201033037 六、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明是有關於一種機車,且特別是有關於一種旁侧設 置有電線通道,且能夠防水的機車電池保護盒。 【先前技術】 目前市面上機車的電池,設置於機車的位置皆因車種 之不同而具有不同之設計,然而機車電池之設置,攸關於 ❹ 其更換時之方便性與否,以及是否能夠利用機車多餘的空 間,將機車電池定位於機車上之一適當處,使得空間得以 充分地被利用。 請參閱圖卜圖1為習知機車電池保護盒組裝於機車之 立體示意圖。目前市面上機車電池保護盒1有些如圖1所 示,設置於内置物箱13的維修口 14後方,此機車電池保 護盒1具有可定位一機車電池的電池容置空間10,此機車 電池保護盒1裝設於機車後方之一定位架12上,所述之維 修口 14具有一對應維修口 14的蓋合件15,使得機車電池 保護盒1能夠藉由此蓋合件15而與内置物箱13隔開。 然而,有些蓋合件15與内置物箱13彼此結合時,無法 非常密合,因此一般會在機車電池保護盒1之周緣,向外延 伸且環繞有遮蔽牆11,惟,這樣的設計有其不理想之處, 例如設置於機車後方的電路電線,由於遮蔽牆11的阻擋, 使得機車後方這些相關的多數電路電線,無法從機車電池 保護盒1後方穿設至維修口 14,因而造成維修性不佳的問 3 201033037 題存在。 【發明内容】 . 本發明之目的在於提供一種旁侧設置有電線通道,且能 夠防水的機車電池保護盒,以解決上述的問題。 依據上述之目的,本發明所述機車電池保護盒所裝設之 機車,具有一内置物箱,此内置物箱設置有維修口以及位 於維修口後方之機車電池保護盒,.所述機車電池保護盒具 Ο 有第一側板、第二側板以及連通維修口之一電池定位空 間’且維修口設置有能將維修口覆蓋之一蓋合件。其中機 車電池保護盒更向下延伸有下擋板,此下檔板之側邊,分 別向上延伸有與第一、第二侧板連接之侧擋板,所述侧擋 板其中之一者,連接有至少一通道。其中此下擋板與侧擋 拓之邊緣寬度係大於維修Π。 運用本發明所獲得的功效在於:藉由與側擋板連接且設 〇 置於第一、第二側板旁的通道,使得機車車尾之相關電路 的多數電線,能夠從機車電池保護盒後方拉設至維修口, 因此,令本發明具有維修性佳之外,配合下擋板與侧擋板 之邊緣寬度係大於維修口,使得本發明亦具有防水之效能。 【實施方式】 為期許對本發明之構造、特徵、功效及目的能夠有更詳 盡的瞭解,兹配合圖式將本發明相關實施例詳細說明如下。 請參閱圖2,圖2係為本發明第一實施例之機車電池保 201033037 護盒組裝於機車的立體示意圖。豆 於圖2中,僅以機車之車架作示意,並非發明所述之機車, 如圖2所示,機車電池保護盒:用从限制本發明。 .之固定架3卜並裝設_置物箱4維^機車車架3後方 車電池保護盒2具有連通鱗修口 ^後方’此機 且維修口41設置有能將維修口 」疋位空間20’ 過鎖固件43之鎖合,而能將蓋合件合件42,並透 續請同時參關3並配合圖2,圖—維修口 41上。 uz圖3係為本發明第一實 施例之機車電池保護盒的立體分解 、 人 刀解不意圖。機車電池保護 广有第-側板21以及第二側板22。此機車電池保護 益2更向下延伸有下擔板23,所述下擔板23之_邊, 分別向上延伸有與第-職21及第二側板22連接之側撐 板24’所述侧擋板24其中之一者,連接有至少一通道241。 其中於本實施例中,以機車電池保護盒2兩側邊的側擔板 24,皆具有通道241為例,並非用以限制本發明,當然, 亦可僅於機車電池保護盒2單一侧邊的侧擋板μ,連接有 通道241。 側擋板24與通道241之連接處,係略呈弧狀之設計, 以令機車車尾之相關電路的多數電線,從機車電池保護盒 2後方穿設至維修口 41時’能夠將電線平順導入而避免割 損電線之外皮。另外’下擋板23與侧擋板24之邊緣寬度 大於維修口 41,且下擋板23之表面係從機車電池保護盒2 之底部27,朝向維修口 41之方向傾斜。所述下擋板23之 201033037 表面上,設置有第一貫孔231,以及可供電子零件定位之 • 至少一凹槽232與設置於凹槽232旁的卡制件233,此卡 . 制件233上,更設置有能供電子零件嵌合的導軌234。 電池定位空間20設置有能將機車電池,定位於電池定 位空間20的一承载座201 ’所述承載座2〇1前緣設有相對 第-貫孔231之第二貫孔202,以供一鎖合件2G3鎖合於 第-貫孔231以及第二貫孔繼+,使得承載座2()1能夠 Q穩固地組裝於電池定位空間20,並透過此承載座2(u,令 騎乘者或維修人員能夠於機車電池需要更換或維修相關電 路時,能將機車電池從電池定位空間2〇托拉取出。 所述第一側板21設置有第一嵌合件211,此第一嵌合 件211上設置有兩相對之第一嵌槽2111 ;而位置相對第— 侧板21之第—側板22,設置有結構與第一喪合件211相 同的第二嵌合件221,且第二嵌合件221上設置有兩相對 之第二嵌槽2211。另外,機車電池保護盒2頂部25開設 ® 有可供機車電池之正、負極接線穿設的第一通孔251與第 一通孔252,且頂部25鄰近維修口 41之前侧邊緣具有防 止維修人員更換機車電池,而避免金屬類之維修工具與電 路之間造成短路的絕緣立板253,以及機車電池保護盒2 面向維修口 41之背部26,設有至少一固定孔加卜使得機 車電池保護盒2能藉由此固定孔26卜將類如螺絲之鎖固 件穿設其中’而令機車電池保護盒2能組裝固定於機車尾 部之相關構件上。 201033037 續請同時參閱圖4,圖4係為本發明第—實施例之機車 電池保遵盒裝没有機車電池之立體示意圖。 ώ圖4可知,機車電池5可定位於承載座2〇1上而置放 於電池定位空間20。此機車電池5之正極接線51與 接線52 ’可分別從第一通孔251與第二通孔252穿入,以 和機車電池5電性連接。而關於機車尾部之相關電線6, 則可透過通道241將電線6拉設至機車電池保護盒前方, ❹並藉由第嵌槽2111、第二後槽(圖未示)以及旁側設置有 卡制件233之凹槽232,騎乘者或維修人員能將結構對應 的機車尾4之-電子零件,如具有保險絲之保險絲盒6卜 或一些檢測元件62等,分减合定位於第-嵌槽2111、第 二㈣或凹槽232丨,使得維修人員於進行機車電池與電 子零件更換、或檢測機車發動訊號時,更加便利且維修性 更加。 請參關5,® 5係為本發料二實關之機車電池保 © 護盒通道的局部立體示意圖。 如圖5所示,第一側板21之通道上,亦可於鄰近 第側板21之如方或後方之兩通道口,分別設置有一第一 卡榫2411或第二卡榫2412,其中此第一卡祥24ΐι與第二 卡榫24丨2係由撓性材f所製成,藉由此兩卡榫之設計,以 供機車尾部相關電線6穿設時,能夠固定於通道241上, 並能夠避免割損電線6之外皮,而令電線6有更好的定位 效果。於此’值得一提的是,第二側板(圖未示)亦^_具有 201033037 對應於此第一侧板21之結構,以 第二侧板旁的通道241上,於此不再=關電線6定位於 . 請同時參閱圖6以及圖7,圖6 述。 • 機車電池保護盒之通道的局部立體示龙發明第三實施例之 線7-7的剖視示意圖。 ’、、圖,圖7為圖6之 通道241亦可如圖6以及圖7戶斤,、 孔2413,以防止雨天時,有積水渗7’開没有至少一導水 此導水孔2413將積水排出;同時「入通道241,而能藉由 ❹道241以及阻擒從機車後輪噴機上2 了將積水川員利導出通 示)’因此,於通道241下方連接有 < 之雨水(如圖7箭頭所 水孔24i3遮蔽之-擋水部2414。略呈向下傾*且能將導 請參閱®8並㈣配合圖4,以為本發 之機車電池保護盒組裝於内置物箱維修口後方之側 示意圖。於此須說明的是,圖8中並未緣示出機車電池: 如圖8所示,當蓋合件42透過鎖固件43鎖固於内置物 ❹箱4之維修口 41,且機車電池保護盒2組裝於維修口 41 後方時,係能透過通道241,將機車尾部之相關電線6,從 電池保護盒2後方拉設至機車電池保護盒2前方,令電池 保護盒2具有較佳之維修特性之外;同時透過侧擋板24, 使得侧擋板2 4與通道形成有一特定之角度,如本實施例以 約90度之夾角A,並藉由下擋板23與侧擋板24之邊緣宽 度大於維修口 41而將維修口 41覆蓋之緣故,使得雨天之 雨水不會由機車之後輪喷濺上維修口 41,而令本發明亦能 201033037 達到防水之效能。 承上述可知,本發明所具備之特,_歸納如下·· t由第側板、第二侧板以及下擔板上,分別設置有第 欲合件、第二喪合件以及旁側具有卡制件之凹槽,使得 機車尾部相關之電子零件能夠定位於機車電池保護盒,並 藉由通道之叹置,使得機車車尾之相關電路的多數電線, 能夠從機車電池保護盒後方拉設至維修口,因此,令本發 ❹明於機車尾部相關電路之維修作業更加方便。 2.由於崎板與通道形成有—蚊之失角,μ擋板與側 播板之邊緣寬度大,係於維修口而將維修口覆蓋之緣故, 使得雨天之雨水,不會由機車之後輪喷錢至維修口,令本 發明亦具有防水之效能。 綜上所述’乃僅記載本發明為呈現解決問題所採用的技 術手#又之較佳實施方式或實施例而已,並非用來限定本發 明專利實施之範圍。即凡與本發明專利申請範圍文義相 ❿符,或依本發明專利範圍所做的均等變化與修飾,皆為本 發明專利範圍所涵蓋。 【圖式簡單說明】 圖1為習知機車電池保護盒組裝於機車之立體示意圖; 圖2係為本發明第一實施例之機車電池保護盒組裝於機車 的立體示意圖; 圖3係為本發明第一實施例之機車電池保護盒的立體分解 示意圖; 9 201033037 圖4係為本發明第一實施例之機車電池保護盒裝設有機車 電池之立體示意圖; 圖5係為本發明第二實施例之機車電池保護盒之通道的局 部立體示意圖; 圖6為本發明第三實施例之機車電池保護盒之通道的局部 立體不意圖; 圖7為圖6之線7-7的剖視示意圖;以及 圖8為本發明第一實施例之機車電池保護盒組裝於内置物 箱維修口後方之侧視局部示意圖。 【主要元件符號說明】 [先前技術部分] 1 機車電池保護盒 10 電池容置空間 11 遮蔽牆 12 定位架 13 内置物箱 14 維修口 15 蓋合件 [本發明部分] 2 機車電池保護盒 20 電池定位空間 201 承載座 202 第二貫孔 201033037201033037 VI. Description of the Invention: [Technical Field] The present invention relates to a locomotive, and more particularly to a locomotive battery protection case in which a wire passage is provided on the side and is waterproof. [Prior Art] At present, the batteries of the locomotives on the market have different designs depending on the type of vehicle. However, the setting of the locomotive battery is about the convenience of the replacement, and whether the locomotive can be used. Excess space, positioning the locomotive battery in a suitable place on the locomotive, so that the space can be fully utilized. Please refer to FIG. 1 for a schematic view of a conventional locomotive battery protection box assembled on a locomotive. At present, the locomotive battery protection box 1 on the market is partially disposed behind the maintenance port 14 of the built-in box 13, and the locomotive battery protection box 1 has a battery accommodating space 10 for positioning a locomotive battery. The locomotive battery protection The box 1 is mounted on a positioning frame 12 at the rear of the locomotive, and the maintenance port 14 has a cover member 15 corresponding to the maintenance port 14 so that the locomotive battery protection box 1 can be attached to the built-in member by the cover member 15 The boxes 13 are separated. However, when some of the cover members 15 and the built-in case 13 are combined with each other, they are not very close to each other, and therefore generally extend outwardly around the periphery of the locomotive battery protection case 1 and surround the shadow wall 11. However, such a design has Unsatisfactory, for example, the circuit wires installed at the rear of the locomotive, due to the blocking of the shielding wall 11, so that most of the related circuit wires behind the locomotive cannot be worn from the rear of the locomotive battery protection box 1 to the maintenance port 14, thus causing maintenance Poor question 3 201033037 questions exist. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION An object of the present invention is to provide a locomotive battery protection case which is provided with a wire passage on the side and which can be waterproofed to solve the above problems. According to the above object, the locomotive installed in the locomotive battery protection box of the present invention has a built-in box, and the built-in box is provided with a maintenance port and a locomotive battery protection box located behind the maintenance port. The locomotive battery protection The box has a first side panel, a second side panel, and a battery positioning space connected to the maintenance port, and the service port is provided with a cover member capable of covering the service port. Wherein the locomotive battery protection box further has a lower baffle extending downwardly, and the side edges of the lower baffle respectively extend upwardly with side baffles connected to the first and second side plates, one of the side baffles, There are at least one channel connected. The edge width of the lower baffle and the side brace is greater than the maintenance Π. The effect obtained by the invention is that the majority of the wires of the relevant circuit of the locomotive tail can be pulled from the rear of the locomotive battery protection box by being connected with the side dam and provided with the passages placed beside the first and second side plates. It is provided to the service port. Therefore, in addition to the maintenance of the present invention, the edge width of the lower baffle and the side baffle is greater than the service port, so that the present invention also has waterproof performance. [Embodiment] A more detailed understanding of the structure, features, functions and objects of the present invention will be described in detail. Please refer to FIG. 2. FIG. 2 is a perspective view of the locomotive battery protection 201033037 protection box assembled to the locomotive according to the first embodiment of the present invention. In Fig. 2, only the frame of the locomotive is used for illustration, and the locomotive is not invented. As shown in Fig. 2, the locomotive battery protection case is used to limit the present invention. The fixed frame 3 is installed and installed _ compartment 4 dimensional ^ locomotive frame 3 rear car battery protection box 2 has connected scale repair port ^ rear 'this machine and the maintenance port 41 is provided with a service port" 'The locking fastener 43 is locked, and the cover fitting 42 can be closed, and the third part can be joined at the same time and cooperate with FIG. 2 and the maintenance port 41. Uz Fig. 3 is a perspective exploded view of the locomotive battery protection case of the first embodiment of the present invention. The locomotive battery protection has a first side plate 21 and a second side plate 22. The locomotive battery protection benefit 2 further extends downwardly with a lower support plate 23, and the side of the lower support plate 23 extends upwardly from the side of the side stay 24' connected to the first position 21 and the second side plate 22, respectively. One of the baffles 24 is coupled to at least one passage 241. In this embodiment, the side gussets 24 on both sides of the locomotive battery protection box 2 are all provided with the passage 241 as an example, and are not intended to limit the present invention. Of course, only the single side of the locomotive battery protection box 2 may be used. The side baffle μ is connected to the channel 241. The connection between the side baffle 24 and the passage 241 is slightly curved, so that most of the wires of the relevant circuit of the locomotive tail can be smoothed from the rear of the locomotive battery protection box 2 to the maintenance port 41. Import to avoid cutting the wire sheath. Further, the edge width of the lower baffle 23 and the side fence 24 is larger than the service port 41, and the surface of the lower baffle 23 is inclined from the bottom 27 of the locomotive battery protection case 2 toward the maintenance port 41. On the surface of the 201033037 of the lower baffle 23, a first through hole 231 is disposed, and at least one groove 232 and a card member 233 disposed beside the groove 232 are disposed for the electronic component. On the 233, a guide rail 234 for fitting the electronic component is further provided. The battery positioning space 20 is provided with a carrier 201 that can position the locomotive battery in the battery positioning space 20. The front edge of the carrier 2〇1 is provided with a second through hole 202 opposite to the first through hole 231 for one The locking member 2G3 is locked to the first through hole 231 and the second through hole +, so that the carrier 2 () 1 can be stably assembled in the battery positioning space 20 and through the carrier 2 (u, riding The maintenance or the maintenance personnel can take out the locomotive battery from the battery positioning space 2 when the locomotive battery needs to be replaced or repair the related circuit. The first side plate 21 is provided with a first fitting member 211, the first fitting The first 211 2111 is disposed on the member 211; and the second side member 22 is disposed opposite to the first splicing member 211, and is disposed at a position opposite to the first side plate 22 of the first side plate 21, and is second. Two opposite second slots 2211 are disposed on the mating member 221. In addition, the top 25 of the locomotive battery protection box 2 is opened with a first through hole 251 and a first through hole for the positive and negative wires of the locomotive battery. 252, and the top 25 is adjacent to the front side edge of the service port 41 to prevent the maintenance personnel from changing the machine The battery, while avoiding the insulation plate 253 which causes a short circuit between the metal repair tool and the circuit, and the back 26 of the locomotive battery protection box 2 facing the service port 41, and at least one fixing hole is provided to enable the locomotive battery protection box 2 The locomotive battery protection box 2 can be assembled and fixed on the relevant component of the locomotive tail by means of the fixing hole 26, such as a screw-like fastener. The 201033037 continues to refer to FIG. 4, FIG. 4 is the present invention. The locomotive battery of the first embodiment is a three-dimensional diagram of the locomotive battery. As shown in Fig. 4, the locomotive battery 5 can be positioned on the carrier 2〇1 and placed in the battery positioning space 20. The positive electrode of the locomotive battery 5 The wiring 51 and the wiring 52' can be respectively penetrated from the first through hole 251 and the second through hole 252 to be electrically connected to the locomotive battery 5. With respect to the related electric wire 6 at the tail of the locomotive, the electric wire 6 can be pulled through the passage 241. It is disposed in front of the locomotive battery protection box, and the occupant or the maintenance personnel can correspond to the structure by the first recessed slot 2111, the second rear slot (not shown), and the recess 232 provided with the engaging member 233 on the side. Motorcycle tail 4 - Electronic parts, such as a fuse box 6b with fuses or some detecting elements 62, etc., are divided and positioned in the first slot 2111, the second (four) or the recess 232, so that the maintenance personnel can carry out the replacement of the battery and electronic parts of the locomotive Or when detecting the locomotive to send signals, it is more convenient and more maintainable. Please refer to section 5,® 5 for the partial sterility diagram of the locomotive battery protection protection box of the second material. As shown in Figure 5, The first card 2411 or the second card 2412 may be respectively disposed on the channel of the side plate 21, and the first card 2411 or the second card 2412, wherein the first card is 24 ΐ and the second card. The 榫24丨2 is made of a flexible material f, and by the design of the two cassettes, the ferrule tail-related electric wire 6 can be fixed to the passage 241, and the cut wire 6 can be prevented from being cut. And let the wire 6 have a better positioning effect. Here, it is worth mentioning that the second side panel (not shown) also has a structure corresponding to the first side panel 21 of 201033037, and is located on the channel 241 next to the second side panel. The wire 6 is positioned at the same time. Please refer to FIG. 6 and FIG. 7 and FIG. 6 at the same time. • A partial perspective view of the passage of the locomotive battery protection box. A cross-sectional view of the line 7-7 of the third embodiment is invented. ', Fig. 7, Fig. 7 is the channel 241 of Fig. 6 can also be as shown in Fig. 6 and Fig. 7, hole 2413, to prevent rain, there is water seepage 7' open without at least one water guide, the water guide hole 2413 will drain the water At the same time, "into the channel 241, and the channel 241 and the blocker can be used to extract the water from the locomotive rear wheel sprayer." Therefore, the rainwater is connected to the channel 241 (such as Figure 7 arrow water hole 24i3 shielded - water blocking portion 2414. Slightly downward * and can refer to the guide 8 and (4) with Figure 4, to the locomotive battery protection box assembled in the built-in box maintenance port The rear side schematic view. It should be noted that the locomotive battery is not shown in FIG. 8: as shown in FIG. 8, when the cover member 42 is locked to the maintenance port 41 of the built-in magazine 4 through the lock 43 When the locomotive battery protection box 2 is assembled behind the maintenance port 41, the relevant electric wire 6 of the locomotive tail can be pulled from the rear of the battery protection box 2 to the front of the locomotive battery protection box 2 through the passage 241, so that the battery protection box 2 With better maintenance characteristics; at the same time, through the side baffles 24, the side baffles 24 and The passage is formed at a specific angle, such as an angle A of about 90 degrees in the embodiment, and the maintenance port 41 is covered by the edge width of the lower baffle 23 and the side baffle 24 being larger than the service port 41, so that the rainy day Rainwater will not be sprayed on the maintenance port 41 by the rear wheel of the locomotive, so that the present invention can also achieve the waterproof performance of 201033037. As can be seen from the above, the present invention has the special features, which are summarized as follows: t by the side panel, the second side The plate and the lower plate are respectively provided with a first fitting, a second splicing piece and a groove having a clamping member on the side, so that the electronic parts related to the tail of the locomotive can be positioned on the locomotive battery protection box, and the passage is provided by the passage The sigh is set so that most of the wires of the relevant circuit of the locomotive tail can be pulled from the rear of the locomotive battery protection box to the maintenance port. Therefore, the maintenance work of the circuit related to the rear of the locomotive is more convenient. The plate and the channel are formed with a mosquito-deflecting angle, and the edge of the μ baffle and the side-panel plate is large, and is attached to the maintenance port to cover the maintenance port, so that the rainy rain water does not be sprayed by the rear wheel of the locomotive to The invention also has the effect of waterproofing. In summary, the present invention is merely a preferred embodiment or embodiment of the present invention for presenting a problem, and is not intended to limit the patent of the present invention. The scope of the implementation, that is, the equivalent changes and modifications made in accordance with the scope of the patent application of the present invention, or the scope of the invention, are covered by the scope of the invention. FIG. 2 is a perspective view showing the locomotive battery protection box assembled to the locomotive according to the first embodiment of the present invention; FIG. 3 is a locomotive battery protection box according to the first embodiment of the present invention; FIG. 4 is a perspective view of a locomotive battery protection box equipped with a locomotive battery according to a first embodiment of the present invention; FIG. 5 is a partial perspective view of a passage of a locomotive battery protection box according to a second embodiment of the present invention; Figure 6 is a partial perspective view of a passage of a battery protection box for a locomotive according to a third embodiment of the present invention; Figure 7 is a cross-sectional view of line 7-7 of Figure 6; FIG; locomotive and a first embodiment of the assembled battery protection cartridge according to the internal components of the box rear schematic partial side maintenance port 8 of the present invention FIG. [Main component symbol description] [Previous technical part] 1 Locomotive battery protection box 10 Battery accommodation space 11 Shield wall 12 Locator 13 Built-in box 14 Service port 15 Cover part [Invention part] 2 Locomotive battery protection box 20 Battery Positioning space 201 carrier 202 second through hole 201033037
203 21 211 2111 22 221 2211 23 231 232 233 234 24 241 2411 2412 2413 2414 25 251 252 253 26 鎖合件 第一側板 第一嵌合件 第一散槽 第二侧板 第二嵌合件 第二嵌槽 下擋板 第一貫孔 凹槽 卡制件 導執 側擋板 通道 第—榫 第二卡榫 導水孔 擋水部 頂部 第一通孔 第二通孔 絕緣立板 背部 11 201033037 261 固定孔 27 底部 3 機車車架 31 固定架 4 内置物箱 41 維修口 42 蓋合件 43 鎖固件 5 機車電池 51 正極接線 52 負極接線 6 電線 61 保險絲盒 62 檢測元件 A 夾角 12203 21 211 2111 22 221 2211 23 231 232 233 234 24 241 2411 2412 2413 2414 25 251 252 253 26 Locking piece First side plate First fitting piece First groove Second side plate Second fitting piece Second inlay Slot lower baffle first through hole groove engaging member guide side baffle passage No. - second second 榫 water guide hole retaining portion top first through hole second through hole insulating vertical plate back 11 201033037 261 fixing hole 27 Bottom 3 locomotive frame 31 Fixing frame 4 Built-in box 41 Maintenance port 42 Covering piece 43 Locking ring 5 Locomotive battery 51 Positive wiring 52 Negative wiring 6 Wire 61 Fuse box 62 Detecting component A Angle 12