TW201009238A - LED lighting device and illumination method - Google Patents

LED lighting device and illumination method Download PDF


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TW201009238A TW97131657A TW97131657A TW201009238A TW 201009238 A TW201009238 A TW 201009238A TW 97131657 A TW97131657 A TW 97131657A TW 97131657 A TW97131657 A TW 97131657A TW 201009238 A TW201009238 A TW 201009238A
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Chieh Ouyang
Wei Ouyang
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Chieh Ouyang
Wei Ouyang
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Application filed by Chieh Ouyang, Wei Ouyang filed Critical Chieh Ouyang
Priority to TW97131657A priority Critical patent/TWI344528B/en
Publication of TW201009238A publication Critical patent/TW201009238A/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of TWI344528B publication Critical patent/TWI344528B/en



  • Non-Portable Lighting Devices Or Systems Thereof (AREA)
  • Arrangement Of Elements, Cooling, Sealing, Or The Like Of Lighting Devices (AREA)
  • Circuit Arrangement For Electric Light Sources In General (AREA)


A LED lighting device with many curved-surface-arranged LED arrays. To make each LED correspond to one independent illuminated zone and every illuminated zone be covered by illumination unit entirely, lens is installed in front of each LED. As every illumination unit (picture element) is covered by corresponding LED facular, there will be no illumination dark area and brightness of the illumination region will be highly even. Furthermore, as every LED illuminates to its corresponding zone, there will be no light pollution and light effect waste.


201009238 八、新型說明: 【新型所屬之技術領域】 本創作係有關一種led照明裝置,尤指一種使用大功率的LED,在 弧形面上陣列排列的LED,可將整個被照面有效的達到高亮度和均勻的照 明,不存在照射死角和産生光污染。 【先前技術】 近幾年’隨著LED的發光效率增長1〇〇倍,成本下降1〇倍,其在 ,照明領域的發展前景,吸引全球照明大薇家都先後加入led光源及市場 開發中。臺灣、美、曰、歐及中國等均推出了半導體照明計劃。當前,經 濟快速增長,能源緊張的矛盾日益顯現’照明所消耗的電能約占電力總消 耗量的1/6 ’因此提高照明産品的效能,無疑將較大幅度降低能源消耗, 有效緩解目前環保節能的緊張局面。“LED照明’,已被國家列為節能優先 政策和重點領域’大力推動綠色節能照明工程,而LED路燈就是LED照 明技術的重要節能應用。 0 現在的交通道路照明設計’通常採用常規光源的配光曲綫,呈廣角 度圓周正態分佈,而現在道路照明設計大都採用單側照明,這樣就會造成 局部光源浪費在邊緣照明的地方;另外因爲依照現在的交通照設計標準, 道路方向路燈間距一般是3倍於燈高,由於常規光源的配光曲綫的關係, 造成有些光源無法照到的黑暗地帶。這不僅造成能源的浪費,也給夜間行 駛帶來很大的不便,産生安全隱憂。如高速公路照明,路面寬11m,需30m 設置一路燈(燈高12m),如圖一所示’採用單燈照射,單燈光斑半徑爲 4 201009238 5.5m,則光斑面積3.14x5.5mx5.5m = 95ni,而兩燈間光斑未覆蓋路面面 積爲 30mxllm-95m2 =235 πί» 如增大光斑面積,使相鄰兩光斑可以相連接,如圖二所示採用大角 度LED ’則單燈光斑面積=3.14&gt;&lt;15111&gt;&lt;15111:= 7〇6 5记;單燈照射路面面 積 30mxllm = 330irf,照射到路面外面積爲 706.5 rrf _330 irf =376.5 irf, 占總面積的53.2% ,故其有效照射率爲468% ;這種方式雖然解决了兩燈 之間的部分黑暗帶(殘餘黑暗帶區a),但是造成一半以上的光效浪費(光 害區b),且因爲光斑較大,照度較弱。 美國CREE公司網站揭露,如圖三所示的一種LED路燈6,,該路燈 由六組或八組LED分佈在“V”形燈架4,、5,上,中間兩組爲裸燈設置的 LEDlaf、IV,該兩組的LEDli、lb,垂直照射路面,其餘幾組LED 2a,、 2V、3心3b’分別呈不同角度設置於“v”形燈架4,、5*上,且燈頭外設有透 鏡罩,從而使照射範圍增大。這樣就在路面上形成六個或八個並排的圓形 光斑,但兩圓形光斑間仍會有黑暗地帶;CREE公司爲解决上述問題,將 每組LED的數目增加,從而增大每個圓形光斑的面積,如圖四所示,此 時單燈光斑面積約為31.4xl5m = 471 iri (取近似矩形照射面計算),單燈 照射目標路面面積=30mx 11m = 330 m2,單燈光斑照射路面以外面積爲 471 m2 - 330 iri = 141 πί,占光斑總面積的30%,故其有效照射率爲70%, 另外此種路燈還有個缺陷爲光斑明暗相間是不均勻的。 另外歐司朗公司使用了新型橢圓透鏡,使路燈在路面上形成橢圓光 斑,但是如圓五所示這種光斑中心和邊緣的亮度比達到4比1,邊緣的光 度達不到要求,尤其在霧天或雨天,邊緣的亮度可能更少到甚至黑暗。 5 201009238 臺灣光寶公司在圖二基礎上,採用遮光的方式將照射到路面外的光 反射回路面。即燈桿方向垂直遮光,另_端採狀射方式^這種方案解决 了部分光效浪費’但光斑巾帅兩端的亮度比達到4比卜邊緣的光度達 不到要求,尤其在霧天或雨天,邊緣的亮度可能更少甚至黑暗。 中國專利公職復9觸8分賦LED投賴財法公開一種 LED路燈,其方案是確定被照射面和大功率發光二極管燈的數量;設置大 功率發光二極管燈;g&amp;設投影透鏡組;其巾被騎面可_分成相鄰且按 一定規則分佈的一個個被照射面單元,被照射面單元的數量與大功率發光 二極管燈的數量相同;被照射單元的面積的光通量乂投影透鏡透過率/被照 面要求的平均照度;但該專利沒有考慮到路燈是設在12m高的燈桿上,光 從LED照到地面上要經12m到22m的距離,實際接收端被照物表面上單 個像素點的有效光通量=(發射端對應LED的總光通量X熱衰减因素X透鏡 泮取率+餘光)X透過率X距離損失因素,因此亮度要遠小於該專利中所述 的15 Lux,因此其燈的數目顧然不能如該專利所述設置,故其沒有工業實 用性’另外如該專利附圓如圖六所示,其外圍LED呈現環形設置,因此 其在地面上的照射面只能是圓形或者橢圓形’無法實現道路的矩形照射。 中國專利ZL200720039483.1公開了一種大功率LED路燈,如圓七 所示其具體實施方案爲:(7b爲兩端封擋、8b爲翅形散熱片、%爲殼體、 ⑽爲導熱膠、lib爲印刷電路板、12b爲密封圈、13b爲出光透鏡、1牝 爲發光二極管、15b爲透光罩、16b爲封擋固定孔)。LED14b貼裝在鋁基 印刷電路板lib上,鋁基印刷電路板lib嵌入在燈頭殼體%内側,LED14b 的出光透鏡13b ’透光罩15b直接與殼體%連接,殼想%内設有翅形散 6 201009238 熱片8b,LED14b沿縱向或環形或呈陣列狀均勻分佈於透光罩15b内。根 據該專利所述:該專利的透鏡排列方式類似於CREE的V排列,只不過形 式改爲倒V形(與專利200720005613.X的沙漏形相同),同樣在被照射 面上形成與CREE路燈相似的光斑;故該專利也會産生同CREE路燈相同 的問題。 現在一般的LED路燈大都採取一體化的設計(例如:光寶、cRgE 等),驅動電源、防水外殼、LED等都容納在一起,當出現故障時,維修 ◎ 需要整組拆卸’非常不方便;而且LED和驅動電源兩個發熱源,在同一 個空間内發熱會有較大的熱干擾,熱量一旦不及時散發,就會影黎LED 的工作效率以及壽命。 【新型内容】 本新型的内容是提供一種照射範圍較大且照明亮度較均勻,在有效 照射範圍之内最亮處與最暗處照度比趨近於1 : 1,無黑帶、無光污染的 LED照明燈具。 ❹ 本新型採用以下技術方案來實現:一種LED燈具,其包括透鏡模組、 外殼散熱模組、LED模組、固定模組和驅動電源模組;所述透鏡模組包括 燈罩和安裝在燈罩上的凸透鏡;所述LED模組由固定管身和安裝在固定 管身上的LED組成,每一 LED與每一凸透鏡一一對應,並且每一 LED發 出的光能够垂直通過相對應的凸透鏡,所述LED在呈弩形曲面陣列分佈, 相鄰兩個LED在路面上的光斑邊緣部分重叠’所有LED的光斑佈滿所需 照射路面;LED的數量和分佈,要滿足其有效照射率至少爲0.75,所述有 效照射率爲燈具的有效照射面積與燈具的總照射面積的比值。 201009238 的配置可使被照射路面最亮處與最暗處的照度比趨近於丨。照射區域的個 數滿足燈具的有效照射率至少爲0.75,其巾,所述有效縣率爲燈具的有 效照射面積與燈具的總照射面積的比值。 在路面寬度方向上至少具有兩麵射區域,燈桿左右兩側的照射區 域關於燈桿對稱分佈。適當的配置,所述有效照射率爲至少爲〇 75。 每個照射ϋ域的Φ積大趙相同,每個LED在路面上的光斑對應完全 覆蓋每個照射區域。適當的配置,相鄰兩個照射區域的面積不同,每個 LED在路面上的光斑對應完全覆蓋每個照射區域。 所述每個LED的發光效率相同和驅動電流相同。然而,每個led 的發光效率也可不同,或者爲每個LED提供的驅動電流不同。 本發明還提供-種LED燈具,其包括透鏡模組、外般散熱模組、led 模組、固定模組和躲動電源模組;所述透鏡模組包括燈罩和安裝在燈罩上 的凸透鏡;所述LED模組由固定管身和安裝在固定管身上的LED組成, 每-LED與每-凸透鏡一龍,並且每_ LED發丨的光_垂直通過 ❿ 相對應的凸透鏡’所述LED在呈臀形曲面陣列分佈,相鄰兩個LED在路 面上的光斑邊緣部分重叠,所有LED的光斑佈滿所需照射路面;哪的 數量和分佈,要滿足其有效照射率至少爲〇,75,所述有效照射率爲燈具的 有效照射面積與燈具的總照射面積的比值。 本發明還提供一種將LED排列在LED燈具上的方法,其包括: (一)將-個LED燈具所控制照射的路面刻分爲多個正方形照射區域,所 有照射區域佈滿需歸路面’紅方脚爲每-LED在路面所形成 201009238 光斑的内接正方形,照射區域的數量即爲燈具上LED的數量,其中 LED的數量和分佈要滿足其有效照射率爲〇 75以上; (二) 如圓八所示,x轴爲道路長度方向,Y轴爲道路寬度方向,Z軸則爲 燈桿高度方向,按照下述公式計算每個LED在所述LED燈具上的安 裝位置: a-arcCos^lML·^! 20Μ·ΜΝ P=arcC〇S 壓2+娜2_撕 7ΜΡ·ΜΝ201009238 VIII. New description: [New technical field] This creation is related to a kind of LED lighting device, especially a LED with high power, which is arranged in an array on the curved surface, which can effectively achieve the high illumination of the entire surface. Brightness and uniform illumination, no illumination dead spots and light pollution. [Prior technology] In recent years, as the luminous efficiency of LEDs has increased by 1 times and the cost has decreased by 1 times, its development prospects in the field of lighting have attracted the global lighting of Dawei to join the LED light source and market development. . Taiwan, the United States, China, Europe and China have all launched semiconductor lighting plans. At present, the rapid economic growth and the contradiction of energy shortages are increasingly showing that the energy consumed by lighting accounts for about 1/6 of the total electricity consumption. Therefore, improving the efficiency of lighting products will undoubtedly reduce energy consumption and effectively alleviate current environmental protection and energy conservation. The tension. "LED lighting" has been listed as a priority policy and key area of energy conservation by the country to promote green energy-saving lighting projects, and LED street lamps are important energy-saving applications for LED lighting technology. 0 Current traffic road lighting design 'usually uses conventional light source The light curve is normally distributed at a wide angle, and now most of the road lighting design uses single-sided illumination, which will cause the local light source to be wasted in the edge lighting; in addition, according to the current traffic design standards, the road direction street lights are generally spaced. It is 3 times the height of the lamp. Due to the relationship of the light distribution curve of the conventional light source, it creates a dark area that some light sources cannot reach. This not only causes waste of energy, but also brings great inconvenience to night driving, resulting in safety concerns. Highway lighting, road width 11m, 30m set of street lights (lights 12m), as shown in Figure 1 'with single lamp illumination, single light spot radius 4 201009238 5.5m, the spot area is 3.14x5.5mx5.5m = 95ni, and the spot between the two lights does not cover the road surface area is 30mxllm-95m2 = 235 πί» If you increase the spot area, make the adjacent two lights Can be connected, as shown in Figure 2, using a large-angle LED 'single light spot area = 3.14> <lt;15111&gt;&lt;15111:= 7〇6 5; single lamp illumination road surface area 30mxllm = 330irf, illuminate the road surface The outer area is 706.5 rrf _330 irf = 376.5 irf, which accounts for 53.2% of the total area, so its effective irradiation rate is 468%; this method solves part of the dark band between the two lamps (residual dark band a), but More than half of the light effect is wasted (light damage zone b), and because of the large spot size, the illumination is weak. The US CREE website reveals an LED street light 6 as shown in Figure 3, which is composed of six groups or eight groups. The LEDs are distributed on the "V"-shaped lamp holders 4, 5, and the middle two groups are LEDlaf and IV set by the bare lamps. The LEDli and lb of the two groups are vertically illuminated to the road surface, and the remaining groups of LEDs 2a, 2V, and 3 The cores 3b' are respectively disposed at different angles on the "v"-shaped lamp holders 4, 5*, and a lens cover is provided outside the lamp cap to increase the irradiation range. Thus, six or eight side by side are formed on the road surface. Round spot, but there will still be dark areas between the two round spots; CREE is trying to solve the above problems, The number of LEDs in each group increases, thereby increasing the area of each circular spot, as shown in Figure 4. At this time, the single-light spot area is about 31.4xl5m = 471 iri (calculated as an approximate rectangular illumination surface), and the single-lamp illumination target The road surface area = 30mx 11m = 330 m2, the area outside the single-light spot illumination is 471 m2 - 330 iri = 141 πί, accounting for 30% of the total spot area, so the effective illumination rate is 70%. The defect is that the light spots are uneven and the phases are uneven. In addition, OSRAM uses a new elliptical lens to create an elliptical spot on the road surface. However, as shown in Figure 5, the brightness of the center and edge of the spot is 4 to 1. The edge luminosity is not required, especially in fog. Or on rainy days, the brightness of the edges may be even to dark. 5 201009238 On the basis of Figure 2, Taiwan Lite-On Company will use a light-shielding method to illuminate the light reflection circuit surface outside the road surface. That is, the direction of the pole is vertically shaded, and the other method is to solve the partial waste of light efficiency. However, the brightness of the ends of the spotted towel is less than 4, and the luminosity of the edge is not up to the requirement, especially in fog or On rainy days, the brightness of the edges may be less or even dark. China Patent Public Service 9 Touch 8 points LED investment law to disclose an LED street light, its solution is to determine the number of illuminated surface and high-power LED light; set high-power LED light; g &amp; set projection lens group; The towel riding surface can be divided into adjacent ones and a plurality of irradiated surface units distributed according to a certain rule, the number of illuminated surface units is the same as the number of high-power LED lamps; the luminous flux of the area of the irradiated unit 乂 projection lens transmittance / The average illumination required by the face; but the patent does not take into account that the street light is set on a 12m high pole, the light from the LED to the ground to be 12m to 22m, the actual receiving end is a single pixel on the surface of the object The effective luminous flux of the point = (the total luminous flux of the LED corresponding to the LED at the emitting end X thermal attenuation factor X lens extraction rate + residual light) X transmittance X distance loss factor, so the brightness is much smaller than the 15 Lux described in the patent, so its The number of lamps cannot be set as described in the patent, so it has no industrial applicability. In addition, as the patent is attached to the circle as shown in Fig. 6, the peripheral LEDs are arranged in a ring shape, so that they are on the ground. The upper illuminated surface can only be circular or elliptical. Chinese patent ZL200720039483.1 discloses a high-power LED street lamp, as shown by the circle seven. Its specific implementation scheme is: (7b is blocked at both ends, 8b is fin-shaped heat sink, % is shell, (10) is thermal paste, lib It is a printed circuit board, 12b is a sealing ring, 13b is a light-emitting lens, 1 is a light-emitting diode, 15b is a light-transmitting cover, and 16b is a sealing fixing hole). The LED 14b is mounted on the aluminum-based printed circuit board lib, the aluminum-based printed circuit board lib is embedded inside the base of the lamp housing, and the light-emitting lens 13b of the LED 14b is transparently connected to the housing, and the shell is provided with wings. Shaped Dispersion 6 201009238 The hot sheet 8b, the LEDs 14b are evenly distributed in the transmissive cover 15b in the longitudinal direction or in a ring shape or in an array. According to the patent: the lens arrangement of this patent is similar to the C arrangement of CREE, except that the form is changed to an inverted V shape (the same as the hourglass shape of the patent 200720005613.X), and similarly formed on the illuminated surface is similar to the CREE street light. The spot; therefore, the patent will also produce the same problems as CREE street lights. Nowadays, most of the general LED street lights adopt integrated design (for example: Lite-On, cRgE, etc.), and the drive power supply, waterproof case, LED, etc. are all accommodated together. When a fault occurs, the repair ◎ needs the entire set of disassembly 'very inconvenient; Moreover, the two heat sources of LED and driving power source will have large thermal interference in the same space, and once the heat is not dissipated in time, the efficiency and life of the LED will be improved. [New content] The content of the novel is to provide a large illumination range and uniform illumination brightness. The illumination ratio in the brightest part and the darkest part within the effective illumination range is close to 1: 1, no black belt, no light pollution. LED lighting fixtures. The present invention adopts the following technical solutions: an LED lamp comprising a lens module, a housing heat dissipation module, an LED module, a fixed module and a driving power module; the lens module includes a lamp cover and is mounted on the lamp cover a convex lens; the LED module is composed of a fixed tube body and an LED mounted on the fixed tube body, each LED is in one-to-one correspondence with each convex lens, and light emitted by each LED can vertically pass through a corresponding convex lens, The LEDs are distributed in a circular curved array, and the adjacent two LEDs overlap on the edge of the spot on the road surface. 'All the LED spots are covered with the required illumination surface; the number and distribution of the LEDs must meet the effective illumination rate of at least 0.75. The effective illumination rate is the ratio of the effective illumination area of the luminaire to the total illumination area of the luminaire. The configuration of 201009238 can make the illumination ratio of the brightest part and the darkest part of the illuminated road surface close to 丨. The number of irradiated areas satisfies the effective illumination rate of the luminaire of at least 0.75, and the effective county rate is the ratio of the effective illuminating area of the luminaire to the total illuminating area of the luminaire. There are at least two surface-emitting areas in the width direction of the road surface, and the irradiation areas on the left and right sides of the lamp pole are symmetrically distributed with respect to the lamp pole. With appropriate configuration, the effective illumination rate is at least 〇75. The Φ product of each illuminating area is the same, and the spot of each LED on the road surface completely covers each illuminating area. With proper configuration, the areas of the adjacent two illumination areas are different, and the spot of each LED on the road surface completely covers each of the illumination areas. Each of the LEDs has the same luminous efficiency and the same driving current. However, the luminous efficiency of each LED can also be different, or the driving current provided for each LED is different. The invention also provides an LED lamp comprising a lens module, an external heat dissipation module, a LED module, a fixed module and a dodge power module; the lens module comprises a lamp cover and a convex lens mounted on the lamp cover; The LED module is composed of a fixed pipe body and an LED mounted on the fixed pipe body, each LED is one dragon with each convex lens, and the light of each _ LED hair is perpendicularly passed through the corresponding convex lens of the ' In the array of hip-shaped curved surfaces, the adjacent LEDs overlap on the edge of the spot on the road surface, and all the LED spots are covered with the required illumination; the number and distribution of the LEDs must meet the effective illumination rate of at least 〇75. The effective illumination rate is the ratio of the effective illumination area of the luminaire to the total illumination area of the luminaire. The invention also provides a method for arranging LEDs on an LED lamp, comprising: (1) engraving a road surface controlled by an LED lamp into a plurality of square irradiation regions, all of which are covered with a road surface red The square feet are the inscribed squares of the 201009238 spot formed by each LED on the road surface. The number of illumination areas is the number of LEDs on the lamp, and the number and distribution of the LEDs must satisfy the effective illumination rate of 〇75 or more; As shown in the circle 8, the x-axis is the length direction of the road, the Y-axis is the road width direction, and the Z-axis is the height of the pole. The mounting position of each LED on the LED luminaire is calculated according to the following formula: a-arcCos^ lML·^! 20Μ·ΜΝ P=arcC〇S Pressure 2+ Na 2_Tear 7ΜΡ·ΜΝ


2MQ.MN 其中’OP爲燈桿到照射區域中心的橫向距離,PN爲燈桿到照射區域 中心的縱向距離,OM爲燈桿垂直高度,MN爲LED燈具到照射區域 中心的距離,ΜΝ=4〇μ2+〇Ρ2+ρν2,α爲ΜΝ連綫方向與燈桿的夾 角,β爲ΜΝ連綫方向在路寬與路面垂直方向的夾角,丫爲^連綫 方向在路長與路面垂直方向的夾角; (三) 根據計算出的角度,將每一 LED安裝在所述LED燈具上,在LED 燈具照射範圍内的任意LED的照射距離以及位置,均可由以上公式 計算得出。 爲達到整個被照射面的均勻照明使最亮與最暗處的照度比趨近於1: 1 ’可以採用不同發光效率的LED燈(相同電流,流明值不同)或者給相 同的LED提供不同的驅動電流^ 電路控制:因爲在特定環境或者是有照度要求的情况下,我們需要更 高的亮度來滿足需求,所以此時需要提高輸出的恒流電流大小,用原有的 LED來獲得更高的光通量和照度,此調節方式爲四段調節: 9 201009238 四段調整式:2MQ.MN where 'OP is the lateral distance from the pole to the center of the illumination area, PN is the longitudinal distance from the pole to the center of the illumination area, OM is the vertical height of the pole, and MN is the distance from the LED fixture to the center of the illumination area, ΜΝ=4 〇μ2+〇Ρ2+ρν2, α is the angle between the direction of the ΜΝ line and the pole, β is the angle between the width of the ΜΝ line and the vertical direction of the road surface, and 丫 is the angle between the line length and the vertical direction of the road surface. (3) According to the calculated angle, each LED is mounted on the LED lamp, and the illumination distance and position of any LED within the illumination range of the LED lamp can be calculated by the above formula. In order to achieve uniform illumination of the entire illuminated surface, the illumination ratio in the brightest and darkest places approaches 1: 1 'LED lamps with different luminous efficiencies (same current, different lumen values) or different LEDs can be used. Drive current ^ Circuit control: Because in the specific environment or illuminance requirements, we need higher brightness to meet the demand, so we need to increase the output constant current current, use the original LED to get higher Luminous flux and illuminance, this adjustment method is four-stage adjustment: 9 201009238 Four-stage adjustment:

I輸入電壓:100〜264VAC 2·輪出電壓範圍:10V〜42VDCI input voltage: 100~264VAC 2. Rounding voltage range: 10V~42VDC

3. 輪出電流調整段數:350mA、500mA、700mA、1000mA3. The number of round current adjustment segments: 350mA, 500mA, 700mA, 1000mA

4. 每一波段最高可使用的瓦數:MAX 15W 5. 效率:80% (預估) 6. 平均無故障時間(MTBF) : 100,000小時 H 7.防雷擊(Surge Immunity Test,EN61000-4-5 L-N 1KV ; L-G 2KV ; N-G 2KV) * IP65 8. 短路保護(AUTO RECOVER)4. The maximum wattage available per band: MAX 15W 5. Efficiency: 80% (estimated) 6. Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF): 100,000 hours H 7. Surge Immunity Test (EN61000-4) -5 LN 1KV ; LG 2KV ; NG 2KV) * IP65 8. Short circuit protection (AUTO RECOVER)

9. 溫升:25°C 10. 電壓調整方法:指撥開關或阻尼調節(DAMP)方式 在燈罩上蓋上設有若干散熱内鰭片,其中在散熱内鰭片外部設有弧 形外鰭片’該外鰭片與燈罩間形成沿散熱内鰭片徑向方向的空氣通道。 〇 所述的LED設置在若干組模塊上,在模塊上設置集成有凸透鏡的透 明罩’所述的LED路燈’燈體爲拱形,用支架連接一端放置LED模塊, 一端放置驅動電源。 所述的電源爲與LED模塊數量對應的密閉電源盒,驅動電源模組與 LED照明模組分離,每個電源盒内設有與一組LED模塊數量相等的恒流 電源,該恒流電源兩端分別插接在高低壓插接座上。 所述的LED照明燈具模組内燈殼内,底面由若干不同角度的小平面 構成,每個平面上都設有LED固定孔,LED通過固定孔用螺釘固定在燈 201009238 殼上;該LED照明燈具燈罩呈波浪形,在燈罩上與每個LED對應的位置 設有凸透鏡’該凸透鏡與LED光路垂直。 所述的LED通過螺釘固定在燈殼底部上,每個LED下有墊片通過 控制墊片的厚度以及數量,來控制每個LED到其相對應透鏡的距離,從 而以焦距的調整來實現每個LED通過透鏡産生的光斑大小。 所述的LED照明燈具中間部分LED燈採用平板燈罩’在兩端的LED 前部設置透鏡採用廣域多角度的照射方法。 _ 採用上述的技術方案後,由於每一個LED對應路面上一個照射區 域,而光斑是LED的彙聚光而不是發散光,亮度較均勻。通過調節透鏡 裝置來控制該光斑的大小,該光斑既可以是邊緣相連或邊緣形成重叠。由 於待照射區域上的每個照明單元都被相應的LED形成的光斑所覆蓋,因 此不存在照射死角,整個被照面亮度非常均勻;同時所有LED均照射在 對應區域,不會照射到路面外面,不會産生光污染,也不會有光效浪費; 而負責照明的LED模組與驅動電源模組採用分離設置,避免發熱源之間 〇 的熱干擾,降低LED溫升和提高發光效率;將燈具整體模組方式分開後, 還能顯著的降低風阻、增大散熱面積;且模組化的人性設計,也使得後期 的維護變得非常方便(每個模組的電源或者LED損壞,不需要立即維護, 因爲其他模組仍可正常工作,不影響照明,只需定期統一維護即可)β 201009238 【實施方式】9. Temperature rise: 25°C 10. Voltage adjustment method: Dip switch or damping adjustment (DAMP) method is provided with a number of heat dissipation inner fins on the cover of the lampshade, wherein curved outer fins are provided outside the heat dissipation inner fins. An air passage is formed between the outer fin and the lamp cover in a radial direction of the heat dissipation inner fin. 〇 The LEDs are disposed on a plurality of sets of modules, and the transparent hoods integrated with the convex lenses are disposed on the module. The LED street lamps are arched, and the LED module is placed at one end by a bracket, and the driving power source is placed at one end. The power supply is a sealed power supply box corresponding to the number of LED modules, and the driving power supply module is separated from the LED lighting module. Each power supply box is provided with a constant current power supply equal to the number of LED modules, and the constant current power supply has two The terminals are respectively inserted into the high and low voltage sockets. In the LED lighting fixture module, the bottom surface is composed of a plurality of small planes of different angles, each of which is provided with an LED fixing hole, and the LED is fixed to the lamp 201009238 by a fixing hole; the LED lighting The lampshade is wavy, and a convex lens is disposed on the lampshade corresponding to each LED. The convex lens is perpendicular to the LED light path. The LEDs are fixed on the bottom of the lamp shell by screws, and each of the LEDs has a gasket to control the distance of each LED to its corresponding lens by controlling the thickness and the number of the spacers, thereby realizing the adjustment of the focal length. The size of the spot produced by the LEDs through the lens. The LED lamp in the middle part of the LED lighting fixture adopts a flat lampshade. The lens is disposed at the front end of the LED at both ends by a wide-area multi-angle illumination method. _ After adopting the above technical solution, since each LED corresponds to an illumination area on the road surface, and the light spot is the concentrated light of the LED instead of the divergent light, the brightness is relatively uniform. The size of the spot is controlled by adjusting the lens means, which may be either edge-connected or edge-formed. Since each illumination unit on the area to be illuminated is covered by the spot formed by the corresponding LED, there is no illumination dead angle, and the brightness of the entire illuminated surface is very uniform; at the same time, all the LEDs are irradiated in the corresponding area and will not be irradiated to the outside of the road surface. There will be no light pollution and no waste of light effect; and the LED module responsible for lighting and the driving power module are separated to avoid thermal interference between the heat sources, reduce the temperature rise of the LED and improve the luminous efficiency; After the overall module mode is separated, the wind resistance can be significantly reduced and the heat dissipation area can be increased. The modular human design also makes the maintenance of the later stage very convenient (the power supply or LED of each module is damaged, and it is not needed immediately. Maintenance, because other modules can still work normally, without affecting the lighting, only regular maintenance can be performed) β 201009238 [Embodiment]

下面將結合附囷,對發明進行詳細描述。如圖八、@十所示,· 照射面均分’使每個LED對應路面上一個獨立的照射區域,因爲每個咖 只負責-個小的_區域,故只有負責邊緣_照射的led會有光源的 浪費’如圖十-所示:對於長L寬w的矩職射面,將其均分爲邊長爲㈣ 的η等份’以b爲直徑的圓犰就是單一 LED加透鏡所需要在被照面上的 像素點。照射區域分別爲正常照射區域B2、重叠照射區B3 (兩相鄰光斑 重叠區域)、光害區B1 (位於所需照射區域之外),但細_示該區域 的範圍非常之小’基本可以忽略不計,單光斑的光害區面積 S**=(^x(|)2-〇2)/4 ; S .,b =石a·, -«0.091 相比於總照射面積有 害—S光畜 X yThe invention will be described in detail below with reference to the accompanying drawings. As shown in Figure 8, @10, · The surface of the illumination is divided into 'each LED corresponds to an independent illumination area on the road surface, because each coffee is only responsible for a small _ area, so only the LED responsible for the edge _ illumination will There is a waste of light source as shown in Figure 10: For a momental surface with a length L width w, divide it into η aliquots with a side length of (4) 'The diameter of b is a single LED plus lens Need pixel points on the illuminated surface. The irradiation areas are normal irradiation area B2, overlapping irradiation area B3 (two adjacent spot overlapping areas), and light harmful area B1 (outside the required irradiation area), but the range of the area is very small. Neglected, the area of the light-damage area of a single spot S**=(^x(|)2-〇2)/4; S.,b=stone a·, -«0.091 is harmful compared to the total illumination area-S-light Animal X y

注··式中r爲光害區域的數量,η爲照射面均分的數量,當單光斑照射時 λγ=4 ’ η=1 ’此時的值爲〇 364,但是我們知道此種廣域多角度的LED 嫌面積 燈具是用於大範圍的投射和泛光照明使用,故LED的數目都會比較多,5 ηIn the formula, r is the number of light-damaged areas, and η is the number of equally divided areas. When single-spot is irradiated, λγ=4 ' η=1 'The value at this time is 〇364, but we know this kind of wide area. Multi-angle LED luminaires are used for a wide range of projection and floodlighting, so the number of LEDs will be more, 5 η

的值都會遠小於1,_粗的值就會趨近於〇,所以我們可以說該種LED b雄面税 照明燈具的光污染趨近於〇,有效照射率將趨近於1。 如圖九所示:在發光源led的光能通過透鏡聚焦以後,再投射到被 12 201009238 照射面這個過程中’發射端(LED端)的發射總光通量和接受端(被照射 物表面)的接受總光通量並不是相同的,因爲他們會被光源的工作參數、 發光源距離被照物表面的距離、其他光源的干涉、透鏡的萃取率、燈罩的 透過率、空氣中微小顆粒的體積等影響,發射端的發射總光通量和接受端 的接受總光通量滿足以下公式: 接收端被照物表面上單個像素點的有效光通量=(發射端對應LED 的總光通量X熱衰减因素X透鏡淬取率+餘光)X透過率X距離損失因素 Φ 有效=Ey 乎== ( φνχρχη + φ 錄光)χ^χμ Εν料(照度:被照物表面的平均照度爲測量值或設計要求值;單位:勒克 斯 llux=llm/m2); A (被照物被照亮的面積單位:平方米m2); Φν (發射端對應LED的總光通量,LED的型號和其工作參數决定,單位: 流明lm); P (熱衰减因素,LED的發光效率會受到工作環境和元器件溫度變化的影 響,其值在0〜1之間); η (透鏡萃取率,LED所發射出的光被透鏡聚焦折射的量與LED發射出總 的光的比值,與LED和透鏡之間的距離、LED —次發光角度和透鏡的 有效光學面積有關,其值在0〜1之間); Φ錄*(因爲該LED燈具的發光源不是單一 LED而是多LED陣列,故LED 光源之間會有相互影饗,餘光值的大小與LED陣列的排列方式、LED 和透鏡之間的距離有關,單位:流明lm); λ(透過率’該LED燈具的透鏡和透明燈罩,均由pmm壓克力射出成型, 13 201009238 因爲光綫穿過透明材料都會有損耗,該損耗與透明材料的材質有關, 其值在0〜1之間); μ (光綫經過透鏡和透明燈罩以後射出燈具,然後經過一段路程到達被照 射物表面’在光綫這個穿越過程中,光綫會因爲被空氣中的微小塵埃 粒子、小液滴等反射和吸收在到達被照射物表面時减弱;果值與照射 距離、空氣的溫濕度、天氣狀况等等因素有關,其值在〇〜丨之間); 通過上述公式,在瞭解被照射區要求(面積與平均照度)的條件下, 〇 即可反求出該led照明燈具所需的發光效率或LED的驅動電流,以及總 的LED數量。 以高速公路爲例,若採用本燈具:採用12m燈桿可達到30m (燈距 30m)乘11m的矩形照射範圍,距離燈具的最遠照射距離爲22m,若在22m 處的平均照度要求爲15 Lux,單燈提供照射面積爲φ2.5πι的圓,根據公 式·· Φ*效=Ey乎均xA = (Φνχρχη+Φ餘*) χλχμ,用適當的參數即可推算 出負責該處照明的LED需要100流明的總光通量。而整個照射面積爲s ❹ =30mxllm = 330m2 ’整塊面積的平均照度爲15Lux,同樣依據上述公 式經計算得出,我們僅需要8,000流明(即1〇〇只8〇流明的led)的總 光通量即可滿足照射要求。 如圖十二、圓十三所示,本新型的LED燈具由透鏡模組1、外般散 熱模組2、LED模組3和固定模組4組成;透鏡模組1由燈罩u和凸透 鏡12組成;LED模組3由固定管身31、LED32組成;固定模組4由主樑 41和副樑42組成。呈彎形曲面陣列分佈的LED32安裝在固定管身31上, 201009238 每-組固定管身呈發散狀設在卿42上,娜42安裝在主樑41上,兩 相鄰副樑形成夾角’使固定管身之間呈發散狀設置。透鏡模組i的燈 罩11表面呈多組台階狀’每個台階面對應—JU定管身31,在台階階面上 均設有凸透鏡12 ’該凸透鏡12可以是與透明燈罩u 一體成型,或者是在 台階階面上設有通孔,凸透鏡12黏接或以其他方式設置在該通孔内。透 明燈罩12設計成台階狀的目的,是使凸透鏡12與每個固定管身31上的 LED32發A的触直,以達卿㈣狀,通綱節凸透鏡^與咖^ 的距離’使該LED32發出的光在照射物上形成光斑,由於固定管身31 都呈發散設置’可赠每_綠㈣上的LED32發㈣紐別照射不 同的區域,從而實現分區照射,每細定管身31上的咖32形成的光斑 可以是獨立的,也可通過調節使光斑邊緣相接;將組合好的透鏡模組i、 LED模組3和外殼散熱模組2裝配好後,通過固定模組4的主支樑汜和 燈桿接頭44將燈具固定在燈桿上。外殼散熱模組2有21、22、23、24、 25五組,其上設有若干散熱内鰭片26,如圓十四所示,帶有弧形外表面 的弧形外則27與散熱⑽;^ 26在散減組2±表面形成徑向方向的空 氣通道。 如圏十五、十六、十七和十八,所述的LED照明燈具由照明模組(由 透鏡模組la和LED模組2a組成)、固定模組3a、驅動電源模組乜組成; 照明模組爲10組,分兩排以拱橋形呈發散狀設置在固定模組允上。 固定模組3a由固定片3 la、支撑架似、主支撑桿说以及燈桿接頭 34a、卡簧35a、固定螺釘36a組成,驅動電源模組如設置在支撑架3如 上’每_動W敝#裏錢置有额__量相等雜流媒動電 15 201009238 源41a,該恒流驅動電源4ia兩端分別接插在高低壓接插座上每組照明 模組匕含10只LED燈組成(350mA電流的基礎標準功耗爲,其具 體功耗由驅動電源模組提供的電流决定,爲可調整值),當標準功耗爲 100W時’爲减少LED燈具體積’ LED照明模組分爲兩大組前4模組、 後6模組作平行排列 採用上述方案後,LED與電源均採用模塊化設置,當一個模塊損壞 後,不影響整燈的照明,採用插件的方式可以維修方便和成本低;另外電 源和LED分別設置,有利散熱,另可以在兩弧面間設散熱片。採用模塊 化LED燈和電源後,當其中一個LED或電源發生故障時不會影響整個 LED燈的卿,因此不需要隨時維修,只需在—定周期進行維護,同時維 修時只要換其中的一個模塊,而不需將整個燈拆下來進行更換。 如圓十七所示,所述的照明模組由透鏡模組la和LED模組2a組成, 透鏡模組la和LED模組2a安裝在燈殼5a内,燈殼5a内表面爲多角度台 階面拼合而成,每個台階面的角度呈發散狀,每個台階面上固定一個 LED21a,透鏡模組la安置在LED模組2a上方,透鏡模組表面也呈多角 度台階面’每個台階面的角度與燈殼5a的角度相對應,透鏡模組的每一 個台階面上都設置一個凸透鏡11a,該凸透鏡lla與LED21a的光路相垂 直’LED21a與燈殼5a之間有墊片6a,該墊片有多種規格,通過調整墊片 的厚度來調整LED21a與透鏡模組la之間的距離,使該LED21a發出的光 在被照物上形成光斑,由於燈殼5a内表面台階面都呈發散設置,所以每 個台階面上的LED21a發出的光分別照射不同的區域,從而實現分區照 射,每個台階面上的LED21a形成的光斑可以是獨立的,也可通過調節使 201009238 光斑邊緣相接;透鏡模組1使用卡環51a固定在燈殼5a上,透鏡模組la 與燈殼5a中間置矽膠防水條7a,緊壓後達到防水的作用。 圖十八所示,所述的驅動電源模組4a由恒流驅動電源41a、密封圈 42a、上蓋43a、低壓端子44a、卡扣45a、殼體46a和高壓端子47a組成, 恒流驅動電源41a置於殼體46a中,在恒流驅動電源41a兩端分別是低壓 端子44a和高壓端子47a,交流輸入和直流輸出分別用方便插拔的防水接 口端子來連接方便維護和組裝操作,上蓋43a和殼體46a之間有密封圏 42a’上蓋43a壓緊42a則可起到密封防水的作用。 由於LED按不同角度設置,可實現對被照射物的分區照射,每組安 裝導柱上的LED可採用不同的顏色,如照射草地用綠色,照射水池用藍 色,照射車道用白色’照射人行道用暖白色等,每個安裝導柱上可設兩種 以上不同顏色的LED,可根據需要,通過電路控制實現每個安裝導柱上的 LED發出的光呈現不同的顏色,該顏色可以是固定的也可以是漸變的或者 爲跳躍閃爍,而多組LED還可實現跑馬燈的功能。 本發明路燈照射區域也可按角度進行分區,LED在加二次光學透鏡 後’其照射角將變小’通過調節LED與透鏡間距離,照射角將在幾度到 30度間變化’這樣每一盞LED燈在照射面上形成若干亮度均勻的呈現陣 列排列的光斑》 如圓十九和圖二十,爲減小路燈的體積、降低風阻,本新型也可在 道路長度方向的中間部份採用光寶或者是0SRAM的方式進行照明,在道 路長度方向的兩端的LED前部設置透鏡,利用透鏡聚光的特性爲邊緣補 光,這樣就解決了歐司朗和光寶公司路燈中間亮邊緣暗的問題。 17 201009238 另外由於本新型採用分區照射,人眼最多只看到兩個一半的LED, 因此不會産生炫光,較安全,不會有光污染。 【圖式簡單說明】 圖一是習用路燈路面照射示意圖; 圖二是另一習用路燈路面照射示意圖; 圖三是美國CREE公司路燈結構示意圖; 圖四是美國CREE公司路燈路面照射示意圖; _ 圖五是常用路燈光斑不同區域照度比值示意圖; 圖六是又一對比技術結構示意圖; 圖七是再一對比技術結構示意圖; 圖八是本發明單LED照射角度示意圖; 圖九是本發明LED光路示意圓; 圖十是本發明光斑填充示意圖; 圖十一是發明型光害模擬示意圖; 圖十二是本發明技術方案一組合圖; © 圖十三是本發明技術方案一爆炸圖; 圖十四是本發明技術方案一内鰭片示意圖; 圓十五是本發明技術方案二組合圖; 圖十六是本發明技術方案二爆炸圖; 圖十七是本發明技術方案二照明模組單體爆炸圖; 圖十八是本發明技術方案二電源盒結構爆炸圖; 圖十九是本發明技術方案三光斑示意圖; 圖二十是本發明技術方案三結構示意圖。 201009238 【主要元件符號說明】The value will be much smaller than 1, and the value of _ will be close to 〇, so we can say that the light pollution of this kind of LED b male-faced lighting fixtures is close to 〇, and the effective irradiation rate will approach 1. As shown in Figure IX: after the light energy of the LED of the illumination source is focused by the lens, it is projected onto the total luminous flux of the emission end (LED end) and the receiving end (the surface of the irradiated object) during the process of being irradiated by 12 201009238. The total luminous flux is not the same, because they will be affected by the working parameters of the light source, the distance of the light source from the surface of the object, the interference of other light sources, the extraction rate of the lens, the transmittance of the lampshade, the volume of tiny particles in the air, etc. The total luminous flux at the transmitting end and the total luminous flux at the receiving end satisfy the following formula: Effective luminous flux at a single pixel point on the surface of the receiving object at the receiving end = (total luminous flux corresponding to the LED at the transmitting end X Thermal attenuation factor X lens extraction rate + residual light X transmittance X distance loss factor Φ effective = Ey = = ( φν χ ρ χ η + φ recording light χ ^ χ μ Ε 料 material (illuminance: the average illuminance of the surface of the object is measured or design required value; unit: lux llux = Llm/m2); A (area unit illuminated by the object: m2); Φν (the emitter corresponds to the total luminous flux of the LED, the type of LED and its operating parameters, Bit: lumens lm); P (thermal attenuation factor, LED luminous efficiency will be affected by the working environment and component temperature changes, the value is between 0~1); η (lens extraction rate, LED emitted light The ratio of the amount of focus refracted by the lens to the total light emitted by the LED, the distance between the LED and the lens, the angle of the LED-sub-lighting angle and the effective optical area of the lens, and the value is between 0 and 1); *(Because the LED light source is not a single LED but a multi-LED array, there will be mutual influence between the LED light sources, and the magnitude of the residual light value is related to the arrangement of the LED array and the distance between the LED and the lens. Unit: lumens lm); λ (transmittance 'The lens of the LED luminaire and the transparent lampshade are all injection molded by pmm acryl, 13 201009238 Because the light passes through the transparent material, there is loss, which is related to the material of the transparent material , the value is between 0~1); μ (light passes through the lens and the transparent lampshade and then exits the luminaire, and then passes a certain distance to reach the surface of the illuminate.) During the ray crossing, the light will be in the air. Tiny dust particles The reflection and absorption of small droplets and the like are weakened when reaching the surface of the object to be irradiated; the fruit value is related to the irradiation distance, the temperature and humidity of the air, the weather condition and the like, and the value is between 〇~丨); Under the condition of understanding the area requirements (area and average illuminance), the 发光 can determine the luminous efficiency required by the LED lighting fixture or the driving current of the LED, and the total number of LEDs. Taking the expressway as an example, if the luminaire is used: a 12m pole can reach a rectangular illumination range of 30m (light distance 30m) by 11m, and the farthest illumination distance from the luminaire is 22m, if the average illumination requirement at 22m is 15 Lux, a single lamp provides a circle with an illumination area of φ2.5πι, according to the formula·· Φ*effect=Ey is xA = (Φνχρχη+Φ余*) χλχμ, the LED responsible for the illumination can be derived with appropriate parameters A total luminous flux of 100 lumens is required. The entire illumination area is s ❹ = 30mxllm = 330m2 'the average illuminance of the whole block area is 15Lux, which is also calculated according to the above formula. We only need 8,000 lumens (that is, a total of 8 〇 lumens of led) total luminous flux. The irradiation requirements can be met. As shown in FIG. 12 and FIG. 13, the LED lamp of the present invention comprises a lens module 1, an external heat dissipation module 2, an LED module 3 and a fixed module 4; the lens module 1 is composed of a lamp cover u and a convex lens 12 The LED module 3 is composed of a fixed body 31 and an LED 32; the fixed module 4 is composed of a main beam 41 and a sub beam 42. The LEDs 32 arranged in a curved curved array are mounted on the fixed pipe body 31, and the 201009238 fixed-body body is arranged in a divergent shape on the Qing 42. The Na 42 is mounted on the main beam 41, and the two adjacent auxiliary beams form an angle. The fixed pipe body is arranged in a divergent shape. The surface of the lamp cover 11 of the lens module i has a plurality of sets of steps. Each of the step faces corresponds to a JU tube body 31, and a convex lens 12 is disposed on the step surface. The convex lens 12 may be integrally formed with the transparent lamp cover u, or A through hole is formed in the step surface, and the convex lens 12 is adhered or otherwise disposed in the through hole. The purpose of the transparent lampshade 12 is designed to be a stepped shape, so that the convex lens 12 and the LED 32 on each of the fixed tubular bodies 31 are made to be in a straight line, in the shape of a clear (four) shape, and the distance between the convex lens and the coffee is made to make the LED 32 The emitted light forms a spot on the illuminating object, and since the fixed pipe body 31 is in a divergent setting, the LEDs 32 on each _ green (four) can be given to illuminate different regions, thereby realizing the divisional illumination, and each thinned body 31 is provided. The light spot formed by the coffee 32 can be independent, and can also be adjusted to make the edge of the spot meet; after the assembled lens module i, the LED module 3 and the outer casing heat dissipation module 2 are assembled, the fixed module 4 is The main beam sill and the light pole connector 44 secure the luminaire to the light pole. The housing heat dissipation module 2 has five groups of 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, and is provided with a plurality of heat dissipation inner fins 26, as shown by the circle fourteen, with an arc-shaped outer surface and a curved outer portion 27 and heat dissipation. (10); ^ 26 forms a radial direction air passage in the divergent group 2± surface. For example, fifteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth, the LED lighting fixture comprises a lighting module (composed of a lens module la and an LED module 2a), a fixed module 3a, and a driving power module ;; The lighting modules are 10 sets, which are arranged in two rows in an arch bridge shape and arranged on the fixed module. The fixing module 3a is composed of a fixing piece 3 la, a support frame, a main support bar and a lamp joint 34a, a circlip 35a, and a fixing screw 36a. The driving power module is disposed on the support frame 3 as described above. #里钱置有额__量均杂流电电15 201009238 Source 41a, the constant current drive power supply 4ia two ends are respectively plugged into the high and low voltage sockets, each group of lighting modules consists of 10 LED lights ( The basic standard power consumption of the 350mA current is determined by the current supplied by the driving power module, which is an adjustable value. When the standard power consumption is 100W, the LED lighting module is divided into two. The large group of the first 4 modules and the rear 6 modules are arranged in parallel. After adopting the above scheme, the LED and the power supply are modularized. When one module is damaged, the illumination of the whole lamp is not affected, and the plug-in method can be used for maintenance convenience and cost. Low; in addition, the power supply and the LED are separately set to facilitate heat dissipation, and a heat sink can be disposed between the two arc surfaces. With modular LED lights and power supply, when one of the LEDs or power supply fails, it will not affect the entire LED light, so there is no need to maintain it at any time. It only needs to be maintained in a fixed cycle, and only one of them should be replaced during maintenance. Module without having to remove the entire lamp for replacement. As shown in FIG. 17, the lighting module is composed of a lens module la and an LED module 2a. The lens module la and the LED module 2a are installed in the lamp housing 5a, and the inner surface of the lamp housing 5a is a multi-angle step. The surface of each step is divergent, and an LED 21a is fixed on each step surface. The lens module la is disposed above the LED module 2a, and the surface of the lens module is also a multi-angle step surface. The angle of the surface corresponds to the angle of the lamp housing 5a. A convex lens 11a is disposed on each step surface of the lens module. The convex lens 11a is perpendicular to the optical path of the LED 21a. A spacer 6a is disposed between the LED 21a and the lamp housing 5a. The gasket has various specifications, and the distance between the LED 21a and the lens module 1a is adjusted by adjusting the thickness of the gasket, so that the light emitted by the LED 21a forms a spot on the object to be illuminated, and the step surface of the inner surface of the lamp housing 5a is diverged. The light emitted by the LEDs 21a on each step surface is respectively irradiated to different regions, thereby realizing the partition illumination, and the spots formed by the LEDs 21a on each step surface may be independent, or the edges of the 201009238 spot may be connected by adjustment; through A module snap ring 51a is fixed to the lamp housing 5a, intermediate lens module la and 5a facing the lamp envelope silicone waterproof 7a, after pressed to waterproof effect. As shown in FIG. 18, the driving power supply module 4a is composed of a constant current driving power source 41a, a sealing ring 42a, an upper cover 43a, a low voltage terminal 44a, a buckle 45a, a housing 46a, and a high voltage terminal 47a, and a constant current driving power source 41a. It is placed in the casing 46a. The two ends of the constant current driving power source 41a are a low voltage terminal 44a and a high voltage terminal 47a, respectively. The AC input and the DC output are respectively connected by a waterproof interface terminal for convenient connection and maintenance, and the upper cover 43a and the upper cover 43a and There is a seal 圏 42a' between the casing 46a. The upper cover 43a is pressed against the cover 42a to function as a seal waterproof. Since the LEDs are arranged at different angles, the illumination of the irradiated objects can be realized. The LEDs on each set of the guide pillars can be of different colors, such as green for illuminating the grass, blue for the illumination pool, and white for the illumination lane. With warm white, etc., two or more LEDs of different colors can be set on each mounting guide post. The light emitted by the LEDs on each mounting post can be differently colored according to the needs of the circuit control. The color can be fixed. It can also be gradual or flashing for jumping, and multiple sets of LEDs can also implement the function of the marquee. The street lamp illumination area of the invention can also be partitioned by angle, and the LED will have a smaller illumination angle after adding the secondary optical lens. By adjusting the distance between the LED and the lens, the illumination angle will vary between several degrees and 30 degrees.盏LED lamp forms a plurality of spots with uniform brightness in the array on the illuminated surface. For example, in the case of circle 19 and Fig. 20, in order to reduce the volume of the street lamp and reduce the wind resistance, the present invention can also be adopted in the middle part of the road length direction. Lite-On or 0SRAM is used for illumination. The lens is placed at the front of the LEDs at both ends of the road length, and the characteristics of the lens concentrating are used to fill the edges. This solves the problem of dark edges in the middle of the street lamps of OSRAM and Lite-On. 17 201009238 In addition, because this new type uses zoned illumination, the human eye only sees at most two half of the LEDs, so it does not produce glare, it is safer and there is no light pollution. Figure 1 is a schematic diagram of the street lighting of the conventional street lamp; Figure 2 is a schematic diagram of the road surface illumination of another conventional street lamp; Figure 3 is a schematic diagram of the street light structure of the American CREE company; Figure 4 is a schematic diagram of the road surface illumination of the American CREE company; _ Figure 5 Figure 6 is a schematic diagram of another comparative technical structure; Figure 7 is a schematic diagram of another comparative technical structure; Figure 8 is a schematic diagram of the single LED illumination angle of the present invention; Figure 9 is a schematic diagram of the LED light path of the present invention FIG. 10 is a schematic diagram of the light spot filling of the present invention; FIG. 11 is a schematic diagram of the light damage simulation of the invention; FIG. 12 is a combination view of the technical solution of the present invention; FIG. 13 is an exploded view of the technical solution of the present invention; FIG. The technical solution of the present invention is an internal fin diagram; the circle 15 is a combination diagram of the technical scheme of the present invention; FIG. 16 is an exploded view of the technical scheme of the present invention; FIG. 18 is an exploded view of the power supply box structure of the technical solution of the present invention; FIG. 19 is a three-spot display of the technical solution of the present invention; FIG.; FIG twenty three is a schematic structural aspect of the present invention. 201009238 [Main component symbol description]

[習知] a 殘餘黑暗帶區 b 光害區 la,、 liy、2a、2b、3a、3b, LED 4' &gt; 5 ’ “V”形燈架 6' LED路燈 7b 兩端封播 8b 翅形散熱片 9b 殼體 10b 導熱膠 lib 印刷電路板 12b 密封圈 13b 出光透鏡 14b 發光二極管 15b 透光罩 16b 封擋固定孔[General knowledge] a Residual dark zone b Light damage zone la,, liy, 2a, 2b, 3a, 3b, LED 4' &gt; 5 'V" shaped light stand 6' LED street light 7b Both ends covered 8b wing Heat sink 9b Housing 10b Thermal paste lib Printed circuit board 12b Sealing ring 13b Light exiting lens 14b Light emitting diode 15b Transmissive cover 16b Sealing fixing hole

[本創作] 1 透鏡模組 11 燈罩 12 凸透鏡 2 &gt; 2 卜 22、23、24、25 外殼散熱模組 26 散熱内鰭片 27 弧形外鰭片 3 LED模組 31 固定管身 32 LED 4 固定模組 41 主樑 42 副樑 43 主支樑 44 燈桿接頭 5 驅動電源模組 201009238[This creation] 1 Lens module 11 Shade 12 Convex lens 2 &gt; 2 Bu 22, 23, 24, 25 Enclosure heat sink 26 Heat sink fins 27 Curved outer fins 3 LED module 31 Fixed body 32 LED 4 Fixed module 41 Main beam 42 Sub beam 43 Main beam 44 Light pole joint 5 Drive power module 201009238

la 透鏡模組 11a 凸透鏡 2a LED模組 21a LED 3a 固定模組 31a 固定片 32a 支撑架 33a 主支撑桿 34a 燈桿接頭 35a 卡簧 36a 固定螺釘 4a 驅動電源模組 41a 恒流驅動電源 42a 密封圈 43a 上蓋 44a 低壓端子 45a 卡扣 46a 殼體 47a 高壓端子 5a 燈殼 51a 卡環 6a 墊片 7a 矽膠防水條 A1 LED A2 透鏡 A3 透明燈罩 A4 主射光線 A5 餘光光線 A6 主照射面 A7 餘光照射面 B1 光害區 B2 正常照射區 B3 重疊照射區 20La lens module 11a convex lens 2a LED module 21a LED 3a fixing module 31a fixing piece 32a support frame 33a main support bar 34a lamp bar connector 35a card spring 36a fixing screw 4a driving power module 41a constant current driving power source 42a sealing ring 43a Upper cover 44a Low voltage terminal 45a Buckle 46a Housing 47a High voltage terminal 5a Lamp housing 51a Retaining ring 6a Gasket 7a Silicone waterproof strip A1 LED A2 Lens A3 Transparent lampshade A4 Main beam A5 Afterglow light A6 Main illumination surface A7 B1 Photodamage area B2 Normal area B3 Overlap area 20

Claims (1)

201009238 十、申請專利範团: 1、一種LED燈具的照射方法,包括:將單個LED燈具所控制照射的路面劃分 爲多個正方形照射區域,所有照射區域佈滿需照射路面;其特徵在於:所述 LED燈具上安裝有多個呈彎形曲面陣列分佈的LED,所述LED的個數與所 述照射區域的個數相同,每個LED前分別設置有凸透鏡,調節每個凸透鏡 和與其相對應的LED之間的距離,使每個LED在路面上的光斑與對應的照 射區域外接,並且使相鄰兩個光斑的邊緣部分重叠;被照射路面最亮處與最 暗處的照度比爲0.5〜1 ’照射區域的個數滿足燈具的有效照射率至少爲 0.75,其中,所述有效照射率爲燈具的有效照射面積與燈具的總照射面積的 比值。 2、 如請求項1所述的;法’其概在於:在路面寬度方向上至少具有兩個照射 區域,燈桿左右兩側的照射區域關於燈桿對稱分佈。 3、 如請求項2所述的方法,其槪在於:所述有效縣率爲至少爲〇 75。 4、 如請求項2或3所述的方法’其特徵在於:每個照射區域的面積大體相同, 每個LED在路面上的光斑對應完全覆蓋每個照射區域。 5如請求項2或3所述的方法’其特徵在於:相鄰兩個照射區域的面積不同, 每個LED在路面上的光斑對應完全覆蓋每個照射區域。 6、 如請求項2或3所述財法,其特徵在於:所述每個哪的發光效率相同 和联動電流相同0 7、 如請求項3所述的方法,其概在於:顧㈣錢亮處與最暗處的照度比 趨近於1 » 8、 如請求項7所述的方法’其特絲^每個咖的發級料同,或者爲 21 201009238 每個LED提供的媒動電流不同。 9、 10 11 ο 如請求項8所述的方法,其特徵在於:每個LED的驅動電流採用四段調整 式調節,可按需求調整爲350mA 、500mA、7〇〇mA 和 1000mA。 '如請求項6所述的方法,其特徵在於:所述LED的發光效率或驅動電流可 直接或間接根據下述公式獲得: Ev平均χΑ= (φνχρχη+Φ餘先)χλχμ;其中 Εν_…照射區域的平均照度值,爲測量值或設計要求值; A—照射區域面積; Φν…單個LED燈具的發光效率; p--熱衰减因素,其值在〇〜1之間; η…透鏡萃取率’其值在〇〜1之間; Φ余*-··餘光值; λ透過率,其值在〇〜1之間; μ-~距離損失因素,其值在〇〜1之間。 如請求項8所述的方法,其特徵在於:所述LED的發光效率或驅動電流可 直接或間接根據下述公式獲得: Ev乎均χΑ= (Φγχρχη+Φ*先)χλχμ ;其中 Ev+均一照射區域的平均照度值,爲測量值或設計要求值; Α—照射區域面積; Φν…單個LED燈具的發光效率; p-~熱衰减因素,其值在0〜1之間; η--透銳萃取率,其值在0〜1之間; 22 201009238 Φ余*---餘光值; λ~-透過率,其值在〇〜1之間; 距離損失因素,其值在0〜1之間。 '如研求項1、2或3所述的方法,其特徵在於:每個照射區域能够根據區域 或者要求的不同’關用不同顏色的LED進行騎,以實現分區分色照射。 13、 如請求項1所述的方法’其特徵在於·需要照射路面中部採用大光斑led 進行照射’而路面兩頭採用小光斑LED進行補充照射。 14、 -種實現權利要求i所述照射方法的LED燈具,其包括透鏡模组⑴、外 殼散熱模組(2)、LED模組(3)、ϋ定模組⑷和驅動電賴組⑸;所 述透鏡模組(1)包括燈罩(11)和安裝在燈罩(u )上的凸透鏡(12);所 述LED模組(3)由固定管身(31)和安裝在固定管身(31)上的led(32) 組成,其特徵在於:每一 LED (32)與每一凸透鏡(12) 一一對應,並且 每一 LED發出的光能够垂直通過相對應的凸透鏡(η),所述led在呈聲 形曲面陣列分佈,相鄰兩個LED在路面上的光斑的邊緣部分重叠,所有LED 的光斑佈滿需照射路面;LED的數量和分佈要滿足其有效照射率至少爲 0.75,所述有效照射率爲燈具的有效照射面積與燈具的總照射面積的比值。 15、 如請求項η所述的LED燈具,其特徵在於:所述固定模組由主樑(41) 和副樑(42)組成,每一固定管身(31)以不同安裝角度設置在同一副樑(42) 上’每一副樑(42)也以不同的安裝角度設置在兩條平行的主樑(々I)上, 主樑(41)安置在燈罩上蓋上。 16、 如請求項14所述的LED燈具,其特徵在於所述燈罩(11)表面呈多組台階 狀’每個台階面對應一固定管身(31 ),在台階階面上均設有凸透鏡(12)。 23 201009238 Π、如請求項Μ所述的LED燈具,其特徵在於:所述凸透鏡⑼與透明燈 罩(11) -體成型,或者是在台階階面上設有通孔,凸透鏡(12)安裝在所 述通孔内。 、如請求項u所述的LED燈具,其特徵在於:外殼散麵组⑵包括若干 熱内錄片(26),散熱内縛片(26)外部設有派形外歸片(27),散熱内錄 片(26)與弧形外韓片(27)形成了氣流可通過的空氣通道。 19、 如請求項U所述的LED燈具,其特徵在於:騎咖燈具具有η個透鏡 ,模組(la)、η個LED模組(2a)、η個驅動電源模組(4a),其中,所述η 個驅動電源模組(4a)分兩排以拱檎形成發散狀設置在固定模組(3心上; η爲大於等於2的自然數。 20、 如請求項19所述的LED燈具,其特徵在於:所述固定模組(3a)由固定片 (31a)、支撑架(32a)、主支撑桿(33a)以及燈桿接頭(34a)、卡簧(35a)、 固定螺釘(36a)組成’媒動電源模組(如)設置在支撑架(32a)上。 21、 如請求項20所述的LED燈具,其特徵在於:每個所述驅動電源模組(4a) g 内設置有與LED模組(2a)數量相等的恒流媒動電源(4ia),該恒流媒動 電源(41a)兩端分別接插在高低壓接插座上。 22、 如請求項19所述的LED燈具,其特徵在於:在相鄰兩個LED模組之間設 置有散熱片。 23、 如請求項14或19所述的LED燈具,其特徵在於:可採用墊片的方式調節 LED (32)與凸透鏡(12)之間的距離。 24、如請求項14所述的LED燈具,其特徵在於:所述LED模組在路面寬度方 向上至少具有兩個LED模組,燈桿左右兩側的LED模組關於燈桿對稱分佈。 24 201009238 25、 如請求項24所述的LED燈具,其特徵在於:所述有效照射率至少爲〇刀。 26、 如請求項14或19所述的LED料,其特徵在於:所述每個哪的發光效 率相同和驅動電流相同。 27、 如請求項14或19所述的LED燈具,其特徵在於··每個led的發光效率不 同,或者每個LED的躁動電流不同,每個咖的驅動電流採用四段調整式 調節’可按需求調整爲350mA、500mA、卿^和麵^。 28、 如請求項14或19所述的LED燈具,其特徵在於:每個所述咖的發光顏 _ 色能够根據要求而有所不同,以實現分區分色照射。 29、 如請求項14或19所述的LED燈具,其特徵在於·•照射路面中部的咖的 光斑大於照射路賴LED $光斑,纽錢㈣LED雌生大光斑的 LED所照射的路面進行補光。 30、 一種將LED排列在LED燈具上的方法,其特徵在於: (1) 將單個LED燈具所控制照射的路面劃分爲多個正方形照射區域,所 有照射區域佈滿所需照射路面,該正方形即爲每一 LED在路面所形 ⑬成光斑的内接正方形,照射區域的數量即爲燈具上LED的數量,其 中LED的數量和分佈要滿足其有效照射率爲〇 75以上; (2) 按照下述公式計算每個LED在所述LED燈具上的安裝位置: a=arcCos^2±^2-^2 20Μ·ΜΝ P^arcCos^t^2-^2 2ΜΡ·ΜΝ Y=arcCos^2+M&quot;2-^2 2MQ.MN 其中’ 〇Ρ爲燈桿到照射區域中心的橫向距離,ΡΝ爲燈桿到照射區 25 201009238 域申心的縱向距離,OM爲燈桿垂直高度,MN爲LED燈具到照射區 域中心的距離,MN=^OM2+OP2+PN2,〇1爲1^連綫方向與燈桿的 夾角,β爲MN連綫方向在路寬與路面垂直方向的夾角,γ爲MN連 綫方向在路長與路面垂直方向的夾角; (3 )根據計算出的角度,將每一 LED安裝在所述LED燈具上。201009238 X. Patent application group: 1. A method for illuminating LED lamps, comprising: dividing a road surface controlled by a single LED lamp into a plurality of square irradiation areas, all of which are covered with a road surface to be illuminated; The LED lamp is mounted with a plurality of LEDs arranged in a curved curved array. The number of the LEDs is the same as the number of the illumination regions, and each of the LEDs is respectively provided with a convex lens, and each convex lens is adjusted and corresponding thereto. The distance between the LEDs is such that the spot on each road surface of the LED is circumscribed to the corresponding illumination area, and the edge portions of the adjacent two spots are overlapped; the illumination ratio of the brightest part to the darkest part of the illuminated road surface is 0.5. The number of ~1 'irradiation areas satisfies at least 0.75 of the effective illumination rate of the luminaire, wherein the effective illuminance is the ratio of the effective illumination area of the luminaire to the total illuminating area of the luminaire. 2. The method of claim 1 is characterized in that: at least two illumination areas are provided in the width direction of the road surface, and the illumination areas on the left and right sides of the lamp pole are symmetrically distributed with respect to the lamp pole. 3. The method of claim 2, wherein the effective county rate is at least 〇75. 4. The method of claim 2 or 3, wherein the area of each of the illumination areas is substantially the same, and the spot of each LED on the road surface completely covers each of the illumination areas. 5. The method according to claim 2 or 3, wherein the area of the adjacent two illumination areas is different, and the spot of each LED on the road surface completely covers each of the illumination areas. 6. The method according to claim 2 or 3, characterized in that: each of the luminous efficiency is the same and the linkage current is the same. 7. The method according to claim 3 is: (4) money The illuminance ratio between the bright spot and the darkest point is closer to 1 » 8. The method described in claim 7 is the same as the method of the first wire, or the media current supplied by each LED for 21 201009238 different. 9. 10 11 ο The method of claim 8, characterized in that the driving current of each LED is adjusted by four stages, and can be adjusted to 350 mA, 500 mA, 7 mA, and 1000 mA as required. The method according to claim 6, characterized in that the luminous efficiency or the driving current of the LED can be obtained directly or indirectly according to the following formula: Ev mean χΑ = (φνχρχη + Φ remaining first) χλχμ; wherein Εν_... The average illuminance value of the area is the measured value or the design required value; A—area of the irradiated area; Φν...the luminous efficiency of a single LED luminaire; p--the thermal decay factor, the value is between 〇~1; η...lens extraction rate 'The value is between 〇~1; Φ remaining *-·· residual light value; λ transmittance, the value is between 〇~1; μ-~ distance loss factor, the value is between 〇~1. The method according to claim 8, characterized in that the luminous efficiency or the driving current of the LED can be obtained directly or indirectly according to the following formula: Ev 均 χΑ = (Φγχρχη+Φ* first) χλχμ; wherein Ev+ uniform irradiation The average illuminance value of the area is the measured value or the design required value; Α—area of the irradiated area; Φν...the luminous efficiency of a single LED luminaire; p-~the thermal decay factor, the value is between 0~1; η--transparent Extraction rate, the value is between 0~1; 22 201009238 Φ remaining *---the residual light value; λ~- transmittance, the value is between 〇~1; the distance loss factor, the value is 0~1 between. The method of claim 1, 2 or 3, wherein each of the illumination regions is capable of riding with different colors of LEDs depending on the region or required to achieve divisional color separation illumination. 13. The method according to claim 1 which is characterized in that it is required to illuminate the middle portion of the road surface with a large spot LED and the small light spot LEDs are used for supplementary illumination at both ends of the road surface. 14. An LED lamp for implementing the illumination method of claim i, comprising a lens module (1), a housing heat dissipation module (2), an LED module (3), a calibration module (4), and a driving circuit group (5); The lens module (1) comprises a lamp cover (11) and a convex lens (12) mounted on the lamp cover (u); the LED module (3) is fixed by the pipe body (31) and mounted on the fixed pipe body (31) a led (32) composition, wherein each LED (32) has a one-to-one correspondence with each convex lens (12), and light emitted by each LED can pass vertically through a corresponding convex lens (η), Led is distributed in the array of acoustic curved surfaces. The adjacent two LEDs overlap on the edge of the spot on the road surface. All the LEDs are covered with light and the surface is covered. The number and distribution of LEDs must meet the effective illumination rate of at least 0.75. The effective illumination rate is the ratio of the effective illumination area of the luminaire to the total illumination area of the luminaire. 15. The LED lamp of claim η, wherein the fixed module is composed of a main beam (41) and a sub beam (42), and each fixed pipe body (31) is disposed at the same installation angle. On the secondary beam (42), each of the secondary beams (42) is also placed on two parallel main beams (々I) at different mounting angles, and the main beam (41) is placed on the upper cover of the lampshade. The LED lamp of claim 14, wherein the surface of the lampshade (11) has a plurality of steps. Each of the step faces corresponds to a fixed pipe body (31), and a convex lens is disposed on the stepped surface. (12). 23 201009238 The LED lamp of claim 1 is characterized in that: the convex lens (9) and the transparent lamp cover (11) are formed in a body shape, or a through hole is formed in the step surface, and the convex lens (12) is mounted on Inside the through hole. The LED lamp of claim u is characterized in that: the outer cover group (2) comprises a plurality of thermal inner recording sheets (26), and the outer heat dissipating inner piece (26) is provided with a pie-shaped outer returning piece (27) for dissipating heat. The inner recording piece (26) and the curved outer piece (27) form an air passage through which the airflow can pass. 19. The LED lamp of claim U, characterized in that: the riding device has n lenses, a module (la), n LED modules (2a), and n driving power modules (4a), wherein The n driving power supply modules (4a) are arranged in two rows in a divergent manner on the fixed module (3 cores; η is a natural number greater than or equal to 2. 20, the LED according to claim 19 The luminaire is characterized in that: the fixing module (3a) is composed of a fixing piece (31a), a supporting frame (32a), a main supporting rod (33a), a lamp joint (34a), a circlip (35a), and a fixing screw ( 36a) The 'media power supply module (for example) is disposed on the support frame (32a). 21. The LED lamp of claim 20, characterized in that: each of the driving power supply modules (4a) g A constant current medium power supply (4ia) equal to the number of the LED modules (2a) is disposed, and the two ends of the constant current medium power supply (41a) are respectively connected to the high and low voltage connection sockets. 22. According to claim 19 The LED lamp is characterized in that: a heat sink is disposed between two adjacent LED modules. 23. The LED lamp according to claim 14 or 19, The LED lamp according to claim 14 is characterized in that the LED module is at least in the width direction of the road surface, and the distance between the LED (32) and the convex lens (12) is adjusted. There are two LED modules, and the LED modules on the left and right sides of the lamp pole are symmetrically distributed with respect to the lamp bar. 24 201009238 25. The LED lamp of claim 24, wherein the effective illumination rate is at least a file. The LED material according to claim 14 or 19, wherein each of said LEDs has the same luminous efficiency and the same driving current. 27. The LED lamp of claim 14 or 19, characterized in that · The luminous efficiency of each LED is different, or the driving current of each LED is different. The driving current of each coffee adopts four-stage adjustment adjustment 'can be adjusted to 350mA, 500mA, Qing ^ and surface ^ according to demand. 28, as requested The LED lamp of item 14 or 19, characterized in that: the illuminating color of each of the coffees can be varied according to requirements to achieve divisional color separation illumination. 29. According to claim 14 or 19 LED lamps, characterized by · · illumination The spot of the coffee in the middle of the face is larger than the LED spot of the illumination road, and the road surface illuminated by the LED of the LED light spot is filled with light. 30. A method for arranging LEDs on LED lamps, characterized in that: The road surface illuminated by the single LED luminaire is divided into a plurality of square illuminating areas, and all the illuminating areas are covered with the required illuminating road surface, which is an inscribed square of each LED forming a spot on the road surface, and the illuminating area The quantity is the number of LEDs on the luminaire, and the number and distribution of the LEDs must satisfy the effective illumination rate of 〇75 or more; (2) Calculate the installation position of each LED on the LED luminaire according to the following formula: a=arcCos ^2±^2-^2 20Μ·ΜΝ P^arcCos^t^2-^2 2ΜΡ·ΜΝ Y=arcCos^2+M&quot;2-^2 2MQ.MN where '〇Ρ is the light pole to the center of the illumination area The lateral distance is 纵向 for the longitudinal distance of the light pole to the illumination zone 25 201009238, OM is the vertical height of the pole, MN is the distance of the LED fixture to the center of the illumination area, MN=^OM2+OP2+PN2, 〇1 is 1^ the angle between the connection direction and the pole, β is the MN connection direction in the road width Pavement vertical angle, gamma] is the angle between the direction line MN even path length in the vertical direction and the road surface; (3) based on the calculated angle of each LED mounted on the LED lamps. 2626
TW97131657A 2008-08-19 2008-08-19 Led lighting device and illumination method TWI344528B (en)

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TWI422773B (en) * 2010-07-15 2014-01-11 Dongguan Masstop Liquid Crystal Display Co Ltd Lamp module and table lamp using the same
CZ310003B6 (en) * 2018-12-05 2024-05-01 Vysoká Škola Báňská-Technická Univerzita Ostrava A luminaire with remotely controllable light technological parameters

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TWI422773B (en) * 2010-07-15 2014-01-11 Dongguan Masstop Liquid Crystal Display Co Ltd Lamp module and table lamp using the same
CZ310003B6 (en) * 2018-12-05 2024-05-01 Vysoká Škola Báňská-Technická Univerzita Ostrava A luminaire with remotely controllable light technological parameters

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