201238540 六、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明係關於一種渣汁分離裝置,特別是可以適用於 多種食材之固液分離裝置,以方便對該分離之渣體與汁液^ 進行後續加工作業者。 【先前技術】 習知之蔬果榨汁方式,係將蔬果投入一榨汁設備,該 榨取汁液或與殘渣共存於一容器内,待所有蔬果轉汁工作 完成後’再將該殘渣與汁液分離;或該榨汁設備設有過據 設備可以即時讓榨取汁液流出,待所有蔬果榨汁工作完成 後,再將該殘渣取出。 另,傳統之咖啡烹煮方式,係先以一研磨裝置將咖啡 五研磨成粉狀,再利用-咖啡壺烹煮沖泡該咖啡粉,而形 成一咖啡溶液,然後以濾紙過濾該咖啡溶液後完成該烹煮 程序。整體^言’該咖啡烹煮方式較為麻煩,且在不同過 程中’各須以數種不同裝置進行加工。 ,凊參照第1圖所示,其係中華民國公告M350321號 ,環粉碎之料理機」專利案,該專利案揭示之料理機9 ==一刀片9,於該導引管92中高速旋轉,以將沈浸方 吸㈣、五穀、雜糧或蔬果’連同液體不斷扣 將^該導引管92中,經由高速旋轉之刀片91粉碎,| :=碎之液體,經導引管92之洞孔94排至容器9” 亨J :之打汁目的’並藉由加熱元件95之加熱,可, …煮該讀、五㈣等汁液。該料理機9更可經由功齡 201238540 96之設定,僅啟動旋轉該刀片91,而不啟動該加熱元件 95,以作為榨取蔬菜汁或果汁等用途。 上述料理機9雖將榨汁及烹煮設備集合為單一機體’ 且該料理機更可以選擇烹煮該榨取之汁液或僅作榨取汁液 功能。惟該料理機9主要係採用該刀片91於該導引管92 中高速旋轉,以將容器93内混有豆類、五穀、雜糧或蔬果 之汁液,不斷地吸入於該導引管92中,使該高速旋轉之刀 片91可以將該豆類、五榖、雜糧或蔬果粉碎。 如此,當使用者要取出該汁液時,還需要以一額外之 遽網才可以將該;查體與汁液分離。 又’在烹煮過程,由於該導引管92形成開放之底部 ,因此,該豆類、五穀、雜糧渣體無法被濾除,係與汁液 一併烹煮,如此,在加熱烹煮過程中,該渣體即會形成黏 稠狀之附著在該刀片91、導引管92、容器93及加熱元件 95等構件,在後續清洗工作上變得困難與不便。 再者,在X煮過程當中,由於該渣體未被事先濾除, 因此’附著在該加熱元件95之渣體,更會因在持續高溫加 熱情形下,形成焦化,如此,將使該烹煮汁液形成焦味, 而影響到該汁液之口感與品質。 由上述之蔬果榨汁方式、咖啡之烹煮方式及食材料理 方式’可以發現其相同需要將食材碎化加 = 裝置將上述不同的食材進二 【發明内容】 201238540 _ 得方向,本發明所述之「弟二方向」, 與「第一方向」為相反之方向。即「第一方 t —方向」即為相反之逆時針旋轉方向 ,,第一方向」為逆時針旋轉方向時,該「第二太A 」即為相反之順時針旋轉方向。 一 ° 本發明所述之「上端」、「底端」,係依圖面而十,位 置之一端為「上端」’位於一下方位置之二端為 本發明所述之「上升」、「下降」,係依圖面而古,一 物體由-下方位置移動到—上方位置為「上升」,一二體由 一上方位置移動到一下方位置為「下降」。 本發明所述之「動力元件」,係可以為馬達,經由感 測開關、時朗關或各齡式設計,使該動力元件可以朝 ^方向、第二方向旋轉或停止,或形成不同速度,或作 瞬間起動,係熟習該項技術領域人士可以預期與理解。 本發明之目的係提供一種渣汁分離裝置,係可以僅由 該單裝置即可以適用於多種不同食材之粉碎或均質工作 者。 本發明之次一目的係提供一種渣汁分離裝置,係可以 將該食材之渣體與汁液分離,如此,使用者係可以方便之 取用該分離之渣體與汁液者。 本發明之另一目的係提供一種渣汁分離裝置,係可以 選擇加熱與否,且可以僅對該分離之汁液進行加熱以避 免该渣體附著在該渣汁分離裝置被加熱,以使該渣汁分離 201238540 裝置可以容易被清洗者。 本發明之再一目的係提供一種渣汁分離裝置,係邛以 將該潰體财液魏,讀齡離之汁液撕純時,係 可以授動断液,㈣免該底層汁液經長時間加熱導致焦 化’進而可避免該汁液之品質受到影響者。 ^ 本發明之-種渣汁分離裝置,係包含:一機座,設〆 動力元件帶動一轉動軸旋轉,該轉動軸上設 -帶:部;-容器,具有一開口與機座相結合,該容器係 收液體及汁液;及1體集收構件,由液體 :滲=材料製成,該潰體集收構件設一軸管及一旋轉構 設内螺紋可以與轉動轴之螺紋部螺合及分離, 触轉構件可則目對於轉動域轉 轴之帶動部喃合成同步旋轉。 u與轉動 本發明之一種渣汁分離裝置, 一加熱構件,該加熱構件可崎妨2機座還可以言又有 熱。 益内之液體或汁液加 ιί:=:Γ汁靖置’其中該轉動轴係可以由 其端部以1合部私叫長度之延伸。 吸有一 種射分轉置,其中該轉動軸上係可以 ^動動構件,該攪動構件可叫該容器内之液體或汁 本發明之一種渣汁分離裴置, y 以與轉動轴之螺紋部底端相螺合料離^上端係可 以被閉種渣汁靖置’其中該容器之開口係可 201238540 之—種料分轉置,其中該容_底部還可 以軸座,該軸座供轉動軸之-端頂接。 還可 本發明之—種潰汁分離 與旋轉構件之喃合部係至少-形成單向齒。帶動部 〜明之—種料分離裝置,其中該旋轉構件還可以 叹一葉片部,該葉片部可以為—旋㈣具或攪動葉片。 本發明之-種潰汁分離裳置,其中該渣體集收構 可以設有-開口,該開口可以被一蓋封閉。 本發明之一種渣汁分離聚置,其中該機座係可以由— 底座及-上座所構成’且該上座吨接元雜接在底座。 本發明之一種渣汁分離裝置,其中該容器還可以設有 液位感測元件,及該底座上設有接點,鎌减測元件可 以與接點感應。 【實施方式】 為讓本發明之上述及其他目的、特徵及優點能更明顯 易懂’下文特舉本發明之較佳實施例,並配合所附圖式, 作詳細說明如下: 請參照第2、3圖所示,其係本發明之第一較佳實施 例,該實施例之渣汁分離裝置係包含有一機座1、一容器2 及一渣體集收構件3所構成。該容器2可以與該機座1相 結合,該渣體集收構件3位於該容器2内,且該渣體集收 構件3可以被機座1之一轉動軸12帶動,對該容器2作軸 向移動及徑向旋轉者。 機座1係設有一動力元件11,該動力元件11可以直 接或間接帶動一轉動軸12作定位旋轉,該動力元件11係 201238540 且’該轉動轴12係可以為單一軸桿 ,該齡軸12由二以上桿體各由其端部各以 一哺”卩13喷合以作長度之延伸。該轉動軸12上設有— :紋:?及一帶動部15 ’該螺紋部14具有一上端與一底 知,該π動。H5可以為—梢桿或單向齒。此外 12上還可以設有-猶構件16,當該轉動㈣旋轉時軸 該授動構件16可以猶該容器2内之液體。另外,本發明 之潰汁分離裝置也可以設有—加熱元件4,在本實施例當 中’該加熱元件4設於該機座丨且可以伸人在該容器2 ; 〇 该谷益2係可以盛裝或集收液體及汁液,該容器2係 =二開-2卜該容器2係可以由該開口 21與該機座、 相^ ’必要時該開口 21射以由一蓋體22丨以封閉, 該蓋體22上係可以設有一軸孔221與一通孔從,該轴孔 221可以供轉動轴12穿越,該通孔222可以供加μ 通過。該容器2還可以設—把手23,使該容器2易於持牛拿 。該容器2内底部還可以設—軸座24,該軸座24可以二 轉動轴12之底端部抵接,使該轉動軸12之旋轉更為考气^ 凊閱第2、3及4圖所示,該渣體集收構件3本 有一重量’該賴纽構件3係由㈣可渗出之㈣ ’較=為由具網孔之金屬材料製成’該渣體純構件 可以設—開口,由該開口可以將咖啡豆、黃豆、五± ’、 糧或蔬果等擬被加玉物置人在紐體集收構件穀上雜 口可以被—蓋31封閉,及由—定位元件力將該蓋Μ = 201238540 。該渣體集收構件3係可以容置在該容器2内,且可以被 轉動軸12帶動升降及旋轉。在本實施例當中,該渣體集收 構件3係設一軸管33及一旋轉構件34。其中,該軸管幻 係位於該渣體集收構件3之旋轉中心,且該渣體集收構件 3與軸管33以肋條35連接,該軸管33設有内螺紋331, 該内螺紋331係可以與轉動軸12之螺紋部14相螺合或分 離。即該内螺紋331之上端係可以與轉動軸12之螺紋部 14底端相螺合及分離(如第3、5圖所示)。該旋轉構件料 係穿套在該轉動軸12,且該旋轉構件34係可以相對於該 轉動轴η及渣體集收構件3空轉,或與該轉動車由12同步 旋轉。該旋轉構件34之上端頂接在該軸管33底端,該旋 ,構件34之底端較佳凸出在軸體集收構件3底部,且該 旋轉構件34之底端係形成—喷合部341,該喃合部可 以與轉動轴12之帶動部15铜合,使該旋轉構件%可以 __ Π帶動成同步旋轉。該哺合部341與轉動轴12 ^帶,部15至少-形成單向齒,使該轉動軸12僅可以帶 動該旋轉構件34朝其中—方向旋轉。在本實施例當中當 動轴I2朝第-方向轉树,該賴集㈣件3相對轉 下隊12作下降移動且軸管33同時迫壓雜轉構件34 該旋轉構件34之鳴合部341可以與轉動轴12上 部刚合。該旋轉構件34具有一葉片部祀, 342可以為一旋切刀部錢動葉片,使該旋轉構 =被帶動旋轉時,該葉片部342可以作切削或碎 皮加工物。當該轉動㈣朝第二方向轉動時,該旋轉構件 上之嗦合部341可以與該帶動部丨5分開,且使該旋轉 201238540 =面辦丨观上物㈣合部糾為 升,及由該旋轉構件34同時頂推該轴管33上 邱U达 管33之内螺紋331上端與轉動輪12之螺紋 & H合,=使職體集收構件3可以相對於轉動轴 器2之蓋體2^_1#_件3之上端頂接在該容 3盘轉動轴12 為止’此時該渣體集收構件 形成一旋轉離成同步旋轉,該渣體集收構件3可以 以被確實:Γ 以 集收構件3内之液體可 ’及僅使潰體存留在該渣體集收構件3内。 被加=置二圖=隹本發明使用時,使用者係可以將擬 體集收構構件3内,及將蓋31蓋合在該邊 該渣體集彳Li開口,並利用定位元件32將蓋31固定。 使該轴^ 33 3之袖管33係穿套在該轉動軸12上,及 ’該轉動轴1^螺紋331與轉動軸12之螺紋部14相螺合 U底端端係可以伸人在容器2内,或將該轉動軸 履端置设在容器2之軸座24上。 W器2内係可以依使用上之需要可以盛果一預定 二=;!衰設該液體,如’當作為咖极研磨 後,再2内係先不|設液體,當該研磨工作完成 等擬ΓίΓ預定液位之液體;當作為豆類、五穀、雜糧 液之:作質::時’該容器2内係可以盛裝-預定 以盛為輕之均以作時,财器2内係可 ^ 疋液位之液體或不裝設該液體。 動力圖所示’當使用者啟動該動力元件η時,該 係可以帶動該轉姉12朝第—方向轉動,此 201238540 時,該渣體集收構件3係可以藉由該内螺紋331對轉動軸 12作下降移動,直到該軸管33之内螺紋331上端與轉動 軸12之螺紋部221底端分離為止。該渣體集收構件3在下 降移動時,該軸管33同時迫壓該旋轉構件34下降,當該 旋轉構件34之嚙合部341與轉動軸12上之帶動部15相嚙 合時,該旋轉構件34可以被轉動軸U帶動成同步旋轉, ^該旋轉構件34之葉片部342對該擬被加工物作切削或碎 遠動力7G件11朝第—方向轉綠使該旋轉構件3 轉-預定時間後’該動力元件u可以朝一第二方向轉動, 此時’該旋轉構件34之喃合部341與轉動轴12上之帶動 部I5形成分離,且由該旋轉構件34推動轴管33連同 集,構件3上升(㈣合部341為單向斜面設計),以使該 轴& 33之内螺紋331上端與轉動軸12之螺紋部14底端相 螺合,進而使該渣體集收構件3對轉動軸12作上升移動, 直到該趟集收構件3之上端頂接在該容器2之蓋體^ ,機座1之底部為止’此時可以藉由定位開關或計時器等 各,控制方式,使該動力林11停止旋轉或繼續旋轉。當 2内體’讀加工物被碎化形成有汁液時, 動f 70件U係可以形成繼續旋轉,以使該轉動轴12可 貝帶動該賴純構件3㈣,使該紐集收構件3 形成離心力量’以使魏雜收構件3内之液體可 乂被確實及僅使渣體存留在該賴集收構件3内, 以達到將渣汁分離之目的。 田“瀝出之液體有必要作為加熱工作時,該動力元件 〜12〜 201238540 S機可:Γ續帶動該轉動軸12朝第二方向轉動,因此, …機座之加熱元件4被啟動對容器2加熱時, 2内之液體係可以在猶構件16齡情形下被加埶,/” 及可㈣找絲㈣經長時^ 更甚者,當本發明之渣汁分離裝置作為咖 工作時,在難體餘構件3之上端頂接在觀 體22或機座1之底料,軸力元件11除可以形成停止 旋轉外’該容ϋ2_可以加人—預定液位之液體成t 液體係可物由加熱元件4加_顧或—預定溫户, 時’更可以藉由該動力元件u再朝第—方向旋轉,ς 氣查體集收構件3下降至―預定位置,使該研磨之如哪粉 可以與㈣π熱之液體接觸,以制沖泡咖啡之目的。 明閱第6圖所示,其係本發明之渣汁分離 佳實施例,該機座⑽-底座lap上錢所^較 該底座la與上座lb以樞接元件lc樞接使該上座仆 =相對於底座la樞轉。在本實施例當中,該底座机 有-承置部hi ’該承置部ld可以供容器2容置,該二 ^對應於該承置部1(1位置設有—加熱元件4,該加執元= 4係可以對置於該承置部ld之容器2加熱。該上座、 5又有動力元件11可以帶動—轉動轴Π旋轉,該帶動袖12 可圖所示’藉由-傳動構件17帶動該轉動軸12旋轉 17可以為f知之傳動輪及皮帶。該轉二 ^TM為早-軸桿’或與第—實施例相同,該轉動轴u 糸一以上桿體各由其端部各以一喃合部U喃合以作長 —13 — 201238540 度之延伸。該轉動軸12上設有一螺紋部14、一帶動部15 及一攪動構件16。此外,在本實施例當中,該底座u上 還可以設有二感應接點18a、18b。 在本實施例當中,該容器2與渣體集收構件3構造與 第一實施例大致相同,此外,在本實施例當中,該容器2 另設有二液位感測元件25a、25b,該液位感測元件25a、 25b可以為習知之磁簧開關,與設於底座1&之二接點 、18b感應,其中該液位感測元件25a可以設在該容器2 之近底部,該液位感測元件25b可以設在該容器2"之二適 當高度’當該容H2内之液體液位低於該液位感測元件心 位置時,該液位感測it件25a可以發出訊號使加熱元件 4無法作動;當該容器2内之液體液位高於 ^ 件挪位置時’該液位感測元件挪可以發出訊號^ 加熱元件4暫停作動,以防止該㈣液㈣高及溢出 請閱第7圖所示,苴伤太旅na ^ 益出 情形,當欲將該容器2置入在㈣亦】 直之使用 承置邻id取出日丰後之承置部ld或由該 承置Id取㈣,财邱㈣上座 如此,該容器2係可以方便 于底座1a_ 還可以設有翅19,當縣$ 2 w ’ 上座lb ld時’該墊圈19可以壓在該容器2入之:1之承置部 2有較佳之密合效果。 之讀22,使該容器 本發明之潰汁分離裝置,僅 於多種不同食材之粉碎料質工作=裝置即可以適用 置具有多重功能效果之功效。 本發明之渣汁分離裝 本發明之財麵裝置:勤解-裝置即可以達到 —14 — 201238540 將該食材之溲體鱼 取用該分如此’使用者似以方便之 便使用效果^=,。、汁液’本發明之料分離裝置具有方 行力:發St:裝ί ’係可以僅對該分離之汁液進 之潰汁分崎在該分離裝置被加熱’本發明 、置ν、有谷易清洗效果之功效。 ^發月之邊汁分離裝置’在對該分離之汁液進行加熱 遊可以授動该汁液,本發明之潰汁分離裝置可以避免 該底層汁液經㈣間加熱卿成之焦化,本發有可以 提升該汁液品質效果之功效。 雖然本發明已利用上述較佳實施例揭示,然其並非用 以限定本㈣’任何熟習此技藝者在不脫縣發明之精神 和範圍之内,相對上述實施例進行各種更動與修改仍屬本 發明所保護之技術範疇,因此本發明之保護範圍當視後附 之申請專利範圍所界定者為準。 【圖式簡單說明】 第1圖 第2圖 第3圖 第4圖 第5圖 第6圖 習知料理機之立體圖。 本發明第一實施例立體分解圖。 本發明第一實施例之組合剖面圖。 本發明第一實施例之渣體集收構件立體圖 由第3圖所示之動作情形圖。 本發明第二實施例之組合剖面圖。 第7圖:由第6圖所示之動作情形圖 —15 — 201238540 【主要元件符號說明】 〔本發明〕 1 機座 la 底座 lb 上座 lc 柩接元件 Id 承置部 11 動力元件 12 轉動軸 13 嚙合部 14 螺紋部 15 帶動部 16 攪動構件 17 傳動構件 18a、18b 接點 19 墊圈 2 容器 21 開口 22 蓋體 221 軸孔 222通孔 23 把手 24 軸座 25a 、25b液位感測元件 3 渣體集收構件 31 蓋 32 定位元件 33 軸管 331内螺紋 34 旋轉構件 341嚙合部 342 葉片部 35 肋條 4 加熱元件 〔習知〕 9 料理機 91 刀片 92 導引管 93 容器 94 洞孔 95 加熱元件 96 功能鍵201238540 VI. Description of the Invention: [Technical Field] The present invention relates to a slag juice separation device, in particular, a solid-liquid separation device which can be applied to various food materials to facilitate subsequent processing of the separated slag body and juice Operators. [Prior Art] The conventional vegetable and fruit juice extraction method is to put the fruits and vegetables into a juice extraction device, and the juice is extracted or coexisted with the residue in a container, and the residue is separated from the juice after all the fruits and vegetables are turned into juice; or The juice extracting device is provided with a device for immediately extracting the juice, and after the juice extraction work of all the fruits and vegetables is completed, the residue is taken out. In addition, the traditional coffee cooking method is to first grind the coffee five into a powder by a grinding device, then brew the coffee powder by using a coffee pot to form a coffee solution, and then filter the coffee solution with filter paper. Complete the cooking process. Overall, the coffee cooking method is cumbersome and must be processed in several different devices in different processes.凊 凊 第 第 第 第 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 To immerse the immersed square (four), grains, miscellaneous grains or fruits and vegetables together with the liquid, the guide tube 92 is pulverized by the blade 91 which is rotated at a high speed, | : = broken liquid, through the hole 94 of the guiding tube 92 Discharge to the container 9" 亨 J: The purpose of the juice" and by the heating of the heating element 95, can ... cook the reading, five (four) and other juices. The cooking machine 9 can be activated only through the setting of the power age 201238540 96 The blade 91 is rotated without the heating element 95 being activated for use as a vegetable juice or juice. The cooking machine 9 combines the juicing and cooking equipment into a single body' and the cooking machine can choose to cook. The juice is extracted or only used for extracting juice. However, the cooking machine 9 mainly uses the blade 91 to rotate at a high speed in the guiding tube 92 to mix the container 93 with the juice of beans, grains, miscellaneous grains or fruits and vegetables. Inhaled into the guiding tube 92 to make the high speed rotating knife The piece 91 can pulverize the beans, the sorghum, the miscellaneous grains or the fruits and vegetables. Thus, when the user wants to take out the sap, it is necessary to use an additional sputum net to separate the body and the juice. In the process, since the guiding tube 92 forms an open bottom, the beans, grains, and grains are not filtered out and are cooked together with the juice. Thus, during the heating and cooking process, the slag is The formation of a viscous member attached to the blade 91, the guide tube 92, the container 93, and the heating element 95 becomes difficult and inconvenient in subsequent cleaning work. Further, during the X-cooking process, since the slag body is not It is filtered out in advance, so that the slag attached to the heating element 95 will be coked in the case of continuous high-temperature heating. Thus, the cooking juice will be burnt and affect the taste and quality of the juice. From the above-mentioned vegetable and fruit juice extraction method, coffee cooking method and food material management method, it can be found that the same needs to be shredded and added to the food = device to enter the above different ingredients into the second [invention content] 201238540 _ direction, The invention is the "brother second direction", and "first direction" is a direction counter. That is, the "first square t - direction" is the opposite counterclockwise direction of rotation, and when the first direction is the counterclockwise direction of rotation, the "second too A" is the opposite clockwise direction of rotation. The "upper end" and "bottom end" of the present invention are based on the drawing surface, and one end of the position is "upper end". The two ends of the lower end position are "up" and "fall" according to the present invention. According to the figure, an object moves from the lower position to the upper position as "rise", and the one or two bodies move from an upper position to a lower position as "down". The "power component" of the present invention may be a motor, which may be rotated or stopped in the ^ direction, the second direction, or formed at different speeds via a sensing switch, a time switch or an age design. Or for an instant start, it is familiar to those skilled in the art who can expect and understand. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION An object of the present invention is to provide a slag separating apparatus which can be applied to pulverizing or homogenizing workers of a plurality of different food materials by only the single apparatus. A second object of the present invention is to provide a slag juice separating apparatus which can separate the slag body of the food material from the juice, so that the user can conveniently use the separated slag body and juice. Another object of the present invention is to provide a slag juice separation device which can be selectively heated or not, and can only heat the separated juice to prevent the slag body from being attached to the slag separation device to be heated to make the slag Juice separation 201238540 The device can be easily cleaned. A further object of the present invention is to provide a slag juice separating device, which is capable of stimulating the liquid when the sap of the body is removed, and the sap is allowed to be detached, and (4) the bottom sap is heated for a long time. Lead to coking' and thus avoid the influence of the quality of the juice. The invention relates to a slag juice separating device, which comprises: a machine base, wherein the power component drives a rotating shaft to rotate, the rotating shaft is provided with a belt: a container; and the container has an opening combined with the machine base. The container is for collecting liquid and juice; and the body collecting member is made of liquid: osmosis material, the shaft collecting member is provided with a shaft tube and a rotating internal thread can be screwed with the threaded portion of the rotating shaft and Separating, the rotating member can synthesize synchronous rotation for the driving portion of the rotating domain rotating shaft. u and rotation A slag juice separating device of the present invention, a heating member, which can be said to have a heat and can be heated. The liquid or juice in the benefit is added by ιί:=: Γ汁靖', wherein the rotating shaft can be extended by the length of the 1 part. The suction has a split transposition, wherein the rotating shaft can be a moving member, and the agitating member can be called a liquid or juice in the container. The slag separating device of the present invention, y and the thread portion of the rotating shaft The bottom end phase screw material can be rotated by the closed slag juice, wherein the opening of the container can be rotated by the material of 201238540, wherein the bottom of the container can also be rotated, and the shaft seat can be rotated. The end of the shaft is connected. It is also possible that the crushing separation of the present invention and the merging portion of the rotating member form at least a one-way tooth. The driving portion - the bright material-separating device, wherein the rotating member can also sigh a blade portion, and the blade portion can be a rotating or agitating blade. In the present invention, the slag body can be disposed, wherein the slag body can be provided with an opening which can be closed by a lid. The slag juice of the present invention is separated and assembled, wherein the machine base can be composed of a base and an upper seat, and the upper seat is connected to the base. In the slag juice separating device of the present invention, the container may further be provided with a liquid level sensing element, and the base is provided with a contact point, and the 镰-reduction element can be sensed with the contact. The above and other objects, features, and advantages of the present invention will become more <RTIgt; </ RTI> <RTIgt; </ RTI> <RTIgt; </ RTI> <RTIgt; As shown in FIG. 3, it is a first preferred embodiment of the present invention. The slag separating apparatus of the embodiment comprises a base 1, a container 2 and a slag collecting member 3. The container 2 can be combined with the base 1, the slag collecting member 3 is located in the container 2, and the slag collecting member 3 can be driven by a rotating shaft 12 of the base 1, for the container 2 Axial movement and radial rotation. The base 1 is provided with a power component 11 which can directly or indirectly drive a rotating shaft 12 for positioning rotation. The power component 11 is 201238540 and the rotating shaft 12 can be a single shaft. The two or more rods are respectively sprayed by the end portions thereof by a feeding portion 13 to extend the length. The rotating shaft 12 is provided with a pattern: a pattern and a driving portion 15'. The thread portion 14 has an upper end. And the bottom is known as the π move. H5 can be a tip rod or a one-way tooth. In addition, 12 can also be provided with a heave member 16, and when the rotation (four) is rotated, the axis of the actuating member 16 can still be inside the container 2. In addition, the juice separation device of the present invention may also be provided with a heating element 4, in the present embodiment, the heating element 4 is disposed on the machine base and can be extended in the container 2; 2 series can hold or collect liquid and juice, the container 2 is = 2 open - 2 The container 2 can be from the opening 21 and the base, the opening 21 is required to be shot by a cover 22 The cover body 22 can be provided with a shaft hole 221 and a through hole, and the shaft hole 221 can be rotated. The shaft 12 is traversed, and the through hole 222 can be passed through. The container 2 can also be provided with a handle 23 for making the container 2 easy to hold. The bottom of the container 2 can also be provided with a shaft seat 24, which is 24 The bottom end portion of the two rotating shafts 12 can be abutted to make the rotation of the rotating shaft 12 more suitable. As shown in Figures 2, 3 and 4, the slag collecting member 3 has a weight of the Lai The member 3 is made of (4) permeable (4) 'Compared = made of metal material with mesh'. The pure component of the slag body can be provided with an opening, from which the coffee bean, soybean, five ±, or grain can be Fruits and vegetables, etc., which are intended to be added to the jade objects, can be closed by the cover 31, and by the positioning component force = 201238540. The slag collecting member 3 can be accommodated in In the container 2, the slag collecting member 3 is provided with a shaft tube 33 and a rotating member 34. The slag tube is located in the slag. The center of rotation of the body collecting member 3, and the slag collecting member 3 and the shaft tube 33 are connected by a rib 35, and the shaft tube 33 is provided with a screw The internal thread 331 can be screwed or separated from the threaded portion 14 of the rotating shaft 12. That is, the upper end of the internal thread 331 can be screwed and separated from the bottom end of the threaded portion 14 of the rotating shaft 12 (such as the third The rotating member is threaded over the rotating shaft 12, and the rotating member 34 can be idling relative to the rotating shaft η and the slag collecting member 3, or synchronized with the rotating vehicle 12 Rotating. The upper end of the rotating member 34 is abutted at the bottom end of the shaft tube 33. The bottom end of the rotating member 34 preferably protrudes from the bottom of the shaft collecting member 3, and the bottom end of the rotating member 34 is formed - The merging portion 341 can be copper-engaged with the driving portion 15 of the rotating shaft 12, so that the rotating member can be rotated synchronously by __ 。. The urging portion 341 and the rotating shaft 12 are beltd, and the portion 15 at least forms a one-way tooth so that the rotating shaft 12 can only rotate the rotating member 34 in the middle direction. In the present embodiment, when the moving shaft I2 is turned to the first direction, the collecting member (4) 3 is moved downward relative to the lowering group 12, and the shaft tube 33 simultaneously presses the misaligning member 34. The harmonic portion 341 of the rotating member 34 It can be just joined to the upper part of the rotating shaft 12. The rotating member 34 has a blade portion 342 which may be a rotary cutter portion moving blade. When the rotating structure is rotated, the blade portion 342 can be cut or smashed. When the rotation (4) is rotated in the second direction, the merging portion 341 on the rotating member can be separated from the driving portion 丨5, and the rotation 201238540=the surface of the object (4) is corrected to rise, and The rotating member 34 simultaneously pushes the upper end of the internal thread 331 of the upper tube 33 of the shaft tube 33 and the thread & H of the rotating wheel 12, so that the body collecting member 3 can be covered with respect to the rotating shaft 2 The upper end of the body 2^_1#_piece 3 is connected to the rotating shaft 12 of the three-disc shaft. At this time, the slag collecting member forms a rotation and rotates synchronously, and the slag collecting member 3 can be confirmed: Γ The liquid in the collecting member 3 can 'and only the broken body remain in the slag collecting member 3. When the present invention is used, the user can assemble the body into the member 3, and cover the cover 31 on the side of the slag set Li, and use the positioning member 32 to The cover 31 is fixed. The sleeve 33 of the shaft 33 is threaded over the rotating shaft 12, and the thread 331 of the rotating shaft 1 is screwed with the threaded portion 14 of the rotating shaft 12. The bottom end of the shaft can be extended to the container 2 The rotating shaft end is placed on the shaft seat 24 of the container 2. W device 2 can be used according to the needs of the use of a predetermined two =;! Fading the liquid, such as 'when used as a coffee pole grinding, then 2 inside the first not | set liquid, when the grinding work is completed, etc. It is intended to be a liquid of a predetermined liquid level; when it is used as a bean, a grain, or a multi-grain liquid: the quality of the container: The liquid in the liquid level or the liquid is not installed. The power diagram shows that when the user activates the power element η, the system can drive the switch 12 to rotate in the first direction. At 201238540, the slag collecting member 3 can be rotated by the internal thread 331 The shaft 12 is moved downward until the upper end of the internal thread 331 of the shaft tube 33 is separated from the bottom end of the threaded portion 221 of the rotating shaft 12. When the slag collecting member 3 is moved downward, the shaft tube 33 simultaneously presses the rotating member 34 downward, and when the engaging portion 341 of the rotating member 34 meshes with the driving portion 15 on the rotating shaft 12, the rotating member 34 can be rotated by the rotating shaft U to rotate synchronously, ^ the blade portion 342 of the rotating member 34 cuts or breaks the object to be processed, and the green member 7G turns green in the first direction to rotate the rotating member 3 - predetermined time After that, the power element u can be rotated in a second direction. At this time, the merging portion 341 of the rotating member 34 is separated from the driving portion I5 on the rotating shaft 12, and the rotating member 34 pushes the shaft tube 33 together with the set. The member 3 is raised (the (four) joint portion 341 is a one-way inclined surface design) such that the upper end of the inner thread 331 of the shaft & 33 is screwed with the bottom end of the threaded portion 14 of the rotating shaft 12, thereby causing the slag collecting member 3 Upward movement of the rotating shaft 12 until the upper end of the 趟 collecting member 3 is contiguous with the cover body 2 of the container 2, the bottom of the base 1, and the control mode can be controlled by a positioning switch or a timer. , the power forest 11 stops rotating or continues to rotate. When the 2 inner body 'reading material is shredded to form juice, the moving U 70 U-shape can be formed to continue to rotate, so that the rotating shaft 12 can drive the pure component 3 (4), so that the new collecting member 3 is formed. The centrifugal force 'so that the liquid in the weed component 3 can be reliably and only the slag body remains in the collecting member 3 for the purpose of separating the slag. Tian "Liquor liquid is necessary as a heating work, the power component ~ 12 ~ 201238540 S machine can: continue to drive the rotating shaft 12 to rotate in the second direction, therefore, ... the heating element 4 of the base is activated to the container 2 When heating, the liquid system in 2 can be twisted in the case of the jujube member at the age of 16, /" and (4) the wire is found (4) long time ^ even worse, when the slag juice separating device of the present invention works as a coffee, The upper end of the difficult body member 3 is connected to the bottom of the body 22 or the base 1, and the axial force element 11 can form a liquid-forming liquid system in addition to stopping the rotation. When the heating element 4 is added or the predetermined temperature is set, the power element u can be rotated in the first direction, and the helium gas collecting member 3 is lowered to the predetermined position, so that the grinding is performed. For example, the powder can be contacted with the liquid of (4) π heat to make the purpose of brewing coffee. As shown in Fig. 6, it is a preferred embodiment of the separation of the slag juice of the present invention. The base (10)-base lap is pivoted to the base lb and the upper seat lb by the pivoting member lc to make the upper seat servant = Pivoting relative to the base la. In this embodiment, the base machine has a receiving portion hi 'the receiving portion ld can be accommodated in the container 2, and the second portion corresponds to the receiving portion 1 (the position is provided with the heating element 4, the adding The actuator = 4 can heat the container 2 placed in the receiving portion ld. The upper seat 5 and the power component 11 can be driven to rotate the rotating shaft, and the driving sleeve 12 can be illustrated as a "transmission member" 17 driving the rotating shaft 12 to rotate 17 can be a known transmission wheel and belt. The rotating shaft is the same as the first embodiment, and the rotating shaft u 糸 one or more rods are each end Each of the merging portions U is halved to extend the length of -13 to 201238540. The rotating shaft 12 is provided with a threaded portion 14, a driving portion 15, and an agitating member 16. Further, in the present embodiment, Two sensing contacts 18a, 18b may be disposed on the base u. In the present embodiment, the container 2 and the slag collecting member 3 are constructed substantially the same as the first embodiment, and further, in the embodiment, the container 2 Further, two liquid level sensing elements 25a, 25b are provided, and the liquid level sensing elements 25a, 25b may be conventional reed switches. The sensing device 25a can be disposed at the bottom of the container 2, and the liquid sensing element 25b can be disposed at the appropriate height of the container 2" When the liquid level in the volume H2 is lower than the center position of the liquid level sensing element, the liquid level sensing element 25a can emit a signal to disable the heating element 4; when the liquid level in the container 2 is higher than ^ When the part is moved, the liquid sensing element can emit a signal. ^ The heating element 4 is paused to prevent the (4) liquid (4) from being high and overflowing. See Figure 7 for the damage. When the container 2 is to be placed in (4), the container ld is taken out by the id id or taken by the id (4), and the Qiuqiu (4) is seated. The container 2 is convenient for the base. 1a_ can also be provided with wings 19, when the county $ 2 w 'seat lb ld 'the gasket 19 can be pressed into the container 2 into: 1 the bearing 2 has a better sealing effect. Container The juice separation device of the present invention can work only on the pulverized material of a plurality of different food materials. The utility model has the function of multi-functional effect. The slag juice separation device of the invention is equipped with the financial device of the invention: the diligent solution-device can reach ~14 — 201238540, the carp carcass of the food material is used for the purpose. Convenient use effect ^=,, juice 'The material separation device of the present invention has a square force: the hair St: ί ' can be used only for the separation of the juice into the juice is heated in the separation device' , ν, has the effect of easy cleaning effect. ^The edge of the juice separation device 'the heating of the separated juice can be used to administer the juice, the juice separation device of the present invention can avoid the bottom juice (4) During the heating of the coking, the hair has the effect of improving the quality of the juice. Although the present invention has been disclosed in the above-described preferred embodiments, it is not intended to limit the scope of the present invention, and it is still within the spirit and scope of the invention. The technical scope of the invention is protected, and therefore the scope of the invention is defined by the scope of the appended claims. [Simple diagram of the diagram] Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Fig. 4 Fig. 5 Fig. 6 Fig. 3 is a perspective view of a conventional cooking machine. A perspective exploded view of a first embodiment of the present invention. A combined sectional view of a first embodiment of the present invention. A perspective view of the slag collecting member according to the first embodiment of the present invention is an operation diagram shown in Fig. 3. A combined sectional view of a second embodiment of the present invention. Fig. 7: Operation diagram shown in Fig. 6 - 15 - 201238540 [Description of main component symbols] [Invention] 1 Base la base lb Upper seat lc 柩 元件 id Id bearing part 11 Power element 12 Rotating shaft 13 Engagement portion 14 Threaded portion 15 Driven portion 16 Stirring member 17 Transmission member 18a, 18b Contact 19 Washer 2 Container 21 Opening 22 Cover body 221 Shaft hole 222 Through hole 23 Handle 24 Shaft seat 25a, 25b Liquid level sensing element 3 Slag body Collecting member 31 Cover 32 Positioning element 33 Shaft tube 331 internal thread 34 Rotating member 341 Engagement portion 342 Blade portion 35 Rib 4 Heating element [General] 9 Cooking machine 91 Blade 92 Guide tube 93 Container 94 Hole 95 Heating element 96 Function key