200938789 九、發明說明 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明係關於具備有自動開放門裝置之電冰箱。 【先前技術】 近年,家庭用電冰箱係具有下述傾向,即使飲食生活 的多樣化,並且收納量也大容量化,超過400公升等級成 〇 爲主流,電冰箱本體的高度、寬度尺寸也變大的傾向。伴 隨此,冷藏室、及冷凍室、蔬菜室的門也大型化,旋轉式 冷藏室門的內側之收納架、抽屜式冷凍室、蔬果室門等具 有高度與寬度尺寸的擴大並且深度尺寸也增大用以收納更 多的食品之傾向,門本身也大,故爲了開門而需要大的力 量,對於力量小的女性、老年者的情況,其負擔變大,被 要求加以改善。 針對前述冷藏室,由於收納容積最大,採取將門分割 G 成左右以作成爲雙門方式,或具備藉由使用者對電冰箱門 表面之觸控操作,使開關作動,用以驅動螺線管使推壓棒 從本體側突出,藉此按壓門面而開門之自動開放門機構的 電冰箱提供於市場中,作爲門的開放不需要負擔的商品被 加以評價並且在前述雙門式門適用此自動開放門裝置之結 構被提案出來(例如參照專利文獻1 )。 前述專利文獻1所記載的冷藏室用的開放門裝置,由 於門爲被安裝於本體之鉸鏈所樞支的旋轉門,故,藉由調 整從作爲旋轉始點支鉸鏈部分的按壓位置與推出力,能夠 -5- 200938789 進行開門,但,針對前述冷凍室、蔬果室等的抽屜式門, 爲了使開門的方向非旋轉而是在直線方向並推出行程變長 ,或爲了關門所壓入的反動再次開門,也能以自力關門, 而在抽屜軌道設置朝背面下方之傾斜部,或設置以彈簧拉 入之機構。 因此,如前述般,爲了藉由螺線管的產生力,能自動 地開門,而如前述旋轉式門之開放門裝置,需要對應於複 數個負荷之峰値而超過該峰値的開門力,其不僅勝過對拉 開對磁鐵墊片的吸附力,也需勝過拉入用彈簧的自閉力等 ,但,在以往的螺線管,由於可獲得大產生力之點係對移 位呈一點,故,爲了克服具有在複數個分離位置的峰値之 門負荷,不需使用具有極大產生力之螺線管。 〔專利文獻1〕日本特開2003 - 83673號公報 【發明內容】 〔發明所欲解決之課題〕 如前述,在螺線管具備極大的產生力之情況,由於螺 線管本身的構造尺寸變大,造成不易設置於電冰箱,並且 由於產生力極大,故,開放門時的開門速度變得過快,由 於成爲強力地將門打開’會產生對使用者產生衝擊之缺失 。又’在價格上,由於線圈的捲裝變多,會產生成爲昂貴 之問題。 又’作爲開放門裝置’亦可考量不使用螺線管而作成 爲馬達式結構,但因馬達式,開門速度慢,且推開門的力 -6- 200938789 量弱,所以,比起螺線管方式,對應性、開門感覺差。 本發明係著眼於上述問題點而開發完成的發明,其目 的在於提供,設有可將螺線管小型化而使用於電冰箱,並 在成本上也廉價的的開放門裝置之電冰箱。 〔用以解決課題之手段〕 爲了解決上述課題,本發明的電冰箱,其特徵爲:具 @ 備有:封閉儲藏室的前面開口部之門;藉由對此門的操作 來作動之開關;和設置於與前述門的裏面相對向之本體側 ,藉由前述開關的作動來進行開門動作之開放門單元,前 述開放門單元是藉由對在管的外周捲裝有線圈之螺線管進 行通電所吸引,將設置於在前述管內朝軸方向移動的柱塞 之前端的推壓棒朝前方突出,來進行開門動作之單元,並 在對前述柱塞的移動距離之前述螺線管的產生力特性上, 具有兩部位以上的峰値。 ❹ 〔發明效果〕 若根據本發明的電冰箱的話,因使作爲開放門裝置之 螺線管的產生力具有複數個峰値,所以,能夠產生因應因 開門時的位移所產生的負荷之產生力,藉由無浪費、有效 率的開門力,進行舒適的自動開放,並且可將螺線管小型 化而容易使用於電冰箱,且,可廉價製造。 【實施方式】 200938789 以下,根據圖面,說明關於本發明的1實施形態。圖 1係顯示本發明之電冰箱之最下段的冷凍室部分的開門狀 態的外觀之斜視圖,圖2係圖1的縱斷面圖。 以外箱、內箱、和在這些內外箱間發泡充塡有隔熱材 的隔熱箱體所形成之電冰箱本體(1),係在內箱內部, 作爲儲藏空間,於最上部具冷藏室(2),而在其下方, 經由隔熱區隔壁,將製冰貯冰室(3)與溫度切換室(4) 區分成左右而倂置。蔬果室,雖未特別予以圖示,其配設 於前述冷藏室(2)的下方空間。又,在最下部,獨立配 置有冷凍室(5),在各儲藏室的前面開口,分別設有專 用的門而可自由開閉地封閉著。 具有最大收納容積之冷藏室(2)的開口部爲左右旋 轉式門,藉由作成爲雙門式的門與安裝於門周緣之磁鐵墊 片,將內外予以氣密地封閉著,具備有藉由使用者對門表 面之觸控操作來驅動螺線管而進行開門之自動開放門機構 〇 配置於冷藏室(2)的下部之製冰貯冰室(3)、溫度 切換室(4)、及冷凍室(5)係與前述冷藏室(2)同樣 地,藉由安裝於門內板周緣之磁鐵墊片(6),將內外予 以氣密地封閉著,在安裝於門內側並朝儲藏室內深部延伸 出來的左右一對支承框(7)載置有各自的收納容器(8) ,並且作成爲下述方式者’即’將冷凍室門(9)作成爲 抽屜式,藉由前述支承框(7)與庫內壁面之軌道機構’ 將其分別朝庫外並向前後方向拉出的方式。 -8- 200938789 冷凍室(5)之收納容器(8)係呈上面開口之底深的 箱狀,在該.開口之上面的周緣形成有突緣部,利用此突緣 部將前述上面開口幾乎予以覆蓋,載置有切削前緣的一部 分而具有朝收納具高度之製冰用牛乳盒容器等的朝向之後 方凹陷部的底較淺的皿狀之中段容器(10)。 又,在拉出冷凍室門(9)之際,與收納容器(8) — 同,中段容器(10)係藉由配設於前述支承框(7)與庫 ϋ 內壁面之間的滑軌(11),其後端從冷凍室(5)的前面 開口部朝前方出現爲止,在全開狀態下被大幅拉出者,中 段容器(10)係設置成,在收納容器(8)的突緣部上可 朝前後方向滑動,開閉收納容器(8 )的上面開口,又能 夠進行中段容器(1〇)本身的拉出、收納。 在前述收納容器(8)及中段容器(10)的上方,設 有與這些容器(8) (10)及冷凍室門(9)的開閉無關連 地,獨立拉出、收納於庫內之上段容器(12)。此上段容 〇 器(12)位於中段容器(10)的上方,但,對其的保持, 非前述門的支承框(7),而是直接支承於使形成於上段 容器(1 2 )本身的開口側緣之突緣部朝冷凍室(5 )的側 壁並向內突出所設置之未圖示的支承軌道’而可朝前後滑 動地被支承的構造,爲荷重負擔不會施加於支承冷凍室門 (9)及中段容器(1〇)與下段的收納容器(8)之支承框 (7)、滑軌(11),並且不會與冷凍室門(9)的開門連 動之結構。因此,在將其拉出的情況,在拉出冷凍室門( 9)後,握持形成於上段容器(12)本身的前壁的一部分 -9- 200938789 之把手並獨自地拉出,又推入至室內° 如此,在冷凍室(5)的上部之前述製冰貯冰室(3) 與溫度切換室(4)之間的區隔壁部(13)的寬度方向中 央部,如圖3的分解斜視圖所示,設置有開放門單元(15 )。此開放門單元(15),在本實施例的情況’非將上下 的室隔熱區劃用的區隔壁,而是配設有僅設成將收納容器 (8)及上段容器(12)從庫內拉出或收納用之區隔壁部 (13),將本來無法作爲本来儲藏空間來利用之無效空間 能夠有效地利用來作爲開放門單元(1 5 )的收納空間者。 開放門單元(15)係與轉動式冷藏室(2)的門同樣 地,藉由對由形成於冷凍室門(9)表面的手把部(9a) 之磁性棒所構成的觸控式開關(16)進行觸控操作,利用 霍爾1C、微電腦控制所驅動者,如呈關門狀態之平斷面 圖的圖4所示,由設置於軛(17)內,將線圈捲裝於繞線 管的外周並將其以樹脂加以成形之螺線管(18)、在螺線 管(18)的內側爲了偏移吸引力的峰値的位置而在軸方向 的前後分離並配設之不銹鋼製前補助軛(19)與後補助軛 (20 )、設置於此前後補助軛(1 9 )( 20 )的內側並以黄 銅製成之圓筒狀管(21)、藉由對前述螺線管(18)進行 通電來吸引並在前述管(21)內朝軸方向水平移動之磁性 體製柱塞(22)、及固接於柱塞(22)的前端之推壓棒( 23)所構成’將此開放門單元(15)經由橡膠襯套等的緩 衝材螺旋固定於安裝於前述區隔壁部(13)的前後範圍之 螺線管盒(24)。 -10- 200938789 前述柱塞(22)與推壓棒(23)之組立體,在本實施 例的情況,由於設置於冷凍溫度空間內’故會有在開門時 等,因外氣的侵入而結露並結冰之可能性,爲了防止結冰 ,而不對功能造成影響下,該開口上面藉由螺線管蓋(25 )加以密封地封閉著。在其前端部,爲了使螺線管盒(24 )內的柱塞(22)等的金屬製滑動部氣密地密封成不會與 冷凍室(5)空間之濕氣接觸’且,推壓棒(23)的前端 部可朝前方延伸,而設有形成爲蛇腹狀之矽膠製密封用襯 墊(26),經由此密封用襯墊(26),安裝作爲對冷凍室 門(9 )方向之突出構件的以合成樹脂所形成之敲擊構件 (27 )。 又,在對螺線管(18)進行通電時,藉由朝柱塞(22 )的前方之水平移動,使得推壓棒(23)的前端部朝前方 延伸出來,經由密封用襯墊(26),按壓立設於敲擊構件 (27)的後部之卡合片(2 7a),使敲擊構件(27)的前 端部朝冷凍室門(9)的裏面側突出。 如此,因敲擊構件(27)被作成爲與推壓棒(23)不 同之構件,經由卡合片(27a )被按壓,所以,具有下述 優點,即,不需要爲了將門裏面的按壓部與柱塞(22)的 滑動軸的軸芯一致或將推壓棒(23)配置於預定位置而進 行彎曲成形,能夠進行螺線管(18)的設置場所之設定調 整,可有效地設置於區隔壁部(13)裏面的無效空間中。 在柱塞(22)的另一端,設有由壓縮線圈彈簧所構成 之返回用彈簧(28 ),其係形成爲將柱塞(22 )朝與螺線 -11 - 200938789 管(18)之突出方向相反方向常時彈推,在停止對螺線管 (18)進行通電後,藉由此返回用彈簧(28),將推壓棒 (23)再次收納於螺線管(18)的管(21)內。又,包含 配設於前述螺線管盒(24)內的敲擊構件(27)之開放門 單元(15)的表面係受到單元蓋(29)所被覆,防止冷氣 的入侵、進行防止受到外力破壞的保護,並且亦進行使人 不會接觸到充電部之安全上的保護。 圖1中的(30)係爲利用設置於與冷凍室門(9)的 下方的一側裏面相對向之電冰箱本體(Π側的振簧開關 等所形成的門開關,在關門之際,藉由感測設置於冷凍室 門(9)裏面之磁鐵墊片(6)的磁力,來檢測冷凍室門( 9 )的開閉狀態者。 此門開關(3 0 )係並非僅藉由檢測門開閉,控制室內 的冷卻風扇的旋轉等,並且在冷凍室門(9)開放之情況 ,亦控制成不會使開放門單元(1 5 )作動。藉此,即使在 冷凍室門(9 )開放中不小心觸控到觸控式開關(1 6 )之 際,也不會對螺線管(18)進行通電,能夠防止敲擊構件 (27)意外地朝本體前方的空間突出的危險者,開放門單 元(15)係以冷凍室門(9)被完全關閉爲條件才可進行 動作。 開放門單元(1 5 )的基本結構是如上所述,在打開冷 凍室門(9 )之情況,藉由門開關(3 0 ),以冷凍室門(9 )被關閉爲條件,對進行於門的手把部(9a)之觸控式開 關(16)進行觸控操作,來對螺線管(18),經由驅動器 -12- 200938789 (功率電路)通電1秒鐘。然後,藉由螺線管(18),使 柱塞(22)抗衡返回用彈簧(28)的力來吸引移動而進行 開門動作。 再者,在冷凍室門(9)等的抽屜式門,爲了防止因 關門時的壓入不足,造成在關閉前門與本體之間產生間隙 的狀態下停止所謂半關門半門狀態,又,爲了防止其他的 門被強力地關閉之際,因該風壓造成已經關閉的門被打開 φ 之情事產生,而以自動進行關門爲目的,設置下述機構, 即,在滑軌(1 1 )部設置作用成將冷凍室門(9 )朝關門 方向拉入之未圖示的拉入用彈簧,藉由自閉力,將半關門 狀態的門關閉或保持關狀態之機構。 因此,在打開抽屜式之冷凍室門(9)時,拉離開門 時的磁鐵墊片(6)之力、與勝過成爲前述負荷體之拉入 用彈簧的自閉力的力之兩部位的峰値作爲負荷存著,開放 門單元(1 5 )必須具備有能夠進行柱塞(22 )的位移以及 φ 對應這些負荷來開門之產生力。 螺線管(18)對柱塞(22)的移動距離之產生力爲電 磁力,會受磁束的量所影響,若爲鐵質電路的話,則高透 磁率材且斷面積越大越強,若爲銅電路的話,捲繞多數的 線圏作成爲安培匝(電流X捲繞數)則變強。 但,前述條件均是將螺線管本身增重,尺寸也大,在 產生力的峰値僅有一點之以往的螺線管,爲了如前述般對 應具有複數個峰値之負荷,必須將該產生力設定成高於門 的位移之在所有部位的負荷,因此,必須將螺線管之產生 -13- 200938789 力作成爲極大者。 因此,造成螺線管本身進一步變大,裝置也變大,需 要用以進行設置之空間,因,該部分不僅造成用來儲藏之 空間減少,並且因產生力變大,造成開放門時的開門速度 、強度變得過大,會有在開門之際對使用者衝接之缺失產 生,又,價格也變得極爲昂貴之問題也會產生。 針對這些情事,在本發明,將螺線管(1 8 )作成爲下 述構造,即,非在柱塞(22 )牴觸到固定子之滑動的最終 _ 點產生最大力之吸引子型態,而是作成爲將管(21)貫通 之貫通型態,在前後設置圓筒形的前述補助軛(19) (20 ),並將前方側的前補助軛(19)的長度與形狀,來設置 對應於將冷凍室門(9)拉出之際的複數部位的負荷之峰 値的產生力。 如作爲顯示本實施例之對門的移動位移量之負荷力及 螺線管產生力的關係特性圖之圖5所示,將開門點作爲0 ,關門點位於從開門點分離46mm之位置。 ξ) 從開門動作之關門點的開門當時之門負荷係爲使設置 於門開口部之磁鐵墊片(6)抗衡因該磁力所產生對本體 側之吸附力的力,在從開門點分離3 8mm之位置產生第1 峰値(A),產生用來進行拉離的大約30N的負荷。但, 前述負荷値爲基準値,在磁鐵墊片(6),藉由電冰箱之 使用過程的附著物使密接度增加者,實際上成爲以虛線所 示之曲線,在前述第1峰値(A)成爲5 0N左右之負荷。 以下,針對以虛線所示之實際値進行說明。拉離磁鐵 -14- 200938789 墊片(6)後的門負荷成爲導出成冷凍室門(9)本 量與收納容器(8)等的收納物的重量加上摩擦後 降低成20N程度之値,但,在從前述第1峰値 移動距離爲20〜30mm的位置,在本實施例爲 2 7mm後之開門點分離1 1mm之位置,作爲門的自 前述拉入用彈簧的彈力成爲最大値而形成第2峰| ,該負荷値成爲大於3 5N,因此需要勝過該負荷値 φ 爲了對應於前述負荷値之變化,在本實施例, 管(18)的產生力的第1峰値(a)設定成在開門 38 mm之位置成爲55N,而將第2峰値(b)在同1 點成爲45N。再者,前述螺線管(18)的產生力爲 85V時之値,藉由將電壓作成100V等使其改變, 大或調整產生力。 由於在螺線管的產生力特性上,設有兩部位的 故如圖6中顯示第1實施例的側面圖(a)、同斜i 〇 )所示,藉由形成在從前述前補助軛(19)的圓筒 部朝前方側向軸方向延伸於預定距離範圍並將前端 矩形狀之缺口部(31),來使其具有兩部位的峰値 產生力的特性係如槪略關係圖之圖7所示’作 子之柱塞(22 )從如關門狀態之2點鎖線的位置如 示般滑動,當其前端邊緣(22a)與前補助軛(19 端之邊緣a(l 9a)接近時,在最接近的位置’產 的產生力的峰値者,藉由形成前述缺口部(31) ’ 缺口者雖會變低,但在前補助軛(19)的前述邊 身的重 的値, Ο起之 從移動 閉力之 1(B) 之力。 將螺線 點分離 1 mm之 在電壓 能夠增 峰値, 見圖(b 之後端 作成爲 〇 爲可動 箭號所 |)的後 生強力 比起無 緣a ( -15- 200938789 19a)的部分與形成於缺口部(31)的前端的邊緣b(31b )之兩部位能夠產生峰値。 因此,藉由拉出冷凍室門(9)時所產生之第1及第 2負荷之峰値(A ) ( B )的大小、間隔尺寸,來設定缺口 部(31)的寬度、深度、及前補助軛(19)的長度尺寸即 可,在本實施例的情況,至前述缺口部(31)的前端爲止 之深度係爲從前述第1峰値(a)至第2峰値(b)爲止之 2 7mm。 缺口部(31)係藉由將其前端如前述圖6所示般形成 爲矩形狀,使得在柱塞(22 )的邊緣(22a )接近前補助 軛(19)的缺口部(31)前端的邊緣b(31b)之時間點 上,獲得作爲清晰的產生力之第2峰値(b)者,例如, 若拉入用彈簧的開放部分的特性爲急劇者的話,也能正確 地予以對應。 藉由上述結構,能以下述方式進行動作,即,當爲了 打開冷凍室門(9)而接觸觸控式開關(16)時,對螺線 管(18)進行通電,柱塞(22)抗衡返回用彈簧(28)的 力而被吸引至管(21)內,並藉由水平移動朝門側突出。 然後,與柱塞(22)移動的同時,推壓棒(23)也朝前方 移動,其前端卡合於敲擊構件(27)的卡合片(27a), 藉此使敲擊構件(27)朝前方突出,進而按壓冷凍室門( 9)的裏面來將門打開。 此時’在第1峰値(a),藉由55N的產生力,勝過 磁鐵墊片(6)的吸附力,而將該墊片從本體開口部拉離 -16- 200938789 ,進一步產生位移而到達第2峰値(b)之際,產生45N 的力,勝過拉入用彈簧的自閉力,而將門打開。 再者,前述門的實際之開放位置,非在對螺線管(18 )進行通電時,柱塞(22)進行相當於螺線管(18)的行 程(50〜60mm )後之位置,而是藉由螺線管的產生力與 門負荷之差所蓄積的力道,打開大約200〜3 00mm之位置 ,當超過第2峰値(b)時,拉入用彈簧的自閉力不會作 Q 用,僅以對應於滑軌(11)的摩擦力之產生力,將冷凍室 門(9)打開,因此,使用者能夠極輕的力道,將門打開 至期望的位置,可良好地進行儲藏品的取出、收納作業。 對螺線管(18)進行通電之時間爲1秒鐘,由於爲貫 通型態而非柱塞(22 )抵接於固定子之吸引子型態,故, 不會有衝撃聲發生之問題,又,由於使柱塞(22)作動而 讓敲擊構件(27)突出後,藉由消勢,使得柱塞(22)利 用返回用彈簧(28)的復原力朝後方移動,因此不會成爲 〇 —直處於朝門前面突出之狀態,而成爲進行下一次開門操 作用之待機狀態。 又,作爲前補助軛的缺口部形狀的其他實施例,亦可 如圖8中之側面圖(a)、斜視圖(b )所示,將前補助軛 (19,)的缺口部(31’)的前端邊緣b(31b’)的形狀形 成爲圓弧狀,或,如圖9所示,將前補助軛(19”)的缺 口部(31”)的前端邊緣b(31b”)形成爲在軸方向具有 傾斜部之角形狀。如前述般,在將缺口部的前端邊緣b( 31b’) (31b”)形成爲圓弧狀或形成爲具有傾斜部之角形 -17- 200938789 狀的情況,第2峰値(b)的產生力之豎立會成爲平緩的 形狀,能夠獲得與冷凍室門(9)開放移動的同時,產生 力平滑地上昇、下降之寬度廣的產生力的峰値。 若依據前述實施例的話,例如,可適用於拉入用彈簧 的開放部分平緩地脫離之這種特性之情況,藉由缺口部( 3 1’) ( 3 1 ”)之圓弧狀的曲線弧度、傾斜部的傾斜度、或 這些的組合,能夠獲得藉由負荷特性來對應之正確的螺線 管(18)的產生力。 在上述各實施例,說明了關於將螺線管(18)的產生 力的峰値設定於兩部位者,但亦可如圖10所示,將前補 助軛(39)的缺口部(41)設置成爲與圓筒之軸方向正交 的複數個寬度尺寸,並沿著軸方向成爲3段的方式形成邊 緣(a) ( b ) (c)的話,能對位移量,設置三部位的產 生力的峰値,藉由缺口形狀,產生力可更進一步設置多數 的峰値。 關於上述,亦可如圖11所示,藉由依次排列設置分 別使圓筒部之缺口形狀或徑方向的隙縫(51)的寬度不同 之複數個前補助軛a(49a)、同b(49b)、同c(49c) ,來形成設有邊緣(a) (b) (c)之補助軛(49),藉 由前述邊緣,作成爲當位移時會具備複數個產生力的峰値 之螺線管(18)。 又,亦可與在前述各實施例說明過的設有缺口部(31 )、(41 )、或隙縫(5 1 )之形狀不同,如圖12所示, 藉由由複數個厚度不同之材料所構成圓筒(59a) (59b) -18- 200938789 來形成前補助軛(59),如此,在圓筒之內側,沿著位移 方向形成階差(61a) (61b),藉由此階差之邊緣,能夠 獲得與前述實施例同樣地具有產生力的複數個峰値之螺線 管(18 )。 作爲其他實施例,亦可如圖1 3所示,前補助軛(69 ),並列配置利用透磁率不同的複數個強磁性體材料例如 低透磁率之圓筒(69a)與高透磁率之圓筒(6 9b),使其 〇 具複數個峰値。 再者,在前述各實施例,以開放門裝置之採用對象作 爲抽屜式冷凍室門進行了說明,但不限於此,亦可例如, 使將旋轉式冷藏室門開門時之磁鐵墊片拉離的部位與成爲 防止門半開用之負荷的抵抗部位的兩部位具有螺線管產生 力的峰値者,且,亦可在法式雙門式門,將當開門時,使 成爲磁鐵墊片的吸附面之可動區隔構件轉動之抵抗部位與 前述同樣地作成爲第2螺線管產生力的峰値部位。 ❹ 【圖式簡單說明】 圖1係顯示本發明的1實施形態的電冰箱之開門狀態 的冷凍室部分之斜視圖。 圖2係顯示圖1的冷凍室部分的關門狀態之縱斷面圖 〇 圖3係顯示圖2之開放門單元部分之解斜視圖。 圖4係顯示圖3之開放門單元的詳細之關門狀態的平 斷面圖。· -19- 200938789 圖5係顯示圖3的開放門單元對螺線管的位移之產生 力及負荷特性圖。 圖6係顯示圖4的補助軛,(a)爲側面圖、(b)爲 斜視圖。 圖7係顯示圖4的開放門單元的要部之側斷面圖。 圖8係顯示圖6的補助軛的其他實施例之側面圖(a )與斜視圖(b )。 圖9係顯示圖6的補助軛的其他實施例之側面圖。 圖10係顯示圖6的補助軛的其他實施例之側面圖。 圖11係顯示圖6的補助軛的其他實施例之側面圖。 圖12係顯示圖6的補助軛的其他實施例之側斷面圖 〇 圖13係顯示圖6的補助軛的其他實施例之側斷面圖 〇 【主要元件符號說明】 1 :電冰箱本體 5 :冷凍室 8、10、12 :容器 9 :冷藏室門 1 1 :滑軌 13 :區隔壁部 1 5 :開放門單元 16 :觸控式開關 -20- 200938789 17 :軛 1 8 :螺線管 前補助軛 19、 195 > 19”、 39、 49、 59、 69: 19a、19a' ' 19a,,:邊緣 a 21 :管 22 :柱塞 22a :邊緣 23 :推壓棒 24 :螺線管盒 27 :敲擊構件 28 :返回用彈簧 31、 31,、 31”、 41、 51:缺口部 3 1b' 3 1b5' 31b,,:邊緣 b 61 a、61b :階差200938789 IX. Description of the Invention [Technical Field of the Invention] The present invention relates to a refrigerator equipped with an automatic open door device. [Prior Art] In recent years, household refrigerators have the following tendency, and even if the food and drink are diversified, the storage capacity is increased, and the level of 400 liters is the mainstream, and the height and width of the refrigerator body are also changed. Big tendency. As a result, the doors of the refrigerating compartment, the freezing compartment, and the vegetable compartment are also increased in size, and the storage rack, the drawer type freezer compartment, and the fruit and vegetable compartment door on the inner side of the rotary refrigerating compartment door have an increase in height and width and an increase in the depth dimension. The tendency to store more foods is also large, so it requires a lot of power to open the door. For women with small strength and old people, the burden is increased and they are required to be improved. In view of the above-mentioned refrigerating compartment, since the storage volume is the largest, the door is divided into two to form a double door method, or a touch operation is performed by the user on the surface of the refrigerator door to activate the switch to drive the solenoid. The push bar protrudes from the body side, whereby the refrigerator of the automatic open door mechanism that presses the door and opens the door is provided in the market, and the product that is not required to be opened as the door is evaluated and is automatically opened in the aforementioned double door type. The structure of the door device is proposed (for example, refer to Patent Document 1). In the open door device for a refrigerating compartment described in Patent Document 1, since the door is a revolving door pivotally attached to a hinge of the main body, the pressing position and the pushing force are adjusted from the hinge portion as the starting point of the rotation. , can open the door from -5 to 200938789, but in the drawer door of the freezer compartment, the vegetable and fruit room, etc., in order to make the direction of opening the door non-rotating, the pushing stroke is lengthened in the straight direction, or the reaction is pressed in order to close the door. When the door is opened again, it is also possible to close the door by self-reliance, and the drawer rail is provided with an inclined portion toward the lower side of the back, or a mechanism for pulling in with a spring. Therefore, as described above, in order to automatically open the door by the generating force of the solenoid, as in the above-described open door device of the rotary door, it is necessary to exceed the peak opening force of the peak load corresponding to the peak of the plurality of loads, It is not only better than the suction force for pulling on the magnet spacer, but also better than the self-closing force of the spring for pulling in. However, in the conventional solenoid, the point at which the force is generated is shifted. In one point, in order to overcome the gate load with peaks at a plurality of discrete positions, it is not necessary to use a solenoid having a great force. [Problem to be Solved by the Invention] As described above, when the solenoid has an extremely large generating force, the structural size of the solenoid itself becomes large. This makes it difficult to install in the refrigerator, and since the force is extremely large, the door opening speed at the time of opening the door becomes too fast, and the door is opened strongly, which may cause a shock to the user. Moreover, in terms of price, there is a problem that the number of packages of the coil increases, which is expensive. Also, 'as a door opener' can be considered as a motor-type structure without using a solenoid. However, due to the motor type, the door opening speed is slow, and the force to push open the door is weak, so the solenoid is weaker than the solenoid. The way, the correspondence, the feeling of opening the door is poor. The present invention has been made in view of the above problems, and an object of the invention is to provide a refrigerator having an open door device which can reduce the size of a solenoid and is used in a refrigerator and which is also inexpensive in cost. [Means for Solving the Problem] In order to solve the above problems, a refrigerator according to the present invention is characterized in that: a door having a front opening portion for closing a storage compartment; and a switch for actuating the operation of the door; And an open door unit which is disposed on the main body side opposite to the inside of the door and is opened by the operation of the switch, and the open door unit is performed by a solenoid which is wound around the outer circumference of the tube. When the current is sucked, the pressing rod provided at the front end of the plunger that moves in the axial direction in the tube protrudes forward to perform a door opening operation, and the solenoid is generated at a moving distance of the plunger. The force characteristic has a peak of two or more parts. [Effect of the Invention] According to the refrigerator of the present invention, since the generating force of the solenoid as the open door device has a plurality of peaks, the force generated by the displacement due to the displacement at the time of opening the door can be generated. By using no waste and efficient door opening force, comfortable and automatic opening is possible, and the solenoid can be miniaturized and easily used in a refrigerator, and can be manufactured at low cost. [Embodiment] 200938789 Hereinafter, an embodiment of the present invention will be described based on the drawings. Fig. 1 is a perspective view showing the appearance of the freezer portion of the lowermost stage of the refrigerator of the present invention, and Fig. 2 is a longitudinal sectional view of Fig. 1. The refrigerator body (1) formed by the outer box, the inner box, and the heat insulating box which is foamed and filled with the heat insulating material between the inner and outer boxes is inside the inner box, serves as a storage space, and is refrigerated at the uppermost portion. In the chamber (2), underneath, the ice storage ice storage chamber (3) and the temperature switching chamber (4) are divided into left and right sides via the partition wall of the heat insulating portion. The vegetable and fruit compartment, although not specifically shown, is disposed in the space below the refrigerating compartment (2). Further, in the lowermost portion, a freezer compartment (5) is disposed independently, and a front door is opened in the front of each storage compartment, and a dedicated door is provided to be opened and closed. The opening of the refrigerating chamber (2) having the largest storage capacity is a left-right rotary door, and the double-door type door and the magnet spacer attached to the peripheral edge of the door are hermetically sealed inside and outside. An automatic opening door mechanism for opening a door by a touch operation of a door surface by a user, an ice making ice storage chamber (3) disposed at a lower portion of the refrigerating chamber (2), a temperature switching chamber (4), and In the same manner as the above-described refrigerating chamber (2), the freezing chamber (5) is hermetically sealed inside and outside by a magnet spacer (6) attached to the periphery of the inner panel of the door, and is attached to the inside of the door and toward the storage compartment. The pair of left and right support frames (7) extending in the deep place are placed with their respective storage containers (8), and the following is the case where the freezer door (9) is made into a drawer type, and the support frame is (7) The way of the orbital mechanism with the inner wall of the library is to pull it out of the library and in the forward and backward directions. -8- 200938789 The storage container (8) of the freezer compartment (5) has a box shape with a deep bottom opening, and a flange portion is formed on the periphery of the upper surface of the opening, and the upper opening is almost formed by the flange portion. The dish-shaped intermediate container (10) having a shallower bottom toward the rear recessed portion such as an ice-making milk container or the like having a height toward the storage height is placed on a part of the cutting front edge. Further, when the freezer compartment door (9) is pulled out, the middle container (10) is provided with a slide rail disposed between the support frame (7) and the inner wall surface of the magazine, similarly to the storage container (8). (11) The rear end of the freezer compartment (5) is pulled forward from the front opening portion of the freezer compartment (5), and the middle container (10) is provided at the flange of the storage container (8). The upper portion of the storage container (8) can be opened and closed by sliding in the front-rear direction, and the middle container (1) can be pulled out and stored. The storage container (8) and the middle container (10) are provided independently of the opening and closing of the containers (8) (10) and the freezing compartment door (9), and are independently pulled out and stored in the upper section of the storage compartment. Container (12). The upper portion of the container (12) is located above the middle container (10), but the holding portion thereof is not supported by the support frame (7) of the door, but is directly supported to be formed in the upper container (1 2 ) itself. A structure in which the flange portion of the opening side edge protrudes toward the side wall of the freezing compartment (5) and protrudes inwardly from the support rail (not shown), and is slidably supported back and forth, so that the load is not applied to the supporting freezing compartment. The door (9) and the middle container (1) are connected to the support frame (7) and the slide rail (11) of the storage container (8) of the lower stage, and are not interlocked with the opening of the freezer door (9). Therefore, in the case of pulling it out, after pulling out the freezing compartment door (9), the handle of the part -9-200938789 formed on the front wall of the upper container (12) itself is gripped and pulled out by itself, and pushed again. Into the room. Thus, in the center portion in the width direction of the partition wall portion (13) between the ice making ice storage chamber (3) and the temperature switching chamber (4) in the upper portion of the freezing chamber (5), as shown in FIG. As shown in the exploded oblique view, an open door unit (15) is provided. In the case of the present embodiment, the open door unit (15) is provided with a partition wall for not partitioning the upper and lower chambers, but is provided only for arranging the storage container (8) and the upper container (12) from the storage compartment. The partition wall portion (13) for pulling in or accommodating, and the ineffective space that cannot be used as the original storage space can be effectively utilized as the storage space of the open door unit (15). The open door unit (15) is a touch switch formed by a magnetic bar of a handle portion (9a) formed on the surface of the freezer compartment door (9), similarly to the door of the rotary refrigerator compartment (2). (16) Performing a touch operation, using the Hall 1C, the microcomputer to control the driver, as shown in FIG. 4 of the flat cross-sectional view of the closed state, is placed in the yoke (17), and the coil is wound on the winding. A solenoid (18) which is formed by resin on the outer circumference of the tube and which is separated from the inside of the solenoid (18) in order to offset the position of the peak of the suction force, and is disposed in the stainless steel. a front auxiliary yoke (19) and a rear auxiliary yoke (20), and a cylindrical tube (21) made of brass inside the auxiliary yoke (1 9 ) (20) before and after the auxiliary yoke (18) A magnetic plunger (22) that is energized to attract and move horizontally in the axial direction in the tube (21), and a pressing rod (23) fixed to the front end of the plunger (22) constitutes ' The open door unit (15) is screw-fixed to a solenoid attached to the front and rear ranges of the partition wall portion (13) via a cushioning material such as a rubber bushing. Box (24). -10- 200938789 The group of the plunger (22) and the pressing rod (23) is three-dimensional. In the case of the present embodiment, since it is installed in the freezing temperature space, there is a case where the door is opened, etc., due to the intrusion of outside air. The possibility of condensation and icing, in order to prevent freezing, without affecting the function, the opening is sealed closed by a solenoid cover (25). In the front end portion, the metal sliding portion such as the plunger (22) in the solenoid case (24) is hermetically sealed so as not to come into contact with the moisture of the freezing chamber (5) space, and is pressed. The front end portion of the rod (23) may extend forward, and a silicone gasket (26) formed in a bellows shape is provided, and the gasket (26) is installed in the direction of the freezing chamber door (9). A striking member (27) of a protruding member formed of a synthetic resin. Further, when the solenoid (18) is energized, the front end portion of the pressing rod (23) is extended forward by the horizontal movement toward the front of the plunger (22), and the gasket is sealed (26). The pressing piece (27a) that is erected on the rear portion of the striking member (27) is pressed so that the front end portion of the striking member (27) protrudes toward the back side of the freezing chamber door (9). In this way, since the striking member (27) is made of a member different from the pressing bar (23) and is pressed by the engaging piece (27a), there is an advantage that it is not necessary to press the pressing portion inside the door. The axis of the sliding shaft of the plunger (22) is aligned or the pressing rod (23) is placed at a predetermined position to be bent, and the setting of the installation position of the solenoid (18) can be performed, and the setting can be effectively performed. In the invalid space inside the partition (13). At the other end of the plunger (22), there is provided a return spring (28) composed of a compression coil spring, which is formed to protrude the plunger (22) toward the spiral -11 - 200938789 tube (18) The direction of the opposite direction is constantly pushed, and after the solenoid (18) is energized, the return spring (28) is again stored in the tube of the solenoid (18). )Inside. Further, the surface of the open door unit (15) including the striking member (27) disposed in the solenoid case (24) is covered by the unit cover (29) to prevent intrusion of cold air and to prevent external force. Destructive protection, and also protection against the safety of the charging unit. (30) in Fig. 1 is a door switch formed by a refrigerator main body (a reed switch or the like disposed on the side opposite to the lower side of the freezer compartment door (9), at the time of closing the door, The opening and closing state of the freezer compartment door (9) is detected by sensing the magnetic force of the magnet spacer (6) provided in the freezer compartment door (9). The door switch (30) is not only by the detection gate Opening and closing, controlling the rotation of the cooling fan in the room, etc., and in the case where the freezing compartment door (9) is opened, it is also controlled so as not to actuate the opening door unit (15). Thereby, even if the freezing compartment door (9) is opened When the touch switch (1 6 ) is accidentally touched, the solenoid (18) is not energized, and the risk that the striking member (27) unexpectedly protrudes toward the space in front of the body can be prevented. The open door unit (15) is operable only when the freezer door (9) is completely closed. The basic structure of the open door unit (15) is as described above, in the case of opening the freezer door (9), With the door switch (30), the condition that the freezer door (9) is closed is The touch switch (16) of the part (9a) is touch-operated to energize the solenoid (18) via the driver-12-200938789 (power circuit) for one second. Then, by the solenoid ( 18), the plunger (22) is caused to move against the force of the return spring (28) to attract the movement to perform the door opening operation. Further, in the drawer type door such as the freezing compartment door (9), in order to prevent the press-in at the time of closing the door Insufficient, causing the so-called half-closed half-door state to be stopped in a state where a gap is formed between the front door and the main body, and in order to prevent other doors from being strongly closed, the closed door is opened due to the wind pressure. In order to automatically close the door, a mechanism is provided in which a pull-in spring (not shown) that acts to pull the freezing chamber door (9) in the closing direction is provided in the slide rail (1 1 ). a mechanism for closing or maintaining the door in a half-closed state by self-closing force. Therefore, when opening the drawer type freezer door (9), the force of the magnet spacer (6) when pulling the door away, And self-closing force that overcomes the pull-in spring that becomes the aforementioned load body The peaks of the two parts of the force are stored as loads, and the open door unit (15) must have a force capable of shifting the plunger (22) and φ corresponding to these loads to open the door. Solenoid (18) The generating force of the moving distance of the plug (22) is an electromagnetic force, which is affected by the amount of the magnetic flux. If it is a ferroelectric circuit, the high magnetic permeability material has a larger breaking area, and if it is a copper circuit, it is wound. Most of the coils become ampere (the current X winding number) becomes stronger. However, the above conditions are to increase the weight of the solenoid itself, and the size is also large, and only a little of the conventional snail is generated at the peak of the force generation. In order to correspond to a load having a plurality of peaks as described above, the line must be set to a load higher than the displacement of the door at all parts. Therefore, it is necessary to make the solenoid -13-200938789 Great. Therefore, the solenoid itself is further enlarged, the device is also enlarged, and a space for setting is required, because the portion not only causes a reduction in space for storage, but also causes a door opening when the door is opened due to a large force generated. The speed and strength become too large, and there will be a problem of the lack of user punching at the time of opening the door, and the problem that the price becomes extremely expensive will also occur. In view of these circumstances, in the present invention, the solenoid (18) is constructed such that the attractor type which does not generate the maximum force at the final point where the plunger (22) hits the sliding of the stator In addition, it is a through-type in which the tube (21) is penetrated, and the cylindrical auxiliary yoke (19) (20) is provided in front and rear, and the length and shape of the front auxiliary yoke (19) are provided. The generating force corresponding to the peak of the load at the plurality of portions when the freezing chamber door (9) is pulled out is set. As shown in Fig. 5 showing the relationship between the load force of the moving displacement amount of the door and the solenoid generating force of the present embodiment, the opening point is set to 0, and the closing point is located at a position separated by 46 mm from the opening point. ξ) The door load at the door opening point of the door opening action is such that the magnet spacer (6) provided at the opening of the door counteracts the force exerted on the body side by the magnetic force, and is separated from the door opening point. The first peak 値 (A) is generated at the position of 8 mm, and a load of about 30 N for pulling away is generated. However, when the load 値 is the reference 値, the magnet shims (6) are increased in the degree of adhesion by the adhering matter during use of the refrigerator, and actually become a curve indicated by a broken line, and the first peak is A) Become a load of around 50N. Hereinafter, the actual enthalpy shown by a broken line will be described. Pull-off magnet-14- 200938789 The door load after the shims (6) is reduced to 20N by the weight of the storage compartment (9) and the storage container (8). However, at the position where the moving distance from the first peak is 20 to 30 mm, the opening point of the door is separated by 11 mm in the present embodiment, and the elastic force of the spring from the pull-in is the maximum. When the second peak is formed, the load 値 becomes greater than 3 5N, so it is necessary to overcome the load 値 φ. In order to correspond to the change in the load ,, in the present embodiment, the first peak of the force generated by the tube (18) (a) ) is set to be 55N at a position where the door is opened 38 mm, and the second peak (b) is set to 45 N at the same point. Further, when the generating force of the solenoid (18) is 85 V, the voltage is changed to 100 V or the like, and the force is generated or adjusted. Since the two parts are provided in the force generating characteristic of the solenoid, as shown in FIG. 6, the side view (a) and the same oblique line 第 of the first embodiment are shown, and the front auxiliary yoke is formed from the front side. The cylindrical portion of (19) extends in the axial direction toward the front side in a predetermined distance range, and has a rectangular-shaped notch portion (31) at the tip end thereof so as to have a characteristic of peak-peak generating force at both portions, such as a relationship diagram. The plunger (22) shown in Fig. 7 slides from the position of the 2 o'clock lock line as in the closed state as shown, when the front end edge (22a) is close to the front auxiliary yoke (the edge a (19a) of the 19 end) In the case where the peak of the production force is generated at the closest position, the gap is formed by the formation of the notch portion (31). However, the weight of the side body of the front auxiliary yoke (19) is reduced. , Lifting the force from moving the closing force 1 (B). Separating the spiral point by 1 mm can increase the peak voltage, as shown in the figure (b becomes the movable arrow in the rear end) It is possible to produce two parts of the edge b (31b) formed at the front end of the notch (31) than the part which is absent from a ( -15- 200938789 19a) Therefore, the width of the notch portion (31) is set by the size and spacing of the peaks 値(A)(B) of the first and second loads generated when the freezing chamber door (9) is pulled out. The depth and the length of the front auxiliary yoke (19) may be, and in the case of the present embodiment, the depth from the front end of the notch portion (31) is from the first peak (a) to the second peak. 7(b) is 2 7 mm. The notch portion (31) is formed in a rectangular shape by the front end thereof as shown in Fig. 6 so that the edge (22a) of the plunger (22) approaches the front auxiliary yoke (19). At the time point of the edge b (31b) of the tip end of the notch portion (31), the second peak 値(b) which is a clear generating force is obtained, for example, if the characteristic of the open portion of the spring for pulling is sharp In the above configuration, it is possible to operate in such a manner that when the touch switch (16) is touched in order to open the freezing compartment door (9), the solenoid (18) is operated. When energized, the plunger (22) is attracted to the tube (21) against the force of the return spring (28), and is laterally moved toward the door side. Then, while the plunger (22) is moved, the pressing rod (23) also moves forward, and the front end thereof is engaged with the engaging piece (27a) of the striking member (27), thereby making the striking member (27) Prominently toward the front, and then press the inside of the freezer compartment door (9) to open the door. At this point, 'in the first peak (a), the force of 55N is better than the adsorption of the magnet spacer (6). Force, and the gasket is pulled away from the opening of the body -16-200938789, and further displacement occurs to reach the second peak (b), generating a force of 45N, which is better than the self-closing force of the spring for pulling in. Open the door. Further, in the actual open position of the door, when the solenoid (18) is energized, the plunger (22) is placed at a position corresponding to the stroke (50 to 60 mm) of the solenoid (18), and It is a force that is accumulated by the difference between the generating force of the solenoid and the door load, and is opened at a position of about 200 to 300 mm. When the second peak (b) is exceeded, the self-closing force of the pulling spring does not occur. For Q, the freezing chamber door (9) is opened only by the force of the frictional force corresponding to the slide rail (11). Therefore, the user can open the door to a desired position with extremely light force, and can be stored well. Take out and store the product. The energization time of the solenoid (18) is 1 second, and since it is a through-type rather than the plunger (22) abutting on the attractor type of the stator, there is no problem that the punching sound occurs. Further, since the plunger (22) is actuated to cause the striking member (27) to protrude, the plunger (22) is moved rearward by the restoring force of the return spring (28) by the action, so that the plunger (22) does not become 〇—Standing in front of the front door, it becomes the standby state for the next door opening operation. Further, as another embodiment of the shape of the notch portion of the front auxiliary yoke, the notch portion (31' of the front auxiliary yoke (19) may be provided as shown in the side view (a) and the oblique view (b) of Fig. 8 . The front end edge b (31b') is formed in an arc shape, or as shown in Fig. 9, the front end edge b (31b" of the notch portion (31") of the front auxiliary yoke (19") is formed as The angular shape of the inclined portion is provided in the axial direction. As described above, the front end edge b ( 31b') (31b") of the notch portion is formed in an arc shape or formed into an angular shape of the inclined portion -17-200938789. The erection of the generating force of the second peak (b) is a gentle shape, and it is possible to obtain a peak of a force generating force that smoothly rises and falls with the opening of the freezing chamber door (9). According to the foregoing embodiment, for example, it is applicable to the case where the open portion of the pull-in spring is gently disengaged, by the arcuate curved curvature of the notch portion (3 1 ') ( 3 1 ") The inclination of the inclined portion, or a combination of these, can obtain the generating force of the correct solenoid (18) corresponding to the load characteristic. In the above embodiments, the description will be given regarding the solenoid (18). The peak of the generated force is set at two locations, but as shown in FIG. 10, the notch portion (41) of the front auxiliary yoke (39) may be set to a plurality of width dimensions orthogonal to the axial direction of the cylinder, and When the edge (a) (b) (c) is formed in such a manner that the axial direction is three-stage, the peak of the three-part generating force can be set for the displacement amount, and the force can be further set by the notch shape. In the above, as shown in FIG. 11, a plurality of front auxiliary yokes a (49a) and the same in which the width of the slit portion or the radial direction slit (51) of the cylindrical portion is different may be arranged in order. b(49b), the same c(49c), to form the edge (a) (b) (c) The auxiliary yoke (49) is a solenoid (18) which has a plurality of peaks of generating force when displaced, and may be provided with a notch as described in each of the foregoing embodiments. The shape of (31), (41), or the slit (5 1 ) is different, as shown in Fig. 12, by forming a cylinder (59a) (59b) -18- 200938789 composed of a plurality of materials having different thicknesses. The auxiliary yoke (59) is formed such that a step (61a) (61b) is formed along the displacement direction inside the cylinder, and by the edge of the step, a plurality of forces having the same force as in the foregoing embodiment can be obtained. The solenoid of the peak (18). As another embodiment, as shown in Fig. 13, the front auxiliary yoke (69) may be arranged in parallel with a plurality of ferromagnetic materials having different magnetic permeability, such as a circle of low magnetic permeability. The cylinder (69a) and the high magnetic permeability cylinder (69b) have a plurality of peaks of the cookware. Further, in the foregoing embodiments, the object of the open door device is used as the drawer type freezer door. However, it is not limited thereto, and for example, a magnet for opening a door of a rotary refrigerator compartment door The two parts of the portion where the sheet is pulled apart and the resistance portion that serves as a load for preventing the half-opening of the door have a peak of the solenoid generating force, and the French double-door type can also be used as a magnet pad when the door is opened. The resistance portion of the movable partitioning member of the suction surface of the sheet is the peak portion of the second solenoid generating force in the same manner as described above. ❹ [Simplified description of the drawings] Fig. 1 shows the electric power of the first embodiment of the present invention. Fig. 2 is a longitudinal sectional view showing a closed state of the freezer compartment portion of Fig. 1. Fig. 3 is a perspective view showing a portion of the open door unit of Fig. 2. Fig. 4 is a perspective view of the open door unit of Fig. 2. A detailed cross-sectional view showing the closed door state of the open door unit of Fig. 3. · -19- 200938789 Figure 5 is a graph showing the force generation and load characteristics of the displacement of the solenoid by the open door unit of Figure 3. Fig. 6 is a view showing the auxiliary yoke of Fig. 4, wherein (a) is a side view and (b) is a perspective view. Fig. 7 is a side sectional view showing the main part of the open door unit of Fig. 4. Fig. 8 is a side view (a) and a perspective view (b) showing another embodiment of the auxiliary yoke of Fig. 6. Fig. 9 is a side elevational view showing another embodiment of the auxiliary yoke of Fig. 6. Fig. 10 is a side elevational view showing another embodiment of the auxiliary yoke of Fig. 6. Figure 11 is a side elevational view showing another embodiment of the auxiliary yoke of Figure 6; Fig. 12 is a side sectional view showing another embodiment of the auxiliary yoke of Fig. 6. Fig. 13 is a side sectional view showing another embodiment of the auxiliary yoke of Fig. 6. [Main element symbol description] 1 : refrigerator body 5 : Freezer compartment 8, 10, 12: Container 9: Refrigerator compartment door 1 1 : Slide rail 13 : Zone partition part 1 5 : Open door unit 16 : Touch switch -20- 200938789 17 : Yoke 1 8 : Solenoid Front auxiliary yoke 19, 195 > 19", 39, 49, 59, 69: 19a, 19a' ' 19a,,: edge a 21 : tube 22: plunger 22a: edge 23: push rod 24: solenoid Box 27: Knock member 28: return springs 31, 31, 31", 41, 51: notch 3 1b' 3 1b5' 31b,: edge b 61 a, 61b: step difference
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