TW200933423A - System and method for generating multimedia file - Google Patents

System and method for generating multimedia file Download PDF


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TW200933423A TW97103606A TW97103606A TW200933423A TW 200933423 A TW200933423 A TW 200933423A TW 97103606 A TW97103606 A TW 97103606A TW 97103606 A TW97103606 A TW 97103606A TW 200933423 A TW200933423 A TW 200933423A
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multimedia file
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Randy Chen
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Inventec Besta Co Ltd
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Priority to TW97103606A priority Critical patent/TW200933423A/en
Publication of TW200933423A publication Critical patent/TW200933423A/en



  • Electrophonic Musical Instruments (AREA)
  • Reverberation, Karaoke And Other Acoustics (AREA)


A system and a method for generating multimedia file are provided. By providing the functions of songs selecting, voice recording, background scene generating and audio and video synchronizing, the problem that the inextricable and time-consuming procedures of making multimedia files in prior art may be solved and the efficacy of improving the efficiency of a user may be achieved.


200933423 九、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明是有關於一種多媒體檔案製作系統及方法,且特別 是有關於一種便於使用者製作各種專屬之多媒體檔案的多媒 體檔案製作系統及方法。 【先前技術】200933423 IX. Description of the Invention: [Technical Field] The present invention relates to a multimedia file production system and method, and more particularly to a multimedia file production system and method that facilitates users to create various exclusive multimedia files. [Prior Art]

近年來由於電子喜帖、電子贺卡或電子明信片等電子化 卡片具有寄送方便且迅速、成本低、樣式多元化等優點,故 已逐漸取代傳統的紙本式卡片,成為人們互傳心意的通信方 式。而且,為了使電子卡片更加活潑生動,還可以將電子卡 片搭配聲音製作成多媒體槽案’以便於透過文字、圖片及聲 音,將自己所欲表達的心意傳送給收件者。 然而 以目刖現有的技術來說,如欲將電子卡片搭配自己 唱KTV的歌聲來製成多舰檔案,使用者必須先自到歌 曲伴奏音樂的來源,然後將自己隨著伴奏音樂歌唱的歌聲錄製 下來,再透過現有的影音編輯倾,雕所賴的歌聲與已完 =二ΓΖΓ配性’並將歌聲與圖片或動晝合成: 二媒體職。對於只‘轉―般電腦操作的人來說,欲經由這此 難 度 繁複的過雜成具有自己歌聲的多媒_案,實有—定的困- 【發明内容】 有鑒於先前技術缺乏一個整合的製 用者歌聲的電子卡片’本發明遂揭露—種多媒:槽案= 5 200933423 及方法,其可提供使用者以較為簡潔的步驟來製作多媒體檔 案0 、田 本發明提供一種多媒體檔案製作系統,其包含有連線建立 模組、下載模組、背景生成模組、影像播放模組、音訊播放模 組、音訊接收模組、錄製模組、訊號同步化模組以及影音合成 模組。其中,連線建立模組是用以與遠端伺服器建立連線,以 致使下載模組能夠從該遠端伺服器上下載伴唱音樂。背景生成 〇 模、、且疋用以生成背景晝面,以供影像播放模組進行播放。音訊 播放模組是用以播放下載模組所下載的伴唱音樂;音訊接收模 組則是用以接收聲音訊號,再由錄製模組對該聲音訊號進行錄 衣魏同步換組是用以將該錄製模組所錄製之該聲音訊號與 該伴〇曰音樂及/或該背景晝面同步化,之後餅唱音樂、聲音 訊號與背景晝面將透過影音合成模組而合成為一多舰樓案曰。 本發明提供-種多媒體檔賴作方法,其實行步驟如以 下所述.與遠辆服H建立H從該伽伺㈣下載伴唱 © θ樂’生成背景畫面;播放該背景畫面與該伴唱音樂;接收 並錄製聲音訊號;將該聲音訊號與該伴唱音樂及/或該背景畫 面同步化;以及將該聲音訊號、該伴唱音樂及該背景晝面合 成為一多媒體標案。 本發明所揭露之系統與方法如上,與先前技術之間的差里 在於本發雜供了職、錄音、背景晝面生纽影音同步化等 功能,因此者可透過本發明贿作多舰齡的步驟簡化 與整合,而無須再使用其他額外的裝置。換言之,本發明與先 6 200933423 前技術相較之下’可令使用者具有較佳的工作效率。 【實施方式】 本發明之多顧檔賴作祕適於細在任何與個人電 腦功能相似的電子裝置中,而本發明之多媒體槽案料方法則 適於透過任何油人電腦魏她的電子裝置來實行,以下將 舉實施例配合®式來詳述本發明之多髓檔案製作系統 法。 ❹ 「第1圖」繪示為本㈣之多髓檔賴作純在第一 實施例中的方塊示意圖。請參照「第】圖」,多媒體權案製作 系統励包括連線建立模組110、下載模组12〇、背景生成模 組130、影像播放模、组14〇、音訊播放模组15〇、音訊接收模 組160、錄製模組no、訊號同步化模組18〇以及影音合成模 組 190。 ' 連線建立模組110可供使用者將多媒體檔案製作系統1〇〇 連接至遠端伺服器1〇1,以便於透過下載模組12〇從遠端伺服 ❹ $ 1G1下餅唱音樂。在本實施财,連線建立麵11〇是透 過網路103而與遠端伺服器ι〇1建立連線。 背景生成模組130是用以生成一背景晝面,而其所生成的 背景畫面則是由影像播放模組14〇負責播放。在本實施例中, 彦,y、生成模組130包括一影像擷取單元132,用以榻取一影像 讯號,以作為該背景晝面。舉例來說,影像擷取單元132可以 為網路攝影機(webcam) ’而其所擷取的影像訊號即為使用者所 提供的影像。 200933423 具體來說,本發明之背景生成模組13〇所生成的背景畫面 除了可以是上述影像擷取單元132所擷取到的影像之外,還可 以是一動晝。後文將舉實施例說明之。 音訊播放模組150是用以播放下載模組12〇所下載的伴唱 音樂’音訊接收模組160則是用以接收使用者所輸入的聲音訊 號’並將此聲音訊號傳送至錄製模組17〇進行錄製。 特別的是,在本發明的第二實施例中,多媒體檔案製作系 ❹統200還可以包括有音調偵測模組21〇與音調調整模組22〇, 如「第2圖」所示。其中,音調偵測模組21〇是用以偵測使用 者透過音訊接收模組160所輸入之試唱訊號的音調,而音調調 整模組220則是依據音調偵測模組210所偵測到的音調來調整 伴唱音樂的音調’以使使用者伴唱音樂與後續所輸入之聲音訊 號具有相同的音調。 請再次參照「第1圖」,在透過錄製模組17〇錄製到聲音 訊號後,接著即是藉由訊號同步化模組丨8〇將聲音訊號與伴唱 〇 音樂同步化,然後再由影音合成模組190將伴唱音樂、聲音訊 號及背景晝面合成為一多媒體檔案。 值得一提的是’若使用者是透過影像擷取單元132來擷取 其唱歌時的影像訊號,則此影像訊號亦可與聲音訊號同時藉由 訊號同步化模組180來與下載模組12〇所下載的伴唱音樂進行 同步化處理’以避免影音合成模.組19〇所合成的多媒體檔案具 有使用者的嘴型影像與聲音有時間差的情況。 另外,多媒體檔案製作系統100還可以包括有上傳模組 8 200933423 195 ’用以將影音合賴組19〇所生成的多舰赌透過網路 103上傳至遠端伺服器1〇1或其他電子裝置上。 「第3圖」繪示為本發明之多媒體檔案製作系統在第三實 施例中的方塊示意圖。請參照「第3圖」,多媒體檔案製作系 統300包括連線建立模組11〇、下载模組12〇、背景生成模組 330、影像播放模組140、音訊播放模植15〇、音訊接收模組 160、錄製模組170、訊號同步化模組18〇以及影音合成模組 ❹ 190。本實施例之背景生成模組330包括儲存單元332及讀取 單元33/,其中儲存單元332是用以儲存欲作為背景晝面的動 晝’而讀取單元334則是用以將儲存單元说巾的動晝讀取出 來’以供影像播放模組14〇播放此動晝。 當然,作為背景畫面的動晝除了可以内建於本發明之多媒 體槽案製作系統以外,也可以是由使用者自行挑選圖片後製作 而成。以下再舉一實施例說明之。 「第4圖」繪福本發明之多舰觀製作㈣在第四實 ❹施射的方塊示意®。請參照「第4®」,多魏檔案製作系 統400包括連線建立模組11〇、下载模植12〇、背景生成模組 430、影像播放模組140、音訊播放模组15〇、音訊接收模組 160、錄製模組170、訊朗步傾組18()以及景彡音合成模組 19〇。本實施例之背景生成模組430包括圖片讀取單元432與 動晝製作單元434,其中圖片讀取單元432是用以從多舰權 f製作系統_以外的儲存裝f 4〇1上讀取多個圖片,然後^ 藉由動畫製作單元你將這些圖片製作成動晝。其中,儲存裝 9 200933423 置401例如是指安裝有多媒體檔案製作系統4〇〇之電腦 或是外接式的儲存裝置。 、 雖然則文舉了多個實施例來說明本發明之多媒體檔案製 作系統的實施態樣,但其並非用以限定本發明。熟習此^藝者 應s亥知道,以合理的手段組合上述實施例所得之實施態樣,亦 落於本發明所欲保護之範疇内。 、 為使熟習此技藝者更加瞭解本發明,以下將舉實例說明利 ❹ 肖本發明之多麵齡製作纽實行乡舰齡製作的步驟 流程。 哪 「第5圖」繪示為本發明之多媒體檔案製作方法在—實施 例中的步驟流程圖。請同時參照「第i圖」與「第5圖」,: 使用者將自行設定的帳號及密碼透過使用者界面(未繪示)= 入至多媒體檔案製作系統100後,多媒體檔案製作系統1〇= 會透過連線建立模組110而與遠端伺服器1〇1建立連線(步驟 510) ’其中遠端伺服器ι〇1儲存有多首伴唱音樂。接著,即可 Ο 透過下载模組120從遠端伺服器1〇1中下載伴唱音樂(步驟 520)。具體來說’當多媒體檔案製作系統1〇〇透過連線建立模 組11〇而與遠端伺服器101建立連線後,遠端伺服器1〇ι會傳 送一伴唱音樂清單至使用者端’以供使用者從中選取其所欲下 載的伴唱音樂。 當使用者所選取的伴唱音樂透過下載模組12〇下載完畢 後,使用者可以啟動背景生成模組130以生成背景晝面(步驟 530)。以本實施例來說,可以利用背景生成模組13〇的影像梅 200933423 取單兀132來擷取欲作為背景晝面的影像訊號。 當然,在其他實施例中,背景晝面還可以是一動晝。以第 一實施例來說,如「第3圖」所示,此動晝是儲存在背景生成 模組330的儲存單元332中,而生成背景晝面的方法即是從儲 存單元332中讀取出此動晝。另外,以第三實施例來說,此動 - 晝疋由使用者自行製作而成。如「第4圖」所示,其生成背景 晝面的方法是先從儲存裝置4〇1上讀取出多個圖片,然後再將 ❹ ③些圖片製作成動晝’以作為背景畫面。具體來說,這些圖片 可以疋使用者存放在硬碟或其他外接式儲存裝置中的照片。 ,繼續參照「第i圖」與「第5圖」,在生成背景晝面後, 接著藉由影像播放模組14〇與音訊播放模組15〇分別播放背景 晝面與伴唱音樂(步驟540)。之後,使用者可以將其跟隨伴 唱音樂唱歌的聲音輸人至多媒體檔案製作祕〗⑻巾,並透過 音訊接收模組16〇接收此聲音訊號(步驟55〇)。 ^ 值得一提的是’在播放伴唱音樂之前,可以先接收使用者 ❹ 所輸入的試唱訊號(步驟531),並藉由「第2圖」所示之音 調偵測模組21G來制此試唱訊號的音調(步驟533),然後 再藉由音調調整模組220,依據在步驟533中所偵測到的音調 _整伴唱音樂的音調(倾535),以使伴唱音樂的音^與 使用者所輸入的試唱訊號之音調相同。在此,由於輪入試唱訊 號的使用者與後續輸入聲音訊號的使用者應為同一人,因此步 驟531所接收到的試唱訊號與步驟55〇中所接收到的聲音訊^ 具有相同的音調。換言之,在步驟535中,會將伴奏音樂的音 11 200933423 調調成與聲音訊號的音調相同。 在利用音訊接收模組160接收聲音訊號後,接著即是錄製 此聲音訊號(步驟560)。當錄製模組17〇完成聲音訊號的錄 製之後,會將其所錄製到的聲音訊號傳送至訊號同步化模組 180,以透過訊號同步化模組180將其與伴奏音樂同步化(步 驟570)。具體來說,本發明之多媒體檔案製作系統1〇〇例如 疋提供一介面讓使用者自行調整聲音訊號與伴奏音樂之間的 時間差,以完成同步化處理。 此外,以本實施例來說,若步驟53〇戶斤生成的背景晝面為 影像擷取單元132賴取狀朗者锻_縣號,則在步 驟580中背景生成模組13〇亦可同時將此影像訊號傳送至訊號 同步化模㈣0巾,贿制_行聲音碱、影像訊號與伴: 奏音樂的同步化處理。 ❹ 在完成訊號的同步化處理後,接著即是透過影音合成模組 19〇將聲音訊號、背景晝面與伴奏音樂合成為多媒體槽案(步 驟·)。在本實施例中,影音合成模組1%所生成的多媒體 槽案為衫音檔。但在其他實施例中,若步驟MO中所生成的 背景畫面為動晝’則在步驟中所生成的多媒體檔案可以是 配有使用者自行錄製之聲音的電子賀片或電子明信片。 另外’在本實施例中,使用者除了可以將步驟·中所生 ==案儲存在其本機上以外,也可以透過上傳模組 、八上傳至退端飼服器1〇1或其他連接至網路的電 置,以與他人分享自己的創作。 12 200933423 綜上所述呵知本發_絲麟之獅差異在於本發明 提供了職、料、背景畫面生叙料财化等魏,因此 使用者透過本發明即可完成製作多媒體播案的所有步驟,而無 須再使用其他触置。齡之,本發_讀技術相敗 下,可令使用者具有較佳的工作效率。 、雖然本發明所揭露之實財式如上,惟所述之内容並非用 發明之專娜護顧。任何本發明所屬技術領域 中,、有通节知識者,在不脫離本發明所揭露之精神和範圍的前 提下’可財實施的形式上及細紅作些許之更動。本發明之 保護顧,倾輯附之巾請翻細所界定者為準。 【圖式簡單說明】 第一1立圖為本發明之㈣體檔輯作纽在第-實施例中 的方塊不意圖。 ❹ 的她㈣频晴編你實施例中 的方= 為本發明之多媒體稽案製作系統在第三實施例中 的方L4:。本㈣媒體標案製作系統在第四實施例中 ^ 5圖為本發明之績'_錄作方 步驟流程圖。 只犯⑺丁〜 【主要元件符號說明】 100 多媒體檔案製作系統 13 200933423 101 遠端伺服器 103 網路 110 連線建立模組 120 下載模組 130 背景生成模組 132 影像擷取單元 140 影像播放模組In recent years, electronic cards such as electronic wedding invitations, e-cards or electronic postcards have the advantages of convenient and rapid delivery, low cost, and diversified styles. Therefore, they have gradually replaced traditional paper-based cards and become a communication method for people to communicate with each other. . Moreover, in order to make the electronic card more lively and vivid, it is also possible to make the electronic card with the sound into a multimedia slot' to facilitate the transmission of the desired expression to the recipient through text, pictures and sound. However, in order to witness the existing technology, if you want to make an e-card with your own singing KTV songs to make a multi-ship file, the user must first come to the source of the song accompaniment music, and then sing the song with the accompaniment music. Recorded, and then through the existing video editing, the singing of the song and the finished song = two matching 'and the song and the picture or dynamic combination: two media positions. For those who only turn to computer-like operations, it is difficult to pass through this complicated and complicated multimedia case with their own singing. [Inventive content] In view of the lack of integration in the prior art The electronic card of the maker's voice 'The invention discloses a multimedia: slot case = 5 200933423 and method, which can provide a user with a relatively simple step to produce a multimedia file. 0, Tianben invention provides a multimedia file production The system comprises a connection establishing module, a downloading module, a background generating module, a video playing module, an audio playing module, an audio receiving module, a recording module, a signal synchronization module and a video synthesizing module. The connection establishment module is configured to establish a connection with the remote server, so that the download module can download the accompaniment music from the remote server. The background generation 〇, and 疋 is used to generate a background surface for the video playback module to play. The audio playback module is used to play the vocal music downloaded by the download module; the audio receiving module is used to receive the audio signal, and then the recording module scans the audio signal. The audio signal recorded by the recording module is synchronized with the music and/or the background, and then the cake singing music, the sound signal and the background surface are synthesized into a multi-ship case through the audio-video synthesis module. Hey. The present invention provides a multimedia file-based method, the implementation steps of which are as follows. Establish a H with the remote vehicle H to download a background image from the gamma (4) download accompaniment © θ music; play the background picture and the accompaniment music; Receiving and recording an audio signal; synchronizing the audio signal with the accompaniment music and/or the background image; and synthesizing the audio signal, the accompaniment music, and the background face into a multimedia standard. The system and method disclosed by the present invention are as described above, and the difference between the prior art and the prior art is that the functions of the present invention are mixed, the recording, the background, the synchronization of the animation, and the like, so that the owner can use the invention to make multiple ages. The steps are simplified and integrated without the need for additional devices. In other words, the present invention can provide a user with better work efficiency as compared with the prior art of the prior art. [Embodiment] The multi-layered solution of the present invention is suitable for fine-tuning in any electronic device similar in function to a personal computer, and the multimedia slot material method of the present invention is suitable for transmitting electronic devices through any oil-human computer. In the following, the embodiment of the present invention will be described in conjunction with the formula to describe the multi-marrow file production system method of the present invention. 「 “Picture 1” shows a block diagram of the multiplicity of the (4) in the first embodiment. Please refer to the "figure" diagram. The multimedia rights creation system includes the connection establishment module 110, the download module 12, the background generation module 130, the video playback module, the group 14 〇, the audio playback module 15 〇, and the audio message. The receiving module 160, the recording module no, the signal synchronization module 18A, and the video synthesizing module 190. The connection establishment module 110 can be used by the user to connect the multimedia file creation system 1 to the remote server 1〇1, so as to sing music from the remote servo ❹$1G1 through the download module 12〇. In this implementation, the connection setup surface 11 is connected to the remote server ι〇1 via the network 103. The background generation module 130 is configured to generate a background image, and the generated background image is played by the video playback module 14 . In this embodiment, the image generating unit 130 includes an image capturing unit 132 for taking an image signal as the background surface. For example, the image capturing unit 132 can be a webcam and the image signal captured by the image camera is the image provided by the user. In particular, the background image generated by the background generation module 13 of the present invention may be a moving image in addition to the image captured by the image capturing unit 132. The embodiment will be described later. The audio playback module 150 is used to play the vocal music downloaded by the download module 12. The audio receiving module 160 is configured to receive the audio signal input by the user and transmit the audio signal to the recording module 17 Recording. In particular, in the second embodiment of the present invention, the multimedia file production system 200 may further include a tone detection module 21 and a tone adjustment module 22, as shown in FIG. The tone detection module 21 is configured to detect the tone of the audition signal input by the user through the audio receiving module 160, and the tone adjustment module 220 is detected by the tone detection module 210. The tone adjusts the pitch of the accompaniment music so that the user accompaniment music has the same pitch as the subsequent input audio signal. Please refer to "Figure 1" again, after recording the audio signal through the recording module 17〇, then synchronizing the audio signal with the vocal music by the signal synchronization module 丨8〇, and then synthesizing the audio and video The module 190 combines the vocal music, the sound signal and the background into a multimedia file. It is worth mentioning that if the user captures the video signal when singing through the image capturing unit 132, the image signal can also be combined with the sound signal by the signal synchronization module 180 and the download module 12 〇 The downloaded vocal music is synchronized to avoid the video synthesis module. The multimedia file synthesized by the group 19 has a time difference between the user's mouth image and the sound. In addition, the multimedia file creation system 100 may further include an uploading module 8 200933423 195 'to upload the multi-gambling generated by the audio-visual group 19〇 to the remote server 1〇1 or other electronic device through the network 103. on. Fig. 3 is a block diagram showing the multimedia file production system of the present invention in the third embodiment. Please refer to "FIG. 3". The multimedia file creation system 300 includes a connection creation module 11A, a download module 12A, a background generation module 330, a video playback module 140, an audio playback module, and an audio receiving module. The group 160, the recording module 170, the signal synchronization module 18A, and the video synthesis module 190. The background generation module 330 of the embodiment includes a storage unit 332 and a reading unit 33/, wherein the storage unit 332 is configured to store the movements to be used as the background surface, and the reading unit 334 is used to describe the storage unit. The movement of the towel is read out for the video playback module 14 to play this animation. Of course, the background image may be built in addition to the multimedia slot creation system of the present invention, or may be created by the user selecting the image. Hereinafter, an embodiment will be described. "Fig. 4" depicts the multi-ship view production of the invention (4), which is shown in the fourth real shot. Please refer to "4th". The multi-wei file creation system 400 includes a connection creation module 11A, a download module 12, a background generation module 430, a video playback module 140, an audio playback module 15A, and audio reception. The module 160, the recording module 170, the signal step group 18 (), and the scene sound synthesis module 19 are. The background generation module 430 of this embodiment includes a picture reading unit 432 and an animation generating unit 434, wherein the picture reading unit 432 is configured to read from the storage device f 4〇1 other than the multi-ship f production system. Multiple images, then ^ With the animation unit you make these images into action. The storage device 9 200933423 401 is, for example, a computer equipped with a multimedia file production system or an external storage device. While various embodiments have been presented to illustrate the implementation of the multimedia file production system of the present invention, it is not intended to limit the invention. Those skilled in the art should understand that the embodiments obtained by combining the above embodiments by reasonable means are also within the scope of the present invention. In order to make the skilled person more familiar with the present invention, the following will be an example to illustrate the steps of the multi-faced production process of the invention. The "figure 5" is a flow chart showing the steps in the embodiment of the multimedia file creation method of the present invention. Please refer to "i" and "figure 5" at the same time: User will set the account and password set by the user through the user interface (not shown) = after entering the multimedia file creation system 100, the multimedia file creation system 1〇 = The connection to the remote server 1〇1 is established through the connection establishment module 110 (step 510) 'where the remote server 〇1 stores a plurality of vocal music. Then, the accompaniment music can be downloaded from the remote server 1〇1 through the download module 120 (step 520). Specifically, when the multimedia file creation system 1 establishes a connection with the remote server 101 through the connection establishment module 11 , the remote server 1 〇 ι transmits a vocal music list to the user end. For the user to select the vocal music he wants to download. After the singer music selected by the user is downloaded through the download module 12, the user can launch the background generation module 130 to generate a background face (step 530). In this embodiment, the image generation module 13 can be used to capture the image signal to be used as the background image. Of course, in other embodiments, the background may also be a moving object. In the first embodiment, as shown in FIG. 3, the animation is stored in the storage unit 332 of the background generation module 330, and the method for generating the background surface is read from the storage unit 332. This is happening. Further, in the third embodiment, the motion is made by the user himself. As shown in Fig. 4, the method of generating the background surface is to first read a plurality of pictures from the storage device 4〇1, and then to create the pictures as the background picture. Specifically, these images can be used to store photos stored on a hard drive or other external storage device. After continuing to refer to the "i" and "figure 5", after the background image is generated, the background playing surface and the accompaniment music are respectively played by the video playing module 14 and the audio playing module 15 (step 540). . After that, the user can input the sound of singing along with the singer music to the multimedia file making secret (8) towel, and receive the sound signal through the audio receiving module 16 (step 55). ^ It is worth mentioning that 'Before playing the accompaniment music, you can receive the audition signal input by the user ( (step 531), and make this by the tone detection module 21G shown in "Fig. 2". The tone of the signal is auditioned (step 533), and then the tone adjustment module 220 is used to sing the pitch of the music (pitch 535) according to the tone _ singer detected in step 533, so as to make the sound of the accompaniment music The tone of the audition signal input by the user is the same. Here, since the user who turns in the audition signal and the user who inputs the audio signal should be the same person, the audition signal received in step 531 has the same tone as the voice signal received in step 55〇. . In other words, in step 535, the tone 11 200933423 of the accompaniment music is adjusted to be the same as the tone of the sound signal. After receiving the audio signal by the audio receiving module 160, the audio signal is recorded (step 560). After the recording module 17 finishes recording the audio signal, it will transmit the recorded audio signal to the signal synchronization module 180 to synchronize it with the accompaniment music through the signal synchronization module 180 (step 570). . Specifically, the multimedia file creation system 1 of the present invention, for example, provides an interface for the user to adjust the time difference between the audio signal and the accompaniment music to complete the synchronization process. In addition, in the embodiment, if the background image generated by the step 53 is the image capturing unit 132, the background generating module 13 can also be simultaneously used in step 580. The image signal is transmitted to the signal synchronization mode (4) 0 towel, bribe _ line sound alkali, video signal and companion: the synchronization of the music. ❹ After the synchronization of the signal is completed, the audio signal, the background picture and the accompaniment music are synthesized into a multimedia slot (step·) through the video synthesis module 19〇. In this embodiment, the multimedia slot generated by the video synthesizing module 1% is a shirt sound file. However, in other embodiments, if the background image generated in step MO is dynamic, the multimedia file generated in the step may be an electronic plus or electronic postcard with a sound recorded by the user. In addition, in this embodiment, in addition to the user can save the step== in the step, the user can also upload to the back-end feeding device 1〇1 or other connection through the uploading module. Connect to the Internet to share your creations with others. 12 200933423 In summary, the difference between the lion and the lion is that the present invention provides the job, the material, the background picture, the materialization, and the like, so that the user can complete all the multimedia broadcasts through the invention. Steps without having to use other touches. Age, the loss of the _ read technology can make the user have better working efficiency. Although the actual financial formula disclosed in the present invention is as above, the content described above is not the exclusive care of the invention. In the technical field of the present invention, those skilled in the art can make some modifications in the form of the implementation of the financial system without departing from the spirit and scope of the present invention. The protection of the present invention is subject to the definition of the towel attached. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS The first 1 diagram is a block diagram of the fourth embodiment of the present invention.她 her (4) frequency clearing the square in your embodiment = the square L4: in the third embodiment of the multimedia document production system of the present invention. The fourth (four) media standard production system in the fourth embodiment is a flow chart of the performance of the invention. Only commit (7) Ding ~ [Main component symbol description] 100 Multimedia file production system 13 200933423 101 Remote server 103 Network 110 connection establishment module 120 Download module 130 Background generation module 132 Image capture unit 140 Video playback mode group

150 音訊播放模組 160 音訊接收模組 170 錄製模組 180 訊號同步化模組 190 影音合成模組 195 上傳模組 200 多媒體檔案製作系統 210 音調偵測模組 220 音調調整模組 300 多媒體檔案製作系統 330 背景生成模組 332 儲存單元 334 讀取單元 400 多媒體檔案製作系統 401 儲存裝置 430 背景生成模組 200933423 432 圖片讀取單元 434 動畫製作單元 步驟510與遠端伺服器建立連線 步驟520從遠端伺服器下載伴唱音樂 步驟530生成背景晝面 步驟531接收試唱訊號 步驟533偵測試唱訊號的音調 步驟535依據試唱訊號的音調來調整伴唱音樂的音調 步驟540分別播放背景晝面與伴唱音樂 步驟550接收聲音訊號 步驟560錄製聲音訊號 步驟570將聲音訊號與伴奏音樂同步化 步驟580將聲音訊號、背景晝面與伴奏音樂合成為多媒 體檔案150 audio playback module 160 audio receiving module 170 recording module 180 signal synchronization module 190 video synthesis module 195 upload module 200 multimedia file production system 210 tone detection module 220 tone adjustment module 300 multimedia file production system 330 background generation module 332 storage unit 334 reading unit 400 multimedia file production system 401 storage device 430 background generation module 200933423 432 picture reading unit 434 animation unit step 510 to establish a connection with the remote server step 520 from the far end The server downloads the vocal music step 530 generates a background picture. The step 531 receives the audition signal. The step 533 detects the tone of the test vocal signal. Step 535 adjusts the pitch of the accompaniment music according to the pitch of the audition signal. Step 540 respectively plays the background and the vocal music. Step 550: Receive an audio signal. Step 560: Record an audio signal. Step 570: Synchronize the audio signal with the accompaniment music. Step 580 combine the audio signal, the background surface and the accompaniment music into a multimedia file.


Claims (1)

200933423 十、申請專利範圍: 1. 一種多媒體檔案製作系統,包括: 其 樂 一連線建立模組,用以與一遠端伺服器建立連線, 中該遠端词服器儲存有多個伴唱音樂; 一下載模組,用以從該遠端伺服器下載該些伴唱音 其中之一; 曰曰 一背景生成模組,用以生成一背景晝面;200933423 X. Patent application scope: 1. A multimedia file production system, comprising: a music connection establishment module for establishing a connection with a remote server, wherein the remote word processor stores a plurality of vocals a download module for downloading one of the vocal sounds from the remote server; a background generation module for generating a background surface; Ο 一影像播放模組,用以播放該背景畫面; 一音訊播放模組,用以播放下載的該伴唱音樂; 一音訊接收模組,用以接收一聲音訊號; 一錄製模組,用以錄製該聲音訊號; -訊號同步倾組’魏將麟製她所錄製之該聲 音訊號與該伴唱音樂及/或該背景畫面同步化;以及 ▲ -影音合賴組’収_伴唱音樂、該聲音訊號與 该背景晝面合成為一多媒體檔案。 2·如申請專利麵第丨彻叙㈣雜練作祕,其中 "亥;f厅、生成模組更包括—影像擷取單元,用以掘取一影像 訊破作為該背景畫面。 3. 如申$專他圍第丨項所述之多雜檔案製作系統,其中 該背景畫面為一動晝。 4. 如申料纖圍第3項所述之多雜觀製作系統,其中 該背景生成模組更包括: 一儲存單元,用以儲存該動晝;以及 16 200933423 一讀取單元,用以讀取該儲存單元中之該動畫。 5. 如申請專利範圍第3項所述之多聰槽案製作系統,其中 該背景生成模組更包括: 一圖片讀取單元,用以從—儲存裝置上讀取多個圖 片;以及 一動晝製作單元,用以將該些圖片製成該動晝。 6. 如申請專利細第1項所述之多媒體髓製作系統,更包 ❹ 括上傳模組,用以上傳該多媒體檔案。 7. 如申請專利範圍第丨項所述之多媒體檔案製作系統,其中 該音訊接收模組更包括接收一試唱訊號,且該聲音訊號的 音調與該試唱訊號的音調相同,而該系統更包括: 一音調偵測模組’用以偵測該試唱訊號的音調;以及 一音調調整模組,用以依據該音調偵測模組所偵測到 的音調來調整該伴唱音樂之音調。 8· 一種多媒體檔案製作方法,包括下列步驟: ® 與一遠端伺服器建立連線,其中該遠端伺服器儲存有 多個伴唱音樂; 從該遠端伺服器下載該些伴唱音樂其中之一; 生成一背景畫面; 播放該背景晝面與下載的該伴唱音樂; 接收一聲音訊號; 錄製該聲音訊號; 將該聲音訊號及/或該背景晝面與該伴唱音樂同步 17 200933423 化;以及 將該聲音訊號、該伴唱音樂及該背景畫面合成為一多 媒體檔案。 9.如申請專利範圍第8項所述之多媒體檔案製作方法,其中 生成該背景晝面的夕驟包括擷取一影像訊號以作為該背景 晝面。 10. 如申請專利範圍第8項所述之多媒體檔案製作方法,其中 ❹ 生成該背景畫面的少驟包括讀取一動晝以作為該背景晝 面。 11. 如申請專利範圍第8項所述之多媒體檔案製作方法,其中 生成該背景晝面的步驟包括: 從一儲存裝置上讀取多個圖片;以及 將該些圖片製成一動畫,以作為該背景晝面。 12. 如申請專利範圍第8項所述之多媒體檔案製作方法,其中 在播放該伴奏音樂之前,更包括: ❹ 接收一試唱訊號’其中該聲音訊號的音調與該試唱訊 號的音調相同;以及 ° 偵測該試唱訊號之音調; 其中在播放該伴奏音樂時,是依據該試唱訊 來調整該伴奏音樂的音調。 风<曰凋 18Ο an image playback module for playing the background image; an audio playback module for playing the downloaded accompaniment music; an audio receiving module for receiving an audio signal; and a recording module for recording The sound signal; - the signal sync group "Wei Weilin made the sound signal recorded by her to synchronize with the singer music and / or the background picture; and ▲ - audio and video group "receive _ sing music, the sound signal The background is synthesized into a multimedia file. 2. If you apply for the patent, the third part of the essay (4) is a confusing secret, in which the "Hai; f, the generating module further includes an image capturing unit for digging an image as the background image. 3. If you apply for the multi-file production system described in the section above, the background image is a move. 4. The multi-view production system of claim 3, wherein the background generation module further comprises: a storage unit for storing the movement; and 16 200933423 a reading unit for reading Take the animation in the storage unit. 5. The multi-cable slot production system according to claim 3, wherein the background generation module further comprises: a picture reading unit for reading a plurality of pictures from the storage device; a production unit for making the pictures into the moving picture. 6. The multimedia pulp production system described in the patent application item 1 further includes an uploading module for uploading the multimedia file. 7. The multimedia file production system of claim 2, wherein the audio receiving module further comprises receiving a audition signal, and the tone of the audio signal is the same as the tone of the audition signal, and the system is further The method includes: a tone detection module for detecting a tone of the audition signal; and a tone adjustment module for adjusting a pitch of the accompaniment music according to the tone detected by the tone detection module. 8. A multimedia file production method comprising the steps of:: establishing a connection with a remote server, wherein the remote server stores a plurality of accompaniment music; downloading one of the vocal music from the remote server Generating a background picture; playing the background picture and the downloaded accompaniment music; receiving an audio signal; recording the audio signal; synchronizing the audio signal and/or the background picture with the accompaniment music; The audio signal, the accompaniment music and the background picture are combined into a multimedia file. 9. The method for producing a multimedia file according to claim 8, wherein the generating the background includes extracting an image signal as the background. 10. The method for producing a multimedia file according to claim 8, wherein 少 generating the background picture comprises reading a moving picture as the background. 11. The method for creating a multimedia file according to claim 8, wherein the step of generating the background surface comprises: reading a plurality of pictures from a storage device; and forming the pictures into an animation to serve as The background is behind. 12. The method for producing a multimedia file according to claim 8, wherein before the playing of the accompaniment music, the method further comprises: 接收 receiving a audition signal, wherein the tone of the voice signal is the same as the tone of the audition signal; And detecting the pitch of the audition signal; wherein when the accompaniment music is played, the pitch of the accompaniment music is adjusted according to the audition. Wind <
TW97103606A 2008-01-30 2008-01-30 System and method for generating multimedia file TW200933423A (en)

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TW97103606A TW200933423A (en) 2008-01-30 2008-01-30 System and method for generating multimedia file

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TW97103606A TW200933423A (en) 2008-01-30 2008-01-30 System and method for generating multimedia file

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