
Publication number
TR2022003630Y TR2022/003630 TR2022003630Y TR 2022003630 Y TR2022003630 Y TR 2022003630Y TR 2022/003630 TR2022/003630 TR 2022/003630 TR 2022003630 Y TR2022003630 Y TR 2022003630Y
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Orhun Can Muhammed
Original Assignee
Can Tekni̇k Ahşap Aksesuar Hirdavat Sanayi̇ Ve Ti̇caret Li̇mi̇ted Şi̇rketi̇
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Application filed by Can Tekni̇k Ahşap Aksesuar Hirdavat Sanayi̇ Ve Ti̇caret Li̇mi̇ted Şi̇rketi̇ filed Critical Can Tekni̇k Ahşap Aksesuar Hirdavat Sanayi̇ Ve Ti̇caret Li̇mi̇ted Şi̇rketi̇
Publication of TR2022003630Y publication Critical patent/TR2022003630Y/en



Mutfak, ofis vb. yerlerde kullanılan dolap tertibatında (1) bulunan çekmecenin (2) belirli bir mesafeye kadar açılmasını sağlayan, dış ray (170), çekmecenin (2) tam açılmasını sağlayan orta ray (180), çekmecenin (2) kilitlenmesi için baskı oluşturan iç ray (190), çekmeceye (2) itme kuvvetini veren yay (150), dış ray (170) üzerine irtibatlanan sabit gövde (110), çekmecenin (2) açılmasında ilk hareketi veren, çekmecenin (2) kapatılmasında belirli bir strok içerisinde hareket eden kilit tırnağı (130), kilit tırnağının (130) harekete başlamasını sağlayan, iç raya (190) irtibatlı kilit tırnağı karşılığı (140), çekmecenin (2) sabit ve kapalı şekilde kalmasını sağlayan, çekmecenin (2) tam kapatılmadığı durumlarda ara kilitleme ile çekmecenin (2) kademeli açılmasını sağlayan kızak kilidi (160), çekmecenin (2) hareketine kılavuzluk eden hareketli gövde (120) içeren kademeli kapanma özelliğine sahip kademeli bas-aç mekanizması (100) ile ilgilidir.Kitchen, office etc. The outer rail (170), which allows the drawer (2) in the cabinet assembly (1) used in places to be opened up to a certain distance, the middle rail (180), which allows the drawer (2) to be fully opened, the inner rail (190), which creates pressure for the drawer (2) to be locked. ), the spring (150) that gives the pushing force to the drawer (2), the fixed body (110) connected to the outer rail (170), the locking tab (which gives the first movement when opening the drawer (2) and moves within a certain stroke when closing the drawer (2). 130), the lock tab provision (140) connected to the inner rail (190), which allows the lock tab (130) to start moving, and the drawer (2) that ensures that the drawer (2) remains fixed and closed, with interlocking in cases where the drawer (2) is not fully closed. It is related to the gradual push-open mechanism (100) with gradual closing feature, which includes the sled lock (160) that enables gradual opening and the movable body (120) that guides the movement of the drawer (2).


TARIFNAME MOBILYA çEKMECELERiNE ENTEGRE KADEMELI KAPANMA 'OZELLIGINE SAHIP BAS - Aç MEKANIZMASI TEKNIK ALAN Bulus, mobilya sektöründe, mutfak, ofis ve benzeri yerlerde kullanilan mobilya çekmecelerinin kulpsuz kullanimini mümkün kilan, çekmece kapagina basildiginda çekmecenin belirli bir mesafeye kadar açilmasini saglayan bas-aç mekanizmasi ile ilgilidir. Bulus 'Ozellikle, mobilya çekmecelerine entegre kademeli kapanma özelligine sahip bas - aç mekanizmasi ile ilgilidir. TEKNIGIN BILINEN DURUMU Malzeme ve esya saklamak amaciyla kullanilan çekmeceli dolaplar, kayarak açilma saglayan mekanizmalara sahiptirler. Son yillarda gelistirilen mekanizmalar sayesinde çekmeceler kulpsuz kullanimina olanak saglayan bas-aç mekanizmali raylar gelistirilmistir. Bu mekanizmalar sayesinde, çekmece kapagina basildiginda çekmece açilir, çekmece kapanirken ise sonuna kadar itilerek mekanizma aktif edilir. Mevcut teknikte kullanilan çekmecelerin bas - aç mekanizmasi, yalnizca çekmece tam kapali konumda iken basilip açilmasina olanak saglamaktadir. Çekmece tam olarak kapatilmadigi durumda ise, çekmece geriye çekilerek, çekmecenin tekrar açilmasi gerekmektedir. Bu durumda ise mekanizmada bazi arizalar meydana gelmektedir. Mevcut teknikte kullanilan bas - aç mekanizmalari çalisma bosluklarina asiri duyarlidir ve çekmece sert kapanislarda mekanizma zarar görmekte veya mekanizmanin bazi parçalari gevseyerek yuvasindan çikabilmektedir. Mobilya çekmecelerine entegre bas - aç mekanizmasi ile ilgili ulusal ve yabanci patent Ulusal patent Iiterat'ürt'inde bulunan TR202017173 kodlu basvuru, mutfak, ofis ve benzeri yerlerde kullanilan mobilyalarin çekmecelerinin açilip kapanmasini saglayan bas-aç (push- open) mekanizmali çekmece rayinda yapilan yenilik ile ilgilidir. Bu basvurudaki yenilik, deprem aninda mekanizmada bulunan yayin gergin kalmasi ile çekmecinin sürekli kapali konumda kalarak içindeki esyalarin dökülmesinin engellenmesidir. Ulusal patent literatüründe bulunan TR201103160 kodlu basvuru, çekmecelerin sabit mobilya içerisinde iterek açilmasi ve yavaslayarak kapanmasi için bas-aç düzenegi ile ilgili olup özelligi; tercihen destek rayina montajlanan yavaslatici amortisör, tercihen destek rayi alt montaj plakasina montajlanan bir gövde, gövde içerisinde firlatici, çekmecenin açilma yönünde firlaticiyi gen çekerek kuran en az bir sabit ve bir hareketli makaradan olusan palanga sistemli bir kurucu, üzerinde boyuna bir kanal ile sürgü rayi sürücüsü ile irtibatli bir kancaya yataklik eden ve gövde içerisinde kizaklanarak hareket eden hareketli bir platform, gövde içerisinde bir ucu firlaticiya diger ucu gövde üzerindeki düz ve devaminda kivrimli yolda hareket eden kancaya baglanan ve çekmece açik pozisyondan kapali pozisyona gelirken çekmeceyi tam kapali konuma çeken bir çekme yayi, palanga ipinin dolasmasini önleyen bir ucu palanga ipine diger ucu gövde üzerine sabitlenen bir yay, gövde içerisinde bir ucu firlaticiya diger ucu gövde üzerinde sabitlenen ve çekmece kapali konumda iken bas-aç yaptirildiginda firlatici açma kapama telinin gövde üzerindeki kilitleme yuvasindan kurtulmasi ile çekmeceyi açilma yönünde belli bir mesafeye firlatan firlatma yayi içermesidir. Bu basvuruda Ingiliz patent literatüründe bulunan GBZ428370A kodlu basvuru, bir çekmece kizagi düzenegi olup, bir iç kayar ray, bir orta ray ve bir sabit ray içerir. Bir çekmece veya benzeri yapi, çekmecenin her iki yaninda, iç ray boyunca aralikli olarak yerlestirilmis ilgili montaj kanallarina geçen kulaklar vasitasiyla iç kayar raya takilir. Her montaj kanali, üstte açik olan ve yatay bir bölüme baglanmak üzere uzanan bir birinci dikey bölüm içerir. Konumlandirma elemanlari, her bir iç raya sabitlenir ve bir kanalin ucuna itilen bir kulp ile birlesen çikintili bir kisim ile esnek bir uca sahiptir. Bir serbest birakma elemani, her bir iç raya kayar sekilde monte edilmistir ve iç rayi disari itmek ve kulaklari serbest birakmak için konumlandirma elemaninin esnek kismiyla temas eden bir kisma sahiptir. Bu basvuruda teleskopik çekmecelerin hizli montajini saglayan hizli montaj mekanizmasi gelistirilmis olup, yukarida bahsedilen teknik problemlere bir çözüm getirmemistir. Sonuç olarak, yukaridaki problemlerin varligi ve mevcut bir çözüm bulunmamasi ilgili teknik alanda bir gelistirme yapmayi zorunlu kilmistir. BULUSUN AMACI Bulus yukarida bahsedilen problemleri çözmeyi, tüm dezavantajlari gidermeyi ve yapiya ilave avantajlar getirmeyi amaçlamaktadir. Bulusun amaci, çekmece tam kapatilmadigi durumlarda dahi, çekmeceyi sabit tutarak geri açilmasini engellemek üzere bas-aç mekanizmasinda kademeli kapanma yapisini sektöre kazandirmaktir. Bulusun bir diger amaci ise, çekmece tam kapatilmadigi durumlarda, kademeli yapisi sayesinde çekmece belirli kademede sabit kalmasi ile tekrar basilip açilma imkani saglamaktadir. Bulusun bir baska amaci ise, bas - aç mekanizmasinda kullanilan faturali kilit tirnagi ile darbelere karsi dayanikli ve esnek yapi olusturmaktir. Bulusun bir diger amaci; perçin gerektirmeyen montaj sayesinde maliyet ve 'üretim hizinin arttirilmasidir. Bulus yukarida bahsedilen amaçlari yerine getirmek için; Mutfak , ofis ve benzeri yerlerde kullanilan dolap tertibatinda bulunan çekmecenin belirli bir mesafeye kadar açilmasini saglayan, dis ray, çekmecenin tam açilmasini saglayan ve çekmecenin hareketine destek olan orta ray, çekmecenin kilitlenmesi için baski olusturan ve çekmecenin açilmasinda bosalan baski ile çekmecenin +x yönünde hareket etmesini saglayan iç ray, çekmecenin kapanmasi ile sikisan ve bu sikisma ile depoladigi esneme kuvveti ile çekmecenin açilmasinda itme kuvvetini veren yay içeren kademeli kapanma özelligine sahip kademeli bas-aç mekanizmasi olup; özelligi; o dis ray üzerine irtibatlanan sabit gövde, o çekmecenin açilmasinda ilk hareketi veren, çekmecenin kapatilmasinda x ekseninde belirli bir strok içerisinde hareket eden kilit tirnagi, - kilit tirnaginin harekete baslamasini saglayan, iç raya irtibatli kilit tirnagi karsiligi, i çekmeceye -x yönünde kuvvet uygulanmasi ile hareket eden ve bu hareket sonunda çekmecenin sabit ve kapali sekilde kalmasini saglayan, çekmecenin tam kapatilmadigi durumlarda ara kilitleme yapan ve bu ara kilitleme ile çekmecenin kademeli açilmasini saglayan kizak kilidi, i kilit tirnagi, kizak kilidi ve yayin sabitlenmesini saglayan ve çekmecenin hareketine kilavuzluk yapan hareketli gövde içermesidir. Bulusun yapisal, karakteristik özellikleri, çalisma prensibi ve sagladigi avantajlar, asagida verilen sekiller ve bu sekillere atiflar yapilmak suretiyle yazilan detayli açiklama sayesinde, daha net anlasilacaktir. Bu nedenle degerlendirmenin bu sekiller ve detayli anlatim göz önüne alinarak yapilmasi gerekmektedir. SEKILLERIN KISA AÇIKLAMASI Sekil 1. Bas-aç mekanizmasinin 'üstten göstermektedir. Sekil 2. Bas-aç mekanizmasinin demonte halini 'üstten ve alttan göstermektedir. Sekil 3. Bas-aç mekanizmasinin raya monte edilmis haldeki açik ve kapali pozisyonlarini göstermektedir. Sekil 4. Bas-aç mekanizmasi kilit tirnagi karsiliginin iç raya monte edilmis halini göstermektedir. Sekil 5. Bas-aç mekanizmasinin çekmeceli dolaba monte edilmis halini göstermektedir. REFERANS NUMARALARI 1. Dolap tertibati 2. Çekmece 100. Kademeli bas - aç mekanizmasi 110. Sabit gövde 111. Arka sabitleme tirnagi 112. On sabitleme tirnagi 113. Kilit tirnagi yatagi 114. Kizak kilidi dayama yuvasi 115. Yay yuvasi 116. Kizak kilidi ara dayama yuvasi 117. Sabitleme kanali 120. Hareketli gövde 122. Hareketli gövde yay kanali 123. Darbe emici 124. Kilit tirnagi dönme yatagi 130. Kilit tirnagi 131. Baglanti pimi 132. Tetikleme pimi 140. Kilit tirnagi karsiligi 141. Irtibatlama boslugu 142. Iç ray sabitleme boslugu 143. Kilit tirnagi yuvasi 150. Yay 160. Kizak kilidi 170. Dis ray 171. Arka sabitleme tirnak yuvasi 172. Dis ray tirnagi 180. Orta ray 190. Iç ray 191. Kilit tirnagi perçin çikintisi 192. Iç ray sabitleme tirnagi yuvasi BULUSUN DETAYLI AÇIKLAMASI Kademeli bas-aç mekanizmasi (100), mobilya sektöründe, mutfak, ofis ve benzeri yerlerde kullanilan dolap tertibatinda (1) bulunan çekmecelere (2) basildiginda çekmecenin (2) belirli bir mesafeye kadar açilmasini saglayan, çekmece (2) tam kapatilmadigi durumlarda dahi, çekmeceyi (2) sabit tutarak geri açilmasini engelleyen, kademeli kapanma özelligine sahip mekanizmadir. Kademeli bas-aç mekanizmasi (100), en genel haliyle, sabit gövde (110), hareketli gövde orta ray (180) ve iç raydan (190) meydana gelmektedir. tirnaginin (130) fonksiyonlarini yerine getirmesine imkan vermek üzere, arka sabitleme tirnagi yuvasi (115), kizak kilidi ara dayama yuvasi (116) ve sabitleme kanali (117) içermektedir. Arka sabitleme tirnagi (111), sabit gövdenin (110), dis ray (170) 'üzerine irtibatlanmasini ve sabit kalmasini saglayan yapi olup, 2 adettir. On sabitleme tirnagi (112), sabit gövdenin (110), dis ray (170) üzerine irtibatlanmasini ve sabit kalmasini saglayan yapidir. Kilit tirnagi yatagi (113), kilit tirnaginin (130) hareket etmesini imkan veren x ekseninde belirli bir mesafe boyunca açilan bosluk olup, kilit tirnaginin (130) bu mesafe boyunca hareket etmesini saglar. Kizak kilidi dayama yuvasi (114), çekmeceye (2) -x yönünde kuvvet uygulandiginda , kizak kilidinin (160) -x yönünde hareket etmesine imkan veren ve bu hareket sonunda çekmecenin (2) sabit ve kapali sekilde kalmasini saglayan kizak kilidinin (160) son dayanma noktasidir. Yay yuvasi (115), yaylarin (150) x ekseninde merkezli ve dengeli sekilde sikismasini saglayan yapidir. Kizak kilidi ara dayama yuvasi (116), çekmecenin (2) tam kapatilmadiginda durumlarda ara kilitleme yapilarak, çekmecenin (2) geriye kaymasi vei'veya hareket etmesini engelleyen yuvadir. Sabitleme kanali (117), sabit gövdenin (110), dis ray (170) 'üzerine sabitlenmesini saglayan kanaldir. sabitlenmesini saglayan ve çekmecenin (2) hareketine kilavuzluk yapan yapidir. Hareketli gövde (120), kizak kilidi dönme yatagi (121), hareketli gövde yay kanali (122), darbe emici (123) ve kilit tirnagi dönme yatagindan (124) meydana gelmektedir. Kizak kilidi dönme yatagi (121), kizak kilidinin (160) dönme hareketi yapmasina imkan veren yapidir. arasinda merkezli ve stabil bir sekilde hareket etmesini saglayan kanallardir. Yaylarin (150) sikistirilip serbest birakilmasini bu kanallar belirlemektedir. Darbe emici (123), çekmecinin (2) açilmasi ile beraber meydana gelen ani itme kuvveti ile olusan darbeleri sönümleyen yapidir. Kilit tirnagi dönme yatagindan (124), kilit tirnaginin (130) dönme hareketi yapmasina imkan veren yapidir. Kilit tirnagi (130), çekmece (2) kapatilirken kilit tirnagi yatagi (113) içerisinde hareket eden ve çekmecenin (2) açilmasinda ilk hareketi veren yapidir. Kilit tirnagi (130), baglanti pimi (131) ve tetikleme piminden (132) meydana gelmektedir. Baglanti pimi (131), kilit tirnaginin (130) hareketli gövdeye (120) irtibatlanmasini saglayan yapidir. ile angaje olmasini saglayan, çekmecenin (2) açilmasinda ilk hareketi veren yapidir. Kilit tirnagi karsiligi (140), kilit tirnaginin (130) harekete baslamasini saglayan baglanti pimini (131) yakalayan, iç raya (190) irtibatlanmis yapidir. Kilit tirnagi karsiligi (140), irtibatlama boslugu (141), iç ray sabitleme boslugu (142) ve kilit tirnagi yuvasi (143) içermektedir. irtibatlama boslugu (141), kilit tirnagi karsiliginin (140) iç raya (190) irtibatlanmasini saglayan bosluktur. Iç ray sabitleme boslugu (142), kilit tirnagi karsiliginin (140) yerinde sabit kalmasini saglayan bosluktur. Kilit tirnagi yuvasi (143), kilit tirnaginin (130) angaje oldugu yuvadir. Yay (150), çekmecenin (2) kapanmasi ile sikisan ve bu sikisma ile depoladigi yaylanma kuvveti ile çekmece açilirken (2) itme kuvvetini veren yapidir. Kizak kilidi (160), çekmeceye (2) -x yönünde kuvvet uygulanmasi ile hareket eden bu hareket sonunda çekmecenin (2) sabit ve kapali sekilde kalmasini saglayan ve çekmecenin (2) tam kapatilmadiginda durumlarda ara kilitleme yaparak kademeli açilmasini saglayan yapidir. Dis ray (170), çekmece montajini saglayan yapidir. Arka sabitleme tirnak yuvasi (171), sabit gövdeyi (110) dis raya (170) sabitleyen ve çikmasini önleyen arka sabitleme tirnaklarinin (111) yuvasidir. Dis ray tirnagi (172), sabit gövdeyi (110) dis raya (170) sabitleyen yapidir. Orta ray (180), çekmecenin (2) tam açilmasini saglayan ve çekmecenin (2) hareketine destek olan yapidir. Iç ray (190), çekmecenin (2) kilitlenmesi için baski olusturan ve çekmecenin (2) açilmasinda bosalan baski ile çekmecenin +x yönünde hareket etmesini saglayan yapidir. Kilit tirnagi irtibat çikintisi (191), kilit tirnaginin (140) sabitlenmesinde irtibatlama bosluguna (141) geçen yapidir. Iç ray sabitleme tirnagi yuvasi (192), iç ray sabitleme bosluguna (142) karsilik gelen yuvadir. TR TR TR TR TR TRDESCRIPTION PUSH-OPEN MECHANISM WITH GRADUAL CLOSING FEATURE INTEGRATED TO FURNITURE DRAWERS TECHNICAL FIELD The invention relates to the push-open mechanism that enables the use of furniture drawers without handles in kitchens, offices and similar places, and allows the drawer to open up to a certain distance when the drawer cover is pressed. The invention 'particularly relates to the push-open mechanism with gradual closing feature integrated into furniture drawers. KNOWN STATE OF THE TECHNOLOGY Drawer cabinets used for storing materials and items have mechanisms that provide sliding opening. Thanks to the mechanisms developed in recent years, push-open mechanism rails that enable the use of drawers without handles have been developed. Thanks to these mechanisms, when the drawer door is pressed, the drawer is opened, and when the drawer is closed, the mechanism is activated by pushing it all the way. The push-open mechanism of the drawers used in the current technique allows them to be pressed and opened only when the drawer is in the fully closed position. If the drawer is not fully closed, the drawer must be pulled back and the drawer must be opened again. In this case, some malfunctions occur in the mechanism. The push-open mechanisms used in the current technique are extremely sensitive to operating gaps, and when the drawer is closed hard, the mechanism is damaged or some parts of the mechanism can loosen and come out of its slot. National and foreign patents related to push-open mechanism integrated into furniture drawers The application with the code TR202017173 in the National Patent Library is related to the innovation made in the push-open mechanism drawer rail that allows the drawers of furniture used in kitchens, offices and similar places to be opened and closed. The innovation in this application is that the spring in the mechanism remains taut during an earthquake, preventing the drawer from falling out by keeping it in a closed position. The application with the code TR201103160 in the national patent literature is related to the push-to-open mechanism for opening drawers by pushing them inside fixed furniture and closing them slowly, and its feature is; a slowdown damper preferably mounted on the support rail, a body preferably mounted on the support rail lower mounting plate, an ejector inside the body, a pulley system constructor consisting of at least one fixed and one movable roller that sets up the ejector by pulling it back in the direction of opening the drawer, a movable platform that supports a hook connected to the slide rail driver with a longitudinal channel on it and moves by sliding inside the body, a tension spring inside the body, one end of which is connected to the ejector and the other end to the hook moving on a straight and curved path on the body and pulls the drawer to a fully closed position while the drawer comes from an open position to a closed position, a spring that prevents the ejector rope from getting tangled, one end of which is fixed to the ejector rope and the other end to the body, one end of which is fixed to the ejector and the other end to the body and when the drawer is pressed open while it is in the closed position, the ejector opening and closing wire is released from the locking slot on the body and the drawer is opened in the direction of opening. It includes a throw spring that throws it a certain distance. In this application, the application code GBZ428370A found in the English patent literature is a drawer slide assembly, comprising an inner slide rail, a middle rail and a fixed rail. A drawer or similar structure is attached to the inner slide rail by means of lugs that engage with respective mounting channels spaced along the inner rail on each side of the drawer. Each mounting channel includes a first vertical section that is open at the top and extends to connect to a horizontal section. The positioning elements are fixed to each inner rail and have a flexible end with a projecting portion that engages with a handle that is pushed into the end of a channel. A release element is mounted in a sliding manner on each inner rail and has a part that contacts the flexible part of the positioning element to push the inner rail out and release the ears. In this application, a quick assembly mechanism that enables the quick assembly of telescopic drawers has been developed, but it does not provide a solution to the technical problems mentioned above. As a result, the existence of the above problems and the lack of a current solution have necessitated a development in the relevant technical field. PURPOSE OF THE INVENTION The invention aims to solve the above-mentioned problems, eliminate all disadvantages and bring additional advantages to the structure. The purpose of the invention is to introduce the gradual closing structure in the push-open mechanism to the sector in order to keep the drawer fixed and prevent it from opening back even when the drawer is not fully closed. Another purpose of the invention is that, when the drawer is not fully closed, thanks to its gradual structure, the drawer remains fixed at a certain level and can be pressed and opened again. Another purpose of the invention is to create a durable and flexible structure against impacts with the billed locking tab used in the push-open mechanism. Another purpose of the invention is to increase cost and production speed thanks to the assembly that does not require rivets. In order to fulfill the above-mentioned purposes, the invention; It is a gradual push-open mechanism with a gradual closing feature that includes an outer rail that allows the drawer to be opened to a certain distance in cabinet systems used in kitchens, offices and similar places, a middle rail that ensures the drawer is fully opened and supports the movement of the drawer, an inner rail that creates pressure to lock the drawer and allows the drawer to move in the +x direction with the pressure released when the drawer is opened, a spring that compresses when the drawer is closed and provides the pushing force when the drawer is opened with the elastic force it stores with this compression; its feature is; o fixed body connected to the outer rail, o locking tab that gives the first movement when the drawer is opened and moves in a certain stroke in the x axis when the drawer is closed, - locking tab counterpart connected to the inner rail that ensures the locking tab starts to move, - slide lock that moves with the application of force to the drawer in the -x direction and ensures that the drawer remains fixed and closed at the end of this movement, - slide lock that provides interlocking in cases where the drawer is not fully closed and ensures the gradual opening of the drawer with this interlocking, - locking tab, slide lock and a movable body that provides the fixation of the spring and guides the movement of the drawer. The structural, characteristic features, working principle and advantages of the invention will be understood more clearly thanks to the figures given below and the detailed explanation written by making references to these figures. For this reason, the evaluation should be made by taking these figures and detailed explanation into consideration. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE FIGURES Figure 1. Shows the push-to-open mechanism from above. Figure 2. Shows the disassembled state of the push-to-open mechanism from above and below. Figure 3. Shows the open and closed positions of the push-to-open mechanism when mounted on the rail. Figure 4. Shows the locking lug counterpart of the push-to-open mechanism mounted on the inner rail. Figure 5. Shows the push-to-open mechanism mounted on the drawer cabinet. REFERENCE NUMBERS 1. Cabinet assembly 2. Drawer 100. Step push-open mechanism 110. Fixed body 111. Rear fixing tab 112. Front fixing tab 113. Locking tab bearing 114. Slide lock stop housing 115. Spring housing 116. Slide lock intermediate stop housing 117. Fixing channel 120. Movable body 122. Movable body spring channel 123. Shock absorber 124. Locking tab rotation bearing 130. Locking tab 131. Connecting pin 132. Trigger pin 140. Locking tab striker 141. Contact space 142. Inner rail fixing space 143. Locking tab housing 150. Spring 160. Slide lock 170. Outer rail 171. Rear fixing tab slot 172. Outer rail tab 180. Middle rail 190. Inner rail 191. Locking tab rivet protrusion 192. Inner rail fixing tab slot DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION Gradual push-to-open mechanism (100) is a mechanism with a gradual closing feature that allows the drawer (2) in the cabinet assembly (1) used in the furniture sector, kitchens, offices and similar places to open up to a certain distance when pressed, and prevents the drawer (2) from opening back up by holding it fixed even when the drawer (2) is not fully closed. Gradual push-to-open mechanism (100), in its most general form, consists of a fixed body (110), a movable body middle rail (180) and an inner rail (190). In order to enable the nail (130) to perform its functions, it includes the rear fixing nail slot (115), the slide lock intermediate support slot (116) and the fixing channel (117). The rear fixing nail (111) is the structure that ensures the fixed body (110) is connected to the outer rail (170) and remains fixed, and there are 2 pieces. The front fixing nail (112) is the structure that ensures the fixed body (110) is connected to the outer rail (170) and remains fixed. The locking nail bearing (113) is the space opened along a certain distance on the x axis that allows the locking nail (130) to move, and allows the locking nail (130) to move along this distance. The slide lock stop slot (114) is the final support point of the slide lock (160) which allows the slide lock (160) to move in the -x direction when force is applied to the drawer (2) and ensures that the drawer (2) remains fixed and closed at the end of this movement. The spring slot (115) is the structure which ensures that the springs (150) are compressed in a centered and balanced manner on the x axis. The slide lock intermediate stop slot (116) is the slot which prevents the drawer (2) from sliding back or moving by performing an intermediate locking when the drawer (2) is not fully closed. The fixing channel (117) is the channel which ensures that the fixed body (110) is fixed on the outer rail (170). It is the structure which ensures its fixation and guides the movement of the drawer (2). It consists of the movable body (120), the slide lock rotation bearing (121), the movable body spring channel (122), the shock absorber (123) and the locking lug rotation bearing (124). The slide lock rotation bearing (121) is the structure that allows the slide lock (160) to rotate. These channels allow it to move in a centered and stable manner. These channels determine the compression and release of the springs (150). The shock absorber (123) is the structure that absorbs the impacts caused by the sudden thrust force that occurs with the opening of the drawer (2). It is the structure that allows the locking lug (130) to rotate from the locking lug rotation bearing (124). The locking pin (130) is the structure that moves within the locking pin bed (113) while the drawer (2) is being closed and that provides the first movement in opening the drawer (2). The locking pin (130) consists of the connecting pin (131) and the trigger pin (132). The connecting pin (131) is the structure that ensures the connection of the locking pin (130) to the movable body (120). It is the structure that ensures its engagement with and provides the first movement in opening the drawer (2). The locking pin counter (140) is the structure that is connected to the inner rail (190) and catches the connecting pin (131) that allows the locking pin (130) to start moving. The locking lug counter (140) includes a connecting space (141), an inner rail fixing space (142) and a locking lug socket (143). The connecting space (141) is the space that allows the locking lug counter (140) to be connected to the inner rail (190). The inner rail fixing space (142) is the space that allows the locking lug counter (140) to remain fixed in place. The locking lug socket (143) is the slot where the locking lug (130) is engaged. The spring (150) is the structure that compresses with the closing of the drawer (2) and provides the pushing force when the drawer is opened (2) with the spring force it stores with this compression. The slide lock (160) is the structure that ensures that the drawer (2) remains fixed and closed as a result of this movement that moves by applying force to the drawer (2) in the -x direction and that allows the drawer (2) to open gradually by performing interlocking when it is not fully closed. The outer rail (170) is the structure that provides the drawer assembly. The rear fixing tab slot (171) is the slot of the rear fixing tabs (111) that fix the fixed body (110) to the outer rail (170) and prevent it from coming off. The outer rail tab (172) is the structure that fixes the fixed body (110) to the outer rail (170). The middle rail (180) is the structure that allows the drawer (2) to open fully and supports the movement of the drawer (2). The inner rail (190) is the structure that creates pressure for the locking of the drawer (2) and allows the drawer to move in the +x direction with the pressure released when the drawer (2) is opened. The locking tab connection protrusion (191) is the structure that passes into the connection cavity (141) for fixing the locking tab (140). The inner rail fixing tab slot (192) is the slot corresponding to the inner rail fixing cavity (142). TR TR TR TR TR TR

Claims (6)

STEMLERSTEMS 1. Mutfak , ofis ve benzeri yerlerde kullanilan dolap tertibatinda (1) bulunan çekmecenin (2) belirli bir mesafeye kadar açilmasini saglayan, dis ray (170), bahsedilen çekmecenin (2) tam açilmasini saglayan ve bahsedilen çekmecenin (2) hareketine destek olan orta ray (180), bahsedilen çekmecenin (2) kilitlenmesi için baski olusturan ve bahsedilen çekmecenin (2) açilmasinda bosalan baski ile bahsedilen çekmecenin +x yönünde hareket etmesini saglayan iç ray (190), bahsedilen çekmecenin (2) kapanmasi ile sikisan ve bu sikisma ile depoladigi esneme kuvveti ile bahsedilen çekmecenin açilmasinda (2) itme kuvvetini veren yay (150) içeren kademeli kapanma özelligine sahip kademeli bas-aç mekanizmasi (100) olup; özelligi; o Bahsedilen dis ray (170) `üzerine irtibatlanan sabit gövde (110), oBahsedilen çekmecenin (2) açilmasinda ilk hareketi veren, bahsedilen çekmecenin (2) kapatilmasinda x ekseninde belirli bir strok içerisinde hareket eden kilit tirnagi (130), oBahsedilen kilit tirnaginin (130) harekete baslamasini saglayan, bahsedilen iç raya (190) irtibatli kilit tirnagi karsiligi (140), iBahsedilen çekmeceye (2) -x yönünde kuvvet uygulanmasi ile hareket eden ve bu hareket sonunda bahsedilen çekmecenin (2) sabit ve kapali sekilde kalmasini saglayan, bahsedilen çekmecenin (2) tam kapatilmadigi durumlarda ara kilitleme yapan ve bu ara kilitleme ile bahsedilen çekmecenin (2) kademeli açilmasini saglayan kizak kilidi (160), oBahsedilen kilit tirnagi (130), bahsedilen kizak kilidi (160) ve bahsedilen yayin (150) sabitlenmesini saglayan ve bahsedilen çekmecenin (2) hareketine kilavuzluk yapan hareketli gövde (120), içermesi ile karakterize edilmektedir.1. The outer rail (170), which allows the drawer (2) in the cabinet assembly (1) used in kitchens, offices and similar places to be opened up to a certain distance, is the middle rail (170) that enables the said drawer (2) to be opened fully and supports the movement of the said drawer (2). the rail (180), the inner rail (190), which creates pressure for the locking of the said drawer (2) and allows the said drawer to move in the +x direction with the pressure released when the said drawer (2) is opened, the inner rail (190), which gets stuck when the said drawer (2) closes and with this jamming. It is a gradual push-open mechanism (100) with a gradual closing feature, containing a spring (150) that provides the pushing force in opening the said drawer (2) with the flexing force it stores; feature; o The fixed body (110) connected to the said outer rail (170), o The lock tab (130), which gives the first movement in opening the said drawer (2), and moves within a certain stroke in the x axis when the said drawer (2) is closed, o The said lock tab ( The lock tab provision (140) connected to the said inner rail (190), which enables the said drawer (130) to start moving, moves by applying force to the said drawer (2) in the -x direction, and ensures that the said drawer (2) remains fixed and closed at the end of this movement. Slide lock (160), which provides interlocking in cases where the drawer (2) is not fully closed and ensures gradual opening of the said drawer (2) with this interlocking, oThe said lock tab (130), which ensures the fixing of the said slide lock (160) and the said spring (150). and a movable body (120) that guides the movement of the said drawer (2). Istem 1'e uygun kademeli bas-aç mekanizmasi (100) olup; bahsedilen kilit tirnaginin (130) x ekseninde belirli bir strok boyunca hareketine imkan veren kilit tirnagi yatagi (113) içermesi ile karakterize edilmektedir.It is a gradual push-open mechanism (100) in accordance with claim 1; It is characterized by containing a locking claw bearing (113) that allows the said locking claw (130) to move along a certain stroke in the x axis. Istem 1”e uygun kademeli bas-aç mekanizmasi (100) olup; bahsedilen çekmecenin (2) tam kapatilmadigi durumlarda ara kilitleme yapilmasini ve bahsedilen çekmecenin (2) geriye kaymasi vei'veya hareket etmesini engelleyen kizak kilidi ara dayama yuvasi (116) içermesi ile karakterize edilmektedir.It is a gradual push-open mechanism (100) in accordance with claim 1; It is characterized by interlocking the said drawer (2) in cases where it is not fully closed and containing a slide lock intermediate support slot (116) that prevents the said drawer (2) from sliding backwards or moving. Istem 1Je uygun kademeli bas-aç mekanizmasi (100) olup; bahsedilen çekmecinin (2) açilmasi ile beraber meydana gelen ani itme kuvveti ile olusan darbeleri sönümleyen darbe emici (123) içermesi ile karakterize edilmektedir.It is a gradual push-open mechanism (100) in accordance with Claim 1J; It is characterized by containing a shock absorber (123) that absorbs the impacts caused by the sudden pushing force that occurs with the opening of the said drawer (2). 5. Istem 1re uygun kademeli bas-aç mekanizmasi (100) olup; çekmece (2) kapatilirken, kilit tirnaginin (1 30) kilit tirnagi karsiligi (140) ile angaje olmasini saglayan, çekmecenin (2) açilmasinda ilk hareketi veren tetikleme pimi (132) içermesi ile karakterize edilmektedir.5. It is a gradual push-open mechanism (100) in accordance with claim 1; It is characterized by containing a trigger pin (132), which ensures that the lock tab (1 30) engages with the lock tab striker (140) when the drawer (2) is closed, which gives the first movement when the drawer (2) is opened. 6. Istem 1'e uygun kademeli bas-aç mekanizmasi (100) olup; bahsedilen kilit tirnaginin (130) angaje oldugu kilit tirnagi yuvasi (143) içermesi ile karakterize edilmektedir.6. It is a gradual push-open mechanism (100) in accordance with claim 1; It is characterized by containing a lock tab slot (143) into which the said lock tab (130) is engaged.

Publications (1)

Publication Number Publication Date
TR2022003630Y true TR2022003630Y (en) 2024-01-22



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