雖然已參考本發明之特定實施例描述並說明了本發明,但此等描述及說明並不限制本發明。熟習此項技術者應理解,在不脫離如由所附申請專利範圍界定之本發明之真實精神及範疇的情況下,可作出各種改變且可替代等效物。 本發明為提供一種可靈活折疊的可撓式電子裝置,使電子裝置可如摺紙藝術有多樣性折疊方式。圖1顯示根據本發明之一靈活折疊的可撓性電子裝置實施例。為解決電子裝置於折疊時產生折疊死角的問題,可能有多種解決方案。本發明提供改善機械結構、改善裝置內各層基板及/或薄膜材料選擇及設計及/或改善各層元件佈局設計等方案。以下實施例逐一說明改善方案。機械結構改善方案
在可撓式電子裝置外部進行機械結構的改善,是一種經濟而有效率的方法,不影響現有裝置內部各元件的設計,即可解決折疊死角問題。 圖2(a)顯示可撓式電子裝置200之側視圖,圖2(b)顯示圖2(a)的可撓式電子裝置200經折疊之一示例性實施例。圖2(c)係另一可撓式電子裝置200之側視圖,圖2(d)顯示圖2(c)的可撓式電子裝置200經折疊之一示例性實施例。可撓式電子裝置200可以係顯示器、感測器、太陽能電池裝置、觸控裝置、通訊設備等電子裝置。 圖1顯示本發明之一實施例之可撓式電子裝置200,其包含一撓性基板201,及具有一曲面的第一支撐結構202,其配置於撓性基板201上,第一支撐結構202係配置於撓性基板201的一預定彎折區的一第一表面上,其中撓性基板201在預定彎折區可順應第一支撐結構202的曲面而彎曲。在一較佳實施例中,第一支撐結構202係具有一曲面的機械結構,例如球形體、橢圓球形體、圓錐體、圓柱狀體或類似形狀的結構,如圖2(a)及2(b)所示。在一實施例中,第一支撐結構202的曲面之曲率半徑可小於10 mm,例如可以是5 mm、2 mm、1 mm、0.5 mm 、0.1mm,甚至0.01 mm。 在一實施例中,撓性基板201可以係封裝基板或保護基板。 當使用者在彎折(甚至折疊)可撓式電子裝置200時,在彎折區有第一支撐結構202支撐於折線位置,俾使撓性基板201順應第一支撐結構的曲面而彎曲,使可撓式電子裝置上的元件不致因折疊產生折線而造成元件失效,而在彎折區兩側的彎折面間夾角可以小於90度,甚至彎折區兩側的彎折面可能互相碰觸。 在一較佳實施例中,如圖2(c)及2(d),第一支撐結構202具有至少一斜面,可能係多邊形球體、多邊形橢圓球體、多邊形菱柱體或類似形狀,或由曲面與斜面組合的形體等多種實施態樣。當施加應力使可撓性電子裝置彎曲時,第一支撐結構202的邊角及/或邊長將可決定可撓性電子裝置的彎曲程度,即撓性基板彎曲之曲率相依於該第一支撐結構的邊角或邊長。 圖3(a)顯示在一實施例中撓性基板201的預定彎折區包含第一折線區2011及第二折線區2012,第一支撐結構配置預定彎折區上,例如可配置於第一折線區2011及第二折線區2012的交叉點位置,也可沿著第一折線區2011及/或第二折線區2012而配置。第一折線區2011及第二折線區2012可以依設計需求而佈局,撓性基板201可能包含有更多折線區,使可撓式電子裝置的折疊方式可以更靈活,如摺紙藝術般有多樣化的折疊方式,而非僅限於單一維度的折疊。 圖4(a)顯示本發明之一實施例,可撓式電子裝置400包含具有預定彎折區的一撓性基板401,及由撓性材料所製成的第一支撐結構402,其配置於撓性基板401的預定彎折區之一表面上,當該可撓式電子裝置400受應力而彎折時,該撓性基板401在該預定彎折區可隨著第一支撐結構402而彎折。例如當折疊該可撓式電子裝置400,撓性材料製成的第一支撐結構402支撐於折線位置,第一支撐結構402可彎曲成而具有一曲率半徑小於10 mm,例如可以是5 mm、2 mm、1 mm、0.5 mm 、0.1mm,甚至可達0.01 mm,使撓性基板401順應第一支撐結構402的曲面而彎曲,可撓式電子裝置400上的元件及線路因此可避免因折疊產生折線而造成元件失效或線路損壞。 在一實施例中,撓性基板401的預定彎折區包含交錯的第一折線區及第二折線區,或有更多的交錯折線。由撓性材料製成的第一支撐結構402可間隔地配置於第一折線區及/或第二折線區沿線,在一實施例中,第一支撐結構402配置於第一折線區及該第二折線區的交叉點。又一實施例中,第一支撐結構可以如條狀形式配置於第一折線區及/或第二折線區上。圖6顯示一實施例,支撐結構402以條狀形式配置於第一折線區及第二折線區上。 在一實施例中,撓性基板可以由延展率大於等於5%之撓性材料所製成,第一支撐結構可以由延展率大於等於30%之撓性材料所製成。 在一實施例中,可在預定彎折區相對於第一表面的第二表面上配置一第二支撐結構403,圖4(b)顯示圖4(a)實施例的裝置對折後的型態。當裝置400需對折後再次對折時,第二支撐結構403即可作為再次對折的支撐點,使可撓式電子裝置400上的元件避免因再次折疊產生折線而造成元件失效。第二支撐結構403可以係具有一曲面的機械結構,例如球形體、橢圓球形體、圓錐體、圓柱狀體、多邊形球體、多邊形橢圓球體、多邊形菱柱體、圓形或橢圓形菱柱體或類似形狀的結構,亦可以係一片狀結構,在一實施例中可以係方形或具有圓弧狀圖案之墊片結構。而第二支撐結構可配置於第一折線區及第二折線區的交叉點位置,也可沿著第一折線區2011及/或第二折線區2012而配置。 圖5(a)顯示一實施例,可撓式電子裝置500具有撓性基板501,在撓性基板501的預定彎折區之第一表面上配置有第一支撐結構502,其係由撓性材料所製成,當可撓式電子裝置500受應力而彎折時,撓性基板501在預定彎折區可隨著該第一支撐結構502而彎折。在一實施例中第一支撐結構502之材料可包含下列至少之一者:金屬、壓電材料、矽酮(silicone)、聚醯亞胺(polyimide, PI)、聚對苯二甲酸乙二酯(PET)、聚丙烯(PP)、聚萘二甲酸乙二醇酯(PEN)、聚碳酸酯(PC)、聚酯(PES)、環烯烴共聚合體(COC)及其複合材料。而第一支撐結構502可以依設計需求而具有特定形狀的墊片結構,例如具有圓弧平面的墊片結構,或具有曲面的墊片結構。第一支撐結構502可以彎曲而具有曲率半徑小於10mm,例如可以是5 mm、2 mm、1 mm、0.5 mm 、0.1mm,甚至可達0.01 mm,使撓性基板501受應力彎曲時可順應支撐結構502的曲率而彎曲,可撓式電子裝置500上的元件因此可避免因折疊產生折線而造成元件失效。 在一實施例中,可撓式電子裝置500在預定彎折區相對於第一表面的第二表面上具有第二支撐結構503。第二支撐結構503可以係具有一曲面的機械結構,例如球形體、橢圓球形體、圓錐體、圓柱狀體或類似形狀的結構,亦可以係片狀結構。在一實施例中,第二支撐結構503由撓性材料製成,可以與製成第一支撐結構的材料相同或不同。 在一實施例中,位於可撓式電子裝置預定彎折區的第一表面的第一支撐結構與位於第二表面的第二支撐結構可以係相對配置,或依折疊設計需求而相對偏移配置,偏移角度位置與預定折疊方向相關。基板改善方案
在可撓式電子裝置製造過程中,可以從電子裝置製造過程的各層基板改善可撓性質。圖7(a)顯示一可撓式電子裝置700,包含撓性基板701,及形成於其上的一撓性元件702。撓性基板701係由第一撓性材料製成,撓性元件702係由第二撓性材料製成,並形成於撓性基板701的一預定彎折區,其中第二撓性材料具有大於等於30%的可延展率,其可具有可耐高溫製程的特性,例如可耐高溫達100°C之製程。 撓曲程度越大,曲率半徑越小,如基板在預定彎折區的延展性不足,將造成皺折,局部變形或劈裂,甚至進而造成基板上元件或線路的毀損。根據本發明,可以形成複合式的基板,可以使預定彎折區的延展性提高,避免基板上元件或線路的毀損。 在一實施例中,撓性基板可以由延展率大於等於5%之第一撓性材料所製成,而第一撓性材料可以係單一材料、複合材料,或疊層結構之材料。在一實施例中,第一撓性材料可以係延展率大於等於30%之材料。 在一實施例中,第二撓性材料形成撓性元件的撓性材料包含下列至少之一者:矽酮、聚醯亞胺、PET、PP、PEN、PC、PES、COC及其複合材料。在一實施例中,撓性元件702係由聚醯亞胺與矽酮混合的複合材料,例如聚醯亞胺10-40%與矽酮60%-90%之一預定比例混和,亦可以係由聚醯亞胺與矽酮以疊層結構形成,可能是多層聚醯亞胺及矽酮之薄膜以三明治疊層結構形成撓性元件702。 高延展率的撓性元件可以避免可撓式電子裝置700在彎折時破裂,而進一步造成其上元件、線路的失效。 在一實施例中,撓性元件702可以形成於撓性基板701撓性基板的一表面上,使撓性元件702凸出撓性基板701之表面,即在預定彎折區撓性元件702與撓性基板701的總厚度大於非預定彎折區的撓性基板701之厚度。當可撓式電子裝置受應力彎折時,撓性元件702受彎折而具有一曲率半徑,使撓性基板701可順應其曲率而彎折,進一步可作為預定彎折區的支撐結構。 圖7(b)顯示一實施例,撓性基板701在預定彎折區具有一凹槽,而撓性元件702形成於撓性基板701的預定彎折區中,使撓性基板701的上表面與撓性元件702上表面實質上對齊。 圖7(c)顯示一實施例,撓性基板701在預定彎折區具有一凹槽,而撓性元件702形成於撓性基板701的預定彎折區中,使撓性元件702的上表面實質上低於撓性基板701的上表面,即在預定彎折區中撓性基板701及撓性元件702之總和厚度小於預定彎折區外撓性基板701的厚度,裝置在預定彎折區更易於彎折。 預定彎折區可包含交錯的第一折線區及第二折線區,或可依設計需求有更多的折線區域。圖7(d)顯示一實施例在第一折線區及第二折線區交叉口撓性基板之凹槽深度d1比折線區沿線d2的凹槽深度更深,使得撓性元件702在交叉口填充厚度比交叉口以外折線區沿線的填充厚度更厚,俾使電子裝置在折疊時有更佳的延展性,避免因基板劈裂而造成形成於其上的電子元件或線路損壞、失效。 在一實施例中,在預定彎折區中僅撓性元件,而沒有延展性相對於撓性元件較低的撓性基板。 在一實施例中,撓性基板701可以係電子裝置之一載體、觸控電路的基板、顯示裝置中各層的元件的基板,例如液晶層基板、發光層基板、偏光片、驅動電路等電子電路的基板、保護層及/或蓋板(cover lens)等等,於基板701及撓性元件702上可形成有傳導線路、電子元件、液晶單元、顯示元件、發光元件、感測元件、觸控元件及/或驅動元件等等。 圖8顯示又一種基板改善方案。可撓式電子裝置800包含有一撓性基板801;及一功能性基板層802,其係呈馬賽克圖案之一陣列貼附於該撓性基板上。撓性基板801可由高延展性的撓性基板製程,例如可由具有大於等於30%的可延展率之撓性材料製成。功能性基板層802可以係玻璃、陶瓷、複合材料、聚合物或金屬等,可作為可撓式電子裝置的保護層、光學層或蓋板。功能性基板層經切割形成彼此分離的馬賽克磚,使裝置彎折時應力得以由馬賽克磚間隔釋放。在一實施例中,藉由晶粒沖型(die punching)、晶粒切割(die cutting)、雷射切割、水刀切割、雷射蝕刻、化學蝕刻、電漿蝕刻、微影蝕刻等方式將一連續面的功能性基板層切割為呈馬賽克圖案分布之一陣列,再將功能性基板層802貼附於撓性基板801上。在另一實施例中,先將功能性基板層802貼附於撓性基板801上,再將連續面的功能性基板層802切割為呈馬賽克圖案分布之一陣列。元件佈局改善方案
為了解決可撓式電子裝置在折疊時死角將可能造成元件失效的問題,除了在機械結構改善、基板改善之外,電子裝置內各層元件也可以進一步改善。可藉由在減少在彎折區元件配置、線路配置,或縮小彎折區元件,或使彎折區元件或線路圖案圓角化,或使線路繞過預定彎折區,避免在彎折區上配線,均可達到避免折疊死角造成元件失效的問題。 圖9(a)顯示本發明之一實施例,可撓式電子裝置900包含有撓性基板901,其具有一預定彎折區,及複數個元件902a、902b、902c配置於撓性基板901上,其中複數個元件包含配置於該預定彎折區上的第一組態元件902a、902b,及配置於該預定彎折區以外的第二組態元件902c,其中該等第一組態元件902a、902b之尺寸小於該等第二組態元件902c。 在一實施例中,配置於預定彎折區中的第一組態元件902a、902b之尺寸小於長80µm及寬24µm,例如可以係長40µm及寬12µm、長30µm及寬12µm、長40µm及寬12µm、長15µm及寬5µm、長5µm及寬5µm及長1µm及寬1µm等尺寸規格。在一實施例中,使複數個元件在預定彎折區中以陣列形式佈局複數個小尺寸元件,可以使元件在應變時每單位元件的應變量縮小,避免元件失效。 在一實施例中,撓性基板901的預定可彎折區包含第一折線區及/或第二折線區,圖9(b)顯示位在折線區沿線的第一組態元件902a配置於折線區邊緣,使位於折線(預定彎折區的彎折中心線)兩側的第一組態元件902a間距W大於預定彎折區以外的第二組態元件間的間距,而W之大小將可能影響可撓式電子裝置在折線區的功能性,例如可撓式顯示裝置如果W太大,將可能影響顯示品質,例如在顯示器應用中,W太大將可能造成顯示暗區,影響顯示品質。為避免此一影響,因此位於折線兩側的第一組態元件902a間距W係在大約1µm至大約10 mm之一範圍內,較佳地,間距W小於1mm。在一實施例中,第一組態元件902b配置於靠近該第一折線區及該第二折線區交叉口之邊角位置。 圖9(c)顯示使預定彎折區內的第一組態元件902a、902b之圖案圓角化,例如可以係圓弧狀、圓形,在一實施例,可以係四角形以上之多角形,例如六角形、八角型、十二角形等等。為避免元件在彎折時毀損失校,可以使元件導角圓弧化,但此依設計將提高製程困難度,而將元件圖案設計為多角形,將可簡化製程。 在一實施例中,可撓性電子裝置係一顯示裝置,其中複數個元件係下列至少之一者:發光二極體、有機發光二極體、像素電極、液晶顯示單元、觸控電極、感測電極、各式感測元件(例如光感測元件、電容感測元件、壓力感測元件)、驅動電極、TFT元件、OTFT元件、太陽能電池元件等等。 本發明提供多種改善可撓式電子裝置,上述改善方案可任意組合,俾使可撓性裝置之撓曲方式最佳化。 如各種例示性實施例中所展示之結構及方法之建構及配置僅為說明性的。因此,所有此等修改意欲包括於本發明之範疇內。任何程序或方法步驟之次序或順序可根據替代實施例發生變化或重新定序。可在不脫離本發明之範疇的情況下在實例實施例之設計、操作條件及配置上進行其他替代、修改、改變及省略。While the invention has been described and illustrated with reference to the embodiments of the invention It will be understood by those skilled in the art that various changes and alternatives may be made without departing from the true spirit and scope of the invention as defined by the appended claims. The present invention provides a flexible electronic device that can be flexibly folded, so that the electronic device can be folded in a variety of ways, such as origami art. 1 shows an embodiment of a flexible electronic device that is flexibly folded in accordance with one aspect of the present invention. In order to solve the problem that the electronic device generates a folding dead angle when folded, there may be various solutions. The present invention provides solutions for improving the mechanical structure, improving the selection and design of various layers of substrates and/or film materials in the device, and/or improving the layout design of the various layers of components. The following examples illustrate the improvement schemes one by one. Mechanical Structure Improvement Solution The improvement of the mechanical structure outside the flexible electronic device is an economical and efficient method, which can solve the problem of folding dead angle without affecting the design of various components inside the existing device. 2(a) shows a side view of the flexible electronic device 200, and FIG. 2(b) shows an exemplary embodiment of the flexible electronic device 200 of FIG. 2(a) folded. 2(c) is a side view of another flexible electronic device 200, and FIG. 2(d) shows an exemplary embodiment of the flexible electronic device 200 of FIG. 2(c) being folded. The flexible electronic device 200 can be an electronic device such as a display, a sensor, a solar cell device, a touch device, and a communication device. 1 shows a flexible electronic device 200 according to an embodiment of the present invention. The flexible electronic device 200 includes a flexible substrate 201 and a first support structure 202 having a curved surface disposed on the flexible substrate 201. The first support structure 202 The first substrate is disposed on a first surface of a predetermined bending region of the flexible substrate 201, wherein the flexible substrate 201 is bendable in conformity with a curved surface of the first supporting structure 202 at a predetermined bending region. In a preferred embodiment, the first support structure 202 has a curved mechanical structure, such as a spherical body, an ellipsoidal body, a cone, a cylinder or a similarly shaped structure, as shown in Figures 2(a) and 2 ( b) shown. In an embodiment, the curved surface of the first support structure 202 may have a radius of curvature of less than 10 mm, such as 5 mm, 2 mm, 1 mm, 0.5 mm, 0.1 mm, or even 0.01 mm. In an embodiment, the flexible substrate 201 may be a package substrate or a protective substrate. When the user bends (or even folds) the flexible electronic device 200, the first support structure 202 is supported at the fold line position in the bending region, so that the flexible substrate 201 is bent in conformity with the curved surface of the first support structure, so that The components on the flexible electronic device do not cause the component to fail due to the folding of the fold line, and the angle between the curved faces on both sides of the bending zone may be less than 90 degrees, and even the bent faces on both sides of the bending zone may touch each other. . In a preferred embodiment, as shown in Figures 2(c) and 2(d), the first support structure 202 has at least one bevel, possibly a polygonal sphere, a polygonal ellipsoid, a polygonal prism, or the like, or a curved surface. Various embodiments such as a body combined with a slope. When stress is applied to bend the flexible electronic device, the corners and/or sides of the first support structure 202 may determine the degree of bending of the flexible electronic device, that is, the curvature of the flexible substrate is dependent on the first support. The corners or sides of the structure. 3(a) shows that in a certain embodiment, the predetermined bending region of the flexible substrate 201 includes a first folding line region 2011 and a second folding line region 2012, and the first supporting structure is disposed on a predetermined bending portion, for example, configurable at the first The intersection position of the folding line area 2011 and the second folding line area 2012 may also be arranged along the first folding line area 2011 and/or the second folding line area 2012. The first fold line area 2011 and the second fold line area 2012 can be arranged according to design requirements, and the flexible substrate 201 may include more fold line areas, so that the folding manner of the flexible electronic device can be more flexible, such as diversification of origami art. The way it is folded, not just the folding of a single dimension. 4(a) shows an embodiment of the present invention, the flexible electronic device 400 includes a flexible substrate 401 having a predetermined bending region, and a first supporting structure 402 made of a flexible material, which is disposed on On the surface of one of the predetermined bending regions of the flexible substrate 401, when the flexible electronic device 400 is bent by stress, the flexible substrate 401 can be bent along the first supporting structure 402 in the predetermined bending region. fold. For example, when the flexible electronic device 400 is folded, the first support structure 402 made of flexible material is supported at a fold line position, and the first support structure 402 can be bent to have a radius of curvature of less than 10 mm, for example, 5 mm, 2 mm, 1 mm, 0.5 mm, 0.1 mm, or even 0.01 mm, the flexible substrate 401 is curved in conformity with the curved surface of the first support structure 402, and the components and lines on the flexible electronic device 400 can be prevented from being folded. A broken line is created to cause component failure or line damage. In one embodiment, the predetermined bend region of the flexible substrate 401 includes staggered first fold line regions and second fold line regions, or more staggered fold lines. The first support structure 402 made of a flexible material may be disposed at intervals along the first fold line area and/or the second fold line area. In an embodiment, the first support structure 402 is disposed in the first fold line area and the first The intersection of the two-fold line area. In still another embodiment, the first support structure may be disposed on the first fold line area and/or the second fold line area as a strip. FIG. 6 shows an embodiment in which the support structure 402 is disposed in a strip form on the first fold line area and the second fold line area. In an embodiment, the flexible substrate may be made of a flexible material having an elongation of 5% or more, and the first support structure may be made of a flexible material having an elongation of 30% or more. In an embodiment, a second support structure 403 may be disposed on the second surface of the predetermined bending zone relative to the first surface, and FIG. 4(b) shows the folded shape of the device of the embodiment of FIG. 4(a). . When the device 400 needs to be folded in half and then folded again, the second supporting structure 403 can serve as a support point for re-folding, so that the components on the flexible electronic device 400 can avoid component failure caused by folding the fold line. The second support structure 403 may have a curved mechanical structure, such as a spherical body, an elliptical spherical body, a cone, a cylindrical body, a polygonal sphere, a polygonal ellipsoidal sphere, a polygonal diamond cylinder, a circular or elliptical prism or The structure of a similar shape may also be a one-piece structure, and in one embodiment may be a square or a gasket structure having an arc-like pattern. The second support structure may be disposed at an intersection of the first fold line area and the second fold line area, or may be disposed along the first fold line area 2011 and/or the second fold line area 2012. FIG. 5(a) shows an embodiment in which the flexible electronic device 500 has a flexible substrate 501 on which a first support structure 502 is disposed on a first surface of a predetermined bending region of the flexible substrate 501. The material is made, when the flexible electronic device 500 is bent by stress, the flexible substrate 501 can be bent along the first supporting structure 502 in a predetermined bending region. In one embodiment, the material of the first support structure 502 may include at least one of the following: metal, piezoelectric material, silicone, polyimide, PI, polyethylene terephthalate. (PET), polypropylene (PP), polyethylene naphthalate (PEN), polycarbonate (PC), polyester (PES), cyclic olefin copolymer (COC), and composite materials thereof. The first support structure 502 can have a gasket structure of a specific shape according to design requirements, such as a gasket structure having a circular arc plane, or a gasket structure having a curved surface. The first support structure 502 can be curved to have a radius of curvature of less than 10 mm, for example, 5 mm, 2 mm, 1 mm, 0.5 mm, 0.1 mm, or even 0.01 mm, so that the flexible substrate 501 can be flexibly bent when supported. The curvature of the structure 502 is curved, and the components on the flexible electronic device 500 can thus avoid component failure due to folding of the fold lines. In one embodiment, the flexible electronic device 500 has a second support structure 503 on a second surface of the predetermined bend zone relative to the first surface. The second support structure 503 may have a curved mechanical structure such as a spherical body, an elliptical spherical body, a cone, a cylindrical body or the like, or may be a sheet-like structure. In an embodiment, the second support structure 503 is made of a flexible material that may be the same or different than the material from which the first support structure is made. In an embodiment, the first supporting structure located on the first surface of the predetermined bending region of the flexible electronic device and the second supporting structure located on the second surface may be oppositely disposed, or may be relatively offset according to the folding design requirement. The offset angular position is related to the predetermined folding direction. Substrate Improvement Scheme In the manufacturing process of flexible electronic devices, the flexibility can be improved from the various substrates of the electronic device manufacturing process. Figure 7 (a) shows a flexible electronic device 700 comprising a flexible substrate 701 and a flexible member 702 formed thereon. The flexible substrate 701 is made of a first flexible material, and the flexible member 702 is made of a second flexible material and formed on a predetermined bending region of the flexible substrate 701, wherein the second flexible material has a larger diameter. It is equal to 30% extensibility, and it can have characteristics that can withstand high temperature processes, such as a process that can withstand high temperatures up to 100 °C. The greater the degree of deflection, the smaller the radius of curvature, such as insufficient ductility of the substrate in the predetermined bending zone, which will cause wrinkles, local deformation or splitting, and even damage to components or circuits on the substrate. According to the present invention, a composite substrate can be formed, which can improve the ductility of a predetermined bending region and avoid damage of components or circuits on the substrate. In an embodiment, the flexible substrate may be made of a first flexible material having an elongation of 5% or more, and the first flexible material may be a single material, a composite material, or a material of a laminated structure. In an embodiment, the first flexible material may be a material having an elongation of 30% or more. In an embodiment, the flexible material forming the flexible element of the second flexible material comprises at least one of the following: anthrone, polyimine, PET, PP, PEN, PC, PES, COC, and composites thereof. In one embodiment, the flexible member 702 is a composite material in which a mixture of polyimine and anthrone is mixed, for example, 10-40% of polyimine and 60% to 90% of anthrone are mixed, or may be The polyimine and the fluorenone are formed in a laminated structure, and it is possible that the film of the multilayer polyimide and the fluorenone forms the flexible member 702 in a sandwich laminate structure. The high-expansion flexible element can prevent the flexible electronic device 700 from rupturing during bending, and further cause failure of components and circuits thereon. In one embodiment, the flexible member 702 can be formed on a surface of the flexible substrate 701 flexible substrate, such that the flexible member 702 protrudes from the surface of the flexible substrate 701, that is, at a predetermined bending region, the flexible member 702 and The total thickness of the flexible substrate 701 is greater than the thickness of the flexible substrate 701 of the non-predetermined bending region. When the flexible electronic device is stressed and bent, the flexible member 702 is bent to have a radius of curvature, so that the flexible substrate 701 can be bent in conformity with its curvature, and can further serve as a support structure for the predetermined bending region. 7(b) shows an embodiment in which the flexible substrate 701 has a recess in a predetermined bending region, and the flexible member 702 is formed in a predetermined bending region of the flexible substrate 701 such that the upper surface of the flexible substrate 701 It is substantially aligned with the upper surface of the flexible element 702. Figure 7 (c) shows an embodiment in which the flexible substrate 701 has a recess in a predetermined bend region, and the flexible member 702 is formed in a predetermined bend region of the flexible substrate 701 such that the upper surface of the flexible member 702 Substantially lower than the upper surface of the flexible substrate 701, that is, the total thickness of the flexible substrate 701 and the flexible member 702 in the predetermined bending region is smaller than the thickness of the flexible substrate 701 outside the predetermined bending region, and the device is in the predetermined bending region. It is easier to bend. The predetermined bending zone may include a staggered first fold line area and a second fold line area, or may have more fold line areas according to design requirements. 7(d) shows an embodiment in which the groove depth d1 of the flexible substrate at the intersection of the first fold line region and the second fold line region is deeper than the groove depth along the line portion d2 of the fold line region, so that the flexible member 702 fills the thickness at the intersection. The thickness of the filling along the line outside the intersection is thicker, so that the electronic device has better ductility when folded, and the electronic components or lines formed thereon are damaged or failed due to the cracking of the substrate. In one embodiment, only the flexible element is present in the predetermined bend zone, and there is no flexible substrate that is less ductile relative to the flexible element. In one embodiment, the flexible substrate 701 can be a carrier of an electronic device, a substrate of a touch circuit, a substrate of components of each layer in the display device, and an electronic circuit such as a liquid crystal layer substrate, a light-emitting layer substrate, a polarizer, a driving circuit, and the like. a substrate, a protective layer and/or a cover lens, etc., and a conductive line, an electronic component, a liquid crystal cell, a display component, a light emitting component, a sensing component, and a touch may be formed on the substrate 701 and the flexible component 702. Components and / or drive components and so on. Figure 8 shows yet another substrate improvement scheme. The flexible electronic device 800 includes a flexible substrate 801; and a functional substrate layer 802 attached to the flexible substrate in an array of mosaic patterns. The flexible substrate 801 can be fabricated from a highly ductile flexible substrate, for example, a flexible material having a ductility of 30% or more. The functional substrate layer 802 can be a glass, ceramic, composite, polymer or metal, etc., and can serve as a protective layer, optical layer or cover for a flexible electronic device. The functional substrate layer is cut to form mosaic tiles separated from each other, so that the stress is released by the mosaic tiles when the device is bent. In one embodiment, by die punching, die cutting, laser cutting, water jet cutting, laser etching, chemical etching, plasma etching, photolithography etching, etc. A continuous surface functional substrate layer is diced into an array in a mosaic pattern distribution, and the functional substrate layer 802 is attached to the flexible substrate 801. In another embodiment, the functional substrate layer 802 is first attached to the flexible substrate 801, and the continuous surface functional substrate layer 802 is then diced into an array of mosaic pattern distribution. Component Layout Improvement Solution In order to solve the problem that the flexible electronic device may cause component failure when folded, the components of the electronic device can be further improved in addition to the improvement of the mechanical structure and the improvement of the substrate. Avoiding the bend zone by reducing component placement in the bend zone, wiring configuration, or shrinking the bend zone components, or rounding the bend zone component or line pattern, or routing the wire around a predetermined bend zone The wiring can achieve the problem of avoiding component failure caused by folding dead angles. FIG. 9(a) shows an embodiment of the present invention. The flexible electronic device 900 includes a flexible substrate 901 having a predetermined bending region, and a plurality of components 902a, 902b, and 902c are disposed on the flexible substrate 901. The plurality of components include first configuration elements 902a, 902b disposed on the predetermined bending zone, and second configuration component 902c disposed outside the predetermined bending zone, wherein the first configuration components 902a The size of 902b is smaller than the second configuration elements 902c. In an embodiment, the first configuration elements 902a, 902b disposed in the predetermined bending zone have a size smaller than 80 μm in length and 24 μm in width, and may be, for example, 40 μm long and 12 μm wide, 30 μm long and 12 μm wide, 40 μm long and 12 μm wide. It is 15 μm long and 5 μm wide, 5 μm long and 5 μm wide, 1 μm long and 1 μm wide. In one embodiment, arranging a plurality of small-sized components in an array in a predetermined bending zone in a predetermined bending zone can reduce the strain per unit component during strain to avoid component failure. In an embodiment, the predetermined bendable region of the flexible substrate 901 includes a first fold line region and/or a second fold line region, and FIG. 9(b) shows that the first configuration component 902a located along the fold line region is disposed on the fold line. The edge of the zone is such that the distance W between the first configuration elements 902a on both sides of the fold line (the bend centerline of the predetermined bend zone) is greater than the pitch between the second configuration elements outside the predetermined bend zone, and the size of W may be Affecting the functionality of the flexible electronic device in the fold line area, for example, if the flexible display device is too large, it may affect the display quality. For example, in a display application, too large W may cause a dark area to be displayed, which affects display quality. To avoid this effect, the first configuration element 902a spacing W on either side of the fold line is in the range of about 1 μm to about 10 mm, preferably the pitch W is less than 1 mm. In an embodiment, the first configuration component 902b is disposed adjacent to a corner of the intersection of the first fold line region and the second fold line region. 9(c) shows that the pattern of the first configurable elements 902a, 902b in the predetermined bending zone is rounded, for example, may be arcuate or circular, and in one embodiment, may be a polygon of a quadrangle or more. For example, hexagonal, octagonal, dodecagonal, and the like. In order to avoid the damage of the component during bending, the component can be arcuate, but this design will increase the difficulty of the process, and the design of the component pattern as a polygon will simplify the process. In one embodiment, the flexible electronic device is a display device, wherein the plurality of components are at least one of the following: a light emitting diode, an organic light emitting diode, a pixel electrode, a liquid crystal display unit, a touch electrode, and a sense A measuring electrode, various sensing elements (for example, a light sensing element, a capacitance sensing element, a pressure sensing element), a driving electrode, a TFT element, an OTFT element, a solar cell element, and the like. The present invention provides a variety of improved flexible electronic devices that can be combined in any combination to optimize the flexing of the flexible device. The construction and configuration of the structures and methods as shown in the various exemplary embodiments are merely illustrative. Accordingly, all such modifications are intended to be included within the scope of the present invention. The order or sequence of any program or method steps may be changed or re-sequenced according to alternative embodiments. Other substitutions, modifications, changes and omissions may be made in the design, operation, and configuration of the example embodiments without departing from the scope of the invention.