200808080 九、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明涉及一種網路技術,更具體的說涉及一種多跳 無線移動通信網路中之網路重配置方法。 【先前技術】 隨著無線移動通信技術在個人無線通信領域中之應用 ,無線移動通信技術經歷了從模擬製式到數字製式,從語 音通信到數據通信之飛速發展,同時也在不斷面臨著更高 移動速度、更高通信速率、更高無線資源利用率之挑戰。 在無線移動通信技術之發展過程中,蜂窩式小區(Cell)槪念 之出現爲無線移動通信網路的發展揭開了全新之一頁。在 這種槪念下,無線移動通信網路之覆蓋區域被劃分爲許多 個蜂窩式小區,每個小區中架設一個基地台(BS : Base Station),小區之覆蓋區域由小區基地台的發射信號所覆蓋 之範圍決定,如小區基地台最大信號發射功率或小區基地 台發射信號之波束方向所決定的覆蓋範圍;終端用戶或稱 爲移動台(MS: Mobile Station)將根據其所處地理位置選擇 駐留小區(Camped Cell),並通過與所述小區基地台之通信 接入無線移動通信網路;在移動台之移動過程中,隨著其 所處地理位置之變化,移動台將進行小區重選(Cel1 Reselection)或小區切換(Cell Handover)以選擇新的小區爲 其提供無線接入服務。由於小區槪念中這種空間上之分隔 ,若另一個小區基地台之發射信號相比於本小區基地台的 發射信號在到達移動台時可以忽略不計,則認爲這兩個小 200808080 區間之互干擾(Inter-cell Interference)可以忽略不計,無線 資源將可以在這兩個小區中復用(Reuse),從而使無線資源 之利用率得以顯著提高。 當無線移動通信技術發展到今天,無線移動通信網路 已經進入第三代無線移動通信網路時期,並正在向第四代 甚至未來無線移動通信網路時期邁進。無線移動通信網路 終端用戶之數量進一步大大增長,終端用戶對於通信速率 之需求越來越高,數據通信業務正在興起,這些都對非常 有限之無線資源的有效利用提出了更高之要求。爲了適應 這種要求,無線移動通信網路中之小區覆蓋區域不斷裂變 縮小(Cell Splitting),小區數量不斷增加,以滿足終端用戶 曰益增長之無線接入服務請求。此外,在無線移動通信網 路演進之過程中,載波頻段也在不斷提高,如由第二代 GSM(Global System of Mobile Communications)無線移動 通信網路中之900M載波頻段演進到第三代UMTS(UniVersal Mobile Telecommunications System)無線移動通信網路中 的2G載波頻段;載波頻段之提高使得無線電波在傳播過程 中的穿透能力減弱,在同樣之小區基地台最大信號發射功 率下小區的覆蓋區域將會變小,因而爲了提供同樣之覆蓋 區域,無線移動通信網路中之小區數量也將增加。小區數 量之不斷增加一方面意味著小區基地台數量的相應增加’ 從而使得建設無線移動通信網路之成本大爲提高’維護無 線移動通信網路之難度變大;另一方面意味著移動台在移 動之過程中,將要經歷頻繁之小區重選或小區切換過程’ - 6 - 200808080 這勢必會降低無線接入服務之性能,影響無線通信之有效 進行。 由此看出,這種一度爲無線移動通信網路帶來突破性 進展之傳統小區槪念已不能很好的滿足當今無線移動通信 網路發展之要求。爲了應對這樣之新問題,一種多跳無線 移動通信網路逐漸獲得了人們越來越多之關注。相比於傳 統小區槪念下,每一個小區之覆蓋區域由小區基地台發射 信號的覆蓋範圍所決定,小區內之終端用戶通過直接與小 區基地台進行通信的”單跳"(Single H op)鏈路獲得無線接 入服務;在多跳無線移動通信網路中之每個小區內,除了 小區基地台之外,一般還將存在至少一個中斷節點(RN : Relay Node) ’中斷節點爲小區內之終端用戶與小區基地台 之間的通信提供中繼;即終端用戶將不再直接與基地台進 行通信’而是轉而與中斷節點直接通信,由中斷節點進而 與小區基地台建立通信,實現終端用戶與小區基地台間之 通信°不難看出,在這樣之小區結構下,由於小區內之終 端用戶在與小區基地台建立通信的過程中,一般存在至少 一次經由中斷節點之,,跳轉”,因而使終端用戶與小區基地 台之間可S ί言的距離增長,使小區之覆蓋區域在小區基地 台發射信號功率不變的情況下得以加大,從而可以減少多 跳無線移動通信網路中之小區數量。 但是’在目前提出之多跳無線移動通信網路架構下, 一個小區中之中斷節點固定歸屬於此小區,固定之與其小 區基地台通信爲其小區內的終端用戶提供中繼;當網路中 200808080 終端用戶之數量增長以致於一個小區中的終端 被阻塞時,小區之覆蓋區域將重新面臨裂變的 ,一種進一步通過小區中之中斷節點進行路由 方案被提出來,在這種方案中,一個小區中之 不僅能與其小區基地台進行通信,還可以與其 之中斷節點建立通信,從而在小區中終端用戶 阻塞時,爲所述之呼叫提出一條路徑,將其路 非忙小區以獲得無線接入服務。盡管所述之方 所述的呼叫阻塞問題,但是小區中中斷節點之 定,所述之方案不得不採用路由的方法爲所述 的非忙小區,其不僅受限於所述非忙小區中中 置與中斷能力,還將在尋找路由路徑上遇到新 此並不能令人滿意。 【發明內容】 本發明之目的在於提供一種多跳無線移動 網路重配置方法。使用本發明之方法,所述之 不再固定歸屬於一個小區,而是可以根據需要 區中靈活調配。通過這樣之網路重配置,使網 負載量在各小區中合理分布,從而提高無線移 之無線接入服務能力與效率。 上述之發明目的是通過以下的技術方案實 多跳無線移動通信網路中之網路重配置方法, 之一個移動台Μ通過至少一個中斷節點N的中 地台Α進行通信,進而接入所述網路;所述基 用戶呼叫將 問題。因此 (Routing)的 中斷節點將 相鄰小區內 之呼叫將被 由至另一個 案可以解決 歸屬仍舊固 呼叫尋找新 斷節點之設 的問題,因 通信網路中 中斷節點將 在相鄰之小 路終端用戶 動通信網路 現的:一種 所述網路中 斷與一個基 地台A與一 200808080 個基地台B相鄰;其特徵在於:當所述網1路需要進行重配 置時,包括步驟如Τ : a. 所述基地台Α發出重配置請求’所述重配置請求中 包括所述中斷節點N之丨s息; b. 所述基地台B收到所述重配置旨靑求’向所述基地台 A發出重配置許可; c. 所述基地台A收到所述重配置許可’向所述中斷節 點N及所述基地台B發出重配置開始指示; d. 所述基地台B收到所述重配置開始指示’對其所覆 蓋之區域進行調整;所述中斷節點N收到重配置開始指示 ,啓動相關之測量過程以建立與所述基地台B的通信; e ·所述基地台B與所述中斷節點N之通信建立,所述 基地台B向所述基地台A及所述中斷節點N發出重配置完 成指示; f.所述基地台A收到所述重配置完成指示,對其所覆 蓋之區域進行調整,所述中斷節點N與所述基地台A之通 信終止,網路重配置過程結束。 根據本發明之一個方面,當在所述移動台Μ與所述基 地台Α進行通信之鏈路中存在兩個或兩個以上的中斷節點 時,通過所述步驟,所述鏈路中之最後一級中斷節點將被 重配置;所述重配置過程結束後,所述中斷節點與所述基 地台B之通信建立,而其與所述基地台A之通信終止。 根據本發明之一個方面,當在所述移動台Μ與所述基 地台Α進行通信之鏈路中存在兩個或兩個以上的中斷節點 -9 - 200808080 時’所述基地台A將在所述之中斷節點中選擇一個中斷節 點’並通過所述之步驟對其進行重配置;所述重配置過程 結束後’所述中斷節點與所述基地台B之通信建立,而其 與其後級中斷節點之通信終止。 根據本發明之一個方面,當所述移動台Μ發起之一個 新呼叫或切換的一個呼叫將被所述基地台Α拒絕,或所述 基地台A將對其終端用戶負載量進行調整時,所述網路將 通過所述步驟進行重配置。 根據本發明之一個方面,在所述步驟d與所述步驟f 中’所述基地台B與所述基地台A通過對其發射功率進行 調整以調整其所覆蓋之區域。 根據本發明之一個方面,在所述步驟d與所述步驟f 中,所述基地台B與所述基地台A通過對其發射信號的波 束方向進行調整以調整其所覆蓋之區域。 【實施方式】 第la圖與第lb圖以及第2a圖與第2b圖中給出了本 發明之兩個具體實施例。 在本發明之一個具體實施例中,在所述之多跳無線移 動通信網路中,一個小區基地台B S a之最大發射信號功率 所覆蓋的區域內存在至少一個中斷節點RN,所述基地台 B S a使用全向天線;一個移動台M S m通過所述中斷節點RN 之至少一次中斷與所述基地台BSA進行通信,進而接入所 述多跳無線移動通信網路,獲得無線接入服務;所述基地 台BSA與另一個小區基地台BSb相鄰,如第ia圖所示。 -10- 200808080 若所述基地台BSA之終端用戶負載量已經飽 述移動台MSm發起之一個新呼叫將被所述基地^ 時’爲了使所述移動台之呼叫不被阻塞,所述網 本發明之方法被重新配置,所述網路重配霞之方 驟如下: a·所述基地台BSA發出重配置請求,所述重 中包括所述中斷節點RN之信息; b ·所述基地台B S B收到所述重配置請求, ,向 台bsa發出重配置許可; C·所述基地台bsa收到所述重配置許可 ^ J ’向 節點RN及所述基地台B S B發出重配置開始指节 d·所述基地台BSb收到所述重配置開始指示 覆蓋之區域進行調整;所述中斷節點RN收到重 指示,啓動相關之測量過程以建立與所述基地台 信; e·所述基地台BSb與所述中斷節點rn之通作 述基地台BSb向所述基地台BSA及所述中斷節點 重配置完成指示; f·所述基地台BSA收到所述重配置完成指示 覆蓋之區域進行調整,所述中斷節點RN與所述基 之通信終止,網路重配置過程結束。 由於在目則所述之多跳無線移動通信網路中 況下,小區基地台仍舊由基地台控制器(B S C : B a s Controller)進行控制,基地台與其基地台控制器 和,當所 BSA拒絕 路將根據 法包括步 配置請求 所述基地 所述中斷 , ,對其所 配置開始 B S b的通 『建立,所 RN發出 ,對其所 地台B S a ,一般情 ;e Station 之間通過 200808080 有線接口相連,基地台之間不能互相直接通信, 集合之列表在基地台控制器中保存;因而’在所 中,所述基地台B S A發出之重配置請求通常情況 基地台控制器中轉:所述基地台控制器收到所 B S a之重配置請求後,在其保存之相鄰小區集合 找一個合適的所述基地台B S a之相鄰小區基地台 體實施例中之所述基地台B S b,並向所述基地台 所述之重配置請求;所述之重配置請求中包括所 點RN的信息,例如正在與所述中斷節點RN通信 戶的數量,各個所述終端用戶需要之通信速率等 隨著所述多跳無線移動通信網路之發展,網路更 布式(Distributive)結構,基地台之間將存在相互 的接口,並且基地台將具有更多之自主管理功能 之重配置請求也可以由所述基地台BSA直接發送 地台B S b。 進而經過所述步驟b與所述步驟c,在所述 ’所述基地台B S b開始對其覆蓋區域進行調整; 實施例中,所述基地台B S B將逐步調整其發射信 以覆蓋所述中斷節點RN ;並且所述中斷節點rn 之測量過程,例如對所述基地台B S B之導頻信號 與測量,捕獲與所述基地台B S B間之下行鏈路同 與所述基地台BSb間之上行鏈路同步,以建立與 台BSb之通信。 當經過所述步驟e :所述基地台b S b與所述 相鄰小區 述步驟a 下將由其 述基地台 列表中尋 ,如本具 B S b轉發 述中斷節 之終端用 信息。當 趨近於分 直接通信 時,所述 給所述基 步驟d中 在本具體 號功率, 啓動相關 進行搜索 步,完成 所述基地 中斷節點 -12- 200808080 RN之通信建立,所述重配置完成指示被發出,在所述步驟 f中’所述基地台B S A開始對其所覆蓋之區域進行調整; 在本具體實施例中,所述基地台B S a調整其發射信號功率 ,不再對所述中斷節點RN進行覆蓋,所述中斷節點RN與 所述基地台B S A之通信終止,網路重配置過程結束。重配 置結束後之網路示意圖如第1 b圖所示:可以看出,所述中 斷節點RN已不再歸屬於所述基地台b S a,而是歸屬於所述 發起之新呼叫通過所述中斷 所述基地台B S B接受;通過 所述移動台M S m接入了所述 獲得了無線接入服務。 述基地台BSA進行通信之鏈 斷節點時,通過所述步驟, 點將被重配置;或所述基地 選擇一個中斷節點,並通過 所述重配置過程結束後,所 之通信建立,而其與所述基 通信終止。 思’右由於所述基地台B S a 之一個呼叫將被所述基地台 之方法對所述多跳無線移動 所述移動台之呼叫不被阻塞 繁忙時,僅是爲了保持所述 載平衡,而需對所述多跳無 基地台BSb;所述移動台MSm 節點RN的至少一次中繼,被 與所述基地台B S B進行通信, 多跳無線移動通信網路,進而 當在所述移動台MSm與所 路中存在兩個或兩個以上的中 所述鏈路中之最後一級中斷節 台BSA將在所述之中斷節點中 所述之步驟對其進行重配置; 述中斷節點與所述基地台BSb 地台BSa或其後級中斷節點之 同樣根據本發明之技術構 之繁忙,所述移動台MSm切換 B S a拒絕時,也可使用本發明 通信網路進行重配置,從而使 。甚至在所述基地台BSA並不 多跳無線移動通信網路中之負 -13- 200808080 線移動通信網路進行網路重配置,本發明之方法將同樣適 用。 此外,除了上述具體實施例中所使用之通過調整發身寸 信號功率而調整小區基地台覆蓋範圍的方法,在本發明之 另一個具體實施例中,如第2a圖與第21)圖所示’也可通 過調整發射信號之波束方向以調整小區基地台的覆蓋區域 。在此具體實施例中,所示基地台BSA與BSb使用定向天 線或智能天線;在所述多跳無線移動通信網路進行重配置 前,如第2 a圖所示,所述基地台B S a之天線波束指向所示 的中斷節點RN,所示之移動台MSm通過所述中斷節點RN 的至少一次中斷與所述基地台B S a進行通信,進而接入所 述多跳無線移動通信網路;當所述移動台MSm發起之一個 新呼叫或切換的一個呼叫被所述基地台B S a拒絕,或僅是 所述基地台BSA將對其終端用戶負載量進行調整時,本領 域內之技術人員可同理根據本發明的方法,對所述多跳無 線移動通信網路進行重配置,重配置後之網路示意圖如第 2 b圖所示;所述基地台B S a之天線波束方向已被調整,所 述中斷節點RN不再歸屬於所述基地台b S a ;所述基地台 B S b之天線波束在調整後指向所述中斷節點r n,與所述中 斷節點RN建立通信;所述移動台μ S m發起之新呼叫通過 所述中斷節點RN的至少一次中繼,被所述基地台BSb接 受;通過與所述基地台BSb進行通信,所述移動台MSm接 入了所述多跳無線移動通信網路,進而獲得了無線接入服 務0 -14- 200808080 綜上所述,使用本發明之方法,所述之中斷節點將不 再固定歸屬於一個小區基地台,而是可以根據需要在相鄰 之小區中靈活調配。通過這樣之網路重配置,使網路終端 用戶負載量在各小區中合理分布,提高了無線移動通信網 路之無線接入服務能力與效率。 【圖式簡單說明】 以下將結合附圖通過具體實施例對本發明之目的及特 徵加以詳細說明,這些具體實施例是說明性的,不具有限 制性。 第la圖及第lb圖表示本發明之一個具體實施例。 第2a圖及第2b圖表示本發明之另一個具體實施例。 【主要元件符號說明】 BSa 基地台 BSb 基地台 MSm 移動台 RN 中斷節點 -15-200808080 IX. Description of the Invention: [Technical Field] The present invention relates to a network technology, and more particularly to a network reconfiguration method in a multi-hop wireless mobile communication network. [Prior Art] With the application of wireless mobile communication technology in the field of personal wireless communication, wireless mobile communication technology has experienced rapid development from analog to digital, from voice communication to data communication, and is also constantly facing The challenge of higher mobile speed, higher communication speed, and higher radio resource utilization. In the development of wireless mobile communication technology, the emergence of cellular commemoration has opened a new page for the development of wireless mobile communication networks. Under this circumstance, the coverage area of the wireless mobile communication network is divided into a plurality of cellular cells, and one base station (BS: Base Station) is set in each cell, and the coverage area of the cell is transmitted by the cell base station. The coverage range determines the coverage determined by the maximum signal transmission power of the cell base station or the beam direction of the signal transmitted by the cell base station; the end user or mobile station (MS: Mobile Station) will select according to its geographical location. a camped cell and accessing the wireless mobile communication network by communicating with the cell base station; during the mobile station moving, the mobile station performs cell reselection as the geographical location changes (Cel1 Reselection) or Cell Handover to select a new cell to provide wireless access services. Due to the spatial separation in the cell mourning, if the transmitting signal of another cell base station is negligible when it arrives at the mobile station compared to the transmitting signal of the base station of the cell, the two small 200808080 intervals are considered Inter-cell interference can be neglected, and radio resources can be reused in these two cells, so that the utilization of radio resources can be significantly improved. As wireless mobile communication technology has developed to this day, wireless mobile communication networks have entered the third generation of wireless mobile communication networks and are moving toward the fourth generation and even future wireless mobile communication networks. The number of end users in the wireless mobile communication network has further increased greatly, and the demand for communication speeds of end users has become higher and higher, and data communication services are on the rise, which have put forward higher requirements for the effective use of very limited radio resources. In order to meet this requirement, the cell coverage area in the wireless mobile communication network does not break and the cell number is increased, and the number of cells is continuously increased to meet the wireless access service request of the end user. In addition, during the evolution of wireless mobile communication networks, the carrier frequency band is also increasing, such as the evolution from the 900M carrier frequency band in the second generation GSM (Global System of Mobile Communications) wireless mobile communication network to the third generation UMTS ( UniVersal Mobile Telecommunications System) The 2G carrier frequency band in the wireless mobile communication network; the increase of the carrier frequency band makes the penetration ability of the radio wave in the propagation process weak, and the coverage area of the cell will be under the maximum signal transmission power of the same cell base station. It is smaller, so in order to provide the same coverage area, the number of cells in the wireless mobile communication network will also increase. The increasing number of cells on the one hand means a corresponding increase in the number of cell base stations', which makes the cost of building a wireless mobile communication network greatly improved. The difficulty of maintaining a wireless mobile communication network becomes greater; on the other hand, the mobile station is In the process of moving, it will experience frequent cell reselection or cell handover process. - 6 - 200808080 This will inevitably reduce the performance of wireless access services and affect the effective implementation of wireless communication. It can be seen that the traditional community commemoration that has brought breakthroughs to wireless mobile communication networks has not been able to meet the requirements of today's wireless mobile communication networks. In order to cope with such new problems, a multi-hop wireless mobile communication network has gradually gained more and more attention. Compared with the traditional cell, the coverage area of each cell is determined by the coverage of the signal transmitted by the cell base station, and the terminal user in the cell communicates directly with the cell base station by "single hop" (Single H op The link obtains a wireless access service; in each cell in the multi-hop wireless mobile communication network, in addition to the cell base station, there will generally be at least one interrupt node (RN: Relay Node) The communication between the end user and the cell base station provides relaying; that is, the terminal user will no longer communicate directly with the base station, but instead directly communicates with the interrupting node, and the interrupting node further establishes communication with the cell base station. Realizing the communication between the end user and the cell base station. It is not difficult to see that under such a cell structure, since the terminal user in the cell establishes communication with the cell base station, there is generally at least one time through the interrupt node, and the jump Thus, the distance between the end user and the cell base station can be increased, so that the coverage area of the cell is in the cell. A case where the same transmitted signal power station is increased, thereby reducing the number of multi-hop radio cell of a mobile communication network. However, under the current multi-hop wireless mobile communication network architecture, the interrupted node in a cell is fixed to the cell, and the fixed base station communication with its cell base station provides relay for the end user in the cell; 200808080 When the number of end users grows so that the terminal in one cell is blocked, the coverage area of the cell will be reversed again, and a routing scheme is further proposed by the interrupt node in the cell. In this scheme, a cell The medium can not only communicate with the cell base station, but also establish communication with the interrupted node, so that when the terminal user is blocked in the cell, a path is proposed for the call, and the non-busy cell is obtained to obtain the wireless access service. . In spite of the call blocking problem described by the party, but the interrupt node in the cell is determined, the solution has to adopt a routing method for the non-busy cell, which is not only limited to the non-busy cell. It is not satisfactory to encounter new interrupts on the routing path. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION It is an object of the present invention to provide a multi-hop wireless mobile network reconfiguration method. Using the method of the present invention, the above is no longer fixedly attributed to one cell, but can be flexibly deployed as needed. Through such network reconfiguration, the network load is reasonably distributed among the cells, thereby improving the wireless access service capability and efficiency of the wireless mobile. The above object of the invention is to implement a network reconfiguration method in a multi-hop wireless mobile communication network by the following technical solution, wherein a mobile station communicates through at least one central node of the interrupting node N, thereby accessing the Network; the base user call will be a problem. Therefore, the (Routing) interruption node will solve the problem that the call in the adjacent cell will be resolved to another location, and the interrupted node in the communication network will be in the adjacent small road terminal. The user communication network is as follows: a network interruption is adjacent to a base station A and a 200808080 base station B; and is characterized in that when the network 1 needs to be reconfigured, the steps include: a. the base station sends a reconfiguration request, the reconfiguration request includes the interrupt node N; b. the base station B receives the reconfiguration request and requests the base The station A issues a reconfiguration permission; c. the base station A receives the reconfiguration permission 'issues a reconfiguration start indication to the interruption node N and the base station B; d. the base station B receives the Determining the configuration start indication 'adjusting the area covered by the same; the interruption node N receives the reconfiguration start indication, initiating the related measurement process to establish communication with the base station B; e · the base station B Interrupted section The communication of N is established, the base station B sends a reconfiguration completion indication to the base station A and the interruption node N; f. the base station A receives the reconfiguration completion indication, and the area covered by the base station A The adjustment is made, the communication between the interrupting node N and the base station A is terminated, and the network reconfiguration process ends. According to an aspect of the invention, when there are two or more interrupt nodes in the link in which the mobile station communicates with the base station, the last of the links is passed through the steps The primary interrupt node will be reconfigured; after the reconfiguration process is completed, the communication between the interrupted node and the base station B is established, and its communication with the base station A is terminated. According to an aspect of the invention, when there are two or more interrupt nodes -9 - 200808080 in the link between the mobile station and the base station, the base station A will be in the office. Determining an interrupt node in the interrupt node and reconfiguring it by the steps described; after the reconfiguration process is finished, the communication between the interrupt node and the base station B is established, and the subsequent stage is interrupted The communication of the node is terminated. According to an aspect of the invention, when a call initiated by the mobile station or a handover call is rejected by the base station, or the base station A will adjust the load of its end user, The network will be reconfigured through the steps described. According to an aspect of the invention, in said step d and said step f, said base station B and said base station A adjust their transmission power by adjusting their transmission power. According to an aspect of the invention, in the step d and the step f, the base station B and the base station A adjust the direction of the beam to which they are transmitted by adjusting the direction of the beam to which they are transmitted. [Embodiment] Two specific embodiments of the present invention are shown in Figs. 1a and 1b and 2a and 2b. In a specific embodiment of the present invention, in the multi-hop wireless mobile communication network, at least one interrupt node RN exists in an area covered by the maximum transmit signal power of a cell base station BS a, and the base station BS a uses an omnidirectional antenna; a mobile station MS m communicates with the base station BSA through at least one interruption of the interruption node RN, and then accesses the multi-hop wireless mobile communication network to obtain a wireless access service; The base station BSA is adjacent to another cell base station BSb, as shown in Figure ia. -10- 200808080 If the end user load of the base station BSA has already satirized that a new call initiated by the mobile station MSm will be used by the base, the network is not blocked in order to prevent the mobile station from being blocked. The method of the invention is reconfigured, and the network reconfiguration is as follows: a. The base station BSA issues a reconfiguration request, the weight includes information of the interrupt node RN; b. Receiving the reconfiguration request, the BSB sends a reconfiguration permission to the station bsa; C. the base station bsa receives the reconfiguration permission, and sends a reconfiguration start knuckle d to the node RN and the base station BSB. Receiving, by the base station BSb, an area covered by the reconfiguration start indication; the interrupting node RN receives a re-indication, initiating a related measurement procedure to establish a base station message; e. The BSb and the interrupt node rn communicate with the base station BSb to reconfigure the completion indication to the base station BSA and the interruption node; f. the base station BSA receives the area of the reconfiguration completion indication coverage for adjustment The interruption RN point and termination of the communication with the base, the end of the network reconfiguration process. Due to the multi-hop wireless mobile communication network described in the above, the cell base station is still controlled by the base station controller (BSC: B as Controller), and the base station and its base station controller and the BSA refuse. The road will request the base to be interrupted according to the method including the step configuration, and the configuration of the start BS b is established, the RN is issued, and the station BS a, the general situation; the e station passes the 200808080 cable The interfaces are connected, the base stations cannot communicate with each other directly, and the list of collections is stored in the base station controller; thus, 'in this case, the reconfiguration request sent by the base station BSA is usually the case base station controller relay: After receiving the reconfiguration request of the BS a, the base station controller finds a suitable base station BS b in the neighboring cell base station embodiment of the base station BS a in its saved neighbor cell set. Reconfiguring the request to the base station; the reconfiguration request includes information of the RN, such as the number of communicating with the interrupting node RN, each The communication rate required by the end user, etc., with the development of the multi-hop wireless mobile communication network, the network has a distributed structure, there will be mutual interfaces between the base stations, and the base station will have more The reconfiguration request of the autonomous management function may also be directly transmitted by the base station BSA to the ground station BSb. Further, after the step b and the step c, the 'the base station BS b starts to adjust its coverage area; in an embodiment, the base station BSB will gradually adjust its transmission signal to cover the interruption. Node RN; and the measurement process of the interruption node rn, for example, the pilot signal and measurement to the base station BSB, capturing the uplink between the downlink link with the base station BSB and the base station BSb The path is synchronized to establish communication with the station BSb. After the step e: the base station b S b and the neighboring cell will be found in the base station list in step a, and the terminal information is forwarded as the B S b. When approaching the direct communication, the base step d is used to perform the search step in the power of the specific number, and the communication establishment of the base interruption node -12-200808080 RN is completed, and the reconfiguration is completed. The indication is sent, in the step f, the base station BSA starts to adjust the area covered by it; in the specific embodiment, the base station BS a adjusts its transmit signal power, no longer The interrupting node RN performs coverage, the communication between the interrupting node RN and the base station BSA is terminated, and the network reconfiguration process ends. The network diagram after the end of reconfiguration is as shown in FIG. 1b: it can be seen that the interrupted node RN is no longer attributed to the base station b S a but belongs to the initiated new call through Interrupting the base station BSB acceptance; accessing the obtained wireless access service by the mobile station MSm. When the base station BSA performs a link disconnection node, the point will be reconfigured through the steps; or the base selects an interrupt node, and after the end of the reconfiguration process, the communication is established, and the communication is established. The base communication is terminated.思 'right, because a call of the base station BS a will be blocked by the base station method for the multi-hop wireless mobile call of the mobile station, only to maintain the load balance, and At least one relay of the multi-hop baseless station BSb; the mobile station MSm node RN is communicated with the base station BSB, a multi-hop wireless mobile communication network, and further, when the mobile station MSm Resolving the last-level interrupted node BSA in the one or more of the links in the path that will be described in the interrupted node; the interrupt node and the base The station BSb base station BSa or its subsequent interrupt node is also busy according to the technology of the present invention. When the mobile station MSm switches BS a to reject, it can also be reconfigured using the communication network of the present invention. The method of the present invention will be equally applicable even if the base station BSA does not perform a network reconfiguration of the negative -13-200808080 line mobile communication network in a multi-hop wireless mobile communication network. In addition, in addition to the method for adjusting the coverage of the cell base station by adjusting the signal power of the body, which is used in the above specific embodiment, in another embodiment of the present invention, as shown in FIG. 2a and FIG. 'The coverage of the cell base station can also be adjusted by adjusting the beam direction of the transmitted signal. In this embodiment, the base stations BSA and BSb are shown using directional antennas or smart antennas; prior to reconfiguration of the multi-hop wireless mobile communication network, as shown in Figure 2a, the base station BS a The antenna beam is directed to the interrupt node RN shown, and the mobile station MSm shown communicates with the base station BS a through at least one interruption of the interrupt node RN, thereby accessing the multi-hop wireless mobile communication network; When a new call initiated by the mobile station MSm or a handover call is rejected by the base station BS a, or only the base station BSA will adjust its end user load amount, those skilled in the art According to the method of the present invention, the multi-hop wireless mobile communication network is reconfigured, and the reconfigured network diagram is as shown in FIG. 2b; the antenna beam direction of the base station BS a has been Adjusting, the interruption node RN is no longer attributed to the base station b S a ; the antenna beam of the base station BS b is directed to the interruption node rn after adjustment, establishing communication with the interruption node RN; Taiwan μ S The new call initiated by m is accepted by the base station BSb through at least one relay of the interrupting node RN; the mobile station MSm accesses the multi-hop wireless mobile communication by communicating with the base station BSb Network, and thus wireless access service 0 - 14 - 200808080 In summary, using the method of the present invention, the interrupted node will no longer be fixedly assigned to a cell base station, but may be adjacent to each other as needed Flexible deployment in the community. Through such network reconfiguration, the network terminal user load is reasonably distributed in each cell, and the wireless access service capability and efficiency of the wireless mobile communication network are improved. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS The objects and features of the present invention will be described in detail with reference to the accompanying drawings. Figures la and lb show a specific embodiment of the invention. Figures 2a and 2b show another embodiment of the invention. [Main component symbol description] BSa base station BSb base station MSm mobile station RN interrupt node -15-