TW200809093A - Pump - Google Patents

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TW200809093A TW95129632A TW95129632A TW200809093A TW 200809093 A TW200809093 A TW 200809093A TW 95129632 A TW95129632 A TW 95129632A TW 95129632 A TW95129632 A TW 95129632A TW 200809093 A TW200809093 A TW 200809093A
Prior art keywords
heat exchange
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TWI320452B (en
Cheng-Tien Lai
Zhi-Yong Zhou
Qiao-Li Ding
Original Assignee
Foxconn Tech Co Ltd
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
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Application filed by Foxconn Tech Co Ltd filed Critical Foxconn Tech Co Ltd
Priority to TW95129632A priority Critical patent/TWI320452B/en
Publication of TW200809093A publication Critical patent/TW200809093A/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of TWI320452B publication Critical patent/TWI320452B/en



  • Structures Of Non-Positive Displacement Pumps (AREA)


A miniature pump includes a pump casing having a base attached on a heat-generating electronic component for absorbing heat generated by the electronic component. The pump casing includes an outer wall mounted on the base and a top cover mounted on the outer wall. A receiving space is enclosed by the pump casing. A heat-absorbing member is attached on the base and received in the receiving space for exchanging heat with liquid in the pump casing. An impeller is rotatably mounted in the receiving space and above the heat-absorbing member. When the impeller rotates the liquid is driven to flow into the pump via a liquid inlet and then flow through the heat-absorbing member and finally flow out of the pump via a liquid outlet.


200809093 九、發明說明: 【梦明所屬之技術領域】 本發明涉及一種幫浦,特別係一種用於液冷式散熱系 統的幫浦。 y' 【先前技術】 一般帶有熱源之電子産品,均需要有散熱的系統,如 電腦内部設有中央處理器(CPU),由於中央處理器工作時會 籲發熱,故必須於中央處理器上設置散熱裝置,以防止中央 處理器發生過熱問題。 、 習知技術是通過於中央處理器上疊設散熱器與風扇以 形成強制風冷式散熱裝置來輔助發熱元件進行散熱,然而 這種放熱裝置很難滿足南頻高速電子元件與未來産品發展 的散熱需求;在習知的電腦中央處理器散熱裝置中,液冷 式散熱系統有逐漸被廣泛應用的趨勢,為了可使冷卻液於 液冷式散熱系統内部産生循環,一般會設置一幫浦,該幫 鑄浦對冷卻液産生推力,使冷卻液循環,通過冷卻液流經一 與該幫浦連接的吸熱體來吸收發熱元件的熱量,然後經過 一與風扇搭配的散熱器將熱量散出,其散熱效能明顯優於 單以強制風冷之散熱裝置。 使用上述液冷散熱裝置的幫浦存在以下弊端:(〇由於 構成該液冷散熱裝置的幫浦無法配合扁平化或薄形化之散 熱裝置需求,以致整個散熱裝置佔用空間大,不易依産品(例 如筆圮型電腦)特性如小空間等作彈性配置;(2)該幫浦不能 200809093 與發熱電子元件直接接觸而將電子元件的熱量直接帶走, 需要用硬質管件與-可吸收電子元件熱量之吸熱塊連接, 如此拆裝耗時及增加成本;(3)由於管件及接頭數目多,不 但組裝複雜且耗時費工,而且會增加冷卻液泄漏流失及可 靠度降低的風險。 【發明内容】 有鐾於此有必要k供一種體積較小且可以直接與發 熱電子元件接觸的散熱幫浦。 一種應用於液冷散熱系統的幫浦,其包括一殼體、組 裝於豉體内之葉輪組及驅動該葉輪組之驅動單元,該殼體 包括一底座,該體殼體内具有一置於底座上用於與殼體内 的液體進行熱交換的吸熱體。 相較於習知技術,本發明的幫浦與吸熱塊合而為一, 使幫浦的底座可直接與發熱電子元件接觸而吸熱,從而節 省了材料,另外該殼體内設置一與該底座接觸的吸熱體使 殼體内的液體與該吸熱體進行充分換熱從而提高其換熱效 率。 【實施方式】 請參照圖1及圖2所示,本發明液冷式散熱系統幫浦 包括—方形殼體10、一組裝於殼體1〇内之葉輪組2〇、— 驅動單元30及一吸熱體40,其中該葉輪組2〇由該驅動單 元3〇驅動而旋轉。 殼體10包括具内部空間之本體12、與本體12頂端鎖 200809093 合之頂蓋15及與本體12底端鎖合之底座16。該本體12 内部空間容置一與該本體12侧壁相連之分隔體14,該分隔 體、4用於隔開殼體10内之液體與驅動單元30,防止液體 進入該驅動單元30中造成線路的短路。一密封圈121(參見 圖3)卡置於本體12底端與底座16之間,從而防止底座16 與本體12卡合後液體外泄。本體12之一侧壁上形成有一 供液體流進本體12内之進水口 122及一供液體流出本體14 出水口 124,其中出水口 124所在位置高於進水口 122所在 ®位置。 本體12内之四角落處形成有具内螺紋之凸柱120,頂 蓋15通過四螺釘152與凸柱120螺鎖從而將頂蓋15固定 置本體12之頂部。請同時參閱圖3,該分隔體14包括一第 一收容部140及一與第一收容部連通之第二收容部142,該 第一及第二收容部140、142均呈中空圓柱狀,其中該第一 收容部140具有一頂壁143,該頂壁143頂部中央向上延伸 φ —環狀柱體144 ;該第二收容部142之直徑較第一收容部 140之直徑大且其底端與本體14連接;該第一及第二收容 部140、142連接處形成二相連之臺階146用以支援該驅動 單元30。 請參閱圖3, 一隔板13橫向設置於分隔體14之第二收 容部142之底端,該隔板13將本體14之内部空間分隔成 第一、第二及第三容腔130、132、133,其中第一容腔130 由分隔體14之内壁及隔板13圍成;第二容腔132介於底 座16及隔板13之間;第三容腔133則介分隔體14外壁與 200809093 本體14内壁之間。進水口 122位置對應於第二容腔132且 與第二容腔130連通,出水口 124位置對應於第一容腔130 且‘與第一容腔130連通。隔板13頂部中央向下凹陷形成一 凹陷部134,該凹陷部134周圍形成有複數通孔135以供液 體從第二容腔132流入第一容腔130中,從而使第一容腔 130與第二容腔132相互連通;隔板13底部向下延伸形成有 一環形之支撐柱136,該支撐柱136抵靠於吸熱體40頂部。 再請參閱圖1,該底座16大致呈方形設置,四螺絲 ⑩162與本體12内之凸柱120螺合從而將該底座16固定於本 體12底部。該基座10自其四角向外延伸形成有四凸耳 164,四相應之扣具17穿過該等凸耳164從而將該幫浦固 定於一電路板(圖未示)上,並使該底座16與該電路板上之 一發熱電子元件(圖未示)貼合,以吸收電子元件産生之熱 量。 請同時參閱圖1及圖3,該葉輪組20收容於第一容腔 ⑩130中,其包括一具有中心孔212之葉輪21、一安裝於分 隔體14頂壁143之轉軸23、一套置於轉轴23上之轴承24。 其中該轉轴23及轴承24收容於該葉輪21之中心孔212 中。該葉輪21包括一圓柱形輪轂210及複數自輪轂210末 端向外發散彎曲延伸設置之葉片211,該輪轂210具有一内 壁2102及一與内壁2102相連之外壁2104,該内壁2102 與外壁2104之間形成一環形凹槽213,該環形凹槽213用 以收容一永久磁鐵22。該永久磁鐵22呈中空圓柱狀,設有 複數交錯排列之N極與S極。為了使轉軸23定位,該分隔 200809093 體14頂壁143中心處向下形成一軸座1430,該軸座1430 内設有一用以收容轉轴23頂部之盲孔(圖未標)。一扣環27 套‘置於靠近轉轴23之底部用以限制轉轴23之轴向運動。 該葉輪組20使用一對環形扁平狀磁環25、26以使葉輪21 軸向定位。該二磁環25、26互相隔開且相對設置,其中磁 環25卡置於葉輪21中心孔212末端位置處,磁環26則卡 置於隔板13之凹陷部134中,磁環25可隨葉輪21 —起轉 動。每一磁環25、26均包括二相對設置的N極與S極,磁 籲環25與磁環26相對面上的磁極相同,根據同極相斥原理, 磁環25、26之間形成一斥力F,即帶有磁環25之葉輪21 會受到磁環26對其向上之軸向力F,該軸向力F可平衡葉 輪21受到之重力G,使其在轴向定位。 驅動單元30收容於殼體10之第三容腔133中,其包 括一帶有定子32之馬達及置於該定子32頂部且與該定子 32電性連接之電路板33。該定子32環繞套置於分隔體14 _之第一收容部140的外壁上,其在轴向上由形成於分隔體 14上之二臺階146支撐定位,在徑向上由形成於本體12 二相對内壁上之擋板145定位,該定子32具有複數纏繞於 定子32上線圈320。電路板33則套置於分隔體14頂壁143 之環狀柱體144上,用以給定子32之線圈320提供持續的 電流從而産生磁場推動葉輪21轉動。 請參閱圖3及圖4,吸熱體40收容於殼體10之第二腔 室132中用以同該腔室132中吸收底座16熱量的液體進行 熱交換。一安裝板41置於吸熱體40頂部並於隔板13之支 200809093 撐柱136接觸以支撐該隔板13並使其與吸熱體40相隔。 該安裝板41設有一中心孔(圖未標),吸熱體40亦設有一與 該‘安裝板41中心孔位置相對應之中心孔421。該吸熱體41 由導熱性好之金屬片體例如銅、銅合金或鋁製成。在本實 施例中,該吸熱體41由複數平行排列之銅制環形片體42 構成。每一片體42外端緣周向設有複數等距且間隔設置之 凹口 423,且每一片體42均包括複數第一及第二換熱部 420、422,其中第一及第二換熱部420、422交替設置;每 ⑩一第一換熱部420中央位置處沿其徑向設有一槽孔4201, 每一第二換熱部422設有一對對稱的且沿其徑向延伸之槽 孔4221,該等槽孔4221位於第一換熱部420與第二換熱部 422之交界位置處且與吸熱體40之中心孔421連通,第二 換熱部422之二槽孔4221之間形成一隔片4222,該隔片 4222的長度小於第一換熱部420之槽孔4201的長度。組裝 該等片體42時,每一片體42之第二換熱部422置於相鄰 •片體42之第一換熱部420上,且使第二換熱部422之隔片 4222對準第一換熱部420之槽孔4201,如此該等片體42 之間形成複數液體通道43,以供液體流入該吸熱體40中充 分與每一片體42進行熱交換。 使用時,將該幫浦固定於上述帶有發熱電子元件之電 路板上,使幫浦的底座16與電路板上的發熱電子元件緊密 接觸,從而吸收電子元件産生的熱量,該底座16將吸收的 熱量傳給殼體10中的液體,液體在旋轉的葉輪21的帶動 下亦不停轉動且與吸熱體40進行大面積熱交換,最後通過 π 200809093 葉輪21的離心力將其從出水口 124甩出。 如此設計,本發明幫浦不僅可以直接跟發熱電子元件 接褊,不必與另外的吸熱塊連接,節省了材料;而且由於 該幫浦的殼體10内設置有吸熱體40,該吸熱體40的片體 42之間形成有複數可供液體流通的通道43,從而使液體與 每一片體42的上下表面充分接觸進行熱量交換,如此幫浦 在單位時間内吸收的熱量大大增加,換熱效率相應提高。 綜上所述,本發明符合發明專利要件,爰依法提出專 ®利申請。惟,以上該者僅為本發明之較佳實施例,舉凡熟 悉本案技藝之人士,在爰依本發明精神所作之等效修飾或 變化,皆應涵蓋於以下之申請專利範圍内。 【圖式簡單說明】 圖1係本發明幫浦之立體分解圖。 圖2係本發明幫浦之立體組合圖。 圖3係沿圖2中線III-III之剖示圖。 • 圖4係圖2中吸熱體之分解圖。 【主要元件符號說明】 殼體 10 本體 12 凸柱 120 密封圈 121 進水口 122 出水口 124 隔板 13 第一容腔 130 第二容腔 132 第三容腔 133 凹陷部 134 通孔 135 12 200809093200809093 IX. INSTRUCTIONS: [Technical Field to Which Mengming belongs] The present invention relates to a pump, and more particularly to a pump for a liquid-cooled heat dissipation system. Y' [Previous technology] Generally, electronic products with heat sources require a system with heat dissipation. For example, a central processing unit (CPU) is provided inside the computer. Since the central processing unit is hot when it is working, it must be on the central processing unit. Set the heat sink to prevent overheating problems in the central processor. The conventional technology is to superimpose a heat sink and a fan on a central processing unit to form a forced air-cooling heat dissipating device to assist the heat generating component to dissipate heat. However, such a heat radiating device is difficult to meet the development of the south frequency high-speed electronic component and future products. Heat dissipation requirements; in the conventional computer central processor heat sink, the liquid-cooled heat dissipation system has a tendency to be widely used. In order to make the coolant flow inside the liquid-cooled heat dissipation system, a pump is generally set. The casting pump generates a thrust to the cooling liquid to circulate the cooling liquid, and the cooling liquid flows through a heat absorbing body connected to the pump to absorb the heat of the heating element, and then dissipates heat through a heat sink matched with the fan. Its heat dissipation performance is significantly better than that of a forced air cooling unit. The pump using the above liquid cooling device has the following drawbacks: (〇) Since the pump constituting the liquid cooling device cannot meet the requirements of the flattening or thinning heat dissipating device, the entire heat dissipating device takes up a large space and is not easy to depend on the product ( For example, the pen-type computer has characteristics such as small space for elastic configuration; (2) the pump cannot directly contact the heat-emitting electronic components of 200809093 to directly carry away the heat of the electronic components, and requires hard pipe fittings and - absorbable electronic components. The heat absorbing block is connected, which takes time and increases the cost; (3) Due to the large number of pipe fittings and joints, the assembly is complicated, time-consuming and labor-intensive, and the risk of loss of coolant leakage and reliability is reduced. It is necessary to provide a heat-dissipating pump that is small in size and can be directly in contact with the heat-generating electronic components. A pump applied to a liquid-cooled heat-dissipating system includes a casing and an impeller assembled in the crucible body. And a driving unit for driving the impeller group, the housing includes a base, and the body housing has a base disposed on the base for The heat sink of the liquid for heat exchange. Compared with the prior art, the pump of the present invention and the heat absorbing block are combined, so that the base of the pump can directly contact the heat-generating electronic component to absorb heat, thereby saving material, and A heat absorbing body that is in contact with the base is disposed in the casing to sufficiently exchange heat between the liquid in the casing and the heat absorbing body to improve heat exchange efficiency. [Embodiment] Please refer to FIG. 1 and FIG. The cooling system of the cooling system includes a square housing 10, an impeller group 2〇 assembled in the housing 1〇, a driving unit 30 and a heat absorbing body 40, wherein the impeller group 2〇 is driven by the driving unit 3〇 The housing 10 includes a body 12 having an internal space, a top cover 15 coupled to the top end lock 200809093 of the body 12, and a base 16 that is coupled to the bottom end of the body 12. The internal space of the body 12 houses a side of the body 12 The wall is connected to a partition 14, which is used to separate the liquid in the casing 10 from the drive unit 30 to prevent liquid from entering the drive unit 30 causing a short circuit of the line. A seal 121 (see Fig. 3) card Placed between the bottom end of the body 12 and the base 16 Therefore, the liquid is prevented from leaking out after the base 16 is engaged with the body 12. One side wall of the body 12 is formed with a water inlet 122 for liquid to flow into the body 12 and a liquid outlet for the liquid outflow body 124, wherein the water outlet 124 is located. The position is higher than the position of the water inlet 122. The four corners of the body 12 are formed with a stud 120 having an internal thread, and the top cover 15 is screwed with the post 120 by the four screws 152 to fix the top cover 15 to the body 12. The first and second receiving portions 140 and 142 are hollow cylindrical. The first receiving portion 140 has a top wall 143 extending upward from the top of the top wall 143 to the annular column 144. The diameter of the second receiving portion 142 is larger than the diameter of the first receiving portion 140 and the bottom portion thereof The end is connected to the body 14; the first and second receiving portions 140, 142 are connected to form two connected steps 146 for supporting the driving unit 30. Referring to FIG. 3, a partition 13 is laterally disposed at a bottom end of the second receiving portion 142 of the partition 14. The partition 13 partitions the internal space of the body 14 into the first, second, and third chambers 130, 132. 133, wherein the first cavity 130 is surrounded by the inner wall of the partition 14 and the partition 13; the second cavity 132 is interposed between the base 16 and the partition 13; and the third cavity 133 is connected to the outer wall of the body 14. 200809093 Between the inner walls of the body 14. The water inlet 122 position corresponds to the second cavity 132 and communicates with the second cavity 130, and the water outlet 124 position corresponds to the first cavity 130 and is 'in communication with the first cavity 130. The top of the top of the partition 13 is recessed downwardly to form a recessed portion 134. A plurality of through holes 135 are formed around the recessed portion 134 for liquid to flow from the second cavity 132 into the first cavity 130, so that the first cavity 130 is The second chambers 132 are in communication with each other; the bottom of the partition plate 13 extends downward to form an annular support column 136 that abuts against the top of the heat absorbing body 40. Referring to FIG. 1, the base 16 is substantially square. The four screws 10162 are screwed with the protrusions 120 in the body 12 to fix the base 16 to the bottom of the body 12. The pedestal 10 extends outwardly from its four corners to form four lugs 164 through which four corresponding fasteners 17 are passed to fix the pump to a circuit board (not shown) and The base 16 is attached to a heat-generating electronic component (not shown) on the circuit board to absorb heat generated by the electronic component. Referring to FIG. 1 and FIG. 3 , the impeller assembly 20 is received in the first cavity 10130 , and includes an impeller 21 having a central hole 212 , a rotating shaft 23 mounted on the top wall 143 of the partition 14 , and a set of Bearing 24 on the shaft 23. The rotating shaft 23 and the bearing 24 are received in the central hole 212 of the impeller 21. The impeller 21 includes a cylindrical hub 210 and a plurality of blades 211 extending outwardly from the end of the hub 210. The hub 210 has an inner wall 2102 and an outer wall 2104 connected to the inner wall 2102. The inner wall 2102 and the outer wall 2104 are between the inner wall 2102 and the outer wall 2104. An annular groove 213 is formed for receiving a permanent magnet 22. The permanent magnet 22 has a hollow cylindrical shape and is provided with a plurality of staggered N poles and S poles. In order to position the rotating shaft 23, the partition 200809093 body 14 defines a shaft seat 1430 at the center of the top wall 143. The shaft seat 1430 is provided with a blind hole for receiving the top of the rotating shaft 23 (not shown). A buckle 27 sleeve is placed "close to the bottom of the shaft 23 for limiting the axial movement of the shaft 23. The impeller assembly 20 uses a pair of annular flat magnetic rings 25, 26 to axially position the impeller 21. The two magnetic rings 25, 26 are spaced apart from each other and disposed opposite to each other, wherein the magnetic ring 25 is stuck at the end of the central hole 212 of the impeller 21, and the magnetic ring 26 is inserted into the recess 134 of the partition 13, and the magnetic ring 25 can be Rotate with the impeller 21. Each of the magnetic rings 25, 26 includes two opposite N and S poles, and the magnetic rings 25 are identical to the magnetic poles on the opposite side of the magnetic ring 26. According to the principle of the same polarity repulsive, a magnetic ring 25, 26 is formed between The repulsive force F, that is, the impeller 21 with the magnetic ring 25 is subjected to the upward axial force F of the magnetic ring 26, which balances the gravity G received by the impeller 21 to position it in the axial direction. The driving unit 30 is received in the third cavity 133 of the housing 10, and includes a motor with a stator 32 and a circuit board 33 disposed on the top of the stator 32 and electrically connected to the stator 32. The stator 32 is disposed on the outer wall of the first receiving portion 140 of the partition 14 _ , which is axially supported by the two steps 146 formed on the partition 14 and is formed in the radial direction by the body 12 The baffle 145 on the inner wall is positioned, and the stator 32 has a plurality of coils 320 wound around the stator 32. The circuit board 33 is placed over the annular cylinder 144 of the top wall 143 of the separator 14 for providing a continuous current to the coil 320 of the stator 32 to generate a magnetic field to urge the impeller 21 to rotate. Referring to Figures 3 and 4, the heat absorbing body 40 is received in the second chamber 132 of the housing 10 for heat exchange with the liquid in the chamber 132 which absorbs heat from the base 16. A mounting plate 41 is placed on top of the heat absorbing body 40 and is in contact with the spacers of the partition plate 13 200809093 to support the partition plate 13 and to be spaced apart from the heat absorbing body 40. The mounting plate 41 is provided with a central hole (not shown), and the heat absorbing body 40 is also provided with a central hole 421 corresponding to the position of the central hole of the mounting plate 41. The heat absorbing body 41 is made of a metal sheet body having good thermal conductivity such as copper, copper alloy or aluminum. In the present embodiment, the heat absorbing body 41 is composed of a plurality of copper annular sheets 42 arranged in parallel. Each of the outer edges of each of the sheets 42 is circumferentially provided with a plurality of equally spaced and spaced apart recesses 423, and each of the sheets 42 includes a plurality of first and second heat exchange portions 420, 422, wherein the first and second heat exchange portions 420 And 422 are alternately disposed; a slot 4201 is disposed along a radial direction of the first heat exchange portion 420 at a central position thereof, and each of the second heat exchange portions 422 is provided with a pair of symmetrical slots 4221 extending along a radial direction thereof. The slots 4221 are located at a boundary between the first heat exchange portion 420 and the second heat exchange portion 422 and communicate with the center hole 421 of the heat absorbing body 40. A gap is formed between the two slots 4221 of the second heat exchange portion 422. The spacer 4222 has a length smaller than the length of the slot 4201 of the first heat exchange portion 420. When the sheets 42 are assembled, the second heat exchange portion 422 of each of the sheets 42 is placed on the first heat exchange portion 420 of the adjacent sheet 42 and the spacers 4222 of the second heat exchange portion 422 are aligned. The slot 4201 of the first heat exchange portion 420 forms a plurality of liquid passages 43 between the sheets 42 for allowing liquid to flow into the heat absorber 40 to exchange heat with each of the sheets 42 sufficiently. In use, the pump is fixed on the circuit board with the heat-generating electronic component, so that the base 16 of the pump is in close contact with the heat-generating electronic component on the circuit board, thereby absorbing the heat generated by the electronic component, and the base 16 will absorb The heat is transferred to the liquid in the casing 10, and the liquid is continuously rotated by the rotating impeller 21 and exchanges heat with the heat absorbing body 40 for a large area, and finally passes through the water outlet 124 by the centrifugal force of the π 200809093 impeller 21. Out. So designed, the pump of the present invention can not only directly connect with the heat-generating electronic component, but also does not need to be connected with another heat-absorbing block, saving material; and since the heat-absorbing body 40 is disposed in the casing 10 of the pump, the heat-absorbing body 40 is A plurality of channels 43 for liquid circulation are formed between the sheets 42 so that the liquid is in full contact with the upper and lower surfaces of each of the sheets 42 for heat exchange, so that the heat absorbed by the pump in a unit time is greatly increased, and the heat exchange efficiency is correspondingly improve. In summary, the present invention complies with the requirements of the invention patent, and the application for the exclusive application is made according to law. The above is only the preferred embodiment of the present invention, and equivalent modifications or variations made by those skilled in the art will be included in the following claims. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS Fig. 1 is an exploded perspective view of a pump of the present invention. Figure 2 is a perspective assembled view of the pump of the present invention. Figure 3 is a cross-sectional view taken along line III-III of Figure 2. • Figure 4 is an exploded view of the heat sink in Figure 2. [Main component symbol description] Housing 10 Main body 12 Stud 120 Sealing ring 121 Inlet 122 Outlet 124 Separator 13 First cavity 130 Second cavity 132 Third cavity 133 Depression 134 Through hole 135 12 200809093

支撐柱 136 分隔體 14 第一收容部 140 第二收容部 142 頂壁 143 轴座 1430 柱體 144 擋板 145 臺階 146 頂蓋 15 螺釘 152 底座 16 螺絲 162 凸耳 164 扣具 17 葉輪組 20 葉輪 21 輪轂 210 内壁 2102 外壁 2104 葉片 211 中心孔 212、 凹槽 213 磁鐵 22 轉軸 23 轴承 24 磁環 25、: 26 扣環 27 驅動單元 30 定子 32 線圈 320 電路板 33 吸熱體 40 安裝板 41 片體 42 第一換熱部 420 槽孔 4201 、4221第二換熱部 422 隔片 4222 凹口 423 通道 43 421 13Support column 136 Separator 14 First accommodating portion 140 Second accommodating portion 142 Top wall 143 Shaft seat 1430 Column 144 Baffle 145 Step 146 Top cover 15 Screw 152 Base 16 Screw 162 Lug 164 Fastener 17 Impeller group 20 Impeller 21 Hub 210 Inner wall 2102 Outer wall 2104 Blade 211 Center hole 212, groove 213 Magnet 22 Shaft 23 Bearing 24 Magnetic ring 25,: 26 Buckle 27 Drive unit 30 Stator 32 Coil 320 Circuit board 33 Heat sink 40 Mounting plate 41 Sheet 42 a heat exchange portion 420 slot 4201, 4221 second heat exchange portion 422 spacer 4222 recess 423 channel 43 421 13

Claims (1)

200809093 十.、申請專利範圍: • 1· 一種幫浦,應用於液冷散熱系統,其包括:一殼體、 組裝於殼體内的葉輪組及驅動該葉輪組的驅動單 元,其改良在於:該殼體包括一底座,該殼體内具有 一置於底座上用於與殼體内的液體進行熱交換的吸 熱體。200809093 X. Patent application scope: • 1· A pump applied to a liquid cooling system, comprising: a casing, an impeller group assembled in the casing, and a driving unit for driving the impeller group, the improvement is as follows: The housing includes a base having a heat sink disposed on the base for heat exchange with liquid within the housing. 2·如申請專利範圍第1項所述之幫浦,其中該殼體置於 一發熱電子元件表面,該殼體的底座與該發熱電子元 件接觸並吸收其熱量。 3·如申請專利範圍第1項所述之幫浦,其中該吸熱體由 若干金屬片體組成且相鄰片體之間形成複數供液體 流通的通道。 4·如申請專利範圍第3項所述之幫浦,其中該每一片體 由銅製成且呈環形設置,該等片體相互平行疊置。 5·如申请專利範圍第4項所述之幫浦,其中該每一片體 外端緣周向設有複數間隔設置之凹口。 6·如申請專利範圍第3項所述之幫浦,其中該每一片體 包括複數第一及第二換熱部,該等第一及第二換熱部 交替設置。 ^ 7·如申請專利範圍帛6項所述之幫浦,其中該每-片體之 第二換熱部與相鄰片體之第—換熱部位置相對應。 8·如申請專利範圍第6項所沭夕鈦少 ^ ^ — π尸/Γ迷之幫浦,其中該每一第一換 熱部上設有一槽孔,每一第二 一換熱部設有二對稱設置的槽孔及 14 200809093 .位於二槽孔之間的―隔片第 •及第二換_㈣峨。·、肩母槽孔位於第一 範圍第8項所述之幫浦,其中該第二_ 、又較該第一換熱部的槽孔的長度短。 Hr _9項所述之幫浦,其中該每一片體 位^換熱部之隔片位置減於相鄰片體的第一換熱部之槽孔 範圍第1項所述之幫浦,其中該殼體包括 安裝奴—傾讀輯鎖麵前,該底座 12形如成=範及=:述之幫浦,其一側 對應於雜體的位置,出水口的==’其中進水口的位置 13.如申請專利_ U項所述之幫 單元的=體本體相連的且用以隔開殼體内的液體與驅動 彻,州分隔體包 二收項所述之幫浦,其中該第―及第 部的直徑纽其錢與本體收容部的直徑較第—收容 有-項所述之幫浦,其中該分隔體具 °延伸形成有一環狀柱體,該頂壁向下延 15 200809093 •伸械有-用以收容該轉軸頂部的轴座。 ”·如=專利範圍第16項所述之繁浦,其中該驅動單元 匕括一帶有定子的馬達及置於該定子頂部且鱼該定子電性連接 的電路板,該梅齡。子電議 項所述之幫浦,其卜隔板橫向 隔體卜、底端’該分隔板上設有若干舰供液體流入分 19=^Γ範圍第18項所述之幫浦,其中該隔板向下 熱體相隔 該支撐柱抵靠於吸熱體頂部,使隔板與吸 20括如範圍第19項所述之幫浦,其中該葉輪組包 _3=孔喊輪、收容轉輪中灿+啸做套置於 21·如申請專利範圍第2G項所述之幫浦,其中該葉輪包括 一輪轂及自輪轂末端向外延伸設置的葉片。 22.如申請專利範圍第21項所述之幫浦,其中該輪穀 一内壁及一與該内壁相連的外壁,該内壁與外壁之間形成二 槽,該凹槽内容置於永久磁鐵。 θ/ 一凹 23·如申請專利範圍第2〇項所述之幫浦,其中一 · 卡置於葉輪中心孔末端位置處,一與第一磁環相對的 卡置於隔板上。 —續環 24·如申請專利範圍第23項所述之幫浦,其中該第一 ★ 二磁環均包括二相對設置的Ν極與S極,第-及第二磁产^第 16 200809093 面上的磁極相同。2. The pump of claim 1, wherein the housing is placed on a surface of a heat-generating electronic component, the base of the housing being in contact with the heat-generating electronic component and absorbing heat. 3. The pump of claim 1, wherein the heat absorbing body is composed of a plurality of metal sheets and a plurality of channels for liquid circulation are formed between adjacent sheets. 4. The pump of claim 3, wherein each of the sheets is made of copper and is annularly disposed, and the sheets are stacked in parallel with each other. 5. The pump of claim 4, wherein each of the outer edges of the body is provided with a plurality of recesses circumferentially spaced apart. 6. The pump of claim 3, wherein each of the sheets includes a plurality of first and second heat exchange portions, and the first and second heat exchange portions are alternately disposed. The pump according to claim 6, wherein the second heat exchange portion of each of the sheets corresponds to the position of the first heat exchange portion of the adjacent sheet. 8. If the application of the patent scope is in the sixth paragraph, the titanium is less ^ ^ - π corpse / Γ 之 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , There are two symmetrically arranged slots and 14 200809093. Between the two slots, the spacer and the second _ (four) 峨. The shoulder hole is located in the pump of item 8 of the first range, wherein the second _ is shorter than the length of the slot of the first heat exchange portion. The pump of the item Hr_9, wherein the position of the spacer of the heat exchange portion of each of the pieces is reduced by the pump of the first heat exchange portion of the adjacent sheet, the pump of the first item, wherein the shell The body includes the installation slave - the front of the reading lock, the base 12 is shaped like a = fan and =: the pump, the one side corresponds to the position of the hybrid, the outlet of the water == 'where the water inlet position 13 The pump as described in the application of the patent _ U is connected to the body body and is used to separate the liquid in the casing and the drive, the state separator package includes the pump, wherein the The diameter of the first portion is larger than the diameter of the body receiving portion, and the pump is arranged to receive the pump, wherein the partition has a ring extending to form an annular cylinder, and the top wall is extended downward. The tool has a shaft seat for receiving the top of the shaft. The pump unit includes a motor with a stator and a circuit board placed on the top of the stator and electrically connected to the stator of the stator. The pump described in the item, the baffle transverse partition body, the bottom end of the partition plate is provided with a plurality of ships for the liquid to flow into the pump according to item 18 of the range 19=^Γ, wherein the partition The lower heat body is spaced apart from the top of the heat absorbing body by the support column, so that the partition plate and the suction 20 are included in the pump according to the item 19 of the range, wherein the impeller group includes _3=hole shouting wheel, accommodating runner The whistle is placed in a pump as described in claim 2G, wherein the impeller includes a hub and blades extending outward from the end of the hub. 22. As described in claim 21 a pump, wherein the inner wall of the trough and an outer wall connected to the inner wall form a groove between the inner wall and the outer wall, the groove content is placed on the permanent magnet. θ / a concave 23 · as claimed in the second section In the pump described in the item, one of the cards is placed at the end of the center hole of the impeller, one and the first The opposite card is placed on the spacer. The continuation of the ring 24 is as described in claim 23, wherein the first and second magnetic rings each include two oppositely disposed drains and S poles, the first And the magnetic pole of the second magnetic product ^16 200809093 is the same.
TW95129632A 2006-08-11 2006-08-11 Pump TWI320452B (en)

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