201205003 六、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 [0001] 本發明涉及一種LED照明裝置,特別是涉及一種具有良好 的照射角度的日光燈型LED照明裝置。 【先前技#f】 [0002] 和傳統光源相比,發光二極體(LED)具有較高之發光效 率、低輻射、壽命長、用電省、污染低、驅動電壓低、 燈具可小型化等優點,以LED作為日光燈的照明裝置逐漸 得到了廣泛的應用,並逐漸取代傳統螢光燈。但LED為點 狀光源,其發光角度較小且具有強烈的方向性,LED曰光 燈的發光角度約為100〜140度,而傳統螢光燈則為360 度全周均勻發光,LED日光燈的有效照明範圍遠小於傳統 螢光燈,因此在傳統螢光燈的應用場合使用LED日光燈會 與原始的照明設計需求不相匹配,使得LED曰光燈無法直 接等效替代傳統螢光燈。另外,由於目前的LED燈是以點 狀矩陣分佈,且LED單體發光強度大,在LED燈具的發光 面上形成強烈的直接眩光(亮點),從外部觀察它是點狀 分佈的點光源。在生產過程或由於材料質地產生誤差, 每一 LED日光燈的LED點光源的發光效率和波長也會有不 均勻現象,並且演色性不佳,從而影響照明品質。 【發明内容】 [0003] 有鑒於此,有必要提供一種具有良好的照射角度並能改 善LED光源的直接眩光效果的LED照明裝置。 [0004] 一種LED照明裝置,包括光源基板、多個LED光源、導光 支架及燈罩。所述多個LED光源固定在光源基板上。導光 099124984 表單編號A0101 第4頁/共19頁 0992043887-0 201205003 Ο [0005] [0006] Ο 支架設置在燈罩的内部,導光支架包括多條分枝,其中 一條分枝的一端形成入光面,且該入光面設置在LED光源 的正前方位置上。導光支架的每一分枝包括兩個表面, 各個表面分別形成反射面。導光支架的一個或多個分枝 的至少一個表面上還設置有多個凸起或凹陷結構的調光 紋路。LED光源的出射光從入光面進入後,在導光支架的 各條分枝的兩表面之間進行内部反射傳輸,照射到所述 調光紋路的光束產生漫射而出光,並自導光支架的分枝 的相應表面入射到所述燈罩的内表面,最終透過燈罩而 出射到外部。 本發明透過導光支架的設置可獲得多個出射光均勻的發 光面,從而使LED照明裝置具有良好的照射角度並能改善 LED光源的直接眩光效果。 【實施方式】 請同時參閱圖1和2,LED照明裝置100a大致為傳統日光 燈的細長管狀結構,其包括散熱基座10、光源基板11、 多個LED光源12、導光支架20及燈罩30。光源基板11與 燈罩30分別可拆卸地安裝在散熱基座10上,多個LED光源 12固定在光源基板11上,從而使得LED光源12產生的熱 量能夠通過散熱基座10與空氣進行熱交換。在其他實施 方式中,當不需要散熱基座10時,光源基板11可以設置 在燈罩30内部,例如,可以在燈罩30内壁上設置與光源 基板11匹配的凹槽,並將光源基板11扣合到該凹槽中。 導光支架20被設置在燈罩30的内部,該導光支架20採用 導光材料製成,其包括多條分枝,本實施方式中,該導 099124984 表單編號A0101 第5頁/共19頁 0992043887-0 [0007] 201205003 光支架20形成為“Y”字形結構,包括三條分枝211、 212和213,其中分枝211和213以分枝212作為法線而對 稱分居於分枝212兩側。分枝212的一端形成入光面220 ,且該入光面220設置在LED光源12的正前方位置上。每 條分支均包括兩個相互平行的表面,兩個表面均為反射 面。每條分枝的兩個表面之間形成有光傳輸通道。為了 控制導光支架20表面上的發光位置及發光強度,在導光 支架20的一個或多値分枝的至少一個表面上設置有多個 凸起或凹陷結構的調光紋路230,入射到該調光紋路230 的光線發生漫射而出射。 [0008] 請參閱圖3,分枝211和分枝213相鄰的兩個表面在靠近導 光支架20的交叉點240處不設置調光紋路,從而在該交叉 點240處形成全反射結構,LED光源12的正向出射光從入 光面220進入後,從分枝212直線傳輸至交叉點240。光 束被該交叉點240處的全反射結構反射後分流並轉向至分 枝211和分枝213中,並分別在分枝211、213的兩表面之 間進行内部反射傳輸。 [0009] 請參閱圖4,LED光源12的斜向出射光從入光面22 0進入 後,在分枝212的兩表面之間進行内部反射傳輸,當光束 傳輸到“Y”字形結構的交叉點240處時,光束被分流並 轉向至分枝211和分枝213中進行内部反射傳輸。 [0010] 請參閱圖5,LED光源12的出射光從入光面220進入後, 在導光支架20的各條分枝的兩表面之間進行内部反射傳 輸,照射到導光支架20表面上的調光紋路230的光束產生 漫射而出光,未照射到調光紋路230的光束則繼續被反射 099124984 表單編號A0101 第6頁/共19頁 0992043887-0 201205003 傳輸’直至照射到調光紋路230後最終以漫射形態出射β LED光源丨2的出射光自導光支架20的分枝的相應表面出射 後’繼續入射到燈罩3〇的内表面,最終透過燈罩而出射 到外部。 [0011] ο 燈罩30採用導光材料製成,其表面上設置具有光折射作 用的、使出射光面光源化的光學紋路,本實施方式中, 燈罩30的内表面上設置有多條均勻排列的柱狀凸起3〇1, 該柱狀凸起301沿垂直於其長度方向的截面為圓弧形、半 橢圓形或鋸齒形等形狀中的一種。由導光支架2〇的各個 表面出射的光束透過燈罩3 0表面的凸起3 01後作進一步的 擴散’從而提升整個燈罩30表面的出射光的均勻性及柔 和度。在其他實施方式中,燈罩30的材質可採用擴散材 料製成或在燈罩30的表面上設置擴散層,該擴散材料内 一般含有曱基丙烯酸甲酯微粒,曱基丙烯酸甲酯微粒作 為擴散粒子用於使光線發生擴散,從而使出射光更加均 勻柔和。 Ο [0012] 在其他實施方式+,在導光支架20的任意個分枝中每一 分枝的其中一個表面未設置有調光紋路,未設置有調光 紋路的表面為全反射面,光線不由該表面出射,使LED照 明裝置分區域發光。在進一步的實施方式中,還可以在 導光支架20的任意個分枝中每一分枝的其中一個表面外 部設置反射片’阻止光線從該表面出射,使LED照明裝置 分區域發光。其中’設置了反射片的表面也可以設置或 不設置調光紋路。 [0013] 請參閱圖6 ’為本發明第二實施方式中LED照明裝置100b 099124984 表單編號A0101 第7頁/共19頁 0992043887-0 201205003 的發光示意圖,該實施方式與圖5所示的第一實施方式不 同之處在於:在本實施方式中,在分枝211和分枝213相 鄰的兩個表面的外部設置有反射片250,入射到該反射片 2 5 0上的光線被反射到與該反射片2 5 0相對的表面上,從 而使LED照明裝置100b成為分區域發光的面光源。 [0014] [0015] [0016] [0017] 099124984 請參閱圖7,為本發明第三實施方式中LED照明裝置1〇〇(: 的發光示意圖,該實施方式與圖5所示的第一實施方式不 同之處在於:在本實施方式中,在分枝211和分枝212相 鄰的兩個表面、及在分枝21 3的與分枝211相鄰的一個表 面的外部分別設置反射片2 6 0,入射到該反射片2 6 〇上的 光束被反射到與該反射片2 6 ¢.相對的表'面上.,L E D照明穿 置100 c成為分區域發光且各個發光區域的發光強度不同 的面光源。 本發明透過導光支架20的設置可使LED照明裝置獲得多個 出射光均勻的發光面,再搭配反射片的設置可以容易調 整發光的區域及發光區域的發光強度,從而使led照明裝 置具有良好的照射脅:度並能改善LEB光源的直接眩光效果 本技術領域的普通技術人員應當認識到,以上的實施方 式僅是用來說明本發明,而並非用作為對本發明的限定 ’只要在本發明的實質精神範圍之内,對以上實施例所 作的適當改變和變化都落在本發明要求保護的範圍之内 【圖式簡單說明】 圖1是本發明第一實施方式中LED照明裝置的示意圖。 0992043887-0 表單蝙號A0] 01 第8頁/共19頁 201205003 [0018] 圖2是圖1中的LED照明裝置的橫截面示意圖。 [0019] 圖3是圖2中的LED光源的正向出射光在導光支架中的傳輸 [0020] 示意圖。 圖4是圖2中的LED光源的斜向出射光在導光支架中的傳輸 示意圖。 [0021] 圖5是圖2中的LED照明裝置的發光示意圖。 [0022] 圖6是本發明第二實施方式中LED照明裝置的發光示意圖 ❹ 〇 [0023] 圖7是本發明第三實施方式中LED照明裝置的發光示意圖 0 [0024] 【主要元件符號說明】 LED照明裝置:100a、100b、100c [0025] 散熱基座:10 [0026] 光源基板:11 〇 [0027] L E D光源:12 [0028] 導光支架:20 [0029] 分枝:211、212、213 [0030] 入光面:2 2 0 [0031] 調光紋路:230 [0032] 交叉點:240 [0033] 反射片:250、260 099124984 表單編號A0101 第9頁/共19頁 0992043887-0 201205003 [0034] 燈罩:30[0035] 凸起:301 099124984 表單編號A0101 第10頁/共i9頁 0992043887-0201205003 VI. Description of the Invention: [Technical Field] [0001] The present invention relates to an LED lighting device, and more particularly to a fluorescent lamp type LED lighting device having a good illumination angle. [Previous technology #f] [0002] Compared with traditional light sources, light-emitting diodes (LEDs) have higher luminous efficiency, low radiation, long life, low power consumption, low pollution, low driving voltage, and miniaturization of lamps. As a result, LEDs have become widely used as lighting devices for fluorescent lamps, and have gradually replaced traditional fluorescent lamps. However, the LED is a point light source, and its illumination angle is small and has strong directivity. The illumination angle of the LED neon lamp is about 100 to 140 degrees, while the conventional fluorescent lamp is uniform illumination of 360 degrees for the whole week. The effective illumination range is much smaller than traditional fluorescent lamps, so the use of LED fluorescent lamps in traditional fluorescent lamp applications will not match the original lighting design requirements, making LED neon lamps not directly equivalent to traditional fluorescent lamps. In addition, since the current LED lamps are distributed in a dot matrix and the LED alone has a large luminous intensity, a strong direct glare (bright spot) is formed on the light emitting surface of the LED lamp, and it is a point light source which is distributed in a point shape as viewed from the outside. In the production process or due to the error of the material texture, the luminous efficiency and wavelength of the LED point light source of each LED fluorescent lamp may also be uneven, and the color rendering property is not good, thereby affecting the lighting quality. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [0003] In view of the above, it is necessary to provide an LED lighting device having a good illumination angle and capable of improving the direct glare effect of an LED light source. [0004] An LED lighting device includes a light source substrate, a plurality of LED light sources, a light guide bracket, and a lamp cover. The plurality of LED light sources are fixed on the light source substrate. Light guide 099124984 Form No. A0101 Page 4 / 19 pages 0992043887-0 201205003 Ο [0005] [0006] Ο The bracket is placed inside the lampshade, and the light guide bracket includes a plurality of branches, one end of which is formed into the light And the light incident surface is disposed at a position directly in front of the LED light source. Each branch of the light guide bracket includes two surfaces, each of which forms a reflective surface. At least one surface of one or more branches of the light guiding bracket is further provided with a plurality of dimming lines of convex or concave structures. After the light emitted from the LED light source enters from the light incident surface, internal reflection transmission is performed between the two surfaces of the branches of the light guide bracket, and the light beam irradiated to the light control pattern is diffused to emit light, and the light is self-guided. The respective surfaces of the branches of the bracket are incident on the inner surface of the lampshade and finally exit through the lampshade to the outside. The invention can obtain a plurality of light emitting surfaces with uniform light emission through the arrangement of the light guiding bracket, so that the LED lighting device has a good illumination angle and can improve the direct glare effect of the LED light source. [Embodiment] Referring to Figures 1 and 2, the LED lighting device 100a is generally an elongated tubular structure of a conventional daylight lamp, and includes a heat sink base 10, a light source substrate 11, a plurality of LED light sources 12, a light guide bracket 20, and a lamp cover 30. The light source substrate 11 and the lamp cover 30 are detachably mounted on the heat dissipation base 10, respectively, and the plurality of LED light sources 12 are fixed on the light source substrate 11, so that the heat generated by the LED light source 12 can be exchanged with the air through the heat dissipation base 10. In other embodiments, when the heat dissipation base 10 is not required, the light source substrate 11 may be disposed inside the light cover 30. For example, a groove matching the light source substrate 11 may be disposed on the inner wall of the lamp cover 30, and the light source substrate 11 may be fastened. Into the groove. The light guide bracket 20 is disposed inside the lampshade 30. The light guide bracket 20 is made of a light guiding material and includes a plurality of branches. In this embodiment, the guide 099124984 form number A0101 page 5 / 19 pages 0992043887 - 0 [2012] 201205003 The optical support 20 is formed in a "Y"-shaped configuration including three branches 211, 212 and 213, wherein the branches 211 and 213 are symmetrically separated from each other on the sides of the branches 212 with the branches 212 as normals. One end of the branch 212 forms a light incident surface 220, and the light incident surface 220 is disposed at a position directly in front of the LED light source 12. Each branch includes two mutually parallel surfaces, both of which are reflective surfaces. An optical transmission channel is formed between the two surfaces of each branch. In order to control the position of illumination and the intensity of illumination on the surface of the light guide holder 20, a plurality of dimming lines 230 of convex or concave structures are disposed on at least one surface of one or more branches of the light guide holder 20, and are incident thereon. The light of the dimming pattern 230 is diffused and emitted. Referring to FIG. 3, the two surfaces adjacent to the branch 211 and the branch 213 are not provided with a dimming pattern at the intersection 240 near the light guide bracket 20, thereby forming a total reflection structure at the intersection 240. After the forward outgoing light of the LED light source 12 enters from the light incident surface 220, it is linearly transmitted from the branch 212 to the intersection 240. The beam is reflected by the total reflection structure at the intersection 240, shunted and diverted into branch 211 and branch 213, and internally reflected between the two surfaces of branches 211, 213, respectively. Referring to FIG. 4, after the oblique outgoing light of the LED light source 12 enters from the light incident surface 22, internal reflection transmission is performed between the two surfaces of the branch 212, when the light beam is transmitted to the intersection of the "Y" shaped structure. At point 240, the beam is split and diverted to branch 211 and branch 213 for internal reflection transmission. Referring to FIG. 5, after the outgoing light of the LED light source 12 enters from the light incident surface 220, internal reflection transmission between the two surfaces of the branches of the light guide bracket 20 is performed, and the light is irradiated onto the surface of the light guide bracket 20. The light beam of the dimming pattern 230 is diffused to emit light, and the light beam that is not irradiated to the dimming pattern 230 continues to be reflected. 099124984 Form No. A0101 Page 6 / 19 pages 0992043887-0 201205003 Transmission ' until illumination to the dimming line 230 After that, the light emitted from the beta LED light source 丨2 is finally emitted from the corresponding surface of the branch of the light guide holder 20, and then continues to be incident on the inner surface of the lamp cover 3, and finally exits through the lamp cover and is emitted to the outside. [0011] ο The lampshade 30 is made of a light-guiding material, and an optical grain having a light-refractive effect to illuminate the light-emitting surface is disposed on the surface thereof. In the embodiment, the inner surface of the lampshade 30 is provided with a plurality of uniform arrangements. The columnar protrusion 3〇1 has a shape of a circular arc shape, a semi-elliptical shape or a zigzag shape in a cross section perpendicular to the longitudinal direction thereof. The light beams emitted from the respective surfaces of the light guide holder 2 are transmitted through the projections 101 of the surface of the lamp cover 30 for further diffusion, thereby improving the uniformity and flexibility of the light emitted from the entire surface of the globe 30. In other embodiments, the material of the lamp cover 30 may be made of a diffusion material or a diffusion layer may be disposed on the surface of the lamp cover 30. The diffusion material generally contains methyl methacrylate particles, and the methyl methacrylate particles are used as diffusion particles. In order to spread the light, the outgoing light is more even and soft. [0012] In other embodiments+, one of the surfaces of each branch of the light guide bracket 20 is not provided with a dimming pattern, and the surface not provided with the dimming pattern is a total reflection surface, the light Not emitted by the surface, the LED illumination device emits light in a sub-region. In a further embodiment, a reflective sheet' can also be provided on one of the surfaces of each of the branches of the light guide holder 20 to prevent light from exiting the surface, causing the LED illumination device to sub-area. The surface on which the reflection sheet is set may or may not be provided with a dimming pattern. 6 is a schematic diagram of the illumination of the LED illumination device 100b 099124984, Form No. A0101, page 7 / 19 pages 0992043887-0 201205003, in the second embodiment of the present invention, the first embodiment shown in FIG. The embodiment differs in that, in the present embodiment, a reflection sheet 250 is disposed outside the two surfaces adjacent to the branch 211 and the branch 213, and the light incident on the reflection sheet 250 is reflected to On the surface opposite to the reflection sheet 250, the LED illumination device 100b is a surface light source that emits light in a subregion. [0017] [0017] Please refer to FIG. 7 , which is a schematic diagram of the illumination of the LED illumination device 1 (the third embodiment of the present invention, the first embodiment shown in FIG. 5 The difference in the manner is that, in the present embodiment, the two surfaces adjacent to the branch 211 and the branch 212, and the outside of the surface of the branch 21 3 adjacent to the branch 211 are respectively provided with the reflection sheet 2 60, the light beam incident on the reflection sheet 26 6 被 is reflected on the surface of the surface opposite to the reflection sheet 2 6 ,. The LED illumination through 100 c becomes a sub-area illumination and the illumination intensity of each illumination area Different surface light sources. The invention provides the LED illumination device with a plurality of light-emitting surfaces with uniform light emission through the arrangement of the light-guiding support 20, and the light-emitting area and the light-emitting area can be easily adjusted with the arrangement of the reflection sheet, thereby Led illumination device has good illumination threat: degree and can improve the direct glare effect of LEB light source. Those skilled in the art will appreciate that the above embodiments are merely illustrative of the present invention and are not intended to be used in the present invention. </ RTI> </ RTI> </ RTI> <RTIgt; </ RTI> <RTIgt; </ RTI> <RTIgt; </ RTI> <RTIgt; </ RTI> <RTIgt; Schematic diagram of LED lighting device 0992043887-0 Form bat number A0] 01 Page 8 / Total 19 page 201205003 [0018] Figure 2 is a schematic cross-sectional view of the LED lighting device of Figure 1. [0019] Figure 3 is Figure 2 FIG. 4 is a schematic diagram of the transmission of obliquely outgoing light of the LED light source of FIG. 2 in the light guide bracket. [0021] FIG. 5 is a diagram of the transmission of the forward light emitted by the LED light source in the light guide bracket. 2 is a schematic diagram of illumination of an LED illumination device according to a second embodiment of the present invention. [0022] FIG. 7 is a schematic diagram of illumination of an LED illumination device according to a third embodiment of the present invention. [ [0024] [Main component symbol description] LED lighting device: 100a, 100b, 100c [0025] Heat sink base: 10 [0026] Light source substrate: 11 〇 [0027] LED light source: 12 [0028] Light guide bracket: 20 [0029] Branches: 211, 212, 2 13 [0030] Light-in plane: 2 2 0 [0031] Dimming texture: 230 [0032] Intersection: 240 [0033] Reflector: 250, 260 099124984 Form number A0101 Page 9/19 pages 0992043887-0 201205003 [0034] Lampshade: 30 [0035] Raised: 301 099124984 Form No. A0101 Page 10 / Total i9 Page 0992043887-0