TW201206860A - Manufacturing method of energy-saving ceramsite construction material and products thereof - Google Patents

Manufacturing method of energy-saving ceramsite construction material and products thereof Download PDF


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TW201206860A TW99126657A TW99126657A TW201206860A TW 201206860 A TW201206860 A TW 201206860A TW 99126657 A TW99126657 A TW 99126657A TW 99126657 A TW99126657 A TW 99126657A TW 201206860 A TW201206860 A TW 201206860A
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pei-xun Lai
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pei-xun Lai
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Application filed by pei-xun Lai filed Critical pei-xun Lai
Priority to TW99126657A priority Critical patent/TW201206860A/en
Publication of TW201206860A publication Critical patent/TW201206860A/en



  • Laminated Bodies (AREA)


The purpose of present invention is to provide an energy-saving ceramsite having better breathable, adhesive and thermal insulating properties and good appearance and also to provide the products thereof. The technique means is that the energy-saving ceramite construction material consists of a surface material layer and a bottom material layer. The manufacturing method is characterized in that: at least one side surface of the bottom material layer is processed by a processing machine to remove float impurities for making the side surface become flat and making the honeycomb air chamber and the tiny diameter-hole of the foamed cement on the processed surface expose to the outside; the outside surface, having maximum area and being on one side of surface layer, is ground by a grinding machine for making it become flat and smooth, and then is polished by an oxolic acid polishing wheel for making the outside surface become bright. Wherein, the particle diameter of the ceramsite is between 3 mm and 12 mm; the volume percentage thereof is 40% to 90% of the total bottom layer; and the volume percentage of the foamed cement after foaming is 10% to 60% of the total bottom layer.


201206860 、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明是涉及一種節能陶粒建材製法及其製品。 【先前技術】 都市熱島效應(heatisiandeffect),是一個自196 始,在世界各地大城市所發現的一個地區性氣候現象。干代開 具體來說’無早上到日落以後,城市部份 周邊地區異常的高,這個現象的發現,是由於人造衛^^ 現’使人類得以利用人造衛星,從高空以紅外線拍攝地 種拍攝的最初目的,是作氣象測量用途,用以分析雨爐 成,可是,後來人類從紅外線的影像,發現了照片中的^ 區的溫度,與郊區比較,有著报明顯的差異,看起來 :, 就好像在周邊地區的一個浮島。 都市内錢的賴 '各種人工環境吸錄多的太陽輕射、 冰色屋頂、牆壁、地面,參差不齊的建築之間'建物盥地面之 間多次的反射與吸收,此外都市每天釋放大量人為熱,、如使用 工凋、汽機車排放熱量,嚴重的空氣污染,這些污染物質盖於 ,收地面’這些都是形成都市熱島的原因。且城市中二建 杀大多為石頭和混凝土建成,它的熱傳導率和熱容量都很高, 加上建築物本身對風的阻擋或減弱作用,使城市年 比郊區、農村高,從而形成城市熱A效應。φ +十^度 況且近幾年,大樓不斷向高空發展,河流沿岸被覆蓋,都 ,擋著,的流動,加劇了城市内部的高溫化。熱帶與亞熱帶地 建築外,如果未做好適當的隔熱/遮熱,夏季過熱時,經 要耗費巨額空調費,用才能將室内空氣溫、溼度,維持在 適當範圍内。 & >„另一方面,空調系統向室外散熱,使得市區的熱島效應更 二嚴重。夏季尖峰用電量高,常造成發電系統跳機,有時甚至 ^以分區,電或限電的措施來因應,造成業界之損失。增建核。 廠、或蓋水庫採水力發電、或燃煤採火力發電方式,都會^] 3 201206860 f保與生態上,能否永續的廣泛討論與抗爭,耗費不少社合 成本。 、 =„約有30〜4G⑽冷卻負荷,來自透過外殼進 部分熱量的進人’是節能的首要做法。 3熱麵工程$ ’ f見使用保麗龍、PU與玻璃 ^又曰卜^以工乱為中間夾層做隔熱/斷熱之用,或使用遮 蔭網、百茱或遮熱/隔熱塗料或貼紙等。 s尸熱/斷熱的此一方面,目前所使用的建 =頂隔熱材料麵好’主要目的為提昇賴物屋頂,阻絕 熱量之能力,避免形成室内龐大之熱負荷來源, 進而浪費大I之空⑽'統運轉能源,種類包含有:雜混凝 ^、隔熱碑:發泡玻璃、PS隔熱碑、五腳隔熱磚、石英隔熱 磚、保麗龍隔熱碑、橡膠隔熱碑、板岩隔熱碑、磨石子PS隔 熱磚、磨石子隔熱碑等,其熱傳能力的差距很 範圍可能為G.3〜0.G3 W/m.K。 令数 頂樓屋頂隔熱/斷熱的應用,近幾年來,因為陶粒此一產 品的出現’業者提出了陶粒隔糾,此—新的隔熱/斷熱材, 並已經逐漸的大量湘於,現代新建或重新裝潢的建築物之 中。 但是,傳統陶粒隔熱磚,一般是由陶粒、砂石、及水泥攪 拌而成,為求保溫/隔熱/斷熱之效果,傳統陶粒隔熱磚做得厚 度太厚,且重量太重,祗靠陶粒的孔隙,來達到隔熱效果,而 且整塊傳統陶粒隔熱碑内,黏結的水泥砂漿混凝土,比重大、 密度高,熱傳導率亦高,所以傳統陶粒隔熱碑的隔熱效果 預期的差,難以實用化。 有鑑於此,如何將傳統陶粒隔熱碑的結構優化,保留其優 點,降低其比重、熱傳導率’讓陶粒隔熱磚能輕量化、實用/化, 並擁有更佳的隔熱/斷熱之效果,如何讓陶粒的被動散熱效 果,化為主動散熱效果,便成為本發明欲改進的目的。 201206860 【發明内容】 一、本發明的技術手段: 本發明目的在於提供—種啤吸性、吸著性、保溫性 外表吴觀的卽能陶粒建材製法及其製品。 且 為解決前述問題及達到本發明的目的,本發明技 ΐίίίϊ方面’為—種節能_建材製法,其特徵在於包括又有 一产水泥f)、石料(ST)、石粉(Ρ)及水(w),放入第 攪32中,合均勻攪拌後,形成第-混合物⑴ οη、Γ驟一」再严前述第一混合物⑴’放入第一定量下料機 (〇)中,再藉由該第-定量下料機(2G) > 進入模具(30)内,作為面料層(F); 弟⑥口物⑴廣注 第一第—混合物⑴’直到到達模具(3〇)的- ⑽内的面料層(F),進行振動整平的動作;通傻冉對位於核具 叙ϋ四j於f驟—進行的同時,再將水泥(C)、發泡劑(V) 與水(W) ’放入第二攪拌桶(40)中,先 (FC)之後,再將數個陶粒⑹置人發泡水 二二 全發泡完畢後,便能形成均勾‘之砂 入經過鮮、技發泡後之砂漿狀的第二 ^50) L第-下料機⑽中’再藉由第二定量下料 機(50),將第一混合物(2)灌注進入 -fl —ί(Η?)^'Ϊί$^^(2) 5 一預疋冰度(Η2) ’元成底料層(s)的灌注; 模且3七放注後、内含有面料層(F)與底料層⑻的 十、(30丄放置在叫溫度為2。〜25。。的環境下,靜小 時’使前述面料層(F)與底料層⑸凝固,並相互完全結; 步驟八.將則述固化定形後的面料層⑺與底料層⑸,平] 5 201206860 =)模’讓面料層(F)與底料層(s)、和模具(30)分離開,成為初 步驟九:針對脫模後的該初胚(3),其底料層(s)至少一 ^面(S1),以至少一加工機(4)進行加工、去除浮游物雜質 讓底料層(S)的表面(S1)平整,並使加工後的表面⑽處、,复) 泡水泥(FC)之細微直徑的氣孔(FC1),與其陶粒仏)之峰巢狀 氣室(L1),顯露於外; 步2十:針對前述加工後的該初胚⑶,其面料層(F)一側、 J面,最大的外側表面㈣,以研磨機(5)進行研磨、使該外 ^面(F)平整光滑後、再以草酸砂輪⑹進行拋光動作,使 層(F)的外側表面(F)光亮,成為一節能陶粒建材(1〇〇); 寸 A ^中該陶粒(L)的粒徑為3mm〜12mm之間,並該陶粒 ()之體,百分比,為佔整體底料層(8)的4〇%〜9〇%之間; 而該發泡水泥(FC),發泡後的體積百分比,為佔整體底料 層(S)的10%〜6〇%之間。 根據上述的節能陶粒建材製法,所述第一預定深度 與第二預枝度(H2)_度關係,是為下列之—:第—預定^ 巧1)等於第二預紐度(H2)、第—預定财(m)小於第二預 疋深度(H2)。 根據上述的節能陶粒建材製法,所述加工機(4)是為下列 之一或其配合:研磨加工機、裁切機。 、根據上述的節能陶粒建材製法,所述步驟四中,更能額外 ,加^為敎並具抗水性之樣泡洙組合物的穩細(FS),以 =入該第二混合物(2)中,能使前述砂餘的第二混合物(2), ,攪J時紐增加,使第二混合佩2)内已職的泡珠更加穩 疋,有利於添加陶粒(L),而不會產生析離現象。 根據上述的節能陶粒建材製法,所述陶粒(L),是以下列 之—的材料,尚溫燒結形成為粒狀:頁岩、 下水道污泥、 水庫淤泥、黏土、粉煤灰。 根據上述的節能陶粒建材製法,所述石料(sT)是為下列之 201206860 兩者或全部的配合所組成:中白石、玉石、特白石; 一而所述石料(st)的材質,是為下列之一或其混合:天然石 頭、大理石、花岡石、加工後的石頭、人造陶瓷。 根據上述的節能陶粒建材製法,所述步驟四的發泡水泥 (FC)中’更包括有砂(SA)與石粉(p)。 根據上述的節能陶粒建材製法,所述節能陶粒建材(100) 是為下列之一:隔熱磚、地磚。 為解決前述問題及達到本發明的目的,本發明技術手段, 關於製品方面,為一種節能陶粒建材,其包括:201206860, invention description: [Technical Field] The present invention relates to an energy-saving ceramsite building material method and a product thereof. [Prior Art] The urban heat island effect (heatisiand effect) is a regional climate phenomenon discovered in large cities around the world since 196. In particular, 'there is no abnormality in the surrounding areas of the city after the morning or sunset. The discovery of this phenomenon is due to the fact that the artificial wei ^ ^ now enables humans to use artificial satellites to shoot from high altitudes in infrared light. The original purpose was to use for meteorological measurement to analyze the rain furnace. However, humans later discovered the temperature of the area in the photo from the infrared image. Compared with the suburbs, it has obvious differences. It looks like: It is like a floating island in the surrounding area. The city's money is based on the various artificial environments absorbing many of the sun's light shots, ice-colored roofs, walls, floors, and uneven buildings between the building's ground and the reflection and absorption between the ground, in addition to the city's daily release of a large number Man-made heat, such as the use of workers, the emission of heat from steam locomotives, serious air pollution, the cover of these pollutants, and the receipt of the ground 'all these are the reasons for the formation of urban heat islands. Most of the city's second building is built of stone and concrete. Its thermal conductivity and heat capacity are high, and the building itself blocks or weakens the wind, making the city higher than the suburbs and rural areas, thus forming urban heat A. effect. φ + 十 ^ degrees In recent years, the building has continued to develop at high altitudes, and the rivers are covered, and the flow of the roads has intensified the high temperature inside the city. Outside the tropical and subtropical buildings, if proper heat insulation/heat shield is not provided, it will cost a large amount of air-conditioning costs in the summer to maintain the indoor air temperature and humidity within an appropriate range. &> „On the other hand, the air conditioning system radiates heat to the outside, making the urban heat island effect even more serious. The summer peak power consumption is high, often causing the power generation system to jump, sometimes even by partition, electricity or power Measures to cope with the losses caused by the industry. Adding nuclear. Plants, or cover reservoirs, hydropower generation, or coal-fired power generation, will be ^ ^ 3 201206860 f and ecological, whether it can be discussed extensively and Struggle, cost a lot of social synthesis., = „about 30~4G (10) cooling load, from the heat into the shell through the shell' is the first practice of energy saving. 3 hot surface engineering $ ' f see the use of styrofoam, PU and glass ^ and 曰 ^ ^ to work in the middle of the interlayer for insulation / heat, or use shade network, Bailu or heat / heat insulation Paint or stickers, etc. On the one hand of the corpse heat/heat-breaking, the main purpose of the construction of the top-top insulation material is to improve the roof of the dam, to block the heat, to avoid the formation of a huge source of heat load in the room, and to waste the big I. The air (10) 'running energy, the types include: miscellaneous coagulation ^, heat insulation monument: foam glass, PS heat insulation monument, five-foot insulation brick, quartz heat insulation brick, styrofoam heat insulation monument, rubber insulation Hot monument, slate heat insulation monument, whetstone PS insulation brick, whetstone heat insulation monument, etc., the difference in heat transfer capacity may be G.3~0.G3 W/mK. In the past few years, because of the appearance of this product, the ceramsite has proposed the ceramsite isolation, this new insulation/heat breaking material, and has gradually increased a lot. In, modern built or refurbished buildings. However, the traditional ceramsite insulating bricks are generally made of ceramsite, sandstone, and cement. For the purpose of heat preservation/insulation/heat breaking, the traditional ceramsite insulating bricks are made thick and heavy. Too heavy, relying on the pores of the ceramsite to achieve the heat insulation effect, and the whole traditional ceramic ceramsite heat insulation monument, the cement mortar concrete bonded, the ratio is high, the density is high, the thermal conductivity is also high, so the traditional ceramsite insulation The heat insulation effect of the monument is expected to be poor and difficult to use. In view of this, how to optimize the structure of traditional ceramsite heat insulation monument, retain its advantages, reduce its specific gravity, thermal conductivity, 'allow ceramsite thermal insulation bricks to be lightweight, practical / chemical, and have better insulation / break The effect of heat, how to make the passive heat dissipation effect of the ceramsite into an active heat dissipation effect, is the object of the present invention to be improved. 201206860 [Description of the Invention] 1. Technical means of the present invention: The object of the present invention is to provide a method for preparing a ceramsite building material and a product thereof which are capable of attracting, absorbing and heat-absorbing properties. In order to solve the foregoing problems and achieve the object of the present invention, the present invention is an energy-saving method for building materials, which is characterized in that it includes another cement f), stone (ST), stone powder (Ρ) and water (w). ), placed in the second stirring 32, after uniformly stirring, forming the first mixture (1) οη, Γ一" and then the first mixture (1)' is placed in the first quantitative cutting machine (〇), and then by The first-quantity cutting machine (2G) > enters the mold (30) as a fabric layer (F); the younger brother (1) wide-opens the first first-mixture (1)' until it reaches the mold (3〇) - (10) The inner fabric layer (F) is used for the vibration leveling action; the silly cockroach is located at the same time as the nuclear tool (C), the foaming agent (V) and the water ( W) 'Into the second mixing tank (40), first (FC), then put a few ceramic granules (6) into the foaming water after the second full foaming, you can form the sand of the hook In the mortar-like second ^50) L first-feeder (10) after the foaming, the first mixture (2) is poured into the -fl_ί (by the second quantitative feeder (50). Η?)^'Ϊί$^^(2) 5 one pre The degree of ice (Η2) 'input into the bottom layer (s); after the mold and 3, the inner layer contains the fabric layer (F) and the bottom layer (8) ten, (30 丄 placed at a temperature of 2. Under the environment of ~25., the above-mentioned fabric layer (F) and the bottom layer (5) are solidified and completely joined to each other; Step 8. The cured fabric layer (7) and the bottom layer (5) are flattened. ] 5 201206860 =) mold 'separate the fabric layer (F) from the bottom layer (s), and the mold (30), which becomes the initial step nine: for the initial embryo (3) after demolding, the bottom layer (s) at least one surface (S1), processed by at least one processing machine (4), removing floating matter impurities to flatten the surface (S1) of the primer layer (S), and at the processed surface (10), The pores (FC1) of the fine-grained cement (FC) and the peak-shaped gas chamber (L1) of the ceramsite 显) are exposed; Step 20: For the blast (3) after the processing, the The fabric layer (F) side, the J surface, and the largest outer surface (4) are ground by a grinder (5), and the outer surface (F) is smoothed, and then polished by an oxalic acid grinding wheel (6) to make a layer ( The outer surface (F) of F) is bright and becomes one The ceramsite building material (1〇〇); the size of the ceramsite (L) in the inch A ^ is between 3mm and 12mm, and the body of the ceramsite (), the percentage is the overall bottom layer (8) Between 4% and 9% of the foamed cement (FC), the volume percentage after foaming is between 10% and 6% of the total primer layer (S). According to the above method for manufacturing an energy-saving ceramsite building material, the relationship between the first predetermined depth and the second pre-branched degree (H2)_degree is as follows: - the first predetermined time 1) is equal to the second pre-new degree (H2) The first predetermined wealth (m) is less than the second pre-dip depth (H2). According to the above method for producing an energy-saving ceramsite building material, the processing machine (4) is one of the following or a combination thereof: a grinding machine and a cutting machine. According to the above method for manufacturing an energy-saving ceramsite building material, in the fourth step, it is more preferable to add a fineness (FS) of the foam-like composition of the hydrazine-like water-repellent composition to the second mixture (2). In the above, the second mixture (2) of the sand residue can be increased, and the second mixing layer 2) is more stable, which is beneficial to the addition of the ceramsite (L). There will be no separation. According to the above-mentioned method for manufacturing an energy-saving ceramsite building material, the ceramsite (L) is formed into a granular shape by the following materials: shale, sewage sludge, reservoir sludge, clay, fly ash. According to the above method for manufacturing an energy-saving ceramsite building material, the stone material (sT) is composed of two or all of the following 201206860: Zhongbaishi, jade, and special white stone; and the material of the stone material (st) is One of the following or a mixture thereof: natural stone, marble, granite, processed stone, artificial ceramic. According to the above method for producing an energy-saving ceramsite building material, the foamed cement (FC) in the fourth step further includes sand (SA) and stone powder (p). According to the above method for manufacturing an energy-saving ceramsite building material, the energy-saving ceramsite building material (100) is one of the following: heat-insulating bricks and floor tiles. In order to solve the foregoing problems and achieve the object of the present invention, the technical means of the present invention, in terms of products, is an energy-saving ceramsite building material, which comprises:

一以如請求項1所述的節能陶粒建材製法,所製成的節能 陶粒建材(100); 遠節能陶粒建材(100)是由以水泥(C)、石料(ST)、石粉(P) 及水混合均勻攪拌,而固化形成的一面料層(F) ;以及 ,、設於該面料層(F)—側,以水泥(c)、發泡劑(v)、水(w)所 形成之發泡水泥(FC),配合陶粒(L)混合均勻攪拌,而固化形 成的一底料層(S)所組成; 其特徵在於: 、—该底料層(S)的至少一側表面(S1),為經至少一加工機 ^行加工、去除浮游物雜質(31)後,使底料層(S)的表面(S1)平 友,而讓加工後的表面(Si)處,其發泡水泥(FC)之細微直徑的 氣孔(FC1) ’與其陶粒(l)之峰巢狀的氣室(L1),顯露於外; 而該爾層(n表面積最大的外面(Fl),為經研 趴、(5)進行研磨、使該外側表面(F)平整光滑後、再以草酸砂 輪⑹進行拋光動作後,而使面料層(F)的外側表面(F)光亮; 其中,s玄陶粒(L)的粒徑為3mm〜12mm之間,並該陶粒 ()之體f百分比,為佔整體底料層(8)的4〇%〜9〇%之間; 而該發泡水泥(FC) ’發泡後的體積百分比,為佔整體底料 層(S)的1〇%〜6〇〇/0之間。 根據^述的節能陶粒建材,所述陶粒(L),是以下列之一 的材料鬲脈燒結形成為粒狀:頁岩、下水道污泥、水庫於滅s 201206860 黏土、粉煤灰; 二是為下列之-:隔— 廢,明^,會對底料層(s)的表面(si) ’進行切割及/或研 平整’疋因為—般底料層⑸在製造時,表面 將ί m ’触在製料,就要儘量避免發泡水泥(fc) ί iim 水、♦灰、氣泡過多及絲的清況,但是在終凝 ‘白聽,還疋會產生—些屬物’如:水泥石膏浮游物、 U荨匕貝,市面一般傳統陶粒隔熱磚製品,表層若未研磨 土切广白有白樺或石膏等浮游物雜質,所以本發明的重點 二加工機_作’將其切割及/或研磨乾淨,以 La;二7 C)之細微直控的氣孔(FC1),與其陶粒(L)之峰巢 整美U ’顯露於外’綺析可見,使其表面(S1)乾淨平 雜古!發明中,藉由底料層(s)藉由其多孔性,輕質及吸水率 贫:/性’透過發泡水泥㈣之細微直徑的氣孔(fci),與 ^ 之奪巢狀的氣室(L1) ’能在夜間做露水、濃霧等大 經水氣’當白天太陽上升,溫度昇高時,能慢慢 的水氣,猶如形成汽化作用,宛如會呼吸的建材,能 、士二&梁内部的溫度變化幅度,在吸收水氣與調節溫度上更 ’讓建築物室内溫度不會驟昇,降低空調耗能,具有一 疋的郎能效果,符合綠建材的精神。 十本發明中,面料層(F)的外側表面(F),其外側表面(F)經 後,使其表面光滑,再使用草酸砂輪(6)拋光,藉由草酸 上兩⑹,磨時,釋出之草酸’與外側表面(F)的水泥(c)、石料 Τ)之杈酸舞’結合形成草酸舞的結晶體,由於該結晶體不透 7的特性’能施作完成的同時,達到防污、财磨、及光亮的效 果,=且由於其表面光亮,當舖設在屋頂上時,能反射一部分 的太陽直射之熱量,能再降低本發明吸收的熱能量。 4.本發明中,透過使用面料層(F)加底料層(幻的配合方 201206860 式,可使底料層(s)因發泡水泥(FC)與陶粒(L)的結合,而產生 之強度不足的隱憂’藉由面料層(F)高強度比例之水泥(c)的結 合輔助,形成互補’使本發明的製品強度增加。 5.本發明中,底料層(S)藉由其内部發泡水泥(FC),呈現許 多細微士徑的氣泡,使其重量降低或減半,達到輕質的要求, 同時也藉由這些細小直徑之氣泡,使底料層(8)密度降低,阻 絕熱源傳遞,達到優於傳統陶粒隔熱磚,擁有更佳的隔埶的效 果。 ’、、、 【實施方式】The energy-saving ceramsite building materials (100) made by the energy-saving ceramsite building materials method as claimed in claim 1; the far-energy-saving ceramsite building materials (100) are made of cement (C), stone (ST), stone powder ( P) and a mixture of water and evenly stirred to form a fabric layer (F); and, on the side of the fabric layer (F), with cement (c), foaming agent (v), water (w) The formed foamed cement (FC) is mixed with the ceramsite (L) and uniformly stirred to form a bottom layer (S) formed by solidification; and characterized in that: - at least one of the bottom layer (S) The side surface (S1) is such that after the processing of at least one processing machine to remove the impurity (31) of the float, the surface (S1) of the bottom layer (S) is made flat, and the surface (Si) after processing is processed. , the pores of the fine-diameter (FC1) of the foamed cement (FC) and the gas-filled chamber (L1) of the peak of the ceramsite (l) are exposed; and the layer (the outer surface of the largest n-surface area (Fl) After polishing the mortar (5), smoothing the outer surface (F), and then polishing the oxalic acid wheel (6), the outer surface (F) of the fabric layer (F) is bright; , s Xuan ceramsite (L) particle size between 3mm~12mm And the percentage of the body f of the ceramsite () is between 4% and 9% of the total base layer (8); and the volume percentage of the foamed cement (FC) after foaming is The base layer (S) is between 1% and 6〇〇/0. According to the energy-saving ceramsite building material described in the above, the ceramsite (L) is sintered in a granular shape by one of the following materials. : shale, sewer sludge, reservoir in the s 201206860 clay, fly ash; the second is the following -: partition - waste, Ming ^, will cut the surface (si) of the bottom layer (s) and / Or research flattening '疋 because the bottom layer (5) is made at the time of manufacture, the surface will touch the material, it is necessary to avoid foaming cement (fc) ί iim water, ♦ gray, excessive bubbles and silk condition However, in the final condensing 'white hearing, it will also produce some of the genus' such as: cement gypsum floats, U mussels, the market traditional ceramsite insulation brick products, if the surface layer is not ground, cut white and white birch Or floating matter impurities such as gypsum, so the focus of the second processing machine of the present invention is to cut and/or grind it to La; 2 7 C) finely controlled pores (FC1), and its ceramsite (L) The peak nest of the whole beauty U 'exposed to the outside' can be seen, making its surface (S1) clean and flat! In the invention, by the bottom layer (s) by its porosity, light weight and poor water absorption : / Sex 'through the foamed cement (four) of the fine diameter of the pores (fci), and ^ nested air chamber (L1) 'can do dew, dense fog and other large water vapor at night' when the sun rises, the temperature When it is raised, it can slowly vaporize, just like the formation of vaporization, like the building materials that can breathe, the temperature variation inside the energy, the second and the beam, and the temperature of the building and the temperature. It will not rise sharply, reduce the energy consumption of air conditioners, and has a sturdy Lang effect, in line with the spirit of green building materials. In the ten inventions, the outer surface (F) of the fabric layer (F), the outer surface (F) of the fabric layer is smoothed, and then polished with an oxalic acid grinding wheel (6), by grinding two (6) on the oxalic acid, The released oxalic acid 'the sulphuric dance of the cement (c) and the stone Τ on the outer surface (F) combines to form the crystal of the oxalic acid dance, and the crystallization of the crystal is impervious to the characteristics of 7 The effect of pollution, grind, and light, and because of its bright surface, when it is laid on the roof, it can reflect a part of the heat directly radiated by the sun, which can reduce the heat energy absorbed by the present invention. 4. In the present invention, by using the fabric layer (F) plus the primer layer (the magic compound formula 201206860, the primer layer (s) can be combined with the foamed cement (FC) and the ceramsite (L). The insufficiency of the resulting strength is caused by the combination of the fabric layer (F) and the high strength ratio of the cement (c) to form a complementary 'the strength of the article of the invention is increased. 5. In the present invention, the bottom layer (S) From its internal foamed cement (FC), it exhibits many fine-diameter bubbles, which reduce or halve its weight to meet the light weight requirements. At the same time, the density of the bottom layer (8) is also achieved by these fine-diameter bubbles. Reduce, block the heat source transmission, achieve better than traditional ceramsite insulation bricks, and have better barrier effect. ',,, [Embodiment]

以下依據圖面所示的實施例詳細說明如後: 如圖1所示為本發明製法的流程方塊示意圖,如圖2〜 所示為本發明的製法流程示意圖。 圖式中揭示出,關於製法方面,為一種節能陶粒建材 法,其特徵在於包括有下列步驟: i ^驟一.將水泥(〇、石料(ST)、石粉(p)及水(w),放入第 -攪拌桶(1G)中,-麟合均勻勝後,形成第—混合 步驟二:再將前述第一混合物⑴,放入第-定量下料機 ⑽中’再藉由該第-定量下料機(2〇) ’將第一混合物⑴灌注 進入模具(30)内,作為面料層(F); 兹丄持續灌注第一混合物⑴’直到到達模具(30)的一 第-預疋球度(H1),完成面料層(F)的灌注,隨後再對位 (30)内的面料層(F),進行振動整平的動作; 、〃、 步驟四:於步驟-進行的同時,再將水泥(c)、發 (FC)之後,再將數個陶粒(L)置入發泡水泥 , 完全發泡完畢後,便能形成柄混合之频^第 第二餅桶⑽中,先行攪拌以形成發泡水泥 步驟五:前義顧拌 '完全發錢之砂 混^物(2),放入第二定量下料機(5〇)中,旦: 機⑽,將第二混合物(聊注進人、前述 201206860 的模,灌注於面料層_—側,以作為底料層⑻; -預ϊ:罙ioiit續ί2二混合物(2),直到到達模具⑽的第 一預疋冰度(Η2),元成底料層(s)的灌注; 掇且注後、内含有面料層(F)與底料層(S)的 ^” 境溫度為2〇〜25ΐ的環境下,靜養48小 日守,使則述面料層(F)與底料層(s)凝固,並相互完全黏紝· 以脫ί驟Ϊ而述固化定形後的面料層(F)與底料層⑸,予 $)模’讓面料層(F)與底料層⑻、和模具(3〇)分離開,成為初 =)的表二=處質二 表面述加工後的該初胚⑶’其面料層(f) 一侧、 ^ 、卜側表面(F1),以研磨機(5)進行研磨、使竽夕卜伽 表面(F)平整光滑後、再以草 ^^ ”外, 其中,該陶粒(L)的粒徑為3mm〜12mm之Ρ彳, 積百分比’為伯整體底料層⑻的40%〜9GI/q之間 泡水泥(FC),發泡後_積百分比,為佔 整體底料 層(S)的10%〜6〇〇/〇之間▽ 使 其表二料f ?)的表面(si),進行切割及/或研磨, 時,JL底料込疋因為傳統陶粒隔熱磚的底層,在势造 “二般ί,::,作時,就要儘以 研1切割’皆有白樺或石料轉物雜質;層右未 χ本發明透過加工機(4)的動作,將底料層⑻的表面 201206860 (si),切割及/或研磨乾淨,以讓發泡水泥(FC)之細微直徑的氣 孔(FC1),與其陶粒(L)之峰巢狀的氣室(L1),顯露於外,能清 析可見’使其表面(S1)乾淨平整美觀。The following is a detailed description of the process according to the embodiment shown in the drawings: FIG. 1 is a schematic flow chart of the manufacturing method of the present invention, and FIG. 2 is a schematic diagram showing the process flow of the present invention. The figure reveals that, in terms of the manufacturing method, it is an energy-saving ceramsite building material method, which is characterized by the following steps: i ^Step 1. Cement (〇, stone (ST), stone powder (p) and water (w) , placed in the first-mixing tank (1G), after the uniformization, the first mixing step 2: the first mixture (1) is placed in the first-quantity cutting machine (10), and then by the first - Quantitative cutting machine (2 〇) 'Pour the first mixture (1) into the mold (30) as a fabric layer (F); continue to infuse the first mixture (1) ' until reaching the first (pre) of the mold (30) The sphericity (H1), the filling of the fabric layer (F) is completed, and then the fabric layer (F) in the alignment (30) is vibrated and leveled; 〃, step 4: at the same time as the step-- After cement (c) and hair (FC), several ceramsites (L) are placed in the foamed cement. After the foaming is completed, the shank mixing frequency can be formed into the second cake bucket (10). First, stir to form foamed cement. Step 5: Pre-mixing 'completely paying the sand mixture (2), put it into the second quantitative cutting machine (5〇), Dan: Machine (10), will be the second mixture (Talk into the person, the previous 201206860 mold, infused on the fabric layer _-side, as the bottom layer (8); - Pre-ϊ: 罙ioiit continuation ί2 two mixture (2), until reaching the first pre-ice degree of the mold (10) (Η2), the perfusion of the base layer (s) of the Yuancheng; and after the injection, the temperature of the fabric layer (F) and the bottom layer (S) is 2〇~25ΐ, and the environment is 48 Small day-to-day, so that the fabric layer (F) and the bottom layer (s) are solidified and completely adhered to each other. The fabric layer (F) and the bottom layer (5) after curing are fixed. $) The mold 'separates the fabric layer (F) from the bottom layer (8) and the mold (3〇), and becomes the first =) table 2 = the surface of the second surface after processing the initial embryo (3) 'the fabric layer ( f) one side, ^, and the side surface (F1), grinding with a grinder (5), smoothing the surface of the 竽 卜 伽 (F), and then using the grass ^^", where the ceramsite ( The particle size of L) is between 3mm and 12mm, and the percentage of product is '40%~9GI/q between the primary solid bottom layer (8), and the percentage of the foam is _product. The surface of the layer (S) is between 10% and 6〇〇/〇, making it the surface of the material f?) (si), when cutting and / or grinding, JL primer 込疋 because of the bottom layer of traditional ceramsite insulation bricks, in the creation of "two ί, ::, when doing, it is necessary to do the research 1 cutting" All have white birch or stone transfer impurities; the right side of the present invention through the action of the processing machine (4), the surface of the bottom layer (8) 201206860 (si), cut and / or ground to allow foamed cement (FC The pores of the fine diameter (FC1), and the nest-shaped gas chamber (L1) of the ceramsite (L), are exposed, and can be clearly seen to make the surface (S1) clean and beautiful.

其次,本發明為了讓底料層(8),能產生一節能作用,故 透過底料層(S)其多孔性,輕質及吸水率稍高的特性,利用發 泡水泥(FC)之細微直徑的氣孔(FC1),與其陶粒(L)之峰巢狀的 氣室(L1),好在夜間吸收露水、濃霧等大自然水中含有的水氣; 尸而萬白天太1%上升’溫度昇向時,便能慢慢釋出氣孔(FCi) 與氣室(L1)内部的水氣,形成汽化作用,緩和建築物内部的溫 度變化幅度,產生主動調節溫度的效果,讓建築物室内溫声 會驟昇,降低空調耗能,具有一定的節能效果。 再者,面料層(F)的外側表面(F),藉由草酸砂輪⑹研磨時, 釋出之草酸[Oxalic acid],與外側表面(F)的水泥(c)、石 之碳酸妈,結合形鮮峡[CaC2〇4]的結_,峡該結晶 不透水的特性,能施作完成關時,達到 古 的教要。 久尤冗 另外’透過面料層(F)的外側表面(F)之光亮效果 1屋頂上時,能反射—部分的太陽直射之鍾,能 ^ 明吸收的熱能量。 &尽毛 ^田另一方面,面料層(F)加底料層(s)的配合,不但能有節於 效果’更重要的是,透過面料層(F),解決 : 泥㈣與陶粒(L)的結合,而產生之強度不足的隱y因= = (=)高強度_之水泥(c)的結合漏,形成 j 口 強度增加。 f旦ίϊ 層⑻藉由其内部之發泡水泥(Fc)的氣泡,使| 半、’達到㈣的要求,同時也藉由這些細小h 屈阻絶熱源傳遞’更使底料層⑻密度降低,達到優二 傳、,先陶粒隔熱碑的隔熱效果。 優於 声二述^所述第—賊深度(ηι)與第二預定深度(Η2)的深 又fl糸7C為下列之-:第一預定深度_等於第二預定深影 201206860 (H2m__)小於第二預定深度_ ◊ 八中,透過不同深度關係的第一預定 能提供不同的隔熱效果,以提比,產生變化, 工機、裁切機。()4下狀—或其配合:研磨加 選』游物雜質的量, 裁切,還是以研磨加怂研磨,是裁切機 工機來加工^擇最適當的加工法研^ 為可使用的節能陶粒建材(丨⑻)。 成 性之驟四中’更能額外添加—為穩定並具抗水 ί 的穩泡劑(FS),以混人該第二混合物(2) #第-Ί2二水狀的第一混合物(2) ’在攪拌時黏性增加, 已形成的泡料加财,有利於添加陶粒 (L) ’而不會產生析離現象。 ,中’此種穩泡劑㈣的使用,更讓節能陶粒建材( =料層(S)内’成形均勻、大量、細小封閉的氣泡,以提高 3 ’降低整體的重量,讓密度及強度皆穩定,與傳統陶粒隔 熱磚相比,性質能更加的優良,而且更輕。 穩泡劑(FS),穩定並具抗水性之水性泡洙組合物,[Α別此匕Secondly, in order to allow the primer layer (8) to produce an energy-saving effect, the present invention utilizes the fineness of the bottom layer (S), the lightness and the slightly higher water absorption rate, and utilizes the fineness of the foamed cement (FC). The pores of the diameter (FC1), and the nested air chamber (L1) of the ceramsite (L), absorb the water and water contained in the natural water such as dew and dense fog at night; the corpse is too 1% rise during the day. When rising, it can slowly release the water vapor inside the air hole (FCi) and the air chamber (L1) to form a vaporization effect, moderate the temperature variation inside the building, and produce the effect of actively adjusting the temperature to make the building indoor temperature. The sound will rise sharply, reduce the energy consumption of the air conditioner, and have a certain energy saving effect. Furthermore, the outer surface (F) of the fabric layer (F), when ground by the oxalic acid grinding wheel (6), releases the oxalic acid [Oxalic acid], which is combined with the cement (c) of the outer surface (F) and the carbonic acid mother of the stone. The knot of the shape of the fresh gorge [CaC2〇4], the gorge that the crystal is impervious to water, can be used to complete the closure, reaching the ancient teachings. For a long time, the other is the light effect of the outer surface (F) of the fabric layer (F). When the roof is on, it can reflect part of the direct sunlight, which can illuminate the absorbed heat energy. On the other hand, the combination of the fabric layer (F) and the bottom layer (s) not only has the effect of the knot. More importantly, through the fabric layer (F), the solution: mud (four) and pottery The combination of the particles (L), and the resulting insufficient strength of the hidden y factor = = (=) high strength _ cement (c) combined leakage, forming a j mouth strength increase. The layer (8), by means of the bubbles of its internal foamed cement (Fc), allows the |half, 'to reach the requirements of (4), and also transmits by these fine h-resistance adiabatic sources to further reduce the density of the primer layer (8). , to achieve the best second pass, the first ceramic ceramsite heat insulation effect. The depth of the first thief depth (ηι) and the second predetermined depth (Η2) and the value of the 糸 糸 7C are as follows - the first predetermined depth _ is equal to the second predetermined deep shadow 201206860 (H2m__) is smaller than The second predetermined depth _ 八 eight, through the first predetermined relationship of different depth relationships can provide different insulation effects, to compare, produce changes, work machines, cutting machines. () 4 under the shape - or its cooperation: grinding and selection of the amount of animal impurities, cutting, or grinding and grinding, is the cutting machine to process the most appropriate processing method ^ can be used Ceramsite building materials (丨(8)). In the fourth step of the traits, 'more additional added' is a stable and water-resistant foam stabilizer (FS) to mix the second mixture (2) #第-Ί2 dihydrated first mixture (2 ) 'The viscosity increases when stirring, and the formed foam is rich, which is beneficial to the addition of ceramsite (L)' without precipitation. , the use of this kind of foam stabilizer (four), more energy-saving ceramsite building materials (= material layer (S) inside forming a uniform, large, small closed bubbles, to improve 3 'lower overall weight, let density and strength Stable, compared with traditional ceramsite insulation bricks, the properties are more excellent and lighter. Foam stabilizer (FS), stable and water-resistant aqueous foam composition, [check this 匕

Water-Resistant Aqueous Foam Composition,該組合物包含有: (I )長鏈的有機陽離子,(RRlR2R3)N + x-;以及 (π )長鏈的有機陰離子,R’_z-Y + J。 例如:美國專利公告第5696174號[申請曰:1996年12 月4日]所提及的穩定並具抗水性的水性泡泳組合物,即為一 較優的選擇’透過長鏈的有機陽離子、與長鏈的有機陰離子化 合物的配合,能使第二混合物(2)内已形成的泡沫更加穩定, 並能使前述砂漿狀的第二混合物(2) ’在攪拌時黏性增加,有 利於添加陶粒(L),而不會產生析離現象。 12 201206860 其中,傳統的水溶液發泡劑,多由界面活性劑所組成,這 種發泡劑產生的泡沫穩定性低,泡沫形成數分鐘内,即開始陸 續消失[破泡]’對比重較低的輕質材料,如:陶粒(L),在搜拌 時’也會產生析離現象,現場澆置時,第二混合物(2)内的泡 沐持續發生消失現象,其先澆置在模具(3〇)内的第二混合物 (2) ’與後面澆置在模具(30)内的第二混合物(2),因澆置有時間 差,在第二混合物(2)硬化後,第二混合物(2)内所含氣泡大小 不一,先澆置的第二混合物(2),氣體在固體中的氣泡多、而 直徑細小,後澆置的第二混合物(2),氣體在固體中的氣泡少、 而直徑較大,造成底料層(S)的密度與強度不一,隔熱、保溫、 隔《效果下降’讓整體成為廢材,此現象當添加的内容物,含 有陶粒(L)時’還會更加的嚴重。Water-Resistant Aqueous Foam Composition, the composition comprises: (I) a long chain organic cation, (RRlR2R3)N + x-; and a (π) long chain organic anion, R'_z-Y + J. For example, the stable and water-resistant aqueous blister composition mentioned in U.S. Patent No. 5,696,174 [Applicable 曰: December 4, 1996] is a preferred choice to pass through long-chain organic cations. The combination with the long-chain organic anionic compound can make the foam formed in the second mixture (2) more stable, and can increase the viscosity of the second mixture (2) of the above-mentioned mortar during stirring, which is beneficial to the addition. Ceramsite (L) without precipitation. 12 201206860 Among them, the traditional aqueous foaming agent is mostly composed of surfactants. The foaming agent has low foam stability, and the foam is formed within a few minutes, which begins to disappear [broken bubble]. The lightweight materials, such as: ceramsite (L), will also produce separation during the mixing process. When placed on site, the foam in the second mixture (2) will continue to disappear, and it will be poured first. a second mixture (2) in the mold (3) and a second mixture (2) deposited in the mold (30), with a time difference, after the second mixture (2) is hardened, second The size of the bubbles contained in the mixture (2) is different, the second mixture (2) is first poured, the gas has a large number of bubbles in the solid, and the diameter is small, and the second mixture (2) is post-cast, and the gas is in the solid. The number of bubbles is small, and the diameter is large, resulting in different density and strength of the bottom layer (S). Insulation, heat preservation, and separation of the effect are reduced to make the whole waste material. This phenomenon is added when the content contains ceramsite. (L) will be even more serious.

因此,本發明選擇該穩定並具抗水性的水性泡沬組合物, 做,穩泡劑(FS),來改善氣泡不均勻、不夠小、量不夠的種種 問題’使第二混合物(2)内,能有穩定並具抗水性的泡沐,不 僅能提升節能陶粒建材(100)的品質,同時能佶篦二混奋物门) 亡^中’所述石料(ST)是為下列之兩者或全部的配合所組 成·中白石、玉石、特白石;Therefore, the present invention selects the stable and water-resistant aqueous foam composition, and the foam stabilizer (FS) to improve various problems such as unevenness of bubbles, insufficient size, and insufficient amount, so that the second mixture (2) is It can be stabilized and water-resistant, not only can improve the quality of energy-saving ceramsite building materials (100), but also can be used to smash the second thing. The stone (ST) is the following two Made up of or all of the cooperation · Zhongbaishi, jade, special white stone;

! 0之配合,讓本發明的面料 ,宙夕々较 厂能更加的多元仆,$夕松With the cooperation of 0, the fabric of the present invention, the ceremonial ceremonies of the factory can be more diversified, $ 夕松

&述步驟四的發泡水泥(rc)巾,更包括有砂(SA) 、,此為一般所習知的技術手段,故不於此詳s] 13 201206860 加敘述。 如圖5所示為本發明製品的立體示意圖,如圖6所示為圖5 底料層表面部分之微構造的放大示意圖。 圖式中揭示出,關於製品方面’為一種節能陶粒建材,其 包括: 一以如請求項1所述的節能陶粒建材製法,所製成的節能 陶粒建材(100); 該節能陶粒建材(100)是由以水泥(C)、石料(ST)、石粉(p) 及水(W)混合均勻擾拌,而固化形成的一面料層(F);以及 设於§亥面料層(F)—側,以水泥(C)、發泡劑(V)、水(w)所 形成之發泡水泥(FC),配合陶粒(L)混合均勻撥拌,而固化形 成的一底料層(S)所組成; 其特徵在於: 5玄底料層(S)的至少一側表面(S1),為經至少一加工機(4) 進行加工、去除浮游物雜質(31)後,使底料層(S)的表面(S1)平 而讓加工後的表面(S1)處,其發泡水泥(FC)之細微直徑的 氣孔(FC1),與其陶粒(L)之峰巢狀的氣室(u),顯露於外; 而該面料層(F)—側、表面積最大的外側表面(F1),為經研 磨機(5)進行研磨、使該外側表面(F)平整光滑後、再以草酸砂 輪(6)進行拋光動作後,而使面料層(F)的外側表面(F)光亮; 其中’ έ亥陶粒(L)的粒徑為3mm〜12mm之間,並該陶粒 0之體積百分比,為佔整體底料層(s)的40%〜90%之間; 而該發泡水泥(FC),發泡後的體積百分比,為佔整體底料 層(S)的10%〜60%之間。 山其中’此種節能陶粒建材(1〇〇),相較於傳統陶粒隔熱磚 =δ。’陶粒(L)的體積百分比降低’只佔整體底料層(幻的4〇0/〇 二9〇%之間,非佔整體傳統陶粒隔熱磚的70%〜90%之間,能 降低整體的成本。 读μ其次L透過面料層(F)的配合,產生一反光的效果,不但 :正體的隔熱效果’獲得保障之外,更是提供了 一非常美觀的 14 201206860 造景效果’讓隔熱碑不再是建築物整體景觀的破壞者。 再者’因為内含有發泡水泥(FC),所以節能陶粒建材(1〇〇) 内部,ί保f有許多細微直徑的氣泡,優於傳統陶粒建材 (2〇f),藉由錢P旬粒建材(1〇〇)内部的細小泡沐孔徑,能使其 重量降低或減半,達到節能陶粒建材(1〇〇),輕質的要求,同 時也藉由這些細小直徑的氣泡,使陶粒混凝土密度降低,阻絕 熱源的傳遞,達到優於傳統陶粒建材的隔熱、保溫、盘隔音效 果0 / 形成: 陶粒(L) ’是以下列之一的材料,高溫燒結 • 形成=狀;、下水道污泥、水庫淤泥、黏土、粉煤灰。 且右板岩所製成_邮),f量輕、強度高, 配ί的、抗渗、吸音等特點;用此種陶粒⑸ 耐磨、陪=\貝建材’自重輕、強度高、抗震、抗碳化、耐酸、 與同強度等級的普通建材相比, 重應危告’ 築工程最理想的結構的女王性’是高層建築、大跨度建 能用成的陶雖), •量:,統碑輕二到三成,而且更能讓建築 有效減少鋼^吏二也將變少或縮小樑柱體積,能 ,.、吏用也讓各樓層的使用空間增加。 陶粒(L)來取代^置漸減,砂石成本升高,利用此種 建築的、結構成本降低下, 能相對的i高的加逮度地震力也比傳統建築少,耐震度也 損及強的ί、#具良好保溫、保水及遽水效果,耐磨 污泥、水iir ϊί,、鋪定性高,且由於是以下水ϊ 庫ι尼、或黏土,所改製成的綠色材料 = 15 201206860 常環保,成本又低、取得更是方便。 料煤ί所製成的陶粒(L),是以粉煤灰為主要原 ί捧入適量石灰(或電石逢)、石膏、外加劑 反庠二的配;2、成型、水化和水熱合成反應或自然水硬性 反應而製成的一種人造輕質建材。 種ϊίίΐ—般是圓球形,表皮粗糙而堅硬,内部有細 Η X色或粉煤灰本色,因為此種陶粒(L)和水泥(C) 應形成了—個整體,具有非常強的結合力; 社料之門日石料只是被水泥基體包裹起來,石料與膠 間ϊ應;根據需要,可以配製成隔_護、承重 等高強輕多孔磚、地面碑、標準磚、保溫隔熱牆板 ^種陶粒(L)的密度等級分4〇〇〜㈣級,此種陶粒⑹用於 二以?溫隔熱,又可以防止屋面積水,極大地減 μ*括L ’還%防止因氣溫變化,而引^屋面開裂;而當 $陶粒_於玉業設備管道、暖氣f、空調管、蒸汽管等 過’更可在低溫時,防止管道收縮、冷脆,高溫時, 保護熱量不被損失。 u 還有’透過使用不同材¥、製程賴粒(L),能讓本發明 粒__的種類、特性,更加的多元化,並讓本發 明郎忐陶粒建材(100)的應用範圍,更加的廣泛。 上述中,所述節能陶粒建材(100)是為下列之一:隔熱磚、 地碑。 其中’根據不同的安裝需求’讓本發明的節能陶粒建材 ( 〇〇) ’能有不同的應用方式’能做為隔熱磚,或是單純的地 碑來使用,能讓本發明的應用範圍’更加的廣泛。 如圖7所示為本發明製品處於夜晚時的實施示意圖,如圖8 所不為本發明製品處於白天時的實施示意圖。 圖式中揭不出,本發明節能陶粒建材(1〇〇),在夜間時, 透過底料層(s) ’其發泡水泥(FC)之細微直徑的氣孔(FC1),與 201206860 ί氣雖丨),吸㈣水、濃鮮A自然水中含 有„將水氣保留下來,㈣在氣孔(fci)與氣内, ㈣ίίΐί,能陶粒建材_ ’整體溫度的降低速度。 沾、田♦ ®古續^升’溫度昇局時,本發明節能陶粒建材(100) ,,ίί留在氣孔(FC1)與氣室(L1)内的細微水氣, i’慢慢_水氣,達顺和建築 而且另又t品田A的效果’具有降低空調減的節能效果。 由其,柄天時,藉 昧,处每勒一Μ八矿面光儿之效果,當舖設在建築物外面 的熱ί量:°刀的太陽直射之熱量,更能再降低本發明吸收 更透來過反射、達到降低熱量吸收的效果,此外, 性表現,更加優f 熱傳與蓄積性熱傳的特 _、’不但能降低建^物上時’ 物外殼的隔熱效果。,、°了更可有效提昇整體建築 讓建築物物内部的溫度,得以唯二低:先吸收率的目標, 具功效性、,實為現今陶粒建材中,最 品。1職和產業利用性的節能陶粒建材製法及其製 特徵及作用細說明了本發明的構造、 發明專利申請;惟=上所進步性要件,遂爰依法提出 明不以圖面所示限定實施翻之難實關,但本發 修飾性變化,只要在均等=此舉凡與本發明意旨相符的 内。 轨園内都應含屬於本創作專利範圍 S3 17 201206860 【圖式簡單說明】 圖1 :本發明製法的流程方塊示意圖。 圖2〜圖4 :本發明的製法流程示意圖。 圖5 :本發明製品的立體示意圖。 圖6 :為圖5底料層表面部分之微構造的放大示意圖。 圖7 :本發明製品處於夜晚時的實施示意圖。 圖8 :本發明製品處於白天時的實施示意圖。 【主要元件符號說明】 1 第一混合物 2 第二混合物 3 初胚 31 浮游物雜質 4 加工機 5 研磨機 6 草酸砂輪 10 第一攪拌桶 20 第一定量下料機 30 模具 40 第二攪拌桶 50 第二定量下料機 100 節能陶粒建材 C 水泥 P 石料 ST 石粉 W 水 SA 砂 V 發泡劑 L 陶粒 L1 氣室 FC 發泡水泥 18 201206860& The foamed cement (rc) towel of the fourth step, which further includes sand (SA), is a commonly known technical means, and therefore is not described in detail. Figure 5 is a perspective view of the article of the present invention, and Figure 6 is an enlarged schematic view of the microstructure of the surface portion of the bottom layer of Figure 5. The figure discloses that the article relates to an energy-saving ceramsite building material, which comprises: an energy-saving ceramsite building material (100) made by the energy-saving ceramsite building material method as claimed in claim 1; The granular building material (100) is a fabric layer (F) formed by solid mixing of cement (C), stone (ST), stone powder (p) and water (W), and is formed in the layer of § hai (F)-side, foamed cement (FC) formed by cement (C), foaming agent (V), water (w), mixed with ceramsite (L) and uniformly mixed, and solidified to form a bottom The material layer (S) is composed of: at least one surface (S1) of the bottom layer (S), after processing by at least one processing machine (4) to remove floating matter impurities (31), The surface (S1) of the primer layer (S) is flattened so that the surface (S1) after processing, the pores of the fine diameter of the foamed cement (FC) (FC1), and the peak of the ceramsite (L) The air chamber (u) is exposed; and the outer layer (F1) of the fabric layer (F)-side and the largest surface area is ground by the grinder (5) to smooth the outer surface (F). After polishing with oxalic acid grinding wheel (6), Brightening the outer surface (F) of the fabric layer (F); wherein the particle size of the έ ceramsite (L) is between 3 mm and 12 mm, and the volume percentage of the ceramsite 0 is the overall bottom layer (s Between 40% and 90%; and the foamed cement (FC), the volume percentage after foaming, is between 10% and 60% of the total primer layer (S). In the mountains, this kind of energy-saving ceramsite building materials (1〇〇) is compared to traditional ceramsite insulating bricks = δ. 'The decrease in the volume percentage of ceramsite (L)' only accounts for the overall primer layer (between 4 〇 0 / 〇 2 〇 , ,, which is between 70% and 90% of the total traditional ceramsite insulation bricks, It can reduce the overall cost. Read μ and then L through the fabric layer (F) to produce a reflective effect, not only: the body's thermal insulation effect 'is guaranteed, but also provides a very beautiful 14 201206860 landscaping The effect 'let the heat insulation monument is no longer the destroyer of the overall landscape of the building. Moreover, because it contains foamed cement (FC), the energy-saving ceramic building material (1〇〇) has a lot of fine diameter inside. Bubbles, better than traditional ceramsite building materials (2〇f), with the fine pores inside the money P granule building materials (1 〇〇), can reduce or reduce its weight, to achieve energy-saving ceramsite building materials (1〇 〇), lightweight requirements, but also through these small diameter bubbles, the density of ceramsite concrete is reduced, blocking the transmission of heat source, achieving insulation, insulation, disk sound insulation effect better than traditional ceramsite building materials 0 / formation: Ceramsite (L) 'is one of the following materials, high temperature sintering • formation = shape; sewer fouling , reservoir silt, clay, fly ash. And right slate made _ postal), f light, high strength, with ί, impermeability, sound absorption and other characteristics; with this ceramsite (5) wear-resistant, accompany = \贝建材's light weight, high strength, anti-seismic, anti-carbonization, acid resistance, compared with ordinary building materials of the same strength level, the response should be critical to the 'imperial structure of the building's queen's is a high-rise building, large-span energy building Although the used pottery), • Quantity:, the Tongbei light is two to 30% lighter, and it can make the building effectively reduce the steel ^吏2 will also reduce or reduce the beam and column volume, energy, and use also let the floors The use space is increased. The ceramsite (L) is used instead of the gradual reduction, and the cost of sand and gravel is increased. Under the structural cost reduction of this type of building, the relative earthquake height is higher than that of the traditional building, and the earthquake resistance is also weak. ί,# has good insulation, water retention and water-repellent effect, wear-resistant sludge, water iir ϊί, high paving, and due to the following water ϊ ι 、, or clay, the green material modified = 15 201206860 is always environmentally friendly, and the cost is low, making it more convenient. The ceramsite (L) made of coal γ is made up of fly ash as the main raw material, and the right amount of lime (or calcium carbide), gypsum and admixture ruthenium 2; 2, molding, hydration and water An artificial lightweight building material made by a thermal synthesis reaction or a natural hydraulic reaction. Species ϊίίΐ—Generally spherical, the skin is rough and hard, and there are fine X or fly ash colors inside, because the ceramsite (L) and cement (C) should form a whole, with a very strong combination. The material of the material of the material is only wrapped in the cement matrix, and the stone and the glue should be mixed; if necessary, it can be made into high-strength light perforated bricks, ground monuments, standard bricks, thermal insulation walls, etc. The density grade of the ceramsite (L) is divided into 4〇〇~(4) grades. Is this ceramsite (6) used for the second? Warm insulation, can prevent the house area water, greatly reduce μ * including L ' also % to prevent temperature changes, and lead to roof cracking; and when $ ceramsite _ Yu Yuye equipment pipeline, heating f, air conditioning pipe, The steam pipe is waiting for 'more low temperature to prevent the pipe from shrinking, cold and brittle, and the heat is not lost when the temperature is high. u Also, 'by using different materials ¥, process granules (L), the types and characteristics of the granules of the present invention can be more diversified, and the application range of the lang ceramsite building materials (100) of the present invention can be made. More extensive. In the above, the energy-saving ceramsite building material (100) is one of the following: an insulating brick, a monument. Among them, 'according to different installation requirements', the energy-saving ceramsite building material ( 〇〇) of the present invention can be used as an insulating brick or a simple monument to enable the application of the present invention. The scope is more extensive. FIG. 7 is a schematic view showing the implementation of the article of the present invention at night, and FIG. 8 is a schematic view showing the implementation of the article of the present invention in the daytime. It is not shown in the drawings that the energy-saving ceramsite building material (1〇〇) of the present invention passes through the bottom layer (s) 'the fine-diameter stomata (FC1) of its foamed cement (FC) at night, and 201206860 ί Although the gas is 丨), sucking (4) water, thick fresh A natural water contains „retaining water vapor, (4) in the pores (fci) and gas, (4) ίίΐί, can ceramsite building materials _ 'the overall temperature reduction speed. Zhan, Tian ♦ ®古续^升' temperature rise, the energy-saving ceramsite building material (100) of the invention, ίί left in the pores (FC1) and the air chamber (L1) of the fine water, i's slowly _ water gas, up to Shunhe building and another effect of T-Tian A' has the energy-saving effect of reducing the air-conditioning reduction. From it, the stalking time, borrowing the shackles, the effect of every mile and eight mines, when laying on the outside of the building量 Quantities: The heat of the sun directly from the knives can further reduce the absorption of the present invention to achieve better reflection and reduce the heat absorption. In addition, the performance is more excellent, and the heat transfer and accumulation heat transfer are special. 'Not only can reduce the heat insulation effect of the outer shell when building the object., °, can effectively improve the overall building. The temperature inside the object can be only two low: the goal of the first absorption rate, it is effective, and it is the best in today's ceramsite building materials. The energy-saving ceramsite building materials method and its characteristics and The function details the structure and invention patent application of the present invention; however, the above-mentioned progressive elements are stipulated according to the law, and the implementation of the modification is not difficult to achieve. = This is in line with the intention of the present invention. The track garden should include the scope of the patent application S3 17 201206860 [Simple diagram of the drawing] Figure 1: Schematic diagram of the process of the method of the present invention. Figure 2 to Figure 4: The present invention Schematic diagram of the process of the process Figure 5. Schematic diagram of the article of the invention. Figure 6 is an enlarged schematic view of the microstructure of the surface portion of the primer layer of Figure 5. Figure 7: Schematic diagram of the implementation of the article of the invention at night. Schematic diagram of the implementation of the product during the daytime. [Main component symbol description] 1 First mixture 2 Second mixture 3 Initial embryo 31 Float impurity 4 Processing machine 5 Grinder 6 Oxalic acid grinding wheel 10 A mixing drum 20 first quantitative cutting machine 30 mold 40 second mixing drum 50 second quantitative cutting machine 100 energy-saving ceramsite building material C cement P stone material ST stone powder W water SA sand V foaming agent L ceramsite L1 gas chamber FC foamed cement 18 201206860


Π mΠ m


V 氣孔 穩泡劑 面料層 外側表面 底料層 表面 第一預定深度 第二預定深度 步驟一:將水泥、石料、石粉及水,放入第一 t桶中’―起混合均勻攪拌後,形成第一混 合物 步驟二:再將前述第一混合物,放入第 了2機t、’再藉由該第—定量下料機,將第一 混5物灌注進入模具内,作為面料層 乂驟了.持續灌注第一混合物,直到到達模具 的第預疋深度,完成面料層的灌注,隨後 ,對位於模具内的面料層,進行振動整平的動 作 步驟四:於步驟-進行_時,再將水泥、發 與水’放人第―撥拌桶中,先行授拌以开) 成發泡水泥之後’再將數侧粒置人發泡水泥 中二二起混合均勻攪拌,待完全發泡完畢後, 便旎形成均勻混合之砂漿狀的第二混合物 步驟五二再將前述經過預拌、完全發泡後之砂 漿巧的第二混合物,放入第二定量下料機中, 再藉土第二定量下料機,將第二混合物灌注進 入、前述已灌注有面料層的模具内,灌注於面 料層的一側,以作為底料層 步持續灌注第二混合物,直到到達模具 的第二預定深度,完成底料層的灌注 [s] 19V ventilating foaming agent fabric layer outer surface bottom layer surface first predetermined depth second predetermined depth step one: putting cement, stone, stone powder and water into the first t-bucket, mixing and evenly stirring, forming the first a mixture of the second step: the first mixture is placed in the second machine t, 'by the first - quantitative cutting machine, the first mixed material is poured into the mold, as a fabric layer is broken. Continuously infusing the first mixture until reaching the pre-twisting depth of the mold, completing the filling of the fabric layer, and then performing the vibration leveling action on the fabric layer located in the mold. Step 4: In the step-by-step, the cement is further , and the water and water 'released in the first - mix the mixing barrel, the first batch of mixing to open) into the foaming cement, then the number of side particles placed in the foaming cement two or two mixed and evenly stirred, after the complete foaming The second mixture of the mortar is formed into a uniform mixture, and the second mixture of the pre-mixed and fully foamed mortar is placed in the second quantitative cutting machine, and then the second is borrowed. Quantitative cutting machine, The second mixture is poured into the mold which has been filled with the fabric layer, and is poured on one side of the fabric layer to continuously inject the second mixture as a primer layer step until reaching the second predetermined depth of the mold to complete the primer layer. Perfusion [s] 19

VI 201206860 νπ 步驟七:將前述灌注後、内含有 =’4,,显度為20〜25^ 結使前述面料層與底料層ίVI 201206860 νπ Step 7: After the above infusion, the content contains ='4, and the degree of significance is 20~25^. The above fabric layer and the primer layer are

Vffl t驟八:將前述固化定形後的面料層 f,予以脫模,讓面料層與底料層、和 離開,成為初胚 、/、刀Vffl t8: The fabric layer f after the curing and shaping is removed, and the fabric layer and the bottom layer are separated, and the blast is an embryo, /, knife

IX 步驟九:針對脫模後的該她,其底料層至少 一側表面,以至少一加工機進行加工、去除浮 游物雜質,讓底料層的表面平整,並使加工後 的表面處,其發泡水泥之細微直徑的氣孔,與 其陶粒之蜂巢狀的氣室,顯露於外IX Step 9: For the mold after the demoulding, at least one side surface of the bottom layer is processed by at least one processing machine to remove the impurities of the float, so that the surface of the bottom layer is flat and the surface after processing is The pores of the fine diameter of the foamed cement are exposed to the honeycomb chamber of the ceramic granule

X 步驟十:針對前述加工後的該初胚,其面料層 一側、表面積最大的外側表面,以研磨機進行 研磨、使該外側表面平整光滑後、再以草酸砂 輪進行拋光動作,使面料層的外側表面光亮, 成為一節能陶粒建材 20X Step 10: For the virgin embryo after the processing, the outer surface of the fabric layer side and the largest surface area is ground by a grinder, the outer surface is smoothed, and then polished by an oxalic acid wheel to make the fabric layer The outer surface of the light is bright, becoming an energy-saving ceramsite building material 20

Claims (1)

201206860 七、申清專利範圍: -撥)、石料(ST)、石粉(p)及水_ ⑽中:述弟—混合物⑴’放入第-定量下料機 進上I狂弟一疋量下料機(20),將第-混合物⑴灌注 進入杈具(30)内,作為面料層(F); ㊣二持續灌注第—混合物⑴,直到到達模具(30)的- ^,完成面料層(F)的灌注,隨後再對位於模具 (3〇)内的面料層(F),進行振動整平的動作; 盘水驟—進行的同時’再將水泥(Q、發泡劑(V) ϊϋ二授摔桶(40)中,先行繼半以形成發泡水泥 句5 粒(L)置入發泡水泥(FC)中,一起混合均 二^合物tr王發泡完畢後’便能形成均勻混合之砂漿狀的第 π人二^^再,1述2過預拌、完全發泡後之砂漿狀的第二 二r物(2)灌注進入、前^^ 的杈注於面料層(F)的一側,以作為底料層⑶’· -預Ϊ:罙产、m2、’、ίί第二混合物(2),直到到達模具(30)的第 一預疋,木度(Η2),完成底料層(s)的灌注; 模且m前述灌注後、内含有面料層⑻與底料層⑻的 置在環境溫度為20〜25ΐ的環境下,靜養48小 日卞,使别述面料層(F)與底料層(s)凝固,並相互完全黏壯· :將前述固化定形後的面料層(F)與底料ϋ予 ’讓面料層(F)與底料層⑻、和模具⑽分離開,成為初 j驟九:針對脫模後的該初胚(3),其底料層⑻至少一側 (1)’以至少一加工機(4)進行加工、去除浮游物雜質 讓底料層⑶的表面(S1)平整,並使加工後的表面(si)處,(其)發[;1 21 201206860 泡水泥(FC)之細微直徑的氣孔(FC1),與其陶粒⑹之峰 氣室(L1),顯露於外; 的 步,十:針對前述加工後的該初胚(3),其面料層(巧一側、 表面積最大的外側表面(F1),以研磨機(5)進行研磨、使該外 表面(F)平整光滑後、相輕砂輪⑹進雜光動作,使 層(F)的外侧表面(F)光亮,成為一節能陶粒建材(1〇〇); 寸 |中’該陶粒(L)的粒徑為3mm〜12mm之間,並該陶粒 ()之體積百分比,為佔整體底料層(s)的4〇%〜9〇%之間; 而该發泡水泥(FC) ’發泡後的體積百分比,為佔整體 層(S)的10%〜60%之間。 - #2.如請求項1所述的節能陶粒建材製法,其特徵在於: ,第-預定深度(H1)與第二預定深度㈣的深賴係,是為下 列之-.第-預定深度(H1)等於第二預定深度(H2)、第一 深度(H1)小於第二預定深度(H2)。 3. 如請求項1所述的節能陶粒建材製法 述加工機(4)是為下列之-或其配合:研磨加工機、^刀於機所 4. 如清求項1所述的節能陶粒建材製法, 3驟四中,更能額外添加—為穩定並具抗水性之水二 口 該第二混合物(2)中’能使前述砂漿 片的第一混“勿(2):在攪拌時黏性增加,使第二混合物⑺内 ^形成的泡較加穩定,糊於添加陶粒(L),*不會產生析 離現象。 、十」請求曰項1所述的節能陶粒建材製法’其特徵在於:所 =’是的材料’高溫燒結形成為粒狀:頁 石板石、下水道π泥、水庫淤泥、黏土、粉煤灰。 6·如請求項1所述的節能陶粒建材製法,其特徵在於 述石料(ST)是為下狀兩者或全部的配合驗成j白石、玉 石、特白石; ,所述石料(ST)的材質,是為下列之—或其混合:天然石 碩、大理石、I岡石、加卫後的石頭、人造陶瓷。 201206860 .t牛L如ΐΐΐ1所述的節能陶粒建材製法’其特徵在於:所 述步驟四的發泡水泥(FC)中,更包括有砂(SA)與石粉(p)。所 所述的節能峰建材製法,其概在於:所 述卽此陶粒建材⑽)是為下列之一:隔熱碑、地碑。所 9.一種節能陶粒建材,其包括: 陶求項1所述的節能陶粒建材製法,所製成的節能 該節能陶粒建材(100)是由以水泥(c)、石料(ST)、 及水(w)混合均勻攪拌’而固化形錢—面·(f);以及 設1該面料層(F)-側,以水泥(c)、發泡劑(v)、水卿斤 之?=尼(FC) ’配合陶粒(L)混合均勻攪拌,而固化形 成的一底料層(S)所組成; 其特徵在於: „的至少一側表面(S1) ’為經至少一加工機⑷ ΐ浮游物雜質(31)後,使底料層⑻的表面(si)平 i J二T工/甘气表面(S1)處,其發泡水泥(FC)之細微直徑的 =),與制粒(L)之峰餘的氣室(L1),顯露於外; 靖,、Ϊ面料t(F)—侧、表面積最大的外側表面㈣,為經研 使該外側表面(F)平整光滑後、再以草酸砂 輪⑹,仃拋光動作後’而使面料層(F)的外絲面⑺光亮; …,該陶粒(L)的粒徑為3mm〜12咖之間,並該陶粒 0之體,百分比,為佔整體底料層(8)的4〇%〜9〇%之間; 該發泡水泥(FC) ’發泡後的體積百分比,為佔整體底料 層(S)的10%〜60%之間。 如?求項9所述的節能陶粒建材,其特徵在於:戶斤述 η’疋以下列之一的材料,高溫燒結形成為粒狀:頁岩、 下水道污泥、水庫淤泥、黏土、粉煤灰; 而所述節能陶粒建材(100)是為下列之一:隔熱碑、地缚。 23201206860 VII, Shen Qing patent scope: - dial), stone (ST), stone powder (p) and water _ (10) in: Shu brother - mixture (1) 'put the first - quantitative cutting machine into the I crazy brother (20), the first mixture (1) is poured into the cookware (30) as a fabric layer (F); the second continuous infusion of the first mixture (1) until reaching the mold (30) - ^, complete the fabric layer (F The perfusion, followed by the vibration leveling action on the fabric layer (F) located in the mold (3〇); the water-cooling process - while the cement (Q, foaming agent (V) ϊϋ In the bucket (40), the first half of the bucket is formed to form a foamed cement sentence. 5 pellets (L) are placed in the foamed cement (FC), and the two blends are combined. The mixed sinter-like π-person ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ One side, as the bottom layer (3) '· - pre-twist: 罙, m2, ', ίί second mixture (2), until reaching the first pre-twist of the mold (30), wood (Η2), Complete the filling of the bottom layer (s); After filling, the fabric layer (8) and the bottom layer (8) are placed in an environment with an ambient temperature of 20 to 25 Torr, and the outer layer of the fabric layer (F) and the bottom layer (s) are solidified, and the outer layer (s) is solidified. Mutually sticking to each other: The fabric layer (F) and the base material after the curing and shaping are separated from the bottom layer (8) and the mold (10), which is the first step 9: for demolding After the primordial (3), at least one side (1) of the bottom layer (8) is processed by at least one processing machine (4), and the impurities of the float are removed to smooth the surface (S1) of the primer layer (3), and At the surface (si) after processing, the stomata (FC1) of the fine-diameter (FC1) of the cement (FC) and the peak gas chamber (L1) of the ceramsite (6) are exposed; , 10: For the pre-processed embryo (3), the fabric layer (the outer side surface (F1) with the largest surface area and the largest surface area is ground by a grinder (5) to make the outer surface (F) smooth and smooth. After the light wheel (6) enters the stray light action, the outer surface (F) of the layer (F) is brightened to become an energy-saving ceramsite building material (1〇〇); the size of the ceramsite (L) is Between 3mm and 12mm, And the volume percentage of the ceramsite () is between 4% and 9% of the total primer layer (s); and the volume percentage of the foamed cement (FC) after foaming is the overall layer (S) between 10% and 60%. - #2. The energy-saving ceramsite building material method according to claim 1, characterized in that: the first predetermined depth (H1) and the second predetermined depth (four) are deeply relied upon The system is -. - the predetermined depth (H1) is equal to the second predetermined depth (H2), and the first depth (H1) is less than the second predetermined depth (H2). 3. The energy-saving ceramsite building material processing machine (4) as described in claim 1 is the following - or its cooperation: grinding machine, ^ knife in the machine 4. Energy-saving pottery as described in Qingyi item 1. In the method of making granular building materials, in the third step, it is more possible to add - for the stable and water-resistant water, the second mixture (2) can make the first mixture of the mortar pieces "Do not (2): stirring When the viscosity increases, the bubbles formed in the second mixture (7) are more stable, and the paste is added to the ceramsite (L), and * does not cause separation. 10) The energy-saving ceramsite building materials described in Item 1 The method of manufacture is characterized in that: = the material is 'high temperature sintering is formed into a granular shape: slate stone, sewer π mud, reservoir sludge, clay, fly ash. 6. The method for producing an energy-saving ceramsite building material according to claim 1, wherein the stone material (ST) is a combination of two or all of the following shapes: j white stone, jade stone, and extra white stone; the stone material (ST) The material is the following - or a mixture of it: natural stone, marble, Igang stone, stone after decoration, artificial ceramics. 201206860.t. The method for producing an energy-saving ceramsite building material according to the invention, wherein the foamed cement (FC) of the fourth step further comprises sand (SA) and stone powder (p). The energy-saving peak building materials method described above is based on the fact that the ceramsite building material (10) is one of the following: a heat insulating monument and a monument. 9. An energy-saving ceramsite building material, comprising: the energy-saving ceramsite building material method described in Tao Qi 1, the energy-saving ceramsite building material (100) made of cement (c), stone (ST) And water (w) mix and mix evenly and solidify the money-face (f); and set the fabric layer (F)-side, with cement (c), foaming agent (v), Shuiqingjinzhi ?=尼(FC) 'Combined with ceramsite (L) mixed uniformly and formed by solidification of a primer layer (S); characterized in that: at least one side surface (S1) 'is processed by at least one Machine (4) After the floating matter impurity (31), the surface (si) of the bottom layer (8) is flat i J 2 T / sweet surface (S1), the fine diameter of the foamed cement (FC) =), The gas chamber (L1) remaining with the peak of granulation (L) is exposed; the outer surface (4) of the surface of the ,, Ϊ fabric t(F)-maximum surface area is flattened by the outer surface (F) After smoothing, the oxalic acid grinding wheel (6) is used, and after the polishing operation, the outer surface (7) of the fabric layer (F) is brightened; ..., the particle size of the ceramic (L) is between 3 mm and 12, and the pottery The volume of the grain 0, the percentage, is 4〇 of the overall primer layer (8) Between % and 9〇%; the foamed cement (FC) 'volume percentage after foaming is between 10% and 60% of the total primer layer (S). The ceramsite building material is characterized in that: Mn' 述 疋 疋 疋 疋 疋 疋 疋 疋 疋 疋 疋 疋 疋 疋 疋 疋 疋 疋 疋 疋 疋 疋 疋 疋 疋 疋 疋 疋 η η η η η η η η η η η η η η η (100) is one of the following: heat insulation monument, ground binding. 23
TW99126657A 2010-08-10 2010-08-10 Manufacturing method of energy-saving ceramsite construction material and products thereof TW201206860A (en)

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CN107337466A (en) * 2016-09-29 2017-11-10 沈阳建筑大学 A kind of coal gangue haydite and preparation method thereof
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CN110117193B (en) * 2019-05-20 2022-02-15 中国建筑材料科学研究总院有限公司 Preparation method of hydrophobic ceramsite light aggregate, hydrophobic ceramsite light aggregate prepared by method and application of hydrophobic ceramsite light aggregate

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