TW201025173A - Method of automated transaction in wireless network and system thereof - Google Patents

Method of automated transaction in wireless network and system thereof Download PDF


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TW201025173A TW97151354A TW97151354A TW201025173A TW 201025173 A TW201025173 A TW 201025173A TW 97151354 A TW97151354 A TW 97151354A TW 97151354 A TW97151354 A TW 97151354A TW 201025173 A TW201025173 A TW 201025173A
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processing unit
wireless network
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Zhi-Yuan Yang
De-Rong Chen
jun-yi Jiang
hong-ming Cai
Original Assignee
Fareastone Co Ltd
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Application filed by Fareastone Co Ltd filed Critical Fareastone Co Ltd
Priority to TW97151354A priority Critical patent/TW201025173A/en
Publication of TW201025173A publication Critical patent/TW201025173A/en



  • Management, Administration, Business Operations System, And Electronic Commerce (AREA)


The present invention discloses a method of automated transaction in a wireless network and the system thereof. The present invention provides a method or a system for at least one communication receiver to achieve an automated transaction procedure. The method comprises the steps of: building a goods/service transaction mode by the communication receiver; providing an automated management information of goods intput/output, accounts and accesses; the communication transmitter completing the automated transaction or a value-added service with no cash and password via the aforementioned automated transaction method; and the communication receiver can complete a certification of an unmanned and automated transaction information in real-time, a goods input/output management and a result of account management. The present invention further achieves the feature of connecting different service system to the automated transaction system of the present invention through the physical/virtual access.


201025173 '六、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明關於無線網絡系統中自動化交易之方法 及其系就。本發明提供至少一個以上受信方、完成自動 化交易程序之方法或系統,尤指送信方可藉上開自動 化交易方法,完成無現金、無密碼之自動化交易或加 值服務;而受信方則可異時異地完成無人之自動化交 易資訊之查詢、更新、檢定,更進一步達成控管物流 ❹ 及帳務處理結果。 【先前技術】 按以往販賣貨品或提供服務之方式為設置實體 店面或專櫃、自動化販賣機或網路虛擬商店進行展示 及販賣,由消費者以現金、信用卡、電子錢包等方式 進行貨品或服務之交易,但消費者益不是在每次交易 當時均具有等值現金、信用卡及電子錢包,雖有強烈 ❹ 購買之意願卻無法完成交易行為,縱使消費者在對貨 品或服務欲從事交易行為時,仍可藉由商家與銀行結 合之自動櫃員機進行現金提領,但消費者對該自動櫃 員機跨行提領須額外支付手續費或設備故障等問 題’導致交易過程不順利而產生印象較差的消費經 驗L都對於貨品或服務供應商因無法完成交易時發生 疋商業損失,而且現行亦可使用預存金額之電子錢 =也由於各家廠商或系統無法通用造成使用上之諸 夕不便,無疑地對於現行貨品或服務供應商造成競# 劣勢。 201025173 推出可2 ’貨品或服務供應商也與金融業者結合, 法,式購物機、貨到取款或電子錢包等交易方 行實體料費者購物方便性讀升㈣量,但現 易行為,占之可攜式購物機,仍因受限於實體商居交 完成即2無法經可攜式購物機輸人貨品或服務後, 用取得貨物或服務,也無法改善仍以… 然達到品或服務之交易缺失;又,貨到取款雖 必續準確==,但也由於送貨商與消費者 2 ^之即時交易,或因交易前無法看到貨品實體 於實雜商店或非實體商店,或可滿足消費者 前即金交易’但電子錢包皆需事 m特疋銀饤進仃冗長申請程序、繁複手續審核 ❹ 儲存現金之過程,並且*是每㈣#者皆具備特定 商=電子錢包,又因電子錢包仍須貨品或服務供應 商事先須設置扣款硬體設備之限制,導致消 每-人均可順利完成貨品或服務之即時無現金交 進一步來說,也因消費者發生儲值額度不足 置連線問題而導致無法使用。 ^ 【發明内容】 針對上述於是創作人秉持專業知識與技術 :缺失,研發出-種無線網絡系統中自動化交易之 或瓶系統,不論供應#品或服務之供應商杨買貨品 一務之消費者’都可藉由此方法進行交易送信方^ 201025173 '需攜帶具移動通訊或網絡之裝置,即可透過本自動化交 易方法及系統,進行身分辨識與確認價金選項後,即可 以無現金、無密碼且即時取得所需貨品或服務;受信方 僅需透過移動通訊或網鉻之裝置,藉由本自動化交易方 法及系統,進行異時異地的貨品或服務之物流、金流及 通路管理。 本發明之目的在於提供一個無線網路與自動化交易 裝置連結之方法或系統,供送信方與受信方之無線網路 ❹ 與自動化交易裝置。可經由一主從式架構系統傳送、收 取、派遣執行及反饋確認貨品或服務的自動化裝置,完 成無現金、無密碼之自動化交易或加值服務。 本發明另一個目的在於縮短送信方與受信方雙方時 間與空間的距離。受信方可藉由本發明系統之方法、步 驟管理自動化交易裝置貨品或服務之查詢、更新、檢定 與控制管理,減少不必要之運輸貨品及檢查管理,達到 節省時間、成本及人力之效果,而送信方則無須備妥現 © 金或電子錢包,以現行可攜帶移動通訊或網絡之裝置, 透過本自動化交易方法及系統,即可以進行自動化交易 或加值服務。 本發明另一個目的在於降低成本,包含運輸成本、 時間成本、人工成本、以及提高自動化交易裝置之使用 率且可異時異地進行監控及管理。 本發明另一個目的在於營造一個便利的交易環境, 無需攜帶大量之零錢或現金即可取得貨品或加值服務, 提供貨品或加值服務之受信方無需成立佔用空間之商 201025173 店’甚至可營造-個與現有市場具有極大差異化之特別 自動化交易裝置。透過無線網絡系統中自動化交易之方 法或系統,即使在無現金之狀況下,仍可提供貨品與加 值服務,且該過程已由送信方’與自動化交易裝置間之連 結中進行認證而無需再進行複雜之認證程序。 【實施方式】 為能使貴審查委員清楚本發明之主要技術内容, 以及實施方式,茲配合圖式說明如下: ❹ 本發明「無線祕线t自動化交$之方法及其系 統」^亥自動化交易系統,係至少包含有:自動化交易管 理模組3G以及自動化交易裝置5{),該自動化交易系統 I與傳輸系統(可以為移動通訊或網絡裝置)連接,使其 會料得以傳送至經授權之㈣❹者或經授權之外部使 用者’如第-圖所示之實施例中,係應用於受信方1〇盥 7信方20之交易模式中,該受信方1〇透過無線網絡: ❹ 自:化交易管理模組3 0設定貨品或服務之種類、金額、 以及貨品或服務之自動化交易裝置5〇需求條件、 子『、結算及統計期間等模式,並由該自動化交易管理 壯、、、、30刀配無線通訊或網絡連絡碼予該自動化交易 f置5〇 ;當送信方20欲購買自動化交易裝置50中之貨 品或服務時,以其可攜式之移動通訊或網絡裝置60,輸 入遠無線通訊或網絡連絡碼,#由該自動化交 = =確認該送信方之身分後,依據送信方2〇所輪入= 矛欠絡:馬,相對應提供該自動化交易裝置5()之貨品或服 乃’稭此完成自動化交易裝置50在無現金、無密石馬之即 201025173 時交易。 其中,該自動化交易管理模組30如第二圖所示,係 至少包含有: 一身分辨識單元31,該身分辨識單it 31設有送信方資 料單元、送信方辨別單元、送信方權限單元以及受信方 辨別單元,用以辨識受信方或送信方身份及確認權限,; 一核算金額處理單元32,該核算金額處理單元至少設有 一價金群組建置單元、一交易金額管理單元、一試算單 Ο 元、一價金群組辨識單元、一統計試算單元以及一銷售 統計單元,該價金群組建置單元用以建置價金群組;交 易金額管理單元可進行交易價金群組比對及金額之管 理;試算單元進行試算及分析; 一通路管理單元33,具有一地圖單元及一交通規劃單 元,用以管理補充貨物之通路並規劃交通路線; 一貨物管理單元34,該貨物管理單元係設有存貨管理單 元、進貨管理單元,用以設定貨物、數量及存量之控制; © —彙報資料處理單元35,具有一資料庫單元、資料辨別 單元、一資料識別位置單元、一移動通訊或網絡連絡碼 生成單元、一資料載入單元、一查詢單元以及一資料傳 輸單元,用以提供已核認之受信方一移動通訊或網絡連 絡碼及分析、載入、儲存相關記錄或資料;及 一訊息處理單元3 6,該訊息處理單元設有一接收訊息處 理單元及一發送訊息處理單元,以載入彙報資料處理單 元資料並發送訊息予受信方或送信方。 而如第二圖所示,係為受信方10透過無線網絡於自 201025173 動化交易管理模組30設定貨品或服務之種類、金額、數 量,以及貨品或服務,該受信方10尤指一貨品或服務之 供應者,透過移動通訊或網絡裝置60,該裝置可為具有 通訊功龜之可攜式電話、具通訊功能之Ρί)Α、具有無線 或有線網絡連接功能之電腦裝置或其他可達到移動通訊 或網絡之裝置,經該裝置可連結至自動化交易管理模組 30,該自動化交易管理模組30依據其移動通訊或網絡資 料進行受信方10之基本資料認證,該通訊或網絡傳送可 ❿ 為一電話號碼或網路位址或認證密碼等進行辨識,就受 信方辨識在最佳實施例中,該身分辨識單元31用來連接 到至少一伺服器,受信方10之移動通訊或網絡號碼相對 應身分辨識單元31所建置之使用者定義、帳號與密碼, 該使用者定義係由受信方首次登入時進行資訊建立,以 利受信方以移動通訊或網絡裝置60於再次登入系統 時,本發明所述自動化交易管理模組依輸入帳號、密碼 或發送移動通訊或網絡號碼進行身分辨識比對,即辨識 ® 受信方10權限決定存取之資料檔案或位置為相對應關 係者,也就是受信方10未完成本發明所述身分辨識單元 31之使用者定義、帳號與密碼建置,則無法登入本模組 以決定存取對應關係者。 受信方經身分辨識單元31辨識認證後,得以進入自 動化交易管理模組30,透過本模組之貨物管理單元34 進行自動化交易裝置機型、貨品或服務之種類、金額、 數量(例如貨品存量及最小貨品數量)等設定,而本發明 所述貨物管理單元34係支援不同資料庫標準規範,例如 201025173201025173 'VI. Description of the Invention: TECHNICAL FIELD OF THE INVENTION The present invention relates to a method and system for automated transactions in a wireless network system. The present invention provides at least one trusted party, a method or system for completing an automated transaction procedure, in particular, the delivery party can use the automated transaction method to complete a cashless, passwordless automated transaction or a value-added service; At the same time, we will complete the inquiry, update and verification of the unmanned automated trading information, and further achieve the control logistics and accounting results. [Prior Art] Displaying and selling physical storefronts or counters, automated vending machines or online virtual stores in the past by selling goods or providing services. Consumers use cash, credit cards, e-wallets, etc. to carry out goods or services. Trading, but consumer benefits are not equivalent cash, credit cards and e-wallets at the time of each transaction. Although there is a strong willingness to purchase, the transaction cannot be completed, even if the consumer wants to engage in trading activities on goods or services. The cash withdrawal can still be carried out by the merchant and the bank's automated teller machine, but the consumer has to pay extra fees or equipment failures for the ATM to cross the line, which leads to the unsatisfactory transaction process and the poor impression of the consumer experience. All of the goods are lost to the goods or service providers due to the inability to complete the transaction, and the current electronic money that can be used for the pre-existing amount is also inconvenient due to the inconvenience of the use of various manufacturers or systems. Or the service provider creates a competitive advantage. 201025173 Launched 2' goods or service providers are also combined with financial industry, law, shopping malls, cash on delivery or e-wallet transactions, such as transaction convenience, the convenience of shopping, (4), but now easy to act, accounting for The portable shopping machine is still limited by the completion of the physical business transaction. 2 After the goods or services cannot be imported through the portable shopping machine, the goods or services can not be used to improve the products or services. The transaction is missing; in addition, the cash withdrawal must be accurate ==, but also due to the real-time transaction between the delivery agent and the consumer, or because the goods cannot be seen in the real store or non-physical store before the transaction, or It can satisfy the consumer's pre-gold trading, but the e-wallet needs to be a special process, a complicated procedure, a process of storing cash, and * is every (four) # all have a specific business = e-wallet, and As the e-wallet still requires the goods or service providers to set a limit on the deduction of hardware devices in advance, the instant cashless delivery of goods or services can be completed smoothly. Value is less than the amount set connectivity issues caused by unusable. ^ [Summary of the Invention] In view of the above, the creator holds the expertise and technology: the lack of, the development of a wireless network system, automated trading or bottle system, regardless of the supply of goods or services suppliers Yang buy goods consumer goods 'You can use this method to send and send parties ^ 201025173 'You need to carry a device with mobile communication or network, you can use this automated trading method and system to carry out the identification and confirmation of the price option, you can have no cash, no The password and instant access to the required goods or services; the trusted party only needs to use the mobile communication or network chrome device to carry out the logistics, gold flow and channel management of the goods or services at different times through the automated trading method and system. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION It is an object of the present invention to provide a method or system for connecting a wireless network to an automated transaction device for the wireless network and the automated transaction device of the sender and the recipient. Automated devices that transmit, receive, dispatch, and validate goods or services via a master-slave architecture system can be used to complete cashless, passwordless automated transactions or value-added services. Another object of the present invention is to reduce the time and space of both the sender and the receiver. The trusted party can manage the inquiry, update, verification and control management of the goods or services of the automated trading device by means of the method and the steps of the system of the invention, thereby reducing unnecessary transportation goods and inspection management, thereby saving time, cost and manpower, and delivering the letter. The party does not need to prepare the current gold or e-wallet to automate transactions or value-added services through the current automated trading method and system. Another object of the present invention is to reduce costs, including transportation costs, time costs, labor costs, and increased usage of automated transaction devices, and can be monitored and managed from time to time. Another object of the present invention is to create a convenient trading environment, which can obtain goods or value-added services without carrying a large amount of change or cash, and a trusted party who provides goods or value-added services does not need to set up a space-consuming business. 201025173 shop can even create A special automated trading device that is significantly different from the existing market. Through the method or system of automated transactions in the wireless network system, goods and value-added services can be provided even in the absence of cash, and the process has been authenticated by the sender's link with the automated trading device without further Conduct complex certification procedures. [Embodiment] In order to enable the reviewing committee members to understand the main technical contents and implementation manners of the present invention, the following description is given as follows: ❹ The present invention "wireless secret line t automatic payment method and system thereof" The system includes at least: an automated transaction management module 3G and an automated transaction device 5{), and the automated transaction system I is connected to a transmission system (which can be a mobile communication or network device) so that it can be transmitted to an authorized one. (4) The latter or an authorized external user', in the embodiment shown in the figure, is applied to the transaction mode of the trusted party 1〇盥7, which is transmitted through the wireless network: ❹ From: The transaction management module 30 sets the type and amount of the goods or services, and the automated transaction device of the goods or services, such as the demand condition, the sub-section, the settlement and the statistical period, and manages the Zhuang, Zhe, 30 knives with wireless communication or network contact code to the automated transaction f 5; when the sender 20 wants to purchase goods or services in the automated transaction device 50, Portable mobile communication or network device 60, input far wireless communication or network contact code, #由自动交交 == Confirm the identity of the sender, according to the sender 2 轮 = = 矛 络 :: horse, Corresponding to the goods or services that provide the automated transaction device 5(), the automated transaction device 50 is traded in the absence of cash, no secret stone, 201025173. As shown in the second figure, the automated transaction management module 30 includes at least: an identity identification unit 31 having a sender data unit, a sender unit, and a sender unit. The trusted party identification unit is configured to identify the identity of the trusted party or the sender and the confirmation authority; and an accounting amount processing unit 32, the accounting amount processing unit is provided with at least one price group establishment unit, a transaction amount management unit, and a trial calculation a single unit, a one-price gold group identification unit, a statistical calculation unit, and a sales statistics unit, the price group building unit is used to construct a price group; the transaction amount management unit can perform a transaction price group The management of the comparison and the amount; the trial unit performs the trial calculation and analysis; the one-way management unit 33 has a map unit and a traffic planning unit for managing the passage of the supplementary goods and planning the traffic route; a cargo management unit 34, the cargo The management unit is provided with an inventory management unit and a purchase management unit for setting control of goods, quantities and stocks; The data processing unit 35 has a database unit, a data identification unit, a data identification location unit, a mobile communication or network connection code generating unit, a data loading unit, a query unit, and a data transmission unit for providing Recognizing the trusted party as a mobile communication or network connection code and analyzing, loading and storing related records or data; and a message processing unit 3 6, the message processing unit is provided with a receiving message processing unit and a transmitting message processing unit Load the report data processing unit data and send a message to the recipient or sender. As shown in the second figure, the trusted party 10 sets the type, amount, quantity, and goods or services of the goods or services from the 201025173 dynamic transaction management module 30 via the wireless network, and the trusted party 10 especially refers to a product. Or the provider of the service, through the mobile communication or network device 60, the device can be a portable telephone with a communication function, a communication function, a computer device with wireless or wired network connection function or other achievable The mobile communication or network device can be connected to the automated transaction management module 30 via the device, and the automated transaction management module 30 performs basic data authentication of the trusted party 10 according to its mobile communication or network data, and the communication or network transmission can be performed. Recognizing a telephone number or network address or authentication password, etc., in the preferred embodiment, the identity identification unit 31 is used to connect to at least one server, the mobile communication or network number of the trusted party 10. Corresponding to the user definition, account number and password established by the identity recognition unit 31, the user definition is entered by the trusted party when logging in for the first time. The information is established, so that the automated transaction management module of the present invention performs identity identification by inputting an account number, a password or sending a mobile communication or network number when the mobile phone or the network device 60 logs in to the system again, that is, identification If the trusted party 10 determines that the accessed data file or location is the corresponding relationship, that is, the trusted party 10 does not complete the user definition, account number and password establishment of the identity identifying unit 31 of the present invention, the login module cannot be logged in. Decide to access the corresponding relationship. After the trusted party identifies the authentication by the identity identifying unit 31, it can enter the automated transaction management module 30 to perform the type, amount and quantity of the automated trading device model, goods or services through the cargo management unit 34 of the module (for example, the stock of goods and The minimum number of items) and the like are set, and the goods management unit 34 of the present invention supports different database standard specifications, for example, 201025173

Access、MS SQL、ORACLE、SYBASE 等標準資料規範 或相同的電子資料交換的標準等基礎,同時在資料庫屬 性定義對各欄位資料格式所預設屬性、襴位、參數或定 義等關聯性索#丨及存取之功能架構中,可依商品肩性或 系列規格進行分類與相對應的欄位格式之生成、規劃以 及所需剖析資料内容,例如飲料系列、拍攝系列、行動 加值系列等,每項系列下更進一步可定義次類、品名、 規格、金額、存量、最小安全存量等;其中以飲料系列 〇 為例,其次類可分為茶飲類、汽水類、果汁類,品名為 綠茶、紅茶,規格為250ml、500ml,金額為15元、30 元、存量為30瓶、最小存量為5瓶等,均可做為任何生 成規劃並不違反本發明範圍下使用,以提供資料庫屬性 定義對各欄位資料格式完整性、屬性一致性及價金比對 正確性等關聯性分析處理為一既定關係。 透過本模組之通路管理單元33進行提供貨品或服 務之自動化交易裝置50需求條件等設定,也就是本發明 © 所述貨物管理單元34係支援不同資料庫標準規範,就其 自動化交易裝置50之預設屬性、攔位、參數或定義等關 聯性索引及存取之功能架構中,依自動化交易裝置50所 需規格進行分類與相對應的欄位格式之生成、規劃以及 所需剖析資料内容,例如自動交易機之類別、型號、可 存放品類數量、設點區域、詳細地點、交易方式(現金、 無現金、電子錢包)、暫存唯讀記憶體容量等,在一最佳 實施例中,以透過XML之互通性及延伸性的資料模式, 做為與自動化交易價金群組處理為一既定關係。 201025173 再者,可透過本模組之核算金額處理單元32進行價 金群組、結算方式、結算期間、結算表之顯示方式及匯 出格式等設定,本發明所述實施係就上開資料庫攔位資 料格式之一特定時間‘期間做相對應的攔位格式之生成處 剖析資料内容,而核算金額處理單元32對上開資料係設 定收取核算金額方式選擇(例如支票、扣抵移動通訊或網 絡服務費、匯款、現金等)、支付服務費選擇(例如線上 刷卡、併入移動通訊或網絡服務費、匯款、開立支票、 ❹ 現金等)或結算表之顯示方式選擇(例如匯出、e-mail或 列印等);而於本模組之訊息處理單元36設定收取訊號 裝置路徑、緊急連絡方法,當受信方10增設一自動化交 易裝置50並完成前述設定後,自動化交易管理模組之彙 報資料處理單元35將自動編配一移動通訊或網絡之連 絡碼予自動化交易裝置50,更進一步可透過本模組之彙 報資料處理單元35設定自動化交易裝置50載入日、資 料統計日、統計分析選項並進行統計方式、期間與參數 ❹ 等設定。 本發明所述實施係就受信方對上開資料庫欄位資料 格式中索引一特定條件,例如商品屬性、攔位、參數或 定義等,即與本模組資料庫屬性定義對各欄位資料格式 具一既定關係者,可依商品屬性或系列規格進行分類與 相對應的欄位格式之生成、規劃以及所需剖析資料内 容,例如飲料系列為例,可依次類(茶飲類、汽水類、果 汁類),品名(綠茶、紅茶),規格(250ml、500ml),價金 (15元、30元)或存量等進行相對應的攔位格式之生成、 10 201025173 規劃以及所需剖析資料内容,最佳實施例中,更進一步 可支援不同統計資料庫,可對商品屬性進行生成資料之 關連性統計分析’·銷售量分析、顧客喜好價金輕 及銷售品項交叉比對分析量趨勢分析、以移動通 錢網絡碼進行目前顧客群及潛在顧客分料,均可做 為任何生成規劃並不違反本發明範圍下使用。 ❹ 而本發明之自動化交㈣置5G請同時參閱第二圖 及弟三圖所示’係至少包含—接㈣號單元5卜計數單 ;;52 1存唯讀記憶單元53及電源控制單元54 ;該自 化=易裝置50係提供實體貨品或無體服務之装 •if為t有一般通常自動化交易褒置與移動通訊或 Ιΐ Γ白⑼之連結’稭由受信方設置於其所設定之地點, ^動化交易管理模組30依受信方分配—移動通訊 ϊ Γ=絡碼予該自動化交易裝置5g ;當送信方欲購買 =化”裝置之貨品或服務時,可利用本發明所述 ❹ 移動通訊或網絡裳置,輸入該自動化交 統ΐ:—戈網絡連絡碼,與上述自動化交易系 習Γ拮:現金父易行為;上述自動化交易裝置仍可以如 送信方使用現金講買 存唯讀記憶亦將記錄該筆現金交易存放於其暫 方法,第四圖所示進—步可說明本發明之交易 入自動二!透過一移動通訊或網絡裝置6〇,進 八目動化父易糸統3〇,自勒 單元31進行身> 《系統30中身分辨識 身刀辨識無备後,得進入自動化交易系統 11 201025173 30,受信方10於核算金額處理單元32設定價金群組、 結算日、收/付款方式、結算表之顯示方式及匯出格式; 於通路管理單元33設定自動化交易裝置50所在地點; '於貨物管理單元34設定自動化k易裝置機型、商品系 列、貨品名稱、貨品價金、貨品存置及隶小貨品數量, 於彙報資料處理單元35設定自動化交易裝置50載入 曰、資料統計日、統計分析選項;於訊息處理單元36設 定收取訊號裝置路徑、緊急連絡方法。當受信方10增設 ❹ 一自動化交易裝置50並完成前述設定後,自動化交易管 理模組之彙報資料處理單元35將自動編配一移動通訊 或網絡之連絡碼予自動化交易裝置50。 而受信方10視自動化交易裝置50所派遣執行之貨 品或服務,該記錄或訊息由自動化交易管理模組30定期 對至少一個自動化交易裝置5 0進行載入、比對分析,除 供受信方10進行相關查詢、更新及檢定外,同時藉自動 化交易管理模組30將該訊息提供無線網絡服務之供應 ❿ 者40,依此經送信方20所使用之無線網絡加值服務, 由該無線網絡服務供應者40向送信方20收取貨品或服 務之費用予受信方10,更進一步可透過無線網絡服務之 供應者40,依據送信方20移動通訊或網絡裝置60之連 絡碼發送一交易訊息予送信方20,供送信方20確認該 '筆交易訊息;當然,該無線網絡服務之供應者可為GSM、 PHS、Internet或其他具有傳輸之工具。 當送信方20欲購買自動化交易裝置50中之貨品或 服務時,以其可攜式之移動通訊或網絡裝置60,輸入該 12 201025173 無線通訊或網絡連絡碼後,連接至自動化交易管理模組 30,該系統藉由其輸入之無線通訊或網絡連絡碼及其送 信方20移動通訊或網絡連絡碼辨識該送信方之身分 後,k據送信方20所輸入之連絡碼,4目對應提供該自動 化交易裝置50之貨品或服務之價金群組予送信方選 擇,也就是可選擇至少一個以上貨品或服務之相同價格 金額,當送信方選擇一價金群組後,自動化交易管理模 組30核算送信方輸入價金群組選項與受信方所設定之 © 價金群組進行索引比對,即貨品或服務之價格小於等於 受信方所設定之價格金額,在本發明所述實施例,例如 自種化交易裝置50提供10元、50元、100元之價金群 組,送信方輸入50元價金群組時,令價金群組中含50 元及50元以下之群組皆符合索引條件,經索引核算金額 之比對結果為「NONE」時,則判斷為輸入錯誤;或索引 核算金額之比對結果為至少一個受信方價格金額之貨品 或服務時,再由發送符合價金群組之貨品或服務對存量 © 數額確認:就符合價金群組之貨品或服務存量小於「0」 時,輸出為「NONE」,則判斷為輸入不正確;就符合價金 群組之貨品或服務存量大於「〇」時,則判斷為輸入正 確。 本發明所述自動化交易系統建立在主從式架構中任 一步驟為判斷輸入錯誤時,模組將發送一邏輯指令,令 返回核算金額處理單元32進行價金群組之重新執行或 預設逾時結束邏輯核算指令,‘使模組中止執行索引步驟 或核算步驟,同時傳送該筆錯誤指令至彙報資料處理單 13 201025173 元35進行錯誤訊息生成及儲存,依此透過模組中訊息生 成處理發送該筆錯誤訊息至送信方無線網絡服務之供應 者40,由該無線網絡服務之供應者40傳送交易不成立 訊息至’送信方移動通訊或網絡裝置60,病送信方確認該 筆交易訊息。 當符合價金群組貨品或服務之存量為大於「0」時, 發送該筆價金群組指令至自動化交易裝置50派遣執 行,該指令相對應係至少一個以上小於受信方10設定價 ❿ 格之貨品或服務,可包含相對應貨品或服務價金群組之 名稱、價金與數量等,且該指令訊息格式係與自動化交 易裝置之接收訊號單元51所能接收之指令為一致性或 相容性,依本發明所述實施,自動化交易裝置50之接收 訊號單元51經接收指令並將派遺執行自動化交易裝置 50相對應貨品或服務於顯示屏上,例如當送信方選擇價 金群組為50元,該自動化交易裝置50元以下商品共計 10項,經上開步驟後,其中5項具有存貨、5項沒有存 © 貨,而自動化交易裝置5 0則依該指令派遺執行顯示具有 存貨之5項供送信方於顯示屏上確認,而無存貨之5項 則不顯示於顯示屏上;或是該步驟最佳實施例中,自動 化交易系統對發送指令前載入自動化交易裝置50之數 位化資訊參數,使自動化交易裝置50之接收訊號單元 51接受上述指令後,更可依指令進行對應相對應貨品或 服務價金群組啟動相對應數位資訊,讓送信方在自動化 交易裝置50進行選取確認,不論送信方確認錯誤或逾時 未選取確認時,該自動化交易裝置50均將記錄及儲存該 14 201025173 筆正確或錯誤訊息於暫 方選取確認為正確日記憶體單元53中;當送信 所對應之貨品或服務予化交 將立即提供 單元53巾t由及財方’^於=存唯讀記憶體 時間内未妒反_ 葦父易貪料,或是送信^'於一定 mφ b貝輸入或反饋輸入錯誤,自動化交&#m 則中止派遣執行價 =化又易農置 交易裝置進人非^ 貝°°或服務,令自動化Basic standards such as Access, MS SQL, ORACLE, SYBASE, or the same standard for electronic data exchange, and definition of attributes, fields, parameters, or definitions for each field data format in the database attribute. In the functional structure of #丨 and access, it can be classified according to the product shoulder or series specifications, and the corresponding field format generation, planning and analysis of the required data content, such as beverage series, shooting series, action bonus series, etc. Further, each series can further define sub-categories, product names, specifications, amounts, stocks, minimum safety stocks, etc. Among them, beverage series can be divided into tea drinks, sodas, juices, and product names. Green tea, black tea, the specification is 250ml, 500ml, the amount is 15 yuan, 30 yuan, the stock is 30 bottles, the minimum stock is 5 bottles, etc., can be used as any generation plan and does not violate the scope of the invention to provide the database. The attribute definition treats the correlation analysis of each field data format integrity, attribute consistency and the correctness of the price comparison as a predetermined relationship. Setting the demand condition of the automated transaction device 50 for providing goods or services through the path management unit 33 of the module, that is, the cargo management unit 34 supports different database standard specifications, and the automated transaction device 50 In the functional framework of association index and access such as preset attributes, interceptions, parameters or definitions, the classification and corresponding field format generation, planning, and required profile content are performed according to the specifications required by the automated transaction apparatus 50, For example, the type and model of the automatic transaction machine, the number of items that can be stored, the location area, the detailed location, the transaction method (cash, cashless, electronic wallet), the temporary read-only memory capacity, etc., in a preferred embodiment, Through the interoperability and extensibility of the XML data model, as a set relationship with the automated transaction price group. 201025173 Furthermore, the accounting amount processing unit 32 of the module can perform setting of the price group, the settlement method, the settlement period, the display mode of the settlement table, and the export format, etc., and the implementation system of the present invention opens the database. The interception data format is formed during the specific time period of the interception data format, and the accounting amount processing unit 32 sets the method for collecting the accounting amount for the open data system (for example, checking, deducting mobile communication or Network service fees, remittances, cash, etc.), payment service fee selection (such as online credit card, incorporation of mobile communication or network service fees, remittance, opening cheques, cash, etc.) or the display method of the settlement form (such as export, E-mail or printing, etc.; and the message processing unit 36 of the module sets the path for receiving the signal device and the emergency contact method. When the trusted party 10 adds an automated transaction device 50 and completes the aforementioned settings, the automated transaction management module The report data processing unit 35 will automatically assign a mobile communication or network contact code to the automated transaction device 50, and further Step 35 can be performed through statistical methods set up automated teller machine loaded 50 days, expected capital Statistics Day, statistical analysis options exchange module of this report and data processing unit, and so on during the parameter setting ❹. The implementation of the present invention is to index a specific condition, such as a product attribute, a block, a parameter or a definition, in the format of the database field of the database, that is, to define the field data with the attribute of the module database. If the format has a defined relationship, it can be classified according to the product attributes or series specifications, and the corresponding field format generation, planning and analysis of the required data content, such as the beverage series as an example, can be followed by categories (tea drinks, sodas) , juice type), product name (green tea, black tea), specifications (250ml, 500ml), price (15 yuan, 30 yuan) or stock, etc., the corresponding blocking format generation, 10 201025173 planning and the required analysis content In the preferred embodiment, the statistical database can be further supported by different statistical databases, and the correlation analysis of the product attributes can be performed. · Sales volume analysis, customer preference price, and sales item cross-match analysis The current customer base and potential customer distribution by mobile money network code can be used as any generation plan without violating the scope of the invention. ❹ And the automatic intersection of the present invention (4) is set to 5G, please refer to the second diagram and the third diagram of the third figure, which includes at least the unit number of the unit (4); the 52 1 memory-only memory unit 53 and the power control unit 54 ; Self-chemical = Easy device 50 is to provide physical goods or intangible services. If if there is a general automatic transaction device and mobile communication or Γ Γ (9) link 'stalk is set by the trustee in its settings The location, the dynamic transaction management module 30 is allocated by the trusted party - the mobile communication 络 络 = network code to the automated transaction device 5g; when the delivery party wants to purchase the goods or services of the device, the invention can be utilized ❹ Mobile communication or network skirting, enter the automated communication system: - Ge network contact code, and the above-mentioned automated trading system is a slap in the face: cash father easy behavior; the above automated trading device can still use the cash to buy the deposit only The reading memory will also record the cash transaction in its temporary method. The fourth step shows that the transaction of the present invention can be entered into the automatic second! Through a mobile communication or network device, the mobile device or the network device 6糸After the system is recognized, the identification system is not ready, and the automatic transaction system 11 201025173 30 is entered. The trusted party 10 sets the price group and settles in the accounting amount processing unit 32. The day/receipt/payment method, the display method of the settlement form, and the export format; the location management unit 33 sets the location of the automated transaction device 50; 'the cargo management unit 34 sets the automatic k-device model, the product series, the product name, The goods price, the goods are stored, and the quantity of the goods is small. The report data processing unit 35 sets the automatic transaction device 50 to load the data, the data statistics date, and the statistical analysis option. The message processing unit 36 sets the signal path and the emergency contact method. After the trusted party 10 adds an automated transaction device 50 and completes the aforementioned settings, the report data processing unit 35 of the automated transaction management module will automatically assign a mobile communication or network contact code to the automated transaction device 50. The trusted party 10 Depending on the goods or services dispatched by the automated trading device 50, the records or messages are automated The management module 30 periodically loads and compares the at least one automated transaction device 50. In addition to the related query, update and verification for the trusted party 10, the automated transaction management module 30 provides the wireless network service. The provider 40, according to which the wireless network value-added service used by the sender 20, receives the charge for the goods or services from the wireless network service provider 40 to the trusted party 10, and further passes through the wireless network. The service provider 40 sends a transaction message to the sender 20 according to the contact code of the sender 20 mobile communication or network device 60, for the sender 20 to confirm the transaction message; of course, the provider of the wireless network service can GSM, PHS, Internet or other tools with transmission. When the sender 20 wants to purchase the goods or services in the automated transaction device 50, the mobile communication or network device 60 inputs the 12 201025173 wireless communication or network connection code, and then connects to the automated transaction management module 30. After the system recognizes the identity of the sender by its input wireless communication or network connection code and its sender 20 mobile communication or network connection code, k provides the automation according to the contact code input by the sender 20 The price group of the goods or services of the transaction device 50 is selected by the sender, that is, the same price amount of at least one item or service can be selected. After the sender selects the price group, the automated transaction management module 30 calculates The sender input price group option is indexed with the © price group set by the trusted party, that is, the price of the goods or services is less than or equal to the price amount set by the trusted party, in the embodiment of the present invention, for example, The seeding transaction device 50 provides a price group of 10 yuan, 50 yuan, and 100 yuan. When the sending party inputs a 50-yuan price group, the price group includes 50 yuan and 50 yuan. The following groups are all eligible for indexing. If the comparison result of the indexed accounting amount is "NONE", it is judged as an input error; or when the comparison of the indexed accounting amount is the goods or services of at least one trusted party price amount, The goods or services of the Qualifying Group are confirmed by the amount of stock ©. If the stock or service stock of the Qualifying Group is less than “0”, the output is “NONE”, then the input is incorrect; If the stock or service stock of the price group is greater than "〇", it is judged that the input is correct. The automated transaction system of the present invention is established in any step of the master-slave architecture. In order to determine an input error, the module will send a logic instruction to cause the return accounting amount processing unit 32 to perform the re-execution or preset of the price group. At the end of the logic accounting instruction, 'make the module abort to perform the indexing step or the accounting step, and simultaneously transmit the error command to the report data processing unit 13 201025173 yuan 35 for error message generation and storage, according to which the message generation processing is sent through the module. The error message to the sender 40 of the sender's wireless network service is transmitted by the provider 40 of the wireless network service to the 'sender's mobile communication or network device 60, and the sender of the message confirms the transaction message. When the stock of the price group goods or services is greater than "0", the command to send the price group to the automated transaction device 50 is dispatched, and the instruction is corresponding to at least one of the set price of the trusted party 10 The goods or services may include the name, price and quantity of the corresponding goods or service price group, and the command message format is consistent with the instruction received by the receiving signal unit 51 of the automated transaction device. Capacitively, according to the implementation of the present invention, the receiving signal unit 51 of the automated transaction device 50 receives the instruction and will execute the automated transaction device 50 corresponding to the goods or services on the display screen, for example, when the sender selects the price group. For 50 yuan, the automated trading device has a total of 10 items below 50 yuan. After the opening step, 5 items have inventory and 5 items have no stock, and the automated trading device 50 executes according to the instructions. 5 items of inventory are confirmed on the display, and 5 items without inventory are not displayed on the display; or in the best embodiment of this step, automatic delivery The system loads the digitized information parameter of the automated transaction device 50 before sending the command, so that the receiving signal unit 51 of the automated transaction device 50 accepts the above instruction, and further corresponding to the corresponding corresponding goods or service price group activation according to the instruction. The digital information allows the sender to perform the selection confirmation at the automated transaction device 50. The automated transaction device 50 will record and store the 14 201025173 correct or error message at the temporary selection regardless of whether the sender confirms the error or the timeout does not select the confirmation. Confirmed as the correct day memory unit 53; when the goods or services corresponding to the delivery station are delivered, the unit 53 will be provided immediately, and the financial party will not be able to reproduce the memory during the time period. Corruption, or send a letter ^' in a certain mφ b shell input or feedback input error, automated delivery &#m then abort dispatch execution price = chemical and easy to farm trading device into the non-^ ° ° ° or service, automation

之計數單元52及^狀態,同時自動化交易裝置 敗 暫存唯讀記憶單元53記錄該筆交 二=發:所述自動化交易系統定期載二 記恃體it 免遺失交易資訊。前述暫存唯讀 鈇搂 最佳實施例中,訊息格式為可延伸性標示 例如 EXCEL、XML、WML、RossetNet、ebXML…等 ^做為任何類似轉譯單元並不違反本發明範圍下使用, 5透過上開格式互通性及延伸性的資料模式,並予以不 同屬性預設目錄路徑存於暫存唯讀記憶體單元53内’例The counting unit 52 and the state, and the automated trading device defeats the temporary storage-only memory unit 53 to record the pen-sending two-send: the automated trading system periodically carries two records of the body-free transaction information. In the foregoing preferred embodiment of the temporary storage read-only, the message format is an extensibility indication such as EXCEL, XML, WML, RossetNet, ebXML, etc. ^ as any similar translation unit does not violate the scope of the present invention, 5 through The data mode of the format interoperability and extensibility is opened, and the default directory path of different attributes is stored in the temporary read-only memory unit 53.

商σσ系列、品名、規格、金額、交易代碼.,而訊息格 式.貨品或服務碼)+交易代碼(4碼 内) 訊息格式實施例 攔位名稱 型態 長度 2 商品系列 品名 • · · Character (8) Character (10) 金額 Character (3) 3 DATETIME Character (14) 14 父易代碼(B〇xN〇) Character (4) 4 §fl息附帶條件 Character (5) 1 15 201025173 交易代碼(BoxNo) 0000 :交易成功 2009 :逾時操作 0036 :交易取消鍵 ’, D102 :貨品不足 Dill :出貨故障 H002 :訊息異常 不論送信方是否完成交易步驟,自動化交易管理模 組30於受信方10所設定之週期期間,自動載入該自動 化交易裝置之暫存唯讀記憶單元53内資料進行彙報資 料處理,更進一步最佳實施例中,除自動化交易裝置5 0 之顯示屏,即時供受信方確認該筆交易訊息外,本發明 系統中彙報資料處理更可經訊息傳送至受信方之移動通 訊或網絡裝置60中,同時透過彙報資料處理後傳送至貨 品管理存取之功能架構中,受信方10得以商品屬性或系 列規格索引相對應的欄位格式之資料内容,尤指以貨品 或服務存量等於「0」時,使受信方可依自動化交易管 理模組之貨物管理單元34處理補充、替換貨品或服務, 且可透過彙報資料處理單元35取得銷售之統計分析,並 可透過核算金額處理單元32進行帳務之管理;更進一步 受信方得就貨物管理單元34中存貨設定數量小於或等 於設定之最小存貨量時,則可進行存貨數量之更新或檢 定;受信方得就核算金額處理單元32及貨物管理單元 34之分析結果,透過彙報資料處理單元35儲存傳送至 訊息單元,由訊息處理單元3 6發送訊息予受信方及送信 16 201025173 .=線受網4服=商’更進-步彙報資料處理單元 ::置:本發明系統之方法、步驟受信方管理自動化; 置^品或服務之查詢、更新、檢定與控制管理,更 隹I步上開訊息對至少—個自動化交易褒置之銷 ❹ :二ίΐ、價金群組與送信方資訊,完成異時異地 士、^物〜控管、路線規劃與擬定適當鎖售計劃,同 2送彳5方透過此方法m則無須備妥現金、户用 L購物機或電子錢包,以無密碼方式即時^得 k或服務,更進—步地,受信方或送信方可藉並 服務供應者之加值服務來收取或⑽品或 〜而本發明所述自動載人該自動化交易裝置之暫存唯 二己憶早兀不違反本發明下使用,當然可包含 化交易系統定期載人檢查訊息予自動化交易裝置, ο 報資料處理所載入訊息出現二 由本發明所述系統之彙報資料 處理裝置異,訊號予訊息處理單元,由訊息處理單元發 达予欠佗方確保自動化交易裝置之運作正常。 " 中自=,本發明提供一較佳可行的無線網絡系統 I自動化父易之方法及其系統,差依法提呈發明專利之 申請,·惟’以上之實施朗及圖式所示,係本發明較佳 實施例者,並非以此紐本發明,是以,舉凡 之構造、裝置、特徵等近似、雷同者’均應屬树^之 創設目的及申請專利範圍之内。 17 201025173 【圖式簡單說明】 圖:係本發明中自動化交易系統之架構示意圖。 第二圖:係本發明中自動化交易系統之受信方執行 - 圖。 1、思 ^三圖:係本發明中自動化交易系統之送信方執行示音 _四圖:係本發明中自動化交易系統之實施例執行示音 ❹ 【主要元件符號說明】 受信方10 送信方20 自動化交易管理模組3〇 身分辨識單元31 核算金額處理單元32 通路管理單元33 貨物管理單元34 彙報資料處理單元35 ❾ 訊息處理單元36 無線網絡服務之供應者4〇 自動化交易裴置5〇 接收訊號單元51 計數單元52 暫存唯讀記憶單元53 電源控制单元5 4 移動通訊或網絡裝置6〇 18Σσ series, product name, specification, amount, transaction code., and message format. Goods or service code) + transaction code (within 4 yards) Message format embodiment block name type length 2 product series name • · · Character ( 8) Character (10) Amount Character (3) 3 DATETIME Character (14) 14 Parent code (B〇xN〇) Character (4) 4 §fl with condition Character (5) 1 15 201025173 Transaction code (BoxNo) 0000 : Transaction success 2009: Timeout operation 0036: Transaction cancellation button ', D102: Insufficient goods Dill: Shipping failure H002: Message abnormality Whether the delivery party completes the transaction step, the automated transaction management module 30 is set by the trusted party 10 During the period, the data in the temporary read-only memory unit 53 of the automated transaction device is automatically loaded for reporting data processing. In a further preferred embodiment, in addition to the display screen of the automated transaction device 50, the trusted party immediately confirms the transaction. In addition to the message, the processing of the report data in the system of the present invention can be transmitted to the mobile communication or network device 60 of the trusted party via the message, and the information is reported through the report. In the functional structure transmitted to the product management access, the trusted party 10 can obtain the data content of the field format corresponding to the product attribute or the series specification index, especially when the stock or service stock is equal to "0", so that the trusted party can The goods management unit 34 of the automated transaction management module processes the supplementary or replacement goods or services, and can obtain the statistical analysis of the sales through the report data processing unit 35, and can manage the accounts through the accounting amount processing unit 32; When the quantity of the inventory set in the cargo management unit 34 is less than or equal to the set minimum inventory amount, the inventory quantity may be updated or verified; the trusted party may pass the analysis result of the accounting amount processing unit 32 and the goods management unit 34 through The report data processing unit 35 stores and transmits the message to the message unit, and the message processing unit 36 sends the message to the trusted party and sends the message 16 201025173. The line accepts the network 4 service = the merchant's step further report data processing unit:: set: the present invention The method and steps of the system are managed by the trusted party; the inquiry, update, verification and control management of the product or service, In addition, I open the message on at least one step to the sales of at least one automated transaction: two, the price group and the sender information, complete the different time, the object control, the route planning and the appropriate lock sale Plan, send 2 to 5 party through this method, you do not need to prepare cash, household L shopping machine or e-wallet, you can get instant access to the service or password, no matter the way, the recipient or the delivery party can By using the value-added service of the service provider to collect or (10) the product or the automatic loading of the automatic transaction device of the present invention, the temporary storage of the automated transaction device is not in violation of the present invention, and may of course include a trading system. Regularly carrying people to check the information to the automated trading device, ο reporting the data loading message appears. The reporting data processing device of the system of the present invention is different, the signal is sent to the message processing unit, and the message processing unit is developed to the owing party to ensure automation. The trading device is functioning normally. " 中自=, The present invention provides a preferred and feasible wireless network system I automated parent method and system thereof, and the invention of the invention patent is provided according to law, but the above implementation and the diagram are shown The preferred embodiments of the present invention are not invented by the present invention, and the construction, the device, the features, and the like are similar, and the similarity should be within the scope of creation and application of the patent. 17 201025173 [Simple description of the drawings] Fig.: Schematic diagram of the architecture of the automated trading system in the present invention. Second Figure: The implementation of the trusted party of the automated trading system of the present invention - Figure. 1. Thinking ^3: The transmitting party of the automated trading system of the present invention performs the sounding _4: The embodiment of the automated trading system of the present invention performs the sounding ❹ [Description of the main components] The trusted party 10 The sending party 20 Automated transaction management module 3 ID identification unit 31 Accounting amount processing unit 32 Path management unit 33 Cargo management unit 34 Reporting data processing unit 35 讯息 Message processing unit 36 Provider of wireless network service 4 〇 Automated transaction device 5 〇 Receive signal Unit 51 counting unit 52 temporary storage read only memory unit 53 power control unit 5 4 mobile communication or network device 6〇18

Claims (1)

201025173 七、申請專利範圍: 1、 一種無線網絡系統中自動化交易之系統,其設有自 動化交易管理模組以及自動化交易裝置,而該自動 '化交易管理模組至少包含有:’ 一身分辨識單元,用以辨識受信方或送信方身份及確 認權限; 一核算金額處理單元,該核算金額處理單元至少設有 一價金群組建置單元、一交易金額管理單元及一試算 Q 單元,該價金群組建置單元用以建置價金群組;交易 金額管理單元可進行交易價金群組比對及金額之管 理;試算單元進行試算及分析; 一貨物管理單元,用以設定貨物、數量及存量之控制; 一彙報資料處理單元,用以提供已核認之受信方一移 動通訊或網絡連絡碼及分析、載入、儲存相關記錄或 資料, 一訊息處理單元,載入彙報資料處理單元資料並發送 Q 訊息予受信方或送信方。 2、 如請求項1所述之無線網絡系統中自動化交易之系 統,其中,該身分辨識單元設有送信方資料單元、 送信方辨別單元、送信方權限單元以及受信方辨別 σσ —· 早兀。 3、 如請求項1所述之無線網絡系統中自動化交易之系 統,其中,該自動化交易管理模組進一步設有一通 路管理單元,該通路管理單元具有一地圖單元及一 交通規劃單元,用以管理補充貨物之通路並規劃交 19 201025173 通路線。 δ月來項1所述之無線網絡系統中自動化 二::單:貨物管理單元係設有存貨管理單元 機型、貨品或服務之種類、金額 2裝置201025173 VII. Patent application scope: 1. A system for automated transaction in a wireless network system, which has an automated transaction management module and an automated transaction device, and the automatic transaction management module includes at least: For identifying the identity of the trusted party or the sender and confirming the authority; an accounting amount processing unit, the accounting amount processing unit has at least one price group establishment unit, a transaction amount management unit and a trial calculation unit Q, the price The group building unit is used to set up the price group; the transaction amount management unit can manage the transaction price group comparison and the amount; the trial unit performs trial calculation and analysis; and a cargo management unit for setting the goods and quantity. And the control of the stock; a reporting data processing unit for providing the verified trusted party-mobile communication or network connection code and analyzing, loading and storing related records or data, a message processing unit, and a report data processing unit Data and send a Q message to the recipient or sender. 2. The system for automated transaction in a wireless network system according to claim 1, wherein the identity identification unit is provided with a sender data unit, a sender unit, a sender unit, and a trusted party to identify σσ —· early. 3. The system of automated transaction in a wireless network system according to claim 1, wherein the automated transaction management module further comprises a path management unit having a map unit and a traffic planning unit for managing Replenish the cargo route and plan to hand over the 19 201025173 route. Automation in the wireless network system described in item 1 of the month 2:: Single: The cargo management unit is provided with an inventory management unit. Type, amount of goods or services, amount 2 device 所述之無線網絡系統中自動之 ΐ範其中’該貨物管理單元係支援不同資料庫標準 7、=請求項1所述之無線網絡系統中自動化交易 二=元該:ΐ:::理單r一步設有價金群 ^平兀、,死彳忒异早兀以及銷售統計單元。 月长員7所述之無線網絡系統中自動化交易之系 =其中’該核算金額處理單元可進行價金群組、 =方式、結算顧、結算表之顯示方式及匯出格 式等設定。 9、如請求項1所述之無線網絡系統中自動化交易之系 統’其中,該彙報資料處理單元至少包含有資料載 入單元:資料辨別單元、歷史電子資料庫、資料識 別位置單元、查詢單元以及資料傳輸單元。 1〇、如請求項9所述之無線網㈣統中自動化交易之 系,’’充,其中,該彙報資料處理單元可設定自動化 交易裝置載入日、資料統計日、統計分析選項並 進行統計方式、期間與參數等設定。 20 201025173 11 12 13 ❹ 14 15 ❹ 16 17 18 如明长項1所述之無線網絡系統中自動化交易之 系、、充其中,該彙報資料處理單元將自動編配一 移動通訊或網絡之連絡碼予自動化交易裝置。 ‘如請求蟥1所述之無線網絡系統中自動化虻易之 系其中,該訊息處理單元設有一接收訊息處 理單元及一發送訊息處理單元。 如明求項12所述之無線網絡系統中自動化交易 之系、、先,其中,該訊息處理單元可設定收取訊號 裝置路徑、緊急連絡方法。 如明求項1所述之無線網絡系統中自動化交易之 系統,其中,該系統可與傳輸系統連接,使其資 料侍以傳送至經授權之内部使用者或經授權之外 部使用者。 女明求項14所述之無線網絡系統中自動化交易之 系先其中,該傳輸系統可以為移動通訊或網絡裝 置。 如明求項1所述之無線網絡系統中自動化交易之 系統,其中,該自動化交易裝置係至少包含一接 收況號單元、計數單元、暫存唯讀記憶單元及電 源控制單元。 月求項1所述之無線網絡系統中自動化交易之 系統,其中,該自動化交易管理模組藉由一移動 通訊或網路裝置與受信方或送信方連接。 如凊求項17所述之無線網絡系統中自動化交易之 系統,其中,該自動化交易管理模組進一步連接有 21 201025173 一無線網絡服務供應者,該無線網絡服務供應者亦 可構成受信方與送信方之訊息傳送。 19 20 、如請求項18所述之無線網絡系統中自動化交易之 糸統,其中,該無線網絡服務供應者可向送信方交^ 易之費用予受信方。 ° 人 、一種無線網絡系統中自動化交易之方法,該自動 化交易系統設有自動化交易管理模組以及自動化 父易裝置,5亥受k方透過無線網絡於自動化交易 管理模組設定貨品或服務之種類、金額、數量, 以及貨品或服務之自動化交易裝置需求條件、存 量、結算及統計期間等模式,並由該自動化交易 管理模組分配一無線通訊或網絡連絡碼予該自動 化交易裝置,而送信方並透過無線網路輸入無線 通訊或網絡連絡碼,該系、_由其輸人之無線通 訊或網絡連絡碼及其送信方移動通訊或網絡連絡 碼辨識該送信方之身分後,依據送信方所輪入之 連絡碼’㈣應提供該自動化交^裝置之價金選 ,項,待送信讀人該選擇項後,本系統傳送一 價金群組指令予該自動化交易裝置,㈣動化交 易裝置派遣執行價金群組所指之貨品或服務,以 顯示於自動化交易裝置並供送信方反饋輸入,藉 ,完成自動化交易裝置在無現金、無密碼之即日^ 父易。 如請求項20所述之無線網絡系統中自動化交易之 方法,其中,該自動化交易管理模組至少設有—身 22 21、 201025173 分辨識單元、一核算金額處理單元、一貨物管理單 元、一彙報資料處理單元、一訊息處理單元 22 ❹ ❹ -種無線網絡系統中自動化交易之方法,該自動 化交易系統設有自系化交易管理模組以及自動化 交易裝置’而該自動化交易管理模組至少設有一 身分辨識單元、-核算金額處理單元、一貨物管 理單元…彙報資料處理單元、―訊息處理單元, 該自動化交易裝置則至少包含—接收訊號單元、 計數单兀、暫存唯讀記憶單元及電源控制單元, 而該自動化交易方法係至少包含有下列步驟: A·受信方以移動通訊或網絡裝置與該系統連接. B. =㈣識料辨識、確認該受信方之身分及使用 C. :f方輸入自動化交易裝置地點、貨物品名、價金 群組、結算日等設定; 、鱼 D. 由菜報資料處理單元提彳址一 予自動化交易袭置;移動通訊或網絡連絡碼 E•該彙報資料處理單元載 之暫存唯讀記恃置Γ 動化交易裝置 剖析及轉譯,傳、易資訊,將該資訊進行 單元及^|_=鼻金額處理單元、貨物管理 單:藉由彙報資料處理單元剖析及 G該貨行鎖售金額統計及試算; 後之資料處理單元剖析及轉譯 23 201025173 ILIjm理單元藉由彙報㈣處理單㈣析及料 方或受信 後之資訊發送交易成功或失敗訊息給送肖 ° 方。 23 —種無線網絡系統中自動“易之方法’該自動 ❹ 統設有自動化交易管理模組以及自動化 又易裝置’而該自動化交易管理模組至少設有一 身分辨識單元、一核算金額處理單元、一貨物管 理單元、-彙報資料處理單元、一訊息處理單元, 该自,化交易震置則至少包含一接收訊號單元、 δ十數早70、暫存唯讀記憶單元及電源控制單元, ,而該自動化父易方法係至少包含有下列步驟: ,达信方以移動通訊或網絡裝置輸人自動化交易裝置 ::動通訊或網絡連絡碼與自動化交易系統連接; :㈣識單元辨識、確認該送信方之身分及使用 自動化交Μ置所儲存之移動通訊或網絡碼提 供價金群組予送信方; D.由送信方選擇價金群組後,該彙報資料處理單元進 :口Ή:亚轉澤後傳送至核算金額處理單元執行比對 、别入疋否正確;輸入正確者由核算金額處理單元傳 ,至貨物管理單元執行數量比對,輸人錯誤者由核 f金額處理單元發送―訊息至彙報資料處理單元, 囊報負料處理單^將該訊息進行剖析及轉譯,傳送 至訊息處理單元m處理單元發送-錯誤訊息 予送信方; ~ 24 201025173 E!入正確進入貨物管理單元執行數量比對, 者’T理單元判斷為錯二: :::處理單元將該訊息進行剖析k轉譯,傳J 送;::理:70 ’由訊息處理單元發送-錯誤訊息予 方’ •該存量大於輸人數量者,貨物管理 判斷為正確,由貨物管理單元發送—交易$ = 報資料處理單元,彙報資料_ _ °心予菜 ❹ ❹ 剖析及轉譯後,_報;料:亍 時發送-訊息予訊息處理單: 早讀送-價金群組指令至自動化 訊號單元; 翏罝之接收 F.=動化交易裝置之接收訊號單元接收價金群組指 々後’即令該自動化交易裝置之自動化交易裝置進 入父易狀態,自動化交易裝置之對應訊號顯示; G」送信方確㈣對應訊號顯示時,自動化交 提供貨品或服務予送財,並料交㈣功記錄於 ;動!、交單元及暫存唯讀記憶單元 中’虽达#方於-疋時間内未確認或確認錯誤時, 自動化交易裝置之對應訊號滅失,並儲存交易失敗 記錄於自動化交^裝置之計數單元及暫存唯讀記情 單元中; 〜 H.自動化交易系統之彙報資料處理單元載入儲存於★亥 自動化交易裝置之暫存唯讀記憶單元中之交易= 訊’將該資訊進行剖析及轉譯,傳送至核算金額】 25 201025173 理,7L、貨物管理單元及訊息處理單元; IS處理單元藉由彙報資料處理單元剖析及轉 #灸之貝汛進行銷售金額統計及試算; J·貝物官理單元藉由彙報資料處理單 之資訊進行貨物進出管理; °斤及^澤後 K.訊息處理單元藉由囊報資料處 析 J貧訊發送交易成功或失敗訊息給送二及= G 24、一種無線網絡系統中自動化交易之方法 =統設有自動化交易咖 又易扁置,而該自動化交易管理模組至少設 身分辨識單元、一核算金額處理單元、一貨物管 理單元、-彙報資料處理單元、—訊息處理單元, /自,化又易裝置則至少包含—接收訊號單元、 計數單元、暫存唯讀記憶單元及電源控制單元; :-亥自動化父易方法係至少包含有下列步驟: .文信方以移動通訊或網絡裝置與該系統連接; .由身分辨識單元辨識、確認該受信方之身分及使用 栺限; 4方輸入自動化交易裝置地點、貨物品名、價金 群組、結算曰等設定; .由彙報資料處理單元提供一移動通訊或網絡連絡碼 予自動化交易裴置; E’送k方以移動通訊或網絡裝置輸入自動化交易裝置 之移動通訊或網絡連絡碼與自動化交易系統連接; 26 201025173 =身分韻單元辨識、確觸送信方之身分 推限; 虞自動化交易裝置之移動通訊或網絡碼提供價金 群組予送信方; , 方選擇價金群組後,自動化交易系統之囊報 2處理單元傭並轉料傳送至核#金額處理單 :::比:輸入是否正確;輸入正確者由核算金額 ❹ ❹ 貨物管理單元執行數量比對,輸入 單元發送一訊息至彙報資料 :早:瘦貝料處理單元將該訊息進行剖析及 訊息處理單元’由訊息處理單元發送 錯决汛息予送信方; 1.=正確進人貨物管理單元執行數量 置小於輸入數蕃去,化私垃 ^ 貨物I 單元判斷為錯誤,由 報資^發达—訊息予棄報資料處理單元,彙 1自广車兀將該訊息進行剖析及轉譯,傳送至 心處理單元,由訊息處理單 送信方;當該存量大於輸入數量者\ =況息予 判斷為正確,由貨物管者’貝物管理單元 郝资%I* 〇 3理早兀务迗一交易訊息予彙 、枓處理早兀’彙報資料 剖析及轉譯後,儲存於囊二:兀將以息進仃 中,並同時發送-訊自ί 處理單元之資料庫 單元傳送一斤▲、,δ心予汛息處理單元,訊息處理 訊號單元;貝、群組指令至自動化交易裝置之接收 自動化4裝置之接收訊號單元接收價金群组指 27 201025173 令後,即令該自動化交易裝置之自動化交易裝置進 :交易狀態,自動化交易震置之對應訊號顯示; κ.虽达#方確認該對應訊號顯科,自動化 Ο ❹ η:務予送信方,並儲存交易成功記錄於 裝置之計數單元及暫存唯讀記憶單元 t^/处方於—定時間内未確認或確認錯誤時, 自動化父易裝置之對應訊號滅失,並儲存交易失敗 自動化交易裝置之計數單元及暫存唯讀記 L 易/統之彙報資料處理單元載人儲存… 自動化以裝置之暫存唯讀記鮮元巾之 :單將,進行剖析及轉譯’傳送至核算她 早疋物管理單元及訊息處理單元. M.核算金額處理單元藉由彙報 ,後U朗行㈣金賴収試算早^析及車 物官理單元藉由彙報資料處理單 之貧訊進行貨物進出管理; 竹及轉利 單Ϊ藉由彙報資料處理單元剖析及轉譯後 訊發运父易成功或失敗訊息給送信方或受信 ===22、23或24所述之無線網絡系統 為GSM、,其中,所稱之無線網絡可 26、如請求叶⑽或其他具有傳輸之工具。 統中自動化:】2、23或24所述之之無線網絡系 動化人易之方法,其中所稱之移動通訊或 28 201025173 網絡裝置可為攜帶式 · 有無線或有線網絡連接功Ltt訊功能之舰、具 輸之裝置。 此之电腦或其他具有傳 27 28In the wireless network system described above, the vehicle management unit supports different database standards 7 and = the automatic network transaction in the wireless network system described in claim 1 ===::::: One step is to set up a price group, a flat, a dead, a small, and a sales statistics unit. The system of automated transactions in the wireless network system described by Yuechang 7 = where the accounting amount processing unit can set the price group, the = mode, the settlement, the display mode of the settlement table, and the export format. 9. The system of automated transaction in a wireless network system according to claim 1, wherein the reporting data processing unit comprises at least a data loading unit: a data identification unit, a historical electronic data base, a data identification location unit, an inquiry unit, and Data transfer unit. 1. The wireless network (4) system of the automated transaction described in claim 9 is ''charged, wherein the report data processing unit can set an automated transaction device loading date, a data statistics day, a statistical analysis option, and perform statistics. Settings such as mode, period and parameters. 20 201025173 11 12 13 ❹ 14 15 ❹ 16 17 18 If the system of automated transactions in the wireless network system described in Long Term 1 is filled, the reporting data processing unit will automatically assign a mobile communication or network connection code. Automated trading device. ‘In the wireless network system as claimed in claim 1, the message processing unit is provided with a receiving message processing unit and a transmitting message processing unit. For example, in the wireless network system described in Item 12, first, the message processing unit can set a signal path and an emergency contact method. A system for automated transactions in a wireless network system as described in claim 1, wherein the system is connectable to the transmission system for delivery of the information to an authorized internal user or an authorized external user. The automated transaction in the wireless network system described in claim 14, wherein the transmission system can be a mobile communication or network device. A system for automated transaction in a wireless network system according to claim 1, wherein the automated transaction device comprises at least a receiving condition number unit, a counting unit, a temporary storage read-only memory unit, and a power control unit. The system for automated transactions in the wireless network system of claim 1, wherein the automated transaction management module is coupled to the trusted party or the sender by a mobile communication or network device. The system for automatically trading in the wireless network system according to Item 17, wherein the automated transaction management module is further connected with a wireless network service provider of 21 201025173, and the wireless network service provider may also constitute a trusted party and a delivery service. The message is transmitted by Fang. 1920. The system of automated transactions in a wireless network system as claimed in claim 18, wherein the wireless network service provider can deliver the fee to the sender to the trusted party. ° People, a method of automated trading in a wireless network system with an automated transaction management module and an automated parent-friendly device, which sets the type of goods or services in the automated transaction management module over the wireless network. , the amount, the quantity, and the automated trading device demand condition, inventory, settlement and statistical period of the goods or services, and the automated transaction management module assigns a wireless communication or network connection code to the automated transaction device, and the delivery party And input wireless communication or network contact code through the wireless network, the system, _ by its input wireless communication or network contact code and its sender mobile communication or network contact code to identify the identity of the sender, according to the sender The round-up contact code '(4) shall provide the price of the automatic delivery device, and the system shall transmit the one-price gold group command to the automated trading device after the option is sent to the reader, (4) the dynamic trading device Dispatch the goods or services referred to in the execution price group to be displayed in the automated trading package And for feeding back the input messenger, borrow, complete automated trading means no cash, no immediate passwords ^ father and easy. The method for automatically trading in a wireless network system according to claim 20, wherein the automated transaction management module is provided with at least 22 21, 201025173 sub-identification unit, an accounting amount processing unit, a cargo management unit, and a report. a data processing unit, a message processing unit 22, a method for automated transactions in a wireless network system, the automated transaction system having a self-contained transaction management module and an automated transaction device, and the automated transaction management module has at least one The identity identification unit, the accounting amount processing unit, the cargo management unit, the reporting data processing unit, and the message processing unit, the automated transaction device includes at least a receiving signal unit, a counting unit, a temporary memory unit, and a power control unit. The unit, and the automated transaction method includes at least the following steps: A. The trusted party connects to the system by using a mobile communication or network device. B. = (4) Identifying the identification, confirming the identity of the trusted party, and using the C. : f side Enter the location of the automated trading device, the name of the goods, the price group, Set the date, etc.; Fish D. From the food report processing unit to address the site for automatic transaction; mobile communication or network contact code E• The report data processing unit contains the temporary read-only record Device analysis and translation, transmission, easy information, the information to carry out the unit and ^|_= nasal amount processing unit, cargo management list: by reporting data processing unit analysis and G the cargo lock sales statistics and trial calculation; Analysis and translation of the data processing unit 23 201025173 The ILIjm management unit sends the transaction success or failure message to the Xiaofang party by reporting (4) processing the single (4) analysis and the information of the material or the trusted information. 23—Automatic “easy method” in the wireless network system, the automatic transaction management module and the automation and easy device are provided, and the automated transaction management module has at least one identity identification unit and an accounting amount processing unit. a cargo management unit, a report data processing unit, and a message processing unit, wherein the self-transformation transaction includes at least a received signal unit, a δ ten early 70, a temporary read only memory unit, and a power control unit, and The automated parent-method method includes at least the following steps: The Thaksin party connects to the automated transaction system by means of a mobile communication or network device: a mobile communication or network connection code is connected to the automated transaction system; (4) identifying the unit and confirming the delivery The identity of the party and the use of the mobile communication or network code stored in the automated switch to provide the price group to the sender; D. After the sender selects the price group, the report data processing unit enters: mouth: Asian After the transfer to the accounting amount processing unit to perform the comparison, do not enter the correct? If the correct input is passed by the accounting amount processing unit To the cargo management unit to perform a quantity comparison, the input error is sent by the nuclear f amount processing unit to the message to the report data processing unit, and the negative data processing unit is parsed and translated, and sent to the message processing unit m for processing. Unit sends - error message to the sender; ~ 24 201025173 E! Enter the correct entry into the goods management unit to perform the quantity comparison, the 'T unit determines that the error is two: ::: The processing unit parses the message k, translates J Send;:: Reason: 70 'Sent by the message processing unit - error message to the party' • If the stock is greater than the number of inputs, the goods management judgment is correct and sent by the goods management unit - transaction $ = report data processing unit, report data _ _ °心予菜❹ 剖 After analysis and translation, _ newspaper; material: 亍 send - message to message processing list: early read delivery - price group command to automatic signal unit; 翏罝 receiving F. = moving The receiving signal unit of the transaction device receives the price group, and then the automated trading device of the automated trading device enters the parental state, and the automated trading device The signal should be displayed; G) The sender should (4) automatically display the goods or services for the money when the corresponding signal is displayed, and submit the (four) work records; move!, transfer unit and temporary storage only memory unit When the error is not confirmed or confirmed within the time limit, the corresponding signal of the automated trading device is lost, and the stored transaction failure is recorded in the counting unit of the automated communication device and the temporary reading only reading unit; ~ H. Automated Trading System The report data processing unit loads the transaction stored in the temporary read-only memory unit of the ★Hai automation transaction device = message 'analysis and translation of the information, and transmits it to the accounting amount】 25 201025173 Rational, 7L, cargo management unit and message Processing unit; IS processing unit analyzes and transfers the sales amount statistics and trial calculations by reporting the data processing unit; J. The project management unit carries out the management of goods in and out by reporting the information of the data processing unit; ^Zhou K. Message Processing Unit sends a message to the second and the second message by sending a message to the message or the failure message. The method of automated transaction in the line network system = the automatic transaction coffee is easy to set up, and the automated transaction management module has at least an identity identification unit, an accounting amount processing unit, a cargo management unit, a reporting data processing unit, - The message processing unit, / self-contained, and the device includes at least - a receiving signal unit, a counting unit, a temporary memory unit and a power control unit; the -Hai automation method includes at least the following steps: The sender connects to the system by means of mobile communication or network device; . identifies and confirms the identity and use limit of the trusted party by the identity identification unit; 4 inputs the location of the automated transaction device, the name of the goods, the price group, the settlement, etc. Setting; providing a mobile communication or network connection code to the automated transaction device by the report data processing unit; E's sending a mobile communication or network device input mobile communication or network connection code to the automated transaction system; 26 201025173=Identification of the identity rhyme unit, confirming the identity of the sending party; The mobile communication or network code of the automated transaction device provides the price group to the sender; after the party selects the price group, the automated transaction system reports 2 processing unit commissions and transfers the materials to the core # Amount processing order::: Ratio: whether the input is correct; the correct amount is calculated by the amount ❹ ❹ The cargo management unit performs the quantity comparison, and the input unit sends a message to the report data: early: the thin beaker processing unit parses the message and the message processing unit's message The processing unit sends the wrong message to the sender; 1.= The number of executions of the correct goods management unit is less than the input number, and the goods I unit is judged as an error, and the report is developed. Reporting the data processing unit, the remittance 1 will analyze and translate the message from the vehicle to the heart processing unit, and the message processing will be sent to the sender; when the stock is greater than the input quantity, the status is judged as correct. Manager's shell management unit Hao Zi%I* 〇3 兀 兀 兀 交易 交易 交易 交易 交易 交易 交易 交易 交易 交易 交易 交易 交易 交易 交易 交易 交易 交易 交易 交易 交易 交易 兀 兀 兀 兀 兀 兀 兀Pouch 2: 兀 will enter the sputum, and simultaneously send a message from the database unit of the ί processing unit to send a pound ▲, δ heart to the message processing unit, message processing signal unit; shell, group command to automation Receiving automation unit 4 of the receiving device of the trading device receiving the price group refers to the 27 201025173 order, so that the automated trading device of the automated trading device enters: the trading state, the corresponding signal display of the automated trading shock; κ. The party confirms that the corresponding signal is displayed, automatically Ο : η: to the sender, and stores the transaction successfully recorded in the counting unit of the device and the temporary memory unit t^/prescription is not confirmed or confirmed error within the specified time, Automatically replace the corresponding signal of the parent-friendly device, and store the transaction failure. The counting unit of the automated trading device and the temporary storage read-only record L Yi/Tong's report data processing unit manned storage... Automated device temporary storage read only fresh towel : Single, analyze and translate 'transferred to the accounting of her early management unit and message processing unit. M. Accounting amount processing unit From the report, after the U Lang (4) Jin Lai trial and calculation, the vehicle management unit will manage the goods in and out by reporting the information processing order; the bamboo and the transfer order will be analyzed and translated by the reporting data processing unit. The wireless network system described in the post-sending parent success or failure message to the sender or the trusted ===22, 23 or 24 is GSM, wherein the so-called wireless network 26, such as the request leaf (10) or other The tool for transmission. Automation: The wireless network described in 2, 23 or 24 is a method of mobilizing people, which is called mobile communication or 28 201025173 network device can be portable · with wireless or wired network connection function Ltt function The ship, the device with the loss. This computer or other has a pass 27 28 、如請求項2〇、22、9 . 中自動化交易之方# \ 4所述之無線網絡系統 係具有—顯六/ ’一令,該自動化交易裝置 、如請求項:公:f之顯示屏。 動化交易之方’ 4所述之無線網絡系統中自 動通訊或二:L該步驟"受信方以移 密碼、Ε—_ 係以輸人其帳號、 統辨識。切動通錢網絡號碼以供辨識系 ::員22、23或24所述之無線網絡系統中自 父易之方法,其中,該步驟a中送信方以移 =訊或網絡裝置進人系統,係以移動通訊或網 、-、。唬碼以供辨識系統辨識。 29 ❹ 3〇、如請求項2卜22、23或24戶斤述之無線網絡系统 中自動化交易之方法,其中,該身分辨識單元設 有送信方資料單元、送信方辨別單元、送信方權 限單元以及受信方辨別單元。 31如明求項21、22、23或24所述之無線網絡系統 中自動化交易之方法,其中,該自動化交易管理 模組進一步設有一通路管理單元,該通路管理單 兀具有一地圖單元及一交通規劃單元,用以管理 補充貨物之通路並規劃交通路線。 32、如請求項21、22、23或24所述之無線網絡系統 29 201025173 Ο ❹ 中自動化交易之方法, ^ 設有存貨管理單元該貨物管理單元係 ±丄 進貨管理單元。 33、如相求項32所述之盔妗 古+ .^ 無線網絡系統中自動化交易之 方法,其中,該貨物管理“ 助化又易之 裝置機型、貨品曳服 可進仃自動化交易 定。 戍服務之種類、金額、數量等設 如請求項21、22、 中自& 或24所述之無線網絡系統 =化父易之方法,其中,該貨物管理單元传 支板不同資料庫標準規範。 早兀係 如請求項21、22、22弋w &丄 中自―… 所述之無線網絡系統 中自動化父易之方法,其中,該核算金額處理單 凡進—步設有價金群_識單元、 以及銷售統計單元。 异早 3 6、如請求項3 5所述之無線網絡系統中自動化交易之 方法,其中,該核算金額處理單元可進行價金群 組、結算方式、結算期間、結算表之顯示方式及 匯出格式等設定。 如π求項21、22、23或24所述之無線網絡系統 中自動化交易之方法,其中,該彙報資料處理單 兀至少包含有資料載入單元、資料辨別單元、歷 史電子資料庫、資料識別位置單元、查詢單元以 及資料傳輸單元。 38、如請求項37所述之無線網絡系統中自動化交易之 方法’其中’該彙報資料處理單元可設定自動化 父易裝置載入日、資料統計曰、統計分析選項並 34 35 37 30 201025173 進行統計方式、期間與參數等設定。 39 士月求員21、22、23 $ 24所述之無線網絡系統 中自動化交易之方法,其中,該訊息處理單元設 有;接收訊息處理單元及一發送诚息處理單元。 40々明求項39所述之無線網絡系統中自動化交易之 方法,其中,該訊息處理單元可設定收取訊號裝 置路徑、緊急連絡方法。 41、如請求項21 ' 22、23或24所述之無線網絡系統 中自動化交易之方法,其中,該自動化交易裝置 係至少包含-接收訊號單元、計數單元、暫存唯 讀記憶單元及電源控制單元。For example, in the request item 2〇, 22, 9 . The wireless network system described in the automated transaction party # \ 4 has - display six / 'one order, the automated transaction device, such as the request item: public: f display . In the wireless network system described in the section 4, the automatic communication or the second step: the step of the user is to change the password, Ε-_ to enter the account and the system. Cut the money network number for identification: the method of the self-family in the wireless network system described in the member 22, 23 or 24, wherein the sender in the step a moves to the system by using the mobile device or the network device. Is based on mobile communication or network, -,. The weight is for identification system identification. 29 ❹ 3〇, as in the request item 2, 22, 23 or 24, the method of automated transaction in the wireless network system, wherein the identity identification unit is provided with a sender data unit, a sender unit, and a sender unit. And the trusted party identification unit. The method of automated transaction in a wireless network system according to claim 21, 22, 23 or 24, wherein the automated transaction management module further comprises a path management unit having a map unit and a A transportation planning unit that manages the passage of supplementary goods and plans transportation routes. 32. The wireless network system as claimed in claim 21, 22, 23 or 24 29 201025173 方法 ❹ The method of automated transaction, ^ is provided with an inventory management unit, the cargo management unit is a stock purchase management unit. 33. The method of automated trading in the wireless network system as described in Fig. 32, wherein the cargo management "helps and facilitates the device model, and the goods can be transported into an automated transaction. The type, amount, quantity, etc. of the service are set as in the method of claim 21, 22, the wireless network system described in the self- & or 24, the method of the parent, and the standard specification of the different data bases of the cargo management unit The early 兀 is the method of automating the parent in the wireless network system described in the claims 21, 22, 22弋w & 丄 丄 , , , , , , , , , , , 自动化 自动化 自动化 自动化 自动化 自动化 自动化 自动化 自动化 自动化 自动化 自动化 自动化 自动化 自动化 自动化 自动化 自动化 自动化A method for automatically trading in a wireless network system as described in claim 3, wherein the accounting amount processing unit can perform a price group, a settlement method, a settlement period, The method for displaying the settlement table and the method of exporting the format, such as the method for automatically trading in the wireless network system described in § 21, 22, 23 or 24, wherein the report data processing unit includes at least data loading a unit, a data identification unit, a historical electronic database, a data identification location unit, a query unit, and a data transmission unit. 38. A method for automated transaction in a wireless network system as claimed in claim 37, wherein the report data processing unit is settable Automated parent-friendly device loading date, data statistics, statistical analysis options and 34 35 37 30 201025173 for statistical methods, periods and parameters, etc. 39 士月求求21,22,23 $24 in the wireless network system The method of automated transaction, wherein the message processing unit is provided; a receiving message processing unit and a sending success processing unit. 40. The method for automated trading in a wireless network system according to claim 39, wherein the message processing unit The method for automatically collecting transactions in a wireless network system as described in claim 21 '22, 23 or 24, wherein the automated transaction device includes at least a receiving signal unit and counting Unit, temporary storage read-only memory unit and power control unit.
TW97151354A 2008-12-30 2008-12-30 Method of automated transaction in wireless network and system thereof TW201025173A (en)

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