TW498133B - Flow rate balance regulating device of water pump - Google Patents

Flow rate balance regulating device of water pump Download PDF


Publication number
TW498133B TW90112020A TW90112020A TW498133B TW 498133 B TW498133 B TW 498133B TW 90112020 A TW90112020 A TW 90112020A TW 90112020 A TW90112020 A TW 90112020A TW 498133 B TW498133 B TW 498133B
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control valve
valve plate
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Chinese (zh)
De-Huan Shen
Original Assignee
De-Huan Shen
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Application filed by De-Huan Shen filed Critical De-Huan Shen
Priority to TW90112020A priority Critical patent/TW498133B/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of TW498133B publication Critical patent/TW498133B/en



  • Fluid-Driven Valves (AREA)


This invention relates to a flow rate balance regulating device of water pump, comprising a control valve provided on the inlet pipe of the water pump, having a rectangular containing chamber inside capable of containing a flat control valve plate. A cylinder body is provided on the top of containing chamber, and the valve plate has a piston component on the top end capable of being inserted in the cylinder body. The control valve can be connected to the outlet piping of the water pump, to guide the pressure of the outlet piping into the cylinder body, to generate vertical displacement on piston component by water pressure pushing. Two elastic elements are provided on both sides of the control valve plate, and compressed while the control valve plate displaces downwards and pushing the control valve plate to displace upwards. With the assembly of the aforementioned components, the altitude position of the control valve plate can be altered by the interaction of the water pressure of the outlet piping and the elastic force of the elastic element.


經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 498133 | Α7 、 B7 五、發明説明() 發明背景: 本發明係為一種水壓機流量平衡調節裝置,持別是指 一種使用在壓力開關控制式衡壓水壓機之水壓機流量平衡 調節裝置。 按,目前一^般的大樓及其他公共場所之供水糸統為了 維持供水管路的水壓穩定,且使得建築物內各處皆可維持 適當的水歷,因此通常會在供水管路上設置用Μ穩定水壓 的水壓機。而用以控制穩壓用水壓機的控制糸統,依其構 造主要可分為機械式的壓差式水壓機,及使用變頻馬達控 制之變頻式恆壓式水壓機。 其中變頻式的垣壓水壓機係使用可改變轉速的變頻式 馬達驅動加壓泵浦,搭配一個變頻器控制馬達的轉速。變 頻器係可受一個水壓感測器控制,而改變該變頻馬達的轉 速。其蓮作方式,係為藉由水壓感測裝置感測供水管路的 壓力,當管路壓力低時,可控制馬達Μ較高的轉速蓮轉, 而當水壓接近供水管路的水壓上限時,便降低馬達的轉速 ,而當水壓超過壓力上限時,便控制馬達停止蓮轉。因此 當供水管路的用水量大時,管路的壓力下降幅度較大,此 時變頻器便可以控制馬達以較高的轉速運轉,將泉浦的出 水量提升,使供水管路的壓力上升;而當供水管路的用水 量小時,則供水管路的壓力下降幅度較小,此時變頻器便 可Μ控制馬達Μ較低的轉速運轉,使得栗浦的出水量減少 ,使供水管路的壓力不會快速上升。 變頻式短壓水壓機之優點係可以藉由變頻器控制加壓 -2 - 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) Α4規格(210X297公釐) I I n 批衣 I 訂 I. n H線 (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 498133 A7 B7 _____ 五、發明説明() 請 先 閲 讀 背 面 i 事 項 再 填 馬達的轉速,使得泵浦的出水量可以與供水管路的用水量 配合,因此可Μ精確地控制馬達的轉速,而避免馬達啟動 後,供水管路壓力快速上升,而使得馬達急速啟動後又立 刻停止的情形,因此可以使水壓機馬達平順地運轉,且馬 達的蓮轉效率提升,節省能源。 訂 然而變頻式恆壓水壓機必須採用構造複雜的變頻式馬 達,且變頻控制器的成本相當昂貴,因此該種變頻式水壓 機的售價相當高昂,且其維修保養的成本也相當高。而且 變頻器使用時會產生高熱,因此水壓機的控制箱必須設置 適當的散熱糸統,且使用時常常會因為過熱而使得變頻器 燒毀。由於Μ上原因,習用的變頻式恆壓水壓機的成本昂 貴,且維修保養不易,因此變頻式水壓機通常僅能夠在大 型的供水系統使用。 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 另一種機械式壓差式水壓機則是使用一個壓力開關控 制馬達的啟動與停止,該馬達係使用固定轉速的馬達,而 該壓力開關係可設定一壓力上限與一壓力下限,當供水管 路的水壓低於壓力下限時,便啟動馬達帶動泵浦加壓;而 當管路壓力高於壓力上限時,便控制馬達停止運轉,直到 供水管路的壓力因為管路用水消耗而使得水歷降低到壓力 下限Μ後,才又再重新啟動馬達加壓。另外,為了延遲供 水管路壓力上升與下降的速度,該供水管路通常會在水壓 機的出口設置一儲壓筒,該儲壓筒內部係可盛裝空氣或是 彈性膜,其可儲存水膣,當水壓機啟動加壓時,水流進 入到儲壓筒內,而當水壓機停止蓮轉後,則可藉由儲壓筒 一3 — 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X29?公釐) A7 498133 B7 五、發明説明() 的空氣壓力或膜片的壓力將水流注入到供水管路中,以媛 和供水管路壓力下降的速度。 該種機械壓差式水壓機因為使用的馬達構造及控制糸 統較為簡單,因此整體構造也較為簡單,且成本相對低廉 ,操作維修工作也較為容易,然而其使用的馬達係Μ固定 轉速蓮轉,因此當壓力開關控制該水壓機的馬達啟動後, 水壓機的泵浦便只能夠以最大的出水量供水,因此不論供 水管路的用水量如何,水壓機的泵浦出水量皆維持固定的 流量。 而水壓機為了要能夠符合供水管路在用水尖峰時刻的 流量,因此其使用的泵浦的出水能量必須要能夠符合尖峰 用水狀況的流量,才能夠提供足夠的出水流量。然而,當 供水管路在用水離峰時段時,供水管路的用水量雖然減小 ,但是水懕機馬達仍然只能夠Μ全速運轉,因此使得泵浦 的出水量遠高於供水管路的用水需求量,當水壓機啟動後 ,短時間內供水管路的壓力便會上升超過壓力開關所設定 的壓力上限,水壓機馬達啟動後,在短時間内便會立刻停 止,因此使得馬達的啟動與停止動作變得相當頻繁。 而馬達在運轉時,最耗電的時刻便是啟動的一瞬間, 因此馬達頻繁地啟動與停止便會造成相當嚴重的電力消耗 。而且在供水管路低用水狀態下,水壓機的馬達仍然Μ全 速蓮轉,使得水壓機馬達仍然維持高用水狀態的高耗電狀 態,因此造成了不小的能源消耗。而且更嚴重的是在低用 水狀態下,水壓機泵浦的出水流量遠高於供水管路的用水 一 4- 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) Α4規格(21〇Χ297公釐) — 裝 訂 線 (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 498133 A7 五、發明説明() 量,水壓機泵浦的出口管路會造成嚴重的壓力反壓,使得 水壓機泵浦的運轉負荷更為加重,水壓機馬達電力消耗的 情形也非常嚴重。 由於Μ上之原因,習用的水壓機穗壓裝置使用上存有 相當多之缺點,而有改進之必要,本發明人有鑑於此,乃 苦思细索,積極研究,加Μ多年從事相關產品研發之經驗 ,並經不斷試驗及改良,終於發展出本發明。 發明概述: 本發明之主要目的,係在於提供一種可Μ避免水壓機 急速啟動停止,減少能源消耗之情形之水壓機流量平衡調 節裝置。 本發明之另一目的,在提供一種可以使得水壓機之出 水量與供水管路之用水狀態配合,Μ避免水壓機出水量大 於用水量,造成能源消耗之水壓機流量平衡調節裝置。 本發明之又一目的,係在提供一種可以搭配機械式壓 差式水壓機使用,而使得機械式壓差式水壓機能夠發揮與 變頻式水壓機接近功效之水壓機流量平衡調節裝置。 本發明為達成上述及其他目的,其所採用之技術手段 、元件及其功效茲採一較佳實施例配合相關圖式詳細說明 如下。 圖式說明: 圖1係為本發明之水壓機流量平衡調節裝置裝置於一水壓 機供水糸統之具體實施例的構造示意圖。 圖2係為本發明所使用之控制閥的組合剖面圖。 一 5- 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) Α4規格(210 X 297公釐) (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填* .寫本頁 訂 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 498133 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 11水流通道 14容納室 17水壓入口 19卡合部 21進口管路 23連接管 25儲壓筒 31活塞構件 33螺栓 35墊圏 Α7 Β7 五、發明説明() 圖3係為本發明之控制閥的控制閥>={受水壓推動向下位移 的動作示意圖。 圖4係為本發明之控制閥沿圖2之1-1線所取之剖面圖。 圖5係為本發明之控制閥沿圖2之2-2線所取之剖面圖。 圖號說明: 10控制閥 12、13塊狀體 15姐體 18容納槽 20水壓機 22出口管路 24壓力開關 30控制閥片 32閥舌 34凸緣 36密封構件 40彈性元件 詳细說明: 如圖1及圖2所示,本發明之水壓機流量平衡調節裝置 其中包括:一控制閥10,係可裝置於一水壓機20的進口管 路21之上(如圖1所示);及一連接管23,係從該水壓機之 出口管路22連接到該控制閥10,用Μ將水壓機20之出口管 路22的的水壓導引進入該控制閥10之中;及一壓力開關24 ,係設置在該出口管路22之上,用Μ慼測該出口管路22的 一6一 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) Α4規格(210Χ297公釐) I. I-----I 訂 線 (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 498133 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 A7 _B7_五、發明説明() 水壓,並可控制該水壓機20的啟動與停止;及一儲壓筒25 ,係設置在該出口管路22之上,用Μ儲存該出口管路22的 水壓◦該控制閥10內部具有一控制閥Μ30,該控制閥片30 係可受該出口管路22的水壓推動,而產生垂直方向的位移 ,藉此改變該控制閥10的流童,而使得該水壓機20之進水 管路21的流量改變,藉Μ使得該水壓機20在不同用水狀態 下,具有不同的出水量(容後再述)。 該控制閥10内部的下方具有一個水流通道11 ;及一控 制閥片30,係可垂直滑動地裝置於該控制閥1〇之中,該控 制閥片30的底端係可插入到該水流通道11之中,且如圖3 所示,當該控制閥片30向下降低到最低位置時,係可與該 水流通道11周圍的內側壁面相互接觸,而將該水流通道11 適當遮蔽住◦及至少一彈性元件40,係設置在該控制閥片 30的二側邊,該二彈性元件40係可將該控制閥片30向上頂 推,而使得該控制閥片30在水壓機未動作時,可保持在其 活動行程之最上端,而使得水流通道11成為開放狀態。 如圖2所示,該控制閥片30的形狀係為一個扁平的板 狀體,其中央的上端具有一個活塞構件31,而其頂端具有 一個閥舌32,該閥舌32的寬度係大於活塞構件31的寬度。 該閥舌32底端的二側分別設置有一個固定螺栓33,用以供 前述之彈性元件40套設於其上。該二固定螺检的底端係鎖 附於該閥舌32的頂端,而其頂端具有一個直徑大於該彈性 元件40之凸緣34。該二彈性元件40係套設於該二螺栓33之 上,且其頂端係抵壓於該凸緣34的下方,而其底端係抵壓 一Ί 一 (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) ^Γ· 訂 參 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) Α4規格(210Χ297公釐) 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 498133 A7 _B7 ___ 五、發明説明() 於一個墊圈35之上。該墊圈35係可滑動地套設於該螺检33 之上。 如圖2及圖4所示,該控制閥10係由前後二個塊狀體12 、13所組成,該二塊狀體12、13係藉由若干螺絲相對鎖合 在一起。如圖2及圖3所示,該控制閥10中的一個塊狀體13 之上設置用Μ容納前述控制閥片30的容納室14,用Μ供該 控制閥Μ 30可活動地裝置在該控制閥10之中。該容納室14 呈扁平狀而能夠容納該控制閥片30的閥舌32,且其頂端具 有一個形狀可與該控制閥Μ 30之活塞構件31相互配合的姐 體15。該活塞構件31可滑動地套設於該姐體15之中,且其 頂端設置有一個密封構件36。該密封構件36係固設於活塞 構件31頂部,概圼長方形之軟質膠體,其週邊與姐體15之 壁面密合。該控制閥10的頂端設置有一個水壓入口 17,該 水壓入口 17藉由連接管23與水壓機的出口管路22連接(如 圖1所示),而將水壓機的出口水壓導引進入該控制閥10 内部的姐體15之中,而使得該活塞構件31可Μ被水壓推動 而向下移動。 此外,如圖2及圖5所示,該塊體13於該缸體15的二側 分別設置有一容納槽18,用Μ容納前述的彈性元件40與螺 栓33。該二容納槽18的直徑與長度係大於該二彈性元件40 與螺栓33的寬度與長度,且其底端具有一個卡合部19,該 卡合部19係可以供前述墊圈35卡合於其上,而使得該彈性 元件40的底端被該卡合部19卡合,而受到抵壓,因此當該 控制閥Η 30向下移動時,該二彈性元件40可受到壓縮。 一8- 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS )八4規格(210Χ297公釐) ----------批衣IT,a (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 498133 A7 B7 五、發明説明() 如圖3所示,該控制閥片30可以受到該水壓機之出口 管路22的水壓推動,而朝向下方移動,而此時該彈性元件 40可受到壓縮。由於彈性元件40的作用力係將控制閥片30 向上推頂,因此使得該水膣機之出口管路22的水壓推動該 控制閥片30向下移動時,必須克服該彈性元件40的彈力, 且當水壓越大時,可推動該控制閥片30產生的位移也隨之 加大,反之,當水壓減低時,該彈性元件40的彈力可將該 控制閥片30向上推動。 藉由該出口管路22的水壓與彈性元件40的彈力相互作 用,可使得該控制閥片30在不同水壓狀態下,位移到不同 的髙度位置,而當該控制閥片30之高度位置改變時,該水 流通道11受該控制閥片30的閥舌32遮蔽的程度也隨之改變 ,因此使得通過該水流通道11的水流流量改變。 本發明在供水管路壓力上升時,該控制閥片30可受水 壓推動下移,而縮小可通過該控制閥10之水流通道11之水 流的流量,而當出口管路22的壓力下降時,則該控制閥片 30可受彈性元件40推動上移,而使得水流通道11開放的程 度增加,因此使得水流流量增加。 當出口管路22處於低用水狀態時,該水壓機20的出水 量大於供水管路之用水量時,會使得出口管路22的壓力上 升,而此時該控制閥片30亦隨著水壓的增加,而逐漸向下 移動,使得水壓機20的進口管路21的水流量減少,因此使 得通過水壓機20之泵浦輪葉的水量減少’水壓機20的出水 量也隨之減少;反之,當供水管路用水量大’而使得出口 一9一 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X297公瘦) (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 訂 線#· 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 498133 A7 B7 五、發明說明() 管路22的壓力降低時,則該控制閥片30係可位移到較上方 的位置,因此使得通過水流通道11的水流量增力D,而使得 水壓機20的進口管路21的水流量增加,而使得水壓機20的 出水蠆增加。 藉由該控制閥10可以使得水壓機20啟動後,其出水最 可Μ與供水管路的用水狀態相互配合,當供水管路處於低 用水狀態時,水壓機20的出水量可隨之縮小,因此可避免 水壓機啟動後,出口管路22的壓力急速上升的1«形,而能 夠延長水壓機20啟動後運轉的時間,並避免水J1S機20啟動 停止頻繁之情形,而達到節省水壓機20之能量消耗的目的 。同時,在水壓機低用水狀態時,通過水壓機20的泵浦輪 葉的水量也隨之減少,使得水壓機20的負荷量減輕,而更 能夠達到節省水壓機能源消耗的目的。 -10 —Printed by the Consumer Cooperatives of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs 498133 | Α7, B7 V. Description of the invention () Background of the invention: The present invention is a flow balance adjustment device for hydraulic presses. Hydraulic press flow balance adjustment device. According to the current water supply systems of ordinary buildings and other public places, in order to maintain the water pressure of the water supply pipelines stable, and to maintain proper water calendar everywhere in the building, it is usually installed on the water supply pipelines. A hydraulic press that stabilizes water pressure. The control system used to control the pressure-stabilizing water press can be divided into mechanical pressure difference type hydraulic presses and frequency conversion constant pressure type hydraulic presses controlled by frequency conversion motors. Among them, the frequency conversion type hydraulic press uses a frequency conversion motor that can change the speed to drive the pressure pump, and a frequency converter to control the speed of the motor. The frequency converter can be controlled by a water pressure sensor to change the speed of the frequency converter motor. The lotus mode is to use a water pressure sensing device to sense the pressure of the water supply pipeline. When the pressure of the pipeline is low, the motor can be controlled to rotate at a higher speed, and when the water pressure is close to the water in the water supply pipeline. When the upper pressure limit is reached, the rotation speed of the motor is reduced, and when the water pressure exceeds the upper limit pressure, the motor is controlled to stop lotus rotation. Therefore, when the amount of water in the water supply pipeline is large, the pressure drop in the pipeline is large. At this time, the inverter can control the motor to run at a higher speed to increase the water output of Quanpu and increase the pressure of the water supply pipeline. ; When the water consumption of the water supply pipeline is small, the pressure drop of the water supply pipeline is small. At this time, the inverter can control the motor to operate at a lower speed, so that the water output of Lipu is reduced and the water supply pipeline is reduced. The pressure does not rise quickly. The advantage of the inverter-type short-pressure hydraulic press is that it can be controlled by the inverter.-2-This paper size applies the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210X297 mm) II n Batch I I order I. n H line (please first Read the notes on the back and fill in this page) 498133 A7 B7 _____ V. Description of the invention () Please read the item i on the back and fill in the speed of the motor so that the water output of the pump can match the water consumption of the water supply pipeline, so Μ precisely controls the speed of the motor to avoid the rapid rise in the pressure of the water supply line after the motor is started, which causes the motor to stop immediately after the rapid start. Therefore, the hydraulic motor can run smoothly and the lotus rotation efficiency of the motor is improved. save energy. However, the variable frequency constant pressure hydraulic press must use a variable frequency motor with a complicated structure, and the cost of the variable frequency controller is very expensive. Therefore, the price of this variable frequency hydraulic press is very high, and its maintenance cost is also quite high. In addition, the inverter generates high heat during use. Therefore, the control box of the hydraulic press must be equipped with an appropriate heat dissipation system, and the inverter is often burnt due to overheating during use. Due to the above reasons, the conventional variable frequency constant pressure hydraulic press is expensive and difficult to maintain. Therefore, the variable frequency hydraulic press can usually only be used in large water supply systems. The Consumer Cooperative of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs printed another mechanical pressure difference type hydraulic press that uses a pressure switch to control the start and stop of the motor. The motor uses a fixed speed motor, and the pressure on relationship can set a pressure upper limit. With a lower pressure limit, when the water pressure in the water supply line is lower than the lower pressure limit, the motor is started to drive the pump to pressurize; when the pressure in the water line is higher than the upper pressure limit, the motor is controlled to stop running until the pressure in the water supply line is After the water consumption of the pipeline reduces the water calendar to the lower pressure limit M, the motor is restarted to pressurize. In addition, in order to delay the pressure rise and fall speed of the water supply pipeline, the water supply pipeline usually includes a pressure storage cylinder at the outlet of the hydraulic press. The pressure storage cylinder can contain air or an elastic membrane, which can store leeches. When the hydraulic press starts to pressurize, the water flows into the pressure storage cylinder, and when the hydraulic press stops rotating, you can use the pressure storage cylinder 1 — This paper size applies the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210X29? Mm) ) A7 498133 B7 V. Description of the invention () The air pressure or diaphragm pressure injects water into the water supply pipeline at a rate at which the pressure of the yuan and the water supply pipeline decreases. This kind of mechanical pressure differential hydraulic press uses a simpler motor structure and control system, so the overall structure is relatively simple, and the cost is relatively low, and the operation and maintenance are also easy. However, the motor used is a fixed-speed continuous rotation. Therefore, after the pressure switch controls the motor of the hydraulic press to start, the pump of the hydraulic press can only supply water with the maximum water output. Therefore, regardless of the amount of water in the water supply pipeline, the pump water output of the hydraulic press maintains a fixed flow. In order for the hydraulic press to be able to meet the flow rate of the water supply pipeline at the peak time of the water, the pump's effluent energy used must be able to meet the peak water flow condition in order to provide sufficient water flow. However, when the water supply pipeline is in the off-peak period, although the water consumption of the water supply pipeline is reduced, the water machine motor can still only run at full speed, so the water output of the pump is much higher than that of the water supply pipeline. Demand, when the hydraulic press is started, the pressure of the water supply pipeline will rise above the upper limit of the pressure set by the pressure switch in a short time. After the hydraulic motor is started, it will immediately stop in a short time, so the motor starts and stops. Becomes quite frequent. When the motor is running, the moment that consumes the most power is the moment of starting, so frequent starting and stopping of the motor will cause considerable power consumption. And in the low water supply state of the water supply pipeline, the motor of the hydraulic press still rotates at full speed, so that the hydraulic motor still maintains the high power consumption and high power consumption state, thus causing considerable energy consumption. What's more serious is that under low water conditions, the water flow rate of the hydraulic pump is much higher than that of the water supply pipeline. 4- This paper size applies to the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (21〇 × 297 mm) — gutter. (Please read the precautions on the back before filling out this page) Printed by the Consumer Cooperatives of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, printed by 498133 A7 V. Description of the invention () The output pipeline of the hydraulic press will cause serious pressure back pressure, making the hydraulic press The operation load of the pump is more serious, and the power consumption of the hydraulic motor is also very serious. Due to the reasons for M, there are quite a few shortcomings in the use of the conventional hydraulic press spike device, and there is a need for improvement. In view of this, the inventor has carefully studied and actively researched and engaged in related product development for many years. Experience, and through continuous testing and improvement, the invention has finally been developed. Summary of the invention: The main object of the present invention is to provide a hydraulic pressure machine flow balance adjusting device which can avoid the rapid start and stop of the hydraulic machine and reduce the energy consumption. Another object of the present invention is to provide a hydraulic pressure machine flow balance adjustment device that can make the water output of the hydraulic press match the water state of the water supply pipeline, and avoid the water output of the hydraulic press being greater than the water consumption, resulting in energy consumption. Yet another object of the present invention is to provide a hydraulic pressure machine flow balance adjustment device which can be used with a mechanical differential water pressure machine, so that the mechanical differential water pressure machine can exert the effect close to that of an inverter hydraulic machine. In order to achieve the above and other objectives, the present invention adopts a preferred embodiment of the technical means, components, and effects thereof in conjunction with the related drawings in detail as follows. Description of the drawings: FIG. 1 is a schematic structural diagram of a specific embodiment of a hydraulic press water supply system of a hydraulic press flow balance adjustment device of the present invention. Fig. 2 is an assembled sectional view of a control valve used in the present invention. 5-This paper size applies the Chinese National Standard (CNS) Α4 size (210 X 297 mm) (Please read the notes on the back before filling in *. Write this page to order printed by the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Consumer Cooperatives 498133 Economy Printed by the Ministry of Intellectual Property Bureau Consumer Cooperatives 11 Water flow channel 14 Receiving room 17 Water pressure inlet 19 Engagement section 21 Inlet pipeline 23 Connection pipe 25 Pressure storage cylinder 31 Piston member 33 Bolt 35 Pad 圏 Α7 Β7 V. Description of the invention () FIG. 3 is a schematic view of the control valve of the control valve of the present invention > = {displacement driven downward by water pressure. FIG. 4 is a sectional view of the control valve of the present invention taken along line 1-1 of FIG. 2. Fig. 5 is a sectional view of the control valve of the present invention taken along line 2-2 of Fig. 2. Explanation of drawing number: 10 control valve 12, 13 block body 15 sister body 18 receiving tank 20 hydraulic press 22 outlet pipe 24 pressure The switch 30 controls the valve disc 32, the valve tongue 34, the flange 36, and the sealing member 40. The elastic member is described in detail: As shown in FIG. 1 and FIG. 2, the hydraulic press flow balance adjustment device of the present invention includes: a control valve 10 Above the inlet pipe 21 of a hydraulic press 20 (as shown in the figure) 1); and a connecting pipe 23, which is connected from the outlet pipe 22 of the hydraulic press to the control valve 10, and the pressure of the outlet pipe 22 of the hydraulic press 20 is guided into the control valve 10 by M; And a pressure switch 24, which is arranged on the outlet pipe 22, and the paper size of the outlet pipe 22 is measured with M. The paper size is applicable to the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210 × 297 mm) I. I ----- I Order (please read the notes on the back before filling this page) 498133 Printed by the Consumer Cooperatives of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs A7 _B7_ V. Description of the invention () Water pressure and control of the water press 20 Start and stop; and a pressure storage cylinder 25, which is arranged above the outlet pipe 22, and stores the water pressure of the outlet pipe 22 with M. The control valve 10 has a control valve M30 inside the control valve disc. 30 is driven by the water pressure of the outlet pipe 22 to generate a vertical displacement, thereby changing the flow child of the control valve 10, so that the flow rate of the water inlet pipe 21 of the hydraulic press 20 is changed. Water press 20 has different water output under different water conditions (after capacity Further described.) The inside of the control valve 10 has a water flow channel 11 below; and a control valve plate 30, which is vertically slidably installed in the control valve 10, and the bottom end of the control valve plate 30 can be inserted Into the water flow channel 11, and as shown in FIG. 3, when the control valve plate 30 is lowered to the lowest position, it can contact with the inner wall surface around the water flow channel 11, and the water flow channel 11 is appropriately Shield and at least one elastic element 40 are provided on the two sides of the control valve disc 30. The two elastic elements 40 can push the control valve disc 30 upward, so that the control valve disc 30 is not installed in the hydraulic press. When in motion, it can be kept at the top of its movable stroke, so that the water flow channel 11 becomes open. As shown in FIG. 2, the shape of the control valve plate 30 is a flat plate-shaped body. The upper end of the control valve plate 30 has a piston member 31 and the top end thereof has a valve tongue 32. The width of the valve tongue 32 is larger than the piston. The width of the member 31. The two ends of the bottom end of the valve tongue 32 are respectively provided with a fixing bolt 33 for the aforementioned elastic element 40 to be sleeved thereon. The bottom ends of the two fixing screws are attached to the top end of the valve tongue 32, and the top end has a flange 34 having a diameter larger than that of the elastic element 40. The two elastic elements 40 are sleeved on the two bolts 33, and the top end is pressed against the flange 34, and the bottom end is pressed against each other (please read the precautions on the back before filling (This page) ^ Γ · The size of the paper used for this reference is subject to the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 (210 × 297 mm) Printed by the Consumer Cooperatives of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs 498133 A7 _B7 ___ 5. Description of the invention on. The washer 35 is slidably sleeved on the screw inspection 33. As shown in FIGS. 2 and 4, the control valve 10 is composed of two front and rear blocks 12 and 13, and the two blocks 12 and 13 are relatively locked together by a plurality of screws. As shown in FIG. 2 and FIG. 3, an accommodation chamber 14 for accommodating the aforementioned control valve sheet 30 is provided on one block 13 of the control valve 10, and the control valve M 30 is movably installed in the accommodation chamber 14 In the control valve 10. The accommodating chamber 14 is flat and can accommodate the valve tongue 32 of the control valve disc 30, and a tip end of the accommodating chamber 14 is provided with a sister body 15 that can cooperate with the piston member 31 of the control valve M30. The piston member 31 is slidably sleeved in the sister body 15, and a sealing member 36 is provided at the top end thereof. The sealing member 36 is fixed on the top of the piston member 31 and has a substantially rectangular soft colloid, and its periphery is in close contact with the wall surface of the sister body 15. The top of the control valve 10 is provided with a hydraulic inlet 17 which is connected to the outlet pipe 22 of the hydraulic press via a connecting pipe 23 (as shown in FIG. 1), and guides the hydraulic pressure at the outlet of the hydraulic press into Among the sister bodies 15 inside the control valve 10, the piston member 31 can be pushed downward by the water pressure. In addition, as shown in FIG. 2 and FIG. 5, the block 13 is respectively provided with receiving grooves 18 on both sides of the cylinder block 15, and the elastic element 40 and the bolt 33 are received by M. The diameter and length of the two receiving grooves 18 are larger than the width and length of the two elastic elements 40 and the bolts 33, and the bottom end of the two receiving grooves 18 is provided with an engaging portion 19, which can be used for the aforementioned washer 35 to be engaged with. The bottom end of the elastic element 40 is engaged by the engaging portion 19 and is pressed. Therefore, when the control valve Η 30 moves downward, the two elastic elements 40 can be compressed. 8- This paper size is applicable to China National Standard (CNS) 8-4 specifications (210 × 297 mm) ---------- Approved IT, a (Please read the precautions on the back before filling this page) 498133 A7 B7 5. Description of the invention () As shown in FIG. 3, the control valve plate 30 can be pushed downward by the water pressure of the outlet pipe 22 of the hydraulic press, and the elastic element 40 can be compressed at this time. Since the acting force of the elastic element 40 pushes the control valve sheet 30 upwards, when the water pressure of the outlet pipe 22 of the hydraulic machine pushes the control valve sheet 30 downward, the elastic force of the elastic element 40 must be overcome And, when the water pressure is greater, the displacement that can push the control valve sheet 30 will also increase. On the contrary, when the water pressure decreases, the elastic force of the elastic element 40 can push the control valve sheet 30 upward. By the interaction of the water pressure of the outlet pipe 22 and the elastic force of the elastic element 40, the control valve plate 30 can be displaced to different positions under different water pressure conditions, and when the height of the control valve plate 30 is When the position is changed, the degree of shielding of the water flow channel 11 by the valve tongue 32 of the control valve plate 30 also changes accordingly, so that the flow rate of the water flow passing through the water flow channel 11 is changed. According to the present invention, when the pressure of the water supply pipeline rises, the control valve plate 30 can be pushed down by the water pressure, thereby reducing the flow of water that can pass through the water flow passage 11 of the control valve 10, and when the pressure of the outlet pipeline 22 drops Then, the control valve plate 30 can be pushed up and moved by the elastic element 40, so that the degree of opening of the water flow channel 11 is increased, so that the water flow volume is increased. When the outlet pipe 22 is in a low water state, when the water output of the hydraulic press 20 is greater than that of the water supply pipe, the pressure of the outlet pipe 22 will increase, and at this time, the control valve plate 30 will also follow the water pressure. Increasing, and gradually moving downward, the water flow of the inlet pipe 21 of the hydraulic press 20 is reduced, so that the amount of water passing through the pump blades of the hydraulic press 20 is reduced, and the water output of the hydraulic press 20 is also reduced; conversely, when the water supply pipe The large amount of water used in the road makes the export of a 9-size paper suitable for Chinese National Standards (CNS) A4 specifications (210X297 male thin) (Please read the precautions on the back before filling this page) Order ## Ministry of Economic Affairs Intellectual Property Bureau Printed by the employee consumer cooperative 498133 A7 B7 V. Description of the invention () When the pressure of the pipeline 22 decreases, the control valve plate 30 can be displaced to an upper position, so that the water flow through the water flow channel 11 is increased by D, As a result, the water flow of the inlet pipe 21 of the hydraulic press 20 is increased, and the water outlet of the hydraulic press 20 is increased. With the control valve 10, after the hydraulic press 20 is started, the water output of the hydraulic press 20 can be matched with the water state of the water supply pipe. When the water supply pipe is in a low water state, the water output of the hydraulic press 20 can be reduced accordingly. After the hydraulic press is started, the pressure of the outlet pipe 22 rapidly rises in a shape of 1 «, which can prolong the operating time of the hydraulic press 20 after it is started, and avoid the frequent start and stop of the water J1S machine 20, so as to save the energy consumption of the hydraulic press 20 purpose. At the same time, when the hydraulic press is in a low water state, the amount of water passing through the pump blades of the hydraulic press 20 is also reduced, so that the load of the hydraulic press 20 is reduced, and the purpose of saving energy consumption of the hydraulic press can be achieved. -10 —

«I —-----------裝--------訂---------線 (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS)A4規格(210 X 297公釐)`` I ------------- install -------- order --------- line (please read the precautions on the back before filling this page) The paper size printed by the Property Cooperative Consumer Cooperative is applicable to the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 (210 X 297 mm)

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498133 Λ8 Β8 C8 D8 六、申請專利範圍 1. 一種水壓機流量平衡調節裝置,其中包括: 一控制閥,係裝置於一水壓機之進水管路上,該控制閥 具有:一水流通道,係可供該水壓機之進水管之水流通過 ;及 一控制閥片,係可上下滑動地設置於該控制閥内部,該 控制閥片具有一扁平狀之閥舌,且其頂端具有一方形截面 之活塞構件;該控制閥片移動到最底端位置時,可將該水 流通道幾乎完全遮蔽,且其移動到最上方位置時,可使該 水流通道成為開放狀態;及 一容納室,係設置在該控制閥之內部,可供該控制閥片 之閥舌可滑動地套設於其中,其頂端具有一赶體,可供該 活塞構件套合於其中;及 二彈性元件,係設置於該控制閥片之二側,·及二螺栓, 設置於該控制閥>={二側,且可供前述彈性元件套合於其上 ;及 二容納槽,係設置於該控制閥之容納室的二側*用以容 納前述彈性元件與螺栓;該二彈性元件之頂端係與該螺栓 卡合,而其底端係與該二容納槽之底端卡合;及 一水壓入口,係設置於該控制閥頂端,與該赶體連通; 該水壓入口藉由一連接管與該水壓機之出口管路連接,而 將該水壓機之出口管路的水壓導引進入該赶體內部; 藉由Μ上元件之組合,可藉由該水壓機之出口管路水歷 推動該控制閥片,且藉由該水壓與彈性元件之彈力相互作 用,而使得該控制閥片的高度位置改變,使該水流通道受 度適用中國國家標準(0奶)八4規格(21〇/297公釐) ----------1»^-I (請先閲讀背而之注意事項再填寫本頁) ------訂 線·· 498133 Α8 Β8 C8 D8 夂、申請專利範圍 到該控制閥片之閥舌遮蔽的程度改變,而使得該水流通道 白勺流量改變。 2♦如申請專利範圍第1項所述之水壓機流量平衡調節裝置 ,其中該控制閥片之活塞構件之頂端設置有一密封構件 ,可與該姐體之內側壁面密合。 3·如申請專利範圍第1項所述之水壓機流虽平衡調節裝置 ’其中該控制閥片於該閥舌底端設置有一缺口,Μ使得 該閥舌與該水流流道密合時,保留有一可供水流通過之 縫隙。 一12 — (請先閱讀背而之注意事項再填寫本頁) 經濟部智总財屹^;Η工消#合作社印製 本紙张歧關巾關 CNS ) A4l^( 21〇x297^#J498133 Λ8 Β8 C8 D8 Scope of patent application 1. A hydraulic machine flow balance adjustment device, including: a control valve, which is installed on the water inlet pipe of a hydraulic machine, the control valve has: a water flow channel, which is available for the hydraulic machine The water flow of the water inlet pipe passes through; and a control valve plate is slidably arranged inside the control valve, the control valve plate has a flat valve tongue, and the top end has a square cross-section piston member; the control When the valve plate is moved to the bottommost position, the water flow channel can be almost completely shielded, and when it is moved to the uppermost position, the water flow channel can be opened; and a receiving chamber is provided inside the control valve. The valve tongue for the control valve disc is slidably sleeved therein, and a top body has a catch body for the piston member to fit therein; and two elastic elements are provided on two sides of the control valve disc. , And two bolts are provided on the control valve > = {two sides, and can be fitted on the aforementioned elastic element; and two receiving grooves are provided on the control valve. The two sides of the chamber * are used to accommodate the aforementioned elastic elements and bolts; the top ends of the two elastic elements are engaged with the bolts, and the bottom ends thereof are engaged with the bottom ends of the two accommodation grooves; and a hydraulic inlet, It is arranged on the top of the control valve and communicates with the driving body; the hydraulic inlet is connected to the outlet pipe of the hydraulic machine through a connecting pipe, and the water pressure of the outlet pipe of the hydraulic machine is guided into the driving body; By the combination of the components on the M, the control valve can be pushed by the water calendar of the outlet pipe of the hydraulic press, and the height position of the control valve can be changed by the interaction between the water pressure and the elastic force of the elastic element, so that The acceptance of the water flow channel is in accordance with Chinese national standard (0 milk) 8 4 specifications (21〇 / 297 mm) ---------- 1 »^-I (Please read the precautions in the back before filling (This page) ------ Order line 498133 Α8 Β8 C8 D8 夂 The scope of patent application changes to the degree of shielding of the valve flap of the control valve, which changes the flow of the water flow channel. 2 ♦ The hydraulic machine flow balance adjustment device according to item 1 of the scope of the patent application, wherein the top end of the piston member of the control valve plate is provided with a sealing member, which can be in close contact with the inner wall surface of the sister body. 3. According to the balance adjustment device of the hydraulic press flow described in item 1 of the patent application scope, wherein the control valve disc is provided with a gap at the bottom end of the valve tongue, so that when the valve tongue is in close contact with the water flow channel, one remains. Water can pass through the gap. 12 — (Please read the precautions before filling this page) Zhi Zhicai of the Ministry of Economic Affairs ^; Η 工 消 #printed by the cooperative CNS) A4l ^ (21〇x297 ^ # J
TW90112020A 2001-05-18 2001-05-18 Flow rate balance regulating device of water pump TW498133B (en)

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TW90112020A TW498133B (en) 2001-05-18 2001-05-18 Flow rate balance regulating device of water pump

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TW90112020A TW498133B (en) 2001-05-18 2001-05-18 Flow rate balance regulating device of water pump

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TW90112020A TW498133B (en) 2001-05-18 2001-05-18 Flow rate balance regulating device of water pump

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