201042497 六 [0001] [0002] [0003] 發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明係有關於一種整合式遙控裝置及其無線操控 方法,尤其是指一種將電腦鍵盤及滑鼠整合為一體,且 利用無線方式進行操控,使其能利用來直接對電腦進行 操控輸入使用,而在其整體施行使用上更增實用功效特 性的整合式遙控裝置及其無線操控方法創新設計者。 【先前技4标】 按,於科技日益進步的現代化社會中,各式各樣的 電腦設備到處充斥在人們生活周遭,而個人化電腦設備 也幾乎可說是成為家家戶戶所必備的產品之一,該個人 電腦不僅可方便人們從事各種事情、資料等的處理,且 亦能方便人們上網搜尋所需的各項資訊,加上隨著電腦 設備及其各種周邊設備的相對快速發展,使得越來越多 人亦會利用個人電腦觀賞各種多媒體影音資訊,加上You Tube的成功經驗,網路上更多的影音分享網站應運而生 ,讓人們更容易藉由電腦上獲得更多的影片、音樂的資 訊。 而在電腦之操作使用上,鍵盤與滑鼠可說是不可或 缺之設備,於早期,一般的鍵盤及滑鼠皆係分別以導線 與電腦主機進行連線,以利用導線分別將鍵盤及滑鼠之 操控訊號傳輸至電腦主機,讓電腦主機能做出相對應之 反應作動,但由於以導線連接電腦主機與鍵盤及滑鼠, 其導線長度有所限制,相對造成該鍵盤及滑鼠之設置位 置有所限制,加上電腦主機本身即需以各種導線與電源 098117416 表單編號A0101 第4頁/共20頁 0982029595-0 201042497 、螢幕、網路、喇η八等周邊設備連線,各種導線在整體 設置上不僅顯得極為不便,同時亦顯得極為雜亂不堪。 [0004] Ο 也因此,即有業者研發出無線鍵盤與無線滑鼠,請 參閱第六圖現有之結構示意圖所示’該結構主要係於電 腦主機(2 1 )之USB插槽(2 1 1 )中插掣入無線接收 器〔Dongle〕( 2 2 ),對應該無線接收器(2 2 )分 別設有無線鍵盤(2 3)與無線滑鼠(2 4),該無線 鍵盤(2 3)與無線滑鼠(2 4)皆内建有無線發射器 〔圖中未示〕,使得於使用者利用無線鍵盤(2 3)或 無線滑鼠(2 4)對電腦主機(2 1)進行操控時,無 線鍵盤(2 3)或無線滑鼠(2 4)之操控訊號會經無 線發射器向外發射出,於由#掣在電腦主機(2 1)之 USB插槽(2 1 1 )中的無線接收器(2 2 )接收到該操 控訊號時’即會將操控訊號傳輸入電腦主機(2 1)中 ,以對電腦主機(2 1)進行操控作動。 [0005] ❹ 然而’上述無線鍵盤與無線滑鼠雖可達到不受導線 限制、能無線進行操控之預綱功效,但也在其實際操作 施行使用上發現,該無線鍵盤與無線滑鼠係為分開之兩 結構設計,造成其於設置上須具有足夠的空間分別供無 線鍵盤與無線滑鼠之設置,不僅顯得極為佔用空間,且 使用者在使用過程中還需換手分別對無線鍵盤與無線滑 鼠進行操控,且該無線滑鼠乃不改傳統置於桌面上滑移 的方式,對於一些電腦遊戲的操控仍不具有直覺式、臨 場感與便利性,亦導致操作使用上之極大不便,致令該 無線鍵盤與無線滑鼠在其整體施行使用上仍存有改進之 098117416 表單編號A0101 0982029595-0 201042497 空間。 [0006] [0007] [0008] 緣是,發明人有鑑於此,秉持多年該相關行業之豐 富設計開發及實際製作經驗,針對現有之結構及缺失再 予以研究改良,提供一種整合式遙控裝置及其無線操控 方法,以期達到更佳實用價值性之目的者。 【發明内容】 本發明整合式遙控裝置及其無線操控方法,該遙控 裝置主要係於分別設有鍵盤輸入介面及滑鼠控制鈕,且 於其内部以微處理器連結有無線傳輸模組、感測操控電 腦滑鼠游標移動的加速度感測元件及陀螺儀感測元件, 使得其能利用無線傳輸模組與電腦上插接之無線接收器 〔Dongle〕進行連線,以鍵盤輸入介面對電腦進行操控 ,而於遙控裝置移動過程中則利用其所設置之加速度感 測元件及陀螺儀感測元件之感測操控電腦滑鼠游標之移 動,並同時利用其所設置對應滑鼠控制鈕對該電腦滑鼠 游標進行操控;藉此,以將電腦鍵盤及滑鼠整合為一體 ,且利用無線方式進行操控,使其能利用來直接對電腦 進行操控輸入使用,而在其整體施行使用上更增實用功 效特性者。 【實施方式】 為令本發明所運用之技術内容、發明目的及其達成 之功效有更完整且清楚的揭露,茲於下詳細說明之,並 請一併參閱所揭之圖式及圖號: 首先,請參閱第一圖本發明之立體外觀圖、第二圖 本發明之俯視結構圖及第三圖本發明之結構方塊圖所示 098117416 表單編號A0101 第6頁/共20頁 0982029595-0 [0009] 201042497 Ο [0010] Ο 本發明遙控裝置(1 )主要係設有微處理器(工D ’該微處理器(11)於遙控裝置(1)外連接設有鍵 盤輸入;丨面(1 2 )供對電腦進行鍵盤操控作動、滑氣 控制紐(13)供對電腦進行滑鼠翻作誠播放控制 介面(14)供對影音資訊進行操控作動,於遙控裝置 (1 )内部則設有與微處理11 ( 1 1 )連接之無線傳輸 模組(1 5)供與電腦進行無線傳輸連線、加速度感測 元件(1 6)及陀螺儀感測元件(1 7)供感測操控電 腦滑鼠游標移動。 如此-來’使得該遙控裝置⑴於開啟時即可以 無線傳輸模組(1 5)與電腦所插接之無線接收器〔 Dongle,該無線接收器亦可呈模组化内建於電腦主機内 〕做無線連結並傳輸指令訊息,而當_者使用鍵盤輸 、介面(1 2)操作電腦,或操作該播放控制介面(丄 4)時,即能將操作者所下的指令訊息以無線傳輸模組 (15)與電腦所插接之無線接收器〔-…〕無線傳 輸使電腦執行相對應指令訊息的動作或執行播放控制介 面(14)指令訊息操作控制電腦影音播放程式進行影 音資訊之播放,於當在遙控裝置(i)無由鍵盤輸入介 面(1 2)輸入指令,而係移動該遙控裝置(1)時, 於遙控裝置(1 )之微處理器(丄丄)所連接設置之加 速度感測元件(1 6)及陀螺儀感測元件(工7)即能 用以感測運算該遙控裝置(1)之移動速度、方向參數 ,藉微處理器算處理,反應出游標位於電腦 位移量者’並利用遙控裝置(!)上之滑鼠控制紐(工 入 098117416 表單編號A0101 第7頁/共20頁 0982029595-0 201042497 3)作為選項、設定操作,而達到整合無線鍵盤、無線 滑鼠對電腦做無線操控的目的。 [0011] 請一併再參閱第四圖本發明實施於電腦之無線操控 方法流程圖所示,其中: [0012] S101 :判斷是否為按鍵指令,當使用者開始操控遙控裝 置(1 )時,若其是藉由鍵盤輸入介面(1 2)、播放 控制介面(1 4 )輸入按鍵指令則進行S102步驟,若不 是按鍵指令則進行S103步驟; [0013] S102 :轉換鍵盤相對應協定碼; [0014] S103 :轉換滑鼠相對應協定碼;藉由加速度感測元件( 1 6 )、陀螺儀感測元件(1 7)運算出電腦滑鼠游標 移動位置或轉換滑鼠控制鈕(1 3)的輸入協定碼; [0015] S104 :對無線接收器傳送指令,將上述指令協定碼以無 線傳輸模組(1 5)對連接於電腦之無線接收器傳輸指 令,使得電腦做相對應指令的動作; [0016] S105 :判斷輸入指令訊息是否停止,研判上述鍵盤輸入 介面(1 2)、滑鼠控制鈕(1 3 )、播放控制介面( 1 4)、加速度感測元件(1 6)、陀螺儀感測元件( 1 7 )是否停止指令訊息,若無停止則持續進行S101〜 S104步驟,若輸入指令訊息停止則結束。 [0017] 另外,本發明之遙控裝置(1 )可進一步設有一切 換開關(1 8)及一紅外線發射器(1 9),該切換開 關(1 8)可供切換遙控裝置(1 )執行欲對控制裝置 098117416 表單編號A0101 第8頁/共20頁 0982029595-0 201042497 [0018] Ο [0019] [0020] Ο [0021] [0022] [0023] 的模式,如對電腦、或對影音播《置,當_影音播 放裝置進行操控時’其則係由遙控裝置(1)按壓切換 開關(18)切換轉音播放裝置模式,賤放控制介 面(1 4 )則可被使用,並以紅外線發㈣(i 9 )發 射訊號傳輪至影音減裝置,㈣《彡音裝置進 影音資料的播放、停止、快轉、倒帶、暫停等動作。 本發明於使用者按壓切換開關(i 8)變成對影立 播放裝置模式時’請—併㈣第五圖本發明應用在夺1 播放裝置模式之無線操控方法流程圖所示,其中:1 議··判斷遙控裝置(1)之是否有按下按鍵,若無按 下按鍵_、㈣待按鍵之按下輸人,若有按下按鍵 行S202步驟; 、$ S202 :判斷輸入之指令是否為變更模式,若為變更 則返回變成操控電腦之模式,若輸人之1旨令不是為變^ 模式則進行S203步驟; ^ 吏 [J丨ή 't S2°3:啟動遙控裝置(1)之紅外線發射器(19); S204 :轉換按鍵位置的相對應協定碼; S2〇5 :對影音播放裝置進行訊息之傳送,簡使用者接 作遙控裝置(1)之指令由影音播放裝置接收,而能對 所輸出到影音播料置的影音《做選取、播放、 、停止等相關操作; 快轉 國議:判斷按鍵是否放開,若無放關進行S2G7步驟, 而若放開按鍵則進行S208步驟; 098117416 表單編號A0101 第9頁/共2〇頁 0982029595-0 201042497 [0025] S207 :傳送重覆的按鍵碼; [0026] S208 :關閉紅外線發射器(1 9 ),並回到S2 01步驟。 [0027] 由上述之元件組成與實施說明可知,本發明與現有 結構相較之下,本發明確具有下列優點: [0028] 1.本發明遙控裝置由於係利用無線傳輸模組與電腦上插 接之無線接收器〔Dongle,無線接收器亦可呈模組化内 建於電腦主機内〕進行連線,以鍵盤輸入介面對電腦進 行操控,而於遙控裝置移動過程中則利用其所設置之加 速度感測元件及陀螺儀感測元件之感測操控電腦滑鼠游 標之移動,並同時利用其所設置對應滑鼠控制鈕對該電 腦滑鼠游標進行操控,使得遙控裝置將電腦鍵盤及滑鼠 整合為一體,且利用無線方式進行操控,使其能利用來 直接對電腦進行操控輸入使用,而在其整體施行使用上 更增實用功效特性者。 [0029] 2.本發明遙控裝置利用其設置之加速度感測元件及陀螺 儀感測元件之感測操控電腦滑鼠游標之移動,故本發明 之遙控裝置不必侷限置於桌面上使用,在於玩電腦遊戲 時,如一些射擊遊戲、賽車駕駛遊戲等,可直接模擬真 實情境將遙控裝置持於空中操控,而更增遊戲的趣味性 及臨場感。 [0030] 3.本發明由於可進一步在遙控裝置設有切換開關可供切 換對影音播放裝置或電腦之操控狀態,不僅可用來操作 電腦做為無線滑鼠、鍵盤使用,直接對電腦進行操控設 定,亦可操控影音播放裝置,而能在其整體施行使用上 098117416 表單編號A0101 第10頁/共20頁 0982029595-0 201042497 更增實用便利性者。 [0031] 然而前述之實施例或圖式並非限定本發明之產品結 構或使用方式,任何所屬技術領域中具有通常知識者之 適當變化或修飾,皆應視為不脫離本發明之專利範疇。 [0032] 綜上所述,本發明實施例確能達到所預期之使用功 效,又其所揭露流程及操控方法,不僅未曾見諸於同類 產品中,亦未曾公開於申請前,誠已完全符合專利法之 規定與要求,爰依法提出發明專利之申請,懇請惠予審 〇 查,並賜准專利,則實感德便。 【圖式簡單說明】 [0033] 第一圖:本發明之立體外觀圖 [0034] 第二圖:本發明之俯視結構圖 [0035] 第三圖:本發明之結構方塊圖 [0036] 第四圖:本發明實施於電腦之無線操控方法流程圖 ^ [0037] 第五圖:本發明應用在影音播放裝置模式之無線操控方 〇 法流程圖 [0038] 第六圖:現有之結構示意圖 【主要元件符號說明】 (11) 微處理器 (13) 滑鼠控制鈕 (15) 無線傳輸模組 (17) 陀螺儀感測元件 (19) 紅外線發射器 [0039] (1) 遙控裝置 (1 2 )鍵盤輸入介面 (1 4)播放控制介面 (1 6)加速度感測元件 (1 8)切換開關 098117416 表單編號A0101 第11頁/共20頁 0982029595-0 201042497 (2 1 )電腦主機 (2 1 1 ) USB插槽 (22)無線接收器 (23) 無線鍵盤 (2 4)無線滑鼠 098117416 表單編號A0101 第12頁/共20頁 0982029595-0201042497 [0001] [0002] [0003] [0003] [Technical Field] The present invention relates to an integrated remote control device and a wireless control method thereof, and particularly to a computer keyboard and a mouse integrated into one And the wireless remote control, which can be used to directly manipulate and input the computer, and the integrated remote control device and its wireless control method are more effective in the overall implementation. [Previous technology 4 standard] According to the modern society where technology is progressing, all kinds of computer equipment are everywhere in people's lives, and personalized computer equipment is almost one of the necessary products for every household. The personal computer not only facilitates people to handle various things, materials, etc., but also facilitates people to search for various information required by the Internet, and with the relatively rapid development of computer equipment and various peripheral devices, it is becoming more and more Many people will also use a personal computer to watch a variety of multimedia audio and video information, plus the success of You Tube, more video sharing sites on the Internet came into being, making it easier for people to get more videos and music information through the computer. . In the operation and use of the computer, the keyboard and the mouse can be said to be indispensable equipment. In the early days, the general keyboard and the mouse are respectively connected by wires and the host computer to separate the keyboard and the slide by the wires. The mouse's control signal is transmitted to the host computer, so that the computer can respond to the corresponding action. However, because the computer is connected to the keyboard and the mouse and the mouse, the length of the wire is limited, which causes the keyboard and the mouse to be set. The location is limited, plus the computer itself needs to be connected with a variety of wires and power supply 098117416 Form No. A0101 Page 4 / 20 pages 0982029595-0 201042497, screen, network, La N8, etc. The overall setup is not only extremely inconvenient, but also extremely messy. [0004] Ο Therefore, some people have developed a wireless keyboard and a wireless mouse, please refer to the schematic diagram of the existing structure in the sixth figure. 'The structure is mainly in the USB socket of the computer host (2 1) (2 1 1 The middle of the plug-in wireless receiver [Dongle] (2 2), corresponding to the wireless receiver (2 2) respectively have a wireless keyboard (23) and a wireless mouse (2 4), the wireless keyboard (2 3) Both the wireless mouse (2 4) and the wireless transmitter (not shown) allow the user to control the computer (2 1) using the wireless keyboard (2 3) or the wireless mouse (2 4). When the wireless keyboard (2 3) or wireless mouse (2 4) control signal is transmitted out through the wireless transmitter, it is #掣 in the USB socket (2 1 1) of the computer host (2 1). When the wireless receiver (2 2 ) receives the control signal, it will transmit the control signal into the host computer (2 1) to control the computer host (2 1). [0005] ❹ However, the above-mentioned wireless keyboard and wireless mouse can achieve the pre-existing function of wireless control without wire limitation, but it is also found in the actual operation and implementation, the wireless keyboard and the wireless mouse are The two separate structural designs result in sufficient space for the wireless keyboard and the wireless mouse to be set separately, which not only appears to be extremely space-consuming, but also requires the user to change hands to the wireless keyboard and wireless during use. The mouse is controlled, and the wireless mouse does not change the traditional way of sliding on the desktop. For some computer games, the manipulation is still not intuitive, the sense of presence and convenience, and the operation is greatly inconvenient. The wireless keyboard and wireless mouse still have improved 098117416 form number A0101 0982029595-0 201042497 space in their overall implementation. [0007] [0008] [0008] The reason is that, in view of this, the inventors have long-term experience in the design and development of the relevant industries and the actual production experience, to provide an integrated remote control device for the existing structure and lack of research and improvement. Its wireless control method, in order to achieve better practical value. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The integrated remote control device and the wireless control method thereof are mainly provided with a keyboard input interface and a mouse control button respectively, and a wireless transmission module is connected to the microprocessor inside. The acceleration sensing component and the gyro sensing component of the computer mouse cursor are controlled, so that the wireless transmission module can be connected with the wireless receiver (Dongle) plugged in on the computer, and the keyboard input interface is used to face the computer. Manipulating, and during the movement of the remote control device, using the acceleration sensing component and the sensing device of the gyroscope to control the movement of the computer mouse cursor, and simultaneously using the corresponding mouse control button to the computer The mouse cursor is manipulated; thereby, the computer keyboard and the mouse are integrated into one body, and the wireless mode is used for manipulation, so that it can be directly used to manipulate and input the computer, and is more practical in its overall implementation. Efficacy characteristics. [Embodiment] For a more complete and clear disclosure of the technical content, the purpose of the invention and the effects thereof achieved by the present invention, the following is a detailed description, and please refer to the drawings and drawings: First, please refer to the first figure, the perspective view of the present invention, the second view, the top view of the present invention, and the third figure, which is shown in the block diagram of the present invention. 098117416 Form No. A0101 Page 6 / Total 20 pages 0982029595-0 [ 0009] 201042497 Ο [0010] 遥控 The remote control device (1) of the present invention is mainly provided with a microprocessor (the D (the) microprocessor (11) is connected to the remote control device (1) with a keyboard input; 2) For the computer to operate the keyboard, the air control button (13) for the computer to play the mouse to play the control interface (14) for the operation of the audio and video information, inside the remote control device (1) The wireless transmission module (1 5) connected to the micro processing 11 (1 1 ) is provided for wireless transmission connection with the computer, the acceleration sensing component (16) and the gyroscope sensing component (17) for sensing and controlling the computer. Mouse cursor moves. So - come 'to make that far When the device (1) is turned on, the wireless transmission module (1 5) and the wireless receiver (the Dongle, which can be modularly built in the computer host) can be wirelessly connected and transmitted. Message, and when the user uses the keyboard input, interface (1 2) to operate the computer, or operate the playback control interface (丄4), the operator can send the command message to the wireless transmission module (15) and the computer. The wireless receiver [-...] wirelessly connected enables the computer to execute the corresponding command message or execute the playback control interface (14) to command the message operation to control the computer audio and video player to play the audio and video information, when in the remote control device ( i) Without the keyboard input interface (1 2) input command, when the remote control device (1) is moved, the acceleration sensing component connected to the microprocessor (丄丄) of the remote control device (1) (1 6 And the gyroscope sensing component (work 7) can be used to sense and calculate the moving speed and direction parameters of the remote control device (1), and the microprocessor calculates the processing, and the cursor is located in the computer displacement amount' and uses the remote control Loading Set (!) on the mouse control button (work 098117416 form number A0101 page 7 / total 20 pages 0992029595-0 201042497 3) as an option, set the operation, and achieve integrated wireless keyboard, wireless mouse to wireless control of the computer [0011] Please refer to the fourth diagram of the flowchart of the wireless control method implemented in the computer, wherein: [0012] S101: determining whether it is a button command, when the user starts to control the remote control device (1) In the case of inputting a button command through the keyboard input interface (1 2) and the playback control interface (1 4), the step S102 is performed, and if it is not a button command, the step S103 is performed; [0013] S102: corresponding to the conversion keyboard [0014] S103: converting the mouse corresponding agreement code; calculating the movement position of the computer mouse cursor or switching the mouse control button by the acceleration sensing element (16), the gyro sensing element (17) 1) an input protocol code; [0015] S104: transmitting a command to the wireless receiver, transmitting the command code to the wireless receiver connected to the computer by the wireless transmission module (1 5), so that the computer does Corresponding instruction action; [0016] S105: determining whether the input command message is stopped, and judging the keyboard input interface (1 2), the mouse control button (13), the playback control interface (14), and the acceleration sensing component (1) 6) Whether the gyroscope sensing component (17) stops the command message, and if there is no stop, the steps S101 to S104 are continued, and if the input command message stops, the process ends. [0017] In addition, the remote control device (1) of the present invention may further be provided with a switch (18) and an infrared emitter (1 9), and the switch (18) is operable to switch the remote control device (1). Pair control device 098117416 Form number A0101 Page 8 / Total 20 pages 0992029595-0 201042497 [0018] [0020] [0023] [0023] [0023] The mode, such as for a computer, or for audio and video broadcast " When the _ video playback device is being operated, the remote control device (1) presses the switch (18) to switch the audio playback device mode, and the zoom control interface (1 4 ) can be used and is transmitted in the infrared (4) (i 9) transmitting signal transmission to video and audio reduction device, (4) "playing, stopping, fast turning, rewinding, suspending, etc. of the audio and video equipment. The present invention is shown in the flowchart of the wireless control method of the present invention applied to the mode of the playback device when the user presses the switch (i 8) to the mode of the playback device. · Determine whether the remote control device (1) has pressed the button, if the button is not pressed _, (4) the button is pressed to input, if there is a button to press the button S202 step; $ S202: determine whether the input command is Change mode, if it is changed, return to the mode of controlling the computer. If the command of the input is not change mode, proceed to step S203; ^ 吏[J丨ή 't S2°3: activate the remote control device (1) Infrared transmitter (19); S204: corresponding agreement code for switching button position; S2〇5: transmitting information to the video playback device, and the command of the user to receive the remote control device (1) is received by the video playback device, and The audio and video output to the audio and video broadcast can be selected, play, stop, and other related operations; fast forward country: determine whether the button is released, if there is no release to carry out the S2G7 step, and if the button is released, proceed to S208 Step; 098117416 form No. A0101 Page 9 of 2 Page 0982029595-0 201042497 [0025] S207: Transmitting a repeated key code; [0026] S208: Turning off the infrared emitter (1 9 ) and returning to step S2 01. [0027] It can be seen from the above components and implementation description that the present invention has the following advantages compared with the prior art: [0028] 1. The remote control device of the present invention uses a wireless transmission module and a computer to be inserted. The wireless receiver (Dongle, the wireless receiver can also be modularly built in the computer host) is connected, and the keyboard input device is used to control the computer, and the remote control device is used during the movement process. The sensing of the acceleration sensing component and the gyroscope sensing component controls the movement of the computer mouse cursor, and simultaneously controls the computer mouse cursor by using the corresponding mouse control button, so that the remote control device will put the computer keyboard and the mouse It is integrated into one, and it is controlled by wireless, so that it can be used to directly manipulate and input the computer, and it has more practical functions in its overall implementation. [0029] 2. The remote control device of the present invention uses the acceleration sensing component and the sensing device of the gyroscope to control the movement of the computer mouse cursor. Therefore, the remote control device of the present invention does not have to be placed on the desktop for use. In computer games, such as shooting games, racing driving games, etc., you can directly simulate the real situation to hold the remote control device in the air, and increase the fun and presence of the game. [0030] 3. The present invention can further be used in the remote control device to switch the control state of the video playback device or the computer, and can be used not only to operate the computer as a wireless mouse, keyboard, but also directly control the computer. It can also control the audio and video playback device, and can be used in its overall implementation. 098117416 Form No. A0101 Page 10 / Total 20 pages 0982029595-0 201042497 More practical convenience. [0031] However, the above-described embodiments or drawings are not intended to limit the structure or the manner of use of the present invention, and any suitable variations or modifications of those skilled in the art should be considered as not departing from the scope of the invention. [0032] In summary, the embodiments of the present invention can achieve the expected use efficiency, and the disclosed procedures and control methods have not been seen in similar products, nor have they been disclosed before the application. The provisions and requirements of the Patent Law, and the application for invention patents in accordance with the law, are requested to be reviewed and approved, and the patents are granted. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0033] First: Stereoscopic Appearance of the Invention [0034] Second: Top View of the Invention [0035] Third: Structural Block Diagram of the Invention [0036] Fourth Figure: Flow chart of wireless control method implemented in computer of the present invention ^ [0037] Fifth figure: Flow chart of wireless control method applied in audio-visual playback device mode of the present invention [0038] Figure 6: Schematic diagram of existing structure [mainly Component Symbol Description] (11) Microprocessor (13) Mouse Control (15) Wireless Transmission Module (17) Gyro Sensing Element (19) Infrared Emitter [0039] (1) Remote Control (1 2 ) Keyboard input interface (1 4) playback control interface (1 6) acceleration sensing component (1 8) toggle switch 098117416 form number A0101 page 11 / total 20 page 0992029595-0 201042497 (2 1 ) computer host (2 1 1 ) USB slot (22) wireless receiver (23) wireless keyboard (2 4) wireless mouse 098117416 form number A0101 page 12 / total 20 pages 0992029595-0