200847961 九、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 變2二於震動式裳置,其中迴旋移動被轉 ;= 摩或清潔,但在本例中係用於增進 兮^以較少的力氣及較不會使 忒頭次受損的方式來梳髮及梳理。 【先前技術】 用於人類個人照護之震動髮 ο 复木,L係4人所周知的並且使用在 否亥晨動係用以加強梳髮、、音替 ^ i ,月你或按摩效果的應用中。震動 髮梳係眾所周知的,其中一雷 展動式移動被施加至該等梳毛 以牦進梳髮或梳理效果,且通當 逋吊亦用於對該梳子使用者之 頭皮達成按摩效果。舉例來說,美國專利第3,517,235號 (頒佈給n_s等人)揭示相反驅動往復移動式髮梳單元,200847961 IX. Description of the invention: [Technical field to which the invention pertains] Change 2 to 2 in a vibrating skirt, in which the whirling movement is turned; = rubbing or cleaning, but in this case is used to improve the 兮^ with less effort and It is less likely to comb and comb the way the skull is damaged. [Prior Art] The vibration used for human personal care ο MU, L series is well known by 4 people and used in the morning of the morning to strengthen the hair, sound, ^ i, month or massage effect application in. Vibration Hair combs are well known in which a thundering movement is applied to the combs to break into the combing or combing effect, and the sling is also used to achieve a massaging effect on the scalp of the comb user. For example, U.S. Patent No. 3,517,235 (issued to n.s. et al.) discloses the reverse drive of a reciprocating combing unit,
/、用以提供一梳髮及按摩動作, A Μ ^ -5 ^ 9田使用者以該梳子橫 越该頭髮時可使糾結的頭髮祐 工秘_ / 及被有效地理順。所揭示之該梳 子據說係可藉由使一對梳毛單 ^ ^ L乇早70進仃反向往復運動而在操 ^乍性上提供料的效率,其中料相反移料元係當進行 U操作時可有效地將糾結的„拉開。不幸地,已發現 此一往復動作對於一梳理操作並 你W卫不具有優勢,這係由於其 會因為同時往復梳毛動作之剪切翻 卜您d切動作而有傷害頭髮的可能 性。 其他的震動梳子實施例通常包括—奇特梳子,其中該等 梳毛全部共同移動,但亦包括一震動式移m有一乂用 μ向及㈣使用者的頭皮來移動之分量,以對該頭皮施 128799.doc 200847961 加-拍擊及按摩動作。隨時間經過,對於頭 可能會對使用者造成不舒適感,且對 ^動 僅具有有限的功效,其主要係具有—按摩的際梳理 一大部分習知震動髮梳裝置之又另—問題在於該震動合 經由手柄而傳送至使用者的手。該 θ .. 念讲匕 丁牡成展動式移動上會 成為- Η隸尼力,藉此降低其功效,且再者,隨時間 -過,由手所吸收的震動會造成使用者不舒服及不愉悅。 ^專利第Μ5,250號揭示在-震動式髮梳中之柔軟緩衝 η ’其對於一梳子板之邊緣提供一浮動式支撐,但 其使用性因為其相對於該震動致動器及該等梳毛之結構位 置而受到限制,且因此對於將該致動器震動有目的地轉變 成一所要的梳毛移動亦受到限制。 因此,需要-種震動髮梳’其對於捲曲或糾結或打結的 頭髮具有增進的梳理功效,其係在—選擇平面上操作,俾 以對頭lc造成最小傷害的方式來增進梳理之有效性且其在 刼作期間可讓使用者的手及頭皮感到舒適。 【發明内容】 依知本文所述之態樣,其係提供—種用於增進使用者的 :髮之梳理的震動髮梳,該震動髮梳具有一包含被設置在 一梳子頭部中之複數個梳毛之梳毛墊。在本說明書中,應 瞭解所用之術語”震動”係包括振盪且術語,,梳子,,應瞭解係 包括可能以髮梳(C〇mbs)來說明之實施例。該梳毛墊藉由 一震動馬達及隔離器總成而被支撐在該梳子頭部中,該震 動馬達及隔離裔總成被設置成用以將該馬達之一震動式移 128799.doc 200847961 動導引成在一大致平行於一使用者的頭皮之平面中的梳毛 一 、w亥馬達及隔離裔總成有效地將一偏位重體之圓形 展動式移動轉變成該梳毛墊之一橢圓形移動,同時將該重 體之移動所造成之震動隔絕於該梳子之—手柄。該摘圓形 移動在-垂直於_使用者的頭髮之延伸方向的方向上具有 一較長軸線。 ^ f ϋ “震動馬達與隔離器總成包括一彈性界面,該界面在該 手柄軸向方向上具有一第一硬度且在垂直於該手柄軸向方 向上具有一第二硬度,該兩方向皆位在-大致平行於—使 =者的财之平面中。該第—硬度係較佳地小於該第二硬 -’使付所產生之該橢圓形移動在該手柄軸向方向上呈 一較長的橢圓形軸線。 八β 【實施方式】 一震動髮梳之實施例係提供一 種在梳理時以最少力氣且 =使用者的頭髮造成較少傷害而達成較佳之頭 求的解決方案。相較於 之而 祚 、^糸、冼,由於較少疼痛的梳髮 作而月巨更愉悦地梳理頭髮,因此可以有效地提供使用= 面的體驗。在該梳子梳理 者正 ] 頭^不會”撕裂’,戎爭p 而疋以較小拉扯來予以和緩 -又知, 動梳理髮梳係提供—較低頻率這係因為本發明之震 :梳子本身因為特殊的震動式移二= =::' 糟此避免使用者必須花力氣實質地拉扯頭髮來到, 理之目的。在使用期間亦可大致降低手部疲勞。“梳 現請參考圖1、2及3, 废勞 口所不,本實施例包含一手柄 128799.doc 200847961 部f,A及梳子頭部部分B。在本說明書中,應瞭解所用之 術纟吾”梳子”係涵蓋可能以”影姑, 文梳(C〇mbS),丨來說明之實施例。 該手柄部分係經人體工學構形,俾在由使用者的手所握持 時可以容易使用。手柄A之'縱向轴係大致沿著圖i之直線 OC。該梳子頭部部分B包含複數個梳毛1〇, #以十 且延伸通過一使用者之頭髮的方式從該頭部部分之-底壁 12垂直地延伸而出。圖示之眚 口之實鈿例顯不一略呈球狀構形之 f Ο 底壁12作為一實施例之一形式,但亦可包括其他的底壁構 形以作為-替代性實施例,諸如扁平或管狀。梳毛硬度可 以具有從較硬至柔軟的變化,然而其最好係較硬為佳;當 附接至該梳毛墊時,該等梳毛通常具有大於約100牛頓/公 尺之懸臂樑硬度。 Α如將在本文中所詳述的’該頭部部分丑係用以震動且此 等震動式移動係與該手柄部分八隔離,使得該等震動不合 轉:至該手柄及使用者的手。該震動式移動,應瞭解㈣ 展動移動"係包括一振盪或往復移動。因此,包含—頂壁 1 4之&子頭部上方外殼係與該手柄在區域】6處隔開,以 配合該震動式移動而不會對該手柄部分錢成拍擊接觸。 現請參考圖4、5及6,該梳子包括一用以操作_致動器 22之馬達2G,其包含針對馬達軸桿24之—偏位或配重重 體’使传當該馬達轉動該軸桿時’該重體22將造成相對於 該轴桿之—偏心偏壓而引致該馬達及重體總成之-震動移 動此:移動將在-基本上平行於一由圖丄之直線c_c及 D所界定之平面的致動器平面中大致具有一圓形動量。在 128799.doc 200847961 本說明書中,應瞭解所用之術語,,梳子”係涵蓋可能以,,髮 梳(combs)’’來說明之實施例。 Ο Ο 本實施例之一態樣係包括將該馬達及重體之圓形震動式 運動轉變成該梳毛墊在一特定的移動平面中之一曲線形態 移動(諸如—橢圓形移動)。一隔離彈性構件40附接至該馬 達2〇且亦附接至該梳毛些總成10、12、14,使得由該馬達 所引致之震動式運動可被轉移至該等梳毛1〇。該馬達观 收納在該梳毛塾頭部部分之一凹腔42中,該凹腔之尺寸經 設計以允許容納該馬達2〇及造成所要之震動式移動之偏位 重體22之旋轉運動。由於該馬達及重體總成係藉由堅固且 剛性:接而被連接至該梳子頭部,因此由該偏心重體所產 辰動可被傳达至该梳子頭部14。該隔離器4〇係藉由使 該頭部大部分獨立於該手柄移動而允許此一運動存在,這 係精由將該等隔離器環圈耳片5〇緊密收納在相配合的耳片 52中且藉由將該等耳片夾置在該梳子頭部14與上方馬 56之間以將該等耳片夾固於該等缺口 μ中而達成。該 ^壁14及缺口52係附接於最終支持該等梳毛W之堅硬塑膠 隔離器級特殊構形使得該等耳片被緊密地收納在 。亥缺口 52 中,且一 、 匕括一用以緊密收納緊固罩56 末端^ Μ之凹槽62。此外,該等彈性耳片5G及蹲片60之 ==收納在手柄部分缺,,使得該4。 了將二碩部部分之震動式移動有效地隔離於該手柄部分 如圖5及6所示,該頭部部/, to provide a combing and massage action, A Μ ^ -5 ^ 9 field users can use this comb to traverse the hair to make the tangled hair _ / and is effectively geographically smooth. The disclosed comb is said to provide material efficiency by operating a pair of combs in a reverse reciprocating motion, wherein the opposite material is subjected to U operation. It can effectively pull the tangled „. Unfortunately, it has been found that this reciprocating action does not have an advantage for a carding operation, because it will be cut by the shearing of the reciprocating combing motion. Other vibration comb embodiments typically include a peculiar comb in which all of the combs move together, but also include a vibrating shift that has a tilt and a (4) user's scalp to move. The weight of the scalp is applied to the scalp 128799.doc 200847961 plus-slap and massage action. Over time, the head may cause discomfort to the user, and has only limited effect on the movement, which mainly has - The massage combs a large part of the conventional vibration combing device. The other problem is that the vibration is transmitted to the user's hand via the handle. The θ.. 念 匕 牡 牡 成 展 展 展 展 展For - Η力尼力, thereby reducing its effectiveness, and further, over time, the vibration absorbed by the hand will cause the user to be uncomfortable and unpleasant. ^Patent No. 5,250 reveals in-vibration a soft cushion η in the comb that provides a floating support for the edge of a comb plate, but its usability is limited by its relative position to the vibrating actuator and the combs, and thus The purpose of the actuator vibration to be converted into a desired comb movement is also limited. Therefore, a vibration comb is required which has an improved combing effect on curled or tangled or knotted hair, which is operated on a selection plane , in order to minimize the damage to the head lc to improve the effectiveness of the carding and it can make the user's hand and scalp comfortable during the operation. [Invention] According to the aspect described in this article, it provides - A vibrating comb for enhancing the user's hair combing, the vibrating comb having a comb comprising a plurality of combs disposed in the head of the comb. In this specification, it should be understood The term "vibration" includes oscillations and terms, combs, and should be understood to include embodiments that may be illustrated as combs. The comb mat is supported by a vibrating motor and isolator assembly. In the comb head, the vibration motor and the isolation assembly are configured to move the vibration of one of the motors 128798.doc 200847961 into a plane substantially parallel to a user's scalp. Comb one, whai motor and segregation assembly effectively transforms the circular movement of a partial weight into an elliptical movement of the comb, and isolates the vibration caused by the movement of the heavy body. The handle of the comb has a longer axis in a direction perpendicular to the direction in which the user's hair extends. ^ f ϋ "The vibration motor and isolator assembly includes a resilient interface, the interface There is a first hardness in the axial direction of the handle and a second hardness in the axial direction perpendicular to the handle, both of which are in a plane that is - substantially parallel to the ? The first hardness is preferably smaller than the second hard -' such that the elliptical movement resulting from the payment has a longer elliptical axis in the axial direction of the handle. Eight β [Embodiment] An embodiment of a vibrating comb provides a solution for achieving a better head with minimal effort and less damage to the user's hair during carding. Compared to 祚, ^糸, 冼, the moon is more pleasantly combed by the hair because of less painful combing, so the experience of using the face can be effectively provided. In the comb comber's head ^ does not "tear", contends p and squats with a small pull to ease - also know, the combing hair comb provides - lower frequency because of the shock of the present invention: The comb itself is moved by the special vibration type ==::' This is to avoid the user having to take the effort to pull the hair in essence. The purpose of the hand can also reduce the fatigue of the hand during the use. 1, 2 and 3, no waste, this embodiment includes a handle 128799.doc 200847961 part f, A and comb head part B. In the present specification, it should be understood that the "Umbrella" used in the present invention covers embodiments which may be described as "Chu gu, comb" (C〇 mbS). The handle portion is ergonomically configured, 俾It can be easily used when being held by the user's hand. The 'longitudinal axis of the handle A is substantially along the line OC of Fig. i. The comb head portion B contains a plurality of combs 1〇, #十十 and extending through a The manner of the user's hair extends perpendicularly from the bottom wall 12 of the head portion. The illustrated example of the cornice is not slightly spherical, and the bottom wall 12 is used as an embodiment. One form, but may also include other bottom wall configurations as an alternative embodiment, such as flat or tubular. The comb hardness may have a change from hard to soft, however it is preferably harder; When attached to the comb pad, the combs typically have a cantilever stiffness greater than about 100 Newtons per meter. For example, the head portion of the head portion will be used for vibration and such vibrations as will be detailed herein. The mobile system is isolated from the handle portion VIII such that the vibrations do not rotate: to the The handle and the user's hand. The vibrating movement should be understood (4) The movement movement includes an oscillating or reciprocating movement. Therefore, the upper wall of the upper wall and the sub-head are attached to the handle and the handle is in the area. 】 6 spaces apart to match the vibration type movement without slamming contact with the handle part. Referring now to Figures 4, 5 and 6, the comb includes a motor 2G for operating the actuator 22. , which includes a biasing or counterweight for the motor shaft 24 to cause the motor to rotate when the motor rotates the shaft. The heavy body 22 will cause an eccentric bias with respect to the shaft to cause the motor and the weight. The body assembly - the vibration moves this: the movement will have a circular momentum in the plane of the actuator - substantially parallel to a plane defined by the straight lines c_c and D of the figure. In 128799.doc 200847961 In the context, it should be understood that the term "comb" is used to encompass embodiments that may be described as "combs".之一 之一 One aspect of the embodiment includes converting the circular vibratory motion of the motor and the heavy body into a curved form movement (such as an elliptical movement) of the comb mat in a particular plane of movement. An isolating resilient member 40 is attached to the motor 2 and is also attached to the comb assemblies 10, 12, 14 such that the vibratory motion induced by the motor can be transferred to the combs 1 . The motor is housed in a cavity 42 in the head portion of the comb, the cavity being sized to permit rotational movement of the motor 2 and the deflecting weight 22 that causes the desired vibratory movement. Since the motor and the heavy body assembly are coupled to the comb head by being strong and rigid, the eccentric weight can be transmitted to the comb head 14. The isolator 4 allows the movement to be present by moving the head largely independently of the handle, which is closely received by the isolator ring ears 5〇 in the mating ears 52. This is achieved by sandwiching the ears between the comb head 14 and the upper horse 56 to clamp the ears in the gaps μ. The wall 14 and the notch 52 are attached to a rigid plastic isolator-level configuration that ultimately supports the combs so that the tabs are tightly received. The recesses 52, and one, include a recess 62 for tightly receiving the end of the fastening cover 56. In addition, the elastic ears 5G and the cymbals 60 are replaced by the handle portion, so that the 4 is. Effectively isolating the vibrating movement of the two parts from the handle portion as shown in Figures 5 and 6, the head portion
中可浮動,因為包括罩5—=此在該手柄部分A ^辰動致動器及馬達總成係與 128799.doc 200847961 =丙部分之内壁80隔開1 了該等彈性環圈被收納在該 :手柄缺口 7〇中之部分以外,當該上方手柄半體78固定在 /下方手柄半體76上時,該環圈被附接於該等缺口对。 =1及、5中所示的其他項目包括-電池容室戰而該農 以電線連接)、用於馬達92之電線通道、一電源 關94及-開關塾96。位在該手柄78中之—裝飾蓋% 該馬達罩56。 |It can be floated because it includes the cover 5—= this is in the handle part A ^ 动 actuator and motor assembly is separated from the inner wall 80 of 128799.doc 200847961 = C part 1 the elastic ring is stored in In addition to the portion of the handle notch 7〇, when the upper handle half 78 is secured to/below the handle half 76, the loop is attached to the pair of notches. Other items shown in =1 and 5 include a battery compartment and the farm is connected by wires, a wire passage for the motor 92, a power supply 94, and a switch 96. Positioned in the handle 78 - the decorative cover % of the motor cover 56. |
雖然在圖示之實施例中,該隔離器4〇係一彈性材料,铁 而替代形式亦可包括任何可以產生相似結果的彈簧結構, 心金屬彈簧之—總成、塑料片及其他彈性構件。 ―彈性隔離器4〇之另—態樣在於其係經構形以在—大致平 订於4梳毛塾之—平面中將該偏心重體2 2之圓形震動式移 :轉變成-橢圓形移動。更特定言之,如圖所示,該隔離 益40沿該軸線cc(圖υ之方向上未被支撺而是沿—垂直 於該軸向方向之—直線上被支撐。該彈性體因此在該手柄 軸向方向上具有一第一硬度且在垂直於該手柄軸向方向上 具有-第二硬度,該第一硬度係小於該第二硬度。此一安 裝總成之功效在於該馬達與重體之震動式移動在沿該直線 C C之方向上將大於沿該直線D_D(參考圖1及。若一使用 者的頭髮(參考圖7)係大部分對齊於直線D_D(參考圖 8) ’則該等梳毛此震動式移動能以—在垂直於該頭髮之 延伸方向上比沿平行於該方向上具有較大程度的方式來有 效地震動。這傾向於藉由略微將頭髮拉開而以該等梳毛分 開頭髮來理順糾結或打結之頭髮,且甚至更加地略微將= 128799.doc 200847961 頭髮沿其延伸方向來推進且拉扯,俾在梳理過程中以較少 的力氣且較不使該頭髮受損的方式來更佳地梳理該頭髮。 一相關的優點在於介於該等梳毛與該頭髮之間的摩擦(尤 其係靜摩擦)可被降低。 現請參考圖6,本實施例之另一態樣在於該頭部部分b之 震動式移動係在-大致垂直於—使用纟的頭皮之曲線平面 中來進行,以避免使該等梳毛震動至該頭皮中,已發現該 等梳毛震動至該頭皮中會導致使用者不舒適的感覺。在圖 6之立體視圖中,可以清楚看出該偏心重體㈣、如何隨該 馬達軸桿之轉動而在該馬達2〇上施加一偏心偏壓,且因此 在A隔離裔支撐構件4〇上施加該偏心偏壓。然而,由於該 重體22之轉動僅在大致由介於該頭部部分B之上及下半殼 12、14之間的嚙合線82所界定之一致動器平面中,因此所 开y成之省等梳毛1 〇之橢圓形移動係位在一大致平行於該致 動器平面之平面中。 本實施例之另一態樣在於該震動式移動係在大致低於大 部分習知技術之震動式梳子之一頻率範圍中來操作。經實 驗證實’言亥等震動梳毛在一介於2〇]〇〇 Hz且更佳地介於 30-65 Hz之一頻率範圍中操作係可產生高度有效的梳理, 且以使用者用以將該梳子拉扯通過頭髮所需之力氣的觀點 而言,可造成該頭髮之最有效梳理的頻率係42 Hz或65 Hz。因此,一種用於梳理頭髮之改良方法包含以一具有震 動梳毛之梳子來梳理頭髮,該等震動梳毛係在介於川至 100 Hz之頻率範目中操作,且被設置成在一平面中之一曲 128799.doc 12 200847961 喿作,面被定位成大致平行於-使用者的頭 延伸而=的頭(圖7),亦即當該頭髮從—使用者的頭皮 申而出k之使用者的頭髮 梳毛在-橢圓形圖宰中摔作;伸平面。該梳髮包含該等 使用者藤-千橢圓形圖案在-垂直於-1史用者碩髮垂下或延仲 $X τ σ 向上具有一移動之第一 ^長細及_平行於該使㈣Μ垂 動的第二較短軸。 呷(方向之移 現請參考圖7至圖9,一插j品| # 種刼作该梳子實施例以增進頭髮 ==係包含在該梳子上轉動使得該等梳毛在平行於 f 2(圖6)之所要的擔圓形平面中震動 ==對準122於一相對於該使用者的頭髮之位置, 1:Γ:Γ延伸方向係大致對準於該梳子頭部之轴向方 二,亦即’該橢圓形主轴係垂直於該頭髮方向 口只頭髮之延伸方向來梳理該 盆”姑田土 k供一梳理功效, :: 者以較少的力氣來拉開糾結且讓❹者的手具 幻疲勞私度之方式來更有效率地梳理頭髮。 針對並非正常垂下之頭髮諸如圖7所示者 用者的頭皮極度向外延伸之非常捲曲的頭吏 同的原理,除了使用去M τ田— 彳應用相 度之-拉扯❹弄,係包含沿著該頭髮之長 X弄以k成碩髮從該頭皮朝外之延 來取代從該頭皮垂下。本發明特別適用於此頭髮向 的頭髮(亦即,超過下巴長度)以及乾燥或受損的頭髮長 本發明之實施例已參考梳理人類頭髮說明如 子亦可用以梳理其他的物件,諸如動物或寵物的毛髮读梳 ^ 或 128799.doc 200847961 者甚至係毛髮以外之其他材料的糾結線束。 例示性實施例已參考較佳實施例說明如上。顯然地在 閱項及理解上述詳細說明後亦可以有其他的修飾及變化。 只要此等修飾及變化落入後附請求項之範圍或其均等物, 吾人意欲該㈣示性實施例應解釋為包括所有此等修飾及 變化。 【圖式簡單說明】 圖1係一實施例之俯視平面圖; 圖2係圖1之實施例的側視平面圖; 圖3係其一前視平面圖; 圖4係圖1之實施例的立體視圖; 圖5係一俯視圖,其中一頂蓋板被移除; 圖6係一剖開的斷面側視圖; 圖7係一立體視圖,其大致顯示藉由梳理一使用者的頭 髮的使用實施例; 圖8係一橢圓形平面之參考示意圖;及 圖9係操作該實施例之一方法的流程圖。 【主要元件符號說明】 10 梳毛 12 底壁 14 頂壁 16 區域 20 馬達 22 偏位重體 128799.doc - 14. 200847961Although in the illustrated embodiment, the isolator 4 is an elastomeric material, the alternative form of iron may include any spring structure that produces similar results, a core metal spring assembly, a plastic sheet, and other resilient members. The other aspect of the "elastic spacer" is that it is configured to shift the circular shock of the eccentric weight 2 2 into a plane that is substantially flattened in the plane of the four combs: mobile. More specifically, as shown, the isolation benefit 40 is supported along the axis cc (the direction of the figure is not supported but along the line perpendicular to the axial direction). The elastomer is thus The handle has a first hardness in the axial direction and a second hardness in a direction perpendicular to the axial direction of the handle, the first hardness is less than the second hardness. The effect of the mounting assembly is that the motor and the weight The vibration of the body will be greater along the line CC along the line D_D (refer to Figure 1 and if a user's hair (refer to Figure 7) is mostly aligned with the line D_D (refer to Figure 8)' The vibrating movement of the combs can be effectively vibrated in a manner perpendicular to the direction in which the hair extends, rather than in a direction parallel to the direction. This tends to be caused by slightly pulling the hair apart. Combing the hair with the comb to straighten the tangled or knotted hair, and even more slightly push the hair along the direction of its extension and pull it, with less effort and less hair during the carding process Damaged way to better Combining the hair. A related advantage is that the friction between the combs and the hair (especially static friction) can be reduced. Referring now to Figure 6, another aspect of the embodiment resides in the head portion b The vibrating movement is performed in a plane substantially perpendicular to the scalp of the sputum to avoid vibrating the bristles into the scalp, and it has been found that the combing of the bristles into the scalp may cause discomfort to the user. In the perspective view of Fig. 6, it can be clearly seen that the eccentric weight (4), how to apply an eccentric bias on the motor 2〇 with the rotation of the motor shaft, and thus the A-isolated support member The eccentric bias is applied to the raft. However, since the rotation of the weight 22 is only at the plane of the actuator defined by the line of engagement 82 between the head portion B and the lower half shells 12, 14, In this case, the elliptical movement of the card is 1 in a plane substantially parallel to the plane of the actuator. Another aspect of this embodiment is that the vibrating system is substantially low. Most of the prior art Operate in one of the frequency ranges of the vibrating comb. It has been experimentally confirmed that the operating system of the sounding comb is highly effective in a frequency range of 2 〇 〇〇 Hz and more preferably between 30-65 Hz. The combing, and the user's effort to pull the comb through the hair, can result in the most effective combing of the hair at a frequency of 42 Hz or 65 Hz. Therefore, an improvement for combing the hair The method comprises combing the hair with a comb having a vibrating comb that operates in a frequency range from 100 Hz to 100 Hz and is arranged to be in one plane 128799.doc 12 200847961 The face is positioned substantially parallel to the head of the user's head and is = (Fig. 7), that is, when the hair is from the user's scalp, the user's hair is combed in an oval shape. Fell in the middle; stretch the plane. The comb includes the user's vine-thousand elliptical pattern in a vertical-to-historical stalk or a sinuous $X τ σ upward with a first movement of the length and _ parallel to the (four) Μ The second shorter axis of the turbulence.呷 (Refer to Figure 7 to Figure 9 for a direction shift, a plug-in j article | #刼作该 The comb embodiment to enhance hair == is included in the comb to rotate so that the combs are parallel to f 2 (Figure 6) the desired circular plane vibration == alignment 122 in a position relative to the user's hair, 1: Γ: Γ extension direction is roughly aligned with the axial direction of the comb head, That is, 'the elliptical main shaft is perpendicular to the direction of hair extension of the hair direction to comb the pot." Gutian soil k for a combing effect, :: The person pulls the tangled and lesser hands with less strength The method of phantom fatigue is more efficient to comb the hair. For the principle that the hair that is not normally hanging, such as the scalp of the user shown in Figure 7, is extremely outwardly extended, except for the use of M τ Field - 彳 相 彳 拉 拉 拉 , , , , , , , 彳 彳 彳 拉 拉 彳 彳 彳 彳 彳 彳 彳 彳 彳 彳 彳 彳 彳 彳 彳 彳 彳 彳 彳 彳 彳 彳 彳 彳 彳 彳 彳 彳 彳 彳 彳 彳 彳 彳Hair (ie, longer than the length of the chin) and long or dry or damaged hair Embodiments of the invention have been described with reference to combing human hair instructions such as tangled harnesses of other materials other than hair, such as animal or pet hair reading combs or 128799.doc 200847961. Having been described with reference to the preferred embodiments of the present invention, it is to be understood that the modifications and variations of the scope of the appended claims. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 is a top plan view of an embodiment; FIG. 2 is a side plan view of the embodiment of FIG. 1; FIG. Figure 4 is a perspective view of the embodiment of Figure 1; Figure 5 is a top plan view of a top cover removed; Figure 6 is a cross-sectional side view; Figure 7 is a perspective view , which generally shows an embodiment of the use of combing a user's hair; FIG. 8 is a reference schematic view of an elliptical plane; and FIG. 9 is a flow chart of a method of operating one of the embodiments. Main component symbol description] 10 Comb 12 Bottom wall 14 Top wall 16 Area 20 Motor 22 Offset weight 128799.doc - 14. 200847961
24 馬達軸桿 40 隔離器 42 凹腔 50 耳片 52 缺口 56 馬達罩 60 蹼片 62 凹槽 64 罩缺口 70 手柄部分缺口 76 下方手柄半體 78 上方手柄半體 80 内壁 82 喷合線 90 電池容室 92 電線通道 94 電源開關 96 開關墊 98 裝飾蓋 A 手柄部分 B 梳子頭部部分 128799.doc -15-24 Motor shaft 40 Isolator 42 Cavity 50 Ear 52 Notch 56 Motor cover 60 Truss 62 Groove 64 Cover notch 70 Handle notch 76 Lower handle half 78 Upper handle half 80 Inner wall 82 Spray line 90 Battery capacity Room 92 Wire Channel 94 Power Switch 96 Switch Pad 98 Decorative Cover A Handle Part B Comb Head Section 128799.doc -15-