『B』兩標籤之間之所有頁數, 依同樣之方法,標示出所有句碼第3個字母之由A至Z的 凸出標籤,再在步驟二所標示好的『B』與『C』兩標籤之 »5 間之所有頁數,依同樣之方法,標示出所有句碼第3個字 母之由A至Z的凸出標籤;....至『Y』與『Z』者、『Z』 者爲止即完成標示。玆再予以測試:當使用者要查尋L always live a very busy school life.這句子時,其過程女口 下:(一)由『英漢句典』本子之上面一側,可看到『i』 20 之凸出標籤,翻至『i』處(二)由本子之右面一側,可看 到第一個字母爲『i』者之由A〜Z之凸出標籤,翻至『a』 處(三)由本子之下面一側,可看到第二個字母爲『a』者 之由A〜Z之凸出標籤,翻至『1』處,再繼續依照一般查 字典之方式查下去,由英文字母之排序即可查得該句子及 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X297公釐) 552526 Α7 Β7 五、發明説明Γ14Ι 其翻譯:ialavbsle I always live a very busy school life.我一向過著忙碌的學校牛活。以上之測試,其所得之 結果亦是正確無誤的。 玆再舉一實施例及測試結果,詳細說明如下: 5 關於提供利用書冊裝訂之側以外之其他各個側面,同 時標示著照順序排列之碼序,以利快速查尋者;其主要係 (一)在書冊裝訂之側以外之其他三個連續側面之上面一 側,標示出所有句碼第一個字之注音(拼音)符號或字母 或(拼音)字母(按照順序)之第一頁,茲以『英漢句典^ 10 爲例:即在场碼第一個字母爲A者之第一頁(通常會有若Heavy pressure from school work seems a burden to me. After stepping into the school in the morning, the students are supposed to be bombarded with the teachers5 nagging at the class mostly because of lessons. Besides, I ^ am also forced to give up my favorite extracurricular activities. This type of school life is a bore and often leaves me in dullness. How I wish to lead a colorful school life! (full text translates to :) My daily school cow life 10 I always live a busy school life . Since I became a high school student, I was expected to go to college. Therefore, I was forced to work around the clock. Every day, I carry a lot of tests to test. The heavy pressure of school work seemed to me a burden. When I entered the school in the morning, I expected to be bombarded by the teacher's puppets of the whole class, most of which were due to the problem of 15 homework. In addition, I was forced to give up my favorite extracurricular activities. This kind of school life is annoying and it also makes me feel bored. I wish I could live a colorful school life. The above is an English article printed by the Consumer Cooperatives of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. According to the logic, formulas and methods disclosed in the present invention, all the first 20 phonetic notations (pinyin) of all words in all sentences in the full text The symbols or letters are closely arranged to form a new word, and then the last Zhuyin (pinyin) symbol or letter of the last "word" are all closely arranged together to become the final sentence code as the sentence code of the sentence, and then All the sentence codes of the full text are compiled, stored in memory or booked in code order, and are electronic databases or sentence allusions. This paper size applies to the Chinese National Standard (CNS &gt; A4 scale (210X297 mm) 552526 Printed by the Employee Consumer Cooperative of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs A 7 · _B7_ V. Description of the invention (_8_) The implementation results are as follows: (English Sentence coding, editor of a small "English-Chinese Sentence Dictionary" that limits the scope of sentences) asitsitmtsastbbwttnatcmbols After stepping into the school in the morning, the students% are supposed to be bombarded with the teachers5 nagging at the class mostly because of lessons. When I was at the school gate, I expected to be bombarded by the teacher ’s crickets of the whole class, most of which were due to academic problems biaaftgumfeas Besides, I am also forced to 1 θ give up my favorite extracurricular activities. Extra-curricular activities ediawdwsmeat ^ Every day I am weighed down with so many exams and tests. Every day, I carry a lot of exams and tests. 1 § hiwtlacsle How I wish to lead a colorful school life! Diverse school life hpfswsabtme Heavy pressure from school work seems aburdentome. The heavy pressure of school work seems to be a burden to me ialavbsle I always live a very busy school life. ihbetecsibashsst I have been expected to enter college since I become a senior high school student .. since I became a high school student, I was expected to enter the university (please read the notes on the back before filling this page) This paper size applies to Chinese national standards (CNS &gt; A4 specifications (210X297 mm> 552526 A7 B7 _ -—— 丨 ------------------ V. Description of Invention (-9-) Learn mdsle My daily school life. My daily school life tiaftwhdant Therefore, I am forced to work hard day and night. Therefore, I was forced to work around the clock S ttosliabaolmids This type of school life is a bore and often leaves me in dullness. This kind of school life is annoying, and it also plunges me into Looking at the above in dreary, it can really achieve the expected goals and results of the logic, formulas, and methods disclosed in the present invention (Complete the English-Chinese Sentence Dictionary of this article , Ίθ Small English-Chinese Sentences with Limited Sentence Patterns); I will test it again: When the user wants to find I always live a very busy school life. This sentence, according to the general dictionary lookup method, from the English alphabet You can check the sentence and its translation by sorting: ialavbsle (last sentence code) I always live a very busy school life. I always vortex the busy school life. «3 41 Printed by the Consumer Cooperatives of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs (please read the note on the back first and then fill out this page) The above tests are also correct. The following is the full translation of the previous English article. My Daily School Life I always live a busy school life. Since I became a high school student, I was expected to go to college. Therefore, I was forced to work around the clock. Every day, I carry a lot of tests to test. The heavy pressure of school work seemed to me a burden. When I entered the school in the morning, I was expected to be bombarded by the teacher's uncle in the whole class, mostly because of problems with schoolwork. In addition, I was forced to give up my favorite extracurricular activities. This kind of school life is annoying, and it also plunges me into the standard of the Chinese paper (CNS) A4 (210 X 297 mm) 552526 A7 B7 V. Description of invention Γ10) * ιο is printed by the Consumer Cooperatives of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. I hope I can live a colorful school life. The above is the full translation of the previous English article. According to the logic, formulas and methods shown in the present invention, all the first phonetic transcriptions of all the words in all sentences in the full text (Pinyin) symbols or letters are closely arranged together to become a new word, and then the last Zhuyin (pinyin) symbol or the last letter of the last "word" are all closely arranged together to form the final sentence code. The sentence code, and then all the sentences to be compiled together, compiled in code order, stored in memory or book into an electronic database or sentence dictionary. The execution results are as follows: the encoding of the English sentence, the editor of the small "Chinese-English Sentence Dictionary" that limits the scope of the sentence) Men Yunying Do not test the insects, C factory bug factory, Do not the corpse, U lose a 9 every day, I have a heavy load There are many exams and quizzes. Every day I am weighed down with so many exams and tests. Xi Fang 4 Li, "Shi Shi 乂 i) 勹 u 〈一 i) Beding Ganda has become a high school student, and I was expected to enter the university. Ihave been expected to enter college since I become a senior high school student .. ϋ 不 ϋ 一一 "Shi Bejin Beding Dingding Corpse B. I wish I could lead a colorful school life! Howling wish to lead a colorful school life! Ding Dingyi Shen 4 Worm Yili Do n’t stab the factory corpse and bow school school sinking (please read the precautions on the back before filling out this page) This paper size is applicable to China National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210X297 mm) 552526 Ministry of Economics Wisdom Printed by the Consumer Cooperative of the Property Bureau A7 _B7 _____ V. Invention Description Γ11 Heavy pressure from school work seems a burden to me. 〈一 乂 乂 丁 门 史 厶 S This type of school life is a bore and often leaves me in dullness. 卩 力 丁 门 乂1 Force Corpse Don &lt; Spoon Magic Do not plant history Shi do e 10 corpse 1 do 5 — Do not enter the school in the morning, I was expected to be bombed by the teacher ’s crickets in the class, mostly due to the problem of schoolwork After stepping into the school in the morning, the students are 1S supposed to be bombarded with the v teachers7 nagging at the class mostly because of lessons. 方 乂 乂 勹 女 C <卩 11 厶 丁 巧 不 万 乂 厂 不 厶 Moreover, I Besides, I am also forced to give up my favorite extracurricular activities. 今 今 乂 匙 女 史 一 [3 — tl 一 不 《卩 乙 So I am forced to work around the clock. Ϊ am (please read the notes on the back before filling this page) This paper size is applicable to China National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210X 297 mm) 552526 Printed by A7 B7_____ of the Consumer Cooperatives of Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs Description of the invention Γ12: Γ forced to work hard day and night. 乂 幻 04 Tintin Corps My daily school life I always live a very busy school life. I always live a very busy school life. After reviewing the above, I can really achieve the expected goals and results of the logic, formulas, and methods disclosed in the present invention (Complete the "Chinese-English "Sentence Code", a small "Chinese-English Sentence Code" of limited sentence type); I will test it again: When making 10 users want to find the sentence that I used to live a busy school life, it really looks up the dictionary according to the general "zhuyin" This way, the sentence and its translation can be found by the order of phonetic symbols, and in order: 乂 一 丁 《虫 门 力 曦 丁丁丁 厂 一 I always live a very busy school life. 〇The results obtained above are correct. As for the text, its sentence may contain both Pinyin and Chinese characters. When it is implemented, as long as the Chinese characters are converted into Pinyin, so that the entire sentence is in the state of Pinyin, and then according to the procedure of the above embodiment, the result is also completely correct and successful. of. 20 On the sides other than the side bound by the book, the code sequence labels are arranged according to the phonetic alphabet or alphabetic or alphabetical order to facilitate quick searchers. The implementation example is as follows: [Steps A] Binding the above-mentioned "English-Chinese Sentences" book into a volume like the ordinary binding method on the market (the binding side is on the left side), and mark it (please read the precautions on the back before filling this page) This paper size applies China National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (2 丨 0X297 mm) 552526 A7 B7 —- «» -— --------- ----5. Description of the invention (-13) (Please read the note on the back first (Please fill in this page) The order of the first letter of all sentences from A to Z, on the first page of the number of pages where the first letter is A is “Affix a protruding label 6Ά” on the first The first page with a letter B is affixed with a protruding label "B", ... to "Z". 5 [Step 2] Next, on the right side of the book, place the above top side 'according to step 1. All pages between the labeled "A" and "B" In the same way, mark the protruding labels from A to Z of the second letter of all sentence codes, and then all the page numbers between the "B" and "C" labels marked in step 1, according to In the same way, mark all sentence codes Ϊ0, the second letter of the protruding label from A to Z; ... to "Z". Printed by the Consumer Cooperatives of the 4th Bureau of Smart Finance of the Ministry of Economic Affairs [Step 3] Then On the lower side of the book, use the right side to mark all pages between the "A" and "B" labels marked in step 2. Protrude the label from A to Z, and then mark the number of pages between "5" and "5" between the two labels in step 2. According to the same method, mark the third letter of all sentence codes. Protruding labels from A to Z; .. The marking is completed until those of "Y" and "Z", "Z". Test again: when the user wants to search L always live a very busy school life . When this sentence, the process of the female mouth: (a) from the "English sentence dictionary" above the side, you can see the "i" 20 convex Turn the label to "i" (2) From the right side of the book, you can see the protruding label from A to Z of the first letter "i", and turn to the "a" (c) from the book On the lower side of the child, you can see the protruding label from A to Z for the second letter "a", turn to "1", and then continue to look up according to the general dictionary lookup. Sorting can find out that the sentence and the paper size are applicable to the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210X297 mm) 552526 Α7 Β7 V. Description of the invention Γ14Ι Translation: ialavbsle I always live a very busy school life. Busy school cattle work. The results of the above tests are correct. Here are one more example and test results, which are explained in detail as follows: 5 Regarding the provision of all sides other than the side bound by the book, the code sequence in order is provided for quick searchers; it is mainly (a) On the upper side of the three consecutive sides other than the side where the book is bound, mark the first page of the phonetic (phonetic) symbol or letter or (phonetic) alphabet (in order) of the first word of all sentences. "English-Chinese Sentences ^ 10 as an example: That is, the first page of the person with the first letter of the presence code is A (usually if

IS 請 先 閲 A 之 注 項 再 經 濟 部 智 慧 財 ί 員 工 消 費 合 作 社 印 製 ao 干頁),標示A,在句碼第一個字母爲B者之第一頁,標 示B,以此類推標示至Z爲止。(二)在連續三個側面之上 面一側的隔壁側面,於句碼第一個字母爲A者之所有頁數 之該側面,在句碼第二個字母爲A者之第一頁,標示A, 在句碼第二個字母爲B者之第一頁,標示B,以此類推標 示至Z爲止;於句碼第一個字母爲B者之所有頁數之該側 面,在句碼第二個字母爲A者之第一頁,標示A,在句碼 第二個字母爲B者之第一頁,標示B,以此類推標示至Z 爲止;以此類推,標示至第一個字母爲Z者爲止。(三) 在連續三個側面之第三面,於句碼第二個字母爲A者之所 有頁數之該側面,在句碼第三個字母爲A者之第一頁,標 示A,在句碼第三個字母爲B者之第一頁,標示B,仿照 以上(二)之步驟,以此類推標示至Z爲止。至此,即完 成一種句典之編輯方法所另(附帶)提供之一種輔助檢索 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4说格(210 X297公釐) 552526 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 A7 __ _B7_ 五、發明説明Γ15Γ 方法。 測試時,例如要檢索找尋I love English.這句話,則 其末句碼爲,由(英_漢句典)冊子之上面一側之凸出 之諸標籤中,翻至『i』處,接著由上面一側的隔壁側面(通 5 常爲左側或右側)之凸出之諸標籤中,翻至(『i』之)『1』 處,接著由下面一側之凸出之諸標籤中,翻至(『1』之) 『e』處,….··即可找到句碼『ileL』以及其原句子I love EngHsh.以及其翻譯句 我愛英文(或其他資訊)者。 以上之測試,其所得之結果是正確無誤的。惟,可藉由擴 10 大紙張面積而可將三個側面,設計成六個或若干個標示區 域。 綜上所述,本發明句典之編輯方法乃在於提供有關於 句子之句典的編排方法,以利直接檢索整個句子而獲得諸 如翻譯、解釋等資訊之功能者。再者,本發明在申請專利 15 前並未見於任何刊物,亦未曾有公開使用之事實,也具有 產業上利用性、新穎性及進步性之專利要件,爰依法提請 發明專利,懇請鈞審查委員明鑒,惠予賜准專利,誠感 德便。 20 (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(2丨OX 297公釐)IS please read the note of A first, then the Ministry of Economic Affairs ’s Smart Finance, printed by the consumer consumer cooperative ao dry page), mark A, the first page of the first letter of the sentence is B, mark B, and so on to Z. (2) On the side of the next wall above the three consecutive sides, on the side of all pages where the first letter of the sentence is A, and on the first page of the sentence where the second letter is A A, on the first page of the sentence where the second letter is B, mark B, and so on until Z; on the side of all pages where the first letter of the sentence is B, The first page of the two letters is A, marked A, the first page of the second letter of the sentence is B, marked B, and so on to Z; and so on, marked to the first letter Up to Z. (3) On the third side of three consecutive sides, on the side of all pages where the second letter of the sentence is A, on the first page of the third letter of the sentence, indicate A, and The third letter of the sentence code is the first page of B, marked B, following the steps in (2) above, and so on to Z. At this point, you have completed an auxiliary search provided by (editing) a method of editing a sentence. This paper size applies the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 format (210 X297 mm). 552526 Printed by the Consumer Cooperative of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. A7 __ _B7_ V. Description of the invention Γ15Γ method. During the test, for example, if you want to search for "I love English.", The final sentence code is: from the labels protruding from the upper side of the book (English_Chinese Sentence Dictionary), turn to "i", Next, from the protruding labels on the side of the upper wall (usually left or right), turn to ("i") "1", and then from the protruding labels on the lower side , Turn to ("1") "e", ..... you can find the sentence code "ileL" and its original sentence I love EngHsh. And its translation sentence I love English (or other information). The results obtained by the above tests are correct. However, three sides can be designed into six or more marking areas by expanding the area of 10 large papers. In summary, the editing method of the sentence dictionary of the present invention is to provide a function of editing the sentence dictionary to facilitate the direct retrieval of the entire sentence to obtain information such as translation and interpretation. Furthermore, the present invention was not seen in any publications before the application for patent 15, nor was it publicly used. It also has industrial patentability, novelty, and progressive patent requirements. The invention patent was requested in accordance with the law, and the reviewers are kindly requested to make clear. Thank you for granting a quasi-patent with sincerity. 20 (Please read the notes on the back before filling out this page) This paper size is applicable to the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (2 丨 OX 297 mm)

Claims (1)

552526 A8 B8 C8 ^__ 六、申請專利範圍(-16-) l.一種句典之編輯方法,包括有: (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁} 將所有各種語文之句子,無論其組成之字,原 爲如圖案式(或羅馬拼音)之漢字、或如拼音字母組 成之英文字、或如、漢字與拼音字母合組成之日文字... 5 等,一律皆予以轉換成其原語文體系之注音符號或拼 音字母型態,再將句子中所有的字的所有第一個注音 (拼音)符號或字母緊密排列在一起成爲類似一個 『新字』,再與最後一個『字』的全部或最後一個注 音(拼音)符號或字母(採用前者、即全部者,應扣 1〇 除最後那個字的第一個注音、拼音符號或第一個字 母,以免重複;以下皆同,不再多予贅述;)全都緊 密排列在一起而成爲全句碼或末句碼,將此全句碼或 末句碼做爲該句子之句碼、編號(例如I am here.之 全句碼,即句碼,即爲『iabere』,而非『:ah^ere』; 1 5 其未句碼爲『iahe』;而I am hungry..之全句碼,即 句碼,即爲『iahungry』,其末句碼爲『iahy』;其中 新字Fi ah』可視爲主要部分,而『h』後面之字母 『ere』、『e』與『ungry』、『y』等則可爲『檢查碼』、 『區隔碼』;兩部份結合成爲『完整之句碼』),再將 20 欲彙編在一起之所有句子之句碼,依照注音(拼音) 符號或字母或拼音字母之排序順序依碼序彙編、儲存 於(電子)記憶體中或成冊,而成爲電子資料庫或句 典;使用時,將所欲查尋之句子中所有的字的所有第 一個注音(拼音)符號、字母或(拼音)字母緊密排 本紙張尺度適用中國國家梂準(CNS &gt; A4規格(210X297公釐) 552526 A8 B8 C8 D8_ __ 六、申請專利範圍() 列在一起成爲類似一個新字,再與最後一個字的全部 或最後一個注音(拼音)符號或字母全都緊密排列在 一起而成爲全句碼或末句碼,將此全句碼或末句碼做 爲該句子之句碼、編號,再依照注音(拼音)符號或 5 字母或拼音字母之排序、順序,即可以類似查(英文) 字典之方式,直接檢索、查尋到該句子,進而獲得諸 如翻譯、解釋......等資訊之功能爲其特徵者。 2.如請求專利部份第1項所述之句典之編輯方法,其 中如圖案式、象形式之漢字,一律將句子中所有的 10 字皆予以轉換成注音符號或(羅馬)拼音型態,再 將句子中所有的字的所有第一個注音符號予以緊密 排列在一起而成爲類似一個新字,再與最後一個 『字』的全部或最後一個注音(拼音)符號全都緊 密排列在一起成爲全句碼或末句碼,而做爲該句子 15 之句碼(編號),再將欲彙編在一起之所有句子之句 碼,依照注音、(羅馬)拼音符號之排序順序依碼序 彙編、儲存於(電子)記憶體中或成冊,而成爲電 子資料庫、記憶體或句典爲其特徵者。 3 .如請求專利部份第1項所述之句典之編輯方法,其 20 中如(拼音)字母所組成之英文字,一律將句子中 所有的字的所有第一個(拼音)字母,予以緊密排 列在一起而成爲類似一個新字,再與最後一個『字』 的全部或最後一個(拼音)字母全都緊密排列在一 起成爲全句碼或末句碼而做爲該句子之句碼(編號 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X297公釐) (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) -裝· 17 552526 A8 B8 C8 D8 六、申請專利範圍(_18_) ),再將欲彙編在一起之所有句子之句碼依照(拼音) 字母之排序順序依碼序彙編、儲存於(電子)記憶 體中或成冊,而成爲電子資料庫、記憶體或紙張式 句典爲其特徵者。 5 4.如請求專利部份第1項所述之句典之編輯方法,其 中如由漢字與拼音字母(注音)合組成之日文字, 一律將句子中所有的漢字皆予以轉換成日文拼音字 母(注音符號)型態,再一律將句子中所有的字的 所有第一個拼音字母(注音符號)予以緊密排列在 10 一起而成爲類似一個新字,再與最後一個『字』的 全部或最後一個拼音字母(注音符號)全都緊密排 列在一起成爲全句碼或末句碼而做爲該句子之句碼 ,再將欲彙編在一起之所有句子之句碼依照拼音字 母(注音符號)之排序順序依碼序彙編、儲存於(電 15 子)記憶體中或成冊,而成爲電子資料庫、記憶體 或句典爲其特徵者。 5.—種句典之編輯方法,包括有提供一種輔助檢索方 法,其主要即利用書冊裝訂之側以外之其他各個側 面依序,同時標示著照順序排列之碼序標示標籤, 20 以利快速查尋者;其主要係依照以下表一所示之標 籤標示邏輯標示者: (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) •裝. 、1&quot; 本紙張尺度逋用中國國家梂準(CNS ) A4規格(2丨〇X297公釐) 552526 A8 B8 C8 D8 -1 9 - 申請專利範圍 句碼第一個字【上面一側(凸出之標籤、】 句m%二撝字\句碼第三個字(下面一側、 (左諱右側)丨aT V. (請先閲讀背而之注意事項再填寫本頁) 10 15 τ句碼第三個字 g二個字 句碼第一個字 表 其主要即(一)在書冊裝訂之側以外之其他三個連 續側面之上面一側,標示出所有句碼第一個字之注 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X297公釐) 552526 A8 B8 C8 D8 ___六、申請專利範圍(-2〇-) 音(拼音)符號或字母或(拼音)字母(按照順序) 之第一(拼音)符號或字母或(拼音)字母(按照 順序)之第一頁,以英文爲例’即在句碼第一個字 母爲A者之第一頁(通常會有若干頁),標示A, 5 在句碼第一個字母爲B者之第一頁,標示B,以此 類推標示至Z爲止;(二)在連續三個側面之上面 一側的隔壁側面,於句碼第一個字母爲A者之所 有頁數之該側面,在句碼第二個字母爲A者之第 一頁,標示A,在句碼第二個字母爲B者之第一 1〇 頁,標示B,以此類推標示至Z爲止;於句碼第一 個字母爲B者之所有頁數之該側面,在句碼第二 個字母爲A者之第一頁,標示A,在句碼第二個 字母爲B者之第一頁,標示B,以此類推標示至Z 爲止;以此類推,標示至第一個字母爲2者爲止; 15 (三)在連續三個側面之第三面,於句碼第二個字 母爲A者之所有頁數之該側面,在句碼第三個字 母爲A者之第一頁,標示A,在句碼第三個字母 爲B者之第一頁,標示B,仿照以上(二)之步驟, 以此類推標示至Z爲止;惟,可藉由擴大紙張面積 20 而可將三個側面,設計成六個(若干個)標示區域 ,爲其特徵者。 (請先Μ讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 本紙張尺度適用中國國家橾準(CNS ) Α4規格(210Χ 297公釐)552526 A8 B8 C8 ^ __ VI. Scope of Patent Application (-16-) l. A method of editing a sentence, including: (Please read the notes on the back before filling out this page} Put all sentences in all languages, regardless of their composition The Chinese characters, such as patterned (or Roman Pinyin) characters, or English characters, such as Pinyin letters, or Japanese characters, such as Chinese characters and Pinyin letters, are all converted to their originals. The phonetic symbol or pinyin type of the language system, and then all the first phonetic (pinyin) symbols or letters of all the words in the sentence are closely arranged into a "new word", and then the last "word" All or the last Zhuyin (pinyin) symbol or letter (in the former, that is, all, the first Zhuyin, pinyin, or the first letter of the last word should be deducted to avoid repetition; the following are the same, no longer More details;) All of them are closely arranged together to become the full sentence code or the last sentence code. Use this full sentence code or the last sentence code as the sentence code and number of the sentence (such as the full sentence code of I am here. That is, the sentence code is "iabere", not ": ah ^ ere"; 1 5 Its unsentence code is "iahe"; and the full sentence code of I am hungry .. is the sentence code, which is "iahungry" , The last sentence code is "iahy"; the new word Fi ah can be regarded as the main part, and the letters "ere", "e" and "ungry", "y", etc. after "h" can be "check codes" "," Segmentation Code "; the two parts are combined into" Complete Sentence Code "), and then the 20 sentence codes of all sentences to be compiled together are in accordance with the phonetic alphabet (phonetic) symbol or the alphabetical order of the alphabet or phonetic alphabet. Code sequence compilation, storage in (electronic) memory or book, and become an electronic database or sentence; when used, all the first phonetic (pinyin) symbols, letters of all the words in the sentence to be searched Or (Pinyin) letters are closely arranged. The paper size is applicable to China National Standards (CNS &gt; A4 specification (210X297 mm) 552526 A8 B8 C8 D8_ __ VI. Patent application scope () is listed together as a new word, and then All or last Zhuyin (Pinyin) ) Symbols or letters are all arranged closely together to form a full sentence or final sentence code. Use this full sentence or final sentence code as the sentence code and number of the sentence, and then follow the phonetic (Pinyin) symbol or 5 letters or Pinyin The sorting and order of the letters can be similar to searching (English) dictionary, directly searching and searching the sentence, and then obtaining information such as translation, interpretation, etc. as its characteristics. 2. If requested The editing method of the sentence code described in the first part of the patent part, such as pattern-type, elephant-like Chinese characters, all 10 words in the sentence are all converted into Zhuyin or (Roman) pinyin, and then the sentence All the first Zhuyin symbols of all the words are closely arranged together to become a new word, and then all or the last Zhuyin (pinyin) symbols of the last "word" are closely arranged together to form a full sentence or the end Sentence code, which is the 15th sentence code (number) of the sentence, and then the sentence codes of all sentences to be compiled together, according to the order of the phonetic alphabet and (Roman) phonetic symbols Compiled, stored in the (electronic) memory or in book form, and become electronic database, memory or its characteristics are typical sentence. 3. According to the method of editing the sentence code described in item 1 of the patent claim, the English words composed of (Pinyin) letters in 20 are all the first (Pinyin) letters of all the words in the sentence. Closely arranged together to become a new word, and then all or the last (pinyin) letters of the last "word" are closely arranged together to become the full sentence code or the last sentence code as the sentence code of the sentence (number This paper size applies the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210X297 mm) (Please read the precautions on the back before filling out this page)-Packing · 17 552526 A8 B8 C8 D8 VI. Patent Application Scope (_18_)), then The sentence codes of all sentences to be compiled together are compiled in code order according to the alphabetical order, stored in (electronic) memory or in a book, and become an electronic database, memory or paper-type sentence. Its characteristics. 5 4. The editing method of the sentence dictionary as described in item 1 of the patent claim, where all the Chinese characters in the sentence are converted into Japanese Pinyin letters (such as Japanese characters composed of Chinese characters and Pinyin letters) (Phonetic symbols), all the first pinyin letters (phonetic symbols) of all the words in the sentence are closely arranged together to become a new word, and then all or the last of the last "word" Pinyin letters (Zhuyin symbols) are all arranged closely together to become the full or final sentence code as the sentence code of the sentence, and then the sentence codes of all sentences to be assembled together are in accordance with the alphabetical order Compiled in code sequence, stored in (electricity 15 sub) memory or book, and become an electronic database, memory or sentence as its characteristics. 5. — A method of editing a sentence dictionary, including providing an auxiliary search method, which mainly uses other sides beside the book binding side in order, and at the same time marks the code labels in order, in order to facilitate quick search It is mainly marked according to the label shown in Table 1 below: (Please read the precautions on the back before filling out this page) • Install., 1 &quot; This paper size is in accordance with China National Standards (CNS) A4 Specification (2 丨 〇X297 mm) 552526 A8 B8 C8 D8 -1 9-Patent application scope Sentence code first word [upper side (protruding label,] sentence m% two 撝 character \ sentence code third Characters (bottom side, (left tab, right side)) aT V. (Please read the precautions before filling in this page) 10 15 τ sentence code third word g two words sentence code first word list its main That is, (1) On the upper side of the three consecutive sides other than the side where the book is bound, the first word of all sentences is marked. The paper size applies to the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 (210X297 mm) 552526 A8 B8 C8 D8 ___Six 2. The first page of the (-2〇-) phonetic (Pinyin) symbol or letter or (Pinyin) letter (in order), the first page of (Pinyin) symbol or letter or (Pinyin) letter (in order) English as an example ', that is, the first page of the sentence code is A on the first page (usually there are several pages), marked A, 5 The first letter of the sentence code is B on the first page, marked B, with And so on until Z; (2) on the side of the next wall above the three consecutive sides, on the side of all pages where the first letter of the sentence is A, and on the second letter of the sentence, A The first page of the sentence is marked A, the first 10 pages of the sentence with the second letter B is marked B, and so on until Z; the first letter of the sentence is all pages of the B On the side of the number, mark A on the first page where the second letter of the sentence is A, mark B on the first page where the second letter of the sentence is B, and so on to Z; And so on, until the first letter is 2; 15 (three) on the third side of three consecutive sides, the second letter in the sentence code For the side of all pages of A, the first page of the third letter of the sentence is A, and A is the first page of the third letter of the sentence, and the B is marked, following the above ( (B) steps, and so on to mark until Z; However, by expanding the paper area of 20, three sides can be designed into six (several) marked areas as its characteristics. (Please read it first) Note on the back, please fill in this page again) This paper size applies to China National Standard (CNS) Α4 size (210 × 297 mm)
TW91105957A 2002-03-23 2002-03-23 Editing method for sentence dictionary TW552526B (en)

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TW91105957A TW552526B (en) 2002-03-23 2002-03-23 Editing method for sentence dictionary

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