200948349 弓說明: ' 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明為一種前臂旋轉活動度復健裝置及其方法,係機構部 分由電磁離合器、扭力量具、光學旋轉編碼器、馬達、命輪組等 機電元件所構成;電子電路方面則是結合嵌入式系統、旋轉活動 度量測系統、扭力量測系統、阻力機構、網路通訊系統、被動式 驅動機構、語音系統與資料庫管理系統等而成的復健設備,設計 一套多功能上肢旋前/旋後活動度復健系統的機電整合復健機 〇構 ’提供給前臂旋前/旋後功能失調的病患來使用,藉以增強該方 面的活動度之技術領域。 【先前技術】 按,復健醫療機構會载:覃亨腕旋轉復鍵_(侉稱务腕 患者進抒活動度的復健(如第一圖可以提升病患上肢 的旋轉動作協調能力、加強病患上肢的肌肉力氣等活動功能;在 職能治療院所中是高使用率的復健器材,每一類型的復健設備都 Q 有手把,讓患側上肢可以握住它並作旋前與旋後的復健動作;該 復健設備都有阻力機構,利用阻力調整紐、阻力轴承墊片等設定 旋轉時的阻力大小,少部分有旋轉活動度指示的功能,但是其他 的缺點還是存在。 【發明内容】 一、解決的問題: 1·未具有旋前/旋後動作的旋轉角度、扭轉力量等即時量測顯 示裝置’無法偵測患者手臂復健時旋前/旋後的活動角度與扭力, 患者復健時醫師或治療師只能以觀察的方式瞭解患者的復健狀 200948349、醫護人M人力資源調度上很大的負擔。 2. 未具有復㈣訊記錄及監_魏,料絲療師對患者 的復健療程、療效等相關資訊無法碟實掌握。 3. 未具有晴通訊魏,無法將病患復健f料長_存於儲 存裝置,以供醫師隨時查詢病患的復健訊息作為診療之參考。 4·為主動式復賴構’未具有被動式復制功能,對於必須 使用被動式復健的患者就不適合使用目前這些產品。。 二、解決的手段: 〇依本發明的設計,達成的功能歸納如下: 主動式復健功能(參考第六圖) 1. 此時快^銷16是拔掉的,馬達不作動且扇形齒輪組151、 ^ ,,+. . -.〜 152與,ji豪參組153; β4脫離,亦即丄病惠的復健活動 不會被馬達干檯到。 2. 病患輸入身分證字號、病歷號碼等資料,取得前次的復健 資料與復健參數等。 〇 3.醫護人員評估病患的能力並設定好復健參數如阻力(調整 加在電磁離合器上的電壓值,可作力量訓練)、復健次數 等,同時要求病患將緊急安全使用的金屬夾子夾在衣領、 袖子等處,以策安全。 4. 病患用手握住手把(此時會接通機電系統的電源)進行復 20094834、患在手把上旋轉的復健角度、扭力、復健次數與復健時 間等訊息會顯示在顯示器上’ s#音系統會即時發出纽立吼 息提醒或激勵病患努力進行復健。 6.病患完成復健(如復健次數已達到設定值)後,病束的手離 開手把(機電系統的電源會斷電)。 7·系統會將病患復健資料與復健參數等送往遠端的伺服 器’並將其儲存於資料庫系統中,以供醫師、醫護人員或 家屬的查詢》 © 被動式復健功能(參考第六圖) 1.此時快釋銷16是插入的,扇形齒輪組151、152與扇形齒 輪組153、154連動在一起,亦即,馬達運轉時可以帶動 1¾ 病惠的患側肢體作後健活動。 -·. 2·將加在電磁離合器上的電壓值調整到最大,讓年把至馬達 等機構連接在一起。 3. 病患輸入身分證字號、病歷號碼等資料,取得前次的復健 Q 資料與復健參數等。 4. 醫護人員評估病患的能力並設定好復健參數如復健次 數、順/逆時鐘旋轉時的角度、馬達運轉速度等,同時要 求病患將緊急安全使用的金屬夾子夾在衣領、袖子等處, 以策安全。 5. 病患用手握住手把(接通機電系統的電源)進行復健^此時 馬達會依據所設定的速度作順時鐘、逆時鐘的旋轉,帶動 病患作復健;復健中若馬達運轉的速度太快、馬達順/逆 200948349诘锫_ … ' 轉㈣角度太大超過病患所能容忍範圍,可以將手 脫離手把讓機電系統斷電。 6·馬達帶_患旋轉的復健角度、復健次數與復健_等訊 息會顯不在顯示器上;語音系統會即時發出語音訊息提醒 或激勵病患努力進行復健。 7.病患完成復健(如復健次數已達到設定值)後,病患的手離 開手把(機電系統的電源會斷電)。 & ^會將病患舰_與復鮮數等職遠端的飼服 ❹ 器’並將其儲存於資料庫系統中’以供醫師、醫護人員或 豕屬的查詢。 【實施方式】 厂請參閱第$八圖所禾,裝置分成,分機構部“ I電磁離合器n、拉力量况Y、先學旋^碼器i 3、馬達 14齒輪組15等機電元件所構成;電磁式離合器工工係使旋 轉的輸出與旋轉軸處於連結與否的狀態,主要是由電磁線圈、轉 子、壓盤等組成,在使用上,離合器i i的電磁線圈通電時麼 盤會被轉子吸引住,其吸引力正比於電磁線圈中的電流;光學旋 轉編碼器1 3係有著雜訊低、準確度高、不會有死區的問題產生, 以-個有細缝的圓板連接旋轉轴,置於發光二極體和受光二極體 之間’隨著軸之旋轉,光電盤跟著_,當光猶隙時為透 光狀態’非㈣:位置财透光’受光元件將透光狀換成脈波 訊號’經過解瑪器解碼即可得旋轉角度;步進馬達i 4係可使用 Open Loop枝控雛運轉與㈣電關單,本从是使祕/鄉 200948349^! 4,祕式復健時,线細設定的速度驅動步進 馬達14帶動病患侧癱肢體進行復健;連接器係包括有扇形齒輪 組15與快釋銷16,以便在被動式復健時能將手把丄丄丄與步 進馬達14能連動在一起;再者,步進馬達14在低速運轉時會 有震動情形而容易產生燥音,實用上必須提高步進馬達速度工4 以降低燥音,復健機器一般是提供給患者來使用,其運動速度不 太快’因此在手把1i i與步進馬達i 4間以扇形齒輪組工5進 行速度轉換,快釋銷1 6主要贿是將主動式復健與被動式復健 €>之中作切換’快釋銷i 6插入時系統為被動式復健,拔掉時系統 則變為主動式復健。 §1參閱第二、九、十、十一、十四圖所示,其電子電路部份 ☆ 2 %題植人式系32 旋轉1^^測,統2含:扭力量 測系統2 3、阻力機構、網路通訊系、統 、馬達驅動^制系統、 語音系統2 5與資料庫管理系統2 6而成;叙入式系統2 i係是 整個纽纖心轉魏如馬達控做軸、肢體旋轉活 ❹動度與扭力的㈣、語音鶴、各項資料的齡與傳遞給伺服器 系統、緊;§安全酬鱗理、設定雜❾細等;雜活動度量 測系統2 2係主要是監測前臂肢體旋轉活動度(旋前後後角度) 的變化並呈現於顯示器單元,包括有旋轉編碼器1 3、解瑪/計數 單元與顯示器單元,依前述的旋轉編碼器丄3有二個輸出訊號, 如第二圖中的A相獅,利用解碼/計數單元中的解碼電路輸出可 以用來分辨上肢肢體復健的旋轉是順時鐘方向(面向手把工玉1 時為旋後運動)或逆時鐘方向(面向手把i 2玉時為旋前運動),以 200948349 >碼/計數單元中的計數電路輸出可以測知肢體旋轉角 度’並將其呈現於顯示器單元中的旋前/旋後、活動度等位置;扭 力量測系統2 3係在測量病患作旋前與旋後復健運動時使用的力 量,該力量值會呈現於顯示器單元中的扭力位置,其量測是搭配 相關的電子電路如扭力感測器、放大電路、類比/數位轉換器等而 成(如第九圖);馬達驅動控制系統係使用於被動復健模式,用來 驅動與控制步進馬達14,透過連接器的設定讓馬達14與手把 111連動在一起’當馬達14正、逆時鐘方向轉動,就會帶動 〇 上肢肢體做連續性的旋前與旋後復健運動(如第十圖);語音系統 2 5係會即時發出語音訊息提醒或激勵病患努力進行復健,使病 患在療程中如有親人或醫療人員陪伴在身邊的感覺,該語音部份 • · ' , .... 採用中文文字轉語音1C,再^過音頻放大器與喇叭將對應妁中文 ,' — ..< · ' 發出聲音,緊急安全系統係病患在復健蒔如發生異常狀況,此奢.·’· 急安全系統可以迅速切斷機電系統電源,以確保病患的安全,其 女全措施可以由兩個方式,一種是病患處置,採用反射型紅外線 收發器以量測手部血流波形的變化(如第十一圖),藉以偵測病 患是否將手握住手把111以控制機電系統電源,當病患將手握 住手把111時機電系統的電源才會接通,手離開手把111後 機電系統的電源會自動斷電,復健時病患也可以將金屬失子夾在 衣領、袖子等處,緊急發生可以立刻讓金屬夾子脫離衣領、袖子 等,造成金屬夾子的短路而切斷機電系統電源,病患亦可按下緊 急開關,立即切斷機電系統電源;另一種是外人的介入,若病患 無法自行處理緊急安全事件時,旁邊的外人如家屬、醫護人員、 20094834$可以按下緊急開關,立即切斷機電系統電源;萬年曆系 統架構係包括RTC(Real Time Clock/Calendar)晶片、RTC設定器 與顯示器電路等組成’其未使用時’經由電源切換電路的控制由 充電電池提供電力給RTC晶片,使其儲存於内部的曰期與時間等資 料不受中斷並能正常地計時;而當本系統在使用時,直流電源系 統經充電電路對充電電池進行充電。 請參閱第十二、十三、十五圖所示,在復健參數設定與顯示 器單元中’顯示器單元係用於顯示復健參數(阻力、復健次數、旋 ❹前/旋後活動角度、馬達速度等設定值)與復健資料(扭力、實際 復健次數、旋前/旋後活動角度、每次的復健時間、復健總時間) 等相關訊息,同時·螢幕上亦會顯示旋前/旋後活動度的執跡,使病 ... ' . 患容解復健情浼’產激勵其努灰造行後健,阻普機;^用於 阻力設定,係於主動式復健時,可以調整可調式i流電壓的電壓 值’該電壓會經由切換電路耦合至電磁離合器士丄,改變電磁離 合器11中電磁線圈通電時的電流,藉以設定病患旋轉手把工工 ® 1時的阻力效果’該電壓設定值亦會被嵌入式系統21讀取與處 理,並顯示於顯示器單元中的阻力位置,於被動式復健時,施於 電磁離合器11的電壓值為最大值,因此阻力效果亦最大,同時, 利用連接器的作用,將手把1 11、電磁離合器玉i、旋轉編碼 器13與馬達14等機構連動在一起,因此藉由馬達14的帶動 可以讓病患作CPM(Continuous Passive Motion)復健;復健次數 設定係醫護人員可以依據病患過去的復健資料,設定本次的復健 病患應可以從事的旋轉次數,病患必須從目前的位置經過旋前、 11 200948349」作再回到原先位置,如此才算復健一次,該樣料會顯 示於顯示器單元中的復健次數位置;旋前/旋後活動度設定係醫護 人員可以依據病患過去的復健資料,設定本次的復健病患應可以 從事的旋前與旋後角度,病患上肢旋轉活動度必須超過設定值才 算合格’該項資料會顯示於顯示器單元_的活動度位置;馬達1 4速度設定係執行被動式復健時,可以使用本功能來設定馬達1 4運轉的速度’以符合病患的能力;該項資料會顯示於顯示器單 元中的速度位置。 © 一 請參閱第三圖所示’經由普及化的網路系統2 4,病患可以 將復健資料與復健參數等存放在醫護端系統中的伺服器資料庫2 6’醫師或德舉師可以透每網路系統24與伺服器資料庫26檢 '二視病患的復健成效’並給予適會的醫療處方,且親屬亦可以透過 網路系統2 4與伺^_器資料庫2 6檢視家人的復健情形。 ❹ 12 200948349,式簡單說明】 第一圖為習知立體圖。 第二圖為本發明病患端裝置與系統整合圖。 第二圖為本發明醫護端系統與家屬端系統網路示意圖。 第四圖為本發明病患端機構部分裝置前側視立體圖。 第五圖為本發明病患端機構部分裝置後側視立體圖。 第六圖為本發明病患端機構部分裝置側視立體圖。 第七圖為電磁式離合器接合/分離狀態圖。 〇 第八圖為光學編碼器工作原理示意圖。 第九圖為扭力量測系統架構圖。 第十圖為馬達驅動/控制系統架構圖。 、第十一圖為反射型紅外線收發器工作示意圖。:、 * 第十二圖為顯示器單光畫面意圖。 . ' 第十三圖為系統軟體架構流程圖。 第十四圖為旋轉活動度量測系統架構圖。 ❹ 第十五圖為阻力機構架構圖。 【主要元件符號說明】 機構部分1 電磁離合器11 手把111 扭力量具12 旋轉編碼器13 馬達14 齒輪組151、152、153、154 嵌入式系統2 1 旋轉活動度量測系統2 2 扭力量測系統2 3 網路通訊系統2 4 語音系統2 5 資料庫管理系統2 6 13200948349 弓说明: 'Technical field to which the invention belongs>> The present invention relates to a forearm rotational activity rehabilitation device and a method thereof, which are mechanical components such as an electromagnetic clutch, a torsion force, an optical rotary encoder, a motor, a life wheel set, and the like. The electronic circuit is a combination of embedded system, rotating activity measurement system, torsion strength measurement system, resistance mechanism, network communication system, passive drive mechanism, voice system and database management system. Equipment, designing a multi-functional upper-extremity pronation/post-rotation activity rehabilitation system for the electromechanical integration of the rehabilitation mechanism to provide for patients with forearm pronation/spinning dysfunction to enhance mobility in this area The technical field. [Prior Art] Press, rehabilitation medical institutions will contain: 覃 腕 wrist rotation complex _ (侉 务 务 腕 患者 患者 患者 患者 ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( The upper limbs have muscle strength and other activity functions; in functional hospitals, there is a high-utilization rehabilitation equipment. Each type of rehabilitation equipment has a handle, so that the affected upper limb can hold it and make a pronation. The regenerative action of the supination; the rehabilitation device has a resistance mechanism, and uses the resistance adjustment button and the resistance bearing pad to set the resistance when rotating, and a small part has the function of the rotation activity indication, but other disadvantages still exist. [Summary of the Invention] First, the problem to be solved: 1. The immediate measurement and display device such as the rotation angle and the torsional force without the pronation/spin motion can not detect the rotation angle of the pronation/spindle when the patient's arm is rehabilitated. Torque, when the patient recovers, the physician or the therapist can only understand the patient's rehabilitation status in the way of observation. 200948349, the medical staff has a great burden on human resource scheduling. 2. No duplicate (four) news records and supervision The wire therapy therapist can't grasp the information about the patient's rehabilitation treatment, curative effect, etc. 3. There is no clear communication Wei, can't rehabilitate the patient's material_ stored in the storage device, so that the doctor can check the patient at any time. The rehabilitation message is used as a reference for diagnosis and treatment. 4· For the active rehabilitation structure, there is no passive copy function, and it is not suitable for patients who must use passive rehabilitation. II. Solution: According to the invention The design and the functions achieved are summarized as follows: Active rehabilitation function (refer to Figure 6) 1. At this time, the pin 16 is unplugged, the motor does not move and the sector gear set 151, ^,, +. . ~ 152 and ji Haoshen group 153; β4 detachment, that is, the rehabilitation activities of rickets benefit will not be carried out by the motor. 2. The patient enters the identity card number, medical record number and other information to obtain the previous rehabilitation Data and rehabilitation parameters, etc. 〇 3. The medical staff assesses the patient's ability and sets rehabilitation parameters such as resistance (adjust the voltage applied to the electromagnetic clutch, can be used for strength training), the number of rehabilitation, etc. Suffering from emergency and safe use The metal clip is clamped on the collar, sleeves, etc. for safety. 4. The patient holds the handle with the hand (this will switch on the power of the electromechanical system) to re-establish the angle of rehabilitation on the handlebar. Information such as torque, rehabilitation time and rehabilitation time will be displayed on the display. The s# sound system will immediately send a reminder to the patient or encourage the patient to work hard to rehabilitate. 6. The patient completes rehabilitation (such as rehabilitation) After the number of times has reached the set value), the hand of the sick bundle leaves the handle (the power of the electromechanical system will be powered off). 7. The system will send the patient rehabilitation data and rehabilitation parameters to the remote server' and It is stored in the database system for inquiries by physicians, health care providers or family members. © Passive rehabilitation function (refer to Figure 6) 1. At this time, the quick release pin 16 is inserted, the sector gear set 151, 152 and the sector The gear sets 153, 154 are linked together, that is, when the motor is running, the affected limbs of the 13⁄4 disease can be driven for post-health activities. -·· 2·Adjust the voltage value applied to the electromagnetic clutch to the maximum, and connect the mechanism to the motor and the year. 3. The patient enters the identity card number, medical record number and other data to obtain the previous rehabilitation Q data and rehabilitation parameters. 4. The medical staff assesses the patient's ability and sets rehabilitation parameters such as the number of rehabilitation, the angle of the clockwise/counterclock rotation, the motor running speed, etc., and requires the patient to clip the metal clip for emergency and safe use to the collar. Sleeve and other places, in order to be safe. 5. The patient holds the handlebar (power on the electromechanical system) for rehabilitation. At this time, the motor will rotate clockwise and counterclockwise according to the set speed to drive the patient to rehabilitate; If the speed of the motor is too fast, the motor is smooth/reverse 200948349 诘锫 _ ... ' Turn (4) angle is too large to exceed the patient's tolerance, you can remove the hand from the handle to power off the electromechanical system. 6. The motor belt _ the rotation angle, the number of rehabilitation and the rehabilitation _ will not be displayed on the display; the voice system will immediately send a voice message to remind or encourage the patient to work hard to rehabilitate. 7. After the patient completes the rehabilitation (if the number of rehabilitation has reached the set value), the patient's hand leaves the handle (the power of the electromechanical system will be cut off). & ^ will use the patient's ship _ and the rehearsal and other remote feeding device 'and store it in the database system' for the inquiry of doctors, medical staff or relatives. [Embodiment] Please refer to the $8 diagram of the factory. The device is divided into sub-mechanism components such as I electromagnetic clutch n, pull force condition Y, first learning rotary encoder i 3, motor 14 gear set 15 and so on. The electromagnetic clutch engineering system connects the rotating output to the rotating shaft, mainly composed of an electromagnetic coil, a rotor, a pressure plate, etc. In use, when the electromagnetic coil of the clutch ii is energized, the disk is driven by the rotor. Attracting, its attractiveness is proportional to the current in the electromagnetic coil; the optical rotary encoder 13 series has low noise, high accuracy, and no dead zone problem, and is rotated by a circular plate with a slit. The shaft is placed between the light-emitting diode and the light-receiving diode. 'With the rotation of the shaft, the photoelectric disk follows _, and when the light is still, the light is in a state of 'non-fourth: the position of the light-transmitting light-transmitting element will transmit light. The shape is changed into a pulse wave signal. The rotation angle can be obtained after decoding by the numerator. The stepping motor i 4 system can use the Open Loop to control the operation of the chick and the (4) electric switch, which is the secret / township 200948349^! 4, When the secret type is rejuvenated, the speed of the line is set to drive the stepping motor. 14 driving the patient's lateral paralysis limb to rehabilitate; the connector includes a sector gear set 15 and a quick release pin 16 to enable the handle cymbal and the stepping motor 14 to be coupled together during passive rehabilitation; The stepping motor 14 may have a vibration condition at a low speed and easily generate a dry sound. In practice, the stepping motor speed must be increased to reduce the dry sound. The rehabilitation machine is generally provided to the patient for use, and the movement speed is not Too fast 'so the speed conversion between the handle 1i i and the stepping motor i 4 is carried out by the sector gear set 5, and the quick release pin 16 is mainly for switching between active rehabilitation and passive rehabilitation. 'The quick release pin i 6 inserts the system for passive rehabilitation, when the system is unplugged, the system becomes active rehabilitation. §1 See the second, ninth, tenth, eleventh, and fourteenth, the electronic circuit part ☆ 2 % title implant system 32 rotation 1 ^ ^ measurement, system 2 includes: torsion strength measurement system 2 3, resistance mechanism, network communication system, system, motor drive system, voice system 2 5 and database management The system is made up of 6; the system of the reintroduction system 2 i is the whole of the core fiber (4), the movement of the limbs and the torsion (4), the voice crane, the age of each data and the transmission to the server system, tight; § safety compensation scales, set up miscellaneous details; miscellaneous activity measurement system 2 2 series mainly It is to monitor the change of the forearm limb rotation activity (rotation before and after the angle) and present it in the display unit, including the rotary encoder 13 , the solution/count unit and the display unit, and the rotary encoder 丄3 has two outputs according to the foregoing The signal, such as the A-phase lion in the second figure, can be used to distinguish the rotation of the upper limb limb rehabilitation by the decoding circuit output in the decoding/counting unit (clockwise movement when facing the hand jade 1) or In the counterclockwise direction (for the hand, the i 2 jade is the pronation movement), the output of the counting circuit in the 200948349 > code/count unit can detect the rotation angle of the limb' and present it in the display unit. Post-activity, position, etc.; Twist strength measurement system 2 3 is the force used to measure the patient's pre-rotation and post-revolution rehabilitation exercises. The force value will be displayed in the torque position of the display unit.Related electronic circuits such as a torsion sensor, an amplifying circuit, an analog/digital converter, etc. (such as the ninth figure); the motor drive control system is used in a passive rehabilitation mode for driving and controlling the stepping motor 14, Through the setting of the connector, the motor 14 is interlocked with the handle 111. When the motor 14 rotates in the positive and reverse clock direction, it will drive the upper limbs of the upper limb to perform continuous pronation and supination rehabilitation exercises (such as the tenth figure). The voice system 2 5 will immediately send a voice message to remind or encourage the patient to work hard to rehabilitate, so that if the patient is accompanied by a loved one or medical staff during the treatment, the voice part • · ' , ... Use Chinese text to voice 1C, and then pass the audio amplifier and speaker will correspond to Chinese, '- ..< · ' sound, emergency safety system is the patient in the rehabilitation, such as abnormal conditions, this luxury. '· The emergency safety system can quickly cut off the power supply of the electromechanical system to ensure the safety of the patient. The female measures can be done in two ways, one is the patient's disposal, and the reflective infrared transceiver is used to measure the blood flow of the hand. The shape change (such as the eleventh figure) is used to detect whether the patient will hold the handle 111 to control the power of the electromechanical system. When the patient holds the handle 111, the electromechanical system power is turned on. After leaving the handle 111, the power supply of the electromechanical system will be automatically powered off. When the patient is rehabilitated, the patient can also clip the metal loss to the collar, sleeves, etc. In an emergency, the metal clip can be immediately removed from the collar, sleeves, etc. The short circuit of the metal clip cuts off the power supply of the electromechanical system. The patient can also press the emergency switch to immediately cut off the power supply of the electromechanical system. The other is the intervention of an outsider. If the patient cannot handle the emergency safety incident by himself, the outside person such as his family Medical staff, 20094834$ can press the emergency switch to immediately cut off the power supply of the electromechanical system; the perpetual system architecture includes RTC (Real Time Clock/Calendar) chip, RTC setter and display circuit, etc. The control of the switching circuit is powered by the rechargeable battery to the RTC chip, so that the data stored in the internal cycle and time is uninterrupted and can be timed normally; When using the system, the DC power supply system via the charging circuit for charging the rechargeable battery. Please refer to the twelfth, thirteenth and fifteenth figures. In the setting of the rehabilitation parameters and the display unit, the 'display unit is used to display the rehabilitation parameters (resistance, number of times of rehabilitation, angle of rotation before/after rotation, The set value of the motor speed and the related information (torque force, actual number of times of rehabilitation, pre-spin/post-spin motion angle, each time of rehabilitation time, total time of rehabilitation), etc., and also on the screen The pre-/post-rotation activity is obsessed with the disease... '. The patient's ability to resolve the health 浼 产 激励 激励 激励 努 努 努 努 努 努 努 努 努 努 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ The voltage value of the adjustable i-flow voltage can be adjusted. The voltage is coupled to the electromagnetic clutch by the switching circuit, and the current when the electromagnetic coil of the electromagnetic clutch 11 is energized is changed, thereby setting the patient's rotating handle to the worker's 1 The resistance effect 'this voltage setting value will also be read and processed by the embedded system 21 and displayed in the resistance position in the display unit. When the passive rehabilitation is performed, the voltage value applied to the electromagnetic clutch 11 is the maximum value, so the resistance effect Also the biggest, When the connector is used, the handle 11 11 , the electromagnetic clutch j, the rotary encoder 13 and the motor 14 are linked together, so that the motor 14 can drive the patient to perform CPM (Continuous Passive Motion). Rehabilitation; the number of rehabilitation times can be set by the medical staff based on the past rehabilitation data of the patient, and the number of rotations that the rehabilitation patient should be able to perform. The patient must pass the current position from the current position, 11 200948349" Return to the original position, so that the rehabilitation is performed once, the sample will be displayed in the position of the number of times of rehabilitation in the display unit; the pre-rotation/post-rotation activity setting can be set by the medical staff according to the past rehabilitation data of the patient. This time, the rehabilitation patients should be able to engage in pre-rotation and supination angles. The patient's upper limb rotation activity must exceed the set value to be qualified. 'This information will be displayed in the activity position of the display unit _; motor 14 speed When the system is performing passive rehabilitation, this function can be used to set the speed of the motor 14 to 'match the patient's ability; the data will be displayed in the display unit. Location. © Please refer to the third figure. 'Through the popular network system 24, the patient can store the rehabilitation data and rehabilitation parameters in the server database of the medical system. 6 6' Physician or German The teacher can check the 'rehabilitation effect of the two-way patients' through each network system 24 and the server database 26 and give appropriate medical prescriptions, and the relatives can also access the database through the network system. 2 6 Review the family's rehabilitation. ❹ 12 200948349, a brief description of the formula] The first figure is a conventional perspective view. The second figure is an integrated view of the patient device and system of the present invention. The second figure is a schematic diagram of the network of the medical end system and the family end system of the present invention. The fourth figure is a front side perspective view of a part of the device of the patient's end of the invention. The fifth figure is a rear perspective view of a part of the device of the patient's end of the invention. Figure 6 is a side perspective view of a portion of the device of the patient's end of the present invention. The seventh figure is a diagram of the electromagnetic clutch engagement/disengagement state.第八 The eighth figure is a schematic diagram of the working principle of the optical encoder. The ninth figure is the structural diagram of the torsion strength measurement system. The tenth figure is the motor drive / control system architecture diagram. The eleventh figure is a schematic diagram of the operation of the reflective infrared transceiver. :, * The twelfth picture shows the intention of the single light screen of the display. The thirteenth picture shows the flow chart of the system software architecture. The fourteenth figure is the architecture diagram of the rotating activity measurement system. ❹ The fifteenth figure is the structural diagram of the resistance mechanism. [Main component symbol description] Mechanism part 1 Electromagnetic clutch 11 Handle 111 Torque strength 12 Rotary encoder 13 Motor 14 Gear set 151, 152, 153, 154 Embedded system 2 1 Rotational activity measurement system 2 2 Torque measurement system 2 3 Network communication system 2 4 Voice system 2 5 Database management system 2 6 13