TW201000069A - Measuring apparatus for the variance of heart rate - Google Patents

Measuring apparatus for the variance of heart rate Download PDF


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TW201000069A TW97123427A TW97123427A TW201000069A TW 201000069 A TW201000069 A TW 201000069A TW 97123427 A TW97123427 A TW 97123427A TW 97123427 A TW97123427 A TW 97123427A TW 201000069 A TW201000069 A TW 201000069A
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heart rate
measuring device
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Guo-Zhang Xie
Wen-Jian Liao
Hong-Mo Xu
Original Assignee
Guo-Zhang Xie
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Application filed by Guo-Zhang Xie filed Critical Guo-Zhang Xie
Priority to TW97123427A priority Critical patent/TW201000069A/en
Publication of TW201000069A publication Critical patent/TW201000069A/en



  • Measuring Pulse, Heart Rate, Blood Pressure Or Blood Flow (AREA)


A measuring apparatus for the variance of heart rate comprises: installing more than one handles to measure the heart rate, wherein the signal output ends of the handles for measuring the heart rate are connected with an amplitude comparison circuit separately; installing a switch circuit, which can choose a stable output signal from the output signals to act as the main data; and an analyzing circuit for calculating the variance of heart rate, which is connected with the switch circuit to carry out calculation and analyzing the chosen main signal from the switch circuit. Therefore, it can promote the accuracy of the measured value for the variance of heart rate by the method to choose one stable output signal as main signal from more than one output signals produced by the handles for measuring the heart rate.


201000069 九、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明係有關一種心率變異計測裝置,特別是指透 過一點以上的檢測點,使被測者之被測部保持定溫,及 保持一定接觸壓力,使測得計算出之心率變異(Hrv)值 具有高度準確性,提供醫護人員及病患信賴的依據,並 藉此提昇對自身健康的安全照護者。 〇 【先前技術】 HRV(Heart Rate Variability» 心率變異),為一種用於分析心率間隔之時間變化而 判斷人體狀態的參考指標。 人體心臟每分鐘約跳動72次(即平均心率),而 〜率除了靜態恆定外,還隱藏了一些微細的規則波 動,此微細的規則波動主要是我們的身體為了因應 多變的體内外環境所發展出之自律神經系統來調節 心率,人體的自律神經系統包括交感神經系統和副 ° 父感神經系統,前者可使心率上升,後者則使心率 :降,心率就在二者交互作用下產生最佳的平衡狀 一般人的平均心跳為72次/分鐘,平均心跳間 距為0.833秒或833 ms,其標準偏差約為4〇ms,此 巨的標準偏差即為聰。_ (單位㈣代表 f律神經總活性’自律微調功能越好,HRV越高; ί之二過低,則代表著自律微調功能越差, 的警訊。透過心率間隔來判斷自律 神經狀恶相關資料可參照「非專利資料奎 201000069 率變異的臨床應用一生理的意義,病態評價,病後 預測林博史著 日本出版社」。 一般,可透過心電圖計測裝置來測量HRV,其 相關知識可參照「非專利資料論文Heart Rate Variability Standards of Measurement, Physiological Interpretation, and Clinical Use Marek Malik 著 Circulation. 1996 ; 93 ; 1043 - 1065. American Heart Association http://circ.ahaiournals.Org/cgi/content/full/93/5 @ / 1043?eaf」中有詳細的描述。 但是,利用心電圖計測裝置來計測,其機器成 本高,電極的裝設也需要專業人員來施作,諸多限 制,使其無法普及於使用者個人或家庭。 亦可透過脈博計來測量HRV,脈博計和心電圖 的差別是,心電圖是記錄心臟收縮所產生的電流變 化,而脈博計是量測心藏收縮所發生的血流變化, 兩者都可測得包含HRV的訊息。 心率的測定雖然可以從人體各部位的血管來實 Q 施,但基於不打擾到受測者的日常生活以及方便性考 量,透過指頭來進行測量的脈博計已經被開發問市。 然而,傳統脈博計,其利用指尖來測定心率變異 的方式存在著以下的問題,而且容易產生誤差: 1.單一資訊問題:利用單一指尖作為檢測點,在長 時間測量時,容易發生不穩定,而影響到HRV的 準確性。 2.檢測裝置與被測定部位的間隙問題:檢測裝置與 被測定部位(例如指尖)之間隙要長時間保持穩定 201000069 並不容易,例如當指尖放鬆時其和測定裝置的接 觸狀態會變差,反之如過度用力則會使測定裝置 沒入指頭’將因為過度壓迫金管而無法量測出心 率〇 3.血管收縮問題:指尖等末梢血管,在低室溫的情 況下會收縮,無法檢測出血流的變化,以致得不 到正確的心率資訊。 ❹ 【發明内容】 有鑒於習見之脈博計等測定裝置有上述之缺失本 ,明乃以多點檢測的資訊來源,從中選擇穩定的輸出信 ,作為主要k號’同時將心率感測器的接觸壓力保持一 疋,並且設有可使被測定部的;显度保持預定溫度之 保溫裝置。 因此,本發明旨在提供一種心率變異計測裝置,係 二計測肋柄’提供左右手分難持,再從二計測用 :柄輸出的信號中’從中選擇較為穩定的信號做為主要 _、矾,達到所謂多點檢測(diversity detect〇r)者。 本&明之次一目的在提供一種心率變異計測裝 為解決檢測裝置與被測定部間之間隙問題,主要利 :可調整壓力的彈簧,使測定部和朗的接㈣力得 卡持一定’以提昇感測之準確性。 本發明之再一目的在提供一種心率變異計測裝 為解決血管收縮的問題,其在計測把柄上設有電熱 201000069 元件’以及設有與該電熱元件串聯配置使電熱元件的溫 度保持接近體溫的調溫元件’以避免被測定者的指頭因 為外部溫度降低導致血管收縮血流中止,而影響測得資 訊的準確性。 【實施方式】 下文中參照附圖說明本發明之實施方式。 第1圖為表示本發明基本方式之示意圖,其中工 © 及2為計測用把柄,3及4為被測定者的手,5為振 幅比較電路,6為開關電路,7為心率變異計算分析 電路,8為顯示幕,9為印表機,1〇為外部通信用介 面,11為外部通信用連接器。 如圖所示,當被測定者的左右手3、4分別握持 於計測用把柄1、2,被測定者的心率(心拍)信號乃分 別從計測用把柄1、2的信號輸出端送出,計測用把 ❹柄1、2送出的心率信號經過振幅比較電路5放大比 較後,進入開關電路6,開關電路6則從振幅比較電 路5送入的二組信號中,從中選取穩定之信號作為主 仏號^關電路6再將選取之穩定信號傳送至心率變 異=算分析電路7,經過心率變異計算分析電路了的 計算分析及演算處理,然後將結果顯示於顯示幕8, =出到印表機9,透過外部通信用介面1〇及外部 ^用連接¥ 11,連接至外部通信網路。必 利用於遠端遙控治療,藉此獲得長時間穩定的心率變 201000069 異數值。 有關開關電路6的號 所示,其中,A為〜 方式’請參照第2圖 測用把姑把柄1的輸出信號,B為計 測用把柄2的輪出信號 :t 析電路7的信號、目…,泛至、率變異計算分 贶,田计測用把柄1和計測> 時輸出心率信號時,在aa4p,相用把柄2同 信號較穩定,而計,二十測用把柄2的心率 ❹ ❹ &拉,柄的心率信號則較紊亂, 此時,開關電路6 g卩t g | t 心率作號作為主乂計測用把柄2的 7·“心/\ 傳送至心率變異計算分析電路 7,…&’叶測用把柄2的心率信號較小且奮亂, 十測用把柄1的心率信號則較穩定,此時,開關電 路ό即會選擇較穩定之計彳 Τ劂用把柄1的心率信號作為 主錢,傳送至心率變異計算分析電路7。因此,, 由振幅比較電路5和開關電路6的連接設定’傳送^ 、率變異计异分析電路7的信號即可如圖所示確保 為=之連續〜率k冑,此連續穩定信號經過心率變 異計算分析電路7的計算分析處理後,即可獲得正確 的心率變異值。 第3A、3B圖為本發明之計測用把柄的透視圖及 八握持示圖’圖中’ 12為計測用把柄的外套管,係 以導熱性佳之金屬製成;13為心、率感測器,其具有 紅外線光源14及紅外線受光器15 ; 16為彈簧,其設 於一底板161之上,其上端接觸心率感測器13,·工7 201000069 為電熱器,電熱n 17❸卜邊和外套 溫可傳導至外套瞢12 . A … 也“為恆溫器等調溫元件,係 與電熱器17連接’而可控制電熱器17保持-定發教 溫度,進而控制外套管12保持怪溫;19為指頭,2〇 為設於外套管12上之插人孔,指頭19從插人孔2q 番入外套e 12的内部後,和心率感測器i3保持壓著 接觸。 ❹ ❹ 以上的構成,當指頭19插入計測用把柄i⑺的 插入孔20時,心率感測器13受到下方彈筹16的頂 撐而和指帛19保持預定的接觸壓力,可避免因為壓 力不穩定而產生測不到心率或僅能測得微弱心率之 情形。而採用讓指頭19插入插入孔2〇内進行測定的 =式’則可遮斷外部可能造成干㈣光線, 據更具準確性。 當紅外線光源14的紅外線被指頭19反射時,此 時,對於内部血管血流而改變反射量輸人紅外線受 光器15,經光電變換成為信號輸出。#外部環境溫 度較低時,藉電熱器17及調溫元件18對外套管 加溫,使被測定者握持外套管12後,指頭19能保持 預定的溫度’可避免因為指頭末梢血管收縮 不到之情形。 Γ生列 此外’上述之心率感測器13,其除了採用红外 線感測心率夕卜亦可利用其他物理方法,例如音響方 201000069 法等來實施;彈簧16亦可以為橡膠或發泡性塑膠等 彈性體,恆溫器18則得以感溫半導體元件來替代。 第4圖為本發明的實施例,其中,3〇為心率變 異計的外殼,係用以收容第j圖所示之測定裝置,被 測者的左右手指可經由計測用把柄丨、2來計測,測 定結果得顯示於顯示幕8上,再從印表機9輸出,或 透過外部通信用連接器11連接至外部網路。201000069 IX. Description of the invention: [Technical field of the invention] The present invention relates to a heart rate variability measuring device, in particular to transmitting a fixed temperature to a measured portion of a test subject through a point or more, and maintaining a certain contact pressure The measured heart rate variability (Hrv) value is highly accurate, providing a basis for the caregivers and patients to rely on, and thereby improving the safety of their own health caregivers. 〇 [Prior Art] HRV (Heart Rate Variability) is a reference indicator for judging the state of the human body by analyzing the time variation of the heart rate interval. The human heart beats about 72 times per minute (that is, the average heart rate), and the ~ rate, in addition to the static constant, also hides some fine regular fluctuations. This fine rule fluctuation is mainly caused by our body in order to respond to the changing environment inside and outside. The autonomic nervous system is developed to regulate heart rate. The autonomic nervous system of the human body includes the sympathetic nervous system and the para-theoretical nervous system. The former can increase the heart rate, while the latter causes the heart rate to decrease. The heart rate produces the most under the interaction of the two. The average balance of the average person is 72 beats per minute, the average heartbeat interval is 0.833 seconds or 833 ms, and the standard deviation is about 4 〇ms. The standard deviation of this giant is Cong. _ (Unit (4) represents the total activity of the f-rhyme. The better the self-regulation and fine-tuning function, the higher the HRV; the lower the ί, the lower the self-discipline and fine-tuning function. The heart rate interval is used to judge the autonomic nervous relationship. The data can be referred to the "Non-patent data Kui 201000069 rate variation clinical application of a physiological significance, pathological evaluation, post-mortem prediction Lin Bo history of Japan Press." Generally, HRV can be measured by an electrocardiograph, the relevant knowledge can refer to "non- Patent Information Variance Standards of Measurement, Physiological Interpretation, and Clinical Use Marek Malik Circulation. 1996 ; 93 ; 1043 - 1065. American Heart Association http://circ.ahaiournals.Org/cgi/content/full/93/ 5 @ / 1043?eaf" has a detailed description. However, the use of an electrocardiograph to measure the cost of the machine is high, the installation of the electrode also requires professional personnel to apply, many restrictions, making it impossible to popularize the user Or family. It is also possible to measure HRV through a pulse meter. The difference between a pulse meter and an electrocardiogram is that the electrocardiogram is a note. The current generated by the contraction of the heart changes, and the pulse meter measures the blood flow changes that occur in the contraction of the heart. Both of them can measure the HRV. The heart rate can be measured from the blood vessels in various parts of the body. However, based on the daily life and convenience considerations that do not disturb the subject, the pulse meter that measures through the finger has been developed. However, the traditional pulse meter uses the fingertip to measure the heart rate variability. There are the following problems, and it is easy to produce errors: 1. Single information problem: Using a single fingertip as a detection point, it is prone to instability when measuring for a long time, which affects the accuracy of HRV. The gap problem at the measurement site: It is not easy to keep the gap between the detection device and the measured site (such as the fingertip) for a long time. 201000069 is not easy. For example, when the fingertip is relaxed, the contact state with the measuring device may be deteriorated, and vice versa. Will cause the measuring device to fall into the finger' will be unable to measure the heart rate due to excessive pressure on the gold tube. 3. Vasoconstriction problem: peripheral blood vessels such as fingertips In the case of low room temperature, it will shrink, and the change of blood flow cannot be detected, so that the correct heart rate information cannot be obtained. ❹ [Summary of the Invention] In view of the fact that the measuring device such as the pulse meter has the above-mentioned missing, Ming Nai A multi-point detection source of information, from which a stable output letter is selected as the main k-number' while keeping the contact pressure of the heart rate sensor at the same time, and is provided with a thermal insulation device that can maintain the predetermined temperature of the measured portion; . Therefore, the present invention aims to provide a heart rate variability measuring device, which is to provide a left and right hand refractory, and then select a relatively stable signal as the main _, 矾 from the signal for the second measurement: the shank output. Achieve the so-called multi-point detection (diversity detect〇r). The second objective of this & Ming is to provide a heart rate variability meter to solve the problem of the gap between the detecting device and the measured part. The main advantage is that the spring can adjust the pressure, so that the measuring part and the Lang (4) force the card to hold a certain Improve the accuracy of sensing. A further object of the present invention is to provide a heart rate variability metering device for solving the problem of vasoconstriction, wherein an electric heating element 201000069 is provided on the measuring handle and a temperature is set in series with the electric heating element to keep the temperature of the electric heating element close to body temperature. The temperature element 'avoids the finger of the subject to be stopped due to a decrease in external temperature, which affects the accuracy of the measured information. [Embodiment] Hereinafter, embodiments of the present invention will be described with reference to the drawings. Fig. 1 is a schematic view showing the basic mode of the present invention, wherein the devices © and 2 are measuring handles, 3 and 4 are the hands of the person to be measured, 5 is an amplitude comparison circuit, 6 is a switching circuit, and 7 is a heart rate variation calculation analysis circuit. 8 is a display screen, 9 is a printer, 1 is an external communication interface, and 11 is an external communication connector. As shown in the figure, when the left and right hands 3 and 4 of the subject are gripped on the measurement handles 1, 2, the heart rate (heart beat) signals of the subject are sent out from the signal output terminals of the measurement handles 1, 2, respectively. After the heart rate signal sent from the handles 1, 2 is amplified and compared by the amplitude comparison circuit 5, the switch circuit 6 is entered, and the switch circuit 6 selects the stable signal as the main signal from the two sets of signals sent from the amplitude comparison circuit 5. The number ^ off circuit 6 then transmits the selected stable signal to the heart rate variability = calculation analysis circuit 7, through the calculation analysis and calculation processing of the heart rate variability calculation and analysis circuit, and then displays the result on the display screen 8, = out to the printer 9. Connect to the external communication network through the external communication interface 1 and the external connection. It must be used for remote remote treatment to obtain a long-term stable heart rate change 201000069. Regarding the number of the switch circuit 6, where A is a mode, please refer to the output signal of the handle 1 in the second figure, and B is the wheel-out signal of the measurement handle 2: the signal of the circuit 7 ..., generalization, rate variation calculation, 田, field measurement with handle 1 and measurement> When outputting the heart rate signal, in aa4p, the phase handle 2 is more stable with the signal, while the meter is used to measure the heart rate of the handle 2. ❹ amp & pull, the heart rate signal of the handle is more turbulent. At this time, the switch circuit 6 g卩tg | t heart rate is used as the main 乂 measurement handle 2 of the 7·“heart/\ transmission to the heart rate variability calculation analysis circuit 7 ,...&'The heart rate signal of the leaf measuring handle 2 is small and fragile, and the heart rate signal of the ten measuring handle 1 is relatively stable. At this time, the switching circuit will select a more stable handle. The heart rate signal is transmitted as the main money to the heart rate variability calculation and analysis circuit 7. Therefore, the signal of the transmission and rate variation analysis circuit 7 is set by the connection of the amplitude comparison circuit 5 and the switch circuit 6 as shown in the figure. Make sure that the continuous ~ rate k 胄, this continuous stable signal passes through the heart After the calculation and analysis processing of the mutation calculation analysis circuit 7, the correct heart rate variability value can be obtained. The 3A and 3B drawings are perspective views of the measurement handle of the present invention and the eight grip diagrams in the figure '12' is the measurement handle The outer sleeve is made of metal with good thermal conductivity; 13 is a heart rate sensor with infrared light source 14 and infrared light receiver 15; 16 is a spring, which is arranged on a bottom plate 161, and the upper end is in contact with the heart rate. Senser 13,·工工7 201000069 For the electric heater, the electric heating n 17 ❸b and the jacket temperature can be transmitted to the jacket 瞢12. A ... also "for the thermostat and other thermostat elements, connected to the electric heater 17" and can be controlled The electric heater 17 maintains the temperature of the teaching, and then controls the outer sleeve 12 to maintain the strange temperature; 19 is the finger, 2 is the insertion hole provided on the outer sleeve 12, and the finger 19 enters the outer casing e12 from the insertion hole 2q. After the interior, it is in pressure contact with the heart rate sensor i3. ❹ ❹ In the above configuration, when the finger 19 is inserted into the insertion hole 20 of the measuring handle i (7), the heart rate sensor 13 is held by the ejector of the lower spring 16 and maintains a predetermined contact pressure with the finger 19 to avoid instability due to pressure. There is a situation in which the heart rate is not measured or only a weak heart rate can be measured. The use of the form of the finger 19 inserted into the insertion hole 2〇 can be used to block the external light (4), which is more accurate. When the infrared ray of the infrared ray source 14 is reflected by the finger 19, the amount of reflection is changed to the internal blood vessel blood flow, and the infrared ray receiver 15 is converted into a signal output by photoelectric conversion. # When the external ambient temperature is low, the outer casing is heated by the electric heater 17 and the temperature regulating element 18, so that the finger 19 can maintain the predetermined temperature after the outer casing 12 is held by the measuring person, which can avoid the contraction of the distal end of the finger. The situation. In addition to the above-mentioned heart rate sensor 13, in addition to using infrared sensing heart rate, other physical methods, such as the acoustic side 201000069 method, can be used; the spring 16 can also be rubber or foam plastic. The elastomer, thermostat 18 is replaced by a temperature sensitive semiconductor component. Fig. 4 is an embodiment of the present invention, wherein 3〇 is a housing of a heart rate variability meter for accommodating the measuring device shown in Fig. j, and the left and right fingers of the subject can be measured via the measuring handle 丨, 2 The measurement result is displayed on the display screen 8, and is output from the printer 9 or connected to the external network through the external communication connector 11.

綜上所述,本發明之心率變異計測裝置,係以低 廉且高普及率的脈搏計用測定手法為基礎,在維軔 低成本下,提供高品質的心率變異測定結果。因此, 本發明之心率變異計測震置,誠能符合本國專利法之 規定,爰依法提出巾請,料賜准專利,實感德便。 ▲惟以上所述者,僅為本發明之較佳實施例而已, =以此限定本發明實施之範圍,即大凡依本發明 '及說明書内容所作之簡單等效變化與 G飾白應仍屬本發明專利涵蓋之範圍。 201000069 【圖式簡單說明】 第1圖為本發明之實施方塊示意圖。 第2圖為本發明之信號表示圖。 第3A圖為本發明之計測用把柄的示意圖。 第3B圖為本發明之計測用把柄被測定者握持測定 之示意圖。 第4圖為本發明的實施例圖。 ❹ 【主要元件符號說明】 ❹13 :心率感測器 15 :紅外線受光器 17 :電熱器 19 :指頭 30 :外殼 I :計測用把柄 3 :手 5 ·振幅比較電路 7 :心率變異計算分析電路 9 :印表機 II .外部通信用連接器 2 :計測用把柄 4 :手 6 :開關電路 8 :顯示幕 1〇 :外部通信用介面 12 :計測用把柄的外套 14 :紅外線光源 16 :彈簧 18 :調溫元件 2 0 :插入孔 12As described above, the heart rate variability measuring device of the present invention provides a high-quality heart rate variability measurement result at a low cost, based on a low-cost and high-performing pulsometer measurement method. Therefore, the heart rate variability meter of the present invention is capable of meeting the requirements of the national patent law, and is required to submit a towel in accordance with the law, and it is expected to grant a patent. ▲ However, the above is only the preferred embodiment of the present invention, which is to limit the scope of the implementation of the present invention, that is, the simple equivalent change made according to the invention and the contents of the specification and the G decoration white should still belong to The scope of the invention is covered. 201000069 [Simplified description of the drawings] Fig. 1 is a block diagram showing the implementation of the present invention. Figure 2 is a signal representation of the present invention. Fig. 3A is a schematic view of the measuring handle of the present invention. Fig. 3B is a view showing the measurement of the grip of the measuring handle of the present invention. Figure 4 is a diagram of an embodiment of the present invention. ❹ [Main component symbol description] ❹13: Heart rate sensor 15: Infrared light receiver 17: Heater 19: Finger 30: Case I: Measurement handle 3: Hand 5 • Amplitude comparison circuit 7: Heart rate variation calculation analysis circuit 9: Printer II. Connector for external communication 2: Handle for measurement 4: Hand 6: Switch circuit 8: Display screen 1: External communication interface 12: Jacket for measuring handle 14: Infrared light source 16: Spring 18: Adjust Temperature element 2 0 : insertion hole 12

Claims (1)

201000069 十、申請專利範圍: 1. -種心率變異計測裝置,包括有—個以上提供被 測定者握持之心率測定用把柄,該一個以上之心 率測定用把柄的-端共同連接至一振幅比較電 路’振幅比較電路的一端連接開關電路,使開關 電路選擇其中較為穩定心率信號作為主要作號 .',傳送至心率變異計算分析電路;藉此筛選獲^ ❹ 得連續穩定信號,以提昇心率變異值的準確性 者。 2. 如申請專利範圍g 1項之心率變異計測裝置,其 +所述心率測定用把柄’係於—外套管的内部; 置-心率感測器,並且設有一用以將該心率感測 器與被測定部保持一定接觸壓力之彈黃。 3. 如申請專利範圍第i《2項之心率變異計測跋 〇 置,其中所述心率測疋用把柄之内部復設有一電 - 熱器與一調溫元件’該電熱器一端和外套管接 - 觸,使心率測疋用把柄的外套管得保持一定、、 度’進而提供被測定者的手溫保持一定者。Μ 4. 如申請專利範圍第3項之心率變異 中所述心率測定用把柄’其外套管之一端係設^ 一插入孔,使被測定者進行計測時需將指碩插入 該插入孔,始接觸心率感測器,藉此遮斷外部可 能造成干擾之光線者。 ° 13 201000069 5.如申請專利範圍第4項之心率變異計測裝置,其 中所述心率敎用把柄,其心率感測器係設有紅 卜線光源及紅外線受光H,主要藉紅外線射向指 碩,相對於被測定部内部血管血流而改變反射量 輪入至紅外線受光器,再經光電變換成為信號輸 出者。 6 Ο 如申請專利範圍第2項之心率變異計測裝置,其 中所述心率檢出感測器,係紅外線感測器。 如申請專利範圍第2項之心率變異計測裝置,其 中所述彈簧可為橡膠或發泡性塑膠等彈性體。 7201000069 X. Patent application scope: 1. - Heart rate variability measuring device, comprising more than one heart rate measuring handle for providing the measured person's grip, the one or more heart rate measuring handles are connected to an amplitude comparison One end of the circuit 'amplitude comparison circuit is connected to the switch circuit, so that the switch circuit selects the relatively stable heart rate signal as the main number.', and transmits it to the heart rate variation calculation and analysis circuit; thereby filtering and obtaining the continuous stable signal to improve the heart rate The accuracy of the variance value. 2. The heart rate variability measuring device according to the patent scope g1, wherein the heart rate measuring handle is attached to the inside of the outer sleeve; the heart rate sensor is provided, and a heart rate sensor is provided The yellowing that maintains a certain contact pressure with the part to be measured. 3. For example, the heart rate variability measuring device of the i-th item of the patent application, wherein the heart rate measuring handle is internally provided with an electric heater and a temperature regulating element, the one end of the electric heater and the outer casing are connected. - Touch, so that the outer sleeve of the heart rate measuring handle is kept constant, and the degree 'and the hand temperature of the person to be measured is kept constant. Μ 4. In the heart rate variability of the third paragraph of the patent application, the heart rate measuring handle is provided with one insertion hole at one end of the outer sleeve, so that the person to be measured needs to insert the finger into the insertion hole. Touch the heart rate sensor to block out the external light that may cause interference. ° 13 201000069 5. The heart rate variability measuring device according to claim 4, wherein the heart rate sensor has a handle, and the heart rate sensor is provided with a red line light source and an infrared light receiving light H, mainly by infrared radiation to the finger The amount of reflection is changed to the infrared light receiver with respect to the blood flow of the blood vessel inside the measurement unit, and then photoelectrically converted into a signal output. 6 Ο The heart rate variability measuring device according to item 2 of the patent application scope, wherein the heart rate detecting sensor is an infrared sensor. The heart rate variability measuring device according to claim 2, wherein the spring may be an elastic body such as rubber or foaming plastic. 7
TW97123427A 2008-06-24 2008-06-24 Measuring apparatus for the variance of heart rate TW201000069A (en)

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TW97123427A TW201000069A (en) 2008-06-24 2008-06-24 Measuring apparatus for the variance of heart rate

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TW97123427A TW201000069A (en) 2008-06-24 2008-06-24 Measuring apparatus for the variance of heart rate

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