TR2021019896A1 - Antifungal Herbal Solution - Google Patents

Antifungal Herbal Solution


Publication number
TR2021019896A1 TR2021/019896 TR2021019896A1 TR 2021019896 A1 TR2021019896 A1 TR 2021019896A1 TR 2021/019896 TR2021/019896 TR 2021/019896 TR 2021019896 A1 TR2021019896 A1 TR 2021019896A1
Prior art keywords
essential oil
Prior art date
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Turkish (tr)
Atam Di̇lara
Tuncer De İm İsmai̇l
Vi̇ldan Seyhan Gulsun
Original Assignee
Bi̇runi̇ Üni̇versi̇tesi̇
Filing date
Publication date
Application filed by Bi̇runi̇ Üni̇versi̇tesi̇ filed Critical Bi̇runi̇ Üni̇versi̇tesi̇
Publication of TR2021019896A1 publication Critical patent/TR2021019896A1/en



Bu buluş haricen kullanılan, koruyucu içermeyen stabil, Sobolewskia clavata, Urtica dioica ve Salicis Cortex alkol ekstrelerinden hazırlanmış gliserol ve Eucalyptus uçucu yağının kullanıldığı antifungal çözeltiler hakkındadır.This invention is about externally used, preservative-free, stable antifungal solutions using glycerol and Eucalyptus essential oil prepared from alcohol extracts of Sobolewskia clavata, Urtica dioica and Salicis Cortex.


TARIFNAME ANTIFUNGAL BITKISEL ÇÖZELTI Teknik Alan Haricen kullanilmak üzere gelistirilen koruyucu içermeyen antifungal etkili bitkisel çözelti. Önceki Teknik Bitkilerin birçok etkileri bulunmaktadir. Bunlar arasinda antikanser, antibakteriyel, antifungal, antiviral, antiparkinson, antioksidan etkiler sayilabilir. Bitkilerin etkileri bazen familyalara, bazen türlere özgü olabilmektedir. Antifungal etkisi ile bilinen de pek çok bitki bulunmaktadir. Etkinlik açisindan karsilastirildiginda çok sayida bitki bulmak mümkünken, etkinligi gösterilmis ve farmasötik ürün halinde pazarlanan, ticarilesen bitkisel ürün bulunmaktadir. Bitkisel ürünler son yillarda güvenirlik nedeni ile çok tercih edilmektedir. Çogu bitkisel ürün geleneksel kullanima dayali olarak kullanilmaktadir. Bitkisel ekstreleri içeren stabil,etkili ürünlerin sayisi azdir. Bulusun çözümünü amaçladigi teknik problemler Bu çalismada antifungal etkili bitkisel ürün gelistirilmistir. Gelistirilen ürün koruyucu içermemesi ile karakterizedir. Koruyucu içermeyen, stabil, antifiungal etkili bitkisel çözelti formunda ürün bu çalisma ile gelistirilmistir. Bulusun Açiklamasi Gelistirilen üründe Sobolewskia clavata toprak üstü kisimlari, Urtica dioica toprak üstü kisimlari, Salicis Cortex vc Eucolyptus globulus uçucu yagi kullanilmistir. Sobolewskia clavata bitkisi üzerinde kimyasal arastirma ve aktivite çalismasi bugüne kadar yapilmamistir. Ama bu karisimda Sobolewskia clavata bitkisinin antifungal etki ile kullanilmasi özellikle tercih edilmistir. Yine bu formülasyonda Urtica dioica toprak üstü kisimlarinin Salicis Cortex ve Eucalyptus globulus uçucu yaginin beraber kullanilmasi tercih edilmistir. Hazirlanan bitkisel ürününün içerigine, viskozite artirici madde eklenmesine karar verilmistir. Böylece hazirlanan bitkisel ürününün akiskanliginin azaltilarak uygulanan bölge üzerindeki kaliciliginin artirilmasi saglanacaktir. Bu amaçla formülasyona gliserol ilave edilmistir. Topikal tedavide krem, merhem, jel gibi yari kati preparatlar ve çözelti, tentür, losyon gibi sivi preparatlar kullanilmaktadir. Ürün gelistirilmesinde haricen uygulanabilecek herhangi bir form kullanilabilir. Burada özellikle çözelti türü preparatlarin kullanilmasi önerilmektedir. Çözelti türü preparatlarin dezavantajlarindan en az düzeyde etkilenmek ve hasta uyuneunu artirabilmek için -100ml'lik siselerde topikal harici gazsiz sivi sprey olarak hazirlanmaktadir. Hazirlanan bitkisel ürünün lO-lOOmHik amber renkli sprey baslikli cam sisede olmasi tercih edilir, hastanin dogru dozlama yapabilmesi, hazirlanan bitkisel ürünün stabilite süresinin uzamasi ile tasinma ve saklanmasinin kolaylasmasi saglanacaktir. Epiderrnal kullanima uygun formülasyonlar için etanol, distile su, gliserin, susuz lanolin, lanolin ve lanolin anhidr., setostearil alkol, stearik asit, alkil miristat, izopropil piristat, setil alkol, potasyum hidroksit, sodyum hidroksit, trietanolamin, vazelin, kati ve sivi parafin, propilen glikol, beyaz ve sari balmumu, balik nefsi, boraks, sodyum lauril sülfat, metil paraben, propil paraben gibi yardimci maddeler kullanilabilir. Bu formülasyonda gliserin ve etanol kullanilmasi tercih edilmistir. Hazirlanan bitkisel ürün için bu genel formülasyondan yola çikilarak kullanici tarafindan tercih edilebilecek ve uygulanabilecek bir formülasyon gelistirilmistir. Bu formülasyonda, ana etken maddelerin yaninda yardimci maddelerden de yararlanilmaktadir. Etken madde olarak Sobolewskia clavata toprak üstü kisimlari, Urtica dioica toprak üstü kisimlari, Salicis Cortex kullanilmistir. Etken maddelerin her birinden esit miktarda kullanilmasi özellikle tercih edilir. Bitkilerin apolar çözücüde ekstresi hazirlanir. Apolar çözücü olarak kloroform, etil asetat ve benzerleri kullanilabilir. Çözücü uçurulduktan sonra bakiye etanolde çözülür. Hazirlanan ekstreler daha sonra etanol/su karisiminda çözülür. Çözücü olarak etanol, cosolvan olarak su özellikle tercih edilir Etanol/ su karisiminda alkol oraninin %50-90 olmasi daha da tercihen %70-80 olmasi istenir. Formülasyona Viskozite artirici olarak gliserin katilir. Çok az miktarda katilan Eucalyptus uçucu yagi ile hem güzel koku saglanmis hem de etkinlik artirilmistir. Eucalyptus uçucu yaginin %0.l-2 oraninda daha da tercihen%0.3-l oraninda, gliserinin %1-10 arasinda daha da tercihen % 4-5 oraninda kullanilmasi özellikle tercih edilir. Etken madde etkili çözücü içerisinde çözündükten sonra çözücü uçurulur. Ürün haline gelmesi için baska bir çözücü seçilmistir Bulusun sanayiye uygulanma biçimi Bu bulus sanayiye kolaylikla uygulanabilecektir. Bitkilerin alkol ekstreleri hazirlandiktan sonra çözülüp etanol, gliserin ve eucalyptus uçucu yagi katilarak nihai formülasyon üretilecektir. TR TR TR TR DESCRIPTION ANTIFUNGAL HERBAL SOLUTION Technical Field Preservative-free antifungal herbal solution developed for external use. Prior Art Plants have many effects. These include anticancer, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, antiparkinson and antioxidant effects. The effects of plants may sometimes be family-specific and sometimes species-specific. There are many plants known for their antifungal effects. While it is possible to find many herbs when compared in terms of effectiveness, there are herbal products that have been shown to be effective and are marketed and commercialized as pharmaceutical products. Herbal products have been preferred in recent years due to their reliability. Most herbal products are used based on traditional usage. The number of stable, effective products containing herbal extracts is small. Technical problems that the invention aims to solve. In this study, an antifungal herbal product was developed. The developed product is characterized by not containing any preservatives. The product, in the form of a preservative-free, stable, antifungal effective herbal solution, was developed with this study. Description of the Invention: Sobolewskia clavata aerial parts, Urtica dioica aerial parts, Salicis Cortex and Eucolyptus globulus essential oil were used in the developed product. No chemical research or activity study has been conducted on the Sobolewskia clavata plant to date. But in this mixture, it was especially preferred to use the Sobolewskia clavata plant with its antifungal effect. Again, in this formulation, it was preferred to use Urtica dioica aerial parts, Salicis Cortex and Eucalyptus globulus essential oil together. It was decided to add viscosity increasing substance to the prepared herbal product. In this way, the fluidity of the prepared herbal product will be reduced and its permanence on the applied area will be increased. For this purpose, glycerol was added to the formulation. In topical treatment, semi-solid preparations such as cream, ointment, gel and liquid preparations such as solution, tincture and lotion are used. Any form that can be applied externally can be used in product development. Here, it is especially recommended to use solution type preparations. In order to minimize the disadvantages of solution-type preparations and to increase patient compliance, it is prepared as a topical external gasless liquid spray in 100ml bottles. It is preferred that the prepared herbal product be in a glass bottle with a 10-100mH amber colored spray head, the patient will be able to do the correct dosing, the stability period of the prepared herbal product will be extended and its transportation and storage will be easier. For formulations suitable for epidermal use, ethanol, distilled water, glycerin, anhydrous lanolin, lanolin and lanolin anhydrous, cetostearyl alcohol, stearic acid, alkyl myristate, isopropyl pyristate, cetyl alcohol, potassium hydroxide, sodium hydroxide, triethanolamine, petroleum jelly, solid and liquid paraffin. Excipients such as , propylene glycol, white and yellow wax, fish breath, borax, sodium lauryl sulfate, methyl paraben, propyl paraben can be used. It was preferred to use glycerin and ethanol in this formulation. Based on this general formulation, a formulation that can be preferred and applied by the user has been developed for the prepared herbal product. In this formulation, in addition to the main active ingredients, auxiliary ingredients are also used. As active ingredients, Sobolewskia clavata aerial parts, Urtica dioica aerial parts, and Salicis Cortex were used. It is especially preferred to use equal amounts of each active ingredient. The extract of the plants is prepared in a polar solvent. Chloroform, ethyl acetate and the like can be used as nonpolar solvents. After the solvent is evaporated, the residue is dissolved in ethanol. The prepared extracts are then dissolved in ethanol/water mixture. Ethanol is preferred as the solvent and water is especially preferred as the cosolvent. The alcohol ratio in the ethanol/water mixture is desired to be 50-90%, and more preferably 70-80%. Glycerin is added to the formulation as a viscosity increaser. With the addition of a very small amount of Eucalyptus essential oil, both a pleasant smell was achieved and the effectiveness was increased. It is especially preferred to use Eucalyptus essential oil at a rate of 0.1-2%, more preferably at a rate of 0.3-1%, and glycerin at a rate of between 1-10%, more preferably at a rate of 4-5%. After the active ingredient is dissolved in the effective solvent, the solvent is evaporated. Another solvent was chosen to become a product. How the invention can be applied to industry. This invention can be easily applied to industry. After the alcohol extracts of the plants are prepared, the final formulation will be produced by dissolving them and adding ethanol, glycerin and eucalyptus essential oil. TR TR TR TR

Claims (1)

1.ISTEMLER . Bu bulus antifungal çözelti olup, koruyucu içermemesi, formülasyonda gliserol ve Eucalyptus uçucu yaginin kullanilmasi, Sobolewskia clavata, Urtica dioica, Salicis Cortex kombinasyonunu içermesi ile karakterizedir. . Antifungal etkili çözelti olup asagidakileri içermesi koruyucu içermemesi ile karakterizedir; a Sobolewkia clavata b. Urtica dioica c. Salicis Cortex d. Eucalyptus uçucu yagi e. Gliserol . Istem 2,ye göre olup Sobolewskia clavata, Urtica dioica ve Salicis Cortex esit miktarlarda kullanilmasi ile karakterizedir. . Istem 3°e göre olup Eucalyptus uçucu yagi %0.l-2 oraninda kullanilmasi ile karakterizedir. . Istem 4'e göre olup Gliserolun %1-10 arasinda kullanilmasi ile karakterizedir. . Istem 3°e göre olan ve bitkilerin kloroform ekstresinin kullanildigi ürün. . Istem 3,6 göre olan ve bitkilerin etil asetat ekstresinin kullanildigi ürün TR TR TR TR1.CLAIMS. This invention is an antifungal solution and is characterized by the fact that it does not contain preservatives, the use of glycerol and Eucalyptus essential oil in the formulation, and the combination of Sobolewskia clavata, Urtica dioica, Salicis Cortex. . It is an antifungal effective solution and is characterized by the fact that it contains the following and does not contain preservatives; a Sobolewkia clavata b. Urtica dioica c. Salicis Cortex d. Eucalyptus essential oil e. Glycerol . According to claim 2, characterized in that Sobolewskia clavata, Urtica dioica and Salicis Cortex are used in equal amounts. . It is according to claim 3 and is characterized by the use of Eucalyptus essential oil at a rate of 0.1-2%. . It is according to claim 4 and is characterized by the use of 1-10% Glycerol. . Product according to claim 3 in which chloroform extract of plants is used. . Product according to claim 3.6 in which ethyl acetate extract of plants is used TR TR TR TR
TR2021/019896 2021-12-14 Antifungal Herbal Solution TR2021019896A1 (en)

Publications (1)

Publication Number Publication Date
TR2021019896A1 true TR2021019896A1 (en) 2023-06-21



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