201034611 六、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明係與拖把脫水機有關’更詳而言之係指一種拖 把脫水機之傳動機構。 【先前技術】 按,一般拖把於沾濕後,使用者必須運用雙手將拖把 棉條所吸取之水分加以擰乾’但此一動作勢必造成使用者 之雙手沾污到髒水。因此遂有業者研發出一種專門將拖把 上之水分利用離心力加以甩離之拖把脫水機,其主要結構 係將一機械式之傳動機構裝設於一桶體内,以由該桶體收 集由該傳動機構對拖把旋轉後所甩離之水份。 惟,目前市面上常見拖把脫水機之傳動機構,有著多 種不同之傳動方式,有以斜齒輪方式傳動、拉繩方式傳動、 或以大、小齒輪傳動,以將最終動力傳至一轉軸上,而能 由該轉軸帶動-轉盤旋轉。然而,上述各種傳動方式、結 構’皆係將使用者踩踏於踏板上造成踏板樞擺之行程,單 純地以一比—之等效轉化為轉軸之旋轉圈數行程總合,而 無法作有效地增速,導致㈣者必_軸而持續地踩踏 該踏板往復樞擺才能將轉盤之轉速提昇,而有使用上過於 費力、費時之問題,就算有增速機構搭配,也相對造成增 速機構佔據頗大之空間’增大了產品的尺寸,造成成 本的增知。 201034611 【發明内容】 . 有鑑於此,本發明之主要目的乃在提供一種拖把脫水 機之傳動機構,係能保有原先的增速效果,又能將整個傳 動機構縮小所佔面積’達到使用上省力及減少因空間增大 所造成製造成本的提升,同時並藉由慣性飛輪的置設,使 轉軸在轉動上能更為快速及順暢,踩踏踏板也能更為省力 者。 緣此,本發明乃提供一種拖把脫水機之傳動機構,包 〇含有:一底座,係置於一桶體之内部,具有一容置室,該 容置室之周壁上具有一環狀内齒及一容納慣性飛輪的空 間;一踏板,係樞接於該底座上,並可於一踩踏始點至一 踩踏終點間往復樞擺,該踏板上具有一冠齒;一行星齒輪 組,係置於該容置室中,具有一太陽齒輪、多數行星齒輪 及一傳動齒輪,該太陽齒輪係置於該容置室中,該等行星 齒輪係依等間距嚙接於該太陽齒輪與該環狀内齒間,該傳 〇 動齒輪係樞接於該等行星齒輪之轴心上,並與該踏板之冠 齒嚙接;一轉轴,係穿入於該太陽齒輪之軸心而受該太陽 齒輪之連動’轉軸在太陽齒輪之下方並鎖固有一慣性飛 輪,該轉軸並與一拖把脫水機之轉盤固接,一慣性飛輪, 係置於上述容置室的最裡端,並受轉軸驅動而轉動者。 【實施方式】 為使貴審查委員能對本發明之特徵與特點有更進一 步之了解與認同’茲列舉以下較佳實施例並配合圖式說明 5 201034611 如下: 請參閱第一圖至筮 ^ 供一種拖把脫錢之傳祕^本發明—㈣實施例所提 座10、一踏板2n!100,其主要包含有一底 行星齒輪組50、一 =承30、一慣性飛輪40、-嗜灸間笛 早向轴承6 0及一轉軸7 〇 ’其中: 把脫水機之桶體9/ 該底座1Q,仙設於一拖 二直立連接於該1’該底座lQ具有—底板11及 該二立Ί ^ ^ _反11上之立柱12,該底板11位於 室1 1丄,=2之頂面上,往下凹陷有一預定型態之容置 狀態之置室111由下往上可依序界定出呈連通 容置區 各置區、飛輪容置區及齒輪容置區,且該齒輪 ^内周壁面上形成有一環狀内齒1 12。 該底座t閱第—圖至第四圖,該踏板2◦,—端係樞接於 外,讀踏〇之一立柱12間,另一端則伸出於桶體9 1 樞擺,分板2 〇可爻力於一踩踏始點至—踩踏終點間往復 受力時=踏板2 0並雙彈簀21之作用,使該踏板2 0未 有常保持位於踩踏始點上;_板2 G上-體形成 ^ 冠齒2 2。 置於讀‘閱第_至第四圖,該二定位軸承3 0 ’其-係 1上 Ή 〇之軸承容置區中’另—則係置於該桶體9 Μ該二定位軸承3 Q係位在同—轴心線上。 具備預二閱第—圖及第三、四圖,該慣性飛輪4 0,為-疋重量之圓柱體,且其軸心位置形成有—貫穿頂、 201034611 底之通孔41;該慣性飛輪40係置位於該底座10之飛 • 輪容置區中。 請參閱第一圖及第三、四圖,該行星齒輪組5 0,具 有一太陽齒輪5 1、三行星齒輪5 2、一傳動齒輪5 3及 一封蓋54。該太陽齒輪5 1係置於該底座1 0之齒輪容 置區之中央位置處,且該太陽齒輪5 1軸心形成有一貫穿 之穿孔5 1 1,該穿孔5 1 1係由一自該太陽齒輪5 1頂 面往下延伸之第一穿孔及一自該太陽齒輪51底面往上延 Ο 伸之第二穿孔所連通而成,且該第一穿孔之内徑大於該第 二穿孔之内徑,使該第一穿孔與該第二穿孔之内壁交接處 形成有一擋緣5 1 2(也就是所謂的階級穿孔的結構);該 等行星齒輪5 2係置於該底座1 0之齒輪容置區中,並呈 等距排列嚙接於該太陽齒輪51與該環狀内齒112之 間,該等行星齒輪5 2之轴心位置分別形成有一連接孔5 2 1 ;該傳動齒輪5 3,係置於該底座1 0之齒輪容置區 q 中,具有一行星架5 3 1、一連接於該行星架5 3 1頂端 之傳動環齒5 3 2及三連接於該行星架5 3 1底端依等間 距排列之連接柱5 3 3,以由該各連接柱5 3 3分別穿置 於該各行星齒輪5 2之連接孔5 2 1中;該封蓋5 4係蓋 設於該底座10之容置室111開口上,以防止位於該容 置室1 1 1内之構件掉出,同時可防止汙垢或水潰侵入容 置室1 1 1影響齒輪組織運轉,且該傳動齒輪5 3之傳動 環齒5 3 2並伸出於該封蓋5 4外(外露於該容置室1 1 7 201034611 1外),而與該踏板2 〇之冠齒2 2嚙接。 請參閱第一圖至第五圖,該單向轴承6〇,係置於該 行星齒輪組5 〇之太陽齒輪5 1的穿孔5丄丄第一穿孔 内,並受該擋緣51 2所撐抵。 請參閱第-圖至第五圖,轉軸70,係穿經於傳動齒 輪53、封蓋54太&齒輪3 1、單向轴承6〇、慣性 飛輪4 〇之轴心中,並受該二定位軸承3 〇所承接而使該 轉軸7 0僅能於原地進行轉動,且該轉軸7 〇之一端並與 拖把脫水機之一轉盤9 2固接,以將該轉盤9 2與該轉軸 7 0同動。 是以,上述即為本發明所提供較佳實施例拖把脫水機 之傳動機構1 0 0的各部構件及其組裴方式介紹,接著再 將本發明之使用特點介紹如下: 當欲進行對一拖把(圖中未示)之脫水作業時,則將 該拖把之拖把頭置於該轉盤9 2内,接著使用者便將受彈 貫2 1作用而位於踩踏始點之踏板2 〇加以採下,使該踏 板2 0樞擺至踩踏終點位置上,於該踏板2 〇自踩踏始點 往踩踏終點樞擺時,該冠齒2 2便能帶動該傳動齒輪5 3 轉動’而將該等行星齒輪5 2沿著環狀齒1 1 2之内周作 β自轉及相對於该太陽齒輪5 1之公轉,並同時帶動該太 陽w輪5 1轉動,而由置於該太陽齒輪5 1内之該單向轴 承6 〇 f動轉轴7 〇旋轉,而能帶動該轉盤9 2轉動, 以對拖把頭進行脫水之作業。 201034611 而當使用者放鬆該踏板2 〇睥,t ^01 ^ ^ 時,該踏板20則由該彈 •百21之作用而樞擺至踩踏始點位置上,以利使用= 續踩踏。而當踏板2 〇受彈簧2 1i 艾持 ,踩=點時,該單向軸承6 ◦則與該轉軸 P此一行程並不會帶動轉軸7 〇轉動。 是以’由於當踏板2〇由踩踏始點至踩踏終點 時,該傳動齒輪5 3係被冠齒2 2所帶動,而該傳 〇 f3之傳動環齒5 3 2旋轉—圈’即該等行星齒輪 耆環狀内齒1 1 2公轉一圈時,該等行星齒輪5 2於公二 :圈之行財已自轉相當多數之圈數,使能帶動太陽齒^ i與轉軸70旋轉多數圈(如第五圖所示),而能^ 速之功效,而慣性飛輪4 i主要在於藉由其重量,使曰 =轉時產生慣性作用,做為辅助轉軸7 Q旋轉時的慣_ 1使轉軸7 0轉動時更為順暢及持久,也間接減輕踩 ◎及快^2〇的力道’進而給予使用者於踩踏時能更為省力 以上所揭,僅為本發明的較佳實施方式而已,並非用 以限定本發明實施例的範圍,本技術領域内的—般技術人 貝根據本發明所作的均等變化,以及本領域内技術人員熟 知的改變’仍應屬本發明涵蓋的範圍。 9 201034611 【圖式簡單說明】 第一圖係本發明一較佳實施例之立體分解圖。 第二圖係第一圖所示較佳實施例實降 够一 ν <組合圖。 第二圖係第一圖所示較佳實施例之組合剖視圖。 第四圖係第一圖所示較佳實施例之組合剖視圖。 第五圖係第一圖所示較佳實施例之作動示专圖 【主要元件符號說明】 拖把脫水機之傳動機構1 0 0 底座1 0 底板1 1 容置室1 1 1 環狀内齒112 立柱1 2 踏板2 0 彈簧2 1 冠齒2 2 定位軸承3 〇 慣性飛輪4 〇 通孔4 1 行星齒輪組5 〇 太陽齒輪5 1 穿孔5 1 1 擋緣5 1 2 行星齒輪5 2 連接孔5 2 1 傳動齒輪5 3 行星架5 31 傳動環齒5 3 2 連接柱5 3 3 封蓋5 4 單向軸承6 0 轉軸7 0 桶體9 1 轉盤9 2 10201034611 VI. Description of the Invention: [Technical Field of the Invention] The present invention relates to a mop dehydrator. More specifically, it refers to a transmission mechanism of a mop dehydrator. [Prior Art] Press, after the general mop is wet, the user must use both hands to wring the water sucked by the mop tampond'. However, this action will inevitably cause the user's hands to stain the dirty water. Therefore, some manufacturers have developed a mop dehydrator that specifically removes the moisture on the mop by centrifugal force. The main structure is to install a mechanical transmission mechanism in a barrel to be collected by the barrel. The water that the transmission mechanism detaches from the mop after it has been rotated. However, the transmission mechanism of the common mop dehydrator currently on the market has a variety of different transmission modes, such as helical gear transmission, cable driving, or large and small gear transmission to transmit the final power to a rotating shaft. It can be driven by the rotating shaft - the turntable rotates. However, the above various transmission modes and structures are designed to cause the user to step on the pedal to cause the pedal to swing, and simply convert the equivalent of the rotation ratio into the rotation of the rotation axis, which is not effective. The speed increase causes (4) the _ axis to continuously step on the pedal reciprocating pivot to increase the rotation speed of the turntable, and the use is too laborious and time consuming, even if there is a speed increase mechanism, it also causes the speed increase mechanism to occupy A large space 'increased the size of the product, resulting in cost increases. 201034611 [Summary content] In view of this, the main object of the present invention is to provide a mop dehydrator transmission mechanism, which can maintain the original speed-increasing effect, and can reduce the entire transmission mechanism to occupy an area. And to reduce the manufacturing cost caused by the increase of space, and by the inertia flywheel, the rotation shaft can be rotated more quickly and smoothly, and the pedal can be more labor-saving. Therefore, the present invention provides a transmission mechanism for a mop dehydrator, the package comprising: a base disposed inside a barrel body, having an accommodation chamber having an annular internal tooth on a peripheral wall of the accommodation chamber And a space for accommodating the inertia flywheel; a pedal pivotally connected to the base and reciprocally pivotable between a stepping start point and a stepping end point, the pedal having a crown tooth; a planetary gear set, coupled In the accommodating chamber, there is a sun gear, a plurality of planet gears and a transmission gear, wherein the sun gear is disposed in the accommodating chamber, and the planetary gears are meshed with the sun gear and the ring at equal intervals Between the internal teeth, the transmission gear is pivotally connected to the axis of the planetary gears and meshes with the crown teeth of the pedal; a rotating shaft penetrates the axis of the sun gear and receives the sun The interlocking of the gear 'the rotating shaft is below the sun gear and locks the inherent inertia flywheel. The rotating shaft is fixed to the turntable of a mop dehydrator. An inertial flywheel is placed at the innermost end of the receiving chamber and is driven by the rotating shaft. And the rotator. [Embodiment] In order to enable the reviewing committee to have a better understanding and recognition of the features and features of the present invention, the following preferred embodiments are listed with reference to the description of the drawings. 5 201034611 is as follows: Please refer to the first figure to 筮^ The invention is based on the invention - (4) The seat of the embodiment 10, a pedal 2n! 100, which mainly comprises a bottom planetary gear set 50, a = 30, an inertial flywheel 40, - moxibustion To the bearing 60 and the shaft 7 〇' of which: the barrel 9 of the dehydrator / the base 1Q, the fairy is set at one to two erected to the 1' the base lQ has - the bottom plate 11 and the two vertical Ί ^ ^ On the top of the column 11, the bottom plate 11 is located on the top surface of the chamber 1 1 丄, = 2, and the chamber 111 having a predetermined state of being recessed downward is sequentially defined to be connected from bottom to top. Each of the accommodating area, the flywheel accommodating area and the gear accommodating area, and an annular inner tooth 1 12 is formed on the inner peripheral wall surface of the gear. The base is read from the first to the fourth figure, the pedal 2◦, the end is pivotally connected to the outside, one of the columns 12 is read, and the other end is extended from the barrel 9 1 to pivot, the board 2 〇 爻 爻 于 一 踩 踩 踩 踩 踩 踩 踩 踩 踩 踩 踩 踩 踩 踩 踩 踩 踩 踩 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - Body formation ^ Crown teeth 2 2 . Placed in the reading 'reading _ to the fourth figure, the two positioning bearings 3 0 'the line 1 in the bearing accommodation area of the upper part ' 则 is placed in the barrel 9 Μ the two positioning bearings 3 Q The line is on the same axis. The pre-two-reading map and the third and fourth graphs, the inertia flywheel 40 is a cylindrical body of -疋 weight, and its axial center position is formed with a through hole 41 through the top, 201034611 bottom; the inertia flywheel 40 The system is located in the fly wheel housing area of the base 10. Referring to the first and third and fourth figures, the planetary gear set 50 has a sun gear 5 1 , three planetary gears 5 2, a transmission gear 5 3 and a cover 54. The sun gear 5 1 is disposed at a central position of the gear accommodating area of the base 10, and the sun gear 5 1 is formed with a through hole 51 1 through which the perforation 5 1 1 is a first through hole extending downward from the top surface of the gear 51 and a second through hole extending upward from the bottom surface of the sun gear 51, and an inner diameter of the first through hole is larger than an inner diameter of the second through hole. Forming a retaining edge 5 1 2 (also referred to as a so-called class perforated structure) at the intersection of the first perforation and the inner wall of the second perforation; the planetary gears 52 are placed in the gear receiving area of the base 10 And an equidistant arrangement between the sun gear 51 and the annular inner tooth 112. The axial positions of the planetary gears 52 are respectively formed with a connecting hole 5 2 1 ; the transmission gear 5 3 The gear housing area q of the base 10 has a carrier 5 31, a transmission ring 5 3 2 and a third connected to the top of the carrier 5 3 1 are connected to the bottom of the carrier 5 3 1 Connecting the connecting columns 53 3 at equal intervals so as to be respectively inserted into the connecting of the planetary gears 5 2 by the connecting columns 5 3 3 5 2 1; the cover 514 is disposed on the opening of the accommodating chamber 111 of the base 10 to prevent the components located in the accommodating chamber 11 1 from falling out, and at the same time preventing dirt or water from collapsing. The chamber 1 1 1 affects the gear organization operation, and the transmission ring gear 5 3 2 of the transmission gear 53 extends beyond the cover 5 4 (exposed outside the accommodation chamber 1 1 7 201034611 1), and The pedal 2 of the pedal 2 is engaged. Referring to the first to fifth figures, the one-way bearing 6 is placed in the first perforation 5 of the perforation 5 of the sun gear 5 1 of the planetary gear set 5, and is supported by the retaining edge 51 2 Arrived. Referring to the first to fifth figures, the rotating shaft 70 passes through the shaft of the transmission gear 53, the cover 54 too & gear 3 1 , the one-way bearing 6 〇, the inertia flywheel 4 ,, and is subjected to the second The locating bearing 3 承 is received so that the rotating shaft 70 can only rotate in place, and one end of the rotating shaft 7 并 is fixed to one of the turntables 9 2 of the mop dehydrator to connect the turntable 9 2 with the rotating shaft 7 0 moves together. Therefore, the above is the description of the components of the transmission mechanism of the mop dehydrator of the preferred embodiment of the present invention and its grouping manner, and then the use characteristics of the present invention are as follows: When a mop is to be performed When the dewatering operation (not shown) is performed, the mop head of the mop is placed in the turntable 92, and then the user takes the pedal 2 which is subjected to the action of the spring and is located at the starting point of the pedaling, and is taken. The pedal 20 is pivoted to the stepping end position, and the crown gear 2 can drive the transmission gear 5 3 to rotate when the pedal 2 枢 is stepped from the starting point to the stepping end point, and the planetary gears are driven 5 2 is rotated along the inner circumference of the annular tooth 1 1 2 and revolves with respect to the sun gear 5 1 , and simultaneously drives the sun w wheel 5 1 to rotate, and the single placed in the sun gear 5 1 The rotation of the shaft 7 〇 is rotated to the bearing 6 〇f, and the turntable 9 2 can be rotated to perform the operation of dehydrating the mop head. 201034611 When the user relaxes the pedal 2 〇睥, t ^01 ^ ^, the pedal 20 is pivoted by the action of the bullet • Hundred 21 to the starting position of the pedal to facilitate the use of = continued pedaling. When the pedal 2 〇 is held by the spring 2 1i, when the step = point, the one-way bearing 6 ◦ and the rotation axis P do not drive the rotation of the shaft 7 〇. Therefore, because the transmission gear 53 is driven by the crown gear 2 when the pedal 2 is pressed from the starting point to the end of the pedaling, the transmission ring gear of the transmission f3 is rotated. When the planetary gear 耆 ring inner teeth 1 1 2 revolutions one turn, the planetary gears 52 are in the second squad: the circle has been rotated for a considerable number of turns, enabling the solar tooth ^ i and the rotating shaft 70 to rotate a majority circle (As shown in the fifth figure), and can speed the effect, and the inertia flywheel 4 i mainly relies on its weight to make the inertia effect when the 曰 = turn, as the _ 1 when the auxiliary shaft 7 Q rotates When the rotating shaft 70 rotates, it is smoother and longer, and indirectly reduces the force of the stepping ◎ and the fasting 2', and further gives the user a more labor-saving method when stepping on. It is only a preferred embodiment of the present invention. It is not intended to limit the scope of the embodiments of the present invention, and it is intended that the scope of the present invention should be 9 201034611 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS The first drawing is a perspective exploded view of a preferred embodiment of the present invention. The second embodiment is a preferred embodiment of the first embodiment which is reduced by a ν < combination diagram. The second drawing is a combined cross-sectional view of the preferred embodiment shown in the first figure. The fourth drawing is a combined cross-sectional view of the preferred embodiment shown in the first figure. Figure 5 is a schematic diagram of the preferred embodiment of the first embodiment. [Main component symbol description] Mop dehydrator transmission mechanism 1 0 0 Base 1 0 Base plate 1 1 Housing chamber 1 1 1 Ring inner teeth 112 Column 1 2 Pedal 2 0 Spring 2 1 Crown 2 2 Positioning bearing 3 〇 Inertia flywheel 4 〇 Through hole 4 1 Planetary gear set 5 〇 Sun gear 5 1 Perforation 5 1 1 Retaining edge 5 1 2 Planetary gear 5 2 Connecting hole 5 2 1 Drive gear 5 3 Planet carrier 5 31 Drive ring gear 5 3 2 Connecting post 5 3 3 Cover 5 4 One-way bearing 6 0 Shaft 7 0 Bucket 9 1 Turntable 9 2 10