_ ]}7464489 Λ7 經濟部中央標準局負工消費合作社印製 五、發明説明(1 ) 本發明係有關.-種電動翻書裝置,主要適用於手部障 礙閱讀不便之輔助所需’可供使用者以不同的操作方式進 ί了翻貝 '達到閱讀之便利。 目前有關生活輔具之應用,在國外已相當普遍!許多 高頸髓損傷患者及腦性麻痺小孩在就學就業前之生活獨立 已受到重視,尤其生活獨立可提高個人尊嚴及生活品質, 間接促進學習與就業動機。國內因人權觀念、法令保障之 曰益崛起,致使生活輔具之應用與需求日受重視丨目前國 內大部分科技輔具均需仰賴進口,價錢昂貴動輒數十萬, 實非殘障朋友所能負擔;再者其設計也往往不能完全符合 國人文化背景’再加上維修訓練問題,致使國人自行硏發 科技輔具已刻不容緩!據資料估計,在所有肢體障礙者中 (包含腦性麻痺小孩、頸髓損傷及肌肉萎縮)約有20%左右 爲較嚴重的四肢癱瘓者,這些患者往往年輕,有著就學的 需求及吸收新知的渴望。因而如何在肢體障礙下完成閱讀 的活動,是臨床迫切需要解決的問題! 關於電動翻書機的沿革,國內目前尙無較具體可行的 硏發成果’然在國外電動翻書機之應用已行之多年。目前 國外較成熟的電動翻書機,依其翻頁形式大致分爲兩種, 一種爲機械式(參考書目1),另一種爲吸盤式(參考書目 2)。機械式之設計大多結合機械手臂(r〇botics)的硏發,雖 然翻書的成功率較高,然及缺點爲硬體系統體積龐大,過 於笨重不易攜帶。吸盤式之設計爲由微處理器控制,其優 點爲設計輕巧易於攜帶,然其缺點爲因書頁之靜電因素, "本紙悵尺度適用中阈因家樣尊(CNS )以現济(2丨0乂 297公及) (婧先閱讀背而之注念事項孙填巧木托) .等 『1Τ 泉 t 4 6 44 3 9 Λ7 經濟部中央標準局員工消費合作社印製 Η7五、發明説明(2 ) 導致吸盤常無法一次只控制一張書頁,且因吸盤抽氣之作 動會產生較大的噪音1影響閱讀品質。 本發叨之目的在提供一種具電動翻頁裝置之翻書機, 以其微處理晶片控制之方式簡化操作過程,易於上肢障礙 者閱讀之操作;以其仿生式的設計機構,模擬人體姆指與 食指翻頁的動作,提高翻頁之成功率;以其減小體積與重 量之設計,提供使用者利於攜帶及不同場所之使用;以其 不同輸入介面之設計,提供使用者能以不同操作方式進行 翻頁,達到操作之便利。 茲配合圓式將本發明較佳實施例詳細說明如下,請參 閱圖一、圖二、圖三及圖四本發明電動翻書機實施例之圖 式。其中包含: 一可置放書本之機體平台I’其左側設置一左翻輸入 鍵Π,右側設置一右翻輸入鍵12、重置按鍵13及一訊號 輸入介面14,如圖一所示。左翻輸入鍵11爲將書頁翻向 右之按鍵,右翻輸入鍵爲將書頁翻向右之按鍵’重置鍵 1 3功能爲將系統各部作動歸於初始狀態’訊號輸入介面1 4 主要在於整合上述三種按鍵之輸入方式可依不同需求做更 改如口吹、腳踏等。機體平台1前面爲一對壓書推頁座2, 後側爲一撥頁座3而內部下方爲控制系統4 ° 一對壓書推頁座2,置於機體平台1之前方’壓書推 頁座2之詳細構造如圖二所示。包含壓書馬達21 ’置於壓 書臂22之後側,壓書臂22側邊連接一壓書臂感應器23 ’ 本紙張尺度ί㈣巾酬家削M CNS ) 格(2IOXW7公览) (請先Μ讀汴而之注S卞項再慎巧木ΪΓ: 裝 訂 Λ 46 44 8 9 Α7 Β7 五、發明説明(3 ) 作爲固定書頁之感測,壓書臂22下方有一垂直置放之推頁 馬達24,推頁馬達24帶動置於其上方的推頁圓盤25做圓 周運動,推頁圓盤25上方有一圓柱凸251,當圓柱凸251 做圓週運動時將帶動推頁桿26上的推桿槽261做前後運 動,而推頁桿26將沿著壓書臂22內之直線滑槽做直線前 後運動,推頁桿26移動的方向大約與水平呈70度,以方 便將書頁推起。推頁桿26前下方連接一具高摩擦性質之推 頁頭262。壓書臂22與推頁桿26之作動類似於正常人翻 書時食指(或中指)壓書及拇指推書之形式。另外,於推頁 圓盤後方置一推頁感應器27作爲推頁桿26後退時之限制 控制。 經濟部中央榡率局貝工消費合作社印製 (锖先叼讀背而之注念事項典irt寫木可〇 一撥頁座3 (如圖三所示),包含一撥頁馬達31主要 做正反旋轉,帶動左輪盤32,左輪盤32帶動皮帶33,皮 帶33帶動右輪盤34,皮帶33上連結一撥頁盒35,撥頁盒 35上連結一撥頁桿351,其下方連結-··滾輪,藉由皮帶之 牽引,撥頁盒35可在滑軌36上左右移動。另外,於滑軌 36左右兩側各置--滑軌感應器37,以限制撥頁盒35左右 移動的範圍。 一置於機體平台1內部下方之控制系統4,包括變電 器41、晶片控制器42、推動晶片43及繼電器44。控制系 統4與輸入控制、馬達及各感應器之迴路關係如圖四所示。 參閱圖五,本發明電動翻書機實施例使用狀態之立體 圖。 本紙張尺度適用中国阀家標革(CNS ) 2]{1'〆2们公植) 4 6 44 8 9 Λ7 1Π _ 五、發明説明(4 ) 爲了達成電動翻書的目的,本發明採仿生式設計,模 擬正常人翻書之動作,食指或中指先將書頁固定,繼而拇 指翻起書頁將書頁帶至對側之形式。主要藉由壓書臂22 下壓將書頁固定,繼而利用推頁頭262之摩擦力與前後移 動將書頁推離書面,再藉由皮帶33帶動撥頁桿351插入已 被推起的書頁下方,繼而帶動書頁進行翻頁之動作。以下 將針對左翻(將書頁向左翻)做使用之流程說明: 經濟部中央樣準局員工消費合作社印裝 下壓左翻輸入鍵1 1,此時壓書臂22位於仰角45度及 推桿26位於與推頁桿感應器27接觸之初始位置。請再參 閱圖二、圖三及圖四,晶片控制器42會送一脈波至推動晶 片43,繼而控制繼電器44並啓動撥頁馬達31做向右旋 轉,撥頁馬達31帶動左輪盤32,藉由皮帶33及右輪盤34 之傳動,撥頁盒35將往滑軌右邊前進,直到撥頁盒35碰 到右滑軌感應器37爲止,此時右滑軌感應器37會回饋一 訊號給晶片控制器42,晶片控制器42依上述控制流程驅 動右壓書馬達21,右壓書馬達21帶動壓書臂22向下轉動 壓書,直到壓書臂側邊之壓書臂感應器23接觸書面爲止> 此時壓書臂22已將書頁固定,接著右壓書臂感應器23回 饋一訊號給晶片控制器42,並驅動推頁馬達24,推頁馬達 24將帶動推頁圓盤25旋轉,藉由推頁圓盤25上之圓柱凸 2S1與推桿槽261嵌入契合,當推頁馬達24旋轉180度時, 推頁桿26將往前移動一小段距離,藉由推頁頭262之摩擦 力將書頁邊緣推離開書面,此時推頁馬達24會暫時停止3 秒的作動,在這3秒鐘內,撥頁馬達3 1會做向左旋轉1.5 -7- 本纸張Λ度適用中阄阀家樣導(CNS ) Λ4见丨fp· ( 2!〇X297公徒) 經濟部中央榡準局男工消費合作it印裂 464489 Λ7 Π 7 五、發明説明(5 ) 秒’帶動撥頁盒35往左行進一小段距離而停止,此時撥頁 桿3 5 1已順利插入被推高的書頁下方,之後右壓書馬達2 1 做反向旋轉45度,將壓書臂22帶離開書面(即壓書功能解 除)’同時推頁馬達24會做反向旋轉,推頁桿26將往後移 動’直到推頁桿26接觸推頁桿感應器27後停止,即此時 壓書臂22及推頁桿26均已退回初始狀態,而撥頁桿351 插入書頁的下方。接著撥頁馬達31繼續作動,而已位於書 頁下方的撥頁桿35 1亦繼續往左進行,直到撥頁盒35接觸 到左滑軌感應器37才停止,而完成左翻的動作。 右翻(將書頁像右翻)的動作與左翻類似,故省略說明。 綜合以上所述,當知本案所發明之電動翻書機已具有 產業利用性、進步性與發明性,符合發明專利之要件。 惟以上所述著,僅爲本發明之一較佳實施而已,並非 用來限定本發明實施之範圍。即凡依本案發明申請專利範 圍所做的均等變化與修飾,皆爲本發明專利涵蓋。 圖式之簡單說明 第一圖爲本發明電動翻書機實施例之立體圖。 第二圖爲本發明電動翻書機實施例壓書推頁座之詳圖》 第三圖爲本發明電動翻書機實施例撥頁座之詳圖。 第四圖爲本發明電動翻書機實施例控制系統迴路之圖解。 第五圖爲本發明電動翻書機實施例使用狀態之立體圖。 本紙張尺度適用巾國國家榡準(CN.S ) Λ4規恪(2Η>Χ2<Π公及) ---------^------ΐτ_------..i (讀先Μ讀背而之注意市項孙填巧本开;〕 -8- 464489 A7 R7 經濟部中央榡準局貝工消費合作枉印袋 五、發明説明(6 ) 圖式中之參照號數 1機體平台 11左翻輸入鍵 π重置按鍵 2翻書座 21壓書馬達 23壓書臂感應器 25推頁圓盤 251圓柱凸 26推頁桿 261推桿槽 27推頁桿感應器 3撥頁座 31撥頁馬達 33皮帶 35撥頁盒 351撥頁桿 36滑軌 4主控系統 41變電器 43推動晶片 12右翻輸入鍵 14訊號輸入介面 22壓書臂 24推頁馬達 262推頁頭 32左輪盤 34右輪盤 37滑軌感應器 42晶片控制器 44繼電器 參考書目 1· Officer, T_ M., (1991) A microprocessor controlled page turner. Biomedical Science Instrumentation. 27, 141-144. 參考書目 2_ ZYGO INDUSTRIES, INC.: Manual of GEWA Page Turner BLV-6. 本紙張尺度適ffl中國國家標準(CNS ) ΛΊ現iM川以297公及) ----------t------、玎------Λ--._]} 7464489 Λ7 Printed by the Consumers ’Cooperative of the Central Standards Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs 5. Description of the invention (1) The present invention is related.-An electric book turning device, which is mainly suitable for assisting handicapped reading difficulties. The user enters 翻 through different operation modes to achieve the convenience of reading. At present, the application of living aids is quite common abroad! Many patients with high cervical spinal cord injury and children with cerebral palsy have paid attention to their independence before going to school and employment. In particular, independence in life can improve personal dignity and quality of life, and indirectly promote learning and employment motivation. Due to the rise of the concept of human rights and the protection of laws and regulations in the country, the application and demand for life assistive devices have become increasingly important. At present, most domestic technology assistive devices rely on imports, which are expensive and cost hundreds of thousands, which is not affordable for disabled friends. Moreover, its design is often not completely in line with the cultural background of the Chinese people. Coupled with the problem of maintenance training, it is urgent for the Chinese people to develop technology aids by themselves! According to data estimates, about 20% of all people with physical disabilities (including children with cerebral palsy, cervical spinal cord injury and muscle atrophy) are more severe quadriplegics. These patients are often young, have a need for schooling and absorb new knowledge desire. Therefore, how to complete the reading activity under physical disorders is an urgent problem that needs to be solved clinically! Regarding the history of electric book turning machines, there are currently no concrete and feasible development results in China. However, the application of electric book turning machines in foreign countries has been implemented for many years. At present, the more mature electric book turning machines in foreign countries are roughly divided into two types according to their page turning styles, one is mechanical (reference bibliography 1), and the other is sucker type (reference bibliography 2). Most of the mechanical designs are combined with the bursting of robotic arms. Although the success rate of flipping books is high, the disadvantage is that the hardware system is bulky and too bulky to carry easily. The design of the suction cup is controlled by a microprocessor. Its advantage is that it is lightweight and easy to carry, but its disadvantage is due to the static factor of the book pages. "The paper size is suitable for the middle threshold because of the family-like respect (CNS).丨 0 乂 297 () and (Jing first read the memorandum of the sun and fill in the wooden tray). Etc. "1Τ spring t 4 6 44 3 9 Λ7 printed by the Consumer Cooperative of the Central Standards Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs 五 5. Description of the invention (2) As a result, the suction cup often cannot control only one page of the book at a time, and the suction of the suction cup will generate a large noise 1 affecting the reading quality. The purpose of this hairpin is to provide a book turning machine with an electric page turning device, which simplifies the operation process by its micro-processing chip control, and is easy to read for people with upper limb disorders. With its bionic design mechanism, it simulates the human thumb The movement of turning pages with the index finger improves the success rate of turning pages; with its design that reduces volume and weight, it is convenient for users to carry and use in different places; with its design of different input interfaces, it provides users with different operations Way to turn pages to achieve the convenience of operation. The preferred embodiment of the present invention is described in detail below with reference to the circle type. Please refer to FIG. 1, FIG. 2, FIG. 3, and FIG. It includes: a body platform I ′ that can hold books, a left-turning input key Π on the left side, a right-turning input key 12, a reset button 13 and a signal input interface 14 on the right side, as shown in FIG. The left-turning input key 11 is a key for turning the page to the right, and the right-turning input key is a key for turning the page to the right. 'Reset key 1 3 Function is to return all parts of the system to their initial state' Signal input interface 1 4 Main The integration of the three key input methods can be changed according to different needs, such as mouth blow, foot pedal, etc. The front of the machine platform 1 is a pair of book pusher seats 2, the rear is a dial holder 3 and the lower part is the control system 4 ° A pair of book pusher seats 2 are placed in front of the machine platform 1. The detailed structure of page seat 2 is shown in Figure 2. Contains a book press motor 21 'placed behind the book press arm 22, and a book press arm sensor 23 is connected to the side of the book press arm 22' This paper size ㈣ ㈣ towels and home cut M CNS) grid (2IOXW7 public) (please first Μ Read the note and note S. Please be cautious again. Γ: Binding 46 46 8 9 Α7 Β7 V. Description of the invention (3) As the sensing of fixed book pages, there is a push page placed vertically under the press arm 22. The motor 24 and the page pushing motor 24 drive the page pushing disc 25 placed above it to perform a circular motion. The page pushing disc 25 is provided with a cylindrical protrusion 251. When the cylindrical protrusion 251 performs a circular movement, it will drive the pushing on the page pushing lever 26. The lever groove 261 moves forward and backward, and the page pushing lever 26 moves linearly forward and backward along the linear slide groove in the book pressing arm 22. The direction of the movement of the page pushing lever 26 is about 70 degrees from the horizontal to facilitate pushing the pages The front and bottom of the page pushing lever 26 is connected with a high-friction page pushing head 262. The action of the book pressing arm 22 and the page pushing lever 26 is similar to that of a normal person's index finger (or middle finger) pressing book and thumb pushing book. In addition, a page push sensor 27 is placed behind the page push disc as a limit control when the page push lever 26 moves backward. Printed by the Central Government Bureau of Shellfish Consumer Cooperatives (reading the memorandum and reading the notes first) IRT writes a book 3 (as shown in Figure 3), including a page motor 31 mainly for positive Reverse rotation drives the left wheel 32, the left wheel 32 drives the belt 33, and the belt 33 drives the right wheel 34. The belt 33 is connected to a dial box 35, and the dial box 35 is connected to a dial lever 351. · Roller, by the pull of the belt, the dial box 35 can move left and right on the slide rail 36. In addition, the slide rail sensors 37 are placed on the left and right sides of the slide rail 36 to limit the movement of the dial box 35 left and right. Scope: A control system 4 placed under the interior of the body platform 1, including a transformer 41, a chip controller 42, a pusher 43 and a relay 44. The circuit relationship between the control system 4 and the input control, motor and each sensor is shown in Figure 4. As shown in FIG. 5, a perspective view of the use state of the electric book turning machine according to the embodiment of the present invention. This paper scale is suitable for Chinese valve leather (CNS) 2] {1'〆2 men's planting) 4 6 44 8 9 Λ7 1Π _ V. Description of the invention (4) In order to achieve the purpose of electric book turning, the present invention adopts a bionic design The movement of a normal person turning a book is as follows. The index finger or middle finger first fixes the page, and then the thumb turns the page to bring the page to the opposite side. The book page is mainly fixed by pressing down the book arm 22, and then using push The friction of the page head 262 and the forward and backward movement push the pages away from the paper, and then the page lever 351 is driven by the belt 33 to insert under the pushed pages, which in turn drives the pages to turn pages. The following will be directed to the left Turn (turn the page to the left) to use the process description: Printed by the Consumer Cooperatives of the Central Procurement Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, press the left turn input key 1 1 at this time, the book pressing arm 22 is located at an elevation of 45 degrees and the push rod 26 is located The initial position in contact with the push lever sensor 27. Please refer to FIG. 2, FIG. 3 and FIG. 4 again, the chip controller 42 will send a pulse to push the chip 43, and then control the relay 44 and start the paging motor 31 to rotate to the right. The paging motor 31 drives the left wheel 32, Driven by the belt 33 and the right wheel 34, the dial box 35 will advance to the right of the slide rail until the dial box 35 touches the right slide rail sensor 37. At this time, the right slide rail sensor 37 will return a signal To the wafer controller 42, the wafer controller 42 drives the right press motor 21 according to the above control flow. The right press motor 21 drives the press arm 22 to rotate the press downward until the press arm sensor 23 on the side of the press arm Until the contact with the paper> At this point, the book pressing arm 22 has fixed the pages, and then the right pressing arm sensor 23 returns a signal to the chip controller 42 and drives the page pushing motor 24. The page pushing motor 24 will drive the page pushing circle The disc 25 rotates, and the cylindrical protrusion 2S1 on the page pushing disc 25 fits into the push rod groove 261. When the page pushing motor 24 rotates 180 degrees, the page pushing lever 26 will move forward a short distance, The friction of the head 262 pushes the edge of the page away from the writing, at this time the page pushing motor 24 will temporarily stop The operation lasts for 3 seconds. Within these 3 seconds, the page-turning motor 31 will rotate to the left by 1.5 -7- This paper Λ degree is suitable for the center valve home sample guide (CNS) Λ4 see fp · (2! 〇X297 apprentice) Men ’s worker ’s consumer cooperation with the Central Procurement Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs it ’s cracked 464489 Λ7 Π 7 V. Description of the invention (5) Seconds, the page box 35 is driven to a short distance to the left and stopped, at this time the page lever 3 5 1 has been successfully inserted under the pushed up page, and then the right press motor 2 1 rotates backward 45 degrees to take the press arm 22 away from the paper (ie the press function is released). At the same time, the push motor 24 will Do reverse rotation, the push lever 26 will move backwards until the push lever 26 contacts the push lever sensor 27 and stops, that is, at this time, the book pressing arm 22 and the push lever 26 have returned to the initial state, and the page is dialed. The lever 351 is inserted below a book page. Then, the page-turning motor 31 continues to operate, and the page-turning lever 35 1, which is already located below the page, continues to the left until the page-turning box 35 contacts the left slide rail sensor 37 and stops, thereby completing the action of turning left. The action of turning right (turning the pages like a right) is similar to turning left, so the description is omitted. In summary, it is known that the electric book turning machine invented in this case has industrial applicability, progress, and inventiveness, and meets the requirements of the invention patent. However, the above description is only one preferred implementation of the present invention, and is not intended to limit the scope of implementation of the present invention. That is, all equal changes and modifications made in accordance with the scope of the patent application for the invention of this case are covered by the invention patent. Brief Description of the Drawings The first figure is a perspective view of an embodiment of an electric book turning machine according to the present invention. The second figure is a detailed diagram of the book pushing and pushing seat of the embodiment of the electric book turning machine of the present invention. The fourth figure is a diagram of the control system circuit of the electric book turning machine embodiment of the present invention. The fifth figure is a perspective view of a state of use of the electric book turning machine embodiment of the present invention. The size of this paper is applicable to the National Standards of China (CN.S) Λ4 (2Η > × 2 < Π) and --------- ^ ------ ΐτ _------. .i (Read the first M and read the back and pay attention to the entry of Sun Xiangqian ;; -8- 464489 A7 R7 Printed bags for shellfish consumer cooperation of the Central Bureau of Standards of the Ministry of Economic Affairs 5. Description of the invention (6) Reference number 1 Body platform 11 Left turn input key π Reset button 2 Book turn 21 Press motor 23 Press arm sensor 25 Push disc 251 Cylinder convex 26 Push lever 261 Push lever slot 27 Push lever induction 3 dial holder 31 dial motor 33 belt 35 dial box 351 dial lever 36 slide rail 4 main control system 41 transformer 43 push chip 12 right turn input key 14 signal input interface 22 pressure arm 24 push motor 262 Push Page Header 32 Left Roulette 34 Right Roulette 37 Slide Rail Sensor 42 Chip Controller 44 Relay Bibliography 1. Officer, T_M., (1991) A microprocessor controlled page turner. Biomedical Science Instrumentation. 27, 141-144. Bibliography 2_ ZYGO INDUSTRIES, INC .: Manual of GEWA Page Turner BLV-6. This paper is suitable for ffl Chinese National Standards (CNS) ΛΊ now iM Sichuan to 297 ---------- t ------, 玎 ------ Λ--.