TW469752B - Electronic stabilizer device - Google Patents

Electronic stabilizer device Download PDF


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TW469752B TW88106163A TW88106163A TW469752B TW 469752 B TW469752 B TW 469752B TW 88106163 A TW88106163 A TW 88106163A TW 88106163 A TW88106163 A TW 88106163A TW 469752 B TW469752 B TW 469752B
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Jiun-Jie Lu
Jiun-Liang Lu
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Jiun-Jie Lu
Jiun-Liang Lu
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Application filed by Jiun-Jie Lu, Jiun-Liang Lu filed Critical Jiun-Jie Lu
Priority to TW88106163A priority Critical patent/TW469752B/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of TW469752B publication Critical patent/TW469752B/en



  • Circuit Arrangements For Discharge Lamps (AREA)


There is provided an electronic stabilizer device used for illumination. The negative temperature coefficient resistor is utilized as a flexible starting device. The A-shaped protection circuit is applied to protect the safety of the whole circuit and eliminate spike and noise. The present novel electronic circuit is applied to eliminate the spike of an oscillating circuit and regulate the voltage waveforms of the pulse in the raising time and falling time, thereby ensuring that the present oscillating circuit is an ideal oscillating circuit. Furthermore, the silicon controlled rectifier protection circuit is applied to protect the oscillating circuit and load. After testing, it is verified that the present invention indeed solves the high-temperature, high-noise, short-lifetime and high-cost problems of the conventional electronic stabilizer. Therefore, the present invention is an ideal electronic stabilizer desired by the industrial circles.


4 6 9 75 2 A7 B7 Γ ~ 1 -—-- 五、發明説明(ί ) 1.發明背景 電子式安定器目前市面產品甚多,但眾所皆知者,其 最大之缺點為壽命短’溫度高,效率低,價格高之缺點, 雖然大部份之電子式安定器皆採用半橋式振盪器(Half Bridge oscilhuor)電路,但其電子電路之設計若不理想, 則其壽命將党影響’因此電子式安定器在市面上仍無法普 遍推行’有鑑於此,發明人自美國學成回國後即在實驗室 研究電子式安定器,經歷三年多試驗了多種電子電路,才 研究成功本發明電路,其具有壽命長,價格低,效率高及 雜訊小及完整之電路保護設施等,因習用之功率因數 (Power factor)改善電路不論為積體電路型或諧振電路型均 已相當成熟,因此並不列入本發明之電路中討論,但本發 明亦不排斥應用功率因數改善電路于本發明電路中·> 2.發明概述: 本發明設有A字型保護屬路,全波或倍壓整流電路, 半橋式振盪電路,矽控整流器保護電路及負載五大部份, 茲分述於下: Α· A字型保護電路:為由負溫度係數電阻(Negative Temperature Coefficient Resistor, NTC),正溫度係數電 MCPositive Temperature Coefficient Resiscor, PTC),高 頻擴波電容器及突波吸收器(Mars-on Varistars,MOV)等 元件組成;其有三個接點’其中二個接點接電源,一個 接點接共同接地(Common Ground),其形像A字型故名 A字型保護電路,NTC之作用為供本發明柔性啟動之用 5 PTC之作用為供本發明電路發生短路時,由PTC產 I ^------^ (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填萬本頁) 752 A7 B7 經濟部中央標荜局員工消费合作杜印製 五、發明説明(2 ) 生高溫高電阻特性來保護,若依安規需求本發明亦加裝 有保險絲或溫度保險絲以加強本電路之保護。 B. 全波或倍壓整流電路:為由一選擇開關’四只整流二極 體,二只濾波電容器及負載電阻所組成:由選擇開關決 定選用全波整流電路或倍壓整流電路以提供負載之所需 而定,其作用為提供本發明電路之直流電源之所需。 C. 半橋式振盪電路為由二只電晶體或MOSFETS ,電晶體 之基極(Base)或MOSFET之閘極(Gate)電子控制電路, 振盪線圈,諧振電感器,諧振電容器及激發電路所組成 :其目的在使直流電源變換為自400Hz到200KHZ間之 弦波電壓,以提供日光燈所需之電能。 D. 矽控整流器保護電路:為由矽控整流器,分壓電阻,檢 測電阻(Detection Resistor)及濾波電容器所組成;其目 的在保護半橋式振盪電路及日光燈之安全。 E. 日光燈:為家庭與工廠照明常用之燈管,本發明亦不排 除應用於高壓鈉燈(High Pressure Sodium Lamps)或複金 屬燈(Metal Haliote Lamps)為負載。 茲為說明本發明動作原理容易起見,提供下列各圖’ 並標示有元件符號及發明詳細說明內有符號之意義; 圖丨所示為習知電子式安定器之例舉電路之一。 圖2所示為習知電子式安定器之例舉電路之二。 圖3所示為本發明新電子式安定器之裝置方塊圖。 圖4所示為本發明新電子式安定器之裝置電路圖。 本纸&尺度遇用中國國家標羋(CMS ) A4規格(210X297公釐) I-------¥------.玎 (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 4 69 75 2 A7 B7 五、發明説明(3 ) 3.發明的詳細說明: (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 如圖1所示為習知電子式安定器之一例之電路圖,其 與本發明圖4所示最大不同點在習知電子式安定器沒有A 字型保護電路,習知半橋式振盪電路之電晶體基極之 電子控制電路與本發明半橋式振盪電路300所用之電子控制電 路不同;習知電子式安定器沒有設矽控整流器保護電路400, 由此三種比較即可瞭解本發明與習知電子式安定器不同。 如圖2所示為習知之電子式安定器之另一例電路圖, 其與本發明圖4所示最大不同點在習知電子式安定器沒有 A字形保護電路100 ;習知半橋式振盪電路之MOSFETS 之閘極之電子控制電路採屏如圖2所示之特製集體電路, 其與圖4本發明之電子控制電路不同;習知電子式安定器 沒有設矽控整流器保護電路4〇〇,由此三種比較即可瞭解 本發明與習知之電子式安定器不同。 如圖3所示為本發明之方塊圖,其由A字型保護電路 100,全波或倍壓整流電路200,半橋式振盪電路300, 矽控整流器保護電路400與負載5⑼等五部份所組成。 如圖4所示,交流電源(A.C power source)之一端經保險 絲108,至NTC 102及高頻濾波電容器103,MOV 105,交 流電源之另一端經PTC 101至高頻濾波電容器丨03與MOV 104,剛開始NTC 102之電阻值大,此時交流電源流經全 波或倍壓整流電路200之電流受控於NTC 101之電阻值, 因此本發明之啟動電流完全受本發明之NTC 101所控制, 如此本發明可以得一安全之啟動電流’同時PTC 10!因啟 動電流受到限制,因此PTC ίΟΙ所流過之電流小,故PTC i〇!不產生高溫度,而PTC 101維持在小電阻狀態,當 本紙張尺度通用t國國家揉準(CNS M4说格(2ί〇Χ297公釐) 4 嗖濟部中夬標隼帋員工消費合泎/ii印ί 69 752 A7 _B7_ 五、發明説明(Zf ) NTC 1G2因電流通過之關係,其電阻值逐漸下降,相對的 電流也逐漸上昇,此作用即達成電路之柔性啟動(Soft Start)之目的,此即有效的限制湧流(Inrush Current)而避免 造成電路之損壞,同時亦達到日光燈不易黑化之目的,若 交流電源載有高頻電波,此時高頻電波借高頻瀘波電容器 103自電源之一端再回到交流電源之另一端,而不出現於本 發明電路,若此時交流電源帶有雷擊波,此時雷擊波經由 MOV 104或MOV 105而經共同接地端與大地連接,此時電擊 波不出現於本發明電路,因其SIDAC (Silicon Bi-directional Diode ThydstoO與MOV特性相接近,若因需要本發明亦 不排除以SICAC替代MOV,若本發明電路除A字型保護電 路1〇〇外,其他發生短路或過負載(over loading)時,PTC 101 因大電流之關係,其PTC 101之電阻值甚大足以限制電路 電流之增加,以達到保g本發明電路之目的,而保護絲 108亦可設定在某電流值_時燒燬,以保護本發明電路之安 全,當然亦可用熱保險絲以取代保險絲108 ,其為達到柔 性啟動之效能其NTC 102亦可再並聯另一 NTC 107,當然 亦可串聯一 NTC再與NTC 102串聯,其原因為NTC 102之 規格少,為達到一定之柔性啟動效果,不得不採用串並聯之 方式;同理,PTC 101可以採用與另一PTC 106並聯,可 採用串並聯方式,以應負載之需要。 如圖4所示,當選擇開關S (201)往1接通時,其二極 體202. 203, 204與205構成全波整流電路,當選擇開關 S(201)往2接通時,其二極體202, 204,濾波電容器206, 207構成倍壓整流電路,其在整流電路之正負電端,即為 半橋式振盪電路300之直流電源供應端,為了安規之需求 本紙乐尺度逍用中國國家標準(CNS ) Α4規格(210X297公釐) ^-- {請先Μ讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 訂 4 6 9 75 2 A7 B7 經濟部中央樣孳馬員工消費合作,钍印- 五、發明説明(5) ,設有與正負電端並聯之負載電阻208 ,以使正負電端在 交流電源停止供應時,其電位達到最低。 如圖4所示*半橋式振盪電路300由激發電路,電子 控制電路及諧振電路所組成,激發電路是由時間常數電阻301 ,時間常數電容3G2,激發二極體303,激發Diac 3〇4及第 二MOSFET 306所組成,電子控制電路分有二組,第一組 由第一MOSFET 305 ,第一閘極電阻3 13 ,第一Zener4 6 9 75 2 A7 B7 Γ ~ 1 ----- V. Description of the invention (ί) 1. Background of the invention Electronic ballasts are currently on the market with many products, but as everyone knows, the biggest disadvantage is short life. The disadvantages of high temperature, low efficiency, and high price. Although most electronic ballasts use Half Bridge oscilhuor circuits, if the design of the electronic circuit is not ideal, its life will affect the party. 'Therefore, electronic ballasts are still not universally available in the market.' In view of this, the inventor has researched electronic ballasts in the laboratory since he returned to the United States after studying in the United States. After more than three years of testing a variety of electronic circuits, he successfully studied Invented circuit, which has long life, low price, high efficiency, low noise and complete circuit protection facilities, etc. Because of the conventional power factor improvement circuit, whether it is integrated circuit type or resonant circuit type, it is quite mature Therefore, it is not included in the discussion of the circuit of the present invention, but the present invention does not exclude the application of a power factor improvement circuit in the circuit of the present invention > 2. Summary of the invention: The present invention is provided with an A-shaped It belongs to the following five parts: full-wave or double-voltage rectifier circuit, half-bridge oscillating circuit, silicon-controlled rectifier protection circuit and load, which are described below: Α · A-shaped protection circuit: Negative Temperature Coefficient Resistor (NTC), positive temperature coefficient (MCPositive Temperature Coefficient Resiscor, PTC), high frequency expansion capacitors and surge absorbers (Mars-on Varistars (MOV)) and other components; it has three contacts' two of them A contact is connected to a power source, and a contact is connected to a common ground. Its shape is an A-shaped protection circuit. The function of NTC is for the flexible starting of the present invention. 5 PTC is used for the circuit of the present invention. In the event of a short circuit, produced by PTC I ^ ------ ^ (Please read the precautions on the back before filling in this page) 752 A7 B7 Printed by the Consumers' Co-operation of the Central Bureau of Standards, Ministry of Economic Affairs 2) It is protected by high temperature and high resistance. If required by the safety regulations, the invention also adds a fuse or a temperature fuse to strengthen the protection of the circuit. B. Full-wave or double-voltage rectifier circuit: It consists of a selection switch, four rectifier diodes, two filter capacitors, and load resistance: The full-wave rectifier circuit or double-voltage rectifier circuit is selected by the selection switch to provide the load. It is required to provide the DC power for the circuit of the present invention. C. Half-bridge oscillation circuit is composed of two transistors or MOSFETS, the base of the transistor or the gate of the MOSFET electronic control circuit, the oscillating coil, the resonant inductor, the resonant capacitor and the excitation circuit : Its purpose is to make the DC power supply into a sine wave voltage from 400Hz to 200KHZ to provide the power required for fluorescent lamps. D. Silicon controlled rectifier protection circuit: It is composed of silicon controlled rectifier, voltage divider resistor, detection resistor and filter capacitor; its purpose is to protect the safety of half-bridge oscillation circuit and fluorescent lamp. E. Fluorescent lamps: Lamps commonly used in home and factory lighting. The present invention does not exclude high pressure sodium lamps (Metal Haliote Lamps) used as loads. To make it easy to explain the operation principle of the present invention, the following figures are provided, and the symbols of the components and the meaning of the symbols in the detailed description of the invention are provided. Figure 丨 shows one of the exemplary circuits of the conventional electronic ballast. FIG. 2 shows the second exemplary circuit of a conventional electronic ballast. FIG. 3 is a block diagram of the device of the new electronic ballast of the present invention. FIG. 4 shows a circuit diagram of the device of the new electronic ballast of the present invention. This paper & scale meets China National Standard (CMS) A4 specification (210X297 mm) I ------- ¥ ------. 玎 (Please read the precautions on the back before filling this page ) 4 69 75 2 A7 B7 5. Description of the invention (3) 3. Detailed description of the invention: (Please read the notes on the back before filling out this page) Figure 1 shows the circuit diagram of an example of a conventional electronic ballast The biggest difference from the present invention shown in FIG. 4 is that the conventional electronic ballast does not have an A-shaped protection circuit, the electronic control circuit of the transistor base of the conventional half-bridge oscillation circuit and the half-bridge oscillation circuit of the present invention. The electronic control circuit used in 300 is different; the conventional electronic ballast is not provided with a silicon controlled rectifier protection circuit 400. From the three comparisons, it can be understood that the present invention is different from the conventional electronic ballast. Figure 2 shows another example circuit diagram of the conventional electronic ballast. The biggest difference from the conventional ballast shown in Figure 4 of the present invention is that the conventional electronic ballast does not have an A-shaped protection circuit 100; the conventional half-bridge oscillator circuit The electronic control circuit of the gate of the MOSFETS adopts a special collective circuit as shown in Figure 2, which is different from the electronic control circuit of the present invention shown in Figure 4. The conventional electronic ballast does not have a silicon-controlled rectifier protection circuit 400. These three comparisons show that the present invention is different from the conventional electronic ballast. Figure 3 shows a block diagram of the present invention, which consists of five parts, such as A-shaped protection circuit 100, full-wave or double voltage rectifier circuit 200, half-bridge oscillating circuit 300, silicon-controlled rectifier protection circuit 400, and load 5⑼. Composed of. As shown in Figure 4, one end of the AC power source passes through fuse 108 to NTC 102 and high-frequency filter capacitor 103, MOV 105, and the other end of AC power source passes PTC 101 to high-frequency filter capacitor 03 and MOV 104 At the beginning, the resistance of NTC 102 is large. At this time, the current of the AC power flowing through the full-wave or voltage doubler rectifier circuit 200 is controlled by the resistance of NTC 101. Therefore, the starting current of the present invention is completely controlled by the NTC 101 of the present invention. In this way, the present invention can obtain a safe starting current. At the same time, PTC 10! Is limited by the starting current, so the current flowing through PTC ΙΟΙ is small, so PTC i〇! Does not generate high temperature, and PTC 101 is maintained in a small resistance state. When the size of this paper is in accordance with the standard of the country and country (CNS M4) (2ί297 × 297 mm) 4 Ministry of Economic Affairs of the People's Republic of China Standard for Employee Consumption / II India 69 752 A7 _B7_ V. Description of the Invention (Zf ) NTC 1G2's resistance gradually decreases due to the passage of current, and the relative current gradually increases. This function achieves the purpose of soft start of the circuit, which effectively limits the inrush current and avoids the inrush current. The circuit is damaged, and the purpose of the fluorescent lamp is not easily blackened. If the AC power source carries high-frequency waves, at this time, the high-frequency waves are returned from one end of the power source to the other end of the AC power source by the high-frequency chirp capacitor 103. Appears in the circuit of the present invention. If the AC power supply has a lightning wave at this time, then the lightning wave is connected to the earth through the common ground terminal via MOV 104 or MOV 105. At this time, the electric shock wave does not appear in the circuit of the present invention because of its SIDAC ( Silicon Bi-directional Diode ThydstoO has similar characteristics to MOV. If the present invention is needed, it does not exclude the replacement of MOV by SICAC. If the circuit of the present invention is short-circuited or overloaded in addition to the A-shaped protection circuit 100, At this time, due to the large current, the resistance of PTC 101 is very large enough to limit the increase of circuit current to achieve the purpose of protecting the circuit of the present invention, and the protection wire 108 can also be set to burn at a certain current value. To protect the safety of the circuit of the present invention, of course, it is also possible to replace the fuse 108 with a thermal fuse. In order to achieve the effect of flexible starting, the NTC 102 can also be connected in parallel with another NTC 107. Of course One NTC can be connected in series with the NTC 102. The reason is that the NTC 102 has few specifications. In order to achieve a certain flexible start-up effect, it must be connected in series and parallel. Similarly, PTC 101 can be connected in parallel with another PTC 106. It adopts series-parallel mode to meet the needs of the load. As shown in Figure 4, when the selection switch S (201) is turned to 1, its diodes 202. 203, 204 and 205 constitute a full-wave rectifier circuit. When the selection switch When S (201) is turned on, its diodes 202, 204 and filter capacitors 206 and 207 form a voltage doubler rectifier circuit. The positive and negative electrical terminals of the rectifier circuit are the DC power supply of the half-bridge oscillating circuit 300. In order to meet the requirements of safety regulations, the paper scale is free to use the Chinese National Standard (CNS) Α4 specification (210X297mm) ^-{Please read the precautions on the back before filling this page) Order 4 6 9 75 2 A7 B7 Economy The central government's sample consumer cooperation, seal-V. Description of the invention (5), a load resistor 208 is provided in parallel with the positive and negative electrical terminals, so that the potential of the positive and negative electrical terminals reaches the lowest level when the AC power supply is stopped. As shown in Figure 4 * The half-bridge oscillation circuit 300 is composed of an excitation circuit, an electronic control circuit, and a resonance circuit. The excitation circuit is composed of a time constant resistor 301, a time constant capacitor 3G2, an excitation diode 303, and an excitation diode 304. And the second MOSFET 306, the electronic control circuit is divided into two groups, the first group consists of the first MOSFET 305, the first gate resistance 3 13, the first Zener

Diode 312,第一限流電阻 310,第二 Zener Diode 311 及第一 振盪線圈307所組成;第二組由第二M0SFET 306,第二閘極 電阻3 17,第三Zener Diode 3 16,第二限流電阻3 14,第四 Zener Diode 315及第二振盪線圈309所組成;諧振電路是由 第三振盪線圈308,諧振線圈1321,第一諧振電容320及 第2諧振電容318所組成;當直流電源開始供應半橋式振 盪電路3⑽時,其直流電源往-時間常數電阻301及時間常 數電容302充電,當時間常數電容302之電壓約為32V時 激發Diac304導通(Turn on),此時激發二極體3〇3供應直 流電壓於第二M0SFET 306之受極(Drain) ’而第二 MOSFET 306之源極(source),與時間常數電容器302共地 端,因此當Diac 304導通時,第二M0SFET 3 06之閘極受 有電壓,因此第二M0SFET 3〇6亦為導通狀態’同時半橋 式振盪電路動作開始;當第三振盪線圈30S導通時,其若 ’設第一振盪線圈307之上端因受感應產生一正電壓,此時 感應電壓經第一限流電阻3 10,第一 Zener Diode 3 12而到 達第一 M0SFET 305之閘極,此時第一 M0SFET 305之 受極與源極呈導通狀態,因設定振盪線圈極性之關係,其 第一振盪線圈3〇7與第二M0SFET 306為截斷(Turn OFF) 本紙法尺度適用t國國家禕準(CNS ) A4規格(2〖0X 297公釐) ^------V (請先Μ讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 4 69 75 2 A7 B7 五、發明説明(6 ) *同樣的當第一MOSFET 305截斷時,第二!MOSFET 306 為導通,如此動作形成一FHp-Flop電路,而產生振盪,當 第一振盪線圈307之上端產生突波電壓時,其突波電壓經 第一限流電阻310到第二Zener Diode 311 ,而被第二 經濟部令央螵準曷員工消资合作社印装 裝-- (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁)Diode 312, the first current limiting resistor 310, the second Zener Diode 311 and the first oscillating coil 307; the second group consists of the second MOSFET 306, the second gate resistor 3 17, the third Zener Diode 3 16, the second The current-limiting resistor 314, the fourth Zener Diode 315, and the second oscillating coil 309; the resonant circuit is composed of a third oscillating coil 308, a resonant coil 1321, a first resonant capacitor 320, and a second resonant capacitor 318; When the power starts to supply the half-bridge oscillation circuit for 3 hours, its DC power is charged to the time constant resistor 301 and the time constant capacitor 302. When the voltage of the time constant capacitor 302 is about 32V, Diac304 is turned on (Turn on). The pole body 30 supplies a DC voltage to the drain of the second MOSFET 306 and the source of the second MOSFET 306 is in common with the time constant capacitor 302. Therefore, when Diac 304 is turned on, the second The gate of M0SFET 3 06 receives voltage, so the second M0SFET 3 06 is also on. At the same time, the operation of the half-bridge oscillation circuit starts; when the third oscillation coil 30S is on, if it is set to the first oscillation coil 307 Upper end A positive voltage is generated upon induction. At this time, the induced voltage reaches the gate of the first M0SFET 305 through the first current limiting resistor 3 10 and the first Zener Diode 3 12. At this time, the acceptor and the source of the first M0SFET 305 are turned on. State, due to the polarity of the oscillating coil, the first oscillating coil 307 and the second M0SFET 306 are turned off (Turn OFF) This paper method is applicable to the national standard (CNS) A4 standard (2 〖0X 297 mm ) ^ ------ V (Please read the notes on the back before filling in this page) 4 69 75 2 A7 B7 V. Description of the invention (6) * Similarly, when the first MOSFET 305 is turned off, the second! The MOSFET 306 is turned on, so that an FHp-Flop circuit is formed, and oscillation occurs. When a surge voltage is generated at the upper end of the first oscillation coil 307, the surge voltage passes through the first current limiting resistor 310 to the second Zener Diode 311. It was printed by the Order of the Second Ministry of Economic Affairs of the Central Government's Employees Cooperatives-(Please read the precautions on the back before filling this page)

Zener Diode 311之Zener Vo丨fage限制之上之電壓傍路到 第一 MOSFET 305之源極,而不出現於閘極,而其第二 Zener Diode 311 之下限電壓經第一Zener Diode 312,而 此時若超過Zener Diode 312之上限電壓則到達閘極,而其 第一Zener Diode 312之下限電壓則無法到達閘極,舉例於 說明如下:若設第一Zener Diode 312之Zener Voltage為 2V,而第二 Zener Diode 3:11 之 Zener Diode Voltage 為 7V ,則出現在第一MOSFET 305閘極之電壓為2V至7V之間 ,閘極之電壓可由第一閘極電阻313之兩端測量之,由此 可知其突波及脈波之上昇被與下降波永遠不出現於第一 MOSFET 305之閘極:第二組電子控制電路與第一組控制 電路完全相同,因此其動作原理與功能亦皆相同,而不多 述;諧振電路當第一組與第二組電子電路與激發電路配合 執行Flip-Flop狀態時,諧振電路之第三振盪線圈308,振 •盪線圈321,第一諧振電容302與第二諧振電容3丨8亦開 始配合執行振盪之動作,其振盪頻率的高低,依第三振盪 線圈308之電感量,第二諧振電容318非常大於第一諧振 電容302之電容量,因此本發明即是利用第一諧振電容 320之小電容量大阻抗之特性,而在第一諧振電容320之 兩端得到大之日光燈500點火電壓’而執行日光燈500之點 亮動作,其點火電壓依日光燈500之特性而定,一般皆在 700VAC以上,在此必需強調的是本諧振電路屬串聯諧振電 本紙伕尺度通用中國國家標準(CNS 現格(210X29:?公釐) 469752 A7 B7 __ 五、發明説明(7 ) 路特性,而其諧振電阻319並聯於第一諧振電容320之雨 端,使第一諧振電容320之兩端電壓得以控制。 如圖4所示,矽控整流器保護電路4〇〇是由檢測電阻 4W護得半橋式振盪電路300及日光燈500所使用之總和 電流,因此在檢測電阻405之兩端得一參考電壓而供應於 分壓電阻401,402,其矽控整流器4〇4之閘極電壓則自 分壓電阻401 ,402之中點取得,其閘極取得之電壓經並 聯連接之濾波電容403給予電壓平滑化,若半橋式振盪電 路300或日光燈500發生短路或過載時,其檢測電阻405 兩端之電壓上昇,使矽控整流器404之閘極得一使矽控整 流器404導通(Turn on)之電壓,此時矽控整流器404之陽 極(Anode)與陰極(Cathode)導通,此時因陽極接於半橋式 振盪電路300之第一M0SFET 306之源極與第二M0SFET 306受極間,因而使半橋式振盪電路300之振盪動作停止 ,而達到保護半橋式振盪電路3⑽與日光燈500之效果, 當半橋式振盪電路300或日光燈500之故障排除後,再重 新啟動交流電源,而恢復本發明之正常動作。 如圖4所示,本發明電路以日光燈500為負載,因日 光燈500屬放電管(Discharge Tube)之一,因此本發明亦可 應用於其他放電管或其他相關之電路應用。 ----------^------1T (請先®讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 本紙乐尺度適用中国國家榇準(CNS ) A4規格(2ί〇Χ 29?公釐)The voltage above the Zener Vofage limit of Zener Diode 311 is bypassed to the source of the first MOSFET 305 without appearing at the gate, and the lower limit voltage of its second Zener Diode 311 passes through the first Zener Diode 312, and this If it exceeds the upper limit voltage of Zener Diode 312, it will reach the gate, but the lower limit voltage of its first Zener Diode 312 cannot reach the gate. For example, the description is as follows: If the Zener Voltage of the first Zener Diode 312 is 2V, and the first The Zener Diode Voltage of the second Zener Diode 3:11 is 7V, then the voltage of the gate of the first MOSFET 305 is between 2V and 7V, and the voltage of the gate can be measured by the two ends of the first gate resistor 313. It can be seen that the rise and fall of the surge and pulse waves never appear on the gate of the first MOSFET 305: the second group of electronic control circuits is exactly the same as the first group of control circuits, so their operating principles and functions are also the same, and Not to elaborate; when the first group and the second group of electronic circuits and the excitation circuit cooperate to perform the Flip-Flop state, the third oscillation coil 308, the oscillation coil 321, the first resonance capacitor 302 and The second resonant capacitor 3 丨 8 also starts to perform the operation of oscillation. The level of its oscillation frequency depends on the inductance of the third oscillation coil 308. The second resonant capacitor 318 is very much larger than the capacitance of the first resonant capacitor 302. Therefore, the present invention is It uses the characteristics of small capacitance and large impedance of the first resonant capacitor 320, and obtains the ignition voltage of the large fluorescent lamp 500 at both ends of the first resonant capacitor 320 to perform the lighting operation of the fluorescent lamp 500. The ignition voltage of the fluorescent lamp is according to that of the fluorescent lamp 500. Depending on the characteristics, generally above 700VAC, it must be emphasized here that this resonant circuit is a series resonant electrical paper. The general Chinese national standard (CNS is now (210X29:? Mm) 469752 A7 B7 __ V. Description of the invention ( 7), and its resonance resistance 319 is connected in parallel to the rain terminal of the first resonance capacitor 320, so that the voltage across the first resonance capacitor 320 can be controlled. As shown in FIG. 4, the silicon controlled rectifier protection circuit 400 is composed of The detection resistor 4W protects the total current used by the half-bridge oscillating circuit 300 and the fluorescent lamp 500, so a reference voltage is obtained at both ends of the detection resistor 405 and supplied to the voltage dividing resistor 40. 1,402, the gate voltage of its silicon-controlled rectifier 400 is obtained from the midpoint of the voltage-dividing resistors 401 and 402, and the voltage obtained by its gate is smoothed by the filter capacitor 403 connected in parallel. When the circuit 300 or the fluorescent lamp 500 is short-circuited or overloaded, the voltage across the detection resistor 405 rises, so that the gate of the silicon-controlled rectifier 404 has a voltage that turns on the silicon-controlled rectifier 404. At this time, the silicon-controlled rectifier 404 The anode (Anode) and cathode (Cathode) are turned on. At this time, because the anode is connected between the source of the first MOSFET 306 of the half-bridge oscillating circuit 300 and the receiver of the second MOSFET 306, the half-bridge oscillating circuit 300 The oscillating operation is stopped to achieve the effect of protecting the half-bridge oscillating circuit 3⑽ and the fluorescent lamp 500. When the failure of the half-bridge oscillating circuit 300 or the fluorescent lamp 500 is eliminated, the AC power is restarted to resume the normal operation of the present invention. As shown in FIG. 4, the circuit of the present invention uses a fluorescent lamp 500 as a load. Since the fluorescent lamp 500 is one of the discharge tubes, the present invention can also be applied to other discharge tubes or other related circuit applications. ---------- ^ ------ 1T (Please read the notes on the back before filling this page) The paper scale is applicable to China National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (2ί〇Χ 29 ? Mm)

Claims (1)

4 b 9 75 24 b 9 75 2 六、申請專利範圍 經濟部尹央堞準局員工消费合作红印装 1. 一種放電管使用之電子式安定器,為由A字型保護電路, 全波或倍壓整流電路,半橋式振盪電路,矽控整流器電路 及放電管等五部份所組成; A字型保護電路是由PTC ,NTC ,高頻濾波電容器及二 只MOV所組成: 全波或倍壓整流器電路是由選擇開關,二只或四只二極體 ,一只或二只濾波電容器及負載電阻所阻成; 半橋式振盪電路是由二只電晶體或二只MOSFETS ,電晶 體之基極或MOSFETS之閘極電子控制電路,振盪線圈, 諧振電感器1諧振電容器及激發電路所組成; 矽控整流器保護電路是由矽控整流器,分壓電阻,檢測電 阻及濾波電容器所組成; 4 放電管為指日光燈或其他放電管而言。 2. 如申請專利範圍第[項之電子式安定器’ A字型保護電路之特 徵為,PTC,NTC與高頻濾波電容器三者成串聯電路, PTC與NTC之兩端接於交流電源之二端; 其在PTC或NTC之一端前再串聯一保險絲或溫度保險絲 ,以增加其保護功能; 高頻濾波電容器與二串聯連接之_M〇V並聯連接,其二只 MOV串聯連接之中點為共同接地點; A字型保護電路之特徵為呈三個接點,二個接點接電源, 另一個接點接共同接地點; 為了達到應用之目的,可以用串 代單只PTC,而不予自限; 為了迮到應用之目的,可以用串 代單只NTC,而不予自限; 並聯多只PTC之技術替 並聯多只NTC之技術替 (請先聞讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) i" '?τ 一 1 本紙伕尺度適用中國國家標隼(CNS ) A4说格(公廣) 4 6 9 75 2 A7 B7 六、申請專利範圍 二只MOV之特徵為串聯連接,中點為共同接地點,為了 實際之需要,亦可採用與MOV相似特性之SIDAC替代, 而不自限; PTC或NTC為應實際負載電路之需求’可以用電阻給予替 代而不自限。 3. 如申請專利範圍第1項之電子式安定器’全波或涪壓整流器電路 之特徵為根據放電管之需要,利用選擇開關選擇全波或倍 壓整流器電路,在實際之生產線上常用一導線在電路板上 選擇’以替代選擇開關; 直流輸出端並接有負載電阻,其特徵為停電時使直流輸出 端之電壓達_到最低值,以確保安全。 4. 如申請專利範圍第1項之電子式安定器,半橋式振盪電路之激發 電路為田時間常數電阻,時間常數電容,激發二極體1 激發Diac與第二MOSFET所組成; 電子控制電路有二組,第一組為第一 MOSFET之閘極所屬. 之電路,藥二組為第二MOSFET之閘極所屬之電路; 第一組之第一MSOFET之閘極接有第一閘極電阻與第一 Zener Diode 之 P 極.; 第一 Zener Diode之N極則接到第二Zener Diode之N極與 第一限流電阻之一端; 經濟部中夬樣技.局負工消资含作杜印¾ I¾------1T <請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 第一限流電阻之另一端與第一振盪線圈之一端連接: 第一振盪線圈之另一端與第一閘極電阻之另一端,第二 Zener D丨ode之P極,第三振盪線圈之一端,第一 MOSFET 之源極,第二MOSFET之受極,激發二極體之N極及矽控 整流器之陽極連接在一起; 第一Zener Diode之特徵為限制最低電壓供應於第一 MOSFET之閘極; —-Z.— 本紙張尺度適用中國围家標準(CNS ; A4規格(2:0X297公釐) 4 6 9 75 2 A8 BS C8 D8 經濟部中央標準局買工消費合作社印製 、申請專利範圍 第二Zenu Diode之特徵為限制最高電壓供應於第一 MOSFET之閘極; 第二組之第二MOSFET之閘極接有激發Diac之另一端; 第二閘極電阻之一端及第三Zener Diode之P極; 第三Diode之N極接到第四Zener Diode之N極及第 二限流電阻之一端; 第二限流m阻之另一端接到第二振盪線圈之一端; 第二振盪線圈之另一端接到第四Zener Diode之P極,第 二閘極電阻之另一端,第二MOSFET之源極及矽控整流器 保護ΐΕ路之檢測電阻之一端共同連接在一起; 第三Zener Diode之特徵為限制最低電壓供應於第二MOSFET 之閘極; 諧振屯路為第三振盪線圈,諧振電感器 > 第一諧振電容及第 二諧電容所組成; 諧振電路之特徵為第三振盪線圈與諧振電感器之電感值及第 一諧振與第二諧振電容之電容量值,二者決定本發明之振盪 頻率,其呈串聯諧振特性; 第一諧振電容之電氣容量甚小於第二諧振電容; 第一諧振電容並聯有一負載電容; . 曰光燈有二組燈絲,其二組燈絲之一端並接於第一諧振電容 之兩端,一組燈絲之另一端接諧振電感器之一端,另一組燈 絲之另一端接第二諧振電容之一端,另一組燈絲之另一端接 第二諮振電容之一端,第二諧振電容之另一端接直流正電源 端,而其諧振電感器之另一端則與第三振盪線圈之另一端連 接之> 3 本紙張尺度適用中國國家橾隼{ CNS ) .M規格UIOX297公釐) ----- ---- —K - - - - ht__K _"11 (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 4 6 9 75 2 as B8 C8 D8 六'申請專利範圍 5 .如申請專利範圍第I項之電子式安定器’矽控整流器保護電路 之檢測電阻兩端之電壓為得自半橋式盪電路及曰光燈負載 之總合電流與檢測電阻之乘積: 分壓電阻為由兩只電阻串聯所組成,其一端接檢測電阻之 —端,中點接濾波電容器之正電端及矽控整流器之閘極; 分壓電阻之另一端接到濾波電容器之負電端,矽控整流器 之陰椏端及全波或倍壓整流電路之負電端; 矽控整流器之陽極接到第一 MOSFET之源極與第二MOSFET 之笑fe連接5而1 矽控整流器保護電路之特徵為半橋式振盪電路或日光燈負 載電路發生短路或過載時,能使半橋式振盪電路停止動作1 以達到保護之功能。 (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 經濟部中央標準局員工消费合作社印製 本紙張尺度適用中國國家梯準(CNS ) A4规格(2丨0X297公釐)Sixth, the scope of patent application: Yin Yanghuan staff of the Ministry of Economic Affairs ’s consumer cooperation red stamping. 1. An electronic ballast used for discharge tubes is an A-shaped protection circuit, a full-wave or voltage doubler rectifier circuit, and a half-bridge oscillation circuit. The silicon controlled rectifier circuit and discharge tube are composed of five parts; the A-shaped protection circuit is composed of PTC, NTC, high-frequency filter capacitor and two MOVs: the full-wave or voltage doubler rectifier circuit is composed of a selection switch and two Or four diodes, one or two filter capacitors and load resistance; Half-bridge oscillation circuit is composed of two transistors or two MOSFETS, the base of the transistor or the gate electronic control circuit of MOSFETS , Oscillating coil, resonant inductor 1 resonant capacitor and excitation circuit; silicon controlled rectifier protection circuit is composed of silicon controlled rectifier, voltage divider resistor, detection resistor and filter capacitor; 4 discharge tube refers to fluorescent lamp or other discharge tube Speak. 2. If the scope of the patent application [item of the electronic ballast 'A-shaped protection circuit is characterized in that PTC, NTC and high-frequency filter capacitors are connected in series, and both ends of PTC and NTC are connected to the AC power supply two A high-frequency filter capacitor is connected in parallel with two _M0V connected in series, and the midpoint of the two MOVs connected in series is Common ground point; A-shaped protection circuit is characterized by three contacts, two contacts are connected to the power source, and the other contact is connected to the common ground point. In order to achieve the purpose of application, a single PTC can be replaced by a string instead of For the purpose of application, you can use a string to replace a single NTC instead of self-limiting. The technology of paralleling multiple PTCs instead of the technology of paralleling multiple NTCs (please read the precautions on the back before filling in (This page) i " '? Τ -1 The paper size is applicable to the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 standard (public broadcasting) 4 6 9 75 2 A7 B7 6. The scope of patent application The two MOVs are connected in series, medium Point is common ground The occasion requires, and also using the SIDAC MOV similar properties of the substitute, but not self-limiting; the PTC or NTC needs to be the actual load circuits' resistance can not be given alternative self-limiting. 3. If the electronic ballast's full-wave or voltage boosting rectifier circuit is the first in the scope of the patent application, it is characterized by the use of a selection switch to select a full-wave or voltage-doubling rectifier circuit, which is commonly used in actual production lines. The wire is selected on the circuit board to replace the selection switch; the DC output terminal is connected with a load resistor, which is characterized in that the voltage at the DC output terminal reaches the lowest value during power failure to ensure safety. 4. For the electronic ballast with the scope of patent application No. 1, the excitation circuit of the half-bridge oscillation circuit is composed of field time constant resistance, time constant capacitance, excitation diode 1, excitation Diac and second MOSFET; electronic control circuit There are two groups, the first group is the circuit to which the gate of the first MOSFET belongs, and the second group is the circuit to which the gate of the second MOSFET belongs; the gate of the first group of the first MSOFET is connected to the first gate resistor And the P pole of the first Zener Diode; the N pole of the first Zener Diode is connected to the N pole of the second Zener Diode and one of the first current-limiting resistors; Du Yin ¾ I¾ ------ 1T < Please read the precautions on the back before filling this page) The other end of the first current limiting resistor is connected to one end of the first oscillating coil: The other end of the first oscillating coil is connected to The other end of the first gate resistance, the P pole of the second Zener Dode, the one end of the third oscillating coil, the source of the first MOSFET, and the acceptor of the second MOSFET excite the N and silicon control of the diode. The anodes of the rectifiers are connected together; the first Zener Diode is characterized by the lowest limit The voltage is supplied to the gate of the first MOSFET; —-Z.— This paper size applies to Chinese standards (CNS; A4 size (2: 0X297 mm) 4 6 9 75 2 A8 BS C8 D8 The second Zenu Diode, printed and patented by the Industrial and Commercial Cooperatives, is characterized by limiting the highest voltage supply to the gate of the first MOSFET; the gate of the second MOSFET of the second group is connected to the other end of the excitation Diac; the second gate One end of the resistor and the P pole of the third Zener Diode; the N pole of the third Diode is connected to the N pole of the fourth Zener Diode and one end of the second current limiting resistor; the other end of the second current limiting m resistance is connected to the second oscillation One end of the coil; the other end of the second oscillating coil is connected to the P pole of the fourth Zener Diode, the other end of the second gate resistor, the source of the second MOSFET and one end of the detection resistor of the silicon-controlled rectifier protection circuit Together; the third Zener Diode is characterized by limiting the lowest voltage supplied to the gate of the second MOSFET; the resonant circuit is a third oscillating coil, the resonant inductor is composed of a first resonant capacitor and a second resonant capacitor; a resonant circuit Characteristics It is the inductance value of the third oscillation coil and the resonant inductor and the capacitance value of the first resonance and the second resonance capacitor, both of which determine the oscillation frequency of the present invention, which has a series resonance characteristic; the electrical capacity of the first resonance capacitor is much smaller than The second resonance capacitor; the first resonance capacitor is connected in parallel with a load capacitor; the light lamp has two groups of filaments, one end of the two groups of filaments is connected to both ends of the first resonance capacitor, and the other end of one group of filaments is connected to a resonant inductor One end, the other end of the other group of filaments is connected to one end of the second resonant capacitor, the other end of the other group of filaments is connected to one end of the second consulting capacitor, the other end of the second resonant capacitor is connected to the positive DC power supply terminal, and its resonance is The other end of the inductor is connected to the other end of the third oscillating coil. ≫ 3 This paper size applies to the Chinese country ({CNS) .M specification UIOX297 mm) ----- ---- -K-- --ht__K _ " 11 (Please read the precautions on the back before filling in this page) 4 6 9 75 2 as B8 C8 D8 6 'Applicable patent scope 5. If the patent application scope item I electronic stabilizer' silicon control Rectifier protection circuit The voltage across the detection resistor is the product of the total current from the half-bridge oscillating circuit and the load of the light lamp and the detection resistance: The voltage-dividing resistor is composed of two resistors in series, one end of which is connected to the-end of the detection resistor. The midpoint is connected to the positive terminal of the filter capacitor and the gate of the silicon controlled rectifier; the other end of the voltage dividing resistor is connected to the negative terminal of the filter capacitor, the female terminal of the silicon controlled rectifier and the negative terminal of the full-wave or voltage doubled rectifier circuit; The anode of the silicon-controlled rectifier is connected to the source of the first MOSFET and the smile of the second MOSFET is connected. 5 and 1 The protection circuit of the silicon-controlled rectifier is characterized by a short-circuit or overload in the half-bridge oscillation circuit or the fluorescent lamp load circuit. The bridge oscillating circuit stops operation 1 to achieve the protection function. (Please read the precautions on the back before filling out this page) Printed by the Consumer Cooperatives of the Central Bureau of Standards of the Ministry of Economic Affairs This paper size applies to China National Standard for Ladder (CNS) A4 (2 丨 0X297 mm)
TW88106163A 1999-04-17 1999-04-17 Electronic stabilizer device TW469752B (en)

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TW88106163A TW469752B (en) 1999-04-17 1999-04-17 Electronic stabilizer device

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TW88106163A TW469752B (en) 1999-04-17 1999-04-17 Electronic stabilizer device

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TW88106163A TW469752B (en) 1999-04-17 1999-04-17 Electronic stabilizer device

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