200400529 ⑴ 玖、發明說明 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明係關於一種使用在如電視受像機或顯示器裝置 等之彩色陰極射線管的畫像顯示裝置中所採用之偏向軛, 尤其係關於校正發散(m i s c ο n v e r g e n c e )之構造。 【先前技術】200400529 发明 玖, description of the invention [Technical field to which the invention belongs] The present invention relates to a deflection yoke used in an image display device of a color cathode ray tube such as a television receiver or a display device, and more particularly to correcting divergence misc ο nvergence). [Prior art]
使用頸部裝設有偏向軛之同軸式三支電子槍彩色陰極 射線管(以下稱爲CRT )的畫像顯示裝置中,將來自於三 支電子槍所發射之R (紅)、G (綠)、B (藍)之三個電 子束良好地集中(聚集)在銀幕(畫面)面上之方法中的 一個’係採用自我聚集方式之偏向軛的方法。An image display device using a coaxial three-electron gun color cathode ray tube (hereinafter referred to as CRT) equipped with a deflection yoke on the neck will use R (red), G (green), and B emitted from the three electron guns. One of the methods in which the three electron beams (blue) are well focused (focused) on the screen (screen) surface is a biased yoke method using a self-gathering method.
該自我聚集方式之偏向軛,一般係由上下一對之水平 偏向線圈及左右一對垂直偏向線圈所構成,利用這些偏向 線圈形成針墊形之水平偏向磁場及桶狀之垂直偏向磁場, 因而成爲可獲得良好聚集特性之構成。 但是,實際上大量生產之偏向軛會由於偏向線圈特性 之誤差等而產生發散,因此一方面將磁性片貼到偏向線圈 之適當位置上,由所裝載的校正電路而使磁場變化,以進 行此散發之校正。 第14 ( a )圖、第14 ( b )圖係顯示由垂直偏向磁場 的誤差所產生的代表性散發。 第14 ( a )圖係顯示稱爲「Y軸之R (紅)倒向左 側」之散發圖型,並且第14 ( b )圖係顯示稱爲「Y軸之 —6 一 (2) (2)200400529 R (紅)倒向右側」之散發圖型,圖中之實線係表示R (紅)之縱線的輝線,虛線係表示B (藍)縱線的輝線。 通常這些散發總稱爲YH交互散發。 校正該YH交互散發用之先前技術的校正電路之一例 顯示於第10圖中。在該圖中,垂直偏向電路15 6之輸出 上串聯有一對垂直偏向線圈1 1 2,1 1 3以及校正電路11 5。 校正電路1 1 5是使第1、第2之磁場校正線圈1 0 1, H)2串聯,3端子可變電阻器20之可動端子T1介由電阻 器1 1 1而連接到其連接點P上。而,電子束朝畫面上側偏 向之情況時的垂直偏向電流之朝向是以實線之箭頭S 1表 示,並且在朝畫面下側偏向之情況時的垂直偏向電流之朝 向是以虛線之箭頭S2表示。 第1 6圖中顯示裝載有該校正電路11 5之偏向軛。 磁場校正線圈101係卷繞在 字狀的磁心114A上, 如第1 6圖所示,其係配置在偏向軛之頸部1 5 1 C中比水平 軸(X軸)更上側之Y軸上。 另一方面,磁場校正線圈102爲與磁場校正線圈101 同樣地卷繞在 字狀的磁心1 14B上,其被配置成比上述 X軸更下側之Y軸上而與磁性磁心11 4 A成對向。 此構成中,可變電阻器20之電阻可被變更,以進行 YH交互散發之校正。 【發明內容】 [本發明所欲解決之課題] 一Ί 一 200400529 C3) 然而,自我聚集方式之偏向軛中,來自垂直偏向線圏 所產生的桶狀垂直偏向磁場,會使如第1 5 ( a )圖所示G (綠)之橫線(圖中爲虛線)比R (紅)或B (藍)之橫 線更偏到內側,而產生通常稱爲 VCR窄化(VCR n a r r 〇 w ) 之散發。 因而,利用磁場校正線圈101,102產生針墊形磁 場,而對G (綠)電子束賦予比R (紅)或B (藍)電子 束更強的垂直偏向力5之時,可校正VCR窄散發◊以下 將以第1 0圖〜第1 3圖說明此校正。 第1 1圖〜第13圖係爲將第16圖所示之偏向軛裝設在 CRT54之頸部的狀態下,從銀幕側觀看配置有磁心 1 14A,1 14B之位置的槪略剖面圖,第1 1 ( a )圖〜第13 (a )圖係顯示向晝面上側偏向時之圖,第1 1 ( b )圖〜第 1 3 ( b )圖係顯示向畫面下側偏向時之圖。 第11(a)圖及第1 1 ( b )圖係顯示3端子可變電阻 器20之可動端子T 1位於中心之情況下,電子束之向畫面 上側及畫面下側偏向時,磁場校正線圈1 〇 1,1 02所產生 的磁場Ml,M2及從而電子束之受力及其方向。 第1 2 ( a )圖及第1 2 ( b )圖係顯示,在3端子可變 電阻器20之可動端子T1從中心向第10圖中之上方向 (箭頭1 6 )移動之情況下,電子束之向畫面上側及畫面 下側偏向時,磁場校正線圈1 〇 1,1 02所產生的磁場Μ 1, M2,及從而電子束之受力及其方向。 第1 3 ( a )圖及第13 ( b )圖係顯示,在3端子可變 (4) (4)200400529 電阻器20之可動端子T1從中心向第10圖中之下方向 (箭頭1 7 )移動之情況下,電子束之向畫面上側及晝面 下側偏向時,磁場校正線圏1 0 1,1 02所產生的磁場Μ 1, M2,及從而電子束之受力及其方向。 第11圖〜第13圖中,磁場Ml,M2之強度爲了容易 瞭解起見,方便上做成弱與基準二個階段,分別以虛線及 實線表示。 3端子可變電阻器20之可動端子T 1位於中心之情況 下,無論偏向電流在箭頭S 1,S 2之任何一個方向上流動 時,在第1、第2之磁場校正線圈1 〇 1,1 〇2上流動的電流 相等。 從而,可產生如第11(a)圖、第11(b)圖所示之 上下對稱之針墊式磁場Ml,M2。 雖然此磁場Ml,M2可分別對R,B之電子束賦予X 軸方向的逆向之力,這些力之強度相同而互相抵消之故, 使R,B之電子束在X軸方向不會變化。 因此,雖然YH交互散發之校正並未進行,但是對中 央之G (綠)電子束賦予比R,B之電子束更強的Y軸方 向之力,因此可校正VCR窄散發。 其次,使3端子可變電阻器20之可動端子T1在第 i 0圖之箭頭16的方向上移動時,在第丨磁場校正線圈 1 0 1流動之電流比在第2磁場校正線圏1 〇2流動之電流變 得更少。 從而’此情形下之fe場於第1磁場校正線圈1 0 1側之 (5) (5)200400529 石啟場Μ 1會變弱,而變成如第12 ( a )圖、第1 2 ( b )圖所 示之上下非對稱的針墊式磁場。 然後,向畫面上側偏向特(參照第1 2 ( a )圖),各 電子束在Y軸之正方向上偏向,同時R之電子束在X軸 之正方向上(圖之右方向)、B之電子束在X軸之負方向 上(圖之左方向)分別偏向。 並且,向畫面下側偏向時(參照第12 ( b )圖),各 電子束在Y軸之負方向上偏向,同時R之電子束在X軸 之負方向上、B之電子束在X軸之正方向上分別偏向。 從而,利用這些偏向可使第14 ( a )圖所示的R (紅)倒向左側之散發獲得校正。 但是,因爲在第1磁場校正線圈1 〇 1流動之電流變少 之故’使上述針墊式磁場變弱,如第1 5 ( a )圖所示而有 產生顯著的VCR窄散發的問題。 另一方面,使3端子可變電阻器20之可動端子T1在 第1 0圖之箭頭1 7的方向上移動時,在第2磁場校正線圈 1 02流動之電流比在第1磁場校正線圏1 〇丨流動之電流變 得更少。 從而,此情形下之磁場於第2磁場校正線圈1 02側之 磁場M2會變弱,而變成如第13(a)圖、第13(b)圖所 示之上下非對稱的針墊式磁場。 然後,向畫面上側偏向時(參照第13 ( a )圖),各 電子束在Y軸之正方向上偏向,同時R之電子束在X軸 之負方向上(圖之左方向)、B之電子束在X軸之正方向 —10 - 200400529 ⑹ 上(圖之右方向)分別偏向。 並且,向畫面下側偏向時(參照第13 ( b )圖),各 電子束在Y軸之負方向上偏向,同時R之電子束在X軸 之正方向上、B之電子束在X軸之負方向上分別偏向。 從而,由於這些偏向可使第14 ( b )圖所示的 R (紅)倒向右側之散發獲得校正。 但是,因爲在第2磁場校正線圈1 02流動之電流變少 之故,使上述針墊式磁場變弱,如第1 5 ( a )圖所示而有 產生顯著的錄放影機窄散發的問題。 包含有此 VCR窄散發、及如第15 ( b )圖所示之G (綠)對R (紅)或B (藍)向外側偏移之VCR寬散發的 VCR散發,較佳爲在晝面上儘可能地將此偏移量抑制在 ± 0.030公厘以內。 如上所述,在第10圖所示之習知電路中,將3端子 可變電阻器20之可動端子T1移動時,雖然可進行YH交 互散發之校正,但是同時亦使在磁場校正線圏1 0 1或磁場 校正線圈1 02中流動之電流變少,而使針墊式磁場變弱之 故,因而VCR散發的校正量減少,其結果有遠超過 ± 0.030公厘而產生VCR窄散發的問題。 因此,本發明所欲解決的課題,在提供一種偏向軛, 其可在不產生VCR窄散發之下進行YH交互散發的校正。 [解決課題之手段] 爲了解決上述之課題,本案之發明手段具有下列構 11- (7) (7)200400529 成。 即,申請專利範圍第1項係關於一種偏向軛,其係具 有圓筒狀之頸部(5 1 c )、及一對垂直偏向線圈(12 ’ 1 3 )之偏向軛,其特徵爲:具備有:夾住該頸部且成對向 地配置之第1及第2磁心(14A,14B ),及連接到該垂直 偏向線圈的散發校正電路(15A,15B,15C ),該散發校 正電路具有:第1至第4磁場校正線圈(1〜4 ),及具有 二個固定端子(T2,T3 )及一個可動端子(T1 )的3端子 可變電阻器(20 );形成有使該第1磁場校正線圈(1 ) 與該第2磁場校正線圈(2 )串聯的第1串聯電路;形成 有使該第3磁場校正線圈(3 )及第4磁場校正線圈(4 ) 分別串聯到二個固定端子(T2,T3 )的第2串聯電路;該 第1串聯電路串聯到該垂直偏向線圈(1 2,1 3 ),將上述 第1串聯電路及上述第2串聯電路並聯,而使上述第1磁 場校正線圈(1 )與上述第2磁場校正線圈(2 )連接;將 該可動端子(T1 )連接到上述第1磁場校正線圏(1)與 上述第2磁場校正線圏(2 )的連接點(P );將上述第1 及第3磁場校正線圈(1,3 )卷繞在磁心(14 A )上;將 上述第2及第4磁場校正線圈(2,4 )卷繞在磁心 (14B )上。 申請專利範圍第2項係針對申請專利範圍第1項所記 載之偏向軛,其中上述散發校正電路(15A,15C)具有 連接到上述可動端子(T 1 )與上述連接點(P )之間的第 1固定電阻器(1 1 )。 — 12 — (8) (8)200400529 申請專利範圍第3項係針對申請專利範圍第1或2項 所記載之偏向軛,其中上述散發校正電路(15B,15C )具 有分別與上述第 3磁場校正線圈及第 4磁場校正線圈 (3,4 )串聯的第2固定電阻器(5,6)。 申請專利範圍第4項係針對申請專利範圍第1至3項 中任一項所記載之偏向轭,其中上述第3磁場校正線圈 (3 )對上述第 1磁場校正線圏(1 )之卷數比率 (RT1 ),及上述第4磁場校正線圈(4 )對上述第2磁場 校正線圈(2 )之卷數比率(RT2 )均在0.5以上且在1.5 以下。 【實施方式】 本發明之實施形態將以較佳實施例而參照第1〜9圖、 第1 4圖及第1 5圖說明。 首先,本發明之實施例中的電路將使用第1圖詳述 之。 垂直偏向電路5 6之輸出端串聯有一對之垂直偏向線 圏1 2,1 3及校正電路1 5。 此校正電路15係由:串聯之第1磁場校正線圈1及 第2磁場校正線圈2,以及串聯之第4磁場校正線圈4、3 端子可變電阻器20之固定端子T2 ’ T3及第3磁場校正線 圈3,與第1磁場校正線圈1及第4磁場校正線圈4連接 成並聯電路,將3端子可變電阻器20之可動端子τ 1介由 電阻器11連接到第1,第2磁場校正線圈1 ’ 2的連接點 — 13- (9) (9)200400529 P所構成。 此第1圖中,電子束在向畫面上側偏向之情況時的垂 直偏向電流之朝向是以實線之箭頭S1表示,並且在向畫 面下側偏向之情況時的垂直偏向電流之朝向是以虛線之箭 頭S2表示。 其次’裝載有該校正電路1 5之本發明偏向軛的槪略 將以第4圖說明。 第4圖中,偏向軛係由例如一方爲大徑側、另一方爲 小徑側、並分別具有凸緣5 1 a,5 1 b之一對半環狀隔離材 5 1組合而形成略微漏斗狀。 隔離材51之內側裝設有鞍型之水平偏向線圈(圖中 未顯示),外側則裝設有鞍型之垂直偏向線圏12,13 (圖中未顯不)。 垂直偏向線圈1 2,1 3之外側安裝有形成鐵氧體之磁 心(圖中未顯示),並且在其外側上,裝載有垂直偏向電 路56、3端子可變電阻器20及電阻器11之基板53被安 裝在隔離材51之基板安裝腕51d上。 而’隔離材 51通常係由變性聚苯乙醚 (polyphenylene ether)(變性 PPE )、聚丙烯(PP )等之 熱可塑性樹脂所製成者。 小徑側之凸緣5 lb的中央部分上,多數個舌片所形成 之圓筒狀頸部51c在凸緣51b上被一體成型,並朝圖中未 顯示之C R T 5 4的管軸(Z軸)方向突出。 此偏向轭爲被稱爲鞍·鞍(S S )型,其乃依照上述而 一 14 — (10) (10)200400529 構成者。 然後,將埋入於頸部51 c之束帶(圖中未顯示)繫 緊,可將偏向輥裝設到C R T 5 4之頸部。 其次,將說明頸部5 1 c之附近。 小徑側凸緣5 1 b之頸部5 1 c側之面附近有一對磁心 14A,14B朝著偏向軛之上下方向(Y軸方向)上夾持頸 部5 1c而成對向地裝設著。此裝設是利用裝在凸緣51b上 之裝設手段(圖中未顯示)而進行裝設,或者亦可利用其 他之手段進行裝設。 此磁心14A,14B係使用形成爲具有從軀部14Ab, 14Bb之兩端朝向軀部之直行方向延伸之一對腳部14Ac, 14Bc的 字狀、厚度爲0.5公厘之矽鋼板的衝壓品所形 成。 一方的磁心14A之軀部14Ab上卷繞有第1磁場校正 線圏1,再從其上方卷繞著第3磁場校正線圈3。 另一方之磁心14B之軀部14Bb上卷繞有第2磁場校 正線圏2,再從其上方卷繞著第4磁場校正線圏4。 第1磁場校正線圏1及第3磁場校正線圈3係卷繞成 彼此產生同方向之磁場,同樣地,第2磁場校正線圈2及 第4磁場校正線圏4係卷繞成彼此產生同方向之磁場。 卷繞在磁心14A,14B之順序亦可先從第3、第4磁 場f父正線圏3,4開始。並且,亦可第1、第3磁場校正 線圈1,3同時卷繞,同樣地,亦可第2、第4磁場校正線 圏2,4同時卷繞。 -15- (11) (11)200400529 各磁心之末端導線介由端子55而連接到基板53的電 路。 校正電路1 5 A在此構成中之作用將使用第1圖及第 7〜9圖而詳述。 第7圖係實施例之偏向軛裝設在CRT54之頸部上的 狀態中,從銀幕側觀看配置有磁心1 4A,1 4B之位置的槪 略剖面圖,第7 ( a )圖〜第9 ( a )圖係顯示向晝面上側偏 向時之圖,第7 ( b )圖〜第9 ( b )圖係顯示向畫面之下側 偏向時之圖。 第7 ( a )圖及第7 ( b )圖係顯示3端子可變電阻器 20之可動端子T 1位於中心之情況下,電子束之向畫面上 側及畫面下側偏向時,第1〜第4磁場校正線圈1〜4所產 生的磁場Ml,M2、及從而電子束之受力及其方向。 第8 ( a )圖及第8 ( b )圖係顯示3端子可變電阻器 20之可動端子T1從中心向第1圖中之上方向(箭頭16) 移動之情況下,電子束之向畫面上側及畫面下側偏向時, 第1〜第4磁場校正線圈1〜4所產生的磁場Ml,M2,及從 而電子束之受力及其方向。 第9 ( a )圖及第9 ( b )圖係顯示3端子可變電阻器 20之可動端子T1從中心向下方向(箭頭1 7 )移動之情況 下,電子束之向畫面上側及晝面下側偏向時,第1〜第4 磁場校正線圈1〜4所產生的磁場Ml,M2,及從而電子束 之受力及其方向。 第7圖〜第9圖中,磁場Ml,M2之強度爲了容易瞭 16 — (12) (12)200400529 解起見,方便上做成弱、基準、強三個階段,其分別以虛 線、實線、粗實線表示。 3端子可變電阻器20之可動端子T 1位於中心之情況 下,無論偏向電流在箭頭S 1,S2之任何一個方向上流動 時,在第1、第2之磁場校正線圈1,2上流動的電流均 相等。 從而,可產生如第7(a)圖、第7(b)圖所示之上 下對稱之針墊式磁場Ml,M2。 此磁場Μ 1,M2例如如向第7 ( a )圖所示晝面上側偏 向時,磁場Μ1可對R之電子束賦予X軸之負方向的力, 磁場M2則可賦予正方向的力。磁場Μ1可對Β之電子束 賦予X軸之正方向的力,磁場Μ 2則可賦予負方向的力。 但是,賦予各電子束的這些X軸方向之力其強度相同 而互相抵消之故,使R,Β之電子束在X軸方向上不會變 化。 向畫面下側之偏向時,雖然正負方向爲逆向,但是也 是同樣。 因此,雖然並不進行ΥΗ交互散發之校正,但是對中 央之G的電子束賦予比R,Β之電子束更強的Υ軸方向之 力,因此可校正VCR窄散發。 其次’ 3端子可變電阻器20之可動端子Τ1朝第1圖 之箭頭16之方向(圖中之上下方向)移動時,在第1磁 場校正線圈1中流動的電流,比在第2磁場校正線圈2中 流動的電流變得更少。此變少部分之電流流到第4磁場校 -17- (13) (13)200400529 正線圈4中。 從而,此情形下之磁場Μ 1,M2在第丨磁場校正線圏 1側之磁場Μ1會變弱,在第2磁場校正線圏2側之磁場 M2變強,雖然如第8(a)圖、第8(b)圖所示變成上下 對稱之針墊磁場,但是綜合之針墊磁場強度沒有變化,因 此VCR窄散發之校正效果不會減少。 然後,朝向畫面上側偏向時(參照第8 ( a )圖), 各電子束朝Y軸之正方向偏向,同時R之電子束朝X軸 之正方向(圖之右方向)、B之電子束則朝X軸之負方向 (圖之左方向)分別偏向。 並且,朝向畫面下側偏向時(參照第8 ( b )圖), 各電子束朝Y軸之負方向偏向,同時R之電子束朝X軸 之負方向偏向,B之電子束則朝X軸之正方向偏向。 從而,利用這些偏向可使第 14 ( a )圖所示的 R (紅)倒向左側之散發獲得校正。 另一方面,使3端子可變電阻器20之可動端子T 1在 第1圖之箭頭17的方向(圖之下方向)上移動時,在第 2磁場校正線圏2流動之電流比在第1磁場校正線圈1流 動之電流變得更少。此變少部分之電流流到第3磁場校正 線圈3中。 從而,此情形下之磁場Μ1 ’ M2在第2磁場校正線圈 2側之磁場M2會變弱’在第1磁場校正線圈1側之磁場 Μ1則變強,雖然如第9 ( a )圖、第9 ( b )圖所示變成上 下對稱之針墊磁場,但是綜合之針墊磁場強度沒有變化’ (14) (14)200400529 因此VCR窄散發之校正效果不會減少。 然後,朝向畫面上側偏向時(參照第9 ( a )圖)’ 各電子束朝Y軸之正方向偏向,同時R之電子束朝X軸 之負方向(圖之左方向)偏向,B之電子束則朝X軸之正 方向(圖之右方向)偏向。 並且,朝向畫面下側偏向時(參照第9 ( b )圖), 各電子束朝Y軸之負方向偏向,同時R之電子束朝X軸 之正方向偏向,B之電子束則朝X軸之負方向偏向。 從而,利用這些偏向可使第14 ( b )圖所示的R (紅)倒向右側之散發獲得校正。 如以上所說明,依照本發明時,即使YH交互散發調 整之時,也不會有新的VCR窄散發產生。 但是,校正電路並非僅限定於校正電路1 5 A者,亦可 採用例如第2圖所示之另一校正電路1 5 B。 該校正電路15B爲將上述校正電路15A中之電阻器 1 1削除,並分別將電阻器5,6串聯到第4、第3磁場校 正線圈4,3者。 並且,亦可使用如第3圖所示之另一校正電路1 5C。 此校正電路1 5 C相對於上述校正電路1 5 A係分別將 電阻器5,6串聯到第4、第3磁場校正線圏4,3者。 這些校正電路15 B,15 C係,在第3、第4磁場校正 線圏3,4之電阻値比第1、第2之磁場校正線圈1,2之 電阻値更小之情形時,爲了使第3、第4磁場校正線圈 3,4中流動的過剩電流適當化而有效地構成者。以上所 -19- (15) (15)200400529 說明的校正電路15A〜15C之內,使用電阻器數量最少的 校正電路15A最價廉,因而爲較佳之構成。 以上說明的構成中,第1、第2之磁場校正線圈1,2 與第3、第4磁場校正線圈3,4之卷數比率變更時,確 定會使YH交互散發校正時VCR散發之校正量變更。 具體上,第3、第4磁場校正線圈3,4之卷數比率 對第1、第2之磁場校正線圏1,2爲減少之時,校正效 果變弱而變成如第1 5 ( a )圖所示之VCR窄散發,卷數比 率增加時,校正效果變強而變成如第1 5 ( b )圖所示之 VCR寬散發。 在此,本發明人經銳意檢討而進行試驗之結果,預先 將第3磁場校正線圏3對上述第1磁場校正線圈1之卷數 比率RT1,及上述第4磁場校正線圏4對上述第2磁場校 正線圈2之卷數比率RT2均設定在0.5以上且在1.5以下 之範圍時,可充分地抑制在YH交互散發校正時之VCR散 發校正量的變化,因而在不會產生新的 VCR散發之下, 可使YH交互散發進行良好的校正。 VCR散發之校正量的變化與卷數比RT1,RT2之關係 顯示在第6圖中。該圖中,橫軸爲卷數比RT1,RT2,縱 軸爲VCR散發之校正量變化。 供做試驗用的校正電路爲校正電路1 5 A,各構件之規 格如以下所示。 3端子可變電阻器20 : 20 Ω 一 20 - (16) (16)200400529 電阻器1 1 : 2.7 Ω 第1,第2之磁場校正線圈1,2 :線徑0.30公厘 第3,第4之磁場校正線圈3,4 :線徑0.30公厘 試驗係在此校正電路14 Α之中,將第1、第2之磁場 校正線圈1,2之卷數固定在65圈,將第3、第4磁場校 正線圈3,4之卷數在相同卷數下以120,100,80,65, 55,45,35,25,15,5圏而進行種種變化,而後進行 VCR散發之校正量測定。 其結果如第6圖所示,隨著卷數比變高之時,VCR散 發確定從負側(窄側)到正側(寬側)大致成直線式地增 加。 然後如前所述,爲了確實地獲得畫面上之VCR散發 校正中所需要的變化量範圍-0.030〜+ 0.030公厘,卷數比 RT1,RT2確定在設定在0.5以上且在1.5以下之時較佳。 而本發明之實施例並不限於上述之構成。 例如,雖然上述之實施例是做成將第1磁場校正線圏 1及第3磁場校正線圏3卷繞在校正電路14 A上,將第2 磁場校正線圈2及第4磁場校正線圈4卷繞在校正電路 1 4 B上之構成,但是亦可將各個磁場校正線圈分別獨立地 卷繞在磁心上。 具體上的構成如第5圖所示,將第1〜第4磁場校正 線圈 1〜4分別地卷繞在磁心 14A1,14B1,14A2,14B2 上,將磁心14A1與磁心14A2,以及將磁心14B1與磁心 一 21 一 (17) (17)200400529 14B2分別地在Z軸方向上成並聯配置,同時磁心14A1與 磁心14B1,以及將磁心14A2與磁心14B2將頸部51c夾 持而成對向地配置。並且,磁心 14A1,14A2或磁心 14B1,14B2成並聯配置之順序並未限制。 以上說明的實施例中,校正電路1 5 A中之電阻器11 的電阻値做成小之時,在第3,第4磁場校正線圏3,4 中流動的電流會增加,使YH交互散發校正量增加,而電 阻値做成大之時,在第3,第4磁場校正線圈3,4中流 動的電流會減少,使YH交互散發校正量減少。 從而利用將電阻器5,6或者電阻器5,6,1 1之電阻 値進行調整之時,可以變更YH交互散發校正量,需要任 意的校正量之情形時,亦可將電阻器5,6或者電阻器 5,6,11做成可變電阻器。 偏向軛並不限於SS型,爲鞍·環(toroidal ) ( ST ) 型之偏向輒時亦可。隔離材51並非做成半環狀之一對, 亦可形成爲一體。再者’小徑側凸緣5 1 b或頸部5 1 c構成 分離的物體時亦可。 然後,除了這些例子以外’在不脫離本發明之要旨的 範圍下的變更均爲可能。 [發明的效果] 如以上所詳述,依照本申請案之發明時,在不會產生 VCR窄散發之下,可獲得YH交互散發被校正的效果。 (18) (18)200400529 【圖式簡單說明】 第1圖係顯示本發明偏向軛之實施例的電路圖。 第2圖爲顯示本發明偏向軛之另一實施例中之電路的 電路圖。 第3圖係顯示本發明偏向軛之另外之實施例中之電路 的電路圖。 第4圖係本發明偏向軛之實施例的槪略斜視圖。 第5圖係本發明偏向軛之另外實施例的槪略斜視圖。 第6圖係顯示本發明偏向軛之實施例中卷線比與校正 量之變化的關係曲線圖。 第7圖係顯示本發明偏向軛之實施例中可動端子之第 1位置上的作用之槪略剖面圖。 第8圖係顯示本發明偏向軛之實施例中可動端子之第 2位置上的作用之槪略剖面圖。 桌9圖係顯不本發明偏向轭之實施例中可動端子之第 3位置上的作用之槪略剖面圖。 第1 〇圖係顯示習知之偏向軛的電路之一例的電路 圖。 第11圖係顯示習知之偏向軛的作用之槪略剖面圖。 第1 2圖係顯示習知之偏向軛的作用之槪略剖面圖。 第1 3圖係顯示習知之偏向軛的作用之槪略剖面圖。 第14圖係說明YH交互散發之圖。 第1 5圖係說明錄放影機散發之圖。 第1 6圖係顯示習知之偏向軛的一例之槪略剖面圖。 -23- (19) (19)200400529 元件符號對照表 T 1可動端子 T 2,T 3 固定端子 P連接點 RT1,RT2 卷數比 1〜4第1〜第4磁場校正線圈 5,6電阻器 1 1電阻器 1 2,1 3垂直偏向線圈 14A,14B,14A1,1 4 A 2 ,1 4 B 1,1 4 B 2 磁心 14Ab,14Bb 軀部 1 5 A〜1 5 C 校正電路 20 3端子可變電阻器 51半環狀隔離材 5 1 a,5 1 b 凸緣 5 1 c 頸部 5 1 d基板安裝腕 5 3基板 5 5端子 5 6垂直偏向電路 -24-The deflection yoke of this self-gathering method is generally composed of a pair of horizontal deflection coils of the upper and lower pair and a pair of vertical deflection coils of the left and right. These deflection coils are used to form a pincushion-shaped horizontal deflection magnetic field and a barrel-shaped vertical deflection magnetic field. A composition having good aggregation characteristics can be obtained. However, in reality, mass-produced deflection yoke diverges due to deviations in the characteristics of the deflection coil. Therefore, on the one hand, a magnetic sheet is attached to an appropriate position of the deflection coil, and a magnetic field is changed by a correction circuit mounted to perform this. Dissemination of corrections. Figures 14 (a) and 14 (b) show representative emissions due to errors in the vertical deflection of the magnetic field. Figure 14 (a) shows a pattern called "R (Red) on the Y axis turned to the left" and figure 14 (b) shows "Y-6-(1) (2 ) 200400529 R (red) turned to the right ". The solid line in the figure is the glow line of the vertical line of R (red), and the dashed line is the glow line of the vertical line of B (blue). These emissions are commonly referred to as YH interactive emissions. An example of a prior art correction circuit for correcting this YH interactive emission is shown in FIG. In the figure, a pair of vertical deflection coils 1 1 2, 1 1 3 and a correction circuit 115 are connected in series to the output of the vertical deflection circuit 15 6. The correction circuit 1 1 5 connects the first and second magnetic field correction coils 1 0 1, 2) in series, and the movable terminal T1 of the 3-terminal variable resistor 20 is connected to the connection point P via the resistor 1 1 1. on. The direction of the vertical deflection current when the electron beam is deflected toward the upper side of the screen is indicated by the solid line arrow S1, and the direction of the vertical deflection current when the electron beam is deflected toward the lower side of the screen is indicated by the dotted arrow S2 . FIG. 16 shows the deflection yoke on which the correction circuit 115 is mounted. The magnetic field correction coil 101 is wound around a character-shaped core 114A. As shown in FIG. 16, the magnetic field correction coil 101 is arranged on the y-axis of the neck 1 5 1 C which is higher than the horizontal axis (X-axis). . On the other hand, the magnetic field correction coil 102 is wound around the magnetic core 1 14B similarly to the magnetic field correction coil 101, and is arranged on the Y axis lower than the X axis to form the magnetic core 11 4 A. Opposite. In this configuration, the resistance of the variable resistor 20 can be changed for correction of YH interactive emission. [Summary of the Invention] [Problems to be Solved by the Present Invention] Ί200400529 C3) However, in the bias yoke of the self-gathering method, the barrel-shaped vertical deflection magnetic field generated from the vertical deflection line 圏 will make the magnetic field as a) The horizontal line of G (green) shown in the figure (the dotted line in the figure) is more inward than the horizontal line of R (red) or B (blue), resulting in what is commonly called VCR narrowing (VCR narr 〇w) Its distribution. Therefore, when the magnetic field correction coils 101 and 102 are used to generate a pincushion-shaped magnetic field, and the G (green) electron beam is given a stronger vertical deflection force 5 than the R (red) or B (blue) electron beam, the narrow VCR can be corrected. Dispersion: This correction will be described below with reference to FIGS. 10 to 13. 11 to 13 are schematic cross-sectional views of the positions where the magnetic cores 1 14A and 1 14B are arranged from the side of the screen when the deflection yoke shown in FIG. 16 is installed on the neck of the CRT54. Figures 1 1 (a) to 13 (a) are diagrams when the screen is deviated to the side of the day, and Figures 1 1 (b) to 13 (b) are diagrams when the screen is deviated to the lower side of the screen. . Figures 11 (a) and 11 (b) show the magnetic field correction coil when the movable terminal T 1 of the 3-terminal variable resistor 20 is located at the center and the electron beam is deflected toward the upper side and lower side of the screen. The magnetic fields M1, M2 generated by 1 0, 1 02 and thus the force and direction of the electron beam. Figures 12 (a) and 12 (b) show that when the movable terminal T1 of the 3-terminal variable resistor 20 is moved from the center to the upper direction (arrow 16) in Figure 10, When the electron beam is deflected toward the upper side and the lower side of the screen, the magnetic fields M 1 and M 2 generated by the magnetic field correction coils 1 0 and 10 2 and the force of the electron beam and the direction thereof. Figures 1 (a) and 13 (b) show that the three terminals are variable (4) (4) 200400529 The movable terminal T1 of the resistor 20 moves from the center to the lower direction in Figure 10 (arrow 1 7 ) In the case of movement, when the electron beam is deflected toward the upper side of the screen and the lower side of the day, the magnetic field M 1, M 2 generated by the magnetic field correction line 0 1 0, 1 02, and thus the force and direction of the electron beam. In Figs. 11 to 13, the strengths of the magnetic fields M1 and M2 are made into two phases, weak and reference, for the sake of easy understanding. They are indicated by dotted lines and solid lines, respectively. In the case where the movable terminal T 1 of the 3-terminal variable resistor 20 is located at the center, the magnetic field correction coils 1 and 1 of the first and second magnetic field correction coils 1 〇1 when the bias current flows in any of the arrows S 1 and S 2, The currents flowing on 〇2 are equal. Therefore, the vertically symmetrical pin-cushion magnetic fields M1, M2 as shown in Figs. 11 (a) and 11 (b) can be generated. Although this magnetic field M1, M2 can respectively give the R and B electron beams reverse forces in the X-axis direction, the strengths of these forces are the same and cancel each other out, so that the R, B electron beams will not change in the X-axis direction. Therefore, although the correction of the YH interactive emission is not performed, the central G (green) electron beam is given a stronger Y-axis force than the R and B electron beams, so the narrow VCR emission can be corrected. Next, when the movable terminal T1 of the 3-terminal variable resistor 20 is moved in the direction of arrow 16 in the i 0th figure, the current flowing through the magnetic field correction coil 1 0 1 is more than the second magnetic field correction line 圏 1 〇 2 The current flowing becomes less. Therefore, 'the fe field in this case is (5) (5) 200400529 on the side of the first magnetic field correction coil 1 0 1 0 Shi Kai field M 1 will weaken and become as shown in Figure 12 (a), Figure 1 2 (b ) The asymmetric pincushion magnetic field shown above and below. Then, bias toward the upper side of the screen (refer to Figure 12 (a)), each electron beam is deflected in the positive direction of the Y axis, while the electron beam of R is in the positive direction of the X axis (right direction of the figure), and the electrons of B The beams are biased in the negative direction of the X axis (left direction of the figure). When the screen is deflected toward the lower side of the screen (see Figure 12 (b)), each electron beam is deflected in the negative direction of the Y axis, while the electron beam of R is in the negative direction of the X axis, and the electron beam of B is in the X axis. In the positive direction, respectively. Therefore, by using these deviations, R (red) shown in Fig. 14 (a) can be corrected to the left side. However, because the current flowing through the first magnetic field correction coil 101 is reduced, the pincushion magnetic field is weakened, and as shown in Fig. 15 (a), there is a problem that a significant narrow VCR emission occurs. On the other hand, when moving the movable terminal T1 of the 3-terminal variable resistor 20 in the direction of arrow 17 in FIG. 10, the current flowing through the second magnetic field correction coil 102 is on the first magnetic field correction line. 1 〇 丨 The current becomes less. Therefore, the magnetic field M2 on the second magnetic field correction coil 102 side in this case becomes weaker, and becomes a pin-cushion type magnetic field as shown in Figs. 13 (a) and 13 (b). . Then, when the screen is deflected toward the upper side of the screen (refer to Figure 13 (a)), each electron beam is deflected in the positive direction of the Y axis, while the electron beam of R is in the negative direction of the X axis (left direction of the figure) and the electrons of B The beams are biased on the positive direction of the X axis—10-200400529 ((right direction of the figure). When the screen is deflected toward the lower side of the screen (see Figure 13 (b)), each electron beam is deflected in the negative direction of the Y axis, while the electron beam of R is in the positive direction of the X axis, and the electron beam of B is in the X axis. They are biased in the negative direction. Therefore, due to these deflections, R (red) shown in Fig. 14 (b) can be corrected to the right by diverging. However, because the current flowing through the second magnetic field correction coil 102 is reduced, the pincushion magnetic field is weakened, and as shown in FIG. 15 (a), there is a problem that a significant narrowing of the VCR is generated. . The VCR emission including the narrow VCR emission and the wide VCR emission with G (green) to R (red) or B (blue) shifted to the outside as shown in Figure 15 (b), preferably on the day As far as possible, suppress this offset within ± 0.030 mm. As described above, in the conventional circuit shown in FIG. 10, when the movable terminal T1 of the 3-terminal variable resistor 20 is moved, although the YH interactive emission correction can be performed, the magnetic field correction line 在 1 0 1 or the magnetic field correction coil 1 02 reduces the current flowing and weakens the pincushion magnetic field. Therefore, the correction amount of VCR emission is reduced. As a result, the problem of narrow VCR emission is far beyond ± 0.030 mm. . Therefore, the problem to be solved by the present invention is to provide a bias yoke that can perform YH interactive emission correction without generating narrow VCR emission. [Means for Solving the Problem] In order to solve the above-mentioned problems, the invention means of the present case has the following structures 11- (7) (7) 200400529%. That is, the first item in the scope of patent application relates to a deflection yoke, which is a deflection yoke having a cylindrical neck (5 1 c) and a pair of vertical deflection coils (12 '1 3), which is characterized by: There are: the first and second magnetic cores (14A, 14B) sandwiched by the neck and arranged in pairs, and the emission correction circuit (15A, 15B, 15C) connected to the vertical deflection coil, the emission correction circuit having : 1st to 4th magnetic field correction coils (1 to 4), and a 3-terminal variable resistor (20) having two fixed terminals (T2, T3) and one movable terminal (T1); the first A first series circuit in which the magnetic field correction coil (1) and the second magnetic field correction coil (2) are connected in series; and the third magnetic field correction coil (3) and the fourth magnetic field correction coil (4) are formed in series to two fixed ones, respectively. A second series circuit of terminals (T2, T3); the first series circuit is connected in series to the vertical deflection coil (12, 1 3), and the first series circuit and the second series circuit are connected in parallel to make the first The magnetic field correction coil (1) is connected to the second magnetic field correction coil (2); the movable terminal (T1 ) Is connected to the connection point (P) between the first magnetic field correction line 圏 (1) and the second magnetic field correction line 圏 (2); and the first and third magnetic field correction coils (1, 3) are wound around the magnetic core (14 A); the above-mentioned second and fourth magnetic field correction coils (2, 4) are wound around a magnetic core (14B). Item 2 of the scope of patent application is for the deflection yoke described in item 1 of the scope of patent application, wherein the emission correction circuit (15A, 15C) has a connection between the movable terminal (T 1) and the connection point (P). The first fixed resistor (1 1). — 12 — (8) (8) 200400529 Item 3 of the scope of patent application refers to the deflection yoke described in item 1 or 2 of the scope of patent application, wherein the above-mentioned emission correction circuit (15B, 15C) has a correction from the above-mentioned third magnetic field, respectively. The second fixed resistor (5, 6) is connected in series with the coil and the fourth magnetic field correction coil (3, 4). Item 4 of the scope of patent application refers to the deflection yoke described in any of items 1 to 3 of the scope of patent application, wherein the number of rolls of the third magnetic field correction coil (3) to the first magnetic field correction line 圏 (1) The ratio (RT1) and the winding ratio (RT2) of the fourth magnetic field correction coil (4) to the second magnetic field correction coil (2) are all 0.5 or more and 1.5 or less. [Embodiment] The embodiment of the present invention will be described with reference to Figs. 1 to 9, Fig. 14 and Fig. 15 with reference to preferred embodiments. First, the circuit in the embodiment of the present invention will be described in detail using FIG. The output end of the vertical deflection circuit 56 is connected in series with a pair of vertical deflection lines 圏 12, 13 and a correction circuit 15. The correction circuit 15 is composed of a first magnetic field correction coil 1 and a second magnetic field correction coil 2 connected in series, and a fourth magnetic field correction coil 4 and 3 connected in series. The fixed terminals T2 ′ T3 and the third magnetic field of the variable resistor 20 The correction coil 3 is connected in parallel with the first magnetic field correction coil 1 and the fourth magnetic field correction coil 4, and the movable terminal τ 1 of the 3-terminal variable resistor 20 is connected to the first and second magnetic field corrections via a resistor 11. The connection point of the coil 1 '2 — 13- (9) (9) 200400529 P. In this figure, the direction of the vertical deflection current when the electron beam is deflected toward the upper side of the screen is indicated by the solid line arrow S1, and the direction of the vertical deflection current when the electron beam is deflected toward the lower side of the screen is the dotted line It is indicated by an arrow S2. Next, the strategy of the bias yoke of the present invention equipped with the correction circuit 15 will be described with reference to FIG. In Fig. 4, the deflection yoke system is formed by combining a pair of semi-circular spacers 5 1 with one side being a large diameter side and the other side being a small diameter side, respectively, and having flanges 5 1 a, 5 1 b to form a slightly funnel. shape. A saddle-shaped horizontal deflection coil (not shown in the figure) is installed inside the separator 51, and a saddle-shaped vertical deflection coil 圏 12, 13 is installed in the outside (not shown). A ferrite core (not shown) is mounted on the outer side of the vertical deflection coils 12 and 1 3, and a vertical deflection circuit 56, a 3-terminal variable resistor 20 and a resistor 11 are mounted on the outer side of the ferrite core. The substrate 53 is mounted on a substrate mounting arm 51 d of the spacer 51. The 'isolator 51' is generally made of a thermoplastic resin such as a modified polyphenylene ether (modified PPE), polypropylene (PP), or the like. On the central portion of the flange 5 lb on the small diameter side, a cylindrical neck 51c formed by a plurality of tongues is integrally formed on the flange 51b, and faces the tube axis of the CRT 54 (not shown) (Z Axis). This deflection yoke is called a saddle saddle (S S) type, which is constructed according to the above-mentioned 14 — (10) (10) 200400529. Then, the belt (not shown) buried in the neck 51 c is fastened, and the deflection roller can be installed on the neck of CR T 5 4. Next, the vicinity of the neck 5 1 c will be described. The small diameter side flange 5 1 b has a pair of magnetic cores 14A near the surface of the neck 5 1 c side, and the 14B is clamped in the direction of the yoke upward and downward (Y-axis direction), and is installed oppositely. With. This installation is performed by an installation means (not shown) mounted on the flange 51b, or it may be installed by other means. This magnetic core 14A, 14B is a stamped product made of a silicon steel plate having a shape of a pair of legs 14Ac, 14Bc extending from both ends of the body 14Ab, 14Bb toward the straight direction of the body, and a thickness of 0.5 mm. form. A first magnetic field correction coil 圏 1 is wound around the body portion 14Ab of one of the magnetic cores 14A, and a third magnetic field correction coil 3 is wound from above. A second magnetic field correction line 圏 2 is wound around the body portion 14Bb of the other magnetic core 14B, and a fourth magnetic field correction line 圏 4 is wound from above. The first magnetic field correction wire 圏 1 and the third magnetic field correction coil 3 are wound so as to generate a magnetic field in the same direction. Similarly, the second magnetic field correction coil 2 and the fourth magnetic field correction wire 圏 4 are wound in the same direction. Its magnetic field. The order of winding on the magnetic cores 14A and 14B may also start from the third and fourth magnetic fields f, the parent positive lines 圏 3,4. Further, the first and third magnetic field correction coils 1, 3 may be wound at the same time. Similarly, the second and fourth magnetic field correction wires 圏 2, 4 may be wound at the same time. -15- (11) (11) 200400529 The lead wire of each core is connected to the circuit of the substrate 53 via the terminal 55. The function of the correction circuit 15 A in this configuration will be described in detail using FIGS. 1 and 7 to 9. FIG. 7 is a schematic cross-sectional view of the position where the magnetic cores 1 4A and 1 4B are arranged when the deflection yoke is installed on the neck of the CRT54 in the embodiment, and FIGS. 7 (a) to 9 (a) The figure shows the picture when it deviates to the side of the day, and the pictures 7 (b) to 9 (b) show the picture when it deviates to the lower side of the screen. Figures 7 (a) and 7 (b) show the first to the first when the movable terminal T1 of the 3-terminal variable resistor 20 is located at the center and the electron beam is deflected toward the upper side and lower side of the screen. 4 The magnetic fields M1, M2 generated by the magnetic field correction coils 1 to 4, and thus the force and direction of the electron beam. Figures 8 (a) and 8 (b) show the direction of the electron beam when the movable terminal T1 of the 3-terminal variable resistor 20 moves from the center to the upper direction (arrow 16) in Figure 1. When the upper side and the lower side of the screen are deflected, the magnetic fields M1, M2 generated by the first to fourth magnetic field correction coils 1 to 4, and thus the force and direction of the electron beam. Figures 9 (a) and 9 (b) show the case where the movable terminal T1 of the 3-terminal variable resistor 20 is moved downward from the center (arrow 17), the electron beam is directed to the upper side of the screen and the day surface When the lower side is deflected, the magnetic fields M1, M2 generated by the first to fourth magnetic field correction coils 1 to 4, and thus the force and direction of the electron beam. In Figures 7 to 9, the strengths of the magnetic fields M1 and M2 are easily reduced to 16— (12) and (12) 200400529 for ease of solution. They are made into three phases: weak, reference, and strong. Lines and thick solid lines. In the case where the movable terminal T 1 of the 3-terminal variable resistor 20 is located at the center, when the bias current flows in any of the arrows S 1 and S 2, it flows on the first and second magnetic field correction coils 1 and 2. The currents are all equal. As a result, the pin-cushion magnetic fields M1, M2, which are symmetrical as shown in Figs. 7 (a) and 7 (b), can be generated. When this magnetic field M1, M2 is deflected sideways on the day surface as shown in FIG. 7 (a), for example, the magnetic field M1 can impart a force in the negative direction of the X axis to the electron beam of R, and the magnetic field M2 can impart a force in the positive direction. The magnetic field M1 can impart a positive X-axis force to the electron beam of B, and the magnetic field M2 can impart a negative force. However, the forces in the X-axis direction applied to the respective electron beams have the same strength and cancel each other, so that the electron beams of R and B do not change in the X-axis direction. When the screen is biased toward the lower side of the screen, the positive and negative directions are reversed, but the same applies. Therefore, although the correction of the cross emission is not performed, the electron beam in the center G is given a stronger force in the y-axis direction than the electron beams of R and B, so the narrow emission of the VCR can be corrected. Next, when the movable terminal T1 of the 3-terminal variable resistor 20 is moved in the direction of the arrow 16 in the first figure (upper and lower directions in the figure), the current flowing in the first magnetic field correction coil 1 is corrected compared to the second magnetic field correction The current flowing in the coil 2 becomes less. This reduced current flows to the fourth magnetic field correction -17- (13) (13) 200400529 positive coil 4. Therefore, in this case, the magnetic field M1, M2 on the second magnetic field correction line 圏 1 side will weaken, and the magnetic field M2 on the second magnetic field correction line 圏 2 side will become stronger, although as shown in FIG. 8 (a) As shown in Figure 8 (b), the magnetic field of the pin cushion is symmetrical up and down, but the magnetic field intensity of the integrated pin cushion does not change, so the correction effect of narrow VCR emission will not be reduced. Then, when the screen is deflected toward the upper side of the screen (refer to Figure 8 (a)), each electron beam is deflected toward the positive direction of the Y axis, while the electron beam of R is directed toward the positive direction of the X axis (right direction of the figure), and the electron beam of B They are respectively biased toward the negative direction of the X axis (left direction of the figure). When the screen is deflected toward the lower side of the screen (see Figure 8 (b)), each electron beam is deflected toward the negative direction of the Y axis, while the electron beam of R is deflected toward the negative direction of the X axis, and the electron beam of B is directed toward the X axis. The positive direction is skewed. Therefore, by using these deviations, R (red) shown in Fig. 14 (a) can be corrected to the left side. On the other hand, when the movable terminal T 1 of the 3-terminal variable resistor 20 is moved in the direction of the arrow 17 in the first figure (the direction below the figure), the current ratio flowing through the second magnetic field correction line 圏 2 1 The magnetic field correction coil 1 flows less current. This reduced current flows to the third magnetic field correction coil 3. Therefore, in this case, the magnetic field M1 ′ M2 is weakened on the second magnetic field correction coil 2 side, and the magnetic field M1 on the first magnetic field correction coil 1 side is stronger, although as shown in FIG. 9 (a), 9 (b) The magnetic field of the pin pad becomes symmetrical up and down as shown in the figure, but the magnetic field intensity of the integrated pin pad does not change '(14) (14) 200400529 Therefore, the correction effect of narrow VCR emission will not be reduced. Then, when deflected toward the upper side of the screen (refer to Figure 9 (a)), each electron beam is deflected toward the positive direction of the Y axis, while the electron beam of R is deflected toward the negative direction of the X axis (left direction of the figure), and the electrons of B are deflected. The beam is deflected toward the positive direction of the X axis (right direction of the figure). When the screen is deflected toward the lower side of the screen (see Figure 9 (b)), each electron beam is deflected toward the negative direction of the Y axis, while the electron beam of R is deflected toward the positive direction of the X axis, and the electron beam of B is directed toward the X axis. The negative direction is skewed. Therefore, by using these deviations, R (red) shown in FIG. 14 (b) can be corrected by correcting the divergence to the right. As described above, according to the present invention, even when the YH interactive distribution is adjusted, no new narrow VCR is generated. However, the correction circuit is not limited to the correction circuit 15 A, and another correction circuit 15 B shown in FIG. 2 may be used, for example. The correction circuit 15B is a resistor 11 removed from the above-mentioned correction circuit 15A, and the resistors 5 and 6 are connected in series to the fourth and third magnetic field correction coils 4 and 3, respectively. Also, another correction circuit 15C shown in FIG. 3 may be used. This correction circuit 1 5 C is connected in series with the resistors 5 and 6 to the fourth and third magnetic field correction lines 圏 4 and 3 respectively with respect to the above-mentioned correction circuit 15 A. These correction circuits 15B and 15C are designed to make the resistances of the third and fourth magnetic field correction lines 圏 3,4 smaller than the resistances of the first and second magnetic field correction coils 1,2. Excessive currents flowing in the third and fourth magnetic field correction coils 3 and 4 are appropriately structured and effectively constituted. Among the correction circuits 15A to 15C described in the above -19- (15) (15) 200400529, the correction circuit 15A using the least number of resistors is the cheapest, so it is a better configuration. In the configuration described above, when the ratio of the number of rolls of the first and second magnetic field correction coils 1,2 and the third and fourth magnetic field correction coils 3 and 4 is changed, the correction amount for VCR emission during YH interactive emission correction is determined. change. Specifically, when the ratio of the number of turns of the third and fourth magnetic field correction coils 3 and 4 to the first and second magnetic field correction lines 圏 1 and 2 decreases, the correction effect becomes weaker and becomes as in the first 5 (a) The VCR shown in the figure is narrowly distributed. When the volume ratio is increased, the correction effect becomes stronger and becomes the wide VCR shown in Figure 15 (b). Here, as a result of an intensive review and test, the present inventor presets the third magnetic field correction line 圏 3 to the first magnetic field correction coil 1 in a winding ratio RT1 and the fourth magnetic field correction line 圏 4 to the first 2 When the roll ratio RT2 of the magnetic field correction coil 2 is set to a range of 0.5 or more and 1.5 or less, the change in the VCR emission correction amount during YH interactive emission correction can be sufficiently suppressed, so no new VCR emission will occur. Below, YH interactive emission can be well corrected. The relationship between the change in the correction amount distributed by the VCR and the volume ratios RT1 and RT2 is shown in Figure 6. In the figure, the horizontal axis is the volume ratios RT1 and RT2, and the vertical axis is the correction amount change of VCR emission. The correction circuit used for the test is a correction circuit 15 A. The specifications of each component are shown below. 3-terminal variable resistor 20: 20 Ω-20-(16) (16) 200 400 529 Resistor 1 1: 2.7 Ω 1st and 2nd magnetic field correction coils 1 and 2: 0.30 mm diameter 3rd and 4th The magnetic field correction coils 3 and 4: The wire diameter of 0.30 mm is tested in this correction circuit 14 A. The number of coils of the first and second magnetic field correction coils 1 and 2 is fixed at 65, and the third and third coils are fixed. The number of coils of the 4 magnetic field correction coils 3 and 4 is changed by 120, 100, 80, 65, 55, 45, 35, 25, 15, 5 at the same number of coils, and then the correction amount of VCR emission is measured. As a result, as shown in Fig. 6, as the volume ratio becomes higher, the VCR emission is determined to increase substantially linearly from the negative side (narrow side) to the positive side (wide side). Then, as mentioned before, in order to reliably obtain the range of change required for the VCR emission correction on the screen -0.030 ~ + 0.030 mm, the number of rolls is higher than RT1 and RT2. It is determined that when it is set above 0.5 and below 1.5 good. The embodiment of the present invention is not limited to the above-mentioned structure. For example, although the above-mentioned embodiment is configured such that the first magnetic field correction line 圏 1 and the third magnetic field correction line 圏 3 are wound around the correction circuit 14 A, the second magnetic field correction coil 2 and the fourth magnetic field correction coil 4 are wound. Although the structure is wound around the correction circuit 1 4 B, each magnetic field correction coil may be wound around the magnetic core independently. Specifically, as shown in FIG. 5, the first to fourth magnetic field correction coils 1 to 4 are wound around the magnetic cores 14A1, 14B1, 14A2, and 14B2, respectively, the magnetic core 14A1 and the magnetic core 14A2, and the magnetic core 14B1 and The magnetic cores 21-21 (17) (200) 400400529 14B2 are respectively arranged in parallel in the Z-axis direction, while the magnetic core 14A1 and the magnetic core 14B1, and the magnetic core 14A2 and the magnetic core 14B2 are sandwiched by the neck 51c and arranged oppositely. In addition, the order in which the magnetic cores 14A1, 14A2 or the magnetic cores 14B1, 14B2 are arranged in parallel is not limited. In the embodiment described above, when the resistance 値 of the resistor 11 in the correction circuit 15 A is made small, the current flowing in the third and fourth magnetic field correction lines 圏 3 and 4 will increase, causing YH to interactively emit. When the correction amount is increased and the resistance 値 is made large, the current flowing in the third and fourth magnetic field correction coils 3 and 4 will decrease, which will reduce the YH interactive emission correction amount. Therefore, when the resistance 値 of resistors 5, 6 or resistors 5, 6, 1 1 is adjusted, the YH interactive emission correction amount can be changed. When an arbitrary correction amount is required, the resistors 5, 6 can also be changed. Alternatively, the resistors 5, 6, 11 are made into variable resistors. The deflection yoke is not limited to the SS type, and may be a deflection 辄 of a toroidal (ST) type. The separator 51 is not formed as a pair of semi-rings, but may be formed as a single body. It is also possible that the 'small diameter side flange 5 1 b or the neck 5 1 c constitutes a separate object. However, changes other than these examples are possible without departing from the scope of the present invention. [Effect of the Invention] As described in detail above, according to the invention of the present application, the effect that the YH interactive emission is corrected can be obtained without causing narrow VCR emission. (18) (18) 200400529 [Brief description of the drawings] Fig. 1 is a circuit diagram showing an embodiment of the bias yoke of the present invention. Fig. 2 is a circuit diagram showing a circuit in another embodiment of the bias yoke of the present invention. Fig. 3 is a circuit diagram showing a circuit in another embodiment of the present invention which is biased toward a yoke. Fig. 4 is a schematic oblique view of an embodiment of the present invention which is biased toward a yoke. Fig. 5 is a schematic oblique view of another embodiment of the present invention, which is biased toward the yoke. Fig. 6 is a graph showing the relationship between the change in the winding ratio and the correction amount in the yoke-biased embodiment of the present invention. Fig. 7 is a schematic sectional view showing the action of the movable terminal at the first position in the embodiment of the yoke biasing of the present invention. Fig. 8 is a schematic sectional view showing the action of the movable terminal at the second position in the embodiment of the yoke biasing of the present invention. Table 9 is a schematic cross-sectional view showing the action of the third position of the movable terminal in the embodiment of the present invention which is biased toward the yoke. Fig. 10 is a circuit diagram showing an example of a conventional bias yoke circuit. FIG. 11 is a schematic cross-sectional view showing a conventional yoke action. Fig. 12 is a schematic sectional view showing the effect of the conventional yoke. Fig. 13 is a schematic cross-sectional view showing the effect of the conventional deflection yoke. FIG. 14 is a diagram illustrating YH interactive emission. Figure 15 is a diagram illustrating the distribution of the recorder. Fig. 16 is a schematic cross-sectional view showing an example of a conventional deflection yoke. -23- (19) (19) 200400529 Component symbol comparison table T 1 Movable terminal T 2, T 3 Fixed terminal P connection point RT1, RT2 Volume ratio 1 ~ 4 1st ~ 4th magnetic field correction coil 5, 6 resistor 1 1 Resistor 1 2, 1 3 Vertical deflection coils 14A, 14B, 14A1, 1 4 A 2, 1 4 B 1, 1 4 B 2 Core 14Ab, 14Bb Body 1 5 A ~ 1 5 C Correction circuit 20 3 terminals Variable resistor 51 Half-ring spacer 5 1 a, 5 1 b Flange 5 1 c Neck 5 1 d Substrate mounting wrist 5 3 Substrate 5 5 Terminal 5 6 Vertical bias circuit -24-