201022607 六、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明為將傳統熱泵或熱交換裝置,供通過一次側流體之一 次側管路’或供通過二次側流體之二次侧管路兩者其中之一,製 • 成具有可藉由流體雙向泵動裴置作正逆向泵送流體,而另一侧之 流體管路之流體則由單向流體泵作固定流向之系動,而於可直接 . 或間接檢測溫度變化之位置,設置至少一個溫度檢測裝置,以將 溫度檢測信號輸往流體周期換向裝置,以周期改變流體雙向泵動 〇 裝置所泵動管路中,作為熱交換作用管路部分之流體作周期正逆 向泵動,進而相對改變所交換流向之流體於熱泵或熱交換裝置中 之溫度分佈狀態者。 【先前技術】 如圖1所7F為傳統呈固定流向之熱栗或熱交換裝置主要結構 原理方塊示意圖,如圖1中所示,為由單向流體果(⑽)作固定 單流向泵送通過-次側流體管路(101)之-次側流體⑽,-次 側机體(10)經由—次侧流體管路(1〇1)之不同溫度侧之管路口送 φ *、、生由$側之管路口排出’二次側流體管路(102)之二次側 流體⑽’亦由單向流體聚⑽)作固定單流向泵送通過二次側 *體管路(1G2) ’供與通過—次側越管路之—次撤體〇〇), f由減祕交換裝置⑽)之關'紐態或氣態之導熱體作溫 月"傳輪’由於通過一次側流體管路⑽)之-次侧流體(10),及 摘與二次側流體管路⑽)之二次側流體⑽之流向為固定, 在熱栗或熱交換裝置⑽)中,一次側流體管路(仙)及二次 k體S路(102)相互傳輸溫能之輸入端與輸出端兩端之間,其 目對温差分佈梯度呈穩定,但不具備主動操控之功能者。 201022607 【發明内容】 本發明為將傳統呈固定流向泵送通過一次側流體管路(101) 之一次側流體(10),及呈固定流向泵送通過二次侧流體管路(1〇2) • 之二次侧流體(20)所構成之熱泵或熱交換裝置(100),進一步改 • 良為藉由其中一次側流體管路(101)串設由流體週期換向操控裝 置(250)所操控之可作週期正逆向泵送之流體雙向泵動裝置 (123) ’以週期正逆向泵動一次侧流體(1〇),而二次侧流體管路 (102)則串設單向流體泵(12〇)作固定單流向泵動二次側流體 (20) ’而藉由固態或液態或氣態之導熱體(5〇)相互傳輸溫能者; © 或相反的由二次測流體管路(1〇2)串設流體週期換向操控裝置 (250)所操控作週期正逆向泵送之流體雙向泵動裝置(123),以週 期正逆向泵送二次側流體(2〇),而一次側流體管路(ι〇2)則串設 單向流體泵(120)作固定單流向泵動一次侧流體(1〇),而藉由固 態或液態或氣態之導熱體(50)相互傳輸溫能者; 藉由上述兩種結構方式,可以獲得以下運作功能:(1)藉流 體雙向泵祕置(123),以職正逆向呈不同流向泵送通過一次 财體管路⑽)之—次織體(10),及Φ單向、紐泵(120)果送 通過二次側流體管路(1〇2)之二次側流體(2〇),以在熱泵或熱交 換裝置運作時,改變呈固定結構位置關係之一次側流體管路(1〇1) 及二次側流體管路(102)兩者相對位置之溫差分佈狀態者;(2)可 在週期正逆向泵送流體中,將前一流向通過一次側流體管路(l〇1) 之-人側流體(1〇)或二次側流體管路(1〇2)之二次側流體(2〇)所 π進之雜質或污染物排出,以減少固定流向產生堆積雜質或污染 物之缺失者。 上述呈周期正逆向呈不同流向泵送一次侧流體管路(1〇1)之 次側流體(10),及以固定流向泵動二次側流體管路(1〇2)之二 4 201022607 次側流體(20),亦可作相反設置,而呈周期正逆向呈不同流向栗 送二次側流體管路(102)之二次侧流體⑽,並以固定流向果動 一次側流體管路(101)之一次側流體(10)者。 . 【實施方式】 • 如® 2解為本發明由一次侧流體管路與二次側流體管路 共同設置於導熱體,構成熱泵或熱交換裝置功能,並由流體雙向 泵動裝置所驅動之結構原理方塊示意圖; 圖2所示中:為此項週期正逆向泵送之熱泵或熱交換裝置 ⑽)’進-步串聯設置由電源⑽)所驅動,及由流體週期換向 罾 操控裝置()所操控作週期正逆向泵送㈣之流體雙向果動裝 置(123) ’以使所泵動流經一次側流體管路(1〇1),並通過熱泵或 熱交換裝置(100)之一次側流體(10)呈週期變換流向者;其中· 一 一次側流體管路(101):為供通過由流體雙向泵動裝置(123) 所泵送之一次側流體(1〇),以通過熱泵或熱交換装置(1〇〇),藉 導熱體(50)傳輸溫能以和二次側流體(2〇)作熱交換者; --二次側流體管路(1〇2):為供通過由單向流體泵(12〇)所泵送 之二次侧流體(20),以通過熱泵或熱交換裝置(ι〇〇),藉導熱體 ® (50)以和一次側流體(10)作熱交換者; --上述一次側流體管路(101)及二次側流體管路(丨〇2)可製成直 管、或平面延伸、或立體形狀之曲管'或迷宮形狀管'或螺旋狀 管、或其他各種幾何形狀,而其中一次側流體管路(1〇1)之部份 管路為與二次側流體管年(102)共同結合於導熱體(5〇),以相互 傳輸溫能而構成熱果或熱交換裝置(1〇〇)之功能結構者; 一流體雙向系動裝置(123):為由可被操控產生正壓力、或負壓 力,兩者或其中之一種泵動功能之流體泵動裝置所構成,以供泵 動氣態或液態之一次側流體(10)者’流體雙向泵動裝置(123)含 201022607 由電源(300)所供應電力驅動之電力馬達所驅動,或由引擎動 力、或其他風能、或熱能、或溫差能、或太陽能所產生之機械能 或所轉換之電能所驅動者; —單向流體泵(120):為由可產生正壓力推動流體之流體泵動裝 置所構成,或由可產生負壓力吸引流體之流體泵動裝置所構成, 以供對二次側流體管路(102)之二次側流體(2〇)作單向泵動者; 單向流體泵(120)含由電源(300)所供應電力驅動之電力馬達所 驅動,或由引擎動力、或其他風能、或熱能、或溫差能、或太陽 能所產生之機械能或所轉換之電能所驅動者;單向流體泵(12〇) 可為獨立操控或接受流體週期換向操控裝置(250)所操控者; 次側流體(1〇):含一種或一種以上相同或不同之液態或氣 態之流體、或液態轉氣態、或氣態轉液態之流體者; --二次側流體(2〇):含一種或一種以上相同或不同之液態或氣 態之流體、或液態轉氣態、或氣態轉液態之流體者; 電源(300).為提供運作之電源,包括交流或直流之市電系統 或獨立供應電能之裝置者; —流體週期換向操控裝置(250):為由機電元件或固態電子電路 元件、或微處理器及相關軟體及操控介面所構成,以供操控流體 雙向泵動裝置(123)或同時操控單向流體泵(12〇),使流經熱泵或 熱交換裝置(1GH徽體⑽交換所絲流向,進而 操控熱泵或熱交換裝置(100)中通過一次側流體管路(1〇1)之一 次側流體(10)與熱泵或熱交換裝置(100)之溫度分佈狀態者; 流體雙向系動裝置⑽)週期交換所泵動之一次側流體⑽ 流向之時機可為藉⑴人工操㈣體雙向$練置(123)之果動 方向;或⑵藉流體週期換向操控裝置()設定換向周期時間以 操控流體雙向絲裝置⑽)之職方向,進岐變通過一次側 6 201022607 流體管路(101)之一次側流體(10)之流向者; 圖2實施例進-步於可直誠間接檢_泵送交換流體溫度 變化之位置,設置至少-個溫度檢·置(⑴,供將所檢測溫度 信號回輸至流體週期換向操控裝置(250)者;其中: --流體週浦向操«置⑽):為蝴電元件或㈣電子電路 元件、或微處理器及相關軟體及操控介面所構成,以供操控流體 雙向泵動裝置(123) ’使流經熱泵或熱交換裝置〇〇〇)之流體週期 交換所泵動流向,以操控熱泵或熱交換裝置(1〇〇)中通過一次側 流體管路(101)之一次側流體(10)與熱泵或熱交換裝置(1〇〇)之 溫度分佈狀態者;其操控方式含以下一種或一種以上,包括:藉 由(1)人工操控流體雙向泵動裝置(123)之泵動方向,或(2)藉由 流體週期㈣難裝置(_依設定時間職,或參照溫度檢測 裝置(11)所檢測溫度變動而調整設定時間周期,以由流體週期換 向操控裝置(250)操控流體雙向泵動裝置(123)之泵動方向,或(3) 於可直接或.間接檢測所果送交換流體溫度變化之位置,設置至少 一個溫度檢測裝置(11),以藉溫度檢測裝置(n)所檢測信號,供 輸往流體週期換向操控裝置(25〇),以在溫度檢測裝置(u)到達 設定溫度時,操控流體雙向泵動裝置(123)之泵動方向,以週期 正逆向泵動通過一次側流體管路(1〇丨)之一次侧流體(1〇),使熱 泵或熱交換裝置(100)中之導熱體之溫度分佈狀態隨之改變 者。 如圖3所示為本發明由一次侧流體管路與二次側流體管路互 呈套合構成熱泵或熱交換裝置功能,並藉由流體雙向泵動裝置對 一次側流體作周期交換流向驅動之結構原理方塊示意.圖; 圖3所示中:為此項週期正逆向泵送之熱泵或熱交換裝置 (100),進一步串聯設置由電源(3〇〇)所驅動及由流體週期換向操 201022607 控裝置(250)所操控之流體雙向泵動裝置(123),以使所泵動經一 次侧流體管路(101)通過熱泵或熱交換裝置(1〇〇)之一次側流體 (10)呈週期變換流向者;其中: ---次側流體管路(101):為供通過由流體雙向泵動裝置(123) 所泵送之一次側流體(10),以通過熱泵或熱交換裝置,藉 導熱體(5 0 )傳輸温能以和二次侧流體(2 〇 )作熱交換者; —二次側流體管路(102):為供通過由單向流體泵(12〇)所泵送 之二次側流體(2〇),以通過熱泵或熱交換裝置(1〇〇),藉以和一 次侧流體(10)作熱交換者; —上述一次側流體管路(101)及二次側流體管路(102)可製成直 管、或平面延伸、或立體形狀之曲管、或迷宮形狀管、或螺旋狀 管、或其他各種幾何形狀,而其中一次側流體管路(101)之部份 管路為與不同尺寸之二次側流體管路(1〇2)呈套合結構,並形成 可供流體通過之流路空間,供一次側流體(1〇)與二次侧流體(2〇) 間,藉兩者之間流體管路之管壁,構成導熱體(50)之功能,而進 行溫能傳輸功能,進而構成熱泵或熱交換裝置(100)之功能結構 者; 、Ό 流體雙向泵動裝置(123):為由可被操控產生正壓力或負壓 力,兩者或其中之一種泵動功能之流體泵動裝置所構成,以供泵 動氣態或液態之一次側流體(1〇)者,流體雙向泵動裝置(123)含 由電源(300)所供應電力驅動之電力馬達所驅動,或由引擎動 力、或其他風鸫、或熱能、或溫差能、或太陽能所產生之機械能 或所轉換之電能所驅動者; 〜單向流體泵(120):為由可產生正壓力推動流體之流體泵動裝 置所構成,或由可產生負壓力吸引流體之流體泵動裝置所構成, 以供對二次側流體管路(1〇2)之二次側流體(2〇)作單向泵動者; 201022607 單向机體杲(120)含由電源(_)所供應電力驅動之電力馬達所 驅動’或由引擎動力、或其他風能、或減、或溫差能、或太陽 此所產生之機械能或所轉換之電能卿動者;單向流體栗(⑽) 可為獨立雜或接受流體換向馳裝置⑽)所操控者; 人側抓體(10).含—種或一種以上相同或不同之液態或氣 態之㈣、或液態轉氣態、或氣態轉液態之流體者; A次侧机體(20) ·含-種或一種以上相同或不同之液態或氣 態之流體、或液態轉氣態、或氣態轉液態之流體者; 電源(300):為提供運作之電源,包括交流或直流之市電系統 或獨立供應電能之裝置者; "η·體週期換向操控裝置(25(j):為由機電元件或固態電子電路 讀、或微處理H及相難體及雜介面所舰,以供操控流趙 雙向栗動裝置(123)或同時操控單向流錄(12G),使流經熱果或 熱父換裝置(1GG)之-摘雜⑽職交換所泵動流向,進而 操控熱系或熱交換裝置(議)中通過—次側流體管路(丨⑴之一 -人側流體(10)與熱泵或熱交換裝置(丨〇〇)之溫度分佈狀態者; 々》·體雙向栗動裝置(123)週期交換所泵動之一次侧流體G〇) 流向之時機可為藉(1)人工操控流體雙向泵動裝置(123)之泵動 方向,或(2)藉流體週期換向操控裝置(25〇)設定換向周期時間以 操控流體雙向泵動裝置(123)之泵動方向,進而改變通過一次側 流體管路(101)之一次側流體(1〇)之流向者; 圖3實施例進一步於可直接或間接檢測所泵送交換流體溫度 變化之位置,設置至少一個溫度檢測裝置(11),供將所檢測溫度 信號回輸至流體週期換向操控裝置(25〇)者;其中: 〜流體週期換向操控裝置(250):為由機電元件或固態電子電路 元件、或微處理器及相關軟體及操控介面所構成,以供操控流體 9 201022607 雙向泵動裝置(123),使流經熱泵或熱交換裝置(1〇〇)之流體週期 交換所泵動流向,以操控熱泵或熱交換裝置(1〇〇)中通過一次側 流體管路(101)之一次側流體(10)與熱泵或熱交換裝置(1〇〇)之 溫度分佈狀態者;其操控方式含以下一種或一種以上,包括:藉 由(〇人工操控流體雙向泵動裝置(123)之泵動方向,或(2)藉由 流體週期換向操控裝置(250)依設定時間周期,或參照溫度檢測 裝置(11)所檢測溫度變動而調整設定時間周期,以由流體週期換 向操控裝置(250)操控流體雙向泵動裝置(123)之泵動方向,或(3) 於可直接或間接檢測所泵送交換流體溫度變化之位置,設置至少 一個溫度檢測裝置(11),以供將所檢測信號,供輸往流體週期換 向操控裝置(250),以在溫度檢測裝置(11)到達設定溫度時,操 控流體雙向泵動裝置(123)之泵動方向,以週期正逆向泵動通過 一次側流體管路(101)之一次側流體(10),使熱泵或熱交換裝置 (100)中之導熱體(50)之溫度分佈狀態隨之改變者; 此項週期正逆向泵送之熱泵或熱交換裝置,進一步可設置單 向流體泵與四個可作開關操控之流體閥構成可作正逆流向操控 之聯結,而具有兩輸入端及兩輸出端,及於其兩輸入端與所聯結 之一次侧流體管路(101)之流體源之間,至少其中之一,設置單 向流體泵(120),其兩輸出端供聯結設置於熱泵或熱交換裝置 (1〇〇)之一次侧流體管路(ιοί)之管路口(a)(b)兩端,進而構成流 體雙向泵動裝置(123)之功能,以供操控通往設置於熱泵或熱交 換裝置(100)之一次侧流體管路(1〇1)中之一次側流體(1〇)作週 期正向與反向之泵動,以經導熱體(5〇)對流經二次侧流體管路 (102)中,由單向流體泵(120)所泵送之二次側流體(2〇)作溫能傳 輸者。 如圖4所示為由至少一個單向流體泵與四個可作開關操控之 201022607 流體閥構成之雙向流體閥組共同構成流體雙向泵動裝置,並由一 次側流體管路與二次側流體管路共同設置於導熱體構成之熱泵 或熱交換裝置’而於一次側流體管路之至少其中之一端與一次側 流體源之間設置前述流體雙向泵動裝置之實施例示意圖; 圖4所示中,供通過熱泵或熱交換裝置(1〇〇)内部之一次側 流體管路(101)所聯結之流體閥(129a、129b、129c、129d)及單 向流體系(120)所栗送之流路中: —流體閥(129a)之一端與流體閥(129c)及單向流體泵(120)之 輸出端相通’單向流體泵(12〇)輸入端通往一次側流體管路(1〇1) 之管口(A)端; —流體閥(129a)之另一端通往設置於熱泵或熱交換裝置(1〇〇) 之一次側流體管路(1〇1)之管口(A)端,以及通往流體閥(129b)之 一端, —流體閥(129d)之一端與流體閥(129b)之一端相通,而直接通 往一次側流體管路(l〇D之管口(B)端; —流體閥(129d)之另一端通往熱泵或熱交換裝置(1〇〇)之一次 側流體管路(101)之管口(B)端及通往流體閥(129c),而流體閥 (129c)之另一端通往流體閥(129a)及共同通往單向流體泵(12〇) 之輸出端; 於藉由流體週期換向操控裝置(250),由單向流體泵(120)及 流體閥(129a)(129b)(129c)(129d)所構成之流體雙向泵動裝置 (123)之運轉中,流體閥(129a)及流體閥(I29d)為一組,流體閥 (129c)及流體閥(129b)為一組,而輪流作開啟(open)或閉合 (close),以藉單向流體泵(120)之泵動,在熱泵或熱交換裝置 (100)形成週期性輪流交換流向之功能者; --上述之單向流體泵(120)可為由一個所構成作單向泵動,或由 11 201022607 一個以上構成而設置於一次側流體管路(1〇1)之同一端或分別設 置於一次側流體管路(101)之兩端,以作同泵動流向之助動泵動 者; . 圖4實施例進一步於可直接或間接檢測所泵送交換流體溫度 - 變化之位置,設置至少一個溫度檢測裝置(11),供將所檢測溫度 信號回輸至流體週期換向操控裝置(250)者;其中: 一流體週期換向操控裝置(250):為由機電元件或固態電子電路 元件、或微處理器及相關軟體及操控介面所構成,以供操控流體 _ 雙向泵動裝置(123),使流經熱泵或熱交換裝置(1〇〇)之流體週期 父換所泵動流向,以操控熱泵或熱交換襞置(1〇〇)中通過一次侧 "il體管路(iQi)之一次側流體(1〇)與熱泵或熱交換裝置(1⑼)之 溫度分佈狀態者;其操控方式含以下一種或一種以上,包括:藉 由(1)人工操控流體雙向泵動裝置(123)之泵動方向,或(2)藉由 流體週期換向操控裝置(250)依設定時間周期,或參照溫度檢測 裝置(11)所檢測溫度變動而調整設定時間周期,以由流體週期換 向操控裝置(250)操控流體雙向泵動裝置(123)之泵動方向,或(3) 於"T直接或間接檢測所系送交換流體溫度變化之位置,設置至少 ® 一個溫度檢測裝置(11),以藉溫度檢測裝置(11)所檢測信號,供 輸往流體週期換向操控裝置(250),以在溫度檢測裝置(11)到達 設定溫度時’操控流體雙向泵動裝置〇23)之泵動方向,以週期 正逆向泵動通過一次侧流體管路(1〇1)之一次側流體(1〇),使熱 果或熱交換裝置(100)中之導熱體(5〇)之溫度分佈狀態隨之改變 者。 此項週期正逆向泵送之熱泵或熱交換裝置,進一步可由至少 一個單向流體串聯於四個可作開關操控之流體閥,構成流體雙向 栗動裝置(123),供操控通往設置於熱泵或熱交換裝置(1〇〇)之一 12 201022607 次側流體管路(101)中之一次侧流體(10),作週期正向與反向之 泵動’二次側流體管路(102)為套設於一次侧流體管路(1〇1)内 σΡ兩者之間並預留一次侧流體(1 〇)之通路,以由一次側流體(1〇) 對流經二次侧流體管路(102)内部,由單向流體泵(12〇)所單向泵 送之二次側流體(20)作熱能傳輸者; 如圖5所示為由至少一個單向流體泵與四個可作開關操控之 "IL體閥構成之雙向流體閥組共同構成流體雙向栗動裝置而供設 置於呈套合構成之熱泵或熱交換裝置,而於一次側流體管路之至 少其中之一端與一次側流體源之間之實施例示意圖; 圖5所示中,供通過熱泵或熱交換裝置(1〇〇)所聯結之流體 閥(129a、129b、129c、129d)及單向流體泵(120)所泵送之流路 中: --流體閥(129a)之一端與流體閥(129c)及單向流體泵(12〇)之 出口端相通,單向流體泵(12〇)入口端通往一次侧流體管路(1〇1) 之管口(A)端; —流體閥(129a)之另一端通往熱泵或熱交換裝置(100)之管口 (A) 端以及通往流體閥(129b)之一端; --流體閥(129d)之一端與流體閥(129b)之一端相通而通往一次 侧流體管路(101)之管口(B)端; —流體閥(129d)之另一端通往熱泵或熱交換裝置(1〇〇)之管口 (B) 端及通往流體閥(129C),而流體閥(129c)之另一端通往流體 閥(129a)及共同通往單向流體泵(120)之出口端; 藉由流體週期換向操控裝置(250)操控流體雙向泵動裝置 (123)之運轉中,由單向流體泵(12〇)及流體閥 (129a)(129b)(129c)(129d)所構成之流體雙向泵動裝置(123) 中’流體閥(129a)及流體閥(129d)為一組,流體閥(129c)及流體 13 201022607 閥(129b)為-組’而輪流作開啟(。_或閉合⑷⑽),以在熱 杲或熱交換|置⑽)形成週雜輪較向之功能者; 上述之單向流體泵(12〇)可為由_個所構成作單向粟動,或由 -個以上構成而設置於—:域越fjEUm)之同—端或分別設 置於-次側流體管路(101)之兩端,以作同泵動作同泵動流向之 助動泵動者。 圖5實施例進一步於可直接或間接檢測所泵送交換流體溫度 變化之位置’設置至少-個溫度檢測裝置⑽,供將所檢測溫度 k號回輸至流體週期換向操控裝置(250)者;其中: —流體週期換向操控裝置(250):為由機電元件或固態電子電路 兀件、或微處理器及相關軟體及操控介面所構成,以供操控流體 雙向泵動裝置(123),使流經熱泵或熱交換裝置(1〇〇)之流體週期 交換所泵動流向,以操控熱泵或熱交換裝置(1〇〇)中通過一次側 流體管路(101)之一次側流體(1〇)與熱泵或熱交換裝置(1〇〇)之 皿度为佈狀態者,其操控方式含以下一種或一種以上,包括:藉 由(1)人工操控流體雙向泵動裝置(123)之泵動方向,或(2)藉由 流體週期換向操控裝置(250)依設定時間周期,或參照溫度檢測 裝置(11)所檢測溫度變動而調整設定時間周期,以由流體週期換 向操控裝置(250)操控流體雙向系動裝置(123)之栗動方向,或(3) 於可直接或間接檢測所泵送交換流體溫度變化之位置,設置至少 一個溫度檢測裝置(11),以藉溫度檢測裝置(11)所檢測信號,供 輸往流體週期換向操控裝置(250),以在溫度檢測裝置(11)到達 設定溫度時’操控流體雙向泵動裝置(123)之泵動方向,以週期 正逆向泵動通過一次側流體管路(1〇1)之一次側流體(1〇),使熱 泵或熱交換裝置(100)中之導熱體(5〇)之溫度分佈狀態隨之改變 201022607 如圖6所示為本發明由一次側流體管路與呈螺旋狀二次側流 體管路套合而設置於封閉中空殼體中,藉封閉中空殼體中之導溫 流體以傳輸溫能構成絲或熱交換裝置功能,並由流體雙向系動 裝置所驅動之結構原理方塊示意圖; 圖6所示中:為進一步設置由電源(3〇〇)所驅動及由流體週期 換向操控裝置(250)所操控,作週期正逆向泵送流體之流體雙向 泵動裝置(123) ’以使所泵動經一次側流體管路(1〇1)之一次侧流 體(10)呈週期變換流向者;其中: -人側流體管路(101):為供通過由流體雙向栗動裝置(〖Μ) 所泵送之一次側流體(1〇),通過封閉中空殼體(2〇〇)之一次側流 體管路(101),其一次側流體(1〇)藉導溫流體(3〇)傳輸溫能以和 二次側流體(20)作熱交換者; 一次側流體管路(102):為供通過由單向流體泵(12〇)所泵送 之二次側流體(20) ’通過封閉中空殼體(2〇〇)之二次側流體管路 (102),其二次侧流體(2〇)藉導溫流體(3〇)以和一次側流體(1〇) 作熱交換者; --上述一次侧流體管路(1〇1)與呈螺旋狀二次側流體管路(1〇2) 套合而設置於封閉中空殼體(200)中,藉封閉中空殼體(2〇〇)中之 導溫流體(30)以傳輸溫能構成熱泵或熱交換裝置功能,並由流體 雙向泵動裝置(123)驅動一次側流體管路(101)中之一次側流體 (10)作週期交換流向之泵送者; --流體雙向泵動裝置(123):為由可被操控產生正壓力、或負壓 力,兩者或其中之一種系動功能之流體泵動裝置所構成,以供果 動氣態或液態之一次側流體(10)者,流體雙向泵動裝置(123)含 由電源(300)所供應電力驅動之電力馬達所驅動,或由引擎動 力、或其他風能、或熱能、或溫差能、或太陽能所產生之機械能 15 201022607 或所轉換之電能所驅動者; 單向流體泵(120):為由可產生正壓力推動流體之流體泵動裝 置所構成,或由可產生負壓力吸引流體之流體泵動裴置所構成, 以供對二次側流體管路(1〇2)之二次側流體(2〇)作單向泵動者; --前述之單向流體泵(120)含由電源(300)所供應電力驅動之電 力馬達所驅動,或由引擎動力、或其他風能、或熱能、或溫差能、 或太陽能所產生之機械能或所轉換之電能所驅動者;單向流體泵 (120)可為獨立操控或接受流體週期換向操控裝置(25〇)所操控 者; = 次側流體(10):含一種或一種以上相同或不同之液態或氣 態之流體、或液態轉氣態、或氣態轉液態之流體者; --一次側流體(2〇):含一種或一種以上相同或不同之液態或氣態 之流體、或液態轉氣態、或氣態轉液態之流體者; -導溫流體(3G):含-種或-種以上相同或不同之液態或氣態 之流體、或液態轉氣態、或氣態轉液態之流體者; —電源(300):為提供運作之電源,包括交流或直流之市電系統 或獨立供應電能之裝置者; —流體週期換向操控裝置(250):為由機電元件或固態電子電路 兀件、或微處理器及相關軟體及操控介面所構成,以供操控流體 雙向果動裝置(123)或同時操控單向流體泵(12〇),使流經一次側 流體管路(101)之一次側流體(1〇) ,週期交換所泵動流向者; 流體雙向栗動裝置(123)週期交換所泵動一次側流體(1〇)流 向之時機,可為藉由⑴人X操控流體雙向杲動裝置(123)之泵動 方向’或(2)藉由流體週期換向操控裝置(25〇)依設定時間周期, 或參照溫度檢測裝置(11)所檢測溫度變動而調整設定時間周 期’以由流體週期換向操控裝置(250)操控流體雙向泵動裝置 16 201022607 (123)之泵動方向,或(3)於可直接或間接檢測所泵送交換流體溫 度變化之位置’⑧置—個溫度檢測裝置⑴),以藉溫度檢測裝置 (11)所檢測信號,供輸往流體週期換向操控裝置(250),以在溫 • 1檢測裝置⑴)到達設定溫度時,操控流體雙向果動裝置(123) 之泵動方向,以週期正逆向泵動通過一次側流體管路(1〇1)之一 次側流體(10 )者。 如圖7所不為本發明由至少一個單向流體泵與四個可作開關 操控之流體閥構成之雙向流體閥組共同構成流體雙向泵動裝 置,其一次侧流體管路與呈螺旋狀二次側流體管路而套合設置於 封Μ巾空殼體巾,藉封閉巾空殼體巾之導溫流體以傳輸溫能構成 之熱泵或熱交換裝置,而於-次職辟路與欠麻體源之間 供設置單向流體泵之實施例示意圖; 圖7所示中,其流體雙向泵動裝置(123),進一步為由一次 侧流體管路(101)所聯結之流體閥(129a、129b、129c、129幻及 單向流體泵(120)所構成,其所泵送之流路中: 一流體閥(129a)之一端與流體閥(i29c)及單向流體泵(12〇)之 出口端相通,單向流體泵(120)入口端通往一次侧流體管路(1〇1) φ 之管口(A)端; --流體閥(129a)之另一端,通往設置於封閉中空殼體(2〇〇)之一 次侧流體管路(101)之管口(A)端,以及通往流體閥(129b)之一 端; --流體閥(129d)之一端與流體閥(129b)之一端相通,而通往單 向流體系(120)之流體進口側,而由單向流體果(12〇)之流體出口 側通往一次侧流體管路(101)之管口(幻端; --流體閥(129d)之另一端,通往設置於封閉中空殼體(2〇〇)之— 次側流體官路(101)之管口(B)端及通往流體閥(129c),而流體閥 17 201022607 (129c)之另一端通往流體閥〇29&)及共同通往單向流體泵(12〇) 之出口端; 藉由流體週期換向操控裝置(250)之操控由單向流體泵(120) - 及流體閥(129a)(129b)(129c)(129d)所構成之流體雙向泵動裝 置(123)中,流體閥(129a)及流體閥(129d)為一組,流體閥(129c) 及流體閥(129d)為一組,而輪流作開啟(〇pen)或閉合(cl〇se), 以使設置於封閉中空殼體(2〇〇)之一次側流體管路(1〇1)之一次 側流體(10),形成週期性輪流交換流向之功能者; --上述之單向流體泵(12〇)可為由一個所構成作單向泵動,或由 一個以上構成而設置於一次侧流體管路(1〇1)之同一端或分別設 置於一次側流體管路(101)之兩端,以作同泵動流向之助動泵動 者; —上述一次側流體管路(101)與呈螺旋狀二次側流體管路(1〇2) 套合而設置於封閉中空殼體(200)中,而藉封閉中空殼體中之導 溫流體(30)以傳輸溫能構成熱泵或熱交換裝置功能者; --二次側流體管路(1〇2)之至少其中一端管口與二次側流體源 之間,設置至少一個單向流體泵(120),以供單向泵動二次側流 ® 體(20)者; 圖7實施例進一步可選擇於可直接或間接檢測所泵送交換流 體溫度變化之位置,設置至少一個溫度檢測裝置(11),供將所檢 測溫度信號回輸至流體週期換向操控裝置(250)者;其中: —流體週期換向操控裝置(250):為由機電元件或固態電子電路 元件、或微處理器及相關軟體及操控介面所構成,以供操捏由至 少一個單向流體泵及所聯結之四個可作開關操控之流體閥構成 之流體雙向泵動裝置(12 3 )’使流經一次側流體管路(丨〇丨)之流體 週期交換其泵動流向,以操控通過設置於封閉中空殼體(2〇〇)中 201022607 之一次側流體管路(101)之一次側流體(1())之溫度分佈狀態者; 其操控方式含以下一種或一種以上,包括:藉由(1)人工操控流 體雙向泵動裝置(123)之泵動方向,或(2)藉由流體週期換向操控 裝置(250)依設定時間周期,或參照溫度檢測裝置(11)所檢測溫 度變動而調整設定時間周期,以由流體週期換向操控裝置(25〇) 操控流體雙向泵動裝置(123)之泵動方向,或於可直接或間接 檢測所泵送交換流體溫度變化之位置,設置至少一個溫度檢測裝 置(11),以藉溫度檢測裝置(11)所檢測信號,供輸往流體週期換 向操控裝置(250),以在溫度檢測農置(11)到達設定溫度時,操 控流體雙向泵動裝置(123)之泵動方向,以週期正逆向泵動通過 -次侧流體管路(101)之-次側流體(1〇),使封閉中空殼體(2〇〇) 中之-次織體管路(101)之-:域趙⑽之溫度分佈狀態隨 之改變者。 如圖8所示為本發明由-次侧流鮮路之—次織體流經封 閉中空殼體’而呈螺旋狀二次側流體管路為設置於封閉中空殼體 之中,藉封閉中空殼體内部之-次側流體,作為導溫流體以傳輸 溫能構成熱泵或熱父換裝置魏,並由流體雙向泵動裝置所驅動 之結構原理方塊示意圖; 圖8所示卜為設置由電源⑽)所騎及由频麵換向操 控裝置(25G)所操控,作週期正逆向科流體之顏雙向泵動裳 置(123),以使所系動流經封閉中空殼體⑽)中之—次側流體 (10),呈週期變換流向者;其中: --次侧流體管路⑽):為供通過由流體雙向㈣裝置⑽) 所泵送之-次侧流體(10)通往封閉中空殼體(測),其封閉中空 殼體(200)中之一次側流體⑽直接傳輸溫能以和二次側流體 (20)作熱交換者; 201022607 --二次侧流體管路(102):為供通過由單向流體泵(120)所泵送 之二次側流體(20)通過封閉中空殼體(200)之螺旋狀二次侧流體 管路(102),其二次側流體(20)直接與一次侧流體(10)作溫能傳 - 輸者; --上述一次側流體管路(101)之一次側流體(10)流經封閉中空 殼體(200),而呈螺旋狀二次侧流體管路(102)為設置於封閉中空 殼體(200)之中’藉封閉中空殼體(200)中之一次側流體(1〇)直接 作為導溫流體’以對二次側流體管路(102)中之一次側流體(1〇) 傳輸溫能,構成熱泵或熱交換裝置功能,並由流體雙向栗動裝置 © (123)驅動封閉中空殼體(200)内部之一次側流體(1〇),作週期交 換流向之泵送者; --流體雙向泵動裝置(123):為由可被操控產生正壓力、或負壓 力,兩者或其中之一種泵動功能之流體泵動裝置所構成,以供泵 動氣態或液態之一次側流體(10)者,流體雙向泵動裝置(123)含 由電源(300)所供應電力驅動之電力馬達所驅動,或由引擎動 力、或其他風此、或熱能、或溫差能、或太陽能所產生之機械能 或所轉換之電能所驅動者; © 一單向流體泵(120):為由可產生正壓力推動流體之流體泵動裝 置所構成’或由可產生負壓力吸引流體之流體泵動裝置所構成, 以供對二次側流體管路(102)之二次侧流體(20)作單向泵動者; 一前述之單向流體泵(12〇)含由電源(3〇〇)所供應電力驅動之電 力馬達所驅動,或由引擎動力、或其他風能、或熱能、或溫差能、 或太陽能所產生之機械能或所轉換之電能所驅動者;單向流體泵 (120)可為獨立操控或接受流體週期換向操控裝置(25〇)所操控 者; 一一次侧流體(10):含一種或—種以上相同或不同之液態或氣 20 201022607 態之流體、或液態轉氣態、或氣態轉液態之流體者; -.-次側流體(2G):含-種或—種以上相同或不同之液態或氣 態之流體、或液態轉氣態、或氣態轉液態之流體者; ' —電源(咖):為提供運作之電源,包括交流或直流之市電系統 或獨立供應電能之裝置者; --流體週期換向操控裝置(25G):為由機電元件或固態電子 電路7L件、或微處理H及相關倾及操控介面所誠,以供操控 流體雙向栗動裝置(123)或同時操控單向流體栗(12〇),使流經封 帛中线體(2G0)内部之-次側流體⑽,週期交換所果動流向 ❹者; 流體雙向泵動裝置(123)週期交換所泵動一次侧流體(1〇)流 向之時機,可為藉由(1)人工操控流體雙向泵動裝置(123)之泵動 方向,或(2)藉由流體週期換向操控裝置(250)依設定時間周期, 或參照溫度檢測裝置(11)所檢測溫度變動而調整設定時間周 期,以由流體週期換向操控裝置(250)操控流體雙向泵動裝置 (123)之泵動方向,或(3)於可直接或間接檢測所泵送交換流體溫 度變化之位置,設置至少一個溫度檢測裝置(11),以藉溫度檢測 ® 裝置(11)所檢測信號,供輸往流體週期換向操控裝置(250),以 在溫度檢測裝置(11)到達設定溫度時,操控流體雙向泵動裝置 (123)之泵動方向,以週期正逆向泵動流經封閉中空殼體(2〇0)内 部之一次側流體(10)者。 如圖9所示為本發明由至少一個單向流體泵與四個可作開關 操控之流體閥共同構成流體雙向泵動裝置,並由一次側流體管路 之一次側流體流經封閉中空殼體,而呈螺旋狀之二次側流體管路 為設於封閉中空殼體之中,藉封閉中空殼體内部之一次側流體, 作為導溫流體以傳輸溫能構成熱泵或熱交換裝置功能,而於一次 21 201022607 側流體管路與一次側流體源之間設置單向流體泵之實施例示意 圖, 圖9所示中,其流體雙向泵動裝置(123)為由一次側流體管 路(101)所聯結之流體閥(129a、129b、129c、129d)及單向流體 泵(120)所構成,其所泵送之流路中: —流體閥(129a)之一端,與流體閥(129c)及單向流體泵(120)之 出口端相通,單向流體泵(12〇)入口端通往一次侧流體管路〇〇1) 之管口(A)端; —流體閥(129a)之另一端’通往設置於封閉中空殼體(2〇〇)之一 次侧流體管路(101)之管口端,以及通往流體閥(129b)之一 端, --流體閥(129d)之一端與流體閥(129b)之一端相通而通往一次 側流體管路(101)之管口(B)端; —流體閥(129d)之另一端通往設置於封閉中空殼體(2〇〇)内部 之一次側流體管路(101)之管口(B)端及通往流體閥(129c),而流 體閥(129c)之另一端通往流體閥(129a)及共同通往單向流體泵 (120)之出口端; 藉由流體週期換向操控裝置(250)之操控,由單向流體泵 (120)及流體閥(129a)(129b)(129c)(129d)及單向流體泵(120) 所構成之流體雙向泵動裝置(123)中,流體閥(129a)及流體閥 (129d)為一組,流體閥(129c)及流體閥(129d)為一組,而輪流作 開啟(open)或閉合(close) ’以在一次側流體管路(1〇ι)形成週期 性輪流交換流向之功能者; —上述之單向流體泵(120)可為由一個所構成作單向泵動,或由 一個以上構成而設置於一次側流體管路(1〇1)之同一端或分別設 置於一次側流體官路(101)之兩端,以作同泵動流向之助動泵動 22 201022607 者; --上述由一次側流體管路(101)之一次側流體(10)流經封閉中 空殼體(200),而呈螺旋狀二次侧流體管路(1〇2)為設於封閉中办 - 殼體(200)之中,藉封閉中空殼體(200)内部之導溫流體(3〇)傳輸 溫能以構成熱泵或熱交換裝置功能者; 一二次側流體管路(102)之至少其中一端管口與二次側流體源 之間設置至少一個單向流體泵(120),以供單向泵動二次側流體 (20)者; 圖9實施例進一步可選擇於可直接或間接檢測所泵送交換流 體溫度變化之位置,設置至少之一處設置溫度檢測裝置,供 將所檢測溫度信號回輸至流體週期換向操控裝置(250)者;其中. 一流體週期換向操控裝置(250):為由機電元件或固態電子 電路元件、或微處理器及相關軟體及操控介面所構成,以供操控 流體雙向泵動裝置(123) ’使流經熱泵或熱交換裝置(1〇〇)之流體 週期交換所泵動流向,以操控熱泵或熱交換裝置(1〇〇)中通過一 次側流體管路(101)之一次側流體(10)與熱泵或熱交換裝置(1〇〇) 之溫度分佈狀態者;其操控方式含以下一種或一種以上,包括: ® 藉由(1)人工操控流體雙向泵動裝置(123)之泵動方向,或(2)藉 由流體週期換向操控裝置(250)依設定時間周期,或參照溫度檢 測裝置(11)所檢測溫度變動而調整設定時間周期,以由流體週期 換向操控裝置(250)操控流體雙向泵動裝置(123)之泵動方向,或 (3)於可直接或間接檢測所泵送交換流體溫度變化之位置,設置 至少一個溫度檢測裝置〇1),以藉溫度檢測裝置(11)所檢測信 號,供輸往流體週期換向操控裝置(250),以在溫度檢測裝置(11) 到達設定溫度時,操控流體雙向泵動裝置(123)之泵動方向,以 週期正逆向泵動通過一次側流體管路(1〇1)之一次侧流體(1〇), 23 201022607 使熱泵或熱父換裝置(100)中之導熱體(5〇)之溫度分佈狀態隨之 改變者。 如圖10所示為本發明由呈螺旋狀之一次側流體管路,與呈螺 . 旋狀之一次側流體管路共同呈螺旋狀結合而設置於封閉中空殼 體,藉封射^殼财之導溫流麟輸溫能,構成熱泵或熱交換 裝置功能,並由流體雙向泵動裝置驅動之實施例示意圖; 圖10所不中:為設置由電源(300)所驅動及由流體週期換向 操控裝置(250)所操控’作週期正逆向泵送流體之流體雙向泵島 裝置(123),以使所泵動經—次側流體管路(1〇1)之一次側流體 ® (10) ’呈週期變換流向者;其中: 一次側流體管路(101):為供通過由流體雙向泵動裝置(123) 所泵送之一次側流體(10),通過封閉中空殼體(2〇〇)之一次側流 體管路(101),其一次側流體(10)藉導溫流體(3〇)傳輸溫能以和 二次側流體(20)作熱交換者; —二次侧流體管路(102):為供通過由單向流體泵(12〇)泵送之 二次側流體(20),通過封閉中空殼體(200)之二次側流體管路 (102) ’其二次側流體(2〇),藉導温流體(3〇)以和一次側流體(1〇) • 作熱交齡; 一上述呈螺旋狀之一次側流體管路(1〇1)與呈螺旋狀之二次側 流體管路(102)共同設置於封閉中空殼體(2〇〇),藉封閉中空殼體 (200)中之導溫流體(30)傳輪溫能構成熱泵或熱交換裝置功能, 並由流體雙向泵動裝置(123)驅動一次側流體管路(1〇1)中之一 次侧流體(10),作週期交流換向之泵送者; 一流體雙向泵動裝置(123):為由可被操控產生正壓力、或負壓 力,兩者或其中之一種泵動功能之流體泵動裝置所構成,以供泵 動氣態或液態之一次側流體(1〇)者,流體雙向泵動裝置(123)含 24 201022607 由電源⑽)所供應電力驅動之電力馬達所驅動,或㈣擎動 力'或其他風能、或熱能、或溫差能、或太陽能所產生之 或所轉換之電能所驅動者; 月15201022607 VI. Description of the Invention: [Technical Field] The present invention is a conventional heat pump or heat exchange device for supplying a primary side line of a primary side fluid or a secondary side line for passing a secondary side fluid One of them has a fluid that can be pumped forward and backward by a two-way pumping mechanism, while a fluid in the fluid line on the other side is driven by a one-way fluid pump. Directly . Or indirectly detecting the position of the temperature change, and setting at least one temperature detecting device to send the temperature detecting signal to the fluid cycle reversing device to periodically change the pumping line of the fluid bidirectional pumping device as a heat exchange circuit A portion of the fluid is periodically pumped in a reverse direction to relatively change the temperature distribution state of the fluid flowing in the heat pump or heat exchange device. [Prior Art] Fig. 1 is a block diagram showing the main structural principle of a conventional heat pump or heat exchange device in a fixed flow direction, as shown in Fig. 1, which is a single flow direction pumping by a one-way fluid fruit ((10)). - the secondary side fluid (10) - the secondary side fluid (10), the secondary side body (10) sends φ *, the raw line via the pipeline port on the different temperature side of the secondary side fluid line (1〇1) The secondary side fluid (10) of the secondary side fluid line (102) is also discharged from the secondary side fluid (10) as a fixed single flow to the secondary side * body line (1G2). With the pass-by-side pipeline, the sub-removal device (10) is closed to the 'new state or gaseous heat conductor for the warm moon' and the "transfer wheel" is passed through the primary fluid line. (10)) - the secondary side fluid (10), and the secondary side fluid line (10)) the secondary side fluid (10) flow direction is fixed, in the hot pump or heat exchange device (10)), the primary side fluid line ( Between the input end and the output end of the secondary k-body S-channel (102), the temperature gradient is stable, but Those who do not have active control functions. 201022607 SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The present invention is to pump a conventional fixed flow direction through the primary side fluid (10) of the primary side fluid line (101), and to pump it through the secondary side fluid line (1〇2) in a fixed flow direction. • The heat pump or heat exchange device (100) formed by the secondary fluid (20) is further modified by the fluid phase reversal control device (250) in which the primary fluid line (101) is serially connected. The two-way pumping device (123) that can be used for periodic positive and reverse pumping is controlled to pump the primary fluid (1〇) in a positive and negative direction, and the one-way fluid pump in the secondary fluid line (102). (12〇) as a fixed single-flow pumping secondary fluid (20)' and transmitting heat energy through solid or liquid or gaseous heat conductors (5〇); © or vice versa (1〇2) a fluid bidirectional pumping device (123) operated by a fluid cycle reversing control device (250), which is operated by a periodic positive reverse pumping, to pump the secondary side fluid (2〇) in a periodic positive and negative direction, The primary fluid line (ι〇2) is arranged with a one-way fluid pump (120) as a fixed single flow pumping once The side fluid (1〇), and the heat transfer between the solid or liquid or gaseous heat conductor (50); through the above two structures, the following operational functions can be obtained: (1) by the fluid bi-directional pump secret (123), pumping through the secondary pipeline (10), and Φ one-way, new pump (120), through the secondary side fluid pipeline (in the opposite direction of the job) 1〇2) The secondary side fluid (2〇) is used to change the primary side fluid line (1〇1) and the secondary side fluid line (102) in a fixed structure position relationship when the heat pump or the heat exchange device is operated. The temperature difference distribution state of the relative position of the two; (2) in the positive and negative pumping of the fluid in the cycle, the first-class first-stage fluid flow (1〇1) to the human-side fluid (1〇) or two The impurities or contaminants in the secondary side fluid (2〇2) of the secondary fluid line (1〇2) are discharged to reduce the occurrence of accumulated impurities or missing contaminants in the fixed flow direction. The above-mentioned cycle is positively reversed to pump the secondary side fluid (10) of the primary fluid line (1〇1) in different flow directions, and to pump the secondary side fluid line (1〇2) to the second 4 201022607 times. The side fluid (20) may also be arranged in the opposite direction, and the secondary side fluid (10) of the secondary side fluid line (102) is sent to the pumping side of the secondary side fluid line (102) in a positive and negative direction, and is fixedly flowed to the fruiting primary side fluid line ( 101) The primary side fluid (10). . [Embodiment] • The solution of the present invention is that the primary fluid line and the secondary fluid line are disposed together with the heat conductor to form a heat pump or a heat exchange device and are driven by the fluid two-way pumping device. Schematic block diagram; Figure 2: Heat pump or heat exchange device (10) for positive and negative pumping in this cycle. 'The step-by-step series setting is driven by the power supply (10)), and the fluid cycle is reversed to the 罾 control device () The fluid bidirectional actuating device (123) is controlled to reversely pump (4) to pump the pump through the primary side fluid line (1〇1) and through the primary side of the heat pump or heat exchange device (100) The fluid (10) is periodically changed to the flow direction; wherein: a primary side fluid line (101): for passing the primary side fluid (1 〇) pumped by the fluid bidirectional pumping device (123) to pass the heat pump Or a heat exchange device (1〇〇), which transmits heat energy by a heat conductor (50) to exchange heat with a secondary fluid (2〇); - a secondary fluid line (1〇2): for Passing through the secondary fluid (20) pumped by a one-way fluid pump (12〇) Pump or heat exchange unit (ι), by heat exchanger® (50) for heat exchange with primary side fluid (10); - primary side fluid line (101) and secondary side fluid line (丨〇 2) can be made into a straight tube, or a curved tube or a three-dimensional curved tube or labyrinth tube or spiral tube, or other various geometric shapes, and the primary side fluid line (1〇1) Part of the pipeline is combined with the secondary side fluid tube year (102) to the heat conductor (5〇) to transmit the thermal energy to each other to form a functional structure of the hot fruit or heat exchange device (1〇〇); Bidirectional actuator (123): consists of a fluid pumping device that can be operated to generate positive or negative pressure, or one of the pumping functions, for pumping a gaseous or liquid primary fluid ( 10) The 'biological two-way pumping unit (123) contains 201022607 driven by an electric motor driven by an electric source (300), or by engine power, or other wind energy, or thermal energy, or thermoelectric energy, or solar energy. Driven by mechanical energy or converted electrical energy; - one-way fluid pump (12 0): consisting of a fluid pumping device that can generate a positive pressure to push a fluid, or a fluid pumping device that can generate a negative pressure to attract a fluid for secondary to the secondary side fluid line (102) The side fluid (2〇) acts as a one-way pump; the one-way fluid pump (120) is driven by an electric motor driven by electric power supplied by the power source (300), or by engine power, or other wind energy, or thermal energy, or The temperature difference energy, or the mechanical energy generated by solar energy or the converted electrical energy; the one-way fluid pump (12〇) can be independently controlled or accepted by the fluid cycle reversing device (250); the secondary fluid ( 1〇): a fluid containing one or more of the same or different liquid or gaseous fluids, or a liquid-to-gas or gaseous-to-liquid fluid; - secondary fluid (2〇): containing one or more of the same or Different liquid or gaseous fluids, or liquid to gaseous, or gaseous to liquid fluids; power supply (300). To provide operational power, including AC or DC mains systems or devices that independently supply electrical energy; - Fluid cycle reversing controls (250): for electromechanical components or solid state electronic circuit components, or microprocessors and related software and The control interface is configured to operate the fluid bi-directional pumping device (123) or simultaneously control the one-way fluid pump (12〇) to flow through the heat pump or the heat exchange device (1GH body (10) exchange line flow, and then operate the heat pump or In the heat exchange device (100), the temperature distribution state of the primary side fluid (10) of the primary side fluid line (1〇1) and the heat pump or heat exchange device (100); the fluid bidirectional system (10)) periodic exchange The timing of the primary side fluid (10) of the pumping may be the direction of the movement of (1) manual operation (four) body bidirectional $ practice (123); or (2) the reversing cycle time by the fluid cycle reversing control device () to control the fluid bidirectional The direction of the wire device (10)), through the primary side 6 201022607 fluid line (101) of the primary side of the fluid (10) flow; Figure 2 embodiment of the step into the direct indirect inspection _ pumping exchange flow For the position of the body temperature change, set at least one temperature check ((1) for returning the detected temperature signal to the fluid cycle commutation control device (250); wherein: - the fluid is discharged to the operating device (10) : a fluid for a butterfly element or (4) an electronic circuit component, or a microprocessor and associated software and a control interface for manipulating a fluid bi-directional pumping device (123) to "flow through a heat pump or heat exchange device" The periodic exchange pumping direction to control the temperature distribution of the primary side fluid (10) and the heat pump or heat exchange device (1〇〇) passing through the primary side fluid line (101) in the heat pump or heat exchange device (1〇〇) The state of operation; the control mode includes one or more of the following, including: (1) manually manipulating the pumping direction of the fluid bi-directional pumping device (123), or (2) by the fluid cycle (four) difficult device (_ by setting Time period, or adjusting the set time period by reference to the temperature change detected by the temperature detecting device (11), to control the pumping direction of the fluid bidirectional pumping device (123) by the fluid cycle switching device (250), or (3) Can be directly or. Indirectly detecting the position of the temperature change of the exchange fluid, and setting at least one temperature detecting device (11) for transmitting the signal detected by the temperature detecting device (n) to the fluid cycle reversing device (25〇) to When the temperature detecting device (u) reaches the set temperature, the pumping direction of the fluid bidirectional pumping device (123) is manipulated, and the primary side fluid (1〇) of the primary fluid line (1〇丨) is pumped in a positive and negative direction by a cycle. The temperature distribution state of the heat conductor in the heat pump or heat exchange device (100) is changed accordingly. As shown in FIG. 3, the primary side fluid line and the secondary side fluid line are mutually nested to form a heat pump or a heat exchange device, and the primary side fluid is cyclically exchanged and driven by the fluid two-way pumping device. The structural principle of the square is indicated. Fig. 3 shows the heat pump or heat exchange device (100) that is pumped in reverse for this cycle. Further series connection is driven by the power supply (3〇〇) and the fluid cycle is reversed to the operation of the 201022607 control device (250). The fluid bi-directional pumping device (123) is controlled such that the pumping through the primary side fluid line (101) through the heat pump or the heat exchange device (1) of the primary side fluid (10) is periodically changed to the flow direction Wherein: --- secondary fluid line (101): for the primary side fluid (10) pumped by the fluid two-way pumping device (123) to pass the heat pump or the heat exchange device, by the heat conductor ( 5 0) transmitting warm energy to exchange heat with the secondary fluid (2 〇); - secondary fluid line (102): for passing the second pump by the one-way fluid pump (12 〇) a side fluid (2〇) to pass through a heat pump or a heat exchange device (1〇〇) to exchange heat with the primary side fluid (10); - the primary side fluid line (101) and the secondary side fluid line (102) can be made into a straight tube, or a curved, or three-dimensional curved tube, or a labyrinth tube, or a spiral tube, or Other various geometric shapes, wherein part of the pipeline of the primary side fluid line (101) is in a nesting structure with the secondary fluid line (1〇2) of different sizes, and forms a flow path through which the fluid can pass. The space between the primary side fluid (1〇) and the secondary side fluid (2〇), by the wall of the fluid pipeline between the two, constitutes the function of the heat conductor (50), and performs the function of temperature energy transmission, and further a functional structure constituting a heat pump or heat exchange device (100); Ό a fluid two-way pumping device (123): for pumping a fluid that can be operated to generate positive or negative pressure, or one of the pumping functions The device is configured to pump a gaseous or liquid primary fluid (1 〇), and the fluid bidirectional pumping device (123) includes an electric motor driven by an electric power supplied by a power source (300), or is powered by an engine. Or other wind, or thermal energy, or temperature difference energy, or mechanical energy generated by solar energy or converted electric energy; ~ one-way fluid pump (120): a fluid pumping device that pushes fluid by positive pressure Constructed by, or can produce negative pressure The fluid pumping device of the fluid is configured to unidirectionally pump the secondary side fluid (2〇) of the secondary side fluid line (1〇2); 201022607 The one-way body 杲(120) contains Power (_) powered by an electric motor driven by an electric motor' or powered by engine power, or other wind energy, or reduced, or temperature difference energy, or the mechanical energy generated by the sun or the converted energy; The fluid pump ((10)) can be controlled by a separate or accepting fluid commutation device (10); the human side gripper (10). Containing one or more of the same or different liquid or gaseous (IV), or liquid to gaseous, or gaseous to liquid fluid; A side body (20) · containing one or more of the same or different liquid or Gaseous fluid, or liquid to gaseous, or gaseous to liquid fluid; power supply (300): to provide operational power, including AC or DC mains system or independent supply of electrical equipment; "η·body cycle To the control device (25(j): for reading by electromechanical components or solid-state electronic circuits, or for micro-processing of H and phase hard and miscellaneous interfaces, for manipulating the flow of the two-way chestnut device (123) or simultaneously controlling one-way Recording (12G), the flow through the hot fruit or hot parent replacement device (1GG) - picking (10) office exchange pumping flow, and then control the heat system or heat exchange device (negotiation) pass - secondary fluid line (丨(1) - one of the human side fluid (10) and the temperature distribution state of the heat pump or heat exchange device (丨〇〇); 々》· body bidirectional pumping device (123) periodic exchange pumped primary side fluid G 〇) The timing of the flow can be borrowed (1) manual control fluid two-way pump The pumping direction of the device (123), or (2) setting the commutation cycle time by the fluid cycle reversing control device (25〇) to manipulate the pumping direction of the fluid bi-directional pumping device (123), thereby changing the fluid passing through the primary side The flow of the primary side fluid (1〇) of the pipeline (101); the embodiment of Fig. 3 further provides at least one temperature detecting device (11) for directly or indirectly detecting the temperature change of the pumped exchange fluid. The detected temperature signal is returned to the fluid cycle reversing device (25 〇); wherein: ~ fluid cycle reversing device (250): is an electromechanical component or solid state electronic circuit component, or a microprocessor and related software and The control interface is configured to operate the fluid 9 201022607 bidirectional pumping device (123) to pump the fluid flow through the heat pump or heat exchange device (1〇〇) to control the heat pump or heat exchange device (1) 〇〇) the temperature distribution state of the primary side fluid (10) of the primary side fluid line (101) and the heat pump or heat exchange device (1〇〇); the control mode includes one or more of the following, : by (manually manipulating the pumping direction of the fluid bi-directional pumping device (123), or (2) by the fluid cycle reversing control device (250) according to the set time period, or by reference to the temperature detecting device (11) The set time period is adjusted by changing the temperature to control the pumping direction of the fluid bidirectional pumping device (123) by the fluid cycle reversing operating device (250), or (3) directly or indirectly detecting the temperature change of the pumping exchange fluid Positioning, at least one temperature detecting device (11) is provided for supplying the detected signal to the fluid cycle reversing operating device (250) to control the fluid bidirectional pump when the temperature detecting device (11) reaches the set temperature The pumping direction of the moving device (123) is pumped through the primary side fluid (10) of the primary side fluid line (101) in a periodic positive reverse direction to make the heat conducting body (50) in the heat pump or heat exchange device (100) The temperature distribution state changes accordingly; the heat pump or heat exchange device that is pumped in the reverse direction in this cycle can further be provided with a one-way fluid pump and four fluid valves that can be operated by the switch to form a combination of positive and negative flow control. And having two input ends and two output ends, and at least one of the two input ends and the fluid source of the coupled primary side fluid line (101), a one-way fluid pump (120) is disposed, The two output ends are connected at both ends of the pipeline port (a) (b) of the primary side fluid line (1) of the heat pump or the heat exchange device (1〇〇), thereby forming the function of the fluid bidirectional pumping device (123) For controlling the primary side fluid (1〇) in the primary side fluid line (1〇1) provided in the heat pump or heat exchange device (100) for periodic positive and negative pumping to conduct heat conduction The body (5〇) flows through the secondary side fluid line (102), and the secondary side fluid (2〇) pumped by the one-way fluid pump (120) acts as a warm energy transmitter. As shown in FIG. 4, a two-way fluid valve group composed of at least one one-way fluid pump and four switchable 201022607 fluid valves constitutes a fluid bidirectional pumping device, and is composed of a primary side fluid line and a secondary side fluid. A schematic diagram of an embodiment of the fluid bidirectional pumping device disposed between at least one of the primary side fluid lines and the primary side fluid source is provided in the heat pump or the heat exchange device formed by the heat conductor; The fluid valve (129a, 129b, 129c, 129d) and the unidirectional flow system (120) connected by the primary side fluid line (101) inside the heat pump or heat exchange device (1〇〇) are sent In the flow path: - one end of the fluid valve (129a) is in communication with the output of the fluid valve (129c) and the one-way fluid pump (120) 'The one-way fluid pump (12〇) input leads to the primary side fluid line (1管1) nozzle (A) end; - the other end of the fluid valve (129a) leads to the nozzle of the primary side fluid line (1〇1) provided in the heat pump or heat exchange device (1〇〇) (A End, and one end to the fluid valve (129b), - fluid valve (129d) One end communicates with one end of the fluid valve (129b) and directly leads to the primary side fluid line (the port (B) end of the port D); the other end of the fluid valve (129d) leads to the heat pump or the heat exchange device ( 1)) the nozzle (B) end of the primary fluid line (101) and the fluid valve (129c), and the other end of the fluid valve (129c) leads to the fluid valve (129a) and the common access to the single To the output end of the fluid pump (12〇); by the fluid cycle reversing control device (250), the one-way fluid pump (120) and the fluid valve (129a) (129b) (129c) (129d) In the operation of the fluid two-way pumping device (123), the fluid valve (129a) and the fluid valve (I29d) are a group, and the fluid valve (129c) and the fluid valve (129b) are in a group, and the turns are open or Closed to pump by the one-way fluid pump (120) to form a function of periodically circulating the flow to the heat pump or the heat exchange device (100); - the one-way fluid pump (120) described above may be One unit is configured to be unidirectionally pumped, or one or more of 11 201022607 is disposed at the same end of the primary side fluid line (1〇1) or respectively disposed at one Side fluid piping (101) of the ends to be assisted by pumping action of the pump with the flow;. The embodiment of Figure 4 further provides at least one temperature detecting device (11) for directly or indirectly detecting the temperature-change of the pumped exchange fluid for returning the detected temperature signal to the fluid cycle reversing control device (250) Wherein: a fluid cycle reversing control device (250): consisting of an electromechanical component or a solid state electronic circuit component, or a microprocessor and associated software and a manipulation interface for manipulating the fluid _ bidirectional pumping device (123) , the fluid flow through the heat pump or the heat exchange device (1〇〇) is replaced by the pumping flow direction to control the heat pump or the heat exchange device (1〇〇) through the primary side "il body line (iQi) The temperature distribution state of the primary side fluid (1〇) and the heat pump or the heat exchange device (1(9)); the control mode includes one or more of the following, including: (1) manually controlling the fluid bidirectional pumping device (123) The pumping direction, or (2) adjusting the set time period by the fluid cycle reversing control device (250) according to the set time period or by referring to the temperature change detected by the temperature detecting device (11), for the fluid period Manipulating the pumping direction of the fluid bi-directional pumping device (123) to the operating device (250), or (3) setting at least one temperature detecting device (where) directly or indirectly detecting the temperature change of the exchange fluid to be supplied ( 11), by means of the signal detected by the temperature detecting device (11), for transmission to the fluid cycle reversing device (250), to control the fluid bidirectional pumping device 〇23 when the temperature detecting device (11) reaches the set temperature. The pumping direction is pumped through the primary side fluid (1〇1) of the primary side fluid line (1〇1) in a periodic positive reverse direction to make the heat conductor (5〇) in the hot fruit or heat exchange device (100) The temperature distribution state changes accordingly. The heat pump or heat exchange device that is being reversely pumped in this cycle may further comprise at least one one-way fluid connected in series to four fluid valves that can be operated as switches to form a fluid two-way pumping device (123) for steering to the heat pump. Or one of the heat exchange devices (1〇〇) 12 201022607 The primary side fluid (10) in the secondary fluid line (101), for the periodic positive and reverse pumping 'secondary fluid line (102) The first side fluid (1 〇) is disposed between the primary side fluid line (1〇1) and the primary side fluid (1 〇) is reserved to flow through the secondary side fluid line. (102) Internally, the secondary side fluid (20) pumped by the one-way fluid pump (12〇) is used as a heat energy transmitter; as shown in FIG. 5, at least one one-way fluid pump and four can be used. The two-way fluid valve group formed by the switch-operated <IL body valve constitutes a fluid two-way pumping device for being disposed in a heat pump or a heat exchange device in a nested configuration, and at least one of the primary side fluid lines and one time Schematic diagram of an embodiment between side fluid sources; The fluid pump (129a, 129b, 129c, 129d) to which the heat pump or heat exchange device (1〇〇) is connected and the flow path pumped by the one-way fluid pump (120): - one end of the fluid valve (129a) The fluid valve (129c) and the outlet end of the one-way fluid pump (12〇) communicate with each other, and the inlet end of the one-way fluid pump (12〇) leads to the nozzle (A) end of the primary side fluid line (1〇1); The other end of the fluid valve (129a) leads to the nozzle (A) end of the heat pump or heat exchange device (100) and to one end of the fluid valve (129b); - one end of the fluid valve (129d) and the fluid valve (129b) One end communicates to the nozzle (B) end of the primary side fluid line (101); - the other end of the fluid valve (129d) leads to the nozzle of the heat pump or heat exchange device (1) (B) And the fluid valve (129C), and the other end of the fluid valve (129c) leads to the fluid valve (129a) and to the outlet end of the one-way fluid pump (120); 250) A fluid bidirectional pumping device consisting of a one-way fluid pump (12〇) and a fluid valve (129a) (129b) (129c) (129d) during operation of the fluid two-way pumping device (123) 123) The 'fluid valve (129a) and the fluid valve (129d) are a group, the fluid valve (129c) and the fluid 13 201022607 the valve (129b) is a group - and turns on (._ or closed (4) (10)) to Heat enthalpy or heat exchange|set (10)) to form a function of the circumferential miscellaneous wheel; the above-mentioned one-way fluid pump (12 〇) may be configured by one-way turf, or one or more -: The same as the end of the domain fjEUm) or respectively set at the two ends of the secondary fluid line (101), for the same pump action as the pumping flow to the auxiliary pump. The embodiment of Figure 5 further provides at least one temperature detecting device (10) for directly or indirectly detecting the temperature change of the pumped exchange fluid for returning the detected temperature k number to the fluid cycle switching control device (250). Wherein: - a fluid cycle reversing device (250): consisting of an electromechanical component or a solid state electronic circuit component, or a microprocessor and associated software and manipulation interface for manipulating the fluid bidirectional pumping device (123), Pumping the fluidic flow through the heat pump or heat exchange device (1〇〇) to control the primary fluid in the heat pump or heat exchange device (1) through the primary fluid line (101) (1) 〇) The temperature of the heat pump or the heat exchange device (1〇〇) is the cloth state, and the control mode includes one or more of the following, including: (1) manually controlling the pump of the fluid bidirectional pumping device (123) Orienting, or (2) adjusting the set time period by the fluid cycle reversing control device (250) according to the set time period or referring to the temperature change detected by the temperature detecting device (11), so as to be commutated by the fluid cycle Setting (250) the direction of the pumping direction of the fluid bidirectional actuator (123), or (3) setting at least one temperature detecting device (11) to directly or indirectly detect the temperature change of the pumped exchange fluid, The signal detected by the temperature detecting device (11) is supplied to the fluid cycle reversing control device (250) to 'steer the pumping direction of the fluid bidirectional pumping device (123) when the temperature detecting device (11) reaches the set temperature, The temperature distribution of the heat conductor (5〇) in the heat pump or heat exchange device (100) is changed by periodically pumping the primary side fluid (1〇) through the primary side fluid line (1〇1) in a periodic positive direction. 201022607 As shown in FIG. 6, the present invention is disposed in a closed hollow casing by a primary side fluid line and a spiral secondary side fluid line, and is closed by closing the temperature-conducting fluid in the hollow casing. Schematic diagram of the structural principle of warm energy constituting the function of the wire or heat exchange device and driven by the fluid bidirectional actuator; Figure 6 shows: for further setting by the power supply (3〇〇) and by the fluid cycle commutation control Device (250) a two-way pumping device (123) for periodically pumping the fluid in a reverse direction to cause the primary fluid (10) to be pumped through the primary side fluid line (1〇1) to periodically change direction; wherein: Human side fluid line (101): for the primary side fluid (1〇) pumped by the fluid two-way pumping device (Μ), through the primary side fluid tube of the closed hollow casing (2〇〇) Road (101), the primary side fluid (1 〇) transmits warm energy by means of a temperature-conducting fluid (3 〇) to exchange heat with the secondary side fluid (20); the primary side fluid line (102): for passage The secondary side fluid (20) 'passed by the one-way fluid pump (12 〇) passes through the secondary side fluid line (102) of the closed hollow casing (2 ,), and the secondary side fluid (2) 〇) By using a temperature-conducting fluid (3〇) to exchange heat with the primary side fluid (1〇); - the above-mentioned primary side fluid line (1〇1) and the spiral secondary side fluid line (1〇 2) arranging and arranging in the closed hollow casing (200), by blocking the temperature-conducting fluid (30) in the hollow casing (2〇〇) to transmit the warm energy to constitute the function of the heat pump or the heat exchange device, and flow The two-way pumping device (123) drives the primary side fluid (10) in the primary side fluid line (101) as a pump for periodic exchange flow; - the fluid two-way pumping device (123): is generated by being operable Positive pressure, or negative pressure, or a fluid pumping device of one of the dynamic functions, for the primary fluid (10) of the gaseous or liquid state, the fluid bidirectional pumping device (123) Driven by an electric motor driven by an electric power source (300), or driven by engine power, or other wind energy, or thermal energy, or thermal energy, or solar energy generated by mechanical energy 15 201022607 or converted electrical energy; The fluid pump (120) is formed by a fluid pumping device that can generate a positive pressure to push the fluid, or a fluid pumping device that can generate a negative pressure to attract the fluid for the secondary side fluid line ( 1〇2) The secondary fluid (2〇) acts as a one-way pump; the aforementioned one-way fluid pump (120) is driven by an electric motor driven by electric power supplied by the power source (300), or by an engine Power, or other wind energy, or heat, or temperature difference , or the mechanical energy generated by solar energy or the converted electrical energy; the one-way fluid pump (120) can be independently operated or controlled by the fluid cycle reversing device (25〇); = secondary fluid (10 ): a fluid containing one or more of the same or different liquid or gaseous fluids, or a liquid-to-gas or gaseous-to-liquid fluid; - primary fluid (2 〇): containing one or more liquids of the same or different Or a gaseous fluid, or a liquid to gaseous state, or a gaseous to liquid fluid; - a temperature-conducting fluid (3G): a liquid or gaseous fluid of the same or different species, or a liquid or gaseous state, or a gaseous state Liquid-to-liquid fluid; - power supply (300): for providing operational power, including AC or DC mains systems or devices that independently supply electrical energy; - fluid cycle reversing control device (250): for electromechanical components or solid state An electronic circuit component, or a microprocessor and associated software and control interface, for controlling the fluid two-way action device (123) or simultaneously steering the one-way fluid pump (12〇) to flow through the primary side fluid line 101) the primary side fluid (1〇), the periodic exchange pumping direction; the fluid two-way pumping device (123) periodic exchange pumping the primary side fluid (1〇) flow direction, which can be by (1) person X Controlling the pumping direction of the fluid two-way turning device (123) or (2) adjusting the setting by the fluid cycle switching device (25〇) according to the set time period or by referring to the temperature change detected by the temperature detecting device (11) The time period 'to control the pumping direction of the fluid bi-directional pumping device 16 201022607 (123) by the fluid cycle reversing operating device (250), or (3) to directly or indirectly detect the temperature change of the pumped exchange fluid' 8 a temperature detecting device (1) for sensing the signal detected by the temperature detecting device (11) for the fluid cycle reversing device (250) to control when the temperature detecting device (1) reaches the set temperature The pumping direction of the fluid two-way actuating device (123) is pumped in a positive and negative direction through the primary side fluid (10) of the primary side fluid line (1〇1). As shown in FIG. 7 , the two-way fluid valve group formed by at least one one-way fluid pump and four fluid valves that can be operated as switches constitute a fluid two-way pumping device, and the primary side fluid line is spirally shaped. The secondary fluid line is sleeved and disposed on the empty towel of the sealing towel, and the heat pump or the heat exchange device is constructed by transferring the temperature-conducting fluid of the empty casing towel to transmit the warm energy, and A schematic diagram of an embodiment in which a one-way fluid pump is provided between the source of the hemp; in Fig. 7, the fluid bidirectional pumping device (123) is further a fluid valve (129a) coupled by the primary fluid line (101). 129b, 129c, 129 phantom and one-way fluid pump (120), in the pumping flow path: one of the fluid valve (129a) and the fluid valve (i29c) and the one-way fluid pump (12 〇) The outlet end of the one-way fluid pump (120) leads to the nozzle side (A) end of the primary side fluid line (1〇1) φ; the other end of the fluid valve (129a) leads to the setting Closing the nozzle (A) end of the primary side fluid line (101) of the hollow casing (2〇〇), and the flow to the fluid valve (129b) one end; - one end of the fluid valve (129d) communicates with one end of the fluid valve (129b), and leads to the fluid inlet side of the unidirectional flow system (120), and the one-way fluid fruit (12〇) The fluid outlet side leads to the nozzle of the primary side fluid line (101) (the magic end; the other end of the fluid valve (129d) leads to the secondary side of the closed hollow housing (2〇〇) The nozzle (B) end of the fluid official road (101) and the fluid valve (129c), and the other end of the fluid valve 17 201022607 (129c) leads to the fluid valve & 29 & and a common one-way fluid pump ( The outlet end of 12〇); the fluid bidirectional pump consisting of a one-way fluid pump (120) - and a fluid valve (129a) (129b) (129c) (129d) by the fluid cycle commutation control device (250) In the moving device (123), the fluid valve (129a) and the fluid valve (129d) are a group, and the fluid valve (129c) and the fluid valve (129d) are a group, and the turn is turned on or closed (cl〇) Se), so that the primary side fluid (10) of the primary side fluid line (1〇1) disposed in the closed hollow casing (2〇〇) forms a function of periodically rotating the flow direction; The above-mentioned one-way fluid pump (12〇) may be configured to be unidirectionally pumped by one, or may be provided at one end of the primary fluid line (1〇1) or may be disposed at one time. Both ends of the side fluid line (101) act as a booster pump for the same pumping flow direction; - the primary side fluid line (101) and the spiral secondary side fluid line (1〇2) Cooperating in the closed hollow casing (200), and by means of the temperature-conducting fluid (30) in the hollow casing to transmit the warm energy to constitute the function of the heat pump or the heat exchange device; Between at least one of the nozzles of (1〇2) and the secondary side fluid source, at least one one-way fluid pump (120) is provided for one-way pumping of the secondary side flow body (20); The embodiment is further selected to be capable of directly or indirectly detecting the temperature change of the pumped exchange fluid, and providing at least one temperature detecting device (11) for returning the detected temperature signal to the fluid cycle switching control device (250) Where: - fluid cycle commutation control device (250): for electromechanical components or solid state electronic circuits The component, or the microprocessor and the associated software and the manipulation interface are configured to handle the fluid bidirectional pumping device (12 3 ) formed by the at least one one-way fluid pump and the four fluid valves that can be actuated by the switch 'The fluid flow through the primary side fluid line (丨〇丨) exchanges its pumping flow direction to operate through the primary side fluid line (101) disposed in the closed hollow casing (2〇〇) 201022607 The temperature distribution state of the primary side fluid (1()); the control mode includes one or more of the following, including: (1) manually manipulating the pumping direction of the fluid bidirectional pumping device (123), or (2) Adjusting the set time period by the fluid cycle reversing control device (250) according to the set time period or referring to the temperature change detected by the temperature detecting device (11), so as to control the fluid bidirectional pump by the fluid cycle reversing control device (25〇) The pumping direction of the moving device (123), or at a position where the temperature of the pumping exchange fluid can be directly or indirectly detected, at least one temperature detecting device (11) is provided to detect the letter by the temperature detecting device (11) For the fluid cycle reversing control device (250), when the temperature detecting farm (11) reaches the set temperature, the pumping direction of the fluid bi-directional pumping device (123) is controlled, and the pump is forwardly reversed by the cycle - The secondary fluid (1 〇) of the secondary fluid line (101) is such that the temperature distribution state of the -second woven line (101) in the closed hollow casing (2 〇〇):: domain Zhao (10) Change with it. As shown in FIG. 8 , the spiral-shaped secondary side fluid pipeline is disposed in the closed hollow casing by the secondary-flow fresh road-the secondary woven body flowing through the closed hollow casing. Blocking the inside of the hollow casing - the secondary side fluid, as a temperature-conducting fluid to transfer the warm energy to form a heat pump or a hot parent-changing device, and is driven by a fluid bi-directional pumping device. The setting is controlled by the power supply (10) and controlled by the frequency-version commutation control device (25G), and the bi-directional pumping action (123) of the cyclic positive and reverse phase fluid is performed so that the driven flow flows through the closed hollow casing. (10)) - the secondary fluid (10), in a cyclically changing flow; wherein: - the secondary fluid line (10)): for the secondary fluid to be pumped by the fluid bidirectional (four) device (10) (10) Leading to a closed hollow casing (measured), the primary side fluid (10) in the closed hollow casing (200) directly transmits warm energy to exchange heat with the secondary side fluid (20); 201022607 - twice Side fluid line (102): for passage through the secondary side fluid (20) pumped by the one-way fluid pump (120) a spiral secondary side fluid line (102) of the casing (200), the secondary side fluid (20) directly communicating with the primary side fluid (10) as a warm energy transmission-transfer; - the primary side fluid pipeline The primary side fluid (10) of (101) flows through the closed hollow casing (200), and the spiral secondary fluid line (102) is disposed in the closed hollow casing (200). The primary side fluid (1〇) in the hollow casing (200) directly acts as a temperature-conducting fluid' to transfer warm energy to the primary side fluid (1〇) in the secondary side fluid line (102) to constitute a heat pump or heat. The function of the exchange device is driven by the fluid two-way pumping device © (123) to close the primary side fluid (1〇) inside the hollow casing (200) for periodic exchange flow to the pumper; (123): a fluid pumping device configured to generate a positive pressure, or a negative pressure, or a pumping function, for pumping a gaseous or liquid primary fluid (10), The fluid bi-directional pumping device (123) is driven by an electric motor driven by electric power supplied by the power source (300), or powered by an engine , or other wind, or thermal energy, or temperature difference energy, or mechanical energy generated by solar energy or converted electric energy; © a one-way fluid pump (120): a fluid pump driven by a positive pressure The moving device constitutes 'or a fluid pumping device that can generate a negative pressure to attract a fluid for unidirectional pumping of the secondary side fluid (20) of the secondary side fluid line (102); The one-way fluid pump (12〇) contains a motor driven by an electric motor driven by a power source (3〇〇), or a machine generated by engine power, or other wind energy, or thermal energy, or temperature difference energy, or solar energy. The one that can be driven by the energy that can or is converted; the one-way fluid pump (120) can be independently operated or controlled by the fluid cycle reversing device (25〇); one primary fluid (10): one or one a fluid of the same or different liquid or gas 20 201022607 state, or a liquid gas-to-liquid state, or a gas-to-liquid fluid; -Second-side fluid (2G): a fluid containing the same or different liquid or gaseous state, or a liquid-to-liquid state, or a gaseous-to-liquid fluid; '-Power supply (coffee): for providing power for operation , including AC or DC mains systems or independent power supply devices; - Fluid cycle reversing control device (25G): for electromechanical components or solid state electronic circuits 7L, or microprocessor H and related tilt and control interface In order to control the fluid two-way pumping device (123) or simultaneously control the one-way fluid pump (12〇), so that the fluid flowing through the inside of the sealing middle body (2G0) (the secondary side fluid (10), the periodic exchange of the moving flow to the ❹ The timing of the fluid bidirectional pumping device (123) periodic exchange pumping the primary side fluid (1 〇) may be the pumping direction of (1) manually manipulating the fluid bidirectional pumping device (123), or 2) adjusting the set time period by the fluid cycle reversing control device (250) according to the set time period or referring to the temperature change detected by the temperature detecting device (11), so as to control the fluid bidirectional by the fluid cycle reversing device (250) Pumping device (123 The pumping direction, or (3) at least one temperature detecting device (11) is provided at a position where the temperature of the pumping exchange fluid can be directly or indirectly detected, and the signal detected by the temperature detecting device (11) is provided for The fluid circulation reversing control device (250) is configured to control the pumping direction of the fluid bidirectional pumping device (123) when the temperature detecting device (11) reaches the set temperature, and the pump is periodically and reversely pumped through the closed hollow. The primary side fluid (10) inside the casing (2〇0). As shown in FIG. 9 , the present invention comprises a fluid bidirectional pumping device formed by at least one one-way fluid pump and four fluid valves operable as switches, and the primary side fluid flow of the primary side fluid line flows through the closed hollow shell. The spiral-shaped secondary side fluid line is disposed in the closed hollow casing, and the primary side fluid in the interior of the hollow casing is used as a temperature-conducting fluid to transmit heat energy to constitute a heat pump or a heat exchange device. Function, and a schematic diagram of an embodiment of a one-way fluid pump between a side fluid line and a primary side fluid source in a 21 201022607, in which the fluid bidirectional pumping device (123) is a primary side fluid line (101) The fluid valve (129a, 129b, 129c, 129d) and the one-way fluid pump (120) are connected, and the pumping flow path is: - one end of the fluid valve (129a), and the fluid valve ( 129c) is in communication with the outlet end of the one-way fluid pump (120), the inlet end of the one-way fluid pump (12〇) leads to the nozzle (A) end of the primary side fluid line 〇〇1); the fluid valve (129a) The other end's access to the closed hollow casing (2〇〇) a nozzle end of the fluid line (101), and one end of the fluid valve (129b), one end of the fluid valve (129d) communicates with one end of the fluid valve (129b) to the primary side fluid line (101) The nozzle (B) end; the other end of the fluid valve (129d) leads to the nozzle (B) end of the primary side fluid line (101) disposed inside the closed hollow casing (2〇〇) and Leading to the fluid valve (129c), and the other end of the fluid valve (129c) leads to the fluid valve (129a) and to the outlet end of the one-way fluid pump (120); the fluid cycle reversing device (250) Control, a fluid two-way pumping device (123) consisting of a one-way fluid pump (120) and a fluid valve (129a) (129b) (129c) (129d) and a one-way fluid pump (120), a fluid valve ( 129a) and the fluid valve (129d) are a group, and the fluid valve (129c) and the fluid valve (129d) are a group, and the turns are open or closed to the first side fluid line (1〇) I) forming a function of periodically rotating the flow direction; - the one-way fluid pump (120) described above may be configured to be unidirectionally pumped by one, or may be constituted by one or more Placed at the same end of the primary side fluid line (1〇1) or at both ends of the primary side fluid official road (101), respectively, for the same as the pumping flow to assist the pumping movement 22 201022607; The primary side fluid (10) of the primary side fluid line (101) flows through the closed hollow casing (200), and the spiral secondary side fluid line (1〇2) is disposed in the closed central office - the casing (200), wherein the temperature is transferred by the temperature-conducting fluid (3〇) inside the hollow casing (200) to constitute a heat pump or a heat exchange device; at least one of the secondary fluid lines (102) At least one one-way fluid pump (120) is disposed between the one end nozzle and the secondary side fluid source for one-way pumping of the secondary side fluid (20); the embodiment of FIG. 9 is further selectable for direct or indirect detection. Where the temperature of the exchange fluid is changed, at least one of the set temperature detecting means is provided for returning the detected temperature signal to the fluid cycle reversing control device (250); wherein. A fluid cycle reversing control device (250): consisting of an electromechanical component or a solid state electronic circuit component, or a microprocessor and associated software and a manipulation interface for manipulating the fluid bidirectional pumping device (123) to flow through the heat pump Or the fluid exchange of the heat exchange device (1〇〇) pumps the flow direction to operate the heat pump or the heat exchange device (1〇〇) through the primary side fluid (10) of the primary side fluid line (101) and the heat pump or The temperature distribution state of the heat exchange device (1〇〇); the control mode includes one or more of the following, including: ® by (1) manually manipulating the pumping direction of the fluid bidirectional pumping device (123), or (2) Adjusting the set time period by the fluid cycle reversing control device (250) according to the set time period or referring to the temperature change detected by the temperature detecting device (11), so as to control the fluid bidirectional pump by the fluid cycle reversing control device (250) The pumping direction of the moving device (123), or (3) at least one temperature detecting device 〇1) is provided at a position where the temperature of the pumping exchange fluid can be directly or indirectly detected, by means of the temperature detecting device (11) The signal is sent to the fluid cycle reversing control device (250) to control the pumping direction of the fluid bidirectional pumping device (123) when the temperature detecting device (11) reaches the set temperature, and the pump is periodically reversely pumped through the cycle. The primary side fluid (1〇) of the primary side fluid line (1〇1), 23 201022607 changes the temperature distribution state of the heat conductor (5〇) in the heat pump or the hot parent changing device (100). As shown in Fig. 10, the present invention consists of a spiral-shaped primary side fluid line, which is snail. The spiral-shaped primary side fluid pipelines are spirally combined to be disposed in the closed hollow casing, and the heat transfer energy of the heat pump or the heat exchange device is formed by the sealing and the heat transfer energy of the shell, and the fluid bidirectional pumping device is Schematic diagram of the driving embodiment; FIG. 10 is not included: a fluid bidirectional pumping island device (123) that is driven by the power source (300) and controlled by the fluid cycle switching device (250) to periodically pump the fluid in a reverse cycle. ), so that the primary side fluid® (10) of the pumped through-secondary fluid line (1〇1) is periodically changed to flow; wherein: the primary side fluid line (101): for the passage of fluid The primary side fluid (10) pumped by the two-way pumping device (123) passes through the primary side fluid line (101) of the closed hollow casing (2〇〇), and the primary side fluid (10) is guided by the temperature guiding fluid. (3〇) transmitting temperature energy to exchange heat with the secondary side fluid (20); - secondary side fluid line (102): for passing through the secondary side pumped by the one-way fluid pump (12〇) The fluid (20) passes through the secondary side fluid line (102) of the hollow housing (200) 'the secondary side fluid 2〇), by the temperature-conducting fluid (3〇) and the primary side fluid (1〇) • for the thermal age; a spiral-shaped primary side fluid line (1〇1) and a spiral second The side fluid pipelines (102) are disposed together in the closed hollow casing (2〇〇), and the temperature of the heat transfer pump (30) in the closed hollow casing (200) constitutes a heat pump or a heat exchange device. And the fluid side bidirectional pumping device (123) drives the primary side fluid (10) in the primary side fluid line (1〇1) for the periodic AC commutation pumping unit; and the fluid bidirectional pumping unit (123): It is composed of a fluid pumping device that can be manipulated to generate a positive pressure, or a negative pressure, or one of the pumping functions, for pumping a gaseous or liquid primary fluid (1 〇), a fluid bidirectional pump The moving device (123) contains 24 201022607 driven by an electric motor driven by a power source (10), or (4) engine power or other wind energy, or thermal energy, or temperature difference energy, or energy generated by or converted by solar energy. Driver; month 15
% 置單向流體泵(120):為由可產生正壓力推動流趙之流體系動装 上、所構成,或由可產生負壓力吸引流體之流體泵動裝置所構成, =供對二次側流體管路(1〇2)之二次側流體(2〇)作單向泵動者· 單向流體泵(120)含由電源(300)所供應電力驅動之電力馬達所 於動’或由引擎動力、或其他風能、或熱能 '或溫差能、或太陽 :所產生之機械能或所轉換之電能所驅動者;單向流體泵(1別) 可為镯立操控或接受流體週期換向操控裝置(250)所操控者; 態〜次側流體(1G):含-種或-種以上相同或不同之液態或氣 〜之流體、或液態轉氣態、或氣態轉液態之流體者; 雜〜次職體⑽):含-種或-種以上相同或不同之液態或氣 &之流體、或液態轉氣態、或氣態轉液態之流體者; 〇 導溫流體⑽:含一種或一種以上相同或不同之液態或氣態 〜體、或液態轉氣態、或氣態轉液態之流體者; 電源(300):為提供運作之電源,包括交流或直流之 —立供應電能之裝置者; ' 元流體週期換向操控裝置⑽):為由機電元件或固態電子電路 2、或微處則及相_體及馳介面所構成,以供操控流體 流。,動裝置(123)或同時難單向流體果⑽),使流經一次侧 趙管路(101)之-次侧流體⑽,週期交換所泵動流向者; 向流體雙向果動裝置⑽)週期交換縣動一次侧流體⑽流 方,時機’可為藉由⑴人工操控顏雙向絲裝置(123)之泉動 向,或(2)藉由流體週期換向操控裝置(25〇)依設定時間周期, s參照溫度檢測裝置(丨丨)所檢測溫度變動而調整設定時間周 25 201022607 期,以由流體週期換向操控裝置(250)操控流體雙向泵動裝置 (123)之泵動方向,或(3)於可直接或間接檢測所泵送交換流體溫 度變化之位置,設置至少-個溫度檢測裝置(11),以藉溫度檢測 裝置(11)所檢測彳§號,供輸在流體週期換向操控裝置(25〇).,以 在溫度檢測裝置(11)到達設定溫度時’操控流體雙向果動裝置 (123)之泵動方向,以週期正逆向泵動通過一次侧流體管路(1〇1) 之一次側流體(10)者。 如圖11所示為本發明由至少一個單向流體泵與四個可作開 關操控之流體閥構成之雙向流體閥組’共同構成流體雙向果動裝 置,並由呈螺旋狀之一次側流體管路與呈螺旋狀之二次侧流體管 路,共同設置於封财空殼體,藉封閉中空殼體中之導溫流體傳 輸溫能,構成熱泵或熱交換裝置功能,而於一次侧流體管路之至 少其中一端與一次侧流體源之間設置單向流體泵之實施例示意 na · 圖, 圖11所示中’其流體雙向栗動裝置(123)為由一次側流體管 路⑽)所聯結之流邀閥(129a、129b' 129c、129d)及單向流體 栗(120)所構成,其所果送之流路中: -流體閥(129a)之-端與流體閥(129e)及單向流體录⑽) 之出口端相通,單向流體泵(12〇)入口端通往一次側流體管路 (101)之管口(A)端; 抓體閥(129a)之另-端’通往設置於封閉中空殼體(⑽)之— 次側流體管路⑽)之管口⑷端,以及通往流關⑽b)之— ν·Ι» · 端, 流體閥(129d)之-端與流制⑽b)之-端相通,而通往單 向流體栗⑽)之流體進口侧’而由單向流體栗⑽)之流體出口 側通往—次側流體管路(101)之管口(β)端; 26 201022607 --流體閥(129d)之另一端,通往設置於封閉中空殼體(goo)之一 次侧流體管路(101)之管口(B)端及通往流體閥(129c),而流體閥 (129c)之另一端通往流體閥(129a)及共同通往單向流體泵(12〇) 之出口端; 藉由流體週期換向操控裝置(250)之操控,由單向流體泵 (120)及流體閥(129a)(129b)(129c)(129d)所構成之流體雙向泵 動裝置(123)中,流體閥(129a)及流體閥(I29d)為一組,流體閥 (129c)及流體閥(129d)為一組,而輪流作開啟(〇pen)或閉合 (close),以供設置於封閉中空殼體(2〇〇)之一次側流體管路(1〇1) ® 之一次側流體(10)形成週期性輪流交換流向之功能者; --上述之單向流體泵(120)可為由一個所構成作單向泵動, 或由一個以上構成而設置於一次側流體管路(1〇1)之同一端或分 別設置於一次側流體管路(101)之兩端,以作同泵動流向之助動 泵動者; --上述呈螺旋狀之一次側流體管路(101)與呈螺旋狀之二次側 流體管路(102),共同設置於封閉中空殼體(2〇〇),藉封閉中空殼 體(200)中之導溫流體(30)傳輸溫能構成熱泵或熱交換展置功能 # 者; --二次側流體管路(102)之至少其中一端管口與一次側流體源 之間,設置至少一個單向流體泵(120),以供單向泵動二次侧流 體(20)者; 圖11實施例進一步可選擇於可直接或間接檢測所泵送交換 流體温度變化之位置,設置至少一個溫度檢測裝置(11),供將所 檢測溫度信號回輸至流體週期換向操控裝置(250)者;其中: --流體週期換向操控裝置(250):為由機電元件或固態電子電路 元件、或微處理器及相關軟體及操控介面所構成,以供操控設置 27 201022607 於封閉中空殼體(200)中之一次側流體管路(1〇1)之流體(1〇)週 期父換所泵動流向者,其操控方式含以下一種或一種以上,包 括:藉由(1)人工操控流體雙向泵動裴置(123)之泵動方向,或 藉由流體週期換向操控装置(250)依設定時間周期,或參照溫度 檢測裝置(11)所檢測溫度變動而調整設定時間周期,以由流體週 期換向操控裝置(250)操控流體雙向泵動裝置(123)之泵動方 向,或(3)於可直接或間接檢測所泵送交換流體温度變化之位 置’設置至少-個溫度檢難置(11),以藉溫度檢測裝置⑴)所 檢測信號,供輸往流體週期換向操控裝置(25〇),以在溫度檢測 裝置(η)到達設定溫度時,操控流體雙向泵動裝置(123)之泵動 方向,以週期正逆向栗動通過設置於封閉中空殼體(2⑽)中之一 次側流體管路⑽)之-次側流體⑽,使設置於封閉中空殼體 (200)中之-次側流體管路⑽)之—次側流體⑽之溫度分佈 隨之變化者。 此項週期正逆向泵送之熱泵或熱交換裝置,於實際應用時其 基本結構模式包括以下A模式或B模式或兩者之混合構成者,其 中: A模式:為流體雙向泵動裝置(123),供設置於一次侧流體管 路(HH)與-次側流體⑽之流體源之間,作周期正逆向料流 體α〇),而由單向流體泵(120)泵送二次側流體(2〇),以作為熱 栗或熱交換裝置功能運作; Β模式:為將流體雙向栗動農置⑽)設置於二次側流體管路 (102)與二次側流體(2〇)之流體源之間,作周期正逆向果送流體 (20),而由單向流體泵(12〇)泵送一次側流體(ι〇)以作為熱泵或 熱交換裝置功能運轉者; ‘'〃 上述Α模式包括以τ—種或—種以上之結構模式所構成者; 28 201022607 含: --週期正逆向l送H或熱交換裝置中 ,可由至少一個雙 向流體泵(124)構成流體雙向絲裝置(123),供㈣設置於通過 熱泵或熱交換裝置(1〇〇)之一次侧流體管路(1〇1)之兩流體口其 中之一,以藉流體週期換向操控裝置(25〇)之操控,而週期作正 向與反向之泵動以週期交換流向者;(如圖12所示為本發明由流 體雙向泵動裝置(123)串聯言曼置於通過熱泵或熱交換裝置之一次 侧流體管路(101)之兩流體口其中之一之實施例示意圖); --週期正逆向栗送之熱泵或熱交換裝置中,可由至少兩個雙 向流體泵(124)構成至少兩個流體雙向泵動裝置(123),供分別串 聯設置於通過熱系或熱交換裝置(1〇们之一次侧流體管路(101) 之流體口兩端’以藉流體週期換向操控裝置(25〇)之操控而週期 作以下至少一種功能之運作,包括:由設置於一次側流體管 路(ιοί)之流體口兩端之雙向流體泵(124)輪流作反向泵動;或 由設置於一次側流體管路(丨〇丨)之流體口兩端之雙向流體泵(丨2 4 ) 輪流作正向泵動;或(3)由設置於一次側流體管路(1〇1)之流體口 兩端之雙向流體杲(124)作同方向之正向助動泵動及同方向反向 助動栗動者;(如圖13所示為本發明由兩個流體雙向泵動裝置, 供分別串聯設置於通過熱泵或熱交換裝置之一次側流體管路 (101)之流體口兩端之實施例示意圖); —週期正逆向泵送之熱泵或熱交換裝置中,可由至少兩個不 同泵動流向之單向流體泵(12〇)(120’)呈串聯構成流體雙向泵 動裝置(123),供串聯設置於熱泵或熱交換裝置(100)之一次側流 體管路(101)之兩流體口其中之一,以藉流體週期換向操控裝置 (250)之操控’而週期性輪流由其中之一流向之單向流體泵作泉 動,以週期交換流體之流向,若構成此項流體雙向泵動裝置(123) 29 201022607 之單向流n⑽)⑽,)為不可逆向親,則各單向流體泵 (120)或(120 )可分別並聯逆向導通之單向閥(126)者;(如圖14 所不為本發明由至少兩個不同菜動流向之單向流體果呈串聯構 成流體雙置,供㈣設置於歸錄交餘置之一次侧 流體管路⑽)之兩流體口其中之—端之實施例示意圖); -週期正逆向紐之祕或熱交換裝置中,可由至少兩個不同 果動流向之單向流體泵⑽)⑽,)呈串聯構成之流體雙向果 動裝置(123),而設有兩個流體雙向泵動裝置(123),供分別串聯 汉置於熱泵或熱交換裝置(議)之—次侧流體管路⑽)兩端之 流體口,並可藉由流體週期換向操控裝置(25〇)之操控,而具有 以下-種或-種以上之運作功能,含:⑴由分別串聯設置熱系 或熱交換裝置(100)兩端之兩個前述流體雙向泵動裝置(123)中 之單向流錄(120)或(120,),同時呈同泵動方向作助動之泵動 及同步作週期變換系動方向之運作,或⑵由分別串聯設置於管 口(a)端及管口⑹端之兩個可供作不同流向泵動之單向流體果 (120)(120’),藉流體週期換向操控裝置(25〇)之操控,週期性 輪流由其中之一流向之單向流體泵(12〇)或(12〇,)作泵動,以週 J父換μ體之流向,若構成此項流體雙向泵動裝置(123)之單向 流體泵(12G)或⑽’)為不可逆向流通,則各單向㈣泵可分別 並聯逆向導通之單向閥(126)者;(如圖15所示為本發明分別由 至少兩個不同絲流向之單向流體泵呈串聯構成之兩個流體雙 向果動裝置,供設置於絲或熱交置之_次侧趙管路⑽) 之兩端流體口之實施例示意圖); 週期正逆向泵送之熱泵或熱交換裝置中,可由至少兩個之不 同果動流向之單向流妓⑽)⑽,)呈並聯構成之流體雙向 泵動裝置(123),供串聯設置於熱泵或熱交換裝置(1〇〇)之一次側 201022607 :置二5。)接之兩流體口其令之一端,以藉流體週期換向操控 、控1^週期性輪流操控其中之-單向流體泵(120) )作栗動’以週期交換流體之流向者,若所使用之單向 抓體栗(120)(120 )之結構若無抗逆流魏,則各職體泵可分 別先順向串聯單向閥⑽)再作並聯以防止逆流者;(如圖Μ所 丁為本發月由至》兩個之不㈣動流向之單向流體泵呈並聯構 成U又向&動裝置⑽),供串聯設置於綠或熱交換裝置 之人側机體管路(101)之兩流體口其中之一位置之實施例示意 圖);% unidirectional fluid pump (120): it is composed of a fluid pumping device that can generate a positive pressure to drive the flow system, or a fluid pumping device that can generate a negative pressure to attract the fluid, = for the second time The secondary fluid (2〇) of the side fluid line (1〇2) acts as a one-way pump. The one-way fluid pump (120) contains the electric motor driven by the power supplied by the power source (300). Driven by engine power, or other wind energy, or thermal energy or temperature difference energy, or solar energy: mechanical energy generated or converted electrical energy; one-way fluid pump (1) can be used to control or accept fluid cycles The controller of the reversing control device (250); the state to the secondary fluid (1G): a fluid containing the same or different liquid or gas, or a liquid-to-liquid or gaseous to liquid fluid. ; miscellaneous ~ secondary body (10)): containing the same or different liquid or gas & fluid, or liquid to gaseous, or gaseous to liquid fluid; 〇 temperature-conducting fluid (10): containing one or One or more of the same or different liquid or gaseous ~ body, or liquid to gas state, or gaseous state State of the art; power supply (300): to provide operational power, including AC or DC - the device that supplies electrical energy; 'meta-fluid cycle reversing device (10)): for electromechanical components or solid state electronic circuits 2 Or the micro-section is composed of phase and body interface for manipulating fluid flow. , the moving device (123) or the same difficult to unidirectional fluid fruit (10), so that the primary side of the Zhao pipeline (101) - the secondary fluid (10), the periodic exchange pumping flow; to the fluid two-way fruit device (10)) The cycle exchange county moves the primary fluid (10) flow side, and the timing may be by (1) manually controlling the spring direction of the bisexual wire device (123), or (2) by the fluid cycle reversing control device (25 〇) according to the set time The cycle, s adjusts the set time period 25 201022607 with reference to the temperature change detected by the temperature detecting device (丨丨), to control the pumping direction of the fluid bidirectional pumping device (123) by the fluid cycle switching device (250), or (3) At least one temperature detecting device (11) is provided at a position where the temperature of the pumping exchange fluid can be directly or indirectly detected, so as to be detected by the temperature detecting device (11) for the fluid period change To the operating device (25〇). to control the pumping direction of the fluid two-way fruit moving device (123) when the temperature detecting device (11) reaches the set temperature, and pump the positive-phase reverse flow through the primary-side fluid line (1) 〇1) Primary fluid (10) . As shown in FIG. 11, the two-way fluid valve group formed by at least one one-way fluid pump and four fluid valves that can be operated as switches constitute a fluid two-way flow device, and the spiral side primary fluid tube The road and the spiral-shaped secondary side fluid pipeline are disposed together in the sealed hollow shell, and the temperature-conducting fluid in the closed hollow shell transmits the warm energy to constitute the function of the heat pump or the heat exchange device, and the primary side fluid An embodiment in which a one-way fluid pump is disposed between at least one of the conduits and the primary side fluid source is shown in FIG. 11, and wherein the fluid bidirectional pumping device (123) is a primary fluid line (10). The connected flow inducing valve (129a, 129b' 129c, 129d) and the unidirectional fluid pump (120) are arranged in the flow path: - the end of the fluid valve (129a) and the fluid valve (129e) And the outlet end of the one-way fluid recording (10)), the inlet end of the one-way fluid pump (12〇) leads to the nozzle (A) end of the primary side fluid line (101); the other end of the gripper valve (129a) 'The nozzle to the secondary fluid line (10) provided in the closed hollow casing ((10)) (4) And the flow-through (10)b) - ν·Ι» · end, the end of the fluid valve (129d) communicates with the end of the flow system (10) b), and the fluid inlet side to the one-way fluid pump (10) From the fluid outlet side of the unidirectional fluid pump (10)) to the nozzle (β) end of the secondary fluid line (101); 26 201022607 - the other end of the fluid valve (129d), leading to the closed hollow The nozzle (B) end of the primary side fluid line (101) of the goo and the fluid valve (129c), and the other end of the fluid valve (129c) leads to the fluid valve (129a) and the common access The outlet end of the one-way fluid pump (12〇); controlled by the fluid cycle reversing control device (250), by the one-way fluid pump (120) and the fluid valve (129a) (129b) (129c) (129d) In the fluid bidirectional pumping device (123), the fluid valve (129a) and the fluid valve (I29d) are a group, and the fluid valve (129c) and the fluid valve (129d) are a group, and the rotation is turned on (〇pen). Or close, for the primary side fluid (10) of the primary side fluid line (1〇1) ® disposed in the closed hollow casing (2〇〇) to form a function of periodically rotating the flow direction The above-mentioned one-way fluid pump (120) may be configured to be unidirectionally pumped by one, or may be provided at one end of the primary side fluid line (1〇1) or separately on the primary side. The two ends of the fluid line (101) act as a booster pump for the pumping flow direction; - the spiral-shaped primary side fluid line (101) and the spiral secondary side fluid line ( 102), jointly disposed in the closed hollow casing (2〇〇), by means of the temperature-conducting fluid (30) in the closed hollow casing (200) transmitting the thermal energy to constitute a heat pump or heat exchange spreading function#; Between at least one of the nozzles of the secondary side fluid line (102) and the primary side fluid source, at least one one-way fluid pump (120) is provided for one-way pumping of the secondary side fluid (20); 11 Embodiments may further be selected to directly or indirectly detect a temperature change of the pumped exchange fluid, and provide at least one temperature detecting device (11) for returning the detected temperature signal to the fluid cycle switching control device (250) Where: - Fluid cycle commutation control device (250): for electromechanical components or solid State electronic circuit component, or microprocessor and associated software and control interface, for manipulating the setting of the fluid of the primary fluid line (1〇1) in the closed hollow casing (200) The cycle of the parent exchange pumping direction, the control mode includes one or more of the following, including: (1) manually manipulating the pumping direction of the fluid bidirectional pumping device (123), or reversing by the fluid cycle The control device (250) adjusts the set time period according to the set time period or the temperature change detected by the temperature detecting device (11) to control the pump of the fluid bidirectional pumping device (123) by the fluid cycle switching device (250). Orientation, or (3) at least one temperature check (11) is set at a position where the temperature of the pumped exchange fluid can be directly or indirectly detected, to detect the signal by the temperature detecting device (1) for supply to the fluid The cycle reversing control device (25〇) controls the pumping direction of the fluid bidirectional pumping device (123) when the temperature detecting device (η) reaches the set temperature, and is disposed in the closed hollow shell by periodic positive reverse pumping The secondary side fluid (10) of the primary fluid line (10) in (2) is such that the temperature distribution of the secondary fluid (10) of the secondary fluid line (10) disposed in the closed hollow casing (200) The change. The heat pump or heat exchange device that is being reversely pumped in this cycle, in its practical application, its basic structural mode includes the following A mode or B mode or a mixture of the two, wherein: A mode: a fluid two-way pumping device (123 ), for being disposed between the primary side fluid line (HH) and the fluid source of the secondary fluid (10) as a periodic positive reverse flow fluid α〇), and the secondary fluid is pumped by the one-way fluid pump (120) (2〇), functioning as a hot pump or heat exchange device; Β mode: in order to place the fluid two-way pumping farm (10)) in the secondary side fluid line (102) and the secondary side fluid (2〇) Between the fluid sources, the fluid is forwarded in a reverse direction (20), and the primary fluid (ι) is pumped by a one-way fluid pump (12〇) to function as a heat pump or heat exchanger; '' The Α mode includes a structure of τ- or more than one of the structural modes; 28 201022607 Contains: - Periodically reversed to send H or heat exchange device, the fluid two-way fluid device can be constituted by at least one bidirectional fluid pump (124) (123), for (4) set by heat pump or heat exchange device 1)) One of the two fluid ports of the primary fluid line (1〇1) is controlled by the fluid cycle commutation control device (25〇), and the cycle is pumped in the forward and reverse directions. The cycle exchanges the flow direction; (as shown in FIG. 12 is one of the two fluid ports of the primary side fluid line (101) of the present invention, which is placed in series by the fluid two-way pumping device (123) in series through the heat pump or the heat exchange device. In the heat pump or heat exchange device of the cycle positive and reverse pumping, at least two fluid bidirectional pumping devices (123) may be formed by at least two bidirectional fluid pumps (124) for respectively connecting in series The heat system or the heat exchange device (one of the two ends of the fluid port of the primary fluid line (101) of the first one is operated by the operation of the fluid cycle switching device (25〇) to perform at least one of the following functions, including : a two-way fluid pump (124) disposed at both ends of the fluid port of the primary side fluid line (124) for reverse pumping; or by a fluid port disposed at the primary side fluid line (丨〇丨) The two-way fluid pump (丨2 4 ) turns in positive direction Or (3) the two-way fluid enthalpy (124) disposed at the two ends of the fluid port of the primary fluid line (1〇1) as the forward-assisted pumping in the same direction and the reverse-assisted pumping in the same direction (Fig. 13 is a schematic view showing an embodiment of the present invention in which two fluid bidirectional pumping devices are respectively disposed in series on both ends of a fluid port of a primary side fluid line (101) passing through a heat pump or a heat exchange device) In a heat pump or heat exchange device that is periodically pumped in reverse, a one-way fluid pump (12 〇) (120') may be connected in series to form a fluid two-way pumping device (123) for connection in series One of the two fluid ports of the primary side fluid line (101) of the heat pump or heat exchange device (100) is operated by the fluid cycle commutation control device (250) and the periodic flow is flowed by one of them. The one-way fluid pump acts as a spring to exchange the flow direction of the fluid periodically. If the one-way flow n(10))(10) of the fluid two-way pumping device (123) 29 201022607 is irreversible, each one-way fluid pump (120) or (120) can be connected in parallel to the reverse-way check valve (126); (Figure 14 is not the present invention, the unidirectional fluid fruit flowing in at least two different vegetables flows in series to form a fluid double set, for (4) the primary side fluid line (10) disposed on the registration balance a schematic diagram of an embodiment of the two fluid ports; - a periodic positive reverse or a heat exchange device, the one-way fluid pump (10) (10), which can be flowed by at least two different fruit flows, is connected in series The fluid two-way fruit moving device (123) is provided with two fluid two-way pumping devices (123) for respectively connecting the fluids at both ends of the heat pump or the heat exchange device (the secondary fluid line (10)) The port can be operated by the fluid cycle reversing control device (25〇), and has the following - or more kinds of operational functions, including: (1) respectively setting the heat system or the heat exchange device (100) at both ends in series The one-way flow record (120) or (120,) of the two fluid two-way pumping devices (123) is simultaneously pumped in the pumping direction and synchronized to operate in a cyclically changing direction. Or (2) by two in series at the nozzle (a) end and the nozzle (6) end The one-way fluid fruit (120) (120'), which can be used for different flow direction pumping, is controlled by the fluid cycle reversing control device (25〇), and one-way fluid pump is periodically flowed by one of them. Or (12〇,) for pumping, to change the flow direction of the body by the parent of the week, if the one-way fluid pump (12G) or (10)') constituting the fluid two-way pumping device (123) is irreversible, Then, each of the one-way (four) pumps can be respectively connected in parallel with the reverse-way check valve (126); (as shown in FIG. 15 is two-way two-way fluids in which the one-way fluid pumps are respectively connected in series by at least two different filament flows. A schematic diagram of an embodiment of a fluidic device for a fluid port disposed at either end of a wire or a heat-transferred _ sub-side tube (10)); wherein at least two of the heat pump or heat exchange device for periodic positive reverse pumping The unidirectional flow (10)) (10) of the different fruit flow flows is a fluid bidirectional pumping device (123) which is arranged in parallel and is arranged in series on the primary side of the heat pump or the heat exchange device (1〇〇) 201022607: set 2 and 5. The two fluid ports are connected to one end to control the flow through the fluid cycle, and control the one-way fluid pump (120) to control the flow of the fluid. If the structure of the one-way grabbing body (120) (120) used is not resistant to counterflow, the various body pumps can be forwarded in series with the check valve (10) and then paralleled to prevent backflow; The one-way fluid pump is connected in parallel to the one-way fluid pump, and the U-direction and the moving device (10) are connected in series to the human-side body pipeline of the green or heat exchange device. (101) Schematic diagram of an embodiment of one of the two fluid ports;
❹ 週,月正逆向泵送之熱泵或熱交換裝置中,可由至少兩個不同 录動流向之兩個單向流體泵⑽)⑽,)呈並聯構成流體雙向 泵動裝置(123),而設有兩個流體雙向泵動裝置(123),供分別串 聯叹置於熱栗或熱交換裝置(⑽)之_次側流體管路(1〇1)兩端 之々IL體口,並可藉由流體週期換向操控裝置(250)操控流艎雙向 系動震置(123),而具有以下一種或一種以上之運作功能,含: (1) 由分別串聯設置熱泵或熱交換裝置(1〇〇)兩端之兩個前述流 體雙向泵動裝置(123)中之單向流體泵(12〇)或(120,),同時呈 同栗動方向作助動之泵動及同步作周期變換泵動方向之運作,或 (2) 由分別串聯設置於熱泵或熱交換裝置(1〇〇)兩端之兩個流體 雙向系動裝置(123)中之單向流體泵(120)或(120,),藉流體週 期換向操控裝置(250)之操控,週期性輪流由其中之一流向之單 向流體泵動裝置(120)或(120’)作泵動,以週期交換流體之流向 者’若所使用之單向流體泵(120)(120,)為不可逆向流通,則各 單向流體泵(120)或(120,)可分別並聯逆向導通之單向閥(126) 者;(如圖17所示為本發明分別由至少兩個不同泵動流向之單向 流體泵呈串聯構成兩個流體雙向泵動裝置,供分別串聯設置於熱 31 201022607 果或熱交換裝置之一次側流體管路⑽)兩端之流體口之實施例 示意圖); --週期正逆向料之熱泵或熱交換裝置中,可由至少—個單向流 體泵(12G)與呈橋式組成之四個可作開關操控之流體閥 (129a)(129b)(129e)(129d)構成流體雙向i動裝置(123),供串 ,設置於熱泵或熱交換裝置⑽)之__次侧流體管路⑽)兩端 抓體口其中之一,而藉流體週期換向操控裝置(250)之操控,以 在上述雙向流體栗組中之單向流體系(120)運轉中,藉操控其中 φ U閥(129a)(129b)為開啟(。卿),另組兩個流體閥 U29c〇a29d:)為閉合(c;lQse) ’或兩流體闕(129a)(129b)為閉合 (close),另組兩個流體閥⑽挪测為開啟⑽⑹之輪流操 控,以週期交換流體之流向者;(如圖18所示為由至少一個單向 流體泵與呈橋式組成之四個可作開關操控之流體閥所構成雙向 /;_L體閥組,供串聯設置於熱泵或熱交換裝置之一次側流體管路 (101)之兩端流體口其中之一之實施例示意圖); --週期正逆向泵送之熱泵或熱交換裝置中,可由至少一個單向 流體泵(120)與呈橋式組成之四個可作開關操控之流體閥 ® (129a)(129b)(129c)(129d)構成流體雙向泵動裝置(123),而設 有兩個流體雙向泵動裝置(123),供分別串聯設置於熱泵或熱交 換裝置(100)之一次側流體管路(101)兩端流體口,而藉流體週期 換向操控裝置(250)之操控,以在兩組上述雙向流體泵組中之單 向流體泵(120)運轉中’藉操控其中兩流體閥(i29a)(129b)為開 啟(open),另組兩個流體閥(I29c)(129d)為閉合(ci〇se),或兩 流體閥(129a)(129b)為閉合(ci〇se),另組兩個流體閥 (129c)(129d)為開啟(open)之輪流操控,以週期交換流體之流向 者;(如圖19所示為分別由至少一個單向流體泵與呈橋式組成之 32 201022607 四個可作闕翻之紐_成兩做體雙向縣I置,供八 串聯設置於熱栗或熱交換裝置兩流路之個別兩端流體口之2 例示意圖); 耳施 ♦=之B模式包括以τ_種或—種以上之結構模式所構成 -週期正逆向料之綠或敏換裝置巾,可由至少—個雙向 流體栗(m) ’構成流體雙向絲裝置(123),供㈣設置於通過 熱泵或熱交換裝置(100)之二次側流體管路(1〇2)之兩流體口其 中之一,以藉流體週期換向操控裝置(250)之操控而週期作正向 與反向之泵動以週期交換流向者;(如圖20所示為本發明由流體 雙向果動裝置(123)串聯設置於通過熱系或熱交換裝置之二次侧 流體管路(102)之兩流體口其中之一之實施例示意圖); 週期正逆向系送之熱泵或熱交換裝置中,可由至少兩個雙向 流體泵(124)構成至少兩個流體雙向泵動裝置(123),供分別串聯 設置於通過熱泵或熱交換裝置(100;)之二次側流體管路(1〇2)之 流體口兩端,以藉流體週期換向操控裝置(250)之操控而週期作 以下至少一種功能之運作,包括:(丨)由設置於一次侧流體管路 ® (101)之流體口兩端之雙向流體泵(124)輪流作反向泵動;或(2) 由設置於一次側流體管路(101)之流體口兩端之雙向流體泵G24) 輪流作正向泵動;或(3)由設置於一次側流體管路(1〇1)之流體口 兩端之雙向流體泵(124)作同方向之正向助動泵動及同方向反向 助動泵動者;(如圖21所示為本發明由兩個流體雙向泵動裝置, 供分別串聯設置於通過熱泵或熱交換裝置之二次側流體管路 (102)之流體口兩端之實施例示意圖); 一週期正逆向泵送之熱泵或熱交換裝置中,可由至少兩個不同 泵動流向之單向流體泵(120)(120’)呈串聯構成流體雙向泵動 33 201022607 裝置(123),供串聯設置於熱泵或熱交換裝置(100)之二次側流體 管路(102)之兩流體口其中之一,以藉流體週期換向操控裝置 (250)之操控’而週期性輪流由其中之一流向之單向流體泵(12〇) 作泵動’以週期交換流體之流向,若構成此項流體雙向泵動裝置 (123)之單向流體泵(120)(120,)為不可逆向流通,則各單向流 體泵(120)或(120’)可分別並聯設置逆向導通之單向閥(126) 者;(如圖22所示為本發明由至少兩個不同泵動流向之單向流體 泵呈串聯構成流體雙向泵動裝置,供串聯設置於熱泵或熱交換裝 置之二次侧流體管路(102)之兩流體口其中之一端之實施例示意 圖); —週期正逆向泵送之熱泵或熱交換裝置中,可由至少兩個不同 泵動流向之單向流體泵(12〇)(12〇,)呈串聯構成流體雙向泵動 裝置(123) ’而設有兩個流體雙向泵動裝置(丨23),供分別串聯設 置於熱栗或熱交換裝置(1〇〇)之二次侧流體管路(1〇2)兩端之流 體口,並可藉由流體週期換向操控裝置(25〇)之操控,而具有以 下一種或一種以上之運作功能,含:〇)由分別串聯設置熱泵或 熱交換裝置(100)兩端之兩個前述流體雙向泵動裝置(123)中之 單向流體栗(120)或(120’),同時呈同泵動方向作助動之泵動及 同步作週期變換泵動方向之運作,或(2)由分別串聯設置於流體 口(a)及流體口(b)之兩個由兩個單向流體泵(12〇)(12〇,)所構 成之流體雙向泵動裝置(123),藉流體週期換向操控裝置(25〇)之 操控,週期性輪流由其中之一流向之單向流體泵(12〇)或(12〇,) 作泵動,以週期交換流體之流向,若構成此項流體雙向泵動裝置 (123)之單向流體泵(120)或(12〇,)為不可逆向流通,則各單向 流體泵可分別並聯逆向導通之單向閥(126)者;(如圖23所示為 本發明分別由至少兩個不同泵動流向之單向流體泵呈串聯構成 34 201022607 之兩個流體雙向泵動裝置’供設置於熱泵或熱交換裝置之二次侧 流體管路(102)之兩端流體口之實施例示意圖); --週期正逆向泵送之熱泵或熱交換裝置中,可由至少兩個之不 同泵動流向之單向流體泵(120)(120’)’呈並聯構成流體雙向泵 動裝置(123),供串聯設置於熱泵或熱交換裝置(100)之二次侧流 體管路(102)之兩流體口其中之一端,藉流體週期換向操控裝置 (250)之操控,週期性輪流操控其中之一單向流體泵(12〇)或 (120’)作泵動,以週期交換流體之流向者,若所使用之單向流 體泵(120)(120’)之結構若無抗逆流功能,則各別單向流體泵 (120)(120’)可分別先順向串聯單向閥(126)再作並聯以防止逆 流者’(如圖24所示為本發明由至少兩個之不同泵動流向之單向 μ體泵呈並聯構成流體雙向栗動裝置(eg),供串聯設置於熱泵 或熱交換裝置之二次側流體管路(1〇2)之兩流體口其中之一位置 之實施例示意圖); 週期正逆向泵送之熱泵或熱交換裝置中,可由至少兩個不同 泵動流向之兩個單向流體泵(12〇)〇2〇,),呈並聯構成流體雙向 泵動裝置(123),而設有兩個流體雙向泵動裝置(123),供分別串 聯设置於絲或熱交換裝置(⑽)之二:欠侧越管路(1()2)兩端 之流體口,並可藉由流體週期換向操控裝置(25〇)操控流體雙向 栗動裝置(123) ’而具有以下—種或—種以上之運作功能,含: (1) 由刀別串聯设置熱泵或熱交換裝置(1⑽)兩端之兩個前述流 體雙向栗動裝置(123)巾之單向流體|(12())或(12(),),同時呈 同栗動方向作助動之栗動及同步作周期變換泵動方向之運作,或 (2) 由分別串聯設置於熱泵或熱交換裝置(1〇〇)兩端之兩個流體 雙向栗動裝置⑽)中之單向流體泵⑽)或⑽,),藉流體週 期換向操控|置⑽)之操控,週期性輪流由其中之—流向之單 35 201022607 向流體泵(120)或(120,)作泵動,以週期交換流體之流向者’若 所使用之單向流體泵(120)(120’)為不玎逆命流通’則各單向流 體泵(120)或(120,)可分別並聯逆向導通之單向閥(126)者;(如 圖25所示為本發明分別由至少兩個不同泵動流向之單向流體果 . 呈串聯構成兩個流體雙向泵動裝置,供分別串聯設置於熱泉或熱 交換裝置之二次侧流體管路(102)兩端之流體口之實施例示意 圖); 一週期正逆向泵送之熱泵或熱交換裝置中,可由至少一個單向 流體泵(120)與呈橋式組成之四個可作開關操控之流體閥 ® (129a)(129b)(129c)(129d)構成流體雙向泵動裝置(123),供串 聯設置於熱泵或熱交換裝置(1〇〇)之二次侧流體管路(102)兩端 流體口其中之一,而藉流體週期換向操控裝置(250)之操控,以 在上述雙向流體泵組中之單向流體泵(120)運轉中,藉操控其中 兩流體閥(129a)(129b)為開啟(open),另組兩個流體閥 (129c)(129d)為閉合(close),或兩流體閥(129a)(129b)為閉合 (close) ’另組兩個流體閥(i29c)(129d)為開啟(open)之輪流操 控,以週期交換流體之流向者;(如圖26所示為本發明由至少一 ® 個單向流體泵與呈橋式組成之四個可作開關操控之流艎閥所構 成雙向流體閥組’供串聯設置於熱泵或熱交換裝置之二次側流體 管路(102)之兩端流體口其中之一之實施例示意圖); —週期正逆向泵送之熱泵或熱交換裝置中,可由至少一個單向 流體泵(120)與呈橋式組成之四個可作開關操控之流體閥 (129a)(129b)(129c)(129d)構成流體雙向泵動裝置(123),而設 有兩個流體雙向泵動裝置(123),供分別串聯設置於熱泵或熱交 換裝置(100)之二次側流體管路(1〇2)兩端流體口,而藉流體週期 換向操控裝置(250)之操控’以在兩組上述雙向流體泵組中之單 36 201022607 向流體泵(120)運轉中,藉操控其中兩流體閥(129a)(129b)為開 啟(open),另組兩個流體閥(12此)〇29(1)為閉合(cl〇se),或兩 流體閥(129a)(129b)為閉合(cl〇se),另組兩個流體閥 (129c)(129d)為驗(Qpen)之輪流操控,以週期交換流體之流向 者,(如圖27所tf林發0U別由至少—個單向越泵與呈橋式 組成之四個可作開關_之流體閥構成兩個流體雙向果動裝 置’供分财賴置於綠或熱交換裝置兩流路之侧兩端流體 口之實施例示意圖); 以上A模式及B模式之職正逆妓送例,為供作應用選擇 而非限制,凡習用及習知交換流體流向之結構及運作方式本發明 皆可引用者。 此項週期正逆向_之祕或熱交換裝置巾,其齡或熱交 換裝置(剛)之結構型態含:⑴可為線形或其他幾何形狀之管 狀;(2)可為其他供通過氣態或㈣流體之多層而具流體流路之 、’·。構體’或(3)可為由多組呈__路或_路以上呈串聯、或並聯、 或串並聯者。 、此項週期正逆向錢之絲或熱交換裝置巾,其流體栗動裝 置為供粟動氣錢液態之流體,流體泵除可由個別設置之電力馬❹ Week, the heat pump or heat exchange device that is pumped backwards in the reverse direction, the two-way fluid pump (10)) (10), which is at least two different recording flows, may be connected in parallel to form a fluid two-way pumping device (123). There are two fluid bidirectional pumping devices (123) for respectively slamming the 々IL body ports at both ends of the _ secondary fluid line (1〇1) of the hot pump or heat exchange device ((10)), and can borrow The fluid cycle reversing control device (250) controls the rogue bidirectional dynamic vibration device (123), and has one or more of the following operational functions, including: (1) respectively setting a heat pump or a heat exchange device in series (1) 〇) Two-way fluid pump (12〇) or (120,) in the two fluid bidirectional pumping devices (123) at both ends, and simultaneously pumping and synchronously changing the pump in the same direction as the pumping direction Operation in the moving direction, or (2) a one-way fluid pump (120) or (120) in two fluid bidirectional actuators (123) respectively disposed in series at the ends of the heat pump or heat exchange device (1〇〇). ), by the control of the fluid cycle reversing control device (250), the periodic rotation is performed by one of the flows The one-way fluid pumping device (120) or (120') is pumped to periodically exchange the flow of the fluid. If the one-way fluid pump (120) (120) used is irreversible, each single The fluid pump (120) or (120,) can be respectively connected in parallel with the reverse-way check valve (126); (as shown in FIG. 17, the one-way fluid pump is connected in series by at least two different pump flows respectively. A schematic diagram of an embodiment of a two-fluid bi-directional pumping device for fluid ports respectively disposed in series between the heat 31 201022607 or the primary side fluid line (10) of the heat exchange device); In the heat exchange device, at least one one-way fluid pump (12G) and four bridge-operable fluid valves (129a) (129b) (129e) (129d) can form a fluid two-way device ( 123), for stringing, disposed in the heat pump or heat exchange device (10)) __ secondary side fluid line (10)) at one of the gripping ports at both ends, and by the fluid cycle reversing control device (250) control, in The unidirectional flow system (120) in the two-way fluid pump set is operated by Where φ U valve (129a) (129b) is open (. Qing), another set of two fluid valves U29c〇a29d:) is closed (c; lQse) ' or two fluid 阙 (129a) (129b) is closed (close ), another set of two fluid valves (10) is measured as the turn-on (10) (6) rotation control, to periodically exchange the flow of the fluid; (as shown in Figure 18, at least one one-way fluid pump and four bridges can be used The switch-operated fluid valve constitutes a bidirectional/;L body valve group, which is provided in series with one of the fluid ports of the primary side fluid line (101) of the heat pump or the heat exchange device; In a reverse pumping heat pump or heat exchange device, at least one one-way fluid pump (120) and four bridge-operable fluid valves® (129a) (129b) (129c) (129d) The fluid bidirectional pumping device (123) is configured, and two fluid bidirectional pumping devices (123) are provided for respectively connecting the fluid ports at both ends of the primary side fluid line (101) of the heat pump or the heat exchange device (100). And the manipulation of the fluid cycle reversing device (250) to operate the two-way two-way fluid pump The one-way fluid pump (120) is in operation "by operating two of the fluid valves (i29a) (129b) to be open, and the other two fluid valves (I29c) (129d) are closed (ci〇se), Or the two-fluid valve (129a) (129b) is closed, and the other two fluid valves (129c) (129d) are open-turned to control the flow of the fluid in a cycle; 19 is shown by at least one one-way fluid pump and 32 in the form of a bridge. 201022607 Four can be used as a two-way county I, for eight series set in hot chest or heat exchange device The schematic diagram of 2 cases of fluid ports at the two ends of the flow path); the B mode of the ear application ♦= consists of a structural mode of τ_ or more than one type - a green or sensitive device for periodic positive and negative materials, at least - a two-way fluid pump (m) 'constituting a fluid two-way wire device (123) for (d) one of two fluid ports disposed in a secondary side fluid line (1〇2) through a heat pump or heat exchange device (100) Cycle forward and reverse pumping by means of the fluid cycle commutation control device (250) FIG. 20 is a schematic view showing an embodiment of the present invention in which one of the two fluid ports of the secondary side fluid line (102) passing through the thermal system or the heat exchange device is disposed in series by the fluid two-way fruit moving device (123). In the heat pump or heat exchange device that is periodically reversed, at least two fluid bidirectional pumping devices (123) may be formed by at least two bidirectional fluid pumps (124) for being respectively connected in series through a heat pump or a heat exchange device ( 100;) The fluid port of the secondary side fluid line (1〇2) is operated by the fluid cycle switching control device (250) to perform at least one of the following functions, including: (丨) a bidirectional fluid pump (124) disposed at both ends of the fluid port of the primary side fluid line® (101) for reverse pumping; or (2) by a fluid port disposed at the primary side fluid line (101) The bidirectional fluid pump G24) is alternately pumped in turn; or (3) is positively assisted by the bidirectional fluid pump (124) disposed at both ends of the fluid port of the primary side fluid line (1〇1) Pumping and the same direction reverse assist pump; (as shown in Figure 21 A two-fluid bi-directional pumping device for each of the two ends of the fluid port of the secondary side fluid line (102) passing through the heat pump or the heat exchange device is schematicly arranged; a cycle of positively pumping the heat pump or In the heat exchange device, the one-way fluid pump (120) (120') may be connected in series to form a fluid bidirectional pumping 33 201022607 device (123) for series connection to the heat pump or heat exchange device (100). One of the two fluid ports of the secondary side fluid line (102), with the fluid cycle reversing the manipulation of the steering device (250), while periodically rotating one-way fluid pump from one of them (12〇 Pumping 'cycles the flow of fluid in a cycle. If the one-way fluid pump (120) (120) constituting the fluid two-way pumping device (123) is irreversible, each one-way fluid pump (120) Or (120') may be arranged in parallel with the reverse-directed check valve (126); (as shown in FIG. 22, the one-way fluid pump flowing in at least two different pump flows in series constitutes a fluid two-way pumping device For series connection to heat pump or heat A schematic diagram of an embodiment of one of the two fluid ports of the secondary side fluid line (102) of the device; - a heat pump or a heat exchange device for periodic positive reverse pumping, which can be unidirectional by at least two different pump flows The fluid pump (12〇) (12〇,) is connected in series to form a fluid bidirectional pumping device (123)' and two fluid bidirectional pumping devices (丨23) are provided for serial connection to the hot pump or heat exchange device ( 1〇〇) The fluid port at both ends of the secondary fluid line (1〇2), and can be operated by the fluid cycle reversing control device (25〇), and has one or more of the following operational functions, Included: 单向) one-way fluid pump (120) or (120') in two of the aforementioned fluid two-way pumping devices (123) disposed at two ends of the heat pump or heat exchange device (100), respectively, simultaneously pumping The direction is assisted by pumping and synchronously changing the operation of the pumping direction, or (2) by two unidirectional fluid pumps (12) respectively disposed in series between the fluid port (a) and the fluid port (b) 〇) (12〇,) the fluid two-way pumping device (123), by fluid week The control of the reversing control device (25〇), the one-way fluid pump (12〇) or (12〇,) flowing in one of the periodic flows is pumped to periodically exchange the flow of the fluid, if the fluid is formed If the one-way fluid pump (120) or (12〇,) of the two-way pumping device (123) is irreversible, each one-way fluid pump can be connected in parallel with the reverse-way check valve (126); Shown are two fluid bi-directional pumping devices of the present invention comprising three-way fluid pumps flowing in series by at least two different pumping flows, respectively, 34 201022607 for the secondary side fluid line (102) disposed in the heat pump or heat exchange device a schematic diagram of an embodiment of a fluid port at both ends; - a one-way fluid pump (120) (120') that can be flowed by at least two different pumps in a positive-reverse pumping heat pump or heat exchange device Parallelly forming a fluid bidirectional pumping device (123) for one of two fluid ports of the secondary side fluid line (102) of the heat pump or heat exchange device (100) connected in series, by a fluid cycle reversing device (250) Control, periodically take one of the orders Pumping the fluid pump (12〇) or (120') to periodically exchange the flow of the fluid. If the structure of the one-way fluid pump (120) (120') used is not resistant to backflow, then each The one-way fluid pump (120) (120') can be forwarded in series with the one-way check valve (126) and then paralleled to prevent the reverse flower' (as shown in Fig. 24, the present invention flows from at least two different pumps. The unidirectional μ body pump is in parallel to form a fluid two-way pumping device (eg), and is disposed in series at one of two fluid ports of the secondary side fluid line (1〇2) of the heat pump or the heat exchange device. The two-way fluid pump (12〇)〇2〇, which can be flowed by at least two different pumps to the cycle positively reverse pumping, constitutes a fluid bidirectional pumping device (123) And two fluid bi-directional pumping devices (123) are provided for respectively connecting in series to the fluid ports of the wire or heat exchange device ((10)): the underside of the pipeline (1 () 2), and The fluid bidirectional pumping device (123) can be operated by a fluid cycle reversing device (25〇) - or more than one type of operational function, including: (1) Two-way fluid two-way pumping device (123) unidirectional fluid at both ends of the heat pump or heat exchange device (1 (10)) is placed in series by the knife | ()) or (12(),), simultaneously with the direction of the chestnut movement as the assisted pumping and synchronous operation of the pumping direction, or (2) respectively arranged in series with the heat pump or heat exchange device (1) 〇〇) The one-way fluid pump (10) or (10), in the two fluid two-way pumping device (10) at both ends, controlled by the fluid cycle commutation control (10), the periodic rotation from which it flows Single 35 201022607 Pumping fluid pump (120) or (120,) to periodically exchange the flow of fluids to 'If the one-way fluid pump (120) (120' used) is not in the right direction, then each The one-way fluid pump (120) or (120,) can be respectively connected in parallel with the reverse-way check valve (126); (as shown in Fig. 25, the invention is a one-way fluid fruit flowing from at least two different pumps respectively. Two fluid bidirectional pumping devices are arranged in series for respectively arranged in series in a hot spring or a heat exchange device A schematic diagram of an embodiment of a fluid port at both ends of a side fluid line (102); a heat pump or heat exchange device for positive and negative pumping in a cycle, which may be composed of at least one one-way fluid pump (120) and four bridges The fluid control valve (129a) (129b) (129c) (129d), which can be operated as a switch, constitutes a fluid bidirectional pumping device (123) for the secondary side fluid tube disposed in series in the heat pump or heat exchange device (1〇〇) One of the fluid ports at both ends of the road (102), and controlled by the fluid cycle switching control device (250) to operate the two fluids in the one-way fluid pump (120) in the two-way fluid pump group The valve (129a) (129b) is open, the other two fluid valves (129c) (129d) are closed, or the two fluid valves (129a) (129b) are closed. The fluid valve (i29c) (129d) is an open rotation control to periodically exchange the flow of the fluid; (as shown in Fig. 26, the invention is composed of at least one one-way fluid pump and a bridge type Four bi-directional fluid valve groups that can be used as switch-operated flow valves are provided in series for heat pump or heat exchange A schematic diagram of an embodiment of one of the fluid ports at the two ends of the secondary fluid line (102); - a heat pump or a heat exchange device for periodic positive reverse pumping, which may be composed of at least one one-way fluid pump (120) The four bridge-operable fluid valves (129a) (129b) (129c) (129d) constitute a fluid bi-directional pumping device (123), and two fluid bi-directional pumping devices (123) are provided. Separately disposed in series with the fluid ports on the secondary side fluid line (1〇2) of the heat pump or heat exchange device (100), and controlled by the fluid cycle switching device (250) to In the pump group, the single 36 201022607 is operated to the fluid pump (120) by operating two of the fluid valves (129a) (129b) to be open, and the other two fluid valves (12 this) 〇 29(1) are Closed (cl〇se), or the two-fluid valve (129a) (129b) is closed (cl〇se), and the other two fluid valves (129c) (129d) are controlled by the (Qpen) rotation, and the fluid is exchanged periodically. The flow direction, (as shown in Figure 27, tf Linfa 0U by at least one one-way pump and four bridges can be used as a switch The valve constitutes two fluid two-way actuating devices' schematic diagram of the embodiment of the fluid ports on both sides of the two flow paths of the green or heat exchange device; the above A mode and the B mode are positively reversed, For the purposes of application selection and not limitation, the structure and mode of operation of the conventional and conventional exchange fluid flow are all exemplified by the present invention. The cycle is reversed or the heat exchange device, the age of the structure or the heat exchange device (just) has: (1) can be linear or other geometric shape; (2) can be used for other gases or (4) The multi-layer fluid has a fluid flow path, '·. The structure ' or (3) may be in series, or in parallel, or in series or in parallel by a plurality of groups of __ roads or _ roads. This cycle is reversed to the money wire or heat exchange device towel. The fluid pumping device is a fluid for the liquid and liquid, and the fluid pump can be separately set by the power horse.
達驅動或由至少兩個流體杲共用同—驅動電力馬達外,亦可藉弓I 擎動力、或其他風能、或熱能、或溫差能、或太雜所產生之機 械能或所轉換之電能所驅動者。 此項週期正逆向泵送之熱泵或熱交換裝置中,其流體週期換 向操控裝置(250),為具有可操控各種供驅動流體泵之電力馬達 或操控引擎動力、或其他風能、或熱能、或溫差能、或太陽能所 產生之機械能或所轉換之電能’或操控流體泵或流體閥之運作時 機’以改變通過財或熱交換裝置(剛)之兩流路中流體之流 37 201022607 向、及進步操控其各種流體栗之轉速、流暈、流趙屢力等部 分功能或全部功能之調控者。 土此項軸正逆岐送之綠錄錢裝置,在職正逆向栗 送流體運作中,進—步可藉流體週期換向操控裝置(250),調γ 流體雙向泵較置⑽)縣送顏之流量,其操控模式含^ 一種或一種以上,包括: (1) 以纽餘難或狀其紐流蠢量; (2) 參照所設置至少—個溫度檢測裝置之檢測信號,以操控 其流體之流量者; (3) 由以上⑴〜⑵其中兩種或兩種以上方式聯合操控流 體流量者。 此項週期正逆向錢之歸或熱絲裝置,於設置操控流量 功能時,其操控讀流量顧可由停止輸送至最大輸送量之間, 依運作需求作有段或無段之趙流量馳,並藉以下―種或一種 以上之裝置以改變其流體之流量,包括: (1) 操控流體雙向祕裝置⑽)之絲運轉轉速,從停機 至最高速範_之速度控制,進而操控其流體之流量者; (2) 採用設有可操控流體進出閥口之流體雙向栗動裝置 (123),以操控流體雙向泵動裝置(123)之流體進出閥口開啟量, 進而操控其流體流量者; (3) 採用設有可操控流體進出閥口之單向閥(126),以操控 早向閥⑽)之流體進出口閥口開啟量,進而操控其流體流量者; (4) 採用設有可操控流體進出閥口之流體閥⑽)及流體闕 ⑽以操控流體閥⑽)及流體閥⑽,)之流體進出口間 口開啟量’進而操控其流體流量者; (5)操控⑴〜⑷項至少其中任何—種震置,使流體作間歇 38 201022607 前述此送兩者之時間比調控其平均流量者。 栗送流體運作中,Α;/以之m熱交換裝置,於週期正逆 括: 4送週期之模式含以下-種或-種以上,包 (1)週期正逆泵送流體 相同者; 體運作中,正向與逆向運作時間長短為 不同(二);週期正縣送流體運作中,正向與逆向運作時間長短為The drive or the at least two fluids share the same-drive electric motor, or the mechanical energy or converted energy generated by the power of the engine, or other wind energy, or thermal energy, or temperature difference energy, or too much noise. Driver. In the heat pump or heat exchange device that is being reversely pumped in this cycle, the fluid cycle reversing control device (250) has an electric motor or a control engine power, or other wind energy, or heat energy that can control various pumps for driving the fluid. , or temperature difference energy, or mechanical energy generated by solar energy or converted electrical energy 'or manipulate the timing of the operation of the fluid pump or fluid valve' to change the flow of fluid in the two flow paths through the financial or heat exchange device (just) 37 201022607 Towards, and to improve the control of some or all of the functions of the various fluids such as the speed of the pump, the flow of halo, and the flow of Zhao. The green axis recording device of this axis is reversed, and the in-service reverse reverse pumping fluid operation, the flow can be reversed by the fluid cycle control device (250), and the γ fluid bidirectional pump is compared with the (10) county. The flow rate of the control mode includes one or more types, including: (1) difficulty in or difficulty in the flow; (2) refer to the detection signal of at least one temperature detecting device to control the fluid (3) The fluid flow is jointly controlled by two or more of the above (1) to (2). This cycle is reversed to the money return or hot wire device. When the flow control function is set, the control read flow can be stopped between the delivery and the maximum delivery volume, and the flow can be segmented or not according to the operation demand. The following flow or more than one device is used to change the flow rate of the fluid, including: (1) controlling the flow speed of the fluid bidirectional device (10), controlling the flow rate of the fluid from the stop to the highest speed. (2) using a fluid two-way pumping device (123) with a steerable fluid inlet and outlet valve port to control the fluid inlet and outlet opening of the fluid two-way pumping device (123), thereby controlling its fluid flow; 3) Use a check valve (126) with a steerable fluid inlet and outlet valve to control the opening of the fluid inlet and outlet port of the early valve (10), and then manipulate the fluid flow; (4) The fluid valve (10) in and out of the valve port and the fluid port (10) to manipulate the fluid valve (10)) and the fluid valve (10), the fluid inlet and outlet opening amount 'and then manipulate the fluid flow; (5) control at least (1) to (4) Ren - kind of earthquake is set, so that the fluid intermittently 38201022607 This transmission time of both the ratio of the average flow by regulation. In the operation of the pumping fluid, Α; / m heat exchange device, in the cycle positive and negative: 4 delivery cycle mode with the following - or more than one species, including (1) cycle positive and negative pumping fluid the same; In operation, the length of forward and reverse operation is different (2); in the period of positive fluid flow in Zhengxian County, the length of forward and reverse operation is
(3)具有(1)與(2)項混合之模式者。 向時此期正逆向錢之熱1或熱交換裝置,於運作中交換流 ^時,為緩和流體突然阻斷時,I動中之氣態或液態流體產生之 衝擊效應’包贿驗㈣__時之趙邮iquidh_r) 政應’可進—步在操控交換流向運作模式中,加人包括以下-種 或一種以上之運作方式: (1) 操控交換流體流向時,藉著操控流體泵或流體閥使流體 作緩慢減1:,再轉為另-流向緩慢增量至最大設定值之運作者; (2) 操控交換流體流向時,藉著操控流體泵或流體閥使流體 作緩慢減量’而轉為成s定停止絲時段,再轉為作另一流向緩 慢增量至最大設定值之運作者》 【圖式簡單說明】 圖1為傳統呈固定流向之熱泵或熱交換裝置主要結構原理方 魂示意圖。 圖2為本發明由一次侧流體管路與二次側流體管路共同設置 於導熱體’構成熱泵或熱交換裝置功能,並由流體雙向泵動裝置 所驅動之結構原理方塊示意圖。 圖3為本發明由一次側流體管路與二次側流體管路互呈套合 39 201022607 構成熱泵或熱交換裝置功能,並藉由流體雙向泵動裝置對一次侧 流體作周期交換流向驅動之結構原理方塊示意圖。 圖4為本發明由至少一個單向流體泵與四個可作開關操控之 流體閥構成之雙向流體閥組共同構成流體雙向泵動裝置,並由一 次侧流體管路與二次側流體管路共同設置於導熱體構成之熱泵 或熱交換裝置,而於一次側流體管路之至少其中之一端與一次側 流體源之間設置前述流體雙向泵動裝置之實施例示意圖。 圖5為本發明由至少一個單向流體泵與四個可作開關操控之 流體閥構成之雙向流體閥組共同構成流體雙向泵動裝置,而供設 〇 置於呈套合構成之熱泵或熱交換裝置,而於一次側流體管路之至 少其中之一端與一次側流體源之間之實施例示意圖。 圖6為本發明由一次側流體管路與呈螺旋狀二次側流體管路 套合而設置於封閉中空殼體中,藉封閉中空殼體中之導溫流體以 傳輸溫能構成熱泵或熱交換裝置功能,並由流體雙向泵動裝置所 驅動之結構原理方塊示意圖。 圖7為本發明由至少一個單向流體泵與四個可作開關操控之 流體閥構成之雙向流體閥組共同構成流體雙向泵動裝置,其一次 〇 側流體管路與呈螺旋狀二次側流體管路套合而設置於封閉中空 殼體中,藉封閉中空殼體中之導溫流體以傳輸溫能構成之熱泵或 熱交換裝置,而於一次側流體管路與一次側流體源之間供設置單 向流體系之實施例示意圖。 圖8為本發明由一次側流體管路之一次側流體流經封閉中空 殼體,而呈螺旋狀二次側流體管路為設置於封閉中空殼體之中, 藉封閉中空殼體内部之一次側流體作為導溫流體以傳輸溫能構 成熱泵或熱交換裝置功能,並由流體雙向泵動裝置所驅動之結構 原理方塊示意圖。 201022607 圖9為本發明由至少一個單向流體泵與四個可作開關操控之 流體閥組共同構成流體雙向泵動裝置,並由一次側流體管路之一 次側流體流經封閉中空殼體,而呈螺旋狀之二次側流體管路為設 • 於封閉中空殼體之中,藉封閉中空殼體内部之一次側流體作為導 . 溫流體以傳輸溫能構成熱泵或熱交換裝置功能,而於一次側流體 管路與一次側流體源之間設置單向流體泵之實施例示意圖。 圖10為本發明由呈螺旋狀之一次側流體管路與呈螺旋狀之 二次側流體管路共同呈螺旋狀結合而設置於封閉中空殼體,藉封 閉中空殼體中之導溫流體之傳輸溫能構成熱泵或熱交換裝置功 ® 能,並由流體雙向泵動裝置驅動之實施例示意圖。 圖11為本發明由至少一個單向流體泵與四個可作開關操控 之流體閥構成之雙向流體閥組,共同構成流體雙向泵動裝置,並 由呈螺旋狀之一次側流體管路與呈螺旋狀之二次側流體管路,共 同設置於封閉中空殼體,藉封閉中空殼體中之導溫流體傳輸溫 能,構成熱泵或熱交換裝置功能,而於一次側流體管路之至少其 中一端與一次側流體源之間設置單向流體泵之實施例示意圖。 圖12為本發明由流體雙向泵動裝置串聯設置於通過熱泵或 〇 熱交換裝置之一次側流體管路之兩流體口其中之一之實施例示 意圖。 圖13為本發明由兩個流體雙向泵動裝置,供分別串聯設置 於通過熱泵或熱交換裝置之一次側流體管路之流體口兩端之實 施例示意圖。 圖14為本發明由至少兩個不同泵動流向之單向流體泵呈串 聯構成流體雙向泵動裝置,供串聯設置於熱泵或熱交換裝置之一 次側流體管路之兩流體口其中之一端之實施例示意圖。 圖15為本發明分別由至少兩個不同泵動流向之單向流體泵 41 201022607 呈串聯構成之兩個流體雙向泵動裝置,供設置於熱泵或熱交換裝 置之一次側流體管路之兩端流體口之實施例示意圖。 圖16為本發明由至少兩個之不同泵動流向之單向流體泵呈 . 並聯構成之兩個流體雙向泵動裝置,供串聯設置於熱泵或熱交換 裝置之一次側流體管路之兩流體口其中之一位置之實施例示意 圖。 圖17為本發明分別由至少兩個不同泵動流向之單向流體泵 呈串聯構成兩個流體雙向泵動裝置,供分別串聯設置於熱泵或熱 交換裝置之一次側流體管路兩端之流體口之實施例示意圖。 ® 圖18為本發明由至少一個單向流體泵與呈橋式組成之四個 可作開關操控之流體閥所構成雙向流體閥組,供串聯設置於熱泵 或熱交換裝置之一次側流體管路之兩端流體口其中之一之實施 例示意圖。 圖19為本發明分別由至少一個單向流體泵與呈橋式組成之 四個可作開關操控之流體閥構成兩個流體雙向泵動裝置,供分別 串聯設置於熱泵或熱交換裝置兩流路之個別兩端流體口之實施 例示意圖。 〇 圖20為本發明由流體雙向泵動裝置串聯設置於通過熱泵或 熱交換裝置之二次側流體管路之兩流體口其中之一之實施例示 意圖。 圖21為本發明由兩個流體雙向泵動裝置,供分別串聯設置 於通過熱泵或熱交換裝置之二次側流體管路之流體口兩端之實 施例示意圖。 圖22為本發明由至少兩個不同泵動流向之單向流體泵呈串 聯構成流體雙向泵動裝置,供串聯設置於熱泵或熱交換裝置之二 次側流體管路之兩流體口其中之一端之實施例示意圖。 42 201022607 圖23為本發明分別由至少兩個不同泵動流向之單向流體泵 呈串聯構成兩個流體雙向泵動裝置,供設置於熱泵或熱交換裝置 之二次側流體管路之兩端流體口之實施例示意圖。 - 圖24為本發明由至少兩個之不同泵動流向之單向流體泵呈 並聯構成之兩個流體雙向泵動裝置,供串聯設置於熱泵或熱交換 裝置之二次側流體管路之兩流體口其中之一位置之實施例示意 圖。 圖25為本發明分別由至少兩個不同泵動流向之單向流體泵 呈串聯構成兩個流體雙向泵動裝置,供分別串聯設置於熱泵或熱 © 交換裝置之二次側流體管路兩端之流體口之實施例示意圖。 圖26為本發明由至少一個單向流體泵與呈橋式組成之四個 可作開關操控之流體閥所構成雙向流體閥組,供串聯設置於熱泵 或熱交換裝置之二次側流體管路之兩端流體口其中之一之實施 例示意圖。 圖27為本發明分別由至少一個單向流體泵與呈橋式組成之 四個可作開關操控之流體閥構成兩個流體雙向泵動裝置,供分別 串聯設置於熱泵或熱交換裝置兩流路之個別兩端流體口之實施 G 例示意圖。 43 201022607 【主要元件符號說明】 ίο: —次側流體 20 :二次側流體 30 :導溫流體 11 :溫度檢測裝置 50 :導熱體 100 :熱泵或熱交換裝置 101 : —次側流體管路 102 :二次側流體管路 120、120’ :單向流體泵 123 :流體雙向泵動裝置 124 :雙向流體泵 126:單向閥 129a、129b、129c、129d :流體閥 200 :封閉中空殼體 250 :流體週期換向操控裝置 300 :電源 1000 :熱交換裝置 44(3) A model with a mixture of (1) and (2). In the current period, when the money heat 1 or the heat exchange device is reversed, when the flow is exchanged during operation, in order to alleviate the sudden blockage of the fluid, the impact effect of the gaseous or liquid fluid in the I movement is 'British inspection (4) __ Zhao Mail iquidh_r) Political response can be advanced in the operation of the exchange flow mode of operation, including the following one or more modes of operation: (1) by manipulating the fluid pump or fluid valve when manipulating the exchange fluid flow direction The fluid is slowly decremented by 1: and then transferred to another flow to the slower increment to the maximum set value; (2) When the flow of the exchange fluid is manipulated, the fluid is slowly decremented by manipulating the fluid pump or fluid valve. In order to become the sever stop wire period, and then change to another flow direction slowly increase to the maximum set value of the author. [Simplified schematic] Figure 1 is the traditional structural heat pump or heat exchange device main structural principle schematic diagram. 2 is a block diagram showing the structural principle of the present invention, in which the primary side fluid line and the secondary side fluid line are disposed together with the heat conducting body to constitute a heat pump or a heat exchange device, and driven by the fluid two-way pumping device. 3 is a combination of a primary side fluid line and a secondary side fluid line 39 201022607, which constitutes a heat pump or a heat exchange device, and is driven by a fluid bidirectional pumping device for periodic exchange flow of the primary side fluid. Schematic diagram of the structure principle. 4 is a two-way fluid valve group composed of at least one one-way fluid pump and four fluid valves that can be operated as switches, which constitute a fluid two-way pumping device, and is composed of a primary side fluid line and a secondary side fluid line. A schematic diagram of an embodiment of the fluid bi-directional pumping device disposed between at least one of the primary side fluid lines and the primary side fluid source is disposed in a heat pump or heat exchange device formed by the heat conductor. Figure 5 is a two-way fluid valve group composed of at least one one-way fluid pump and four fluid valves that can be operated as switches, which constitute a fluid two-way pumping device, and the heat pump or heat is arranged in a nested configuration. A schematic diagram of an embodiment of the exchange device between at least one of the primary side fluid lines and the primary side fluid source. Figure 6 is a schematic view of the present invention, which is arranged in a closed hollow casing by a primary side fluid line and a spiral secondary side fluid line, and a heat pump is constructed by blocking the temperature-conducting fluid in the hollow casing to transmit warm energy. Or a heat exchange device function, and is a block diagram of the structural principle driven by the fluid two-way pumping device. Figure 7 is a two-way fluid valve group composed of at least one one-way fluid pump and four fluid valves that can be operated as switches to form a fluid two-way pumping device, the primary side fluid line and the spiral secondary side The fluid pipeline is sleeved and disposed in the closed hollow casing, and the heat pump or the heat exchange device formed by the warm energy is closed by the temperature-conducting fluid in the hollow casing, and the primary side fluid pipeline and the primary fluid source are A schematic diagram of an embodiment for providing a unidirectional flow system. Figure 8 is a view of the present invention, wherein the primary side fluid flow of the primary side fluid line flows through the closed hollow casing, and the spiral secondary side fluid line is disposed in the closed hollow casing, by closing the hollow casing The internal primary fluid acts as a temperature-conducting fluid to transmit warm energy to form a heat pump or heat exchange device function, and is driven by a fluid bi-directional pumping device. 201022607 Figure 9 is a two-way fluid pump composed of at least one one-way fluid pump and four switchable fluid valve groups, and the primary side fluid flow of the primary side fluid line flows through the closed hollow housing. The spiral-shaped secondary side fluid line is disposed in the closed hollow casing, and the primary fluid in the interior of the hollow casing is used as a guiding fluid to transfer heat energy to form a heat pump or a heat exchange device. A schematic diagram of an embodiment in which a one-way fluid pump is disposed between a primary side fluid line and a primary side fluid source. Figure 10 is a spiral-shaped primary side fluid line and a spiral-shaped secondary side fluid line together in a spiral shape and arranged in a closed hollow casing, by means of a closed hollow casing A schematic diagram of an embodiment in which the transfer temperature of the fluid constitutes a heat pump or a heat exchange device and is driven by a fluid bi-directional pumping device. Figure 11 is a two-way fluid valve block composed of at least one one-way fluid pump and four fluid valves that can be operated as switches, which together constitute a fluid two-way pumping device, and is formed by a spiral-shaped primary side fluid line and The spiral secondary side fluid pipelines are disposed together in the closed hollow casing, and the temperature-conducting fluid in the closed hollow casing transmits the warm energy to constitute the function of the heat pump or the heat exchange device, and the primary side fluid pipeline A schematic view of an embodiment in which a one-way fluid pump is disposed between at least one of the ends and the primary side fluid source. Figure 12 is a schematic illustration of an embodiment of a two-fluid port in which a fluid bi-directional pumping device is disposed in series with a primary side fluid line through a heat pump or a heat exchange device. Figure 13 is a schematic illustration of an embodiment of a two-fluid bi-directional pumping device of the present invention for serially disposed in series across a fluid port of a primary side fluid line through a heat pump or heat exchange device. Figure 14 is a flow-direction two-way pumping device in which a unidirectional fluid pump of at least two different pumping flows is formed in series for one of two fluid ports of a primary side fluid line of a heat pump or a heat exchange device. A schematic of an embodiment. Figure 15 is a two-way two-way pumping device in which the one-way fluid pump 41 201022607, which is respectively flowed by at least two different pumps, is connected in series for the two sides of the primary side fluid line of the heat pump or the heat exchange device A schematic of an embodiment of a fluid port. Figure 16 is a two-way two-way pumping device of the present invention constructed by paralleling at least two different pumping flows of one-way fluid pumps for two fluids arranged in series on the primary side fluid line of the heat pump or heat exchange device A schematic diagram of an embodiment of one of the ports. Figure 17 is a two-way fluid two-way pumping device in which two-way fluid pumps are respectively connected in series by at least two different pumping flows for fluids respectively disposed at two ends of the primary side fluid line of the heat pump or the heat exchange device. A schematic diagram of an embodiment of the mouth. Figure 18 is a two-way fluid valve block constructed by at least one one-way fluid pump and four bridge-operable fluid valves in a bridge configuration for a primary side fluid line disposed in series with a heat pump or heat exchange device A schematic diagram of an embodiment of one of the fluid ports at both ends. Figure 19 shows two fluid two-way pumping devices consisting of at least one one-way fluid pump and four bridge-operable fluid valves, respectively, for two fluid flow paths in a heat pump or a heat exchange device. A schematic of an embodiment of a fluid port at each of the two ends. Figure 20 is an illustration of an embodiment of a two-fluid port in which a fluid bi-directional pumping device is disposed in series with a secondary side fluid line through a heat pump or heat exchange device. Figure 21 is a schematic illustration of an embodiment of a two-fluid bi-directional pumping device of the present invention for serially disposed in series across a fluid port of a secondary side fluid line through a heat pump or heat exchange device. Figure 22 is a two-way fluid pumping device in which two-way fluid pumps are connected in series by at least two different pumping flows, for one of two fluid ports of a secondary side fluid line of a heat pump or a heat exchange device; A schematic of an embodiment. 42 201022607 Figure 23 is a two-way two-way pumping device in which two-way fluid pumps are respectively connected in series by at least two different pumping flows for the two sides of the secondary side fluid line of the heat pump or the heat exchange device A schematic of an embodiment of a fluid port. - Figure 24 is a two-fluid two-way pumping device of the present invention in which two-way fluid pumps are connected in parallel by at least two different pumping flows, and are provided in series on the secondary side fluid line of the heat pump or the heat exchange device. A schematic of an embodiment of one of the fluid ports. Figure 25 is a two-way fluid two-way pumping device in which two-way fluid pumps are respectively connected in series by at least two different pumping flows, respectively, for being respectively disposed in series at the two ends of the secondary side fluid line of the heat pump or the heat exchange device. A schematic of an embodiment of a fluid port. Figure 26 is a two-way fluid valve block formed by at least one one-way fluid pump and four bridge-operable fluid valves in a bridge type for the secondary side fluid line connected in series to the heat pump or the heat exchange device. A schematic diagram of an embodiment of one of the fluid ports at both ends. Figure 27 is a two-way two-way pumping device composed of at least one one-way fluid pump and four bridge-operable fluid valves, which are respectively arranged in series in a heat pump or a heat exchange device. A schematic diagram of the implementation of G for the fluid ports at the two ends. 43 201022607 [Description of main component symbols] ίο: - secondary fluid 20: secondary fluid 30: temperature-conducting fluid 11: temperature detecting device 50: heat conductor 100: heat pump or heat exchange device 101: - secondary fluid line 102 : secondary side fluid line 120, 120': one-way fluid pump 123: fluid two-way pumping device 124: two-way fluid pump 126: one-way valve 129a, 129b, 129c, 129d: fluid valve 200: closed hollow housing 250: fluid cycle reversing control device 300: power supply 1000: heat exchange device 44