201210700 六、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明係有關一種喷塗裝置,尤指一種具有喷料結構 改良之喷塗裝置。 【先前技術】 如第6圖所示,為習用之喷塗裝置,其具有一本體8, 此本體8中具有供高壓氣體流通之氣流通道8〇,於此氣 φ流通道80之末端為出氣口81,本體8於氣流通道8〇 中途設有一控制閥8 2,透過一壓柄83的按壓以驅動該 控制閥8 2而啟閉該氣流通道8 〇,使高壓氣體由出氣口 8 1喷出。 該本體8於鄰近該出氣口 8 1處具有一套接部8 4, 且在出氣口 8 1處之本體8周侧開設一連通出氣口 8 1之 穿孔8 5 ’以一喷嘴8 6穿經該套接部8 4,喷嘴8 6於 籲-前端插設於該穿孔8 5而連通該出氣口 8 1,以螺栓8 4 -0於套接部84螺鎖喷嘴86,喷嘴86並於後端結合一 容裝色料之料罐8 7,當高壓氣體由氣流通道8〇輸出 時,料罐8 7内之色料則隨高壓氣體而被導引出,以喷塗 於物品上色。 其中,該噴嘴8 6包括一固接部8 β 〇與一調節部8 6 1,以該固接部8 6 0結合於料罐8 7之出口,此固接 3 201210700 部於前端螺鎖該調節部8 6 1,此調節部8 6 1於前端具 有出料口伸設於該出氣口81中,藉由此調節部861的 旋動可調整色料由調節部8 6 1之出料口輸出之料量。 此習用喷塗肢置在組裝時,必須先將該調節部8 6 1 於出料的前端插入該穿孔8 5中,再將固接部8 6 〇穿經 該套接部8 4之後以前端伸入調節部8 6 1内,並旋動該 調節部8 6 1使其與固接部8 6 0結合,且將套接部8 4 上之螺栓8 4 0旋鎖定位,藉以完成噴塗裝置之組裝;惟, 喷塗裝置之喷嘴8 6必須常常拆換清洗,而因此習用之喷 塗裝置組裝程序複雜,故於喷嘴8 6拆換清洗時相當麻 煩,且該調節部8 6 i於套接部8 4内側之所在位置空間 有限,故造成調整出料量時之困擾,此即前述習用喷塗裝 置之問題。 又如第7圖所示’為另一習用之喷塗裝置,其主要構 件大致與前-習用之喷塗裝置略同,包含本體9、套接部 9 0、喷嘴9 1等構件,而主要差異在於,本體9的套接 部9 0具有缺口 9〇〇(即如第8圖所示),而喷嘴g工與 本體9組裝時僅須由缺口 9 〇 〇套入套接部9 〇上即完成 組裝’惟’喷嘴9 1之調節部9 i ◦同樣因所在位置之空 間有限’除了與前述之習用喷塗裝置於手指旋動時仍不易 捏取施力外,且當調節部9 1 〇調整色料出料量而旋動 201210700 時,調節部910前端出料口會在本體9之出氣口92中 别後位移,此位置的改變會造成色料噴出時之喷塗區域大 ::隨著改變,使用者若未再經測試即進行喷塗,則容易 因失誤而造成作業失敗。 因此,如何解決上述習用之喷塗裝置之問 明之重點所在。 【發明内容】 本發明目社-,在於解決上述㈣題啸供一種 可=喷料結構改良之喷塗裝置,其噴嘴可隨喷嘴套抽出即 β本體上拆下,因此本發明之喷塗襄置於喷塗作業後, 可快速且方便的时嘴、喷嘴套等構件拆卸下來清洗。 *本發明目的之二’在於本發明之噴塗褒置提供足夠的 工間使旋鈕便於手指捏取,故於磐色料的輸出量時更加 方便。 本發明目的之三,在於本發明之嘴塗震置係將喷嘴套 本體上之套接部插設固定,因此噴嘴套前端之第二出料 :可於出氣口之前方對準出氣口並定位1避免因出料口 眷移而k成0¾•塗時的失誤、或為了避免此失誤發生而花 實更多的調整時間。 為達前述之目的,本發明係包括: 一本體,其内部具有m該第—通道受一闕 201210700 體以控制⑤壓氣韻通’且該第—通道於本體前端形成一 出氣口,該本體鄰近於出氣口之周側設有一套接部,此套 接部中具有-朝該出氣口方向開設之插孔; 喷嘴,其前端呈尖錐狀,於喷嘴中具有供色料流通 之流道,且此流道於喷嘴前端具有一供色料出料之第一出 料口;此喷嘴於第—出料σ之另—端有—旋紐,此旋钮位 於该套接料側且驅動射嘴同步捕,且触於結合喷 嘴之另-端可結合内含色料之卿,俾供色料由嗔嘴之流 道由第一出料口輸出; 喷嘴套,其内部具有-第二通道,且喷嘴套前 有-與該第二通道相通之第二㈣口,該喷嘴於此第二通 道内與喷嘴套螺設,該第―出料口可於喷嘴套内與該第二 料相通ι亥旋紐裸露於喷嘴套外,喷嘴可經旋動旋 ::::嘴套中軸向位移,並可利用尖錐狀之前端調整該 孔一且:口之出料量大小;此喷嘴套穿經該套接部之插 準出氣口之中心,且此噴讀於該出氣口前方並對 本發明之上料Μ 縣接部之減中抽離。 實施例之詳細說明與 ‘不難從下述所選用 升附圖巾,獲得深入了解。 §然’本發明在某 所不同,但所之實^件上,或另件之安排上容許有 之實施例,财本則#+,予以詳細 201210700 說明,並於附圖中展示其構造。 【實施方式】 請參閱第1圖至第5圖,圖中所示者為本發明所選用 之實施例結構,此僅供說明之用,在專利申請上並不受此 種結構之限制。 本發明提供一種具有喷料結構改良之喷塗裝置,其如 第1〜2圖所示,於本較佳實施例中包括一本體1、一喷 •嘴2、一旋鈕3、以及一喷嘴套4所組成,於裝設内含色 料之料罐5後即可進行喷塗作業,於此就本較佳實施例更 詳細之技術特徵說明如后: 如第3圖所示,該本體1内部具有一第一通道1 0, 該第一通道1 0於本體1前端形成一出氣口1 0 0,經由 外部提供高壓氣體進入此第一通道1 0中,本體1並於該 第一通道1 0中途設有一閥體1 1,以此閥體1 1控制該 籲第一通道10之啟閉,以控制高壓氣體於本體1中流通而 由出氣口100輸出。 如第1〜3圖所示,本體1鄰近於出氣口 100之周 側設有一套接部1 3,此套接部1 3中具有一插孔1 3 ◦,此插孔1 3 0朝該出氣口1 0 0方向開設。於本實施 例中,該套接部1 3與本體1為一體成型,且該插孔1 3 0之孔徑係朝出氣口 1 〇 〇方向漸縮。當然,該套接部1 201210700 3亦可為一獨立構件,再與該本體1組設。 如第2〜3圖所示,該噴嘴2於前端呈尖錐狀,於喷 嘴2中具有流道2 〇,此流道2 〇可供料罐5内之色料流 通,且流道20於喷嘴2前端具有一第一出料口2〇〇, 此第-出料π 2QQ可供於流道2 〇中流通之色料出料。 如第2〜3圖所示,喷嘴2於該第一出料口 2 〇 〇之 另-端設有職紐3,此祕3位於該套接部i 3外側而 遠離該出氣π 1 〇 q,且餘3於轉動時驅動該噴嘴2同 步旋轉;該料罐5設在此旋鈕3上,且位於喷嘴2的另一 端。 於本實施例中,該旋奴3與喷嘴2分別為獨立構件, 旋紐3係以鎖設方式岐於該喷嘴2之端部,此述之旋紐 3於兩端分別具有母螺紋3 Q、3 i,該喷嘴2於端部具 有公螺紋2 1以鎖設於其-母螺紋3 Qji,另該料罐5於 瓶口亦具有公螺紋5 〇以鎖設於另—母螺紋3 U。此 外,該旋鈕3亦可與該噴嘴2為一體成型。 如第2〜3圖所示,該喷嘴套4内部具有一第二通道 4 3 ’且喷嘴套4前端具有-第二出料口 4 0,此第二出 料口 4 0與該第二通道4 3相通,該喷嘴2於此第二通道 4 3内與喷嘴套4螺設,該第—出料口 2◦◦於喷嘴套4 之第二通道43内與該第二出料口4〇相通,而該旋鈕3 201210700 裸露於喷嘴套4外。於本實施例中,於該喷嘴2上具有公 螺紋2 2,且於喷嘴套4中相對設有母螺紋4 1,藉喷嘴 2於喷嘴套4中以該公螺紋2 2與該母螺紋4 1螺鎖,喷 嘴2可經旋動旋鈕3而於喷嘴套4之第二通道4 3中軸向 位移,並可利用尖錐狀之前端調整該第二出料口 4 0之出 料量大小,此第二出料口 4 0可由完全開放漸縮至完全封 '閉。換言之,藉由旋鈕3的轉動以調整第一出料口 2 0 0 鲁與該第二出料口40間之空間,當空間愈大時色料的輸出 量愈大,反之當空間愈小時色料的輸出量愈小,甚至如第 4圖所示,當喷塗作業告一段落時,可將喷嘴2前端封閉 該第二出料口 4 0,使色料被封閉於喷嘴套4中,可避免 色料因接觸空氣而乾掉。 該喷嘴套4與本體1組裝時穿經該套接部13之插孔 1 3 0,且喷嘴套4前端之第二出料口4 0定位於該出氣 春口100前方,此喷嘴套4可由該套接部13之插孔13 -0中抽離。於第4圖中可見,本體1之第一通道10中定 義出一穿透出氣口100中心之軸線1 0 1,該喷嘴套4 之第二出料口 4 0座落於此軸線1 0 1上,意即該第二出 料口 4 0對準該出氣口 1 0 0之中心,故色料由第二出料 口 4 0出料時可以準確且穩定的料量喷出。 如第2〜3圖所示,本實施例之噴嘴套4於其第二出 201210700 料口 4 0之另一端具有一擋部4 2,而該套接部1 3則於 此擋部4 2之相對位置具有一槽部1 3 1,此槽部1 3 1 之孔徑略大於該插孔1 3 〇,且如圖中所示,該擋部4 2 與槽部1 3 1具有對應之凹凸形狀,故擂部4 2置於槽部 1 3 1時可相對擋止,以阻擋喷嘴套4相對於套接部1 3 旋轉。於本實施例中,該擋部4 2係由喷嘴套4依序銜接-一小徑段4 20、一卡固段421、以及一大徑段4 2 2 ' ’該小徑段4 2 0及大徑段4 2 2外周皆呈環狀,而該卡鲁 固段4 2 1之外周係呈外六角形;該槽部1 3 1係對應該 擋部4而具有一小徑槽131a、一卡槽131b、以及 一大徑槽1 3 1 c,該小徑槽1 3 1 a與大徑槽1 3 1 c 亦呈環狀,且該卡槽1 3 1b對應該卡固段4 2 1則呈内 六角形;其中,該擋部4 2係以小徑段4 2 0、卡固段4 2 1、及大徑段4 2 2分別於槽部1 3 1中容設於該小徑 槽1 3 1 a、卡槽1 3 1b、及大徑槽131c内。藉由籲 將該小徑段4 2 0及大徑段4 2 2置入該小徑槽1 3 1 a -與該大徑槽1 3 1 c之中,以確保該卡固段42 1確實定 位於該卡槽131b位置。 此外,本實施例之喷嘴套4之外徑具有斜度,此斜度 係對應插孔1 3 0漸縮之孔徑,喷嘴套4以具斜度之外徑 插設於漸縮之插孔1 3 0時呈緊配合,使喷嘴套4固定於 201210700 套接部1 3中。 由上述之結構可見本發明之喷塗裝置組裝時,可將該 喷嘴2與喷嘴套4鎖設,且將旋鈕3固定於喷嘴2,再將 喷嘴套4插設於該套接部 1 3之插孔1 3 0中,使喷嘴套 4之刖端位於出氣口1 〇〇前方,且第二出料口40對準 忒出氣口1 0 0,然後把料罐5以公螺紋5 0鎖設在旋鈕 3的母螺紋3 1,以完成喷塗裝置的組裝。 • 如第5圖所示,本體1與外部提供之高壓氣源連接之 後’焉壓氣體由本體1之通道1 〇進入,並透過該閥體1 1的控制而通往出氣口 1 〇 〇,此時料罐5之色料由喷嘴 2之第一出料口2〇〇流出,經由旋鈕3調整色料之輸出 量後,色料即由第二出料口4〇隨高壓氣體由該出氣口丄 〇 0帶出。 如噴塗作業完成後欲將喷塗裝置拆卸進行清洗,僅須 ®將噴嘴套4由該套接部! 3之插孔1 3 G +插離,然後把 噴嘴2由喷嘴套4上拆下、將喷嘴2及料罐5由旋鈕上拆 下’即可進行各喷塗構件之清洗。 經由上述之說明不難發現本發明之優點,在於: 1、本發明之喷嘴2係鎖設於喷嘴奢4上,於喷塗裝 置折卸時,僅須將喷嘴套4由套接部1 3之插孔i 3 〇, 再將噴嘴2、旋鈕3及料罐5拆解即町,因此本發明之喷 11 201210700 塗裝置於喷塗作業後,可快速將各個喷塗構件拆卸下來清 洗,可見喷塗裝置於清洗作業之方便性。 2、 本發明之旋鈕3係設於套接部1 3之上方,並非 如習用之喷塗裝置裝設在套接部丄3下方,因此在調整色 料的輸出量時,已提供足夠的空間使旋鈕3便於手指捏取 ,故於調整色料的輸出量時更為準確,並能提供更佳的方 便性。 3、 本發明之喷塗裝置係將喷嘴套4插設固定於套接_ 部1 3之插孔1 3 0中,喷嘴套4經由固定之後,其前端 之第二出料口40即可於本體1之出氣口1〇〇中固定位 置,因此可避免第二出料口40的位移,即可避免噴塗作 業時因噴塗範圍改變所導致的失誤、或為避免此失誤發生 而花費更多的調整時間。 以上所述實施例之揭示係用以說明本發明,並非用以 限制本發明,故舉凡數值之變更或等效元件之置換仍應隸鲁 屬本發明之範疇。 由以上詳細說明,可使熟知本項技藝者明瞭本發明的 確可達成前述目的’實已符合專利法之規定,爰提出 申請。 【圖式簡單說明】 第1圖係本發明之立體外觀圖。 12 201210700 第2圖係本發明之分解配置圖。 第3圖係本發明之剖視結構圖。 第4圖係本發明之本體前端之局部放大圖。 第5圖係本發明之喷塗作業示意圖。 第6圖係第-習用喷塗裝置之剖視結構圖。 第7圖係第二習用喷塗裝置之剖視結構圖。 第8圖係第二習用噴塗裝置於套接部之缺口結構圖。 【主要元件符號說明】 (習用部分) 本體8 氣流通道8 0 出氣口 8 1 控制閥8 2 壓柄8 3 套接部8 4 螺栓8 4 0 穿孔8 5 噴嘴8 6 固接部8 6 0 調節部8 6 1 料罐8 7 本體9 套接部9 0 缺口 9 0 0 喷嘴9 1 出氣口 9 2 (本發明部分) 本體1 第一通道1〇 出氣口1 0 0 軸線1 0 1 13 201210700 閥體1 1 插孔1 3 0 小徑槽1 3 1 a 大徑槽131c 流道2 Ο 公螺紋2 1 旋紐3 母螺紋3 1 第二出料口 4 0 擋部4 2 卡固段4 2 1 第二通道4 3 公螺紋5 0 套接部1 3 槽部1 3 1 卡槽131b 喷嘴2 第一出料口200 公螺紋2 2 母螺紋3 0 喷嘴套4 母螺紋4 1 小徑段4 2 0 大徑段4 2 2 料罐5201210700 VI. Description of the Invention: [Technical Field] The present invention relates to a spraying device, and more particularly to a spraying device having an improved spray structure. [Prior Art] As shown in Fig. 6, a conventional spraying device has a body 8 having an air flow passage 8〇 through which a high-pressure gas flows, and the end of the gas φ flow passage 80 is The air outlet 81, the main body 8 is provided with a control valve 82 in the middle of the air flow passage 8 ,, and is driven by the pressing handle 83 to drive the control valve 8 2 to open and close the air flow passage 8 〇 to make the high pressure gas from the air outlet 8 1 ejection. The body 8 has a set of joints 8 4 adjacent to the gas outlet 8 1 , and a perforation 8 5 ′ that communicates with the gas outlet 8 1 is formed on the circumference of the body 8 at the gas outlet 8 1 to pass through a nozzle 8 6 . The sleeve portion 8 4 is inserted into the through hole 85 and communicates with the air outlet 8 1 . The bolt 8 4 -0 is screwed to the nozzle 86 at the socket portion 84, and the nozzle 86 is followed by The end is combined with a tank 81 accommodating the color material. When the high pressure gas is output from the air flow passage 8〇, the color material in the tank 87 is guided out along with the high pressure gas to be sprayed on the object to be colored. The nozzle 8 6 includes a fixing portion 8 β 〇 and an adjusting portion 861, and the fixing portion 860 is coupled to the outlet of the tank 87, and the fixing portion 3201210700 is screwed at the front end. The adjusting portion 861 has a discharge port extending from the front end of the adjusting portion 861. The rotating portion of the adjusting portion 861 can adjust the discharge of the color material from the regulating portion 861. The amount of material output. When the conventional spraying body is assembled, the adjusting portion 861 is first inserted into the through hole 85 in the front end of the discharging portion, and then the fixing portion 8 6 is passed through the socket portion 8 4 to be the front end. Extending into the adjusting portion 861, and rotating the adjusting portion 861 to be combined with the fixing portion 860, and locking the bolt 8400 on the socket portion 84 to complete the spraying device. However, the nozzles of the spraying device must be frequently removed and cleaned, and thus the conventional spraying device assembly procedure is complicated, so that it is quite troublesome when the nozzles are removed and cleaned, and the adjusting portion 8 6 i The space in the inner side of the socket portion 8 4 is limited, so that the problem of adjusting the discharge amount is caused, which is the problem of the conventional spraying device. In addition, as shown in FIG. 7 'is another conventional spraying device, the main components thereof are substantially the same as those of the pre-cooking spraying device, and include a body 9, a socket portion 90, a nozzle 9 1 and the like. The main difference is that the socket portion 90 of the body 9 has a notch 9 (ie, as shown in FIG. 8), and the nozzle g and the body 9 only need to be inserted into the socket portion 9 by the notch 9 〇〇. The assembly of the 'only' nozzle 9 1 is also completed due to the limited space of the location. 'In addition to the above-mentioned conventional spraying device, it is not easy to pinch the force when the finger is rotated, and when adjusting When the portion 9 1 〇 adjusts the toner discharge amount and rotates 201210700, the discharge port at the front end of the adjustment portion 910 is displaced in the air outlet 92 of the body 9, and the change of the position causes the spray area when the color material is ejected. Big:: With the change, if the user sprays without testing, it is easy to cause the operation to fail due to mistakes. Therefore, how to solve the above-mentioned problems of the conventional spraying device is emphasized. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The present invention is directed to solving the above-mentioned (four) problem, a spraying device capable of improving the spray structure, wherein the nozzle can be removed with the nozzle sleeve, that is, the beta body is removed, so the spraying of the present invention After the spraying operation, the components such as the nozzle and the nozzle sleeve can be removed and cleaned quickly and conveniently. * The second object of the present invention is that the spray booth of the present invention provides sufficient work space for the knob to be easily pinched by the finger, so that the output of the paint is more convenient. The third object of the present invention is that the mouth coating system of the present invention inserts and fixes the socket portion on the nozzle sleeve body, so that the second discharge of the front end of the nozzle sleeve can be aligned with the air outlet before the air outlet and positioned 1 Avoid mistakes caused by the discharge of the discharge port, or more adjustment time to avoid this error. For the purpose of the foregoing, the present invention comprises: a body having m inside the first passage being subjected to a 201210700 body to control 5 pressure gas passages and the first passage forming an air outlet at the front end of the body, the body being adjacent to the body a socket is arranged on a circumferential side of the air outlet, and the socket has a socket formed in the direction of the air outlet; the nozzle has a tip end with a tapered shape, and the nozzle has a flow path for the color material to flow. And the flow path has a first discharge opening for the color material discharge at the front end of the nozzle; the nozzle has a rotation button at the other end of the first discharge σ, the knob is located on the sleeve side and drives the nozzle Synchronous catching, and the other end of the combined nozzle can be combined with the color of the containing color, the color supply is output from the first discharge port by the flow channel of the nozzle; the nozzle sleeve has a second passage inside, And a second (four) port communicating with the second passage in front of the nozzle sleeve, the nozzle is screwed with the nozzle sleeve in the second passage, and the first discharge port can be connected with the second material in the nozzle sleeve The whirlpool is exposed outside the nozzle sleeve, and the nozzle can be rotated by rotation:::: axial displacement in the mouthpiece, The tip end of the tapered cone can be used to adjust the size of the hole and the discharge amount of the mouth; the nozzle sleeve passes through the center of the insertion air outlet of the socket, and the spray is read in front of the air outlet and the present invention The loading of the county is removed from the county. Detailed description of the embodiment and ‘It is not difficult to obtain a deeper understanding from the selected towel. § </ RTI> </ RTI> </ RTI> <RTIgt; </ RTI> <RTIgt; </ RTI> <RTIgt; </ RTI> <RTIgt; </ RTI> <RTIgt; </ RTI> <RTIgt; </ RTI> <RTIgt; [Embodiment] Please refer to Fig. 1 to Fig. 5, which shows the structure of the embodiment selected for the present invention, which is for illustrative purposes only and is not limited by such structure in the patent application. The present invention provides a spray device having a spray structure improvement, which is shown in Figures 1 to 2, and includes a body 1, a spray nozzle 2, a knob 3, and a nozzle in the preferred embodiment. The sleeve 4 is formed, and the spraying operation can be performed after the tank 5 containing the coloring material is installed. Here, the technical features of the preferred embodiment are described in detail as follows: As shown in FIG. 3, the body is as shown in FIG. 1 has a first channel 10, the first channel 10 forms an air outlet 1 0 0 at the front end of the body 1, and supplies high-pressure gas into the first channel 10 via the outside, and the body 1 is in the first channel A valve body 1 is provided in the middle of the 10th, and the valve body 1 1 controls the opening and closing of the first passage 10 to control the high-pressure gas to flow through the body 1 to be output from the air outlet 100. As shown in the first to third embodiments, the body 1 is provided with a socket 1 3 adjacent to the circumferential side of the air outlet 100. The socket portion 13 has a socket 1 3 ◦, and the socket 1 3 0 faces the The air outlet is opened in the direction of 1 0 0. In this embodiment, the socket portion 13 is integrally formed with the body 1, and the aperture of the socket 130 is tapered toward the air outlet 1 〇 。. Of course, the socket portion 1 201210700 3 can also be a separate component and then assembled with the body 1 . As shown in the second to third figures, the nozzle 2 has a tapered shape at the front end, and has a flow path 2 于 in the nozzle 2, and the flow path 2 流通 allows the color material in the material tank 5 to circulate, and the flow path 20 is The front end of the nozzle 2 has a first discharge port 2〇〇, and the first discharge π 2QQ is available for discharging the color material flowing in the flow channel 2 . As shown in the second to third figures, the nozzle 2 is provided with a service button 3 at the other end of the first discharge port 2, and the secret 3 is located outside the socket portion i 3 away from the outlet gas π 1 〇q. And the remaining 3 drives the nozzle 2 to rotate synchronously when rotating; the tank 5 is disposed on the knob 3 and located at the other end of the nozzle 2. In this embodiment, the spinner 3 and the nozzle 2 are respectively independent members, and the knob 3 is locked to the end of the nozzle 2 in a locking manner. The knob 3 has a female thread 3 Q at each end. 3 i, the nozzle 2 has a male thread 21 at the end to be locked to the female thread 3 Qji, and the tank 5 also has a male thread 5 〇 at the mouth of the bottle to be locked to the other female thread 3 U . Further, the knob 3 can also be integrally formed with the nozzle 2. As shown in the second to third figures, the nozzle sleeve 4 has a second passage 4 3 ' inside and the front end of the nozzle sleeve 4 has a second discharge port 40, the second discharge port 40 and the second passage. 4 3 communicates, the nozzle 2 is screwed into the nozzle sleeve 4 in the second passage 43, and the first discharge port 2 is disposed in the second passage 43 of the nozzle sleeve 4 and the second discharge port 4 The knob 3 201210700 is exposed outside the nozzle sleeve 4. In the present embodiment, the nozzle 2 has a male thread 22, and a female thread 4 1 is oppositely disposed in the nozzle sleeve 4, and the nozzle 2 is in the nozzle sleeve 4 with the male thread 2 2 and the female thread 4 1 screw lock, the nozzle 2 can be axially displaced in the second passage 43 of the nozzle sleeve 4 by rotating the knob 3, and the discharge amount of the second discharge port 40 can be adjusted by the tip end of the tapered cone. The second discharge port 40 can be gradually closed to completely closed. In other words, the rotation of the knob 3 is used to adjust the space between the first discharge port 2 0 0 Lu and the second discharge port 40. The larger the space, the larger the output of the color material, and vice versa when the space is smaller. The smaller the output of the material is, even as shown in Fig. 4, when the spraying operation is finished, the front end of the nozzle 2 can be closed to the second discharge port 40, so that the color material is enclosed in the nozzle sleeve 4, Avoid coloring out due to exposure to air. When the nozzle sleeve 4 is assembled with the body 1 , the socket 1 3 0 of the socket portion 13 is inserted, and the second discharge port 40 of the front end of the nozzle sleeve 4 is positioned in front of the air outlet spring 100. The nozzle sleeve 4 can be The socket 13 - 0 of the socket portion 13 is separated. As can be seen from Fig. 4, the first passage 10 of the body 1 defines an axis 10 1 penetrating the center of the air outlet 100, and the second discharge port 40 of the nozzle sleeve 4 is located at the axis 1 0 1 In the meantime, the second discharge port 40 is aligned with the center of the gas outlet 100, so that the color material can be ejected accurately and stably when discharged from the second discharge port 40. As shown in the second to third embodiments, the nozzle sleeve 4 of the present embodiment has a stopper portion 4 2 at the other end of the second outlet 201210700, and the sleeve portion 1 3 is located at the stopper portion 4 2 . The opposite position has a groove portion 1 3 1, and the aperture portion of the groove portion 1 3 1 is slightly larger than the insertion hole 13 3 〇, and as shown in the figure, the blocking portion 4 2 has a corresponding concave and convex portion with the groove portion 1 3 1 The shape is such that the jaw portion 4 2 is relatively blocked when placed in the groove portion 1 3 1 to block the rotation of the nozzle sleeve 4 relative to the socket portion 13 . In this embodiment, the blocking portion 42 is sequentially connected by the nozzle sleeve 4 - a small diameter section 4 20 , a fastening section 421 , and a large diameter section 4 2 2 ' ' the small diameter section 4 2 0 And the large-diameter section 4 2 2 is annular in the outer circumference, and the outer circumference of the Kalu solid section 4 2 1 is an outer hexagon; the groove part 13 1 is opposite to the blocking part 4 and has a small-diameter groove 131a, a card slot 131b and a large diameter slot 1 3 1 c, the small diameter slot 1 3 1 a and the large diameter slot 1 3 1 c are also annular, and the card slot 1 3 1b corresponds to the fastening section 4 2 1 is an inner hexagonal shape; wherein the blocking portion 42 is accommodated in the small portion of the groove portion 1 3 1 by the small diameter portion 4 2 0 , the locking portion 4 2 1 , and the large diameter portion 4 2 2 The radial groove is 1 3 1 a, the card slot 1 3 1b, and the large diameter groove 131c. The small diameter section 4 2 0 and the large diameter section 4 2 2 are placed in the small diameter groove 1 3 1 a - and the large diameter groove 1 3 1 c to ensure that the fastening section 42 1 is indeed It is located at the position of the card slot 131b. In addition, the outer diameter of the nozzle sleeve 4 of the embodiment has a slope, the slope is corresponding to the tapered aperture of the socket 130, and the nozzle sleeve 4 is inserted into the tapered socket 1 with a slanted outer diameter. At 30 o'clock, the nozzle sleeve 4 is tightly fitted, so that the nozzle sleeve 4 is fixed in the 201210700 socket portion 13. It can be seen from the above structure that the spraying device of the present invention is assembled, the nozzle 2 and the nozzle sleeve 4 can be locked, and the knob 3 is fixed to the nozzle 2, and the nozzle sleeve 4 is inserted into the socket portion 13 In the jack 1 3 0, the end of the nozzle sleeve 4 is located in front of the air outlet 1 ,, and the second discharge port 40 is aligned with the air outlet 1 0 0, and then the tank 5 is locked with a male thread 50 The female thread 31 is provided on the knob 3 to complete the assembly of the spraying device. • As shown in Figure 5, after the body 1 is connected to an externally supplied high-pressure gas source, the pressure gas enters through the passage 1 of the body 1 and passes through the control of the valve body 1 1 to the air outlet 1 . At this time, the color material of the tank 5 flows out from the first discharge port 2 of the nozzle 2, and after adjusting the output of the color material via the knob 3, the color material is discharged from the second discharge port 4 by the high pressure gas. The port is taken out. If the sprayer is to be removed for cleaning after the spraying operation is completed, it is only necessary to ® the nozzle sleeve 4 from the socket! The jack 1 3 G + is inserted, and then the nozzle 2 is removed from the nozzle sleeve 4, and the nozzle 2 and the tank 5 are removed from the knob to perform cleaning of each of the spray members. Through the above description, it is not difficult to find the advantages of the present invention in that: 1. The nozzle 2 of the present invention is locked on the nozzle luxury 4, and when the spraying device is disassembled, only the nozzle sleeve 4 is required to be the socket portion 1 3 jack i 3 〇, then the nozzle 2, the knob 3 and the tank 5 are disassembled, so the spray 11 201210700 coating device of the present invention can quickly remove the sprayed components after the spraying operation. The convenience of the spraying device in the cleaning operation can be seen. 2. The knob 3 of the present invention is disposed above the socket portion 13 and is not mounted under the socket portion 3 as conventionally used, so that sufficient amount of the color material is provided when adjusting the output of the color material. The space makes the knob 3 easy to pinch, so it is more accurate when adjusting the output of the color material, and can provide better convenience. 3. The spraying device of the present invention inserts and fixes the nozzle sleeve 4 into the socket 1 30 of the socket _ portion 13 , and after the nozzle sleeve 4 is fixed, the second discharge port 40 at the front end thereof can be The position is fixed in the air outlet 1 of the body 1, so that the displacement of the second discharge port 40 can be avoided, thereby avoiding mistakes caused by changes in the spray range during the spraying operation, or spending more to avoid this error. Adjustment time. The disclosure of the above-described embodiments is intended to be illustrative of the invention and is not intended to limit the scope of the invention. From the above detailed description, it will be apparent to those skilled in the art that the present invention can be achieved by the invention. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS Fig. 1 is a perspective view of the present invention. 12 201210700 Fig. 2 is an exploded configuration diagram of the present invention. Figure 3 is a cross-sectional structural view of the present invention. Figure 4 is a partial enlarged view of the front end of the body of the present invention. Figure 5 is a schematic view of the spraying operation of the present invention. Fig. 6 is a cross-sectional structural view of the first conventional spraying device. Figure 7 is a cross-sectional structural view of a second conventional spraying device. Figure 8 is a notched structural view of the second conventional spraying device at the socket portion. [Main component symbol description] (customized part) Main body 8 Air flow passage 8 0 Air outlet 8 1 Control valve 8 2 Pressing lever 8 3 Socket part 8 4 Bolt 8 4 0 Perforation 8 5 Nozzle 8 6 Fixing part 8 6 0 Adjustment Section 8 6 1 Tank 8 7 Body 9 Socket 9 0 Notch 9 0 0 Nozzle 9 1 Air outlet 9 2 (part of the invention) Body 1 First channel 1 〇 Air outlet 1 0 0 Axis 1 0 1 13 201210700 Valve Body 1 1 Jack 1 3 0 Small diameter groove 1 3 1 a Large diameter groove 131c Flow path 2 Ο Male thread 2 1 Knob 3 Female thread 3 1 Second discharge port 4 0 Stop 4 2 Clamping section 4 2 1 Second channel 4 3 Male thread 5 0 Socket 1 3 Slot 1 3 1 Slot 131b Nozzle 2 First outlet 200 Male thread 2 2 Female thread 3 0 Nozzle sleeve 4 Female thread 4 1 Small diameter section 4 2 0 large diameter section 4 2 2 tank 5