201221870 六、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明係有關於-種排油煙機除油結構,特別是指一種 設於風胃的加齡緒構,Μ風胃㈣油污經加熱溶化後 順利流出的除油結構。 【先前技術】 按既有排油煙機於使用時,係可透過一裝設於排油煙 ㈣胃進行抽風的動作’進而透過風力將烹煮時所 生的油煙吸人排油煙機機箱内部並釋放於戶外;然而, 既有排油煙機雖可藉由風胃抽取烹細產生的大部分油 煙,但既有風胃於長時_使用後,容易產生油潰附著於風 胃的:體内壁面上’不僅會於風胃上形成髒污而需將其拆卸 、行β洗且會對於油煙抽吸效率產生影響,尚有加以改進 之處。 為了改善上述排油煙機的使用問題,如第1圖所示’中 華民國專利公生笛 D乐528148號提出一種『排油煙機之熱阻除 油裝置』,主要在、 你以包覆整個風胃外環壁的方式,在排油煙 機1 1〇的風月11外部貼附有熱阻裝置12;其中,所述熱阻裝 置12為一薄型能@ L樣之電熱元件,其係於兩層絕緣層之間包 覆=一導熱層及一導電層,藉由該導熱層將該導電層產生的 傳導至,,、、p且農置12所貼附的風胃11外部,使積存於風 内集4壁的油潰因熱而熔解,再經由排油結構排出, 201221870 達到電熱除油的目的。 然而’依前述結構實施時,熱阻裝置12係以連續配置 之導電薄絲搭配絕緣層貼附於呈彎曲弧面的風胃 11部位進 行加熱田導電薄絲彎折時’由於彎折區段之電阻值會隨截 面變化而降低’導致通電後該區段易產生過熱,或是發生局 4燒毀的It形’甚而在風胃上形成漏電;見象,不但影響熱阻 裝置的安全及穩定性’亦會提高熱阻裝置的隸功率,造成 % 不必要的損耗。 此外’上述結構為能依風胃曲線貼附其二絕緣層係由 軟質膠層所構成者’反而於該導熱層及該風胃形成隔熱之效 果’因此需要升溫錢高溫度,方能達财效熱傳使風胃内 壁油污溶出’此舉除了提高該熱阻裝置的消耗功率,且經常 性大幅度的升溫降溫過程容易使該二絕緣層變質 ’進而降低 其結構強度’一旦該二絕緣層結構出現裂縫’使油煙沾黏於 鲁該熱阻裝置時,同樣會造成上述的漏電現象,不只無法導通 而失去以電熱除油之功效,對於使用上的安全性更是一大問 題。 疋以,本案發明人有鐘於此,秉持多年該相關行業之豐 富設計開發及實際製作經驗,針對現有之結構及缺失再予以 研究改良,提供一種排油煙機之風胃除油裝置,以期達到更 佳實用價值性之目的者。 【發明内容】 201221870 本發明之主要目的在於提供一種排油煙機之風胃除油 透過於I立式風胃的出油孔-側設有-加熱件,該 加熱件外部成形有―叙包覆層,令該加熱件_金屬而具有 延展性,得以料配合該風胃殼壁的弧度設置,祕紹金屬 經反覆加熱降溫之過程亦不會有質變產生對於其内部電熱 、、、。構八有良好包覆效果,達到該加熱件不怕油污滲入沾黏而 影響加熱功率之功效,同時也可提升該加熱件之使用安全。 本發明之另-目的在於,該加熱件係以I設或鎖設方式 與該風胃出油孔-側_定部結合,而具有可設於該風胃機 殼的内壁或外壁之轉性,除了該加熱件與該風胃的結合方 、1易门夺了依實際所需決定該加熱件設置位置,而具有 達到方便組裝,縮短製程之優勢。 緣疋,為達上述目的,本發明所提供一種排油煙機之風 胃除油裝置,包括:一風胃,係成型有一呈中空環型結構的 機喊與一排煙口相連通,一抽風馬達係設於該機殼内部,該 機殼兩侧各開設有一與該排煙口連通之抽風口,且該機殼於 相對該排煙口之殻壁開設有一出油孔,該出油孔一側並設有 一固定部;一加熱件’係設於該固定部,具有一導熱管件成 形有兩端開口’該加熱件於該導熱管件外部形成一鋁包覆 層’一金屬電阻體係設於該導熱管件内部,並沿該導熱管件 延伸至其該兩端開口,而分別形成一電性接腳,該二電性接 腳與一控制單元電性連接。 201221870 【實施方式】 為使貴審查委員對本發明之目的、特徵及功效能夠有更 進一步之瞭解與認識,以下茲請配合【圖式簡單說明】詳述 如后: 首先,請以第2、3圖配合第4、5、9圖觀之,本發明 所提供一種排油煙機之風胃除油裝置的較佳實施例,主要是 一排油煙機20上侧設有一風箱3〇,該風箱3〇上侧蓋設有一 •頂蓋60 ’内部則容置有一直立式而排煙口 44朝上的風胃 40,且該風胃40相對於該排煙口 44之底部設有一加熱件 50,其中: 該排油煙機20,於一侧面設有一控制單元21,供以控 制該排油煙機20之啟動、關閉或加熱除油等使用功能; 該風胃40,係成形有一呈中空環型結構的機殼401與 一排煙口 44相連通’ 一雙轴式的抽風馬達42係設於該機殼 # 401内部’該抽風馬達42於兩端各設有二扇葉組421,該機 殼401兩側相對該二扇葉組421各開設有一與該排煙口 44 連通之抽風口 43,且該機殼401於相對該排煙口 44之殼壁 開設有一出油孔45,該出油孔45 —侧並設有一固定部41, 該固定部41係包含該出油孔45 —侧的機殼401内、外壁; 令該風胃40以該出油孔45相對於該排油煙機20而容置於 該風箱30内部; 本發明之風胃40機殼401係由單一殼座或兩個半殼座 201221870 共同形成,前者如第9圖所示,其底部僅開設有一出油孔 45,後者則為本實施例中,如第3圖所示,該機殼4〇1係由 二呈對稱的半殼座402對合形成,於一侧共同延伸形成該排 煙口 44,各該半殼座402内部成形有一風室4〇3,該二扇葉 組421分別容置於各該風室403内,並於相對該排煙口 44 之底部各開設有一出油孔45 ’該二出油孔45 —側則設有該 固定部41,該固定部41係由成形於各該半殼座4〇2壁面之 二嵌合塊411所共同界定形成,各該嵌合塊411成型為自侧 面凹設而與該半殼座402壁面共同成形有一缺口 412之塊狀 結構,且其缺口 412開放方向係朝向其他嵌合塊414 ; 該加熱件50 ’如第4圖所示,係具有一導熱管件51, 該導熱管件51内部設有一金屬電阻體52,該金屬電阻體52 具有兩端,並沿該導熱管件51延伸至該導熱管件51兩端開 口而分別形成為一電性接腳54,該二電性接腳54則電性連 接於該控制單元21,供以自該控制單元21電性控制該加熱 件50是否為電源導通使該金屬電阻體52發熱,且該加熱件 50於該導熱管件51外部形成一鋁包覆層53,以提高該導熱 管件51之包覆性以及熱傳速率; 於本實施例中,如第5圖所示,該加熱件5〇呈矩型塊 狀結構並以其四個角分別嵌合於該四嵌合塊4U之該缺口 412内,形成橫向跨設於該二半殼座402之結合方式,達到 定位於該固定部413;另外,該金屬電阻體52係依該加熱件 201221870 50所需功率之鎢絲所構 藉乂控制該加熱件50之加熱 疋範圍,且各該電性接腳54係 金屬電阻體52電性捸垃你 ^ 51之兩制 叫熱絕轉封_導熱管件 51之兩端開口所構成者; 該頂蓋6〇,具有一通口 6卜該頂蓋60以該通口 61套設於 該風胃40的排煙σ44,並蓋設封_風㈣。 、 所述即為本發明實施例主要構件及其組態說明,至 lint實施例的操作方式及其功效,請以第2、3圖 配合第6至13圖所示,做以下說明: 首先’請復配合參㈣2、3圖所示,朗本發明排油 機的風胃加熱除油之使用方法,當排油煙機運作時,主要 =^_達42的作動,使各該扇葉組421轉動後產 的風力將油煙經各抽風口 43送至各該半殼座的風室 備内,再經由排煙口 44將油煙排至戶外,當油煙排至戶外 後僅需透過該㈣單元21 ㈣該加熱件5q,即可經由 該加熱件50内金屬電阻體52產生熱能,並經該導歸件η 及該大面積的銘包覆層53而熱傳至該風胃4〇的機殼進 行加熱,即可有效地將附著於風胃4G内壁的油潰熔化,而 得以順沿該風胃40内壁自該出油孔45流出,達到避免風胃 40的機殼備内壁經長年沾黏油煙形成硬化結塊的油污,導 致必需進行拆卸才能清洗之情況; 此外’透過以該紹包覆層53包覆於該導熱管件51,不 201221870 但提高該加熱件50之包覆性,達到該加熱件5〇不為油污滲 入增加使用時的安全性;且該紹包覆層53具有延展性而^ 以順沿該風胃40機殼401之弧度彎曲’令該加熱件5〇内部 的導熱管件51隨該鋁包覆層53彎埏,則該加熱件5〇得以 大面積與該風胃40殼壁接觸,達到增加熱傳速度、縮短加 ”、、時間,形成一可方便除油且提高抽吸效果的排油煙機之風 胃除油装置者。 值得一提的是,本發明排油煙機之風胃除油裝置所提供 之該加熱件50之結合固定方式,係得以嵌設或鎖設之方式 達成者’具有方便組裝、縮短排油煙機製程之功效,以下請 配合第6、7、8、10至13圖觀之,說明本發明加熱件50與 風胃40固定部41的結合態樣: 如第6、7圖所示,顯示該加熱件50與該風胃40係透 過於該固定部413成形二個對稱設置的嵌合塊414而形成嵌 合定位;於第6圖中,該二嵌合塊414係呈對角設置,令該 加熱件50的其中二對角對應該二嵌合塊411的缺口 412欲 合固定;而當該嵌合塊411為對邊設置時,如第7圖,各該 嵌合塊411則成型為凹設有一缺口 412而呈兩面包圍的倒L 型中空結構,且其缺口 412開放方向係朝向另一倒L塑之嵌 合塊411;令該加熱件5〇的二長邊對應該二倒L变的嵌合塊 411缺口 412嵌合定位;於本實施例中,該加熱件50亦得以 其二短邊對應該二倒L型的嵌合塊411嵌設(圖未示)。 201221870 如前所述,由於該加熱件50係以鋁金屬所包覆,具有 延展性而得以彎折呈弧形,如第10至U圖所示,顯示該加 熱件50順延該風胃40殼壁的弧度設置之狀態。其中,如第 10、11圖所示,前者說明該加熱件50透過於該機殼ο外壁 的固定部41設置該欲合塊411,達到令該加熱件5〇以定位 包覆於該風胃40機殼401外壁;後者則說明透過該機殼41 内壁的固定部41設置該敌合塊411,達到令該加熱件5〇貼 • 覆於該機殼4〇1内壁;而於本實施例中,該加熱件5〇係得 以其四角、兩角、二長邊、二短邊等與該嵌合塊411嵌設配 合。 又,如第12、13圖所示,顯示該加熱件5〇以鎖設之方 式固設於該固定部41;其中,如第12圖所示,該加熱件5〇 係彎折呈該風胃40之弧度,並於其鋁包覆層53沿弧度延伸 方向的兩端各成形有一組設環531,令該加熱件50包覆於該 •機殼401外壁,以二螺鎖件413分別貫穿該二組設環531及 該機殼401殼壁後與一螺帽414鎖設迫緊;於本實施例中, 該組設環531係得以成型於該加熱件50之二長邊或二短 邊’且該成型有組設環531之加熱件50亦得以設於該風胃 40機殼401内壁(圖未示); 當該加熱件50直接鎖設於該風胃40機殼401時,如第 13圖所示’該加熱件5〇係設於該機殼401内壁,以至少二 螺鎖件413貫穿該加熱件50及該機殼401殼壁後與相對數 201221870 量的螺帽414鎖設迫緊;於本實施例中,該加熱件5〇亦得 以相同鎖設方式設於該風胃4〇機殼4〇1内壁。 綜上所述,本發明之排油煙機之風胃除油裝置,透過該鋁 包覆層53確實達到提供加熱件5〇内部結構良好的包覆性, 不但增加整體使用的安全性及穩定性,而其延展性及導熱性 亦提供該加熱件50於具有良好包覆性之情況下,提升與風 胃4〇之間的熱傳面積,避免造成不必要的損耗;此外,該 加熱件50與該風胃4〇的結合方式簡易,同時可依實際所需 決定該加熱件5〇設置位置,更是達到具有達到方便組裝, 縮短製程之優勢。 【圖式簡單說明】 第1圖中華民國專利公告第528148號之立體結構示意 第2圖本發明之排油煙機立體結構組合透視示意圖。 第3圖本發明第2圖之局部結構立體分解示意圖。 第4圖本發明加熱件之結構放大示意圖。 第5圖本發明加熱件嵌設於風胃外壁之結構組合態樣 示意圖。 第6圖本發明加熱件嵌設於風胃外壁之另一結構組合 態樣示意圖。 第7圖本發明加熱件嵌設於風胃外壁之再一結構組合 態樣示意圖。 12 201221870 第8圖本發明加熱件鎖設於風胃外壁之結構組合態樣 示意圖。 第9圖本發明風胃具有單一殼座之外觀結構示意圖。 第10圖本發明加熱件包覆並嵌設於風胃外壁之結構 組合態樣側剖視示意圖。 第11圖本發明加熱件貼覆並嵌設於風胃内壁之結構 組合態樣側剖視示意圖。 φ 第12圖本發明加熱件包覆並鎖設於風胃外壁之結構 組合態樣侧剖視示意圖。 第13圖本發明加熱件貼覆並鎖設於風胃内壁之結構 組合態樣侧剖視示意圖。 【主要元件符號說明】 《習用》 排油煙機10 風胃11 熱阻裝置12 《本發明》 排油煙機20 控制單元21 風箱30 風胃40 機殼401 半殼座402 風室403 固定部41 嵌合塊411 缺口 412 螺鎖件413 13 201221870 螺帽414 抽風馬達4 2 扇葉組421 抽風口 43 排煙口 44 出油孔45 加熱件50 導熱管件51 金屬電阻體52 鋁包覆層53 組設環531 電性接腳54 導線541 頂蓋60 通口 61201221870 VI. Description of the invention: [Technical field to which the invention pertains] The present invention relates to a degreasing structure of a range hood, in particular to an ageing structure set in the wind and stomach, and after the heat of the spleen stomach (4) is melted by heating The degreasing structure that flows smoothly. [Prior Art] When the existing range hood is used, it can be ventilated through a stomach installed in the exhaust fumes (4), and then the fumes generated during cooking can be sucked into the hood inside the casing and released. Outdoors; however, although the range hood can extract most of the fumes produced by the wind and stomach, but the wind and stomach are long-term _ after use, it is easy to produce oily collapse attached to the stomach: body wall On the 'not only will form dirt on the stomach and stomach, it needs to be disassembled, and the β-washing will have an impact on the soot pumping efficiency. There are still improvements. In order to improve the use of the above-mentioned range hood, as shown in Figure 1, 'the Republic of China patent singer D-528148 proposes a heat venting device for the hood, mainly in the wind In the manner of the outer wall of the stomach, a thermal resistance device 12 is attached to the outside of the windy day 11 of the exhaust hood 1; wherein the thermal resistance device 12 is a thin type of electric energy element of the shape of L, which is tied to two layers. The insulating layer is coated with a heat conducting layer and a conductive layer, and the conductive layer is conducted by the heat conducting layer to the outside of the wind stomach 11 attached to the wind, and is accumulated in the wind. The oil collapse of the inner wall of the inner wall is melted by heat, and then discharged through the oil draining structure. 201221870 achieves the purpose of electric heat removal. However, when implemented according to the foregoing structure, the thermal resistance device 12 is attached to the wind and stomach 11 in a curved curved surface with a continuous arrangement of conductive thin wires and an insulating layer for bending the conductive thin wire of the heating field. The resistance value will decrease with the change of the cross section, which will cause the section to be overheated after power-on, or the It-shaped burned by the station 4, even forming a leakage on the wind and stomach; seeing, not only affects the safety and stability of the thermal resistance device. Sexuality will also increase the power of the thermal resistance device, resulting in % unnecessary loss. In addition, the above structure is capable of attaching the two insulating layers to the wind-stomach curve, which is composed of a soft rubber layer, and instead forms an effect of heat insulation on the heat-conducting layer and the wind-stomach, thus requiring a high temperature and a high temperature. The heat effect of heat dissipation causes the oil on the inner wall of the wind and stomach to be dissolved. 'In addition to increasing the power consumption of the thermal resistance device, and the frequent and large temperature rise and fall process, the two insulating layers are easily deteriorated and the structural strength is reduced. When the crack occurs in the layer structure, the oil mist is adhered to the thermal resistance device, which also causes the above-mentioned leakage phenomenon. It is not only unable to conduct electricity, but also loses the effect of removing heat by electric heat, which is a big problem for the safety of use. Yan Yi, the inventor of this case has this, and has been rich in design and development and practical production experience of the relevant industry for many years. Based on the existing structure and lack of research and improvement, a gas venting device for the exhaust hood is provided to achieve The purpose of better practical value. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION 201221870 The main object of the present invention is to provide a hood of a range hood that is passed through an oil outlet hole of a vertical stomach and a side-heating member, and the heating member is formed by a coating. The layer makes the heating element _ metal and has ductility, which can be matched with the arc setting of the wind stomach shell wall, and the process of the metal heating by the reverse heating does not have a qualitative change for the internal electric heating, and. The structure has a good coating effect, so that the heating member is not afraid of the oil to penetrate into the adhesion and affect the heating power, and can also improve the safety of the heating member. According to another aspect of the present invention, the heating member is coupled to the wind and stomach oil outlet hole-side portion in an I-setting or locking manner, and has a rotation property that can be disposed on the inner wall or the outer wall of the wind-resistant stomach casing. In addition to the combination of the heating element and the wind and stomach, the 1 easy door takes the position of the heating element according to actual needs, and has the advantages of facilitating assembly and shortening the process. In order to achieve the above object, the present invention provides a wind and stomach degreasing device for a range hood, comprising: a wind stomach, which is formed by a machine having a hollow ring structure and connected with a row of smoke ports, and a suction The motor is disposed inside the casing, and an air outlet connected to the exhaust port is defined on each side of the casing, and the casing has an oil hole formed in the wall of the exhaust port, the oil hole a fixing portion is disposed on one side; a heating member is disposed on the fixing portion, and has a heat-dissipating tube member formed with two ends open. The heating member forms an aluminum coating layer on the outside of the heat-conducting tube member. The heat-conducting tube member extends along the heat-conducting tube member to the two ends thereof to form an electrical pin, and the two electrical pins are electrically connected to a control unit. 201221870 [Embodiment] In order to enable your review committee to have a better understanding and understanding of the purpose, features and effects of the present invention, please refer to the following [Simplified Description of the Drawings] for details: First, please refer to paragraphs 2 and 3. The figure is in conjunction with Figures 4, 5 and 9, and the present invention provides a preferred embodiment of a ventilating device for a range hood, mainly comprising a bellows 3 上 on the upper side of a row of hoods 20, the wind The top cover of the box 3 is provided with a top cover 60', and the inside is accommodated with a wind stomach 40 which is always upright and the exhaust port 44 is upward, and the stomach 40 is heated with respect to the bottom of the exhaust port 44. a 50, wherein: the range hood 20 is provided with a control unit 21 on one side for controlling the function of starting, closing or heating degreasing of the range hood 20; the wind stomach 40 is formed to have a hollow shape The ring-shaped structure of the casing 401 is in communication with a row of smoke ports 44. A double-shaft type of draft motor 42 is disposed inside the casing #401. The exhaust motor 42 is provided with two blade groups 421 at both ends. The two sides of the casing 401 are opposite to the two blade groups 421 and the exhaust port 44 An air outlet 45 is defined in the casing 401, and the oil outlet 45 is formed on the side of the casing 401. The oil outlet 45 is provided with a fixing portion 41. The fixing portion 41 includes the outlet portion 41. The oil hole 45 is the inner and outer walls of the casing 401 on the side; the wind stomach 40 is placed inside the wind box 30 with the oil outlet 45 relative to the range hood 20; the wind stomach 40 casing 401 of the present invention It is formed by a single housing or two half-shells 201221870. The former has only an oil hole 45 at the bottom as shown in Fig. 9. The latter is in the embodiment, as shown in Fig. 3, the machine The shell 4〇1 is formed by a pair of two symmetrical half-shells 402, which are formed on one side to form the exhaust port 44, and each of the half-shells 402 is internally formed with a wind chamber 4〇3, the two-blade group The 421 is respectively disposed in each of the plenums 403, and an oil outlet hole 45 is formed in the bottom of the exhaust vents 44. The fixing portion 41 is disposed on the side of the two oil outlets 45. The fixing portion 41 is provided. Formed by two fitting blocks 411 formed on the wall surface of each of the half-shells 4〇2, each of the fitting blocks 411 is shaped to be recessed from the side and the half The wall surface of the seat 402 is formed with a block structure of a notch 412, and the opening direction of the notch 412 is directed toward the other fitting block 414. The heating member 50' has a heat pipe member 51 as shown in Fig. 4, and the heat pipe member 51 is provided. The metal resistor body 52 is provided with a metal resistor body 52. The metal resistor body 52 has two ends extending along the heat conducting tube member 51 to the two ends of the heat conducting tube member 51 to form an electrical pin 54. The two electrical pins 54 are respectively formed. The control unit 21 is electrically connected to the control unit 21 to electrically control whether the heating element 50 is electrically connected to cause the metal resistor 52 to generate heat, and the heating element 50 forms an aluminum outside the heat conducting tube 51. The coating layer 53 is used to improve the coating property and the heat transfer rate of the heat conducting pipe member 51. In the embodiment, as shown in FIG. 5, the heating member 5 is formed into a rectangular block structure and has four corners thereof. And being respectively engaged in the notch 412 of the four-fitting block 4U, forming a laterally spanning manner of the two half-shells 402 to be positioned in the fixing portion 413; and the metal resistor 52 is heated according to the heating Pieces of 201221870 50 required power of tungsten wire The heating element 50 is heated to the range of the heating element 50, and each of the electrical pins 54 is electrically fused by the metal resistor 52, and the two ends of the heat-dissipating sealing member 51 are formed; The top cover 6 has a port 6 and the top cover 60 is sleeved with the exhaust σ44 of the wind stomach 40, and is covered with a wind (four). The description is the main components of the embodiment of the present invention and the configuration description thereof. To the operation mode and the function of the lint embodiment, please refer to the figures 2 and 3 in conjunction with the figures 6 to 13 to make the following explanation: Please cooperate with the reference to (4) 2 and 3, Langben invented the method of using the wind-stomach heating and degreasing of the oil drainer. When the range hood is operating, the main =^_ reaches 42 actuation, so that each fan blade group 421 The wind generated after the rotation sends the soot to each of the air chambers of the half-shells through the respective air outlets 43, and then discharges the soot to the outside through the exhaust port 44, and only needs to pass through the unit (4) when the soot is discharged to the outside. (4) The heating member 5q can generate heat energy through the metal resistor 52 in the heating member 50, and heat is transmitted to the casing of the wind stomach 4 through the guiding member η and the large-area covering layer 53. By heating, the oil adhering to the inner wall of the wind stomach 4G can be effectively melted, and can flow out from the oil outlet hole 45 along the inner wall of the wind stomach 40, so as to avoid the inner wall of the casing of the wind stomach 40 being stuck for a long time. The soot forms a hardened agglomerated oil, which necessitates dismantling to be cleaned; The cover layer 53 is coated on the heat transfer pipe member 51, not 201221870, but the coating property of the heating member 50 is improved, so that the heating member 5 does not increase the safety when the oil is infiltrated and used; The layer 53 has ductility and is bent along the curvature of the wind and stomach 40 housing 401. The heat conducting tube member 51 inside the heating member 5 is bent along with the aluminum coating layer 53, so that the heating member 5 is large. The area is in contact with the shell wall of the wind and stomach 40, which increases the heat transfer speed, shortens the addition, and time, and forms a wind and stomach degreasing device of the range hood which can conveniently remove the oil and improve the suction effect. Therefore, the combination and fixing manner of the heating member 50 provided by the wind and oil degreasing device of the range hood of the present invention is achieved by embedding or locking, and has the effect of facilitating assembly and shortening the process of exhausting the fume. Please refer to Figures 6, 7, 8, 10 to 13 to illustrate the combination of the heating element 50 of the present invention and the fixed portion 41 of the wind and stomach 40: as shown in Figures 6 and 7, the heating element 50 is shown The wind and stomach 40 is formed by the fixing portion 413 to form two symmetrically disposed fitting blocks 414. In the sixth embodiment, the two fitting blocks 414 are disposed diagonally, so that the two diagonal corners of the heating member 50 are corresponding to the notches 412 of the two fitting blocks 411; When the fitting block 411 is disposed on the opposite side, as shown in FIG. 7, each of the fitting blocks 411 is formed into an inverted L-shaped hollow structure which is recessed with a notch 412 and surrounded by two faces, and the opening direction of the notch 412 is oriented toward the other side. a fitting block 411 of the L-shaped plastic; the two long sides of the heating member 5 对 are correspondingly engaged with the notch 412 of the fitting block 411 of the two inverted L; in the embodiment, the heating member 50 is also The two short sides are embedded in the two inverted L-shaped fitting blocks 411 (not shown). 201221870 As described above, since the heating member 50 is covered with aluminum metal, it is malleable and can be bent into an arc. The shape, as shown in Figs. 10 to U, shows the state in which the heating member 50 is extended in accordance with the curvature of the wall of the stomach 40. As shown in the figures 10 and 11, the former indicates that the heating member 50 is disposed through the fixing portion 41 of the outer wall of the casing ο, and the heating member 5 is positioned to cover the stomach. The outer wall of the casing 401 is disposed on the inner wall of the casing 411, and the latter is disposed on the inner wall of the casing 4? The heating element 5 is affixed to the fitting block 411 by four corners, two corners, two long sides, two short sides, and the like. Moreover, as shown in the figures 12 and 13, it is shown that the heating member 5 is fixed to the fixing portion 41 in a locking manner; wherein, as shown in Fig. 12, the heating member 5 is bent to represent the wind. The arc of the stomach 40 is formed with a set of rings 531 at both ends of the aluminum coating layer 53 in the direction of the arc extending direction, so that the heating member 50 is wrapped around the outer wall of the casing 401, and the two screws 413 are respectively After the two sets of the ring 531 and the casing 401, the casing 401 is locked and tightened; in this embodiment, the set of rings 531 is formed on the long side or the second of the heating member 50. The short side 'and the heating element 50 formed with the set ring 531 can also be disposed on the inner wall of the casing 40 of the wind stomach 40 (not shown); when the heating element 50 is directly locked to the casing 40 of the wind stomach 40 As shown in FIG. 13 , the heating element 5 is disposed on the inner wall of the casing 401, and the nut of the relative number 201221870 is inserted through the heating member 50 and the casing wall of the casing 401 with at least two screw members 413. The 414 lock is tight; in the embodiment, the heating element 5 is also disposed on the inner wall of the wind chamber 4〇1〇 in the same locking manner. In summary, the wind and oil degreasing device of the range hood of the present invention, through the aluminum coating layer 53, can surely provide a good covering property for the internal structure of the heating member 5, which not only increases the safety and stability of the overall use. The ductility and thermal conductivity also provide the heat transfer area of the heating element 50 to improve the heat transfer area between the wind and the stomach 4 to avoid unnecessary loss; further, the heating element 50 The combination with the wind and stomach 4〇 is simple, and the position of the heating element 5〇 can be determined according to actual needs, and the advantage of achieving convenient assembly and shortening the process is achieved. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 is a schematic perspective view showing the three-dimensional structure of the hood of the present invention. FIG. Fig. 3 is a perspective exploded perspective view showing the partial structure of Fig. 2 of the present invention. Fig. 4 is an enlarged schematic view showing the structure of the heating member of the present invention. Fig. 5 is a schematic view showing the structural combination of the heating member embedded in the outer wall of the wind and stomach. Fig. 6 is a schematic view showing another structural combination of the heating member of the present invention embedded in the outer wall of the wind and stomach. Fig. 7 is a schematic view showing another structural combination of the heating member of the present invention embedded in the outer wall of the wind and stomach. 12 201221870 Fig. 8 is a schematic view showing the structural combination of the heating member locked on the outer wall of the wind and stomach. Fig. 9 is a schematic view showing the appearance of a single shell of the wind and stomach of the present invention. Fig. 10 is a side cross-sectional view showing the combined state of the structure in which the heating member of the present invention is coated and embedded in the outer wall of the wind and stomach. Fig. 11 is a side cross-sectional view showing the combined state of the structure in which the heating member of the present invention is attached and embedded in the inner wall of the stomach. Φ Fig. 12 is a side cross-sectional view showing the combined structure of the heating member covered and locked on the outer wall of the wind and stomach. Fig. 13 is a side cross-sectional view showing the combined state of the structure in which the heating member of the present invention is attached and locked to the inner wall of the wind and stomach. [Main component symbol description] "Urban" Range hood 10 Wind stomach 11 Thermal resistance device 12 "The present invention" Range hood 20 Control unit 21 Bellows 30 Wind stomach 40 Case 401 Half shell 402 Wind chamber 403 Fixing portion 41 Fitting block 411 Notch 412 Screw lock 413 13 201221870 Nut 414 Exhaust motor 4 2 Fan blade set 421 Exhaust port 43 Exhaust port 44 Oil outlet 45 Heating element 50 Heat pipe fitting 51 Metal resistor 52 Aluminum cladding 53 Group Ring 531 Electrical pin 54 Wire 541 Top cover 60 Port 61