4 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 5279 2 A7 _____B7__ 五、發明說明(1 ) 〔本發明所屬之技術領域〕 本發明係有關於藉由從透光性基板照射記錄光,即可 記錄信號之光碟片,尤其是有關於對於在光射入面的透光 '性基板表面貼上保護片之光碟片。 〔習知之技術〕 自以往即半多使用於音樂用媒體的電腦光碟片(CD )或多半使用於電腦用的媒體之CD—ROM等之市售光 碟片’係爲讀取專用的。此種讀取專用的光碟片,通常是 使用於成形由聚碳酸酯等所製成的透光性基板之際,經電 鑄或沖壓等工程所得到的模型,於前述透光性基板的表面 上形成凹凸狀的凹坑來記錄信號的方式。使用者無法自行 在此種光碟片上記錄資訊。 對此’乃由1 9 8 0年未到1 9 9 0年初期,直至開 發出具有與前述CD互換性之可記錄的所謂光型CD( CD-R)爲止。此CD-R通常是以不記錄信號的狀態 來出貨,只能記錄一次使用者所期望的任意資訊。按此, 使用者即能以較低的成本而具有與C D或C D — R OM互 換性,且複製記錄任意資訊的CD或CD — ROM。 C D - R,一般是在以聚碳酸酯等透明合成樹脂所製 成的板狀透光性基板上,形成深藍著色劑等的著色記錄層 ,於該著色記錄層上被覆A u膜等之金屬反射層,更於該 金屬反射層上形成以紫外線硬化性樹脂所製成之保護層者 。於形成前述透光性基板的著色記錄層之面,設置例如有 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS)A4規格(210 X 297公釐) I --------訂---------%、 (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) -4- 452792 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 A7 __B7__ 五、發明說明(2 ) 1 . 6 μ m螺距的螺旋狀跟蹤軌道。 在此C D - R記錄信號時,則是從光傳感器通過透光 性基板,將照射在著色記錄層的記錄光之光點,一邊沿著 '跟蹤軌道.做跟蹤’一邊將脈衝調整的記錄光之光點照射到 著色記錄層’且以脈衝信號爲凹坑而寫入。此時,藉由對 應脈衝信號’而令著色記錄層之加熱、溶解、部份分解的 著色記錄層的著色材料與被加熱溶解的透光性基板的樹脂 材料互相地作用,即可對透光性基板上形成凹坑。按此寫 入可讀取與C D或C D - R Ο Μ同樣信號之所期望的資訊 〇 此CD — R並未經過被使用在讀取專用的C D或C D -R 0M製造工程的大規模之製造設備或複雜的製造工程 ,即很容易在編輯首位環境得到記錄著與C D或C D -R 0M完全互換性的資訊之光碟片。 由於光碟片的透光性基板爲聚碳酸酯等之樹脂製的, 因此會產生靜電,而容易在其表面的光射入面附著塵埃· 且因爲硬物,而易受到摩擦,或受到衝擊與損傷。如上所 述’附著在透光性基板的光射入面的塵埃或損傷,會妨礙 到射入雷射光,尤其會令寫入特性.受到較大的劣化。 爲解決前述之問題,習知之光碟片係在記錄光及再生 光的射入面之透光性基板表面貼上可剝離的保護片,予以 施行保護透光性基板的表面。例如貼上透明的保護片,則 是依然對於貼上保護片的透光基板表面可以記錄及再生。 另一方面*在貼上具有遮蔽著色記錄層的感光波長帶域的 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS)A4規格(210 X 297公爱) -5- ------------I ^---I----訂·ί!-^ (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 452792 A7 _____ B7 五、發明說明(3 ) 光之效果的著色片或不透明的保護片的場合/也有防止因 自然光等所引起的著色記錄層劣化之效果等=甚至在保護 片含有帶電防止劑者,也能防止因靜電引起附著塵埃。如 '此即可藉.由在CD- R等之可記錄的光碟片的透光性基板 表面貼上保護片,而具有種種優點。 第4圖與第5圖係表示在光碟片的透光性基板1的光 射入面貼上保護片6的狀態。習知的保護片6係具有與透 光性基板相同的平面形狀,此保護片6係利用黏著劑被黏 貼在透光性基板1的光射入面,因而,保護片6與透光性 基板1的外周緣及固定孔5的內周緣均爲平整面。爲了能 從透光性基板1剝開保護片,因此保護片6具有從其外周 緣加以突出之薄片7,此薄片7是從透光性基板1的外周 做突出的。 如第5圖所示,當從透光性基板1剝開被黏貼在透光 性基板1的保護片6時,即能以手指撕開薄片7,如第4 圖所示從透光性基板1拉起而剝開。 〔本發明欲解決之課題〕 但如前所述之貼有保護片6的光碟片,於處理過程中 ,不小心從透光性基板1剝開保護片6的情形很多。保護 片6若以黏著劑不殘留在透光性基板1的光射入面之方式 ,或是以接著力弱的黏著劑,黏貼在透光性基板1的光射 入面被暫時剝開,就很難於剝開後再做正確的黏貼》 進而,因前述習知的保護片6,係如前所述,以被黏 ------------ ---I---* 訂------I ! ^ (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS)A4規格(210*297公釐) -6- 452792 A7 _______ B7 五、發明說明(4 ) (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 貼透光性基板1的狀態,而從同一基扳1的外周緣突出薄 片7 ’例如,如第6圖所示,當收納在一般的光碟片用之 外殼時’需在光碟片保持部1 3與蓋體1 2之間夾一片前 .述的薄片.7。於第6圖中,1 1爲外殻本體,1 3爲被嵌 入此外殼本體1 1的光碟片保持部,1 4爲供收納光碟片 之被形成在光碟片保持部13的凹部,16爲嵌入收納在 該凹部14的光碟片的固定孔5之突起集合體,12爲蓋 體’ 1 8爲插入此蓋體Γ 2所使用之裝飾面板。 此外,一部分的光碟片係爲能在與其光射入面相反邊 的樹脂塗佈面上,使用噴墨印表機進行印刷者。做此印刷 之際,是將光碟片裝在搬送托架做運送,但此時,則如前 所述,若保護片6的薄片7從透光性基板1的外周緣突出 的話,光碟片就不能裝在搬送托架。 本發明係有鑑於如前所述之黏上保護片的習知光碟片 之課題,其目的爲提供一部分的透光性基板不突出光碟片 的外周緣,保護片不會不小心地從光碟片被剝開,且在意 圖從光碟片剝開保護片時,能輕易地從光碟片剝開保護片 之貼有保護片的光碟片。 經濟部智慧財產局員工消费合作社印絮 〔用以解決課題之手段〕 爲達成前述之目的,本發明乃以保護片2 6外周緣的 整個部分不突出光碟片外周緣的方式,製做成將同一個保 護片2 6黏貼在透光性基板2 1之同時,爲防止不小心剝 開保護片2 6 ’而以除了保護片2 6外周緣的一部分2 8 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準<CNS>A4規格(210 X 297公釐) 452792 A7 ______ B7 五、發明說明(5 ) 外’同一個保護片2 6外周緣的其他部分是位在較透光性 基板2 1的外周緣更內側的方式。且在意圖剝開保護片 2 6時,保護片2 6外周緣的一部分2 8,易從透光性基 •板1的光射入面被拉起的緣故,只有保護片26的外周緣 之一部分2 8是做成與透光性基板1的外周緣齊等的面。 亦即,按本發明之光碟片,係從透光性基板2 1這邊 來照射記錄光,藉此即可讀取或記錄信號,並可在透光性 基板2 1的記錄光及再生光的射入面,以可剝開的來設置 保護片2 6,此保護片2 6的外周緣之一部分2 8是做成 與透光性基板2 1的外周緣齊等的面,除了保護片2 6的 前述外周緣的一部分2 8外之外周緣的其他部分則是在透 光性基板2 1的外周緣之內側爲其特徵。 經濟郤智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 更具體而言,例如從保護片2 6的外周緣突設薄片 2 7,此薄片2 7的外緣是以保護片2 6的外周緣之一部 分2 8做成與透光性基板2 1的周面等齊。或是,保護片 2 6是以較透光性基板2 1的直徑小的圓形狀之薄片製成 的,此保護片2 6是以相對於透光性基板2 1做偏心而黏 貼的’藉此,同一個保護片2 6的外周緣的一部分2 8就 會與透光性基板21的周面成爲齊等的面。 此種將保護片2 6黏貼在透光性基板2 1的光射入面 之光碟,不但不從透光性基板2 1的外周緣突出薄片,且 除了保護片2 6的外周緣之一部分2 8外,同一個保護片 2 6的外周緣是放在較透光性基板2 1的外周緣內側,就 不會因錯誤而拉起薄片,不小心地剝開保護片2 6。此外 -8 - ------------^--------訂· (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 本紙張尺度適用令國國家標準(CNS)A4規格(210 X 297公釐) • 4527 9 2 A7 _B7__ 五、發明說明(6 ) (請先Μ讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) ,也可收納在一般的光碟片用外殼,或是以噴墨印表機對 光碟片的保護塗佈之表面做印刷時,裝在搬送托架上。 另外,爲了在光碟片做記錄等,而將保護片2 6意圖 從透光性基板2 1的光射入面剝開時,保護片2 6的外周 緣的一部分2 8是做成與透光性基板2 1的外周緣齊等面 的緣故,例如手指會碰到透光性基板2 1與保護片2 6的 此部分,用手指從透光性基板2 1擦過保護片2 6,藉此 即能以稍微的力量簡單地拉起保護片2 6外周緣的一部分 2 8。按此,即可輕易地從透光性基板2 1的光射入面剝 離保護片2 6。 在C D - R等之最一般的可記錄光碟片的場合,從外 周側1 . 5 m m的部分是在記錄區外。可是,保護片2 6的 外周緣即使最大也還是要儘量在不滿前述記錄區外之1 .5 m m的尺寸,位於比透光性基板2 1的外周緣更內側處, 藉此,即可以保護片2 6來覆蓋透光性基板2 1的光射入 面的所有記錄區。 〔本發明之實施形態〕 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 第1圖所示的光碟片之透光性基板2 1係採用藉由射 出成形法所形成的圓板狀之聚碳酸酯基板等的透明合成樹 脂扳=此透光性基板2 1 ,係爲例如厚1 . 2 m m,外徑 1 2 Omm0,內徑1 5mm0左右的甜甜圈狀的圓板。 位於透光性基板2 1中心的直徑1 5 m m 0的孔,就光碟 片的記錄、再生裝置而言,是爲與用以令光碟片旋轉的主 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS)A4規格(210 X 297公釐) ~~ 452792 A7 B7 五、發明說明(7 ) (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 軸定位用的固定孔2 5。該固定孔2 5外側之2 6 mm0 至3 3mm0的範圍,是爲了夾持讓光碟片旋轉的主軸之 固定範圍- • 在此.透光性基板2 1的其中一面1係具有跟縱軌道。 例如透光性基板2 1其中一面之直徑4 6至1 1 7 m m 0 範圍,是信號記錄區,在此部分具有例如幅度Ο . 8 V m, 深度Ο . 8 // π,間距1 . 6 # m之螺旋狀的預置凹坑。 例如,將喹咐藍色素等溶解於有機溶劑中,並將此以 濺塗法等之手段,在具有前述透光性基板2 1的前述預置 凹坑這邊之直徑4 5mm至1 1 8mm0的範圍,塗佈 1 3 Omm左右的厚度,且使之硬化,形成著色劑記錄層 膜。例如將0.65g的1,1,二丁基3,3,3’ 3’四甲基 4,5,4’ 5’二苯并二碳喹啉藍全氯乙烯(日本感光色素 公司製,編號NK3219),溶解於10ml的雙丙酮 醇溶劑中,且將此利用濺塗法塗佈在前述透光性基板2 1 的表面,形成膜厚1 3 0 nm的著色劑記錄膜。 經濟部智慧財產局員工消费合作社印^ 其次,對此光碟片之直徑4 5至1 1 8mm0範圍的 整面,利用真空蒸鍍法,例如成膜膜厚7 0 nm的A u膜 ,形成反射膜。於此反射膜上,例如濺塗紫外線硬化樹脂 ,且對此照射紫外線使之硬化,形成瞋厚1 0 pm左右的 保護塗層。 更準備有在單邊以塗佈有黏著劑之薄的聚丙烯等製成 的保護片2 6 ,將此接著面黏貼在光碟片的前述透光性基 板2 1的光射入面。圖示的保護片2 6係於其中心具有對 -10- 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS)A4規格(210 X 297公釐) 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 452792 Α7 Β7 五、發明說明(8 ) 應透光性基板2 1的固定孔2 5之同直徑旳孔2 5’ ,但 保護片2 6的外徑則較透光性基板2 1的外形小。因而, 若配合固定孔25與孔25’ ,而讓保護片26黏貼在透 光性基板.2 1的光射入面時,保護片2 6的外周緣則是較 透光性基板2 1的外周緣更位於內側。 從保護片2 6外周緣的一處,讓唇狀的薄片2 7 —體 的突出在外側,此薄片2 7的外周緣是成爲與透光性基板 2 1外周緣等齊面的狀態。亦即,只有保護片2 6的外周 緣的一部分2 8的薄片2 7的外周緣是與透光性基板2 1 的外周緣成等齊的面。 第1圖(a )係表示將保護片2 6黏貼在透光性基板 2 1的光射入面的狀態,第1圖(b )係表示從透光性基 板2 1的光射入面剝開保護片2 6的狀態。於第1圖(b )中的假想線係表示黏貼保護片2 6的位置。 第2圖(a )與(b )係表示保護片2 6外周緣的一 部分2 8的薄片2 7的外周緣與透光性基板2 1的外周緣 爲等齊面的部分。如第2圖(a )所示’是將手指3 0碰 觸到透光性基板2 1的外周緣與保護片2 6外周緣的一部 分2 8爲等齊面的部分,用手指3 0從透光性基板2 1擦 過保護片26。藉此,即可如第2圖(b)所示,簡單地 拉起保護片2 6外周緣的一部分2 8 ’由上開始即能輕易 地從透光性基板2 1的光射入面剝開保護片2 δ ° 另外,第2圖(c )係表示保護片2 6的外周緣是位 在比透光性基板2 1的外周緣更內側之部分。因這部分就 本紙張尺度適用t國國家標準(CNS)A4規格(210 X 297公釐) -11 - ---------I I I ^ -1----訂·ίι — !_^ (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 經濟部智慧財產局員工消费合作社印製 452792 A7 B7 五、發明說明(9 ) 算手指3 0碰到透光性基板2 1的外周緣’手指3 0還是 無法碰到保護片2 6的外周緣’所以保護片2 6不會被拉 起。藉此,保護片2 6就不會不小地被剝開。除手指3 〇 以外也同樣地是碰到透光性基板2 1的外周緣。 例如,在具有如前所述的尺寸之光碟片的場合,從外 周側1 .5 mm的部分是在記錄區外。可是’保護片2 6的 外周緣即使最大也還是要儘量在不滿前述記錄區外之1 - 5 m m的尺寸,位於比透光‘性基板2 1的外周緣更內側處。 藉此,即可以保護片2 6來覆蓋透光性基板2 1的光射入 面的所有記錄區。但有見於某一程度的安全起見,保護片 2 6的外周緣,最大是以位在比透光性基板2 6的外周緣 0.5左右的內側爲佳。只要保護片2 6的外周緣是位在比 透光性基扳2 1的外周緣有0 . 5 m m左右的內側,如第2 圖(c )所示,以手指3 0碰觸到光碟片外周時*手指 3 0就不會碰到保護片2 6的外周緣》 第3圖係表示貼上利用本發明之保護片2 6的光碟片 之另一實施形態。 第3圖(a)係從保護片26離開180°而相對的 兩處,突出薄片27、27,且令保護片26的外周緣的 一部分28、28的薄片27、27的外周緣,做成與透 光性基板2 1的外周緣等齊的面。除了此薄片27、27 的外周緣之保護片2 6的外周緣之其他部分,則是位在比 透光性基板2 1的外周緣更內側處。 第3圖(b )係使用具有較透光性基板2 1外徑小的 本紙張尺度適用t國國家標準(CNS)A4規格(210 X 297公爱) -12- I-------—II ---!1訂------'" (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 452792 A7 B7 五、發明說明(10 ) 外徑,且具有與透光性基板2 1的固定孔2 5同直徑的孔 2 5’ ,令此孔2 5 ’與外周緣成偏心之保護片2 6。以 保護片2 6的孔2 5 ’與透光性基板2 1的固定孔2 5爲 •—致的方.式使之定位的狀態,而將保護片2 6黏貼在透光 性基板2 1的光射入面。此光碟片是令保護片2 6的外周 緣爲相對於透光性基板2 1的外周緣而做偏心的。藉此, 保護片2 1的外周緣的一部分2 8則成爲與透光性基扳 2 1的外周緣等齊的面,'保護片2 6的外周緣之其他部分 則是位在比透光性基板2 1的外周緣更內側之處。 連此光碟片也是將手指碰觸到透光性基板2 1的外周 緣與保護片2 6的外周緣的一部分2 8是爲等齊面的部分 ,能簡單地拉起保護片2 6的外周緣。藉此,即可將保護 片2 6輕易地從透光性基板2 1的光射入面剝開。 另外,保護片2 6的外周緣的其他部分,即使手指碰 到透光性基板2 1的外周緣,手指等也還是不會碰到保護 片21的外周緣,所以保護片26不會被拉起。藉此,保 護片2 6就不會不小心地被剝開。 再者,前述的案例,是針對利用記錄光的照射來記錄 信號的光碟片所做的說明1但理所當的本發明也同樣地能 適用在預先記錄信號之例如CD或CD-R等的光碟片。 〔本發明之效果〕 如以上所做的說明,不從光碟片的外周緣突出保護片 2 6的一部分,保護片2 6不會從光碟片不小心地被剝開 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS)A4規格(210 X 297公釐) -13- ----------- --------訂.-------* 於 (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 452792 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 A7 ___B7_____ 五、發明說明〇1 ) ,且意圖從光碟片剝開保護片2 6時,能簡單地拉起保護 片2 6外周緣的一部分,而能輕易地從光碟片剝開保護片 2 6。此外,連貼有保護片的光碟片也能收納在市售的外 •殼內,而使用噴墨印表機,在保護塗層表面印刷時’也能 令之安裝在搬送托架。 〔圖面之簡單說明] 第1圖係表示利用本發明之光碟片的一實施形態之表 示貼有保護片的狀態與剝開的狀態之立體圖。 第2圖係表示手指碰到同一光碟片的保護片與光碟片 外周緣部分的狀態之要部側面圖。 第3圖係表示利用本發明的光碟片的另一實施形態之 於光碟片貼上保護片的狀態之平面圖》 第4圖係表示光碟片的習知例之從光碟片剝開保護片 時的狀態之立體圖。 第5圖係表示光碟片的習知例之在光碟片貼上保護片 的狀態之立體圖。 第6圖係表示貼上保護片的光碟片與光碟片外周之分 解立體圖。 符號之說明〕 2 1 透光性基板 2 5 固定孔 2 6 保護片 本紙張尺度適用尹國國家標準(CNS)A4規格(210 X 297公爱) -14- -----------I -------^----I----^ (請先閱讀背面之沒意事項再填寫本頁) 4527 9 2 A7 _B7 五、發明說明(12 ) 2 7 薄片 28 保護片外周緣的一部分 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作杜印製 ----------- I --------訂---------.^ (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 本纸張尺度適用+國國家標準(CNS)A4規格(210x297公釐) -15-4 Printed by the Consumer Cooperative of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs 5279 2 A7 _____B7__ V. Description of the invention (1) [Technical field to which the present invention belongs] The present invention relates to recording signals by irradiating recording light from a transparent substrate The present invention relates to optical discs, in particular to optical discs having a protective sheet attached to the surface of a light-transmitting substrate on which the light is incident. [Known Technology] Computer optical discs (CDs) mostly used for music media or commercially available optical discs such as CD-ROMs mostly used for computer media have been used exclusively for reading since the past. Such read-only optical discs are usually used for forming a transparent substrate made of polycarbonate or the like, and a model obtained through an electroforming or stamping process on the surface of the transparent substrate. A method of recording a signal by forming uneven pits thereon. Users cannot record information on such discs themselves. This is from the period from 1980 to the beginning of 1990, until the release of a so-called optical CD (CD-R) that is recordable and compatible with the aforementioned CD. This CD-R is usually shipped in a state where no signal is recorded, and can only record any information desired by the user once. According to this, the user can have CD or CD-ROM interchangeable with CD or CD-ROM at a lower cost, and copy any information recorded. CD-R generally forms a colored recording layer such as a dark blue colorant on a plate-shaped light-transmitting substrate made of a transparent synthetic resin such as polycarbonate, and covers the colored recording layer with a metal such as an Au film. The reflective layer is a protective layer made of an ultraviolet curable resin on the metal reflective layer. On the surface forming the colored recording layer of the light-transmitting substrate, for example, the paper size applicable to the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210 X 297 mm) is set. I -------- Order ---- -----% 、 (Please read the notes on the back before filling this page) -4- 452792 Printed by the Consumer Cooperatives of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs A7 __B7__ V. Description of the invention (2) 1.6 μm pitch Spiral tracking track. When the CD-R records a signal, the light spot of the recording light irradiated on the colored recording layer is transmitted from the light sensor through the light-transmitting substrate, and the pulsed recording light is adjusted along the "tracking track. Doing tracking". The light spot is irradiated to the colored recording layer and written with a pulse signal as a pit. At this time, the colored material of the colored recording layer is heated, dissolved, and partially decomposed in response to the pulse signal, and the resin material of the transparent substrate that is heated and dissolved interacts with each other to transmit light. Dimples are formed on the flexible substrate. Click here to read the desired information of the same signal as CD or CD-R OM. This CD — R has not been mass-produced using a CD or CD -R 0M manufacturing process used for reading. Equipment or complex manufacturing processes, that is, it is easy to obtain in the first place of editing the optical discs that record information that is completely interchangeable with CD or CD-R 0M. Since the translucent substrate of the optical disc is made of resin such as polycarbonate, static electricity is generated, and dust is easily attached to the light incident surface of the disc. Also, it is easy to be rubbed or impacted by hard objects due to hard objects. damage. As described above, the dust or damage attached to the light incident surface of the light-transmitting substrate prevents the incident laser light, and in particular, the writing characteristics are greatly deteriorated. In order to solve the aforementioned problems, a conventional optical disc is affixed with a peelable protective sheet on the surface of the light-transmitting substrate on which the recording light and the reproduction light are incident, to protect the surface of the light-transmitting substrate. For example, when a transparent protective sheet is affixed, the surface of the transparent substrate with the protective sheet affixed can be recorded and reproduced. On the other hand * The paper size of the paper with the sensitive wavelength band of the shaded recording layer applied is applicable to the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 (210 X 297 public love) -5- ---------- --I ^ --- I ---- Order · ί!-^ (Please read the notes on the back before filling out this page) Printed by the Consumer Cooperatives of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs 452792 A7 _____ B7 V. Description of the invention ( 3) In the case of colored sheets or opaque protective sheets with the effect of light / there is also an effect to prevent the degradation of the colored recording layer due to natural light, etc. = Even if the protective sheet contains a charge preventive agent, it can prevent the adhesion of dust due to static electricity . Such as' this can be borrowed. There are various advantages by attaching a protective sheet to the surface of a light-transmitting substrate of a recordable optical disc such as a CD-R. Figures 4 and 5 show a state in which a protective sheet 6 is attached to the light incident surface of the transparent substrate 1 of the optical disc. The conventional protective sheet 6 has the same planar shape as the transparent substrate. This protective sheet 6 is adhered to the light incident surface of the transparent substrate 1 with an adhesive. Therefore, the protective sheet 6 and the transparent substrate Both the outer periphery of 1 and the inner periphery of the fixing hole 5 are flat. In order to peel off the protective sheet from the light-transmitting substrate 1, the protection sheet 6 has a sheet 7 protruding from the outer periphery thereof. This sheet 7 is projected from the outer periphery of the light-transmitting substrate 1. As shown in FIG. 5, when the protective sheet 6 adhered to the light-transmitting substrate 1 is peeled from the light-transmitting substrate 1, the sheet 7 can be peeled off with a finger, as shown in FIG. 4. 1 Pull up and peel off. [Problems to be Solved by the Present Invention] However, in the optical disc with the protective sheet 6 affixed as described above, the protective sheet 6 may be accidentally peeled from the transparent substrate 1 during processing. The protective sheet 6 is temporarily peeled off if the adhesive does not remain on the light incident surface of the light-transmitting substrate 1 or with a weak adhesive, and the light incident surface adhered to the light-transmitting substrate 1 is temporarily peeled off. It will be difficult to make correct adhesion after peeling off. Furthermore, because the conventional protective sheet 6 is as described above, it will be adhered ------------ ----- -* Order ------ I! ^ (Please read the notes on the back before filling in this page) This paper size applies to China National Standard (CNS) A4 (210 * 297 mm) -6- 452792 A7 _______ B7 V. Description of the invention (4) (Please read the precautions on the back before filling in this page) The state where the transparent substrate 1 is attached, and the sheet 7 'protrudes from the outer periphery of the same base plate 1. For example, as shown in Figure 6 As shown in the figure, when stored in a case for a general optical disc, it is necessary to sandwich a sheet as described above between the optical disc holding portion 13 and the cover 12. In FIG. 6, 11 is a casing body, 13 is a disc holding portion embedded in the casing body 11, 14 is a recessed portion formed in the disc holding portion 13 for storing the disc, and 16 is The protrusion assembly inserted into the fixing hole 5 of the optical disc accommodated in the recess 14 is 12 as a cover body 1 and 18 is a decorative panel used to insert the cover body Γ 2. In addition, some of the optical discs are printed by using an inkjet printer on a resin-coated surface opposite to the light incident surface. When doing this printing, the optical disc is transported in a transport tray. However, at this time, as described above, if the sheet 7 of the protective sheet 6 protrudes from the outer periphery of the transparent substrate 1, the optical disc will Cannot be mounted on the transport bracket. The present invention is in view of the problems of the conventional optical disc with a protective sheet adhered as described above, and the purpose thereof is to provide a part of the light-transmitting substrate that does not protrude from the outer periphery of the optical disc, and the protective sheet cannot be accidentally removed from the optical disc. The protective disc-attached optical disc can be easily peeled from the optical disc when it is peeled off and the protective sheet is intended to be peeled from the optical disc. Printed by the Consumers ’Cooperative of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs [Method to solve the problem] In order to achieve the aforementioned purpose, the present invention is made in such a way that the entire outer periphery of the film 26 does not protrude from the outer periphery of the disc. The same protective sheet 2 6 is adhered to the light-transmitting substrate 2 1, and in order to prevent accidental peeling of the protective sheet 2 6 ′, a part of the outer periphery of the protective sheet 2 6 is used. CNS > A4 specification (210 X 297 mm) 452792 A7 ______ B7 V. Description of the invention (5) Outside 'same protective sheet 2 6 The other parts of the outer periphery are located more inside than the outer periphery of the transparent substrate 21 The way. When the protective sheet 26 is intended to be peeled off, a part 28 of the outer peripheral edge of the protective sheet 26 is easily pulled up from the light incident surface of the light-transmitting base plate 1. Only the outer peripheral edge of the protective sheet 26 is included. A part 28 is a surface which is equal to the outer peripheral edge of the translucent substrate 1. That is, according to the optical disc of the present invention, the recording light is irradiated from the light-transmitting substrate 21, whereby signals can be read or recorded, and the recording light and reproduction light on the light-transmitting substrate 21 can be read. A protective sheet 26 is provided in a peelable manner on the entrance surface. One part 28 of the outer peripheral edge of the protective sheet 26 is a surface that is made equal to the outer peripheral edge of the light-transmitting substrate 21, except for the protective sheet. A part of the aforementioned outer peripheral edge of 2 6 is characterized in that the other part of the outer peripheral edge is outside the outer peripheral edge of the light-transmitting substrate 21. The Economic and Intellectual Property Bureau employee consumer cooperative prints more specifically, for example, a sheet 2 7 is protruded from the outer periphery of the protective sheet 2 6, and the outer edge of the sheet 2 7 is a part of the outer peripheral edge of the protective sheet 2 6 2 8 It is made equal to the peripheral surface of the translucent substrate 21. Alternatively, the protective sheet 26 is made of a thin circular sheet having a smaller diameter than the transparent substrate 21, and the protective sheet 26 is adhered eccentrically with respect to the transparent substrate 21 As a result, a part 28 of the outer peripheral edge of the same protective sheet 26 becomes the same surface as the peripheral surface of the transparent substrate 21. Such an optical disc with the protective sheet 2 6 adhered to the light incident surface of the light-transmitting substrate 21 does not protrude from the outer periphery of the light-transmitting substrate 21, but excluding a part 2 of the outer periphery of the protective sheet 2 6 In addition, the outer peripheral edge of the same protective sheet 26 is placed inside the outer peripheral edge of the light-transmitting substrate 21, so that the sheet will not be pulled up due to an error, and the protective sheet 26 is accidentally peeled off. In addition -8------------- ^ -------- Order · (Please read the precautions on the back before filling this page) This paper applies the national standard of the country (CNS ) A4 size (210 X 297 mm) • 4527 9 2 A7 _B7__ 5. Description of the invention (6) (Please read the precautions on the back before filling out this page), can also be stored in a general optical disc case, or When the protective coating surface of the optical disc is printed by an inkjet printer, it is mounted on a carrying bracket. In addition, when the protective sheet 26 is intended to be peeled off from the light incident surface of the light-transmitting substrate 21 for recording or the like on the optical disc, a part 28 of the outer peripheral edge of the protective sheet 26 is made transparent to light. Because the outer periphery of the flexible substrate 21 is flush, for example, a finger may touch this part of the light-transmitting substrate 21 and the protective sheet 26, and a finger may be used to wipe the protective sheet 26 from the light-transmitting substrate 21 to thereby That is, a part of the outer periphery 28 of the protective sheet 26 can be simply pulled up with a slight force. With this, the protective sheet 26 can be easily peeled off from the light incident surface of the light-transmitting substrate 21. In the case of the most general recordable discs such as CD-R, a portion of 1.5 mm from the outer peripheral side is outside the recording area. However, even if the outer peripheral edge of the protective sheet 26 is the largest, it should be as small as 1.5 mm outside the recording area as described above, and located at an inner side than the outer peripheral edge of the light-transmitting substrate 21, so that it can be protected. The sheet 26 covers all the recording areas on the light incident surface of the light-transmitting substrate 21. [Embodiment of the present invention] The light-transmitting substrate 21 of the optical disc shown in Fig. 1 printed by the employee cooperative of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs is a disc-shaped polycarbonate substrate formed by an injection molding method. The transparent transparent synthetic resin plate = this transparent substrate 2 1 is a donut-shaped circular plate having a thickness of 1.2 mm, an outer diameter of 12 mm, and an inner diameter of about 15 mm0, for example. The hole with a diameter of 15 mm 0 located at the center of the light-transmitting substrate 21 is suitable for the recording and reproduction device of the optical disc, and is adapted to the national paper standard (CNS) A4 for the main paper size for rotating the optical disc. Specifications (210 X 297 mm) ~~ 452792 A7 B7 V. Description of the invention (7) (Please read the precautions on the back before filling in this page) Fixing holes 2 5 for shaft positioning. The range from 26 mm0 to 3 3mm0 on the outside of the fixing hole 25 is to fix the fixed range of the main shaft that rotates the optical disc--Here, one side 1 of the transparent substrate 2 1 has a vertical track. For example, a range of diameters 4 6 to 1 17 mm 0 on one side of the light-transmitting substrate 2 1 is a signal recording area. In this part, for example, the amplitude is 0. 8 V m, the depth is 0. 8 // π, and the pitch is 1.6. # m 的 spiral preset pits. For example, cyanocyanine and the like are dissolved in an organic solvent, and the diameter of the pre-pits having the translucent substrate 21 is 4 5 mm to 1 1 8 mm by a sputtering method or the like. In a range of about 13 mm, a thickness of about 13 mm is applied and hardened to form a toner recording layer film. For example, 0.65 g of 1,1, dibutyl 3,3,3 '3'tetramethyl 4,5,4' 5 'dibenzodicarbonoline blue perchloroethylene (manufactured by Japan Photochrome Co., Ltd., numbered NK3219) was dissolved in 10 ml of diacetone alcohol solvent, and this was applied on the surface of the light-transmitting substrate 2 1 by a sputtering method to form a coloring agent recording film having a film thickness of 130 nm. Printed by the Consumer Cooperative of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs ^ Secondly, the entire diameter of the disc in the range of 45 to 118 mm0 is vacuum-evaporated, such as forming an Au film with a film thickness of 70 nm to form a reflection membrane. On this reflective film, for example, an ultraviolet curable resin is spray-coated, and ultraviolet rays are irradiated to harden it to form a protective coating having a thickness of about 10 pm. Further, a protective sheet 26 made of thin polypropylene or the like coated with an adhesive on one side is prepared, and this adhesive surface is adhered to the light incident surface of the light-transmitting substrate 21 of the optical disc. The protective film 2 6 shown in the center has a size of -10-. This paper size applies the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210 X 297 mm). Printed by the Consumer Cooperatives of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. 452792 Α7 Β7 V. Description of the invention (8) The fixing holes 25 of the transparent substrate 21 should have the same diameter counterbores 25 ', but the outer diameter of the protective sheet 26 is smaller than the outer shape of the transparent substrate 21. Therefore, if the fixing hole 25 and the hole 25 'are matched, and the protective sheet 26 is adhered to the light-transmitting substrate. 21, the outer peripheral edge of the protective sheet 26 is more transparent than the transparent substrate 21 The outer periphery is more on the inside. The lip-shaped sheet 2 7 is protruded outward from a part of the outer peripheral edge of the protective sheet 26, and the outer peripheral edge of this sheet 27 is flush with the outer peripheral edge of the light-transmitting substrate 21. That is, the outer peripheral edge of the sheet 2 7 having only a part 2 8 of the outer peripheral edge of the protective sheet 26 is a surface that is flush with the outer peripheral edge of the transparent substrate 2 1. Fig. 1 (a) shows a state where the protective sheet 26 is stuck to the light incident surface of the light-transmitting substrate 21, and Fig. 1 (b) shows the state where the light-incident surface of the light-transmitting substrate 21 is peeled off. The state of the protection sheet 2 6 is opened. The imaginary lines in FIG. 1 (b) indicate the positions of the adhesive protection sheets 26. Figures 2 (a) and (b) show a part of the outer periphery of the protective sheet 26, the outer periphery of the sheet 2 7 and the outer periphery of the light-transmitting substrate 21 are flush with each other. As shown in FIG. 2 (a), 'finger 30 touches the outer peripheral edge of the light-transmitting substrate 21 and a part 28 of the outer peripheral edge of the protective sheet 2 6 is an equal surface portion. The light-transmitting substrate 21 is wiped over the protective sheet 26. Thereby, as shown in FIG. 2 (b), a portion 2 8 'of the outer peripheral edge of the protective sheet 26 can be simply pulled up and can be easily peeled from the light incident surface of the light-transmitting substrate 21 from the top. Opening the protective sheet 2 δ ° In addition, FIG. 2 (c) shows that the outer peripheral edge of the protective sheet 26 is located on the inner side than the outer peripheral edge of the transparent substrate 21. Because of this part, the national standard (CNS) A4 specification (210 X 297 mm) applies to this paper size. -11---------- I I I ^ -1 ---- Order · ίι —! _ ^ (Please read the notes on the back before filling out this page) Printed by the Consumer Cooperatives of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs 452792 A7 B7 V. Description of the invention (9) The finger 3 0 touches the outer periphery of the light-transmissive substrate 2 1 'Finger 30 still cannot touch the outer periphery of the protective sheet 26' so the protective sheet 26 will not be pulled up. Thereby, the protective sheet 26 will not be peeled off a lot. Except for the finger 3 0, the outer peripheral edge of the light-transmitting substrate 21 is similarly touched. For example, in the case of a disc having a size as described above, a portion of 1.5 mm from the outer peripheral side is outside the recording area. However, even if the outer peripheral edge of the 'protective sheet 2 6 is the largest, it should be less than 1 to 5 mm outside the recording area as far as possible, and located more inside than the outer peripheral edge of the light-transmitting substrate 2 1. Thereby, the protection sheet 26 can cover all the recording areas on the light incident surface of the light-transmitting substrate 21. However, for the sake of a certain degree of safety, the outer periphery of the protective sheet 26 is preferably located at an inner side which is about 0.5 than the outer periphery of the transparent substrate 26 at the maximum. As long as the outer periphery of the protective sheet 26 is located at an inner side of about 0.5 mm from the outer periphery of the light-transmissive base plate 21, as shown in FIG. 2 (c), touch the optical disc with a finger 30. At the outer periphery * the finger 30 will not touch the outer periphery of the protective sheet 26. "Fig. 3 shows another embodiment of the optical disc to which the protective sheet 26 of the present invention is attached. FIG. 3 (a) is formed at two positions facing away from the protection sheet 26 by 180 °, and the sheets 27 and 27 are protruded. A surface flush with the outer periphery of the light-transmitting substrate 21. Except for the outer peripheral edge of the protective sheet 26 on the outer peripheral edge of the sheets 27, 27, it is located more inward than the outer peripheral edge of the transparent substrate 21. Figure 3 (b) is based on the use of a substrate with a smaller outer diameter than that of the translucent substrate 2 1 This paper is applicable to the national standard (CNS) A4 specification (210 X 297 public love) -12- I ------ -—II ---! 1 Order ------ '" (Please read the notes on the back before filling this page) Printed by the Consumer Cooperatives of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs 452792 A7 B7 V. Invention Description (10 ) A protective sheet 26 having an outer diameter and a hole 25 ′ having the same diameter as the fixing hole 25 of the light-transmitting substrate 21 so that the hole 25 ′ is eccentric from the outer periphery. The holes 2 5 ′ of the protective sheet 2 6 and the fixing holes 25 of the light-transmitting substrate 2 1 are in a consistent manner. The protective sheet 2 6 is adhered to the light-transmitting substrate 2 1. Light hits the surface. In this optical disc, the outer periphery of the protective sheet 26 is eccentric with respect to the outer periphery of the light-transmitting substrate 21. As a result, a part 2 8 of the outer peripheral edge of the protective sheet 21 becomes a surface that is equal to the outer peripheral edge of the light-transmitting base plate 21, and the other part of the outer peripheral edge of the protective sheet 2 6 is positioned at a light transmittance. The outer periphery of the flexible substrate 21 is further inside. Even this optical disc is made by touching a finger to the outer periphery of the light-transmitting substrate 21 and a part 28 of the outer periphery of the protective sheet 26. The part is a flush surface, and the outer periphery of the protective sheet 26 can be easily pulled up. edge. Thereby, the protective sheet 26 can be easily peeled from the light incident surface of the transparent substrate 21. In addition, other parts of the outer peripheral edge of the protective sheet 26 will not touch the outer peripheral edge of the protective sheet 21 even if a finger touches the outer peripheral edge of the transparent substrate 21, so the protective sheet 26 will not be pulled. Up. Thereby, the protective sheet 26 is not accidentally peeled. In addition, the foregoing case is explained with respect to an optical disc that records signals by irradiation of recording light. 1 The present invention can be applied to pre-recorded signals such as CD or CD-R. CD. [Effects of the present invention] As explained above, a part of the protective sheet 26 is not protruded from the outer periphery of the optical disc, and the protective sheet 26 is not accidentally peeled off from the optical disc. (CNS) A4 Specification (210 X 297 mm) -13- ----------- -------- Order .------- * (Please read the back first Note: Please fill in this page again) 452792 Printed by A7 ___B7_____ of the Consumer Cooperatives of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs 5. Description of the invention 〇1), and when you intend to peel off the protective film 2 from the optical disc, you can simply pull up the protective film 2 6 Part of the outer periphery, and the protective sheet 2 6 can be easily peeled from the optical disc. In addition, even a disc with a protective sheet can be stored in a commercially-available case, and an inkjet printer can be mounted on a transport tray when printing on a protective coating surface. [Brief Description of Drawings] Fig. 1 is a perspective view showing a state in which a protective sheet is attached and a state in which it is peeled off, according to an embodiment of the optical disc of the present invention. Fig. 2 is a side view of a main part showing a state in which a finger touches a protective sheet and an outer peripheral portion of the same optical disc. FIG. 3 is a plan view showing a state where a protective sheet is attached to the optical disc according to another embodiment of the optical disc of the present invention. FIG. 4 is a view showing a conventional example of the optical disc when the protective sheet is peeled from the optical disc. A perspective view of the state. Fig. 5 is a perspective view showing a conventional example of an optical disc with a protective sheet attached to the optical disc. Fig. 6 is an exploded perspective view showing a protective disc and an outer periphery of the optical disc. Explanation of symbols] 2 1 Light-transmitting substrate 2 5 Fixing holes 2 6 Protective sheet The paper size is applicable to Yin National Standard (CNS) A4 (210 X 297 public love) -14- --------- --I ------- ^ ---- I ---- ^ (Please read the unintentional matter on the back before filling this page) 4527 9 2 A7 _B7 V. Description of the invention (12) 2 7 Sheets 28 Protection of the outer periphery of the film. Consumption cooperation between employees of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. Du ------------- I -------- Order ---------. ^ (Please read the precautions on the back before filling out this page) The paper size applies + National Standard (CNS) A4 (210x297 mm) -15-