200539134 玖、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明是有關於-種記錄裝置的製造方法,特別是指 一種利用磁性以儲存資料之磁性記錄裝置的製造方法。 【先前技術】 一般利用磁性儲存資料的磁性記錄裝置是利用切換磁 場(switching field)的方式,改變其磁性記錄層上每一儲存單 元中磁場的磁化方向’而可達到記錄數位訊號的功能。 隨著數位科技的發展,對於磁性記錄裝置的健存容量 10 @要求也越來越高,為了在不增加整體磁性記錄裝置的體 積下而增加儲存容量,必須縮小每個儲存單元的體積㈤ size) ’使磁性記錄層可記錄訊號的儲存單元密度提高,也 因此’儲存單元中每個晶區大小(grain ―)亦須隨之減 小,然而,伴隨著晶區的減小,卻會導致熱穩定性( 15 thermai stability)變差,進而使記錄在被磁化的儲存單元中 的數位訊號的衰減,使磁性記錄裝置面臨超順磁效應( superparamagnetic effect)之儲存極限。 目前為了解決磁性記錄裝置面臨的超順磁效應之問題 ’必須選用具有高磁晶體異向性(magnetic crystalline 20 anis〇tr〇Py)之材料,例如鐵鉑合金(FePt)、鐵鈀合金(200539134 (1) Description of the invention: [Technical field to which the invention belongs] The present invention relates to a method for manufacturing a recording device, and particularly to a method for manufacturing a magnetic recording device that uses magnetism to store data. [Prior art] Generally, a magnetic recording device that uses magnetic storage data uses a switching field to change the magnetization direction of the magnetic field in each storage unit on its magnetic recording layer to achieve the function of recording digital signals. With the development of digital technology, the requirements for the magnetic storage device's storage capacity of 10 @ are becoming higher and higher. In order to increase the storage capacity without increasing the volume of the overall magnetic recording device, the volume of each storage unit must be reduced. ) 'Make the density of the storage unit where the magnetic recording layer can record signals, and therefore' the size of each crystal region (grain-) in the storage unit must also be reduced accordingly. However, with the reduction of the crystal region, it will lead to The thermal stability (15 thermai stability) is deteriorated, and the digital signal recorded in the magnetized storage unit is attenuated, so that the magnetic recording device faces the storage limit of the superparamagnetic effect. At present, in order to solve the problem of superparamagnetic effect of magnetic recording devices, it is necessary to select materials with high magnetic crystalline anisotropy (magnetic crystalline 20 anis〇tr〇Py), such as iron platinum alloy (FePt), iron palladium alloy (
FePd )、始翻合金(coPt)、鐵鉑多層膜(Fe/pt multilayres ) 、鈷鉑多層膜(Co/Pt multilayers )等作為儲存訊號的磁性記 錄層材料,是解決的方式之一。 參閱圖1 ’以例如鐵鉑合金形成磁性記錄裝置1的磁性 5 200539134 記錄層12時,是以鍍膜方式在一基材u上形成一鐵鉑合金 薄膜12 ’此時,鐵鉑合金薄膜I]之鐵、鉑原子ι〇〇、2〇〇 晶格排列是隨機的面心立方堆積(FCC),其為一非序化( disordered)之軟磁相(s〇ft ferr〇magnetic),如圖 2 所示, 在貫際的應用上,並無法記錄訊號。 接著經過高溫退火(annealing )製程,通常必須高於 500°C以上,使得鐵鉑合金薄膜12之鐵原子1〇〇、鉑原子 200依序固定排列而使鐵鉑合金薄膜12序化(〇rd^ed)而 ίο 15 形成-磁性紀錄層13,如圖3所示,才能使得此磁性紀錄 層13 *有高磁晶體異向性以及高矯頑磁場(⑽油㈣, 如圖4所示,達到記錄訊號的功能。 眾所皆知,退火製程雖然可以達到使鐵始合金薄膜u 原子規則排列而產生序化相的目的,然而同時,退火製程 也會造成其他例如原子擴散、其他結構組成物性、化性的 變化’尤其是退火製程之溫度愈高'時間愈長,其造成的 影響也就愈廣、愈不可測。此外,如此高溫之退火設備在 記錄媒體的製程當巾’亦會提高成本。因此,如何降低退 火溫度、時間’甚至移除整個退火製程,而仍可使得高晶 體異向性材料序化而可記錄訊號’為研究的重要方向之一 一 ---八工,雖匕有氧 論文揭示可利用摻雜不同的第三元素,例如錯(z小雜 ㈤、銀Ug)等於顧合金薄膜中,可幫助序化相的彦 ,進而降低退火製程的溫度。但迄今為止,此等摻雜第 20 5 10 15 20 200539134 元素以降低退火製程溫度的方式,雖然將退火溫度降低至 贿左右,而使得鐵叙合金薄膜材料序化並具有高磁里向 性二但300t的退火溫度對後續製程、其他結構之物性、化 性等仍有顯著的影響,仍需要繼續研究改善。 此外,在設法移除退火製程的研究方面,美國專利第 6^05321 B1號發明案,揭示了利㈣子佈植的技術即可使 得鐵翻合金薄膜序化而可^ i 了。己錄矾號。但是此等技術的缺點 在方;必須先設法在鐵鉑合金薄 ^ ^ 曰 膜上形成一部份序化堆積排 歹J的日日種」,意即使用序化程声广 度(〇rdenng factor)為 〇·4 之鐵翻合金,且在離子佈拮 , β矛王中,將基材加溫至280〇C以 上,然後才能利用離子佈植_ ^ 稭由日日種而緹咼溥膜之序化程 度’才此達到記錄訊號的目 〇以此種方法。利用此種方法 ,並無法免除高溫之退火過 描脸似4 ’且利用部份序化之鐵鉑薄 Μ將對記錄媒體製程產生 王不必要的困擾與麻煩。 由上述目兄明可知,雖炒 呈 隹一在解決對磁性記錄裝置所選用 二“"異向性之材料的研究上,學、 貫用的方式,以提高磁性 ” 1 ^ 密声,^/ u ^錄層可記錄訊號的儲存單元的 在度,但是在此研究主顳 戈7 ^ 續上,仍須不斷的創新研究,才能 滿足實際使用上的需要。 ”唧九才月匕 【發明内容】 因此,本發明之目的在於提 性材料製造磁性記錄裝置的製造方法。、有-曰體異向 於是,本發明磁性你 。 1置的製造方法包含下列步驟 7 200539134 (a)形成一底層於一基材上。 (b )形成一磁性記錄層於該底層上。 (c )以氦離子佈植於該磁性記錄層之一第一區域區域 ,使該第一區域中的多數原子規則排列而成為一序化區域 〇 本發明之功效在於無須退火製程即可使得磁性記錄裝 置之磁性記錄層材料序化,使之具有高磁晶體異向性與高 矯頑磁場,進而記錄訊號。 【實施方式】 有關本發明之前述及其他技術内容、特點與功效,在 以下配合參考圖式之較佳實施例的詳細說明中,將清楚地 揭。 參閱圖5,本發明磁性記錄裝置的製造方法的一較佳實 施例’是可以製作如圖6所示,以磁性儲存資料的磁性記 錄裝置6。 首先參閱圖6,該磁性記錄裝置6是包含一基材6ι、 一形成在基材61上的底層62,及一形成在底層62上的磁 性紀錄層63,該磁性紀錄層63又可區分成多數彼此間隔排 列的序化區域64與非磁區域65,每一序化區域64是可以 利用磁場切換以記錄訊號。磁性記錄裝置6在配合以下掣 造方法以及各實驗驗證結果之說明後,應可清楚的明白。 參閱圖5,首先進行步驟51,在基材61上形成底層Q 。與習知相似,基材61可選用例如玻璃、矽基材、鋁鎂合 金等,底層62則須選自具有與後續之磁性記錄層63材料 200539134 相匹配晶格而使得磁性記錄層63得以良好成長並具有優異 結晶性之材料,例如鈷基(c〇_based)合金、鉻基合金(cr_ Based)、鎳基合金(Ni_based)與鉑基(pt base句合金等。在本 例中,由於後續磁性記錄層63材料是以絲合金…⑴ 為例說明’因此在此是選㈣基合金為材料形成纟训⑽ 基材61上之底層62。 ίο 15 接著進订步驟52,以鐵勒合金為材料鍍膜於底層62上 形成5〇nm厚的磁性記錄層63,同時參閱圖丨、圖2,與習 知相似,此時形成磁性記錄層63之義合金的鐵原子⑽ 、鉑原子200是隨機〜爲。的面心立方堆積(π。) 為非序化之軟磁結構,當然不利於記錄訊號。 在此要特別說明的是,鐵始合金可以例如鐵録合金( FePd )、射自合金(Cc>pt ),鐵始多層膜(咖出㈣⑽) 、鈷始多層膜(Co/Pt muhilayei>s),或是其他必須經由序化 過程方具有高磁異向性與高墙頑磁場之記錄媒體材料所替 換,在此僅配合前述基材61、底層62之選用材料,以及後 序實驗驗證進行’以鐵鉑合金為例說明。 然後進行步驟53,利用帶有能量的氦離子佈相 於磁性記錄層63 定的多數第—區域’由於氦離子為一爭 離子,以2MeV的加速能量與適當的離子束電流,將會通这 磁I·生己錄^ 63,而進人基材61中。由於高能離子與鐵始房 子之間的交互作用所產生能量轉移、離子佈植所形成之晶 格空孔而加速相變、以及直接離子束加熱與快速熱退火的 效應’將使得每—第一區域中鐵原子100、鈾原子200規則 20 200539134 排列而形成多數序化㈣64,且有效地降低鐵翻合金之序 化溫度,進而使得此序化區域64具有高磁異向性與高、 磁場,如圖3、圖4所示,而達到記錄訊號的功能。门' 在此步驟中,氦離子帶有之能量在1MeV至i〇MeV皆 可達到上述的功效,2MeV僅為其中一較佳的實施能量,: 時、,後續的實驗驗證亦是以帶有2MeV能量之氦離子進行序 化過私而侍。此外,由於離子佈植時的離子束具有可聚焦 白。勺特H i且亦可以配合光罩使用的方式,可以使得序化 區域64形成預定規則圖像分布,由於此等離子佈植技術已 為業界所周知’其細節諒可不必再詳加資述。 取後再進行步驟54,利用帶有75KeV能量的鍺離子佈 磁性記錄層63預定的多數第二區域,由於鍺離子佈植 貝貝降低了第二區域中鐵鉑合金的居禮溫度( Te^iperature ),而可使得每一第二區域中鐵鉑合金的磁性質 被[抑而成一非磁區域 65 ( nonmagnetic phase region ),如 圖7所不’而完成磁性記錄裝置6的製造。 在步驟54中,貫質上所有非磁元素,例如石朋、鋁、石夕 ^、奴、鉻、錳、鎵、氬、氮、氧等均可替換鍺而成為 佈植時的凡素離子,同時此些非磁元素離子所帶有的能量 〇KeV至7〇〇KeV均可達到預定之功效,而在本實施例 中’僅以帶有75KeV能量的鍺離子進行步驟54,同時,在 後、夷的貝驗驗證中以此形成非磁化區域過程而得。此外, 此步驟亦可以利用離子束之可聚焦的特性,或是亦可以配 ^光軍的使用,使得非磁區域65形成預定規則圖像分布, 10 5 10 15 20 200539134 由於此等離子佈植技術已為業界所周知,其細節不再詳加 贅述。 由圖8經上述本發明離子佈植過程與未經離子佈植、 而以傳統23(TC退火過程的鐵翻合金之磁滯曲線,以及圖9 以X ray掃彳田θ至2Θ的結果可證實,本發明磁性記錄裝置 6之磁性紀錄| 63白勺序化區域64,確實在經氦離子佈植之 後鐵、鉑原子100、200產生規則排列之序化結構,且有效 地降低鐵鉑合金之序化溫度,使之具有高晶體異向性與高 矯頑磁場,而達到記錄訊號的功能。 再由圖10可知,使鐵、鉑原子1〇〇、2〇〇序化之氦離 子束電流愈大,鐵、鉑原子200序化程度愈高,同時,矯 頑磁場(He, coercivity)也愈大。而由圖u、圖12的實 驗結果可知,當鐵、㈣子⑻序化之氦離子電流固 定(在此分別是2pA/cm2、6pA/cm2 ),鐵、鉑原子1〇〇、 200序化程度以及矯頑磁場均隨著離子束劑量(d〇se)的增 加而增加。在此值得一提的是,以6μΑ/εηι2之佈植電流^ 劑量選用1·09χ1014 i〇ns/cm2進行氦離子佈植,佈植時間僅 需2秒,而可得到2700 〇e之矯頑磁場,此過程如同一快速 熱退火之效果。圖13的實驗結果則驗證了非磁性元素離子 束劑量愈高,將造成矯頑磁場與飽和磁化量大幅下降,最 後形成一非磁區域。由此實驗結果而可以精密控制實際磁 性紀錄層63之序化區域64、非磁區域65,進而可以精確 定義記錄訊號之區域。 歸納上述,本發明之磁性記錄裝置的製造方法前所未 11 200539134 5 10 15 =堇:藉由氣離子佈植以直接能量轉換方式,藉由氛離 :所…能量之特性,藉由能量轉移、晶袼空孔加速相 2、以及直接離子束加熱’且可在保持磁性紀錄層表面平 正的條件下,進而直接在預定區域使鐵、紐原子規則排列 產生序化相,並具有高晶體異向性與高緯頑磁場,進而紀 錄訊號’不但可以完全無須退火製程,並且有效地降低鐵 #合金之序化溫度。亦不需如習知技術要先將需要序化之 區域預先形成部份序化之晶種,且在佈植過程中同時將基 材加熱’方可利用離子佈植產生序化結構;同時,利用非 磁元素離子佈植而可直接在磁性記錄層中形成非磁區域, 進而料磁性紀錄層可以藉由非磁區域使得每一序化區域 ::、獨立的可磁性s己錄訊號的區域;此外由於離子束具 有可K “、、特性或疋可以結合光罩的方式’進行記錄媒體規 則圖案之直接緣製,而可更有效的分割、利用磁性紀錄層 以紀錄訊號’確實能達到本發明之目的。 20 —惟以上所$者M堇為本發明I置及其製造方法的較佳 貫把例而已’當不能以此限定本發明實施之範圍,即大凡《 依本發明申請專利範圍及發明說明書内容所作之簡單的等 效變化與修飾,皆應仍屬本發明專利涵蓋之範圍内。 【圖式簡單說明】 圖1是一習知磁性記錄裝置的示意圖,並說明該磁性 記錄裝置之—磁性紀錄層未經退火過程時的原子堆積狀態 圖 是一磁滯曲線圖,說明圖1之磁性紀錄裝置之一 12 ίο 15 20 200539134 磁性記錄層未經退火過程而呈非序化相的磁性狀態; 圖3 —不意圖,說明圖丨之磁性記錄裝置之磁性記錄 層經過退火過程後的原子堆積狀態; 圖4是一磁滞曲線圖,說明圖3之磁性紀錄裝置之一 磁性記錄層經過退火過程後而呈序化相的磁性狀態; 圖5是一流程圖,說明本發明磁性記錄裝置的製造方 法的一較佳實施例; 圖6疋一示思圖,說明以圖5本發明磁性記錄裝置的 製造方法所製造出的磁性記錄裝置; 圖7是一磁滞曲線圖,說明圖6之磁性紀錄裝置之一 磁性記錄層的一非磁區域的磁性狀態; 圖8是一磁滯曲線圖’驗證圖6之磁性紀錄裝置的磁 性狀態與習知以退火過程製造之磁性記錄裝置的磁性狀態 圖9是-X謂掃描結果,驗證圖6之磁性紀錄裝置的 磁性狀態與習知以退火過程製造之磁性記錄裝置的 構; 、、口 圖10是-實驗驗證結果’說明氦離子束電流與序化程 度、矯頑磁場之關係; 圖广是-實驗驗證結果’ t兒明氦離子束電流為FePd), coPt, Fe / pt multilayres, Co / Pt multilayers and other magnetic recording layer materials for storing signals are one of the solutions. Refer to FIG. 1 'When forming the magnetic properties of the magnetic recording device 1 with, for example, an iron-platinum alloy 5 200539134 when the recording layer 12 is formed, an iron-platinum alloy film 12 is formed on a substrate u by a coating method.' At this time, the iron-platinum alloy film I] The iron, platinum atoms ι 00, 200 lattice arrangement is a random face-centered cubic accumulation (FCC), which is a disordered soft magnetic phase (sft ferromagnetic), as shown in Figure 2 As shown, in consistent applications, signals cannot be recorded. Then, after an annealing process, it must usually be higher than 500 ° C, so that the iron atoms of the iron-platinum alloy film 12 and the platinum atoms 200 are fixedly arranged in order to sequence the iron-platinum alloy film 12 (〇rd ^ ed) And ίο 15 formation-magnetic recording layer 13, as shown in Figure 3, can make this magnetic recording layer 13 * have high magnetic crystal anisotropy and high coercive magnetic field (磁场 油 ㈣, as shown in Figure 4, It achieves the function of recording signals. It is well-known that although the annealing process can achieve the purpose of regularly arranging u atoms of the iron alloy thin film to generate a sequence phase, at the same time, the annealing process will also cause other properties such as atomic diffusion and other structural components. Changes in chemical properties, especially the higher the temperature of the annealing process, the longer the time, the wider the impact will be, and the more unpredictable. In addition, the annealing temperature of such a high-temperature annealing equipment in the recording medium will also increase. Cost. Therefore, how to reduce the annealing temperature and time, and even remove the entire annealing process, while still making the highly crystalline anisotropic material sequence and recordable signals, is one of the important research directions. One --- Ba Gong, although the aerobic paper revealed that different third elements can be used for doping, for example, z (z small impurity, silver Ug) is equal to that in the alloy thin film, which can help to sequence the phase, and thus reduce The temperature of the annealing process. But so far, these doped 20 5 10 15 20 200539134 elements have been used to reduce the annealing process temperature, although the annealing temperature has been reduced to about 300%, which has made the iron-alloy thin film material sequential and has a high The magnetic anisotropy is two, but the annealing temperature of 300t still has a significant impact on subsequent processes, physical properties and chemical properties of other structures, and further research and improvement are still needed. In addition, in the study of trying to remove the annealing process, US Patent No. 6 ^ 05321 Invention No. B1, reveals that the technology of rafter planting can make the iron alloy film sequenced and ready ^ i. Ji Luan. But the shortcomings of these technologies are in the side; you must first try to find the iron The platinum alloy is thin ^ ^ means that a part of the sequence of the stacked layers of the Japanese and Japanese species is formed on the film ", which means that an iron-turned alloy with an ordering process sound width (〇rdenng factor) of 0.4 is used, and拮, β Spear King, General If the material is heated to above 280 ° C, it can be planted with ions. ^ The degree of ordering of the straw from the day to day and the film's membrane can only reach the goal of recording signals. In this way, using this method, It is not possible to avoid the high-temperature annealing over-tracing face like 4 ', and the use of partially-sequenced iron-platinum thin M will cause unnecessary trouble and trouble to the recording media process. From the above-mentioned brothers, it is clear that although the speculation is still in a rush Solve the research on the two "" anisotropic materials selected for magnetic recording devices, and learn and use them in a way to improve the magnetic properties" 1 ^ dense sound, ^ / u ^ recording layer can record the storage unit of the signal However, in this research, we must continue to innovate and research to meet the needs of practical use. [Abstract] The purpose of the present invention is to produce a magnetic recording device using a material. There is a body anisotropy, so the present invention is magnetic. The manufacturing method of a set includes the following steps 7 200539134 (a) A bottom layer is formed on a substrate. (B) A magnetic recording layer is formed on the bottom layer. (C) A first region of the magnetic recording layer is implanted with helium ions, so that the first Most atoms in a region are regularly arranged to become a sequenced region. The effect of the present invention is that the magnetic recording layer material of the magnetic recording device can be sequenced without an annealing process, so that it has high magnetic crystal anisotropy and high coercivity. [Embodiment] The foregoing and other technical contents, features, and effects of the present invention will be clearly disclosed in the following detailed description of the preferred embodiment with reference to the drawings. Referring to FIG. 5, this A preferred embodiment of the method for manufacturing a magnetic recording device of the invention is a magnetic recording device 6 that can store data magnetically as shown in FIG. 6. First, referring to FIG. 6, the magnetic The recording device 6 includes a substrate 6m, a bottom layer 62 formed on the substrate 61, and a magnetic recording layer 63 formed on the bottom layer 62. The magnetic recording layer 63 can be divided into a plurality of sequenced arrays spaced apart from each other. The region 64 and the non-magnetic region 65, each of the sequenced regions 64 can be switched by using a magnetic field to record signals. The magnetic recording device 6 should be clearly understood after cooperating with the following fabrication methods and descriptions of experimental verification results. See Figure 5. First, step 51 is performed to form a bottom layer Q on the substrate 61. Similar to the conventional one, the substrate 61 can be selected from glass, silicon substrate, aluminum-magnesium alloy, etc. The bottom layer 62 must be selected from the following magnetic records. Material of layer 63 200539134 A material that matches the lattice so that the magnetic recording layer 63 can grow well and has excellent crystallinity, such as a cobalt-based alloy, a chromium-based alloy, a nickel-based alloy, and a nickel-based alloy. And platinum-based (pt base sentence alloy, etc.) In this example, since the material of the subsequent magnetic recording layer 63 is a silk alloy ... Bottom 62. ίο 15 Then proceed to step 52 to form a 50 nm-thick magnetic recording layer 63 on the bottom layer 62 by using a film of iron alloy as a material. At the same time, referring to Figures 丨 and 2, similar to the conventional one, a magnetic record is formed at this time. The iron atom ⑽ and platinum atom 200 of the meaning alloy of layer 63 are random ~. The face-centered cubic accumulation (π.) Is a non-sequential soft magnetic structure, which is of course not conducive to recording signals. It should be particularly explained here that iron The starting alloy can be, for example, iron alloy (FePd), shot from alloy (Cc &pt; pt), iron starting multilayer film (Ca-Copper), cobalt starting multilayer film (Co / Pt muhilayei > s), or others must be sequenced. The process side is replaced by a recording medium material with high magnetic anisotropy and high wall coercive field. Here, only the materials selected for the aforementioned substrate 61 and bottom layer 62, and subsequent experimental verification are performed to illustrate the use of iron-platinum alloy as an example. Then, step 53 is performed, using the helium ion cloth with energy in most of the first region defined by the magnetic recording layer 63. Since helium ions are competing ions, with an acceleration energy of 2MeV and an appropriate ion beam current, this will pass through Magnetic I · Shengji ^ 63, and into the substrate 61. The energy transfer generated by the interaction between high-energy ions and the iron house, the accelerated phase transition of the lattice pores formed by ion implantation, and the effects of direct ion beam heating and rapid thermal annealing will make every-first In this region, the iron atoms 100 and uranium atoms 200 are arranged in a regular 20 200539134 to form a majority of sequenced plutonium 64, which effectively reduces the sequencing temperature of the iron turning alloy, thereby making this sequenced region 64 have a high magnetic anisotropy and a high magnetic field. As shown in Figures 3 and 4, the function of recording signals is achieved. Gate 'In this step, the energy carried by the helium ions can achieve the above-mentioned effect from 1MeV to i〇MeV, and 2MeV is only one of the best implementation energies. The helium ions of 2MeV energy are sequenced and served. In addition, the ion beam has a focusable white when implanted. It can also be used in combination with a photomask to make the sequenced area 64 form a predetermined regular image distribution. Since this plasma implantation technique is well known in the industry, its details need not be described in detail. After taking the step, step 54 is performed, using most of the second region predetermined by the germanium ion cloth magnetic recording layer 63 with energy of 75KeV, because the implantation of germanium ion reduces the courtesy temperature of the iron-platinum alloy in the second region (Te ^ iperature), so that the magnetic properties of the iron-platinum alloy in each of the second regions are reduced to a nonmagnetic phase region 65 (as shown in FIG. 7), and the manufacturing of the magnetic recording device 6 is completed. In step 54, all non-magnetic elements, such as stone, aluminum, stone ^, slave, chromium, manganese, gallium, argon, nitrogen, oxygen, etc., can replace germanium to become a normal ion during implantation. At the same time, the energies 0KeV to 700KeV carried by these non-magnetic element ions can achieve the predetermined effect, and in this embodiment, 'step 54 is performed only with germanium ions with 75KeV energy, and at the same time, It is obtained by the process of forming the non-magnetized region during the post-sea shell inspection. In addition, this step can also take advantage of the focusable characteristics of the ion beam, or it can also be used in conjunction with the optical army, so that the non-magnetic region 65 forms a predetermined regular image distribution. 10 5 10 15 20 200539134 It is well known in the industry, and its details will not be described in detail. From FIG. 8 through the above-mentioned ion implantation process of the present invention and the non-ion implantation, the hysteresis curve of the conventional iron transition alloy (TC annealing process), and FIG. 9 results of X ray scanning field θ to 2Θ It was confirmed that the magnetic record of the magnetic recording device 6 of the present invention | 63. The sequenced region 64 indeed produced a regularly arranged structure of iron and platinum atoms 100 and 200 after being implanted with helium ions, and effectively reduced the iron-platinum alloy. The sequence temperature allows it to have a high crystal anisotropy and a high coercive magnetic field, so as to achieve the function of recording signals. From Figure 10, it can be seen that the helium ion beams in which iron and platinum atoms are sequenced at 100 and 200 The greater the current, the higher the degree of ordering of iron and platinum atoms 200, and the greater the coercivity (He, coercivity). From the experimental results in Figure u and Figure 12, it can be seen that when iron and iron The helium ion current is fixed (here, 2 pA / cm2, 6 pA / cm2, respectively). The degree of ordering of iron and platinum atoms 100, 200, and coercive magnetic field increase with the increase of the ion beam dose (dose). It is worth mentioning here that a planting current of 6μA / εηι2 ^ dose is selected as 1.09 × 10 14 i〇ns / cm2 implantation of helium ions, the implantation time only takes 2 seconds, and a coercive magnetic field of 2700 oe can be obtained. This process is the same as the effect of rapid thermal annealing. The experimental results in Figure 13 verify the The higher the dose of the magnetic element ion beam, it will cause the coercive magnetic field and saturation magnetization to decrease greatly, and finally form a non-magnetic region. Based on the experimental results, the sequenced region 64 and non-magnetic region 65 of the actual magnetic recording layer 63 can be precisely controlled. In order to accurately define the area where the signal is recorded. In summary, the manufacturing method of the magnetic recording device of the present invention has never been before 11 200539134 5 10 15 = Violet: direct energy conversion by implantation of gas ions, and by ionization: The characteristics of energy, through energy transfer, accelerated phase of crystal vacancies, 2 and direct ion beam heating, and can keep the surface of the magnetic recording layer flat, and then directly arrange iron and button atoms in a predetermined region. Generates a sequenced phase, with high crystal anisotropy and high latitude coercive field, and then records the signal 'not only can completely eliminate the need for annealing process, but also effectively reduce the order of the iron #alloy It is not necessary to pre-form a partially-sequenced seed in advance of the area that needs to be sequenced as in conventional techniques, and to heat the substrate at the same time during the implantation process in order to use ion implantation to generate a sequenced structure. At the same time, non-magnetic regions can be directly formed in the magnetic recording layer by using non-magnetic element ion implantation. Furthermore, the magnetic recording layer can make each sequenced region by the non-magnetic region ::, independent magnetic s recording Signal area; In addition, because the ion beam has a direct method of recording the regular pattern of the recording medium, which can be combined with a mask, it can be more effectively divided and recorded using a magnetic recording layer. The purpose of the present invention can be achieved. 20—However, the above mentioned M is a better example of the present invention and its manufacturing method. 'When this cannot be used to limit the scope of the present invention, that is, the scope of the patent application and the contents of the invention specification according to the present invention The simple equivalent changes and modifications made should still fall within the scope of the patent of the present invention. [Brief description of the figure] FIG. 1 is a schematic diagram of a conventional magnetic recording device, and illustrates the state of atomic stacking of the magnetic recording layer without the annealing process, which is a hysteresis curve diagram. One of the magnetic recording devices 12 ίο 15 20 200539134 The magnetic state of the magnetic recording layer was an unordered phase without annealing; Figure 3 — It is not intended to illustrate the atoms of the magnetic recording layer of the magnetic recording device after annealing process Stacked state; FIG. 4 is a hysteresis curve diagram illustrating the magnetic state of a magnetic recording layer in the magnetic recording device of FIG. 3 in an orderly phase after an annealing process; FIG. 5 is a flowchart illustrating the magnetic recording device of the present invention A preferred embodiment of the manufacturing method of FIG. 6 is a schematic view illustrating a magnetic recording device manufactured by the manufacturing method of the magnetic recording device of the present invention in FIG. 5; FIG. 7 is a hysteresis curve illustrating FIG. 6 The magnetic state of a non-magnetic region of a magnetic recording layer of one of the magnetic recording devices; FIG. 8 is a hysteresis curve; The magnetic state of the magnetic recording device manufactured by the fire process. Fig. 9 is the result of the -X scan, which verifies the magnetic state of the magnetic recording device of Fig. 6 and the structure of the conventional magnetic recording device manufactured by the annealing process. The experimental verification result 'explains the relationship between the helium ion beam current, the degree of sequencing, and the coercive magnetic field;
μ⑽時’鐵、#原子序化程度、麵磁場與 的關係; ~ S 圖广是-實驗驗證結說明氦離子束電流為 μ 4 ’鐵10原子序化程度、料磁場與離子束劑量 13 200539134 的關係、;及 圖13是一實驗驗證結果,說明非磁性元素離子束劑量 與非磁區域磁性質之關係。 14 200539134 【圖式之主要元件代表符號說明】 100 鐵原子 200 翻原子 1 磁性記錄裝置 11 基材 12 鐵鉑合金薄膜 13 磁性記錄層 51 步驟 52 步驟 53 步驟 54 步驟 6 磁性記錄裝置 61 基材 62 底層 63 磁性記錄層 64 序化區域 65 非磁區域 15μ⑽ 时 'iron, #atomic ordering degree, surface magnetic field and the relationship; ~ S Figures are-experimental verification results show that the helium ion beam current is μ 4' iron 10 atomic ordering degree, material magnetic field and ion beam dose 13 200539134 And FIG. 13 is an experimental verification result illustrating the relationship between the ion beam dose of the non-magnetic element and the magnetic properties of the non-magnetic region. 14 200539134 [Description of the main symbols of the drawings] 100 iron atoms 200 trans atoms 1 magnetic recording device 11 substrate 12 iron platinum alloy film 13 magnetic recording layer 51 step 52 step 53 step 54 step 6 magnetic recording device 61 substrate 62 Underlayer 63 Magnetic recording layer 64 Sequenced area 65 Non-magnetic area 15