TR2021014534U5 - Ramp System in Vertical Magazine Rifles - Google Patents

Ramp System in Vertical Magazine Rifles


Publication number
TR2021014534U5 TR2021/014534U TR2021014534U TR2021014534U5 TR 2021014534 U5 TR2021014534 U5 TR 2021014534U5 TR 2021/014534 U TR2021/014534 U TR 2021/014534U TR 2021014534 U TR2021014534 U TR 2021014534U TR 2021014534 U5 TR2021014534 U5 TR 2021014534U5
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Turkish (tr)
Özenser Hüseyi̇n
Original Assignee
Aksa Si̇lah İnşaat Metal Sanayi̇ Ti̇caret Li̇mi̇ted Şi̇rketi̇
Aksa Silah Insaat Metal Sanayi Ticaret Ltd Sirketi
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Application filed by Aksa Si̇lah İnşaat Metal Sanayi̇ Ti̇caret Li̇mi̇ted Şi̇rketi̇, Aksa Silah Insaat Metal Sanayi Ticaret Ltd Sirketi filed Critical Aksa Si̇lah İnşaat Metal Sanayi̇ Ti̇caret Li̇mi̇ted Şi̇rketi̇
Priority to TR2021/014534U priority Critical patent/TR2021014534U5/en
Publication of TR2021014534U5 publication Critical patent/TR2021014534U5/en



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Buluş, dikey şarjörlü (dikey fişek hazneli) tüfeklerde (A), şarjördeki fişeğin namlu yatağına (35) sürülmesini sağlayan şarjör (40) ya da alt gövde (10) üzerinde mekanik ek bir yapılanma kullanmadan, şarjör (40), üst gövde (20) ve namlu yatağının (35) iç kısımlarında, üç unsurun kesiştiği noktalarda birbirine entegre açılı/pahlı yüzeyler ile oluşturulan fişek rampası (50) ile ilgilidir.In rifles with a vertical magazine (vertical cartridge chamber), the invention is achieved by using the magazine (40) and the upper body (20) without using an additional mechanical arrangement on the magazine (40) or the lower body (10), which enables the cartridge in the magazine to be driven into the barrel chamber (35). ) and the cartridge ramp (50) formed with integrated angled/beveled surfaces at the intersection of the three elements, inside the barrel chamber (35).


TARIFNAME Dikey Sarjörlü Tüfeklerde Fisek Rampasi Sistemi TEKNIK ALAN Bulus, dikey sarjörlü (dikey fisek hazneli) tüfeklerde, sarjördeki fisegin namlu yatagina sürülmesini saglayan fisek rampasi ile ilgilidir. Bulus özellikle sarjör ya da alt gövde üzerinde mekanik ek bir yapilanma kullanmadan, sarjör, üst gövde ve namlu yataginin iç kisimlarinda, üç unsurun kesistigi noktalarda birbirine entegre açili/pahli yüzeyler ile olusturulan fisek rampasi sistemi ile ilgilidir. TEKNIGIN BILINEN DURUMU Dikey sarjörlü tüfekler dipçik, alt gövde, üst gövde, sarjör ve namlu olmak üzere bes temel yapidan olusmaktadir. Sarjörde, kapasitesine göre muhtelif sayida fisek bulunmaktadir. Sarjör içerisindeki fisekler, her atis ile birlikte birer birer namlu yatagina itilir. Sarjör ya da alt gövde üzerinde fiseklerin namlu yatagina sirayla sürülmesini saglayan, fisek rampasi adi verilen mekanik unsurlar bulunmaktadir. Teknigin bilinen durumunda dikey sarjörlü av tüfeklerinde fisek rampasi alt gövdeye sabit/bütünlesik ya da sonradan bir pim veya vida yardimi ile sabitlenmek yoluyla yapilmaktadir. Teknigin bilinen diger durumunda dikey sarjörlü av tüfeklerinde fisek rampasi sarjör üzerine açilip-kapanir sekilde bir pim veya vida yardimi ile sabitlenmek yoluyla yapilmaktadir. Yukarida izah edilen fisek rampasi sistemleri yivsiz-setsiz av tüfeklerinde kullanilmakta olup, yivsiz dikey sarjörlü av tüfeklerinde alt gövdeye ya da sarjöre irtibatlandirilan bir rampanin mutlaka olmasi gerekmektedir. Sarjördeki fisek (mühimmat) bir sürgü yardimiyla ileriye dogru fisek rampasina sürüklenip, rampaya gelen fisegin ucu rampanin açisina paralel sürtünmeyle kalkarak namlu atim yatagina yerleserek, fisek atisa hazir hale gelir. Yivsiz av tüfeklerinde fisek rampasi olmazsa fisek atim yatagina gitmez tüfek çalismaz. Mevcut teknikte yapilan literatür arastirmasinda tespit edilen TR2014 11006 tescil numarali üzerine irtibatlandirilan ve bir yaya vasitasiyla açilip-kapanan fisek rampasindan bahsedildigi anlasilmaktadir. fiseklerin namlu yatagina sürülmesini saglamak üzere sarjörün iki yan tarafina yay ile tahrik edilen iki tirnagin açilip-kapanarak fisegin namlu yatagini sürülmesi ile ilgili oldugu anlasilmaktadir. Bu sistemim en büyük dezavantaji her fisek kalibresine göre farkli agirlik ve boya sahip olabildiginden, belirli kalibre fiseklerin namlu yatagina sürülmesi sirasinda sorunlar ortaya çikmistir. Sonuç olarak yukaridaki problemlerin varligi ve mevcut çözümlerin yetersizligi dikey sarjörlü tüfeklerde kullanilan fisek rampasi ile ilgili teknik alanda bir gelistirme yapmayi zorunlu kilmistir. BULUSUN AMACI Mevcut bulus, yukarida bahsedilen gereksinimleri karsilayan, tüm dezavantajlari ortadan kaldiran ve ilave bazi avantajlar getiren fisek rampasi ile ilgilidir. Bulusun ana amaci sarjör ya da alt gövde üzerinde mekanik ek bir yapilanma kullanmadan, sarjör, üst gövde ve namlu yataginin iç kisimlarinda ve üç unsurun kesistigi noktalarda birbirine entegre açili/pahli yüzeyler ile olusturulmus fisek rampasi sistemi ortaya koymaktir. Yukari izah edilen fisek rampasi sistemi ile amaçlan bir yapilanmada, 7,62 çapinda mühimmat atan yivli setli tam veya yari otomatik atis kapasitesine haiz tüfeklere, tasarladigimiz sarjör + üst gövde + namlu yatagi üçlüsünde (üst kitte) olusturulacak fisek rampasini uyarlayarak, yivli tüfegin alt gövdesine hiç müdahale yapmadan yivsiz tüfeklerin attigi fisekleri atmasini saglamaktir. Böylece 7.62 mühimmat atan bir yivli tüfegin 12 kalibre av fisegi atmasina imkan saglanmistir. Bahsedilen yivli tüfekler AR-10, AR-15 vb. 7,62 mühimmat atan tüm yivli tüfekler olabilmektedir. Bulusun diger bir amaci da tasarlanan fisek rampasi sistemi ile standart yivsiz dikey sarjörlü tüfeklerin, alt gövde ya da sarjör üzerinde ek bir mekanik parça olarak fisek rampasi olmadan üretilmesini saglamaktir. Böylece hem mekanik olarak çalisan fisek rampasinda olusacak sorunlardan kaynakli tüfegin tutukluk yapmasinin (rampanin takilmasi vb.) önün geçmek hem de üretim maliyetlerini minimize etmektir. Bulusun yapisal ve karakteristik özellikleri ve tüm avantajlari asagida verilen sekiller ve bu sekillere atiflar yapilmak suretiyle yazilan detayli açiklama sayesinde daha net olarak anlasilacaktir ve bu nedenle degerlendirmenin de bu sekilleri ve detayli açiklama göz önüne alinarak yapilmasi gerekmektedir. SEKILLERIN KISA AÇIKLAMASI Mevcut bulusun yapilanmasi ve ek elemanlarla birlikte avantajlarinin en iyi sekilde anlasilabilmesi Için asagida açiklamasi yapilan sekiller ile birlikte degerlendirilmesi gerekir. Sekil - 1; Bulus konusu, sarjörün tüfek gövdesine dikey olarak konumlandirildigi, dikey fisek hazneli herhangi bir tüfegin görünümüdür. Sekil - 2; Bulus konusu, sarjörün tüfek gövdesine dikey olarak konumlandirildigi, dikey fisek hazneli herhangi bir tüfegin de monte görünümüdür. Sekil - 3; Bulus konusu dikey sarjörlü (dikey fisek hazneli) tüfekler için tasarlanan fisek rampasi sisteminin detayli görünümüdür. Sekil - 4; Bulus konusu dikey sarjörlü (dikey fisek hazneli) tüfekler için tasarlanan fisek rampasi sistemini olusturan parçalardan üst gövdenin detayli görünümüdür. Sekil - 5; Bulus konusu dikey sarjörlü (dikey fisek hazneli) tüfekler için tasarlanan fisek rampasi sistemini olusturan parçalardan namlu ile irtibatli kepin (namlu yatagi) detayli görünümüdür. Sekil - 6; Bulus konusu dikey sarjörlü (dikey fisek hazneli) tüfekler için tasarlanan fisek rampasi sistemini olusturan parçalardan sarjörün detayli görünümüdür. REFERANS NUMARALARI A. Dikey sarjörlü tüfek . Alt gövde . Üst gövde .1. Besleme rampasi . Namlu . Namlu yatagi! Kep .1. Destekleme rampasi 40. Sarjör 40.1. Çikis rampasi 50. Fisek rampasi Çizimlerin mutlaka ölçeklendirilmesi gerekmemektedir ve mevcut bulusu anlamak için gerekli olmayan detaylar ihmal edilmis olabilmektedir. Bundan baska, en azindan büyük ölçüde özdes olan veya en azindan büyük ölçüde özdes islevleri olan elemanlar, ayni numara ile gösterilmektedir. BULUSUN DETAYLI AÇIKLAMASI Bu detayli açiklamada, bulus konusu yiin-yivsiz dikey sarjörlü tüfeklerde (A) kullanilmak üzere tasarlanmis fisek rampasinin (50) tercih edilen yapilanmalari, sadece konunun daha iyi anlasilmasina yönelik olarak ve hiçbir sinirlayici etki olusturmayacak sekilde açiklanmaktadir. Bulus konusu dikey sarjörlü tüfek (A) tetik tertibatinin üzerinde konumlandigi alt gövde (10), fisegin patlamayla firlatilmasini saglayan mekanizma ve namlu yataginin (35) içerisinde konumlandigi üst gövde (20), ateslenen fisegin içerisinde hedefe yönlendirildigi namlu yatagi (35) ile irtibatli namlu (30), içerisinde muhtelif sayida atisa hazir mühimmatin depolandigi tüfege dikey olarak irtibatlandirilan sarjör (40) ihtiva etmektedir (Sekil-2). Bulus konusu dikey sarjörlü tüfekte (A), her atista sarjörden (40) namlu yatagina (35) fisegin sürülmesini saglayan, alt gövde (10) ve sarjöre (40) sonradan irtibatlandirilan harici ek bir yapilanma kullanilmamaktadir. Farkli kalibredeki fiseklerin, sarjörden (40) namlu yatagina (35) sorunsuz bir sekilde aktarimini saglamak üzere, tüfek alt gövdesi (10) ayni kalip, üst gövde (20), namlu yatagi (35) ve sarjör (40) unsurlarin iç kisimlarinda, üç unsurun kesistigi noktalarda birbirine entegre açili/pahli yüzeyler ile olusturulan fisek rampasi (50) tasarlanmistir. Tasarlanan fisek rampasi (50) sarjörün (40) üst gövde (20) ile irtibatlandirildigi, fisegin sarjörden (40) çikis yaptigi kisimda açili/pahli sekilde olusturulmus çikis rampasi (40.1) ile baslamaktadir. Sonrasinda bahsedilen çikis rampasi (40.1) ile bitisik, fisegin üzerinden geçecegi üst gövde (20) alt kisminda sarjörün (40) irtibatlanacagi kisimda açili/pahli formda olusturulmus besleme rampasi (20.1) ile devam etmektedir. Son asama olarak fisegin üst gövdeden (20) namluya (50) geçisinden önce temas ettigi, üst gövde (20) içerisinde konumlanan ve namluya (50) irtibatlandirilmis namlu yataginin (35) sarjörden (40) gelen fisek ile ilk temas ettigi uç kisminda açili/pahli formda olusturulmus destekleme rampasi (35.1) ile sonlanmaktadir (Sekil-3). Tasarlanan fisek rampasi (50) sistemi ile 7,62 çapinda mühimmat atan yivli setli tam veya yari otomatik atis kapasitesine sahip dikey sarjörlü tüfeklere (A), tasarladigimiz sarjör (40) + üst gövde (20) + namlu yatagi (35) üçlüsünde (üst kitte) olusturulan fisek rampasini (50) uyarlayarak, yivli tüfegin alt gövdesine (10) hiç müdahale yapmadan yivsiz tüfeklerin attigi fisekleri atmasi saglanmistir. Bahsedilen yivli tüfekler AR-10, AR-15 vb. 7,62 mühimmat atan tüm yivli tüfekler olabilmektedir. Bu basvurunun koruma kapsami istemler kisminda belirlenmis olup yukarida kesinlikle örnekleme amaciyla anlatilanlarla sinirli tutulamaz teknikte uzman bir kisinin bulusta ortaya konan yeniligi, benzer yapilanmalari kullanaraktan ortaya koyabilecegi ve/veya bu yapilanmayi ilgili teknikte kullanilan benzer amaçli diger alanlara da uygulayabilecegi açiktir. Dolayisiyla böyle yapilanmalarin yenilik ve özellikle teknigin bilinen durumunun asilmasi kriterinden yoksun olacagi da asikardir. TR TR DESCRIPTION Cartridge Ramp System in Rifles with Vertical Magazine TECHNICAL FIELD The invention is related to the cartridge ramp that allows the cartridge in the magazine to be driven into the barrel bed in rifles with vertical magazine (vertical cartridge chamber). The invention is particularly related to the cartridge launcher system, which is created with integrated angled/chamfered surfaces at the intersection of the three elements on the inside of the magazine, upper body and barrel chamber, without using any additional mechanical structure on the magazine or lower body. KNOWN STATE OF THE TECHNIQUE Rifles with vertical magazines consist of five basic structures: stock, lower body, upper body, magazine and barrel. There are various numbers of cartridges in the magazine, depending on its capacity. The cartridges in the magazine are pushed into the barrel chamber one by one with each shot. There are mechanical elements called cartridge ramps on the magazine or lower body, which enable the cartridges to be driven into the barrel chamber one by one. In the state of the art, in hunting rifles with vertical magazines, the cartridge launcher is fixed/integrated to the lower body or fixed later with the help of a pin or screw. In another known state of the technique, in hunting rifles with vertical magazines, the cartridge launcher is fixed on the magazine in a way that it can be opened and closed with the help of a pin or screw. The cartridge launcher systems explained above are used in smoothbore shotguns, but shotguns with smoothbore vertical magazines must have a ramp connected to the lower receiver or the magazine. The cartridge (ammunition) in the magazine is dragged forward to the cartridge ramp with the help of a slide, the tip of the cartridge coming to the ramp lifts with friction parallel to the angle of the ramp and the barrel settles on the firing chamber, and the cartridge becomes ready to fire. If smoothbore shotguns do not have a cartridge launcher, the cartridge will not reach the firing chamber and the rifle will not work. It is understood that the cartridge launcher, which is connected to the device with registration number TR2014 11006 and which can be opened and closed by a pedestrian, is mentioned in the literature research conducted on the current technique. It is understood that it is related to the opening and closing of the two spring-driven claws on both sides of the magazine to enable the cartridges to be driven into the barrel bed. The biggest disadvantage of this system is that since each cartridge can have different weights and lengths depending on its caliber, problems have arisen during the insertion of certain caliber cartridges into the barrel chamber. As a result, the existence of the above problems and the inadequacy of existing solutions have made it necessary to make a technical development regarding the cartridge launcher used in vertical magazine rifles. PURPOSE OF THE INVENTION The present invention relates to a cartridge launcher that meets the above-mentioned requirements, eliminates all disadvantages and brings some additional advantages. The main purpose of the invention is to produce a cartridge launcher system created with integrated angled/chamfered surfaces on the interior parts of the magazine, upper body and barrel chamber and at the intersection of the three elements, without using any additional mechanical structure on the magazine or lower body. In a structuring aimed at the cartridge launcher system explained above, by adapting the cartridge launcher to be created in the magazine + upper body + barrel chamber trio (upper kit) we designed, to the rifles with rifled set full or semi-automatic shooting capacity, firing 7.62 diameter ammunition, to the lower body of the rifled rifle. It is to ensure that smoothbore rifles fire cartridges without any intervention. Thus, a rifle firing 7.62 ammunition was enabled to fire 12-gauge hunting cartridges. The rifled rifles mentioned are AR-10, AR-15, etc. It can be any rifled rifle that fires 7.62 ammunition. Another purpose of the invention is to enable the production of standard smoothbore vertical magazine rifles without a cartridge launcher as an additional mechanical part on the lower body or magazine, with the designed cartridge launcher system. In this way, the aim is to prevent the rifle from jamming due to problems that may occur in the mechanically operated cartridge launcher (lack of the launcher, etc.) and to minimize production costs. The structural and characteristic features and all the advantages of the invention will be understood more clearly thanks to the figures given below and the detailed explanation written by making references to these figures, and therefore the evaluation should be made taking these figures and the detailed explanation into consideration. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS In order to best understand the structure of the present invention and its advantages with additional elements, it should be evaluated together with the figures explained below. Figure 1; The subject of the invention is the appearance of any rifle with a vertical cartridge chamber, where the magazine is positioned vertically to the rifle body. Figure - 2; The subject of the invention is the mounted view of any rifle with a vertical cartridge chamber, where the magazine is positioned vertically on the rifle body. Figure - 3; The subject of the invention is the detailed view of the cartridge launcher system designed for rifles with a vertical magazine (vertical cartridge chamber). Figure - 4; The subject of the invention is the detailed view of the upper body, which is one of the parts that make up the cartridge launcher system designed for rifles with a vertical magazine (vertical cartridge chamber). Figure - 5; The subject of the invention is the detailed view of the cap (barrel chamber) connected to the barrel, which is one of the parts that make up the cartridge launcher system designed for rifles with a vertical magazine (vertical cartridge chamber). Figure - 6; The subject of the invention is the detailed view of the magazine, one of the parts that make up the cartridge launcher system designed for rifles with a vertical magazine (vertical cartridge chamber). REFERENCE NUMBERS A. Rifle with vertical magazine. Underbody . Upper body .1. Feed ramp . Barrel . Barrel chamber! Cap .1. Support ramp 40. Magazine 40.1. Exit ramp 50. Cartridge launcher The drawings do not necessarily need to be scaled and details that are not necessary to understand the present invention may be omitted. Furthermore, elements that are at least substantially identical or have at least substantially identical functions are designated by the same number. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION In this detailed description, the preferred embodiments of the cartridge launcher (50) designed to be used in the smoothbore vertical magazine rifles (A) that are the subject of the invention are explained only for a better understanding of the subject and in a way that does not create any limiting effect. The lower body (10) on which the trigger assembly of the vertical magazine rifle (A) is the subject of the invention, the upper body (20) in which the mechanism that allows the cartridge to be ejected with an explosion and the barrel bed (35) are located, the barrel in contact with the barrel bed (35) in which the fired cartridge is directed to the target. (30) contains the magazine (40) which is connected vertically to the rifle in which various numbers of ready-to-fire ammunition are stored (Figure-2). In the rifle (A) with the vertical magazine that is the subject of the invention, no additional external structure is used, which is subsequently connected to the lower body (10) and the magazine (40), which allows the cartridge to be driven from the magazine (40) to the barrel chamber (35) with each shot. In order to ensure the smooth transfer of cartridges of different calibers from the magazine (40) to the barrel chamber (35), the lower body of the rifle (10) is the same mold, the upper body (20), the barrel chamber (35) and the magazine (40) are made in three parts on the inside of the elements. A cartridge launcher (50) was designed with integrated angled/chamfered surfaces at the intersection points of the element. The designed cartridge ramp (50) starts with the exit ramp (40.1), which is created in an angled/beveled manner, at the part where the magazine (40) is connected to the upper body (20) and where the cartridge exits the magazine (40). Afterwards, it continues with the mentioned exit ramp (40.1) and the feed ramp (20.1), which is created in an angled/chamfered form at the bottom of the upper body (20), over which the cartridge will pass, where the magazine (40) will be connected. As the last stage, the barrel bed (35), which is positioned within the upper body (20) and connected to the barrel (50), comes into contact with the cartridge before passing from the upper body (20) to the barrel (50), and is opened/opened at the end where it first comes into contact with the cartridge coming from the magazine (40). It ends with a support ramp (35.1) created in chamfered form (Figure-3). With the designed cartridge launcher (50) system, vertical magazine rifles (A) with rifled set full or semi-automatic shooting capacity, which fire 7.62 diameter ammunition, are equipped with the magazine (40) + upper body (20) + barrel chamber (35) trio we designed (upper By adapting the cartridge launcher (50) created in the kit, it has been enabled to fire the cartridges fired by smoothbore rifles without any intervention to the lower body (10) of the rifled rifle. The rifled rifles mentioned are AR-10, AR-15, etc. It can be any rifled rifle that fires 7.62 ammunition. The scope of protection of this application is determined in the claims section and cannot be limited to those explained above for exemplary purposes. It is clear that a person skilled in the art can demonstrate the innovation put forward in the invention by using similar structures and/or apply this structure to other areas with similar purposes used in the relevant technique. Therefore, it is obvious that such structures will lack the criteria of innovation and especially exceeding the known state of the technology. TR TR

Claims (1)

ISTEMLER Bulus dikey sarjörlü (dikey fisek hazneli) tüfeklerde (A), sarjördeki (40) fisegin namlu yatagina (35) sürülmesini saglayan, üst gövde (20), namlu yatagi (35) ve sarjör (40) iç kisimlarinda olusturulmus fisek rampasi (50) olup, özelligi; . Sarjörün (40) üst gövde (20) ile irtibatlandirildigi, fisegin sarjörden (40) çikis yaptigi kisimda açili/pahli formda olusturulmus çikis rampasi (40.1 ), o Sonrasinda bahsedilen çikis rampasi (40.1) ile bitisik, fisegin üzerinden geçecegi üst gövde (20) alt kisminda sarjörün (40) irtibatlanacagi kisimda açili/pahli formda olusturulmus besleme rampasi (20.1), 0 Son asama olarak fisegin namluya (50) geçisinden önce temas ettigi, üst gövde (20) içerisinde konumlanan ve namluya (50) irtibatlandirilmis namlu yataginin (35) sarjörden (40) gelen fisek ile ilk temas ettigi uç kisminda açili/pahli formda olusturulmus destekleme rampasi (35.1) Içermesi ile karakterize edilmektedir. istem 1'e uygun bir fisek rampasi (50) olup, özelligi; 7,62 çapinda mühimmat atan yiin setli tam ve/veya yari otomatik atis kapasitesine sahip dikey sarjörlü tüfegin (A) alt gövdesi (10) ayni kalip, fisek rampasinin (50) uyarlanmasi ile yiin tüfegin, yivsiz tüfeklerin attigi fisekleri atabilmesidir. istem 1'e uygun bir fisek rampasi (50) olup, özelligi; bahsedilen çikis rampasi (40.1), besleme rampasi (20.1) ve destekleme rampasinin (35.CLAIMS In the invention rifles (A) with vertical magazine (vertical cartridge chamber), the cartridge ramp (50) is formed in the inner parts of the upper body (20), barrel bed (35) and magazine (40), which allows the cartridge in the magazine (40) to be driven into the barrel bed (35). ) and its feature is; . The exit ramp (40.1) created in an angled/chamfered form at the part where the magazine (40) is connected to the upper body (20) and where the cartridge exits the magazine (40), o Then, adjacent to the mentioned exit ramp (40.1), the upper body (20) over which the cartridge will pass. Feed ramp (20.1) created in an angled/chamfered form at the bottom where the magazine (40) will be connected. 0 As the last stage, the barrel bed (35) is positioned within the upper body (20) and connected to the barrel (50), where the cartridge contacts before passing to the barrel (50). ) is characterized by the fact that it includes a support ramp (35.1) created in an angled/chamfered form at the end where it first comes into contact with the cartridge coming from the magazine (40). It is a cartridge launcher (50) in accordance with claim 1, and its feature is; The lower body (10) of the vertical magazine rifle (A), which fires 7.62 diameter ammunition and has full and/or semi-automatic shooting capacity, is the same mold, and by adapting the cartridge launcher (50), the rifle can fire the cartridges fired by smoothbore rifles. It is a cartridge launcher (50) in accordance with claim 1, and its feature is; the said exit ramp (40.1), the feed ramp (20.1) and the support ramp (35. 1), tüfek montaji tamamlandiginda birbiri ile entegre/tümlesik olmasidir.1) When the rifle assembly is completed, it is integrated with each other.
TR2021/014534U 2021-09-16 2021-09-16 Ramp System in Vertical Magazine Rifles TR2021014534U5 (en)

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Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
TR2021/014534U TR2021014534U5 (en) 2021-09-16 2021-09-16 Ramp System in Vertical Magazine Rifles

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Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
TR2021/014534U TR2021014534U5 (en) 2021-09-16 2021-09-16 Ramp System in Vertical Magazine Rifles

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TR2021014534U5 true TR2021014534U5 (en) 2021-09-21



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TR2021/014534U TR2021014534U5 (en) 2021-09-16 2021-09-16 Ramp System in Vertical Magazine Rifles

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