201229934 六、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 [0001] 本發明係有關於一種交易方法,尤其是有關於一種可以 透過第三方及交易憑證讓買賣交易多一層保障,並可以 用來取代貨物,服務或權益進行一次至多次交易,除可節 省貨物或服務交易之成本,並可降低交易過程交易標的 運送或傳輸損失,更能大幅減少交易爭議及降低詐騙行 為發生之目的之可被信任之交易憑證方法。 【先前技術】 [0002] 自人類社會發展開始,就有各類型的交易行為,人類透 過交易行為來取得自己所需的物品或是幣值。然而,儘 管現今的交易行為有許多方式,但還是都有其缺點,彙 整如下列: 1. 以信用卡交易,並非每一家信用卡公司都有提供購物 保障保險,若物品有瑕疵或與購買商品標示有不實等狀 況需要退換時,信用卡不是無法退款就是退款日期遙遙 無期,不僅造成買方的不便還會有額外的信用卡利息產 生。 2. 網路購物儼然成為忙碌的現代人一個最方便快速的購 物管道,然而,網路購物的商品資訊僅能仰賴賣家所提 供的圖片或資料說明,容易造成與實品有落差,退換貨 也不易,還容易遇到假賣家在收取了費用後卻不履行交 易義務。此外,網路購物還會產生個資外洩的風險。 3. 在買賣雙方各自取得交易之物品或金錢後,若買方有 退換貨的需求時,部份賣家會以拆封無法退換或是貨物 售出概不退換等理由而拒絕,使得買方不受鑑賞期的保 100101295 表單編號 A0101 第 4 頁/共 17 頁 1002002296-0 201229934 5蔓。反之,也有部份買家·^ 益。 现用鑑賞期’而影響賣家的權 4.在傳統買賣或交易當中, „^ 大部份並無契約或僅靠契約 及風險相當高之信用信住, ▲ 貝賣並無第三公正做為公平 =及金錢信託暫管,常發生交易過程中賣方收款困難 :付70金錢i_未獲得應有的貨物或服務或權益買 方或賣方衍生爭議及法律糾纷。 Ο 〇 [0003] 100101295 ^在傳統投資交易中,普遍並無第三方做為公正交易憑 ’提供商品或服務方無法獲知出資方是否有足夠資金 ’相同的’投資方絲树保賣方是否已達成階段性任 務或提供相對償值之服務或連成應有之標的,造成屢屢 發生無法依約履行或有詐欺情事,造成血本無歸。 6‘傳時’盤商需自廠家或代理商進貨並囤積 大量實體商品,再下放至各商家q但需有空間儲存, 更需大量貨物運送,衍生過多商品價值之外的銷售成本 ’吞食買賣利潤。 【發明内容】 、星長時間不斷的研究開發,發明人終於研發出此種讓買 賣雙方可以透過三方及交易憑證讓f f交易多—層保障 ,並可以用來取代貨物,服務或權益進行一次至多次交易 除可節省貨物或服務交易之成本,並可降低交易過程 交易標的運送或傳輸損失,更能大幅減少交易爭議及降 低詐騙行為發生之目的之可被信任之交易憑證方法。 本發明可被信任之交易憑證方法,其係包括以下步驟: (a)貝賣雙方可透過電子設備經由網路或網際網路向一至 多部伺服端請求取得第三方交易憑證,該交易憑證可以 表翠編就A0101 笛ς百/其17百 第 5 負/兴 W 貝 1002002296-0 201229934 設定使用期限,該交易憑證包括賣方提供之貨物,服務或 權ϋ,以及交易條件,β亥父易憑證在—特定時間内買賣 雙方任一方無終止此交易之请求’買方即取得交易憑證 ,該交易憑證可為電子形式或至指定之—至數個據點經 由網路或網際網路向一至多部伺服端請求線上列印實體 交易憑證,買方之支付金額可以線上支付,匯款,現金給 付,等值之虛擬貨幣,等值之資產予據點或伺服端;以及 (b)交易憑證之貨物,服務或權益提供者可根據履約完成 後之電子交易憑證或實體交易憑證,並依需要搭配相關 憑據’向一至多個特定之據點:或一至多個飼服端領取或 寄送指定地點配送與買方支付之金額等值之現金,虛擬貨 幣,資產。 本發明可被信任之交易憑證方法之主要目的在於經由交 易憑證可提供交易公信憑據’讓買賣交易多一層保障, 並可以用來取代貨物,服務或權益進行一次至多次交易, 除可節省貨物或服務交易之成本,並可降低交易過程交 易標的運送或傳輸損失,更能大幅減少交易爭議及降低 詐騙行為發生。 為了能讓審查員能更易於了解本發明可被信任之交易憑 證方法之特點,請參閱以下圖式及可被信任之交易憑證 方法之實施方式說明。 【實施方式】 [〇〇〇4] 本發明可被信任之交易憑證方法’其係包括以下步驟: (a)買賣雙方可透過電子設備經由網路或網際網路向一至 多部伺服端請求取得第三方交易憑證,該交易憑證可以 設定使用期限,該交易憑證包括賣方提供之貨物,服務或 100101295 表單編號 A0101 第 β 頁/共頁 1002002296-0 201229934 Ο Ο 權益,以及交易條件,該交易憑證在一特定時間内買賣 雙方任一方無終止此交易之請求,買方即取得交易憑證 ’邊父易憑證可為電子形式或至指定之一至數個據點經 由網路或網際網路向—至多部飼服端請求線上列印實體 父易憑證’買方之支付金額可以線上支付,匯款,現金給 付’等值之虛擬貨常’等值之資產予據點或祠服端;以及 (b)父易憑證之貨物,服務或權益提供者可根據履約完成 後之電子父易憑證或實體交易憑證,並依需要搭配相關 憑據’向-至多個特定之據點或—至多侧服端領取或 寄送缺地點崎與買方支付之金額魏之現金,虛擬貨 幣’貝產,藉由上述之步驟,該交易憑證可提供交易公信 “據讓貝賣父易多~層保障’並可以用來取代貨物,服 務或權jiitm多次交易,除可節㈣物或服務交 易之成本’並可降低交易過程交易標的運送或傳輸損失 ’更能大幅減少交易爭議及降低詐編行為發生。 本發明可被信任之交易憑證方法,其中,該以憑證可 載明向-錄個貨物,服務或權錢供者拿取貨物取得 服務或要求履行權益;該交易憑證可載明交易資料及歷 程;該交易憑證可載明違約事項,並可由第三方代為求 償或提出法律行為或督促完成履約之必要作為(亦即該交 易憑證成立後可成為正式買賣契約或為違約之鑑定);該 交易憑證可載明交易憑證取消之期限’超過取消期限即 確立交易契約;前述該載明方式可以電子或書面行之, 該交易憑證並可以使用特定之紙張印出,或存放於飼服 端或儲存媒體;可於交易憑證内約定鑑定之第四方簽認 或驗收簽據,作為達成交易憑證要求之憑據(亦即公正驗 100101295 表單編號A0101 1002002296-0 201229934 收)。 本發明可被信任之交易憑證方法,其中,該交易憑證可 以載明交易條件作為履約憑據(未符合交易條件時,賣 方無法取得交易憑證之履約金額或依據憑據列舉條件取 得部份金額,亦即未符合條件,折讓,或折價取貨)。 本發明可被信任之交易憑證方法,其中,該交易憑證可 以線上移轉給其他使用者,或以簽名,蓋章方式轉讓給其 他使用者或執行交易憑證之繼承權益。 本發明可被信任之交易憑證方法,其中,買方或賣方或 轉讓交易之新所有者,可藉由網路,語音電子設備或授權 據點,並可依憑證編號,身份驗證碼或密碼進行交易憑證 之驗證或查詢交易憑證真偽,交易狀態,交易歷程,資料更 新或進行交易憑證轉讓(此即為驗證查尋及更新)。 本發明可被信任之交易憑證方法,其中,買方於交易憑 證到期日後,可依據交易憑證載明之過期方式或依第三 方訂定之約定,與賣方協議兒換貨物,提供服務或履行權 益之事宜。 本發明可被信任之交易憑證方法,其中,該交易憑證除 註記不可取消或不可退訂外,買方可以於到期前申請退 款,並可以扣除手續費(該註記方式可以電子或書面形式 )° 本發明可被信任之交易憑證方法,其中,該交易憑證可 分期交易或分批交付貨物或提供服務或履行權益,並可 依交易憑證約定兒付各期金額。 本發明可被信任之交易憑證方法,其中,第三方可要求 買賣雙方或任一方收取保證金或資產質押,並於履約後 100101295 表單編號A0101 第8頁/共17頁 1002002296-0 201229934 歸還,亦可由第三方要求或買賣雙方自行同意納入履約 保險。 本發明可被信任之交易憑證方法,其中,於交易憑證到 期曰後尚未完成交易兒付之憑證,於一定期限内自動失 效,第三方依交易憑證記載或交易規則,金額將退回買 方,但可於買賣雙方同意延長期限或添加附加履約條件 後,向第三方申請。 本發明可被信任之交易憑證方法,其中,交易過程有爭 議之狀況,可向第三方申請凍結交易,並依交易憑證載 Ο 明或第三方指定之公正單位或人士進行裁決。 本發明可被信任之交易憑證方法,其中,使用期限内, 買賣雙方同意交易憑證内容之修正,可向第三方申請。 本發明可被信任之交易憑證方法,其中,買賣雙方或任 一方可藉交易憑證向第三方或願意承貸方質借或借貸, 質借或借貸之金額可與交易價值同或為一定折扣,承貸 方可透過第三方於交易憑證上註記質借方式,金額,條件 及承貸方資訊。 〇 本發明可被信任之交易憑證方法,其中,交易憑證買賣 雙方或任一方皆可進行交易憑證所記載貨物,服務,權益 數量,次數或項目之切割,可產生一至多個新的交易憑證 或從屬憑證,可承接原先交易憑證之條件,與其他方進 行多重交易(此為交易憑證從屬及分割)。 本發明可被信任之交易憑證方法,其中,交易憑證經買 賣雙方同意後,可向第三方申請暫停交易,並可註記重 新開始之條件,曰期及重新交易期限。 本發明可被信任之交易憑證方法,其中,交易憑證可以 100101295 表單編號A0101 第9頁/共17頁 1002002296-0 201229934 加密或特定編碼措施予以保護或僅提供特定一至數個使 用者查閱。 本發明可被信任之交易憑證方法,其中,交易憑證之買 賣雙方或任一方皆可由一至多位代表共同履行,交易憑 證内可載明一至數位代表履行之條件,及各自所配得之 權利與義務;管理交易憑證之第三方可由一至多個伺服 端,虛擬或實體之代表組成,並可由該代表之分支或指定 據點代為管理交易憑證,收受交易相關憑據,收受款項,或 公正裁決交易相關事宜。本發明可被信任之交易憑證方 法,其中,交易憑證之資料形態可為文字,影像,聲音,數 據或圖片之其中一至數個用以表達交易内容之媒介;交 易憑證之交易可來自電子商務買賣商品,電子媒體交易, 語音或影像交易,買賣雙方自行以網路建立或於據點由實 體交易契約建立。 本發明可被信任之交易憑證方法,其中,中斷,停止或取 消之交易憑證,可由其他有意願承接者,承接買賣任一 方,向第三方申請重啟該交易憑證。 本發明可被信任之交易憑證方法,其中,交易憑證之買 方權利或賣方權利,可進行權利之買賣交易。 本發明可被信任之交易憑證方法,其中,其他使用者對 於交易憑證之價值評估,在交易憑證有效期間,可由其 他使用者進行額外之交易憑證價值買賣交易。 以上所述僅是藉由較佳實施例詳細說明本發明可被信任 之交易憑證方法,然而對於該實施例所作的任何修改與 變化,例如交易憑證為電子形式或實體等等之變化均不 脫離本發明之精神與範圍。 100101295 表單編號A0101 第10頁/共Π頁 1002002296-0 201229934 由以上詳細說明可使熟知本項技藝者明瞭本發明的確可 達成前述之目的,實已符合專利法之規定,爰依法提出 發明專利申請。 . 【圖式簡單說明】 [0005] 【主要元件符號說明】 [0006] 〇 〇 100101295 表單編號A0101 第11頁/共17頁 1002002296-0201229934 VI. Description of the invention: [Technical field to which the invention pertains] [0001] The present invention relates to a transaction method, and more particularly to an insurance layer transaction and a transaction certificate to provide an additional layer of protection and can be used to replace the goods. , the service or the right to conduct one or more transactions, in addition to saving the cost of goods or services transactions, and can reduce the transaction or transmission loss of the transaction process, and can greatly reduce the transaction disputes and reduce the fraudulent behavior of the trustworthy purpose Transaction voucher method. [Prior Art] [0002] Since the beginning of the development of human society, there have been various types of trading behaviors, and humans have obtained through trading behaviors to obtain the goods or currency they need. However, although there are many ways of trading today, there are still some shortcomings, such as the following: 1. By credit card transactions, not every credit card company provides shopping insurance, if the goods are defective or marked with the purchase of goods When the situation is not correct, the credit card is not refundable, or the refund date is in the foreseeable future, which not only causes the buyer's inconvenience but also has additional credit card interest. 2. Online shopping has become the most convenient and fast shopping channel for busy modern people. However, the information on online shopping can only rely on the pictures or information provided by the seller, which is easy to cause a gap with the actual product. It is also not easy, and it is easy to encounter fake sellers who do not fulfill their trading obligations after charging the fees. In addition, online shopping will also create a risk of leakage. 3. After the buyer or the seller has obtained the goods or money of the transaction, if the buyer has the demand for return, some sellers will refuse the reason that the unpacking cannot be returned or the goods are not returned, so that the buyer is not allowed. Appreciation period of insurance 100101295 Form No. A0101 Page 4 of 17 1002002296-0 201229934 5 vine. On the contrary, there are also some buyers who benefit from it. The current appreciating period' affects the seller's rights. 4. In traditional trading or trading, „^ most of them do not have a contract or rely on a contract and a credit card with a high risk. ▲Bei sells no third fairness as Fair = and monetary trust temporary management, the seller often difficulties in collecting money during the transaction: pay 70 money i_ not get the goods or services or interests of the buyer or seller derivative disputes and legal disputes. Ο 〇 [0003] 100101295 ^ In traditional investment transactions, there is generally no third party as a fair transaction. By 'providing goods or services, it is impossible to know whether the funder has sufficient funds. 'The same 'investment party Silk Tree guarantees whether the seller has reached a staged task or provides relative compensation. The value of the service or the connection to the standard, resulting in repeated failures to comply with the performance or fraud, resulting in no loss of money. 6 'Transfer time' disk manufacturers need to purchase goods from manufacturers or agents and hoard a large number of physical goods, and then decentralized To each merchant q, but need to have space for storage, more need to transport a large amount of goods, and derive the cost of sales other than the value of the commodity's profit from the sale and purchase. [Summary] In the case of research and development, the inventor finally developed a multi-layer guarantee that allows buyers and sellers to trade ff transactions through three parties and transaction vouchers, and can be used to replace goods, services or interests in one or more transactions, in addition to saving goods or services. The transaction cost, and can reduce the transaction or transmission loss of the transaction process target, and can further reduce the transaction dispute and reduce the fraudulent behavior of the trustworthy transaction voucher method. The invention can be trusted transaction voucher method, the system The method includes the following steps: (a) Both the seller and the seller can request a third-party transaction voucher from the one or more servers via the network or the Internet via an electronic device, and the transaction voucher can be edited on the A0101 flute 100/the 17th. 5 Negative/Hing W Bei 1002002296-0 201229934 Set the service period, the transaction voucher includes the goods, services or rights provided by the seller, as well as the trading conditions, and the buyer and the buyer of the transaction are not terminated during the specified time. The request 'the buyer obtains the transaction voucher, which can be electronically or to the specified number - to the number According to the request, one or more servers can request online printing of physical transaction vouchers via the Internet or the Internet. The buyer's payment amount can be paid online, remittance, cash payment, equivalent virtual currency, equivalent assets to the base or server; And (b) the goods of the transaction voucher, the service or the rights provider may be based on the electronic transaction voucher or the entity transaction voucher after the completion of the performance, and with the relevant credentials as needed, to one or more specific positions: or one or more feeding ends Receiving or sending the designated place to distribute the cash equivalent to the amount paid by the buyer, virtual currency, assets. The main purpose of the method of the vouchable transaction voucher of the present invention is to provide transactional credential credentials via the transaction voucher' And can be used to replace goods, services or rights for one to many transactions, in addition to saving the cost of goods or services transactions, and can reduce the transaction or transmission loss of the transaction process, and can significantly reduce transaction disputes and reduce fraud. . In order to make it easier for an examiner to understand the characteristics of the transaction credential method that can be trusted by the present invention, please refer to the following schema and a description of the implementation of the trusted transaction voucher method. [Embodiment] [〇〇〇4] The method for trusted transaction voucher of the present invention includes the following steps: (a) The buyer and the seller can request the first to the plurality of servers via the network or the Internet via the electronic device. A three-party transaction voucher, the transaction voucher can set a service period, the transaction voucher includes the goods provided by the seller, the service or the 100101295 form number A0101 page β/total page 1002002296-0 201229934 Ο 权益 equity, and the transaction condition, the transaction voucher If there is no request for termination of the transaction by either party or the buyer within a certain period of time, the buyer will obtain the transaction voucher 'Bianfu's voucher can be electronically or to specify one to several positions to request from the network or the Internet to more than one feeding service. Online printing entity parent certificate voucher 'the buyer's payment amount can be paid online, remittance, cash payment 'equivalent virtual goods often' equivalent of the assets to the base or the service; and (b) the father's voucher goods, services Or the equity provider can use the electronic parent certificate or entity transaction certificate after the completion of the performance, and match the relevant credentials as needed. To - to a number of specific positions or - to the side of the service side to receive or send the amount of money paid by the buyer and the buyer, the virtual currency 'beauty, through the above steps, the transaction voucher can provide transactional credit" Let the seller sell the father easy ~ layer guarantee 'can be used to replace the goods, services or rights jiitm multiple transactions, in addition to the cost of the (four) goods or services transactions 'and can reduce the transaction process of the subject of the delivery or transmission loss' more Significantly reducing transaction disputes and reducing the occurrence of fraudulent acts. The present invention can be trusted as a method of transaction voucher, wherein the voucher can indicate that the goods are obtained from the goods, services or money suppliers, or the services are required to perform the rights The transaction voucher may contain the transaction information and history; the transaction voucher may specify the breach of contract and may be used by a third party to claim or to make a legal act or to supervise the necessary performance of the performance (ie, the transaction voucher may become a formal sale) The contract or the identification of the breach of contract; the transaction voucher may state the time limit for the cancellation of the transaction voucher 'the transaction contract is established beyond the cancellation period; The method can be printed electronically or in writing. The transaction voucher can be printed on a specific paper or stored on the feeding end or storage medium; the fourth party signing or acceptance receipt can be agreed in the transaction voucher. As the credential for the completion of the transaction voucher request (ie, fair test 100101295 Form No. A0101 1002002296-0 201229934). The present invention can be trusted as a voucher method, wherein the transaction voucher can specify the transaction condition as a performance credential (not met) In the case of trading conditions, the seller is unable to obtain the performance amount of the transaction voucher or obtain part of the amount according to the conditions listed in the voucher, that is, the condition is not met, the discount, or the discounted goods are taken.) The method of transaction voucher that can be trusted by the present invention, wherein Transaction vouchers can be transferred online to other users, or signed, stamped to other users or executed inherited rights to the transaction vouchers. The invention can be trusted as a transaction voucher method, wherein the buyer or the seller or the new owner of the transfer transaction can use the network, the voice electronic device or the authorized base, and can execute the transaction voucher according to the voucher number, the authentication code or the password. Verify or check the authenticity of the transaction voucher, transaction status, transaction history, data update or transfer of transaction voucher (this is the verification search and update). The invention can be trusted as a transaction voucher method, wherein after the expiration date of the transaction voucher, the buyer can exchange goods, provide services or perform rights with the seller agreement according to the expiration method stated in the transaction voucher or according to the agreement stipulated by the third party. Matters. The invention can be trusted as a transaction voucher method, wherein the transaction voucher can be refunded before the expiration, and the deduction can be deducted before the expiration of the voucher (the annotation can be electronically or in writing). The present invention can be trusted as a transaction voucher method, wherein the transaction voucher can be delivered in stages or in batches to deliver goods or provide services or perform rights, and the amount of each period can be paid according to the transaction voucher. The invention can be trusted as a transaction voucher method, wherein the third party can request the buyer or the seller to collect the deposit or the asset pledge, and return it after the performance of 100101295 Form No. A0101, page 8 / page 171002002296-0 201229934, or by Third party requirements or buyers and sellers agree to include performance insurance. The invention can be trusted as a transaction voucher method, wherein the voucher that has not been completed after the expiration of the transaction voucher is automatically invalidated within a certain period of time, and the third party will return the buyer according to the transaction voucher record or transaction rule, but the amount will be returned to the buyer, but You can apply to a third party after the buyer and the seller have agreed to extend the period or add additional performance conditions. The present invention can be trusted as a transaction voucher method, wherein the transaction process has a disputed situation, and the third party can apply for a frozen transaction and make a decision according to the transaction voucher or the impartial unit or person designated by the third party. The invention can be trusted as a transaction voucher method, wherein during the use period, the buyer and the seller agree to the amendment of the transaction voucher content, and can apply to the third party. The method of the transaction voucher that can be trusted by the present invention, wherein the buyer or the seller or the party can borrow or borrow from the third party or the willing party to borrow, and the amount of the loan or the loan can be the same as the transaction value or a certain discount. The lender can record the quality, quantity, conditions and creditor information on the transaction voucher through a third party. The method of transaction voucher that can be trusted by the present invention, wherein the buyer or the buyer of the transaction voucher can perform the cutting of the goods, services, the number of shares, the number of times or the items recorded in the transaction voucher, and can generate one or more new transaction voucher or The subordinate voucher can undertake the conditions of the original transaction voucher and conduct multiple transactions with other parties (this is the subordination and division of the transaction voucher). The present invention can be trusted as a transaction voucher method, wherein the transaction voucher can apply to the third party to suspend the transaction after the buyer and the seller agree, and can note the conditions for resuming the start, the expiration date and the re-transaction period. The present invention can be trusted as a transaction voucher method, wherein the transaction voucher can be protected by encryption or specific coding measures or only by a specific one to several users, 100101295 Form Number A0101 Page 9 of 17 1002002296-0 201229934. The method of the transaction voucher that can be trusted by the present invention, wherein the buyer and the seller of the transaction voucher or either party can be jointly performed by one or more representatives, and the transaction voucher can include one to several representative conditions for fulfillment, and the respective rights and Obligations; the third party that manages the transaction voucher may consist of one or more representatives of the server, virtual or entity, and may be managed by the branch or designated point of the representative to manage the transaction voucher, accept the transaction-related credentials, accept the payment, or justify the transaction. . The invention can be trusted as a transaction voucher method, wherein the data form of the transaction voucher can be one or more of text, image, sound, data or picture to express the transaction content; the transaction voucher transaction can be from e-commerce Commodities, electronic media transactions, voice or video transactions, which are established by the buyer and the seller on the Internet or by a physical transaction contract at the location. The transaction credential method of the present invention can be trusted, wherein the transaction credential that is interrupted, stopped or cancelled can be purchased by another interested party, and the third party is requested to restart the transaction voucher. The present invention can be trusted as a transaction voucher method in which the buyer's rights or the seller's rights of the transaction voucher can be used for the sale and purchase of the rights. The present invention can be trusted as a transaction voucher method in which other users evaluate the value of the transaction voucher, and during the validity of the transaction voucher, additional transaction voucher value purchase transactions can be performed by other users. The above description is only a detailed description of the transaction voucher method of the present invention which can be trusted by the preferred embodiment, however, any modification and change made to the embodiment, such as the change of the transaction voucher in electronic form or entity, etc. The spirit and scope of the present invention. 100101295 Form No. A0101 Page 10/Total Page 1002002296-0 201229934 From the above detailed description, it will be apparent to those skilled in the art that the present invention can achieve the foregoing objectives and is in accordance with the provisions of the Patent Law. . [Simple description of the drawing] [0005] [Explanation of main component symbols] [0006] 〇 〇 100101295 Form No. A0101 Page 11 of 17 1002002296-0