200842751 九、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明係關於技術交易的領域,詳言之,本發明係關於一種新穎 的技術交易系統及方法,利用技術評價與權利分割,可促進技術交易 的成交案例與品質。 【先前技術】 ® 因應知識經濟的時代,所擁有的技術決定了技術市場在經濟發展 中不可或缺的地位。在目前市場經濟條件下,技術為商品的一種,而 商口口疋不肖b夠脫離市場而單獨存在的。技術的實現依賴於技術市場的 發月’技術市場是合理配置技術資源的主要途徑和手段。由於技術在 赠發展中的地位又決定了技術市場在經濟發展中不可或缺的地位, 發展技術市場,促賴術要素義,將有繼提高技術騎步以及提 高對經濟的成長。 * 技術市場機制可促進技術的開發,以加快企業的技術更新,提高 經濟效益。高科技產業為以技術創新為基礎的產業,高科技企業的競 爭力來自於企業創新程度,而創新越來越會依賴技術要素的投入,因 此技術料必須與高龍產賴步發展,讀通職術城動業界的 流動,加速高科技技術成果商品化。 目前全球所擁有的技術交易網站很多,但是大多為單一特色,如: 台灣技術交神場魏網(賴TWTM),其僅為文字資賴提供,並 無其他加值服務;美國迦網,其僅為技術商品圖形的提供。還沒有 5 200842751 人將技術又易平台結合技術評估、技術行銷、技術加值等面向。截 至目刚為止’尚未魏任何_錢構紐術交祕統的人工運作流 程作業把它系統化。 技術交易運作模式目前仍沿⑽統的人錢務方式在進行,雖然 人工服務的方式_與客戶有實質上的互输溝通,錄往的情形是 花費太多人力鱗間在錄的步社面。但是客戶雜需要的是更完 善的行銷手法與銷售管道,甚至交易末端的具高度協助性的整合資 源,如法律、財務、智財管理…等。 以電子商務的角度來看,網站開店的架設並不困難,最成功的網 路開店案例為蝴小巷都熟知的祕麟平纟:eBay。但是畢竟eMy 的商σ口為有實體的物品,不如商品為技術的無體物件,而目前國内技 術交易平台無法精準評估技術商品化_售與定位,以致於國内技術 父易市場遲遲無法提升至國際水準。 因此若將目前-般的網路開店的上架商品由實物替換為『技術』 並導入電子麟的猶減,滅雜有效触目前技術交易平台所 面臨到的問題而有效的提升交易的數量及品質。但是將網路上架商品 由具實體的物品改為技術商品將面臨到許多評估系統甚至網路商務架 °又的困難度’尤其技術交^又涉及麟錄律與市場價側鍵指標等 人為經驗面象,要將傳統人為運作的經驗價值系統化與客製化並是不 一件容易的事情。 目月ό台灣有台灣技術交易市場資訊網(簡稱twtm)為國内最大 6 200842751 的技術交易機制平台,但是該平台除了以文字敘述技術外,針對技術 交易後續的技轉服務以及合約談判等TWTM並不介入辅專,因此為求 強化國内技術交易系統流暢性,需要研發壹套技術交易評估軟體,除 了為簡化國崎乡技術擁有者雜技鋪料,能為技術擁有者提供 决速的技術父易服矛务,以求真正落實技術交易與技術商品化。 【發明内容】 本發明之目的騎望結合—糊狀技術評估軟體細路開店行 銷模式,為技術交易市場注入一股系統化的技術交易服務機制,該新 行銷模式包含技術e化聰輯、可能顧技術廠紐尋、技術交易 可仃性評估、交易條件分析,技術交易實體談判與運作,交胃合約之 擬定與簽H到交錢功後。可將成功之賴商品放置該新網路行 身、周站上除了為客戶行銷推廣產品外,同時間可為客戶持續進行後 續的交易執行監督與追蹤。以求為台灣技術交易市場重新注入一股新 活力。 疋以種新賴的技術交易系、統,包括選自下列系統的組合: ⑴技術父易評估分析系統,用崎量技術價值; ⑵技術權利區隔評估系統,用以分割技術權利;及 (3 )圖像糸統。 本發明可另包括料庫,賴贿技術之蝴·,也可另包括 應用系統’其_以提供祕會貞糊資源。 7 200842751 其中技術X胃職分析祕铜以錢界紐鋪鱗提高交易 成功機率;技術交易評估分析系統之評估項目係為原型、市場、= 財產權、絲歧辭性;猶權概隔評料獻評柄目係為= 權種類、鋪祕、授_間及授_途m祕·清楚样^ 技術之特色。 ^ 本發明巾,其技術翻區隔評鶴騎評估的技術較佳者為新么 幣伍拾萬元至壹仟萬元之技術;更佳者為新”捌拾萬元至伍信萬^ 之技術;最佳者為超過新台幣壹佰萬元之技術。 而本發明中所表示的可交易的技術係來自於學研界、科技業、商 業界及服務業,其巾學研界絲研究機構、大學、f成巾心、學院、 賴法人、技解位;糧㈣為機械、電子、生化、化學、醫學、 辦導體、光電、通訊及未來科技業所衍生出之相關產業,·賴界係為 個人投妓、舰、綺、關及及其他專驗資機構;服務業係為 $mnm ^ - mmm ^ 〇 是以本發明另提供一種新穎的技術交易方法,包括·· (1) 新建技術交易平台,· (2) 加入交易平台會員,· (3) 開始技術商品上架,其中導入技術交易評估分析系統以評估該筆 技術積分; 200842751 ⑷將所祕分析後的技術以_表達其技術特色;及 ⑸會員所職技術交易金額介於新台幣伍拾萬至壹仟萬元時,在技 術買主有意洽談的情況下,將會導入技術權利區隔評估系統以依 照技術買主的實際使用狀況重新評估技術交易金額。 本發明之會員_技術交易麵之認定,其巾會貴湖的技術交 易金額更l者為掏拾萬至伍信萬;會員預期的技術交易金額最佳者為 2:佰萬,在技術買主有意洽談的情況下,將會導入技術權魏隔評估 系統以依照技術買主的實際使職況錄評估技術交易金額。 本發明之技術積分達到上架標準即可將之放置於平台上,其中上 架標準較佳的為5G分至8G分;上架鮮更⑽為%分至%分·,, 其中上架標準最佳的為60分。 卜加入父易平台會員係可同時擁有技術買賣兩種權利,其中 技術交易平台係包括網站項目架構、會M管制、技術交易評估分析、 技術圖像分析、可行性分析、技術交易e化合約及技術交易權利區隔 #估。父易平台會員係為有技術商品需㈣者,其巾交易平台會員係 為般會員及特殊會員;—般會員係為已經熟悉網路及電子商務之人 士 ’特殊會員係為不熟悉網路、需要更進卩皆的交易服務以及習慣傳統 交易模式之人士。 而在本發明之評估祕,其巾技術交將估分析祕縣利用申 9 200842751 請專利範圍第1及5之申請專_之系統;其___ 系統係為利Μ請專利範圍第丨及6之申請專利細之线。 利用本發明所建置的技術料平台,其主要關鍵技術為: (1)技術交易平台的架構; ⑵技術及翻e>fb做評賴式雜建立與套用; (3) 技術評估圖像系統建立與套用; (4) 技術交易權利劃分;以及 (5) 法律文件編制e化。 以目前蓬勃發展的電子商務來說,網站開店的架設並不困難,但 是要將目前-般的網路開店的上架商品由實物替換為『技術』等無形 資產有許持估贿設的_度,尤其技術Μ又涉及顺多法律與 市場4貝值關鍵指標等人為經驗聽,要將傳統人為運作的經驗價值系 、、先化與客製化並是不_件料的事情。而本交易平台的建立本新行銷 、,周站的架没主要為簡化技術交易流程並提供全方位的技術交易服務給 舄要的廢商,因此網站朝向國際化,將會是帶動網站技術來源多元化 的重要關鍵。 特言之,本發明之平台所能應用的範圍有四: (1)技術交易: 本發明相信對於未來技術交易運作模式將具有極大的革命性 開創產品。藉由經評估具有成功潛力商品,以及該平台系統分權 200842751 化技術又易商αο與主動式技術行銷,簡化目前技術交易運作的流 程與杈式。如此平台的設立可以在同一時間内創立出多種低加價 位商品,讓技術交易不在遙不可及。 (2) 電子商務: 技術交易運作目前仍沿用傳統的人工服務#式在進行,雖然 人服務的方式能夠與客戶有實質上的互動與溝通,但往往的情 形是花肢多人力與時間在多餘的倾上面。本平台提供客 戶το整的商務電子化觸與執行服務、資訊網路化系統建置、遠 端技術支板服務。提供給客戶真正進行電子商務與技術交易的交 叉比對客服解決方案。透過基律網路平台專業的交易管理、分析、 回I、行銷系統,可大幅提升技術交易買賣有關資訊交流,促成 技術交易可行性。 (3) 智財服務: 智財服務產業包含:技術保咖_務、專利檢索與申請服務、技 術價值分析與_贿、觀商純歸α及無義技術創 造、應用與保護等相關的服務體系。 本發明之平台開發也可使目前國内的智財服務,如專利組 合、商品_、專利與營業秘肢互運肋及#業秘密本身等服 務型態有所改革。運用本系統,可以使得客戶對於自身的智財類 別的標的物麵㈣,相_標_去、現纽及未來的智財 策略運用與執行。 11 200842751 (4)研發服務: 研發服務其係完整建構適合研發服務業發展之環境,並導入 智慧財產管理系統,以保護研發成果的運用;另一方面,健全研 發服務業所需之跨領域人才,並鼓勵企業對於公司内部不符經濟 規模與效益之研發項目,委託具專業領域之研發服務業者進行。 希望透過本計晝之進行,將台灣目前以生產為導向的產業發展模 式轉變為以創新價值為導向的產業模式,並刺激創新產出,帶動 研發活動產業化,以強化產業競爭力,提升台灣未來經濟發展。 本平台幾乎適合所有的產業,萬一客戶發展不順利尚有其他產業 可接入。另外本計晝中主要關鍵在於··(〗)商品評估;(2)定價策略; (3)加值服務,而本平台技術係依照本公司設計方式,建立一套新穎 的技術交易平台,就以目前電腦軟體設計,並非有很大的困難,相信 只要事前的規劃以及與技術委外_具有良好的溝通,本平台的完成 並非難事。 本平台簡化技術交易運作的流程與模式,利用電子商務架構提供 客戶在技術交易及諮詢上更加簡便的方式,糊完整贿務電子化諮 贿執行職、_網雜祕_、崩猶細贿。提供給客 戶全__電子鑛祕。轉台可將電子雜與技術㈣做交叉 比對,以解決後續實體技術交易服務所衍生的問題。 因此,透過基雜统化的網路平台,以專業的交易管理、分析、 12 200842751 回報與行銷系統,可全面提升該平台的優 _ 慢勢’讓技術擁有與需求業者, 均能輕鬆解決有技術不知如何推銷,或是 疋不知如何尋求所要的技術的 難處。如此便可清楚界定技術發展的策略運用與執行。 【實施方式】 實例1 : 峨術麵『觀拍』為例,制技術均登錄雜: φ ⑴緣起:本專利權人之技術欲以200。萬的方式賣斷, 希望透過本平台順利達成目的。 (2) 技術商品:頂蚊拍 (3) 身份類別:會員 (4) 欲交易金額:2000萬元 步驟一: 前,祕祕从較將__,本肋評估方 1.原型:有一20分 _ 2·市场·大市場~>2〇分 ‘ 3·智慧財產權··有~>20分 4·成熟度··未上市—10分 5·競爭性··同類型廠商5家以上—5分 6·加權計分·· 10分β原型+3分;市場+3分;Ip+4分 ※總計·· 85分 步驟二: 會員於該平台上建置『頂蚊拍』相關技術内容以及上傳圖片。 13 4 _ 200842751 步驟三: 鍵入欲交易金額:NTD$ 2,000萬元整,由於交易金額超過本系統規定 的NTD$l〇〇萬元整,故未來技術買主欲購買本技術時將會導入技術權 利區隔評估系統。 實例2: 以一技術買主欲獲得頂蚊拍權利為例: 步驟一·· 確認買主之實際使用狀況,瞭解買主欲將本發明實施以非專屬授權在 台灣及美國兩地使用,使用時間為5年,使用用途一種。 步驟二: 該技術評估標準如下所示: 權利鼷_稔: 專利所t權授權 □專屬授權(勺) □•專A授權或讓與(m2> 錢欐麵 □全球□美β (―) □錄•薦 〇,教ecu) 〇其聽& (樣0 義權畴_200842751 IX. INSTRUCTIONS: [Technical field of invention] The present invention relates to the field of technology transactions. In particular, the present invention relates to a novel technology transaction system and method, which utilizes technology evaluation and rights division to facilitate technical transactions. The case and quality of the transaction. [Prior Art] ® In response to the era of knowledge economy, the technology possessed determines the indispensable position of the technology market in economic development. Under the current market economy conditions, technology is a kind of commodity, and the business mouth is not enough to separate from the market and exist alone. The realization of technology depends on the development of the technology market. The technology market is the main way and means to rationally allocate technical resources. Since the status of technology in the development of the development determines the indispensable position of the technology market in economic development, the development of the technology market and the promotion of the elements of the technology will continue to improve the technological ride and increase the growth of the economy. * The technology market mechanism can promote the development of technology to accelerate the technological upgrading of enterprises and improve economic efficiency. The high-tech industry is an industry based on technological innovation. The competitiveness of high-tech enterprises comes from the degree of enterprise innovation, and innovation is more and more dependent on the input of technical elements. Therefore, the technology must be developed with Gaolong. The job city moves the industry and accelerates the commercialization of high-tech technological achievements. At present, there are many technology trading websites in the world, but most of them are single features, such as: Taiwan's technical exchange field Weiwang (lai TWTM), which is only provided by text capital, there is no other value-added service; US Jiawang, its Only for the provision of technical merchandise graphics. Not yet 5 200842751 People combine technology and easy platform with technical assessment, technology marketing, and technology value added. Until the end of the project, it has not yet been systematically processed by the manual operation of the system. The technical transaction mode of operation is still going along with the (10) system of people's money management, although the way of manual service _ has a substantial mutual communication with the customer, the situation of recording is too much labor and the scale is recorded. . However, customers need more sophisticated marketing techniques and sales channels, and even highly assisted integrated resources at the end of the transaction, such as legal, financial, intellectual property management, etc. From the perspective of e-commerce, it is not difficult to set up a website to open a store. The most successful case of opening a store is the secret cymbal that is familiar to the alleys: eBay. However, after all, eMy's business slogan is a physical item, not as a product is a technical intangible object, but the current domestic technology trading platform can not accurately assess the technical commodification _ sales and positioning, so that the domestic technology father easy market is delayed Unable to upgrade to international standards. Therefore, if the current general-purpose online store's shelves are replaced by physical objects and the introduction of electronic technology, the number of products and the quality of the current technology trading platform will be effectively improved. . However, changing the physical goods on the Internet from physical items to technical products will face many difficulties in the evaluation system and even the Internet business racks. In particular, the technical experience is also related to the human experience of Lin Lu and the market price side key indicators. It is not easy to systematically and customize the empirical value of traditional human operations.目TMό Taiwan has Taiwan Technology Trading Market Information Network (twtm) is the largest technology trading platform platform of China 200842, but in addition to textual narrative technology, it also targets TWTM for technical transaction follow-up and contract negotiation. It does not involve the auxiliary school. Therefore, in order to strengthen the fluency of the domestic technology trading system, it is necessary to develop a software trading evaluation software, in addition to simplifying the aerobics of the technology owners of the country, it can provide the speed of technology for the technology owners. The father is easy to serve, in order to truly implement technology transactions and technology commercialization. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The object of the present invention is to combine the mating-pasting technology to evaluate the software marketing mode of the soft-skin road, and to inject a systematic technical transaction service mechanism for the technology trading market, the new marketing model includes technology e-Cong, possible Gu Technology Factory New Search, technical transaction scalability evaluation, trading condition analysis, technical transaction entity negotiation and operation, drafting of the stomach contract and signing H to pay the money. The successful products can be placed on the new network, and on the weekly website, in addition to marketing products for customers, the company can continue to monitor and track the subsequent transactions. In order to reinject a new vitality into the Taiwan technology trading market.技术New technology trading system, including a combination of the following systems: (1) technical father easy evaluation and analysis system, using the amount of technical value; (2) technical rights interval assessment system, used to divide technical rights; 3) Image system. The invention may additionally include a library, a butterfly of technology, or an application system to provide secret resources. 7 200842751 The technology X stomach analysis analysis secret copper to increase the probability of successful trading with the money sector; the evaluation system of the technology transaction evaluation and analysis system is prototype, market, = property rights, silk discourse; The title of the appraisal is = the type of right, the secret, the _ _ and the _ _ _ m secret · clear sample ^ technical characteristics. ^ The invention of the invention, the technology of the evaluation of the crane evaluation is better for the new currency, the technology of the new currency is 10,000 yuan to 10,000 yuan; the better is the new "tolls 10,000 yuan to Wu Xinwan ^ The best technology is the technology of more than NT$10,000. The tradable technology represented by the present invention comes from the academic, research, technology, business and service industries. Research institutes, universities, f, towel, college, Laifa, and technical position; grain (4) are related industries derived from machinery, electronics, biochemistry, chemistry, medicine, conducting conductors, optoelectronics, telecommunications, and future technology industries. Laijie is a personal investment, ship, squad, customs and other specialized institutions; the service industry is $mnm ^ - mmm ^ 〇 is another novel technology trading method provided by the present invention, including (1) New technology trading platform, (2) Join the trading platform members, (3) Start the technical product shelves, and introduce the technology trading evaluation and analysis system to evaluate the technical points; 200842751 (4) Express the analysis of the secret technology Technical characteristics; and (5) technical skills of members When the transaction amount is between NT$10,000 and NT$10,000, if the technical buyer intends to negotiate, the technology rights division assessment system will be introduced to re-evaluate the technical transaction amount according to the actual use status of the technology buyer. The member_Technical transaction face is determined, the technical transaction amount of the towel will be more than 10,000 to Wu Xinwan; the best expected technical transaction amount of the member is 2: 10,000, the technology buyer is interested in negotiating In this case, the technical right evaluation system will be introduced to evaluate the technical transaction amount according to the actual situation of the technical buyer. The technical points of the invention can be placed on the platform after reaching the shelf standard, wherein the shelf standard is better. The score is 5G to 8G; the shelf is fresher (10) is % to % points, and the best standard for the shelf is 60. Bu joined the parent-friendly platform member can have both technical trading rights, including technical transactions. The platform includes website project structure, meeting M regulation, technical transaction evaluation analysis, technical image analysis, feasibility analysis, technical transaction e-contract and technical trading rights. The division is estimated. The members of the parent-friendly platform are those who have technical products (4), and the members of the towel trading platform are ordinary members and special members; the general members are those who are already familiar with the Internet and e-commerce. Unfamiliar with the Internet, need more sophisticated trading services, and people who are accustomed to the traditional trading model. In the evaluation secret of the present invention, the towel technology will be evaluated and analyzed in the secret county of Shen 9 200842751. The application system is ___ The system is the line of the application patents of the patent scopes 丨6 and 6. The main key technologies of the technical material platform constructed by the invention are: (1) technical transaction The architecture of the platform; (2) technology and translation; fb to evaluate and build; (3) technical evaluation image system establishment and application; (4) technical transaction rights division; and (5) legal document preparation e-ization. In the current booming e-commerce, it is not difficult to set up a website to open a store. However, it is necessary to change the current intangible assets such as "technology" from the physical products in the store. In particular, the technical know-how involves man-made experience such as the multi-law and the market's 4 key value indicators. It is not a matter of fact that the empirical value of traditional human operation is prioritized and customized. The establishment of this trading platform, this new marketing, Zhou station is not mainly to simplify the technical transaction process and provide a full range of technical trading services to the main waste business, so the site towards internationalization, will be the source of website technology The key to diversity. In particular, the scope of the platform of the present invention can be applied in four ways: (1) Technology transaction: The present invention believes that the future technology transaction mode of operation will be a revolutionary product. By evaluating the products with successful potential, and the decentralization of the platform system, the technology and the marketing of the technology technology simplify the current process and operation of technology trading. The establishment of such a platform can create a variety of low-priced goods at the same time, so that technology transactions are not out of reach. (2) E-commerce: The technology trading operation still uses the traditional manual service#, although the human service method can have substantial interaction and communication with the customer, but often the situation is more manpower and time is redundant. Pour the top. This platform provides customers with business electronic touch and execution services, information network system construction, and remote technology support services. Provide customers with a true cross-match customer service solution for e-commerce and technology transactions. Through the professional transaction management, analysis, back to I, marketing system of the basic network platform, it can greatly enhance the information exchange of technology trading and purchase, and facilitate the feasibility of technical transactions. (3) Intellectual Wealth Service: The intellectual property service industry includes: technology insurance services, patent search and application services, technical value analysis and _ bribes, spectator singularity α and nonsense technology creation, application and protection and other related services system. The development of the platform of the present invention can also reform the current domestic intellectual property services, such as patent portfolios, commodities, patents, business secrets, and industry secrets. By using this system, customers can apply and execute their own intellectual property categories (4), _ _ _ go, present and future and smart financial strategies. 11 200842751 (4) R&D services: R&D services are fully constructed to suit the development of the R&D service industry and introduce intelligent property management systems to protect the use of R&D results; on the other hand, improve the cross-disciplinary talents needed for R&D services And encourage enterprises to entrust R&D service providers with professional fields to R&D projects that are not in line with economic scale and efficiency within the company. It is hoped that through the implementation of this plan, Taiwan's current production-oriented industrial development model will be transformed into an innovation-oriented industrial model, and stimulate innovation output, and promote the industrialization of research and development activities to strengthen industrial competitiveness and enhance Taiwan. Future economic development. This platform is suitable for almost all industries. In case the customer development is not smooth, there are other industries that can be accessed. In addition, the main key in this plan is ··()) commodity evaluation; (2) pricing strategy; (3) value-added service, and the platform technology is based on the company's design method to establish a new technology trading platform. With the current computer software design, there is not much difficulty. I believe that as long as the pre-planning and good communication with the technical committee, the completion of this platform is not difficult. This platform simplifies the process and mode of technical transaction operation, and utilizes the e-commerce structure to provide customers with a more convenient way of technical transaction and consultation, and to complete the bribery of electronic bribery and executive duties, _ network secrets _, and collapse. Provided to customers all __ electronic mine secret. The turntable can cross-match the electronic hybrids with the technology (4) to solve the problems arising from the subsequent physical technology trading services. Therefore, through the network platform of the mixed system, with the professional transaction management, analysis, 12 200842751 return and marketing system, the platform's superior _ slow potential can be comprehensively improved, so that technology owners and demanders can easily solve Technology doesn't know how to sell it, or if you don't know how to find the technology you need. This clearly defines the application and implementation of the strategy for technological development. [Embodiment] Example 1: 峨 面 『 观 观 观 观 为 , , , , , , , , 制 制 制 制 制 制 制 制 制 制 制 制 制 φ φ φ φ φ φ φ φ φ φ The way of 10,000 is sold out, and I hope to achieve the goal through this platform. (2) Technical goods: top mosquito swatter (3) Identity category: member (4) Want to trade amount: 20 million yuan Step 1: Before, secret from the __, this rib evaluation party 1. Prototype: there is 20 points _ 2·Market·Big Market~>2〇分' 3·Intelligent Property Rights··有~>20 points 4·Maturation Degree·Unlisted—10 points 5·Competitive··More than 5 manufacturers of the same type— 5 points 6 · Weighted scoring · · 10 points β prototype + 3 points; Market + 3 points; Ip + 4 points ※ Total · · 85 points Step 2: Members build the "top mosquito swatter" related technical content on the platform And upload an image. 13 4 _ 200842751 Step 3: Type the amount of the transaction to be traded: NTD$20 million. Since the transaction amount exceeds the NTD$1 million for the system, future technology buyers will introduce technical rights when they purchase this technology. Separation assessment system. Example 2: Take a technology buyer to obtain the rights of the top mosquito swatter: Step 1 · Confirm the actual use of the buyer, understand that the buyer wants to implement the invention in non-exclusive licenses in Taiwan and the United States, the use time is 5 Year, use one. Step 2: The technical evaluation criteria are as follows: Rights鼷_稔: Authorization of the patent office □ Exclusive authorization (spoon) □•Special A authorization or transfer (m2> Record • Recommend 〇, teach ecu) 〇其听 & (like 0 义权域_
λ——.— CDS 年以上(m2) 口3~$ 年《緣 □3〜5種(艰〜3種(m3> 授權搏途(含黧遶、雇賣、使爾、轉定琦途,遙1:1) 暴一….… □無缏定Pi) 〇5稜铽上(樣75 步驟三: 經權利區分後,2000萬之授權金额重新計算方式為 1·專屬授權(*1) 2·授權台灣及美國(* (0.4+0.1)) 3·授權時間5年以上(*〇·2) 4·授權用途1種(*〇·3) 14 200842751 權利劃分後之授權金為: 2000 萬 *1*0·5*0·2*0·3=60 萬 實例3 : 本發明所建置之技術交易平台目 文字的平台m態,其平轉構二圖像表林代目前的多 該技術在本發明中的文字部分以閱圖4 (A)⑻⑹所示,而 ,早有力的方式闡述,如下所示: 技術特色: 伸齡.藉由長度的自由伸縮。將頂蚊拍的滅蚊範圍發揮到最大! ·=把.防滑處理。電池置處。啟動頂蚊拍只需兩顆崎池! 桿套·連接伸縮桿與網拍。 網拍.電擊蚊蚋處,坆的於飛舞中觸及金屬桿,而被高壓電流擊 15 200842751 【圖式簡單說明】 第1圖係技術交易平台,前台運作流程圖。 第2圖(A)係後台技術流程圖(技術買方)。 第2圖(B)係後台技術流程圖(技術賣方)° 第3圖係技術交易平台全流程圖。 第4圖(A)係為技術名稱『頂蚊拍』於前台架構中所呈現的圖片。 第4圖(B)係為頂蚊拍使用者於前台架構中所呈現的圖片。 第4圖(C)係為『T刪0』專概餘前纟雜巾所呈現的圖片。 【主要元件符號說明】 10 :網拍 20 ·背柄 30:桿套 40 :伸縮桿 50:握把(有電開關) 16λ——.- CDS years or more (m2) mouth 3~$ years "marginal □ 3 ~ 5 kinds (hard ~ 3 kinds (m3 > authorized strokes (including lingering, hiring, making, turning, Qilu, Haruka 1:1) 暴一............ □无缏定Pi) 〇5 铽 ( (sample 75 Step 3: After the right division, the re-calculation of the authorized amount of 20 million is 1 · exclusive authorization (*1) 2 · Authorized in Taiwan and the United States (* (0.4+0.1)) 3. Authorized for more than 5 years (*〇·2) 4· Authorized use 1 (*〇·3) 14 200842751 The entitlement after the entitlement is: 20 million *1*0·5*0·2*0·3=60,000 Example 3: The platform m state of the text of the technical trading platform built by the present invention, the flat-conversion two image table forest generation is currently more The text part of the technique in the present invention is shown in Fig. 4 (A) (8) (6), and is explained in a powerful manner as follows: Technical features: Stretching age. Free stretching by length. Mosquito range to the maximum! ·= Put. Anti-slip treatment. Battery placed. Start the top mosquito swatter only need two Saki! Pole sleeve · Connect the telescopic rod and the net rack. Net shot. Electric shock mosquitoes, squatting flying Touching the metal rod, and Hit by high-voltage current 15 200842751 [Simple description of the diagram] Figure 1 is the technical trading platform, the front-end operation flow chart. Figure 2 (A) is the background technical flow chart (technical buyer). Figure 2 (B) is the background technology Flowchart (Technical Seller) ° Figure 3 is a full flow chart of the technical trading platform. Figure 4 (A) is a picture of the technical name "Top Mosquito" in the foreground architecture. Figure 4 (B) is The picture taken by the top mosquito swatter user in the foreground structure. Figure 4 (C) is the picture of the "T-cut 0" special pre-dash scarf. [Main component symbol description] 10: Net shot 20 ·Back handle 30: Rod sleeve 40: Telescopic rod 50: Grip (with electric switch) 16